Hi, y’all!
Well, J-U-Double-D was evicted last night. As bad as I felt the first time that Judd was evicted, I wasn’t that upset this time. As opposed to the first time he was voted out, Judd brought this one on himself by not being a very good player. In fact, when you consider just how bad Judd turned out to be at this game, it makes it even more hilarious that Helen considered evicting him to be a “HUMONGOUS MOVE!”
I still like Judd, personally, and I would have enjoyed seeing him make it to the final two but oh well. If nothing else, Judd, along with Elissa, seems like the only player this season with a chance to be asked back for an All-Stars season.
(If Judd had won, he really should have given half the money to his bear shirt because, seriously, I think the bear shirt is the most popular thing in the house this season.)
Anyway, after Judd was evicted, Andy won HoH. Making it even worse is that Andy won HoH as the result of guessing a number. Andy’s guess wasn’t anywhere close but both McCrae and GinaMarie went over with their guess so Andy won. It’s bad enough that the rat won HoH. The fact that he won it by randomly guessing a number makes it even worse.
Anyway, Andy nominated McCrae and Spencer for eviction. I’m not surprised that he nominated McCrae but I am surprised that he went with Spencer instead of GM. Spencer is Andy’s closest ally in the house so why even offer up the chance for Gina Marie to have change of heart and vote him out of the house?
They had the veto competition earlier today and Andy won. So, it appears that the nominations will remain the same and, as the only houseguest with a vote, Gina Marie will tell either McCrae and Spencer to “get to stepping.” And, as of right now, it seems pretty certain that McCrae will be hte one sent to the jury house.
And then, the final three HGs will compete for the chance to the the final head of household.
We’ll see it all tonight!
Even better, we’ll finally get a chance to see what’s happening in the jury house. Rumor has it that Amanda has been up to her old bullying way, telling people that they better vote for McCrae to win. (Of course, what she doesn’t know is that McCrae is probably going to be voted out tonight.) Reportedly, Amanda feels that the only way McCranda will get on the Amazing Race is if McCrae wins the game.
Myself, I’m less concerned with Amanda and more curious to see if Aaryn has said anything to Candice. I have a feeling that if Aaryn is talking to anyone, she’s probably talking to Helen and Helen is probably telling her that the studio audience was wrong and that everyone loves her. (“You are Janelle. You made some HUMONGOUS moves in the house…”)
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Thanks LM. Great summation. 🙂
As to the HOH comp last night. I do not like their tie breakers especially for such an important HOH. They should increase the number of questions to 4 more and who ever wins at the end wins. This number guessing and whoever is under or over wins is a bunch of crap. IMHO Can you tell I don’t like it?
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The Amazing Race, really? Those two were vomiting from a little twirling. They’d be out so fast unless they did some serious endurance training first.
Since is appears that McC is going, out of the 3 stooges left, I would hope for GM to win it all. I agree with JT, because he’s always spot on, that if it’s between Hands Down my Pants and the Red Rat, that the jury would probably give it to Andy.
Whatta a year! Yuk
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It was such an exciting show last night I fell asleep and missed half the show!
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Wow, where is everybody. Are you guys that sick of BB?
@Lizzie, happy you’re posting now. Always good to have new intelligent opinions about BB with good insight.
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I am looking forward to what’s going on in the Jury house. I wish they did live feeds in there — that would be interesting.
I agree Starfish, McCranda on Amazing Race is a joke… there are no beds to lay in for hours on end!!
At this point I am hoping for “Hands Down my Pants or up my Nose” and GM in the final two with GM taking the prize.
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Hey Ô¿Ô, someone else is up. Yes, boring is the word for the show.
@ Lizzie, one more thing, I remember Casey Anthony, who wouldn’t, but to put Amanda in that category is a rough leap. Amanda will surely pay the price as will Spencer, Aaryn, Andy and GM. They are in for a rough ride. McC may take a lot of guff for his terrible play because he was too busy with other things. 😆
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On BBAD the other night they were talking about Julie Chen coming into the house and GM getting in a fight with her. Did this really happen or was it part of the tall tales they have been telling?
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I still wonder WHY Andy put up Spencer??? How does Spencer feel bout that??? Very curious! I will not watch Amazing Race if McCranda is on it!!!!!!! Have seen enuf of em both! GO GM …still rootin for you!!!!!!!!!
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Last nights show was just Okay, seeing we all new the outcome! Good Morning All! I might need some for tonight’s Show….East Coast has Football & BB will air around 2 AM 😯 So I hope you give me that link I have lost to catch the show at a better time….Hi Starfish 🙂 ……. See you later got to go now
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@Bella, the jury house will be fun to see. Not surprised that Amanda might be “encouraging” them to vote McC.
It seems the jury house develops a comraderie most of the time but not so sure this time. Aaryn is probably traumatized and worrying about her mom. The rest of them who knows or really does anyone care what they feel? Exceptions might be Candice, Jessie, Elissa & possibly Helen. They will all put on a harmonious front for the camera I’m pretty sure. I thought Judd’s interview with Julie was darling. He does have a cute personality.
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@Linda, JT advised everyone on the previous page NOT to pay any attention to what happens on Jokers and I say certainly don’t post it here. They are making stuff up right now the last few days so they get us all worked up and create something that isn’t happening. The Julie thing is all BS.
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Hey Bobo, enjoy your football! 🙂
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So very disgusting. … of all people to win hoh and then pov!! Who gives a good happy darn who wins now
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I want GM to take it all the way.
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McCrae on Amazing Race???? What?
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I think it’d be hilarious if GinaMarie goes to Nick for a kiss and he tells her Sorry sweet cheeks, Andy is more my type!
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Bobo, CBS in Jacksonville, Fl is airing BB @ 9:01 est. Not sure how to find the link, but here, it’s channel 47.
@Starfish, thnx for the welcome! My first time blogging -EVER! Anyway, re: C. Anthony, don’t forget, Fl’s a crazy state sometimes, and Karma is a bitch!
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😆 SandoO, I’m afraid Nick has absolutely no interest in GM, not one ounce. Looks like he’s starting his own YouTube business. She delusional and I feel sorry for her in that way. She at least has some redeeming qualities whereas the other two sorry excuses for human beings do not. JMO
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I am sad, mad, and glad all at the same time.
Sad, that someone will pocket a half million dollars that I really don’t like.
Mad, that someone will pocket a half million dollars that I really don’t like.
Glad, that this disgraceful season of BB is almost over and the racist, belligerent, obnoxious, disgusting, and repugnant houseguest will soon learn how America feels about them and how they disgraced and embarrassed their respective families. Of course the person I want most to learn of the above mentioned is none other than my favorite BB player of all time….Amanda. Of course the antithesis applies to the favorite mention….I hate that freaking bitch.
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@Lizzie, CAnthony deserved everything she got and more. IMO I think Amanda may get more than she deserves. It’s reality TV but she was so horrible as a person, she’s going to pay a terrible price. I wouldn’t buy a house from her ever! This is going to follow these guys around for years and years!
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@herbie, here here! 🙂
ok, now bbl
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Thanks Starfish 😕 I love my Football & I will be up around 2AM after one of my NAPS 😆 See you, I’m going to lunch with some of my VN Vet Friends soon! ……………………..
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I’m so disappointed in CBS’s cast selection this year, must be a bunch of newbies that are very young. This old grandma didn’t need to hear all the CONSTANT foul language on the live feeds. It was interesting how much got beeped on BBAD. It certainly wasn’t a family show this season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can’t find anyone to vote as America’s Choice. Would like to see GM win so that she could get some sound education, enroll in Charm School, and get a speech coach to help clean up her choice of words. I think inside she is the sweetest, kindest, most caring of the 16 with a super sense of humor. Sadly,
I’m concerned about her purging after she eats all the time, hope she gets help as soon as this is over.
On the flip side…. I’m really enjoying BB Australia, it’s so much better than USA.
WOW, guess I just went on & on. 9 hrs. till show time.
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This is so depressing. Of the remaining HGs, I can’t even say “oh well, I guess he/she earned it” and find some sort of satisfaction with the outcome. This entire season was just a complete waste. I did go to sleep to BBAD again last night, but caught Spencer going on about telling his mom that the jokes, etc., were his TV persona–Hollywood and all that. As if he was assuring America he isn’t really as disgusting as we all know he is. What a crock. I’m sure even somebody with huge acting experience would have difficulty maintaining a fictional persona for 3 months straight. Dozed off, woke up and did some rewinding to where they were playing cards in time to hear Spencer mention he’d like to be hired for a soap opera or something–yeah, right. Another wanna be actor. Why can’t BB just find regular people who want to play the game and then go back to their regular lives? That’s what I would want to do. In fact, I think I would learn a lot from the experience, too.
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To anyone that thinks Nick will have boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with GM you need to back off the LSD as you are tripping. No way, No how, will this EVER happen especially since Nick has been watching from home and got to see first hand how dumb GM really is (not to mention fat and really not very attractive)…..all idioms on her wisdom and acumen apply..not the sharpest knife in the drawer is one that comes to mind.
Concerning Amanda and PizzaBoy having long term relationship I can actually see it happen as PB is a glutton for being dominated by a female…the guy is spineless and if it was not vivid to him while Amanda was in the house how horrible a person she is there is no way he will realize it when the beautiful couple meet after he is evicted tonight. Yes, I was being sarcastic with beautiful reference as Amanda is repulsive looking especially when running around in her ass non-enhancing panties….Yuck!!!!!
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The stories about Julie in the house were one of the stories the guys were making up in the house!
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Herbie, I feel the same as you! This blog has been my only solace. GM already got my 10 AF votes, so Judd’s getting my hubby’s (he doesn’t know he now has an email address. Too bad he has no idea how to turn on my laptop, let alone use it (hehehe).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He WILL NOT watch BB, he got disgusted a few seasons ago. Rather watch DWTS. I may watch this time ’cause Valerie Harper (w/ term. cancer ) is on , as well as Snookie. I grew up on the Jersey Shore. Snookie & Co are “Bennies” to the locals and looked upon w/ disgust. So I’ll watch that potential trainwreck.
@STARFISH, local noon news just mentioned being in Boca for Attilla the Hun’s return to FL next week. And Boca’s a long, long way from Jax They’re wondering if her showmance partner will accompany her, they say he’s quiet and want his take on things. (can’t believe these local tv ppl are really watching BB, let alone giving it airtime! And this channel is NOT the local CBS affiliate (go figure).
Bobo, still looking for that link to Fl CBS for you
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Starfish…please excuse my ignorance but what does BBL acronym stand for ?
Sherry, I think you nailed it on GM comments you posted. On another note where do you view BB Australia? I guess I can google search and find out but probably be more expedient if you could let me know.
Good day to all….
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really was suprized andy put up spencer – is it possible he will back-door gm?
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Anxious about tonight! I really hope and pray that GM wins HOH. I do not want Andy anywhere near the final 2! PLEASE!!!!!!
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@Sherry, I voted for Elissa, as did many of us on this blog only because Andy, Spencer and GM (at times) have said some pretty disgusting things about her since her eviction and have been openly campaigning for her NOT win it. Spencer even went so far as to say that there should be 3 $10,000 favorite prizes instead of 1 $25,000 prize just so that Elissa didn’t get all that money. And they are certain Elissa, but in a sort of denial, Elissa will win only because of her sister’s fans–which they also say is unfair to the rest of them. I happen to like Elissa more than I liked her sister. I also happen to have a personal favorite that is not Elissa. All things considered, I would rather stick it to the haters still in the house than to give my vote to somebody I don’t think would win the America’s favorite anyway. Of Spencer, Andy and GM 2 of them are going walk with much more than Elissa will. And they will still be pissed if Elissa is America’s favorite HG. They will try to sooth themselves, saying it was the Branchel Army–it won’t be. Elissa will win it by a landslide.
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BBL — Be back Later
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A week or so ago, just after E got evicted, Spencer was heard saying that if E won the favorite player that he would drop his pants and shit on the stage!
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For the first time in all the years I have watched…I really don’t care who wins. None of the remaining players (I use that term loosely) deserve anything, let alone 1/2 million dollars! They are vile, disturbing, obnoxious, ignorant people, who obviously don’t have 2 brain cells to rub together. There is no game play…I don’t consider bashing people game play… and definitely no social play. I would not want my kids taught by Andy, would not want my daughters dating Spencer, and my girls having GinaMarie as a role model, if they were the last people on earth. I even find it hard to vote for America’s favorite! Elissa is likely the least evil of them all, altho there were times I found her hard to stomach, with her holier than thou attitude. At least she didn’t use profanity every other word, but she was just as bad as the others for bashing people. The whole season was a waste of time, and for sure a waste of money. Bring on BB Can…hope it’s more entertaining and easier to digest, and I hope next year’s BB US has a much better cast, or I fear the show may go out the door.
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@Sal, that’s when I decided I was done, my votes go to Elissa.
And now that disgusting piece of crap that goes by the name of Spencer wants us to believe that it is a TV persona he’s been maintaining?? Give me a freaking break!!!
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I hope Spencer or GM can win the last endurance comp. It would be hysterical if GM or Spencer were the last two hanging on against Andy. I want to see GM or Spencer promise Andy they will take him to the final 2 so he will feel safe and drop, although this is not very likely. I would just love to see Andy’s face when GM or better yet, Spencer chooses GM to be in the final 2!! It would serve that rat right.
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@Herbie, thank goodness I’m not the only one who isn’t afraid to ask those questions. bbl = be back later or bbl8r = be back later.
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@Betty, that is the only thing to look forward to now and that is Andy being betrayed and sent out as #3. That would be absolutely a saving grace for this show.
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@Joleemae, you and sis rock! So enjoy all of your comments, but wouldn’t it be funny if you hated/ detested different choices out of this bunch of losers? I had twins, as well, two beautiful girls, one a blue-eyed blond, the other a brown eyed brunette. 34 yrs old now, and watched the first couple of BB seasons w/ us at home. Boy, I think I feel new gray hairs popping out just thinking how long ago that must’ve been. Anyone remember what year it started?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope CBS sees how mad fans are w/ this season and maybe, maybe try to make the rest of it a little more palatable. Walking papers for Grodner, maybe? (I can always dream)
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This is what JT posted yesterday regarding Jokers:
Warning to those who read Jokers: The HGs are making up all kinds of crazy stuff just to mess with us.. (Pandora’s Box.. season extended.. people coming back.. etc)
Don’t believe any of it. 🙂
The THEY in an earlier post today referring back to the above post is a classic example of an ambiguous pronoun. Be assured that THEY is referring to the BS the HOUSE GUESTS are making up as transcribed by Joker’s contributing writers not BS JOKER’S is making up. Just a clarification since ambiguous pronouns can often be quite misleading.
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It serves Spencer right that he had an alliance with Andy the disgusting RAT Andy. That’s what Spencer gets for screwing over his “friend” Judd! I’m for GM… Can’t stand the other three!
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@Joyce, one of the problems was the group mentality. It starts with 1 and grows. Pretty soon we had everybody bashing everybody else and nobody managed to stay above the fray, though Elissa did try for the most part. What I disliked the most was when they started bashing evicted HGs. The f5 have been especially brutal toward Elissa the past week. The hate spewing from their mouths is just disgusting. And then last night, Spencer saying Howard and Candice doing a porn video–uncalled for. I know these people sign waivers, but that sounds like slander or defamation of character or something that has nothing to do with game and shouldn’t be covered under any waiver.
Back to Elissa. I don’t think she had a holier than thou attitude and I think that would have been apparent had she been in the house with a different, more mature group of people. Elissa came into the game from another place emotionally and maturity-wise than most of the others who are, to say the least, emotional wrecks with the mentalities of 5 year olds for the most part. I did sometimes wonder if Elissa really wanted to be there or if she did it because her sister pushed her into it; but in the end, she showed that she wanted to be there and that she was there to win. She just had a very difficult time relating to her fellow HGs and its no wonder, I would have had the same problem. That problem would have made be come off as holier than thou as well.
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typo…It would have made me, not be.
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@Lizzie, I too hope Grodner is gone and that cbs revamps the casting crew too. They also need to do something about the comps and give us completely new ones so the HGs don’t know when and what comp is next on the list. How stupid is that? Of course, this whole season has been a teaching lesson on the best stupidity ever.
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i would like to see GM win it all, she needs it, besides she made a good move by putting up the McCreepies up. besides if she would go to the jury house Amanda would eat her alive and GM would break her neck and production would have to get a baby sitter for Amanda.
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@Starfish, I’ve been sending email to CBS for 6 years straight now calling for Grodner to be removed from BB. Someday, it is bound to happen. And yes, the comps need to be revamped. Not just redecorated, but a complete do-over. I realize they have limited space, but I’m sure a good creative team can come up with something original–we’ve had 14 years of the same comps year after year after year…
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Thanks Starfish….I try and learn something new everyday…learned something new today…never been bashful to inquire about stuff that may be abundantly obvious to others….bbl…LOL….thanks again.
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Ok, gotta walk my pooch. Have a good one today. BB is almost over and Survivor starts soon. 😀 bbl
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Oh, and lets get rid of Have Not, as well. I see no point in that, unless it is to save on the food budget–which is just wrong, IMHO. Making people suffer needlessly is just cruel.
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I not homophobic, but I am totally andynausiated after close to three months of watching Howdy Doozy’s unmanly, unbelievable, unwarranted and undeserving of anything but SNL lampooning. Please get him out of the house before F2!
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Thank’ s Liszzy. My sissy and I have enjoyed being a part of BBBloggers this year. Looking forward to being a part of Survivor blog. We want to keep in touch with all of you great bloggers!
I have been watching some of the past seasons of BB. What an eye opener! The opening episode of BB3 is very interesting. The HG’sgot to choose the HOH and the HOH room was so small. Not enough room for everyone to hang out. It was originally a place for the HOH to have some time alone to strategize. Those were the good old days! 🙂
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BECKY – i kinda like the have nots because of the different room themes- but i think the food choices should be – like – hamburger meat and hash OR potatoes and peanuts OR bread and butter – u get it – something that isnt gross – like headcheese or macral (sp?)
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@Beck Making people suffer needlessly is just cruel
Didn’t seem to bother CBS this Big Brother season….
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oops… Becky got shortened unintentionally… 🙁
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i hope GinaMarie goes after MCrae leaves she doesnt deserve to win after all that bs she caused at the beginning. her ass should have been gone a long time ago.
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I hoe CBS. cancels the show!
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@lizzie no need to apologize it wasn’t directed at you personally but to put it out there that the blog was starting to sound a lot like the BB house and its players. It’s 2013 we need to move beyond the hatred of one another and our life choices etc. And again just so disappointed in BB thus year. I would rather be watching the jury house and how they are doing since being evicted. Can’t imagine Amanda what she’s been up too! Peace people we only have each other:)
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If I remember correctly, the have-nots used to get pb&j all the time
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The only problem is that she seems to have a problem, either due to racism or plain ignorance with Jews among others. I don’t want a person like that to win
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Sal, you are correct.
PK, I can’t stand Andy either and it has nothing to do with homophobia. My son is gay, my sister is a lesbian, my former brother-in-law is gay. I had a supervisor once ask me if I had a problem working with a gay client, I couldn’t think of anything else to do except laugh. Even if I did, profession ethics would have told me to put that all aside and work with the client. We end every session with a hug, even when working in the community on his socialization skills. As for the typo and shortening my name to Beck–it’s all good. Just don’t call me Becca. My real name’s Rebecca and my supervisor used to call me Becca, which I hate.
Macy, the thing with the Have Not, is the cold showers–most of them end up NOT showering or just washing certain body parts. After a week of that a body odor starts and the entire house suffers, not just the people who are on Have Not. I’m sure there are HGs who don’t shower properly regardless, but that is ridiculous. My day doesn’t go right if I don’t have my morning HOT shower–I just don’t feel like me. And when I was without hot water for 2 days because my hot water tank blew up, I slept at my sister’s just so I could have that shower first thing. Up, shower and out the door; I went back to go bed. The gross food, though is the worst. I guess I could see it if they went back to the pb&j menu, but I didn’t even much of a point in that, except to save production some money. Why else would they end the Have Not when the number of HGs got down to a certain point? I kind of liked the first season where they were responsible for most of their own food with the chicken in the yard, making their own bread and had the food comps. for extras and the whole house benefited or suffered from whatever was won at those comps. Those were the days that made BB fun.
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I think this year the BB show has hit a new low of “who cares”. I have watched since season one and this one now can barely hold my interest.
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I’ve watched this trashy show since season one. I swear every season is the worst and everyone says it is the last BB they will ever watch. I used to have to quit the show in the middle of the season and pick it up after the showmances stopped dominating the game. The showmances were always so shamelessly hormonal and disgusting that I’d have to bow out until they ran their courses and at least one of the partners got evicted so all of us could finally get some air. I suppose that part of BB does attract some creepy peeping toms but most of the comments are usually comments of disgust for that part of the show.
Mostly I watch this show for the reason the name implies. To see what people do when you put the in a petri dish and watch them. They are volunteers to be human lab rats observed and critiqued by anyone at all. No qualifications required to interpret the data. You can be a serial killer and you still get to put your 2 cents in when ever you feel like it.
I always learn more about myself than I learn about the nameless rabble of victims that sign up for BB in hopes to win the big money. This season I pretty much have had my feelings change about every player except Amanda and Andy. She was a needy brat and desperate for some sex from day one, beyond that, she really is about the meanest and most self-unaware player I have ever seen. She really thinks people can’t tell that BB brings out who you really are. Andy is too good at being a pathological and believable liar not to have practiced that all his life. What a weasel. I’ll bet his feigned innocence is part of every relationship he is ever in. It takes a lot of practice to perfect that “doe in the head lights” response with out even pausing first. For him it was just a reflexive response. All summer is a long time to actually BE someone you really are not. Amanda is a high maintenance narcissist if you ask me. Andy doesn’t just lie, he thrives on it.
I couldn’t believe how I stopped hating Aaryn after they broke her and she just let them bully her. She got her medicine right back and I think it might help her to be a better person in the future. I think nothing in Elissa’s life prepared her to deal with the riff-raff that they put in this house this year. Those people were not just racist. They hated anyone different than themselves for any reason. “I hate you and you can’t be trusted because you are black, asian, rich, are related to Rachel, black, asian, from NY, don’t talk like me, are the man, blah blah blah…..”
With more charactered people Andy wouldn’t have done so well. He was everything to everyone and with the skill of a surgeon, he fooled everyone into thinking he was most like them. He’s a chameleon when he wants to fool someone. The house guests were so were exceptionally narrow minded, prejudice, biggots this year that it was easy for them to believe he was just like them. Except for Jesse I think all of their games reflected the “rightness” and “moral superiority” of the thinking they brought into the house. I think that Jesse couldn’t learn to be that vicious fast enough to have a chance. Even when she tried, she just didn’t have enough practice in real life to be good at it.
In the end, I saw goodness in Elissa. She really was horribly abused and tormented in that house and from the beginning she was pretty much alone. While she did say bad things about other players, (like we all have, and we aren’t even in that hell hole) I never did feel like she let “personal” get the best of her game play. She wasn’t mean spirited and nothing they did could make her into something she wasn’t. I disliked her in the beginning because of my own prejudices but as I watched her regroup and get back up over and over and over, I respected her ability to deal with really hard things in the moment. She did not lose over her pride or emotions. She was openly attacked and you can bet it really hurt but she kept it a game. It was strategic for her to support her nemesis at the end and if Andy hadn’t been Andy she would have had a real good chance at making it to the final three.
I continue to be amazed at how many people go on BB truly believing and expecting that the other house guests should want THEM to win. It has always been a common thread since the first show by anyone who becomes a ringleader that ANYONE who votes against the ring leaders is stupid. How stupid is that?
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@Kim, same. I felt the same way with the spring edition as well as the first season with Rachel, but this season has taken on a whole new low.
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@Becky… My wife’s name is Rebecca but I am the only person outside of her professional HR career who calls her Rebecca. All of her family and relatives have called he Becky since she was a child and still do, all of them.
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Sorry Ted… Ted calls my wife Rebecca, too.
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@Becky… I just completed a PowerPoint presentation for my wife to use for “diversity in the workplace” training in the new stores her employer just acquired. Nowhere in my preparatory research for the presentation did I find any reference to anybody or thing quite as bizarre as Andy. Hopefully, her new employees won’t have to either.
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Regarding the Have Nots, I liked the pb&j idea and the cold showers too. This group was particularly dirty and a couple of them didn’t shower regularly. I also liked the food comps which united the house for that comp. They get pretty creative with the terrible have not meals but some of those combinations sound terrible to me.
In the beginning, HGs didn’t have the conveniences they have today and that made the show interesting. IMO Today, they have too much time to loaf around. I would like to see some of the conveniences go away and be replaced with washing your clothes outside with a ringer for example.
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Oops, that should be “wringer washing machine” for example.
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WOW…LOT’S OF GLOOM AND DOOME TODAY ON THE WEBSITE…i think that alot of folks are happy that we are all going to be put out of our own missery next Wednesday…it will be finally over…i think CBS needs to listen to it’s viewers…and ALLOW AMERICA to pick the cast for next yr…ALL STARS WITH A FLARE…give us a list of 32 past players and the top 16 get house guests get to replay the glory days…”america gets to pick the 16 for season 16…
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Hi all
I don’t even bother to comment anymore
Great summary LM you are a great writer
Don’t care who wins as I have said early on
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Yes, a very bleak BB week for sure.
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@Starfish, yes, far too much time to loaf around. Give them something to do!! Chores, washing clothes by hand, hanging them up to dry as in S1, as well as preparing most of their own food–though there were certain HGs who did all of that and some who did none. It is how Chicken George got his nick after all. Can you imagine the change in the HGs if the current crop of entitled sob’s had to fund for themselves for everything? But wait, Andy wasn’t even able to put chicken nuggets into the oven last night, he had GM do it (and her with her various injuries) and then he had nerve to complain that she took them out early and ate 3 of them!! Lazy bum should have gotten off his butt and done it himself.
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@Becky… Andy’s triggy legs are proof positive that he rarely gets up off his butt to do anything useful.
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triggy… twiggy same thing sort of, maybe…
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OMG!!!!! This game was not played well at all this season..it was more like Simon Says…Andy??? Really??? Spencer??? I just want GM to win!!!!!!
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@Mayela Sorry state of affairs when GM is the best of the remaining misfits. Go GM!
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Speaking of food in the house. Anyone know what slop is??? I hope my question doesn’t get lost somehow because I really want to know.
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Big brother slop is a “just-add-water, nutritionally fortified porridge mix.”
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First I would like to Thank my New Friend Lizzie fore thinking of me & not being able to watch the show tonight! ♥♥♥ As far as commenting about this BB crew that’s left…. Like I said before I got nothing 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What can I say about dirt!!! You get it under your fingernails & go & wash it out!
Sometimes I just have to 😆 At all my friends that are here for being able to vent all of there frustrations out on this Blog with your friends! What great place this is!! Thanks for all you comments & updates…see you later! ……………..
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You definitely are not from the deep South. My wife would have needed a full paragraph to express that same sentiment…
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PK / I’m a little old lady from Pasadena. Now I’m a little old lady migrated to the South. Been here 10 years. I try to keep it simple. It took me 80 years to enter the Blog arena.. God bless you. <3
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I’m an old Utahn who migrated to Mobile, AL, several years ago because any answer short of “yes dear” was falling on deaf ears.
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Thank you everyone for the great blogs. Lisa Marie your updates have been spot on and I have enjoyed reading everything.
I have been in such a funk this season over BB. I was so excited at first but when all the nasty started I got disinterested.. Don’t get me wrong I love to see GOOD game play but all the mean bashing that goes on even after the hg’s are evicted is too much.
I voted for Elyssa to get America’s favorite. I also thought about Candace and Howard. Even Helen crossed my mind. Those four are the only ones in this house this year that had class. Judd, Jessie and maybe Nick maybe could have been even ok, but for the rest of the houseguest, they need to be thrown out or given a harsh punishment by production for their actions. Sad to say only seven out of 16 contestants were fit to play. My opinion only.
Thank for a fun season of blogging. Hope to see you all next Wed. on Survivor..
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I used to drive frequently from Provo, Utah, to Los Angeles back in the mid 60’s with the radio blasting the original “Little Old Lady From Pasadena” and other Beach Boy Tunes.
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andy and spence telling mc cray ‘its nothing personal’ – i wonder if they had the veto ceremony – must’ve
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I believe the Veto ceremony is tonight just before the eviction. McCrae already knows he is leaving.
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Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big Brother and BBAD on @TVGN has been renewed: http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2013/09/big-brother-renewed-by-cbs-for-season-16.html … #bb16
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@PK – ‘yes dear’ i have come to the conclusion that my husband will never utter those words – and weve been together 16yrs!
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Or I should say, he is being exterminated…. By a pig, a black widow and a rat. That is an unpleasant switch.
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@Lizzie, yes keep us up on what happens to Amanda when she gets to Fl. It will be interesting to see if the local stations interview her for TV or even the newspaper.
@Becky, didn’t know Andy couldn’t put something in the oven. Useless, totally useless use of a human body such as it is.
@Bendi, veto was last night and I think Andy won and yes, McC will be going home. They are supposedly going to let McC know about the Exterminators and that’s why he has to go.
Since most of BB this year has been in the toilet, I send a wish out to the cosmos that Andy goes home next. That would be one good thing that he gets no money whatsoever! Well, as Betty reminded us, he will go home with $94 and change. 😆
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@Bonita, sadly I agree with you to an extent. Of those 7 we seem to remember as being “fit to play”, so many were voted out too early to even have an opinion about. Remember, we thought Judd should come back and then when he did, Judd became a dud. Howard was an instant favorite of mine, until he started with his nonsensical speeches. They were just one of those things that made go “HMM?” I’m not sure he was cut out for the game, either. Jessie is a little girl in a woman’s body; far too insecure and lacking of emotional growth to be successful at much of anything at this point in her life, especially BB. I was surprised she lasted as long as she did and made it to jury–though that has more to do with the house evicting a majority of males first than Jessie’s social and game skills.
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Hey K11, thanks for that. Figured you were still around somewhere. 😀 I’m going to miss the BB finale and also the premiere of survivor. I’ll have an out of town guest Weds and Thurs and I’m sure she doesn’t watch either of those shows. Oh well, that’s what recording is for, right?
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Oh, and Helen seemed far more interested in how America viewed her and other players and how popular the show was in comparison to previous seasons than in playing the game. She also wasn’t really cut out to be a player–she was more of a commentator than anything; she didn’t even come off as that big a fan. Yeah, Helen knew the names of some of the most popular players, don’t we all? But diehard fans know the names of players the rest of us have forgotten. I’ve watched nearly every episode of nearly every season and don’t know the names of most players, don’t even know the names of most winners–I’d even forgotten that Ian won last year. And as much as I’ll hate this year’s winner, it will make so little impact on my life, I’ll promptly forget that name as well.
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Just think, if GM wins the 500k, the recently unemployed pageant promoter can invest her after tax winnings in her own dance school on Staten Island where no parent will ever send one of their kids. EVER! Money will never buy GM love or success at anything so long as she feels the need to include fuck in every sentence. Not bad ass, not cool, not professional and not accepted at any store anywhere.
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@Starfish: Missing a Spencer-GinaMarie-Andy isn’t like missing much. I think we could all see this coming a couple months back, but who would have thought there three? CBS has to be hating this. No idea how they approach next summer after this nightmare.
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DID ANYONE SEE – watch what happens live – with andy cohen last night lady gaga was on there – she was TOASTED – it was funny
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The Exterminators had a sit-down, tell-all, with McCrae at their new final 4 table around 1pm. Well, McCrae didn’t sit long, he got up and started pacing around them.. hands interlocked on top of his head (on top of his sideways turned Gopher cap).
No one was mad, McCrae was just upset with himself for not trusting his “gut”.
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Is Lady Gaga ever sober or even just lightly toasted?
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PK – i dont follow her – so – it was entertaining – she said WHATEVER was on her mind – andy cohen was lovin it. plus andy gave out a gift to her like he does to most of the guests – he gave her a thong – she put it on right there
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he he he
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PK Hey my friend, you always crack me up 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On another note: I am from NJ….& once again we have bad news,,, Seaside Park boardwalk is in flames & still burning…After Sandy they rebuilt the Boardwalk & now it is still on fire 🙁 man when will this Shit stop!!!! :mggreen:… 🙁
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Back in the day, I spent most summer weekends at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, for R&R. But when I wanted to get down and really boogie, I drove onto the Lewes to Cape May Ferry to Jersey and got to Margate as fast as my wheels could get me there. FUN TIMES HAD BY ALL!
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Why did Andy put Spencer up?
Feeds were off a long time, but my guess is that Andy & Spencer talked about that. They knew noms didn’t matter in final 4. Andy knew Spencer wouldn’t care and GM would see it as Andy being on her side. This was the best move for Andy.
GM will vote out McCrae tonight after Andy “decides” to not use the veto.
Then part 1 of final HOH will start at the end of the show. It will be endurance and should carry over onto the feeds (unless it’s like the endurance comp of all stars that lasted 24 seconds) 😆
I’d think GM would have the edge in part 1 of final HOH…. if her injuries don’t get in the way.
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Next time please, please, Andy Cohen, give Eva Longoria a thong to try on.
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@Bobo, they just showed the boardwalk and many stores in flames. That’s awful. They said it doesn’t look like it’s going to slow down any time soon. 🙁
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PK – HA!
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If you noticed this season every show someone said “i hope america sees im right or something bout america” what is up with these people this year all they care about is what america would think……especially amanda and aaryn the WORST of them all…….That really frustrates me!
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@hunter, there’s not much this year that wasn’t frustrating.
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@starfish u got that right! but survivor is going to be right after the finale!
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the way mc cray was talking to andy this afternoon – well, he is going to be in jury – and he is going to be leading the ANDY BASHING train – im sure along with amanda – andy said he had a few points up his sleeve he would use – if it were guys it would be one thing – but when u get that many women mad – u know what they say………………………..
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I think it would be funny to watch Andy’s reception as he walks into the jury house. After a few minutes, he would be crying like the baby he is. Amanda and Helen would, I hope, give it to him big time.
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SF – id buy a ticket to that
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Andy has points? Like what? Is he going to remind Helen how he told her several weeks in a row that it was too early to get Amanda out and then he went and told Amanda that she (Helen) was targeting him? He forgets, those women may have fought amongst themselves while in the BB house; but once they talking and comparing notes, they will know just how much of their problems were caused by Andy. Its like when a cheating man’s wife and mistress get together to teach him a lesson about fidelity–not pretty.
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Thanks PK for answering my slop question. I knew it looked oatmealy. Didn’t even watch BB Sunday night….rather just read the comments on this blog. Guess I’ll watch tonight to get a peek into the jury house hopefully. My A/C hasn’t worked since yesterday and it is HOT!!! ( I live in sunny Florida) Not sure when they are getting it fixed. So sad about the boardwalk. Do they know what started the fire?
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That would be a good show. CBs could make a fortune doing a BB show called: Andy’s Jury Arrival. Everyone would watch that. 😆
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Don’t know anything about the NJ boardwalk fire except it’s going strong.
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Right Starfish! Still going strong….. This is so bad, right after they got things together after Sandy Something like this has to happen! 🙁
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@Bobo what is that avatar?
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So sad to hear about the boardwalk. Hope they get the flames out soon and nobody is hurt in the fire.
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JT go to youtube.com/latenight – jimmy fallon did a br bd parody that was great!
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I’ll check it out.. thanks macy.
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Good one Macy! BB on there too with Elissa and GM, yes??
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fish – sorry – meant breaking bad – is there another one with them in it
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I just thought those two girls were GM and Elissa. I don’t know, don’t watch breaking bad. JT will straighten it out and let me know for sure. 😀
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SF – hope so – u hve me a little puzzled as well – ha ha ha
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Was it just me or did even Ian seem like he was disgusted to be in the presence of the last HG? Has anyone heard what his opinion of this season is?
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macy… that was awesome and a must watch for any Breaking Bad fan (if you don’t watch Br Bad.. it wont be that funny to you). The surprise at the end was the best!! (no spoiler) 🙂
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@ LaDonna, Ian regularly does commentary w/Rob Cesternino (Survivor) on the Rob Has A Podcast You Tube Channel. (If you search Rob Cesternino on You Tube its there). They did one today about Ian going into the house. Ian has not been any more fond of this season than the rest of us. He does however have a HUGE crush on Jessie. Contrary to what the HG’s have said he wasn’t rooting for McCrae, he just had to cheer on the winner. He said the house was flithy and smelled horrible. Hopefully they get a crime scene clean up crew in there before next season!!
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Starfish The Avatar I put up tonight is my Purple Heart Logo !♥♥♥♥ 🙂
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Right Becky! 🙁
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I May get the show on tvnutters? Hoping………….
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JT that br bad clip – jesse – BOOO BITCH!! – and that end – and lmao–gus
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Time to take out all the trash…..
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FRANNIE – did you pull up that break bad parody – jimmy fallon – utube –
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Bob.. here’s the link that usually gets put up on Thursday’s to live stream BB episodes….. I’ve never used it.. so IDK how good it is.
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Not yet Bendi, BB is getting ready to start, but I sure will. Do you watch Sons of Anarchy too? Good one too!
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@Bobo, it’s beautiful!
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JT I got it on the tvnutters link right now…Thank you anyway my friend!……
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@Frannie, yep, time to clean house.
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*fish, I knew you would get what I was steppin’ in!
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Thank you Starfish♥
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Tread carefully Frannie, it gets worse and worse. Even Ian said it stinks.
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YW Bobo……
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FRANNIE yep watch SOA love it – didnt see that scene coming with the blonde headed little boy
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Say what? Did you watch any of that episode? (or didn’t you want to see that scene?)
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Man this little creep Andy………………. 🙄
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Last week at this time we still had 7 people in the house… soon there will be 3.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blow ’em all out the door!! 😆
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@Macy, don’t know where that blond kid came from either. There was something about that scene being on there, before the show aired, saying not such a good idea with the big school shooting that took place. I didn’t hear any flack about it since the show aired tho.
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watched it all – gonna have to watch it again – i was cooking so….
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I want to see it again too. I usually wants shows twice, in case I missed something.
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JT Thank you that site works also! Happy…Happy…Happy!
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Filthy, filthy, filthy please get rid of the trash!!
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For those that missed it yesterday…
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😆 the Jury house is great Big A Thinks her man did the best job! Loved the way they told her off….
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Hey Holly….that’s what I’m talking about. I see no end to all the trash. It just keeps building. 🙄
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JT you really are a good dude!
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Thanks JT…in case some people haven’t read all the comments. Go figure!
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It will continue to get out of control cause some people like trash!
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@ Holly….. 😆
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After seeing jury tonight I don’t feel so sad with McCrae losing the veto. He would have never had the votes to win!! I have no doubt in my mind, if Andy makes the final two, he will win!
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Betty I agree. I’m afraid that Andy might just take it all if he gets to the F2 . I especially loved Aaryn saying Amanda had not changed outside the house!
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Imagine that Holly and *fish! 🙄
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If someone would have told me these three would have been the final 3….I would have laughed…..
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If someone had told me these would be final 3
…….I still would have watched! 😆 ..no point in pretending otherwise.
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Bella 😆
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Not gonna start final HOH I guess??
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Is it just me, but did McCrea clean up before the eviction?
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I am still disturbed by Andy’s clothes that looked like something a toddler would wear!
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JT & Bobo……Yes, I still would have watched an would have been just as shocked!!!
It’s a train wreck and I can not turn away.LOL
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He looks like a toddler…..he has a peanut head with dumbo ears.
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Holly…..even toddlers would not put those outfits together!
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Go GM, i hope she can hang in and take the douchebag Spencer with her and give Andy the boot
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Aggie, I would pay to see Andy thrown out on his ass
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@Frannie 😆 toddler peanut head dumbo. Perfect
Watching the show I was worried that Helen will vote for Andy because of what she said about him doing what BB is about – lying, etc. I do not want him to win. They have no idea what a true scumbag he is.
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@JT, yeah, same here, though maybe I would have slept more.
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Me too Aggie and Fp2 – throw the pink scumbag boy out on his ASS!
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I didn’t sleep a Thursday night from July 3rd until last week 😆
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I was amused when Julie was asking McRae about his feelings for Amanda. The love and fear comment made me lol. Really enjoyed seeing what was going on in the jury house. The live feeds really need to be there now.
This has not been my favorite season but it has been entertaining. I like to call bb “my guilty pleasure”. I don’t really like any of the three left and now I read the house stinks ha. What is that saying about fish and houseguests?
I’m glad to have found this blog and the commenters here. I’ve spent many a boring summer evening reading the live feeds and reading the comments here.
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JT, you’re our hero, for sure you are mine. Don’t know how you do that but we sure appreciate it, big time!! You not only watch, you actually learn the HGs.
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Frannie Is time for my Nap 😕 …………………..
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It really makes me sick that Spencer is still there also, I think Gina could win against him, so better she take that load
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One thing for sure, Spencer will not win. If GM and Spencer use their brains
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(unlikely) , should either one of them win final HOH they will vote out
Andy. That means that GM actually has Spencer playing for her as well. Both of
them should know that they can’t beat Andy with jury votes. Maybe I’m way
out of whack but Spencer must realize that his ONLY hope is to take GM to
finale which GM would still win. If Andy wins HOH he wins BB15. Gross,
gross, gross.
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We haven’t heard too much strategizing from GM. I think Spencer wanted her out rather than McC (or was that BS) and Spencer knows he can’t win against Andy but what does GM think? I don’t have a clue.
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JT we appreciate your sacrifice to keep us all in the know!!!
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Starfish, It’s easy… I work 4 -10’s so Thursday is my Friday! 😆 (thanks again for the shirt Frannie) 😉
Have a good nap Bob.. see ya in a few hours
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Nite JT….
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Was I imagining things or was there more time devoted to commercial breaks in tonight’s Big brother than actual programming? Just proves you actually can make something from nothing.
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JT…I haven’t seen it on you yet. What’s up with that?
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Shayne , you’re not way out of whack. I agree with what you said… and I said yesterday that Spencer would win 2nd place. No matter who wins final HOH will take him for an easy win….. IMO
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Frannie…. it’s in the wash 😆
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Bob…wake your ass up! It’s too early for your nap. BTW, did you check your mail?
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Shayne — I think GM and Spencer share the same brain cell so they both can’t use their brain at the same time….
Sadly I think it’s a done deal — Andy is going to win. I will put $$ down that he wins HOH and takes Spencer with him to the final.
Poor Judd — stuck with that crew in the Jury house. That alone should earn him America’s Fav!!!
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Nite Starfish, Spencer wanted McCrae out.. he was just looking for a possible jury vote
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JT, talk about wash….I talked my manager into watching SOA. She started season 1 on Wednesday night, and is already on season 5. She hasn’t done any cooking or laundry since she started it. She’s hooked! Now, the asst. is watching it too now. I think I started something.
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*Fish isn’t going to sleep. She has to watch BB with her hubby still.
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NO…I did not?Fran & just kidding about the nap, going who won Master Chef!
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Bella, Andy could win final HOH… and that will be the only way he gets in final 2 IMO…. but I think GM has the edge in part 1 of final HOH (assuming it’s endurance like all seasons since all stars)
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LOL Frannie… that is dedication!! (to a show). Glad you & Frannie finally got me to give it another try.. I wasn’t impressed by the first 3 episodes…. but LOVE it now!!
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Okay my friend! I don’t check the AOL that much 😕
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******** You & Aggie I meant 🙄 @ me
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See you all later, time for some TV BFN….
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Ok Bob.. tv it is.
L8r all…. I’ll be keeping an eye on things to see if part 1 of final HOH starts. I guess there’s no hurry for them.. Sunday is just a clip show.. then finale is still 6 days away.
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Well, seeing how that bedroom is always such a mess, along with the kitchen–how can anybody cook in there?–its no wonder the house stinks. Half those HGs wore the same clothes at least 2 days straight, sometimes more and laundry was seldom completed. Most of them were slobs from the get-go.
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As for the win, I’ve decided that doesn’t much matter. Whomever wins the money will probably be broke in 6 months again anyway.
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OK it is totally official the only thing good about BB this year is this BLOG site, thank you JT, Star, BoBo, and especially you LM and ofcourse I loved everyones else’s input. Between this crazy Jet’s/Pat’s game (yes I am a football junkie) and BB I pick the game as the most entertaining. I think GM is going to walk with the money but if WAA WAA Andy wins it I might throw something at my television, not really I love my 60″ big screen and football just started. Seriously thank you all for making this BB bareable.
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@Amazonia, I couldn’t agree more. This site beats BB hands down. Great people and thanks to LM for making it extra special and JT for giving us the complete and unaltered lowdown and losing sleep in the process. BB junkies that’s us!
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@JT Please, please, please be correct on your take on HOH. I’m at the point where I could almost stand it if Candy Pansy in the short-shorts came in 2nd but winning it all? Oh HELL NO!!! That’s H E double L HELL) I have a fantasy of him getting ousted next and throwing himself on the ground, kicking his scrawny arms and twigs and holding his breath and turning blue (at least he’d match his knee highs and the poor duck he painted)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please, JT, please be right.
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Surely Andy’s too young to have tenure at the college? Be real funny if he lost the game, lost the job, etc. Maybe he’ll stay in Hollywood and take uo acting, the could revamp the Howdy Doody Show. (It would probably be better than season 15 of BB) Then again, so is a case of shingles.
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Spencer is out of part 1 of final HOH
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I took this right before Spencer fell…. they have to hang on and roller skate around in a circle.
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Feeds came back about 12 minutes ago… but IDK when they started this comp.
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The prodigal blogger is back! lol I thought it looked like there was an extra triangle thingy hanging. Spencer prolly never skated a day in his life before this! I just tuned in a few minutes ago. HAs this been back on LFS long??
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Well, you answered my question before you even received it JT!!lol You have gotten GOOD this summer…;) BTW…Happy Birthday, Justa!!
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they both look like they know how to skate fairly well
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Andy is in trouble
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Vegas makes GinaMarie 1/4 favorite to win this, despite the broken toe.
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GM looks pretty comfy out there, even with the rain and fog stuff. Prolly dos this every weekend at home!! That and bowling..lol
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Sal: Yeah, he’s done. wobbly, breathless and now bitching about his knee. GM to get Part 1.
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Part 1 of Final HOH Winner….
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Gina wins
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I’d bet on GM!!! She is pretty tough and looks sturdier than Andy! Like I said, between her pagents, dancing with kids and maybe doing this recreationally….wait..they are both down????
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Oh…..ANdy fell 1st it looks like. I have to go back and forth between IE and AOL…PIA!!!
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LOL @ Aggie… I just emailed you because I didn’t figure you were watching!
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That would be a pain Star!
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I just tuned in, LMAO at Andy
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aggie..I am so relieved! Maybe she will win BB. I couldn;t stand it being Andy or Spencer! BLAH!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What’s with the glitter love??LOL
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I did say yesterday that I figured GM would win part 1 if her injuries didn’t get in the way…. and they didn’t.
Andy does well at just running back & forth (BBQ HOH comp)… but he hasn’t done well at any other endurance.
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So GM wins the first part of the 3 part HOH… Andy will win the puzzle hands down, Andy wins questions & takes Spencer to F2, Andy wins
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JT..it is!! I could never get the LFS to work on AOL at all this year! So I have them on IE and my iPhone..but the cell is behind so it gets on my nerves..lol
Anyway…..YEAH for GM!! WOOHOO!!!! *throws glitter*
Anyone notice that they don’t seem to make comps that last anymore??? Or maybe it’s the HGS!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What was the one ED was in?? Like 7 hours or something?
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Well… guess that’s all I was waiting for. 😆
ED seems pretty sure about Andy winning part 2…. I’m not so sure. Spencer did well at 2 puzzles this year.. I’d call it a toss up depending on how physical they are.
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@ Star
Andy will probably be good with questions maybe GM also, But Spencer wouldn’t last with endurance. I’m hope she gets to choose who to take and sends Andy to Jury
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Kev11….thnaks for that especialy as I was jsut talking about ED!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am afraid his scenario sounds about right. But ANDY winning??? NITEMARE!!!
They need 5 votes to win, right??? How many people are going to be POed at ANdy now that they have more info tho???
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Star, it was at least 7 hrs… maybe closer to 8?
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Spencer didn’t know how to skate, he was walking
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aggie…AMEN to that!!!!!
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Spencer dropped at 9:12.10
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JT..I think you are right! He was so exhuasted and cold he was shaking for hours after! I wonder if they aren;t making comps as hard anymore so they WON’T go that long???
Or are the HGS jsut wussies??lol
Sal..I noticed that too about Spencer. I doubted he ahd ever skated before in his life!!!
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Oh… thanks for early Birthday wish Star (I still have 18 minutes) 😆
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They were all saying that MC could have beat them all at this!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And ironically, how GM was prolly actually GLAD Nick wasn’t there, as he was a pro-skater, or so we’ve heard!!
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Well I was close! lol And YW, Mr. Virgo!!! lol Maybe your bith ime is why you are a nite owl?? Altho I was bon at 8:42AM so I don’t know what my excuse is!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DO you have today off for your BD???
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Wussies it seems? …but I do know some of those are a lot harder than they look.
Like the “log rolling” one… it didn’t look hard but what they had to hang on to was a bit heavy.. and made body position awkward.
At least it lasted longer than 24 seconds like in all stars! 😆
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Andy went down at 9:23:24
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I have every Friday off 😀 (4-10’s)
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Spencer say he only lasted 7 or 8 minutes… 🙄
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That means they started around 9pm
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Feeds must have came back just after they started that comp… according to times they fell and how long they thought they lasted.
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Andy & Spencer both say that was the hardest of any endurance comp this season.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hmmmm… looked like fun to me!
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What comp was that in All Stars??? 24 seconds??? Don’t remember that .
Well, glad your BD is on a Fri then!!! Hope you have a fun day!!! (need smiley confetti or BD hat or something here…)
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I did more ice skating than roller skating, I even played a little hockey
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Just read that Ian Terry said that these guys are the WORST FInal 3 in BB history!!!! I think we all agree!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was disappointed he didn’t have more of a speaking part the other nite when he hosted. He looks exactly the same!! 😉
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Final 3 endurance in all stars was were they had to hold onto their keys with both hand while standing on the side of a “volcano” (Boogie, Janelle, & Erica)
Boogie was pissed because Will had just been voted out… and he knew he couldn’t beat Erica (Yoga girl)… so he jumped off. When he jumped off, Janelle was so shocked that she turned to look and let go of her key with one hand. Erica won.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 seconds 😆
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Sal..I used to ice skate too! Made it hard to roller skate, it’s so different. I ‘d try to stop on my picks and go ass over teacups!!lol I love hockey! Can’t wait for the seaosn to start! GO Red Wings!!!! 😉
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Right on, JT (I think). They’re all slouching around(surprise, surprise), talkin about hanging on to something in the comp. and it seems like GM won (I hope)
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I bet they thought that comp would last into BB/AD… we haven’t had any last until BB/AD this year.. right?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The first HOH was 4 hours.. but that was before feeds & BB/AD started.
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JT….Oh ya..I remember that now!!! My BB memory is usually not something I can just latch onto. I need to be reminded 1st,THEN I remember! Besides, I didn’t like ALL-Stars. Have never liked bringing Ex- HGS back. For me …BB memories start with S8…..and even then they are sketchy!!lol
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Stra, I cheated… I recently watched seasons 6 & 7 again. I also watched season 2….. and am now working my way through season 3.
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Cool video
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope this link works
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Ian and ED say worst Final 3 and it’s hard to disagree. Kevin, Natalie and Jordan was pretty bad but I don;t remember being this ambivalent back then. @Star, Think these HGs are just wimps. Spencer went down in no time and Andy was eliminated by a cone. Repeat: Andy was eliminated by a cone.
@JT: Happy birthday brother and I also am not so sure Andy wins the second part. Am a little disappointed CBS/Live Feeds didn’t show the whole comp but have come to expect the worst from them. So hope next year is better than this season has been. They’re (CBS) trying too hard to be cute and, in the end, that’s hurting them these last couple of years.
Gonna watch ‘Dick At Nite’ and see if I can’t find something interesting. Last week ED said Ian texted him after he went in the House. McC asked Ian if the public liked the show this season and Ian couldn’t say anything but his pregnant pause made McC (and the other 3) realize the fans hate it. Funny.
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Sorry, should’ve caught up before commenting, I don’t have LF so so BBAD just came on when I got home and there they are, slouching. Gonna scroll up and catch up.
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Thanks Kev… I’m gainin’ on ya!
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No..none went into BBAD this year. Like we said. Wussies!!!!
Hey….Fri the 13th! Didn’t think of that! Ever had one affect your BD badly,JT?
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Nope…. 13 is my lucky number… Fri the 13th is my lucky day! 😀
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¡noʎ oʇ ʎɐpɥʇɹıq ʎddɐɥ ‘ʇظ ʎɐpɥʇɹıq ʎddɐɥ ‘noʎ oʇ ʎɐpɥʇɹıq ʎddɐɥ ‘noʎ oʇ ʎɐpɥʇɹıq ʎddɐɥ
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Thanks Sal… almost dropped my laptop while turning it upside down. 😆
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Kev11..eliminated by a cone!! lol The soundtrack for BB15!! 😉
Thanks for the info about Ian. I was hoping for a scoop!! Amanda and Aaryn both said they got booed tonight so putting it all together, even before they get to see the season, I think they can figure it out. How embarassing!!! Being greedy prolly just ruined alot of egos..and lives!!!
Lizzie..no worries. We don’t ALL read eveerything before we post!!! 😉 with the exception of the BD Boy!!!! lol
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@Stra: Cones are dangerous. Love how he acted like he ran into a cactus or something.
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Done watching FB game, now to beddy bye!
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Those cones must have been fastened down… and must have been harder than normal cones?? They would’ve just kicked them outta the way otherwise.
But yeah.. when Andy started whining I was looking hard for the invisible brick wall.
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So it seems like the bed flip was the most memorable thing this season. Woe is us.
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Friday the 13th was my lucky day! I was married on April 13th 1958… my lucky day! I married my awesome Marine! 🙂
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I see a lot riding on part 2 of Final HOH.
If Spencer wins part 2….. GM wins 500k
I still say Spencer wins 50k (2nd place) in any scenario I can think of.
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Ive been watcching a podcast with Ian talking to rob Cesternino..is that Boston Rob??? He agrees that this season was the msot UNLIKEABLE F3. Even moreso than S9 of Sheila, Ryan and *baller*!!!lol
They also said that MC went out with a Wimper not a BANG!! That’s cuz Amanda wasn’t there to bang!! hehehehe
Here’s the link…..http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8AYug7GNFc&feature=youtu.be
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JT Those cones some times have a bit of weight to them. We have some from one of hubby’s job sites and it takes a hard push to topple them.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I missed it, did the waterworks come on when he fell or something? Arrogant , know it all Professor just assumed it was made of styrofoam, most likely.
Have a wonderful Birthday, JT!
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Hey JT, Happy B-day!!
Am I the only one more excited to see Dr. Will read these lame-o’s the riot act than to see the actual winner?? Can we get that unedited on our live feeds PLEASE 😉
LOVE that Amanda was campaigning for a losing cause.
LOVE that Candice did not look like she was buying into Aryan’s “I’m apologizing because on the ride over here production explained what a crap hole my mouth dug me” apology.
LOVE that Julie said McCrae was scared of Amanda.
LOVE that McCrae pretty much knows he and Amanda won’t last and their showmance cost them the game. If only he had bothered to get out of bed every now and then to get to know people, wash a dish, cook a meal, BATHE.
Spencer and GM both had a long talk a few days ago about knowing they can’t win against Andy. It was when McCrae won veto and I couldn’t believe they still put Judd up knowing Andy would beat them both. Andy has to win this HOH or he’s gone. Glad GM won round one, if it’s the typical part three where they guess what jury members have said she has a decent shot of beating the guys out.
I so want to hear the BB house voice say : ANDY….(long pause) GROWN UPS DO NOT SHOP AT GYMBOREE
LOVE that this dog of a season is almost over. Bring on some Survivor!!
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JT..from your lips to God’s..or BB’s..ears! Any scenario w/OUT Andy is okey dokey with me!!!lol I don’t like Spencer really either, so I hope you are right. WHO woulda thunk that gm would e the BB winner this year?????? Almost as unthinkable as Jordon winning!!! NOT that she is anything like GM..she’s sweet. But I never thoguth she would win!!!! 😯
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Glitter, Glitter everywhere:
Happy Birthday to you..*.¸.*✻✿ ✻*.¸.Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy BIRTHDAY Dear Sweet JT ♪♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy ♥ ♥ ♥ Birthday ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ toooooooooo ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪… YOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope you had a SENSATIONAL Day!!! XOXOXO
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@STAR, been watching Rob’s podcast all season, they’re really great. He’s not Boston Rob, but if memory serves they were both on the their 1st Survivor seasons together, hence we all know the other Rob as Boston Rob.
He has a podcast with Danielle Reyes coming Friday. That should be good!
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LOL @ kimjmj!!! What are UP with his clothes??? I didn’t think of that but they do look like they came from the toddler dept!! Haven’t see that shit since the guy taht wore the onsie all season!! HELP me out JT! Name and season evading me..again..lol I can SEE him..he needs a name tag on! But he was the one that told everyone his wife was sick. Friend of Ragan, right???
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyway..loved all your summations kimjmj. Spot on!!
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Woot Woot, sohappy GM won the first part. Thank you guys. Sounds like a good comp and can’t wait to see it. Will go back up and look at those links but wanted to drop a note here.
I can’t believe Andy’s clothes either. Gymboree for sure! He looks like the joker from an old movie.
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Seriously Star, does he own any big boy pants???
Matt Hoffman is who you are thinking of. I think he and his “miraculously cured” 😉 wife just had a baby this summer.
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kimjmj..I didn’t think it was him. No accent…lol I am not a huge Survivor fan so I didn;t even know ther ewas another rob. I have seen maybe the last 5 shows and I am no addict or expert. But I am SO ready for it just to be DONE with this skanky BB!!! *shivers* lol
Yeah, I heard about that podcast Fri too. Seems Ian had yet anothr crush that is going to go nowhere..on Jessie! Is it jsut me or is she totally not as HOT as she and Ian thinks she is?? I just don’t see it…..
SF….THERE’S the glitter I wanted!!! I need JT or Frannie to give me lessons on getting graphics and pics on WP!!!! *hint,hint* lol
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KIMJIM *? Right on the mark!
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@Star, I think JT showed them how to do all the graphics stuff. I just enjoy them doing it.
Love that everyone including Ed, Dr Will & Ian know what a horrible season this has been and what a horrible final 3 this is. Can’t wait to see what Dr Will has to say to the jury.
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I was really rooting for GM to win HOH, but I’ll take Andy since he didn’t put GM on the block. Even though Amanda claimed that she really is a nice person, I think it is pretty clear as day that she is the crazy person out of the house as she was in the house. I hope McCrae dumps her butt, and I hope that after this BB season I never have to look at her skanky butt in those awful daisy dukes again!
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Hey Lizzie & Kimjmj. Just got back on to wish our boy JT a Happy BD.
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@Melissa, Amanda admitted that she’s the same out of the house as she was in the house. So anyone should be forewarned that she’s a crazy bitch, no doubt.
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Star, Matt Hoffman 😉
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Thanks Starfish for the glitter! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks Lizzy & kimjmj for B-day wish 🙂
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Melissa..I am glad someone else is offended by Amanda in those WAY too short DD’s!! But to make them WORSE…when the car pulled up at the JH, and I saw heels, I thought….Oh NO…PLeASE don’t be wearing booty shorts with those! lol How can she dress so trashy on national TV and supposedly be this classy, rich realtor in RL??? She may say she si waht she is, in or out of BB, but…what IS that exactly???lol
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Starfish… I did teach Frannie & Aggie… because I’m lazy and wanted them to take over… LOL… and look at the page they put together for me at Aggieland… It looks amazing!!
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JT, I did see the great Birthday Page. They did an amazing job for you. You are a good teacher and I hope you have a glorious day today!! Happy Birthday my dear!
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JT…THANK YOU!!!!! All I could think of was Eric because I always thought those 2 were alot alike!! Do you know if Matt is still doing a blog or wahtever he was doing for BB??? Hadn’t seen anything about him this year.
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I’ll sneak over to aggies to take a peek! I figured she wouldn’t have it done until later this morning! She knows you are up late on Thurs nite tho..lol
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Happy B-Day BB
Don’t spend it all in one place. 😎
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Star…. y/w.. but kimjmj had answered before me…. I just missed it the first time 😳
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@Star, I think JT was the first one on there and he answered all the questions already! He’s up all night on Thurs.
JT, you staying up tonight? Seems like most of the BB action is over and GM must be on top of the world. 🙂
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Hey AC… thanks Bud… good to see you make your “cameo” tonight 😎
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LOL, Star, #293… This morning I had an argument with my 8 yr old daughter about wearing her dressy black pumps with a short-ish summer skort.. I didn’t know how to explain to her that it was a trashy look without going into details as to why it’s trashy… I guess I’ll have to freeze frame that and see if she see”s what I was talking about… 🙂
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Nah… I’ll go to bed in a while. I saw what I wanted to see.
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😉 JT
I’ve gotta hit the hay soon. It is pretty funny watching one go to the diary room and the other two talk about how they are the final two to the end. Who’s zooming who? 🙂
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There are 3 HGs left….. and there are also 3 final 2 deals in the house.
YEP… everyone has a F2 deal with everyone.
Of course those are to cover themselves to get taken to final 2 depending who wins final HOH.
Just gotta weed through the BS to figure out who is telling the truth to who. All 3 claim they are playing for 2nd place (that’s Spencer’s place)
And I believe they see it the way a lot of us do…..
-Andy wins if he’s in final 2
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM wins against Spencer
-Spencer will get taken to F2 and finish 2nd
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kimjmj, “Who’s zooming who?” LOL… I use that saying too.. have a couple times earlier this season. 😆
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kimjmj…just tell her it isn’t IN!! That should do it…lol explaining it might make her wear them MORE!!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Altho….at 8 I had Mary Janes…..not pumps!!! 😯 I would have broken my neck trying to walk on heels then!! Times sure have changed!!! 😉
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Enjoy that little ear worm JT… I have a constant late 80’s/early 90’s soundtrack in my head.. But that’s top 10 in the playlist during BB… 😛
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@Star, I had the same reaction you did when I saw those legs come out of the limo. OMG, she didn’t! Oh yes she did! So trashy.
@kimjmj, at about the same age (8) my daughter decided she wanted to make up her eyes and she looked horrible. I told her it didn’t look good on her but wasn’t able to explain that she looked cheap. Blue eye shadow and all. I just let it go and she got tired putting it on after about 3 weeks. I took a picture and when she looked at it years later, she asked why I let her do that. Well, there was no stopping her.
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OK, nite all!
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ED agrees with you JT that both Andy and GinaMarie would be smarter to take Spencer to the F2. He also made a good point about all the stupid shout-outs this year during the plea speeches and said he thinks CBS will try to put an end to that next year.
On an All-Stars season, he (ED) said they just sort of did that and that only Ian and Frank would be deserving out of the last three seasons (although said Amanda a possibility because of the hate factor). Said Jeff-Jordan, Daniele, Rachel-Brendon, Janelle, Dan and Boogie would be worthy but were all just on.
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LOL, Starfish… Hubby and I still use an old joke from the Simpsons, Homer was making inventions and came up with the “Shotgun Make Up Applicator”. He fired it at Marge’s face and when she looked int the mirror the line was “Homie, I think you have it set on whore”
She’s a rare mix of frilly girl and Punky Brewster, so “IN” doesn’t compute yet. 🙂 And yes Star, she would break an ankle wearing them to school, so they may majically dissappear until the right occasion arises.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you need to overcome any growing tension today, approach the other person involved in a direct manner as early in the day as you can. Not only will it save you time, it will prevent more headaches. Someone who is throwing their weight around thinks that they have you intimidated to the point of complete obedience — and won’t it be amusing when you show them that you can’t be pushed around? Be firm, but polite. You know how to make your point without making anyone mad.
Happy Birthday My Friend JT
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Your a good guy and a good friend, you deserve all the best life has to offer, I hope you have a fun day
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@ Nonna -comment 57. Thanks! my feelings exactly! What is the difference between HGs bad mouthing other HGs and the people on this blog bad mouthing HGs? Lets stop the hating!!!
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Happy Birthday JT
May your day be filled with friends, family and laughter.
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Thanks so much! Aggie, Bob, & Dubs Doll 🙂
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JT Happy Birthday! Here’s a thought for you that I read last night: “Receive love, give love, repeat.” Enjoy your day ~ I hope someone spoils you. GOD BLESS!
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joleemae….I may have to steal that quote! Love it!!! ♥ 😉
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Thanks joleemae, I hope someone spoils me too! 😆
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2 Gingers and a Bimbo!
Probably the scariest finale ever for CBS!
A woman who has been fired because of her racist comments, a man who was also racist and tried to play up child porn for another houseguest, and a man who has the integrity of pond scum in the form of a university professor.
Sad, lowly scum rises to the top, cream of the depravity.
Yes, I agree with many of the others on this blog, this may be the swan song of Big Brother USA.
Julie Chen, if you have a real voice, say something, please!
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Star, you may definitely quote me. I love that phrase. Lol JT. 🙂
There’s another one I like if I can remember it… I think it’s “Be swift to hear slow to speak and slow to wrath.” I had it taped to our fireplace while raising our teenage daughter! 🙂 That was fun,!! 🙂 I really need to turn off my lights and get to bed – I’m keeping my dogs awake!! 🙂 Nite all and God bless!
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Happy Birthday JT…I made you a birthday cake!
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Happy Birthday JT !
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Happy Bday
BB15 No comment ! LOL
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I live in Colorado Springs and I was so glad Direct TV kept me on satellite until the show was over. Had to have a few interruptions when flooding news came on, but luckily our home is in an area away from streams.Western Colorado Springs, Estes Park, Lyons and Boulder were not that lucky I am afraid.
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Happy Birthday JT 🙂
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Late night at JT’s Birthday Party, have a good day all, see you later!
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JT I agree with Joleemae and I too hope that someone spoils you today.
Aggieland really gave you a big party! Hope you’re having an amazing day!!
As for BB, I got nothin, just like Bobo! 😆
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Fri 13th – might wanna place a little bet on a pony! ha ha
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One more Happy Birthday JT!
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New Post
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Good morning, if anyone’s still on this blog. It’s a sorry state of affairs when I find myself (@ 5 a.m.) waking up, sitting up in the LR having fallen asleep here last nite waiting to see which gross place Spencer’s hand was going next, his nose or his crotch. My husband says he thinks I finally lost my sanity. I told him to join me Sunday nite and we’d see how long he took to lose his…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Talk about stupid, why would bb tell the roomies to “pretend” it’s nighttime the other day? Do they think we’re that stupid? Those dumbasses couldn’t even do that right. Even if there weren’t live feeds, Andy’s whispering to Judd “we’re supposed to be tired, it’s night time, shhh! hehehe”. What a load of bull.
I guess they do think we’re all dumb, ’cause they’re bragging about the record breaking ratings this season as I’m typing.
Maybe they’re right.
Well, as far as I’m concerned, watching this sorry season was saved by being able to read all the views of everyone on this blog. It really makes the show worth watching, to me, esp. this year. Great thanx out to everyone here, w/out exception for making this so enjoyable and interesting for me.
One thing, though. I just can’t bear the thought of that Dweeb, pasty Andy winning it all. Makes my temper boil. I guess he did play the game, but he’s so very unlikeable i just can’t stand the thought of him winning.
Now, GM, IMHO played the game as well, maybe smarter than we all think. If she wins, I’ll be “relatively’ happy, because I’m sure she needs it and it won’t all go on booze, drugs, etc. I also believe the racist comments are not really representative of her true heart. I think she’s probably a very caring, fair person that didn’t have the intelligence to be able to argue w/ Candice w/out the racial stuff coming out. Being from the Jersey shore, I dealt w/ tons of girls like her when I was a teenager. All loud and not too many intrapersonal skills. Especially in a group, the loudest, most foul-mouthed usually was the group “queen”.(sorry, Andy, you’re runner-up) GM’s the only one out of this sorry group that I can stomach the thought of winning.
On another note, will they finish the HOH comp today, or drag it thru the weekend? Are you guys w/ live feeds going to be able to tell who wins before Sunday? If BB is counting on the hg’s to NOT portray who won, I don’t believe there’s a snowball’s chance in hell they could pull it off. Either one of the “guys” would think they’re sly and wink in a mirror(aka camera).
Boy, I sure hope they do a better job next season w/ not only casting, but the whole show. The comps, order of comps, punishments, etc. all need to be completely revamped. For that to work, it has to start w/ the execs at the show. They need an entirely new production staff, or it’s just gonna keep going downhill, IMO.
One last thing. They need to have an assignment of household chores to do for every HG on a daily basis, and make them keep up w/ it (threaten to w/hold their stipend if they don’t finish their tasks) Those bedrooms (esp. Mcamazon’s area) are absolutely gross! How can anyone even lay on those sheets? Does the bedding ever get changed/washed? I can almost smell that stank here in FL, and the bitch isn’t even back yet.
Well, sorry, folks, I just reread my comment and I’m going to submit it, anyway. It reflects my state of mind after 3 hrs sleep, and a big nightmare of an “all pink, whiney, pasty, mismatched pee-wee clothes victory. So there you have it. Noooooo! Please not him!!!!!
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Frannie.. thanks for the cake.. looks delicious!
Bella, Sylvie, RMM, & Macy (Bendi), Thanks for the happy birthday wishes!
Starfish.. thanks for the song… cute!
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@Lizzie, I thought I would comment on this blog to answer you. Sorry about your sleepless night and your whiney pink nightmare. 😆 I agree with you and you are so funny too. As for GM, she’s the least offensive of the final three. She is offensive though and was terrible to Candice. Maybe she was the “queen” of the mean girls. I do agree she has a good heart and empathy for people and will probably use the money best of the three. I actually like her but don’t like her behavior in so many of the instances that she showed that mean girl side and big mouth.
See you on the New Post. Hope you get some sleep. 🙂
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Starfish I loved The Penguin Song Happy Birthday Very cool 😎

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Thanks Bobo! 😀
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