Big Brother 14 – Tuesday

by BBBlogger on August 21, 2012

Here’s a new page for your comments. There were over 100 again yesterday! I haven’t had a chance to read them all yet. I hope to be back here later with an “amazing and information-filled” blog post. 🙂 Bloggergal

hpr56 August 21, 2012 at 10:56 am

Had to get to work early and haven’t seen BBAD yet. Anything new going on?

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THE MORTGAGE DR. August 21, 2012 at 11:08 am

same with me…will be watching this evening DURING DINNER last nites BBAD…if these doorknobs let Boogie off the hook …they are all a bunch of weinies…adn affraid of their own shadows…or just do not know how to play this game…i just know they are going to screw this up if they do not send Boogie to las vegas this weekend…

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Tomi August 21, 2012 at 11:17 am

Im watch BBAD now..joe the flip flopper…yeaaaa…im tired of boogie, he still needs to go.

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Marsha August 21, 2012 at 11:47 am

Just got thru watching abouyt 1/2 of BBAD and it looks like Jenn is starting to show some spunk. Misdirected at Danielle for some reason, does she not know she isn’t the target this week. But she better watch out or she will be soon. She was out in the backyard with Boogie and Frank while they bashed Shane and Joe. According to Boogie, Shane is stupid and couldn’t have made the moves he made this week on his own. Duh, who makes any moves on their own anymore? All the HG’s check and double check with their alliances before nominating anyone. I’m betting if Boogie were HOH he would check to see if Frank was onboard!!!

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Wisteria77 August 21, 2012 at 11:54 am

I just tried to watch the live feeds for a while but had to quit. Boogie thinks he has the votes and is making plans for a double evict. Also Ashley is with them telling all she learned from her spying yesterday. Boogie wants to start a fight with Joe and Jenn to assure Joe will vote for Jenn to leave.
If Boogie doesn’t go home I may not be able to watch any more. I’m afraid CBS will try and save him. It’s awful to have so little faith in the fairness of a network!!!

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Linda August 21, 2012 at 11:54 am

Get rid of Boogie I am so sick of him. If things don’t go his way he acts like a bitch.

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starfish August 21, 2012 at 12:10 pm

I just finished typing and wouldn’t you know, a new post is up so this is posted twice. 😯
Good Morning all and thank you to everyone for the BBAD updates. I too hope Shane’s HOH doesn’t get ruined again because Joe had to go home. Seems he’s feeling better now (thanks Aggie) so we can only keep hoping that Boogs goes home this week! He’s such a slime.
Aggie to gz, HILARIOUS! I think whipped cream or chocolate!
@Tomi, no one knows what Jenn’s deal is. I guess her meds just kicked in. She’s really one of the worst non players I’ve ever seen or should I say the best non player.
@Marsha, why don’t the girls stick together? I don’t understand that but I did read somewhere that the women in politics are more partisan than the men. I’ve seen it firsthand in the boardroom where the men will be f you and f that and they go drinking and playing golf after the meeting but the women don’t talk to each other if there was even a little disagreement.
@MM or m, “horizontal mambo” – lol He’s just creepier now.

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PK August 21, 2012 at 12:12 pm

At CBS, “reality” TV goes their way or unwiling cast members best be prepared to hit the highway.

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starfish August 21, 2012 at 12:13 pm

Wow, and look who showed up. I don’t think there such a thing as “reality” with CBS.

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princessalot August 21, 2012 at 12:15 pm

I also am afraid the network will save Boogie because they think he is
good tv…..hopefully someone from cbs is reading the posts to see that the
majority of fans want him gone

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Tammy August 21, 2012 at 12:19 pm

Joe had to go home???

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Simba22 August 21, 2012 at 12:22 pm

boogie better leave on thurs he’s an arrogant jerk.

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PK August 21, 2012 at 12:23 pm

Star… When there is no Ted to bash, I lose my sass. Ted, where are you, you old fart!

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Marsha August 21, 2012 at 12:43 pm

@Tammy, as far as I know Joe didn’t go home but his blood pressure was up really high and he had to get checked out last night.

@Starfish, every season I think the girls talk about an all girl alliance and then one of the guys looks twice at one of them and they are DONE!! LOL, don’t they watch the show???

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hillbilly August 21, 2012 at 1:02 pm

as you know I changed my nane on here and gravatar, just something I wanted to do for a while. what is going on with Jen who, she is dumber than Ashley, and that is saying a lot, Boogers want her to fight with Joe, in hopes that everyone will vote her out and he can stay, after he said that he was going to tell Dan he was going to F his wife, that was uncalled for. he thinks he so smart and has the votes .it will be funny thursday when he finds out it Ian pushing to get him out, I cant beleive the way he is actting,he is mad because they did it to him before he could do it to them.

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hillbilly August 21, 2012 at 1:08 pm

@MM, hope Bills Dr. app. went all right

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swt August 21, 2012 at 1:15 pm

i agree get boogie gone already, can’t stand to see the demon look in his face

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Brenda August 21, 2012 at 1:34 pm

I wish big brother would bring back all the house guest this season & leave the coaches home (the ex”s)

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mamamargie August 21, 2012 at 2:12 pm


macy1231231 08.21.12 at 1:08 pm

mm – i didnt get it (new page) if u get this please tell bloggergal

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macy1231231 August 21, 2012 at 2:25 pm


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mamamargie August 21, 2012 at 2:28 pm

u r welcome any time for you macy (with no numbers)
did u check out the previous page hope i did not confuse u lol

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swt August 21, 2012 at 2:31 pm

I agree with you Brenda, not fair ~ i can’t believe that Big Brother let Frank cheat ! he should have been throw out the game ! Good TV uh nope not fair

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mamamargie August 21, 2012 at 2:33 pm

thru the grapevine

booboogers, frank an ashley seem to be on one team and all 3 are scheming for joe and jenn to get into a fight so that joe out of spite votes out jenn now that fellow bloggrs is devious.
the 3 stooges seem to think booboogers has the votes to stay in and if he does what ever happens to those that chose to save him deserve what ever they get and more
also seems ian is not the only mole in the house we now have ms mole aka ashley, this is news to me guess i have been missing some stuff.
only other item on the agenda something about ian needing batteries for his woody (makes no sense to me) ashley and ian going back on forth on this with brit saying a bit here and there, but they say so does joe, ian said to ashley u can help me out umder the covers no one will know i assume he was talking about the song THE HAND JIVE,
that is it for now will do fly by later hugs to all my darlings
and yes today mm (2)

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Tammy August 21, 2012 at 2:51 pm

i missed something frank cheated??? What did he do?

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Sherry August 21, 2012 at 3:02 pm

If Boogie convinces Jenn to start a fight with Joe I am afraid he will be pulled from the game due to his blood pressure and I wonder if that has crossed the demented mind of Boogie hence have the man’s B/P go up and removed from the game, hopefully Jenn will figure out the reasoning behind Boogie trying to get her in a fight with Joe I think she is a little smarter than Ashely who in my book is the biggest air head in the history of BB.
I am still hoping Boogie goes home Wed.

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Marsha August 21, 2012 at 3:09 pm

Shanes team of Danielle, Britanny, Ian and Dan have the numbers to vote out Boogie. Regardless of how Joe votes, it is still just 3 for Boogie to stay, and he is gone. Boogies Flunkies will have to convert one of the Quack Pack to keep him there and I don’t see that happening.

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Wisteria77 August 21, 2012 at 3:12 pm

When Ashley reported to Frank and Boogie this morning her memory was sharp about all Brit had confided in her yesterday. Also Ash brought up the subject about what they wanted her to do if there was a double eviction. I wonder if she has everyone fooled with the ditzy act?

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macy1231231 August 21, 2012 at 3:15 pm

STUFF IS GONNA HIT THE FAN!!!!!!! after all that positive talk this morn between booger-frank and ash (saying joe was going to vote to keep booger) joe is about to reveal that he is siding with the other side of the house – another doozie fight gonna happen – boog is going to flip out!

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Good morning, fellow bloggers! Put some drops in your eyes. I’ll be posting all day! More of a joke than a threat. Or IS it? : )
@PK I’m newish but have seen you mentioned. Be gentle , please! : )
@Wisteria77 My thoughts exactly. I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch the rest of the season if Boogie (aka something I stepped in and found on the bottom of my shoe) stays. I’ve had a bleeding ulcer before. I don’t want to risk another! : )
@hillbilly Good morning! Hope it’s cooler up in the mountains than it is down here in the flatlands! : ) So true what you posted.

Obviously, CBS production is affecting the play. Really gripes me. I did hear Joe tell Shane that when in the DR, production checked his blood pressure and it was ok. Why would he not take his medication? Did he want attention so bad he would risk his life for it? Let me think on that one. : )

@swt and Marsha Well said, and I’m sure everyone agrees – no coaches, no production should be involved with the game.

Jenn has been talked about more in the last 24 hrs than the whole rest of the season. I agree that CBS chose her with the feeling she would be this loud outspoken hard rocker chick. Unfortunately she decided to hide as long as she could. I’m sure she’s really upset because she thought she could stay hidden longer than this.

Ashley ticks me off more and more. I’m not even convinced she could spell game much less play one. : )

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starfish August 21, 2012 at 3:26 pm

@PK, I don’t think your stars are aligned.
@Marsha, these “girls” are just plain too young to understand alliance. That’s a poor excuse for the famale gender I’m afraid, especially the young ones they choose for this show. Showmances bring up ratings. I agree with you, don’t these doorknobs know BB? Someone called them doorknobs so I’m stealing it. It fits!
@mm, the three stooges, priceless and it also fits. Disappointing that Ian would suggest anything under the covers. His mama will be horrified. 😀
@Wisteria, could it possibly be that Ash is fooling us all, somehow I doubt anyone could do it as well as she did for so long.
@Macy, we can only hope Joe votes out Boogs as originally planned.
@hillbilly, nice avatar too.

What is this about Frank cheating. Is that still about the POV comp or something else?

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tgirlincali August 21, 2012 at 3:54 pm

Will someone please enlighten me about Frank cheating on POV comp? I’ve heard it over and over but nothing actually stated how he cheated. BB should pull him out for doing it if he did! Hate it that production is interfering this seaason. I thought they did before when Rachel won; but to think they want Boogers to stay in makes me sick. He is disgusting and slimy.

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Tomi August 21, 2012 at 4:03 pm

@patricia. Frank took his med but after he started feeling bad they made him take a 2nd one. Sometime if u get stressed your pressure can soar up and this is what happen to him. The reason he’s so stressed is he’s trying to make deals with everyone and he’s afraid of it all falling apart.

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Bobo August 21, 2012 at 4:08 pm

Hey all my BB Fans Going away for a few Days! Keep up the good work, Saturday I think I will have a lot to read…. 🙂 Later…. :mrgreen:

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Sylvie August 21, 2012 at 4:12 pm

Yes! CBS stop manipulating the Game you like Frank and kept him
Please don’t help Boogie
Dan’s just as annoying
I love falling asleep in front of BB it’s like a bad book then I just watch the end.

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Tomi August 21, 2012 at 4:20 pm

@Bobo. Hope u have a good time. Have a safe trip. Talk to later

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starfish August 21, 2012 at 5:24 pm

@Bobo, have a great trip!

Ok, what’s the deal, who didn’t take their meds, Joe or Frank???

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hillbilly August 21, 2012 at 5:30 pm

Joe, but he is alright

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PK August 21, 2012 at 5:35 pm

Starfish… I just checked my stars and it looks like they are still hanging in there with no change. But that’s neither hair nor there…
When the moon is in the seventh house
and jupiter aligns with mars
The peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars
this is the dawning of the age of aquarius
the age of aquarius, aquarius, aquarius…

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macy1231231 August 21, 2012 at 5:38 pm

PK is singin to us……

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Kevin11 August 21, 2012 at 5:46 pm

BigBrotherLiveFeeds ‏@BigBroLiveFeeds
Frank wants to win HOH & put targets on the pictures of the memory wall #BB14 #BBLF

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
Boogie walks up to the camera + repeats “I hate these people, I hate the,” #bb14 #cbsbigbrother #bblf

BigBrotherLiveFeeds ‏@BigBroLiveFeeds
What I’ve learned from the Boogie Book of #BB14: It’s ok to blindside Janelle & crow about it, but it’s not ok to “scumbag” him. Gotcha!

BigBrotherLiveFeeds ‏@BigBroLiveFeeds
Boogie wants to go up & punch Dan in the face. But it will be Ian’s sweet face smiling smugly at him in his goodbye msg. #YouGotGot #BB14

Big Brother Game ‏@BigBrotherGame
Big Brother 14 Stats as of Monday 8/20/12 – #BB14 #CBSbigbrother

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Star August 21, 2012 at 6:08 pm nice of you to serenade me on your 1st day back!! (I’m an Aquarian)

@starfish….So did Joe actualy go home?? I saaw his BP posted on FB last nite. 144/84 I think. Not perfect, but tehn theyhaev made perfect BP based on insurance demands now!! taht’s not that bad! In fact a nurse on one of my FB BB blogs said thatwas actually perfect! WTH is with all these sick people in the house this year???? (both mentally and phsyicaly!!lol) Welcome to the Big Brother Whiners Wing/ER!!! Makes ya want to wash your hands alot…especiaslly since Joe doesn’t…..since the whole cast seems to have some health issue!!!

@MM..thanks for the update!!! I heard Ian trying to get Ashely to sleep with him and giving her the wiggly eyebrows!!! Didn’t hear him actually be suggestice to her tho. UGH!! Just not right coming out of Ian’s mouth for some reason!!!!*shiver* lol

Shout out to all my other peeps! Quick in and now I am out again!!!!



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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 6:13 pm

@tgirlincali I think the Frank cheating thing came up when Joe accused F for cheating by having Ash throw the game so F could win. May be wrong but that’s what I’ve gathered from the previous posts. On Weds. show we might be able to see what happened during the POV comp that started all that cheating talk.

I remember Joe telling Shane in the HOH room on BBAD last night that he was going to tell Boogie today that he was voting to send him home. Shane didn’t discourage him so I guess he has or will do just that. I really wanted to see B sitting at noms with his ‘I’m going to stay’ face on and see it change into his ‘#@%^* I’ve been played again.’ face as he exits the house.

@bobo have a nice trip. Hope you’re feeling better and looking forward to your next posts.

Oh, Ian, gross out!!!! If you and Ashley consumate the under the covers affair, I hope Brit is there pretending to sleep so she can relate the story to everyone else like she did Joe’s session. She’s a very interesting storyteller! Makes you laugh to tone down the disgust factor.

@PK Do you have golden chains on your leather jacket and on the back are written the names Mary and Mom and Hells Angels? : ) All the words from Hair are burned into my mind. I so loved the play. Movie, ok, but play the top of the charts!

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Kevin11 August 21, 2012 at 6:14 pm


No, Joe just went to the DR got some meds and they told him to drink less iced-tea. He is the swing vote this week and finally starting to matter.


You have the best nickname I’ve seen here since Sippee Cup during BB11. 😉

hamsterwatch ‏@hamsterwatch
how much do we love @89razorskate20! new alliance diagram with HeadHunters #bb14

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mama August 21, 2012 at 6:34 pm

hey guys here is the way i have been hearing the vote will go

to have booboogers walk the last mile

to have jenn walk the last mile

still sounds not to sure how to vote
non other then the reject from hells kitchen
the caterpillar man

now how stupid is jen how can she be on team frank, boogie, ashley
does she not know frank is going to vote to keep booboogers and so is ashley & they also think ian is maybe still with them
i maybe getting old but i think i have it figured out how come she has not maybe too much ink seeped into her blood stream from all the tats
(not that therer is anythig wrong with it
so either way quack pack has the votes

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 6:38 pm

@ mama Oh, how I hope it will go that way!

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PK August 21, 2012 at 6:43 pm

Patricia… No golden chains on my leather jacket or the names Mary and Mom and Hells Angels written on the back, but I did once stay at a Holiday Inn and I did build several custom “hogs” for the PAGANS in Northern Virginia and Southern Maryland back in the day.
I missed the opening of “Hair” but I was front and center at the Ford’s Theater in DC for the stage premier of “Godspell.” I met Treat Williams that night. Nice guy!

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aggie27 August 21, 2012 at 6:44 pm

Howdy all, I sure hope Boogie goes home and production doesn’t pull something out of their ass to keep him, we shall see.

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mama August 21, 2012 at 6:47 pm

patricia that is the way it has been sounding past few days
i really think (and hope) it goes that way
dan dani, brit ian all want booboogers out for sure shane too be can’t vote
so knowing this maybe caterpillar man will stay with the side that has the numbers. will be interesting

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Bobo August 21, 2012 at 6:47 pm

Patricia Thank you you are such a darling♥

See you soon>>>> :mrgreen:

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 6:56 pm

@PK Ah. Treat Williams one of my earliest crushes. I don’t understand how he got so old yet I haven’t aged a bit! : ) I saw the original cast of Hair sing on the Tonight Show, but I didn’t get to see it or any play in NYC. I saw Hair in Little Rock and Memphis. Same with JC Superstar. Not really a fan of live entertainment, but the music carried me through even though I’m not a musical kind of girl either. Don’t build HOGs anymore? Lots of people in my neck of the woods ride ’em.

I loved Brit’s suggestion for the next BB. She said call it Jail House Rock and all the hg are actually real felons. Then when you’re evicted you are sent back to real jail. I think that might change BB into a blood sport. We’d get to see way more ink tho!

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macy1231231 August 21, 2012 at 6:59 pm

AGGIE – im afraid if shane opens pandoras box – it will save booger – shane wants to open it – brit is saying NOOOOO

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 7:13 pm

@macy-#s Oh my gosh! Shane! Step away from the box. You’re right. If he opens it it’s bound to somehow keep B in the game. I’ll bet production has orchestrated this too. All these seasons I wondered why the BB voice would say, you are not allowed to talk about production. They don’t want the viewers to know how fixed this game is. I guess production is the 5th coach.

Please tell me he left things the way they are and didn’t open the durn box!

@Bobo Thanks. You’re so sweet!

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macy1231231 August 21, 2012 at 7:19 pm

patricia – ya dont have to put the numbers behind macy – my daughter made that up – real name is bendi – so scared booger is gonna get saved by production,,,
he prolly talks a good game to them too

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HoH8 August 21, 2012 at 7:20 pm

Yo…Yo…Yooo…everyone…..alot has happened since the POV Cerm so i have only 4 words to sum everything up:

….”Boogie…You GOT GOT !!!!!!”……☺……and Hottie Jeff is smiling, lol……

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Starfish August 21, 2012 at 7:28 pm

The popular vote seems to be to oust Boogs and we asll hope there isn’t some sly maneuver (pandora’s box?) to muck up the works.
@PK, you’ll get it, I have faith but thanks for the walk down menory lane.
@Star, WHERE ARE YOU? You know you can’t be replaced. Waiting to see your Star on here very soon.

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Dixie August 21, 2012 at 7:42 pm

I didn’t like Wil at first, but then I started liking him and I was very sad when he was voted out. I hope that either Shane or Brittany win. I like Dan but he already won. I can’t figure out Danielle. I can’t tell if she is too full of herself or if she doesn’t have any self esteem. I watch Big Brother After Dark and it seems like she goes back and forth.

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mama August 21, 2012 at 8:00 pm


Jenn saying she’s pretty upset because there are 2 people campaigning for Boogie and then she’s left on her own.. Danielle asks her if it makes her upset that the other team has picked Boogie over her. Jenn says it does. (well duh, jenn sorry we woke you up from your vacation)

Ashley comes in and says she cannot stand Ian squeaking back and forth on the Hammock. (hey ashley how about u move to another spot in the backyard or would u rather pump ian for more info? maybe he is not giving u any (nfo that is)

Danielle now saying she has ADHD and she takes medication for it and it make her feel so much better. AShley adds that she’s taken ADHD medication before and it had the opposite effect on her she was super hyper. (wow, surprise here ashley is on medication well u could have knocked me over with a feather, who would have thunk it lol, she acts so normal i guess her hooded eye are just natural)
Danielle: ‘Thats because you don’t have ADHD.. “ Danielle adds that they took the medication from her because it’s a controlled substance.
( way to go danielle) Danielle now claims that when she is on the medication before coming in the house and she lost a lot of weight. She thinks that because she hasn’t taken her ADHD medicine is gaining weight. AShley adds that when she takes those pills she loses her appetite. (and also appears she loses her mind too)

(The medication they were talking about is Adderall)

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Jane August 21, 2012 at 8:29 pm

@tgirlincali… During POV comp Joe saw Boogie mouthibg the wordz Fold when to fold. Also Frank leaning back several times

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Kevin11 August 21, 2012 at 8:41 pm

@Jane: Good stuff sister. I knew something weird was going on the way BB didn’t let them talk about it (fishes)… Thanks for the details.

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 8:42 pm

@ macy Great name Bendi is! Only heard it once before. That great Australian animal saver’s daughter. Tell your daughter I thought the numbers were cute! I almost went 215 instead of Patricia.
@hoh8 Please say Boogie will stay got until Thurs. night. This eviction has been more exciting than anything else has been on BB all season.

@mama thanks for the update. Ashley on meds. Big surprise to me too! : ) I thought ADHD medication made hyper people slow down. So Danielle may have the right diagnosis. When Ashley’s family were shown I scanned everyone for someone with those eyelids at half staff. Didn’t see anyone she could have inheirited them from. Early in the game when someone mentioned them she said she had bedroom eyes. Good grief! Most people keep their eyes all the way shut in the bedroom. : )

Any more news on Shane being stupid and opening Pandora’s box?

Just curious. Are people still smoking on the lf? Early in the season I saw Ashley, Jenn, Boogie, Joe (bad for hbp), Janelle, JoJo & Frank smoking outside. Haven’t seen anyone smoking on BBAD is a while.

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 8:44 pm

Thanks, Jane. You can watch and watch and still miss stuff. That’s why we need all of us on this blog.

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Tomi August 21, 2012 at 9:03 pm

Not a Pandoras box now…back away from the box!
We all know its bad for the house and booger will be saved.
Joes blood pressure is good. They look at the bottom number under 94 is good. His top number was a little high, but he’s a little stressed.

Thanks to all for the lf updates. I have a crappy internet service cause I live in the middle of nowhere and when I watch stuff like the lf or 1 movie it uses up my limit. So THANKS AGAIN.

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mama August 21, 2012 at 9:23 pm


Britney asks them what has been happening in the house.. she’s been sleeping all day.
Jenn: “I washed my a$$ put a smile on my face and got over the 24 hours of Rage.. “ (hhhm wonder what that means)

Danielle and Jenn climb off the hammock because it’s about to collapse under the weight. (you think lol?)

The girls decide that the Yoga last night was a great idea they are thinking about doing it again.

Danielle now telling them in High School she spent a summer in China as an ambassador from the US to spread good will. (I hoped it worked better in China since it has not worked on Shane) . She had to learn Chinese. (that was a good choice of language smart girl that danielle when she needs to be)
(but can she order from a chinese menu ?)
Jenn and Britney start to talk about New York and how hard it is for people. .. talk is chit chat girl stuff.

Patricia now that you mention it I have not seen anyone smoking, guess they ran out of cigarettes or Jojo either hid them all or took then with her.

any news on pandoras box?? that i think would be the only way booboogers would remain in the house.

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Tomi August 21, 2012 at 9:39 pm

Man…I hope theres some excitement tonight on BBAD. If opening the Pandoras box saves booger, thats just more proof CBS has got their hands on more than they say.

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mama August 21, 2012 at 10:41 pm


Britney just heard from Ashley that she voting to keep Jenn. Joe says she’s lying she was trying to get Joe’s vote last this morning. Joe: “She’s rolling with Boogie.. i’m tellin you that” Joe goes into the shower.
Joe tells them that he’s going to talk to Ashley ask her who she is voting for and if it’s Boogie.. I’m calling her out when I draw the line. Joe says the one thing he doesn’t get is he told Jenn she is safe this week and right away Jenn runs to Boogie to tell him that. It doesn’t make sense to Joe since they are both on the block why would Jenn say anything. Britney explains that Jenn, Boogie and Frank are still in a team together for some reason.
Joe leaves to put clothes on.

Joe comes up says he just asked Ashley what she’s doing and she told him 1000% she’s voting out Jenn. Joe is getting all fired up.. he’s going to tell Jenn after dinner.

Shane: “Thats crazy.. that sucks for you I’m sorry”
Britney: ‘Oh I don’t care.. I’m sure ashley is like Britney is 100% with Dan.. thats great AShley go be with someone who’s going home on Thursday”
Britney: “oh my god Ashley is soo too faced.. and really good at it she had janelle fooled”

more to follow stay tuned

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mama August 21, 2012 at 10:47 pm


Joe saying he walked outside and Boogie said to him “Lets turn the heat up in this b!tch yo” Joe is going to call Ashley out in the backyard. Joe isn’t going to give his vote to Boogie when AShley is flip flopping 5 times.
Dan tells him to make sure that Jenn is in the room when Joe does it.

Britney: “Great game move ashley… now’s the time to pick your alliance by picking people that are on the block”

Danielle thinks the best time to do it is when they are all outside doing yoga.
They all decide to head outside incase someone needs support. Dan reminds Joe not to make stuff up just tell the truth.



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Tomi August 21, 2012 at 10:56 pm

Thanks for the updat MM apresh..

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TheKhanKubla August 21, 2012 at 11:00 pm

One comment on Ian backdooring Frank and Boogie. Remember when Ian was hanging on the ship and other old team mates and coaches were cheering on their old team-mates? Where were Frank and Boogie when Ian was up there as one of the last 3 people? Oh, ya, in the house making plans to better their own positions! So seriously, would you expect Ian to to remain loyal to those 2?

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mama August 21, 2012 at 11:24 pm

@ khankubla

i agree 1110% i am so glad he was smart enough to make the move now he is pretty smart and i bet he has all his moves all set up in his head
to me seems like this is one big chess game for him, he makes sure before he makes a move he studies what will come of it and what position it will put him in,
i did not even think of it being back doored he made his move and beat them to it.
great point khan

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Ted August 21, 2012 at 11:25 pm

Well… look at that… the Old Silver Fox is back! I was worried Rebecca took him off his meds and he was pushing up daisies. There is no reality on CBS anymore… nor in Mobile it appears… at least in that photo. And still singing those old songs to try and get the girls.

Patricia… you seem like such a sweet person… remember the advice I gave you re: HillBilly in Ark? It applies to the one in Ala too.

Good to see my old friend PK… now the trouble can start.

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starfish August 21, 2012 at 11:27 pm

@mm, thanks for all the updates. So, is there a pandoras box or not?
@Star, I’m pretty sure Joe is still around from the blow-up that supposed to go down tonight.
@TheKhan, yes I remember them deserting Ian and I’m happy he’s playing Boogs. Can’t wait to see Boogs’ face. It will be worth the wait. 🙂

Thank you everyone. I love the updates and you all keeping us informed. I’m not sure I’m following the Ashley, Joe, Danielle fiasco but I think I have it. I’ll go back and read MM again just to be sure. What a mess. Hope they show it this week.

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 11:31 pm

@thekhankubla I remember the ship challenge with poor little shivering Ian out there on his own while Frank and Boogie were inside making plans to keep themselves in the game. Dan was cheering Danielle on and I so believe it helped her hang in there. Dan’s a coach so he must know a thing or two about cheerleading. I think Ian realized that F&B thought he was invisable and worthless to their game. You have to watch out for those little guys. More is going on in little Ians head than we can guess. If only he’d remove that nasty wart, Ashley.

@mama you give the greatest updates!!!!!!!! thanks so much!!!!

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Patricia August 21, 2012 at 11:40 pm

Did someone ask Dani to say something in Chinese? There are lots of dialects of Chinese. I think Danielle has been helping herself to Joe’s storytelling pills.

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Mema Maggie August 21, 2012 at 11:58 pm

Oh, How I wish CBS would have a chance to call in all of you guys for an audition for BB! Then I would be sure to purchase the LF and never miss a minute as I would record every second I could not watch!! What a show that would be!!! Come on CBS, get with the program and do something really different for a change…..make the next one a totally FANS SHOW. What a BLOCKBUSTER!!!
This one is really pretty boring and I am ready for some real excitement or I may never be inclined to watch again…maybe…

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Tomi August 22, 2012 at 12:07 am

Going to watch BBAD..hope i make it thru the 1st hr.

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aggie27 August 22, 2012 at 12:08 am

@ Ted – Please don’t encourage crazy from alabama 🙄

@ Starfish Hi, Starfish, no problem, it looks like Garys walking papers are for real this time.

@ Margie – Very true if those fools choose to save Booger, they deserve whatever they get, he hates them all and has no respect for any of them.

@ K11 Thanks for all the updates, I think friggin joe is a heart attack waiting to happen, he drinks gallons of that Ice Tea, and it just makes his hyper self even worse. He is most likely addicted to that stuff.

@ Macy123 Hi Macy, I hope he doesn’t open Pandora’s Box, usually that’s bad news. I wish Production would just let this game play out without meddling

@ Jane Hi Jane, Cheating by Boogie and Frank, not a shocker, Frank is getting as scummy as booger is.

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 12:12 am

@mema margie What a great idea for next year’s show! I hope CBS takes note that half-way through this game we are already thinking about and looking forward to the next one. Not a stand-up cheer for how this one is going.

@Ted thank you so much. If you think I’m a sweet person, you must have posted that comment before you read where I referred to Ashley as a nasty wart. Not so sweet any more, am I! : ) Anyway, my heart was warmed that you think so! : )

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mama August 22, 2012 at 12:29 am

@Patricia 08.21.12 at 11:40 pm

Did someone ask Dani to say something in Chinese? There are lots of dialects of Chinese. I think Danielle has been helping herself to Joe’s storytelling pills.

No, this is what i said in comment 61
Danielle now telling them in High School she spent a summer in China as an ambassador from the US to spread good will. (I hoped it worked better in China since it has not worked on Shane) . She had to learn Chinese. (that was a good choice of language smart girl that danielle when she needs to be)
(but can she order from a chinese menu ?)
Jenn and Britney start to talk about New York and how hard it is for people. .. talk is chit chat girl stuff.
she was just saying what she did in high school, hell they do not even know she is a nurse, never mind been a good will ambassador that speaks Chinese no less lol

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mama August 22, 2012 at 12:34 am

In re to the pandoras box i have only read about it on here and i believe it was just mentoned that brit would say to shane do not open it, i have not seen nor heard anything thru the grapevine that one even exists (yet)
omg frank is telling ashley he loves ian in a way and ashley says he is so wishy washy lol
they will find out soon enough, after thur nite and the double eviction there is going to be more leap froggin from one alliance to the other like a gang bang at hillbillys pond on sadie hawkins nite, lol
lots of scramblin will be goin on

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starfish August 22, 2012 at 12:55 am

@Mema, all of us in the show would be funny. PK & Ted lifting weights would be a sight to behold. 😯 We would be like BB1 when it was everyone against the show. I really liked the first show. It’s the one that got me hooked. Still love the show but good grief, where are they getting these people?

@Mama – LMAO – “like a gang bang at hillbillys pond on sadie hawkins nite”

Ok, so no pandora’s box yet. I hope Shane takes Brit’s advice and doesn’t open it should it appear. It’s never good for the house. Plus, it gives CBS a chance to keep Boogs and ruin Shane’s HOH again.

@Betty, where are you my dear. Wouldn’t you like to be on BB with us? 😛 We could all be in the same alliance and refuse to vote anyone out. 🙂

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 1:09 am

@mama thanks for clearing that about Pandora’s box and Danielle’s Chinese connectiion up for me. I get confused easily. : ) heehee The goings on at the hillbilly pond will freak hillbilly out! No one better get close to his still! : ) I hope you’re right, mama. I want to see action just like that on Thurs. night. : )

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mama August 22, 2012 at 1:14 am

@ tomi
r u on fb?????
txs mama

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 1:17 am

Frank is talking a lot of game to Ashley who has nothing to contribute to the conversation. Looks like she’s mad at Ian for not letting her lead him around by her pinky anymore. I’m afraid for Ian. He may be having a psychotic break. He is sitting alone on the hammock and swinging it back and forth. Squeak, squeak, squeak. As fast as he can. Talk about ADHD. Sometimes he’s lucid and sometimes he’s just off somewhere. All that streaking too. A candidate for a psychiatrist’s couch asap.

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 1:19 am

Jenn is doing more talking now than she has since the beginning. Her voice is as grating at Joe’s. I wish they’d both shut up.

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Star August 22, 2012 at 1:19 am

@starfish…thanks for the sweet shoutout in #54 ,girlfriend!!!:) I was on earlier tho…check #40…I had read all the comments and then just didn’t have time to stay! Between work, taking care of mom, painting half the house and replacing some electrical stuff, life has been keeping me too busy to be on here as much as I used to! I KNOW You understand that!! 😉 Plus, I have developed platar fasciitis in my right heel and have been limping for the last 5 or 6 weeks AND it hurt’s like Holy H*ll!!!lol The worst part is it slows me down ..and I don’t Do slow usually…lol

@Kev11…Thanks for the confirmatiion @ Joe. What is this Shouting /Confrontaional thing he is supposed to be doing with Boogs and Frank in the yard?? This season sure has taken on a weird life of it’s own. 😯

@MM..WOW!! Where are you getting all this dish??LOL I loved hearing the one about Dani and Ashley both being ADHD!!!! I don’t recall who said it now but I also was watching her family to see where she got those heavy-lidded eyes! I didn’t think she looked liked ANY of them! Maybe it’s the adderol..but I thought that was more of an upper. College kids take it to stay awake during exams! But on the other hand, it COULD be making Dani gain weight if she is used to taking it. But good Lord!! Could you possibly talk GAME once in awhile between asking people if you look FAT Danielle??? SHEESH!! BTW…I remember Shane saying one night that Ashley did look like she was STONED all the time!!!!lol Ya THINK???;)

Nothing new going on BBAD except that Jenn and Joe are now permanent fixtures in the HOH room. I am actually confused about who is voting for and lying to WHOM. Should Ian really be playing his double spy part up so much?? He is totally hamming it up with frank saying he will need to go to the game room if Boogie gets evicted for a couple minutes…..PUHLEEEEASEEEE!!!! Couldn’t he just say he is voting for them and leave it at that??? Frank is going to be gunning for his lil boney A$$ BIG TIME when he finds out how he played him!!! Good thing Ian is small…he can find more places to HIDE…lol

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 1:39 am

@star You made me actually laugh out loud! I agree completely about Ian playing spy. I caught that about going to the game room if B leaves. Good grief! Frank has the rest of the game figured out…in his mind anyway.

Ian was just saying Danielle could roll on a log in a comp for a long time. : ) I don’t know. She has become more and more absent from the game (yoga anyone?) I guess the Adderoll has gotten out of her system.

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Star August 22, 2012 at 1:39 am

Ok..i guess I haven’tbeen on here enough!!! What is with the Mema- Mama????LOL I thought I caught something about it being a glitch on here but now it’s what…separate personalities???;)

I haven’t heard anything specific about Pandora’s Box this week either. Do you really think they can get that in with a double eviction??? And speaking of which, there are TWO chances to get Boogie out this week so I don’t see how he can NOT be sent packing!!! But if there IS a PB you can bet Shane will open it!! Big ego plus big Muscles in place of brains =pandemonium for the house!! Plus he can be swayed so easily cuz he seeks approval . So if production tried to get him to DO it..he will!!!

@Patricia…loved you last 2 comments and totally agree!!!lol Have you noticed that out in the yard there is alot of annoying noise going on?? One is Ian’s hammock jerk off and the other is some constant noise that kind of sounds like a cricket but I think it is one of the yard lights with a bad ballast or something!!!! Of course, inside ,the noise is just as annoying !! I am So tirred of hearing Danielle and Jenn talk!!!! You think Jenn’s voice is bad?? I cannot stand Dani’s nasal, southern twang!!! DAAANGGG!!!!! lol
Oh PHEW!! Change of scenery to kitchen…..awww..back to HOH !! Big brother…STOP THAT!!!!!! 😆

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Star August 22, 2012 at 1:45 am

@Patricia..I appreesh!!lol

What is WITH Dani lately???? She seems to be all over the place!!! Maybe she is going thru

Ohoh..Joe is confronting frank right now!!!!! But since they just panned over there, I think we miseed alot!!! Kept us up in the HOH on purpose, methinks!!!

Patricia….what part of the country are you in??? I’m in Mich.,….usatawondering….;)(lil joke we do because JT’s original name was Justaguy!!)

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Star August 22, 2012 at 1:49 am

Where’d my J go?? That should have been *justawondering*….DUH!!! 😳

I am the queen of typos…that is why my nickname is Stra….lol

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Kevin11 August 22, 2012 at 1:59 am

Spicy ‏@spicypants

@JamieJobysmom pointed this know that “?” box in the arcade room ball game? Looks like this doesnt it? #bb14

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Star August 22, 2012 at 2:00 am

@Tomi..i think I got a FB add from you tonight. But when I clicked it , it disappeared and won’t let me reopen it. Could you send it again???? Thanks,hun!! 😉

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HoH8 August 22, 2012 at 2:02 am

So as of now….midnight @BB house….here are the votes:

Voting Boogie Out…..Dan, Brit, Dani
Voting Jenn Out……..Frank, Ashley
***the Swing votes…..Ian, Joe

it could still go either way…i feel it might be 5-2 Boogie….but who knows, Ian has eyes for Ashley……and Joe always talks with his mouth full, lol….☺…

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Kevin11 August 22, 2012 at 2:11 am

@HoH8: Ashley has changed her mind four times today. I don’t think she knows who’s she’s voting out. Last I heard (Twitter) was Boogie. I’m pretty sure Joe will vote Boogie out too, really close with Shane this week. I think Boogie’s going and wouldn’t be surprise if an all-girl alliance was in the works. That would be wise.

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 2:14 am

@star I totally love your posts! Please don’t fret about the typos. I was dyslexic before it was popular so Uwhen I read your posts my brain puts all the letters in the right ordeer so I don’t even notice that it’s a typo. Yeah. Lot of noise in the yard, and lots of noise in the HOH room. My ears are really feeling it tonight. I’m down here in hillbilly country…Arkansas. Near Little Rock. You’re so lucky to live up there. This is the truth. I swear. Last winter, snow was forecast and school and other closings ran across the bottom of the TV during the 10 o’clock news. Before anyone saw a flake! By the way. It never even snowed.

Really, has Dani been considering Jenn ‘her girl’ since day one? It’s almost like Dani is flirting with Jenn. I hope Jenn is as smart as shane and doesn’t encourage her.

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Star August 22, 2012 at 2:20 am

@HOH8…mno swing votes. Joe is a turncoat but too chicken to won up to it. And Ian is in the Quack Pack and just playong spy. So both of them are against Boogs.

@kev11…Great link!!! Man…Janelle looks just the same!!! I don’t remember most of those people, but it was fun to watch! I DO remember kaysar coming back into the house and being mobbed and on the floor!!! And how about that comp?? They have never done it again so maybe that WAS a hint!!! AND they don’t play as hard now as they did then!! At one point, there were several people left and Howie said it was the 5 hr mark!!!! Nothing goes that long anymore!!!! Bunch of wusses! Fun to see how the house used to look too!!!! All in all….good trip down memory lane!! Muchas gracias!!! 😉

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 2:25 am

@Thanks HOH8 Votes were floating around in my head and getting all mixed up. It’s easier to see it typed in black and white.

Joe cannot help but stir stuff up. He gets things going so he can talk more and more. Why tell Frank how he’s voting? Frank must have gotten an A in debate class. I’m so scared he is going to get Joe to change his mind.

Also, forget who said it, but of course, Pandora’s box won’t come into play this week. They need to save it for next week when things get dull again. B on the block has garnered some interest finally. At least I won’t have to agonize about Shane opening it and handing Boogie a free pass.

I’m also tired of Britney talking about the dying fish. Things are already sad enough in the BB house.

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 2:32 am

By the by, Joe said in the HOH room that Boogie tried to buy his vote by offering to help him open a restaurant, and when Joe wouldn’t take the bribe, Boogie starts chiding Joe about blowing his only chance of having his own restaurant. Did anyone actually see this convo between Joe and B? Or is this just another of Joe’s tall tales? I know Boogie’s capable of being this slimy but did he actually do it?

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Star August 22, 2012 at 2:36 am

@Patricia….back at ya!!!;) Never been to Arkansas! But you envy us our winters…really??LOL Nothing much closes anything down here. Gotta be a Noreaster with 2 feet of snow before we even get anything on the weather about it…lol Hope I didn’t offend you with my slam on Dani’s accent but she’s from Alabama..the heart of Dixie!!!lol And a Sororiety and Pagent girl!!!! She’d flirt with a cat if she thought it would get her anywhere…lol

Hey ..are you on FB???? If so, we should hook up so we can keep talking after Sept!!;) Plus FB had some good BB pages!!

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Star August 22, 2012 at 2:47 am

@Patricia..I didn’t see that convo but Boogs talked about it alot after he got nominated. He was telling Frank that he could get Joe and agent like *that*! And what could DAN from MICHIGAN do for him????? SO I have no doubt it played out. Insead of taking the bait..which I think would have been for his best interest….Joe is suddenly *IN* with the COOL kids and didn’t!! The QP is going to kick Joe to the curb as soon as B&F are OUT!!!! He is going to get used either way..he may as well have something waiting for him on the other side!!!lol
I am SO not FOR anyone this year…..can ya tell??LOL I just watch human behavior and thank God i am smart enough not to be IN there…lol

And I agree about PB> Not gonna happen this week. In fact, I wish they would go a year without it. Things are getting way too predictable UP in here!!!lol

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 2:59 am

@star Hey, no offense taken. I probably sound just like Dani. : ) It just sounds different in my head! : ) And I can totally see Dani flirting with a cat! You have her pegged! : )

I’ve seen mentions of FB but I didn’t know what that meant and was too embarrassed to ask. Was afraid I’d look stupid. However, after thinking about that for a sec. I realize I crossed the me seeming stupid bridge many days of posts ago! : ) So what is FB? And another thing I was afraid to ask about because I was afraid I’d look desperate. (I am but just don’t want to look that way!) I’ve gotten so attached to everybody, I’m afraid I’ll go into withdrawl when BB is over and all of you go back to your exciting lives w/o me! (picture me tearing up)

Wait! I figured out what FB is…facebook! Still have some systems firing in the old brain evidentally! I joined facebook last year after resisting for a long time. The next day my email was full of nods, pokes, or whatever they are. Most were from people I went to school with 30 years ago and I hadn’t gotten over being tired of them yet. I’m not terribly social. But I do sneak around and come through the back door to peek at my nephews’ sites. : ) If I can be on facebook and ignore the people I don’t want to talk too without hurting their feelings, I’ll figure out how to meet you there!

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Kevin11 August 22, 2012 at 3:11 am

@ Star: No problem girl. My pleasure.

@Patricia: We get the same overreaction here to snow in Las Vegas. If it snows, it doesn’t stick and everyone (including the weathermen) lose their minds.

Here’s a transcript of Britney-Joe talking about Boogie’s theoretical restaurant offer to Joe (Aired :36 minute mark of BBAD, 12:36 a.m. Pacific Time):

Joe: Even the numbers…even if he (Frank) wins and we go down one we’re still up.

Britney: …we’re still up. They have two people on the block right now and she (Ashley) wants to get rid of Jenn, who probably, definitely has your (Ashley’s) back more than Boogie? Does she (Ashley) think that Boogie’s going to have her back? Get frigging serious…

Joe: The guy that offered me a restaurant for a vote? (mocking tone, laughing)

Britney: Get serious. (mocking) JoJo offered you cigarettes, Boogie’s offering you restaurants.

Joe: My own business!

Britney: Joe, he (Boogie) doesn’t have any money! He’s going to take the $16 G’s he won here and use it to start you’re restaurant. Bank on it. (mocking)

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Star August 22, 2012 at 3:17 am

@Patricia…… Don’t feel stupid about anything on here!!! We have just been hanging around so long together that we use a shorthand that prolly no one else would undertand!!!!;) And you are RIGHT about FB,.it is facebook!!! I too held out forever! And even when my GF signed me up, I ignored it for a long time. But is IS fun and I am private like you too.
Email me at Eveyone here has my addy already or if they didn’t they DO now!!!;) We can talk and I will tell you ways to stop all of that HS crap and show ya how to hook up with alot of blog peeps!! Easy Peasy..;)

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Star August 22, 2012 at 3:24 am

Kev11..ya, I heard most of that. i son;t know what is the truth. IS Boogie Flush or failing?? IS $$$$ the reason he agreed to do BB in the 1st place?? Any way to find out for reals from your twitter friends???

Did he say at one time that his HOME Is actually in Vegas?? I thought I heard that somewhere back in the 1st part of the show but maybe wrong. If so… should be able to dig up

IF he offered that to Joe in earnest,Joe is going to kick his own dirty a$$ when this is all over cuz there ain’t no way he is going to even come CLOSE to winning!!! But hey..being popular is nice too…..;)

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Kevin11 August 22, 2012 at 3:29 am

From Twitter: (I think Boogie just lost Jenn’s vote even though it was Frank with this…):

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates

Fr yelled out from downstairs “She ain’t won sh!t, she ain’t winning sh!t!”(jenn) Loud enough that they wonder if it will wake Boogie #bb14

>I’m thinking Frank may end up being Boogie’s only vote and he goes out, 6-1 (Britney-Dani-Dan-Joe-Ashley-Jenn). Thursday’s show will rock. Possible double-evistion and Boogie losing his fucking mind? Priceless. Wish they were voting tomorrow night. Wednesday’s show will be so old George Washington may be in it…but will have exciting blowups from the weekend. Should be good.)

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Kevin11 August 22, 2012 at 3:41 am

@ Star: Everything’s an act with Boogie. I’ve never heard him say anything (or seen on Twitter) about LV but when you make $9m your first year on a restaurant you can probably have homes in LV as well as Los Angeles.

The restaurant thing isn’t flying with Joe. I’m good at reading faces and he is 92% onboard with ousting Boogie. Everyone (except Ian and Ashley) are down on Frankenboogie tonight and I feel once Ian (who’s trying to screw Joe) and Ashley realize there’s no hope they’ll vote with the House. Lemmings. No game.

As far as his motivations toward doing BB, ED said he heard it’s because he wants to get out of Dr. Will’s shadow. He also has litigation pending (embezzled money from his restaurants) and probably has cash but lawyers expensive. That’s prolly why he jumped at the $16,000 so far, lawyers bills. Also, his ego is so huge (left a young child to play?), don’t put it past him that he’s doing it justtobeon TV again…be relevant again. He’s a Class A Douchebag and hates everyone in the House but Frank if you listen carefully. You’ll see how classless he really is with his outgoing words top all Thursday. Bitter.

Also, not sure if you saw (I posted it here), the creep allegedly got on Craigslist to seek older men to “role play.” Called one of he men “Uncle Jerry.” Stuff one couldn’t make up. If you didn’t see it, I can find it easily. A married man with a kid role-playing with old dudes. Lovely imagery, eh?

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Star August 22, 2012 at 3:46 am

Kev11..Thurs IS a double eviction. NO doubt about it!!!!! Julie *TODE* us!! lol In fact they have so many HGS left and so lil time, all the rest may have to be too!!!!

And either you or I are confused……you keep counting Jenn as a vote..she’s on the BLOCK ,dude!!lol
For Boggie to leave should be…Dan, Dani, Brit, Joe,Ian
To Stay…Frank, Ashley
unless Ashley telling.

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Kevin11 August 22, 2012 at 3:56 am

@ Tsar: My bad. Thanks for keeping me in check. That’s what’s great about this blog. I framed it in my mind that way because last night Jenn was talking to the camera mocking Dani’s boyfriend back home (Trey?) about the Shane showmance thing–really tacky and then tonight BBAD opens up with Jenn-Danielle doing yoga and telling Jenn F-B were talking trash about her. Jenn’s pissed about it. I therefore switched her to the other side, forgetting she’s on the block.

In the end, I’m justpulling for Shane to somehow win. He’s played a good game competition-wise, doesn’t go for low-blows in the House and has caught major (fake) grief about being gay from some on Twitter. Can’t a good-looking metrosexual from Vermont-Delaware (?) wear a pink shirt without having some idiots peg him as gay. Wil was gay. If Shane’s gay, I’m a nurse in Peking, China. And I’m not a nurse in Peking, China… ;-

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Star August 22, 2012 at 3:57 am

@Kev11…..didn’t know about all the litiations but it was kind of obvious he needed money!!!!! And BIG surprise he left his kid?? He waited untile he was 42 to finally have an heir! But he didnt want a FAMILY as there is no MOM on scene. And you can tell he likes his life just so. Diet. Excersize. Party..a lil. Business. I’m SURE He has a nanny even when he gets visitation!!!

Didn’t know and could have gone forever NOT knowing about the Craig’s lsit thing!!!! EW!!! Uncle Jerry ??? Could that be Jerry from BB10??????LOL OMG!!! Dan would LOVE this info…;) Funny cuz I have heard him going on about YOUNG girls and oogling them. Nice try. Could tell his heart….or other body part…weren’t into it!!!! So B’s in the closet, eh??? This is SOOO AND he has to have OLDER men cuz he still thinks he’s 22!!!! *laughs like he and will or frank in DR!!*lol OMG!! TOO funny!!! And now I am SURE I want his butt OUT on Thurs!!!!! Nasty-a$$ perv…

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 3:58 am

@K11 Yeah. we have bad storms and tornados here yearly and it gripes me that all the weather people no matter which channel act almost gleeful about it. I swear I can see some of them smiling. Of course, they get to be on camera for hours as the system moves through. So good to have all the warnings but how am I going to squish 3 dogs and a cat and me in the hall closet? That would cause a tornado inside the closet, and I would sustain multiple injuries. : ) I too had the impression that Boogie was a millionaire. I just accept things like that without question. I should know by now how B works. Sheesh. I hate being so niave. Sigh. Thanks for the transcript, K. I know it took extra effort to type it out and I appreciate it. And Thursday’s show will be the ultimate if B goes. I think the whole world will shake as all of us collectively do our happy dances together!!!!!

@Star thanks for the email address, friend o mine! : ) It’s more lifeline than email address. When I happened upon this blog last year and posted for the first time this year, I didn’t realize how close and tight you all are with each other or I would have never just jumped in. I thought we all were strangers. There I go being naive again! ; ) But I feel things happen for a reason, I posted. You all accepted and two days later I felt like I was part of the family. : ) Happy, lucky me!!!!! I will need a fb tutorial, if you’re up for the job! : )

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Kevin11 August 22, 2012 at 4:01 am

Big Brother Updates ‏@bbupdates

#BB14 Jen says people that I’ve had their back turned on me. I’m a ride or die chick.

@Patricia: My pleasure girl. Nice to not be typing a Chelsea soccer story for one night.

@Star: Wrote your e-mail down. Will send you any funky stuff I ever see in the future there.

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Star August 22, 2012 at 4:08 am

@Kev11..thanks for the royalty title..but would’t I be a tsarina??LOL
And I totally follow your train of thought about Jenn. Not hard to do. This season is mega confusing!!!!!

I don’t think Shane is gay either! Have had many a word with others on this!!!! Self-centered?? Shallow???? Ya. Gay?? No way!! I have great gay-dar and it never goes off when Shane is on screen!!!! I think I always had reservations about Boogie. I’m not sure HE knows what he is!! He just gets bored easily!! ANd since he dosnt want love or commitment….what for difference does it make???LOL(justasomething a Dutch friend of mine used to say……not sure why I used it…lol)
I can’t see myself cheering for anyone but maybe Shane, Dan or Brit….i don;t want or see a floater winning it. And the rest are just stark raving mad this season…….GAWD!!!lol

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Star August 22, 2012 at 4:18 am

@Patricia…..No problemo!!;) I’m not an expert on FB by any means but I think I may be able to help!!! And glad to add you to my addy list! Put something in the title so I know you aren’t spam, ok??? And ya..this blog is alot of friends who have been on here for years. Not something you see alot, so can understand your thinking!!!

@Kev11…thought you had my addy already! I got yours when you put it on here. I sent you a couple of FWDS to see if you would respond. Maybe you didn’t get them…..or deleted them. Email anytime. We are interested in alot of the same things!!!;) With the exception of sports and betting…lol

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Patricia August 22, 2012 at 4:20 am

@K11 You crack me up. Tsar! chuckle! You are a guy in the know. What information, although, I’m going to try and scrub the Craig’s List part off my brain tonight. Dani’s a nurse and she went to China so I guess you’re not danielle.

@star I’ll email you tomorrow! Beware! : )

Well, I’ve had it for tonite. K told me everything I needed to know…and some I didn’t….Craig’s list, Blaaagh….so it’s over for me until the morrow! When I start sounding Shakesperian, it’s time to get some sleep! : )

Sleep well, my blogger friends!

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Tomi August 22, 2012 at 8:36 am

@MM yes im on FB. I found some of you and sent request. Thanks to those who excepted. And star I will resend the request.

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Tomi August 22, 2012 at 9:11 am

Ok, I finally read thru all the posts. All I can say is WOW AND Thanks for the updates. My head is swiming with all the he said she said, and who’s trying to make their
boogie needs to go and hbed and wait for her eviction
ashley should go after BOOGIE
dan should be the 1st of the quackers to go. I never liked
dani is so dumb with all her o whoa is me. Yes dani your a$$ is fat STOP EATING JUNK FOOD.
IAN Is plaing everyone and there to stupid to see. He’s the only one that is making moves. Or should I say having everyone else make the moves. He’s playing dans game of throw comps to look weak, and boogies game of let everyone else get the blood on their hands by suggesting in secret what he thinks would be best for them(but really for him). Ian is gonna win. Everyone In the house loves Ian.

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Tomi August 22, 2012 at 9:15 am

Oopps. After boogie should leave is. Jenn needs to go back to bed and wait for her eviction. And dan I never liked him..(stupid phone). Im in bed typing this..too lazy to get up.

For those of u on FB, id love to be friends so after bb is over we can still chat it up.. my name on fb is
tomi jones -mueller

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Tomi August 22, 2012 at 9:16 am

Oopps. After boogie should leave is. Jenn needs to go back to bed and wait for her eviction. And dan I never liked him..(stupid phone). Im in bed typing this..too lazy to get up.

For those of u on FB, id love to be friends so after bb is over we can still chat it up.. my name on fb is
tomi jones -mueller or my email is

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