Big Brother 15 — Save The Eye Candy!

by Lisa Marie Bowman on July 9, 2013

Hi, everyone!

Yesterday, Ringworm Boy used the power of veto on himself so Elissa nominated Nick to take his place.

Elissa is still convinced that Nick voted to evict her, even though Nick voted to evict David and he really hasn’t given Elissa any reason to believe that he’s trying to get her out of the house.  Elissa is trying to make the argument that Nick is a big, physical threat and that the girls need to get the  boys out of the house or else the boys are going to dominate the game.  

If Elissa had been smart, she would have nominated either Kaitlin or Amanda — nobody trusts either one of them and it’s always a good strategy to break up the power couples.  

Strategy, however, doesn’t seem to be Elissa’s strong suit.  It wasn’t Rachel’s either but Rachel was actually good at challenges and had allies in the house so it didn’t hurt Rachel’s game as much that she was basically totally clueless for 90% of her time in the BB House.

Last time I checked, it looked like Nick had the votes to stay in the house but that could change.  I do hope Nicks stays because 1) he’s nice to look at, 2) I’m tired of Elissa saying that nobody gets between her and her whatever, and 3) Nick’s hot.  

Seriously, there’s a serious lack of hot guys in the house this season.  Ringworm Boy is too much of a jerk and a bully to really be hot.  Howard’s nice to look at but he sure seems to spend a lot of time praying.  Judd’s too goofy, Spencer is always talking about Hitler, Andy looks like he’s 12, and McCrae is McCrae.  So, seriously, Nick is pretty much it.

Guys aren’t the only ones who need eye candy in the house.

They also finally told the HGs that the eviction night has been changed from Wednesday and Thursday and Aaryn was so mad.  She’s convinced that the only reason the night was moved was to give Elissa an extra night in the house.

(Aaryn, Gina Marie, Jeremy, and Kaitlin are convinced that the producers are secretly helping Elissa.  As much as I hate to even kinda agree with any of those people, Alison Gordner has always had her favorites — Jesse, Rachel, Jeff & Jordan, Evel Dick — and Big Brother does have a history of attempting to slant the game in favor of Gordner’s faves.  As has been stated several times on this very blog, the whole MVP twist seems to have been designed specifically to help out Elissa.)

On the racism front, Gina Marie spent a while last night trying to “talk” like Candice.  So, if the producers have attempted to talk to Gina Marie about some of her comments, it didn’t do much good.

I think that’s it for now.

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie (who is trying to be a positive role model for both girls from Texas and girls named Something Marie.)

P.S. Yesterday’s odd blog title — Faster, Clownie!  Kill!  Kill! — was an homage to a 1965 film called Faster, Pussycat!  Kill!  Kill!  I tried to come up with a similar title for this blog post but I couldn’t think of anything more than “Nick of time.”  So, I went with Save The Eye Candy because that’s what I’m hoping the house does this week. 🙂


mrybkr July 9, 2013 at 8:46 am

I’m beginning to wonder if that is a REAL bible that Howard has been thumping!!
He’s beginning to sound more and more like the sleazy guys in the house.

I think Elissa was wanting to get the hell out of there, that she has found it’s not nearly as fun as Rach had portrayed to her. I still don’t understand why she has all the haters in the house….she hasn’t really done anything, except eat slop and wear nice clothes…

Oh well, once she is gone, maybe BB will be fun to watch when they all can start turning on each other. Seems they all have themselves convinced without Elissa in the house, their troubles will be over and they can play the game.

I, for one, don’t plan on voting for any of them to win MVP…they should have to earn it, not just be handed to them on a silver platter. I voted for Elissa, not that she earned it, but to see if she would have sense enuff to know how to use it, and nope…she didn’t 🙁

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Chelle July 9, 2013 at 8:49 am

Thanks for the update! And I agree 100% about Nick, being a teen in the 80’s, Andrew McCarthy was one of my loves 🙂 And Nick reminds me alot of him in his features and actions!

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 9:13 am

Good Morning BB Fans 🙂

Elissa drives me crazy with her “Rachel-Like” whining – even when she talks normal she has a little whine at the end…..uuuuugggghhh… I so was NOT a Rachel Fan!

But I really agree that Kaitlin or Aaryn should get out NOW! Elissa should have put Kaitlin up….what was she thinking? Oh, never mind – we all know she wasn’t! Those bad eggs got to go! (especially Aaryn) – with Aaryn & Kaitlin gone…. Tattoo Lover-Boy will be all messed up…. and lonely. He seems to think he is the King with both girls on each side of him wherever they are sitting OR sleeping. Those two girls act as if he’s their leader or something. All three must not get to jury house – I don’t believe they deserve ANY money – and we can throw Spencer in that mix too….. and anybody else you guys want to add to it (LOL).

P.S. I didn’t dare turn on feeds this morning as I was having my coffee for fear that Tattoo Boy and his mate were doing it again!

Have a great day 🙂

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cathy July 9, 2013 at 9:14 am

Eck! I dont think Nick is hot. Really none of these boys r hot. (Maybe a hot mess.) Meceade is just beyond a dork. Nope I dont like any of these people. I hoped alyssa would grow on me but she is makeing awful choices and I have thrown in the toqel on her too. I just dont think I will apend the great amount of time I have in past seasons to keep up with BB. I guess I just lost my passion for the show when they allowed the cheaters to get away with what they did. The only redemption that would make me change my mind is if they qnnounced no 1s going home this week because of the cheating.

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Janice July 9, 2013 at 9:28 am

I think the one to get out now is rwb. Unfortunately he won pov. The guys are going to dominate this whole game. Too bad it’s not played with real thought. Elissa may be a whiner but Aaryn is a trouble maker. Due to the CHEATING whoever goes home this week will be done an injustice. Shame on the cheaters and the enablers.

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aggie27 July 9, 2013 at 9:33 am

Thanks Lisa, nice job so far

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LisaMarieBowman July 9, 2013 at 9:39 am

People just need to keep complaining to CBS about the cheating. Remember CBS wasn’t going to show any of Aaryn’s comments until so many people complained that they didn’t have any choice.

Personally, I think that the BB producers wanted Aaryn or Jeremy to win HoH this week because they knew that would generate the most drama. That’s why I think they’re trying to ignore the cheating.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 10:02 am

Jeremy definitely has to go! But sadly this week he got lucky…. so Kaitlin would have been the next one to have gone up. But Elissa is not bright enough to have done that.

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Teresa July 9, 2013 at 10:12 am

I am so disapointed in Big Brother After Dark, it is all pre-recorded so I feel big brother has misrepresented them selves this year. I don’t see how they are favoring Elissa when they let the cheating from Aaryn & Jeromey slip by with no penalty and all the racism with Aaryn, Jeromey, Katlin and GinaMarie and yes Spencer too, again no penalties. I thing Big Brother is coming to an end at least for me. I haven’t seen anything worth watching, reading and don’t even have a favorite any more.

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sylvie July 9, 2013 at 10:16 am

YES everyone go to the CBS site and complain about the cheating, please!

Don’t think Nick is that hot, but hes in great shape, his personality is annoying too or he doesn’t want to show the real Nick yet but just like Dan he annoys me and I can’t really say why, but about the game it’s not that exciting 🙁

Can’t believe any of this HGs haven’t noticed that they may be offending viewers but maybe its the drugs making talk.
Even nice Speech Therapist Candice doesn’t know that QUEER is s slur ????
Common now.

I don’t care who goes home and I mean it, I watched every season.

I agree the producer has always helped her favorites stay and manipulate the game for sure!

But thanks After Dark for letting me fall asleep every night.

LISA MARIE you are doing really good, thanks so much for your time.

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Teresa July 9, 2013 at 10:24 am

I posted my comment above as a complaint to CBS just for self satisfaction, as I know it doesn’t matter to them, what one life time member has to say 🙁

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 10:32 am

Lisa do you have that link to complain to CBS?
Thanks so much 🙂

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DonnaP July 9, 2013 at 11:01 am

I agree, Nick is the hotttt. He is my fave and I hope Elvira is the one to leave this week. Nick has to get rid of his stalker cuz it is getting weird.

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Dorothy July 9, 2013 at 11:20 am

I don’t think CBS cares about the fans, it looks like they don’t care about the drop in ratings. We need to hit them where it hurts, contact the sponsers. If enough people do this maybe, just maybe it will help. It will be too late for Elissa, who really has never got to play the game and that is just unfair. I have a feeling when she goes, so will a lot of fans, her sister and brother-in-law (we all know who they are) have a lot of fans. This whole MVP thing is a joke, that person really has no power. CBS just wants us to think we are part of the game. There has always been scheming and bad mouthing each other, that is all part of the game, but cheating and bigitry(sp) never have. I am tired of RWB and his followers (can we say shaded of Jim Jones) running the game with his bullying. Threats are never ok. Yes, some have lost jobs on the outside but they do not know this and will continue to be jurks and this is not ok. Too many young people watch this show and how do we say the things they are doing is not ok when there is no kind of punishment. I know that bullying is a big thing going on in they real world and it is being addressed but not on this show. That really bothers me a lot. Ok, ok enough of me on my soapbox but I had to get this out.

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Keith July 9, 2013 at 11:22 am

Well, I haven’t been watching any episodes except for the elimination day, and it’s sad to admit I haven’t missed it at all. These players have taken all of the fun out of BB for me. Evel Dick says the ratings have been at an all time low, so this might be the death knell for Big Brother. I’d hate to see this show go out this way though. Elissa should just pack her bags as I don’t see how anyone can save her this week. Maybe with her gone they can get down to business and actually save this season.

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Yolanda Rodriguez July 9, 2013 at 11:27 am

Nick hot no way!!!!! who are you looking at?

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sylvie July 9, 2013 at 11:28 am

@RMM, here’s link and under shows scroll down to BB15

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LINDAP July 9, 2013 at 11:29 am

I agree this years season STINKS !! Every summer my teens and I watch and it is our family time with the kids getting bigger and going there own ways they always came home for BB . This year we have hardly watched and the tv guide channel night version also STINKS . So bb15 may be my last season watching I do read the blogs because everyone who writes on it is so entertaining more so than the show and I agree CBS needs to show THEY CARE and take a STRONG stand on the cheating and the improper comments

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sylvie July 9, 2013 at 11:33 am

I complained again just in case they care 🙁

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 11:35 am

AMEN Dorothy & Keith!!!

Also I wasn’t aware of the low ratings but very happy to hear that …. maybe BBB will pay attention!

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 11:35 am

Thank you Sylvie 🙂

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sylvie July 9, 2013 at 11:36 am


thanks for agreeing w me LOL

I think they are comparing him to the other guys in the house not a real sample of population.

He seems arrogant, bossy and holding back , but that’s SEXY LOL compared to the racists and homophobes and sexists and oh my what a terrible mix of people

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Betty July 9, 2013 at 11:39 am

Does anyone think McCrae will turn on the ‘Moving Company’?

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 11:43 am

Mornin All! Thanks Lisa for the update. What kind of book are you writing?

BBL8r got a dog to walk and errands to run. ciao

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 12:06 pm

Ok I put my complain in….. even thought I know it went to the Great CBS Cloud In the Sky!

Next year I hope they start over fresh – Have HG’s with a variety of ages, stop hitting us with “Everything Rachel”, stop arranging things to happen and let everything go natural without CBS stirring the pot……

We so need a good BB season with EVERYONE new (not even related to a past HG) and for CBS to be better selective on the HG’s…… a little background check wouldn’t hurt (LOL) – and for the producer to stay out of her little pot-stirring. Believe me, it will be exciting if left alone. You still have all those strangers couped up in that house. Either way, CBS may have gotten caught up with this BAD Publicity Idea to promote the show….they too should “clean house!”

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macy 1231231 July 9, 2013 at 12:38 pm

HOH8 – hey thanks for that WIL show – so funny – he’s really talented – where do i go to watch it for this week?

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LisaMarieBowman July 9, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Sylvie and Yolanda — When compared to the other guys in the house, Nick’s hot. (It’s not like we’ve got another Brigade in there as far as the guys are concerned.) I think that Gordner and the other BB producers thought that Jeremy would be the big hottie for this season (and I imagine that’s the only reason they cast him) but Jeremy is such a loser. He reminds me of one of those guys who I would crush on back when I was 11 or 12 and I didn’t know any better. Lol.

I have to admit that I always found Dan to be attractive too and that’s probably another reason why I like Nick because Nick and Dan do kinda look alike in their pictures.

(I would like Howard if he would actually do something other than ask other people how he should vote.)

Starfish — My novel is called Mizmoon and it’s about a girl in a small Texas town who discovers that one of her teachers has a secret past and, as she investigates it, she gets drawn deeper and deeper into those huge conspiracy that involves everything from small town political corruption to an international prostitution ring to corrupt CIA agents and alternate realities.

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Sylvie July 9, 2013 at 1:04 pm

This is a casting notice for a reality show
Should answer some if your questions regarding how they pick people in general

We are looking for four or five beautiful women with bikini bodies. You must be smart and sexy and have amazing charisma. We want to chronicle the lives of gorgeous young girls in Los Angeles. There will be plenty of fun and partying, but we want to show that at heart, the ladies have goals and good hearts-inspired by Girls Next Door-but no nudity. We will shoot on a flexible schedule once a week revolving around when is convenient for you. Hoping for over million views a week on Youtube so great chance at exposure

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sunstigger5 July 9, 2013 at 1:12 pm

I have also sent a complaint to CBS about what is going on. I have been a fan since season 1 and looked forward every year for the show to come on. But this year I am so disappointed in the show.

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Sylvie July 9, 2013 at 1:34 pm

Lisa Marie
Your book sounds like its going to be a really good one !
Yes Jeremy was probably cast as the the hot guy but then his true colors bled on national TV

I am just having lots of fun bashing the cast as usual

Sorry that’s my guilty pleasure 🙂

Nicks not so bad but something’s missing
I sense that he’s holding back .., more to be revealed

I used to work at Equinox in LA so u know all the hot young actors used to stroll by

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 1:36 pm

WOW Sylvie

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LisaMarieBowman July 9, 2013 at 2:10 pm

Speaking of hot, shallow people, I wish they’d bring back Paradise Hotel.

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HoH8 July 9, 2013 at 2:35 pm

Stra…u are my darling for answersing my question….now, i cant wait to watch Survivor…a million thanks… 🙂 ….

macy,,,,happy u loved the video….Wil is going to release weekly vids covering on what happened that week, this was his 2nd vid…he usually releases them every Mon… but u can subscribe to his channel to stay up to date…. 🙂 …..

Nick Eye Candy..ok Lisa and the rest of u that wants Nick for the Eye Candy…believe me that’s the first thing i look for when any BB season starts and found Nick as one of the few Eye Candy there……BUT… is something nobody has mentioned….he is GAY….isnt he???…or he must be still in the closet….so knowing he is gay or might be gay….kinda turned me off as a Eye Candy….. mind you, i will still keep eyeing him till he leaves….but the Candy part will go away, lol… 🙂 ….

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Bobo July 9, 2013 at 2:59 pm

Good job Lisa 🙂 I think we are beating a dead horse! CBS is not going to do anything!
Well I am happy that I can’t get BBAD this year, all of your feedback sounds that the show is so disappointing……. Thanks for all the updates……. :mrgreen:

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Mama Margie July 9, 2013 at 3:01 pm

The day begins with our central theme: TRUST. Howard has a bug up his ass and her name is Amanda. Howard tells RWB that he doesn’t like how close McRae is to Amanda. So on the agenda is that if they need to, they’ll simply dump McRae from the Moving Company and replace him. Howard nods and says they should replace him with a girl like Aryan nation (Lord help them all in that house). RWB likes this idea because he thinks Aryan nation is the strongest girl in the house. and maybe just as twisted in her mind as he is. RWB hopes it doesn’t have to come to that, but if it does, it’s no big deal. He thinks that McRae is acting out of sorts because he isn’t the type of guy who gets girls in real life. Now that he’s got one, he’s freaking out over her and not acting like himself. You see, RWB is a ladies man (and a legend in his own mind) and he knows all about these things.

So the morning continues uneventfully until we discover that Elissa has put Nick up in RWB place. The nominees for eviction are now Elissa, Helen and Nick. Nick’s reply to it all is to take a nap. Seriously, wake him up in 30 and then maybe he’ll talk to some people. Otherwise, shhhh. Shut off the lights and plug in the lavender-scented Air Wick and set the alarm for lunch time oh donot forget to put a DO NOT DISTURB sign on the outside of the door..

Elsewhere, the town racist, Aryan nation has found a shiny new thing to bitch about: Kaitlin. Aryan nation tells Amanda that she thinks the queen of UTI’s is becoming too emotionally attached to RWB and it is hurting HER game. Amanda asks Aryan nation what she thinks of Spencer because Spencer is beginning to freak her out.(he is also freaking out a lot of us outside the house) He may be a conductor but he fails to CONDUCT himself like a normal person so far. Aryan Nation shrugs her shoulders and says that she doesn’t really talk to Spencer, as she has no immediate need to but RWB does.

Aryan nation then gets wind of the fact that Elissa is telling various people in the house that Nick wanted her to target them. For example, Elissa would go up to Spencer and say, “Nick told me to put you on the block. Hnnmm Mnmmm.” And then she’d go up to J-U-DD and say, “You know, Nick wanted me to put you on the block. Hnnmm Mnmmm.” Aryan nation doesn’t like that Elissa has the nerve to lie to people. I mean, can you believe it! Lying in the Big Brother house… the horror! Seems her motto is do as I say do NOT do as I do. She farts her way up to RWB and tells him all about Elissa sneaky plan to turn everyone against Nick. RWB replies by scratching his u know what the little he can find of them, “I’m not worried about it.” RWB isn’t worried about anything. He’s going to win every week and toss everyone out of the house like a bad clam so why should he worry about anything? After all he is King of the hill (oy vey)

Aryan nation is worried though. She makes the rounds to everyone but has to freak out till Nick is up from his beauty sleep, or perhaps that is the only way he can get some rest like from GinaMarie who like is always whispering in his like ear, and like trying to climb all over like him. or there is Jessie who is Nicks shadow, I for one wonder what kind of cologne Nick wears, but wait when he is compared to the other so called men in the house he is the nicest looking

So like I have filled u in on a few tidbits

ciao till later

Mike, u r in my prayers and miss u lots



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LisaMarieBowman July 9, 2013 at 3:24 pm

HoH8 I’ve seen a lot of the speculation that Nick might be gay but I choose to believe that he’s just a non-threatening guy with a good body and who understands the importance of good grooming and who, instead of chasing after every girl he sees, is chivalrously waiting for a woman with the right combination of class, intelligence, and red hair. lol. 🙂

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 3:31 pm

<b<Lisa Marie, love the title and the storyline sounds great. I read sometimes 2 to 4 novels a week. I like a variety from historical fiction, biographies, best sellers, military thrillers and the list goes on. I take a break during BB but am considering starting one because this year is pretty pathetic IMO. :newtral:

Is this your first and when do you anticipate a release?

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 3:31 pm

OK, screwed up the bold once again. 😥

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trekadam30 July 9, 2013 at 3:32 pm

Check this out!

Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 8:58 AMMon, 8:58 AM
Message starred
from Ed King to you
Update about ‘CBS Television Network: To expel current contestant of Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries’ on
Show Details
10000 SIGNATURES!!!!!!!
You all made this possible. I still can’t believe that so many people got involved in this petition in the fight against racism and homophobia.
First of all, I got several messages (besides the nasty messages from Aaryn’s family) saying that it was sort of unfair that Aaryn was the only person on the petition. Other emails ask me to include Jeremy, GinaMarie and Spencer. Aaryn was the first one making racist and anti-gay comments. As soon as that happened I started to work in the petition, then the other house guests joined her and made awful comments as well but this petition was ready. I can’t change the petition once I gathered so many signatures.
Second, I’m trying to reply to each single email I get. I will get to everybody eventually but my email is full of messages right now. Thank you.
Third, CBS did nothing to resolve this problem. They didn’t even address the house guests and no comments were made by Julie on the live show. Last night, more racist and homophobic comments were made by Aaryn, Gina Marie and Jeremy.
CBS doesn’t care about our 10000 signatures but the BB’s sponsor will. Today we need to start “THE SPONSOR CAMPAIGN”
The “THE SPONSOR CAMPAIGN” can only be successful if you keep believing in us and keep helping us. Sponsors will be concerned after several hundred of people contact them, they won’t ignore us. Most likely they will contact CBS and tell them to take action on this. Another important aspect of the sponsors is for them to make a public statement against racism and homophobia. A public statement means media coverage and CBS WILL TAKE ACTION. We just need a few sponsors to come forward.
Big Brother has many sponsors but we should just focus in a small group of them. By doing this, we all approach the same sponsors and all of them get several complaints. If you have time to call, that’s a great way to bring this up to them and that gives you an opportunity to explain things with a lot of details. If not, send several emails and do not forget to flood with messages their Twitter accounts. Twitter is extremely important to spread the news to others who may don’t even know about this petition.
Feel free to use the following template to approach the sponsors:
To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing in regards to the CBS show “Big Brother 15” that is currently airing, which your corporation sponsors. Several contestants on this reality show, who are in line to win a HALF-MILLION DOLLAR PRIZE, have been spewing racial slurs about fellow African American & Asian American contestants as well as making anti-Semitic and homophobic statements. The hateful dialogue between the competitors has been shown via the show’s 24/7 live feed, but CBS is editing out all of these comments for the broadcast show which airs during primetime.

It is shocking that in 2013 such blatant discrimination is prevalent, but what is even more appalling is that CBS has done nothing to satisfactorily remedy this situation. “Big Brother 15” is enjoyed by viewers of all races, ethnicities and backgrounds as is your product. However, the lack of action on behalf of CBS is a slap in the face of viewers by choosing to turn a blind eye to this serious matter. It appears that CBS execs and producers neither value nor respect their minority or diverse viewership and in essence condone the demoralization of such groups.

Below are examples of a few (not all) of the racist comments/conversations from “Big Brother 15” which your company is sponsoring:

GinaMarie referred to welfare as “nigger insurance”; stated that Candice (an African American contestant) is on the dark side of the house “because she’s already dark.” Aaryn replied, “Be careful what you say in the dark, you might not see the bitch.” (Regarding Candice)
Spencer said that the medical torture conducted by Nazi doctors was beneficial and praised Hitler’s speaking abilities, even while acknowledging that he’d be criticized for that.
GinaMarie stated “[Her] fuc*ing blackness is coming out”,”Blacks, they stick together”, “They’re like tokens”
David stated that his smelly bed sheets are because of “black Candice.” Then he laughed about it. He continued, “They’re going to get that. That was totally racist.”
Aaryn said “She is the first Asian I know who doesn’t do nails,” referring to Helen, an Asian contestant.
Spencer referred to gay contestant Andy as, “Kermit the Fag”
Aaryn, in a fight with Candice, corrected her by saying “it’s asked, not aksed.” While grammatically correct, it was a dig at the variation of the word commonly used in African-American vernacular.
Aaryn, making fun of Asian-American contestant Helen stated “She should be kissing our ass and serving us rice”.
Aaryn, talking about Asian-American contestant Helen stated “Shut up and go and make so rice”.
GinaMarie, making fun of Asian-American contestant Helen said “Andy was like, ‘I’m gonna punch her in the face,’ and I was like, ‘Maybe that’ll make her eyes straight.'”
GinaMarie talking to a group of contestants about eliminating the Asian-American contestant Helen stated “Can I have my nails done first?”.
Aaryn talking to a group of contestants about eliminating the Asian-American contestant Helen stated “If she gets evicted one of us should say no happy ending for you”.
Jeremy said about Elissa “I bet you Elissa’s faggot ass is going to follow them”. Aaryn replied, “Queers”.
I ask that your company immediately issue a public statement and call on CBS to pull the contestants from the show who have exhibited such hate speech and who could potentially win a half-million dollars in spite of these actions. Your company must not silently stand by and allow such venom to be broadcast. If CBS does not pull the bigoted contestants, I ask that you suspend sponsorship until the issue is properly addressed.

The sponsors that we are going to approach are: Macy’s, McDonalds, Sears, Purina, Crest and Kia. Here their contact information:
Macys – Twitter @Macys
Holly Thomas, Communications Vice President, 646-429-5250

Robin Reibel, Group Vice President, Media Relations, 646-429-5329
McDonals – Twitter: @McDonalds
Office 630-623-6900

Danya Proud U.S. Media Relations Director

Ofelia Casillas U.S. Media Relations Manager Twitter: @ofeliacasillas
Kia – Twitter: @kia
111 Peters Canyon Road Irvine, CA 92606
Voice: 949-468-4800 | Fax: 949-468-4515

Howard Lim – Public Relations Manager
Office: (949) 468-1816 Cell: (949) 939-7671

Scott McKee – Director of Public Relations
Office: (949) 468-4813 – Cell: (949) 943-7064
Purina (Nestlé Purina PetCare) – Twitter: @purina
Keith Schopp, Public Relations – Phone: 314-982-2577 – Fax: 314-982-2752
Sears – Twitter: @Sears
Michele Casper – Senior Director of Public Relations
608.935.4633 Twitter: @LEprMichele

Molly Hawkins – Senior Public Relations Manager
608.935.6089 Twitter: @LEprMolly @LandsEndPR
Crest (PG Prducts) – Twitter: @Crest
Jeff LeRoy – Corporate Communications

Mandy Wagner – Corporate Communications
Office:513-983-6628 Twitter: @_MandyWagner

Mary Ralles – Corporate Communications
Office:513-945-4015 Twitter: @MaryRalles

Paul Fox – Corporate Communications

For us to be able to track the outgoing of this we should use the same hashtag #BBBoycott and #BB15
If anybody gets a response from a sponsor, please send me private message with subject: “SPONSOR REPLIED”.
By the way, we are international news.
I understand that you must invest some of your valuable time on this but we can win the war against CBS. Please help us. We care, not like CBS!
You all ROCK!!!

This message was sent by Ed King using the system. You received this email because you signed a petition started by Ed King on “CBS Television Network: To expel current contestant of Big Brother 15 Aaryn Gries.”

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Princess July 9, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Wow. Somebody seriously breached their confidentiality clause if Elissa knows how far Hayden got in the Survivor game. Somebody in production was asleep at the switch if that got aired on live feeds. CBS can’t seem to pull this all together this year!

Dorothy, I listed the names and contacts, including twitter, for the main BB sponsors on the previous page. You can contact them for any reason you want whether it’s the racist, homophobic remarks, the misogyny of Jeremy and Spencer, or the cheating incident.

I think if Aaryn and Kaitlin were to leave the house Jeremy would simply turn his attention to Jessie. That seems to be the only way she will get the attention she’s so desperate for. Ewwww. Sigh.

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 3:41 pm

Star thanks for the survivor spoiler. I don’t mind having it but Elissa is just clueless and doesn’t have what it takes for BB. What does it take? I think Jessie following Nick around reminds me of the blond (forget her name) who followed Malcolm and just stayed there while he was digging for the idol. They are pests and should be swatted.

I don’t see one redeeming quality in RWB, not even his looks. From day one I didn’t think he was anything special to look at and he’s proved that is true plus he’s probably a sociopath in real life. He’s like what is called a bully dog. It all has to do with training and it doesn’t look like he’s had any.

MM Wow, great info my dear. I can’t believe there’s lying in the house either. “The horror” 😆

Nick is just Nick IMO. If he’s gay, it makes no never mind to me. If someone is good to look at, what difference does it make about their sexual preference? Gay guys love good-looking women. I also believe he’s holding back and watching what plays out. He’ll prolly be safe this week dispite Elissa’s “lying” maneuvers. This show is just funny to me now. I have to just laugh at the mentality in the house because there isn’t any.

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Princess July 9, 2013 at 3:46 pm

Lisa Marie, your book sounds really inventive. I’m a huge fan of Diana Gabaldon so I love the idea of alternate realities in a novel. (Although hers are specific and limited to one version.) Good luck with working on and completing it! I’m looking forward to hearing more about it as it progresses.

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 3:49 pm

JT thanks for the clarification on Aaryn. Here’s what JT said in case anyone missed it on the previous post:

“Clarification: Aaryn did live in Colorado with her Mom… but only for 6 years. I think from 7th grade till she graduated high school. She did win Miss Teen Colorado while there. Then she moved back to Texas. She was born and raised in Texas on a ranch.
Either way, like I said before, no matter where you go there are great people.. and there are assholes. No one person represents any city, state, country, or planet for that matter. (Except that one dude from Neptune.. he was a real prick and made me biased against all Neptunians since) 😆 ”

Aaryn is still a piece of work who doesn’t have any boundaries. She’s been allowed to run loose like the lizard that she is.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 4:15 pm

Thank you trekadam30. I guess I’m a little challenged with some social media stuff…. what is “hashtag?” And what does this mean we have to do with it?

LOL – sorry I’m not up with the twitter and stuff like that but I CAN E-MAIL and possibly log into that “change” site with the help of a link.

Any assistance from my fellow BB Fans who are more experienced with this stuff?

Thanks so much 🙂

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Rich July 9, 2013 at 4:40 pm

Why hasn’t anyone hid Aarayn’s clown yet? Or put it with Howard, Ellen, or Candice’s stuff. I know Evil Dick and I would have by now.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 4:45 pm

OMG!!! I Just saw Aaryn and GM make the comment “sitting in the back of the bus!” They were talking about the different fish on each side of the tank! WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THESE GIRLS?!?!?


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macy 1231231 July 9, 2013 at 4:53 pm

PARADICE HOTEL – loved that show – sooo juicy – also forever EDEN (or something like that – not sure about the ‘forever’)

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 4:55 pm

I wasn’t paying too much attention to their stupid conversation (while I work) until I heard Aaryn explain to Kaitlin (I think that was her) that the “White Fish stay at the top of the tank and the Black ones stay at the bottom” – that is when GM chimed in with “it’s kinda like sitting in the back of the BUS!” Aaryn said “Too Funny GM”

I am a white person but extremely offended! CBS can’t you hear this crap? Uuuggghh How dare those two girls talk like that about ANYBODY! Hope Aaryn’s mom is proud of her. I imagine GM’s mom gave up on fixing her a long time ago.

Sorry guys, just fired up after hearing that…. it is on Camera 1 and around 2:41 pm you may have to adjust the minute before or after.

They are unbelievable!!!!!

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trekadam30 July 9, 2013 at 5:10 pm

@RMM: # equals hastag.

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Sylvie July 9, 2013 at 5:19 pm

These girls never stop it go they
I am French Italian wonder how trey would offend me?

They sound like they are from a different era and hyvtfsg I mean prejudiced era

It really hurts me and I feel for all my friends they are insulting

Who go they think they are?

Really line we font gave enough ugly things going on , do they need to create more pain with their senseless talk

And who taught them to be so disrispectul of human life !!!!

I hope they learn from this at some point snd apologize

Took young too shallow too spoiled ?

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 5:21 pm

Thank you trekadam30…… but what do I do with it? I want to help and put my complaint in but I need a little direction from you IT savvy people (LOL). Do you just mean to put the #BBBoycott and #BB15 in the subject field? OMG I really am computer friendly but somehow I noticed a couple of years ago technology was passing me by and it seemed everyone younger than me knew more.

I know I could ask my 10 year old or my 26 year old, but they would spend more time making fun of me than teach me.

Just tell me what they want us to do and I’ll do it :-)…. It’s okay for my BB fans to giggle a little bit or for those of you who are also a bit challenged …. sit back and let our friend trekadam30 guide us. (ha ha ha ha)

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HoH8 July 9, 2013 at 5:53 pm

RMM..Wow, u waited 16 yrs in between children?…thats a Big gap, i had all my 3 children in a 5 yr gap…then that was it, lol…they are all now in their 30’s and have given me 4 grandchildren with the oldest being my granddaughter who will be 11 this year…. 🙂 …..

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Mama Margie July 9, 2013 at 6:00 pm

Hope this will not be a problem that I have reposted what I read elsewhere
quite interesting and the beat goes on
love where spencers mom tries to make light of what her baby boy said

f you have been watching the Big Brother 15 live feeds over the last 2 weeks it is not surprising that a number of the house guests are going to get a rude awakening when they leave the big brother house. In particular GinaMarie was fired from her pageant job, Aaryn Gries was Dropped by her modeling agency and now Spencer is finding himself in hot water over his comments.

Spencer Clawson is employed by the Union Pacific railroad and they are speaking out about the comments he has made on the Big Brother 24/7 live feeds. He has made a number of offensive comments that have undoubtedly land him in hot water with his employer as seen from their official statement below. He has spoken about how he knows a high level manager at his employment which was how he got the job in the first place so it will be interesting to see if that person also has the same pull to help Spencer keep his job.

Some of the comments made by Spencer in the house include:
◾Andy “Kermit the F-g”
◾Spencer said that the medical torture conducted by Nazi doctors was beneficial and praised Hitler’s speaking abilities, even while acknowledging that he’d be criticized for that.
◾He has also referred to women as “Cu*ts”

His employer the Union Pacific Railroad representative states:

“The values represented by Spencer Clawson’s comments during the ‘Big Brother’ show do not at all align with Union Pacific’s values,” it said in a statement posted on its Web site.
“Mr. Clawson is on unpaid leave of absence while participating in ‘Big Brother.’ Union Pacific does not condone his comments.”
The company says it’s “acting in accordance with Collective Bargaining Agreement terms regarding Mr. Clawson” — stopping just short of saying they’re trying to can him.

TMZ reported what Spencers mom had to say about his comments in the house:

“Big Brother” star Spencer Clawson is not a Hitler-loving bigot — he’s just saying terrible things so his racist friends in the house will like him … so says Spencer’s mother.

TMZ spoke with Donna Clawson … who insists her son wasn’t showing his true colors when “BB” cameras caught him praising Hitler and referring to a gay housemate as “Kermit the f**.”

“Spencer really is a great guy,” she tells us … “This is not a guy that’s a bigot or a racist. And he’s not that way at home. He’s a great guy.”

So why would Spencer say such horrible things? Mama Clawson says her son is just trying to fit in with the racist, homophobic people in the house … because it’s the only way he can win the reality show.

“If you’re in a group, you go along with the group talk and that is what is happening with him.”

She adds, “This is a reality show. The purpose of the show is scheming behind each other’s backs.”

“Spencer might not be perfect but he’s my son. All those kids are somebody’s child. He’s a good guy.”

CBS Interactive Inc.
TMZ also spoke with Julie Chen who stated that she was offended by the comments made by the house guests.

Julie and her husband, CBS honcho Les Moonves, were leaving Craig’s in L.A. last night when we asked how she felt about houseguest Aaryn’s racist comments about Asians.

“Personally, I was offended,” Chen told TMZ … “I was offended by all the comments — the anti-gay, the anti-black, but especially the anti-Asian ones … for obvious reasons.”

Still, Chen says she’s hopeful Aaryn will be able to “change the way she thinks” after she leaves the BB house.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 6:02 pm

Yep HoH8 big gap between my girls……At 47 now it seems much harder to have a 10 year old than in my early 30’s…. but she keeps me young… well tries to any way (LOL). The awesome part is “a permenant babysitter” from my oldest…. LOL

Sadly those two are running circles around me in the this technology world….

I just herd Aaryn telling everyone she did many “hashtags” in HOH so I’m guessing it is something to do with blogging or twittering…. but I’m still not sure what it’s job is and why someone uses them. Uuuuggghhhh

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Ok I’m no longer desensitized. These guys can’t go an hour without spewing racism. They need to make them all have nots and put them all on the block together. They talk like f****** slave owners and oppressors. Klan Shit!

11:47 AM Kait: Jeremy’s skin is so hot; Aar: yea, he’s a Indian, they retain heat! NT

12:28 PM “Its a black man thing” Jeremy says about Howard trying to be dominate. “They have horrible communication skills.” NT

2:44 PM In HOH, Aaryn talks about white fish swimming up top & black fish swimming on the bottom. GM says “like the back of the bus.” NT

I am going to stop watching it. I will read up in blog and on Jokers, and if something good goes down I know plenty of people who tape it. However my t.v. And dvr will not be giving CBS any raitings until something changes. And I am 100% honest an pith that!! As sharp and to the point as a KKK dunce cap!

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 6:07 pm

*and truthful at that*

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Star July 9, 2013 at 6:22 pm

Hey Blogaders and love the blog as usual, LM!! 🙂
I do have to agree with you about Nick too. He is having the same effect on me as Dan did in S10. Didn’t think much about him at 1st, but as the show went on , he got cuter and cuter to me! I still say they are cousins!!! lol Nick is a model in RL so he must appeal to some people out there..with good taste, like us!!lol I was complaining about no male eye-candy in the house when BB started and so far, Nick is all we have! Totally agree with everyone’s assesment of Jeremy. He is the kinda guy you would have your 1st crush on. Until he crushes your lil heart by cheating with your BFF!!!! lol

SF….Your welcome for the Survivor info. It’s kind of major so I wasn’t sure I should even put it out there! But I am like you about Nick. I could care less who he sleep with. I just want to look..not touch!!!lol I agree he can’t be trusted, but he’s not a bad guy. He’s just using strategy…a foreign word to anyone else in the house!!!(Bullying does not count!!)

HoH8…glad I found that info for ya! I am kinda bummed now that Hayden doesn’t have a shot, but elissa could have been wrong too. Maybe whoever gave her the info knew she had a big mouth and lied to her!!lol I loved the vid link you sent too. I used to watch his vids last year after he ws booted and kind of forgot about them. Will have to start watching again. At least he got a lil something from being on BB!

Teresa….way back at comment 9…BBAD is NOT taped!!! It has it’s share of problems this year, but if you have the LFs, you can almost sync the audio with the show. I am wondering where we can complain that BBAD is not 3 hours as usual this year too. All the best sh*t happens around midnight and I am tired of having to go to the feeds if I want to continue watching! Anyone else? Or are most of you skipping the feeds this year cuz they are so FRUSTRATING??!!LOL

Here’s a tidbit from this morning……

Cam 3
Spencer: All the racial stuff I’ve been hearing doesn’t sit well with me.
Andy: Yeah.
Judd: That kinda stuff, I just wanna shake em.

AYFKM Spencer??? YOUR butt is one of the ones on the carpet..not to mention your job..for saying all the racial stuf you proclaim to hate so much!!!!! These people are so stupid, immature,fickle and liars it makes ones head go ’round just listening to all their drivel!!! But I can’t stop watching!! What would I b*tch if I did??? 😉

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 6:31 pm

You go Jane!!! I’m still shocked at these attitudes in this day and age and I didn’t grow up in a bubble, just a respectful and loving place. My grandmother always used to say that whatever you do, do it with dignity. I didn’t always succeed but I never forgot that advice. Those kids didn’t get any advice about human decency. I am flustered at CBS for not stopping it completely. They could you know. Besides the cheating that they let go.

Keep writing to CBS and giving them your disgust at the behavior on the show and that CBS is doing NOTHING to stop it.

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sylvie July 9, 2013 at 6:36 pm


How would Spencer or the others and I include Candice (Queer) come up with those words id they never used them before.
Not likely.

Also people who followed Hitler were no better than he was.

Spencer is fooling his MOM but nobody else, and what up with her the C ! word ????

She protects all she wants if he’s that esily influenced then that really too bad. he has no character and integrity.

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 6:40 pm

Thanks MM, love your tidbits. Thanks for taking the time to clue us in.

Star and the beat goes on and on and one. Thanks for the Spencer bit. He thinks he’s fooling someone or maybe his mother is right that he’s simply trying to fit in. That could possibly be true but could you fit in like that???? I wanted to like him but his true colors are now exposed. It’s RWB I don’t trust because he’s not trustworthy.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 7:30 pm

Right now Amanda is talking in HOH room to Aaryn and pointed out that she should be careful about the racist stuff and referenced the white/black fish….. Aaryn pretty much says she doesn’t say that kind of stuff……Aaryn is saying Candice is making all of this stuff up about her saying racist things….. OMG

When she said it there was only her, GM and Kaitlin in the room so one of them blabbed down stairs about those remarks.

I will LOVE to see Aaryn’s reaction when she gets out of the house…..
if you want to watch live feed : 4:48 pm camera 2

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Princess July 9, 2013 at 8:00 pm

OMG, that’s so funny. trekadam30 posted my exact post from yesterday that I referred Dorothy (and anyone else who’s interested too!) lol!

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Betty July 9, 2013 at 8:07 pm

RMM, Aaryn racial slurs are obviously in her make up and she probably actually believes that she is not making any racial remarks by how she addressed Amanda. The term for this is ‘involuntary speech’…in other words, she says these horrible things so much that she has become oblivious to what she is saying. No excuse!! It just shows she has been a racist and a bigot for a long, long time. I can’t help but blame her parents for this despicable behavior.

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 8:11 pm

@starfish i agree I wasn’t brought up like that either. As a matter of fact I was adopted from East Africa in the 70’s by a Caucasion couple before all this out of race adoption began. I’m with Julie, I haven’t heard these type of comments since the 70’s. however I do find it convenient that now she’s talking about it after a ratings drop and still adding no penalties. I question the motives. It should have been discussed and nipped in the bud immediately. But then again it didn’t faze me at first either, as I stated before I was desensitized. But now the comments are so frequent and down right horrifying that I almost feel slapped in the face. More so by CBS… What’s that old saying “If you don’t stand for something you will fall for anything”. Stand the eff up CBS or you might as well be the ones making the comments.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Betty, I AGREE! I definitely blame Mom & Dad! I’m a 1965 Baby and raised in the 70’s as well and I have to be honest, I wasn’t subjected to this language or such hatred. I didn’t even know it was going on and I was surrounded by other kids of all kinds of races. They were all my friends and we all did family things. It always STARTS with the Parents and what they kids hear growing up. Her parents should be around my age too. It’s such a shame! Either way, she is an adult and should know right from wrong and held accountable for her actions. I wonder if Julie will throw her under the bus at the very end when they are all together voting on who wins.

Has anybody seen any feedback from her parents or GinaMarie’s family or friends?
Just curious – interested in seeing what they have to say or they are hiding,

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Betty July 9, 2013 at 8:39 pm


If Aaryn does not make it to jury, I doubt she will come to the final show. I heard her parents were defending her by saying they are targeting their daughter, but Aryan BY FAR has been the most verbal. I hope when she comes out of the house to be interviewed by Julie that the entire audience boo’s her or does not clap!

I like reading your comments, they are not too long, just to the point. Good job!

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Rich July 9, 2013 at 8:53 pm

I agree that the slurs and insults are offensive. That being said, I also thought that this is a reality (the parts not rigged by CBS) show. I also thought that this is America and there is such a thing as free speech. Sadly the generation that is in the BB house this season is representative of that same generation out in the real world. This group is boring. What would all of you be commenting on if not their bad behavior? Maybe you would like a group of old wrinkled seniors in the house hiding someones walker or kicking out their canes from beneath them. This bad behavior is not shown on network tv but on cable and live feeds. It takes all kinds in this world and suppressing any of them would make this world a boring place.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 9:22 pm

But Rich I didn’t sign up to see them having sex, saying horrible racial slurs, and bullying…… I wanted to watch some serious strategy and perhaps an occastional argument because these HG’s are forced to be together and have no where to go. They did show some suggestions about the sexual things along with the racial slurs on the actual show which is why my daughter cannot watch it.

I understand the “Freedom of Speech” thing, but in my eyes That Does Not Apply To This, and Aaryn and all the rest of them have absolutely NO RIGHT to throw out racial slurs all while insulting all the viewers with different ethnic backgrounds. I’m pretty sure Aaryn’s job didn’t consider the “Freedom of Speech” thing when they booted her….why? Because she Did Something WRONG!

As for wanting old people, nobody said that. Back in the day BB had many different ages just so there was a balance and only a few of the “kids” were acting like idiots. But too it is fun to watch the young ones and the older ones compete for the money. My only thing is now I actually got an entire house (except for Helen) of Brats in Heat instead of better game play.

PS, my wonderful 90 year old Grandmother took offense to your “old wrinkled senior” comment….. but I told her No Worries, he is just exercising his “FREEDOM OF SPEECH!” (LOL)

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LisaMarieBowman July 9, 2013 at 9:23 pm

Conversation snippet from Aaryn and Spencer in the HoH Room about an hour and a half ago:

Aaryn says that she feels Candice is spreading rumors that she’s a racist. Aaryn feels like she’s being stereotyped as a racist by others because she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

(On a personal note, this is like me complaining about how people stereotype me as having a temper just because I have naturally red hair without also mentioning that I happen to be tempermental…)

Spencer: “If it makes you feel any better no one is believing the poison that she is spreading so don’t even worry about it.”

Aaryn: “She’s scared. People are always trying to make me into an ugly person.”

Spencer: “It’s a curse of beauty. They want you to have an ugly personality.”

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 9:26 pm

Rich, what I would like to be commenting on is there great strategy and game play. No other year has been like this and I’ve watched them all. Watching their manipulation of others because that’s the game would be great, not who can be the most offensive to other nationalities and genders. Even on cable, this is unacceptable. Free speech yes, but when you hurt others, it’s offensive and not acceptable. Plus, these idiots could get some nasty backlash when they leave the house for their insensitive, stupid behavior. If you think all 20 somethings are like this, then we’re in a world of hurt. However, I don’t believe that’s the case.

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 9:29 pm

RMM, you nailed it!! ❗

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Mama Margie July 9, 2013 at 9:32 pm

Maybe you would like a group of old wrinkled seniors in the house hiding someones walker or kicking out their canes from beneath them.
Rich, are u kidding me or what?
I maybe old, and I maybe wrinkled but I just want to say one thing
and in regard to that I was taught treat your neighbor as you want to be treated.
I do not want anyone to call me a ginney, wop, or mick
I am of Italian and Irish descent, no family is not Mafia and we are not drunks but that is how my heritage is looked upon, we were taught to respect all people.
I have no idea how old you are, but I was your age once and someday if you are lucky you will be the age I am now. I bet I have tablecloths older then you. And I like RMM’s grandma take offense
oy vey

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Becky July 9, 2013 at 9:32 pm

What would we be commenting on? We’ve found plenty about for the past 14 seasons of BB–I’m sure we would find something besides foul language to comment about this season, even with this group.

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 9:34 pm

Lisa Marie, is Aaron living in an altered reality or perhaps an altered state? Does she not know what comes out of her mouth? Spencer’s comment about “curse of beauty” nearly made me toss my cookies. Simply amazing, the girl is oblivious to reality. 🙄

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LisaMarieBowman July 9, 2013 at 9:37 pm

Don’t worry — not all twentysomethings are like the ones in the house. I’m 27 and these people do not represent me or any of my friends. Big Brother just did a bad job of casting this season, going for looks over personality, intelligence, or mental stability.

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Starfish July 9, 2013 at 9:39 pm

Yep, MM & Becky, you said it for sure!! Grandma’s Rock!

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 9:43 pm

Love it Mama Margie! And all of our group here with Common Sense! Thank you for the support. ….. Rich, you might be out-numbered!

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 9:47 pm

Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech are two different things. It’s called Ethics and Morals. Freedom of Speech is like the Bible, some people twist it and turn it to fit their selfish need to be right and say their actions are okay and yours are not. It’s a weak watery debate that any Ethical and Moral person can sniff out in a heartbeat.

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sylvie July 9, 2013 at 9:48 pm

Ok guys we are not supposed to be fighting but I agree , too much and the other HGs can’t really defend themselves since half the time they are not aware it’s happening.

Also CBC has rules about what goes on in the house and freedom of speech i get but this
is reflecting very poorely on a network and offendeing the viewers.

I expect that language from Howart Stern and he even controls himself when needed, I don’t believe freedom of speech is attacking poeple for things they have no control over.

This is NOT freedom of speec it’s mean spirit as it’s dumbest!

We are suppose to watch them strategise, and maybe undermine another player or backdoor them.

By the way I know lots of young people who don’t act this way and this doesn’t reflect well on today’s youth.

So i wouldn’t generalize, just a very WEIRD combination of horrible people.

Going on the ellyptical before i vent more… dad passed away in January at 84 and no wrinkles…….just a great looking, happy and loving Italian dad and inventor

I am taking a few days off and coming back when CBS decide to intevene

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 9:49 pm

Typo… I meant its called having Ethics & Morals

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 9:52 pm

@sylvie stay on the blog and stay off CBS! I’m still reading jokers I just don’t want my TVs giving even a point to their neilsons ratings.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 9:59 pm

Starfish 🙂

Lisa I agree, my 26 year old daughter would NEVER even consider acting like those idiots! I must have raised her well!

I would have zero tolerance for that behavior that if I was Aaryn’s mom, I would charge through that BB door, grab my child by the ear (just for the effect of embarrassing her) and drag her home. … Then make her watch every episode, live feed, and America’s reaction to her behavior!

Yes I know I’m dreaming, but you can guarantee I would figure out a way to get in there and grab those lobes…….LOL

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Princess July 9, 2013 at 10:00 pm

Lisa Marie, the curse of beauty? OMG! There are women in this world who are beautiful until they open their mouths. Aryan is on of them. As far as Paradise Hotel, that was pure, unadulterated hook-up sleaze – and fun to watch. It didn’t pretend to be something it wasn’t.

I keep going back to the comment you made in your blog about Aryan being so angry about Elissa getting an extra night in the house. And when she realizes this is now the permanent BB schedule for the summer I’m sure she will be convinced that somehow Elissa “made” CBS change the entire programming schedule because she wanted one more night in the BB house with people who bully and hate her. I could almost feel sorry for Aryan and the extent of the delusion she is under regarding herself. Almost. Nah. Not even a little. I tried. She is one damaged, defective human.

Star, BBAD is taped for those of us on the west coast. They tape from 9pm to 12pm BB time but it doesn’t air out west until midnight. It’s always been like that. It’s a live show, just tape delayed on the west coast.

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 10:04 pm

I’ve heard the argument that “this is what we sign up for when we watch big brother” too often in cyberspace! The hell it is!! I want to see game play and backstabbing! If I want to hear racist back of the bus remarks Id borrow Dr. Emmet Browns DeLoren and set it for December 1st, 1955! And don’t get me started on the Homophobe slurs! Like seriously who someone loves is none of my business! In this world I’m just glad love still exists!

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Jane July 9, 2013 at 10:06 pm

@RMM wouldn’t that be awesome for one of their moms to do that!! Now that would be good tv!!!

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Princess July 9, 2013 at 10:09 pm

I find it exceptionally telling, and frightening, that Aryan’s parents seem to be defending her. I’m also concerned about Spencer’s mother’s statements but he’s older than Aaryn.

If her parents do not help her with the reality of what she is doing she will never grow beyond the limited emotional scope she has demonstrated in this house. No one else’s conversations or concerns are of interest to her. Only how it affects her game. What she wants. Me, me, me. Tiresome. That’s one big reason why BB isn’t entertaining this year.

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RMM July 9, 2013 at 10:09 pm

Yes Ma’am it would be great!! Jane

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HoH8 July 9, 2013 at 10:40 pm

Since Aaryn is the talk of the town…here is her HOH Blog from today:… read it at ur own risk, lol…. 🙂 ….

POSTED ON JUL 9, 2013 10:55AM

Hey Y’all! It’s your current HOH and BB Bunny, Aaryn! This week has been great for me. I couldn’t have asked for a better time to be in this position. Going into this HOH competition, I knew I had to win in order to secure my safety. Things weren’t looking too good! David leaving was extremely hard for me, and it caused me to question every person in this house. Being around someone 24/7 for even just 13 days creates a bond that is painful to break cold turkey! Thankfully I have been able to see things more clearly now that I have received a wakeup call. I have changed my game completely and am realizing what I need to do that I previously wouldn’t have thought twice about. After all, this is a G.A.M.E, and I need to be reminded of that often. I have a fireball personality and am one of the most up front people you will ever meet, and that is hurting my game. There are pros and cons of every move we make in this house, and the best I can do is what I’m doing. I’ve learned a lot about life in just 19 days, and no matter what happens I will be forever grateful for that (no matter how many times I’m sassy) .

Now, about my nominations… I know the Brenchel fans aren’t happy with me, but I hope you all get to see that I tried more than once to align with Elissa. She has a personal vendetta against me and it is in my best interest to see her walk out the door on Thursday. I hope you all can respect that this game means a lot to me, and not even the sister of someone whom I was a super-fan of is going to come in-between that. I have a lot of respect for Helen, but she is highly responsible (along with Elissa) for David’s eviction. He deserves to be here and I miss him every day. For those of you who don’t know yet, Helen and I now play for the same team (secretly)… so don’t doubt me just yet! I have turned a lot of things around this week thanks to my partner in crime, Jeremy, and I know I wouldn’t be writing this if it weren’t for him. I’m enjoying the HOH luxuries, but the greatest gift in this game is safety. Having one week to relax and get your s*** together is truly priceless. The only thing that would make this HOH better is not having to share a bed with Jerelin (Jeremy and Kaitlin)… AWKWARD! Before I go, I just want to let my family and friends know that I think about them every day and miss them more than words can explain. XOXO


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Jane July 9, 2013 at 10:43 pm

Re: Aaryns HOH Blog… Coached much? Who wrote that for her?

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Bobo July 9, 2013 at 10:55 pm

Hey Starfish What about Grandpas ❓ ……………….. :mrgreen:

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Mama Margie July 10, 2013 at 12:30 am

watching bbad and I just added Jessie to my wish they would pass a kidney stone list.
what is wrong with these people?
Jessie is telling her dream which in my opinion is just a story she made up and wants some attention so she is saying how she likes this guy “let’s call him T”
they r at a dance and she sees he is dancing somehow this girl has a ‘”retarded”brother and this is funny somehow to some of these slime balls, someone asks u mean like in down syndrome? she laughs yes and Aryan nation find this funny I am so ready to toss my water bottle at the tv.
I take this personal my grandson Nicholas has down syndrome he is 18 grad high school with honors and has a job he is very high functioning. well I guess the joke is on Aryan nation and ginamarie he will still have a job and they will not, wonder how funny it will be for them when they find out.
I guess the best part of these slime balls ran down their daddys leg I am so pissed I could spit nickels.
I best close puter, close tv before I make myself crazy, sorry guys for the rant but I have had it with these idiots.

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Starfish July 10, 2013 at 1:12 am

RMM & Jane, I would love to see a mother storm in there and drag her bratty daughter by the lobe or hair right on her a$$ out the door. Now that would be entertaining!! They deserve no less but will receive more when they exit either way. 😆

Bobo, of course I love Grandpas too. They put you on their lap and tell you how pretty you are and they kiss you and they love you a lot! Grandpas Rock too for sure!

HoH8, while I was reading that definitely scripted post from Aryan I realized my jaw had dropped open. I was in such shock at the drivel from that narcissist pig. That’s what she is. The world revolves around her beautiful self donchaknow. Gag To try to convince Branchel’s fans that she’s just playing her game and then lie. Doesn’t she realize she’s on 24/7 and we know she’s lying? There’s not enough negative adjectives to describe this terrible bad seed of a child even in Sal’s dictionary.

MM, rant away my dear. She’s in her own dream world for sure. I can’t wait for her to wake up and go.

This isn’t really a game anymore. So sad. 🙁 They’ve ruined our show.

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Madisonchris July 10, 2013 at 3:45 am

Hey Everyone,
I have just a few thoughts. Aside from all the racial slurs which i completely need to be properly addressed, don’t forget about the threat!

Jeremy has threatened to cut two people’s throats and also stated he would cut one if the houseguests balls off! That is harassment, threatening, and unacceptable according the By-Laws of the game, aren’t they?

Also Aaryn laughing about killing a fish and them adding “we should kill one every week as a houseguest leaves!” Is that CBS BB acceptable? Killing pets?

Please EVERYONE keep on CBS and their sponsors! I am praying to hear on Thursday Julie Chen the will be NO BOTE this week because these two houseguests are being evicted due to their actions and words in the house! (A girl can dream !).

I also beg CBS to film Aaryn receiving the information that her Modeling Agency hd released her from her contract! PLEASE OH PLEASE CBS, just for me!

I love you all and enjoy this blog more then the actually show these days! Keep it up Lisa Marie! Fantastic job getting us going! And keep us posted on you book!

Bless you all

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Mary Dianna July 10, 2013 at 7:12 am

Greetings – After being fasinated with BB1, each season I looked forward to the show. This year the cast has caused me to go cold turkey and give it all up. Easiest thing I have had to give up! I love this blog and will continue to read as I BB fan. I can’t believe that a major studio would align their name to such filth and garbage – shame on you CBS.
They could still turn this around and gain tremendous support and fans for all their shows by taking a stand. BB Canada took away an HOH and some VETO’s for enfringment of rules and it made the game more interesting to the viewer.

I truly enjoy this blog and would like to thank LisaMarie – cheers to all!

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franniep2 July 10, 2013 at 7:17 am

I don’t care for anything these idiots have said, but again the whole point of the show is a social experiment. As bad as these people are (and they are the worst I’ve ever seen on this show) what’s happening is exactly what the producers want. What happens when you put people of different backgrounds, ethnicities, religions, etc. in a house together while cut off from reality. There are people like them in this world, we may not like it, but racism does exist. Now we need to let it play out and see how the others handle it. Let the good ones get the bad ones out. Personally I’m rooting for Helen or Andy, but I’m very happy too see how Howard has handled the whole thing. He has shown great restraint & a whole lot of class, good for him!

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franniep2 July 10, 2013 at 7:23 am

With a “game” like this the good ones don’t win – it will be sickening to see any of these vile beings be awarded a cash prize, but it will be fun to see some of the bad ones leave. I’m waiting for that day to come when Aaryn, Jeremy and GM get the boot!

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aggie27 July 10, 2013 at 7:32 am


Good points, I agree I like Helen and Andy and some others as well, but unfortunately the rotten apples stick around way too long and sometimes end up a winner, i hope the right ones goes but it usually doesn’t happen that way

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franniep2 July 10, 2013 at 7:42 am

@ Aggie

That’s so right….we will see our favs leave one by one. That’s usually the way this crap works out for us. 😉 L8R my dear, and give Mama Bear a hug from me.

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franniep2 July 10, 2013 at 8:13 am


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hpr56 July 10, 2013 at 8:33 am

Wow. I really didn’t believe that the MVP was set up for Elissa. Well, I didn’t want to believe it anyway. I was definitely wrong. I went to the sites to complain. We will see if it does any good. I am a white person but I have so many friends that are different races and I love them all. I never look at their eyes or the color of their skin or anything else. They are just my friends. The way these houseguests talk is so offensive. I watched Julie Chen’s comments on “The Talk” and I think she handled it well, but it was too nice. I would never tolerate the behavior I have seen on the show from any of my kids. NEVER.

RMM: I also have gaps in my kids ages. But I’m a 1947 “Baby Boomer” Mama. My oldest is 46 then 44. Then I have one who just turned 36. Followed by 26 and 24. There are days they keep me young and then days when I feel like they turned me old. It was even more so when they were young. It was funny having them go to school with kids from friends of my older kids. Life is a challenge.

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KB15 July 10, 2013 at 8:47 am

I vote to evict …. AMERICA
I mean Elissa
Then the “we vote without thinking” national audience will be forced to vote for a HG who slightly more deserves the extra nom power.
Does anyone think Julie Chen will ever admit to being offended by Aaryn’s asian slurs?
I hope she confronts Aaryn about them as soon as Aaryn is booted from the BBH.

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KB15 July 10, 2013 at 8:53 am

Thanks hpr56!
I found a link to Julie’s “The Talk” talk about Aaryn et al here:

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Rich July 10, 2013 at 5:29 pm

In response to my comments from yesterday. I stated that the racial slurs are offensive, so lets get that straight. There has always been sexual innuendo on this show, especially on BBAD and the live feeds. It is CBS’s mistake to pack the house with everyone (more or less) from the same generation. I find these houseguests pretty typical to people of this age group outside the house (the me generation). By the way, I’ve been watching BB since the start also, as I’m one of the wrinkled old seniors. Tell your grandma I said hi and if I wasn’t happily married for 40 years she might be fun to date. People tend to have short memories, there have always been houseguests of questionable behavior each year. Though this year it seems to be excessive. What I was suggesting underneath it all is that the complaining and letter writing and calling of the sponsors is just as boring as the bad behavior exhibited by this group of houseguests. How do you know for sure that some of this is not strategy by a few and others joining in to fit in? What people should be upset with is the manipulation of the game by the producers. How many times have you seen someone that absolutely needed yo win HOH or POV pull it out of their a$$. What do you think goes on in the DR? My guess is the houseguests are being manipulated to vote a certain way. Also as the game progresses the challenges seem to be tailor made to fit the strong points of those that CBS wants to stay in the game.

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Maxie July 10, 2013 at 10:44 pm

Love you mama margie….love! love! Ok…what makes everyone think Aaryn’s parents are upset or disappointed in her behavior? What about the possibility that she is just a reflection of them? She has probably grown up with these terrible attributes. (The same for the others) Just a possibility.
I also wrote to CBS….for what it’s worth.
Haven’t watched tonight’s episode so I don’t know what happened. I do think it would be good for Elissa to go. Just so it could be down to real competitors with no “sister fans” to pull them along. I personally couldn’t stand Rachel’s voice and her crying and so much more. Then they can start picking off the bad seeds..hopefully.

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