Wednesday update…okay, I don’t have a Wednesday upate! 🙂 My son is in from Colorado. Yesterday I enjoyed an entire day with him. He’s 21 now. How’d that happen? Today we are going to see the Bodies exhibition in Atlanta. Not sure if I’m looking forward to seeing the entire inside of a body or not. My son is heading towards the medical field, so I thought it was appropriate.
From the little that I did catch, nothing much is going on in the BB house. Janelle still thinks she’s safe. I really can’t understand why she would think that. If the house was going to vote out Frank, why would Danielle put her on the block? I’ll be happy to see one less coach in the house next week. However, leaving Boogie and Frank in the house could be big, big trouble for all the others.
There was slight amusement when Janelle was making Joe exercise and follow her dance movements. She made Danielle and Brittany work out too and they were acting like lazy teenagers being forced to do chores by their mom!
Sorry…that’s all I have today. Comments will fill you in way better than me, but at least you have a clean page now.
Hugs and Kisses all!!!! Bloggergal
Haven’t watched after dark yet so I don’t know any more than you do. Sorry but I don’t think Janelle has the perfect body either. I can’t wait for her to leave and then Boogie. I think Frank and Shane will be a power to be reckoned with.
Congrats on your son. Hope he does well and is happy with his choice. And I believe from the time they turn 15, they jump 5-10 years at a leap.
The body exhibit is really interesting. Hope you like it. I sure did.
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BBAD was ao boaring…..zzzzzzzzzz
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i am being honest…i have lost intetest compared to previous season…this group of newbies is making it very hard to watch becuase they are by far the worst group of new house guests when compared to previous yrs…that compounded with the 4 team captains makes this season like sitting in the denta chair having a root canal…again just my opinon…********GOOD BYE JANELLE….Welcome home to Minnesota…
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My friend Bloggergal good for you♥
As far as BBAD went last night very boring! Here is an up date:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Janelle says she had a dream where she saw Joe, Ashley, Shane, and Danielle in the final four.
12:45am Up in the HOH room, Britney, Shane and Danielle are talking. Danielle is in a bad mood. Britney asks Shane if the next HOH comes down to the two of them, will he throw it to her so that he can play for the next HOH? Shane says he will. Shane goes to the bathroom. Britney tells Danielle not to be pouty. Britney asks Danielle is she wants to be alone? Danielle says she is fine. Shane comes back from the bathroom. Shane asks Britney and Danielle if they need some girl time? Danielle says no. Britney says that she is going to head downstairs.
Shane tells Danielle that he owes her a back massage. Danielle tells him not to worry about it. Shane says that he thinks people will put them up against each other like what happened to Jeff and Jordan. Danielle says she doesn’t think so, and says that if she goes up it will be against Dan. Danielle asks Shane if at the end of all of this when they are out of the game if he wanted to be together with her, the long distance would not bother her because she travels a lot for something. ….. 😆 See you all soon! 🙂
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bye janelle
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Glad you have your son visiting , Bloggergal. Enjoy your time with him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m glad to see Janelle go but am also worried about what Boogie and Frank might do if they have the power next week. It will be fun to see Janelle evicted .
I’m agreeing this group is so boring and I lose interest easily. Yesterday I tried to watch feeds and only noticed how nasal sounding Brit’s voice is. Wonder if it was my imagination.
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I am still waiting for Frank to do something, everyone is so worried about him I have yet had a chance to see it. what I have seen didnt do well in coms. and the HoH he won was a 50/50 chance, unless he is pulling a Dan on us and losing on purpose. Booger needs to go home to be with his baby, the chance of Joe winning anything makes me chinge he needs to wash his nasty hands.
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BOBO what was shanes answer?
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Bloggergal, i went to see the bodies with my son, who worked in ICU cardiac and i am in the med field also, so that was our interest. he too came for a visit from out of state….anyway….we loved it. so fascinating and well done. enjoy!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that’s all. no comments on the snooze fest. oooh… hi to Jane from yesterday. i had logged off.
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bbbgal, have fun with your son, i am sure no matter what u guys do it will be fun just to be together. Time sure does fly when u have kids one day u r crying your baby is growing up as u take them to first grade, next thing u know they are a freshman in high school, then before u realize it you and hubby are cutting coupons, and pulling your hair doing budgets to find a way to pay for college, and the best part they grow up to be a wonderful adult and with any luck marry another wonderful adult and you are grand parents to the most beautiful and smartest grand kids in the world,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was so bored last nite i fell asleep the last thing i remember was them playing poker on the chess table, hopefully tonight will be a bit more exciting with eviction tomorrow nite.
I was so glad to see ted made his way here, and he is still the same old tedster I do have to reply to his comment that when bill wants to eat he shuts down the circuit breaker lmao, that was last year silly man, this year i hav it all figured out when i cook i now double the portions and put in freezer and all i have to do is pop in oven or micro so easy it is almsot scary
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Joe is driving me NUTS! He is so loud and from what the HG’s say, he tells many tall stories.
Most of the HG are getting PO @ Joe because he cooks all the food. Frank and Shane said when uses the bathroom he does not wash his hands. HOW GROSS!!!!
Janelle used to be one of my fav’s, but with her bragging and B(^@*ing I lost respect for her. Telling Danielle if she does not vote her out she will let her have her dresses??? Talking about how she couldn’t get by without her GUCCI diaper bag. What happened to this girl? I will be happy when Jenelle & Joe are gone.
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3:10am – 3:40am In the bathroom Joe and Janelle are talking as they get ready for bed. Janelle says that it is good to know that Shane and Dan are voting to keep her. Joe says that after she left, Shane told him if anything changes he will keep him posted. Janelle says if I stay, I have to win HOH! Joe says yeah or Ashley or me. Joe says that we are going to kick some a$$. Janelle says that she keeps telling Shane she isn’t coming after him. Janelle says that she thinks Shane will win this game. Janelle comments on how nice Frank has been to her. Joe says that he is nice because he thinks he is staying. Joe says that he thinks Shane has a lot to do with the tide turning to keep her. Janelle says that if Boogie wins HOH this week and she is still here, he will put her up against Shane. Janelle says that she doesn’t understand why Boogie doesn’t like her in the game. She tells Joe that she even voted for Boogie to win in their season. Janelle says that if she stays Danielle will come after her again. Janelle says she isn’t scared of her. Joe tells Janelle that Danielle is just jealous. Janelle says that she doesn’t get why she would be jealous. She says I am married and have a baby. Joe says that is everything Danielle wants. Janelle comments on how much she dislikes Frank and says that she would eat men like him up and spit them out. Joe and Janelle head to bed.
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Was anyone watching the Live Feeds during the Earthquake? If I felt it they mustve.
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Macy….. Not sure what his answer was? Pretty sure he does not want a show manse, anyway not with her! Last night she was going on & on about what Big J Said, she thinks she is the best player of all 😆 Dan will drop her when the time is right! O puppy love 🙂
Hi My dear friend Margie…..♥ Looks like the new Lap Top is working well, still no spell check 😆 Like we have said in our mail, things are not going very well in my stuff 😉
Big Brother Spoilers – High Stakes Poker, Danielle: “If I win Shane you have to kiss me.. a good one”
9:14pm Cam 1-2 HOH Bathroom Britney and Danielle
Danielle wants her to swear on her life that what she’s about to tell Britney never leaves this room. (Wow sounds like she’s throwing down something HUGE)
Britney: “I swear on my life “
Danielle: “I have 4 degrees.. I’m a nurse practitioner and I’m working on my masters”
Britney: “Ohh.. cool.. “
9:54pm Cam 3-4 Shane and Danielle
Danielle is drunk she drank most of her HOH wine by herself.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Danielle: “If I win Shane you have to kiss me.. a good one and if you win what do I have to give you”
Shane: “A Back Rub”
Danielle: “you can get that whenever”
Shane: ‘I’ll marinate on that while I take a shower”
That’s all I know so far, maybe MM can fill in the gaps!
NOTE TO MM: Ted & I were the night owls on the quiz this AM… 😆
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Thanks for the message Maxie.
Bloggergal & Maxie must be such an amazing feeling to see your boys succeed!! I have one in College, but the Teenager is driving me looney! I don’t know which is harder, my non verbal bouncing of the walls Autistic son or my big mouthed Teenager! I know one thing I’d rather be in a room with them than any of these houseguests on BB any day!!
So why is Shane telling her he will keep her. Why are all these people so blah blah blah about their votes. Nobody cares. If she’s gone, just carry on like normal. They are giving me a headache listening to the same old stories. This is the longest week ever!
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Jane….. You are so right 🙂 I wish they would just tell Big J she is going home & let the fire works begin!………… 😆
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i was sooooooooooo impressed to see u and ted were there so early, i need to color today in purple on my calendar (purple is a happy color) guess frans new job is throwing a kink in her puter time bu knowing fran she will work around it.
bob u need to take better care of yourself my friend, we are not getting any younger u know, since i retired i have so many new men in my life i just cannot ignore there is arthistis, ben gay and my real favorite charlie horse, they love me seem to be there more and more. be like me and have fun especially with the puter (teds favorite word) and bb, i tell u bbblog and aggieland are like thepary so lets make the most of it lol
in regard to danielles shocking news i was holding my breath i thought for sure she had won a zillion dollar lottery, or she was really born a man or her uncle was dr phil, but wow what it was woo hoo i was almost not quite but almost as blown away as brit was as u can tell from her answer.
jane so far have heard nothing about an earthquake r u sure the amazond did not drop her bra and that is what shook the west coast???
maxie congrts to you and your son, very impressive both in medical field, a lot to be proud of.
again i seem to be rambling on sorry fellow bloggers in the past some bloggers complained that a lot of private chat was goingon and they thought it wa a bb blog, so if i offend any one i am sure, jut being retired i have a lot of time on my hands (as does bobo) hee hee
ciao till later
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Mike says his favourite one of all …ya lied, A LOT, we get it, you leaving!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9am – 10am Frank and Boogie are the only house guests awake. They head into the bathroom to shower and get ready. Mike tells Frank that he will tell him a secret once they get outside as it applies to people in here. Mike says his favourite one of all …ya lied, a lot, we get it, you leaving! Mike comments to the camera, normally wacky Wednesday the nominees scramble all day, this is Franks third time on the block and he ain’t scrambling. He’ll be sitting back today watching her scramble. Ya know what’s pathetic, she asked Wil to swear on his dog! Mike tells the viewers to strap on their seat belts because tonight’s episode it going to be off the hook. Frank says it just might be an 8 – 1 vote ya’ll! They talk about if they win HOH they could put up Dan and Shane. If you are so concerned about disguising stuff, that’s why we need to disguise us working together by putting you up. Frank and Mike laugh. Mike talks to the fans saying that he and Frank have never lied, unlike Janelle. Frank says C, G, R! Mike says Clean, Game, Running… sort of. Mike says imagine if we could pop out Joe and Wil in the next few weeks. Mike talks about how they need to shore up their relationship with Jenn. She likes being a free agent. Mike says that it would not be the worst thing in the world for Wil to win HOH…………….
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Margie 😆 You are so right my dear♥
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I miss the good ole’ days:
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Bohn Thanks for the blast from the past! 😆 Amber crying 🙁

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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------u have made my day i am rofl, anyone remember the doll tiny tears
well maybe i will design a new one in the likeness of amber and call it
tiny tears amber i think i might even include a birth cert with the date of birth of tht bb season, now that would be fun,
that was a good one bohn i have to say kudos to you and keep them coming since bb seems to be ho hum at the present time, how many times can we hear amazon ask äre u voting to keep me”or hear danielle whine to shane can u give me a real big kisss the next time i get a medal of some sort, and britney checking out her split ends or wil getting his pinky caught in his weave or caterpillar man NOT washing his hands or the hgs whining that all the food is gone joe cooks it all, well bohn u get the message i am sure and most of our fellow bloggers must be exhausted with all the same old same old
anyway i loved the video txs again
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Hi All! I’m reading as fast as I can to keep up. Grandkiddies keeping me busy. Lovin it! Tons of thanks for all the updates. You guys are the best.
Ted, glad you enjoyed your mountain man trip. 😉
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FRANNIE got a new job?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------guess this heat has fried my little brain.
don’t have anything to say about the game….cuz, why? it’s so boring.
hugs to all..
bbgal…my babies are (lemme think) 33 and 29…sigh.
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OH and bbgal…have fun with your son. i’d love my girls to actually want to spend time with me. and Jane…i don’t think mine ever came out of the teen years.
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Hey, y’all. I don’t post often but I follow your posts with interest. To be honest I’m bored as hell with the whole bunch. Janelle – a good body? Somebody needs lazer vision! Boogie is worse than Willie and should have left before him. Since he is just there for a holiday and tanning they should give him a ticket home now. CBS was really eaching when they came up with the coach idea – it’s a total failure and, in my opinion, doesn’t allow some of the regulars who may have something interesting to tell (or some creativity) to really show their game. Personally I think Ian will surprise a lot of people. He may be geeky but I don’t think he’s dumb. Dumb is Danielle for not catching on to Shane and his sham-mance with her, I’ve rambled – sorry. I sure hope Janelle goes tonite then Boogie, Dan and Britney!
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I don’t want any of the BB house guests to tell Janelle she is going out, including Ashley. I just can’t wait to see her face on Thursday when it happens. Please BB, give us this!
Does everyone on here still think Janelle is going to be evicted? I don’t have the live feeds, so I don’t know if anything changed! Please tell me that Dan and Shane were lying to her!
Hi Jane – I was not trying to ignore you, I don’t come on much and have just been catching up on the previous comments. Hope all is well with you!
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BETTY the plan is still for janelle to go home thurs 8-1 – that is if the producers dont pull something
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@MM, your not rambling, I find the personal stuff entertaining. Keep it up. If this blog was all BB stuff, I’d leave due to im not retired im 47 and disabled and take care of my 4yr old grandson, so I don’t miss a beat on this blog. So to ya all thanks for all the updates
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Why Janelle! Boogie is the biggest threat in the house – and the smoothest. Danielle let her “hate” for Janelle to get in her way. She’s smart but mean. I don’t get everyone’s faith in Shane – good looking, strong, but dumb as a wet rag (“what’s opium?” among other comments). Frank is foul. Ian is my choice for winner of a pretty badly-thought-out BB season.
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JUNCAN i have to agree with u regarding ian still water runs deep he is going to be showing his stuff sooner then later he is playing a good game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BETTY i really think the amazon is going and i would tell her an hour befor the live eviction so she could compose her self, I think they r saying what she wants to hear just to still the waters, I am a bit surprised none of her “team”” has leaked it to her yet, but looks like she only has the caterpillar man left so no help there, i am counting the min’s till she is gone
MACY OMG i never thought of that at this stage nothing would surprise me and can u imagine if she gets evicted and she returns to another amrica vote
yeah sure america vote big lol but it is bb and expect the unexpectd
TOMI txs for not being upset in regard to my rambling i do tend to go off lol gettin to be who comments more star me and now we have bobo doing it too hey tomi have u heard bobo is retired and like me has a lot of time on our hands LMAO, u r a good grandparent and parent to care for your 4 yr old grandchild so i guess this blog is good for you mentally also lol
ok ok we are going to get rain any minute (halleyuah) lighting and thunder and boy do we need it as does mike and frannie, hey mike close the still down and get back to the log cabin shut the windows rains a comin lol
and sorry tedster with this new laptop i still do not have spell check
ciao to all my bloggers
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I know most everyone hates Boggie, but you have to give him credit for pulling out a miracle! I never liked him before, but I sure do now! I think he could convince me that my lawn is purple! 😆 I love to see someone in the BB House use their brain. Again, I just call it, like I see it. Hope this does not offend anyone!
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😳 Forgot to give Macy1231231 a shoot out -Thanks for the update!
Mama Margie…the way Janelle has played this game she does not deserve a heads up! (Just my opinion)!!
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What good is a back door move if ya tell the person your backdooring?
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Danielle says that she feels so bad that Trey has to see all this .. that he was so excited he knew if I disappeared then I got on the show.. and that he went out and bought a DVR to watch every episode. Danielle says that she doesn’t even want a showmance with Shane. Danielle says that she overheard Trey’s friends tell him that she was the girl he was going to marry. Danielle says that there was no red flags with him. She says that she cried up in the HOH room because of how torn she is, and that Trey didn’t treat me like this. Danielle says that she doesn’t think Trey will still be there. He doesn’t even know how much I liked him and how attracted I was to him… if he had asked me to be his girlfriend I would have said yes and none of this would have happened. Now he just thinks I am a fat a$$ on TV, will he even want me anymore. Britney says probably not, after the kissing. But that the right relationship can survive this game. Danielle remembers a red flag about Trey saying that his friends said he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. Danielle says I hope Trey is listening to this conversation or that someone can tell Trey Gorman on facebook that she misses him and that this has been really blown way out of proportion. Danielle lists off all the things Shane does and how initiates everything and that yes I do give in because I like it and I like the attention. She says that he is a douche. Danielle says that once she makes up her mind she can stop and Shane can come hard and strong all day long and I won’t give in. Danielle says she wishes she could just get a phone call with trey. Britney explains how embarrassing it must be for Trey. Big Brother cuts the feeds to the we will be right back.
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danielle danielle danielle where to begin, this is the first i have heard of trey and now u worry about it. i guess the air in the hoh ivory tower does something to your brain seems to effect most hoh. can this change of heart have to do with something shane said to u in private or someone else and u r tring to save face? do u feel u do not need shane cause u have boogers and his merry band of bandits. and now i wonde how many people are headin straight to goggle, tweets or what ever the heck it is and face book to lool up trey gorman, omg can u imagine how many guys have that name and now will be receiving tons of messages, not too smart danielle. and my dear here is a newsflash for you i doubt shane will be trying to get back into your good graces or any other reason, my dear u need to read between the lines, maybe this will be a lesson well learned i can only hope so
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till later fellow bloggers
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This blog sucks!!!
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@Bobo, @mm:
Great updates. Seems a master plan to evict Janelle is underway but wonder hoe solid the six who theoretically cut a deal earlier this week’s “alliance” really is.
Does seem to be heating up a little but I must admit I am still quite bitter about CBS and its manipulation of the game in recent years. From what I can see, Janelle seems to think she has the votes to stay and will be quite surprised should she be blindsided on Thursday. I thought I’d hate Boogie’s part in this but he is playing the game and using the truth to his advantage while it seems Janelle has become lazy and chooses to lie and talk down to the newbies. What will be interesting is when/if Danielle hears the crap Boogie said about her. It does seem her and Britney have formed and nice bond and I thank casting for putting Ian in there as he is fun to watch.
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MOM MARG can u imagine the fury janelle would have for all the hg – ESPECIALLY against brit! in case yall r wondering about the macy1231231 – i laugh everytime someone types it – my name is bendi – my daughter made it up – silly kid
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Thanks everyone for info!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you are not happy here you should go away!
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Hey Kevin Thank you! I think I have too much time on my hands As an old guy! 😆 MM!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just like to be a part of this blog! I think I should be a little less vocal 🙂
See you all soon!
tomi….. I get it! As an old retired guy & a Disabled Veteran I do love all the cool up dates my friend!
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Danielle says if Trey had asked me to be his GF none of this would have happened with Shane.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12pm Danielle comes back from the diary room and says that Janelle was asking if you were up here. Britney says that Janelle is going to want to campaign with me all day. Britney says that she wants to tell Janelle that she is voting the way Danielle does and that she isn’t telling me till 5:45pm on Thursday. Britney says that if we were outside the house I would tell you that Shane is that douche bag boyfriend that I would never like. Britney tells Danielle that she should just have a causal flirty relationship with Shane. She says that casual flirty people don’t cuddle and don’t kiss. Danielle says that she doesn’t want a relationship because he doesn’t even know anything about Tray. Britney says oh poor Trey. She says that she had feelings for Trey and that she didn’t even know how he felt because it was so new. Danielle says that after she won the HOH she ran to the diary room and told them not to put a photo of Trey in her HOH room……
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Danielle is a dingbat!!
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Who the hell is Trey. I think she meant George… ummm George Glass.
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I tried to look up Trey on FB but there was 4, I was going to tell him to run like hell shes a dingbat
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Shane mentions that either Ashley is good at acting or she’s really hurt. Shane: ‘I almost had to carry her out of the Diary Room (Apparently Ashley has a hurt back) Danielle thinks that Ashley has an addictive personality.. she hints at pill usage. Shane says the Diary Room keeps giving Ashley pain medication.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I knew she always looked stoned and now I know why,shes beeb using my happy pills
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After watching a very carefully editied BB tonight, Janelle is not going home, production is going to make sure of it!
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@ Mel….I am so worried that you may be right about production pulling something so that Janelle will be staying. Why not? Isn’t that their M.O., after all. I stopped watching BB last year because of production, I just hope they have learned their lesson. I am going to pray to the BB gods that Janelle hoes home to her hubby and baby. “Janelle, don’t let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya”.
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The production and editing element this season has become beyond ridiculous. If you have Live Feeds or watch BBAD, the stuff they show on Wednesdays and Sundays seems ancient and lamely produced.
I just saw this on Twitter:
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
Just FYI: If you’re watching the show, Janelle DID answer Boogie and not stay quiet! She said “..Put him up!” CBS editing. #BB14
Also, I watched the whole Boogie Dan talk (about 45 minutes) in the Storage Room and CBS made a stutter Dan had into and non-answer when that not the way it went down. So sad. So the above tweet reveals CBS editing out Janelle’s response, which made her look lamer than she was and it (CBS) also made Dan look like he was stuttering. Thanks for insulting our intelligence again Grodner & Company. and thanks for confusing our loyalty to the show for stupidity. No wonder so many HGs are losing their mind. Manipulation is one thing but being totally hoodwinked quite another. You owe us.
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-This is some comment that I read from a bloger, but wouldnt put it past production to do it I GOT IT!
Production has taken Ashley off her pain meds and will remove her from the game for medical reasons and then announce that since she is going home, there will be no eviction this week and Janelle is saved from going home.
Production has struck again!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I could see it happening
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@ Mike….I sure hope not. That would be an all time low, even for Big Brother. How accurate has this other blogger been so far? Also, what is their source? Inquiring minds want to know.
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@Frannie, its just someone saying what if, like we do on here, but I still wouldnt put it past them.
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Oh….only a what if! You had me worried. Whew! You are right my friend, that would be something they would dream up. Did you get any rain today? We finally got some a few days ago. You wouldn’t believe how fast things started to green up. Hopefully you got some rain and the temps will get cooler for you.
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no rain on the mountain, still as dry as a popcorn fart
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MM got rain….maybe you will get some soon. Night Mike, CYA tomorrow!
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Nite Frannie, sounds like a good idea
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@Shelley comment 36
you say this blog sucks well u did not say what
let me try and guess
lollipops, life savers, thin mints????
i have no idea what u r looking for in a blog, perhaps you can start one and try to find out. I think this blog has it all, but what do i know what i read in my library books and see on tv.
u know there is no lock on either side of the to this blog, no one is keeping you in or out, if u r not happy ciao
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i hope u feel better getting it off your chest what ever was bugging you
in my opinion i think our host and hostess should be thanked not slammed
and good luck to the next blog u go to as there is an old saying
you know what you have, but do not know what you are going to get.
I think it is best you make an exit, we here want to enjoy bb and other stuff , seems like you are not
good luck
so your loss adios, ciao and byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
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MM, you sure have a way with words. I couldn’t have said it better myself. We are a happy family here, and we don’t need any more Shelly’s here. Buh, bye!
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hey kev so nice to see u i missed your blogs, i have to agree with u re the coaches. omg i hope mel and mike r wrong but i would not put anything past bb prods, after all expect the unexpected
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------macy love how u got your name that was so precious and yes i am expecting the amaozon to explode sooner then later
mike and frannie we got rain i was so happy wanted to do a happy dance two nites in a row woo hoo
so glad i do not h ave to water the plants
hope bbad is better tonite sure hope so
hugs to all my darlings
ciao and if i get any grapevine news i will be sure to pass it along
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Mike may be right. The feeds are down and have been down for about an hour. I hope that whatever it is, Janelle still goes home tomorrow. If they pull a Pandora’s box or something, I am going to be so pissed!
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fp2, what was going on before the feeds went down?
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@ Mel….I didn’t have the feeds up till afterwards. Hold on…they just came up. More to follow…
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OK, so they must have had some kind of party. Janelle, Danelle and Brit are cleaning cake and confetti up off the kitchen floor. I see a pizza box on the counter and Brit said they had music. That explains the feeds going to trivia, it always does.
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It looks like they had a cake fight because Danielle has it all over her arms and someone said it was in their hair.
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Ok, the feeds are back to being boring…night all! 🙂
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thanks FP2 still going with Frank out the door tomorrow night, my guess is votes against Frank will be Shane, Brit, Joe, Dan and Ashley.
Then Booger will have to have a showman-manch with Wil
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Big Brother @bigbrothernet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So did they let Frank out of his unitard for the party & now he’s back in it so they can film out of timeline? Oh CBS & their editing. #BB14
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Hi Margie, I choose lemonade!! (made from CBS production’s lemons). 😉
…so on with the show.
Thanks to all for keeping us updated. I did go back and read all comments. I would mention names, but would surly forget some.
Looks like Janelle is still on the hustle. Her approach with each HG is a bit different. With girls, she likes to bring up Brigade type alliances. With Danielle, she likes to bring up Boogie’s “Ho-mance” in all-stars. With vets, she brings up that the newbies will get them out. With Wil & Ashley, she brings up the teams from pre day 27.
All solid arguments… unless people compare notes. And one thing people do is talk.. and compare notes. So good luck with all that. And of course Janelle is playing the, “You’d be crazy to vote me out”, card that all HGs on the block play. It really does crack me up all the spins that have been put on this argument over the years.. it is truly one of my faves. Apparently, voting out HG “A” is just like writing a $500,000 check to HG “B”. Who knew?
It looks like Janelle will be leaving tomorrow.. unless one of her arguments really hits home with someone.. and that someone can help rally a few more votes. Doubt it though at this point.
Not sure exactly who I am rooting for. I do hope Janelle gets voted out tomorrow.
Janelle… makes things interesting with all her schemes.. but it’s time to go now. You already had a 27 day free pass.
Frank.. puts Harry Houdini to shame.
Ian.. likable awkward kid. Hope he gets over the “happy to be there” phase soon.
Ashley… always seems high as a giraffe’s ass.
Wil…. stop with that cartoonish voice you do… creeps me out. But glad you saw through Janelle’s BS.
Dan… Psssst.. the game has started! Time to start trying!!
Britney… why are you here again? Oh yeah.. plan A fell through. She does crack me up though.. when she’s not being a mean girl.
Boogie… Seems to live by Gordon Gekko’s words, “Greed is good”
Shane… dude can win some comps!!
Danielle… good week, but time to quit patting yourself on the back.. you might need that arm healthy for a future comp.
Was that everyone?? I count 11… thought there were still 12 in there!! Hmmm… I better have a look… BRB
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sing along if y'all want
Forgettable…. that’s what you are….. forgettable…..
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Hi Guys, so the silent six want to blindside Janielle, well I really hope Dan and Danielle are gone soon, he really has too much power and control over danielle she would do anything for him.
And I would love it if a Newbie Blindsides Boogie’s smarmy ass, it’s usually the one’s you hate in the end, what a shame. Also, I really can’t stand Joe, seems like he’s a heart attack waiting to happen, that man is really annoying. Did you notice how he drinks gallons of Ice Tea A day, he never stops drinking that. and he constantly runs his mouth and complains.
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Good assessment JT
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Hi Aggie, it’s past my bedtime! 😯 ..keep your ears open for any change there may be in the vote.
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Hi JT, will do, goodnight
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JT u crack me up..
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IMHO, there were two key things tonight, first the aliance before the silent 6 with Ian to get rid of Frank. Second was Booger during the former coaches meeting stating he isn’t going to give up Frank this week.
Those will be what CBS uses to keep Janelle and get rid of Frank tonorrow night, which also throws Booger into a tizzy having to scramble to find someone to aline himself with.
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So Glad Joe’s days are numbered, it seems they all want this guy out because nobody trusts him. It will be funny when Janelle goes, what will Joe do then? They should just tell him they don’t trust him period.
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Thanks for the info everyone! Goodnight all 🙂

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Boogie is wondering why they just had that ½ way party. He thinks that 2 people are going home tomorrow.
7:52pm Cam 3-4 Britney and Boogie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boogie tells her the party would of gone longer if it wasn’t for the cake party. Janelle had started the Food fight. Boogie doesn’t understand why it’s not like they were drinking. Boogie says that during season 7 someone did that and it was a bitch to clean up.
They are talking about 2 people being knocked out on Thursday. Boogie is positive it’s happening he thinks having the ½ way party on a wednesday night is really odd.
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I for one hope it is a double eviction. If they had a brain among Them, they would be discussing a second person now so their not glaring or scrambling in those 5 min before nominations. And put Joe up and get rid pf him.
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Danielle says Janelle’s lip has so much collagen in it that it is starting to do the wave.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1am Danielle and Dan in the arcade room talking about Janelle. Danielle says that she hates bullying and says that she has struggled with anorexia growing up so it hurts to hear that Janelle was calling her fat. Danielle says that she knew Janelle called her fat. She says I have known the whole time! She says that she has known girls like Janelle before. Danielle says that she wishes Dan could have seen the way she looks at her. I wish you could have seen the way she looked at me on the ship, it was the worst. You will see it when you get home. Danielle says that Janelle told Wil he was not allowed to cheer for me. I want to knock her in her face and walk away. Danielle says that she has had a bad feeling about Janelle from the start. Dan and Danielle talk about how Boogie figured out she is nurse. Danielle asks why Janelle is threatened by her? Dan asks what do you want a coach answer or personal. Danielle says both. Dan tells Danielle that it doesn’t matter, she is gone! Dan says that she is probably threatened by you, she is getting older. Dan says that Janelle probably wanted people to vote out Kara for personal reasons. Dan says at the end of the day you get the last laugh without being mean about it. Dan says that she is going to be in Minnesota watching the live feeds and there is nothing she can do about it. Dan tells Danielle that when she gets older things like this won’t bother her as much. Danielle says that it’s just that Janelle just had a baby and she is attacking me.
Hey MIKE!…………….
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