Big Brother 15 — Is it getting hot in here or is it just the HoH room?

by Lisa Marie Bowman on July 5, 2013


For reasons that I’ll explain at the end of this post, I didn’t actually sleep last night so this post might not be my best.  However, I wanted to make sure to give you guys a new page for your comments and tell you what little went on in the BB house on Independence Day.

Basically, our new HoH, Aaryn, spent most of yesterday whining about the heat.  Apparently, the HC wasn’t working in the HoH room and Aaryn spent most of the day complaining about it.  (Considering how hot it has been out in California, I would probably have complained about it as well if I was in Aaryn’s jackboots.  Still, Aaryn and I are both Texas girls and, as such, we should both be able to handle heat with a little more class.  Seriously, listening to Aaryn, you would have thought that the AC stopped specifically to spite her.  Or as Aaryn put it, this should be the best week of her life but now, it’s the worst.)  

Also, Aaryn is still struggling to figure out who voted for David and who didn’t.  She, Jeremy, and Gina Marie are determined to get Elissa out of the house this week.  Gina Marie, in particular, seems to be obsessed and scared of Elissa’s MVP powers.  Meanwhile, Jeremy seems to be throwing his weight around more than ever, telling McCrae and Amanda that if they can’t get Elissa out of the house than they’re going to start coming after the people who are protecting Elissa.

So, Elissa is going up on the block but Aaryn still doesn’t seem to be quite sure who is going to be joining her.  I’ve heard her mention Candice, Helen, Nick, and Jessie as possible nominees.  Aaryn and her allies are really paranoid that Elissa could win the veto.

In other news, Kaitlin was apparently peeing blood during the afternoon and had a visit with the show’s medical team.  Nick theorized that Kaitlin is suffering from kidney stones but, as far as I know, there hasn’t been any official word yet.

Also, the HGs had a 4th of July pizza party, which I assume we’ll probably see on Sunday’s show, mostly because the live feeds were down for most of it.  From what the HGs said after the live feeds came back up, there was apparently drama that happened when Amanda felt that Jessie was hitting on McCrae and Jessie felt that Elissa was spreading rumors that Jessie and Judd were now a couple.  What’s interesting about that is, to judge from the live feeds, Judd seems to be believe that he and Jessie are a couple now as well.

I think the nominations are today so we’ll see who Aaryn decided to throw up on the block with Elissa.  

On a personal note, did everyone have a good 4th?  I did.  I got together my sisters and my niece and my nephew and we all went down to Breckenridge Park and watched the fireworks.  And then we came back to my house, we had a big sleep-over, and I ended up staying up so late talking to everyone that I just realized that I never actually bothered to get any sleep last night.  So, as soon as I click publish, I’m going to get a an hour or two of rest. 🙂

Stay supple,

the very sleepy Lisa Marie


sylvie July 5, 2013 at 8:41 am

I fell asleep watching Gina Marie talking to Howard ….Jessie crying and Judd comforting her…booooooorrrrrring
Happy I emailed CBS demanding that they watch the CHEATERS in action and remove HOH from our self centered racist

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Sputy July 5, 2013 at 9:08 am

I think this years BB is boring and not sure how much I will watch it. Already tired of the attitudes and big egos and B’s..

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:09 am

@lisamarie thanks for taking the time to put up a new page! Glad your 4th was great! Hi @sylvie! I havent been on blog much this year but its good to see you!

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Chris July 5, 2013 at 9:16 am

I am so fed up with Aaryn and Jeremy! I think they should have been disqualified and Elissa should be HOH. I want to see Elissa have power and get Jeremy out then Aaryn. After that I think we can have a Big Brother game. Elissa for MVP!!!! Put Jeremy up!!

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DeeCee July 5, 2013 at 9:16 am

Thank you Lisa Marie, your reports keep me up to date on BB15.
This will be an ineresting season.

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Crazydays July 5, 2013 at 9:18 am

Yes I agree they need to punish the cheaters and make examples out of them it just isn’t fair to the others and the future game players!! Scarym Arryn is such a mouthey little thing! Shall we guess who she hooks up with next cause I really don’t think she could go all season without a guy or should I say Another guy! Lol

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Sondra July 5, 2013 at 9:23 am

I wonder if the people chosen to be the BB houseguests, ever think that the way they behave is going to be seen by all of America that watch this program. They are the most spoiled, entitled group of people this show has yet to have. Aaryn is a disgrace with all her off-color comments. Not necessary to play the game with the exception she doesn’t care how she comes across. Jeremy is just as obnoxious…a bully. I feel sorry for the people in the house that have to play with these barracudas. I really USED to love this show.

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Christine July 5, 2013 at 9:39 am

I agree with Chris. I think that since it was pretty obvious that Aaryn and Jeremy cheated, the HOH should be given to Elissa. It disappoints me to see that there is no real game play going on in is season. Houseguests are put on the block for mostly personal reasons. Nothing to do with their threat to others as a stronger player. I can’t wait to see the backlash these people get when they leave the house for their bad behavior. It still boggles my mind that they can say such hateful and disgusting things, when they HAVE to know that the world is watching 24/7. I don’t ever want to hear from them or their friends and family that, “That’s not who they really are!” Bullshit. If thxt’s not who they really are, then they wouldn’t risk the world assuming so.

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Sweet Judy July 5, 2013 at 9:45 am

Birds of a feather really do flock together!
The Three arse holes, are a team!

I pray they go home soon!

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Diane July 5, 2013 at 10:12 am

A/C in the HOH room really on the fritz or punishment for cheating and hateful words? Hope next HOH goes after Jeremy and Aaryn.

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Yolanda Rodriguez July 5, 2013 at 10:21 am

I think I too will not watch. I try the live feeds but had to cancel !!!!

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 10:51 am

I think they should have the HOH revoked but I don’t think it should just be given to Elissa. I think 2nd place which was Elissa and who else? Should have to do some time of quickie Q & A for it.

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Bobo July 5, 2013 at 10:59 am

To my friend Kevin11, Thanks my friend! The 4th. was good but the fireworks do bug some Veterans that’s what I meant!
Trying to keep up with you all….Lisa what a great job you are doing here ♥
I will contact CBS & voice my option on the Cheaters….. Thank you all for the updates I can’t get BBAD so your feedback is really great !……………… :mrgreen:

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Betty July 5, 2013 at 11:21 am

It is not too late for the producers of CBS to redeem themselves about the cheating. Want a twist CBS? Here is the best one EVER! On the night of the live show (Thursday) make an announcement about the cheating! Take the two HOH nominees off the block and replace them with Aaryn and Jeremy. Let the houseguests know that cheating is not allowed in the challenges and anyone caught breaking the rules will face the same punishment! I don’t know what everyone here may think about this idea, but in my humble opinion, I think it is the right thing to do! CBS wants drama, well I can’t think of anything else that could top this! 😆

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Dorothy July 5, 2013 at 11:21 am

I really don’t believe BB cares what the fans say. Arryn will not be removed from HOH, Jeremy will continue to bully and the game goes on. I know expect the unexpected but this year gives that a whole new name. The sad thing is that there are young people watching this show and the live feeds and they see that it is ok to do these things. Shame on BB. Enough of me on my soapbox or is that 2 words? I enjoy this blog and the people on it.

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Becky July 5, 2013 at 12:03 pm

Grodner (is that her name?) doesn’t care about the fans. I think she likes the fact that the web is abuzz with the news of the cheating and the horrible racist and homophobic language being used. I know one thing, if I was in that house, I’d be asked to leave because I would have been slapping some of those hateful people for that language. That’s what little miss spoiled TX socialite needs, a good slap in across the cheek.

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PK July 5, 2013 at 12:22 pm

I confess. Growing up in suburban Montgomery County, Maryland, back in the 50’s, I never exceeded my infinite limit of big boobed Jewish girls to keep my eyes and hands busy as needed. I knew better than to get too serious with any of them, though, and risk the Mormon boy deals with Jewish mother drama. So if I can’t take my eyes off of Amanda from her waist up and from the head down, it is just a conditioned 100% male response I never outgrew or ever chose to. I know she made one rude homophobic, rhyme time attempt for which she was immediately chastised by McCrae, but she is in the game to win no matter how much pizza breath or whatever else is necessary for her to swallow in the weeks to come. If anybody can outmaneuver the “moving company” Amanda is the one to do it.

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Sylvie July 5, 2013 at 12:39 pm

Just keep pressing CBS
The fans are here to set things straight !

But I have to say what’s fascinating is how shallow they all are
A new season and they managed to find more self centered people


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mary price July 5, 2013 at 12:52 pm

Giving cheaters power just shows that the players this season and future seasons can get away with it. Just not right. And as for all the rude comments from the “house guests” many of them may leave to no job. If their bosses see it they may be fired over it. HOPEFULLY!!!!!!!!! As they represent the companies they work for. I know if I were the boss of any of them they would be without a job. This has to be the rudest bunch of people in any show. If the cheating were going on in any other game it would not be tolerated. So why is BB letting them get away with it. They should dump Aaryn as HOH and have another competition minus the cheaters.

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Chris July 5, 2013 at 1:02 pm

So true Christine! Jane I totally agree with you. Elissa would have one if she did not fall and Aaryn and Jeremy did not cheat, that is why I said, Aaryn should have HOH. I have never been so disappointed in BB before like I am now.

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Sherry July 5, 2013 at 1:25 pm

Oh what a tangle web we weave……I said it before and I will say it again, this season is the worst season yet!!!! CBS needs to come up with a new screening process because here lately all the payers belong in One Flew Over The Coo Coo Nest!!!
Syvia I think it was great you emailed CBS, I am going to when Ifinish this post.

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macy 1231231 July 5, 2013 at 1:42 pm

LISA MARIE – thanks – what did jeremy and aaryn do to cheat? i guess i missed it on the feeds – KEV11 please enlighten muah!

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sylvie July 5, 2013 at 2:04 pm



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macy 1231231 July 5, 2013 at 2:09 pm

THANKS SYLVIE – for the link – but just chalk this up to my blonde hair – i didnt get it!!!!

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Chris July 5, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Betty, I love your idea!! Maybe CBS will see this and do something about it.

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 3:10 pm

Hi everyone! I am reposting my post from yesterday complete with link.

I stayed true to my convictions and contacted CBS regarding the cheating and that this is not too late for BB to redeem itself and not reward the behavior of (Aryan and Jeremy).

Then somewhere along the path I ran into someone promoting a link directly to CBS. It has a drp down box and you can select Big Brother and on the side, complaint. It’s soooo easy.

For anyone who is seriously pissed about the cheating, or simply wants to see justice done:

You will probably have to cut and paste this into your browser but it will take you directly to the form. Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the MVP got to name two nominees as a punishment for the cheating scandal?!? A girl can dream!

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 3:20 pm

Sylvie, I’m so glad you contacted CBS! Every voice counts.

Christine, I enjoyed your insights.

Sherry, YES! Thank you for the challenge. I know people think it’s useless but I want my voice to be heard at CBS.

Sondra, you said that Aaryn is a disgrace with her off-color comments. LMAO. Great pun! Sad that it’s true.

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 3:24 pm

Oh boy am I behind. Have so much reading to do. BBl84

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 3:25 pm

macy, the contestants were to dump the contents of one cup (Aaryn’s) into their teammate’s (Jeremy’s) cup. Obviously with the viscosity of the BBQ sauce some would be lost in the transfer. On the video it clearly shows Aaryn and Jeremy simply exchanging cups. No time lost in transferring contents, no sauce lost in the transfer. Clearly cheating to gain speed.

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sylvie July 5, 2013 at 3:33 pm

@Jane and the regulars and new peops good to see everyone here.

Does Jeremy have a job to lose ? looks like the other 2 he’s trying real hard
my husband swears he has seen him on another reality show

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Betty July 5, 2013 at 3:44 pm

@Sylvie, I don’t know if Jeremy has been on another reality show, but I agree with your husband, he looks familiar to me too. Maybe he just has one of those common faces…butt ugly and the personality of a toad!! (poor toad, not fair to compare him to you 😆 )

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Susan July 5, 2013 at 3:45 pm

Gina Marie has been fired from the job she’s had for 5 years with U.s. Pageant. They were shocked at her behavior. And the company Aaryn had her modeling contract with has broken their contract with her. So there are repercussions for very bad behavior.

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Nancy Coffey July 5, 2013 at 3:46 pm

Can someone fill me in. What did they do to cheat, I didn’t see it?

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Sorry Lisa Marie, I didn’t see your “New Blog UP” post on the previous blog so here’s my comment from it. I’ll try to watch for that in the future since I seem to be behind so much this year.

So much to catch up on and only got to Kevin’s post before I have to leave and then finish reading later. You’ve been busy.

Yes, there are no “right” opinions but there is a thing called dignity & self-respect. They don’t have any! Yes, we love to hate the Rachells, Jeremy’s, etc but they are actual villains in our eyes that we love to hate and it’s great fun; whereas the behavior of Aaryn & co is just plain horridly offensive. But Kevin, I would love to hear your political comparison.

Lisa Marie thank you for today’s update. It’s always the best in giving those of us not on the feeds information. Get some rest. 🙂

Hi to all and thank you for your comments. Can’t add much other than this is the most “entitled” bunch we’ve ever seen on this show. I agree with Betty’s idea for the Thursday show. That would be justice IMHO.

Princess thank you for the link, cheaters should be called out. I’ll write too.

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 4:00 pm

Another thing as a punishment for cheating would be that they (Aaryn and Jeremy) can’t participate in the next two rounds of comps including HOH.

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Chris July 5, 2013 at 4:40 pm

Ok, I complained to Big Brother. I sure hope they listen or this might be the last time I watch Big Brother…sad!!

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 4:45 pm

@Lisa Marie: Great post girl. trying to stay supple in Sin City. “it’s a dry heat,” but still unbearable.

@PK: I dig Amanda’s chimichangas myself and really like her game. Loved her fake cry to Aaryn last night (BBAD) to position herself and McCrae perfectly.

@Bobo: This is going to be a great season. I’m really surprised at how impressed I am. Seems only Jessie, Elissa, Helen and Judd aren’t playing good games, although I like the latter two.

@princess: Good deal writing CBS but like government, professional sports and lawyers, they could probably care less. amazing they let stuff like that go. BB Canada was great about enforcing the rules, and in a similar competition, stripped a HG from his HoH for doing something VERY similar. BB Canada sort of sucked though, IMO.

As far as the show, so digging it. We may trash HGs for things they say and be offended, but even Aaryn, Jeremy and Gina Marie, to a degree, are playing really good games. Watching BBAD reveals much and they are all into it hard–a brutal pace for being in the House for a little over than a week. This could end up being one of the best seasons ever. SO, SO, SO tempted to pop the $26 for the Live Feeds but fear I will devolve into Howard Hughes, long fingernails and all…

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 4:47 pm

@Kevin11: You really think Gina Marie is playing a good game?

@Myself: Well, actually not. Got a little carried away there, brother. So sorry (I’m a Gemini) 😉

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Madisonchris July 5, 2013 at 4:56 pm

I agree with almost everyone has said! Age difference is slight, dislike the racial slurs which just come from ignorance or snobbish behaviors…but, everyone is angry with Julie and I really don’t believe that is fair. Juliet’s the host her husband owns the network. It was SO OBVIOUS TO ME that during David’s eviction Julie was not sure what to say or do or how to control the situation that was happening LIVE on the show! What was she supposed to do? She was NOT in the backyard warching the competitation for HOH. So how could she know they cheated? The staff should have stopped or done ANYTHING to control the cheating!

I just don’t feel it fair to blame Julie Chen. But if CBS does nothing to make this “right” then this will probably be the last season. From what I have seen here no one wants the cheaters to prosper!


Please keep up with the comments to CBS!

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 5:03 pm

I am really rooting for Nick! I love that he is observing everyone and playing a cautious game so early in this. He’s the one to watch for!

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 5:08 pm

Sorry, this is a re-post from a couple pages ago…. but I haven’t seen much to change this yet.

Justaguy (JT) 07.04.13 at 4:48 am
Nominations Prediction

Aaryn puts up…
Elissa & Helen

Elissa wins MVP again and nominates….

Candice’s name comes up… but they want someone stronger than that to compete in POV. Jessie comes up… but they think she will vote with them to prove her loyalty (and she can’t vote from the block of course). Andy comes up… but Aaryn is convinced he is no longer against them. It all keeps going back to Helen (Elissa is a given)

And they (Jeremy & Aaryn) just had a chat with Helen pretty much confirming she would go up….. and Helen seems ok with that. She gets the game.

As far as who Elissa will put up. Hard to say really.. might be GM… might be Jeremy. She might even put up someone who voted for her to stay??? who knows with her.

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marist July 5, 2013 at 5:08 pm


I just read a news clip about Gina Marie being fired from her present job. It seems that she is a racist using the N word at work. If policy is correct in most places, she won’t have a job when she leaves BB.

I also watched on you tube and couldn’t see how Jeremy and AAryn cheated. The computer or you tube kept stopping and wouldn’t show the ending. She must be full of the devil and hate when her buddy got kicked off the show. Her face was just stone and lack of emotion. Personally IMHO David needed a haircut and the way he would wave his hair to fall in his face looked stupid.

That’s it for now.


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Jane July 5, 2013 at 5:11 pm

Hi JT!!!

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 5:12 pm

Jane, I like Nick too. Seems to have his game in control in his head.

Star, he does remind me too about Dan.

Kevin11, can I use the “I am a Gemini” excuse too? Love it.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 5:13 pm

Hey Jane!! I have read your comments just so you know…. and NO!!.. No one should dare mess with a woman who jumps over the sides of tall buildings!! 😯

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susan July 5, 2013 at 5:26 pm

My husband and I both said, at practically the same time, ‘Nick reminds me of Dan’. I like him.

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 5:27 pm

@JT hahahaha!
@starfish yes totally reminds me of Dan!!

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Tomi Mueller July 5, 2013 at 5:33 pm

Hello Everyone.
Now I went back and watch the HoH comp. in the beginning Aaryn and Jeramey were using the cup and pouring. When did it change? I don’t have feeds

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 5:35 pm

It’s so awkward watching The Talk and there is no BB mentions. Usually this time of year they always chat about BB at the opening of the show. Dude if 8 could be a fly on the wall in the dressing rooms at The Talk because you know Julie Chen and the ladies are talking all about what’s going on with BBs new cast n the media!!!

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 5:35 pm

Hi Tomi!!

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Bobo July 5, 2013 at 6:07 pm

Good to see you Kevin……… 🙂

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 6:13 pm

Hey, Bob. I remember my dad not liking fireworks for many years. He fought in the Pacific WWII.

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Bobo July 5, 2013 at 6:21 pm

Hey Starfish 🙂 I have some stuff with all the fireworks, from Nam…. 🙂

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 6:33 pm

@starfish: Go right ahead girl. It’s always worked for me. I remember heating and pulling against Rachel that one season and then pulling for her the next after Brendon was gone). We are free to change our minds–one of the beautiful things about being Human Beans (lima myself).

@JT: What’s up buddy?

Clio the Leo ‏@Clio_the_Leo
Jeremy’s not the brightest bulb on Saata’s tree but he DOES know how to pronounce “especially” …. unlike Kaitlin #Expecially #bb15

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 6:35 pm

Kaitlin is 100% convinced that Elissa will be MVP again and will put her up… and Kaitlin will go home. (I think she’s right on the MVP part.. I doubt she’ll put up Kaitlin)

Kaitlin doesn’t agree with the nomination choices.. she is freaking out. Yet when asked for other options.. she has none. They have asked her many times who should go up if not Helen & Elissa…. and she said she doesn’t know.

I am glad they are putting Elissa up. They could have been smart and tried to make a deal with her.. but that would take smarts. Elissa does not know who all voted how.. I am hoping this nomination will make her realize who her targets should be.

If Kaitlin does somehow go home this week (seriously doubt it).. that’s fine with me. I don’t think she even knows what show she’s on. keep in mind she had never heard of BB until they approached her. She seems to just be there for summer camp and a showmance with Jeremy. She’s more on Bachelor Pad than BB. I never like HGs that put someone else’s game ahead of their own after knowing them for a couple weeks.

If Kaitlin is on the block and wins veto… she WILL NOT use it on herself. Why? ..because Jeremy would go up then. 🙄 She actually said that. She also said she might self-evict if Jeremy leaves.

Also… speaking of self-eviction. I didn’t hear this for myself.. but some are saying Elissa might self-evict rather than giving Aaryn the satisfaction of evicting her.

BB!!! ….Get people who LOVE and know the game!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 6:37 pm

Hey Kev… not much up right now.. certainly no more fireworks.
(Pinto for me)

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tendr July 5, 2013 at 6:43 pm

i agree with chris way up there at the top….i want elissa to stay and aaryn and jeremy out. sweet dreams lisa marie………….yes i know, i’m not using caps…

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 6:45 pm

I love both beans a lot! 😆

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 6:59 pm

tendr, it would be great if Jeremy left this week…. and Kaitlin self-evicted since there’s no point in it w/o her man. Then, with those 2 gone, Aaryn wouldn’t even want to be there. 3 birds…. 1 stone. That would be a shot heard ’round the world!

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Tomi Mueller July 5, 2013 at 7:07 pm

Princess problem is her mother. She stated…one of her mothers EX’s. no excuse but her was probably brought up by servants of other than white And thinks they are below her. She is one nasty ugly girl. And she doesn’t really open her mouth when she talks.

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 7:27 pm

That’s a lovely thought, JT, but production would talk people out of that scenario.

Sometimes I feel like I’m in a giant game of telephone. Just sayin’

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 7:32 pm

Princess, I’m not a fan of telephone. That’s why I get 90% of my info straight from the horse’s mouth (or horse’s ass in some cases)

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 7:35 pm

Good stuff @JT. As I wrote a couple of days back, I see at least 2, maybe 3 (GinaMarie, Elissa and possibly Kaitlin) self-evicting.

hamsterwatch ‏@hamsterwatch
Judd: “my Xanax is gonna wear off before nominations” #bb15

Clio the Leo ‏@Clio_the_Leo
Couple of interesting calendar notes from earlier: the finale is 9/25 (Amanda said 9/26 but we know that really means 9/25) #bb15

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 7:47 pm

JT, Kaitlin has been acting very strangely since David’s eviction. (I can’t believe it was only about 48 hours ago!)

She did play for HoH but even with her “side” winning she cried and sobbed and carried on about being evicted this week. Personally I think it has more to do with Jessie being left in the house with Jeremy than the $$$. She’s upset about the noms because she can’t devise a foolproof plan to protect both Jeremy and herself from going up. So far, their “side” consists of Aaryn, Jeremy, Kaitlin, and Gina Marie. They’ve decided that both Nick and Jessie are not trustworthy. Although the girls don’t know about Jeremy’s side alliance(s) it seems as though the other HGs should wonder more about why they think they have so much power. The blondterage seems to believe they have Amanda and McCrae’s unwavering support. Judd says he has been threatened for his vote. Helen, Elissa, Candice, Spencer, and Howard are not aligned with them and Andy (like Judd) seems to flit back and forth looking for whomever is in power.

It seems to me that if Helen would stop listening to Spencer and if she and Jessie would give Elissa’s plan to band the girls together, and include McCrae, Judd would tag along and it would be a very different game. Why all these relatively unaligned people can’t see how they would be better together than drifting along baffles me. It reminds me of Stockholm syndrome. They want so desperately to be with the accepted by the bullies (Blondterage) that they can’t seem to see what is obvious. Well, at least Elissa can but she’s not getting any traction from Helen and Candice and that’s where it would have to start.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 8:00 pm

Nomination Time… feeds are trivia.

It might be a little while before we have our names etched in stone (or on keys anyway). 99.9% sure it will be Helen & Elissa. All conversations ended with those 2… even Helen knows that. Gotta always leave .1% margin for the fact this is BB.

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dave July 5, 2013 at 8:06 pm

if that punk aaryn was my daughter, i would be so embarassed, she is nothing more than a punk that is use to getting her way,and is a low life biogot.

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HoH8 July 5, 2013 at 8:07 pm

OMG….take a look at Jeremy…so funny….. 🙂 ….

the Feeds are on Trivia now…that means the Noms are taking place…. 🙂 ….

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Elizabeth July 5, 2013 at 8:08 pm

Well,I guess the staff ..producer has not mentioned to the contestants anything about the racial or derogatory remarks that are being made…because they are still doing it…I have complained three times…once about the remarks,then about not to bleep out what’s being said because America needs to hear it all and the today about the cheating….apparently with all complaints already done, they don’t care….also what’s with Nick,he says some strange things to Andy….he is strange..

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 8:10 pm

This is the reason I’m hoping Elissa gets MVP again this week. McCrae can have it next week, she just needs a little help this week.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 8:14 pm

Good stuff Princess… you know how much I love game talk.

The only things I would add to that is Andy & Judd seem to be flitting back & forth.. but that’s just them in CYA mode. They still want A,J,K out and will vote that way given the chance. They believe they are still part of The Outsiders (Area 51?).

Also, Elissa does get some traction from Helen & Candice. Candice is very frustrated that none of the fights have been between 2 guys. She wants desperately for the women in there to get their shit together. Helen wants that too… but says that showmances change the entire game (and they do).

As far as McCrae… it would be their biggest mistake to try to recruit him right now. He is MC (at least for a while). And trying to get McCrae would ruin that plan. Judd is also well aware of Elissa’s intentions.. and wants no part of it being that he would be the odd man out.. literally.

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 8:14 pm

BTW, does anyone have a clue what GM found in Nick’s clothes that caused her to cry and realize he’d been using her? She’s never referred to it. A wedding ring perhaps? Amanda’s bathing suit bottoms? Anyone have an idea?

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 8:18 pm

JT, what group(s) is Andy with? If it’s just Area 51, why does he keep running back and forth. I’d like to see Andy and Judd join the three have-not women but I can’t trust Andy.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 8:18 pm

IDK princess…. if you can give me a time frame I can look into that. Nothing but trivia on now… and I already answered all of those 😆

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 8:22 pm

I was actually thinking that if they got Amanda, McCrae would come along for the ride. Then he’s covered with every group in the house and I’m pretty sure when it comes right down to it the only person MC would have a problem voting out now is Jeremy. So Kaitlin, GM and, later, Aaryn are fair targets. From my analysis it works. Except Amanda is working both sides…

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 8:22 pm

Andy believes he is in an alliance called The Outsiders… or Area 51… not sure what name they ever decided on.

That is the group that voted out David and is after Jeremy, Aaryn, Kaitlin, & GM. (McCrae, Spencer, Amanda, Helen, Judd, Andy, & Howard). But since 3 of those 7 are MC.. that alliance is just an illusion.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 8:33 pm

Princess, I also wonder about McCrae at times. I wonder if he would be 100% loyal to the MC if push came to shove. I think he is for now… but he is also covering his ass with others (Amanda too).

I suppose many are waiting to see what happens. If a few of the MC get taken out in the coming weeks.. then McCrae might jump from that ship faster than I jumped from my pizza delivery job in 1985.

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TheKhanKubla July 5, 2013 at 8:45 pm

Who thinks Jeremy played one too many games of Metal Gear Solid as a kid?

It’s the first thing I thought of when he mentioned he was Native American and I saw his tattoos…lol!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 8:47 pm

Khan…. Solid Snake all the way! 😆

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 8:54 pm

So if Andy is only in one alliance, and a very loose one at that, why is he running back and forth and why wouldn’t he be open to another alliance. He’s not playing very well IMO.

Aaryn just told GinaMarie and Kaitlin about Nick, “He sent David home. There’s no doubt about it.” GinaMarie crying. NT

Thu 2:30 PM BBT Aaryn explaining to GinaMarie that Nick is no longer with them. GinaMarie is crying because of it. NT

Thu 2:28 PM BBT GM crying about something she found with Nick while cleaning up his clothes. then FISH NT

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HoH8 July 5, 2013 at 8:56 pm

FYI:…America has chosen Liver&Lima Beans for the Have Nots… they all pretty much love it…especially Helen loves the Lima beans, lol… 🙂 ….

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 8:58 pm

It was from that point on that GM decided that Nick had been playing her all along and stopped defending him to the girls.

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Star July 5, 2013 at 8:59 pm

Hey guys! Just finished reasding Lisa Marie’s post and thought I would check in. I was outside most of the day as it was FINALLY SUNNY!! Been a very weird and BB-wise!!!lol But after sunbaTHING AND GARDENING, WENT SHOPPING AND JUST GOT HOME AFTER PICKING UP SOME SUBS. OOPS!! CAP LOCK.. sorry!!! :OOPS: Just so excited for noms…lol

I haven’t time to be OL but I did watch the LFS for quite a while today. It seemed that Jeremy was King to Aaryn’s Queen!!! Or actually, more like the Godfather!!!lol The last I heard, as I am sure has already been discussed, they were PUSHING Elissa and Helen on the HGS. They wanted a complete landslide! But the individual interrogations were quite illuminating. Somehow I feel like Jeremy may have wanted Aaryn initially, but she chose David…..obviously looks only thing..and now he seems way more than ready to dump Kaitlin for her! They deserve each other, IMO!! But could be quite dangerous!!
Anyway, trivia still on , so I will go back and read and keep checking back here.
Hope everyone ahd a fun 4th!! I can still hear BOOMERS going off outside as I type this!! 😉

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 9:01 pm

Ewwww!!! No offense Kevin. Hate liver and hate Lima beans. My dad loved liver and onions so it made a frequent appearance in our home when I was a child.

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Mama Margie July 5, 2013 at 9:01 pm

I wonder if it has occurred to Elissa to tell aaryn nation that it was nick and mc who wanted her (mvp) to put up david. was not her idea she did ask and then did their bidding.
I do not know if it will make a difference but worth the try.
hi to all great comments and txs lisa marie good job
hi mike miss u buddy, have not been to the grapevine
ciao with hugs to all

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Junior July 5, 2013 at 9:01 pm

I have been a lifelong BB fan, and have seen every single episode since Season 2. I love this game, the strategy, the personalities, everything about it. But to enjoy the good stuff, you have to deal with the bad, and unfortunately for all us diehard BB fans, this year’s bad is irritingly disgustingly atrociously bad.

I agree with Ragan who has gone public with his demand that BB air some of the disgusting comments that these houseguests are making. While it will offend many viewers, it will also (as it should) embarrass the hell out of the houseguests who spew out this crap, along with showing America that views such as these still exist and continues to require a spotlight. Also, once these houseguests are evicted, they will be confronted head on with their remarks and forced to address them. And I applaud the national media for putting Bigotgate in the headlines. As we’ve seen, it’s alread gotten GinaMarie and Aaryn fired from their real-life jobs. Aren’t they gonna be surprised once they get evicted! I applaud their respective employers for taking a stand against homophia and racism.

Now if only Jeremy and Spencer’s employers would take a stand against misogyny, that would be great. Yes, the racist and homophobic remarks that have been thrown around the house have gotten the most headlines, as they should. However, misogynistic remarks are equally as offensive. Marginalization is discrimination regardless of the specific labels we place. Putting down women constantly by calling the b****** or c****, telling them “stop getting your panties in a bunch,” “just get your ass in the kitchen when it belongs,” “just shut the f*** up and listen to me” may not make for great headlines, but they are nonetheless disrespectful, condescending, and demonstrate a clear gender bias by the men that they are superior. Disgusting by any stretch of the imagination.

All that being said, we as BB fans can continue to enjoy our favorite show, root for our favorites, but continue to visit all the various BB sites, post our thoughts, express our displeasure at all that we are listening to, and as a united voice, together we can let the national media know that they have support by BB fans to continue highlighting all this that we find offensive. And one by one as these houseguests are evicted and have to make the media rounds, they’ll be faced by interviewers who will be our collective voices, forcing them to address the remarks they’ve made, not letting them get away with the discrimination they’ve displayed whether it be against a different race than their, different sexual orientation, or different gender.

When we see these houseguests sweat as they try and defend their words, we can all pat ourselves on the back and know that we made a difference in forcing them to address their words and actions. Good job, BB fans!

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:06 pm

@Elizabeth you can complain to Sponsors:

Almost 4000 signatures!!!!

The support is beyond amazing. CBS finally released a statement basically saying that they can’t control what people say inside the house and that they do not agree in anyway with them.

But, they will still edit the footage and make Aaryn as the sweet Southern girl. This is extremely unfair.

So far we got several media outlets covering the story and Aaryn’s official model agency released an statement a few hours ago informing that they have decided to drop Aaryn from the agency because of her filthy mouth.

Too bad CBS is not doing the same thing.

If CBS doesn’t care about us, then let’s put a little bit more pressure on them. I gathered a list of current Big Brother’s sponsors:

– Pizza Hut
– Macys
– Advil
– Purina
– Friskies
– Pistachos #GetCracking
– Toyota
– Outback
– Dulcolax
– Kraft
– Sears
– McDonalds
– Sprint
– Beauty Rest
– Wendy’s
– Crest
– Burger King
– Six Flags
– Jack in the Box
– Verizon
– Kia
– Zantac
– Netflix
– Honda
– Crystal Geyser
– Subway
– Sierra Mist Natural

Please use your social media and flood the sponsors with calls/tweets/emails asking where do they stand in the Big Brother controversy. Ask them to release a statement informing either their disapproval or support to CBS. Tell them about all the house guests making racist and anti-gay comments.

If only one sponsor drop their advertisement campaign with CBS, they will take action by not ignoring us and either evict Aaryn and other house guests or portray them on the show how they really are.

Thank you!!!

This message was sent by Ed King using the system. You received this email because you signed a petition started by Ed King on “CBS Television Network: To expel current contestant of Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries.” does not endorse contents of this

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:06 pm

Star… are you going to be here to post that Elissa & Helen have been nominated? It’s pretty much a given but should be made official.

I am watching some things on f/b so I wont know when feeds come back.

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 9:07 pm

That’s so funny, Star! I half expected Jeremy to start spending the nights in the HoH room/bed once Aaryn moved in. Interesting to see what will happen as she’s already made at least one racist remark about Native Americans. I wonder…

Watch Kaitlin completely flip out if she thinks too much attention is going to Aaryn from Jeremy.

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:09 pm

Hi Stra!!!!

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:11 pm

@princess & Stra I would l would love Jeremy to dump Kaitlin for Aaryn while Kaitlyn was still in the house!! That would bring some drama that would be fun to watch!

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 9:13 pm

W0w Jane, that’s great to know!!

This whole show this year is like the Abbott & Costello’s “Who’s on First” bit.

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:17 pm

@Princess..I actually like liver..well I like chicken livers,so how far can calves liver be from that??LOL My dad loved it but when he had a heart attack because of high cholestereal, my mom had to watch him like a hawk so he didn;t order it when they went out to dinner!! I actually like lima beans too so I would be cool in there this week!!! 😉

@MM….I never thought of that..and I am sure Elissa won’t eitehr! I DO like her and I am sorry she has Rachel’s legacy hanging over her head, but she really isn’t playing this game very well! She is too shy and standoffish ,has no real gameplay and can’t remember the HGs names! I don’t see her being long for the BB house!!

@Jane…..I will boycott all immediately!!! But I seriously don’t see CBS backing down!!! But they can’t stop us from trying!! I seriously doubt they KNEW these people would be such bigoted idiots tho. It’s not like they would admit to that in an interview. I guess that doesn’t excuse them from taking action now tho!

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:21 pm

@JT..ya..I am planning on being here if you want to go play!! 😉

Hi Jane and Starfish!!!!!

I agree girls…we need a good vatfight in the house!!lol Only thing is I am pretty sure Aaryn will win and her ego is already out of control!!!!

Starfish…love that comedy BIT! Classic!!

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:21 pm

Errr..make that CATFIGHT!!!! lol
I haven;t eaten all day..jsut a protein drink. Think I better go get my tuna

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 9:30 pm

Stra! Chicken liver and/or pate are very different from calf’s liver. Really. Very. Different.

BTW, you know how we are always kvetching about in BB he said/she said and it’s all garbled? Almost the entire season of BB is played while Mercury is retrograde. Duh!

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:33 pm

Kev11…as i am playiong catch up..totally agree with your post #37! I too think, now that we are in week 2 and have had a chance to sink out teeth in, that this could be a good year!! Am I FOR all the racism?? Of course not! But this is a game with 20 somethings who weren;t asked to sign anything political. So it is what it is. I also agree that CBS is a huge-ass monster and we are what it eats for breakfast and nothing at all will be done. Fair or not. You can’t fight city hall..or CBS!!
And what is it with Amanda’s tata’s guys?? I think she’s a lil heavy actually so I don’t see her boobs as being spectacular!! But, to each their own!!! Whatever gets ya thru the BB Summer…lol

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:38 pm

Princess….didn’t know that about the difference in livers. Is it a textural thing?? Cuz I love chicken livers and almost any sort of pate’!!! I’m Norwegian……gimmee anything soft., creamy or rich and I lOVE it!!!!lol

MR often does come during BB but usually nearer the end of Aug or into Sept. Odd how it happend so early this year!!! I was quite taken aback by it. But it does add to all the miscommunication and confusion going on in the house for sure!!!! Maye Judd can actually talk straight when Mercury ins’t in retrograde…lol

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 9:41 pm

@Star – tatas 😆 I agree with you but it made me chuckle.

Too bad Elissa doesn’t have game play. Would love to see a girl alliance and I think I said it in the first blog that the showmances would ruin it. However, this groups of catfighters is worse than I ever imagined. Horny little toads aren’t they?

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:41 pm

BTW Starfish..I am with you!!! I feelp like I am way behind on the blog this summer!!! I am always playing catch up! But I neer used to come ehre until aftr BBAD…that’s how we met! Now people are chatting all day long! Oh well..gotta life and gonna live it! But I always watch and I will always be here when it’s crunch time!!! 😉

Speasking of watching..I have the tour de france on. Does anyone else follow it??? I love to watch all the euro countrysides adn these guys are such athletes!! I hate Basketball, baseball and football..but I do like alot of other spoerts

Feeds back!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:42 pm

No surprises with noms

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Starfish July 5, 2013 at 9:42 pm

Princess, I love pate but can’t stomach liver. Just can’t eat it. Love lima beans or almost any kinds of beans. But liver & onions, not a chance. I’ve even tried it a few times.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:43 pm

Princess… I did watch what you wanted on f/b and left a comment for you.

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:43 pm

Elissa just sadi *How original* So I am sure she is up..and probably Helen altho I haven’t heard yet.

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:45 pm

Ok..Jeremy said that Helen said tht Aaryns crying made her cry and something about not being surprised. I think its E&H> Not confirmed tho.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Noms… no surprise.

The big question now is who will be the 3rd nom?? GM.. Jeremy… ???
I can’t wait to find that out!

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:46 pm

Star.. it is H&E

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:48 pm

Jermy said tht A’s speech was the best eh ever hears..smmoth, sweet….rehearsed??? And all along they were going for E&H. But nobody has said the names ….
She says Candice and Helens keys were last..cuz she doesn;t trust them. SOoooo…..was it them or does she assume E is assumed??? Somebody jsut SAY it..sheesh!!!!

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:49 pm

********SPOILER ALERT********
******************On The block!**

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:49 pm

JT..I assumed, but did anyone say it???? I musta missed something. but I am watching on my

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:50 pm

Hahaha I’m late as usual!

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:51 pm

N/P Jane…. it was H&E all along… from 2 days ago.

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:51 pm

Ok seems eveyone agrees. SO we waited this long for what NEWS exactly??LOL

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:52 pm

I wish people wouldn’t cry when their on the block! It’s so weak.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:53 pm

Star… no news!! 😆 They did what they said all along… they should have explored many other options… made some deals… got Elissa on their side… ANYTHING!!

…is that asking too much of this group?

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:53 pm

@jt thanks 😉

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:54 pm

Jane… they both knew they were going up. Helen even told them earlier that she understood… but I suppose it’s a bit emotional & nerve wracking when it actually happens.

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Madisonchris July 5, 2013 at 9:54 pm

Thanks JT! I don’t know what I did but I have gotten this blog for 2 or 3 years now and all day nothing?!!! I have healing from back surgery and terrrible allergies so I don’t get out much! It must have been a bottle blonde moment that somehow I discontinued the BB updates. I don’t get live feeds and lets be honest TV Guide Channel does not do the show justice! So thanks everyone for updates and opinions I would not get if not here!

Love to you all! And extra live to Bobo the Vet!

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Madisonchris July 5, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Stupid auto correct! LOVE TO BOBO!

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Star July 5, 2013 at 9:55 pm

Nominated for eviction: Helen & Elissa
Quote from Big Brother Feeds-spoilers on FB…just because I didn;t SEE it for myself! They had a pic too but it wouldn’t copy!!!! 🙁

A&J very cozy in HOH room. Kinda bad mouthing Kaitlin. And the dragon grows another head…..

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 9:58 pm

Madisonchris, you can try signing up again… on the right side under the HG pics. Sometimes emails get screwy here for some reason… just ask Stra!!

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Jane July 5, 2013 at 9:59 pm

Haha I agree @jt we all knew they were going up. Aaryn is catty… Would you expect anything less? Or god forbid, a big move??!!

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Star July 5, 2013 at 10:00 pm

Did anyone hear what the Blondterage is going to be doing with the noms now? THey hae decided to IGNORE the MVP nom!!! WHoever the MVP is! They want the HOH noms to have power! SO I assume they are planning on taking HOH every week! That is not how this game goes,kiddies!! Have any of thes HGS ever watched a season o BB? Except when they were forced to in sequester??LOL

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 10:02 pm

Stra, J&A held their “one on one” meetings with HGs without Kaitlin there (I know you saw some of those).

What I found interesting is that they both lied to Kaitlin about their meeting with Helen. Hmmmmmm

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Star July 5, 2013 at 10:04 pm

MadisonChris…..just bookmark this site now , as you are on it. Or better yet, put it in your toolbar. That is how I usually get here. Doesn;t matter what blog was on when you BM it. Just scroll over to the right and all the blogs are listed. You can click on any of them and get to the days post. You don;t really NEED the emails…they are just conveninet!!! I found this out when I somehow got left out of BBBlogger’s lsit a couple of years ago. But I think it’s faster anyway!!! 😉

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 10:09 pm

I agree with Stra.. emails or not, I check in here when I check in. I save on desktop and am here in 2 clicks… and always look to see what the newest post is.

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Madisonchris July 5, 2013 at 10:09 pm

Getting them now JT THANK YOU!

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Star July 5, 2013 at 10:09 pm

JT..I did see prety much all of the Godfather command meetings this afternoon. And all along they were saying that Kaitlin was way too emotional and couldnt be trusted anymore. When she tried to explain tht she was jsut scattered becasue of her *illness*…whcih I thought was her time of the month, didn;t realize she was bleeding into her urine until I got here……they still poopooed her. She is SO out of favor now. And she knows it! It’s like someone groveling before a King and knowing their head is going to roll anyway!!! I can see her hooking up with Nick..if he lets her!!!
I didn’t KNOW they hadn;t told her about Helen, but I think they think that she is kidna friendsly with her..and maybe even E. Trust between them..and apparently sexual attraction on J’s now NIL!!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 10:13 pm

It does sound like Elissa may very well put up Jeremy if/when she gets MVP. that would make a hilarious week for me!! 😆

Even with MC votes.. the rest might want him out if he doesn’t get POV.

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Star July 5, 2013 at 10:16 pm

Heken is being very level-headed and upfront with Aaryn..but also making nice in a non-gratiating kind of way. Smart woman. I know they aren’t alligned but she and Nick seem like the smartest in the group with the best chance of winning. But numbers help and Helen doesn;t have them..yet.

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Star July 5, 2013 at 10:17 pm

God..HEKEN!!!! REALLY!!! This is what happens when STRA eats while trying to type and

Is anyone here but us JT?? If not, I may take a break. Or ar YOU even here??LOL This is how Kev11 feels when he’s talking to himself I guess…lol

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sylvie July 5, 2013 at 10:19 pm

@Betty Was he on Tool Academy or G to Gents ? about Jeremy

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sylvie July 5, 2013 at 10:30 pm

Amanda’s boobs look fake but i can se why MC likes her, what’s with the legs up in the air on the bed? I guess she plans on winning….if it takes that then

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 10:32 pm

I’m here Stra… and there.. and other places too.

I wonder if Elissa will tell she got MVP again? pros & cons time!!

Pros of telling,
She would still have some value to some people in the house who want to use her as a weapon (that is the only reason she’s still there now). She could also use it to cut deals in the future if she ever figures out how to play the game… and have a rational conversation. She could strike fear in her enemies… HOH noms are before MVP nom… so a threat would work.

Cons of telling,
America’s fave is not popular in the house.. big target. She could say she didn’t get it this time… and it would be believable because others think she wouldn’t get it after America sees she’s done nothing so far… so that might take the target off her. They are willing to let her play her own game…. but if part of that game is an advantage from Rachel.. then no dice.

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HoH8 July 5, 2013 at 10:56 pm

I heard in the Feeds that Aaryn put the Last 2 keys on the wheel on Howard & Candice … Hmmmmm…..Interesting….. the only 2 blacks in the house…. 🙁 ….

she claimed that her excuse is that she trust them the least…yeah, right, we all know why u did it girl….. 🙁 …

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 11:14 pm

Justa, Elissa is in a lose/lose situation. If she says she is not the MVP she’s lying because “they” have predetermined that everything that comes out of her mouth is lies. Although comparatively she has told the least amount of untruths out of all the players in the house. IMO. If SH says she won, then they will simply rage, as they did before, that the game is rigged. Hypocrisy thy name is Aaryn (and Jeremy and Gina Marie and Kaitlin and Spencer…).

Starfish, I need to explain the difference between the taste/texture of calves liver and chicken livers to Stra. Without the overused analogy of a rubber doormat, can you help me out, please?

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:18 pm

RANDOM BB TWEETS FROM THE TWITTERVERSE: (Will go back and read, see my crew’s getting busy up in here…)

Melissa ‏@melgotserved
Do you think BB9 Adam is watching #BB15 in prison and saying “Calm it down guys”?

Melinda Perillo ‏@bellydancer124
“Why hasn’t anyone noticed how beautiful I am yet?” #bb15

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
These women this season make me embarrassed to be a female. They are pathetic. #bb15

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Sherry July 5, 2013 at 11:19 pm

I just sent an email to CBS, here are my definition of CBS….. (Cheaters, Bigot’s,Scammers/Sneeks) and pretty much told them by letting the people who are making racist remarks and cheating they are taking a chance at the ratings drop. There were numerous posts by people posting the same thing about one program BB.
I still CHALLANGE everyone to contact CBS. Thanks Princess for supporting my challange.
I read the list of the sponsers and found it somewhat fitting for the houseguest…..
1) Friskies for all the cat fights
2) Advil oops that is for the viewers
3) Zantac for those that have GERD
4) Dulcolax for those who are full of crap

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Madisonchris July 5, 2013 at 11:29 pm

Is Jeremy going after Aaryn now instead of Kaitlin? I am confused!

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:32 pm

WOW. Absolutely WOW. Has this Blog heated up or what? We humming. So proud of you all. A+. Back to where we should be. This will be great. And so many different opinions on everything. Remember the Jeff-Jordan season when we were (almost) all on the same page (GOBBKI reference). 😉 So impressive.

Agree with JT’s premise that McCrae may have to ultimately make a decision to cut the cord with TMC but the timing will be crucial, as will his perceived Alliance. We know, but doubt he really does, that he’s bottom man on the totem pole in TMC.

@princess, @stra: Conflicting opinions on Liver and Lima Beans. When I wrote “Human beans: (Lima),” p2, I swear I forgot they were even on the Have-Nots menu. Just went ther as they are my favorites. Good protein. 99 cents at the 99 cents store. Who would have guessed? 🙂 And liver? Don’t start as I’ll have Saki’ come and bite your effing ankles faster than you (or Jeff) can say ‘coup d’etat.’ I had an iron deficiency as a young buck and my Doctor said I should eat liver. My Mom would make it. I would chew it, and then when she turned her back, would spit it out and hide it in the cuffs of my pants. Or give it to our pet mini-schnauzer Gus. Liver was probably sent here by Satan himself. Dear God, what am I writing here?

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:35 pm

hamsterwatch ‏@hamsterwatch
ELISSA IS MVP again – 7/5 9.29pm #bb15

Oh, CBS. How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways…

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 11:38 pm

Kevin you have clearly lost the remainder of your mind!

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Mama Margie July 5, 2013 at 11:40 pm

when will these hgs figure out elissa is more valueable to them then not, between mvp and not really playing the game so she is no threat to them.
I really like her and do not want her to go, at least not yet
ginamarie is telling Helen she wants elissa out cause she wants all to play a fair game
say what???????
I wonder how these hgs are able to function since the majority have their heads up their own ass or the ass of the hoh
what can I say that has not been said before about most of this bunch, it is like beating a dead horse.
when is mvp going to be announced anyone know?
also I would love to see Helen stay too

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:42 pm

@p2: Hahahahaha. I will buy 25% back at the 99 cent store but still be 44 cars short of a full deck! Writing, watching soccer, baseball and tending to Queen Saki done made a brother daffy. Send help. Or hookers. Or both. Thanks girl.

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:43 pm

*cards (There are no decks of cars.)

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:45 pm

@mm: Elissa apparently got it. And looking at the daily popularity poll, it seems she will continue to get it until she’s bounced. Can’t wait to see the Mean Girls and Jeremy’s reaction. This season rocks so far. Live feed envy…

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 11:46 pm

Kev… look for more info on how they know Elissa is MVP (I don’t twitter, I don’t tweet). That is the info I have been waiting to hear.

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 11:46 pm

Kevin, I am not supporting liver. I am merely attempting to explain to Stra, who loves pate and chicken livers that calves liver is a very different taste and texture. A completely different animal, if you will… (Waiting, waiting, 2,3,4…)

I am so grateful that Elissa is MVP again. It may save her this week if it’s well played. We will have to agree to disagree on this k-one-one. I think she deserves a bit of a chance and she really hasn’t had it so far in this game.

Where did the little box go to uncheck for emails? I’m being inundated and can’t keep up!?! Help?

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Mama Margie July 5, 2013 at 11:47 pm

txs for update the look is going to be priceless from the mean girls
cannot wait for that to happen now watch katlin have a complete melt down
hugs to saki

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:49 pm


Big Brother Group ‏@BigBroGroup
9:29pm Cam 3, diary leak, Elissa MVP #bblf

BB All Summer ‏@BBAllSummer
This weeks MVP is… … #BB15
View photo

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
Now that she has the MVP again this week she needs that veto!! I need the mean girls meltdown. #bb15

Big Brother Gossip ‏@BBGossip 4m
As MVP Elissa can still be evicted – same as last week – unless she wins POV RT @shan09char: @BBGossip @wlbb So can she still hey evicted?

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 11:50 pm

Kevin, again, I beg to differ. I pass decks of cars on the freeway late at night… Pulling into truckstops on hwy 20.

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HoH8 July 5, 2013 at 11:50 pm

MM…the MVP gets announced to the HG’s just when they will pick players for the POV…tomorrow…..

the proof that Elissa is MVP is that there was a DR Leak and posted this pic..

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:52 pm


I know you’re president of the Liver Lobby girl. It’s OK. No need to hide from it. 😉

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:54 pm

@princess (aka p2, aka paraphernalia):

I thought about that too (decks of cars on trucks and even ships). My mind is still lost though…

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Princess July 5, 2013 at 11:57 pm

Ouch! You take that back! Saki, bite him! We females need to stick together!!!

I can’t send you hookers but I’ll give you a choice: money, guns or lawyer…

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Kevin11 July 5, 2013 at 11:58 pm

Big Brother Updates ‏@BB_Updates
Candice to Helen- Part of me thinks Jeremy isnt smart enough to concoct a plan, but Nick is. #BB15

Clio the Leo ‏@Clio_the_Leo 1m
9:54 Candice to Helen, “There’s some boys working together in this house. That’s for sure” (they figured the MC out but don’t realize) #bb15

C’mon girls, get it together quick, please. Turn the entertainment up another notch.

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Justaguy (JT) July 5, 2013 at 11:59 pm

Thanks Kev… that photo says it all.. and I’m not doubting it. She is even wearing a different outfit than the 1st week.

I do doubt a lot of photos though. Even with my limited skills in graphics… I could make it look like Bunky won MVP this week! 😆 Or give Ted a starring role in Downton Abbey 😉

This looks like proof enough to me though…. and it is no surprise. In a lot of polls, Elissa had more votes than the rest of the house put together.

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Mama Margie July 6, 2013 at 12:01 am

txs hoh8 good to know
now she has to put up someone who is a threat to the house and have the hgs feel they r a bigger threat then elissa. I say put Jeremy up he is strong, has a lot of control and needs to go, but that is my opinion, will be interesting
woo hoo I just noticed on bbad elissa has the black out fit on that is in the mvp hoh8 just sent me

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:01 am

@p2: I better take the money. If I got the gun, I’d probably shoot the lawyer, the need the money. and if I got the lawyer, I’d need the money to buy the gun to eventually shoot the lawyer. (Speculative sarcasm for the uninitiated. I am anti-money, anti-gun and anti-lawyer. But pro-cat, pro-TV and pro-lima bean. Just how I roll brothers and sisters.)

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:04 am

Will be interesting to see what Elissa does this time… who will she tell? No one? just Helen? Helen & Candice?

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 12:04 am

Kev, this same conversation occurred Wednesday night after eviction. I posted on here that Candice and Helen had MC figured out, justnot the names. I’ll see if I can find it.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:06 am


“Or give Ted a starring role in Downton Abbey…” 🙂

We sometimes treat this crap like the Zapruder film. Homegirl will win every week until she goes. Many in the public love her. To me, it’s a somewhat unfair advantage, she’s a vapid robot and when she said “Nobody gets between me and my…not even McCrae,” I almost threw my shoe through the TV. I do respect the fact she’s against the Mean Girls, but will never be a fan. I like Rachel’s style much more than Elissa’s.

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 12:06 am

And I’m pro Warren Zevon.

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sylvie July 6, 2013 at 12:08 am

@Kevin11 I forgot how funny you were, but maybe its because it’s 120 in Vegas ?

Adam is in Prison / forgot who he is and what has he done?

Alyssa is doing good, the Mom alliance may get somewhere after all.

Can’t believe the cheating has been allowed .

I think they need a Laxative Cie to sponsor the show to get rid of crap we are dealing with. Racism, Ego, Attitudes, bad manners….

I stayed supple today , did Pilates thanks for the reminder

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:08 am

@p2: Don’t sweat it. I saw it. Several speculated it, saw it on BBAD last night or two nights ago and have seen it on Twitter. Now if they could JUST DO IT. Even if it means the Good Girls aligning with the MEan Girls, I’m down for it. Can’t take another “Bruhgade”-like domination boring season when we viewers can see the Final 3 from July.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:10 am

@sylvie: I have my moments. I am certainly not funny when driving with the Nimrods here in Las Vegas. Paying attention is secondary to them. I’m just getting warmed up…

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 12:12 am

Found it, in the meantime. This is the pertinent part.

I’m not a bit competetive. Nope. Gonna stick with that story.

From yesterdays blog: Helen and Candice had a conversation last night and they were pretty close to figuring out the “boys” alliance. Candice isn’t stupid and we know Helen is extremely bright. It would be interesting if Aaryn throwing them in the have not room got them to really talk and figure out some of the strategies and alliances in the house. They might be able to pull in Amanda and McCrae, giving A&Mc yet another alliance, and Andy, too. If Andy didn’t waffle so much. He, of course would tell the boys. He does seem to tell everyone everything. Judd could be added, too. He’s another loner in the house. I really don’t trust Andy at all. I think he’s pretty expendable.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:18 am

I really love this daily rating (this from last night) and think much can be gleaned from it:

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:21 am

Why we love this show. Minute-to-minute changes. More from Twitter in the last five minutes:

BigBrotherLeak ‏@BigBrotherLeak
Helen: “Do you think Spencer is hooked up with Jeremy?” Andy: “No. Don’t believe it!” #BB15

Clio the Leo ‏@Clio_the_Leo
10:17pm Helen asks Andy if he thinks Spencer and Jeremy are aligned. Andy insists “No!” and encourages her to not be suspish #bb15 #bblf

Big Brother Updates ‏@BB_Updates
Helen told Elissa that if she nominates Kaitlin and they both throw the veto, they could backdoor Jeremy #BB15

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
Ugh, Spencer is winning the game. Every single person trusts him. #bb15

Big Brother Gossip ‏@BBGossip
Went back to re-listen to Elissa talk to Helen – she seemed to suggest she thinks Jeremy should be nominated with her MVP nom. #bb15

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:22 am

Kev11, if you saw a 70-ish couple with Minnesota plates get in your way last week… it may have been my folks! Sorry.

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:23 am

Yep… sounds like Jeremy will be the nom…. with Kaitlin as re-nom if Jeremy wins veto.

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 12:27 am

I admit that was meant to be a humorous riff on big sister Rachel, but it fell flat. Especially because on one knew of the relationship/agreement between Elissa and McCrae.

Gina Marie and Aaryn have both watched BB. They know the bros before ‘hoes rational. They have seen, season after season, female alliance fall apart under the pressure of a singular, unwavering male alliance. The women in the house are simply too distrustful of each other, without cause. As demonstrated season after season. There was one exception on Survivor. But that took WORK.

The three women in the have-not room may figure it out. If so, Andy will broadcast it to whomever he perceives will save his skin. That means everyone. If only they don’t figure it out too late, with two of them on the block. I really think Hrlen is too trusting and naive to play this game. But I know BB does not want Elissa to go home in the second week of the season, either.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:29 am

@JT: You know people from Minnesota are my Favorites (from my 1-800-HOLIDAY days). They could cut me off and I’d just love seeing the “Land of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Lakes” license plates. You know, you, Prince. My people. Always kind. Like that Kaitlin told others to chill with the word “faggot” yesterday.

Time for some scrambled eggs and cheese, a little for the cat.

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:31 am

Princess, you are absolutely right about Helen. I like her. I root for her. But I have also seen many times where she has said the wrong thing to the wrong person strategy-wise. She seems a quick study (politicians usually are).. so maybe she will figure out how to work people better before it’s too late.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:34 am

Helen revealed much when she cried for three hours after Jeremy said he stole the bottle of wine and said it was the worst thing she’d ever been through in her Life? Really Helen? You’re from Chicago, in politics and have had two kids and some dude taking a bottle of wine on a fucking reality show is the worst thing ever? Bitch please. I love her, am pulling for her, but she needs to toughen up and not be so tight with Elissa, who may be her ultimate downfall.

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sylvie July 6, 2013 at 12:36 am

@Kevin11 Thanks for the updates

BTW I usually let my dog Sparky drive me in Vegas, since I like to drink

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:37 am

Kev, I think it was more the way he attacked than the bottle of wine. justasayin’. But yeah, that was a pretty tame tirade by BB standards.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:45 am

@JT: Yeah, the whole episode in its entire context. You think she’d be tougher for being an Asian woman who’s a lawyer (?) and from Chicago, knowing it’s Big Brother. And three hours? Another thing I’ve seen but not written about here (but others may have): Seems Aaryn, Amanda and maybe GinaMarie may be taking Adderall (Dextroamphetamine/Amphetamine) which makes them energetic.

Maybe this’ll sick. My muse and buddy, Saki’:

1:15 until BBAD here. Stoked.

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Starfish July 6, 2013 at 12:46 am

The more I read the less I remember. As for Elissa, I think it’s a catch 22 for her because they are so sure she’s MVP. Did she already tell Helen she is? I don’t think she can pull it off to lie to them. I wish she could but she’s too gullible and so is Helen it seems from what everyone is saying. She’s also botoxed up too much and would be prettier without it IMHO. Besides, it makes it difficult to show different emotions.

Princess – As for liver vs pate. I think we should send Star some liver and let her decide. Star, you’ve got a great gift for words and could probably describe liver best. I think it’s texture is like chewing on that cat food they show on TV (not that I’ve ever tried cat food – K11???) but it’s thicker and gritty and I can’t tell you what it tastes like because I have nothing to compare it to. Feed it to Saki, she’ll love it. Pate on the other hand, is scrumptuous!

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Starfish July 6, 2013 at 12:51 am

Thanks everyone for the updates. I love the comic relief from Star, Princess, K11 & JT. You put the show on paper and it’s hilarious. BB15 will be a great show this year, I agree K11. The more irritating it is, the more we can make each other laugh and make fun of the imbiciles on the show. I love watching someone get the boot especially if I can’t stand them and the 3 witches fit that bill perfectly.

Thanks again to you all for keeping us all entertained! *doing a happy dance, eating pate and drinking red wine*

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:55 am

Helen just tode McCrae & Andy who Elissa is putting up (Jeremy)… but she said “IF” Elissa gets MVP.

Another mistake by Helen IMO.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 12:57 am

@starfish: Thanks girl. Always one of my favorites here, from the first day I ever posted. You’re a class act. Remember confusing you and Star for a month or so. Knowing where people live helps visualize. Have a drink on me. Wine’s good for you.

Jg005k ‏@Jg005k
@EvelDick Elissa won MVP again. Can anybody explain to me exactly how Elissa is the best player in the house . This twist is absurd.
Retweeted by Evel Dick Donato

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 12:59 am

Kev, I should have addressed this earlier but in reference to comment 153, I’m sorry that your mind is still lost but there is no effing way I’m going in there to find it. Since I can’t spend my summer in St George this year I’ll be right here where I can grab a lavender candle and inhale deeply. Oooommm. Yes, that’s it. Your lost mind no longer scares me…

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:59 am

Now Elissa walks in on them (HN room). Elissa is saying it hypothetically because she doesn’t want them all to know she is MVP for sure.

McCrae is trying to steer her off Jeremy.. but not look suspicious at the same time. So he is reduced to basically just nodding his head.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 1:00 am

@justa: Good stuff Jeff. I agree. All they have to do in there is have time to read between the lines (choppy grammar). Disappointed in Helen. Think she, Judd, GinaMarie, Elissa and Jessie are playing weak games. Was impressed how much the others—-even the one’s I dislike now—–were strategizing and visualizing last night in the 2 hours of BBAD I saw. So wish they’d let the swear words fly. Much context lost as these HGs seem to swear as much as I do.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 1:02 am


“Of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most.” –Mark Twain

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 1:02 am

Come on Princess…. who’s up for a game of “Being James Kevin”? It might be interesting to stroll those halls.

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 1:11 am

They have sealed the deal as far as Jeremy going up. All but a done deal now with POV tomorrow.

If noms stay the same… it will still be tough to get Jeremy out.
11 votes this week, Jeremy has 4 in his corner from the MC. he also may have Jessie because she’s so desperate to be with the”cool kids” 😮 And Kaitlin of course.

That’s 6 right there without much sweat. Unless Jessie or someone from MC breaks away.. Jeremy may be as safe on the block as off of it.

And it keeps getting more interesting (although I’ve been very interested since day 1… even preseason)

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Star July 6, 2013 at 1:49 am

WOW! You guys have been busy since I left!!!lol I seriously didn’t think anyone was here. Most people scatter like cockroaches in daylight when the event is over. lol

BTW…they jsut called Elissa into the DR. Time to make her nom??? If she hasn’t got teh votes for sure and the way JT sounds, she doesn;t, I’m not sure if putting up JEremy is a good idea! It’s like swatting at a Wasp(the bug….not the white/anglo-saxon/Protestant)and MISSING!!!! He will be one ticked of WASP and even MORE determined to STING Elissa!!!

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 1:54 am

Hey Stra, yep… still here. (and there)

I think Elissa might as well put up Jeremy. He wants her gone already. And if he’s on the block… maybe they can swing a vote. Lines are already drawn between those 2.. no turning back. Strike first or go down trying.

So you’re saying there’s a chance

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 2:07 am

Gonna watch BBAD now. Great Blog tonight. And stay out of my fuzzy, now (maybe not) sadly sober halls of my mind @JT. Issues are what I have. Feeling good though. Just pounded out my Tuesday assignment for B/R, a long one and can now enjoy the weekend and publish it after a good proofread or three tomorrow. Writing here (and on Twitter) helps amp me up and I’ve noticed, like all disciplines, when you step away for awhile, it’s harder to get back into that proverbial groove.

BBAD: Amanda: “Men don’t have pheromones.” OK. You dumb. Still love her and wouldn’t mind seeing her ultimately win this. Will have to avoid pulling the trigger on ordering Live Feeds or I will become like a bear hibernating on a beat-up couch wondering where July, August and September went. Love you guys.

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Sylvie July 6, 2013 at 2:09 am

Jeremy eats and talks with his mouth full, wipes his mouth w
Other his hand. No table manners either

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Star July 6, 2013 at 2:14 am

@Kev11….I loved your description of liver and how you disposed of it!!lol I used to spit food in my napkin and then try to sneak it out to the waste basket before anyone saw me. One night, dad had emptied it before , so when I dropped it on it went….*CLUNK*!!! I got a lecture on how hard mom worked at making us good meals,blah, blah,blah AND got grounded!!lol
I also remembered you having had a schnaizer, as did I. Been gone 7 years and still miss her everyday!!! But…you did make liver sound very unappetizing so I don’t think I will be ordering it for dinner anytime soon!!!lol

Starfish…..Youa are always so sweet to me!!! *HUGS* I have always wanted to write , so that compliment was the best you could haev given me!!! 😉 I am starting to get the gist tho. Calves liver, which is what type they have , I think, is kind of like chewing on the rubber that peels off those big rigs on the highway. Tough, tastes like rubber and unchewable!!!lol No wonder they fry onions with it…lol

Kev11 again….I agree with your evalautaions completely. Elissa IS vapid! great word for her! She’s sweet, pretty and *nice*..kiss of death, usualyu memaing no personality….and I want to pull for her but…there really isn;t anything the
to pull ON!!!lol
Same with Helen. She is smart but too emotional and trusting. Where does she use that in politics???? And that lil wormy Andy….I thought I liked him but you are right!! He’s a narc that can’t keep a secret ! His gameplay is too keep any and all info tht comes his way MOVING to whoever he thinks can protect him. Yech! thinks he is friend to all and he will end up being despensible as soon as they figure that out!!
And you can confuse Starfish and I anytime!!! We have known each other since this blog started and are of one mind usually when it comes to the game. GMTA!! We are Star Sisters…lol

So much more to comment on but can’t get to them all. Just loved, appreciated and giggled at most!!! 😉

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 2:16 am

Well thanks for not swatting at me, Stra!

JT, it would make an interesting movie to stroll those hall with Saki nipping at my heels if she thought I was taking a wrong turn.

Yep. Helen messed up. Again. People keep telling Helen to stay away from Elissa because Elissa will ruin Helen’s game. Nope. It’s most def the other way around. Helen’s total trust in Spencer, her inability to breach that mental barrier that tells her what she’s thinking is too far out there, no one could really act like that, and her catter to the wrong people at the wrong time is going to bring down Elissa’s game, what very little of it there is. Helen has obviously been raised in a very polite and mannerly home. She works with professionals who must not raise their voices or stoop to personal attacks. It happens. Those workplaces exist. I worked in a law office for eight years. It was a completely different environment than manufacturing. And that was different than nonprofit. She is very sheltered. That will be Helen’s downfall. She may never, no matter how much she hypothesizes, be able to bring herself to believe that someone who has set themself up to be her friend and confidant is lying to her face.

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 2:18 am

catter = chatter

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Princess July 6, 2013 at 2:35 am

BBAD started about 20 minutes ago. I can’t believe how much has been posted to the blog today and we still have to get through Saturday to Wednesday without an eviction. Why is there as much game talk and strategizing outside of the house as there is inside? We can’t change the vote by wishing. But we certainly love the game even when we despise some of the players.

If Elissa does choose to nominate Jeremy, a mistake in my opinion, the only way she will stay is if he does win POV and she replaces him with GM or Jessie. Someone they can come up with a reason to get rid of over Elissa. Nominating Jeremy is pushing her remaining luck. Maybe Andy or Judd would get voted out over Elissa at this point. They are unaligned. Candice would be a good choice but Elissa will not do that. Not even to further her own game. I just don’t think she sees the strategy of it. I’m pretty sure she’s only watched the show when her sister was on!

Night all…

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 2:59 am

@Star: Schnauzers rock. Liver doesn’t. Please don’t tell my Mom. Wish they just had iron vitamins or something back in 1967. I remember going into the bathroom and flushing it after taking it out of my cuffs. Found this:

Jun Song ‏@JunDishes
SO random. #LoveIt “@EvelDick: Here’s a pic of Nick BB8 with his new wife”

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:01 am

Damn it. Didn’t stick. Can’t figure out why some do and some don’t. Oh well. she was very pretty and he looked happy. I did cut and paste the part without the ” marks into my browser and it worked, if anyone interested.

Now wondering if we can hit 200. Why not? I’ll push it over with Twitter crap.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:03 am

Jun Song ‏@JunDishes
Santa!!! “@ihatebigbrother: I love when this happens, leak of production stocking the storage room. #BB15”
View photo

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:05 am

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
McCrae talking to cam alone. Says if he sticks with MC he’ll make it to jury, but he’s worried about Amanda hating him #bb15 #bblf

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
Mccrae talking to camera talking about how he wants to stay with MC but likes Amanda #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 3:06 am

Kev, the links do stick via email. maybe if you just pasted the pic URL here instead it would work???

IDK.. I’ll try one.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:09 am

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
@RJSquirrels Everyone on Elissas side want Jeremy up except the guys. It should be a red flag when these dudes keep suggesting girls.

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:11 am


Dude, you know I’m about as technological as a tsetse fly. I’ll try the Saki shot again with the http part…

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:14 am

@JT: My man always coming through with the “slow down your roll, logic.” Thanks. Need to cut from the browser I think and have the http in it. Have another ridiculous Jun Song I need to post to scare people…

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:17 am

Oh shit son! Like adding another crayon to the box. This will be fun in here this summer. I can only imagine some people coming back and reading this goofiness tomorrow. HA! Entertainment brother. Thanks for the help @JT. Prince jamming at Paisley Park tomorrow night. Open up a window and see if you can hear the funk. The Man is truly at the top of his game…again. Too hard to explain. The good news? Rock n’ roll ain’t dead. Later man.

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 3:17 am

@ Kev, yep.. much better 😉

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:18 am

@JT: Much. Much, much. 😉

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 3:24 am

And another new crayon I could send you would allow the “click me” trick. Even though I’m sorry I clicked this link in your post 😮


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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:26 am

@JT: ED just popped this on YouTube. Enjoy…

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Kevin11 July 6, 2013 at 3:27 am


Do that in my B/R stories (hyperlinks?). Need to try to make some of this user-friendly for the readers. Thanks bud.

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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 3:33 am

LMAO… I’m about 5 minutes in… 10 to go. BBL
I’ll send you hyperlink stuff in email.

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aggie27 July 6, 2013 at 4:13 am


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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 4:22 am

Blah what Aggie? The pic with Jessie? 😆 If so… I agree! Blame Kev.

Game talk looks to be over for the night. Helen did talk to Elissa again.. but it’s pretty certain Jeremy will go up. They mainly talked about who to put up as replacement if need be… Kaitlin? Gm? they didn’t really decide that yet.


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Princess July 6, 2013 at 5:29 am

Awww, Justa! I thought I could trust you!

It said CLICK ME! and I did!!!

My eyes! I just finished my soothing herbal tea and was about to toddle off to bed! How could you!

Oh, thanks for the ED vid, Kevin! I’ll finish it tomorrow!

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mrybkr July 6, 2013 at 7:05 am

Thanks to the person that put up the link for complaining to CBS re cheating….Better late than never, so I just put in my 2 cents worth, maybe they will listen to reason. I think Jeremy should be kicked out of the house b4 he goes off on another drunken tangent and physically hurts one of the girls in the house. Obviously he has a very low opinion of women in general to scream in ones face the way he has been doing.
With him gone, maybe this season won’t be a total waste.

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Bobo July 6, 2013 at 9:32 am

Madisonchris Thank you ♥ …………………………… :mrgreen:

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Mama Margie July 6, 2013 at 9:39 am

NEW PAGE UP ———————————————————->


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Justaguy (JT) July 6, 2013 at 12:08 pm

Princess,…like I said to Aggie.. Blame Kev! 😆 It was his link I was trying out. I wash my hands of any responsibility. (I guess I could have used a different link to experiment with though) 😳

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