Hi y’all!
I wanted to post a quick update and give y’all a new page to comment under before I hit the road on my vacation.
Elissa is Head of Household. She nominated Aaryn and McCrae for eviction. As I mentioned in my previous post, I wasn’t too happy that Elissa decided not to nominate Amanda but I could see her logic.
Afterall, Aaryn wins every competition.
And Amanda wins nothing, right?
Somehow, Amanda won the power of veto. I’ve read all sorts of conspiracy theories online about Amanda suddenly winning the one challenge that she needed to win.
There’s a part of me that does think the whole game is being rigged and that the challenge probably was specifically designed to allow Amanda to win. That part of me also thinks that Elissa would have gotten a Pandora’s Box if Amanda hadn’t won the veto. There’s more than one way to rig a game, after all.
The more rational part of me that feels that Amanda knew she was going to have to win this challenge and, as a result, she actually focused and made an effort to win.
After all, this has been the first week that either she or McCrae has actually been in danger. This is the first week that either one of them really had to win a challenge.
It’s hard to say for sure because the challenge was not broadcast over the live feeds. Everyone will have to wait until Wednesday to see how Amanda won that veto and even then, we’ll always wonder if we’re seeing the whole story or just a selectively edited version.
Anyway, Amanda is going to veto McCrae and she’ll probably give one of her standard, “I’m-so-cute” speeches when she does it. Elissa says that she’s going to nominate Andy in McCrae’s place.
Andy is sobbing about it.
So, who goes home? Andy or Aaryn? As of right now, it looks like Amanda and McCrae will vote to to evict Aaryn while GM will vote to evict Andy. Judd might be planning to vote to evict Andy but his vote still seems like it might be up in the air. Spencer might end up being the swing vote and I have a feeling that Spencer will vote to keep Andy around.
Finally, how will last Thursday’s HoH competition is portrayed on tonight’s show. Will we see Jessie cursing out Amanda after she falls? Will they acknowledge the crazy fan who somehow popped up in the backyard? Though I’m going to miss tonight’s episode, I’ve got the DVR set to record it so I can find out once I return home.
Bye for now and stay supple,
Lisa Marie
I hope Elissa put up Andy!! Or it’s all a waste.
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happy vaca LM! cross ur fingers for a shale up!
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Ugh, this is going to be a long 26 hours…
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Just my opinions….
I think they will show the “crazy fan” character. He was part of the act after all.
IDK if they will show Jessie’s “farewell” to Amanda.. they might show it.. but we wont hear it! 😆
If Andy does go up… then Aaryn gets evicted 4-1.
However, If Amanda & her “not ready for prime time” players can trick Elissa into putting up GM… then GM gets evicted 3-2.
I hope Elissa sticks to her guns… but there is too much time left for Amanda to scheme. Amanda couldn’t talk her out of nominating McCrae.. but now she has most of the house in on the act. Today will tell us a lot. Stay tuned.
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Sure hope andy is on the block. . Wouldn’t care which one goes to jury house
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JT, thanks for update and your thoughts on the previous page. I can understand your reasons for worry; however, I think Elissa is not one who is not so easily pressured. It may have seemed that way in the past because she doing what Helen told her to do. Now that she is on her own, she is going to do what she wants. She knows that listening to Helen is what has led to Helen’s eviction. Helen ultimately did what Amanda wanted…
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I don’t like the cat and mouse game they are all playing
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@Joyce Neither do I.
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I am exhausted from the nonsense of this season.
My brain hurts from all the dumb moves and bad alliances, and the crying.
I don’t know why Amanda wasn’t put up w her grey undies and why GM thinks she has people on her side, why is Andy not smarter , why is Judd floating again, MACANDA
are still together and not looking like a big threat as any couple in every season, why is Spencer allowed to contribute nada, and Elysa why didn’t you put up Demanda ???????
Off to walk my ver smart dogs.
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Amanda only had to beat one person in the veto comp, Elissa. No one else wanted to win so that Amanda would make them the next target. McC didn’t want to win or Amanda would have been the renom! I’m telling you, the game is Amanda’s, cut her the check now. (More proof, how many times have you had five people trying to daze and confuse a houseguest into putting someone up that they said wouldn’t be put up?)
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Elissa should start listening at doors and such whenever anybody is talking or whispering without her as part of the conversation. Heck, it seems so many others are doing the same.
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I have been saying all along the game is rigged and it’s either Eliisa or Amanda who will win it all.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------amanda’s undies are not grey
she just needs to take them off and throw them in to some strong bleach
and soak them overnite and then wash the mccrays dna off and they might get back to white again
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It away happen in Big Brother house when a person needs to win veto they win hmmm well it depends on the next HOH hope Amanda goes then .
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I’m so sick of Amanda! seems no matter what .. things up end up going her way.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What would it take .. short of a BOMB to get here the heck out of that house?
there MUST be SOMETHING .. but have a feeling production won’t let that happen.
or else they would add some other new twist that would give her back the power.
It’s nauseating. Why not let AMERICA have at least ONE vote to vote someone out ???
then her sorry butt would be gone.
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I hate to say that I hate anyone because it’s so harsh. How in the name of this game is Amanda still there? If she uses the veto for Mccrae, Amanda should go up and get out of this game. She’s such a bully. This season really turned me off to BB. The people in this house have certainly shown their true colors. Don’t they know they are going to be judged when they leave the house?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I watched the clip when the four evicted houseguests were competing to stay in the house…it looked like Helen was pushed off that plantk. I watched it over and over and that’s what it looked like to me. I wish someone, anyone in the house but Amanda would do something unexpected which is rare with these houseguests.
Happy vacation Lisa and thanks for the blog.
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If production wants to have some PRIVATE untelevised game rigged to let a friend of one of the producers win ..let them have it but why put US through it? And now I’m starting to think that’s how Andy and Aarryn have remained safe for so long too – because they help keep Amanda there.. but now one of them has to go because it’s come down to one of them or her. COME ON BB. How about a FAIR game?? all you’re doing is pissing us all off!
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I have watched BB for many years now and still don’t fully understand the “rules” behind winning the POV. My “rational” thought is that the POV can be used to save ONE houseguest. So in this case why can’t Amanda be nominated if she uses it on McCrea? McCrea is the “saved” houseguest so the only people not eligible for nomination is the HOH and POV winner, right? If Amanda chooses not to use the POV for McCrea then SHE would be exempt from nomination. I don’t know, maybe my rationale is being applied to an irrational game. 🙂 Did I miss this rule explanation (maybe during season one when I didn’t watch)?
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P.S. If production has control of this game…it doesn’t pay to watch. When reality shows started (and people forgot how to write good TV) after the first show of any reality TV, everyrthing goes down the tubes. People want to be entertained, not managed.
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If that pig wins I may never again believe this show isn’t rigged.
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With the BS Andy feed Helen last week. Elissa will put Andy up as the replacement!. As such, 3Am will become 2AM!!
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Good. But I’m waiting for it to become ZERO AM .. (with the “AM” standing
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------for AManda of course!)
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Just marking a spot and my contribution at this moment is, BLEH! 😀
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I said in a previous post that Aaryn won’t be going anywhere since she’s the best to take to the finals, but with her blowing up the scheme and telling Amanda all about it she made it a competition that Amanda knew she had to win. Now I’d rather see Aaryn get voted out since she proved she really is a dumbass that can only win HOH comps.
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Aaryn needs to talk to Amanda and remind her that before she met McCrae she came to win a half million. She should propose a final 2 deal, reminding her that if she goes to the end with McCrae she will likely lose to him. The two mean girls both have enemies in the jury house but he doesn’t.
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Why is everyone saying Andy’s going up when on B-bad Judd, Spencer, Andy, and E were talking about putting GM up and the three of them voting Aaryn out? Judd seemed like he was finally taking charge type deal. Sure hope E can trust them. It didn’t show Andy running back to McNasty with the info so maybe it’s ligit. GM on the block is what Amanda wants anyway and she’ll think that E fell for her trap, and then Aaryn get voted out anyway. I would love for that to happen.
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😆 @ ★fish
Things are still looking ok. Judd & Elissa were first ones up.. the rest still sleeping. Andy accidentally left the hose running last night for the hot tub… so there was a small flood in the b/y…. and Judd had to go back inside for a lockdown.
Judd & Elissa had a quality game chat up in HOH. They weighed the pros & cons of putting up either Andy or GM. Both said they didn’t want GM going anywhere.. and didn’t really want her put up. But they both also realize GM would be a vote to keep Aaryn.
If nothing else… they both talked through not trusting what Am & Mc said about voting out Andy. And Elissa brought up the fact how Andy lied to Helen all last week .
So far so good.
And one good thing is that Judd wants Am & Mc out ASAP… glad he didn’t get suckered into working with them again. I hope he wins HOH on Thursday.
Judd: “If I can’t win, I want to make sure I’m not voting for one of them” (Am & Mc)
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My o my I look back at the beginning of the season to now. Amanda has surely fell from grace with the fans.
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Nancy, that conversation made me nervous as hell… no lie. But after BB/AD was over (maybe an hour or 2 later?). Andy & Judd went up to HOH to talk more with Elissa. Judd didn’t know Andy was faking… but the 2 of them pushing Elissa again made her suspicious (again).
Honestly, I think she’ll still put up Andy.. but wouldn’t be shocked if she didn’t. It’s a work still in progress. (and I’m watching) 😉
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Since most of us believe Amanda will win the money and we now know she’s lost her job, the money will come in handy. Congrats for that! However, we all know $500,000 isn’t going to last long in a twenty something’s hands for their entire life. She would still have to live frugally unless mommie and daddy chip in to help. She’s going to have a rought time, as will most of them, getting a job with the racist, etc. comments following them around and on you tube videos for all eternity. Or she could go into the porn movie field and make a bundle. justsayin 😛
JT, you are so right. A Master Puppeteer she is and would get big kudos from Dr. Will!! All we can do is say Bravo and cringe out teeth. She’s one of those love to hate gamers for so many of us.
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Also…. if GM goes up, Aaryn will not be voted out. GM will be voted out 3-2 (Am, Mc, & An). Andy is still with Am & Mc… they are keeping their distance and fake fighting to throw the others off their trail.
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@ Sal and jeanne728….I sure am glad you guys feel the same way I do. I think all of this is for nothing….in the end, ScumanDUH will get that check, and there isn’t a damn thing anyone of them or us can do about it. 🙄
Bring on ‘football’!
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Oops, forgot about my chat pack buddy @fish. 🙂
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*fish, you forgot to mention all the $ Amanda will need to spent on Monistat! 😯
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Frannie, did I get kicked out of chat pack? 😯
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No JT….never!
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The first thing that went through my mind when I read Amanda won POV was the statement written by the formerly anonymous production person who helped to cast this year’s BB. She stated that if ever it looked like Amanda were in danger of going home to look for a twist to prevent that from happening.
Twist presented.
Amanda couldn’t save a drowning kitten in 3 inches of water much less herself AND boy-toy McCrae in a single stroke of luck.
But I’ve been saying for five years that this game is seriously rigged in the direction of whomever production wants to win.
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So sick of the interference of production. Still say they need to bring back every person who went out the door first. Some of them didn’t even have a chance to sit down before leaving.
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Frannie, you are too funny.
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I am watching now and Judd an Elisa are talking and E is still planning to put up Andy… We can only hope. Then they will have to realize that they no longer control the entire house…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would love for Judd to win next HOH
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@JT… I dunno, do you really think Andy would vote out GM after all his repeated swearing in front of Judd and Spencer that he would vote Aaryon out? I know he’s a master of lies so the question now is he lying to Elisa or lying to McCranda? Did zing bot get under his skin enough? Does he realize he has no shot with 3AM?
I’m 75% sure Elisa is sticking to her guns on putting up Andy after I read this: Elissa tells Judd that whoever is going up deserves it because they have screwed up a lot of people’s game & they deserve to go up.. Sounds like she won’t let Andy off the hook for lying to Helen.
But even if GM is the replacement I’m not convinced Andy is sticking with 3AM..
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Princess… what was the twist? I missed that one.
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Since Helen is in the jury house and she has FINALLY figured out that Amanda is running things, maybe she will talk all the jury members into not voting for Amanda. I think i would feel pretty safe next to her at the end, because she is despised. And i cant wait until they tell her that America was the MVP that put her up both weeks.
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kimjmj , I have had the same thoughts. Zingbot did call him a floater…. and that bothered him a lot… A LOT. Andy has lied exactly this way to Helen, Candice, Jessie, Howard, Kaitlin, Nick, David (and then voted them out)…… but not Jeremy 😆
It is certainly a question worth asking. He is definitely lying to someone… very well.
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Exactly, sounds like Elisa is even more resolute on putting Andy up, and she has been anything but flexible (LOL) in her thinking, so Amanda can believe her master plan is working all she wants, Elisa isn’t drinking her koolaid. 🙂
However it works out, at least Monday they Thursday won’t be so dull!!
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Agree, Elissa still sounds determined to put up Andy… and is even telling Judd to open his eyes. If she is still set on putting up Andy after all that stuff last night… then it seems unlikely to change now.. no matter what Amanda dreams up.
Elissa knows she doesn’t have much chance… or any true allies. So she really doesn’t have a lot to lose if Andy goes. She is just going to take a swing at Am & Mc any way she can…. works for me.
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Works for me too. I too hope Judd wins HOH next week. I want to see him put his money where his mouth is. Anyone else and E doesn’t have a chance of staying off the block. Even GM with her new besties phoney alliance would put her up under Amanda’s orders probably along side Spencer depending on HOH. At least it’s not predictable right now. Just give it a second. 😆
I’m really happy to see E sticking to her guns so far and not falling for all the roll playing going on. I might have bought the BS but she doesn’t seem to be. Good for her. Looks like she sees through Andy for real, with the help from Helen of course. It took way too long to catch on to him.
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I’m hoping it’s Andy just to watch McCranda scramble thru the week. I can see Amanda pushing for Aaryon to stay and blowing up at McCrea for disagreeing. 🙂
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To be honest, I think this latest BS would have worked on Helen. Elissa ain’t buyin it. Judd doesn’t know what is going on.
Worst thing that happened to Elissa’s game – Helen getting evicted..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Best thing that happened to Elissa’s game – Helen getting evicted..
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kimjmj, I can see that potential too! 😆 I really wanted McCrae to win veto so I could watch Amanda try to talk him into not saving himself… but I’ll settle for this. 🙂
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JT, I’m too scared to find out too whom it is he is lying this week. (I’m almost positive it is Elissa). I want Aaryn gone!! For the simple fact that it would wipe that smug, arrogant smile off Amanda’s face. Those four (plus Spencer… and what’s he doing helping them anyway?) are far too comfortable, far too sure of themselves. They need to be knocked down a peg or two.
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If E. will just stick to putting Andy up. She gave GM her word she would not put her up, even if GM is not going to keep her word I think E. is golden on her word. She probably see’s GM is her own worst enemy. But last night it looked like GM was on the verge of have a nervous breakdown. I think she is miserable and cannot grasp the reality that her so called bestie Aaaaaaryn is such a snake. And Aaaaaaryn is a great competitor but she doesn’t have a 1/2 a brain to think with. WHY is she so in love with Amanda??? I cannot believe she lets her talk to her the way she does and treat her the way she does and then just sits and looks at her and tells her how wonderful she is?!?!?!?! I just cannot understand this girl at all. When the show 1st started I thought she and Amanda were so pretty and seem to be nice enough. BUT boy have they shown their true colors. I can only hope in real life that they are not like the people we see for a few hours each week. Please Lord let them be nice people in the real world and just acting on this show b/c if they are really this kind of person…………..well I’ll let you finish that thought. GM I hope will trick all of us and do what she said she would do and that is vote AAAAAAryn out. I realize she is her alliance but she did give her word and E. at least never said she would vote Helen out. GM and Aaaaaaryn have gone at each other several times and GM surely has to see the writing on the wall of the kind of person Aaaaaaaryn is. She even talked trash abt her to E. and how she was not the kind of person the other 2 were and threw out all kinds of garbage on them. I will be so disappointed if she votes to keep Aaaaaaryn. But the saving grace is I don’t care which goes home Andy or Aaaaaryn. But I think Aaaaaaryn is the bigger threat.
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If this game is rigged why do you think none if the previous houseguest have ever come forward and made a statement to that effect? Just saying!!! Does anyone have that same question???
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I vote to evict AMANDA!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Putting the POV winner up on the block AFTER they used it on someone else has never been done before and yet I see NO REASON why it is not a master play! That would leave Production licking their wounds….Oh Happy Day! It’s time that the filthy Amanda went to the JH!! I would give odds (if I were a betting person) of 1 to 99 that she would be eaten alive by what would await her there. Of course Production would find a way to send IT back into the BB House, but, for an instant it would be worth it to SEE IT get what is coming to her!!!
If not Filthy (30 yr old??) Amanda then……..
I vote to evict ANDY!!! Next Aaryn or McCrea the PUPPET!! Take your pick.
I admit that I don’t watch BB anymore, (at least NOT this season), but, I do get information from this Blog.. I thank you all as it is better than the actual show since I DON’T have to wade through the junk. Bless you all and keep it REAL!
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After 14 seasons, I can honestly say I’m sick of BB. The HG’s, Production, bigotry, etc.etc., but most of all sick of them glorifying bullying – BAD example to set for people. GET RID OF AMANDA
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everytime I see Amanda & McCrae sitting on the b/y couch smoking, why does the song Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves play in my head? 🙄
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Aaryn To GM:
“I have good news and bad news. Good news is Andy is going up instead of you, bad news is Andy is going home”
Ummm… now I have some bad news for you Aaryn..
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@Maggie, the reason why the POV winner has never before gone on the block is because it is in the rules that the POV winner is safe from the block, that person can not be a replacement nominee.
The bullying problem is a perfect example why we have to go back to the way it was the first season when the HGs nominated 3 people for eviction and then the viewers evicted one of those people.
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We need to have viewer evictions like most every other country has.
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Amanda’s arguing with McC about his dirty clothed being in all the drawers in the house !
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I think Elissa’s best bet is to put somebody up beside Aaryn that Amanda wouldn’t want to vote out .. and the closest thin left to that is Andy .. But if possibly Andy TRULY is now ready to support Elissa .. but then who knows what TRULY Andy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is ever going to do. He’s proven himself almost impossible to trust. What a mess.
Doesn’t it figure though that THIS .. of all times.. Amanda would win something !! ??
GIVE ME A BREAK! It’s so irritating to see her wiggle out of eviction week after week.
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I love it when HGs fight. Doesn’t matter who. So much fun. 😉
Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves
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Kev, 😆 I have to admit, I always like that song. AND… next time you see Amanda & McCrae scraggly dressed.. with headbands & shades, smoking on the b/y couch.. that song will go through your head too now!
Share (Cher) my pain.
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Amanda winning POV is downright depressing (or maybe I’m just generally depressed this week). Well, Amanda winning hasn’t done my mental health a bit good that’s for sure!! One thing, if she continues to get McCruddy, Aaryn and Andy to carry her to the finals, that woman will deserve to win as much as I hate to say it.
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Love Cher, thanks K11. Watched the whole thing.
Gypsies, Tramps & Thieves touches on the characters of this years HGs for sure.
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Amanda is sooooooooo obnoxious !!!
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@JT: I saw McCrae signing that a couple nights back and he said it was stuck in his head…thought maybe that’s where you got it from. If not, a sign the World Is Almost Over? (I confess I liked it as a teen, like ‘Cherokee Woman,’ but now could do without it.)
Amanda now going ED on the HGs blowing the clown horn in their faces. Unsure if the Meds kicking in or if she didn’t take them. Seems all in good fun but Elissa wasn’t having any of it. An Elissa-Amanda F2 Boxing Match might be the best Rx for this season. 👿
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Feel the Love on Twitter: (This account always makes me laugh)
Midnight Special @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda isn’t even original. First she copies Brenchel now she copies ED. Get your own shit, whore. #BB15
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Ian Terry @TulaneTerry
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t support insulting the family. Once Amanda came outside, that’s when it crossed the line. McCrae alone kept the discussion relevant.
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Amanda has seriously lost her freakin mind.
Just to annoy Elissa, she went in the cockpit room and started blowing a party favor horn (from veto comp) in Elissa’s ear. Elissa, Andy, & GM were in there talking.
Amanda says she is going to chase Elissa around the house.
I don’t get it. All Amanda can accomplish by this is other HGs finally waking the F up and seeing Amanda for the disgusting person she is. I would LOVE if Andy smells the coffee… wins HOH.. and puts up Am & Mc! I can see that “this is just too much” look in his eyes.
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@ JT love, love, love gypsies, tramps, and thieves … Also like for Andy the song “liar” … Will now have theme songs instead of their annoying voices and sketch y ideas .. Thanks JT!
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I think we all owe “Clownie” an apology. He was far from evil… and relatively sane.
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Susan…. 3 Dog Night? That works for me!
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Here is Amanda’s true identity…
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Seriously???? Amanda is nuttier than a fruitcake.
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If there were drug testing in the BB House, almost all would be eliminated and the F3 would probably be Andy, Helen and GinaMarie.
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wow, so many questions about the POV Rules…..
i hope this helps some of u…..
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Franniep2 that is soooooo funny!!! Where do u guys get all this stuff it’s all so funny!!! Does anyone have a picture of Elissa’s 78 ur old husband ? I haven’t seen a pic of him yet.
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Big Brother Junkies @BigBrotherBBJ
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda is waiting for Elissa to get out of her room so she can harass her #bb15
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 22s
Amanda says she’s going to make sure she follows Elissa around the whole day so no one can have a conversation with her. #BB15
Big Brother Junkies @BigBrotherBBJ 23s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda is going to blow her horn in Elissa’s ear all day to prevent her from having conversations. This house hates each other
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Canadian TV interview with Elissa’s husband:
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hopefully ellisa watched when her sister harrased dani – and maybe when ED did the pots and pans thing – hang in there girl!
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Kara @KaraHunt35 5m
I kinda think that this is what Amanda will look like in just a few short years. #bb15 pic.twitter.com/LTWsueH6yP
Retweeted by Midnight Special
Mamacita! Can I get your phone number girl? 👿
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http://globalnews.ca/video/750543/brent-slater-husband-of-bb-contestant E’s hubby
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Thank you kevin11. He doesn’t look old what is she talking about? Amanda is an idiot!
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Elissa’s hubby seems like a really nice guy. I hope things go well for them. I’m sure they have more of a chance at happiness than the nasty duo M&A.
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Elissa’s husband actual age is 41….but he looks older thats why demanda keeps saying he’s 78, lol… 🙂
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I’m surprised McC isn’t all over Amanda for behaving so badly and putting a clear target right on her patutti for everyone to realize the skank and what and who she truly is.
fp2 – Omanda bin Layin 😆 😆 😆
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boy these players suck ! Mccreppy and Freaking Amanduh makes me sick ~ ewwww I can’t stand them, ~ I’ve been wondering if this game was rigged for the last 5 years and I feel now yep it’s a rigged game.
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My oh my, if this is how Amanda behaves when noms don’t go get way it is going to be one heck of a nuclear meltdown when she is on the block with no way out!!!
Personal attacks are bound to happen but the low level this group sinks to and the frequency at which they go there is beyond me. Families, especially children, should be off limits.
It’s the glee Amanda is getting out of it that irks me.. I’m so cool, I can berate people no one else will stick up for.. and she asks if she’s really a bully???
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I watched the interview and think Elissa’s husband is a stand-up guy but find it hard to believe she will ever move to Canada. But maybe, after today to simply flee this American Insanity.
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She’s more than a bully, she’s abusive and can’t you just see her doing that to her children if they don’t behave the way she wants them to behave.
She’s simply nauseatingly nauseating! Talk about disgusting and to go after someone’s family and children, is even more vile. Karma is a bitch and that’s the only thing that makes this fun because she will pay the price. Those videos will haunt her for the rest of her life. She can’t hide from them, they wil pop up when she least expects them. She’ll have to show them to her kids before someone else does.
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I hope the DR is telling Amanda to STFU!!! She getting on my last nerve and I’m not in the house!
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Amanda was just up pounding on the HOH room door and blowing that stupid horn. Elissa has just been laughing at her (not with her). So good for Elissa holding up.
I really think Andy was still with Am & Mc… but if he still was, he has to be seriously questioning that now. He is worried about being a floater. Imagine how much worse he’d feel being aligned with a raving lunatic who uses personal attacks as strategy.
Andy has often wondered if America was MVP…. I think today erases all doubt. And I think he’d be wise to distance himself from that…. for real this time.
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JT ha! was ellisa up there by herself whe amanda was doing that?
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Yes she was… but she wasn’t sad. She was just laughing. Then when Amanda went dowstairs, Elissa watched her on the screen..and laughed while having a snack. She was laughing at how ridiculous it was…. not at it being remotely funny.
The plan behind the madness? Andy will console Elissa… whil amanda torments her today & tomorrow….. then the “logic” is, “How could Elissa put up the one person that was there for her”
So looks like Andy is on board with this whole madness plan. And Aaryn is eating it up too.
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BB contestants went to church……see the live feed
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Oh i thought Amanda’s undies were grey.
Thanks , bleach is all they need…shocker!
I guess no time to do laundry
Why does Elyssa’s husband say hopefully she’ll move to Canada. Do they not live toghether ? But yes i strongly agree she should go.
That pic is imprinted in my brain, where did u find it . Elysa will get her implants replaced before they drop to her knees lol
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McCreepy needs to have his head examined if he plans on sticking with Amanda post game…she’s not only an abrasive, obnoxious bully, she’s abusive. If he thinks its funny the way she’s been treating the other HGs just wait until she turns that nasty on him. But then, he’ll be getting nothing less than he deserves, she’s already told him this is her personality not game. Personally, I can not imagine any human being so cold and heartless and having so few redeeming qualities as herself.
There is a sick feeling in my gut that she will win BB15. Unfortunately, as much as I hate it, after being protected by so many people and carried through the game by them, she will deserve it. If only Andy and Aaryn will see the light.
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BECKY did u see evel dicks season? he was more abrasive and wond the game – never know what the jurors are thinking – but his season was alot different circumstances – he had his daughter in there – btw – she got second
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Nice to have Judd back, maybe, just maybe NOW big brother will begin to be played. AMANDA must be getting close to the weight limit for big brother. What a hog AMANDA is, always something in her mouth.
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There was something likable aboutED. he had a plan it was clear and he was honest about it. He did spit a lot and smoke.
But when it game to the game he played it and i rooted for him.
This bunch is very “insecure” about showing who they are . How long are they going to be “friends” ?
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When will these players realize Elissa is pissed at them for doing Amanda’s dirty work!
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SYLVIE i agree with ya bout ED it was my first season to watch – although – kev11 sent us the other seasons – i got thru seasons one and 2 – then the site went bye bye
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and i did skip to dr wills season and watch it – so glad i did
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I watched the show… now I see feeds are on trivia.. anyone know why?
Are they doing POV ceremony tonight instead of the usual tomorrow?
Oh well….. back to BB (Breaking Bad of course)
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macy, you can watch other seasons on this youtube channel.
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JT – maybe have nots – wassup with that usually thurs nite or fri at the latest – 3-4 free days off
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True.. they usually do that Friday….. maybe HGs thought they were gonna get a free week. haha
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JT bought the dvds thru until this season – on the episode where the jesse gets to go to the new lab – and the ‘fixer’ kills the other bad guy in the hospital
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has it ever been addressed up to this point what is wrong with jr? ms? his speech?
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macy, MS if I remember right. What season are you watching? 3 or 4?
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end of 3 that guy totally cracks me up how he gets out of all the crap he gets put in bb-note – go ellisa
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feeds are back….. nothing happened? I guess they have all been called to DR for a minute… something about game rules? IDK
I did see this on Jokers… and copied it because I’m sure it will be removed soon..
Sun 6:38 PM BBT A giant, ravenous leopard just ran out of the Diary Room and is currently eating all the HouseGuests. Blood everywhere NT – zimdelinvasor
Remember…. don’t believe everything you read… even on a reputable site.
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LOL… and just like that… that “update” is gone!
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I thought there was supposed to be a fan run through the hoh comp? did BB realizze it was lame and not show it?
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Tammy… I believe they saw how lame it was and left it on the cutting room floor… it was more lame than the mascots running out for sure.
Glad they showed Elissa’s recovery.
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here’s part of what demanda has done to Elissa… this is what demanda put on Elissa’s dresser…condoms and a maxi-pad with sause… there are NO words to describe her behavior…. YUCK !!!! ….. 😮
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Well, I took a peak again at Jokers and this is what Serac posted at 7:11 pm PST tonight. Amanda talking to Aaryn and I’m not sure who else if anyone was there.
* Amanda says if it was for you guys throwing it I would have never won (referring to the veto comp.) NT
So, do we now believe she got them to throw the veto for her even tho no one saw her making that deal? Not out loud anyway.
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@hoh8 SkankManda is disgusting!!
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I’ve changed my other mind, Amanda is not a good player, she’s about the most disgusting human being ever in the BB house. Leaving that on E’s dresser is egregious behavior at the very least. I think she needs a shrink big time.
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Starfish. That is a perfect example of context ..or lack of that I was pointing out yesterday.
To get under Amanda’s skin a bit, Elissa has been saying they all threw the comp to Amanda….. so Amanda has been saying “Thanks for throwing it to me” since last night (all sarcasm intended)
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Thanks JT, I figured it might have been something like that but in context or not, Amanda is horrible.
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yucky, Amanda is in the pool in her underware
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(bookmark @30)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------gotta go gang. Thanks for the comments!
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Hey guys! I have been reading Jokers and wasn;t able to get OL til now. WTH is going on inside BB???? FISh..trivia……Amanda going bat shit crazy….DR handing out meds to calm the rats down instead of DOING something about this!! I know I need to go back and read and see what y’all have been saying, but I just had to put this out there. Ya know, HGS have been kicked out for much less. WHY is Amanda still IN there???? What a piecce of SH*T!!!! I seriously thnk she needs alot of *shrinkage*!!!! ANGTFT!!!!! lol
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Ô¿Ô 08.25.13 at 1:35 pm
Amanda only had to beat one person in the veto comp, Elissa. No one else wanted to win so that Amanda would make them the next target. McC didn’t want to win or Amanda would have been the renom! I’m telling you, the game is Amanda’s, cut her the check now. (More proof, how many times have you had five people trying to daze and confuse a houseguest into putting someone up that they said wouldn’t be put up?)
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@Sal, I know I remember and I agree. They should just shut the show down and give the bitch the check. but she’s still a vile human being.
While on Jokers I also saw a comment Amanda made that E’s husband is her father and nobody laughed except the crew in the B/Y. Pretty awful stuff. JT, did you see it that way?
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Obviously SkankMANda is Batshit Crazy:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7:27 PM Amanda wants to ask Elissa if she can use her bath. NT
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Gotta LMFAO at Judd though:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7:28 PM Amanda says she wants her phone, she wants to call someone. Judd asks ” who, Dr. Phil”. NT
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Starfish, most haven’t been laughing much at Amanda’s antics. The 2 who seem to find it really funny are Aaryn & Elissa. Aaryn is entertained… Elissa sees how ridiculous it is.
Aaryn wont be laughing Thursday…. unless Candice puts her clownitard back on and keeps it real.
I’ll say goodnight all…. Monday mornings are never easy.
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G’ night JT!!
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Jane, I don’t know how anyone can defend her after today. Really nasty stuff she’s doing and to have the crew laugh at what she said is even worse. Is she playing to the crew now? She’s really needs some anger management big time along with some serious psycotherapy.
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Nite JT and thanks!
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@Star, “bat shit crazy” pretty much sums up her whole personality. 😆
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ED was entertaining. I did not care for some of tactics, but at least he won competitions and knew how to entertain.
Amanda is just a gross, self-absorbed animal. I can’t even call her a human being any more after that pic I saw of the things IT put on Elissa’s dresser. That isn’t entertaining, it has nothing to do with game, it’s just mean, disgusting and tells us that Amanda will stop at nothing including intimidation to get what she wants.
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@SF..I saw that!!! I can’t believe what a VILE person AM is and again..WHY isn;t she being kicked out??? She was running around eralier putting lubricant in Elissa’s drawer, boogers on the BR wall, taunting her, hounding and bullying her…it’s Sooooo much worse and in much worse spirit than anythng ED ever did! And Chima just wouldn’t put her mic on and got shown the back door!!! I So wish Elissa would put Amnada up next to Aaryn. She must want her out worse than Ar after this afternoon and tonight! And on the show tonight MC said he had to keep Amanda calm and not lether mouth override her and bad mouth people. Uh……that time would have been NOW idiot boy!!!!! He and Am deserve each other!!!
I read last night that Am told either Aaryn or GM that she used to be a coke head! Gee, REALLY????? Who woulda thunk that as she lays around all day in her robe, downing Xanax, hogging the wine and being mean and crabby all the time!!! When did she detox..right before the show???LOL
Anyway, right there with all of you on the disgust level of AManda and this season in general! Bunch of rude, drugged up, whiney babies!
@Fran…loved your pic on post #77….Pefect look for Am!!!! Scarier than the real guy…lol
Oh..and Aaryn drinking the Cutex polish remover…PRICELESS!!!!! 😆 Mayve taht will REMOVE her from the game too…;)
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I don’t like somethings about Amanda, but she is playing the game, if she were against McCrae in the end I would say she deserves to win, and I think McCrae probably thinks he will win for sure because she’s hated. But McCrae is not very deserving IMO, he never gets his hands dirty, he let’s wifey do that. I don’t respect his gameplay much.
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ok.. if this shows up twicce I apologize. But I have been having the worst time with the blog eating my posts lately. I will often post and then give up becasue of it! I did copy it tho so here it is again….I hope!!!!
@SF..I saw that!!! I can’t believe what a VILE person AM is and again..WHY isn;t she being kicked out??? She was running around eralier putting lubricant in Elissa’s drawer, boogers on the BR wall, taunting her, hounding and bullying her…it’s Sooooo much worse and in much worse spirit than anythng ED ever did! And Chima just wouldn’t put her mic on and got shown the back door!!! I So wish Elissa would put Amnada up next to Aaryn. She must want her out worse than Ar after this afternoon and tonight! And on the show tonight MC said he had to keep Amanda calm and not lether mouth override her and bad mouth people. Uh……that time would have been NOW idiot boy!!!!! He and Am deserve each other!!!
I read last night that Am told either Aaryn or GM that she used to be a coke head! Gee, REALLY????? Who woulda thunk that as she lays around all day in her robe, downing Xanax, hogging the wine and being mean and crabby all the time!!! When did she detox..right before the show???LOL
Anyway, right there with all of you on the disgust level of AManda and this season in general! Bunch of rude, drugged up, whiney babies!
@Fran…loved your pic on post #77….Pefect look for Am!!!! Scarier than the real guy…lol
Oh..and Aaryn drinking the Cutex polish remover…PRICELESS!!!!! 😆 Mayve taht will REMOVE her from the game too…;)
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TESTING ……. WHY ARENT ANY OF MY POSTS SHOWING UP???? I WANNA TALK TOO!!!!!!! lol HELP!! LM…where are youoooooooooo????????
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Ok..trying to repost my last blog again……..IF they ever show up, there may be 3 of them..lol I just totally closed and reopened the blog. WP doesn’t like AOL I don’t think!!!! Last time…then I am gonna quit!!
@SF..I saw that!!! I can’t believe what a VILE person AM is and again..WHY isn;t she being kicked out??? She was running around eralier putting lubricant in Elissa’s drawer, boogers on the BR wall, taunting her, hounding and bullying her…it’s Sooooo much worse and in much worse spirit than anythng ED ever did! And Chima just wouldn’t put her mic on and got shown the back door!!! I So wish Elissa would put Amnada up next to Aaryn. She must want her out worse than Ar after this afternoon and tonight! And on the show tonight MC said he had to keep Amanda calm and not lether mouth override her and bad mouth people. Uh……that time would have been NOW idiot boy!!!!! He and Am deserve each other!!!
I read last night that Am told either Aaryn or GM that she used to be a coke head! Gee, REALLY????? Who woulda thunk that as she lays around all day in her robe, downing Xanax, hogging the wine and being mean and crabby all the time!!! When did she detox..right before the show???LOL
Anyway, right there with all of you on the disgust level of AManda and this season in general! Bunch of rude, drugged up, whiney babies!
@Fran…loved your pic on post #77….Pefect look for Am!!!! Scarier than the real guy…lol
Oh..and Aaryn drinking the Cutex polish remover…PRICELESS!!!!! 😆 Mayve taht will REMOVE her from the game too…;)
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Ok I quit. It sends short posts but not long ones. Would have loved to have chatted. This is so frustrating!! ;( Anyone else having any probles?? Anyone here on FB right now??? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
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You know you’re an idiot when GinaMarie is questioning your behavior. ✂
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 44m
Love Amanda or hate her, she is playing the best game in the house right now. Will she win, no idea… we’ll see if she makes it to the end
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 46m
Howie tortured “Busto” I tortured the entire house at one point… She’s torturing Elissa.. it’s part of the game
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 48m
BB isn’t about being nice or a good person, it’s about getting to the end & winning the money. If it works, good 4 her, if not, bad gameplay
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 50m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I keep getting asked what I think of what Amanda is doing (harassing Elissa) I don’t really care, you do whatever it takes to win.
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I agree Kevin, if people are too nice people complain about that also, if it’s working for her good for her and shame on them for not doing something about her when they should have
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Trying agian…Kev11….why did’t I mind it when Dick did it but I find Amanda revolting?? I LOVED ED and his season! Maybe he is right and the end justifies the means, but she seems like she is loosing it!!!! And she is so tacky in what she does! I think that’s it. Two diferent personalities. ED’s was cool and I’m just being me adn I don’t give a sh*t what you think and Amanda’s is unhinged. It’s uncomfortable to watch!
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You’re always a voice of reason @aggie27. We all (including myself) bitched when it was boring as hell for a month straight and now it’s weird, but at least watching.
Amanda seems to think she’s ED, but seems off psychologically, somewhat cruel and may be on/off meds. Saw on Twitter they’re now giving meds in DR–thinking someone nabbed someone else’s pills (would blindly guess Judd, he stole and hid beers). Amanda’s not my cup of tea but, as always, this is just a TV show, a game and we only see what we see, despite the Live Feeds.
As much as I can’t stand her, impressed with Elissa’s behavior through all of this. She’s not rattled but MAY be falling for the plan to put GM up instead of andy, though deep down inside I doubt it. All must remember Amanda is doing this to get Elissa NOT TO TALK to others so this plan will go through. It is game strategy no matter how ugly it looks. Again, at least entertaining girl.
One thing worth mentioning is ED went all demonstrative when he wasn’t holding the PoV. Amanda, IMO, looks pretty dumb doing this and as I wrote above, you know you’ve gone a bit too far when a Woman Who Worships A Carolina Sky Blue Hat is apologizing for your actions.
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Those Evel Dick quotes…That’s an example of some of the stuff I did not like about his tactics. Sure, just about every BB winner has lied to get to the end of the game. Dr. Will, for instance. But in S2, Will told the entire house right up front he wasn’t to be trust, that he would to them all…I remember sitting my living room and thinking he’s out of there. But somehow he got everybody to forget about his warning and to trust him and his constant lies. He was entertaining while doing it, too.
Dick was entertaining, too. Except when he terrorized Jen. But even some of those antics were kind of funny. Both Dick and Will talked to the cameras.
Amanda has been terrorizing an entire house for weeks and it is only going to get worse, especially if Elissa doesn’t fall for her games this week and puts up Andy. Amanda is not all entertaining in any way. What is entertaining about somebody who lays in bed most of the time and makes out with some guy she just met while ordering everybody else around. No, not entertaining at all.
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BTW, I loved Aaryn’s tears on tonight’s episode when they showed her DR sessions. Poor thing actually thought she had a chance at winning while playing Amanda’s game and now she’s all upset because Elissa targeted her. Boo Hoo. Doesn’t she realize Amanda was planning on getting rid of sooner rather than later?
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@★: Agree and think I pretty much addressed it all in my response to aggie above. Pretty sure the World is in Permanent Mercury Retrograde these days. Everything seems to bother everyone too much when health and happiness are probably the two most important things in one’s Life. Peace ☮, Love ♥ and Light ❂, right?
I am worried that we all seem to let this silliness get to us too much. And it’s way worse on Twitter. Can only imagine how vicious some of the Chat Rooms and Blogs are. I will never even peek in on them. TV is TV. Life is Life. Pretty simple. ☑
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I think people are less tolerable of a woman being a bitch, but that is good for drama, as much as i liked E.D. he did some bad stuff at times, And I think people find it more acceptable because he’s a guy, if a woman acted like he did, it would not be accepted
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LFS….Ar and Amanda….
Ar….What can and can’t you do??(to Elissa according to DR)
AM…I jsut can’t do anything physical to her or threaten her.
AR…..She used to say she felt threatened by jessie…….Fish….
Now they are taking photos. Trying to difuse the situatio by giving the gerbils something distracting to do??LOL
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@ Kevin
Very True, Chat Rooms are the most brutal, I never go on them, most are idiots
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Actually Amanda wants Elissa to Self Evict
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@ Jane
That would never happen, Elissa is in Rachel mode now
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i found the Best Gif of demanda… it really shows what she is, LOL…. 🙂
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 4m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------although most of you choose to forget.. When @jeffschroeder23 was on the block in BB13, he threatened or bullied Kalia into putting Lawon up but people “forget” about that, because Jeff is the golden boy. But truth is truth.. Jeff bullied/threatened Kalia in 2 not puttin up Jordan
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@aggie Thats not my opinion, that’s what Amanda said she’s trying to do
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@ K11
Your on a roll, I do like Jeff, but he could be very mean at times, but some how people seem to tolerate it because Jeff has a good enough personality and easy on the eyes
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@HOH8 Hahahahahahahahahaha! That’s a perfect SkankMANda!
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@HoH8: Now that is funny. I shall pop it on Twitter at the appropriate moment. Not a good time now as I just saw Amanda’s family is apparently being harassed because of her actions (on a TV show in a game) today.
Midnight Special @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What kind of a psycho calls Amandas family to harass them? STOP DOING THAT SHIT YOU IDIOTS. #BB15
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@ Jane
Ok Jane, good luck to her, I really can’t stand Elissa and I do think Amanda is jealous of her, she did make some comment about her body.
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@K11…GMTA!!! My whole year has felt like a Merc Wretch…lots has happened, none good….and it seems like it is seeping into the BB House! I haven;t signed P,L & L alot this year because I haven;t been feeling it! I kow we all get too involved in this show but, that’s what addicts DO! 😉 I really haven;t felt connected to ANY of the HGs this year until now. I now really can’t STAND Amanda!! At least that’s SOME emotion..lol
@aggie…you are prolly right! I thought the same thing as I wrote that I admired ED and hated Amanda! Its thaet whole..Boys will b boys attitude! But there is really something OFF about Amanda. ED never walked around in his underwear with his thing hanging out and never laid in bed all day and definitley never took pills to stay up or come down! Beer and cigs I can deal with. And gameplay and protecting his daughter. Amanda is a drugged out, psycho Bitch and I personally don’t find her entertaining. At ALL!!!!!
@Becky…maybe Aaryn was SO upset about being a Nom she tried to END it all by drinking Cutex!!!lol She’s gving us blondes a bad name!!!! 😉
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@kev11 I thought Jeff was an asshole, a bully, and a spoiled sport! I like him much better off BB. I also thought he was really mean and condes ending to Jordan. I did t like Brenchel either. How ever now that they are off the show I really like them. Both interviews Jeff did with Rachel and Brendon were adorable and fun. Surprisingly I liked all three of them. During their seasons I couldn’t stand them!!! I mean would go nuts every time they even old ex their mouth!
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@Jane: Yeah, I heard her say that but agree with @aggie. Elissa has made it over the Self-Eviction Hump now–is happier, confident and that letter from Rachel helped. She wouldn’t dare let Amanda be the reason she left now. To me, just making Amanda look bad and if in F2, she may lose a potential vote because of today. She’s in my Bottom 7 of all HGs Lifetime now after this.
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*opened their mouth*
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m full of typos tonight!
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@ Star
I think that’s insecurity with Amanda, when she walks around undressed like that, her desperate need for attention, that I really hate about her, pretty pathetic, but totally true people can tolerate a guy doing mean things more than a woman, E.D. got away with alot because he was the Star on season 8
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@HOH8…..LOL Her best side…;)
@Kev11..I did forget that about Jeff. But he is good looking and charming and people tend to forgive people like that. I am sure every season has it’s demon but we block it out and are surprised when one comes up again next year!!lol
@Jane..I always thought Jeff was condescending to Jordan. I think he still is. DId you ever see them on AR??? I thought he was awful to her. Again, on National TV too!!! And they stillaren’t engaged….4 years later. None of my bidness……just think we were kind of right about him back then. Didn’t like Brenchel either but they seem well suited. BB has a life of it’s own, controlling fans all summer, making and breaking careers, matchmaking……..Survivor can’t do this shit!!lol
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OK Folks on to Breaking Bad Now
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@Jane: Jeff was likable but bad at the game and talked down to Jordan at times. Loved him though because he was like 2 vs 7 against Natalie-Chima-Jessie-Russell-Ronnie-Lydia-Kevin and helped his girl get to the end (and eventually win) the first year I was here on this Blog. Came here to piss on Ronnie, now a regular. Weird.
I do disagree with you though on watching Jeff’ interviews. Won’t do it. Too boring, predictable and nice. I know I’m in the minority on that, but fine with me. I follow him on Twitter and he is just as boring there. Probably a great guy to hang out with, but I won’t watch him after this season’s preseason interviews. Same question 16x. Overkill. Send help.
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Bye @Aggie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Stra he was awful to her on Amazing Race. And the still not marrying her ru a me the wrong way too. She’s at the age she is ripe for the babies so he needs to stop sticking around. Then again maybe it’s a blessing in disguise. He just seems the type to me that wants to keep the door open for something better… Douche.
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Word of the Wise:
“I am sure every season has it’s demon but we block it out and are surprised when one comes up again next year!!lol” —Star
(I already hate everyone from next season.) 👿
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Nite aggie!!!
@Jane…i get the same impression. I heard once that he had been married before too but I ahve no idea if it’s true or not. I did hear this season that Jordan had moved back home and I thought they were all settled in an apt in LA and living together. WAKE UP and smell the lies Jordo!!!!! She’s too nice to be treated and strung along like that. But maybe that’s her problem!!!!
@K11…I can’t watch Jeff’s interviews either. Not only LONG and BORING but seriously…..that boy had a bad grasp of the King’s English on BB, why did anyone think it would get better just because he was holding a mic??? He seems uncomfortable to me,like he can’t think of anything to ask and isn’t funny or quick witted. He totally needs cue cards!!lol Like you said, great to have a beer with, torture to watch his show!!!
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Lol @Kev11!!! I hate next season too!
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@K11….Apreesh and I always DO hate everyone at the start of each new season. Why not get started early and beat the rush??? Kinda like BB’s *Black August*!!! LOL
Have LFS on and tht 4-3-2-1-picture taking and chimes rigning is making ME BS crazy!!! 😆
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Amanda and McCrae are starting to look the same: ugly yellow shirts and scraggly brown hair tonight.
Something going on with Elissa in HoH but can’t figure it out. She’s smiling alone, seems medicated.
@Stra: It would be impossible to explain to Big Jeff the concept of the phrase “The King’s English.” 😉 Still like him but BB favored him too much. and he blew it with the shoe. Too dumb to look on the side.
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D. @WytchyD
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elissa tells Judd the only time she’ll come out this week is to go home. Judd – No! Don’t do that. That’s what she wants. #bb15
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@K11……Thy say couples start to look alike after awhile. And time is speeded up in the BB house. Not sure which one I feel sorrier for!!lol
LMAO at Jeff not having a clue what The King’s English is!!! After all DE was THE and I don’t think he knew APREESH waws an abbreviation….of sorts…lol
As for upstair, both Aaryn and Amanda have said they were hearing something going on by the door and/orupstairs. Would they do something like Pandora’s box at nite????
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Amanda eating in bed….attractive…licking and smacking her fingers……more attractive..and keeps asking if Judd had a beer in his pocket. It’s water but she is drooling and looking like she is going to attack!! NEED BOOZE!!!! STARTING TO SEE MCCRAE FOR WHO HE IS!!! Mom…send more drugs in next HOH basket!! Oh right…gotta WIN HOH 1st!!! JUDD…GIMME that BEER!!!! :Lol:
Anyone like a saucer of milk???? MEOOOWWWW……..(Need a kitty smiley here!!!)
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@Stra: Remember Jeff trying to say the word “bully’? 🙂
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Hey y’all, it’s a game for sure and I do agree that the boys have done some pretty dispicable things but Amanda has gotten very personal about family and children. Plus the “stuff” on the dresser. That’s not game, that’s insanity. Jeff was mean to Jordan every time I’ve seen them including Amazing Race. I heard he had a 9 year relationship before Jordan and never proposed. True?? I don’t know. Sounds like him tho.
Bully is a word Jeff can’t pronounce anymore than he knows what The King’s English is. 😆 He’s cute and funny but well, he’s cute and funny, that’s it. Beligerent too. ED was obnoxious and mean to Jen but funny and Dr. Will was deceitful & funny but not mean. IMHO However, Amanda has taken this game to a whole new level of terrible.
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Love your kitty for Stra K11. How’s Saki? Is she hiding from all the new year’s horns blowing and door banging? 😀
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=^;^= Thx!! But a smiley would be much easier!!lol
Hmmmm….nope, I don’t seem to have a recollection of the Bully thing. Was it anything like Technotronics???lol
Are u watching LFS??? E came down and said to GM in front of ANdy….if I put Andy up and told you to send him home, would you???
GM said ..Yeah.
E goes…..that’s all I wanted…and walked away!!!
Andy is freaking the F*** out!!!!! He says he now knows 100%(GOD I am sick of hearing that term/fraction!!) that HE is going HOME! Not just UP…HOME!! Can you say Drama Queen???(ok so it wasn’t PC…SUE me!! it was funny tho…) 😆
Ar now saying that she now knows that GM is going to be the swing vote. So? This is freaking news??? DUH!!!!!
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@SF..couldn’t agree more..well said. Love the New level of terrible!!! lol She’s like Amanda the Hun of BB15!!!! 👿
Still being =^;^= but it’s what we DO between comps…lol
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@starfish: Good to see you girl. saki’s doing wonderful, spoiled as she deserves if sleeping all day, going out for 33 minutes and getting a can of tuna/chicken and another of chicken a day. Thug Life. At least the whipped cream seems to bring joy to her little, precious soul.
Brian Lynch @LynchMgm 2h
Rachel and Brendon join Rob to break down tonight’s episode and discuss the week to come/ #rhap 😉 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMhzbgCvLOc …
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
Also, lest we not forget that Rachel ‘tortured’ Danielem following her all over the House and fucking with her. Just another season.
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Was it normal for them to have the veto so quick? Seemed to happen fast to get aMANda to calm down.
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Bit by the Comment Moderation bu. Will post in 2 parts…
@starfish: Good to see you girl. Saki’s doing wonderful, spoiled as she deserves if sleeping all day, going out for 33 minutes and getting a can of tuna/chicken and another of chicken a day is being spoiled. Thug Life. At least the whipped cream seems to bring joy to her little, precious soul.
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Brian Lynch @LynchMgm
Rachel and Brendon join Rob to break down tonight’s episode and discuss the week to come/ #rhap 😉 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMhzbgCvLOc …
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
Also, lest we not forget that Rachel ‘tortured’ Daniele following her all over the House and fucking with her. Just another season.
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Amanda says if E thinks gm will vote her out she is fraking crazy!!!
Andy said somethin like E is a fricken Bitch.(Don’t quote me…..but some ally, eh???? Has he told the truth at anytime during this game? to any one of his GOOD firneds??? I think not!!!!! Gonna start calling him Pinocciandi!!!)
Now GM is mad cuz all the guys are attaking her AXING her who she is going to vote for. None of YOUS needs to know!!!
*If I have to go home wiowdit(without it), then fine.,whatever.* (meaning the money) She is freaking blowing up an F-bomb storm right now!!! lol
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Check out how differently Elissa used to look. I think she’s actually pretty before she had done what she claims she didn’t have done:
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A great friend there. It’s all about me. I would have told her to jog off.
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頹 衙 浳 浤 搰 煤 洳 橱 橱 煪 ㍱ 煱 둻 睤 楤 ぱ 椹 ぱ ㍵ 畱 煵 田 つ 煵 엌 嫠 쯦 案 迎 是 從 事 網 頁 設 計 簡 大
(Chinese for either “Whatcha gunna do girl” or “It is what it is.”)
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K11….I am a huge Andeson watcher, can’t believe I missed this!!!
I am not sure waht she may habe had done, altjo just last nite she SWORE to never sdoing anything to her face,but she looks MORE like rachel there, I think.
BBAD over and alot of people going to bed it looks like on LFS. Being dirty , nasty bitches is tiring, apparently…lol
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Must be Julie’s cue card then…lol
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@K11, love “going back to bed brother” That is so true. Happy Saki is spoiled as all our animals should be. So sad many are not.
I didn’t see much difference in the E in the vid than I do now. She looked pretty much the same to me. As for not doing anything to her face, I’m pretty sure she meant cosmetic surgery which is probably true but I’m not so sure about botox which is no big deal now. Maybe if we botoxed Amanda’s mouth & tongue the muscles would all freeze. 😆
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@@SF…excellent idea! Botox her butt too. I am so sick of seeing it sicking out of her skimpy underwear I could spit hair balls…. =^;^= Lovin’ the kitty thing tonight…lol
The house is SO totally anti-Elissa now. Not even Andy pretending to like her anymore. She may have Judd but I haven’t figured out his strategy yet. IF one even exists!! The smaller the HGS get, the more nerve wracking it gets as people get singled out and others aren’t speaking. The end is never my favorite part. I empathize too easily..like a sponge. Yet another reason I would NEVER want to be ON BB!! Unless it’s BB…Blog….lol
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I have an early date at the gym tomorrow but I have to say that it’s too bad E can’t seem to connect with anyone because they have no spine. The next HOH will be interesting to see who wins and if they are smart enough to put up the gruesome twosome.
Tomorrow is another day. =^;^= Nite
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love jeff n jordan. glad ya’ll can’t see or hear me…:/
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Niteeeeeee SF!!! Have a good workout!!! 0-0 0-0 (weights)lol
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Whew! Finally got to the end. Thanks for the =^;^= K11!
“Must be Julie’s cue card then…lol” – Careful Star, bordering on racism 😀
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@Craig..ya..I knew that when I said it!! But it IS in keeping with the show this year. And besides….Kev11 started it!!!!! =^;^=
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Can’t believe the ONE person who I did not want to win, wins! I didn’t think, but know do believe that this season, if not the others too IS RIGGED!
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Have a great vacation Lisa Marie! You deserve it!
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Thanks for the updates all. Wonderful to see that Miss Saki is in great health.
I wonder what the count is now for K11’s “Send help”and “Send meds” 😉
What kind of meds are required that a beer cant fix up? lol
If AraynNation leaves this week I will be looking forward to her exit interview with Julie, but it will probably be a bit flat cuz Julie isn’t going to be able to say much.
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CBS: Remove Amanda Zuckerman from the Big Brother house.
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@franniep2 – I signed – thanks for the link 🙂
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If you can believe anything out of Andy’s mouth or actions, ZingBot really did get to him saying he was a floater. He said he hoped he wasn’t being portrayed as Shelly in Jeff and Jordan season. I’m with the rest of you that say it took way too long for everyone to see his true colors.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If E can’t get Amanda out then do the next best thing and remove one of her puppets. What is so hard to these people to realize that they have the numbers against the two self-proclaimed winners? The problem is that no one can keep their damn mouths shut. E doesn’t stand a chance unless Judd wins HOH next week.
I would still like to see Amanda and McDirty up together and McDirty win POV and see the drama when she asks him to use it on her. That would be very interesting to see what he does. If he used it on her and I were the other ones, I’d vote him out just for being so stupid. lol
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OK the show has now become scarey. Or at least Amanda has become scarey. The delusional look in her eyes makes me think she is hearing voices. Surely they do psych profiles on the people before they allow them on the show. Obviously not a good background check though. I think Amanda is very close to going off the deep in and will do anything it takes to win that $500,000. Also she is very vindictive and I don’t blame the houseguest for being afraid of her. Unless you are HOH you have to sleep in an area she can come into. AND no I am not loling at all about any of this. CBS better get her some psych help before she does something to hurt someone or worse.
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@ Cathy
Don’t we want drama? if everyone is being nice that’s a pretty dull show, If Amanda is Bat shit crazy, the show will be entertaining. She’s no crazier than some in the past, remember Amber from Season 8, she cried all the time, E.D. Constantly fucked with her even called her ugly at times.
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As far as the petition goes to remove Amanda from the show. The woman who started that Robin Your an Idiot!!!! WTF show are you watching? This is Big Brother, people are allowed to be a Bully. If it’s ok for E.D. It’s Ok for her, Get a grip, please!!!
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Aggie imo death threats are no entertainment nor is bullying. Also anything other than threats of being physical or death are illegal. Putting discussing things on her dresser dont cross the line saying discussing remarks abt family and children dont even cross the line but physical and death do cross the line. If you are entertained by this I am glad that we are not friends. So in saying that please do not address me . You do not know me nor do I you, and I am not on this blog to battle someone that post filth like you have. My post does not reflect what anyone elze thinks nessarily but is obviously not the same as yours. You have a right to expresz your opinion and I will reframe from tryinv to make mine yours I would appreciaye the same from you.
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@Frannie thank you for postings the removal site.
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Ellissa is clueless on who to put on the block. Sorry but she has no one in the house on her side and should have tried to work with Aaryn and Gina Marie as that was her only option. By puting up both Aaryn and McCrea she is now next week’s target and most like gone if she can’t win POV. Things could change but odds are Amanda will want her out and the houseguests will vote her out. Ellissa only chance is to try and get Aaryn and Gina Marie on her side by putting up Spencer and trying to lobby for Aaryn in hopes of getting Spencer gets evicted.
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With all the scheming going on, I don’t know how the HG’s can keep up with the latest. I know I certainly can’t after last nights “Amanda-gate”. It is fun though watching Andy sweating about whether Elissa is going to put him up and I have to laugh every time he says how he has been loyal to her (Elissa) since the beginning!!! Uh Andy……NOT!!!
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Fp2, not surprised about the petition. Nice of you to put it up to give those who want a chance to sign it. I’m Switzerland on that one. 🙂
As for Amanda, we all have a right to our opinions about her antics. I feel and I believe that there is something very wrong with that child. They have warned her several times about threatening people and now she’s said something about killing Elissa in her sleep. Apparently warnings don’t mean anything to CBS because there are no consequences. They could have put her on the block next week or prevented her from competing in HOH at least something but they seem to be ignoring her antics.
This isn’t funny anymore, nor is it entertainment and it’s not just a game to win $500,000 for her, IMO it appears to have turned very personal for her. Not well that one, simply not well. 👿 Again, JMO!!
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Love everyone’s comments, but in my opinion there would not be much to comment about if Amanda wasn’t on the show. It is easy for us all to sit back in our easy chairs and coach the players, but guess what…they can’t hear you! 😆
@Kevin11 – Great picture of Saki, she seems like a sassy cat. Glad to hear you feed her people food. I having been cooking chicken and ground round with rice and green beans for my Maggie ever since that China scare. I also never buy any treats for her that are made in China. BTW – Have you seen anymore green men in your window? 😆
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Botox and lip injections equals facial work . Who is El trying to kid?
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@starfish: I’m with you on this petition. I’ll sign petitions and join movements for animals but people, especially people on a reality show, are on their own.
11:03 am PT, CAM 3 was a good three or four minutes of Amanda trying to intimidate Elissa. Elissa did a good job of just ignoring her.
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Andy is up for Replacement Noms. Judd is such a stupid f***!!! He’s not even on the block!!! Why does he keep running to McSkankda????:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10:54 AM Judd is offering a week deal to both Amanda & McCrae they take it. He said he doesn’t care if they go after Elissa.
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Why am I awaiting Moderation?
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@Craig Long, @Star: I’m quite sure Albert Einstein is looking down from above so jealous that he didn’t come up with =^;^= … 😉
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cathy – totally agree with you. When you condone bullying in any form in any place either the bully or the enabler (IN THIS CASE CBS) you contribute to the overall decline of goodwill towards others. I do not support for any reason, game or not, bullying and verbal abuse or threats. I signed the petition and encourage others to do likewise.
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Ok back from the gym and nothing? What about the POV ceremony? Did Andy go up? Is he crying? Anything? Anyone? Ok, taking a shower. Phooey. 😀
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Now my comment is awaiting moderation. What???
Star, your comments finally showed up 3 times yesterday so somethings is amiss.
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I did read the link Fran posted but I cannot,in good conscience, sign it because i know, no matter what is going on, I will never stop watchng BB. It is my not so secret addiction!!!
I actually agree with aggie in tht this IS a TV show and if it were all puppies and lollipops, who would watch it??? We tend to forget that every season has it’s HGs we love to hate! Amanda just happens to be this year’s and particularily loathsome!!! I am sure if she were threatening any actual harm, CBS would send her packing. They have done it before and for much less. She is just a tacky, mean, selfish, stupid person and I hope McCrae sees this is her in RL too before it is too late! OR he deserves wht he gets!
On a different note……the renoms were held about 11:15BBT and…….
ANDY is the renom!!!!! No big surprise there!!!
But he and Spencer , Judd and GM sat up until the wee hours of the morning(as did I!!LOL) forming an alliance, so he should be safe. Even tho GM spouts that she always votes with the house, she was pretty steamed at both Aaryan and AManda last nite adn how they were excluding and using her so let’s hope she sticks with the boys and get’s Amanda’s hit man out of the house!!!!!
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Ok..just wrote a long post again and AGAIN, it is awaiting MODERATION!! This happened last night. WTH is going on here???? 😡
So trying a much shorter post…..
ANDY is the RENOM.
Short enough?????
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Just saying hello and back to work!
Yes I loved Jordan and Jeff
Why cant I like any of these people, I really wanted to.
Amand looked High! last night
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------what is she on? maybe that explains the “resting” a lot and not caring about having sex on TV
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ANDY is the renom!!!!!!
Third attempt to post this!!!! 😡
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Did anyone see Andy the other night when he was talking about production and the BB voice boomed in and said “You are not allowed to talk about production”, then someone asked him a question about his DR session, which he started to answer and the BB voice boomed in again saying “Andy, I told you to cut it out”. I thought he was going to start crying. It was really funny.
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Not sure if another page is up as I’m not seeing one but Andy is the replacement nom!
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Last posting I see is from Starfish at 10:54am. Guess everything is holding in the moderation room it’s now 2:42pm Chicago time and no other postings are on the page:(
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I’m with you Starfish. I am just waiting for someone to really get hurt if she isn’t brought in line. She has continued to get away with worse and worse behavior and until they step up and punish her, she is like a little kid and will continue to push the boundaries. They need to do something! Personally I like the idea of putting her on the block.
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It’s official. ..andy is on the block
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Andy is replacement nominee.
I have been moderated all afternoon and NOT seeing any other posts since this morning, I guess other people are being moderated too!!
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Ok, it looks like our blog is starting to work. I only have one comment on moderation. Let’s see if this one posts.
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YAY, glad to see posts are showing up, it took several hours (10:54am til 3:32 pm CDT)
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Finally andy is up yea! Now at least I am gauranteed 1 minion will be leaving.
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Oh thank heaven. Andy is up. Damn I hope he’s gone. I’m pretty sure it will be Aaryn but I would love to see Andy go. WAY TO GO ELISSA. Just wish she would have put Amanda and McCrea up together.
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Just checking in to see if problems with blog still ongoing. Looks like we have ALL been having them!! If it no longer says Awaiting Moderation does that mean it’s actually visible ??lol Just asking since I posted that Andy was teh renom like 3 times but people keep on posting it after me!! 😉
I did email BBBlogger about this. He hasn’t responded yet but maybe he did see it and has come to the blog’s rescue!!
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Flashback to a little after 3PM yesterday to find Amanda dressing herself up as “Bubby, the Torturing New Years Granny.” She made herself look old and is going around the house blowing a party horn and yelling at Elissa. Amanda believes if she drives Elissa nuts then they can send Andy up to be her comforter and earn enough appreciation from Elissa to keep him off the block.
Gotta look at this one!
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Help, my last post needs moderation!
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I soooo agree with u hpr… she could have always backdoored Aaryn. What was she thinking?
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Is anyone like listening to like mc and like any like have ing a conversation with like saying the word like 150 times like !!! WTF how old are they like 15.. Lol
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Oops!! I like should have like read what I was writing before I like sent it. Lol again!
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Just my 2 cents lol
Was Aaryn insinuating that Elysa was helped when she won HOH
She kept saying ag the end of the day it’s a TV show
She was also told to be quiet
But why doesn’t she know she’s on TV when making racist comments?
I think Elysa is strong because of her yoga but also she had to fight to stay
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@Star, it looks like everyone’s post appears in the order they wrote it but nothing was showing up after my last post #222. So, we all kept asking the same question about POV because nothing was showing up.
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“There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home, there’s no place like home …” Oh crap, it didn’t work, Skankanda’s still in the house. Could someone please drop a house upon her greasy head? Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
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@Star – You probably posted Andy’s nomination before anyone. I learned about his nomination on Jokers and was so surprised to see no one put it on the blog, until I tried to post and it went into moderation. I don’t know what went wrong, I think everyone’s posts went into moderation.
I don’t have the LF’s. Does anyone know FOR SURE who will be evicted on Thursday?
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Gosh darn! I am still under moderation!!!
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At least Elissa didn’t fall for the BS. There was a couple times when she was seriously doubting herself, but in the end, she trusted her gut.
So Aaryn is a goner… no doubt. Nothing will change that. Aaryn knows she is gone.. and has accepted it. She even told GM it was ok.. the votes aren’t there. GM will vote with the house because 1) She promised Elissa she would ..2) Aaryn told her to.
So yet another unanimous vote….. 5-0 this time.
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I read it Star.
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And why is my comment awaiting moderation? I’ve been nice.
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is this still the current blog?
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No matter who goes home I bet Amanda or McCreepy win HOH on Thursday. That is how it always happens. I so hope I am wrong but more than likely not.
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I don’t think my now 29 and 27 year old kids said that word half as much as the HGs do when my kids were teenagers. I’ve got a 13 yr. old niece who doesn’t say “like” at all unless it is to say that she LIKES something.
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my post didn’t come up
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ok so on AD last night Aaryn was mentioning that Elyssa won HOH and acting like, you know like she was helped????
She said something LIKE “at the end of the day lets not forget it’s a TV show”
Well Aaryn , I wish you took that advice yourself daily.
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My post still sitting in moderation –
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions here…..The petition was put up for anyone that wanted to sign it. I don’t think it was a ridiculous thing to put up, as it is simply a choice. I would have put it up for anyone doing the crazy things Amanda has been doing. I personally don’t like the things she has been doing or how she is treating the other hg’s. The way I look at it, if it were someone I was related to that was being tormented like she is doing to Elissa, or anyone else she feels threatened by, I would be very pissed, as I think many people would be. If I recall, there was also some kind of petition for the way Aaryn was talking in regards to the racist remarks….telling CBS to do something about the things being said. That was a choice then and a choice now.
I don’t think how Amanda is acting is normal, and I think she needs HELP! ….and it has nothing to do with her gender. IMO, she is far worse than ED.
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@ JT why won’t Demanda vote to keep Aaryn? Don’t they think GM will vote with them? Or is mcfreaky finally asserting his opinion to keep howdy d00dee?
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Sorry, everyone. The site is having issues with its spam blocker and, as a result, all comments are being held in moderation. I’ve contacted BBBlogger and he’s currently working on a solution for the problem.
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Was there a Pandora’s box?
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@ Fran
That petition is absurd this is a reality show, let’s not get carried away 🙄
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Nothing is absurd and everything is absurd; depends on your point of view. 🙂
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Quote of the day:
Elissa to Aaryn: I feel sorry for you. Aaryn: For what?.. Elissa to Aaryn: For being the person you are.
ROTFLMAO!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Aggie ..take a chill pill and relax lets not take this so serious that we have resort to that kind of language.
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Aggie, I’m not getting carried away. You are correct, this is a reality show. It doesn’t mean that these scumbags should be able to threaten another human being….whether said as a joke or not. Threats should be takes seriously, especially hearing how that idiot is acting right now. She needs to be taken out before someone really does get hurt. As far as that petition being absurd, you would be the first to sign it if it were Elissa…I know for sure. Aggie, I put that up, no one is twisting your arm to sign it. No reason to attack me!
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awaiting moderation? 🙄
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LM -hate to ask while ur on vaca – but can u post another one – or get the bbblogger to post one? we r approaching 300 – pretty please with strawberry’s on top?
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@Macy, we are all ok with the post. LM does this without payment and because she likes to do it. Let LM enjoy her vacation. It’s bad enough it had to be interrupted to straighten out the problem. There’s enough of us on here to update what’s going on.
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@ Fran
I wouldn’t sign it even for Elissa, that’s just really dumb, Not attacking you, the one who put up the petition, is just idiotic
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@ Joyce
I’m chill, I just won’t allow someone talking to me like that, and if she doesn’t like what’s going on, don’t watch, it’s that simple
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STARFISH – dang – make me feel like a low life – sorry LM disregard – enjoy ur vaca girl!
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Starfish and JT….thanks for keeping a little normalcy around here. I enjoy posts from both of you
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Sorry Macy, didn’t mean it to sound so harsh. It’s hard to see a smile on a post. Sorry girl, honest I am. 🙂
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JT, works today so we should be seeing something from in a bit later.
Thanks Joyce, very nice of you.
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thank u for that SF – its all good
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I think things are working better now LM! Will work on a new post for everyone! 🙂
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🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
SMILES Everyone……………..SMILES
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
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Thanks BBBlogger, so much appreciated. You know we are BB addicts and some of us were approaching critical withdrawal pangs. 😆
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I think I was suffering from blog withdrawal! 👿
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Andy fell in the pool getting away from a Moth, LOL… 🙂
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NEW BLOG POSTED >>>>>>>>>>..
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In my opinion, the difference between ED and Scumanda (my favorite nick name so far!) ED was blatant about his game play, you always knew what his next move was. Scumanda on the other hand plays behind the scenes and has no balls!! Well, if she could win something maybe we could see if she would actually get blood on her own hands!! I do think ED was a big bully and didn’t need to go to the length he did! I would love to see Andy out of the house!!
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