Well, it finally happened.
Last night, in a “touching” ceremony out in the backyard, Amanda and McCrae got married. Andy officiated. Spencer was the ring bearer. Elissa was the matron of honor. Jessie served as a bride’s maid. Nobody shouted out, “I object!” There was no fighting, there was no yelling. At one point, Amanda told McCrae to “f*ck off” but she was just being Amanda. (“Oh my God, America loves me because I’m so outrageous!” Shut up, Amanda.)
The houseguests were on their best behavior and, throughout the entire ceremony, it was easy to imagine the Big Brother producers in the diary room, cackling that their masterplan to create a new Rachel and Brendon was succeeding.
In short, it was pretty boring.
There was, of course, the promise that there would be some sort of drama. Before the ceremony, McCrae told Spencer that he was hoping Jessie would get mad and make a scene at the wedding. McCrae also said, “I don’t want to do this sh*t.” But, in the end, everyone played their roles and made the night all about celebrating the 7-week love of Amanda and McCrae.
After the ceremony, Andy caught the garter and Elissa caught the bouquet.
Hopefully, next week, Gina Marie will marry Nick’s hat.
If you missed the wedding, don’t feel sad. I’m sure we’ll see some footage of it on Thursday’s show. They’re going to have to find some way to kill some time since, other than those arguments on Tuesday night, not much else has happened in the Big Brother house this week.
Finally, I’m going to have to take back yesterday’s “You go, girl!” from Jessie because she has now apologized to everyone in the house for creating so much drama. Bleh.
Rester souple,
Lisa Marie
P.S. If the Big Brother producers have truly turned against Amanda (as some people think they have) then they should have Julie interview Amanda’s other (and, I assume, former) boyfriend on Thursday’s show.
Thanks for the new info.
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T’ais francaise? Je viens du Quebec.
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The bride may have been in white but it is time for this season to fade to black ASAP!
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Oh and I don’t believe that the producers have turned on Amanda. We, the public have turned on Amanda because we have seen the real person she is. I would love to see an interview of her “other” boyfriend. Could be real enlightening.
I don’t know if Jessie just believed that her attempt to show everyone what the others were really like and let them see she wasn’t the one trying to get Amanda out was failing or what. She will get voted out no matter which way she goes. I think we all know that.
AND, I am still ticked off that Judd got evicted unfairly because production did NOT let the guests know that America voted for Amanda to be on the block. The guy got evicted on a lie. He would still be there if the houseguests had known. At least that’s what I believe. There have been a couple of them that have eluded to the idea that maybe he wasn’t MVP and they voted him out unfairly. REALLY?????
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After watching Jesse grilling Helen for some straight answers, I am convinced Helen must be a graduate of the Bill Clinton School of Denial Studies.
After listening to Aaryn break the “how many times can you say fuck in under 2 minutes” escape attempt from GM, add potty mouth and racist to the impossible challenge her Mom’s recently hired PR firm has to deal with in hopes of any character rehabilitation. Good luck!
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This season lacks entertainment value. Even the evictions have become boring (so many unanimous votes) and predictable. You don’t even have to watch the live eviction. Everyone (even those without the feeds) knows who will be evicted long before the live shows on Thursday evening. The only exception to that rule was the double eviction, and even then, Judd’s eviction was just maddening–not entertaining. This season there are two players (Amanda and Helen) and a bunch of little wooden Amandas and Helens running around. I want to see both Amanda and Helen out of the house. Then, and only then, will we find out if these puppets can become “real boys.” Love the blog and all the comments! You guys rock!
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Call me a Non Fan of BB15 since I can not continue to watch even 5 min of this totally disgusting farce any longer! These are people old enough to have some modicum of Brain Power, but, have obviously NONE! For the last couple of shows, I have gotten info from this Blog, but, since all I read is nonsense, I may have to quit this also! They are just not interesting..not able to play the game..not able to stand up to Bullies.. and NONE of the “players” left deserve to win a plug nickel! I say close down the whole mess, stop soliciting the advertisers and force CBS to FIRE every fool responsible for this perverted prime time SEXCAPADE!!! Enough of the Sick Talk, Naked Bodies, Sexual Acts and Cursing….what are they thinking putting this disgraceful MUCK and MIRE on TV? CBS used to be my favorite Channel, but, because of this despicable show and the cancelling of others that are worth watching, it’s about time to shut them down completely! There! I feel so much better, but, still not watching BB15!
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“Hopefully, next week, Gina Marie will marry Nick’s hat.”
Bwahaha! You rock.
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I am just watchin bbad and spencer is such a damn a**hole! He is such a piece of crap its insulting to crap to call him that.!
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This is the worst BB.. I continue to watch hoping something new will happen, like someone using their own brain. There’s nothing to anticipate because you know what’s going to happen. Amanda with this retarded love affair is the most boring relationship to watch. After the first 10 min watching BB after dark, I rolled over and went to sleep. I wish it was another reality show more exciting to watch than crap. Production need to call it quits; move on to the next season and fire the people that found this cast.
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I am so bummed, did not get to see the lovely wedding last night.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You know that warm feeling you get inside when two people share their love for each other in the presence of people WHO GIVES A SHIT. barffffff
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Ah La Mariee etait en blanc?
Amanda is working on her acting/reality career A LA Snooky
Only Jersey Shore had something fun and entertaining about the cast, the HGs are boring and not so funny.
Can’t wait for it to end, never thought I would say these words about BB
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I agree Maggie B, it pains me to watch the feeds and CBS episodes. I don’t look forward to Thursday nights anymore cuz it is the same BS every week.
BB is not fun anymore. Hopefully it will be an Allstar season next year.
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almost 2 months in the house and SPENCER has not washed his bed sheets…and Helen wore his bedsheets to the wedding last night…as her toga…why did this not suprise me…
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What a bunch of idiots…………really!
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Ewwwwwww Helen !!!!
Gross , Spencer’s bed sheets /soiled/ germy….as a toga?
But then again not a surprise, miss Bossy and fake Helen also said she cries so her kids will listen to her. Which I find odd and slightly unsettling
She needs to go !
Amanda did say she had a boyfriend but that was 7 weeks ago which means years in BB house.
You know the producers talk them I mean Maccray into the wedding.
That should help w his acting and commercial career .
I think they should have prices like, Etiquette Class, How To Respect Women and no To Child Porn (Spencer), How to Quit Aderoll while in the House, Lie efficiently and Smartly, What Is Racism ? No Sex in the first 16 min in the house…….
Lets help these sad individuals and contribute to society LOL
Sick of the set up scenarios and fixed comps, so much more obvious than in the past.
I don’t have life feeds but don’t even bother to watch BB after dark.
Thanks @ LISA MARIE , bon travail, Reste Souple
How embarrassing this season is.
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yall are all right I 100% agree with everything yall said ~ most boring year ever ~ CBS kicked that Hansen boy off 2 years ago for chest bumping ~ this year it was ok for GM and who ever it was ~ this show is crap this year ~ this cast sucks ~ the HG creep me out ewwwwwww
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I am with you Maggie B…. I am not watching anymore, just staying up to date on this Blog…..
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“Can’t wait for it to end, never thought I would say these words about BB.”
Same here girl. This is excruciating. I usually at least like a couple HGs near the end and could pull for a couple to win, but not this season. Almost ready to pull for a GM-Aaryn F2 just to be entertained. Think Andy’s playing a good game, but it’s probably just a reflection of how crappy the others are. S.O.S.
Saw this below. Very sad.
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Bella and Maggie, shows what a pathetic life I have when I will be continuing to watch to the end. Not because I really am liking it but partially because I have nothing else to do and the other part is I keep DREAMING someone will make a move.
OMG, I didn’t even think about the bed sheets. GROSS
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Yes, excruciating is the word i was looking for.
Is BB dead ? do we want a BB16 ? I am not looking forward to it if there is ?
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This season has been a wash since week 1. At least I get comfort knowing Survivor starts 5 weeks from today!
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I honestly don’t want to see an Allstar season because they always pick the most pathetic people to come back as Allstars. I would just like them to pick some people that can think for themselves and be at least a little entertaining. I am so sick of all of them.
There aren’t any of them left after Jessie leaves that I give any chance to them of being entertaining. The only thing I will enjoy is watching them get beat up one at a time.
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The most ridiculous party of the evening was Amanda in a white wedding dress. Even for a fake wedding. A sign of purity and innocence. As is leaving the bride’s hair loose and flowing. I kept waiting for the bolt of lightning. Fell asleep twice while waiting…
Kevin, a very sad story about a lovely young lady. I’m sure her friend and family are heartbroken.
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is everyone as sick as I am of seeing Amanda and McGree in bed. They should have bed sores by now.
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Last night, in a “touching” ceremony out in the backyard, Amanda and McCrae got married. Andy officiated.
A true wedding for fake for the viewer ratings. Is Andy a real minister? I am also peeing in my pants from laughing so hard.
This is truly the worst season by far. I stayed up to watch BBAD and watched Amanda put on her makeup. Then I fell asleep.
Joke, joke, and more jokes. Why didn’t Grodner be a bridesmaid also.
Goes to show how Helen is really a skank person. She probably takes a shower once a month and her kids don’t take any. Wearing Spencer’s sheets. That takes some ballocks to even to that to the viewing public
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OMG, Andy just came out of the HOH bathroom and he is even more pale than usual.
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All I have to say is ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
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Did you notice how Aaryn gets up in the morning, spends 40 minutes putting on makeup. Tends to her Caterpillars, then works out comes in wipes something all over her body with some sort of pad, and never takes a shower. Has anyone seen her take a shower?
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In today’s LA Times , Prime-Time TV Rankings, it stated that Big Brother’s Sunday and BB’s Thursday Shows ranked 9th and 10th in the ratings…and BB’s Wednesday show ranked 12th — this represents millions and millions of viewers (and these stats are even minus the 3.2 million households that CBS was blacked out due to the Time-Warner dispute). I agree that this season of BB is the worst ever, certainly the most boring…but let’s face it, with these high ratings, BB does not have to change (unless the viewers truly stop watching, which apparently they have not).
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Merci Lise Marie
Thanks to all for the reading
Yes, this season is pretty sad – they need to eventually realize that Helen is one of the main game players – she has to get evicted soon.
Although – I would evict – Spencer next –
Does anyone else notice – how messy they keep the house
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m also from Quebec prov – and enjoy watching BB
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Keviη Stott @KevinStott11
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------COORDINATE DRONE STRIKE ON BIG BROTHER 15 HOUSE
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I want to see an all-star season — because im sure all of em have watched this bullspit and would be out for blood – no pussy-footin around with the veterins – they will be out for blood –
dont yall know, if WE ARE SCREEMING at the screen – the all-stars are biting at the bit to get into that house
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Macy — I’d love to see an all-stars season but if Allison Grodner wasn’t in charge. Because you know if she’s still producing the show, it won’t be as much an All-Stars season as it will be a Grodner’s Favorites Season and that means it’ll be yet another season of Rachel, Brendon, and maybe someone like Frank from last season.
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LM prob right – but i would still like to see people that arent afraid of playing the game – like these duffasis – ha
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Did not have any time to read anything yet see you soon………
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i dont know bout yall – but i am starting to dispise andy – just who is he really in alliance with? truly? i just sayin…..
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“And next week we can get rid of Helen. Or maybe Spencer. Hmmm…depends on how I feel…” Technically, Amanda is right — all of the evictions so far have pretty much been about how she feels from week to week. But her smugness is still annoying.
Now that she’s actually got someone definitely targeting her, she should be a bit more concerned about the fact that she appears to be incapable of winning competitions.
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Macy — I think Andy’s ultimate loyalties will always be with Amanda and McCrae. He’s planning on riding their coattails to the final three and then hopefully winning the final HoH.
Helen thinks she’s close with Andy but that mostly seems to be something that Helen’s decided as opposed to anything based on any sort of reality.
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Amanda a slut? Maybe after one time.
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These girls have no modesty what so ever.
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Rich… Aaryn is not taking showers because she’s a have not! She can only take showers every other day !!!
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Interesting that Helen used the term McCranda. I’m sure she didn’t come up with that on her own. Guess her “friends” in the DR mentioned it to her. How funny was it when Elissa was attempting to explain how to solve the numbers puzzle.
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OMG yall – do any of you watch ANGER MANAGEMENT with charlie sheen – ellisa is just like the girl in therapy – so funny
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LISA MARIE – this shows you how good of a job on informing us about the goings on – no-one is saying anything about tonights show………………….
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@ K11
Go guy
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Charlie Sheen has done a funny TV show?
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SHAYNE i know he has a bad rep – but this new show he doing on fx is pretty funny – its an emilio/ezteves production – his fanily
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Elissa should have caught the garter belt and Andy the bouquet.
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@ macy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fair enough. I have not seen this new show of Charlie’s and I do
like Emelio. I’ll give it a look, but my assessment of his shows
has nothing to do with his rep. He’s a dawg. Everyone knows that.
But I can only laugh at toilet humor and sexual innuendo for so long.
Then it falls into the category of the dumbing down of America.
Not like BB which uplifts all of us to higher standards.
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@Lisa and the others that want to see the Video of the Wedding…if u go back to the last Page…our dear friend Franniep2 posted the video of it…
and if u want to see a better wedding u can watch again the Brenchel wedding from BB13 with Lewon doing the funniest minister, LOL….
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for those who are sorry seeing Jessie leaving tomorrow, here’s a dedication to her with her time on BB15….
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Don’t like Spencer and don’t want to win but I hope he wins HOH tomorrow. He might
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------actually throw a wrench into things. No matter all the talk about Helen and Amanda
turning on each other it won’t happen. No matter all the talk about Mc realizing
he is being played by Amanda he’ll continue being played.
Why do most of the houseguests who are evicted (especially unanimously)
hug their evictors on their way out. An earlier evictee this year just walked
out the door – no hugs. Can’t remember who that was.
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Shayne — I can’t remember for sure but I think it was Kaitlin. Also, Judd refused to hug Helen on his way out but he did hug everyone else, including Amanda. I would like to see someone just give everyone the finger as he or she walks out of the house. Maybe Gina Marie will do that.
I think Helen wants Elissa to win HoH and then nominate Amanda and McCrae. However, I bet if Helen ends up winning HoH, she’ll end up nominating Spencer and some random pawn. Helen is only interested in getting rid of Amanda and McCrae if it can be done without her having to get any blood on her hands.
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Nooooo… please don’t go Jess
I will miss your sexy ass. 
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@ AC
She’s fat and has an annoying voice but she’s ok, I’ll be sorry to see her go
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Sorry have waited to long but in my opinion Andy is a spittin image of a ginger PeeWee Herman!
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It was kinda funny tonight how they were trying to make us think, at the end of the show, that there was a chance Spencer might go home tomorrow. Those of us who have been following the live feeds know better.
What’s sad is that it gave hope to all the Jessie fans who only watch the CBS show and don’t know about everything that’s been happening in the house. I saw a few on twitter, saying, “I hope Spencer goes instead of Jessie tomorrow!” and I just wanted to tell them that they needed to start getting ready to accept the idea of Jessie going out on a unanimous vote.
(Otherwise, it’s going to be a repeat of when Judd got voted out and there were people on twitter saying that they literally had tears in their eyes…)
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Yes Lisa Marie I think it was Kaitlin. She went out with a little
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------difference than most. It hurts to say but I wouldn’t mind scabies
boy still around. At least something out of the ordinary.
Cheers LM, great blog.
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Fat in the ass you mean.
Don’t be jealous Agnes.
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Ha, Ha, not jealous at all all the girls blow up like balloons in that house, I think janelle was the worst. I guess you like fat asses then
not she’s fat everywhere except her face. Her face is decent but she’s not the prettiest on there Racist Aaryn was. Then again Natalie was fat too
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While only having watched BB for the last few seasons I thought
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that players in the house would realize making a “Big Move” doesn’t
necessarily put a target on themselves. Breaking up AmanCrae would
stir the pot and all former alliances change. There seems to be an
underlying fear in this season. Fear of what I have no idea. Amanda
yelling at you? Well you wouldn’t hear anymore if she was gone.
None of them deserve to win
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When are these HGs going to wake up and smell the roses? A can’t believe Helen is that gullible that she accepted a final 3 deal with McCrae and Andy so quickly–she’s even willing to throw her alliance with Elissa away to make that happen but its all fake. And now there is a huge target on her (Helen’s) back. That is almost as sad as Aaryn becoming Amanda’s hit-woman. Almost, because I never thought Aaryn was very bright. I had thought Helen was smart, and a super fan. If Helen was such a fan, she wouldn’t be so quick to trust so many people.
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PJ – Andy is the spitting imae of howdy doody from the 50’s. If I could send a link I would.
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It’s Howdy Doody time
it’s Howdy Doody time
let’s give a round of cheer
’cause howdy Doody’s here
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LM, I don’t think Judd hugged Elissa either. He thought she let him get burned when she was the MVP who put up Amanda. And I believe GM would give everyone the finger and tell each one how she feels about them. She is not shy.
As far as being surprised when Jessie goes, if I didn’t have this blog, I would be surprised too so I’m sure your idea is totally right.
Have a good day today my friends. It’s my Thriday and I’m so glad.
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HOH8: Thanks for the link to Brenchel’s wedding. I had forgotten what it was like. Even though I did not like Brenchel, that was a much classier wedding than McManda. They are so sleazy and without class that nothing they could have done would have made it better.
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Thanks for all the comments my friends ……………….
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I agree about Brenchel’s wedding. They may have used garbage bags but there was something special about it. From the moment Mcmanda announced their “engagement” I got the sense that it was an attempt to upstage the great BB showmance in history. The best part of the “wedding”, I thought was when Andy called Mcmanda “the second best BB showmance of the season” second to Aaryn and David. I laughed when he said that.
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