Big Brother 15 — Is It Thursday yet?

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 6, 2013

Hi, everyone:

For all of this weekend’s drama (Amanda getting into fights with both Candice and Jessie, Amanda freaking out after finding out that she was the third nominee, the POV competition, Jessie taking herself off the block and Spencer being nominated in her place), things are dragging in the Big Brother House as we approach yet another predictable eviction.

It’s true that, ever since their argument on Thursday night, Jessie has been trying to convince people to vote out Amanda and Helen was actually giving it some serious thought until she talked to Andy.  As he always does, Andy protected Amanda and McCrae and argued that it was “too early” to make a big move.  This seems to be the argument that Helen always falls for and this time was no different.  After Jessie took herself off the block, Helen told her closest ally, Elissa, to vote for Candice.

Last night, Jessie told Helen that they don’t have the votes to take out Amanda.  Helen agreed and then said that they had to make sure that one of them won the next HoH competition.  So, it looks like Helen is still open to getting rid of Amanda but for now, she’s content to vote out Candice.

What else is new?  For all her talk in the Diary Room about how she’s the most powerful player in the house, Helen is too cautious to really be a factor.  It seems that all Andy has to do is say, “It’s too soon,” and Helen will automatically return to her role of being Amanda’s puppet.

(Outside of the house, Helen is a political consultant.  I wonder if any of her candidates ever actually get elected.  “Helen, I think we should start running some TV ads now that we’re down in the polls…” “No, it’s too early to make a big move like that…”)

In other Big Brother developments:

1) Aaryn is telling everyone who will listen that she now hates Gina Marie.  She says that GM has let the power of being HoH go to her head.  I’m not really sure why Aaryn thinks this but then again, I get the feeling Aaryn might just be the jealous type.

2) Judd has been trying to get back into Amanda’s good graces, even going so far as to say that he would be willing to get rid of Jessie.  It’s not working though because Amanda still seems to be convinced that Judd is HoH.  She, McCrae, and Helen have all talked about backdooring Judd in the near future because, in their opinion, he’s just too dangerous of a player.  Only Andy has been willing to suggest to them that they might be giving Judd too much credit.

3) Almost all of the houseguests have now at least considered that America might be the MVP.  Amanda, however, still refuses to believe it because, according to her, America loves her.  Aaryn, meanwhile, thinks that America is the MVP and that they specifically nominated Amanda because they’re angry about Amanda accusing her of being a racist.

4) However, Andy, Helen, and Candice have all mentioned the possibility that McCrae is the MVP and that he nominated Amanda in order to keep them from suspecting it.

5) Candice knows that she’s going to be evicted so, instead of wasting her time begging for votes from people that she can’t stand, she’s been spending a lot of time talking game with Jessie and developing a strategy that would help Jessie to both survive in the house and get rid of the people who voted out Candice.

6) Amanda says that if she (or anyone from her group) wins the next HoH then they need to nominate Jessie and Spencer and backdoor Judd.

7) Judd and Spencer have said that if either one of them wins HoH, they might nominate Gina Marie and Aaryn but that they would also consider nominating Helen and Elissa, with the plan being to get rid of Helen.

8) Just about everyone in the house seems to think that they might be having a double eviction this Thursday.  Though I’m sure some people will cite the usual “The Diary Room Told Them” conspiracy theories, I think it was Andy who first mentioned that there’s usually a double eviction at this point in the season.

9) Last night, Spencer said that he enjoys child porn and that he especially likes it when the children involved are 3 to 4 years old and he especially likes it “when you can tell they’re in the basement.”  At the time, Spencer was speaking into McCrae’s microphone and I think the joke (?) was supposed to be that Spencer was pretending to be McCrae.  Joke or not, that’s really icky.  I always feel like I have to take a shower after watching the live feeds.

That’s it for now.

Will the double eviction force the houseguests to truly play the game or will they just continue to do whatever they think the majority wants them to do?  I know I can’t wait until Thursday to find out!

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie

DonnaP August 6, 2013 at 2:10 pm

Lets hope that the double eviction on Thursday will shake things up. It is so booooooring to watch the feeds.

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Mama Margie August 6, 2013 at 2:11 pm

hi LM txs for new post

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Tuna August 6, 2013 at 2:23 pm

LM, your updates are better than the show.

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 2:35 pm

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 2:35 pm

Good Afternoon LM and great updates!

I can’t excuse Spencer for his so called joke. It’s not funny you disgusting excuse for a man. I don’t understand why Amanda didn’t say something to him because that should have offended her especially since he was using McCrae’s mic. I would have been out of my seat and in his face with that one but that’s just me. That’s not acceptable behavior on any level, never, ever!!

As far as Aaryn thinking Amanda is nom’d by America because we’re mad at her for saying that Aaryn is a racist – now that’s funny!

It looks like Andy’s true association is McManda if he keeps convincing gullible Helen not to try to get them or Amanda out. Helen is smarter than that but she’s relying on ubiquituous, blabber mouth Andy.

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 2:36 pm

Thanks Kevin. That is funny! I thought I subscribed to this but I’m not getting the emails so it’s great when you guys post it. Does he make any money from all this? Do you know?

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holly August 6, 2013 at 2:59 pm

I subscribe to everything and don’t get diddley squat either so keep posting!!

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Star August 6, 2013 at 3:05 pm

Thanks for the link K11. I think taht wad one of Wil’s best!! When he DID Judd, I really thought it was him!!lol And he had GM down on tht last comp…verbatim!

I am not sure I get Aaryn’s turnong on GM and I wonder if GM has gotten wind of it. Altho at this point, she really has no power so Aaryn prolly doesn’t care!
I also don’t see how Hele has been running the the BB house this year as she is way too careful and annoying as hell! I can’t imagine how she has kept her behind the scenes HOH status and not been a target of more people.
As for McManda, I think McCrae is over his Summer of Love and wishes he’d never hooked up with Amanda. I see ZERO future for them!! Amanda is too selfish to play this game WITH anyone eles! It’s all MEMEMEME!! And she can’t let go of even the smallest slights! In doing so, she gets bogged down and way too emoional and thus can’t move forward and is of no use to herself or anyone else!

I am thinking the double eviction will definitely consist of evicting Candace and now I am thinking this is their chance to get Amanda out too! As disgusdting as Spencer is, there always seems to be a bigger annoyment and he just keeps floating along!!!!

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Star August 6, 2013 at 3:06 pm

This post was from tehe last page an di post it jsut as LM TODE us there was a new one!! I seem to have terrible timing as this hapens to me alot!!!lol

Star 08.06.13 at 2:46 pm
Hi guys! Sorry I hanve’;t been around much lately. We had family here for a few days, complete with 2 adorable LITLE girls, and it wsa a nice escape from this years BB. I really haven’t posted as much this year because it’s such a clusterf*ck and I have no favs to root for as everytime I think someone might be stepping up or straightening out, their true colors emerge!

On that note, here is a letter from Jun SOng, winner of BB10, who pretty much sums up my, and I am sure alot of our, feelings.

*Dear Big Brother 15:

I’m leaving you. I can’t take you anymore.

You’re supposed to be part dirt and part strategy but you’re mostly human trash in every sense of the word, save for the few kind-hearted HGs that make you up. You’re supposed to be fun, but time and time again you’ve proven to be the bottom of the barrel in poor representation of The United States of America. Glorified behaviors in the name of ratings, and scrapings from under the toenails of closeted racists and misogynists and homophobes. Now, most recently, children have been brought under the veil of “sexual jokes” or just “jokes” to some.

What the fuck has happened to you?

As a HG no matter how much we say we’re not playing personally we are, and it’s just a matter of how much day to day because we can’t hide who we are 24 hours a day. As a fan we have our personal favorites, which we should be able to separate from those we think are playing the best strategic game and most deserving of the win. Well, as a fan I don’t want to work so hard at sifting through your layers and layers of filth.

I don’t want it. I don’t care how old or bitter I sound because I’m the same old and bitter soul that won you 10 years ago before you were ever a line in the 2013 budget. I will take my season of dirt over yours any day of any year. I’m neither going to continue watching you and pretend I don’t know what’s going on, on the live feeds, nor am I going to continue promoting and bitching anymore about you. I don’t want your cake to have or to eat anymore, so you can have all the cake and eat it too as you feed the masses with the trash they want to see.

I’m saying goodbye.

It is possible to just turn you off, and easier here from Belgium, because my free time is too good for you.

Always dishing (just not watching you anymore),


P.S. This is my personal decision alone, and those who find me “holier than thou” can feel free to shut me off at any time as well. If you feel like I’m judging you, then you shouldn’t hang around me… The sooner the better as far as I’m concerned…*

I have been trying to catch up on the blogs but not sure there is enough time in the day!! 😉 I also feel out of the loop and out of synmc with y;all, so hopefully I can work my way back in! Altho I do agree with Jun, I am probably not going to be able to QUIT BBBB….BrokebackBB. lol But , for the 1st time in 15 seasons, my heart really isn’t into it this year. But that is no reason not to be HERE! I just usually try to post facts and some opinion and there haven’t been much of either that is fresh and new to report on !

Anyway, going to keep working on catching up.

Pesce, light and love,

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 3:14 pm

Good on Star and thank you for Jun’s take. She’s right on point. Like you I’m hooked on this blog too. We have great folks here and it’s a fun place to be.

LM, for some reason I still don’t have the email for this new blog. FYI I can still get here. 🙂

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Jane August 6, 2013 at 3:20 pm


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Star August 6, 2013 at 3:25 pm

Hey SF and Jane! 🙂
Justahere to correct something in my last post. Jun Song wasn’t the winner of BB10. She won 10 years ago!! BB10 was DAN..DUH!!lol

@SF..I also didn’t get an email for this new blog. But I don’t really depend on it to get here. Must have been some kinda glitch!! Also, I did just sign up for the Wil show so I’ll let ya know if I get emails from there!! 🙂

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 3:27 pm

LM & Star, just got the link.

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holly August 6, 2013 at 3:27 pm

sing it sista!!

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The Shadow August 6, 2013 at 3:31 pm

I’m a doubting “Thomas” and I still believe no one has a chance to win this game except, Amanda. I don’t like her, but with “paid by CBS Andy” snitching all he information in the house, no one can get the kahoonas to do anything about it.
Helen is the worst kind of floater in the game, she’s the one with the broken nose for being unable to stop when she runs up to each new HOH and kiss that but telling them how nice, and generous and …….. As for the rest of them, put them in a room and drop a cluster bomb on them!

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Star August 6, 2013 at 3:32 pm

SF..Yup. I got the email too. We are justatooquick on the draw…lol

I WISH there was a show on tonight!! It was always on Tues until this year! *pouts* lol

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LisaMarieBowman August 6, 2013 at 3:33 pm

Star and Starfish:

For the past few days, I’ve been having my sister time how long it takes from me publishing a post to her receiving e-mail notification. It seems like it takes anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours for the e-mail to be sent out. I’m not sure why that is or what can be done to make it go out quicker.

That’s why I always leave a “New Post” comment under the previous post. 🙂

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Blondie4 u August 6, 2013 at 3:35 pm

I am disgusted w BB this year. The racist comments and behavior should have been stopped. McCray is dirty and stupid. Aaron, GM and Spencer r all racists. Its so boring this year. I dont care who wins because no one deserves to win. Howard was the most upstanding one in the house. Get rid of Amanda, GM and Aaryn bfore jury house! The people r dumb as dirt. And why let Helen rule the votes?

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kathyann August 6, 2013 at 3:47 pm

OMG… Thanks for the web sight kevin11…Still chuckling

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 3:50 pm

@The Shadow, the description for Brown Nosing fits Helen perfectly! 😆 But it seems to be they are lapping it up and love her compliments. Andy is hurting everyone’s game play and I hope he goes soon too. In fact, I want them all evicted except for Judd and Candice who at least seem like nice people. Jessie is just lost in the chaos but she’s giving it the old college try.

Thursday can’t come fast enoough for me. It should be an interesting week. Oh, and I sure hope Amanda doesn’t win but there are so many I don’t want to win that one of them surely will. Bleh

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Mike Kubanek August 6, 2013 at 4:16 pm

Well your all correct, but here I am watching BB. I cannot explain why, but I am watching it, maybe I am hoping things will change soon. The Blog, that is a different story, this is my first year on this Blog, and I find it extremely interesting. No fear I will depart the Blog, I read every comment and enjoy them all. LMB you do one incredible job keeping this Blog interesting “Hat’s off to You for sure”. Keep Blogging your ALL very interesting and you make BB worth following. Thanks YOU BLOGGERS. I must be insane!!

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Becky August 6, 2013 at 4:18 pm

@Starfish Yep. One of the many whom we all despise will surely win this game this year. And there will be very few shrugs of “oh well, he/she did play a good game”.

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Debbie August 6, 2013 at 4:26 pm

Kevin11 that was so funny!!! Will was spot on! I can’t wait to see the next one!!!!

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 4:40 pm

LM, I received the email about 1:24pm PST.

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 5:11 pm

@Starfish: Pretty sure Wil doesn’t get paid for doing that, just keeping his name out there like many of us in America doing creative shit for nothing. Probably hoping it leads to something and with his talent, imagine it will.

@Star: Saw Jun threatening to stop watching on Twitter days back and thanks for sharing that. Honestly, don’t believe her (ED said same crap last year) and although I like her, she gets full of herself sometimes. (Ex: Tabbing Shane as gay all last year.) We all must remember this is A TV SHOW and a reflection of Life. Casting picks many of these knobs so we can tease them. Admit many have the right to be disappointed–we all use this space as a sounding board to do so–but it’s a reality show for God’s sake. If Spencer is lecherous and Aaryn/GM racist and Jessie/Amanda delusional it shouldn’t affect our day-to-day lives. Says more about them than the show/casting. The best idea is to replace Grodner with somebody who makes it more like BBUK/BB Australia but keeps the hard game aspect.

I will report back in ALL CAPS someday if/when Jun comes back. I’m not buying it but then again I thought the Kanye/Kim baby being named North West was a fake thing. You see all these people on Twitter (and some here as JT pointed out) who say they’re done with it then continue to ramble on about BB days later. Weak sauce. We know it’s kind of stupid and by watching these HGs it should make us feel better about our Little Live, especially all of our Parents who made us tolerant of other races, open minded, kind, sre we’d never have a showmance if on a stupid show and learn how to spell… (*cigarette*)

Ryan ‏@UhhRyann

CBS Big Brother – ‏@BigBrotherTalk
Big Brother Gossip: Kaitlin’s Return To TV?: Earlier today, I came across this picture of Kaitlin at the… #bb15

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Right on @Mike. This Blog rocks and is a healthy catharsis for all as the regulars know. Between LMB carrying the page torch, JT nailing EVERYTHING before it happens and always being kind and considerate to answer all and the many killer contributors, the BBBlog is better than the show more often than not. Same with ‘Dick At Nite’ and Twitter: People mocking and bitching and analyzing every last thing like the Zapruder Film is pretty funny if you step back and think about it.

This blog IS the people like you and everyone else who contributes and is tight-knit and more of a family than the trite cliches you hear thrown about. And whereas many of the HGs say they’ll keep in touch with others in the House after they are out, most don’t. Here people forge cool relationships, inform and entertain each other and most importantly, learn from each other. I truly value the people I have met here and keep in touch with a big group of them throughout the year. I love ’em. 😳

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 5:22 pm

@11: “…open minded, kind, sre we’d never have a showmance if on a stupid show and learn how to spell…”

You know how to spell 11? “sre”? So glad you have a Degree in Journalism you cheeky bastard you.

@Kevin11: For the love of gobbki, who are you talking to brother? :mrgreen:

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 5:29 pm

These HGs often aren’t the SuperDemons we make them out to be…

Joker’s BB Updates ‏@JokersBBUpdates
Hel/An comment that GM was the one HOH nice enough to ask each HG what they may want her to write for them. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf

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Mama Margie August 6, 2013 at 6:04 pm

live feeds out no signal %#(*&^T** usually one thing or another i hate when the words and sound are not in sync like looking at a Japanese godzilla movie
guess it is a good time to read blog
later guys
as LM stay supple

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Craig Long August 6, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Just watched Helen doing her mother hen bit trying to console GM about her frustration writing her HOH blog. I can really sympathize with GM. Unlike others on here, writing is very difficult for me. I personally think that GM clobbering the English language is endearing and I didn’t realize it was a such tender area for GM. I’m actually liking her more and more. I was really impressed how she handled the “cone of shame”. Didn’t slow her down one bit. Speaking of which, after GM stopped crying, they (Helen, Andy, GM, and I think Jessie started taking pictures of each other with Helen wearing the cone of shame as a skirt over her bikini and platform heels. I’ve always liked Helen because she did not flaunt her body as the other girls have, but I must say, with the heels and bikini she was HOT!

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Justaguy (JT) August 6, 2013 at 6:11 pm

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MDF August 6, 2013 at 6:16 pm

A HUGH SIGH, I can’t believe I wait each year for BB to start like a child waiting for Christmas morning or their birthday. This year, no presents in BB which has left me feeling sad and lonely. Without this blog it would not be a summer at all! Thanks for your presents, I look forward to all the tidbits each day. Big thanks to LMB. I know who I don’t want to win, but as yet can find no one to root for this year. Let’s forget 15 and go for BB16 with a whole new casting crew and production.

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BCMarie August 6, 2013 at 6:24 pm

I remember in past years when we would all comment on stupid, or manipulative or crazy ass moves the players would do. . like Allison scrubbing the toilet with I can’t remember whose toothbrush. .. there would always be the pundits that would snark out “But it is just a game.

You don’t hear/read that so much this year.

This year people are outraged, boycotting. .. I am surprised no one has organized sit in protests in front of CBS buildings.


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Mama Margie August 6, 2013 at 6:28 pm

Still no feeds what the heck oh well, no sense getting crazy over it cause
11 i was rodl with the latest will video, he is great I enjoyed every minute txs for sharing u the man
guess aaryan is not all that happy with gm,hhhm could it be that gm is out of power and on the downhill slope of her hoh I for one would say hell yes
Miles welcome to the blog u r in good company we all seem to have lost our minds but then again what else is new, cause with BB IT IS WHAT IT IS!
great post LM u rock
I wish there was a way to get message to Jessie in regard to spencer
next time he hits on her she should tell him I am not your type I am not inflatable
off to check live feeds (again) ciao till later
greats posts all I appesch

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Jeannette August 6, 2013 at 6:32 pm

Like to say double eviction this week so two people will be gone so it could be Amanda and Candice just have too see how it goes. Helen is the puppet master people needs to wake up .

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macy 1231231 August 6, 2013 at 6:56 pm

KEVIN11 thanks for the wil show! he is so talented – i bet we see him on the small/big screen soon!

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Debbie August 6, 2013 at 6:59 pm

Very disappointed in this season of big brother! I have the feeds and have not bothered to watch cause its not worth watching. I’ve been a fan from the beginning but not this season! Send the bunch of them home. I want a redo on the season with people that play the game not being fixed by CBS!!

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Star August 6, 2013 at 7:02 pm

@Kev11….IDK…Jun sounded like she’d HAD it!!! You seem to know alot of gossip from Twitter. What is she doing in Belgium?? Any idea?? Wonder if she is living there now? And I know, people ALL say they are DONE with BB and brush their hands together dismissivly. But we all come back! It’s like a drug addiction. (I imagine!! My drug of choice is wine!!lol) You hate what it is DOING to you, but you can’t get enough of the HIGH it gives!!! lol
Thanks for the love, dude..and right back at ya!! <3 I've been with BB and this Blog since both of their conceptions and no matter how FU'ed a season may be, here is where I'll be all summer long! So I guess BB is actualy my drug of choice!!(But it goes well with white biggie on the emails. I get emails all the time that were sent hours before. Your commentary and insight rocks and seems to parellel or sum up all our thoughts! You fit us like a kid glove!!! <3

@MM..I didn't know Spencer WAS hitting on Jess again!!! EWWW!!!!! She always said she wanted a Showmance but even she isn't THAT desperate !!! As far as i know tho, at least SHE is single. I am sure Spencebaby will be too once he goes home. Loveless and jobless. Poor piggie!!!! 😛

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Nancy August 6, 2013 at 7:07 pm

I can’t believe how stupid the HGs are this year. This is a perfect time to get Amanda out. They have separated every showmance except for McAnder. If they would only communicate with each other instead of taking someone else’s word for things it would be a different game all together. Talk to each other and they would find out that Andy is the rat that carries every word spoken to all the alliances he has. Jesse is annoying but at least she isn’t letting Amanda dictate to her and I think it would be really cool if somehow she pulled a flip of the house off. Aaryn talks about everyone…it’s just GM’s turn. I think she’s leading Judd on to believing there could be something between them…only to use him. I was disgusted with Amanda walking out in her panties on national TV. There’s always a lot of lying going on in the BB house, so why doesn’t Jessie tell Helen that McAnder is talking about getting her out. That would sure change Helen’s mind. And they are talking about ousting Helen so it’s really not a lie. JMO

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 7:22 pm

@macy: No problem. Isn’t that hard to do. Just takes intent.

@Star: Jun did sound fed up and may have had enough. But she does a blog, is on ‘Dick at Nite’ and does have a unique perspective. We all get pissed about things with the show…perennial as the falling leaves. It will never be the way we think it should be but I can see how viewers are fed up with the HGs themselves. DEM DAMN KIDS! Like many, I end up choosing who I (eventually) want to win by a process of elimination. I can’t stand all but three of this group but guarantee if I made a bet on helen to win before it started, I’d pull for her and talk less smack. Such is Life sister.

As far as living in Belgium, think it has to do with her husband. She just had a son last year and seems to have a really happy Life there but some funky neighbors. Europeans don’t take some of the stupid shit seriously like we Ugly Americans do and their politics/social system, well…this Blog can only hold so many characters and so much grief. We Doomed. I like her but can see her get to points of irrationality. But she has nothing to do with my Life nor ever will. She’s smart and spot on about the game and I’ll keep you up to date on her caring/writing about this goofiness.

If we all added up the hours/days/weeks/years/decades we’ve wasted watching Big Brother, we could have probably saved the world. But it’s what we CHOOSE to do. In the 1800’s, dudes probably sat watching lakes for a turtle’s head to pop up. To each his own. If she does quit, at least she’s as good as her word.

@JT: Justa 5 days…

Howard Overby ‏@RealHOverbyBB15
@EvelDick yo Dick. Man just wanted to say this is the real Howard Overby and its an honor to have heard your comments of me bro.

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jeanne 4488 August 6, 2013 at 7:38 pm

Andy has turned out to be the house “tattle tail” .. (the little weasel) .. .. sucking up to Amanda and eventually she will screw him over. He has NO backbone whatsoever, nor has he done a single thing to warrant still being in the game except for sucking up to Amanda. Amanda has turned out to be a loud mouth bully. Can’t wait to see her voted off. We keep pushing for it but the HGs are all too cowardly to do it , it seems. But funny that she thinks America loves her!
Aaryn is a spoiled little snot and it will be interesting to see -if we get the chance to .. her reaction when she finds out her smart mouth cost her her job.
Candace I like .. but nice people don’t seem to last long in the BB house. But I cringed when she told Spencer to keep her name “out his mouth” .. Sorry Candace, but that’s very poor English for a speech therapist or whatever you said you were.
If you don’t want people to make fun of how you say stuff – say stuff CORRECTLY.
Regardless, she is clearly someone who is genuinely nice and considerate when it comes to how she speaks to and treats others in the house. Jessie is really getting bullied majorly by Amanda.. But then I think Amanda will bully whoever she can get away with bullying apparently. I think if anyone, maybe McCrae is deserving of the final win .. except if he’s gonna share it with Amanda then forget I said that.
GM has what it takes to get Amanda out there if someone can just help her figure out that would be a smart move!

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Thanks K11 for your information and insights. I couldn’t agree more. I’ve never said I’ll never watch BB again because I’m old enough to not say “never”. It usually comes back and bites you in the a$$.

I can’t give any of the obnoxious HGs a pass for their behavior. Yes, casting has a great deal to do with it but most of these bozos are exceptionally hostile and just plain mean spirited. I don’t understand this kind of behavior in any situation let alone on 24/7 TV show.

@Star, I think Jun meant what she was saying at that moment but since she has a blog, etc it will be easy enough for her to do an entire blog on why she’s decided to watch it again. Maybe it’s because Grodner will be gone. Woot Woot We can hope.

@MM hilarious what Jessie should say to disgusting Spencer next time he hits on her “I am not your type I am not inflatable”. Love it!

@JT, ok how did you do the square root check mark?

Hurry up Thursday.

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aggie27 August 6, 2013 at 7:46 pm


Check mark LMAO

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kimjmj August 6, 2013 at 7:53 pm

Been sitting back just reading for a few days, just seems like nothing exciting is happening at all in bb-land. I’m hoping Candice is just playing it smart hanging low for a few days before hitting the campaign trail. She may be the only one smart enough to figure out NOT to include Andy in any house flipping plans. She seems to be very good at observation and deductive reasoning.

Jessie has the will to flip but not the right people.

Helen swears they need Amanda out but not now. If not now, when??

Elisa would prefer to keep Candice and may just vote that way regardless of what her alliance (Helen) says.

And finally Aaryn seems to be aware she’s doing Amanda’s dirty work to questionable gain. But will GM’ s threats and her utter disdain for Candice prevail?

Amanda is her own worst enemy. She’s gone from being crass and funny to just downright nasty. Whenever I hear people bitch that much about others to me I wonder how much they bitch about me to others.. so hgs take note, if she’s that rude with you she’s that rude about you…

I for a minute started to like GM, then she began speaking again… as appalled as I am over the racism and other bashings, it was the comment about adoptive kids not being wanted that hit home for me personally. Having been adopted I heard a lot of that crap growing up and think it’s not only hurtful but ignorant. Gee, be raised by a 16 year old out of wedlock or by a mature couple in a stable home.. tough choice!! And birth mom’s who give up their kids are making the most selfless choice imaginable.

Anyway, off my soapbox. I wonder how many times production has to keep re-editing each episode… they hand the house and America Aaryn on a platter, she stays, becomes likable for a minute, then gets all nasty racist again. We get Amanda served up, and no one has the balls to go for it. I wonder how confused the casual viewer is, one episode a player is the best, the next the worst or vice versa…

Ok, daughter wants dinner, and since I selfishly choose to have her I should probably feed her too!!! 🙂

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 8:01 pm

Seems Jun actually said she’s just done with BB15.

Jun Song ‏@JunDishes
Signing off on #BB15 for good. Just my personal and very liberating decision.

Never mind. Probably should have read her letter closer. My bad. She will chill and then be back, like almost all of us, to bitch about BB16 next year. I sort of agree what ED said on D@N that when/if Amanda leaves, it will be a boring House. If so, I’ll still watch but will have to juggle with soccer, college football, the NFL an Breaking Bad all starting.

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Justaguy (JT) August 6, 2013 at 8:01 pm

kimjmj, Good stuff. That about sums it up.

Starfish, “alt + 251” = √ (for windows), I didn’t have anything to add really (unusual I know!)… so just my way of bookmarking and sending the rest to my email.

Aggie 😛 😆

Time for AGT now… see y’all later.

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 8:11 pm

Thanks JT but you have to copy and paste it here, right? Later JT.

@kimjmj, wow, you said it all and Jane will agree wholeheartedly about the adoption BS on BB.

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 8:32 pm

@Aggie, @JT:

How I feel watching Big Brother at times…

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Becky August 6, 2013 at 8:36 pm


Last night McManda slept through the majority of BBAD and it really wasn’t boring. In fact, it was sort of pleasant not having to listen to her paranoia, bitching and bullying for once. Most of the HGs were far more relaxed than I’ve ever seen them (of course, I don’t have the feeds, so I could be mistaken).

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Becky August 6, 2013 at 8:37 pm

OK, time for me to go to bed. I’ve got work in the morning.

See you all after 5 pm tomorrow.

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 9:00 pm

@Becky: We’ll see. Seems she leads one side of the House and Helen the other. Amanda definitely thinks she’s running the game and McCrae and her seem about as natural as a squirrel and a pinecone dating. Even if she makes F2, no way the Jury will vote for her unless against Spencer, Jessie or maybe Elissa. God, this cast does suck.

On a side note, Candice is really pretty. Would love to see a last-minute surprise Amanda eviction and her saved but actually excited to see a double eviction.

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franniep2 August 6, 2013 at 9:03 pm

@K11…Can’t wait for Breaking Bad.

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 9:17 pm

What cracks me up is that many of these HGs think this is a good and interesting season. Delusional. Especially Amanda. If she’s so smart she would have figured out that America’s the MVP and doesn’t like her because of her dominating nature. But too lost in herself…and n0 HoH or PoV wins? C’mon mayne. Thinking last year was even better.

The only thing that would make me lose my mind would be an Elissa win in the end.

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The Shadow August 6, 2013 at 9:21 pm


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franniep2 August 6, 2013 at 9:23 pm

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Jane August 6, 2013 at 9:24 pm


7:14 PM Jessie: “We should play a game tonight, who can stick their head furthest up Amanda’s butt” NT

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 9:33 pm

☎ This “Bachelorette” party for Amanda could get really ugly if Jessie and Candice bust out with what they’re saying to Helen in the BY right now. Hostilities toward Amanda and Gina Marie.

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The Shadow August 6, 2013 at 9:52 pm

Football to take over TV

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The Shadow August 6, 2013 at 9:54 pm

Amanda the Hut & Princess McCrae

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Kevin11 August 6, 2013 at 9:56 pm

Candice, Jessie and Helen having a great back-and-forth in BY on CAM 1, around 7:43 p.m. PT.

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The Shadow August 6, 2013 at 9:57 pm

1 Kireyna
2 SoftTail
3 Chrismean


Big Brother Recaps RSS Feed

August 5, 2013
Silly Pranks and Tasteless Remarks in the Big Brother House

August 2, 2013
Nomination Speech put-downs, Paranoia and anxiety rocks the house

August 1, 2013
GM wins HOH and “the house is united,” well, except for the fights..

July 31, 2013
Harlem Shake Wednesday

July 29, 2013
Candice goes up; Judd loses his cool kid club card

July 27, 2013
Amanda’s up, Spencer Wins Veto, and the House Goes BONKERS!

July 26, 2013
Aaryn plays it safe, More bashing of people than at a middle school dance

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Big Brother Updates (REFRESH)

Updates before 7:56 PM BBT…
7:55 PM Helen says she will vote out Amanda when the house wants it. Jessie rolls her eyes. NT
7:55 PM Helen brings up the deal with Aaryn getting leaked to Candice, and said that Jessie told Candice. Jessie said she assumed Less…

Candice already knew. Candice wonders why Helen didn’t tell her of the deal. Helen said it was because the target was Howard and that’s why Candice wasn’t supposed to know.

Jessie tells Helen if she uses that logic of not telling people of deals and plans, that Jessie would be gone next week. Jessie asks Helen where’s her “gusto”. Helen says she still has gusto.

Candice concludes that Helen has some loyalty to Amanda. Helen gets defensive.

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The Shadow August 6, 2013 at 9:58 pm

😳 copied too much

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HoH8 August 6, 2013 at 10:00 pm

for those who liked JT’s check mark…go here and find all sorts of special characters to use on ur Posts…. 🙂

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bbigbbob August 6, 2013 at 10:07 pm

hey jane, I’d like to play that game with Amanda!

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Mama Margie August 6, 2013 at 10:13 pm

Jessie has the right idea how the hgs r sucking up and running scared of demanda, seems all their heads are so far up demandas a$$ they can smell her crème rinse

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Jane August 6, 2013 at 10:19 pm

@bbigbob Ew! lol!

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aggie27 August 6, 2013 at 10:20 pm

@ K11

I understand about BB, but this isn’t the worst season yet, I thought 12 was. Great pic i so love Breaking Bad, looking forward to sunday.

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kimjmj August 6, 2013 at 10:22 pm

Thanks JT and Starfish, I guess with this cast if you haven’t been personally offended by something one or more of them have said, give it a day and they’ll get to you too.

Jane, you beat me to it, I was just laughing about that.

Can we get back to some strategy here hgs??? How does having Candice or even Spencer out of the game help you?? If Amanda is in jury she will continue to dictate who gets voted for so God help you if McCrea is in the final two. Not to mention having to spend a month with her with cameras off…

Trying to figure out who to pull for based on revolting behavior versus strategy…

Revolting behavior:
Candice… she’s held up to the s### session with great composure
Helen.. her rah rah gets old, but she’s isn’t mean spirited at all
Elisa.. except for her intolerance of one piece swimsuits, irrational fear of people acting slutty, and extreme need for politeness, she’s come across relatively harmless
Andy… he’s had a couple off color moments and tolerates the bs, but again not nasty mean.
Jessie… she goes along to get along, but she is building a backbone
Judd.. he may be more offensive if his words weren’t so mushed up. He’s had a few tirates using the c word and said some nasty things about the girls, especially Jessie only to turn around and make out with her.. and then go snuggle aaryn.. ew
McCrea… spineless yes man, who’s bobble head is always going in agreement. He does call out Amanda’s nasty remarks but gets right back in bed with her. Literally.
GM.. she’s crass and rude but I think the most likely of the man girls club to watch herself on tv and realize how terrible the things she said are and be horrified by her own behavior.
Spencer… butterscotch and honey, nuff said
Amanda.. I think she believes the lies she tells herself.. very dangerous.
Aaryn.. most likely to believe she’s the victim and we’re all taking everything out of context.

As for strategy:
Aaryn… lay low, learn your lessons, drop dead weight when necessary, and strike only when needed.
Amanda… control EVERYTHING, rule with fear, get them before they even think of you
Helen.. kill them with kindness and have ears everywhere
Andy… be the ears everywhere
Judd… mumble do when you say that’s not what I said no one can say for sure you are lying
McCrea.. keep the biggest, scariest target in front of you, and keep her happy OR ELSE
Candice.. keeping it real in Candy Candyland
Elisa.. keep telling with your homegirl and keep away from drama.. unless starting it
GM.. can’t pronounce strategy, just hoping Nick comes out of Pandora box
Spencer.. keeping it creepy, who wouldn’t win with him in final two?

That’s my opinion, I’m sticking to it.. 🙂

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HoH8 August 6, 2013 at 11:15 pm

for those interested…Hayden(BB12) and Kat(Survivor) are still dating after just completing their season of Survivor…and Hayden cut his hair and looks totally different now…. here’s a pic….from left to right…Kat, Porche, Rachel, Hayden… 🙂

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HoH8 August 6, 2013 at 11:22 pm

here are the blue prints and Pics of the BB House from the Outside for those that has never seen them…its interesting…. 🙂

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 11:52 pm

@The Shadow – “Amanda the Hut & Princess McCrae” Too true 😆

@Hohi thanks for the characters and the pics. Loved the BB house too.

@kimjmj, stick to it because you pretty much said it like it is. Thanks!

Not much new I can add, youz guys have said it all. Love our blog!

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Starfish August 6, 2013 at 11:53 pm

Oops Hoh8 😳

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tendr August 6, 2013 at 11:59 pm

i was reading…………and i fell asleep

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Kevin11 August 7, 2013 at 12:55 am

@aggie: Hoping Breaking Bad clears some of this BB15 goop from my head. I will cry Big Fat Sad Tears when it comes to an end. 😥 When this BB15 season ends, I will cry Big Fat Happy Tears. 😆 I am losing fucking IQ points listening to this inane bachelorette party… Send drugs.

ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ 😈

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Craig Long August 7, 2013 at 3:19 am

@HoH8, Thanks for the blueprints! Helps a bunch!

Oh! Helen, Love the blue dress – on BBAD ~ 1:15 AM Paciic.

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Craig Long August 7, 2013 at 3:21 am

In your own words, “awesome!”

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Star August 7, 2013 at 4:09 am

@kimjmj…..You killed it with your post!! Very insightful. WOW. Can’t argue with a thing!! 😉 BTW…are you Catholic by any chance??? It’s just the jmj in your name. When I was in Catholic grade school, we had to put JMJ at the top of all our papers. It meant Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Justa asking…. 😉

@HoH8….thanks for pic of Hayden et all. He looks so much more adult I did love his long hair tho. He is the only HG I ever called from day 1 to win and he actually did! So he is a special fave of mine. 😉

I watched BBAD late and it ended JUST as they were going to play*Put the bandaides on Amanda’s nips*!!lol End of show. I wonder if production planned it that way as TVGN isn’t X-rated!! Darn it anyway! McCrae was going to go first. Was curious to see if she was going to strip again or not. For some reason they let all the guys up to the Bachlorette party so she prolly did since she had the right audience!!!lol

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Star August 7, 2013 at 4:20 am

BTW..if you just want to C&P those symbols, here is a list. Funny, I just posted these on FB last nite!!! Don’t forget you need to use the number pad on the side of your keyboard. The don’t work with the top row.


… Alt + 0153….. ™… trademark symbol
Alt + 0169…. ©…. copyright symbol
Alt + 0174….. ®….registered ­ trademark symbol
Alt + 0176 …°……degree symbol
Alt + 0177 …±….plus-or ­-minus sign
Alt + 0182 …¶…..paragr­aph mark
Alt + 0190 …¾….fractio­n, three-fourths
Alt + 0215 ….×…..multi­plication sign
Alt + 0162…¢….the ­ cent sign
Alt + 0161…..¡….. ­.upside down exclamation point
Alt + 0191…..¿….. ­upside down question mark
Alt + 1………..smiley face
Alt + 2 ……☻… smiley face
Alt + 15…..☼…..sun
Alt + 12……♀…..female sign
Alt + 11…..♂……m­ale sign
Alt + 6…….♠…..spade
Alt + 5…….♣…… ­Club
Alt + 3…………. ­Heart
Alt + 4…….♦…… ­Diamond
Alt + 13……♪…..e­ighth note
Alt + 14……♫…… ­beamed eighth note
Alt + 8721…. ∑…. N-ary summation (auto sum)
Alt + 251…..√…..square root check mark
Alt + 8236…..∞….. ­infinity
Alt + 24…….↑….. ­up arrow
Alt + 25……↓…… ­down arrow
Alt + 26…..→…..r­ght arrow
Alt + 27……←…..l­eft arrow
Alt + 18…..↕……u­p/down arrow
Alt + 29……↔…lef­t right arrow

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kimjmj August 7, 2013 at 7:35 am

LOL Star, I’ve had the same user name for about 15 years and you’re the first person to nail the jmj!!! Yep, 12 years of Catholic school.. never wore a uniform though.. lucked into the right schools at just the right time 🙂 But since you “caught” me I must confess we didn’t do that in our schools, I snagged it off an especially good episode of “Homicide” 🙂 I still miss that show!

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Craig Long August 7, 2013 at 7:54 am

Uh…in *her* own words..

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Starfish August 7, 2013 at 11:06 am

Uhhhh, a pretty dull evening it seems. Bachelorette party must have been too much of what we’ve been getting because nothing, absolutely nothing here. Not even a mention of a bandaid during the party 😆 We are so over BB this year.

Love the jmj reference Star. Never going to catholic school, I had no idea what or why jmj meant. 🙂

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Chelle August 7, 2013 at 11:31 am

Separate McAnda and get her rude, bossy self out of there so maybe the others will actually play the game instead of be followers and scared azzes

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The Shadow August 7, 2013 at 11:47 am

“You People are CRAZY for keeping this showmance in the house she can sell a coffin to a dead man”

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macy 1231231 August 7, 2013 at 12:03 pm

HOH8 thx for the satellite images – too cool
KEV11 ur cool stuff too

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Mama Margie August 7, 2013 at 12:12 pm

have live feeds on demanda in shower talking to HELLen setting up judd to be the next one out, they r counting who they have to make the vote to get him out. these have to be the worst stupidest bunch of hgs in history, can they not see demanda is doing all that is being done for her benefit, at this point I want the fish to win it all get a new aquarium
now demanda is telling judd what to do if he gets hoh, this nutjob needs thepary she is in for a real shocker or we can only hope and pray
ciao till later hugs all around

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LisaMarieBowman August 7, 2013 at 12:25 pm

New Post!

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lori August 7, 2013 at 1:01 pm

i agree with blondie4u☺

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