Hey y’all,
First off, I’m sorry for the late update. Between work and going to see Fruitvale Station (which is an amazingly powerful and heart-breaking film, by the way), I didn’t even get a chance to check in with what’s been happening in the house until about an hour and a half ago. And I didn’t want to post an update here until the nominations had officially been made.
Anyway, here’s where things currently stand in the Big Brother House:
On Thursday, Kaitlin was voted out on a 9-0 vote. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy about this but — to quote Ringworm Boy — it is what it is. Now, Kaitlin can return to whatever bar it was that they recruited her from.
Julie Chen announced that America would, once again, select the third nominee for the week. Interestingly enough, she didn’t announce this until it was official that Aaryn would not be going home. In other words, Julie was letting us know that we would have a second chance to get Aaryn out of the house…
Except we wouldn’t because, incredibly, Aaryn proceeded to win Head of Household. As much as I hate Aaryn, I still laughed when she won HoH, just because it’s been so obvious that Big Brother producers are desperate to get her out of the house.
While the smart move would have been for Aaryn to nominate Elissa and Amanda, she instead decided that she had to “keep the house happy.” Apparently, keeping the house happy this season means keeping Amanda happy because Aaryn allowed herself to be talked into nominating Spencer and Howard for eviction.
Before the nomination ceremony, Aaryn assured Spencer that he’s the pawn. Things aren’t looking good for Howard, as even Candice was apparently talking about having to abandon him.
However, you have to wonder if the BB producers — who supposedly went out of their way to try to talk Elissa into not nominating Howard two weeks ago — really want the publicity of allowing the only black man in the house to be sent packing by a HoH who is best known for being a racist.
Finally, there’s the question of who America will nominate this week. Since Aaryn won Head of Household, let’s assume that the people who voted for her last week will be smart enough not to try to vote for her again. With Kaitlin now out of the game, it seems like there would be a good chance that a lot of those people would end up voting for Gina Marie.
However, judging from what I’ve been reading on twitter, a lot of viewers have finally gotten tired of Amanda. Though she has some very vocal fans, more and more people are tweeting that they’re sick of her showmance with McCrae, they’re tired of her pathological obsession with getting Howard out of the house, and they’re tired of her attitude in general. It doesn’t help that a lot of them believe that she’s a friend of Alison Grodner’s and that the entire game has been set up for her to win. Also, there’s a lot of members of the Brenchel Army who feel that Amanda is a threat to Elissa. I don’t know if all of this is going to add up to enough votes for Amanda to be nominated but it’s certainly a possibility.
(I don’t know about everyone else but whenever I watch Big Brother, they show a commercial where CBS says that Time Warner Cable is thinking of dropping them and that we, the viewers, need to write to Time Warner Cable and demand that they not drop CBS or “you might lose shows like Big Brother!” At the end of the commercial, Amanda pops up and says, in that shrill, self-impressed way of hers: “What else do you need!?” It is so freaking annoying!)
Last night, I got into a fight on twitter with a member of the Brenchel Army. I commented that I wasn’t impressed with Elissa’s gameplay and a @MizzLianne popped up in my mentions and snapped, “SHUT UP IDIOT!” I clicked on her profile and discovered that she’s definitely Team Elissa. So, after I promptly told MizzLianne what she could go do with herself, I cast ten votes to make Elissa the third nominee.
Seriously, people need to learn how to play nice.
So, who do you think will be the third nominee? I guess we’ll find out tomorrow at the veto competition!
‘Til then,
Stay supple!
Lisa Marie
Snuck a new page in here on us huh? 😆 Thanks! (this is from last page)
We should find out tomorrow afternoon or so who the 3rd nom is.
I looked at a poll for 3rd nom on another (no name) site.
There were just over 1,100 votes cast. The top 3 were
1) Amanda 33%
2) Elissa 25%
3) GM 14 %
Not an accurate reflection of America’s vote I know… but still like those numbers 😀
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I still think Gina Marie will be the third nominee but I could see it being either Amanda and Elissa as well. Whereas people tend to find Gina Marie to be annoying but generally harmless (or useless, as the case may be), people who dislike Amanda and Elissa tend to do so very passionately. I think Amanda and Elissa’s haters will make more of an effort to vote than those who don’t like GM.
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I’d love to see Amanda nominated, though, just to see if anyone would have the courage to ask her, “Do you still think America thinks you’re funny?”
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Yeah… any of those 3 would not surprise me really. Anyone other than those 3 would SHOCK me.
I hope it’s Amanda just for pure entertainment value. She will be safe.. Howard or Spencer will leave.. but would love to see her reaction.
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If it is Amanda… then she would be 100% convinced that Howard put her there. She already thinks Howard was last week’s MVP.. she did back off of that notion a bit, but her on the block would be “proof” to her that it’s him.
Even if she doesn’t really believe that deep down inside, she will still convince everyone it’s true. Can’t fault her for good game there I guess. She is dealing with a bunch of sheep.. might as well lead them to slaughter.
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Off topic (I seldom do this.. so deal with it!)
I went to get groceries when the feeds cut to trivia for noms. I never pay much attention to the magazine / tabloid rack at check-out. But this time an image did catch my eye….. It was Des on the cover of US weekly… with a finale spoiler! 👿 I looked away too late! 😆
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My dream scenario for this week..
MVP vote is Amanda and Howard wins POV thus replacing him with Candice. Judd, Jessie, Andy, and Helen realize this may be a good time to consider getting rid of overbearing Demanda. It even occurs to them that if America really is the MVP, how better to put yourself in the running for America’s fav player than by evicting America’s nom?
Demanda has a slop and block meltdown of epic proportions, maybe she doesn’t like the way Aaryon smiles at McCrea and the way he makes Aaryon a sandwich.. something good to send her reeling and on an Aaryon warpath…
Hence we get a powerful “come to Jesus” meeting with Howard and Aaryon, who would suspect them working together?? And Demanda is after them both and acting like she runs the house..
the others, tired of never a moment’s peace in the HOH and living in fear of playing their own games, are easily talked into this season’s most epic blindside… with a vote of 7-1-1 (GM may not get an invite to the party and vote Candice and m McCrea will stand by his queen)…
Cut to Julie chat… “Do you think you were playing too hard to get? Were you a target because of the showmance? Is there a future for McManda? Any McCreabies down the line?”
A girl can dream….
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my prayer goes out to Howardmay God be with you and hope you stay in this gamethis will be my last and watching big brother I used to love watching the game but since then games have went down
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I have to post the horrible things Amanda said today….to show the Awful Nasty person she is…..btw, my 10 votes went to Amanda for MVP Nom……
Aaryn: “I have this perfume I brought with me … this perfume’s like my little baby and she [mimes Candice spraying it on herself].”
Amanda: “She’s very inconsiderate.”
Aaryn: She’s so inconsiderate.
Amanda [Asian stereotype voice]: “You so inconsiderate!”
Aaryn [Asian stereotype voice]: “B****, you so inconsiderate.”
Amanda: “F***ing Candice, all day today I wanna just f***ing kill her.”
[Andy comes upstairs and says Candice is crying]
Amanda: “Because she’s a b****. … I hate when people try to play the sympathy card. You’ve been a b**** c***face this entire time. … B****, you wore my f***ing headband and didn’t ask. She took it off your f***ing head and put it on her greasy-ass nappy hair head.”
Oh Yes…Amanda has become worse and worse by the day….UGH….. 😡 😡
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kimjmj Your comment was so beautiful… brought a small tear to my eye! 😆
That is pretty much the exact scenario I am hoping for this week. They all know they have to deal with Amanda sooner or later, but unfortunately I think this is too soon for them to consider a move like that. They want to coast to jury from here.
But yes, a girl can dream….. and so can justaguy! 😉
I guess all I can hope for is Howard (or Candice) wins veto… and they all send dirty Spencer out the door!
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I think it’s horrible that production is still allowing racial remarks to be done on the show. If Aaryn and Gm jobs has fired them why does BB still have them on the show. GM , Amanda amd Aaryn should be lead out the door by production
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I am still not crazy abt any of these people. Andy is like nails on a chalk board to me. I did like Howie at 1st but he has proven to be a huge disapointment also. Spencer is just not worth commenting on. Gina Marie I guess could really use the money (she wants to get her teeth fixed ). Helen is also very full of herself and not the player she credits herself to be.Alyssa is definitely no Rachael. I guess i like judd and mcrae. Jeasie is a big floater. Candice has strange eyes. And aaryn is well ya know. And a partridge in a pear tree.
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HOH8, I’ve been pretty tough on Amanda from the beginning of the season. I’ve seen her many many times do similar things to what you described. She really is no better than the rest. She’s just better at saying stuff behind people’s backs (but the cameras are always watching)
Something occurred to me while watching the CBS shows this week. It has to do with that supposed letter on Facebook. Remember when the house meeting was going on? They were talking about who was missing.. then they mentioned McManda… and the cut away scene was Amanda “saddling up” in the HOH room with McCrae.
If Amanda was production’s fave, I doubt they would have made her look that stupid in the episode. Justa thought.
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Ohhh i dorvot silicone sally amanda. She is just classless. But she is pretty.
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HoH8 omg i cnnot beleive that lowlife amanda said that crap. She is such a sleaze. She is worse than aaryn. At least aaryn can blame her ignorance on being young and crom Texas. Amanda has no excuse for sayin the things she says. She is just trash.
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My votes went to Amanda for the MVP nom. She’s one classless lady.
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My votes all went to Amanda! She is annoying and there is no way she is only 29 years old! She s said she was 5 years older than her boy-toy! I have been laying low, but am still annoyed by Aaryn every second they show her on the screen! But it is nice to see her fake smiles every once in awhile!
@JT I don’t understand your US Weekly Magazine comment. Could you explain it to me? (please)!
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Madisonchris Sorry.. it was off topic. Apparently there is another reality show called The Bachelorette. Desiree (Des) is the woman looking for love on there. I don’t watch as Holly, Frannie, Aggie, Starfish, and LisaMB will tell you, but I saw a spoiler on the cover of US Weekly at the grocery store earlier tonight.
Their finale is next week… but now I already know how it ends. (not that I watch) 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GO DES!! ♥ 😆
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@JT, really, they had a spoiler in US Weekly? You can email me, I would love to know. You were right from day one to be tough on DeManda! I remember them switching to the bedroom with McManda “saddling up” on McC. That seems weird to me too. Candice was sleeping but everyone else was at the “meeting”.
@Kimj, that is a terrific dream. It would be my perfect scenario too.
@Hoh8, not surprised at DeManda’s filthy mouth but kinda surprised she’s letting it fly like that. I want Spencer & Aaryn gone first.
I voted my second round of votes for Amanda. What I mean by that is I used different email addresses. You can’t vote more than 10 times on any one email address. GM isn’t a threat and she does keep me in stitches when she tries to talk except when she’s being annoying. So did Aaryn vote by Helen’s suggestions?
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@JT…yeah that scene in the tv show was funny showing McManda but u know it wasnt true, they werent doing that at that moment…the power of the Edit, lol…. 🙂
@cathy…yes Amanda is pure trash and im happy she is a HN this week, at least she will get to suffer a little and plus she cant sleep with her boy-toy, lol… 🙂
i hope those Polls are right and Amanda gets put up on the Block and Howard wins POV and we can get rid of the Pig Spens, lol…. 🙂
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No JT, we know you don’t watch the show, you only watch that cute little Des and her cute little self!! 😆
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@@JT. I don’t watch those baachor t …ette shows I am living my wnversion if that! I try to keep me reality shows to a minimum! Or I would probably have to be locked a away at one if those places with those nice white jackets with the extra long sleeves!
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I am not Amanda fan but I have to ask with all the Amanda bashing going on did anyone feel as sorry for her as I did when Elissa said all those things to her on McCreas Bday?..I was feeling empathy for Elissa until then but not now. And why would Elissa be so weird about telling HG how long she has been married and how old is he? I have come to my own conclusion is she is just weird and I am not impressed with her social game play and hope it is not that way in real life.
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@Nelle, there were some of us who felt badly for Amanda that day because Elissa was quite catty toward her but that cattiness is nothing compared to Amanda’s horrible mouth. See Hoh8’s comments #9 above.
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#9 #9 #9 😆 Hi all! Wow slowly I turn, step by step….. I voted for Amanda!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JT I like Des, She is a real doll, that’s what I heard anyway… 🙂 Watching Weird Science, so old still a fun flick! ………………………..
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Nelle I did actually feel bad for Amanda. I watched all that on the feeds and she was crying a long time. She even said to McCrae, “I’m sorry I ruined your birthday”.. he said it was his best ever.
I don’t like Amanda, but Elissa’s comments were uncalled for at a time when HGs were just trying to have a little fun…. especially when Elissa thinks she’s better than everyone.
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I hope this works but here’s the link of the interview of Kaitlin with Jeff:
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LOL Starfish…. you read my mind! I was actually just about to go looking for that interview! Thanks in advance. 🙂
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I took a peek at FB and there it was. Not a bad interview.
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Starfish I just turned on the Jeff & Kaitlin live chat, I think I will watch it later, it’s about a half hour long. can’t watch 3 things at the same time…well maybe I can! ………………………..
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WOW My brain hurts…….
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@Starfish, Oh I agree Amanda has a mouth and I cant believe I’m saying this but when she talks about someone it is usually behind there backs, but Amanda doesn’t preach about what a good person she is and as Justaguy said it was a moment of celebrating and Elissa went to and all time low I will go out on a limb and say there is not one women out there who has never ever felt insecure at one time or another of their body and no women wants to feel that humiliated about her body especially when she is trying to do something sexy for her boyfriend especially on TV and before a group of people (and I’m sure her being older than him doesn’t help either remember when two of the girls wanted her to take a bath with them in the HOH room and she said she doesn’t have a 20 something year old body like them) If you read her Yoga blog she has had feelings about not liking her body at a time in her life and it wasn’t just a slip of the tongue she went on and on from room to room she had time to think about what she was saying and it didn’t stop her. Made me rethink my empathy to her, but she is a human and she shouldn’t have been treated the way she was treated either.
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I wanted to post what the Food for the HN’s…i know JT posted who were the HN’s for the week (Candice,Judd,Amanda,GM) and their food is: Ramen Noodles & Raisins..
@SF…u beat me to that Jeff video, lol…i was waiting to get it, i saw it real early and forgot to post it, lol….thanks…. 🙂
Nelle…did u see the remarks that Amanda said bout the Puerto Ricans?…all sort of Filth about them and them being “Smelly”?…and the way it comes out of her mouth, its worse then Aaryn’s…. 🙁
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I’m back 😆 Jeff does a good job with those interviews.. I always enjoy them. Kaitlin did well also, she’s a pretty quick thinker and rolls with stuff well. Kaitlin was still blaming everyone else for her actions… but a good interview overall.
I doubt the next one will be anything worth watching. I hope it isn’t Howard. If it’s Spencer.. I’ll just skip it. 😮
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HoH8 Hi 🙂 I was just going to leave, thought no one was around! I just watched the Live chat, Kaitlin was fun to watch, she is a very pretty girl, to bad she did not play well with others ❗ I think I am going to say bye for now, see you all later…………
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@Nelle, I know and I agree with what you said that Amanda was humiliated that one time and may have self-conscious feelings about her body. Yes, I felt really bad for her too as many of us did during that segment especially when she was crying so hard.
@hoh8, that’s funny because I was just cruising through facebook and there it was so I thought I would try to post it and it worked. Surprise surprise.
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HOH8, I’m disappointed in you! 😆 It’s usually your job to post the link to the interview videos here.
True, I didn’t post the food for the week.. I never do 😆 That can be another one of your jobs here! 😆 Actually, I’m so tired of the whole have / have-not thing that I wish they would just do away with it. I hate when they waste 15 minutes of an episode for a have-not comp when we all know there are other things going on. Some of those comps are fun I guess…. but I’d rather see strategy, scheming, and comps that count.
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Nite Bobo, sleep tight! 🙂
JT I liked the interview too. She really is cute and as you said quick. I think she’ll really be embarrassed once she sees herself as we saw her. As for Jeremy, I don’t see that as a relationship.
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Starfish The paper U tube video you sent me was so funny 😆 Thank you for including me♥ ………………….
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Ought Oh, OK, I’ll never post another interview. Not my job! 😆
HN comp is fun to watch. I agree JT, I would love to see more gaming like showing Spencer for the filthy scumbag he really is. What happened to the food comps as to what they could eat that week?
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You’re welcome Bobo
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L8r Bob
I think they stopped doing house food comps in season 10. At least with those, the whole house was working together.
For have / have not they should draw teams at random. that would be more fair. the way they do it now is they just toss out colored bandannas and people grab at them.. then grab them out of others hands to “stack” their teams.
From the previous page.. The most comments I remember from 1 page was over 800. But that page was up for days without a new one.
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I liked the food comps better than the HN and us having to vote for what they get to eat. I never vote for that anyway.
Thanks, I was just going to ask that question again. 800 wow but I can see that if it was up for several days.
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I never voted for the food of the week either.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m not voting on a poll that has such an alliteration fetish. 😆
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BoBo….I Love how u just sneak in and sneak back out, lol…take good care sweetie and sleep good…. 🙂
SF & JT…@JT, ur giving out jobs now?, lol….i heard the HN Comp was Boring according to Judd…i wish they give us more Luxury Comps, those are always fun to watch….@SF, dont stop posting Links especially now that u know how to do it, lol…we can always race to see who’s first, lol…. 🙂
i have to wait for the Jeff vid goes to UTube cause i cant watch any videos on CBS site, problems with my Adobe Player…so if anyone finds the UTube version, please Post, did u hear me SF, lol….. 🙂
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The reason I voted for MVP was because it was significant to the game. I still think it’s one of the most ridiculous things they’ve done. As you’ve said before, it’s totally reduces HOH to zip.
“alliteration fetish” 😯
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No, not my job to hand out jobs 😆 …but I do pay close attention here.. and know who usually does what.
My job? Blather!
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hoh8 I don’t see it on you tube yet.
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I don’t like the MVP twist, but if they let me add my votes.. then I’ll add my votes 🙂
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@JT, I don’t know how you keep so much trivia in your brain. I all gets into one big blurr after awhile for me. 😆
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I want to see Spencer GONE. I want to see Amanda GONE. They both are foul! I can’t believe the producers of BB would allow the house-racist to evict Howard or possibly be the key in backdooring Candice. Shame!
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Many of us want those two “GONE”. It would be great to have one of them gone this week.
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just found this Video of the HG’s getting naked last nite before bedtime playing striptease with the hated Hg’s still in the House..be Warn…its Nasty…. 🙁
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Thanks hoh8, that wasn’t too bad except for Spencers hairy butt. I don’t get Amanda though. Why honey do you do that??
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here’s a quick audio Podcast interview with Kaitlin by EW mag… 🙂
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Starfish, My friends at work often describe me as “full of useless information” 😆
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@SF…im just Shocked she was able to keep her nipples covered, lol….but yeah, the Pig’s hairy butt was EWWWWWW, lol…. 🙂
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hoh8, ewwwww, Spencer’s hairy butt. I could have gone the rest of my life and not seen that one. 😯 As for Amanda, I have no idea what that girl is thinking!
JT, you are probably a lot of fun at work!!
Well, it’s time for me to hit the sack. I have a two to three mile walk in the morning.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nite all
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How many alliances do we have?…like 100, lol….
here’s a cool Chart that breaks it down for us…as of today that is…. 🙂
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@SF nighty nite…think bout Spens hairy butt while doing ur walk, lol… 🙂
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Nite Starfish, I do try to make my days at work as fun as I can.. we laugh a lot (but get our work done as well). Don’t think I could take it any other way.
HOH8, notice how many times Judd’s pic appears in that chart… 5
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s always amazed me that it hasn’t bitten him in the ass yet. People know he has many deals with everyone.. yet they all still trust him for the most part. He tells the “Goof Troop” about his other alliances… and says they are fake.
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@JT…its simple…these HG’s are all dumbasses….they dont know how to play the game…which means Judd will go far and DeManda will go far also cause they are all afraid to do the “Big Move”….so we gotta bear with them and suffer, lol…. 🙂
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HoH8 Hey my friend how you doing ❓ I don’t think I sneak in 😆 I just would I like to POP In & POP out………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight John boy should I say Good Morning ❓
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Okay going to POP Out Again ! …………………………….. Still watching the feeds ZZzzz
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3:40 AM…. 🙄
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I totally hate this season of BB but LOVE all the feedback thank for that so I can somewhat enjoy this season.
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The POV might be a late night comp tomorrow?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The backyard is still open and nothing has been built yet.
We’ll see.
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Quote from Spencer:
“If I go home this week I get to go home to a beautiful woman and a wonderful job”
Ummmmm…. No and No.
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I think Amanda should get locked in the pandora room with Jessie “mr. Pec-tacular” for several hours. I was rooting for her but am tired of her pushing her game if evicting Howard on everyone.
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Anything new JT ❓ …………….
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In a unexpected twist, BB for the first time will allow those on the block to pick a partner to help them in the veto competition. That person (if their HG/Block wins) will be immune from being put up as a replacement. In true scripted form Howard was told in the DR that the competition will be on Bible Studies! Armed with that information he has chosen Jessie as his partner.
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Here’s Demanda…………….(the pushy bitch)
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What is It with Big Brother this year. I just read your blog this year without even wasting my time watching BIg Brother after dark. They sure did a poor job at picking the house guest. It should have been, Who Connects with Whom. I am so tired if people making out, if this is what we wanted to see, we would watch the Bachelor.
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Ok, if y’all are gonna dream, then I will too…
POV time is here and Howard wins the POV. He takes himself off the block and Amanda (America’s vote) goes up as the third nomination. Ok, now fast forward in my dream and It’s Sunday night….time for the hg’s to vote on who they want out. The vote is unanimous, Spencer is voted out of the BB house! But wait!….another twist, Julie says that this week, the America’s vote will also be leaving the BB house, so Amanda, grab your bags as you will be leaving tonight as well. You have just 60 seconds to say your goodbyes.
The HOH competition plays and Howard, yes Howard….you are this weeks HOH. Damn, I just woke up from my dream and I really wanted to find out who Howard puts up….
Who do you all think, or want Howard to put up? Goooooo, finish my dream. 🙂
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@ Pauletta…I agree with you. Do they really think that the only people watching the show are young people? Give us some older ones that have been around a while and have actually seen the show. So tired of all the boobs bouncin’ around, and all the hairy butt cheeks. Give us some people with a little bit of class. To me, BB has gone downhill for the last 3-4 years….but I still watch!
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I think Elissa & Amanda are both plants. Per IMDB Allison & Amanda were on a previous show together. Also Elissa’s face when Aaryn won was priceless. I think she has an unfair advantage b/c of Rachel..This season is uneventful and I want to know what Amanda’s beed is with Howard. The house is dumb if they allow the showmance of Amanda & McCrae to continue…Love the updates on this blog!!! I appreciate it Lisa Marie!!!
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Done reading
Thanks everyone, I stopped watching BB after dark for the 3 year now and just fast forward thru BB
I can’t really get into it anymore
I don’t respect any of them
Sorry , not even Howard throwing all the comps gets annoying
And they are so just waiting around to make it and hope to get to JH
Kaitlin left and didn’t have much to say about anything and really ” it is what it is”
The racists , homophobes, self centered , egotistics , insentitives , flosters are just going to play a boring game and I am going to step away
Production keeps trying to find new twists and they just get worse every time
I don’t want any of them to win or should I say not excited about this bunch
Going to read this blog mostly thanks BB 15
Now have more time off
Lisa Marie and everyone here , you are more entertaining than the HGs
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i agree with with yall, BB sure picked a bunch of nuts, to many cat claws out, and oh Elisa what a trip ~ she does not know how to play the game. i also agree that they should bring in people like evil dick, that was a good year. this year is ummm for the lack of a better word stupid ~ these people don’t play a good game at all.
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oh by the way Amanda needs to go first ~ then Aaron,
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Really Cathy?
Aaryn can blame her ignorance on being young and from Texas? I’m from Texas and I’m just a few years older than Aaryn so I guess you must be saying that I’m pretty f*cking ignorant. I guess everyone from New York must be a racist because, hey, Gina Marie’s from New York, right? And I guess everyone from Minnesota is just like Kaitlin and maybe everyone in Ohio is just like that guy who kidnapped and held those 3 girls hostage. Maybe everyone from Massachusetts is just like the Boston Strangler.
And, by the way, Aaryn may go to college in Texas but she’s from Colorado.
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Good for you LM…I hate when people stereotype others because of where they live, how they talk and who they associate with. That is total BS! Thanks for sticking up for the good people of Texas, NY , and all the other states. 🙂
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Aaryn was born in Texas, spent her formative (for better or worse) teen years in Colorado and moved back to Texas after high school.
She is the result of who she has become, not where she is from.
Glad to see you can honestly express yourself here without backlash. That is how it should be at all times.
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Wow! A cat-fight on Twitter… wish I had been there… I would have told @MizzLianne a thing or two for dissing our Lisa Marie… if I knew how it worked, I’d go tell her to shut the fuck up!
Speaking of Lisa Marie… I thought you were Canadian, and always wondered why you are saying y’all all the time… I just thought you were emulating a certain 🙂 in Minnesota. Damn, it’s a good thing I didn’t make a crack about Texas.
Speaking of 🙂 … I still haven’t forgiven him for the way he treated Kaitlin at the start of the show. In fact, I hold him personally responsible for the bad karma that got her evicted. She showed a lot of character and class in her exit and interview. I liked how she did not hug anyone except her friend on her way out.
Question: If Gina Marie has a Staten Island Accent… does that mean that my dear friend Double M sounds like that???
I loved that Aaryn got HOH and is safe… maybe Elissa will get the boot. I kind of liked her at first, but what little I’ve seen, she is only a pale imitation of The Great One, and is becoming very annoying.
Speaking of TGO… another one has yet to make an appearance… I like Carrie am waiting for his return. I don’t know why everyone is giving Amanda a hard time, I really like her.
Glad to see Spencer and Howard on the block… maybe it will bring them down a peg.
Speaking of being glad… nice to see Holly and Starfish behaving for a change.
And my dearest Betty, I think your idea for the name of England’s future King is an excellent one!
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So true, PK. Look to her parents first.
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@Lisa Marie about stereotypes lol well said
I am French and Italian …. I smell of BO and eat pasta
About thes bunch I had no idea people could be this young so “old” in their ways of thinking
Sad sad sad sad…..
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I think LM said it all. were all responsible for ourselves not where we live or where we come from.
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Hey Ted…
I keep checking your Facebook page for that photo you promised to take of Big Foot.
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I have said it once and I will say it again, after spending 10 years of my life in Mahattan, I never once heard anyone speak like her. Except for the “bridge & tunnel” people! She IS NOT a native New Yorker! I believe she grew up and moved to the wonderful island Staten Island, home of the famous Fish Kills dump, and Staten Island voted themselves out of New York City several years ago! They wanted to be their own city! People do not speak about “sleep in’ with the fishes, etc.”, and I can only laugh at her stupidity and made up words!
I was appalled at how Elissa went after Amanda in her fringe 1-piece swimsuit. I don’t care for Amanda, but I was SHOCKED at how Elissa went after her that evening on McCrea on his birthday. Can you say “the pot calling the kettle black?” Really felt sorry for Amanda! But the McCrae/Amanda relationship is still a mystery to me!
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Hey all thanks for the updates………..
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while watching bbad last nite i finally realized why judd talks like he does I really think he is a ventriloquist in training. Notice how his lips barely move when he speaks. However having said that he still is my fav to win it all. He seems (so far) very likeable, patience, and a truly caring person.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tedster yes I was born and raised in Staten Island and do not even come close to GM, just ask frannie she has spoken to me on the phone. So in essence does coming from S.I. automically mean I have a problem with my speech and voculbary? If so then I guess all doctors are quacks, and lawyers are sharks. I guess LM said it all in comment #82. To be truthful I am getting a little tired of having to explain for myself and many other new yorkers about this, not fair to lump people together.
And yes S I is a wonderful place to live great people and I am proud to be from there, also I was there during the hurricane and u can not imagine how neighbor helped neighbor, and most of the time no words were spoken, so does speech really count? I think not. This topic is getting as old as the racist thing, let it go people there are a lot of good and bad in all people
ok enough said I am off my soap box,
LM great job your updates are spot on and many thanks to the regs who report daily and u know who u r. I best sign off for now do not want this comment to turn into another war and peace length novel, as i have not heard we have a restriction on how long our comments can be, despite what some may say or think
ciao with hugs
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LM, well I guess you said it all girl! You can’t blame a place for a person’s behavior, nor can you blame their parents! Parents influence but you can choose to be a racist pig or you can chose to be nice like almost everyone here and occassionally Ted. 😆 I’m not wild about Harry tho, snakes live in all states and that’s one big snake.
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MM Love the way you get your point across. Poor Ted was only being funny by commenting on GMs horrible accent and asking if his “dear friend double M sounds like that”. You are his dear friend and he knows well and good that you don’t talk like that. He was trying to get a giggle out of you. You should have come back with yea, you stupid F, that’s how I roll. Now that would have been funny!!
Ted, what’s TGO and who’s Carrie? We’re always sweet as pie until we have reason not to be! Bless your little heart!
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*fish rofl @ I’m not wild about Harry””
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------u r too funny girl friend
at times it is not what u say but how u say it so hope I came across in a good light
in re to tedster, lol 🙂 I know he is kidding he is a dear friend and he knows better then to truly rile me up, no the comment was addressed else where but he got the mail lol.
tedster your comment was quite funny loved it my friend
ciao till later
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MM, glad you like my quip. We all know Ted is kidding. He has a special kind of humor doesn’t he?
It’s 10am and I’m not even dressed yet and my poor dog wants his long Saturday walk.
ciao for now
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Is anyone having the BB emails sent to them having issues? Sometimes I get them but yesterday and today they’re no showing up.
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If y’all have time later like when we get Trivia with POV Comp and have 48 mins to kill…..u can watch this Video with Rachel and Liza(BBCan) talk about what happened this week in BB….Rachel sounded so sincere when she talked bout her sister…. 🙂
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Gosh frannie…nobody finished ur Dream… 🙁
ok, with Howard as the new HOH….i Pray, Hope he puts up DeManda on all 3 seats, just spread her out in the couch and Evict her OUT, lol…. 🙂
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Oh wait frannie…let backtrack…i saw in ur Dream that DeManda left with the Pig in a Double Eviction…..so who’s left?…Howard has to put up the 2 good little Witches Aaryn & GM, right…and go back to sleep and have another Double Eviction for us frannie….Loved that Pic of Demanda, Great….. 🙂
btw, Live Feeds on Trivia…Picking names for the POV and the 3rd Nom now… 🙂
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I heard somewhere or maybe I had a dream that those on the block were able to pick who they wanted to play in the veto, pretty neat concept if true.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------has anyone heard this?
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Starfish, almost made the same comment!
“alliteration fetish” 😯
@MM and Starfish, I’m not wild about Harry either and think he lives in the state of denial!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Okay@ Ted , by now you know what I have to say so I won’t but go stir somebody else’s pot!! Hi JT!
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DeManda…3rd Nom……YEAH !!!!!!!!!… 🙂
POV players Candice, Jessie & HOH & Noms
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Hi guys! Been kinda AWOL lately. Just doesn;t seem to be much to say about these HGS. I totally agree with Sylvie’s post #79 kind of sums up the season for alot of us. I am not totally skipping BBAD as she is, but I do skip nites or FF thru alot of it. Used to always be soemthing controversial or funny that made me want to come here and share but..usually this year, I got nuthin’..cuz they got NUTHIN’!!!lol
Speaking of having nothing to say, Katilin’s exit speech left much to be desired. *YAWN* I don’t think you can blame their ignorance on locale or age either!! Alot of people their age have already doen gret things in life and they can’t even get a sentence out without 95% of it being fillers!! Anyway, she was on OMG the other nite and her speech was even more pathetic than on CBS. *It is waht it is* seems to some up chunks of life these HGs. When told taht Jermy had been on too and ahd said to America that she ahd *melted his heart* and she more or less just said she could care less if she saw him again, she l;ooked really embarassed and tried to backpeddle. Too little too late my dear. Like your game on BB!!!
POV players have been chosen…
If someone beat me to that while I was typing…sorry to rinse, wash , repeat!! lol
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I did repeat but not by much!!lol I didn’t see the MVP tho. Thanks for that HoH8!! 😉
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MM….u read that from Rich #73…..he was just dreaming, its Not true, lol… 🙂
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txs hoh8 glad to hear it, thought I was as batty as these nut jobs in that house
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------every camera has someone crunching and slurping disgusting
well I am so glad demanda is tasting some med’s, wonder if she still thinks America finds her funny, boy they r freakig out, poor Howie is getting blamed for putting demanda up and they think he has super golden power, talk about cockaroaches scrambling I find it funny lmao
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@MM…Crazy Week…lets Pray that Howie wins the POV…that will be the Frosting on the cake, lol…. 🙂
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??? HOH8 ~ how did Howard get HOH i watched and on channel 117 TVGN last night Aaron won HOH ? please explain, ~ he yall on friday nights at 7pm BB is on until 1am ~ please let me know about the HOH and who ended upon the block, what did i miss ? between now and then ?
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swt…..read ALL the comments and u will see the answer…..
i was just answering a Dream comment by frannie…. 🙂
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Hoh8 thanks for the MVP nom. WooHoo I’m thrilled and can’t wait to see her face. Running around last night with her tatas bouncing around was really frat party dumb. I agree, I don’t know how she kept her nips covered but she did.
Howard gets blamed for everything. We saw that coming if DeManda was nominated. The BB paranoia is loud and clear. What a bunch of babies we have this year. I know someone will tell me to quit insulting babies. 😆
frannie I agree with Hoh8’s idea to finish your dream. That would be perfect. Would be great to see two double evictions in a row.
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That is hilarious that Amanda ended up nominated because, when last I checked, she was still bragging about how America loved her because she’s “so funny.” Lol. I can imagine Amanda having a major meltdown if she doesn’t win the veto. (I imagine that she’s convinced that Howard won MVP and nominated her.)
Ted — While I am Texan, I do speak French and Degrassi is one of my favorite shows. So, I might have some Canadian in me. 🙂
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1:25 PM Judd is mad at Howard for trying to get everyone to feel sorry for him, by playing the Bible card and crying. Jessie tells him that everyone sees that. What a bunch of babies we have this year. It is what it is!
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@SF…i was Praying that Howie wins POV…But now i wish that Candice wins it instead that way she is safe after taking H off the Block….cause if H wins it then Candice will go up and prolly Out……the Mean Girls are saying now if H gets off the block they are putting up Elissa…. 🙂
@Lisa…they also saying that Howard is Danielle Reyes brother, lol…of all things…these HG’s are pure Loco, lol…. 🙂
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Loving it!! Amending my dream scenario now to Candice winning POV, taking Howard down this forcing an Elisa replacement. Someone hand me some popcorn, that will be an awesome fireworks show!!!
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@hoh8, are the mean girls only 2 now or have they recruited DeManda?
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Demanda is freaking out! She threatened Jessie, telling her that if she win the veto and then doesn’t use it, the entire house will think that Jessie’s trying to protect Judd and will come after her.
Also, McCrae just said that he would bet his $5,000 that Howard is the MVP.
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@SF….of course they recruited DeManda, lol…..i feel that we will Never get rid of the Mean Girls….that group will stay with us and make our BB Life a living Hell… 🙂
@Lisa…poor Jessie…she’s been forced to join the dreaded Mean Girls…she has to start thinking on her own…if thats even possibe, lol…. 🙂
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When McCrae said that he would bet his $5,000 that Howard is the MVP, I accepted his wager to be paid in cash, not pizzas.
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Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
Andy- If I was in Jessie’s position and Amanda threatened me like that, I would be freaked out. McCrae- Exactly. #BB15
Andy- Judd weirded me out today with the way he acted. McCrae- That’s another reason I feel like he did make up that shit (last week) #BB15
Andy tells McCrae that Amanda was basically threatening Jessie that she has to use the veto. McCrae says she doesnt have to use it #BB15
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HoH8 ~ thanks for comment 110 ~ thought i was crazy or something ~ whew ~ thanks again, wish it was not a dream ~ it would have made a great Pandora’s Box ~
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OMG…I am so happy Amanda is on the block…I spent $10 voting for her on my phone because I couldn’t find it on cbs sight…I hope she doesn’t win POV as I want her to be on the block for a week, eating slop and sharing a room with all the people she puts down and not with her play toy. She is such a bully …Just like Germy Boy!!!
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What a pathetic bunch of babies. I’ve never seen an alliance of 8 people so afraid of 1. And that 1 is already on the block. Howard hasn’t won anything or even come that close to winning anything to make them so afraid. He has thrown most comps so far, but what makes them think he is so dangerous when he decides to try? Guys that big don’t do well in endurance comps usually unless it’s like the swings in BB 11. Other than that, it’s usually a female or small guy that wins those.
I find it laughable the way they’re all scurrying all over the house as if Howard was HOH or something. They’ve been running around in circles like chickens with their heads cut off (remind you, Howard is on the block and they have 8 people). They’re rattled because Candice got picked for veto.. and Amanda as MVP nom. SO WHAT? If Howard or Candice win veto… Spencer goes home. Anything else, Howard goes home. Where’s the big fear? Oh these people. 🙄
I honestly don’t know what their huge fear is based on. I think it speaks more to how weak their alliance of 8 is. If they’re so damned afraid, that means they really don’t trust each other.
Earlier, they were talking about Jessie “having” to use the veto to save Amanda, Judd made a comment like, “Then what.. one of us goes up?”. Fair question I think. But McCrae later said “Judd is so selfish”. WHAT? How is that selfish? If Jessie wins veto and keeps noms the same… then Howard goes home.. right? where’s the problem? If anything, it’s McCrae & Amanda who are being selfish. If the 8 are tight, it doesn’t matter who is up against Howard. McManda being so damn paranoid about their alliance keeping them safe should be a big tip off that they (Am & Mc) don’t trust them….. and therefore shouldn’t be trusted in return.
Amanda at least still has some sense about Howard possible being MVP. She thinks it might not be him, but then she adds….
“But what else could it be? America doesn’t dislike me!”
Another funny one… (talking about Jessie making a comment about going for luxury prizes)
McCrae (to Amanda) : “It doesn’t matter because last week I took a luxury”
Amanda: “Yeah, but one of us wasn’t on the block”
LOL… and Jessie isn’t on the block this week! So what’s the point again Amanda? Oh.. right… this is The Amanda Show (I forgot that for a sec)
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As long as we have DREAM( 😯 )
(Yes, I see the BIG downside of this… dirty Spencer would still be there) 😮
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Disregard my comment above…. 90% of it got eaten by cyber monsters 🙄
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Wow I seldom make comments now i know why. Im 54 and live in louisiana. I did not express very well what I meant. I moved to a more northwrn part of the country when i was 50 & was there for 3 years until myhusband of 3 years passed awag. I moved back to Louisiana after hus death. After 50 years here and moving up north for a short time. I have experienced a lot of racial division b/c I was boen in the late 50s and from the aouth. People in the north found qhat i had experienced unbelwiveable. ZSorry if anyone thought i was putting texas done or young people.
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@ JT…nope, Spencer was the first to be voted out and then Julie tells them all that Amanda will also be leaving the BB house. So we see S and A leaving. 😉
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Frannie, 90% of that comment is gone… I didn’t save it 🙁 Are you getting emails for this page? How did my comment appear there? Chopped to nothing same as above? (I don’t get emails of my own comments of course… so IDK)
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Hi Starfish!! TGO is The Great One Jessie Mr. Pec-tacular. And I am Carrie a fan of bb and this blog. 🙂
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A whole lot of reading ……………
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I’m sorry, Cathy, I was a little bit too quick to jump on you. It really bothers me that Aaryn keeps running around making racist comments and then reminding everyone that she’s from my homestate. It makes people think that we’re all like that down here and, as a result, I’m a little bit defensive. I apologize for misunderstanding what you were saying.
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@Cathy – I didn’t take it the way most did. We all sometimes type too fast and our words are misunderstood. I was very upset at the people bashing you. It was juvenile and not called for!
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LM, that was really nice of you and important!
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p.s. I was glad to see Lisa Marie apologize to you and I believe it was sincere.
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Betty & Starfish How you doing today? I am well! It was cold in NJ last night!……………….
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@Carrie Thank you and duh, I should have gotten that one. Ted can be cryptic at times. 😆 Happy to hear your a fan of BB and this blog just like all the rest of us. We love it here even if the show makes us want to have the HGs tested for sanity.
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Hey Bobo, I’m doing great! Good to see you and happy to hear that you’re doing well. That’s good to hear.
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The feeds are going down for 3 hours, see you all later, play nice,don’t make me come back here!!
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Hi Bobo! Hope you are feeling better. If it’s cold, just snuggle up with Linda, in Michigan when we have very cold weather it is called “A snuggle alert”. 😆
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@JT….I don’t have my e-mails turned on for here except for notification when a new page goes up. I get way too many other e-mails, so I just check here whenever. Like now….Too bad you can’t dumpster dive. If I remember correctly, you aren’t getting the e-mails from other pages either, right?
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I know too many people from TX including my husband’s family (College Station), and not one of them has the racist attitude Miss Aaryn does. The snooty little racist b!tch that she is with that sweet innocent face. Be careful, there are bloody fangs behind those lips. She needs to go right after Spencer then GM. Right now Amanda may not be our favorite, she keeps the house interesting but maybe they should get rid of McC instead and that will take the steam out of her whistle. They play off each other and it’s working for them.
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Thanks Betty and Starfish. I just hope Cathy comes back and reads the apology. I feel terrible about jumping on her like that.
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Snuggle Alert! 😆 Yesterday AM Linda comes in & her eye was all swollen, I said what happened to you? She said you were having one of your bad dreams & you hit me! I said NOOOOO, She got me good! She got bit by a bee, really bad! I am now calling her Rocky 😆 ……………..
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Justaguy (JT)
Howard was a high school lettered athlete in football and track. After a short stint at a junior college, he was added to the roster at Southern Mississippi (Golden Eagles) as a defensive corner back , a position that requires more stamina than strength. Unfortunately, he was in a very serious automobile accident that effectively ended his football career.
Judging from his current physical appearance, my guess would be that his workouts now consist of heavy weight training (strength, not endurance) and he probably hasn’t run wind sprints (forward and reverse) in many years since college.
He really is no threat in literally any BB house competition we’ve seen over the many seasons. He sure has them thinking otherwise though, for whatever reason real or imagined.
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I hope Cathy comes back too LM. I have a feeling we have such great people posting the play by plays that Cathy won’t be able to help herself to at least read. Then, she’ll post again. I do hope so.
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LM thank you. I read here every few hours. And thank you for keeping the blog going.
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Frannie, I’m getting emails for all pages. Just my pop up notification doesn’t work since gmail changed things a week ago. I get emails… but now I just have to actually look in email for them 😆 …before, they would pop up on my screen automatically.
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@ JT…. Can you turn the sound up so you can hear when you get a email? That’s what I do, as you very well know. It’s a real PITA when I’m watching a show on my puter. I hear ding, ding, ding! Then I have to tell you guys to keep it down! 😆
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@ Cathy….So sorry for the misunderstanding. 🙁 I guess I should have read your comment again before jumping the gun. Glad you came back and hope you decide to stay and comment with everyone.
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Frannie, no.. gmail notifications pop up in the corner of the screen if that feature is checked (mine is, but hasn’t worked for a week).. no sound setting that I see.
Bob, 3 hours you think? Sounds about right to me.
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@Bobo – Too funny!!! 😆 I had the same thing happen to me with a bee sting near one of my eyes and I too looked like Rocky!
@Cathy – Glad to see you back. Hope to hear from you more.
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Bye Bye Howie… 🙁
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here’s a Funny parady on what happened this week in the House… 🙂
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Frannie, Thank you and like I told LM I reread the post I made and I understand the misunderatanding. I enjoy all the updates. I enjoy the BB program and have been a fan for years. We all just need to keep in mind that this type of communication can be misintwrpited easily. Thanks for u.
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Wow, what a lot of nonsense going on with these CRAZY houseguests.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@JT, so you’ve been a little “harried” recently! Poor you!
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😆 @ Holly. Priceless!
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Hey everyone thanks for keeping us updated. Been busy with visiting family here in Chicago 🙂 my only information is via the blog and I much appreciate your funny comments and insights in who, why, where and possibly when things are happening. With Spencer winning POV who do of think Aaryn will replace him with?
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the POV Comp was some sort of a Puzzle…and Andy said Howie sucked at it, lol…. also Helen was the Host of the POV… 🙂
Aaryn plans on Re-Nom-ing Candice but is afraid Candice will call her a Racist cause of putting both Blacks on the Block…. 🙂
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Ouch Spencer won. Who woulda thunk it. What was the comp? Anyone know?
If Aaryn has her way, I bet she’ll want to put up Elissa. JT, what’s your prediction? If Aaryn’s still obliged to give Elissa & Helen the vote, then who would they want up? Very convoluted year.
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Thanks Hoh8. It seems Howard seems to suck at comps. Looks like he’s going home this week unless there’s a turnaround. Then, it’s anybodies guess.
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Thanks Frannie! I love MM’s idea, so cute!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi Ted!
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WOW…the Live Feeds have a Black Screen with “No Signal”…..but the BBAD viewers Re-Joice cause BBAD is Working but NOT the Feeds…..What???… 🙁
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HOH8 I just caught the very end of the feed outage, they seem to be ok now. Think they have been back about 20 minutes now.
Interesting that Helen was plotting against Amanda. I don’t think she’ll get far with that this week, but if we are MVP again… and put Amanda up again… maybe they will see it Helen’s way next week after Howard is gone.
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I’m still hoping (perhaps foolishly) that the HGs will come to their senses and realize that Amanda is a bigger threat than Howard. But I doubt it — I have a feeling that they’ll all decided that Howard is the MVP and they’ll vote him out because they’re scared of his MVP powers. (That said, when last I checked, Elissa seemed to be wary of keeping Amanda in the house.)
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Starfish, My prediction is that Aaryn puts up Candice and Howard is voted out in our 2nd unanimous vote….. 8 -0.
Aaryn pretty much had to make her choice before her original noms. She could do what the “house” wanted and put up H & S. Or she could take her shot and put up Amanda & McCrae (knowing that she’s at the bottom of an 8 person alliance)
She chose to please the house… so now to do anything other than putting up Candice would really be stupid on her part. You can’t piss off one side of the house with your noms… and then piss off the other side with your re-nom.
Her only other option is to put up GM or Elissa. GM is the only friend she has left. Aaryn is trying to build a bridge with Elissa this week.. and already made a deal that she wouldn’t go up this week if Elissa kept aaryn safe next week.
I see a lot of whispering going on.. but think they will all realize the numbers just aren’t quite there yet.
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I see Lady Mcbeth has been busy in the house and the kitchen. Guess she is happy having Aaryan nation do all the dirty work for her this week, guess aaryan nation will be used, abused and then tossed out like yesterdays ramen noodles and crusty raisins. which in my opinion is what aaryan nation deserves, she will learn there is no honor among thieves.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so Lady McBeth (Helen) will be back front and center rite after the eviction plotting some more ways to get her hands bloody.
Just hope we see and hear her say those immortal words
“Will these hand never be cleran”?????
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Watching BBAD is really annoying now (I’m also watching feeds).
What has Amanda wanted all season? Howard on the block. He’s there.. and veto is over. He will be there Thursday. Howard will go home. Victory.
Should be grounds for a huge celebration. Yet Amanda & McCrae have been moping around.. just laying in the cockpit room huddled up like they are saying their last good byes. IDK if I can handle a week of those 2 later in the game when there is a real danger of one leaving. May have to just shut down that week.
If you can’t be happy after you’ve won… well, good luck getting through true tough times.
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@JT, thanks for always spot on predictions. It’s no loss if Howard goes but to split up McCrae and Amanda would be the best bet. IMO Always split the showmances. But if Amando goes, we lose some of the drama. If she and McC are having a memorial service with each other, that makes it even worse. Ugh what a bunch of idiots we have!
@LM, now that’s hilarious. The HGs coming to their senses??? 😆 Not much chance of that.
nite all
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@Bonita the link for MVP “free” votes is:
Big Brother MVP Vote – CBS.com
America, you are the BB MVP and the decision is now yours! Cast your vote for who you think should be the third nominee up for eviction, and tune in Wednesday at 8/7c …
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i don’t want howard or candice to go..
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Thanks for that info Madisonchris. I will try it this week. I love BB but I don’t do much blogging but I love to read every ones comments. I would love to see Amanda gone this week so maybe we can see McCrea finally start playing the game instead of getting into Amanda’s pants. Howard is not a threat to anyone as of yet so he can go at anytime. I would rather see him in jury instead of Amanda. Next week Aaryn need to be gone and then let the games begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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10:00PM BBT: Spencer comes into the colorful bedroom. Candice isn’t sure if Aaryn really wants to put her on the block or if it’ll be because then Candice can’t vote to save Howard. Spencer says to tell Aaryn that if she puts Candice on the block that she’s a bigot.
Aaryn is a bigot… America already knows that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spenser is a bigot… America already knows that.
Candice already knows that Aaryn is a bigot but putting her on the block would be because the house wants it and for no other reason.
Spenser tries so hard to bring others down to his “sinking to the bottom of the sewer” level.
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spencer needs to go next week. amanda needs to go on hold. that pig lucked out and won pov.
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Although not an Amanda fan I like the drama that she stirs up and sadly vote to evict Howard! I really really don’t like Spencer and wish that he was an option this week and hate to think that he would get any power at all.
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New post! 🙂
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