Okay here’s a quick summary. Shane is HOH. Frank and Joe are up for eviction. At this time (I think!), Ian and Jenn will be voting to evict Joe while Wil and Ashley will be voting to evict Frank. This leaves Danielle with the deciding vote. She is expected to follow Shane’s recommendation and vote out Frank. However, if by some chance before Thursday she realizes that Shane DOES NOT have any interest in her romantically, she may act like a woman scorned and vote out Joe. I sure hope she does!!!
All of a sudden the coaches are making plans for IF they get into the game. Hmm…Big Brother producers…lettin’ the cat out of the bag early, are we? If the HG’s realize this is a real possibility, will they change their minds and keep Frank? Stay tuned! Bloggergal
Please let them get a clue.
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I would vote out Frank, but I HOPE they vote out Joe. Even with the coaches comming in the game, another strong player is just someone else to beat latter down the road. If they keep Frank now, they will probably never get rid of him. Besides Frank and boogie have a thing goin on already, they would most likely team together and form another chill town alliance.
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these people are a bunch of doorknobs…how many more times can a group of idiots crew it up…they need to keep Frank…espiacally with the 4 morons coming into the game…i’m watching the weather channel tommorw night and thursdday night…see if i can find some good weather patterns
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I hope frank stays. he could knock the coaches out for sure
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I really think Frank should stay! He can kick some coaches asses 🙂
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I would rather see Joe go, he is so untrustworthy, he bad mouths Frank every chance he gets. He just bugs the crap out of me.
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@aggie, i love homeland too. it’s really one of the best written dramas on tv. american horror story is great, also, but i stopped watching it just before the end of the season. i think i missed a couple of episodes, enough to lose the storyline.
@jt, LOVE walking dead, falling skies, sci-fi in general but specifically post-apococolyptic genre.
so, coaches may have a choice about entering the games… at least that’s what BB DR is selling them. we will see if it works that way or if their “choice” is as real as our “choice?”
i’m not following why HGs would keep frank over joe if they knew coaches were coming back into the game. frank and boogie would be a tough pair to beat or break up. frank’s loyalty would prolly stay with boogie. imo.
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All those saying to keep Frank, why? All he did this season is win a T/F game to become HOH.
With it obvious the coaches are entering the game this week, don’t forget Shane has a pass from Janelle and Bogger without Frank is a lost cause. Plus BB brought in Dr. Will a tad too early to predict if Booger is a production fav. Hopefully Booger is next evicted player, unless the HOH comp is rigged in his favor.
Based on last seasons fix in for Rach to win, who is it the BB produces want to win this year? Janeel is my guess with Brit as a close second because of her useless game and rambling mouth!
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I agree Mel, it just depends on who the producers want to win. That has been evident for a long time now, but not brought to light as much as rachel’s win….
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aggie, forgot to mention – i agree with you totally! justcannot stand joe and want him out of the house yesterday. i find myself fast-forwarding through BBAD when he comes on just so i don’t have to look and listen.
has anyone wondered if janelle could have planned her “ring” strategy far in advance and used just an inexpensive throw-away to secure the idea of loyalty? she’s certainly smart enough to have thought that move through well in advance!
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I’m with everyone that moves away from Frank talking. He is too loud and totally repulsive. I agree that Frank will stick with Boogie if the coaches come into the game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It would be wonderful if there were all new players and no help from production. That’s how the game should be played.
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I would love to see Joe leave. I don’t think the other players realize what a ticking time bomb he is. He has a nasty attitude and a temper to match. If any or all of the coaches end up coming back in, the regular houseguests are going to need Frank to dump them. I don’t know why Shane thinks it okay for him to keep stabbing people in the back. Fact is that nobody will trust the guy and good luck getting any kind of an alliance with that going on.
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We all know that Frank will go and Joe will stay. The coaches will come in this week and Shane will finally figure out he really is a dumb jock with half a brain, the othe half belongs to Brit. I am really burning out early on this years show. BB what have you done to your fans this year? The sad truth is the show doesn’t really care about the fans. Really dumb move on thier part since we are the ratings. This year is a total wash. Once Frank is gone I have no more fav’s and could care less about the show. I will get my updates here on this blog.. Thank all of you for keeping me updated. I have always hated when the season ended, even last year but this year I can’t wait.
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Please put “Spoilers” in the headline. I like to watch the show and then find out what is happening behind the scenes.
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I vote to evict the producers of bb.
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!!! Banner….Banner….Banner !!!!….Where are the BANNERS ???
We need to tell the newbies that the coaches are entering the game on Thurs !!!!….☺…..
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I would love to see Joe go! I want to see strong players, and the first to go next week has to be a weak player! If the coach’s come in the game! the strong should unite, and get rid of the coaches! Boogie and Dan have already won, its time for a new winner!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would just love, LOVE LOVE to see Ian win……………he is such a kind hearted person, when he cried when Boogie gave him the 3,000 dollars, tht just melted my heart! Team Ian! He is a real fan of the show just like us!
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@ aggie 27, @ tomi:
I absolutely love Homeland also. In my top five shows on TV now easily and can’t wait for the second season.
On ED and this season, he has secured a couple TV gigs (one hosting) and had been trying for years to land those jobs. Will keep you abreast of any specifics when he unveils them. Also, he quit smoking last month and to date, I still haven’t heard why he left, or was asked to leave, last season. With him in there the show would be entertaining and probably crack the 10m viewer mark again. He has said several times he would never go in as a Coach to play for just $100K (about $50K after taxes).
As far as BB14, when looking at Joe’s “caterpillar,” I see it’s blonde and wonder how he dyes that patch of hair. Wonderful imagery, eh? The best way to approach any bitterness toward him ladies is to justpretend your his wife for a second and then thank your lucky stars you’re not. I still think he, Danielle and Ashley have no shot of winning. Who do I want to win? ABAC (Anyone But A Coach)
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I am joining the guy watching the weather channel. This is the worst group ever and I think I’d be a moron to watch a bunch of morons acting moronically
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i vote to evict frank…. then shane will be a huge target team Wil all the way 🙂
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I vote to evict Frank. I can’t stand Wil. I’d like to see Jenn start playing and whoop some a**. Don’t think that’ll happen though.
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JT what do you think so far? I havent been able to get online much :/ I know I don’t want Coaches in. I think its CBS way of getting what they want and tricking us into thinking we still want old people in the house. I hope Voters send a message but I doubt it.
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I think I am the only one alive that is ok with the coaches coming into the game. It’s boring as it is right now. It will create drama between coaches and their players (I think) so why not get this season going!! The newbies will now have to play for themselves, as they should have to, and no more listening to their coach. That is sooo freakin’ boring! I don’t care how often we hear a newbie say “this is my game and I’m playing it for myself” blah, blah, blah. No the aren’t! They are ALL listening to their coaches! Whatever! It’s ridiculous and boring. Do I think it’s fair that BB seems to always bring back old players? No! But they do. So bring the coaches into the game and let’s see how the newbies really can play the game!
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They can’t play the game because they are hog tied to their coaches. The coaches should exit game soon and re enter some houseguests.
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Sure they can. Nobody is telling them they HAVE to listen to their coaches.
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@kev11, ED left the game early last season of his own volition. he was notified that a friend of his was very ill and stated that he felt he had no choice but to leave. production didn’t even tell his daughter why he was gone for about 3 days. she went from barely speaking to him to whining that she was his daughter within 24 hrs and then totally screwed up his entire winning game strategy over, yup, a guy, by the next week.
when jt gets on he will fill you in on all the details i’ve missed or glossed over.
agreed, homeland is amazing. justwaiting for the next season to start.
@heather. no, you’re not the only one looking forward to the coaches entering the game itself. i still can’t believe that thurs will only mark the beginning of the 4th week of BB. it’s been like dog-years so far.
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Did not want to read any of this stuff…still watching BBAD right now… 🙂
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i still want frank to stay and will be let down if he’s voted off. i must’ve missed what makes him repulsive…i thot he was kinda nice and yeah, with his hair back he’s even kinda cute but that’s me…….i don’t care for boogie and he’s just a wart on frank. so if the coaches join in the game as a player i hope the newbies have the brains to vote them off. i can see the coaches becoming a team against the newbies. shane has the physical abilities but not the brains imo. tho he did get the memory game which i’d not be able to do. then again i’m like 100.
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if frank goes i hope ian wins
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Looking forward to the coaches entering? Why? It’s unfair, unimaginative, stupid. Expect the expected !
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Thanks girl. I had heard that too but somehow forgotten it with so many asking him on RTVZone and Twitter why he left. My favorite answer was “I had to go home to milk the goats.” I respect that he respected that friend’s privacy if that was indeed the case and to not drag a sick friend into the silly spotlight shone on reality TV.
As far as Danielle’s game after that point in time, I totally agree. She got caught up in herself and they Golden Key (?) and production and fighting with Rachel too much. ED has said she played a crappy game. I probably wouldn’t have said that if I had a daughter and I were also in the game but if ED has a filter, it’s an extremely tiny one. And I love him for that.
I think Danielle’s best move was to go to Jeff-Jordan and cut an F3 deal at the right point, knowing she could possibly beat Jeff and that Jordan didn’t even want to be there. But she was her own worst enemy and opened the door for players like Adam and Porsche to make the F3. I was surprised at how I was pulling for Rachel in the end after hating her the season before and ambivalent
about Dani’s exit. Same this season: I can’t believe how much I dislike the Coaches who can not only pull the strings on their players’ fates right now, but will likely be given a free pass to enter the game with HGs like Joe (maybe), Danielle and Ashley who have no chance.
Pulling for Shane, Ian, Jenn and Britney to a degree because of the way she had no shot against “The Brah-gade.” The only person I would hate to see win is Mike Boogie as his ego is the worst and he needs the money the least. I also felt he rode Dr. Will’s coattails in All-Stars and that the two cut a deal before entering the BB House that season, another extremely unfair reality.
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@ Jake:
I like your sense of humor.
@ tendr:
I am becoming more of an Ian fan everyday but he needs to win an HoH, PoV and/or make a big-game move to get “over the hump” in my book. One thing I’m fairly confident of: He will dominate the America’s Favorite vote.
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I was reading that Janelle doesnt want to go to jury, she wants to go home to her baby and I heard that a while back that Booger doesnt want in the game either, but he may have changed his mine by now. he doent need the money, but seems to be a little greedy,
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@ Princess
I love Homeland it’s so well written and has a great cast, can’t wait for a new season. As Far as American Horror Story Goes, That was a wild ride, you really have to pay attention otherwise you miss stuff. And If you can find the ones you missed it would be fun too watch. It had a good finale.
@ K11
Of course you are going to like Homeland, that show is so well done and has great characters, I didn’t think E.D. Would do the show for 100,000, he would want the 500,000. And I know he would love to be apart of that again. as far as why he left last time. A friend was seriously Ill. I don’t know what happened there, he wouldn’t say, he was respecting there privacy. He seemed really upset about it , it must have been something bad. But, he would not have been gone if it were not for that.
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Jane, Not many thoughts really other that what I have already said. I’m pretty much at the point now where I’m just waiting to see what actually happens on Thursday with the coaches. 😕
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I would like for America to vote that Janelle would have to wear those bikini’s all season. Now THAT would make a successful season!! THAT could change “WIL” to straight! She’s so HOT!!
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I think Janelle need to wiggle that “back side” a little more.
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You might have a good nite on the feeds what I have heard that the DR want frank to call out Joe & Janelle about all the lies they are telling, if he does you should have a goodnite.
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Big Brother Insider @TheBBInsider
What is the latest word? Who is going home Frank or Joe? Seems everytime I check it changes. #BBLF #BB14
DogDave @dogdavebb
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------as of this minute frank is going –long way to thursday–danielle is the pivotal vote @TheBBInsider #bb14
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Crypt Orchid @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dan just told Dani he is going in the game #BB14
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@kev11. that should stir up the festivities in the house if it gets around. janelle seems to think her team will be loyal to her – i think all three of her team are the least loyal of all the HGs. to her and to each other.
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