Hi, everyone!
Well, it’s Thursday and you know what that means.
Someone is going to be voted out of the Big Brother House and sent to the Jury House, where he or she will join Candice and Judd.
Will it be Jessie, the girl who we used to all hate and then we liked her and now we just feel sorry for her?
Or will it be Spencer, the Hitler-admiring, soon-to-be unemployed bearded guy from Arkansas who hasn’t washed his bed sheets in weeks and who makes jokes about child pornography?
Now, in the real world, the answer would be obvious. ย Jessie may occasionally whine too much but she doesn’t like Hitler, she cleans up after herself, and she’s never made any jokes about enjoying child pornography.
However, this is the Big Brother House and it looks like Spencer is going to stay while Jessie will be sent out on yet another unanimous vote.
However, as far as I’m concerned — I vote to evict Spencer!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
I vote to evict Spencer.
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NOOOoooo Tuna You got me ๐
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YES! Spencer should go but the HG’s are so dumb! ๐ very sad, I still like Jessieโฅ
Thank you Lisa Marie! You do such a great job for all of usโฅโฅ
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I vote to evict Spencer.
Bobo, you crack me up.
And yes, Lisa Marie, you do an amazing job. Thank you.
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I vote to evict Spencer and I really wish our votes counted! ๐
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These brain dead idiots this year will vote out Jessie as it should be obvious even to them that Spencer should go. I feel brain dead trying to watch this junk this year – ugh.
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i vote to evict the person who hired all of these doorknobs as house guests…the saddest bunch of people in the 10 yrs i have been watching this show…the doctor has spoken…
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The greatest showman cue that was and still is number one for big brother IMO will always be Jeff and Jordan! They didn’t stage no phoney wedding and didn’t beg for attention. Amanda has absolutely no class whatsoever and McRae is a phoney.
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This year is the worse. I do not even watch BB after Dark. It is so BORING……
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At this point who does everyone want to win? I really wanted Judd to win now I don’t even know unless he gets a chance to come back!
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Well LM I don’t like either on the block – however like you said, we have all come to feel sorry for Jessie and want Spencer to go for obvious reasons (LOL).
Having said that, I’m thinking down the road and wondering if Jessie stays, does she have the guts to “really” make the big move? Or is she only desperate and talking?
Between the two, I think Spencer would…. but since all of this is wishful thinking and we really know who is going……. I VOTE TO EVICT STINKY SPENCER!!!
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I thought Andy was going to show a little spine when Jessie called him out saying he hadn’t done anything all week, so why would she expect him to do anything now? But “NO” he didn’t use the veto on Jessie and spineless as he is, he did not change anything. I still cannot believe these people (Helen/Aaryn/GM/Elissa and Spencer) believe they have a chance to win, unless they do win HOH, then look out Amanda/MacRae! Surely someone will change things then. Who do you think will have the best chance of winning if it’s between Amanda and Aaryn, or Amanda and Helen? And if it comes down to Amanda and Andy, I think Andy will win.
Just my thoughts today. I am so frustrated with the whole BB this year but I can’t help but hope it will be more exciting in the final weeks.
Even thought I don’t comment much here, I read the blog every day and I appreciate all your comments. Lisa Marie, it is the highlight of my day to see your blog in my email. Keep up the good work.
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Watched about 15 minutes of BBAD, why would anyone care to see a male made-up as a female? Someone said yesterday, mcmanda should have bed sores because they spend so much time in bed! Never looked at it that way, but the poster was correct!
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Get the cry-baby Jessie out of the house (sorry Jessie fans) and bring back JUDD!!!
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Spencer then A-man-DAH
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I hope in her eviction speech tonight that she tells it like it is and if GM starts to talk that she tells her to “SHUT THE FORK UP”!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also, someone needs to hog tie Andy and hide him in a corner so these stupid people could plan something without Amanda finding out about it!!
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Jessie will be voted out I’m afraid. My crystal ball for the way this season is turning out is that the final 4 will be Amanda, McCrae, Aaryn and Andy. The time for getting Aaryn out is long since passed and I think they all have plans that include her for being in the final 2. With her occupying one seat the other person to make it to the finals will be a slam dunk to win.
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hpr56 I make you laugh, you think I’m funny? Funny how, like a clown? I sound a little Like Joe P. Could not spell his last name ๐ But my NJ friends say I sound like that guy! I have been living in NJ for 40 years but still sound like a New Yorker โ Glad to see you my friend…………………………….
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Yes, thank you LM your blogging is great ! I agree with everyone, Andy is spinless ~ I hate this cast and year of BB worst ever ~ sneaky snakes ~ not one of them has the guts to play the game like it should be, they are scary cats ~ I still think GM shoulld have been thrown out from that chest bump ! ! I agree with you Mike # 8 ~ why do we still watch ?
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Hi Betty Hope you had a great time! Good to see you! …………..
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HELEN………………………!!!!!!!! WHAT/HOW IS SHE THERE?
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I rather do 100 laps olympic size pool full of urine than c Amanda win. I hate her. Helen is cretin n can’t wait until she finds out how dumb she really is for trusting pizza boy n cANDY
Aaryn I rather c win than any of above mentioned.
Gm is an insult to female gender. Actually mankind. Spencer is creepy n should count his blessing to still b around
Jessie I come to like after she got over her I am so hot phase
Horrible n way too predictable seasons sans Judd elimination
Enjoy the blog as this is best part of season
Take care
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LOL Herbie now we know how you really feel about a-man-duh lol
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At this point, I don’t care who wins – and it probably is fixed for Amanda to win, anyway.
I’m only here for Lis Marie’s writing and Kenin and Justa’s wit. And a quick hi to Star.
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@aggie: Speaks volumes when the best thing that’s happened concerning this show in the last month is a comment here from our boy @AC.
@AC: What up kid? Your comment about Jessie’s rump was spot on.
@Princess: I really don’t think it’s fixed and I’m pulling for either Andy or McCrae but I agree with @Herbie that I’d even settle for an Aaryn win–though probably a 6% chance–with how miserable this has been to/for all of us. Light an incense sprig for me.
@Bobo: Hope all is well with you Bob.
Been watching BBUK also this summer and it’s also become unwatchable. In the end, it depends on the actual HGs and when there’s nothing but milktoast boring dweebs left, these shows suffer, Casting should be to blame. Need some older HGs and someone who wears glasses in their photo. ๐
@JT: Whatever you’re doing, I guarantee you’re spending your Time wisely brother.
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Kevin I am doing so much better today! Thanks for thinking of me my friend! So glad to see you so early………………….
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Watching the live feeds right now…. I think that all the HG’s are on some kind of drugs…so many dead brain cells……………..
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I wish our votes counted for something because I vote to evict Spencer.
Since our votes count for nothing and Spencer will be staying, I hope he wins HOH, turns the house upside down, puts up Amanda and her pizza boy and goes on to win the POV to keep the noms the same. We can then watch Amanda campaign against “her BB husband” after she’s had her meltdown. It would be the best week ever.
And to whomever said the Jeff/Jordan showmance was the best ever, is probably right. They not only didn’t flaunt it; they kept it so far under the radar that most people didn’t look at it as anything more than a friendship. I don’t think they even managed to kiss on the show, if my memory serves me right.
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these house guest are the sorriest bunch yet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------all they seem to think about is alcohol and
how hot they think they look.
I think amazon Amanda needs to go. I have
heard her threatening other house guest
and cannot figure out why she has not been
kicked out of the house.
Personally I think they all need to be kicked out
it would be interesting to see what’s going on in the jury house
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Becky I’m with you! That would be so great โ
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Yea that was me that said that about Jeff and Jordan. They were and still are the best bb showmance. Your right remember Jordan would not let Jeff kiss her because of the cameras! But I think he did get one at the end there.. But he was always a gentleman and she was always a lady. Not like Amanda no class and dillhole McRae. Would love to see them both on the block after veto.
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Itโs Howdy Doody time.
Itโs Howdy Doody time.
Bob Smith and Howdy too,
Say, “Howdy-do” to you.
Letโs give a rousing cheer,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‘Cause Howdy Doodyโs here.
Itโs time to start the show,
So, kids letโs go!
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I loved that show as a kid Bill!……………..
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Like most everyone else, I am so ready to see Amanda gone and the showmarriage ending in a showvorce. Does she every wear anything except her underwear? On the show last night it looked like she was wearing a hospital gown with some nasty panties underneath. Not a visual I wanted to see. All I could say was EWWWWW!
No one in the house has a spine, Helen keeps trying to get everyone else to make a big move but no luck. I’d be willing to be that if she wins HOH tonight, she won’t do it either, doesn’t want to get blood on her hands just like the rest.
And has Elissa made any game moves other than aligning with Helen (who, but the way has made alliances with pretty much the entire house without letting Elissa know)? Elissa has pretty much turned out to be just as boring as the rest of them.
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@Marsha .. hmmmmmmmmmmmm ………………… new words for the English language
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Best players effective 8/15 afternoon BB time in no particular order:
Gina Marie
Worst players effective 8/15 after live eviction BB time in no particular order:
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LOL Sal, be looking for those in the next Websters!
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What the heck. I cannot believe this circus. My brain is now officially fried. I thought Helen was smarter but it looks like she was desperate enough to really believe Andy and mccracra would really go against amnutjob. Seriously?
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@Bill… I suggested the similarity between Andy and Howdy Doody several posts ago but probably only the seniors here present remember Howdy Doody, Buffalo Bob Smith. Chief Thunderthud, Princess Summer Fall Winter Spring, Mr. Bluster and the rest of the cast of characters from the 1950’s.
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โ Just saving a place…………
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In my dreams I want Spencer to go although I know it will most likely be Jesse.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am not so sure I want Judd back because he sure was kissing ass with Amanda and Aaryn before he was sent packing. He can win comps better than Candace or Jesse.
I just don’t know that he will do any stirring of the pot. I know Candace or Jesse would if they got back in, whether it would do any good or not I just don’t know . These hg’s are so stupid….They are all like a bunch of sheep being led to the slaughter and Amanda is their leader…Maybe things will change but this year seems to be a wash out.
I now find myself rooting for Elissa..She seems to be the only one left at this time with some moral fiber…Not much backbone but her morals seem to be in tact.
I’m praying for a miracle tonight…Surely something can save this season…
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Trivia for PK (or anyone else that may remember)
Who voiced Clarabell and Ranger Bob?
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I vote for the entire house to be evicted!!
I know wishful thinking~~~
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I know that for several years that Bob Keeshan (later Capt Kangaroo) was Clarabelle
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PK, I remember them all and appreciate the reminders. But I am a wwwaaayyyy senior so it’s expected. I also remember coming home to watch Mickey Mouse Club. The original one. Especially Cubby and Karen cause they were so young and sweet. Then there was Hop Along Cassidy. I still have a bunch of hot chocolate cups of his. Awwww, those were the days!
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Clarabell was played by Keesham (Cpt Kangaroo)
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BB16 with house guests must be over 50!
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@Bill… I don’t recall Ranger Bob but as Marsha said, Bob Keeshan was the horn blowing Clarabell the Clown – not to be confused with the Disney character, Clarabelle the Cow…
My local kids shows in DC were Captain Mansfield (Safety Cop) and The Pick Temple Show.
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@The Shadow… spot on Andy is Howdy-Doody or an evil Gnome or somehow I think of a sequence in Pinocchio just before one of the boys grew the ears of an ass. Either way he is running the house and unless his lies implode on him, he may just win.
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Ranger Bob was played by William Shatner!
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Well I know you all seem to hate Helen but I think she may be the only one left in the house with enough of a brain to figure out that Amanda needs to go and NOW and the backbone to make sure it happens. But now that Andy / “Howdy Doody” and McCrae have tricked her and she’s fallen for it, she might as well start carving her own tombstone. But I don’t consider her stupid for that because how can you really know who it’s safe to trust in a game like that? There’s always going to be lying and backstabbing. I was really hoping McCrae had lost interest in Amanda but apparently not .. or at least he doesn’t want to end up in her path of destruction like all the others. She’s a real barracuda.. (all about ME ME ME) and the craziness of calling out anyone who’s agenda doesn’t align with hers. I don’t have the live feeds but find myself even cheering for Spencer if it means there’s at least ONE person in that house that at least knows to look out for THEMSELF and not have their game be all about getting Amanda to the end as she has instructed them to do pretty much (at every turn!) .. Amazes me that they never stop to consider when it gets down to the end that whoever gets that far with Amanda & McCrae is going to get outvoted by the gruesome two-some. I actually like McCrae other than the fact that he’s hooked up with big mouth Amanda. What’s with those goofy socks though?? Jessie doesn’t stand a chance in hell (poor girl) and Elissa apparently has been forgotten by her supposed closest alli Helen. (although listening to Elissa talk is almost unbearable & always sounds like she’s reading what she’s supposed to say in the Diary Room & maybe she is! Saw very little of GM last episode.. She doesn’t seem to be in an alliance with ANYBODY.. .. And then there’s goofy Andy .. Yes.. I agree .. somebody needs to figure out he’s the blabbermouth that keeps leaking everything back to Amanda. he’s truly her loyal little puppet. No wonder she keeps him around. Cracks me up when he talks about his game. He’s playing the Amanda game – not the Andy game.
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Andy isn’t running the house; he’s just one of Amanda’s many puppets. This year’s season of BB can be more aptly titled The Amanda Show if you haven’t noticed. Almost all of them do her bidding and those who don’t are quickly eliminated, by a unanimous vote. I’ve watched BB from the beginning and I’ve never seen so many unanimous votes.
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I had to laugh recently when Ashton Kutcher said “pluck your magic twanger” to Jon Cryer on two and a half men giving the line a whole new meaning from way back when Andy Devine would open his show with “pluck your magic twanger froggie” to Froggie the Gremlin on Andy’s Gang back in the 50’s.
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I actually turned on BB last night to watch the veto competition and Elissa confirmed her airheadedness!
First, when was trying to explain the ratio factor of the coins in the small bowl to the ones in the other bowls? Huh?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Second, in the last round she “folded” ohhh this is the last round. “Oh my”
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Hey Becky, what did you do, decide to start watching BB in the middle of the season? Clearly, Helen is the leader, Amanda is Helen’s puppet.
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EXACTLY Becky. I thought the purpose for being there was to try to win the prize for themselves .. not for Amanda ! How can they possibly be so stupid? She decides someone has to go because they mention voting HER out and suddenly she has the entire house on board! and everybody falls into line. As far as Andy , as far as I’m concerned he’s just riding Amanda’s coattails til she no longer has any use for him. He has no backbone of his own, so I am in no way impressed with what he refers to as his game because his game seems to be protecting Amanda first and foremost! when she’s the biggest threat to ALL of them – including HIM.
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:Special News Bulletin: The veto competition was supposed to flow because of “Amanda’s Plan” so Jessie wouldn’t win!
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just seems like everybody is more concerned with pleasing Amanda’s every whim instead of playing the game to benefit themselves. I guess they’ll get it when THEY turn up at the top of her “next let’s get rid of ….” list.
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Helen is no leader. That wasn’t even decent satire on your part.
I want Spencer to win HOH tonight only because he is the one person who trusts no one and will do what he feels is in his best interests. He did, after all, refuse to go along with Amanda’s plan for the veto competition. He’s just lucky that Jessie didn’t get the veto or he’d be leaving the house.
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Don’t forget Midnight the cat PK with Nicees And @Bill you did not give me a chance to answer! ๐ ……………….. When the last show of the Howdy Show & Clara Bell talked, all the kids were like WOOOOOW ๐
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Andy’s Gang!
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Good o’l Jingles P. Jones…………. Hey Wild bill wait for me………….
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Andy Divine I meant to say ! ๐
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Awwww, Midnight and the piano. Niiiiiccccceeee.
Becky, I agree that Helen is no leader. She goes to the other guests and makes suggestions but then she has no spine to stand behind what she wants. That is not a leader in my book.
I, too think Spencer would listen to McRanda but I don’t think he would kiss anyone’s butt if they came up with someone to nominate. He truly knows he is the odd man out and it showed in the veto competition. I just want SOMEBODY to act.
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hpr56 You know what I’m talking about! See you all later got to go now!………………….
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@hpr56 and Bobo…. The dialog went like this, “Midnight, what do you think about Squeeky?” Midnight’s answer, “Niiiiicccccceeeeeee!!!!!!!!
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We had some good shows to watch.
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I vote to evict nasty Spencer even though I know Jessie is going!
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I know that Jessie will be going tonight…. I hate even saying this, but I want Spencer to win HOH and put Amanda’s ass on the block, along side of her so called bb husband. Spencer knows that something needs to be done, and done soon. He has been lied to so many times, I just hope he doesn’t fall for one of them and not put them up.
What I think will happen….
Someone will be coming back, but not until, or if Amanda is sent to jury. She will be voted out at some point, so it takes the heat off of production. Production knew this may happen, so they came up with this plan so she could come back and figured no one would be the wiser. It sucks, and there isn’t a damn thing any of us can do about it.
OK….I tried to find a pic of Shatner when he played Ranger Bob, but came up empty. I will have to look some more….I’m from Missouri! ๐
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Fact: Jessie is leaving tonight on a 6-0 vote… we all know that.
But even though Jessie was the target since first nominated, she did actually have a decent chance to stay… until she opened her mouth… then opened it again.. and again.
I give her some credit for trying, but her tactics were flawed. She should have laid low and stayed in good with her biggest supporter, Aaryn. She also would have had support from Elissa & Helen.
Then she could have gone to Amanda & McCrae and said if she stayed her targets would be GM & Elissa. She has been in the house long enough to know better than to tell Andy anything… just needed to tell him the same as what she told McManda.
She is leaving for one reason. NO ONE TRUSTS HER. She started out with Jeremy, Aaaryn, Kaitlin & co… then flipped on them and voted out Nick. Then she tried to flip the house against Amanda with Candice and Howard. Then she tried to flip the house against Amanda again. Then she tried to flip the house against Helen… then went back to Helen and said she’d be loyal the rest of the game. Helen wasn’t buying in, so she went back to Amanda another time. She also tossed Aaryn under the bus in the whole process. (Judd’s association with Jessie is a big reason he’s gone as well)
I like that she tried to shake things up, but the way she went about it was very poor. She put herself in no man’s land and no way out of it now.
Bob, You’re a Goodfella
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PS… it’s spelled P-E-S-C-I ๐
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Too bad about Jesse, I can only hope the next HOH, will get the right person out, enjoy the show
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I know some of you here have watched The Bachelor. In case you haven’t heard….
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Frannie, I did see that when Kev posted it yesterday. I sorta remember her.. very sad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Who was the Bachelor her season?)
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Jake Pavelka, she was in the finals also
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Jake… hmm, can’t put a face to him. Who else was in finals with Gia?
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if elissa wins hoh – maybe she will put up mc cranda – with helens red stamp of approval – that way H doesnt get blood on her hands and says to amanda – ‘gee, i didnt know she was going to do that amanda, i swear, she has a mind of her own……………………’ yea right
bu-bye jess
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he picked Vienna That season who’s with Casey now, Tenley came in second, Gia was third, I didn’t see jake’s season, my sis told me, he was on the Bachelor Pad, remember how bitter Vienna was, she hates him now, he was also on DWTS
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I went to Wiki to look up something. (a mistake to rely on Wiki I know)
They have Spencer evicted by a 4-2 vote (Amanda & McCrae as only 2 to keep him)
Either they know something we don’t…. or somebody will have to do some quick editing in about an hour! ๐
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I wish that were true JT
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It’s funny Aggie… I just went back and they took down that Spencer was evicted day 56….. but it still shows him as evicted in their chart towards the bottom.
I think someone is doing editing right now….. sorta like when I catch you putting up a new quiz ๐
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Gia always reminded me of my daughter – (lookwise with the hair) – so sad and so permanent –
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Jt, wouldn’t that be great if it were true, AC will be doing cartwheels ๐
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@ Macy
Gia was very pretty, I don’t get why a girl like her was so miserable, It goes to show you, you really never know about someone.
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Macy, you are right, what happens this week all depends who wins HOH. Helen doesn’t know anything else other than to try to backdoor people (the house has a front door too!).
No way would Helen put up Amanda & McCrae at first noms. But Elissa?.. yep.. Helen could pull the pin on her and try to play innocent after ๐
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AGGIE im thinking maybe depression – but hanging? thats almost making a statement
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I liked Gia a lot on The Bachelor & Bachelor Pad. Sad news.
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@ Kevin11 I totally agree with you on BBUK it’s been a let down these last couple of weeks & looks like either devious Dexter awful Gina or boring Sam are going to walk away with the money which is a bummer can’t stand any of them Dan was my winner & I feel cheated at the way he left. By the way how do you get to watch it ?
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Hey AC
L8r all….. it’s show time
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Yep Gia, must be pretty unhappy, to hang yourself, you really want to end it.
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oh on the bright side Kevin Celebrity BB starts on 22nd August
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I can’t help but think of Wil (Ain’t nobody got time for 2 L’s) now when I see Julie’s intro. ๐
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Can somebody repost BB live show website please!
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KEV cant wait to see wil’s show bet he does a better job with julies dress – ha ha
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That is one ugly dress! She has been looking a little casual lately.
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Wow. Don’t want to spoil anything for you west coasters so I’ll just say that the HoH comp is a wow moment.
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Spencer screwed up by not putting A & McC up against each other
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Spencer is wack. Too afraid to pair Amanda against McCrae. ๐
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I thought the same thing Bill. ๐
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same ole shiz- bubye spencer next
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@SS tell me! All the West Coasters that don’t want to know avoid the blog until after the show. Just write SPOILER ALERT ๐
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This stupid show is getting on my last nerve!
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More like a :yawn: moment.
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Aaryn will put up Spencer (no doubt) ….and Elissa I think.
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LOL @ AC. Did you really think yawn was a smilie?
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People that are here from the West… especially at this time.. want spoilers no doubt
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They were so worried trying to get rid of the faux threats that they forgot Aryan has been winning comps!
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AC knows all the smilies…. he’s the one that taught me 4 years ago ๐
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Yup JT… That’d be me!
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It is ๐
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Lets see who demanda DEMANDS of Aaryn this week…who does demanda want OUT???…i say Bye Bye Helen…. ๐
Judd has a Great chance at coming back since its a Comp against those ladies… ๐
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Seems he has been away too long, and forgot.
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You the man now JT
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It would be funny if Jesse comes back, but i bet it will be Judster
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McManda wants Helen out next…. but Aaryn has said all along that she wouldn’t put Helen up. So we’ll see if Amanda can control yet another HOH… or just settle for Spencer going this week.
I hope Amanda pushes so hard that Aaryn just decides to put her up ๐ ..not likely though.
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Yes he is, and now he has created a monster in Bobo. That’s good though….Ted loves smilies. The more, the better.
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WOW…Aaryn has TIED with Janelle & Rachel with 4 HOH wins in a season …Unbelievable !!!!…. ๐
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They will prob do Spencer because they won’t feel threatened if he comes back with the twist
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Or did Julie not tell them?
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Now.. let’s see if that come up as a smiley ๐
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Howdy Doody Show Cast:
Bob Smith …………….. Buffalo Bob
Bob Keeshan …………… Clarabell (1947-1953)
Bobby “Nick” Nicholson …. Clarabell (1953-1955) / Cornelius Cobb
Lew Anderson ………….. Clarabell (1955-1957)
Gil Lamb ……………… Clarabell (One Episode Only in 1953)
William Shatner ……….. Ranger Bob (1954)
Bill LeCornec …………. Chief Thunderthud
Dayton Allen ………….. Chief Thunderchicken
Judy Tyler ……………. Princess Summerfall Winterspring #1 (1949-1953)
Linda Marsh …………… Princess Summerfall Winterspring #2 (1953-1957)
Ted Brown …………….. Bison Bill
James Doohan ………….. Timber Tom
Larry Mann ……………. Cap’n Scuttlebutt / Flub-a-Dub
Rhoda Mann ……………. Flub-A-Dub
Jean Cavall …………… La Touke / Papa
Robert Goulet …………. Trapper Pierre
Eric House ……………. Willow #1
Barbara Hamilton ………. Willow #2
Caryl McBain ………….. Princess Haida
Peter Mews ……………. Timber Tom
Maxine Miller Gerrard ….. Princess Pan of the Forest
Mary Anne Heartline ……. Herself
Claude Rae ……………. Howdy Doody #1 / Phineas T. Buster / Mr. X
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jacqueline White ………. Howdy Doody #2
Dayton Allen ………….. Phineas T. Bluster / Inspector John J. Fadoozle / Ugly Sam the Wrestler
Dayton Allen ………….. Lanky Lou the Cowhand / Pierre the Chef / Sir Archibald the Explorer
Bill LeCornec …………. Dilly Dally / Oil Well Willie
Norma MacMillan ……….. Heidi Doody
Donna Miller ………….. Prunella Bluster / Heidi Doody
Jack Mather …………… Various characters
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Julie did not tell them someone was coming back
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Looked like McCrae threw it for Amanda. But she still lost to Aaryn.
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Bill…I seen all that. I was justa wondering what WS looked like as Ranger Bob. All it showed was the other guy.
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amanda in the storage room crying behind a trash can – here we go again – tyring to get the house to rally around her – putting her up top as usual – no pun
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Some BB records for this season… (as best I can remember anyway)
Aaryn – 4 HOHs with 8 people still left.
Spencer – 5 times on the block.. soon to be 6 (and 5 times in a row). Also don’t recall anyone ever being on the block 3 separate times in an 18 hr period. (Spencer was up for 1st of double eviction… then again during double eviction.. then again the next day after Andy won HOH)
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I vote to evict Spencer.
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@macy Amanda is really getting under my skin. You can be a Bitch and a Bany at the same time. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
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AC.. I though McCrae was trying to throw it also. He just stood there.. then answered wrong when Amanda also stood there ๐
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jane – bany??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dumb blonde over here – ha
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She’s prolly pissed at Aaryn for not throwing it to her.
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Amanda talking to McCrae
“Elissa & Helen should go up”
Hmm… I know Aaryn was pretty adamant about not putting up Helen. Could be interesting to see how this conversation between Amanda & Aaryn goes.
Quote from Amanda (about losing HOH comp to Aaryn)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I suck!…. it really sucks being sucky” ๐
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Julie couldn’t tell because next weeks evictee also has a chance to come back
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I agree with everyone who thinks McCrae threw the competition. Amanda may very well win this season but she really does suck at competitions, especially when it comes to remembering exact details about things that have previously happened in the house.
It was funny watching her and Amanda casting their votes to evict Jessie. Both of them were so obviously convinced that the audience would be cheering them along — little do they suspect that both of them have managed to become less popular than even Aaryn.
Unfortunately, Aaryn’s victory probably means that the whole Amanda/Helen confrontation will be put off for yet another week. Aaryn’s great a comps but she doesn’t seem to have it in her to make a big move.
Then, again, as Helen assured us: “There’s been a lot of big moves this season!” She seemed really shocked to hear that people apparently felt that the House has been playing it safe and cowardly.
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Incidentally, if McCrae hadn’t thrown that competition, I imagine he probably could have beaten Aaryn in the final.
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One final note — was Julie wearing a potato sack tonight?
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McCrae & Aaryn talking
Aaryn said she would put up Spencer & Elissa
Then McCrae pitched the idea of Helen & Elissa
Aaryn sounds like she will go with it. They will tell Helen that Elissa is the target.. and that she wont have to vote against her this way.
Stay tuned… could change a few times by tomorrow.
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Now all 3 are talking in cockpit (McManda & Aaryn)
Pretty much confirming the deal to put up Helen & Elissa
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LOL @ Lisa… I think Aggie & Frannie agree with the potato sack comment.. too funny.
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I hope Amanda talks her into Helen and Elissa, I just can’t stand them
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Good point Sal!
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Aaryn needs to wake up, she’s doing well in this came does she think Amanda will leave her in, she should be breaking up the showmance, although i would be happy if Helen went
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Aggie, it really sounds like they have talked her into it. I’m a bit surprised by that. Aaryn has always said she could never put up Helen… but maybe this past week has opened her eyes some.
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Andy joined conversation and helps support Elissa & Helen going up. Now Aaryn feels even better about it.
Looks like Spencer could avoid being on the block for the 6th time. They feel he is better to keep.. easy to beat on a wall type endurance challenge for sure.
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I dislike Amanda, but it will be funny to watch Helen squirm.. and have everyone assure her that she isn’t the target… the same way Helen assured all previous evictees.
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Aaryn’s 4th HOH… and keep in mind she didn’t even get to compete in 3 of the 9 this year.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 HOHs of 6… not bad (still want her gone soon though) ๐
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Spencer: “Do you know what you’re gonna do?”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn: “Helen & Elissa”
Spencer: ๐ฏ & ๐
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Thought Criminal โ@ThoughtCrimeBB 1m
Now they’re saying America’s wrong, getting Judd out was a Big Move. Yeah ‘cuz he was MVP & after everybody…NOT. #Eyeroll #Iidiots #BB15
Retweeted by Midnight Special
NOW THAT was a good episode. Tonight should be fun. back in a bit. On a live Prince Spreecast.
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@JT: Yeah that story about the girl from The Bachelor is so sad. Wonder what the cause of death was. I remember when Baba Booey from Howard Stern threw that wild pitch on the Jimmy Kimmel Live show and it hit either her or her friend in the audience in the head. I feel bad for her parents. So young.
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She hung herself.. right? Depression?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I haven’t heard of the BBooey thing.. maybe I’ll check youtube.
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Wow. I didn’t hear that part. Horrible.
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She’s in the front row I think, second from the left.
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Kev-11 what up? ๐
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@AC: So good to see you man. Treehouse memories. Never change the avatar brother! I won’t either. Elissa makes me think Natalie/Chima/Amber weren’t the worst ever. Knew you’d pop in my man… ๐
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hope arynn (spell her name dif ev-time – ha) makes a big move – not gonna be the cry baby – most likely helen – im ok with that – big mov
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Is anyone else having problems accessing the live feeds? I keep getting a server error.
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Yes. Please send Helen packing. And cross your fingers she doesn’t come back.
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They’re working ok for me Kari.
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All are in Kitchen except Elissa & Amanda. Helen is pretty chipper.. she prolly assumes it’s another week of “Big Moves” (getting out Spencer)
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Saw this on Twitter:
hamsterwatch โ@hamsterwatch
if you’re getting “forbidden” try calling their account support number 877-211-4367 #FAQ #bb15
Mine’s working fine but seems others having some problems. Horrible timing.
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Thank you! I was just about to call when mine started working again, but now I’ll know what to do if it ever happens again. ๐
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hamsterwatch โ@hamsterwatch
Updated & slightly streamlined alliance diagram from @89razorskate20 #BB15 http://twitpic.com/d8k1nb
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Clio the Leo โ@Clio_the_Leo 6m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------regarding the “forbidden” thing w/the feeds, they just changed the URL. New: http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/live_feed/watch/ โฆ #bb15
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Aaryn do your roots ๐
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@aggie27, @JT:
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Interesting stuff Kev. I wont mention anything in particular because I know some people here are watching Br Bad to catch up.
Is there an exacta type bet in Vegas for the odds of both Walter White & Dexter Morgan getting killed in September?
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๐ฟ I am not a Monster ๐
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------…………………………………………………………………. Frannieโฅ….
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Helen & McCrae talking
Helen: She might put up me & Elissa and tell me I’m the pawn.
(good guess Helen)
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JT ๐
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@JT: Never lines on production-type things in Sin City but offshores have props. I sent you that “Will Walter White Die” prop via e-mail (Yes -260, No +200). Won’t say anything about what I just sent as to protect readers from the beauty of the show. We’ll talk about it there this weekend. Also wanted to ask you about Dexter–didn’t get Showtime back (but will). These writers (BB) are brilliant.
Love how Jessie (BB15) fought back. HOPEFULLY, this week will be interesting. This month has dragged so much.
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Kev.. yep.. I got that prop bet. That’s why I was wondering about an exacta of 2 of my fave characters of all time meeting their demise in the same month. Odds gotta be really high at least one will.
Elissa is blaming Adderall again for Aaryn’s win.
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4th letter for Aaryn for winning HOH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Still not one from her Mom (this time from a friend ….Meredith)?
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@ K11
Thanks For Breaking Bad stuff, pretty cool, Hank will be relentless trying to nail Walter. It will be a wild ride this season
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Elissa : If I get voted out, I’m not going there (jury house).. I’m going to be at home.
Helen: So if I make it to the end you wont be there to vote for me? I’d stay in case you made it to the end and you’d have my vote… think about that Elissa. (then walks away)
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Aaryn, GM, McCrae, Amanda, Andy in HOH room talking very loud about being final 5.
Meanwhile Helen finished her attempted pep talk with Elissa and went upstairs… she stopped at the top out of view from the HOH room camera. IDK how much she heard. Then Helen went into HOH room and broke down crying…. saying that she couldn’t help Elissa anymore and also told them about Elissa wanting to go home if evicted.
Maybe Helen heard the 5 talking… and is now trying to put the target more on Elissa than herself?
Or maybe she couldn’t hear them and is just upset that she hitched her entire game to someone simply based on being a Mom?
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My boy beat me to the punch…getting good up in the HoH again.
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Kev, ya think Helen is turning on the water works because she over-heard them… and is trying to stay off the block out of sympathy?
This is far from the first time Elissa has threatened to go home… it’s a weekly thing really.
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McCrae talking to Aaryn downstairs (about Elissa threatening to leave).
“Do you think it could be gameplay? I want to go tell her if you don’t wanna be here then walk… and Helen can stay”
They also talk about how it’s sad that Judd is gone after trying out 5 times ..and Elissa is still there because she’s such a shitty player.
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@JT: Oh yeah. she knows Elissa is certifiable and has talked to others about it. I think she knows HER game is in peril and that she may be next to get Das Boot. Just (me) finding out about Elissa not wanting to sit next to anyone on the couch.
If Elissa gets evicted, refuses to go to Jury House, she will be my least favorite reality show person ever…will be in the Dick Cheney level of respect in my eyes. And Saki says ‘hey’ brother.
And for the 1,111th time, a Jury House show would rock.
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GM’s loathsome, but has a big heart and can be so entertaining.
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Ermm TV โ@Ermmmmmmm
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B B U S E22 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x13744x
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@Lisa Marie Yes it was a potatoe sac
Julie didn’t seem to be in the moment , maybe she feels like us and Knows its a shitty season
I agree Helen should go next but Elyss us losing her marbles so she may self implode
Still don’t care who wins
Jesse was fun to watch but that was the only big moment
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Thanks to all my fellow seniors out there for bringing back those days of sitting in front of a huge cabinet with a little tiny 5 inch screen and fiddling with the rabbit ears.
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Helen is sad.. but a lot is acting. We’ve seen it many times before… and she has admitted it on past episodes.
Helen was upstairs crying to everyone that if Elissa leaves.. then she (Helen) wont have any jury votes for final 2.
Putting that through our BB Bullshit Translator…. we get this spit out the other end..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen is basically saying, “I overheard your conversation.. now I’m trying to play on sympathy.. keep me here.. take me to final 2 and you will win”
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@JT: Yup. She knows. But doubt it’ll do any good. Will be cool to see her (Helen’s) plan of attack to try and save her ass. Also, Aaryn’s cockiness when asking about BB records (Janelle) is SO unappealing. So so unappealing. I know she’s happy and they’re all having a good time but if I were up there, I’d even vote for Amanda or MAYBE GM or Spencer because of that c9ockiness. Probably not totally fair, but fair to me in the bigger context of the game. Cockiness unappealing in all facts of Life.
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Glad I never found a place to bet on her. I would have just lost… #Degenerate
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Does anybody here wax their BUTTHOLE hair. LMAO and really curious ๐
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Helen is really getting on my last nerve. I accepted when she back stabbed everybody else she’d talked with and told the rest of the house about private conversations. Now she’s throwing her closest friend under the bus. And its only going to get more brutal once Aaryn makes her nominations tomorrow.
This season is such a cluster-fuck. I find myself coming to despise those HG I initially liked and liking those whom I did not like in the beginning. This is happening with the entire house, not just a few people as it usually does. As icky as Spencer is, I’m hoping he glides under the radar long enough to make that big move to eventually change the face of the game and maybe even make it to final 4 or even 3. At this point, with no alliance, Spence would be the only one to make that move; though without Helen there to tell her what to do, there is a chance Ellissa would as well.
I do have a question: Is everybody as sick and tired of looking at Amanda’s fake boobs as I am? When she put on that low cut blouse cut and then sat on the bed and arranged the opening “just so” so that her breasts showed, I nearly gagged. And no, its not my age. Nor is it jealousy. I’m big breasted myself. However, mine are god-given. I’ve never flaunted them. Not the way that woman does.
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Yes Becky I am so tired of looking at a girl with Boobs! …………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------……….. ๐
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BB houseguests….
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Good one Frannie! ๐
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Morning Bob….see ya on the other side! ๐
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I was there earlier, I’ll go back in a fewโฅ …….. mrgreen:
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I think GM can’t make a sentence without using the F word โ
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That’s not what I asked. Not really. They’re FAKE for heaven sake. And she flaunts them for the camera constantly.
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Hey Bob…Ain’t nobody got time for that! ๐
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@Fp2 Oh Lawd Jesus it’s a Fire!!
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Jane…you just made me LOL…if I would have had coffee in my mouth, it would have been all over my monitor.
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Jane ๐ โฅ
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It’s an hour ahead of you all here in NJ, Time to put on a pot of Coffee ! See you all later……………
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Spencer is just plain disgusting. Has helen no integity!? If I was Elyssa i wouldnt go to the jury house either but i would not have told helen or anybody. When i got voted out i would have told julie that cbs picked the crappest bunch of people ever and i just could not stay for my own sanity. There is no way i would want to be part of this show and no earn a salary. No frign way. Why would she stay? To vote for someone that she cant stand?!
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@ Cathy
Elissa a spoiled little bitch, she doesn’t get her way so she doesn’t want to play anymore, whether you like people or not it’s part of the game to go to jury house. She’s being a very sore loser
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I have no idea when the letters to the HOH are written. Maybe before the season starts. But if they were written after the season started maybe Aaryn’s Mom is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------refusing to write one that won’t let her tell her darling daughter that she has
been exposed as a racist and has been fired and most of America hates her.
Probably I’m way off base but it does seem odd that she wouldn’t have got anything
from her Mom if they are as close as we’ve heard.
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I am thinking that if Arryn’s mom wrote a letter BB would edit the letter. maybe there is nothing left to say but “Hello” and “Bye”. If it were my family I would want to spill the beans and tell everything I could to help. It would not be much after the edit.
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I have only been watching BB since the season of the Exes. I think that was season 4. I would hate to be in the house with my ex. BUT it would be far better then being in the house with this bunch of LOSERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this show. It is the ONLY reality show I watch.
With that being said – I have said it before and will say it again for those who did not see it – AS HORRIBLE as this season is – as bad as producers has screwed this season up – Ringworm boy, Elissa, and Pedophile Spencer – RACIST Arryn this is by far the WORST “HOUSEGUESTS” in the history of BB.
This MIGHT JUST BE ITS LAST SEASON – Whoever picks these people did no screening they went to the lowest bowels of the earth and picked up this bunch.
I hate to see this show go – But as bad as this bunch of people are CBS my just cancel the show.
I can’t wait until Amanda – Helen – Andy – and the rest find out a jury member has the chance to come back in and bite them in their asses.
One last thing – I know Arryn is on medications (that don’t seem to be working in most cases) But what the hell kind of super powers are they giving her – SERIOUSLY 4 HOHs – I am beginning to think the “competitions” are geared for her to win.
Anyone else have thoughts about this?
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Aaryn is on Adderall, which in some cases help people with concentration, so Ellissa does seem to have a case in her “super powers” argument. I work in the mental health field and I once had a client who was on Adderall. On the medication he was very productive and attentive to detail. If he missed even a single dose, the next 24 hours were a mess for him, he couldn’t keep anything straight and couldn’t even sit long enough or think clearly long enough to play a video game. However, in my opinion it is overly prescribed. It is valuable on the black market, ranging from $10-$25 a pill.
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