Hi, y’all!
I wanted to give you guys a quick update and, even more importantly, a new page for everyone to leave comments under. Sorry for any confusion yesterday. 😉
Well, Elissa is the HoH and yesterday, she did exactly what she said she was going to do. She nominated Aaryn and McCrae for eviction!
Now, I have to be honest, I was really hoping that she would nominate Amanda and I still think that she should have.
I understand the logic of nominating Aaryn because Aaryn, after all, is the only person in the house who has proven that she can win competitions and she has also been doing Amanda’s dirty work.
My feeling, however, is that Aaryn may be strong when it comes to competitions but she’s still a very weak player. Amanda, on the other hand, totally sucks at competitions but — love her or hate her — you can’t deny that she’s been the most powerful person in the house since this game began.
(While I don’t want to start giving into conspiracy theories, it’s interesting to note that when Elissa was MVP and thinking about evicted Howard, she told Helen that she was concerned that, if she did, production would yell at her in the Diary Room. You can be sure that production would prefer to see Aaryn evicted over Amanda because, while Aaryn’s racism might be good for ratings, they still know the publicity would be terrible if Aaryn somehow won the game. But that’s all just speculation on my part.)
But anyway, Elissa nominated Aaryn and McCrae and, regardless of whether I agree or not, I’m still happy that she did because it breaks up the monotonty.
And Amanda is hardly safe. If Aaryn (or Aaryn’s ally GM) wins the power of veto, the plan appears to be to nominate Amanda in her place. What I think would be even more interesting would be if McCrae won the power of veto. Would McCrae use the veto, knowing that his Big Brother wife was pretty much guaranteed to go up in his place? And if he did, would Amanda ever forgive him?
Or, consider this — even though Aaryn is Elissa’s target, let’s say that McCrae is somehow voted out. Would Amanda be able to keep controlling the game or would she have a total breakdown? As much as she bullies McCrae and as much as they fight, McCrae does occasionally have the ability to calm Amanda down. Add to that, to me, Amanda comes across like the type of girl whose confidence is pretty much dependent upon having a “man” in her life. (I’m sure we all know someone like that.) If McCrae is somehow voted out while Amanda stays, I imagine we’ll see an even crazier Amanda than before.
Seriously, this could be a really fun week.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
P.S. By the way, as BBBlogger mentioned and as most of you know, I’m on vacation for the next two weeks. My boyfriend and I are going to be on the road a lot so I might not be around to comment as much but I’m still going to try to check-in and, even though I might end up writing some of them them at two in the morning while sitting in a motel room in Arkansas, post regular updates. 🙂
Am i 1st…..no way.
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yup cathy….u r 1st….lol…congrats!!! Last nite was the best nite of the season IMO…It was so much fun watching El laugh in Am’s face
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O wow lol im in here all alone . Im doing the Helen dance and jumping up and down. Weeeeeeee …….well ths enough of that. I really enjoyed BBAD last night.Looks like GM and E. xould possibly start working together. Nice to see a conversatiin where there was positive talk instead of threatening. A bonus was Amanda slept all night. M. looks like he is pulling his hair out. I really feel like Arryn or Amanda is going home. But E. would rather M. go instead of Amanda b/c he is the stronger player. I really believe E. wants to take GM to the end with her b/c she is the one that would use the money for good things.
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Mrybrk good morning…..yes I agree…..even my morning seems brighter. Loved most of the convo between A&GM. A bit repetitive but the general attitude was nice.
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I don’t see Aaryn going anywhere since she is a sure bet to lose to the other finalist whomever it is. Unless that other player is GM!
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Good write up LM. Thank you Hope you have a great time on your vacation.
Watching BBAD last night almost made me physically sick with Elissa and GM in the HOH room gushing about one another! It was almost the entire show, which had me flipping channels, as I just could not take Elissa’s voice anymore! Then when E brought up Aaryn and the gushing began again, I finally turned off the show! Elissa’s now plans to use the veto if Aaryn, Judd, GM or herself win it, then backdoor Amanda. After hearing all the gushing last night I almost want Amanda to win the veto just to see Elissa freak out! Elissa keeps talking about the other HG’s not being nice people, well honey…look in the mirror!!
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This made me smile but then not
Amanda’s dad is proud of her?????
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Knowing that “production” pretty much controls the game, it takes MOST of the fun out of watching. Just let them play the game and don’t interfere, unless someone is being physically threatened. GEEZ
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Lisa Have a great vacation, you have earned it. Yes BB is far more interesting. I do believe Aaryn is going home, unless she can win the veto, it is all up to the veto comp!! I also became tired of the E & GM discussion. A little goes a long way, that was way too much for me. Do you all believe GM was totally honest. I saw her behave as if just possibly she was just agreeing to whatever E said? There were numerous times when I thought I detected some frustration from GM?
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I was completely turned off with GM gushing to Ellise…and vice versa but GM’s would never shut up. Yes, I fast forwarded through the conversation and may have missed something but I couldn’t listen to that any longer. I hope Mcrae wins POV and Amanda is put up ..and goes to the jury house. At his point I keep tethering back and forth as to who should be the final two. I definitely do NOT want Andy be in the final two because he is a fat-fink and Spencer is downright disgusting. …other than that anyone of the others would be my choice.
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Sorry for all the typos in my previous message….please disregard. Guess I should be sent home
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Sylvie, thanks for the article on Robert Zuckerman, Amanda’s dad. It was nice but the man is delusional!!!! But aren’t most of us about our offspring…
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Elissa is not dumb, knows Aryan can win Veto. I think she’s trying to dissemble Mcranda & Aryns alliance by putting Aryn up against McRae and showing Aryan how disloyal they are. She hates Aryan too so if she doesn’t win veto she goes. If she does she backdoors Amanda and she goes, the alliance is crumbled and its a win win situation either way for Elissa. Aryan is already seeing Mcrandas bullshit and said Elissa had every right to our her up.
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@LM have N awesome Vacay!!!
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Get aMANda out. I can’t take her any longer If all women were like her I would be dating Andy. And trust I am not gay even though as Seinfeld once said there is nothing wrong with that and there isn’t just not my cup of tea
Please someone win POV n take either off block n put the most disgraceful woman in BB history out. She’s got to go!!!! Please do this for the universe will be a better place
I am on threshold of giddiness just thinking of her androgynous flat ass she apparently she thinks is attractive by her clothing options getting the BB boot!!!
Safe travels
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good morning all, busy day so will just do fly by and mark my spot
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LM have fun my dear it is well deserved u will be missed
hugs to all my darlings (u too LM :))
ciao till later
p.s. so happy e stuck to her guns and I see demanda and mcnasty really running scared.
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I stuck with BBAD last night through the gushing and heard some things. First, Elissa is now really playing the game! Did anyone hear GM say she thought Amanda was a plant? Talking about her tattoos and how she might be an actress put in the show cause no one really acts like that!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then Elissa playing Aaryn. She doesn’t want her out-she wants to be sitting next to her at the end. Compared to Aaryn she might win! She knows Aaryn can win the Veto-so can McCrae. Between the two, one will go off the block and she can put her target up-Amanda. I just hope she doesn’t trust Andy with any information.
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LM a ton of thank yous for the new post. Also, thank you for putting it up so quickly and, as always, so well done. Have a very safe and fun vacation. LM, there are days when things are so boring that you don’t have to worry about a new post. There’s no universal law that says it has to be every day. Justasayin
@Sylvie, thanks for the Mr. Zuckerman link. I agree with Bonita that he’s delusional or he just doesn’t really know his daughter. Of course, what would any of us say if she was ours. First, I wouldn’t do an interview, I’d be too embarrassed. She’s just as obnoxious about race as the rest of them. I do think the bathing suit comment from E hurt her feelings and I don’t think E even realizes how hurtful and rude that was. They’ll all have a rude awakening when they watch the feeds and E won’t be the one with the most things to be ashamed of that’s for sure. She’s not my favorite to win – nobody is unless they really start to play. That would be good for us.
As for E and GM, I didn’t hear the conversation but GM could be just going along. Remember tho how Jessie told GM that Aa was saying things behind GMs back? That could be a factor and GM does want to win this so perhaps we have a final two alliance in the making. I thought E would get with Aa even tho they can’t stand each other, nobody would suspect. Oh, I fogot, nobody can keep their mouth shut in this game and keep a secret. It might work for either of these two groups tho. I think. 😀
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Herbie, I’m still laughing at your post.
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Elissa is doing exactly what Helen told her to do if she won HOH. Thank you Helen. She plans on back-dooring Amanda. Hopefully Amanda and McC will be up together. E is finally using Amanda’s own tactics on her. I love how E is working the plan and getting people on board by telling them they’ll go up if they don’t play their heart out in the POV comp. The only thing that could be better than Amanda going is that the POV comp. is one where they have to shave their head for points and Amanda does it and wears a unitard as she goes out the door. I know that’s mean of me. lol I just hope no one tells Andy the plan cause he’ll bust a leg running back to McMeranderthal. Finally some game play that doesn’t involve Amanda’s desires.
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Well, it’s obvious I didn’t finish reading all of the previous post or I would have known that Elissa and Aaryn made a deal to backdoor Amanda. Woot Woot Did that include a final two deal too? Good for them. Great day for BB fans!!
Thanks for the let’s make a deal link Hoh8. 🙂
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Thx Joyce. Disdain for someone surely can stimulate the thought process n expressing it
Starfish I think it would be the bb move of all time if AA n E got together n made a final 2 alliance. It would be brilliant n properly implemented could come to fruition
Nobody would see it coming n I got a gut feeling….hope it ain’t gas….it may happen.
Hope all have a great weekend. I am in poker tournament in Oklahoma today and in poker there is a term called bad beat when cretins get all their chips in statistically improbable situation but defy the odds n win. Hoping bad beat is in Amanda’s cards
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Even BBAD picked up last night. Great move by Elissa (thanks, Helen). At last!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LET THE GAME BEGIN! finally!
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Just read article with Amanda’s dad. Guy who wrote it n her dad must have taken LSD prior for they both delusional. How can the interviewer think aMANda has fans
Concerning her dad he did a horrible job raising her as she is an insecure crude insensitive bitch that needs the Bb boot
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hope the plan comes together – just like elissa and helen rehearsed
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It would be fun to watch Aaryn win the power of veto. Take herself off. Amanda go up and watch how the two react to knowing one will leave. I would vote for McCray since Amanda seems to not be able to win anything…Just like Elisa until recently. What a great change. Of course, she was with Helen who knew everything and wouldn’t let her talk much! I think she has played a smart game letting Helen take the heat. But also greaatful that she is finally showing that she is Rachel’s sister.
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Wow, it’s finally getting good! All the possibilities. My hubby and I were talking about all of this when we were walking the dogs this morning. . . maybe the plan is to backdoor Amanda, the jury house has probably been fairly peaceful and if Amanda goes there, you know she’ll start her bullying ways there. It would be interesting to see how Amanda plays if McCrae were evicted. I don’t think that will happen though. I think it will be either Aaryn or Amanda. Great write-up as usual, Lisa. Have a great vacation.
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Holy Hal. I am with u n can’t wait until POV
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@Herbie, Amanda definitely has fans including some on our own little blog. 🙂 I even think she has a facebook fan page as do probably most of them if not all that someone put up. That’s what makes this so much fun. We can all root for the ones we love or the ones we love to hate. I try to stay away from the very personal attacks. Amanda running around in those awful grey undies is horrible.
Do they forget they’re on TV or what? Her father says she is sensitive but I do feel that her sensitivity applies only to herself, she can dish it out, but she can’t take it.
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Have a good time in Arkansas LM. Lots of neat things to do there. I live in Northern La. only 15 miles from Ark. line. Misaouri is really nice too.
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I totally agree Starfish on everything u said. Takes all kinds!
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@Lisa Marie have lots of fun and thanks for all you do
Please don’t forget to stay supple since driving is really bad for our flexible hips
I am sure you will miss MS Long.
Here is an article that mentions of course Amanda’s firing and the fact that she is Allison Grodner’s close friend 🙂
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Starfish. Understood about Amanda having fans and I was wrong stating or insinuating she doesn’t To all of them I hate u too!!
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Link to Amanda’s hosting reel
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Once again for your enjoyment
Amanda’s acting resume :
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Agree, Amanda’s father is delusional. But I did notice the date on that article (7/18) ..and wonder how long before that the interview was.
I noticed he mention her standing up to racism.. so I assume the interview was at least after the night Helen won HOH.. which was also the same night as the bed flipping incident (July 11th). I was well aware of Amanda’s actions even back then, but many hadn’t seen the nasty side of her yet. It’d be interesting to see what her Father has to say now, but I suspect he’d still protect her.
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I have watched every season. I was getting very disappointed with this season, until last night. YEAH!! I can’t wait for the POV tonight. It could be a complete turnabout in the game. I’m excited for the 1st time this season. Go Al.
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Has there been any more said about the possibility of Helen getting pushed/nudged off at the HOH competition?
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Soooo happy I found this again SINGER Amanda
here is Amanda from LA ? where is she really from
oh yes, Florida , NY, LA, Texas……
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@LM Have a fun and safe vacation.
@Herbie Yep, Amanda has fans. Some of them so rabid that they have their own blogs. I was going to one and the blogger was such a rabid Amanda fan that she started banning folks who said things about Amanda she didn’t like. I was banned under 2 different screen names LOL Like I care.
BBAD started out interesting for me last night. Weekends are really the time I can watch it live and sometimes I don’t find time to watch the entirety of the weekday shows (too busy). But anyway, the E & GM conversation became so repetitive that I fell asleep sitting up on the couch. Missed more than half the show. And now my neck and shoulders hurt like hell. I really need to take that FMLA to finish out the season of BB. No really, I’ve been having a lot of health issues need a time off from work.
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Oh, and I noticed that interview with Amanda’s dad is a month old. Even so, they must have heard her go on about Puerto Rican showers before they stopped watching the LFs. Or they for sure heard about it. I don’t have the LFs and I heard her say it.
She’s as racists as any of them.
BTW, I a Puerto Rican client who took that comment another way and said in her culture they have GREAT showers. Her bridal SHOWER is going to memorable. She invited me and said it will be the best one I’ve ever been at. I told her I’m not sure I would be allowed to attend due to regulations and professional ethics. She begged me to ask my supervisor for permission. I in turn asked her to write a letter. I feel a letter from her will go farther than me asking for permission as it will that she really wants me there.
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I have a Puerto Rican client (forgot the word have in that sentence) geez
I’ve been making those kind of mistakes at work hence my need for a leave of absence.
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The conversation between GM & Elissa was a bit much at times for sure… but then most (all) conversations involving GM are a bit much IMO.
I really believe it was that conversation that led to operation b/d Amanda being put into full swing. Elissa and GM hadn’t really talked much during the season.. and that talk made Elissa realize that GM was someone she could work with….. and therefore maybe work with Aaryn as well.
About an hour after talking with GM… Elissa called Aaryn up to HOH room (via Judd).. and they made their deal.
I firmly believe that if not for the GM chat….. Aaryn would still be target #1… because the Aaryn chat would’ve never happened.
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Becky if u were banned from the amanda fan blog than I would be executed for the way I totally detest Amanda. To the friends, family, and fans of Amanda I truly hope you are NOT indicative of her. If so this planet is infested with a lot of soulless hubris and despicable people .
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Feeds have been on trivia over a half hour now. POV comp already?
A few reasons why it could be this early..
1) They did already draw for veto players yesterday (usually do that today)
2) A large canopy was put up yesterday over the backyard. It made it real hot out there.. like a greenhouse …or steam room. HG’s speculated it was so they couldn’t see planes with banners flying over. I figured it might be to block low sunlight for filming a comp.
3) They didn’t get alcohol last night.. and were wondering if they should even go to bed.. thought veto comp could be late last night…. DR told them they could go to bed and would be awaken when needed.
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For all the Amanda fans
her phone # is at the end of her acting reel
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My dream day would to view thru my home tv Amanda, nancy grace, donald trump, and Rosie odonnel locked in a 5×8 room for 24 hours with nothing but the clothes on their backs. Better yet naked so they can relish in each others undeniable beauty, Now that would be a grand day.
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Who I’m most rooting for in veto
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) McCrae (that dilemma will be most entertaining!)
2) Aaryn (Puts gruesome twosome up together)
3) Elissa (did say she would take Aaryn off & put Amanda up)
4) GM (also will take Aaryn off)
5) Judd (seems on board.. who knows for sure what he would do)
111) Amanda (would ruin this week for me) 👿
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@JT Would it be worth it for me to go back and watch the rest of BBAD sometime today? I feel asleep during the E & GM talk.
Can’t wait to find out who wins POV and what happens after…
@Herbie that would be so very very gross.
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Ok I need a life !
Here is Elissa on Andersson Cooper w Kim Zolsiak from Real Housewives
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------as a BRADZILLA
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Becky, I was watching feeds last night, but not BB/AD.. so I’m not sure what they showed.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The deal between Elissa & Aaryn was at about 10:45pm (BB time). That might be worth a look. I don’t think anything else worth watching fell into the BB/AD time.
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LOL @ sylvie.. you should go work for TMZ. 🙂
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Production running the show? WTF besides editting shut up!!
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Thanks JT. I don’t have the feeds. Don’t have the time for them/can’t afford them. Though I might splurge on them for this final month since I’m going on leave, though that isn’t the purpose of my leave. I have to get well so that I can perform my job!!
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turned on puter and went to live feeds and what did I get MUSICAL FISH, I switched asap I can hear that song in my mind for hours like it has been stamped in my memory, hope the next BB changes music and screen saver of fish oy enough already.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs all who updated staus I appesch, so happy aa and e have made a pact. would make my day when demanda is shown the exit door, will do a happy dance for sure
ciao to all my darlings, till later
mm has left the blgg
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As much as Elyssa annoys me (because she is annoying and Rachels sister). I think it was a good idea (just hope it does not backfire. I would love to see Aaryn win veto as much as I hate her as a person for being so racist. BUT if McCrea wins either way and takes himself off. I would love to DEMANDA GONE. My fear is IF she is carried to the end by McCrea then even if he wins the most she will get her hands on it AND I hate to see her get a DIME of either winning.
I think the jury just might vote her as winner because she played the “game” (more like head game pun intended) and never won a thing but made it to the end.
Here is my question to the posters here: If Elyssa was not Rachels sister – do you think if Rachel was in the house and whole “floaters grab a life vest” Do any of you think Rachel would have targeted Elyssa?
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Mary. if they were not sisters I would bet the farm rachoe would target E in a heartbeat, they seem so opposite as sisters, but then again I am sure they are different in real”life then in side the bb house. With these hgs the motto seems to be ALL FAIR IN LOVE AND WAR (hear that mcnasty)
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Just checking in… still trivia (coming up on 3 hrs now).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please don’t let Amanda start winning…. not today!
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OH Definitly she would have come after her! lol She would have eaten her up and spit her out. I like E. better than R. as far as personality b/c she is not so beotchy. And I actually am beginning to like E.. If she is the person I am forseeing her to be she will not take Aaryn to the end but will take GM b/c GM needs the money to better her life and b/c she is a better person than Aaryn. Now all we can do is sit back and watch the game being played the way we (or at least the way I) like it to be played. Hopefully HOH’s in the future will figure out a way to keep ANDY in the dark. He is such a weasel.
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Mary… that’s hard to say. I think Rachel would have hated Elissa at the beginning. But if Elissa still survived this long and started winning & using strategy… then Rachel may have started working with her now (but maybe Rachel would have been Elissa’s target this week?) 😆
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Been out having fun in the sun and I know the LFS have been on trivia , but did they do the picking of POV players and then go right into the POV?? Usually those are 2 separate trvia times..lol
And to answer a question further up JT,YES Elissa DID promise to take Aaryn off is she won POV!! She wants Amanda gone that badly!! I really thought AARYN was going to be a straight up player with E now that she basically saved her lil blonde butt, but then earlier she was in spilling hte benas to Am telling her that E wants her GONE!! WTH is WRONG with these idiots ????? Everytime it starts to get good and sort of recognizeable as BB, STUPID happens!!!lol
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Hello yall
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Thanks Star…. not sure where I asked that.. but thanks? 😆 POV players were picked last night. All are playing except Spencer & Andy
Yes, Elissa’s meeting with Aaryn was to make a deal.. and to take Aaryn off block and b/d Amanda.
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OMG what is wrong with theses people??? Why can’t they keep their mouths shut to save they’re own skin!!! Aaryn is soooo stupid to tell Amanda that Elissa is goning to back door her, WTF? I don’t get it she just screwed herself!
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POV Winner Is
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Damn!!! Just when I wanted things to get good.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want Aaryn out too…. but not this week! 🙁
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NO!!! I hate it.
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Ok….that was depressing. If AR had kept jer big moth shut, AM wouldn’t have had such a fire under her butt cuz she sure hasn;t had one the rest of the summer!!!!
I’m going back out to play. A POX on Aaryn and Amanda!!! 😛
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Elissa needed to put them both up in the first place. (Note to future HOHs!!!)
Who will she put up now? Andy? Judd? Who? She was trying to work with everyone except Am & Mc
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I hope E puts up Andy now as replacement…. and send him packing… That cuts off two or three of McCranda’s tentatcles…
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JT with the simple Logic. Helen tried to pound that into her botoxed head but her hatred for Aaryn got the best of her.
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omg demanda won
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No way!!! Elissa just needs to lie about working with Aaryn and arryn can wreap what she sewed! Dunbass!
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and arynation told them the plan e has for a deal omg what a mess
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I’m enjoying every twist and turn lately. This show is like no other. Sad BBUK, CBB are just popularity contests. I can already see Screech or the Happy Dude winning BBUK and it’s three days in.
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Elisa has to put up Andy, otherwise it’s a definite 3-2 vote out of the replacement nom as he’ll stay loyal to 3AM.. Ok, let’s all send that vibe out so when Elisa mediates on her yoga mat she picks up on it!!!
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Elissa is annoyed with Andy… he was “up her ass” as soon as she went upstairs. She sent him away because she wanted to shower. Maybe she’ll just put him up.
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Amanda wants to say,
“Nobody comes between me and my man”
at the veto ceremony. 🙄
How about something original??
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sorry too much for me, I am signing off for a few days, just when u think u r clear they pull u back in, CBS u suck, I have had it, ciao guys do not even care to read blogs so disgusted
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao guys good luck, maybe I will get over this soon or maybe not at all
till then happy trails to u till we meet again
mm has left the bldg., cause ain’t nobody got time for that
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Good grief, a true BB outcome. The worst it could be but I know Betty is happy.
@JT, I hope she puts up Andy too. Did you see any of the conversation with Aaryn going and spilling the beans to Amanda about the b/d being planned by Elissa?
If Aaryn really went to Amanda and told her the agreement with Elissa, then she deserves what she gets but it would be best for andy to go to get rid of at least one of them. That would cut off one of their fish lines.
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The fix is in! Amanda need to get a Goodyear tat on her stomach. She needs to stop stuffing her face, it’s all going to her stomach, a$$ and thighs!
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Starfish… yes, I watched everything. I saw GM & Elissa “bond”…. then Elissa make deal with Aaryn to b/d Amanda…. then Elissa get others on board with that plan too. And I also saw Aaryn go to the bedroom and tell Amanda about the deal and the backdoor plan. And Aaryn also said more about it to Amanda after the veto comp.
You’re right. As much as I wanted Amanda out this week, Aaryn deserves to go for telling Amanda the plan.
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Elissa & Judd talking about putting up Andy as replacement.
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OMG, the worst has happened!!! Say it isn’t so!! Can anyone tell me if Amanda’s winning looked “arranged” by production or if it looked like she won it fairly? Aayron deservers to go since she opened her vile mouth to Amanda. This game drives me insane. Thanks for all the links Sylvie.
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Andy is the only one who hasn’t been on the block yet.
Grab a seat… get comfy!!
If this happens… maybe Andy will see how it feels.. and be paranoid as hell knowing others can lie too.
Elissa is crying now. She really wanted to work with Aaryn but figured it out too late… now she feels they are all against her.
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Maxie, we don’t get to see veto comps on feeds. It sounded like a physical comp… something about getting up to 200? …and not dropping something?
Sounds like GM would have won easily… but had to start over when Amanda was at 70… and GM still almost caught her.
Early details are sketchy 😆
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I don’t get Aaryn’s thinking. With McManda, who wanted Aaryn out next after Helen, Aaryn had to know she was probably only final 4 whereas if she stuck with Elissa, she could be final 2. Do they even think or just run their mouths? Ugh Disgusted with the bunch of them.
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All the vampires in the house were ready for some Amanda blood.
Funny thing is, apparently a veto medallion around your neck is as effective as a cross. They are all cowering now and being Am & Mc’s best friends 🙄
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Of course Amanda & McCrae are trying to get Aaryn to suggest GM as the re-nom. They say they will keep Aaryn (I doubt that). They want that for a couple reasons IMO.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) To break up the GM-Elissa bond.
2) To make sure their spy stays safe (Andy)
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Zingbot was there today.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Called Andy a floater 😆
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@Starfish – You bet your sweet pa-tutti (please take no offense), I am very happy Amanda won! This doesn’t mean I like her, I just dislike Elissa more. E made me sick last night on BBAD. I think Star and you confirmed this, when you both posted that Aaryn spilled the beans to Amanda, so I am sure Amanda and McCrae, Spencer and Andy will keep her safe (if one of the latter two are not put up). Not sure! I hope Amanda uses her vile ways once more and convinces E to put up GM – that would be the frosting on the cake! I love a villain, as most of you know, for example: I just adore TED (just kidding, Teddy, you are not a villain)!! I have wanted E out since the beginning of this show. I am sure this was fixed and now we will see E win the next veto, then Amanda again etc. PLEASE, PLEASE fellow bloggers don’t hate me, but I never liked Rachel and to be honest, I dislike her sister even more! Can’t wait to see Amanda rule again and hopefully tell E who the replacement should be! These HG’s are all a bunch of losers and I think Amanda is very entertaining. Just out of curiosity, are there any other people on this blog that agree with me. I don’t have to hear from anyone that does not agree, as they would have to put up a new page, only those that do. 😆
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Raindrops descending profusely from my eyes. Oh well!
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Elissa telling GM that she wont put her up because she will go… and tells her same with Spencer.
That leaves Andy & Judd. I really doubt it would be Judd.
Elissa to GM: “Just know 100% you’re not the replacement.. that’s not even an option””
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Just got my bb bubble popped! Sounds fishy really fishy. So production finally found something Am could win. Dang another week of porn!
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@Betty, my dear pal, I do not mind that you like Amanda and I don’t think anyone has criticized you for that. That’s why we all love our blog. We can love or love to hate anyone for whatever our reasons may be. I think Amanda has ruined the game for us but then the blame truly belongs squarly to the clueless ones who weren’t playing to win but were playing not to get the wrath of Amanda. Kudos to her for that.
I do not believe the game is fixed at all but I do believe some of the coaching/leading done in the DR should stop completely.
Hs & Ks to M
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@Betty: I’m with you. Prefer Amanda over Elissa but, then again, I prefer hemorrhoids over Elissa. I do respect how she has played the last two weeks but am still pulling for McCrae and Andy and think Spencer is with them in an Alliance that doesn’t get enough credit or have a name. Had Elissa not threatened to walk so much, pouted, be put up in a different hotel (The Ritz) than the rest, get a comforter (and likely a meal in the DR when on Slop; claimed allergic to slop) and been gifted onto show of being Rachel’s sister…well, I’d probably still dislike her.
No idea who she puts up (guessing Andy) and not sure how the votes go but all of a sudden, not a fan of Judd. Would have preferred even Jesie or Candice back to stir some shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh up. 👿
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Betty, I disagree 😯 …but respect your opinion… and could NEVR hate you for that♥
I couldn’t stand Elissa either… she has been doing much better this past week. But I also could see her going back to her “I wanna go home” ways when things don’t go her way…. and any little respect I gained for her.. will be gone for good this time.
BUT.. I really wanted Amanda out this week. I want others out as well.. but Amanda would’ve been a GREAT first step IMO.
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Elyssa pleaseeeee lock out Am. and Mccreepy.
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Chandler @chandlerross97
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I Do Not know why people are saying Elissa’s HOH is a waste,Getting rid of Aaryn,is A HUGE DEAL!I mean not as much as Amanda,but still #BB15
Retweeted by Midnight Special
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Big Brother Dish @BigBrotherDish 2m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elissa has said she’ll put ANDY up as the ReNom. Amanda’s working a plan to get GM up and out instead. #BB15
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We’ll see how Amanda does in comps going forward. She may have been faking and acting like she couldn’t win comps because she didn’t have to; she had the whole house in her back pocket. In the HOH comp, it seemed she was really focused and trying to win only Elissa was better this time. Now that she’s won a POV, we’ll see what her skills are in comps.
The eviction will be interesting. I too think E will put up Andy if she’s already promised Spencer & GM they are not going up. Judd is a dudd it seems. We knew he didn’t have game so I agree with K11, Candice or Jessie would have been better. Now that would have been a shit storm for sure.
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Kev, I don’t think Amanda can talk Elissa into anything at this point. Elissa gave GM her 100% guarantee she wouldn’t go up.
All signs point to Andy
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Maybe they had to answer questions about McCrae and the first person to answer 200 correctly won the veto.
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Lol LM good 1. (???ya think for real….naaah!)
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I guess veto comp was to 250 (carrying something without dropping it?)
GM started over when Amanda was at 70…. and got within 7 of her by the end
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------250 – 243
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GM is a pistol that’s for sure. Never been any doubt about that. Would have been fun if she won. Can’t you just see her strutting around. 😆
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@JT: Agree. Her face (I typed that?) reveals all. She’s solid when she makes up her mind. Think Andy may be in trouble? Judd and GM will vote him out. Imagine McCrae, Amanda and Spencer will back Andy. So, 3-2 and Aaryn goes?
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Elissa talking to Spencer.
She told him he wasn’t going up.
She also asked him for suggestions… but Spencer said, “In my position in this game, anything I say could be deadly for me…. I know I’m expendable to all of them”
But he did say maybe someone they (Am & Mc) would want to keep more than Aaryn (I took that as a hint at Andy)
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If E has promised not to put Spencer up, the least she can do is get him to vote out the person she wants out. Or, she can put his big ass up.
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@Kevin11 – LMAO – hemorrhoids!! Too funny.
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You go Amanda… Get out of bed and finally win one for the Gipper – I mean for your Gofer!
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did they have the veto comp yet?
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Elissa: “Who do you think people would vote out if Andy was next to Aaryn?”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spencer: “Aaryn”
Elissa: “This sucks so bad… this is the worst game”
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Tammy, Amanda won veto
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OK , here is what I think CBS should do this week. If Elyssa nominates Andy as the replacement for McNasty, that means that 2 of Amanda’s minions are on the block and she will have to choose which one she values more, Aaryn who can win comps and then nominate who A&M want or Sneaky Andy, who somehow always manages to find out whats going on and report back to her.
Then Wednesday night, after the Veto ceremony and America has watched to see how Amanda is thinking, CBS should let America vote for the nominee they want out. That way if Amanda, McCrae and Spencer vote to keep Andy and Gina Marie and Judd vote to evict Aaryn, America can make it a tie vote and allow Elyssa to evict the HG of her choice. You know what they always say, “expect the unexpected!” and that would be totally unexpected!
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Which begs the real question now: Is Amanda more loyal to Aaryn or Andy? And, if she’s assuming she’ll make the F2, thinks Jury will back her over Aaryn (as opposed to Andy?)
Human chess. ♞
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Amanda concocted a big plan to get GM on the block (and vote her out). The plan is for Aaryn to tell Elissa that GM will keep her no matter what she tells you.. and that GM will not work with you (Elissa) next week… and Aaryn just came up and said that. (It is totally false.. it is Amanda’s plan to keep Andy safe)
Now Elissa is confused. Spencer was still in HOH when Aaryn said it. Aaryn said it quick and left again.
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E should go straight to GM.
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Andy & Spencer are talking. Spencer telling Andy about his conversation with Elissa. Told Andy he might go up… Andy totally freaking out of course.
Andy: “If you hear anything.. tell me… I don’t want to be blindsided”
(I’m sure David, Nick, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, Judd, Jessie, & Helen felt the same when you told them all, “YOU ARE SAFE THIS WEEK”)
Gotta go for a while
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Amanda and Aaryn were for each other; 2 peas in a pod as my grandmother used to say. Amanda thinks up the mean and Aaryn carries it out. Yes, Elissa should go straight to GM and ask her if what Aaryn claims is true. GM and Aaryn are headed for a major blow out and Amanda is going to be the cause of it.
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Andy’s crying like a little girl!!! Poor baby!
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Now, I’m just thinking out loud here. But, what if “Production” told each Veto contestant that if they “let” Amanda win, they will get an extra ? (Put any amount in here). But they will lose the extra money if they tell any other person or mention it on live feed?? Just wondering……..
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OMG NOT DeMandDuh!
Oh well they all deserve each other this season.
Maybe Aaryn will get drunk again and tell Elyse the truth, drunk Aaryn is better .
That’s why Elyssa should have put DeMandDUHHHHH and Mac Creepy on the block.
This house has no words, no alliances except for the nasty couple and that’s always questionable, forgot no brains.
Let Grey Undies run your season kids and we’ll have to suffer in the future when she appears again on our screens ewwwwwwwwww !
Andy, karma ! baby!
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Can’t wait to see how aMANda won ? I thought she sucked, i mean at winning
When does she wash the grey panties?
At least Andy gets a little breakdown out of his constant spying . There rat boy!
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Dear Santa,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s me. I don’t want anything for myself, but could you please give our friend Elissa some special power? We’d be most grateful, and try to be extra good. TY, BB fans! 🙂
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I don’t think Spencer will vote to evict Andy so Arryn has no chance with just 2 votes. That’s if Judd votes for her.
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Grossed Out!
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FinAlly!!!!!! I hope that Amanda goes up!!!! Awesome..yay Elissa…you are the one that made a great move. Thanks Lisa Marie..have a great vacation
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Mayela, Amanda won POV.. and will take McCrae off the block. Andy will likely be the replacement along side Aaryn.
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finally we have game and now that production has thrown the veto to demanda we are back to the McCranda show. I’m impressed with E and hope that she ferrets out the truth with GM and ferrets out the ferret on Thursday – bye bye either Aa or HOwdy Doody.
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OMG – crapola – elissa – was fun while it lasted
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I thought Aaryn was smarter than that. Why when you’re on the block and offered safety would you go and tell the plan to keep you safe? It’s really too bad the plan didn’t work…that would have been awesome. Now they will be gunning for E for sure.
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why r we on trivia now
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more Details about the POV Comp…..
like JT said…ZingBot was in the House and was involved in the POV
also ZingBot Baby was there also…the POV was the 1st B-Day Party for the Z-Baby… remember last year he was Born in the POV, lol….
the HG’s all came back with party bags and stuff from the party…..
the Feeds stayed on Trivia for over 3 hrs cause they had to film when ZingBot came into the House and Zinged everyone, lol…. like JT said, he Zinged Andy that he was Floater, lol…and Andy was Pissed, lol… 🙂
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Oh Dear…what did i say last nite???…the Worst Nightmare would be if demanda won POV….. UGH…..i stopped doing my Happy Dance….Gosh, my happy week ended so quick…oh well, what are we to do???…. maybe hope for a Pandora Box and give Elissa some Power to somehow get Rid of demanda?…. i dont think so… i just wanted demanda to SUFFER the Whole week on the block…. now she made US suffer the whole week knowing she will stll be around… Yuck !!!… gotta Love BB, lol… 🙂
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HoH8 – hmm – scratching my head – amanda cant win anything – hmmm – but she wins this one because it would be her demise – hmmmmm
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I’ve seen talk of Aaryn as a candidate for all stars.
Tell me one smart move Aaryn has made this season. Sure, she’s won 4 HOHs and a veto… but were 2 of those HOHs legit? One was because of Jeremy and cheating.. another was roulette. I give her credit for 2 HOHs and a veto. Still more than anyone else, but this game is way more than winning comps.
Strategy? At the start she aligned closely with 2 of the most hate-able people in the house (other than herself). 2 people who had never even heard of BB.
Then when that went South, she aligned with 2 more hate-able people who were just using her to get out enemies. She had several clues that Amanda is not on her side till the end… yet still did everything Amanda wanted.
4 times HOH.. never controlled a single nomination herself. Jeremy controlled her first HOH.. Amanda the rest. And Helen tipped her to backdoor Judd (which was also Amanda’s idea)
Finally, Elissa offered her a new life in the game. It was a bit too late because Elissa didn’t figure out what she really wanted till after she’d nominated Aaryn. But still a workable plan.
Then Aaryn told Amanda about the b/d plan…… that really lit the fire under Amanda’s ass (bed?)… and Amanda won veto to save herself and her pizza boy. That leaves Aaryn out there hanging…. right where she put herself by bad gameplay.
Aaryn believes many lies…. comes up with many theories that aren’t true… and when people do actually tell her the truth, she dismisses it as BS. I’ve seen no ability by her to read anyone.
Social game? Ignorant comments all season. Nuf said.
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OMG…demanda is promoting this???, LOL… 🙂
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@macy…ur so right….Hmmmmmm..is the only answer…it just makes us think if that story bout her winning cause she know Grodner is true or not… Hmmmmm… 🙂
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HoH8 – the yeast infomercial – how did u get that!
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@macy…LOL, u want my BB secrets?, lol….just kidding…from another BB site, i travel alot in the BB world and bring the Best back here for y’all, lol… 🙂
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Conversation wort watching (Between Amanda & Elissa)
4:25pm BB Time
Camera 2 (or 1)
It was basically a last ditch effort by Amanda to manipulate Elissa to put up GM instead of Andy. Did not go well 😆
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Boiron the Homeopathic company never has pics on their packaging or a spokeperson
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so i would be very surprised if this were true, about Amanda being their FACE
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@sylvie….ur so Funny, LOL…that was a FAKE….. joking about that demanda never washes down there and uses purfume to cover the smell of her vajayjay, LOL… 🙂
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McManda are back in bed again
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Here is more about Amanda covering her tracks about TV production
@JT Hummmm maybe i’ll work for TMZ
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SAL do u have a spy in there – im still on trivia
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had to go live – oops
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Andy may have a heart attack before Thursday
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amanda isnt looking worried at all – hhmmmmmmmmmmm
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Amanda is feeding McC while they are In bed
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Obviously can you imagine her on any box or packaging 🙁
I am sick of the show but relying heavily on our blog, good thing we have it this season
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------or i would jump out my kitchen window not comparing notes w anyone else
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Amanda has nothing to worry about until a new HOH is crowned
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Andy can’t understand why elissa is going to put him up
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well – lets think about this – who would production like to have that spot? hmmm amanda – now that she HAS to win – hmmmm
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I’m still 99 99/100 % sure the fix is in for Amanda to win
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If Andy stays it’s game over, crown the queen
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The whole thing is a cluster fuck whether it’s on purpose, coerced by production, helped by crew, leading the HGs by the nose by Amanda or even just a reality show. It’s BB and it’s our show. I’m not a happy camper right now because I don’t believe in coinkidinks and this one was definitely a coinkidink that makes no sense at all. If Amanda all of a sudden got athletic, was just plain lucky or perhaps faking all along will tell in upcoming comps. Bleh! 😡
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Amanda wasn’t the best at that comp…. but she did win because others dropped their ball.. and had to start over. Aaryn dropped hers twice… GM dropped hers at 50?.. and still almost caught Amanda. (to 250)
Slow and steady won the race. DRATS!!
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Hi all, I got home at 7PM today & from around 7:30 I read all the 3 days worth of comments 🙄 Thanks for bringing me up to date! 😯 I am very tired so I just might make this short 😆 Sure…. This game is nuts ❗
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I want to Thank all my friend from AggieLand for all the Birthday Wishes, You all are Great♥ See you soon…….. …………………………………
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Your welcome Bob… Aggie did a great job decorating the page.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hope you had a good birthday in AC.. and brought home some $$$$$
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I can not believe Amanda won a challenge.
Elissa better put up Andy. At that point it wouldn’t matter who goes–the 3AM alliance would be down a member and that would continue to rattle Amanda. Wasn’t it just a few days ago that Amanda was bragging she’d be able to control Elissa with Helen gone? Elissa is the one person in house who has proven to have a mind of her own and I say bravo!!
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JT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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Good for you Bobo. Now you can go back and do it again.
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Next month……… :mgreen:
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Zingbot zinged GM about Nick …….. “Fatal Attraction” 😆
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@JT, since Aaryn has proven that she’s not on Elissa’s team, wouldn’t it be in the realm of possibility that she lost it on purpose? I would think she was smarter than that since she’s on the block but who knows if she was watching and threw it to Amanda. Very suspicious to me.
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Forgot the Rrrrrrrrr I am tired! …………
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Sleep tight Bobo. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Amanda dont care if andy goes home she will have aaryn to battle for her. Andy is no good anymore he has been outted. And that puts the blood on elyssa’s hand if he does go home.
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Starfish, I seriously doubt anyone threw that comp. Aaryn doesn’t really trust Amanda that much (she has at least thought of getting her out… more than once).
And they all know Elissa is a wildcard… none of them felt safe this week 😆
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Well JT, that’s some consolation and makes sense. So we know Amanda is good at slow and steady. 😯
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I think the plan is to still nominate Andy but Elissa and Judd have this diabolically looney idea to say they threw the challenge so Amanda would finally win something. What they hope to accomplish with this I don’t know. Maybe to stir up the beast.
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Ahhhh…….demanda likes it Slow & Steady… no wonder she likes doing it on Top of mcCreepy, LOL… 😆
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@Dellaree, the beast has been stirred many times. Have no idea what that would accomplish but this year with all the paranoia in the house, it couldn’t make things any worse.
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Wish someone would have the balls to tell aMANda what they really think of her. The other nite on BBAD when she asked if they thought she was a bully they never said no….they changed the subject.
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Elissa just told Andy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“You have to campaign against Aaryn…. you have to start now”
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Amanda is trying to do damage control with GM
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Elissa to Judd:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I’m 100% putting him (Andy) up….. I’m 150% putting him up”
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Don’t understand GM either..she doesn’t seem to see the writing on the wall even when it is punching her in the face. (I borrowed a bit of that analogy from Elissa. God help me). This is from jokers updates
Amanda just told GM that w/GM up with Aaryn is guarantees that Aaryn will stay, GM agrees. Then Amanda back paddles & says…… but we want you to stay too! (one has to go!) (oops Amanda
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I don’t know about you guys, but for me, seeing how predictable things are every week sorta takes the fun out of it. ( huge understatement) I think the HG know the outcome and what they need to do as things progress, thanks to the DR, they just don’t know ahead of time what the competitions and the twists will be. They probably all sign an agreement ahead of the show and get their shot at fame and some money and a good time to boot….. get to be on TV!!! Some of the other HGs in times past have done ok. Look at Jeff and Branchel, for example. I’m just really disappointed. BB is a really good concept and doesn’t need to be messed with by CBS, production or Grodner or whoever!! OK, that’s my rant for the evening. By the way…..JT, I just love your comments.
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I a really disgusted. One long hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for CBS, BB
and Amanda’s deal from the beginning. Too suspicious. Too much coincidence,
too much manipulation behind the scenes. I’ve lost my innocence.
Bye Bye BB.
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Update on comment #146 (This one)
Right after that time… Amanda went to b/y and told Mccrae & Andy about her last ditch effort to keep Andy off the block. Amanda told Elissa, “Fine, put Andy up.. and we will vote him out… and your HOH will send Andy to Helen”
This was a total bluff of course… trying to make Elissa afraid to put up Andy. So Andy had to do some acting like he was upset, mad, in tears. He needs a few more improv classes IMO.. his acting isn’t very good. Elissa even called him out and said “How do I know you’re not faking it?”
So now Andy has to mope around hoping Elissa will nit nominate him… he knows he’s safe… but Am, Mc, & Andy want someone else on the block to vote out besides Aaryn…….. like GM or Judd (not happening though)
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GM agreed that Aaryn stays if she goes on the block next to Aaryn–that means she does see the writing on the wall. Elissa has promised not to put her up anyway.
From what I’m reading her, on Jokers and on other sites it sounds like Elissa is going to put up Andy but that she wants Andy to campaign to stay. Elissa wants Aaryn out again. Getting Amanda out was just a passing fancy but since Amanda got POV Elissa will go back to her original target.
What would really be funny is if Amanda took Aaryn off the block instead of McCreepy, thinking the alternative nomination would be voted out but then her BB hubby was voted out. Amanda would cry more than GM did when Nick left.
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Looks like booze has been delivered according to Jokers. I rarely check there but thought I’d take a look.
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Changed browsers somehow so just checking.
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This is making me sick
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Betty…totally agree with all you said….I think Elissa is the most elitist,self absorbed,self indulgent,narcissistic person that’s ever been in big brother house.I know Amanda has some problems,esp..insecurities .but.she is playing the game,and deserves to win,Elissa thinks she so much better than everyone,and all should be kissing her ring,she’s had a unfair advantage due to production interference …so yes Im hoping Amanda wins
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Good For Amanda, I hope the Joker AKA Elissa is on the block next time, these people are gutless, i appreciate people who are willing to make moves.
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I just watched BBAD. From the sound of things Andy, Judd and Spencer have broken away from McCranda and Aaryn and are trying to make a new alliance with Elissa to send Aaryn packing, but it will only work for certain if GM is the replacement nominee because GM might vote to keep Aaryn.
What are the odds that this is true and Andy and Spencer aren’t just doing what Amanda has ordered them to do. As Aaryn said, “if this works (getting GM on the block and out this week) you will win”. She was speaking to Amanda. And she’s still working with Amanda!!! I guess Aaryn will be satisfied with 3rd place because only way she is going to F2 is by winning final HOH comp.
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Becky, Andy is just playing along with Judd & Spencer… but he is still with Amanda & McCrae. Andy is not with Elissa either… he wants her out bad!.
It is all a big act orchestrated by Amanda. Amanda wants to keep both Aaryn & Andy this week… and the best way to do that is to trick Elissa into putting up GM… they all promise they will vote out Aaryn.. and the only way to get Aaryn out is to put up GM (and take away her vote).
Andy has been acting upset all day… he has been telling Elissa if he gets put up.. he will go home. He is acting like he is against Am & Mc.
It’s all BS… it’s an attempt to save Aaryn & Andy… and vote out GM.
BUT, Elissa didn’t buy a single word of it. She told GM that she was still putting up Andy and that they were all putting on a big act to get her to put up GM….. but she wont.
Aaryn against Andy…. Aaryn gets voted out probably 4-1
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2 can play at acting
GM had a meeting with Elissa (when Elissa told her she was still putting up Andy). Elissa also told GM to act upset… and to tell everyone Elissa is acting weird.. and she is afraid she will go up.
This plan has 2 purposes.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Elissa wants to surprise Am & Mc (& Andy)
2) Elissa wants them all to feel safe so they cut all the BS acting going on… and leave Elissa alone.
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JT, so all the bad mouthing GM did in the b/y to Am and Aa about E was all an act?
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sort of…. remember, they are all acting most of the time anyway.
A will bash B to C
Then A will bash C to B
Then B & C will get together and bash A….. and so it goes.
Bottom line, they all want to cover every base. GM has to bash Elissa to stay off Amanda’s radar… then she has to bash Amanda to stay off Elissa’s radar.
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Heard this through the grapevine….
We already know the whole Amanda story and her connection with Realty TV Production We have the e-mail spoiler from the former CBS staff member……..We saw her comment how she knew people behind the wall in Thursday’s HOH….
NOW whats this I heard .. Aaryn was talking to McCrae about Bob ZUCKERMAN who works in production in the DR ? McCrae said don’t talk about ………..then FISH lol Hmmmmm….relation to Amanda ??? I think maybe McCrae also is also in television production and Aaryn (Big Brother’s plant for the racisim) are ALL part of the scheme and plot by CBS … I really think its all fake and America is being fooled ….. well? hmmmm
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Elissa has the guts to stick to her plan regardless of the production plant Demanda trys to dictate. I hope that they get rid of Andy this week and then try for the Dictator Queen next week with a double eviction of Aaryn going same time. I can dream!
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I may have forgotten, but do the rules preclude Elisa from nominating Amanda if she uses the veto on McCray?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks had same question
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only TV Robert Zuckerman
I found on IMDB works in electrical dept but in feature films
Not reality and don’t see a Zuckerman on credits for BB
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Frannie, I would certainly stop watching if I felt that way. 😆
Hal & Sylvie, POV winner cannot be nominated.
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@ Hal & Sylvie, The POV winner can’t be nominated, they are automatically safe.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just waking up I make no sense …yet!
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@frannie If the entire was scripted the way you are suggesting, I would stop watching. I’m already watching a scripted “reality show”, but then after looking at the website, NBC made no bones about Siberia being a parody of a reality game show. It is the people who only watch the show who say continue to question if it is “real”. But every “contestant” on the show is an actor and that information is only available on the web site. Amanda may be an actor in her real life but she’s also really playing for half a million on BB. Does DR sometimes try to influence contestants’ votes–I have no doubt, but in the end, they really don’t control who the HOH puts up or who the others vote for.
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More on POV comp.
From what else I’ve heard since, I think it was the one where the roll a ball up a 2 sided ramp… and have to run to the other side and grab it before it hits the ground… then roll it up the other way. (Remember that one from a few seasons ago?)
First one to 250 wins. If the ball is dropped on the ground.. you have to start over at 0. GM was doing 2 for every 1 Amanda did at one point… but GM had dropped hers and was 50 behind… I think when Amanda got 250.. GM had 242.
You could roll the ball slower …and not have to run so fast to the other side… or roll it fast and risk dropping it.. but get points quicker.
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@Elizabeth (also my real name) – I am so glad I am not alone on this blog. Your description of Elissa was spot on!
@JT – Do you think Spencer knows that Aaryn, Andy, McCrae and Amanda are in a final four alliance? If so, why wouldn’t Spencer vote out Andy so he could move up to being in the final four, as I believe Amanda would not trust him again if he voted out Aaryn.
@Snake – I so agree BB is fixed. I try not to think about this, but it is hard, as CBS has made it so obvious this season!
Don’t worry Elissa fans, she is not going anywhere. CBS will make sure she wins the veto every time she is put up on the block.
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I don’t think Elissa thinks she’s any better than anyone else. How can we know what they really think? It’s BB! Amanda has made it clear how she wants things done and is definitely bullying and pulling everyone’s strings and is positive she can. That tells me a lot about that personality who feels superior enough to threaten and accuse in order to get her way. That’s part of the game but also shows she’s probably not going to be my best friend. I don’t do well with bullies. Elissa may have money and be haughty but she’s not a bully, or abusive nor a racist. She probably wouldn’t be my best friend either. Two distinct and different personalities. She’s finally playing the game and trying to change things up but Amanda has a hold on everyone to do her bidding so that’s good for her. I would be ready for lobotomy if I were in the house with some of these nasty critters and I do mean critters.
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Betty… why are you so sure Amanda wants to keep Aaryn over Andy? Amanda wants to keep both this week.. that is why they are trying to avoid Andy going up. But I believe they will keep Andy…. since the 3 have been together since the beginning.
Amanda wants Andy in final 3 with her & McCrae.. Amanda only wants to use Aaryn another week or 2.
But yes, Spencer does know those 4 are real tight. He has only been able to sit back and observe lately. He was on the block 5 times in a row… and one wrong word could have sent him home… so he watched and listened.
Spencer would keep Andy over Aaryn for sure. Andy has been building a relationship with Spencer for several weeks now…. and he has Spencer believing he will turn against Am & Mc soon.
I think if Amanda had her way… the evictions would go in this order
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Elissa
2) Judd
3) Aaryn
4) GM
5) Spencer
6) Andy
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Amen..starfish. I want to see anyone but the big bul get to the final 2
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K i remember this POV, makes sense for DeMan Duhhhhh to win it.
Since she has been in bed w Mac CreeeePee from day one is is slow as molasses except for her horrible Juvaderm mouth/lips .
Still don’t care who wins , these HGs are just not good and keep flip flopping
There was a moment when I thought yesterday was the begining of old school BB but then nope it wasn’t.
My biggest fear is that we have to see DeManDuhhhhh on other shows later in life.
Like her real wedding, her birthing little Demandas, her divorce , her talk show…..
Please make it stop!
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Betty this is BB so the fact that Amanda won POV whens she’s won nothing else means what? Do you now think it’s rigged for Amanda? Justaskin. 🙂
I don’t believe it’s rigged but I do believe there is undue influence in the DR room because they want to keep the ratings up. That’s obviously worked because ratings are up a bit then down a bit, etc. This has most likely been a good year for the show. They’ve ruined the show from it’s beginning IMHO and that’s how I feel but I still watch.
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@JT, before Elissa won the HOH, didn’t Amanda want Aaryn gone after Helen? I thought I heard her say that. I think your order of Amanda’s evictions are spot on. She’s played the game hard and in the end will probably win. Andy has done a good job of smoozing everyone too but at Amanda’s bidding. It’s interesting how they follow along and run around pretending this and faking that because she told them to in order to finalize one of her plans. I don’t get it. These people have no brains and of course she made them puppets from the beginning with her rage. It worked. Good for her.
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Starfish. I agree 100%. No doubt DR suggests things.. or tries to ask questions to persuade things a certain way. I wish they would just STFU and let things play out naturally… even if that meant their “star” gets evicted early.
I think the best solution is to stop feeds…. stop BB/AD.. then we would only see what they want us to see… like ALL OTHER SHOWS. Then we wouldn’t be so damn jaded against this show. They could just edit it all into a pretty little package with a bow on top… and we would be none the wiser.
But I choose choice.
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@JT – Thank you for the update, but my feeling is Amanda will want to save Aaryn until Elissa is sent to jury. Did you hear Amanda say she will save Andy on the LF’s?
@Starfish – Good morning!! I hate to disagree with you, but I do feel Elissa is also a bully, but in a different way. Calling the other HG’s names and calling them disgusting is inappropriate. Amanda isn’t any better either, but at least she seems to tell you to your face. I bet Elissa would never give anyone the time of day, unless they had money! If E is so appalled at the racism, why in the world is she trying to team up with GM, who is one of the biggest racist in the house? Just my opinion. H’s and K’s for G!! (I love being the devils advocate) 😆
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Starfish, at this point.. this season is the hardest to keep track of what is actually happening than any other I remember. Luckily… I’m an addict so I can stay on top of things 😆
There are so many charades going on right now that even reading the play by play at Jokers would be confusing if I didn’t have feeds. I have read things there AFTER I watched them…. and wondered sometimes if we were watching different shows 😆
Hypothetical Example:
8:23 PM – Andy is crying… telling Judd he will be evicted if he goes on block
No context there. Here’s what they often don’t tell you….
Andy is faking. Andy knows he wont be evicted. Andy wants to save Aaryn too. Andy thinks Judd is working with Elissa… so he is planting seeds for Judd to go back to Elissa. The goal is to get Elissa to not put up Andy (she doesn’t really want Andy out this week)…. then Am, Mc, & Andy can vote out whoever else goes up against Aaryn……. and “3AM” is still intact (till they decide to cut Aaryn).
But Elissa hasn’t been buying the act so far. She is calling their bluff. She knows GM will be evicted if she puts her up… and she doesn’t want that. She did tell Andy he was going up 9in a round about way). But then Judd & Elissa talked and knew Andy would tell… and they would have to deal with more BS from Amanda.
SO… Elissa chased Andy downstairs and told him she wasn’t really going to put him up.. but just play along. This was a lie to get Amanda off her ass. then Elissa went back upstairs and reconfirmed to Judd that she was going to put him up… FOR SURE.
WHEW…. I’m winded now 😆
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JT, I couldn’t agree more. I choose choice. CBS could advertise it that it’s the only reality TV show that let’s us see the good, the bad and the ugly because we can get 24/7 action. Or something like that. Whoever orchestrates the DR should be canned and the manipulation of behavior in the house needs to stop. They need animation from the characters in the DR , and they are characters, but leading their game play should be forbidden under penalty of losing their jobs or something.
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Betty, I did hear Amanda & McCrae tell Andy he is safe…. but they also told Aaryn the same. But I have heard them when it’s just those 2 talking about getting rid of Aaryn.
I just watch and take my best guesses who is lying to who…. then wait to see DR sessions on CBS to see what they really think. It is really hard to tell sometimes.
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JT, remember that list you made of the personalities of each HG awhile ago? I printed it out and let my husband read it and he really liked it. Last night he asked me if that guy has done anymore of those because it was so good. Just wanted you to know how much we appreciate you and you are straight up with your conclusions and not hypocritical which is appreciated in oh so many ways. You give all the HGs a fair & honest assessment even when you don’t like them! 😀
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I keep seeing & on posts. Someone please tell me what & means
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😆 I do my share of bashing HGs too… but gameplay is what interests me the most (I know many are asking, “What gameplay”?) I figure there’s enough people here to bash.. most things I could say about that have been said.
I try to look at BB like NFL.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can write, “Aaron Rodgers threw 4 TD passes in a 35-17 Packers win over the Vikings” (even though it is killing me inside while I write!) 👿
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Joyce… I’m guessing that’s how you see them in your email box.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------things like &… show up that way there, but not here.
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I have a problem with CBS claim of 24/7 when they go to fishes, trivia or censure the discussions. Seems to be to be false advertising!
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JT 😆
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@Hal…it goes to fish when they (production) doesn’t want us to see or hear what they are saying. If it didn’t go to fish, I think a lot more people watching BB would finally believe that what they are watching ‘is’ scripted by production. I guess in the end, WHEN Amanda wins the $$$, you all will still say it’s because she played a good game. SMH!
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@JT – Almost like the Superbowl game between the Cardinals and Steelers, now that was an exciting game and kept you on the edge of your seat. 😆 (and here you thought I didn’t know anything about football).
Do you have any idea when the veto ceremony will take place? Andy is going to have the big one!!
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I’ll say it again….JT..You’re the best!!
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Betty, that was an awesome game no doubt. My nephew went to high school with the Cardinals receiver, Larry Fitzgerald… so we were rooting for the Cards.. oh well. I know Sal was happy the Steelers won.
Veto ceremony will be tomorrow (while I’m at work 🙁 ) I hope Elissa doesn’t fall for the BS.. she needs to put up Andy. So far, she is going to do that.. but there is a lot of work to be done today by Amanda.. so who knows.
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From what I’m reading, my guess is that Elissa sees most everybody as obnoxious. I believe she used that word to Andy, Judd and Spencer to describe McCruddy and Aaryn last night.
I don’t get Andy and Aaryn though. Aaryn is already realizing that Amanda could win the game and yet she is sticking with that alliance? Write Amanda the check already and be done with it then. Save us all the agony if it is going to be that predictable. Amanda winning will be worst in my book than Dick’s win–that one was also predictable, but at least Dick was fun, though I didn’t much care for some of his tactics.
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One thing is for sure (as Betty mentioned upthread). Amanda wants to keep Aaryn longer than McCrae does. McCrae doesn’t trust Aaryn at all… and would rather keep Spencer if he was the replacement. Amanda told him why that was a stupid idea.
Also, when Amanda said, “I want to keep Aaryn at least 2 more weeks”
McCrae said, “TWO?” 😯
..then Amanda back-peddled a bit and said, “We at least need her here next week.”
I know for a fact McCrae will keep Andy over Aaryn… but could get dicey if Amanda has other ideas.
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It may be old new but new to me. I just read that the Prudential Real Estate company that Amanda worked for has removed her name from their web site and the State of Texas has reclassified her license as inactive. Looks like we have another firing! After her actions on BB15 I doubt she could sell very many properties, especially the high dollar ones.
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GOOD AFTERNOON – all yall crazy bloggers!
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Hal, I believe thats the state of Florida… right?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda holds (held) licenses in Florida & California.
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I’m more worried that Elissa will fall for Amanda’s “glamoring”. Amanda has the entire house (except GM) in on the act.
Spencer, Judd, & Andy all swore to go against Amanda and vote out Aaryn if GM is put up. Elissa thinks she has allies in those 3. Oyyyyyy. Please don’t fall for it. Andy just voted out Helen 2 days ago…. you have to know he’s still with Amanda.
I have to admit.. this act would be hard not to fall for with the whole house in on it. Judd is unknowingly playing his part.. he thinks the target is Aaryn.. and believes putting up GM is a good idea to take her vote away. And Elissa trusts Judd somewhat now.
P U P P E T … M A S T E R Y (would make Dr Will jealous)
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@JT – It would not surprise me one bit if Elissa falls for this deception, but somehow I think production will interfere and she will put up Andy. You have to admit that Amanda’s puppet mastery is brilliant. She is a vile person, but I have to give her kudos on her game play.
As for her losing her job, if she wins, she won’t have anything to worry about and will be laughing all the way to the bank.
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Now JT, you just told me hours ago, like 4:30 am eastern or there about that Elissa isn’t falling for any of those lies. When did that change? What has Elissa said or done that makes you think she may be falling for the lies and not just playing along to fool them into thinking that she’s falling for it?
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Becky, I just have a bad feeling with the entire house having all day today… and until tomorrow afternoon to work this plan… that Amanda will win…. again.
Elissa is desperately looking for allies.. and if even the people that she thinks she can work with (Andy, Spencer, & Judd) are telling her to put up GM or Andy will go home… I think she could cave in to that pressure.
Amanda’s plan for today is to spend all day with GM & Aaryn…. and make it look like they are all besties without any concern about noms. That will also throw Elissa off… because Elissa already played her cards and tipped off Andy that he was going up.
Elissa will see that Aaryn, Amanda, & GM are tight…. and that will leave her no choice but to put up GM (GM is unaware of all this… and Elissa was hoping to work with GM…. this is designed to show Elissa she can’t work with GM)
IDK… but my gut tells me the BS is so damn high, Elissa can’t see over it all. But I hope she does. She did at first.. but too much time left until noms.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes she lost her licence
but now she’s “famous”
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Good luck to all who watch it. I am done for the season. These Houseguests SUCK. And since DEMANDA won. I know it is rigged for her take the money this year no more need to watch.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you to all who replied to my question.
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