Hey, y’all,
I love America!
Seriously, I know that this country has its problems. Between Detroit going bankrupt, drones being used to execute American citizens, and this economic recovery that I keep hearing about but have yet to see any evidence that would prove its existence, it’s easy to get down on America.
But sometimes, America gets it right.
Case in point:
Yesterday, it was revealed that America had selected Amanda as the third nominee!
Naturally, Amanda freaked out and blamed Howard. That’s not surprising because there’s nothing that Amanda doesn’t blame on Howard. If it rains tomorrow, Amanda will probably blame it on Howard. What’s sad is that the majority of the houseguests will agree with her because, as we’ve seen, this season’s cast struggles when it comes to thinking for themselves.
(What’s especially funny is that Amanda is still insisting that it couldn’t have been America who nominated her because “America loves me!”)
It was a lot of fun to watch Amanda panic. I’m convinced that Amanda is one of the most overrated players in Big Brother history. Any other season, Amanda would have been voted out already. This season, Amanda’s just been lucky enough to find herself in the house with some of the weakest players in the history of the show.
When you take a realistic look at Amanda, she is a player who has never come close to winning a competition, obsesses over players — like Howard and Candice — who are not threats, has alienated almost everyone on a social level, and is currently having a showmance that should have put a huge target on her back. What I’m saying is that if Amanda was on a season with Dan, Jeff, Jordan, Dr. Will, Rachel, or Evel Dick, she would have been voted out of the house a long time ago.
The players in the veto comp where Aaryn, Amanda, Spencer, Howard, Jessie, and Candice. Not surprisingly, Amanda’s post-veto strategy was to threaten Jessie and attempt to intimidate her into using the veto on Amanda. However, the threats were kinda pointless since Spencer’s the one who won the veto.
Now, as proud as I am of America, I’m less proud of the houseguests because it looks like they’re going to waste a perfectly good opportunity to vote out Amanda. Instead, it looks like Aaryn is going to nominate Candice as a replacement for Spencer and Howard will be voted out of the house on a 8-0 vote.
That said, this week should, at the very least, remind the houseguests that Amanda is not untouchable. Hopefully, the BB producers will continue the America-As-MVP twist for at least one more week and we’ll get another chance to nominate Amanda.
Seriously, Amanda needs to go.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
WooHoo, I made numero uno unless I didn’t and someone else is typing at this very minute. Now to finish reading. Thanks LM!!
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I’m never first!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------better go read!
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@Holly looks like we tied. We hit the submit button at the same time: 11:44. 😆
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lol@ Starfish! I was wondering why it took so long to post! It was waiting for you to be #1!!
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We did it again. I wondered why it took so long too. The second time was the same. Took a few seconds. Ok, now I’ll read. 😀
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okay all caught up! What up peeps!
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It’s too bad Spencer the ugliest pig ever, won POV. It’s also too bad Candice will prolly go up in his place instead of say Elissa. I don’ think Elissa was meant for this game but every once in awhile we see a spark . Showmances need to be split up asap and yes, this is a pretty weak bunch of peeps ever!
Also, I love America too and I hate to be the one to suggest this but please, oh please let’s not comment on any personal political beliefs. It could hurt us and we’ve been so good about keeping it mostly BB and other TV shows. Justasuggestion. 🙂
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What in the sam hill is wrong with America, dumb butts voting for Amanda when they should be voting for Elissa she is the problem. WAKE UP AMERICA!!
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I would prefer Elissa to go before Demanda due to the latters entertainment value when she isn’t all over McCreepy! I still don’t get that coupling………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I must have skimmed over any political nonsense since it doesn’t have a place here and could only lead to MANY BB style arguments and this is my entertainment, not a debate!
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I should have said it really doesn’t matter this week as Howard is history!! Now what/who will Demanda bitch about? That’s the real question
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If BB influences the game you’d think they’d suggest that Arryn the racist best not put up Candice. That would look so bad!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This may be the best time ever to remove Amanda and if any house guest has a brain they would get her out. Helen thought about it but talked herself out of it.
I still don’t see Howard as a threat and it looks like a witch hunt to me.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but last season with all our complaints was better. I’d take a few BB veterans with a brain right now.
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Sad sad BB show ~ most of the time it is booooring to watch the showmances between Amanda and pizza boy ~ will they really xist outside of the house ~ honestly I will put $$$ they wont ~ lives are way too different ~ honestly I would love to see Candice up on the block since her voice and her are getting annoying ~ next Helen ~ miss power tripper since she won that HOH ~ after that Aaryn ~ let her feel the wrath America has for her bigoted comments ~ Howard yes he can go since he creeps me out using religion and swearin on a bible to prove his point…….his remarks are not as Christian as he thinks….Spencer well lets see one word – PIG ~ nuff said on him ~ GinaMarie as mouthy as she is at least she puts a spark in the place ~ as for a game player NOPE just entertainment nothing more ~ Andy is in the know ~ has been under the radar and actually I hope he takes it to the end…Judd hmmm a little laid back country boy that will speak up when necessary also a little under radar ~ Jess hmmm very weak player ~ just saying my take on houseguests
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Really trying to get into it this year but can’t seem to.. I don’t have
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Any favorites but there r a few of them I can’t stand..
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THANK YOU AMERICA!!!!!!!!!! to no avail im sure – but sooo glad amanda has been taken down a notch or two….YEEHAW!!!
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I guess I’m in the minority but I like Amanda though I don’t understand the hook-up with McCrae. However, I will say I don’t have the live feeds and trying to watch BBAD is just painful. Between the bleeping and the whispering, it is impossible to follow a conversation. I think Judd and Amanda are my favorites. Thanks to LM and everyone else for keeping us without the live feeds informed on what is going on in the house.
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I think Helen was on the right track and I hope later this week she will rethink the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda and Aaryn situation and start campaigning for Amanda to go..It would
be a huge move and shake up the house and this seasom might save itself yet!
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so glad Amanda got put up for eviction ~ never liked her, she’s way too pushy ~ hope she goes home.
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hopefully demanda gets the hint that someone some where wants her out out out
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------would love to see her face when she finds out America does not want her in the bb house, will be hard for her to believe, but dermanda IT IS WHAT IT IS, according to America you suck
on live feeds judd and lady mcbeth are tossing around who should stay and who should go, frankly in my opinion lady mcbeth (Helen, aka camp director) has too much say, I hope they take this chance to get demanda out then elissda and or aarynation.
ciao for now guys, LM as always good post u rock
hugs to all
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oops forgot to mention demanda will find someone to pick at and torment and if howard is gone it will be Candice, mark my words on this one,
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here my thought have a twist and America vote Amanda out of the house come CBS let people take the blame (lol)
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Because Amanda was voted for by America will be reason enough NOT to continue the MVP vote. Unless they change it back to the way it started and hope Amanda haters screw up like they did on Elissa.
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GM and Ellisa are super annoying. I cannot believe GM held any type of normal job, prior to her getting fired. She conducts herself like an embarrassing fool. Ellisa is so fake. She is rude and clueless. Aaryn is in a league of her own – she should have been evicted by CBS. All of the rest I can take or leave. My 2 cents on the show so far for what it’s worth. Thanks for the blogs Lisa Marie! They are informative and insightful. Happy Sunday All!
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@holly, McCreepy how perfect is that. Me too, Elissa first but she’s not on the block. But I would like to see Spencer go before her. Amanda is entertainment value but it’s maddening whereas when GM tries to use big words, she’s really funny.
@Tigz – you said it! That was great!
@MM, it will be hilarious to watch Amanda’s face when she realizes we don’t “LOVE” her. I don’t think I want her out before a few others who are simply obnoxious.
@BridgetteF, that’s to the point and right on. Everyone in the house is “super annoying” most of the time. No brains as someone said above.
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Well, it’s a long time between now and Thursday, and I see signs of a flip germinating through the house, so only time will tell.
At this point I’m contemplating the bigger philosophical picture on possible life lessons each guest is currently learning..
Aaryon .. being pretty on the outside matters little when you’re ugly inside.
Amanda .. life is not under your control and you need patience to accept that.
Candice .. stick to fighting your own battles and know you won’t win every one.
Elisa .. the world doesn’t revolve around you and not everyone has a chance at a privileged lifestyle.
GM .. quit trying too hard to be the funny hang with the guys gal, you’re not funny your ignorant.
Helen .. you’re not the camp director, you’re playing a game, and no, we can’t all get along. Speak less listen more.
Jessie .. stand up for yourself and speak you’re truth, don’t just follow others.
Andy .. loose loops will sink your ship. And grownups don’t shop at Gymboree.
Howard .. living faith is harder than having faith. If you speak it but don’t live it others will persecute you.
Judd … have confidence in your convictions and trust your few words have weight.
McCrea .. life is more than pizza and showmance.
Spencer .. you can’t hide the ugly and women are not butterscotch candies.
Just my opinion, I could be wrong!! 😉
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Your assessment of all, not almost all, of the house guests is dead on accurate. Welcome to the blog!
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Howard .. living faith is harder than having faith. If you speak it but don’t live it others will persecute you.
Well stated and so true!
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@Kimj, you’ve been dead on in your least few posts at least for me. 🙂 Your McC comment is actually sad. It’s obvious that manchild has brains but just has an I don’t care about squat attitude. It’s probably the first time a pretty woman has ever paid any attention to him. IMO I too would like to see Jessie start playing but she’s a follower for sure. As for Spencer, oh that’s perfect, he can’t hide the ugly that is him to the core!!!
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@KIMJMJ, deadly accurate view of the Hg’s!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Starfish, he IS McCreepy! lol
I’m still not wild about Harry in ANY way shape or form!
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I want Amanda and McCrae to both make jury. If she is evicted too soon BB will become absolutely boring! I shutter to think of Helen being in charge of the house, as all we will see is a nursery school teacher dealing with bratty kids! I hope Helen and Elissa are both put up on the block soon! Helen and Elissa are both tap dancing on my last nerve.
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kimjmj & Tigz & My daer Margie You all gave me a great big smile 🙂 !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi all my fellow Bloggers & my good friends, great to see you all today ♥……..
I had some extra reading to catch up on, I am glad to see A up! She should go, but the girls want all the guys out! When you can see them on the live feeds they are all quit a bad bunch of people 😯 CBS did such a great job on there picks this season 🙄
Well that’s all I got to say about that! My mother always said Stupid is as Stupid does!
See you later………………..
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Loved your post Lisa Marie. I was surprised at America’s choice. I thought it would be GM. I didn’t bother to vote this time. (Sad, I know!)
I find Amanda’s reaction amazing. She believes she’s friendly with everyone, has deals to the end with almost everyone except Howard, “knows” she’s loved by the houseguests for her infinite wisdom and well thought-out counsel and, of couse, America loves her. Yet she is absolutely terrified to be on the block. Paranoid and distressed. Why? If everyone except the unknown MVP who so obviously has it in for her loves her, where is her fear and all her paranoia coming from. She knows everyone likes McCrae. Maybe a whiff of introspection has blown her way and she’s beginning to realize she’s not as popular as she believes. Maybe the many times McCrae told her to tone it down and that she was coming across as a bully have finely taken root in her shallow soil (or soul).
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Princess I don’t remember you from the past but I am glad you are here! I always look to see how you think and comment on things…. Thank you!
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I don’t know if the producers will actually let Howard be evicted while Aaryn is HOH. It will be a pr nightmare! Wanted Elissa gone but will happily see Amanda walk out the door..
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@Princess, Amanda is shallow (shallow soil 😆 ) and I can’t understand her paranoia about Howard. JT, said something similar too. Understanding why she’s paranoid is like trying to figure out why BB cast such a bunch of dumbos. 😛
How ya doing Bobo?
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So, what is this the Starfish and Holly Show now… thank God for Jani coming on to break that up… Learn to Skype, you two.
Nice to see PK, all puckered up and being nice.
Why is everyone hating Amanda? I thought she was pretty cool, what little I saw of her. She was hardly on last show, which is the first I’ve seen since the first two. And everyone is on Helen’s case too… Is there Anyone in the house the BBB’s like?
I love Double M’s nicknames.
I agree with Betty for once (history making, I know)… Elissa is getting to be too much, but disagree re: Helen… her perkiness in the DR is phony and not like the Helen I first saw… but I still like her.
Looking forward to some Bikini action tonight… but I think the best bod was eliminated last time.
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Wow Maggie Long, tell us how u really feel!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Logging onto this site is a choice. If we’re so annoying to you feel free not to bother!
Hey Ted, bought time u showed up!
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@PK, Starfish, Holly, Bobo, thanks. I’m very into human nature and that’s probably why I love BB so much, the chance to voyeur and see how people can really be, because let’s face it, they know the cameras are there but no-ones facade can hold up for that long.
@Ted, I was team Amanda from night one, but she has gotten too pushy, demanding, and paranoid. I think McCrea will play a much better game when she goes. I don’t get why all the gunning for Howard saying he’s a competition beast, he’s won nothing except one ? have not, and any viewer can tell you big and musclebound doesn’t translate to bb comp wins, too many are mental and crapshoots.
So once again we are at the smart vote Amanda (who knows when they’ll get the chance again), the vengeful vote Howard (MC backlash still), and the “can’t take it anymore” vote for Candice, who’s biggest fault seems to be her voice and being loud in the mornings. With about 100 hours left until the vote anything can happen!
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@Maggie l I’ve been called worse and was expecting worse but it was funny to us. So, if you don’t like it, simply choose the greatness of the American way and make a choice not to log on as Holly suggests and we can make the choice not to care! 😆 Afterall America did vote Amanda to be next on the block so America did have some input!
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@Ted, it was just one of those mornings and it happened. Yea, and to keep me and Holly in sinc today, “bout time you showed up” 😆
It’s a long time before eviction and I’m agreeing with you all that anything can happen. If someone flips the house to vote out Amanda, that would be ok by me as I have no favorites this season but I don’t think she’s the one who needs to go next. On the other hand, they have a chance and they should take it to get a strong play out like they did Kaitlin if they are smart. Since we can’t count on them being smart, they’ll probably vote out Howard who has not contributed much to the game one way or the other.
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Maggie Long — Staying bitter just makes you look silly and kinda stupid. You should try to stay supple. 🙂
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You go LMB……………..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey Starfish ♥
Ted , you back home yet? ………
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Go, go LMB! Some people just should take your advice and simply stay supple! Wow, feeling extra harried by the strange commentator who likes to fly by, drop shit and fly off on her broomstick!
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On the plus side, BB in less than 2 hours!
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Broomstick! 😆
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I honestly hope Amanda goes. If anybody in her alliance hopes to win this game, she’d better go while they have the chance to get rid of her.
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Just a test to see if I added my avatar right…
So Jessie just told Spencer the order is Howard, Candice, Aaryon, then Spencer.. wake up people, are you going to take it lasting down for 10th place???
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Woot woot, it worked..
And laying down, grrr.. 😉
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Where can I find the Eviction Interview with Jeff Schroeder and Kaitlin. What site–or did they not have one?. Help!
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I see last time Maggie quit reading here “for good” …… “for good” meant “for a few days”. They always come back.. despite what they say.
Ted, you’ve had the luxury of not seeing Amanda except for a few shows on CBS. I would like her much better with limited exposure as well.
kimjmj, As much as I want Aaryn & Spencer out, I also want to see some good moves and the drama from them. Made no sense to me when Aaryn was talking to Howard before her noms. She said she knows the 4 of them will be picked off one by one (Herself, Howard, Spencer, GM)… then she added “Unless we win HOH” 😯
She was/is HOH! 😆 Making a move would be risky if you had something to lose.. but to me, some of them have no other choice (other than to play for 10th place I guess) 🙄
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I found this Funny Post elsewhere…remember the Dr Will & Boogie phone call routine, this is from that story we read bout DeManda knowing Grodner and to go with LisaMarie’s America was Smart, lol…. 🙂
Will: Ring …. Ring…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Boogie: Hey Will, what’s up?
Will: Not much. I created a fake Facebook profile and said I worked on Big Brother.
Boogie: Oh really?
Will: Yeah. I said Amanda was friends with the producer and that she has already chosen Amanda to win this year.
Boogie: Wow. That is bold.
Will: What really is bold is America believes it and put Amanda on the block!
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JT You got to laugh at 😆 HoH8 Phone stick! …….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Very good!!!!
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Live chat with Kaitlin is on youtube now for those who couldn’t watch on the other place.
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Good one Hoh8. Those two were really funny even tho I didn’t much care for Boogie.
@chi-town, you can go to Cbs.com and it’s on there. The link is in a couple places on the last post too.
@Holly – broomstick 😆
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@JT, I’m with you, personally speaking I’d love to see Aaryon, Spencer, and GM out, but I never understand on any of these shows when a group of people know they are at the bottom and just acquiesce to the situation instead of going for a power move. It does take a majority of votes, and the remaining offended player can’t take them all out at once..
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Bobo, HoH8 didn’t say what site she got that from… but yes, funny.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And pretty much what I’ve been thinking. I did write that whoever put that letter on FB was sitting back and laughing.. I just didn’t know it was chilltown 😆
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@HoH8, hilarious! Can totally picture them doing that!
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If Amanda is truly a friend & fave of production (I don’t believe it personally). Then MVP will end on Thursday.
No way would production let us put their fave on the block again… especially after Howard is gone.
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Going to go & watch some TV…..See you all later…. Bye for now!!
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ur welcome everyone…glad u enjoyed it…. 🙂
JT…the ChillTown stick was a Joke and Not real…it was made-up….But that story bout Demanda being friends with Grodner sounded like a Fake also but u never know, right…lets see if the truth will come out at the end… 🙂
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what’s with the wolf?
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HoH8, I know it was made up 😆 ….I didn’t really think Mike & Will posted that on FB 😆
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i just wanted real quick to tell u that Love The Amazing Race….the first season just started in Canada…Yup, we now have TARCanada….its Great…its done the same way, same format, same music, same everything just like our American version…. 🙂
its released every Tues on UTube…check it out…. 🙂
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A phrase I always grew up with is “IT AIN’T OVER TILL THE FAT LADY SINGS” There is still hope Amanda will be voted out and these HG’s will get some spunk and make some BIG moves.. I think it will be hilarious if Aaryn nominated McCrea as a replacement for Spencer. At least maybe we would see some game play going on. That would take out one of Amanda’s votes and maybe save Howard for another week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really don’t know who I want to win yet because I haven’t seen any really good game play as of yet. I really would like to see some one make a bold move.
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Sounds to me like Maggie long should be one of the current houseguests. What a fucked-up chick to call me an idiot.
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WooHoo Ted didn’t know you had that one in you. Lovin it! 😯
Maybe she’s Spencer’s sister or she’s related to Harry.
@Bobo Love your wolf!! Is that from Game of Thrones?
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Ted — Maggie definitely suffers from a lack of suppleness. Hopefully, at some point in the future, she’ll figure out how to stay supple like the rest of us.
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u go tedster she has some nerve to even enter a blog and act the way she did if there are any IDIOTS it is her. The best way is to ignore ignore ignore, she is not worth the time of day. All she wants is some attention. she would not last 1 day in the bb house they would chew her up and spit her out.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maggie Long stop acting like a child and grow up, cause you are not LONG for my consideration.
Geez Maggie long makes harry look almost human
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JT…thank u for the utube video of Jeff’s interview…i know u was thinking of me when u posted it, lol… 🙂
bonita….what a Great idea by putting up McCrae, that would be perfect… BUT..u know Aaryn, she is Not that smart, lol… 🙂
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for those in the West Coast…here’s tonite’s Sun TV show now…. 🙂
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Good show tonight, it’s a shame aaryn didn’t have the guts to put up Amanda and McCrae.
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Hey there folks! Been out and about enjoying paradise….ooops I mean San Diego which is where I live. The blog was really awesome today what with some newbies being right on and others being well….you know. And the responses from all of you about the “happenings” were really great so nothing left for me to interject except that I am on the side of folks trying to get Amanda out. Probably won’t happen. Anyway… check ya after BB tonight. 😉
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Where do I go to make my vote for the third nominee this week? Please help me
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Vote is over for this week. Try again next week. I put in the search bar….cbs/bbmvp. worked for me
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Hello all! I have been reading this blog for the last few years. I need to thank you all for keeping me entertained and on top of everything BB!! I tried to watch BBAD — but lasted 15 minutes!
@KIMJMJ you are spot on about the HGs….
I want Amanda out (because she gets on my nerves) but she is playing the best game IMO… Howard is harmless… I hope the rest of the guest figure this out before Thursday….
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what’s with all the howard put downs? oh well, guess he’s not allowed to be human? i still see candice and howard as the two i’d want to last. they’ve kept their cool more so than i ever could .
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@Tendr….you won’t catch me putting Howard down. I am rooting for him all the way. I have liked him for a while now. I want Amanda gone this week, but it doesn’t look like that will happen. Aaryn can’t think for herself, so she is doing what everyone else in the house wants her to do….except Candace of course. It ain’t over till it’s over, so we can still wish for Amanda to leave. Hugs my friend…and one for J too!
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send Elisa home she is a creepy creep ewwww
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Hi Bella, warm welcome to the blog, glad u decided to comment we welcome newbies. I can not keep track of all the alliances I even gave up with a score card 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree wanting Demanda out she is too pushy and bossy I can guess once howard goes candy is the next one she will set out to get out of the house.
Hopefully elissa will go next and or aarynation this year I really am not into who I want to win, poor casting on bb part I have to say. what would put the show over the edge if we got Jessie back for a cameo visit. Oh no hope not!
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So do we know yet who replacement nom is for Spencer ?
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Dubs doll thanks for the info
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Hi Bella, happy you finally commented. Welcome aboard. We can use all the help we can get. This year is like being in a house of mirrors. Just don’t know where the house will turn next.
As far as Amanda goes, I did think her schtick with Clounie was very funny. Aaryn is following what she promised and she’s counting on getting a pass next week. I for one, would like to see Spencer go next just because he’s the pig that he is or Aaryn, either one. But game wise it should be McC or Amanda since it looks like Howard is going this week. I still don’t see why the house or is it Amanda think he’s such a threat.
As far as I can tell, not too many of us have a favorite but we sure know who we don’t like. Weird year for sure.
Thanks Hoh8 for the link. I watched half of it before it came on here and that link didn’t have any commercials. cool
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Clownie – 😳
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@Tx etc, nope not yet but someone will tell us the minute we know who replaces Spencer. It will probably be Candice from what everyone is saying but things change quickly in BB.
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@SF…..Funny…Evil Clownie….DeManda got a clean Edit hiding her evilness in the house…here’s a clip of Clownie, lol…. 🙂
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Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo
Candice, WHO PLAYED IN THE BLASTED POV COMP, is mad that Aaryn “didn’t give her a chance to fight for herself.” #bb15
Lauren @Lauren0323
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Clio_the_Leo I will be beating my head against my computer desk until Thursday.
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
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OMG – Amanda & McCrea arguing because he is tired of her telling people their plans and any gossip they find out. She finally storms out of room – typical
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Good mornin’ all.
I haven’t seen anything yet to steer me off saying Candice will go up. Aaryn actually wants Candice out more than Howard. So nothing has really changed in the past 3 days.
Howard wants someone to make a move against Amanda.. but knows everyone is too afraid at this point to do that. Howard doesn’t want Candice to leave over himself. He even told Spencer, Judd, & Andy that she should stay after fighting so hard for him (Howard).
May be a ploy like Dan’s “funeral”.. but I really don’t think so. He started the conversation with just Spencer.. then Judd & Andy came in later. He would have nothing to gain with telling Spencer that alone.
Amanda has already started working her next obsession.. Spencer (one we can all agree with her on at least). Already started spreading some lies about things Spencer has said… and that’s not hard to do after Spencer has been so shady.
This week should go right according to plan (Amanda’s plan). Candice will be the re-nom…. and Howard will be voted out 8-0.
Monday morning ….. again? 🙄
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ll be back in about 12 hours….
L8r all
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Oh Great! Spencer just mooned the camera on his way to the restroom! Then he turned to the camera and grinned. What a pig and a disgusting hiney!
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UUUGGGHHH Amanda – Crying to McCrea and whining “you’re all that I have in the house”…… I don’t know why I put these feeds on so early as I’m working, it only frustrates me and listening to her and McCrea smack (and I do mean loudly smack) lips is just getting gross. When she stormed out of the room a short time ago, he didn’t chase after her and I’m guessing she realized she isn’t controlling everything because she came back for hugs and such. She drive’s me crazy!
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I the BB House was smart they backdoor Elissa.
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Thanks MM! 🙂
I would like to see Elissa go as well…. She is only a contestant because of her sister…
@RMM – Thanks for the update…Amanda and McCrea are just a bizzare hook-up. Glad McCrea didn’t run after her!! Spencer — YUCK.
Happy Monday!
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If the house was smart, they would vote out Amanda, they would put Mc Crae up against her when Spencer removes himself. But the house isn’t smart! It is a TERRIBLE CAST!! Worst one yet…..Sad when I find myself rooting on Jessie, who is playing a quiet little game and no one even notices her, LOL! Hope she goes to the end and everyone looks around and says WTH? How did that happen. Kinda like the year June won against Allison!
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Oh and I have said it loads of times, but WHEN DID BB start playing as a “house”? A group against another? It is so dumb, bring back the days HOH had big you know what’s and played their own game and played each week as it came, this House HOH is ridiculous.
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Okay – this has been an interesting read this morning. LOL. I agree with getting Amanda out this time because I don’t think they will have another chance for a while. That being said, Elissa is sooooo annoying. I am so sick of her fluffing her hair and her clothes and staring at the mirrors and the camera to see how beautiful she is ………. NOT. I look at her and want to cringe. In all honesty, I think this is the first time that I honestly want to see them all evicted immediately. And this is a longer season. What were they thinking? I can’t stand any of them honestly. Howard seems the most harmless to me but he was wrong to use Candice to try to further himself. Aaryn is kind of dumb to stick by her agreement with Helen but I can see that she is trying to stay in the house and doesn’t want a bigger target on her back. I don’t think she realizes she is a puppet and will be on the outside again next week. Unless they think they can use her which is possible. I just don’t want any of them in the Jury House cause they don’t deserve the extra money.
And Margie, I agree with the others, you do not need to come on here if you don’t like the people or the posts. It’s voluntary. We are good people who do not always agree. And a little friendly competition never hurt anyone. So being first is all in fun. Fun is a good thing in life.
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Gawd if I hear one more time “I have a big heart” from Candice I am gonna spew all over my keyboard ~ she could be the next time to go ~ holding court like some drama mama ~ no wonder I scream at my tv ~ who plays BB that has watched BB so much on a personal level ~ sheesh makes me sick ~ Howard is sooo dumb and so friggen stupid over some chick that his game is wrecked ~ oh well ….
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You have Mama Margie confused with Maggie Long, the intended recipient of your comment. It happens.
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Well, after all is said and done we all know that if Amanda stays at least Helen is wanting to keep Candice for one more time, but Candice needs to really get on her game play to win HOH and stay in the house a little longer, if you looking you should get the strong players out first, and stating this you should work on getting Amanda McCrae, Helen, Andy which he is riding on all him, Jessie and also McCrae they are all riding on other people and the other house quests are not looking at that, to say what they are actually looking at don’t know as to how each is playing the game, no they are not looking at that, Helen is running the show and they need to watch that, but Aaryn was stupid on what she did, but we all know why she did it and look out because it will really show how is really is because she will come after Candice once Spencer take himself off, and if the producers are running this show in the background telling them also who to put up, shame on you.
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LOL, LOL, LOL @Tedster!! Way to call them as you see them!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love you guys!
@hpr56, don’t pick on MM, she didn’t say that nonsense!!
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Holly & MM
Just to clarify that hpr56 comment #96 wasn’t talking to Mama Margie, she was referring to that nasty comment from Maggie long comment #36. She used the name Margie in error and I would make bet on that one. Right hpr????
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Aaryn could have made a MAJOR move and flipped this game! She cld have chgd this game entirely, by making a move! If she would have put up Mc Crae & Elissa. MVP put up Amanda which was AWESOME! If any of them would have won the veto other than Amanda she could have put up Helen. You then have the #’s to flip this house. Aaryn could have had Spencer, Candice, GM, Howard, Jessie (she’s easy flip) and likely Andy. You could have made this MAJOR move gotten out one of them and made an entirely NEW alliance to pick off the others. Man I Miss when BB was a GAME CHANGER GAME PLAYER SHOW!
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Hey Bigbubbabronson, I totally agree with your saying, this is so true.
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Starfish That was not a wolf It was a pencil drawing I did years ago of my Huskies Named Namu She live for 17 years our family pet! I hit the wrong photo did not put it up for any reason & did not come back to correct that! I had to catch with everyone’s posts this afternoon! I got some company staying over so did not want to be rude & come on the computer! Got to run Pool is waiting, see you all soon. Thanks for the updates……………………………
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I’m rather surprised Aaryn didn’t let the power go to her head and completely ignore all of her promises from last week. I really thought she would.
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Aaryn don’t realize that they can end up putting her up next unless she wins HOH again, and if so I know the producers are helping because they made that deal that the next two HOH if she wins she will allow them to tell her who to put up, so she has won the first lets see if she wins the next one. They can come put her up and I think what the producers need to do this time instead of having America vote MVP let them vote an eviction out this time, don’t let them be the ones to evict, and who knows they may end up having a double eviction Thursday night or possibly the next eviction night.
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@Tuna – I think Aaryn would definitely had HOH EGO had she had Kaitlin, Jeremy, and GM there to back her….. GM may not back her without the army they thought they had. Aaryn is now lying low and acting like she care about those folks, if they fall for it then they get what they get if she makes it to the end. I absolutely don’t like this cast like everyone… but my pickens for first out is 1) Aaryn!, 2) Elissa, 3) Amanda! And everybody after that. But sadly it appears Howard goes home this week (I’m still trying to catch up) and anybody after that get Jury Money, right?…. uuuuggghhh!
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apologies to@hpr56! I thought she was another broom rider attacking our group!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I see it was an honest mistake and I should slow down when reading!!
Later guy and gals and TED!
BTW, who knew Ted had such big ones????
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Justa popping in to see waht’s going on and say hey! Took a weekend break as nothing earthshaking was going on.
I hate to say I totally agree withTigz(97) about about Candice last nite on BBAD. She is SO manipulative in a passive-aggressive way!!! And she repeats herself over and over….OY VEY!!! lol She kept to herslef all last nite in the HN room and had everyone coming in to check on her. She would blow them off cheerfully with an *I’m fine* but then when Amanda came in to talk to her , her anger and emotions and tears came out! Soon she was holding court with Helen and Elissa too and everytime one would come in, she would repeat what we she had said to Amanda! She hates Aaryan, she is campainging for Howie but not really herself and had to tell everyone how it felt to be racially profiled and what it would feel like if a Jewish or Asian personhad been targeted and ther were other Jewish or Asian people in the house and they helped them, how that Asian or Jewish person would feel……blahblahblah…ya..we GET it Candy!!! And all the girls were telling her she can’t play so emotionally and that she is NOT going home this week!!! But her aloof, *I’m Fine* facade was blown and were left with Miss Whimpers. It got really nauceating!
Today, I guess Spencer, who thinks he is running the OTHER side of the house, and thinks that he has an alliance with Howie, Judd and Andy, is hatching a plan to backdoor Amanda. Little does he know that there are 2 spies in his group, and they are telling the rest of the house about it and to just play along so they don’t get suspicious. And Howard will still go home.
I know this will make me unpopular, but given the way she is playing now, I think Aaryn is playing the smartest game. Whether her initial self was really her or she jsut got in with the mean kids and got swept away, I like her gamplay now. I never liked Dr, Will’s game and he won! Plenty of people hated ED, but he didn’t give a ..well..care…lol I think Aaryn is like that. She is smart and strong and knows the game. If that wins it for her, cudos!! We don’t have to be BFFs for me to respect that!
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I had to reread everything! 🙄 My mind could keep everything in it! So far, thanks for all the updates ❗ So today all I have seen is everyone hanging around at the pool or smoking Not very much game talk, I mean not very good Game talk 😆 Hope everyone is doing well here ! That comment from M. Longass wae so dumb! I think JT Has it right, a hit & run jerk off…….. You are a great group & I for one am happy to be a part of this Blog 🙂 Going to go and watch some of my shows that I have recorded! Hope to chat with you all later, bye for now……………….
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I would love to see Amanda go. The only thing I have seen from her so far is her showmance and her taking over the HOH room and has never been HOH. I do have to say though seeing GM bragging the other night about NEVER being a have not and seeing her be one is GREAT. Thank America for voting Amanda as the 3rd nominee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Maggie long
And comparing bb house to America and its problems or greatness is REALLY stupid!
Lisa Marie’s opening comments made NO COMPARISONS between America and the bb house. NONE!
Maybe had Lisa Marie opened with “I love how America’s Big Brother 15 fans cast their votes to determine who becomes the third nominee” would have worked better for you, Maybe not? Read beyond the headlines if you really want the whole story.
My suggestion would be for you to read everything bloggers write more carefully before you comment. Your interpretation may not be the only one, or even the right one, or most importantly, the intended one.
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Here she goes again! Amanda was just jumping on the pizza boy & Pops in Judd 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think she is just a horny girl & wanted a boy toy for the summer! Maybe that’s how she tips her delivery boys in FL……………..
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New post:
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I did not get it yet Lisa! Just hanging around before dinner………
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This season has been the worst ever and hearing all I have about the pre-selected winner Amanda, I can say this will, with out a doubt, be the last season I ever watch and will tell family and friends to give it up too. I say to Big Brother a Big F-U.
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