Big Brother 14 Wednesday Update

by BBBlogger on August 1, 2012

Not much new to report on in the Big Brother house. Everyone is on edge. The coaches seem to know that either all or some of them will be entering the game. Frank is kissing up to Wil trying to change his vote. Danielle is being watched closely because her vote could change at any minute. She’s constantly acting like a fool with Shane and he keeps rebuffing her and she doesn’t see that he is not interested. It’s getting pathetic. I don’t know about you, but the constant game talk that consists of the exact same conversations over and over and over are getting to me. Will Thursday ever come? Bloggergal

franniep2 August 1, 2012 at 8:33 am

I agree with you Bloggergal. It gets so boring, hearing the same thing over and over, I don’t even want to watch the lf’s or BBAD. What a waste of our Big Brother summer!

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terralou777 August 1, 2012 at 8:33 am

I agree, same talk different day.

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aggie27 August 1, 2012 at 8:34 am

i hope big mouth Joe goes tomorrow, I’m so sick of him guzzling gallons of Ice Tea, he must be addicted, he makes tons of it. And If E.D. can quit smoking so should he, He’s got that smoker’s voice also. Go Frank, I hope he can hang in, it’s pretty much 50/50 now, they are not sure how Danielle or wil will vote.

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aggie27 August 1, 2012 at 8:36 am

Danielle needs to get a clue, Shane is not at all interested, and never will be.

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Delsi August 1, 2012 at 8:36 am

Not the usual Big Brother.

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Wisteria77 August 1, 2012 at 9:02 am

I agree to the boredom of the same conversation. Yes, please Thursday hurry for something different.
I don’t know why Shane can’t tell Danielle that a showmance puts a target on them. That is a way to keep her away without hurting her feelings. Seems logical to me.

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nancy August 1, 2012 at 9:11 am

This has to be the most boring season in BB history, I can’t even stand to watch BB after dark!!!!!!!! They really need to step it up. I guess after 14 years they are running out of good ideas to keep viewers interested. Can’t get into sitting thru a whole show, after the first 15 minutes I’m switching channels.

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tomi August 1, 2012 at 9:16 am

They need to cast different people. Go back to people like chicken george. He was great. They need a better mix, not all beauty queens and hot guys. Janelle, shane wil and brit r always looking at themselfs in the mirror. Come On Thursday!

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Slyoma August 1, 2012 at 10:01 am

Thought Danielle was a smart gal but she is so blind she can not see that Shane is not interested in her.
Not understanding Ian’s thinking about asking to be put on slop, he thinks that if he is willing to be on slop then there will not be a target on his back even though it is apparent that he is Boogie’s puppet.
To me this is the worst season of BB

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mike stover August 1, 2012 at 10:13 am

@Wisteria77 , They have told her many times it would put a target on both of them. she is so dumb, Shane doesnt want her,. get over it.

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carol August 1, 2012 at 10:23 am

all shows get boring sometime i for one want to see them come back next year just chanaage some thngs around for next season i llike watching bb after dark its hasnt been that bad thats what bb is about what would you do if you were there complain abouit the other people the way people change their minds talk about each other go from side to side like dan but not so much jannelle

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Sylvie August 1, 2012 at 10:26 am

I agree another boring season
I Dont watch BBAD for the first time ever
I dont care who goes or what new plan they come up with

Too many seasons????

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tomi August 1, 2012 at 10:34 am

Brit said last night, that if they stay up snd keep us intertained they get to sleep in..HEY BB…WAKE THEIR A$$ES UP ..THEY’RE BORING!!!!!

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tomi August 1, 2012 at 10:42 am

And Dani a nurse? I won’t want her to help me. She hasn’t got a clue.(dumb) Must have graduated at the bottom of her class.
Hopefully Shane has got her twitterpaided enough to vote out loud mouth Joe..why does he have to yell everything..Hey Joe..u have a mic on, u don’t have to yell!!!! If ee cant hear u..we will turn our volume up.

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TammyG August 1, 2012 at 11:04 am

Tomi just because she is slow on people’s reactions to feelings does NOT mean she would be a terrible nurse. Many people can not or will not understand or accept other peoples feelings.

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Mama Margie August 1, 2012 at 11:31 am


First gain the victory and then make the best use of it you can.
Horatio Nelson, 1797

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hpr56 August 1, 2012 at 12:42 pm

Joe honestly kind of scares me. If you watched his face when he went up against Willie, he looked evil. And when he was nominated, the same look. I think he is another walking time bomb. I want him gone. And I agree that Danielle really thinks Shane likes her a lot. He’s a player and will play whoever can help him today. The idea of the game is to get as gfar as you can and this is what he thinks he needs to do. Honestly, I am so sick of repeat players coming in for whatever reason. They had their 15 minutes of fame, let them walk away. It’s all the reality shows and they disgust me. I’m really really tired of them.

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Bobo August 1, 2012 at 12:57 pm

Great comments all of you Thanks! BBAD was boring again, I am getting another T-Storm here in NJ, so I am going to shut down my Mac for now! See you soon……Bye! 🙂 :mrgreen:

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hpr56 August 1, 2012 at 1:18 pm

Take care Bobo

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starfish August 1, 2012 at 2:10 pm

Love all the comments and couldn’t agree more about Dani being really naive and simply clueless regarding Shane. I wonder what his real deal is.

Let Joe Go! That mean look someone referred to was really scarry. I can’t even imagine being his wife. ewwwww

My son and his family will be in from NC tomorrow for almost 2 weeks. I get to see my grandchildren (4 & 9) and I’m so excited. This is the break I need right now. I won’t be able to check in or probably even watch BB but I’ll catch up later. 😀

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Mrybkr August 1, 2012 at 3:05 pm

Unfortunatealy Starfish you won’t be missing anything, so enjoy your company!
I agree with you all, this HAS to be the most boring season, ever! Glad I am on vacation this week, less time to watch this crap, lol

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mamamargie August 1, 2012 at 4:17 pm

Britney whispers to Danielle, “We need to talk.” (OMG, don’t you know you never say those 4 words to a chick like Danielle?) Britney ushers her into the Arcade Room and tells her that they may have lost Wil’s vote. Danielle furrows her brow and looks confused. Wil promised her just last night that he’d vote out Frank. Britney replies, “Oh. Then Janelle is just being paranoid.” Speaking of Janelle, Danielle thinks that she is flirting with Shane. Shane, her fiance Shane. Her life partner Shane. The father of her future children Shane. The more she continues, the more her button eyes look like they’ll pop right out of her skull. NO ONE ELSE IS ALLOWED TO TALK TO SHANE BUT HER! No one! And then the light fixtures overhead exploded and Britney crawled out of the room on her stomach. Ah, young love!
danielle is as crazy with shane as rachel was about brandud. No one steals my man!
I guess the votes are still being tossed back and forth as in an all time ping pong match.
Is anyone else as tired as i am with Danielle? enoigh already, I forgot who was looking for the banner to fly over the bb house, only this one should say in huge bold red letters, DANIELLE GET OVER IT, SHANE IS NOT INTERESTED NOW NOR WILL HE EVER BE.
Starfish, have fun with the family enjoy every minute trust me nothing will change in the bb house and i am sure u can take a quick peek and find out what (if anything) is going on, hugs to your son and his family.
ciao till later maybe wil will bounce back to the other side yet again

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macy1231231 August 1, 2012 at 4:29 pm

Regarding danielle – i think she just likes to keep the ‘girl talk’ going – it makes her endearing to the other hg. now, she has the hg talking about a trey from home – giiving a release. remember all, shes 23. shes a baby yet.

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Kevin11 August 1, 2012 at 5:54 pm

Jaime Jones ‏@Hellataz
Anyone remember this #bb7 ? Well it’s making a repeat performance tomorrow night. #BoogiesOhShitFace

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Kevin11 August 1, 2012 at 6:01 pm

Alison Grodner and staff would be well-served to watch BBUK this season. Yesterday the Housemates’ parents got to nominate the Housemates up for eviction (two each) and then today three were chosen to go into an all-White Room to compete against each other for as long as possible (days?) with the winner getting an automatic spot in the show’s finals. Part 2 of a 5-part YouTube clip from today:

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tendr August 1, 2012 at 6:04 pm

enjoy your grandkiddies….i have one in town i only see about every three mos if i demand it.

bb is so boring i’ve actually been watching every ‘glass house’

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tendr August 1, 2012 at 6:05 pm

comment above @ starfish…….sigh.

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Brandi August 1, 2012 at 6:10 pm

they should bring the insulting robot back 🙂

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mike stover August 1, 2012 at 6:18 pm

@kevin11 & jt what do you think about BB Canada, it starts in Feb. and will show on the slice net. at least they cant bring back former HGs since it is the first show it will be like our BB.

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mike stover August 1, 2012 at 6:24 pm

Dani needs to get her head out of Shanes A$$ before she gets them both out of the game, Hey he wants to play the game not lay around in bed with you. There are a lot of other shows if you want a boyfriend and your not fat so get over it.

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Jane August 1, 2012 at 6:28 pm

Hi Double MM, FP2, hpr56, Starfish, Bobo, and whoever I forgot on todays thread! My kids are hogging the puter, i can never get on 🙁 time to give em all up for adoption in lieu of BB!

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Jane August 1, 2012 at 6:31 pm

Okay I know I am still on the subject of Ian being on the Autism/Aspergers Spectrum… but Brit said she feels she needs to protect Ian… Maybe I am the only one that remembers this, but in Britney’s season she mentioned she has an Autistic Brother that she helps take care of. If anything happens to him she would take care of him…..

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Jane August 1, 2012 at 6:31 pm

Hey Mike Stover and Aggie… miss y’all….

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mike stover August 1, 2012 at 6:34 pm

@ Jane nice to here from you

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franniep2 August 1, 2012 at 6:36 pm

Hi Jane…you have been so busy do bigger and better things. No worries for not being on here much. Keep up the good work! 🙂

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Mama Margie August 1, 2012 at 6:45 pm

Hi Jane
I am keeping up with u on facebook and u have been a very very busy person, good for you
It is still nice to see u on here your wit and wisdom are missed
Try to see us as often as you can, as for the happenings in the bb house not to worry not much changes lol
hugs to u and the kids

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Jeannette August 1, 2012 at 7:15 pm

Well can’t find my last post. So Janelle won completions wit her tongue against Dan. Wow what a good job. It seems to me she going to team on both sides. Like to Britney and Dan move up in the game.

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mike stover August 1, 2012 at 7:15 pm

I know they are getting rid of Frank, but could they kick Joe out to, everytime he comes on I have to turn my sound down and adjust my color because his face is so red.

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mike stover August 1, 2012 at 7:24 pm

Joe couldnt win if he was the only one playing.

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Bobo August 1, 2012 at 7:26 pm

Hi Jane nice to hear from you ♥ MM You are so right about Danielle, Love struck little teen! 😆
The T-Storms have passed for now….But NJ has been getting hit for so long, I need to leave Town… 🙂 Watching BB right now , BBAD was so boring again! I hope Frank stays but I don’t think he has a chance Big J is still getting on my nerves! I did like her in the past but her true colors have come out & I don’t like them! 👿 Thanks for all your comments… I do enjoy what everyone is thinking about! See you soon my friend, bye for now…. 🙂

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Bobo August 1, 2012 at 7:28 pm

Just two seconds of peace! 😆

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Bobo August 1, 2012 at 7:35 pm

Wow I spelled that wrong! 😆

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Mama Margie August 1, 2012 at 8:42 pm

hey bobo
please send some rain our way we need it so bad, goes for frannie and mike too.
am counting the min’s till tomorrow nite i am afraid frank is going but wishing it was joe. however, u can never tell with bb.
i cannot wait to see the faces of the newbies when the coaches come into the game, it is going to turn the house upside down, my wish the amazon is the first one out even before mike
ciao till later

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Mama Margie August 1, 2012 at 8:48 pm

@ brandi comment 27
yes i so agree bring the insulting robot back
if memory serves me correctly the name was zbot i think???
He will have a field day with this crew, txs for the reminder
he will give us more entertainment then any of these hgs ever have

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Dorothy August 1, 2012 at 8:49 pm

For the first time in all 14 seasons, I don’t want to watch. We all know Frank will be voted out, the coaches will come in and all the dumb sheep will say”We didn’t know.” As for Dani, she should have gone first, for a so called smart girl, she sure is dumb. There are no personalities in this group, just a bunch of dumb sheep who follow the leader. The only one I did like will be voted out this week, so know use watching them all be picked off by the coaches. I will keep tabs on what is happening on this blog, as for watching the show, I can watch nail polish dry and it would be more interesting. I love all you guys on here and know I am not alone in how I feel about this bad bad season.

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bbigbbob August 1, 2012 at 8:52 pm

Janelle’s tongue and Brittnay’s cowboy ride thrust. WOW, WHAT A SEASON!

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Justaguy (JT) August 1, 2012 at 8:54 pm

@ Mike S, I would be up for giving BB Canada a try. Not sure I have whatever network it will be on though???

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Mama Margie August 1, 2012 at 9:10 pm


Dan asks them what did they think of the announcement. They all agree that Julie will tell them they are getting the choice to drop into the game. They are starting to think that there will be a competition between the coaches with the first coach dropping leaves the game. Britney doesn’t see all four coaches coming in because they would have too many players.

Shane points out that production has been working on the competition since 4am.

(They are talking about production telling them that the live show will be different tomorrow.. the “Speeches” are being cut)

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Mama Margie August 1, 2012 at 9:11 pm


production told joe that they saw him put his finger in the food he was preparing.. they told him to stop it and if they catch him again it’s a extra day of being a havenots

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Mel August 1, 2012 at 9:12 pm

Only enjoyable thing tonight was seeing Booger’s look when Frank was put up. Glad the arrogant idiot was put in his place!

Couldn’t stand Janelee acting and saying at the end of the show that she is the puppet master after seeing her suck up all week!

One thing this week is when BB does the inevitable of bringing the coaches into the game to save $100 grand, Shane should be allowed to compete for HOH since it will be a whole new game!

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Justaguy (JT) August 1, 2012 at 9:20 pm

Mel, I agree with all you said. And you’re right, Shane should get to compete because he didn’t have the option to put up any of the coaches… but they prolly wont let him. 🙄

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aggie27 August 1, 2012 at 9:33 pm

@ JT

Shane is a good competitor I know the coaches have more experience But, He’s younger than Boogie In better shape for One. Janelle Is older now, In not as good a shape, she is always the one girl who gets the heaviest every season. And Dan was good in his season, entertaining but acts like he’s sleep walking this season, very Boring. I wonder why he came on. So Shane might be able to hang in, hopefully

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aggie27 August 1, 2012 at 9:39 pm

@ Jane

Nice to see you on here, tell the kids to stop hogging the computer. As far a Ian goes, I think basically people think he’s quirky or OCD. I don’t remember Brit talking about her brother, If so she should have realized right off about Ian.


It’s Hard enough to keep up with this show, I don’t think I could watch another BB show, Dick had BB shows from different countries on RTVZONE Last year, not sure why people would watch, I couldn’t understand the way they talked and just found the whole thing weird. So Good luck watching other stuff.

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aggie27 August 1, 2012 at 9:42 pm

I thought the show was entertaining tonight, even though i knew the outcome, it figures Joe would screw up that comp, he got too rattled, you would have to be pretty calm to win that and Shane kept his cool, so way to go shane. He’s the one I’m rooting for.

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Mel August 1, 2012 at 10:04 pm

@JT I doubt it too.

Just a thought and judging by how BB went last year by fixating on with camera and airtime, last yr was Rach, this year it is Janelle and Brit.

Last yr they tried to make Danielle and forgot the wacko she teamed up with to look like fools and they were lined up for eviction about this point, that they are doing this year with Joe and Danille and the wildcard to add to it is Wil.

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aggie27 August 1, 2012 at 10:56 pm

Wil Said ,he doesn’t trust any of his team mates and wants to team up with Britney, Shane, Dan and Danielle. He doesn’t like the way Janelle especially is treating people. He might not vote Frank out, he likes him and he doesn’t like the way they trash him. Wow, it will be exciting tomorrow

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luvs2shootpics August 2, 2012 at 12:00 am

They need to change the game up.
1) No more teams
2) Everyone has their own bedroom and no more than 2 people in a room at a time. Makes it harder to plan ahead.
3) Give them some sort of monetary reward when they compete in events so they quit trying to lose on purpose.
4) Let the HOH’s compete in a special comp for a reward (points) which could be used to purchase special items in the game.
5) If their have-nots, make it that way (no beds) just a blanket and pillow.
6) If ex-players are in the game, make them play with some sort of handicap.
7) …………….. more later
They need to add some excitement in this game, they sit around too much!!

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trisha August 2, 2012 at 1:38 am

Im sorry janelle , i m not one to say anything usually , but hunny, when u r eating nuts while peeps r talking , i cant hear well cause all im hearing is chewing. Im not tryin to be mean , but you really need to eat with your mouth closed babe. 🙁

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Jeannette August 2, 2012 at 1:46 am

I like to see joe gone just because Janelle only keeping her team together

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Jeannette August 2, 2012 at 1:48 am

Zrobot great idea

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Star August 2, 2012 at 3:17 am

Hey Jane!! Miss your wit on here!! Good to see you !! And tell your kids YOU pay so you get to PLAY…online…lol

Mike..LOVED your comment about Joe not being able to win if he was the only one in the house…Too funny!!! 😆

Starfish…have a great visit with the kiddos. Give us your cell phone # and we can text you if anything earthshaking happens on BB!!! 😆

It had been confusing with all the game talk this week. I have been watching the feeds after BBAD and the talk gets even crazier!! I don’t think anyone has actually slept at nite this week!!!

About an hour ago, Wil came running into the storage room yelling that Joe had just told Jen that he had some VITAL information and IF he was to go home, he would give it to her on his way out!! I think it was fake, some weird way to make sure he gets her vote. But apparently, according to Jani, he had the votes to stay already. But this ticked Wil off so bad that he now wants Joe out! It started a HUGE mess in the house tho. And Boogie and Frank started following Jani around so she couldn’t talk to Dani…the swing vote….and then Frank was following Dani around and tickling her and said he was even going to watch her sleep!!! Wil seems to be the one really wavering right now. He likes Frank and HATES Joe and is struggling with voting for himself or his team!!! It is SO confusing! Even Brit said to Jani tht she doesn’t think they will really know what is going to happen until Julie tells them!!!!

Also, dan and jani talking about going back into game and saying if they have a choice, HELL YES they will go!!! (they have a sercet alliance!) That they didn’t sign up for just the 100K…except maybe Brit! So they must have known about this all long! Thurday’s show should be VERY interesting!!!
i wnder if the HOH will be endurance?? Jani kept saying week 4. I actually hope so…with all the coaches competing too!!!

And BTW..I did hear Shane tell Brit that he didn’t like Dani*that way*!!! It’s SO obvious!! He never even flirts with her. You are looking more than desparate to all of America girl….DUH!!!

Also, overheard Ian and Brit talking lst nite and he was trying to get ashley to sleep with him. Brit asked if he was trying to *Hook Up* with her! He said he might as well get all the experience he can while he is here!! O M G !!! I’s like Cupid went crazy with his arrows in this house……only he only hit one person in each *couple*..OOPS!!lol Be funny if ashley and Shane got a thing going….lol

Ok…enough rambling. Guess it had built up since I hadn’t been on in a few

Nite all!!
Peace, love and light!!!

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Kevin11 August 2, 2012 at 3:27 am

@ Sal : Great ideas. So agree. The whole season has been like a broken record.

@ Mama Margie: Great posts, as always.

@ aggie27: They do talk strange (and have strange phrases, say “cringe” and “cringeworthy” a lot). I love it when the people from England say they can’t understand the one Housemate from Ireland and the one from Scotland (she’s smoking hot, Sara) because of their accents. They have a Celebrity BB that starts two days after this season ends. Ironic, on BBAD right now, Danielle, Dan, Ian and Frank talking about BB in Netherlands and Japan.

@ mike stover @JT: Think Big Brother Canada starts in February and is on Slice. I have the link for that if you want to check it out here: They juststarted casting this week.


Britney: “Well he’s (Mike Boogie) gonna freak out tomorrow when his prize-winning steed gets evicted from the Big Brother House.”

Like Frank, but watching Boogie freak out will make my night…then CBS will likely ruin it with the Coaches’ twist/fix. Seems that Frank still has no idea on BBAD. Expect the unexpected big boy…

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Kevin11 August 2, 2012 at 3:35 am

@ Star: Good to see another late-night poster sister. Your post wasn’t here when I “strated” mine. 😉 Am watching all that now. At least we all might NOT KNOW who is leaving tomorrow. That would be refreshing for a change. Thanks for the specific update. I actually think Shane likes (liked) Kara. Right back at ya with the “peace, love and light.” Without those things (and water) we are all nothing. Always enjoy your positivity…

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Star August 2, 2012 at 4:03 am

Kev11….Yeah, the Late Nighters seem to be a thing of the past….;) We’d need to get Franks, PGADOK and JT back here to get it up and running again and doesn’t look like that is gonna be happening!!

I think you are right about Shane and Kara. He talked about missing her alot after she was evicted. But both he and Frank have said NO SHOWMANCS in the house!! If they are students of the game , they KNOW by now that those are almost always certain death!!! And after the last 3 years with J&J and Brenchel, I am all Showmanced out!!!lol I am more surprised by Ian’s WANTING to start one since he has a Virgin status and promised his MOM he wouldn’t!!!lol But he said after the KISS on Sat nite that Ashley was the hottest girl he ever kissed,..No doubt…and prolly figures he may never get this chance again!! His hormones are going…….what game??? lol Altho, the way Ashley pulled away from his attempted kiss I’m pretty sure his promise to Mom is safe!!! 😉

I just *strated* some laundry a lil while ago….TRUE Nite Owl that I am……so if you are around and want to chat, I will check back.

Apreesh the compliment,btw…. 😉

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aggie27 August 2, 2012 at 4:33 am

@ Star

You can dry emailing PGA, let him know K11 is back, he was on last season, but not for very long, i guess he got bored with the season and maybe he isn’t interested in this one. Not sure what’s up with Frank, he’s on my blog sometimes, not even sure he watches the show, maybe he’s bored with it. I wonder if he knows K11 is back. HMMMM. Very strange.


I just can’t get into other shows other than BB U.S. I think this show is more than enough, thanks for the updates. Do you like America’s Got Talent If so, who do you like on there?

As Far as JT goes, he is working Saturdays now, so no late nights for him, Right JT?

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Star August 2, 2012 at 4:55 am

aggie…I talked to Franks about the blog last year and he just didn’t feel like doing it anymore. I’m sure PGA is busy and we weren’t that close so i would feel weird emailing him. And I know JT is in the middle of one of his 12hrday/6dys/wk schedules!! It was just a fun year that will live in our memories!! 😉

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aggie27 August 2, 2012 at 5:52 am

@ Star

Sorry to hear that about Frank, I wonder if he watches BB, I could email PGA, let him know just in case, nice to see you on here Star, take care ♥

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Slyoma August 2, 2012 at 7:48 am

first of all everyone that s getting rain PLLLLEEEEASSSSS send it Texas way North Texas that is, it is 107 here!
I agree Joe needs to go but Frank is more of a threat, they can get rid of Joe next week! Mike Boogie needs to be knocked down a notch, he really has an ego the size of Texas.
AMERICA please do NOT vote to bring the coaches in the game they have had their 15 minutes of fame and some, remember when Mike lost the Coach competition and won the money he as very quick to claim the six thousand for himself (like he needs it more than the people he split it with), that showed me just how greedy he is! If Mike and Dr. Will are such good friends then why does Mike not get Will to do some skin treatments on him to make him look younger, looks like Will has had some work done on himself!
As for Danielle if a ton of bricks landed on her she still wold not get the message that Shane is not interested, she needs to go on Bachelor to try to “win” a boyfriend but then I think she would loose at that too!
Could not believe Janell offering her wedding ring to show Brit she was serious about working with them, would what her “better half” thought about that but the it might Not be a real diamond!
Hope the shows gets better this is the worst season ever. Will try to stay awake long enough to watch the show and see what happens!!!

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Mama Margie August 2, 2012 at 10:10 am

I was lmao at bbad, the amazon comes up and asks if she can take a bath in the hoh tub, brit replies of course. amazon goes behind swinging doors to change she comes out and WA LA A JANET JACKSON MOMENT ALL OVER AGAIN her left nipple is exposed, amazond for once is not faking and is truly embrassed and covers it up, well, amazon if u did not try to cover up a log cabin with a hanky these snafu’s might not happen, it was just a matter of time.
for sure bbad was like an olympic game of ping pong, promises, vows, going back and forth as fast as janielles tongue and hips were at the last coaches comp. u need a score card to keep up.
i am hoping will flips and votes to keep in frank, joe has to go along with his lie of knowing something vital that is so false even stevie woder could see that, is going to be an interesting nite that is for sure.
In regard to the amazon even using her wedding ring as a bribe sickens me no woman who truly loves their spouse and respects their marriage would even think about taking the ring off never mind using as a bribe. fake or not it is the meaning of the ring, just another nail in her coffin for me, have i ever liked or respected her NO, do i now NO, I wonder what her husband is thinking and what family and friends are saying to him or even better yet what they r saying behind his back. trusha u was getting so annoyed with amazon eating those nuts omg could not hear what anyone was saying i agree chew with your mouth closed please.
star nice to see u my dear, love what u had to say as always, we want to see more of you. oh my dear fellow bloggers will end this novel for now but more to follow as events occur.
txs for updates guys

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tomi August 2, 2012 at 10:32 am

@MamaMarge, one has to think..Jannelles actions in the house probably don’t suprise her family. I know its a game but, she’s a nasty person and I don’t think its all for the camera. She definatly has a mean girl streak.

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Mama Margie August 2, 2012 at 11:35 am

tomi i agree 100% i have noticed a few bloggers who once liked and respected her are now anti janelle. i know it is a game, vut come on one can play the game with some kind of grace and or kindness seems every chance she gets the same thing comes out of her mouth, “let’s make up a lie” if i hear that one more time i am going to scream.
tomi nice to see someone agrees with me and do not look at me as a mean nasty old lady lol
here;s hoping catepellar man goes and takes that nasty evil look with him i really think he is a ticking time bomb, and wil is starting to grow on me just a tiny vit since he seems to have a backbone, vit that may change after the vote tonite, i really want frank to stay will make for a much more interesting game.
well, we will see

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Linda August 2, 2012 at 10:07 pm

Thanks everyone for the updates! 🙂

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Brandi August 3, 2012 at 12:47 pm

who else thinks the zingbot would come in handy??? 🙂

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