Hello Everyone!
First of all, to let you know, we have a couple of new posters at the end of the last blog. I just approved their comments, so “regulars”, go back there and make them feel welcome!
Next, I have no idea what to say on here! I don’t know who to believe since everyone seems to be telling everyone else what they want to hear. As Mama Margie says, I heard through the grapevine that last night Shane told Brittany that he was voting her out. Then I heard she took both Xanax and drank (a lot) and ended up in the ER. I haven’t had a chance to read yesterday’s comments, so I’m not sure if you saw that too. After I finish this very short blog, I plan to spend a little while on Flashback to see what the heck was going on. I did hear that Brittany was back in the house and sleeping.
That’s it for now. You have a fresh page. Have a great day. Bloggergal
Seriously? OMG, Britney is over the edge. This is a game. I watched BBAD from Monday night and she was whining how she has been picked on this whole season. Not on your life. She really needs to go. If she really did that, then she was going for the sympathy vote and that’s just stupid. Thanks for the info Bloggergal. Please let us know what you find out.
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I’m watching the Flashback now. Brittany was drunk and went to bed. Danielle checked on her and then we had fish. I’m not sure if there was a connection. Ian is also drunk and acting strange. Bloggergal
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I know she passed out but didnt know the rest, maybe shes pulling a Dan, like when he came out of the have not room and said he felt strange, hey it worked for him
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cant really see the medics giving someone a xanax after a whole bottle of wine – maybe medic was off for the night – (somebody’s gonna get axed) if that happened
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did you see the way that solitary room was painted? It looked like a Hitchcock movie set!!!
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these house guests sound like freshman in a dorm room environment…hey let’s get drunk tonite and either throw up or rush me to emergency rook to have my stomach pumped…pretty pathetic…send them all home and declare Willie the winner of Big Brother 14 by default…and in ending …Brittaney’s new name is NOW THE BACK DOOR MAMA…she got back doored lock stock and yes barrelled…and now she gets to experince a 1 week paid vacation with waco women Ashley…good looking…but not capable of doing 2 things at 1 time…
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I miss my afterdark feeds. I can’t believe Brittny. She is a real actress. Her husband better be paying attention. She is quite the manipulater.
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Ian doesn’t have to be drunk to be strange. He IS strange.
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Hi everyone! I’m back, trying to get caught up. Luckily for us Isaac went further west, but not so lucky for the folks in Louisiana and Mississippi.
I watched a few minutes of BBAD last night, where Brittany and Danielle were talking and Brittany told Danielle that Ian had told her she (Brit) was going home this week. Poor Danielle, she’s not going home but was SO upset.
We’re still watching the weather but nothings going on here in the Florida Panhandle.
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OMG _ this has been the most bizzare season EVER. I still love the show and will always be a fan – but they need to find some better contestants next year. I’m happy to volunteer my services and help them with that screening process – – – — I sure couldn’t do any worse than they did this year. LOL
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I took this from the other page wanted to tell you all what is up with me!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you all for the well wishes! I have Fibromyalgia which gives you pain & Flu like symptoms They say I got this from Agent Orange among other things wrong with me! MM you are right I am a klutz β I fell going up my stares last night, flip flop problem π Messed up my knees elbow & shoulder! You know what God says he wonβt give you more then you can bare! I think I am getting close to unbearable! π
Thanks for all the up dates, Trying to get my mind around all that has happened.. Sorry to see Brit go, she is very funny, no real game but I like her, Danie is such a cry baby, I think itβs just for attention! The little guy Ian is a real gamer, As for the rest of the house guests, Not so thrilled with them , but Frank is playing with the wrong guy..Dan! Thanks againβ¦.. hope to see you soon..
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Wow Bloggergal, that’s sad if true about Britney. Thanks for the update!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the newcomers. You’ll love our group!
Now I’ll go back and read all the posts I missed from the prior blog and this new one.
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Welcome new people π
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I agree with you Bobo !! you need to get you a stair master that lets you sit on while going up. I can’t figure out no of them, except Ashly was flying around on a cloud, seems to me. I will still watch, yes the girls cry to much, Brit is good, but some of these newbies will stab anyone in their back, they act like they have a NEED FOR GREED
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welcome new bloggers π
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@LizaJane, you and nearly all of us would love to help CBS with their HG choices. Maybe you could offer your services personally and we would all cheer you on. π Welcome!
@K11, thanks for the update on losing their guy to The Glass House. I too hope they do something to get him back. I watched it one time and their comps were at least interesting. BB is too predictable now.
@Bobo, you poor thing. My niece has a really bad case of Fibromyalgia and you have my sympathies. It’s nothing to snicker about that’s for sure. Go slower going up the stairs. π xo
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I watched BBAD last night and it made me sick the way Danielle and the rest of the house guest kept pushing Brit to drink a whole bottle of wine by herself. They kept saying ” Drink, take another drink”. She apparently did not want to but they kept egging her on. She finally got up and away from the table to go for a swim. I couldn’t believe they way they were treating her, like they were trying to get her to pass out.
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Thank you starfish & swt ……… π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Going to my Chiropractor in a little while…. See you later, keep up the good work everyone………..
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Unbelievable that Brittany could be pushed into something like that. I thought she was stronger but guess not. Meds and drinking are a bad combo, being a pharmaceutical rep she knew that. The people in the house and the game are not worth putting your life in jeopardy. What must her husband think of this. Too much!
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I was very upset at the house guests last night that were urging Brit to keep drinking! Don’t they know that alcohol is a depressant? Brit was depressed enough!
If it is true that Brit took a Xanax after drinking all that wine I think production should have pulled her off the show; however, if this was just an act by Brit it would serve her right if she had her stomach pumped at the hospital, as it is a horrible procedure to go through. What an awful way to learn a lesson for a stupid game move!
Welcome new bloggers. Glad you are here!
Bobo and Hannah I hope you both start feeling better real soon. You are in my prayers!
Hi to Little One!!
Bloggeral, love your write ups. Please let us know what actually happened to Brit!
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My post was lost???
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------YESTERDAY, THEY MEANT ALOT.
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I know how you eel Bobo they told me a year ago i have it and now they like to blame other problems on it. I fell 6 weeks ago got hurt pretty bad hit my head in 2 places now the fluid that built up became infected hurts like hell. How do you manage the day to day pain?
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Welcome newbies
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WELCOME NEWBIES!!!! my name is bendi – if u want to reply to anything regarding my posts – u can leave off the 1231231 – ha – think im the only macy on here….laters
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I never found confirmation that Brittany really went to the ER, but I quit looking so I can’t be sure. I seriously don’t know who is lying, acting, manipulating, serious, kidding, crazy, sane or anything else in that house! An example…Ian said that he has been watching Big Brother a long, long time. Then he said (among other things) since before 9/11, since before I had “pubes”. Hey, he said it not me. Anyway, Jenn got all upset because she said he was making a joke out of what happened on 9/11. I had to go back and replay, but all he said was he has been watching Big Brother since before 9/11. Jenn must be getting jealous of all the attention Danielle is getting acting like a drama queen. Ian used 9/11 as a point of reference, he didn’t say anything about it. Frank went outside and was hugging Jenn while she cried. Jenn was saying she wants “that kid” out of this house. That’s when I got tired of the Flashbacks and shut down. Bloggergal
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Linda Brown and Joan I so agree with your posts. I also made a comment about the house guests urging her on to drink, however it was lost, probably went into spam. Hopefully Bloggergal can retrieve it. I felt sorry for Brit, but when I heard about the Xanax she took I was horrified! Why risk for life for the sake of a game show? Production should have sent her home.
Bendi I think I was always call you Macy1231231!
Bobo, Tammy and Hannah I hope you all feel better soon.
Welcome newbies!!
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Tammy Like my friend Mike the Hillbilly says lots of Happy piles(Pain Meds.) Massage & Chiropractic care + I have a spar in my home summer & winter the jets help when things get really bad, other than that you just got to live with it β You get good days & then sometimes bad ones… π
Going to scan thru BBAD noe see you soon……….. π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The weather does not help with all the rain we had in NJ!
I am so sorry to hear about you, I hope you are doing better β₯
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Bloggergal two posts have been lost, can you find them?
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@Betty …… when they get lost, there LOST IN CYBERSPACE
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Thanks for the info and I’m anxious to see what happens on Thursday. Here on the east coast there is a NFL game on, so BB won’t be shown until 2am Friday morning. I’ve set the dvr and I’ll have to check it when I get up Friday morning to see the actual show, but in the meantime I’ll be reading here to stay on top of all the action.
It’s good to know that I can always get up to the minute info here. It should be an interesting night for sure !
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Danie & Brit were the only house guests awake and in the bathroom. Brit tells Danie that we are locked out of the backyard! I think itβs going to be an endurance. Brit was worried that she said a bunch of curse words or something bad. Danie told her no, that you were even nice to Frank and that she had nothing to worry about last night! Brit said that she canβt believe how much of a douche Ian was being to her. She said that she felt really bad and a bit guilty because she made him drink with her. Danie kept telling her she was fine she was not cursing or slurring her words π Brit recounts how she got drunk and told the story about her and her husband doing it and getting caught be his father. And how after his dad called him a stud! Brit says that his family could have been watching the show last night. She said that she was so embarrassed with herself….. A very funny drunk, but no pills while you down a bottle of wine! Not sure why she said that about Ian, she & he were in the pool talking game for a long time… Okay that’s it going back to the show, bye again! π
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Thanks Snake, I thought they went to spam!
My comments were about how awful all the house guests were to Brit last night when they urged her to drink. Alcohol is a depressant and Brit was depressed enough. If she really took a Xanax after drinking I think production should have taken her off the show. If she did this for attention, shame on her for risking her life for a game show!
I agrees with Linda Brown and Joan – good comments.
Bobo, Tammy and Hannah I hope you all feel better soon.
Hi to Little One
Bendi I will always call you Macy1231231 π
Where is Ted? I have a Pandora Box for him to open!! π
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Jen’s turning on Ian because of his 9/11 comment was absurd. He was in no way disrespectful. She was acting like a complete idiot about it. Jen is a loose cannon in the house – should have been taken care of long ago. Frank, of course, is using Jen’s distress (?) for his own purposes. He really has a rotten streak despite his game-playing ability. I find him mean and disgusting. Shane is a blank. Danielle is a kinda pathetic would-be diva – and I feel sorry for Brittany, who has the only intelligent sense of humor in the house. Oops, I forgot about Ian, who gets some good ones off too. I think Ian is great. Everyone seems to expect him to behave like people who are many years his senior. I hope Ian is America’s favorite. He’s mine. Incidentally what is the cook still doing in the house? He has contributed nothing to the season…a really bad casting choice.
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ian is the biggest weido i have ever seen–he said big brother told him to act like a nerd but he needs to be committed
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brittany is so cute and such a great actress –she should have a movie
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dan is the smartest player ever –frank is loyal to boogie a doesnt let people push him around–bring boogie back to throw off weido ian
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Thanks again for another great day of info, bloggers. I have family in Mississippi that are getting some rough stuff right now. Scary! Still wish Brit could stay! I hope I can figure out how to record tonights show cause I am a teacher and tonight is meet the teacher night. LOL
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@Jake, Hey we are the only ones like Ian, its good to have some one else
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Welcome to all you new guys. This is a great group here. Cares about you personally as well as BB news! Actually in that order!
I saw Frank and Joe egging Brit on to finish the whole bottle of wine. then Dani took Brit inside the house to help her get on her bikini. Brit was telling Dani that she was the best thing that happed to her and how much she loved her and gave lots of wine-drenched advice about being wary of Dan andhow to win the game. Made her promise to win the game, in fact. Then Brit and Ian got in the pool and splashed and whispered for the rest of BBAD. Couldn’t understand a word they were saying.
@marsha Glad the storm missed you. Awful stuff those hurricanes. The panhandle and gulf coast have suffered a lot over the years.
@bobo 3 words – one level house. No killer stairs to attack you in a one story. Please be careful!!!! Bobo, I belonged to a grass-roots organization that worked to shut down the chemical company that made Agent Orange. We did, in fact, and got that area and 2 other areas nearby declared superfund sites (because of illegal dumping). It was horrible. Court cases, picketing here and in DC, 60 Minutes knocking on my door (wouldn’t let them in but sent hubby out to be interviewed). My protesting years are behind me but I’ve read enough studies to know what exposure to AO can do. Thinking about that time still makes me angry, and I really feel for you, bobo
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Boy that Jen is a pease of work, she got all bend out of shape when she was put on the block,all POed at Ian for 911, hell up till she was put on the block no one knew she was in the house. what is she going to do when they exict her kill all of them. Jen get a life and grow-up. Ian got drunk and said things last nite, but most peeople do when they get drunk, but oh no Ian not allowed to they think it is so bad
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Sorry everyone, I DO NOT feel sorry for Brit. No one can make you do something you don’t want to do. She is the one who said she wanted to drink the bottle of wine and a beer. She tells Dani she has to promise to win the game but she told Ian the same thing. I for one am glad to see her go but this is BB, so maybe she won’t be going home. I am still team Frank, if he didn’t win the comps, he would have been gone. No one will give him a fair chance, everyone he makes deals with stab him in the back. Brit just got caught with all her kiss a–ing and now she has to go. Even her #1 sheep is voting against her. You know what I am going to miss when the season ends, all of you.
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Thanks for clearing up the Ian veto. What a waste of a veto. Thanks to Isaac, I won’t be able to see the next 2 shows. Power has been out here since 9pm Tuesday, and will prolly be out til Friday cause we got trees and telephone poles down everywhere. And Entergy can’t come out til winds drop below 30mph. And Isaac still hanging out in N.O. like a tourist. Got about 1/4 battery left on this iPhone then that’s a wrap. So I guess I’ll catch up on Friday hopefully. Peace.
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Wow, longest post I ever wrote. I must be bored. π
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I agree Jake. Jen should have been taken care of a long time ago. One way or the other get Brit out!
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Patricia…Thank you love….. π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey did you see that Danie was the one pushing Brit to drink more then anyone else? :mrgrean: What a good loving friend she is, tears and all β
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it should be a good show tonight, BBL
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π π
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@JAKE & HILLBILLY MIKE π I also like Ian. That’s why I couldn’t figure out what he did that was soooooooooo bad that he is now he devil of the house. He only did what DAN, BRIT, SHANE, & DANI asked him to do when he was spying on Booger & Frank. SO what makes THEM so fricking special & him sooooo evil?????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As for Frank…..he’s GREAT at comps….but the dude doesn’t think for himself AT ALL in my opinion. First he was Booger’s puppet…now he’s going to be Dan’s puppet until Dan doesn’t need him anymore which is basically NOW!! I lost some respect for Frank when he didn’t kick Booger to the curb for going for the money in the HOH comp & putting them both in danger of being noms…..& I lost the rest of it when he fell hook, line, & sinker for Dan’s bullshit when he came out of solitary. Frank is a great guy but he really needs to THINK FOR HIMSELF!! Great at comps but can be led around by the nose…..no respect for that crap at all.
Shane…..another one great at comps. Can’t man-up to save his life. Always throwing others under the bus for his own dirty work. No respect there.
Brit…well, I have a soft spot for Brit cause she kind of reminds me of my niece with her biting humor…but game?? has none.
Jenn & Joe…..there just are no words. Blow them out of the house please.
Dani…..that is the neediest female I’ve seen in a loooooooooong time. Soooo over her tears. Get rid of her.
Ian….at least he had the balls to tell Booger what the deal was & he did apologize to Booger & Frank for it. Then Dan stepped in…..neglecting to tell his hand in the spying & made Ian the devil. I’d like to bitch-slap Dan into next year!! Great manipulator but it goes waaaaaaay past game play & in my book that makes him a nasty ass person to boot. Just look what he did to Dani….& was grinning about it. NO WAY. Get rid of him.
Wouldn’t mind seeing Frank in the F2 IF HE starts thinking for himself…with Ian in 2nd place & Ian to win America’s Fave.
Ok ……I guess that was everyone. π Just my take on things. Everybody is entitled to their opinions & that is mine. Don’t throw rotten eggs my way. π
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@ACBe careful dude. Check in when you can ok?
@BOBOHope you feel better soon.
OK gotta go. BB is on. π
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Hi Bobo we have a hot tub as well keep it running all year it does help some in the winter one extreme cold days. i take happy pills too but some days they might as well be candy lol
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Good show tonight….What a good actor Dan is. He knew he had to hurt Dani so people would feel sorry for her and not vote her out. Great jobβ¦how did he figure all that out? I would have just left on Thursday and been done. Itβs never over till the fat lady sings. Now, I hope he can backdoor Frank and get him out of there. We shall see….. I wouldn’t mind seeing Shane, Dan and Frank in the final 3. That would make for a good ending to see who wins the final HOH comps.
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Hey Frannie…I feel asleep !!!! Going to watch the show now π see you soon…..
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AC: Hang tough brother. We’re all thinking of you and anyone else in Isaac’s path.
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Good to hear that Bobo….catch up on your sleep whenever you can my friend. π
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ronica β@youngthemidget
@Tawny_Leigh look at this, i cannot stop laughing at britney’s http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9djexHuij1r3z1j3o1_500.gif
BBFeeds / Spoilers β@BBFeeds_BB14
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Before and after. #BB14 #BigBrother #POV http://twitpic.com/ap2knl
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Jenn and Joe are the most annoying but not a great cast I agree.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------That’s tood bad
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omgoodness – feeds have been on joe sleeping everytime i enter where computer is – i think for the last hour and a half – guess the production crew is eating dinner – come on – i’d rather see the fish than joes arm going to sleep under his belly…
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BETTY – ah- ite – call me whaterver – just dont call me late for dinner – who siad that anyway? movie quote…
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Betty…sorry, I don’t know why your comments were in limbo (Glass House lingo!)
The new blog is up, but you might want to wait until after you watch the show.
Sending positive light to all my friends here on B-B-Blog. Have a safe, peaceful sleep. Bloggergal
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In defense of Jenn, New Yorkers are very touchy about 911 and Ian should not have used it as a reference. He didn’t say anything wrong, but he certainly could have used another time reference.
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Thanks Bloggergal I hated repeating myself.
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Good show tonight, I can only hope, somebody will get Dan out π
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