Hi, everyone!
Well, if you’ve read the comments under the previous post or if you checked the trending topics over on twitter then you know what happened yesterday but, just in case, I’m going to do a quick recap:
So, everyone in the House was paranoid about who had won MVP — especially Elissa who seemed to be genuinely confused as to why she hadn’t been called into the Diary Room and given her envelope.
Little did they realize that the rules of the game had abruptly changed. No longer was America supposed to vote for an MVP. They were supposed to vote for a third nominee.
Now, to veteran BB watchers, this seemed like a pretty obvious ploy on the part of the the BB producers to keep Elissa from nominating Howard and to get Aaryn out of the house before she starts wandering around the backyard whistling Dixie and talking about burning crosses.
While everyone seems to be pretty sure that Aaryn was the number one vote getter, Aaryn was already nominated by Judd. Nominated with Aaryn was Kaitlin, another person who many people assumed would get a lot of votes. Since the rules stated that the highest vote getter who was not already a nominated would become the third nominee, it anyone really shocked that — at the veto meeting — Elissa ended up nominated?
If you were on twitter when the third nomination was revealed then you had a chance to witness the Brenchel Army have a mass nervous breakdown. There’s a lot of theories about why Elissa got nominated. First off, the polls opened before Thursday’s show had been broadcast on the West Coast which means that a lot of people voted without having had a chance to learn about the rules change. As well, several members of the Brenchel Army admitted that they apparently hadn’t been paying attention to Julie when she explained the new twist. As a result, they continued to robotically vote for Elissa just like they always did.
And then there’s the fact that there are people, like me, who feel like the only reason that Elissa got on the show is because she’s Rachel’s sister, that the MVP twist gave her — as the only player with a built-in fanbase — an unfair advantage over the other players, and who are sick of having to deal with members of the Brenchel Army sending us rude tweets on twitter whenever we offer up the least amount of criticism of Elissa’s game play.
No, I’m never going to be a fan of Elissa’s but I will give her credit where credit is due. For all the criticism that Elissa has taken for not having any game, she won the power of veto and earned her right to be in the house for another week. Good for her. Who knows? Maybe this experience will cause her to start playing the game as opposed to just relying on being “America’s favorite.”
Anyway, Elissa is going to take herself off the block and, from what I’ve heard, whoever received the next highest amount of votes will be the new nominee. Rumor has it that might be Gina Marie.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about Elissa’s nomination is how many of the HGs (not just Aaryn but Amanda, as well) automatically assumed that Elissa had both won MVP and then proceeded to nominate herself! Uhmm, paranoid much?
Finally, I’m going to agree with everyone who has complained about the way that Amanda and McCrae have pretty much moved into Judd’s HoH room. Right now, I think Amanda’s lucky to have the Three Witches in the house because once Aaryn, Kaitlin, and Gina Marie are gone, I think the remaining HGs are going to have a bit more aware of and have a lot less patience for Amanda’s attitude.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
I don’t get anyone putting down other’s commrnts. PK and Jane have every right to commrnt on each other’s posts. Lighten up guys.
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Amanda’s attitude and overbearing demeanor have already gotten on quite a few peoples nerves!
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Komenters Kolide in center court! Always a happening on this blog!
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First of all Thank you for your Update Lisa Marie ♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Second You are so right janice 🙂 Very funny about your comment about Brenchel Army 😆 ………………
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Hey Snakebit How you doing?…………
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This year for me is actually a good one. Normally the alliances are started and nothing changes and you know who is going to be at the end. But this season is very inpredicatable. There’s no hint of who will be the finally four cause they keep flip flopping around. Can’t wait for tonight’s show.
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Good Bobo, how have you been?
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Helen On the hammock talking to Spencer telling the he and Howard are like brothers to her 😆 man this lady really talks to much crap! I am sorry but being born & raised in NY I have never herd such bad language from women, and believe me I have been around a long time! ……………
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From the way Amanda is running the Amanda Show I doubt people will wait until all three are out of the house. I believe that after Aaryn is out Amanda is the next target. Kaitlin and GM aren’t seen as much of a threat, they will follow the power source and Amanda is making everyone a little crazy. Everyone in the house realizes she has a bull ring through McCrae’s nose and is leading him around. He cannot tone her down to save his game. With Amanda gone McCrae has a chance to be the player we first saw in the game – without his “wife” telling him to throw comps so he doesn’t make himself a target. Oh, McCrae. That’s not what’s making you a target, hon!
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I have had better days Snake but hanging in 🙂 Thank for asking!……..
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Princess 😆
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Bobo!!! So nice to see you!
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And you my dear♥ ……….
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I am still standing by my word it is rigged Elissa will win BB.. Something is just not right with her winning everything except HOH, But that will come next. Mark my word.
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I’m thinking that probably IS how Elissa ended up being the nominee .. that Rachel fans were just automatically voting Elissa without even paying attention to what they were voting for her FOR. As far as BB changing it to America being the MVP this week .. I’m thinking it wasn’t about Aaryn but rather the unfairness of it always ending up being Elissa – giving ONE person an unfair advantage every week which was not at all fair to the others. Plus Elissa was smugly expecting it now! and it’s so crazy that she was all anxious because it hadn’t been again handed to her as though there was no liklihood that anyone else might get it for a change! which is ridiculous. They HAD to change it to recreate fairness. I also don’t think it had anything to do with Aaryn because she was already the most likely to have already been put up on the block. (and by the way .. WOW .. she really showed her true colors when she was talked to about how she was being perceived in the way she was treating people and she responded that she really wished she cared more about it but she didn’t. CAN’T WAIT to see her reaction when she leaves the house and finds out what people really think of her due to her remarks.
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Jani I am not sure that Elissa will win the whole thing! But I think she may have some game in her… You know she did go to her sisters Boot Camp 😆
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Jeanne I can’t wait for her to go also! The world is on her back & her mother will have to hid her some place …………………..
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jeanne728 — I think we’ll all finally get a chance to see how Aaryn reacts to her newfound infamy on Thursday. Unless the replacement nominee is Howard, I’m pretty sure Aaryn’s going to be heading out the door. 🙂
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My Dear Miss Bowman Seeing that you are a beautiful young lady. would you comment to my statement #8 About the F bomb? I will be 66 next month I have a 22 year old grand son & a 16 year old grand daughter (she looks like she is in her 20s)I would wash her mouth out if I ever herd her speak like that!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to know if I am out of touch with the younger generation or not! Thank you 🙂
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Couldn’t agree with you more. I actually liked McCrea, until he decided that being “whipped” was more important than the game.
Amanda needs to go. She isn’t the bag of chips she thinks herself to be.
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Becky Amanda & McCrea…. Are so rude! They are in the HOH room bed again… Poor Judd is such a door mat Or to nice to tell them that this is his ROOM! I would lock the door and make the people knock, lay the law down, you know what I mean?…………….
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I’d go even further. I’d lock the door whether I’m in the room or not. No one would be in there unless I invited them in! Make them take their gameplay downstairs and hide in rooms to plot their game! It’s my room and I’ll use it as I see fit! 😀
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Okay, feels like I am chatting with myself here! Going to go watch some TV with my AC on this hot Sunday, see you all later, bye for now…………….
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Thanks Snake:) thought I was alone in here!……………….
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want to see something scary? Scary
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After watching after dark and seeing that Amanda does think she is controlling everything, I am starting to agree that she may have to go. McCrae just lays around. He was awesome when he was HOH but seems to have no interaction with anyone else since hooking up with Amanda. I still don’t see what the attraction is for Amanda. When they start trashing Elissa I get a little defensive of her. She is a game player. So what if she got in the house because she was Rachel’s sister. I sure that was the plan to make the house more interesting. Just like they look at all the interviews and come up with what they hope is an interesting BBH. Twice she talked her self off the block, that is game playing. The past two weeks she probably is so thankful that she didn’t have to be on the block she probably just vegged out and stayed out of way. But then again there are alot of HG that do the same thing. When Judd wasn’t HOH he vanished into the background and it’s only just recently Andy started speaking up. I had forgotten they were even there. I think Elissa got the MVP in the beginning because America felt bad that no one even gave her a chance to play. A lot of people who prejudged where not Rachel fans.
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I don’t think a punishment like Judd received should happen to the HOH. He or she should have some advantages besides what they do have. I think Judd is a decent guy but it concerns me that everyone, Judd included, is talking to Aaryn and telling her what’s going on. Spencer and her in the hammock, and her and Amanda in the HOH bathroom. Amanda is pushy and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s not the third nomination replacement on Wed. People are getting tired of her. I also think that the producers had a hand in Elissa winning POV because it was a mistake having her on the block in the first place. It didn’t surprise me that she’d won. If they don’t take the opportunity to vote out Aaryn they have lost a good change to do so. There are so many alliances that it’s hard now to keep track. Andy has a final four with about everyone. Howard and Candace were so upset with Aaryn’s comments and yet now they’re in an alliance with her and Spencer. I wouldn’t want anything to do with her.
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Bill very cool 😎 But yes Scary! 😆
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Nacy I would not even give her the time of day!!! ………….
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Okay this time I mean it, going to go to my cave downstairs 7 catch up on some TV shows, see you all later, shutting down the feeds tired of some of the BS anyway!
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Thought this was funny….Amanda’s birthday present to McCrea
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Did anyone pick up on BBAD that when Aaryn asked Spencer why she was being targeted, he said, “Because you are a bigot”.? I’m so tired of Amanda and Mc Crae just lying in the HOH house. Judd walks in and they don’t even offer to get out!
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@ Frannie P
OK the song choice was even funnier.
Do these people have parents ? I would be so embarrassed
How much is production influencing them? Obviously they gave her props…
A little tired pf producers staging things in the house
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I don’t mind Alyssa – she’s loyal – she is disgusted by the racist remarks by other house guests – she is playing the game – she put up big targets and she seems to be the only one not bowing to Amanda – the fact that she has an automatic fan base doesn’t reflect poorly on her –
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LM, thanks for the update. I agree Amanda is over the top rude and overbearing. She’s as wrong as two left shoes.
@fp2, thanks, that was funny to me.
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Bobo the kids in every generation swear a LOT. My daughter would never talk like that but on the flip side, my son is too vulgar for ne. They were both raised in the same house yet polar opposites. I’m not saying my daughter never swears but she is very polished.
I can’t imagine Amanda came prepared to be a dominatrix. Maybe by some slim chance she did but cbs needs to set boundaries and they are allowing a fun to watch show be ugly.
The one that gets on my nerves is gina narie. I haven’t been able to find anything I like about her. My choice is she go after aaryn.
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Frannie, LMFAO! That Rocky Horror video was just too perfect! I was watching McCrae’s B-day last night (they did it right at midnight BB time). Too funny…. was hoping the video would be longer and they would break into some Time Warp!
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LM, thanks for the update and I couldn’t agree more about Amanda. She’s as wrong as two left shoes! 😛
@fp2, that was funny to me but I can’t believe McC’s reaction. Poor guy doesn’t have a clue he’s being duped. If he isn’t, Amanda’s mom won’t be happy. 🙂
My puter has been acting up. For some reason a couple of my posts haven’t taken and I have to reboot and some of the posts emails are going into spam which has never happened. Now let’s see if this one posts.
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Ok, what’s going on my posts are posting and BB posts are going into spam. What’s up with that???
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I tried to repost and it’s telling me it’s a duplicate post but it’s not showing up. Ugh
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@Fp2, hilarious. Poor McC doesn’t have a clue does he? Miss Amanda’s mom isn’t going to be happy if this is true love. 😆
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Jeremy McGuire @JeremyDMcG1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i appreciate all of the support and yes its true…. i miss kaitlin
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
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Big Brother Gossip @BBGossip
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Here is the start of Elissa getting digs in on Amanda, you judge for yourself, “I’m not trying to be mean” (uh huh) https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25299562/ElissaStirsThingsUpSaturdayNight.mp3 …
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
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BigBroScandal @BigBroScandal 6m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uhh, Amanda saying she hopes Elissa gets raped? What. The. Fuck? #bb15
Retweeted by Tart with a Heart
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I will suspect that Amanda and McRae are a during and beyond the game true love couple when she says “nobody comes between me and my man.” Hasn’t happened yet and likely never will. He is with her as long as she needs his vote and having him make her baloney deliveries to the house guests in under 30 minutes, then it will be see ya when he is no longer included in her game plan.
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Isn’t it time for a double eviction? Aaryn goes, they do a quick HOH in which Andy wins and puts up GM and Spencer. Or Howard wins and puts up Amanda and GM. Or Candace wins and puts up GM and whoever.
Just want to see someone new win and have to think quick. Come on floaters, show some courage and brains.
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Thanks K11, love the links. So what, a one piece bathing suit. At least they complimentsed her on her body while she was being catty.
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@K11, Amanda is just wrong. Taking over the HOH room so rudely and now hoping Elissa get’s raped (of course, that isn’t verified yet, is it?) She’s as wrong as two left shoes.
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Amanda is just wrong about most everything.
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For some reason the blog doesn’t like the term “as wrong as two left shoes” when I refer to Amanda like that, my post doesn’t post. Who knew? So I’m trying this.
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For some reason my post never posts when I use the term applying to Amanda:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“S h e’s as w r o n g as t w o l e f t s h o e s.” Let’s see if this works.
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I’ll be damned that worked. really weird. I tried using that phrase in a few emails applying to Amanda and it just would never post. Who knew???
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@Bobo, I hope you have a great day. Did you know
was a play piece in the game of Clue?
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*fish…I heard
was last seen in the kitchen doing Miss Scarlet using a rope! 😳
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Aggressive Jewish women do have have a proven record for success in a “man’s” despite all odds and critics along the way. Amanda may be the next to join the ranks of Allison Grodner, Martha Stewart, Joan Rivers, Judge Judy and so many more that immediately come to mind. Who knows? All of the ladies seem to be out of control in the house, Amanda included. Nothing new there.
I don’t really have a favorite, but I do hope Andy is out of the house soon after Aaryn, GM, Kaitlin, and Spencer are disposed of. He has no game plan other than sticking his nose and ears into every conversation and reporting to everybody ASAP. Not a good float-aid for staying the course in BB House as the past seasons have shown.
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I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve never trusted that Colonel Mustard guy.
And put him in the library with a candlestick ………… faaaagettt aaabout it!
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success in a “man’s world” was intended, world just got left out by my non-keyboard friendly fingers.
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Hey JT Glad to see you made it here! ……..
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Losing IQ points listening to this Elissa-GinaMarie conversation.
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Me too XI, my head is spinning trying to figure out what the whole point was. IDK if they even reached any resolution.
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Lol @ K11….that’s why I haven’t been watching the lf’s. I can’t afford to lose any of those points.
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Personally and just my opinion the ONLY couple I ever liked in the house was and still is Jeff & Jordan. I think Rachel was way to whiney and when her and Brendan came back in the house it was 100 times worse. If it were not for him she would never have made it to the end and win the money.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as Elissa goes I have time and time again she is JUST AS ANNOYING as Rachel. I think she is just handed the MVP. To keep her in the house now here we are again. BUT I do not want to see Kaitlyn, Aaryn or Gina Marie make it to jury NOT ONE of them deserve to be in the house.
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@ Frannie… that was a funny video, Thanks luv♥
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I thought it was good too, Bob. What made it funny was the song from the movie, ‘The Rocky Horror Picture Show.’
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O yes the song really made it so funny!!!! 😆
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I made a statement #8, I asked a question #19 to Lisa….but no one ever said anything about it! Anyone? …………………….
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Starfish — I agree. Amanda is as wrong as two left shoes.
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You know what this blog needs…….. A reply button under everyone’s name!
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Bob, we asked for that for years, but it never happened. This is wordpress, so we both know 😉 it is there….
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The use of vulgar language seems to increase with each new generation. I never heard vulgar language as a youth in my home, around any of my friends or before or after school.
A lack of sufficient acceptable vocabulary to express oneself, good or bad, may have much to do of late with the terribly overused and virtually meaningless F bomb this and F bomb that in the BB house and everywhere else. Some comedians actually resort to making the F bomb their major punch line for shock value or whatever instead of taking the time to actually write a funny routine. There will always be a better word to use than a vulgar one in every setting.
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Judd still locked up! Right to @ Frannie & o ya-er to janice Only to address my question! ……..
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Hi, Bobo — You’re right, I am a part of the same general age group as all of the Houseguests. As far as all the cursing is concerned, it doesn’t really surprise me and it doesn’t bother me as much as it bothers some people (except for the fact that it makes it next to impossible to keep track of what anybody’s talking about on BBAD) but it does get pretty boring. When I’m just hanging out in private with my friends or my sisters, I might curse up a storm and talk about all sorts of things. However, when I’m in public or if I knew I was being filmed 24 hours a day (and probably being watched by my family, including my niece and nephew), I would definitely try to be a bit more classy. At the very least, I would try to come up with something interesting to say. That’s one reason that this current crop of HGs drives me crazy — they’re all so boring and predictable!
Speaking of age, I think CBS made a big mistake by not having any older folks in the house. It seems like every other season, you would have at least a few people who were in their 40s or 50s and, often times, it was good to have a voice of maturity within the house. This season is too much like Spring Break.
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Well thank you my dear Lisa as an older person I feel there is a time and a place for everything 🙂 Hey wait I not really an older person 😆 I don’t think so anyway, G, I can’t remember now! ……………..
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PK – Whst bubble did you live in? I’m 60 ish and I heard plenty. My parents knew about vulgar words and drugs. None of this is new to anyone. You would think these guys would bite their tongues given they are recorded 24/7. Even my son’s vulgar mouth knows when to shut.
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LisaMarie you write beautifully. I love reading your updates.
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I’ll gladly answer your question. You and I are both totally out of touch with the current generation. I have to laugh sometimes remembering how my parents would cringe when I played my rock & roll music. Well, at least it was music, had a melody and was worth listening to back then without choreographed video accompaniment to give some semblance of meaning to the beats.
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We did have a reply feature one year, but only during our preseason warm ups. I think it was before season 12. I like a reply feature, but many didn’t because new comments could appear anywhere on the page. Most people seemed to like all new comment at the bottom of the page… so it was switched back to this format before season 12 actually started.
Helen is the oldest in the house at 37. Average age is 27. This is only the 2nd season in BB history (USA) where there wasn’t at least one person over 40.
Almost showtime 🙂
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Bobo – What’s okd? My kids are in their 20’s and I love going out with my daughter’s friends.
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old not okd
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PK I really don’t think I am out of touch! I think I am just disappointed with some of the young women on this show! ……………. ;mrgreen:
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janice ♥♥♥♥♥ Thank you!……….. ;mrgreen:
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Lisa Marie was that a test? Let me try it normally: Amanda is as wrong as two left shoes.
If that works, you must have fixed it somehow because I know I can be off but not usually that badly. Oh my!
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I’m 70 and there was no bubble anywhere in sight, just a different time and apparently very different place. Good memories all!
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Bobo- Don’t leave the boys out. Jeremy and Spencer were pretty disgusting.
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@Lisa Marie Ok the comment worked for you and I tried it again just for giggles and it didn’t post again. That makes several times on this blog and the one before. Really weird.
@Bobo, my father swore up a storm (born in 1922) and most of the time it was SOB or damn or just plain shit plus the proverbial GD you. I never swore in high school because I felt my dad swore enough for a platoon. Anyway, when my kids were small, (they are now 43 & 39) the Fbomb was known to them along with a lot more. They were taught not to use vulgar language as it simply demonstrates that you don’t have a good vocabulary. So, I don’t think we’re out of touch, it’s a generational thing and they will learn soon enough that the Fbomb will not fly in the professional work force. I wasn’t sure what your question was in #8 so I had to see what you meant.
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You are right! janice But it is so bad to here that kind of cursing coming out of a young girls mouth! When they are on a TV show for the world to see & hear! Do you get my concern ? 😕 Thanks for your comment! Now lets see if I get the Mr. Green right this time 😆 ………………………
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Starfish Okay my friend I hope I made my self clear now♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------……………………….. Smile…………….
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Well my body is starting to hurt even in my economic chair & key board! Judd just got out of his confinement, time to lay back & get ready for my shows, starting with BB,Dexter, Ray D. & True Blood 🙂 Then I may get back to my art room & Mac. I’ll see you soon, no napping just TV, Still in touch 😆 Bye for now………………….
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Why is Judd being punished??
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@Frannie, so funny! Thanks for sharing! Gotta go watch
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@JT, thanks for the reminder. I thought we had reply at one time too.
Star, is your electricity out?
ciao for now l8r
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Did anyone hear Kaitlin say she was hoping to be on The Amazing Race w RWB or GBoy ?
Scary thought , i would have to skip that too.
I would only have TMZ left lol
Also can’t they come up w some activity ? some seasons were more creative than others
These HGs just lounge, smoke and not much else going on …well you know the other stuff they cant show the general public and the swearing interferes w the dialogue
NICE way to NOT entertain us BB15
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Hey guys! Not watching BB right now, recording it as we jsut got home. AND haven’t caught up with reading either. BAD Stra! 😛 We’ve had a busy summer,what can I say??LOL
BUT…..I do have a* burning question* if anyone can answer it for me.
Were any of you watching the LFS this afternoon?? About 2-4BBT??? I don’t think it was live. It was MC’s BD party, the fight with Elissa and Amanda and the HGS were drinking/drunk!!! WTH??? I read the overnight on another site and I think that is when that rally happened!! Was it so important they had to show it again?? Or were they filling in for some reason as the HGS were doing something for tonight???(altho that is usually trivia!) I’m beyond flumaxed!!lol Any info appreesed!!!! 😉
@SF…I did see your post on swearing and my dad was just like yours! Seldom to nevers aid th *F* word as my mom would give him any icy stare that would freeze his berries off..lol But I think maybe it was being in the service back then. Whether WWII or Korea…..that way of speaking justa kind of stayed with them. I remember the priest coming over for dinner one night and my dad was sweating it the whole time. He didn;t think he could make it thru like 2 hours without slipping!!lol I never swore until I went to college…for mostly the same reasons as you. Plus I did go to Catholic school so I had been indoctrinated by the nuns. But, when I came home for Thanksgiving my 1st year, drinking coffee, smoking(badly..and don’t now) and throwing the F-bomb all over the place, my mom was in a complete state of shock and wondered where her child had gone..lol
Ok..sorry. Didn’t mean to go so off topic!!! 😳
Going to go eat and watch BB. But again..anyone with answers to my Q…APREESH!!!
I’ll be BAAACCKKKK>>>>>>>>>lol
Peace, love and light!!!!
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SF…don’t even SAY that !!! We came about one street form losing it!!!!! No power in a wholeneighborhood behind us and about 4000 still out in out city. Not going to be on til sometime tomorrow!!! I went to church tonight and thanked GOD ours stayed on!!!! lol Just alot going on this summer and not around as much. But I’ll BBL!!! 😉 ***HUGS***
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I agree with Sylvie. The HG’s need something to do! Board games, cards, active video games like DDR or Rock Band. I get why they don’t have books or TV, but they need someway to interact other than gossiping and plotting.
I did enjoy seeing Howard do yoga. 😛
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I think Amanda is smart for wanting to get rid of Howard. Why is it when a guy stratgizes it’s macho but if a wonan stratgizes it’s pushy snd over bearing?
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I like Amanda and McCrae but if she doesn’t get over her obsession with Howard she will be a big target, I wouldn’t want to see her go or Howard for that Matter, I hope he goes far. Good Show tonight, Candice and Howard are a cute couple, good luck to them, I hope they can hang in
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Why were the houseguest in the h.o.h. room when Judd was in solidarity? Did he tell them they could? He should have locked the door,I did not like how Amanda and Mccrea took over Judds bed even when Judd was up there and not leaving when he mention he wanted to go to bed early. Then last night they did it again.And Mccrea even locked the door to keep others out when they wanted to do there business.They were my favorites but that is going away quickly. Poor Judd he is a kind fellow and they all take advantage of him,hes becoming my favorite. Elisa is starting to get on my nerves,and yes Andy is in on every conversation,what a floater. Kathy.
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Hmmm.. done with job #2, caught up on the post, sitting here ruminating (aka avoiding folding laundry)…
I’m stuck on the thought prevalent in the house now and on many past seasons that hgs “just want a good person to win”. First off, don’t most of us think we and our compatriots are “good people”? Doesn’t everyone (with the rare exception of the ED type) go into the house thinking they’ll be loved by America because they are so special and a truly “good person”? And then the reality of 24/7 feeds and editing proves that they are at best ordinary people who at times do wonderfully good things, some exceptionally stupid things, and most often terribly predictable ordinary things. If all the hgs were good the show would have never made it this long!
Ok, time to fold and get back to my ordinary existence.
Ciao for now!
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Kathy I so agree with you, it is terrible the way the hgs treat the hoh room this season, especially since judd is hoh, Amanda and pizzaboy really did a number on it while judd in solitary, yes they even locked the door, and most of the hgs came up lounged around, ate most of his stuff and slept in his bed. they need to set some rules re the hoh room, that is for the person who earned it and he/she should be the one to invite others, this is a free for all.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sorry if I was hoh they would get an earful but in a nice way not in a harry sort of way that would piss others off. really it is NOT what you say but HOW u say it
ciao for now
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😆 🙂
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@Star, didn’t mean to jinx you. As to your question, Fp2 #31 and K11 #44 should help. I think they are at least part of what you are talking about but you’ve prolly already seen them by the time you read this. justincase. 🙂
@MM & Kathy, I can’t remember when this has ever happened in the past but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t. Anyone remember the HOH being in sequester? I’ll bet next time BB will remind them they can lock their door and at least give them the choice. Poor Judd prolly never gave it a second thought and from what I’m reading, he let it continue. So not what I would have done but as MM says I would have been nice. 👿
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No, I can’t remember a time when the current HOH took the isolation punishment in the veto comp.
I think it’s fair though. They have that competition every year… sometimes they have to shave their head… or get cuffed together… or chum bath. If the HOH wants to win the veto and gets the points for a punishment.. then they have to do the punishment IMO.
I hope the others at least cleaned up the room for when Judd got out?
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@JT, I agree, the comp is fair and they agree to whatever punishment. I just wondered if they couldn’t lock their room if they are in sequester while they are HOH? They have a key, right?
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Nope, don’t think they cleaned up a thing. Ok, shows on in 20 so bbl8r. I guess not much happened that we don’t already know.
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BB9 Natalie gave birth this year and just released a video of her delivery….most people dont film their deliveries but its a good keepsake to have…i taped 2 of my 3 births… my last delivery was in the front seat of our car just as we got to the hospital and i gave birth right there in the front seat with the doctors and nurses all there, lol…that was quite a day…too bad i couldnt get film of it…..
so anyway here’s Chatty Natty giving birth, lol……
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He probably could just take the key and lock the door. There is nothing in HOH room that would make it necessary for anyone else to go in there. It probably wouldn’t be the best move on Judd’s part strategy-wise though.
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OMG….just found this Video of Spencer…dont know what day this was but WOW WTF….check the last second of the vid…..
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Spencer is gross! I’m sure his girlfriend will love this.
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@SF…No you haven’t jinxed me…yet!!!! But it has been storming since my last post!!! It’s all coming from thew West. Thanks a BUNCH Kev11!!! lol
Thanks for the post references and that is what I was talking about but my question was……WHY were they showing that today when I thought that all that happened last nite???? I thot the LFS were LIVE!!! So either I had wrong info of it was a rerun! It was a little too juciy for daytime, as teh HGS usally get up late and then graze or sun. AND they had wine or champagne…something BB doesn’t ever give them during the day. So …justa wondering WTH was going on!!!
H0H8…..GROSS!!!!! 😛 I stick to my earlier quote…Spencer is a disgusting pig!! Right after spewing that, he started saying his brother, parents and GF were prolly watching the feeds!!! Way to make ’em PROUD, Spence buddy!!!! 😉 Plus, he was talking strategy and alliances with Aaryn last nite and whether he was serious or using her, I don’t like his gameplay Or his personality! The sooner he goes, the happier I’ll be. I hope it’s before jury too cuz I don’t think HE should be the judge of anyone!!! IMHO. lol
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@aggie…totally agree with your post#100. Except I’m not really sure about Howard yet. There are worse people in the house for sure but he lies alot and can’t be trusted. But maybe zigging and zagging will save him!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love McManda , alto I know we might be in the minority. She jsut needs to STFU about Howard and stop playing so hard..ie…telling HOH’s who to put up!!! I heard she has been telling McCraw to throw comps!! If that is to keep a low profile, she needs to take her own advice!
Good to cya tho. You’re not on with me late nite like the old days…lol
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Stra…about ur Feeds….when i used to watch them on CBS, this also happened to me…all of a sudden, it would go back in time and show me Feeds from 12 hrs ago…..i had Lots of trouble with CBS so i changed and downloaed the B3V Viewer and watch the Feeds from there now and have no more problems…..go here and try them out….its very easy to do……and virus free…. 🙂
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omg spencer is disgusting and to say the stuff he did to judd knowing that judd is sweet on her how disgraceful, he is a bowl of shit and more another one that the best part of him ran down his daddy’s leg, and not only what he said then he touched him self, pig boy for sure, and mentions Marilyn misses him yeah if there is even a real Marilyn most likely made her up if she is real she misses that slime ball like the plague, he reminds me of harry for sure for sure, oh well what can I add It is what it is………………………..
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WOW….. Can’t believe i watched Nat give birth!!! She is the one who would squirt milk on the BBAD show I called her natsynatty 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the updates now back to my shows, see you later………….
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@K11…..went to your link from #42
“I mean, it was crazy, don’t get me wrong,” he said. “It was an emotional roller-coaster, and I just had to sit back and watch for most of it. But being there was kind of surreal regardless of what was going on. Everything kind of seemed unreal to me, so it really hasn’t hit me yet to be honest with you.”
He was on OMG-Yahoo the other nite. They are going to start interviewing HGS after they are evicted. And he opens his mouth, and you just go..*What did that even mean???*LOL But then again, he is a 23yr old boat salesperson who LIVES on his inventory!! What can we expect..a great orator??? 😉 I think Kaitlin has more to worry about, when intoduing him to her parents, than what he is wearing!!! lol
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MM….we see Spence for whwat he is! Couldn’t agree more!!!! 😉
HoH8…….that is exaclty what my LFS are doing!!! I didn’t switch cams cuz I was busy, sonot sure if it was all of them or not. Before this year, we always used SuperPass. I have never had CBS LFs before. But I didn;t even know we had a choice this year. With TVGN and losing SP<,I thought they were the only game in town. Do I have to dump my CBS feeds to get the one you sent me?? Took me forever a few daya ago to get my LFS working again, so just hate to mess them up!!!
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H0H8…..another thing….just went to your link and it says you have to have a subscription to SP. I don’t this year. Just CBS. Soooo……..I’m confused…lol
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Pretty much talking to myself. I’ll check back later. 😎
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McCrae asked Amanda to marry him and she said yes!
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Oh, never mind. Apparently, he just asked her to be his “BB Wife.” Uhmm, wtf is this boyfriend that Amanda claims to have outside of the house?
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Stra….sorry, i went away…but all u have to do is just DownLoad the program, this program used to work with Superpass….But Superpass is no more only CBS are giving the Feeds….so once u have the program downloaded, it will take u to the CBS site and ask u to Login…then ur set and u can watch the Feeds on their Viewer instead in the CBS player…..its very easy, just follow what i wrote, you’ll be alright… good luck and trust me, ur not going to mess anything up, lol… 🙂
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@HoH8, thanks for the Nat link. Things have come a long way since I had mine. I didn’t get to hold them right away or anything. Great video thank you.
BUT, that vid of the perv Spencer is really gross and shows how disgusting he really is. Now do you think Marilyn would be pleased about the ‘let me smell your finger thing’? ewwwww Then Judd didn’t tell him to F off for saying such a thing. They are both gross pigs. If she’s any kind of a girlfriend, she’ll dump his fat ass and quick! Not too enamored with Judd either for appearing to go along with that crap. Disgusting the both of them!!
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@Star, I couldn’t believe what RWB was saying either. Boy is he in for a surprise when he watches himself. It really hasn’t hit him yet! Really? The little 23 year old is about to get a nasty reality check. Not as much as GM & Aaryn but enough.
As for the show tonight. I liked it but the GM thing with her vocabulary was hilarious. Pickles despise her. I laughed so hard. OMG what a dufus. Have any of you ever seen Norm Crosby? He did stuff like that on purpose but he knew what he was saying using real words that sounded alike and he was hilarious. Is she really that dumb? We know she’s loud. 😆
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@SF…glad u liked it….its been a long time for me also, when i filmed my first birth i had to use 8mm film, lol… 🙂
yeah, Spens is surely Gross….i always wondered if Marilyn likes when he calls the women in the bb house “cunts”…his mother was interviewed and she said what he says in the house is all game talk but this convo with Judd did not sound like game talk…and i also didnt know why Judd didnt react differently with the smelling comment… oh well, thats BB for u, lol… 🙂
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@LM…..Actually, he MC *proposed* few days ago and they have been planning a wedding , with Elissa as teh wedding planner, ever since.. Might be kind of entertaining….right??? lol
What I want to know is, how did he fashion her a ring that looks like a diamond??? I missed that part. Don’t know if he made it or if he borrowed it from one of the girls. Or maybe Amanda just carries one around with her just in case she meets a nerdy, poor pizza guy and she needs once in a pinch! 😆 Most women would carry a condom for that purpose but…. lol
HoH8..I’ll let ya know if/when I try it. Too late to even consider messing with tonite! But thanks for the info!!! 😉 Oh and I didn’t watch the link about Nat. I am NOT a mother and watching soemone’s delivery is alot outside my comfort zone…lol
SF…..Jermy just isn’t a real smart cookie. that’s why he’s OUTSIDE the house!! I don’t think he’s any worse than any other horny 23 yr old guy…..just not as smart as alot of them!!!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And no more comments about the Judd/Spencer convo. It makes me sick to my stomach and then angry!!! I swear…I cannot find any one person in there to actually root for this year! I may dislike some a small percentage less than others, but not a fan of any! Maybe by F5 or 6 soemone will emerge. OR if we are lucky… as this season self-destructs, maybe BB will chabge out the MVP for some surprise HGS!!! We sure could use some New blood*up in there* as the HGS would say!!!
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@Stra…actually he made the Ring from something(gem) that Elissa gave him to help with the ring, lol…..about that B3V Viewer, its not new, i’ve used it in the past and im using it today so it works and its much better then the CBS player….u can also go back and forth from the B3V Viewer and the CBS player if u want…u will not lose ur CBS Live Feeds at all….the Viewer just uses the CBS Feeds to play on their Viewer…i hope this helped u more and didnt get u more confused, lol… 🙂
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Hey Star, I’m going to sign off for awhile. If I can’t sleep, I’ll pop back in or fly by per MM. I agree with you about the no more on the Judd/Spencer convo. *gag*
The vid of Nat doesn’t show the actual birth from “that” angle. You just see the baby being put into her arms and cleaned up. Justsoyouknow.
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HoH8….So Elissa is the one carring jewels around ??lol I thot it looked homemade but couldn’t figure what it could be!
Sounds good about the B3V Viewer being a back up. athe way my LFS have been actingsince Day 1, I could use one. And if it is as good as you sday, CBS’s will be back up!!! 😉
Not much on BBAD tonite,eh? Just people throwing alliance possibilities around like horseshoes! I think the real problem is, this is the 1st year I have ever paid so much attention to all the HGS and strategies this early on. There were more this year so they came in guns a-blazing and maybe that made it more interesting so we all took notice! Usually, I don’t even bother until they are down to about 7. So I think it’s early days yet and i am going to stop even trying to figure it out for a few more weeks. 😉
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SF….Ok..maybe I’ll take a peek,then….lol Sweet dreams!
Hoh8…I jsut wrote a long post to you but the BB Cyberbeast ate it!!!! I am going to turn in for the nite too. I think that was a sign!!! 😉 (2nd time it had happened tonite!!)
Happy Monday,Blogaders!!! 😉
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Good show.. Good morning , got to hit the hay ZZZzzz …………
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Howard – not a fan – I don’t like the whole I love Jesus now my conscience is clear B.S.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy – has brief moments of intelligence and then keeps talking
Candace – she made gay slur early on so she can go scratch
Alyssa – little annoying – loyal – very decent person
Amanda – too annoying for words, female Jeremy with better hygiene
Gina Marie – a racist pig from hell
Aaryn – wishes she was as good as a racist pig from hell
Spencer – a misogynist douchebag of epic proportions
Helen – good person, can’t we all just get along? annoying
Kaitlin – good teeth, extremely poor judge of character
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Susan, anything on McCrae, Jessie, & Judd? 😆
Mornin’ all, I really do feel like calling in sick today (cough cough)… I will be wondering who the 3rd nom is! We have a good idea between a couple.. but i want to know for sure!
Seems like some tides are turning against Kaitlin now. Aaryn still has some hope (for her.. not for us). And depending on who the 3rd nom is, it could be a very interesting week and down to the last minute who gets voted out.
If the 3rd nom is GM.. then that doesn’t add much interest. It will be all about Aaryn or Kaitlin. but if that 3rd nom is Howard or Amanda.. then all bets are off. People will be scheming against all 3 noms then.
Gotta go….. 👿 @Monday mornings
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Meet the McCrandas….
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@ Fran Funny Pic and true she wears the pants
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Susan I couldn’t have said it any better!!!! You crack me up!
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2 nights BBAD is black screen! Any clues?
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@ Star, I know what you mean about Amanda, I like her but she needs to stop obsessing about Howard, I feel like screaming sometimes, GET OFF THE GUYS ASS. And then people are turning on her because she’s being so pushy about him, you push they are going to want you gone, period. Good seeing you on as well, Sunday night there is too much stuff on, I watch Dexter, The Killing and Trueblood plus BB. So I’m not on here Much, don’t get to see alot of feeds either. I really think Amanda’s days are numbered, she will be a big target for sure.
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You may be right Aggie….Amanda will be gone very soon. They always want the couples to leave as there is power in numbers. They stick together like glue….which reminds me…..
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@ FP on a roll here another good pic 😆
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Hey Bobo. I will be 66 on July 23. Glad to know a fellow oldster.
Now back to game. I don’t know why it seems like the people I liked when I first saw them are the scunges. I liked Aaryn until she started talking her racist crap. Then I liked Amanda for standing up and being tough. Now I think she is just a stupid bully and I agree she is trying to get others to do her dirty work. I was quite impressed with Judd. I just hope he stays away from Amanda and her order barking. As far as Amanda and McCrea, I think she sees him as an object she can control and he sees her as a strong person who will take care of him. I don’t think he is dumb at all. Just mostly laid back and comfortable. And the original idea that he may be some kind of an entrepreneur or IT Guru could still be possible. Personally, I like Howard. He lied. But which one of them hasn’t? That’s part of the game. He was stupid when he was point blank asked but who hasn’t made a stupid move. Amanda is really scared of him and maybe it’s cause he sees through her and won’t knuckle under to her. I like Candice and McCrae and Howard and Judd……………….for now. Probably will change after the next show. LOL
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@ JT – how could I have forgotten the three stooges?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------McCrae – with “queen” like Amanda he can check his balls at the castle door
Judd – I had hoped he was playing dumb country boy, but then he was listening to Spencer yesterday – so me thinks it’s not an act
Jessie – mirror mirror on the wall?
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Can someone please tell me where the house stands right now. I am so confused (shut up Ted)! Are Judd and Andy now in an alliance with Howard?
I saw Candice talking with Howard on BBAD last night and she didn’t seem to be that happy about Spencer. She is delusional if she thinks Howard will take her to the end over Spencer. (just my opinion).
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Up in the HOH room – Aaryn asks Judd if he is sad that he doesn’t have a snuggle buddy. Judd says that if she (Jessie) really wanted it she would have won it
. Andy asks if anyone is in the color room now? Gina ask what are you calling it, the colored room now? Get it, colored? Aaryn says watch what you say, Andy. It can and will be used against you
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Betty, I think we r beyond a score card to keep track as to who is with who. It is like the weather here in MO, it can change inside of 5 min’s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It is like being on a merry go round every time they pass the ring, they change who they want out, I really fell they have no clue what they want.
I am just waiting to hear who the 3rd nominee is
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Thanks MM. If Howard can pull in Judd, Jessie and Elissa, the power of the house will shift. I can’t believe Elissa would turn her back on Helen. What am I saying??? Of course she would, she is Rachel’s sister!! I really like Howard and after watching BBAD last night I think it is evident that he is pulling strings to take himself and Spencer to the final two! This certainly is a crazy season with the house shifting back and forth so much!!
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Couldn’t read all the posts bur Frannie, loved the pic. Yep, the genders are correct in that picture for sure. 😆 I just thought he was smarter than that but he’s using the wrong brain. His mama must be going crazy knowing that he knows the game well enought not to do what he’s doing. whew!
@Susan, great and perfect! I want to know the same thing as JT:
Susan, anything on McCrae, Jessie, & Judd? 😆
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I luv Judd. Why? cuz he is his own player and did not let Amanda run his HOH. Hope Judd and Howie make a true alliance.
Cant believe that I don’t hate Kaitlin that much anymore.
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Such early birds!……………….
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This is the poorest group of BB players and the reset botton is needed. For all you Aaryn, Kaitlin and Gina Marie haters you are not looking at the big picture which is useing them to your advantage, you won’t if they are boot off. Why, because if you get to take any of them to the final 2, you win the big prize. Yes one of them would get second place but objective to win the game. On a final note, Evel Dick make them look like saints in comparision.
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In regards to Comment #78 (what a coincidence)… I have to laugh sometimes remembering how my parents would cringe when I played my rock & roll music. I didn’t know Rock & Roll existed when 78RPM records were in use. So nice to see our elder statesman out and about.
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GM nominated at MVP replacement! No 😯
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So as predicted GM is the replacement nom. Kaitlin is apparently pulling a Jeremy acting all tough like she’ll win next HOH. Way to make yourself the big target dumb a$$! At this point I see her or GM going as long as c Aryan keeps her cool. Personally I’d like to see GMs miserable whiney butt leave, then she can reunite with her lost love!
Should make for some interesting campaigning anyway!
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@Frannie, LOVE the pics!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Was completely disgusted by both Spencer and Judd! Judd should have stopped him! What a fricken Harry!!!!
@Ted, why must you always have that spoon out?!?!?!?
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@ holly comment 155 rite on my friend I double that lmao
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I had to switch cameras could not stand to hear judd and katlin eating made me crazy
and gm shut the hell up already
she is making herself so important
this would have been a much more fun and interesting season if prod went to downtown los angeles and picked up 16 homeless people, they would appesch having a bed, air cond, food etc not to mention showers, even if some have to take cold ones, what a bunch of self absorbed idiots, my fav is judd (at least so far today)
I bet spencer is almost as a dirty old man as harry, but stink to high heaven, makes my skin crawl
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Prince William has a SON!!! congrats!
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congrts hope he takers after kate’s family in the looks dept
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------more then likely he will be prince George
glad he came now poor queen eliz has to go ön holiday” did not want to delay it
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@ Mama Margie
How do they pick the name? Do they choose or do they have to use family names?
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dubs I have no idea will be interesting
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs for update
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Howard – not a fan – I don’t like the whole I love Jesus now my conscience is clear B.S.
My opinion as well – from the very beginning…
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Amanda reminds me of lainie Kazan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------even the voice and the face, mammary glands, height etc etc etc
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@Susan, thanks for the 3 stooges analogy. You nailed it!
@Ted, put that spoon away pretty please!
@Betty & Kimj, thanks for the GM as MVP replacement. I still want Aaryn to go because she’s been the most offensive. GM is a very close second tho and Kaitlin right behind them but Spencer is quickly moving up the line and could pass Kaitlin any minute. He’s such a “hairy” scumbag of a person after that last vid.
@MM What is that about Andy calliing a room the “color” room? Knowing Andy I want to clarify whether he meant it as a racial comment or because the room is colorful. Justaskin. Lainie Kazan was a fabulous singer and I don’t see it except maybe the hair. Loved Lainie! Funny too.
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I do still have my two 78 rpm albums collecting “patina” in my parent’s early 1950’s Magnavox Console entertainment center as a matter of fact, “Bozo at the Circus” and “Bozo and his Rocket Ship” Capitol Records, Copyright 1946 and 1947 respectively in addition the their old 78’s. I thought I had “Bozo tours the High Sierras” in my antiques collection as well next to your fading self-portrait daguerreotypes but that album must have been misplaced over the years.
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I also have a music collection passed to me from my Parents, Grand Parents and Great Grand Parents. Only thing I am missing is the Victrola Spools.
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Dubs Doll
ted still dances around Friday Harbor playing Scott Joplin tunes on his Victrola Spools.
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@ PK
Ted has good taste. lol Might have to see that.
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Thanks for all of your updates & comments! I am taking a break today! Just a bit under the weather, which is bad T-storms………………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope to see you all soon……
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The Duke and Dutchess of Cambridge will choose the names of their children. With a strong nod to history. Edward is unlikely because the Queen’s uncle Edward abdicated and it was largely thought that the stress of his abdication contributed to the Queen’s father’s early death when he was forced to asend the throne.
However it may happen. I wonder if they will keep the tradition of “Louis” as one of the middle names as a tribute to Lord Mountbatten. I hope so. Maybe a Philip in there for the Prince’s paternal grandfather…
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New post is up!
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