Hi y’all!
Greeting from Baltimore, or Bawlmer as my boyfriend and his family call it! Yes, I am on vacation but I’m also addicted to Big Brother and, with everything that’s going on in the house right now, there was no way I could resist the temptation to post a quick update.
(Plus, seeing as the previous post was up to nearly 600 comments the last time I looked, I figured you guys could use a new page!)
So, for those of you who haven’t had time to read all of the previous comments, here’s what’s happened in the house since Aaryn got evicted last Thursday:
1) Gina Marie won head of household.
2) Amanda was convinced that GM was going to nominate Elissa and Judd and basically spent all of Thursday night taunting Elissa and telling Elissa that she was going to be sent home next Thursday.
3) Amanda met with GM in her HoH room and broke down into tears. GM hugged Amanda while rolling her eyes. When Amanda’s back was turned, GM looked at the camera and mouthed: “I’m nominating her.”
4) On Friday, there was a competition that involved popping a lot of balloons and making a huge mess of confetti in the house. Spencer won a car. McCrae was upset because he didn’t win anything but, at that point, he could still take some comfort from the fact that GM would never nominate him, right?
5) GM nominated McCrae and Amanda for eviction.
6) Amanda went insane and wandered about the house, saying: “It doesn’t make sense.”
7) Eventually, Amanda ended up in the HoH room where she screamed at GM that it didn’t make any sense. GM screamed back that it made total sense. Amanda screamed that GM now had a huge target on her back because the entire house wanted Elissa gone.
8) McCrae lay in bed reading the bible.
9) Amanda continued to scream and then told GM that whoever won the veto would take either her or McCrae off the block and that whoever the replacement nominee was would then be voted out. Judd replied, “So, I should just pack my bags now?” Amanda screamed some more and then, in between sobs, said she didn’t even want to be in the house anymore!
10) Amanda then got in bed with McCrae and the two of them spent a lot of time crying. At one point, Amanda said that GM not only blind-sided them but she blind-sided Andy as well.
11) Actually, the rest of HGs (including Andy) were very happy with the nominations.
12) Amanda attempted to have a meeting in the storage room with Andy and Spencer. When Spencer said that Elissa was listening at the door, Amanda through the door open, obviously hoping to hit Elissa with it. However, Elissa had left the room so Amanda avoided being kicked out of the house.
13) They held the veto competition earlier today. McCrae won. Apparently, Andy did something during the competition that was designed to let everyone know that he’s no longer a member of Team Amanda. Amanda, as a result, is now very concerned that they might not have any friends in the house.
14) Before the veto comp, McCrae was the target. Presumably, he will take himself off the block and Spencer has volunteered to take his place. So, it looks like it’s going to be Goodbye, Amanda on Thursday.
15) Judd, Andy, and Spencer are now apparently paranoid about Elissa. Earlier, Judd even said that he would rather get Elissa out before Amanda. However, GM is pretty close to Elissa right now so it doesn’t look like anyone other than Amanda or McCrae is trying to convince GM to nominate Elissa in McCrae’s place.
16) Finally, this Thursday is going to be a double eviction! A lot of viewers would probably love to see Amanda and McCrae both go out on the same day but, as always, anything can happen!
Well, that’s it for now! Than you, everyone, for making this site so much for to both read and write for and I hope y’all have a safe Labor Day weekend and I’ll be back full time in a week!
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
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swt New Post…………. 😆
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Always #2 Fran………..
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😆 @ Bob. Sorry bout that dude!
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Repost from the previous page….
Happy Birthday, BC Marie! I hope you enjoy your ‘special’ day!
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Last thing I said before the new page, sorry swt…..New page 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Happy Birthday BCMarie! And I was not napping!!!! just watched some bad movie “Man on the Ledge” Not so good 😕 So back to the live Feeds…
Oh swt….See what I’m saying 🙂 ……………
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No problem Frannie I must have taken a cat nap…. 😆
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Fran I like the eye better than A’s Face!!!!
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Ok, I’m on track now. Here’s my post before I knew about the new page.
Are there any videos out there of E doing Yoga? I would love to see her doing a workout. From what we saw when she was showing Howard, she’s pretty darn good. She must be if she’s internationally certified.
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Welcome Starfish! So what were you saying about changes????
Not sure what you are talking about!!!! 🙂
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Thank you LM for taking the time to give us a new page. We are so happy and fortunate that you too are a BB addict. Enjoy your vacation and safe travels!!
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Bobo, your Avatar keeps changing. I think I’ve see a couple different ones today. Are you playing games with us my dear tender one????
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McCrae was reading the Bible????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The passages about Californication or
some sort of Pizza Bible?
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Right!!! Thank you Lisa! ………….
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I wonder if Amanda will ask McCrae to use the veto on her because they wouldn’t vote him out, would they?
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Bob, which eye gravatar are you talking about?
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@Becky, according to everything I’ve read here, McCrae was their target but he’s won POV so yes, they should vote Amanda out the door. I’ll do a happy dance when that happens.
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Starfish I just put me and my Cat,Patience’s Because everyone (Fran) thinks I’m always taking a cat nap 😆 I do like to watch TV on my Big screen which is away from my Mac! ……………..
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Becky, McCrea would be a fool to think they wouldn’t vote him out, and an even bigger fool to use it to take her lard ass off the block.
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Bob, I don’t know what the fizzy you’re talking about!
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Everyone have a safe holiday. Looking forward to Thursday, big eviction day. Thanks for new page. It was soo long.
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OK Bobo, got it! 😆
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Anyone other then that girls face Frannie!
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@Jeanne, I think we’re all looking forward to Thursday but this week should be fun. I wonder if Amanda will ever realize she’s going.
Safe Holiday to you too.
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Seems like the HGs are all quiet and taking naps right now.
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Sounds like a good idea 🙂
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Not much going on in the house…Not going to watch Pizza Boy read the Bible! I think I say bye for now & go back to some TV….See you later 😯
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Just for you *fish
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How’s that Bob…I changed my gravatar, just for you. 😉 I just hope it doesn’t bring us all bad luck.
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Looks good Love ♥ man that girl is in great shape! 🙂
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Thanks Bob….and yes, Elissa does have a great bod!
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Fizzy=F*@k U mean that bad word 😕
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------……….. 😳
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Thanks Frannie. Wow, she moves fast through the poses. I like to move a little, ok a lot, slower to feel the stretch in my muscles. I’m no pro for sure. She’s got an amazing body and all the people who do yoga seem to have good bodies. More men are doing yoga now. I see more men each week in the gym yoga classes.
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Bob, don’t act all innocent! I know you better than you think!
Night all….enjoy the rest of the night.
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See you later my dear Fran ♥ TV Time…
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*fish, when I used to do yoga, my moves were a lot slower than hers. I feel it worked better for me. I really do need to get back into doing it again.
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No No you don’t….. 😆
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Nite Frannie and thanks again. I love yoga.
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@Bob ❓
yw fish
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I love watching yoga……………. 🙂
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Thanks LM for the new page. A few people didn’t feel we needed a new one but I kept forgetting what number the last post was that I read and would need guess which was the last one. No biggie but glad we have a fresh page to start out tonight and into tomorrow. Have a safe and fulfilled vacation:)
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Goodnight Frannie….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You give your hand to me
And then you say, “Hello.”
And I can hardly speak,
My heart is beating so.
And anyone can tell
You think you know me well.
Well, you don’t know me.
(no you don’t know me)
No you don’t know the one
Who dreams of you at night;
And longs to kiss your lips
And longs to hold you tight
Oh I’m just a friend.
That’s all I’ve ever been.
Cause you don’t know me.
(no you don’t know me)
For I never knew the art of making love,
Though my heart aches with love for you.
Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by.
A chance that you might love me too.
(love me too)
You give your hand to me,
And then you say, “Goodbye.”
I watched you walk away,
Beside the lucky guy
Oh, you’ll never ever know
The one who loved you so.
Well, you don’t know me
(For I never knew the art of making love, )
(Though my heart aches with love for you. )
Afraid and shy, I let my chance go by.
A chance that you might love me too.
(love me too)
Oh, you give your hand to me,
And then you say, “Goodbye.”
I watched you walk away,
Beside the lucky guy
Oh, you’ll never ever know
The one who loved you so.
Well, you don’t know me
(you don’t love me, you don’t know me)
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I thought that Spencer won 10,000 not a car. Which was it??? thanks
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Ray Charles Song…… 😆
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Oh my Bobo….does your wife know. 😆
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Starfish….Just a song 😆
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That was a joke my dear…..
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I know….. 🙂
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Okay Goodnight again….or see you later
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Well, this is a free place for us to talk and love our BB. So I’m reluctant to ever push for a new page. We can donate to help expenses on the upper right side of this screen. Plus, I believe it helps if we when we order the live feeds, that we do it from the links available on this page.
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Nite Bobo, see you later.
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I hope Amanda and Macrae don’t drive GM to drink before the veto ceremony. That will be on Monday right?
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I also thought Spencer won 10k. Maybe he’s going to buy a car. 30 min till After dark starts. Have a great rest of your 3 day holiday. Don’t eat too many Hotdogs. God bless. <3
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@ Bobo ~ thanks for the new page waiting on BBAF 30 min ~ I hope the heck McNasty takes himmself off ewwwwwww they both turn my stomach ~ I’m addicted too ~ i wish i had fast internet wha wha whaaaa
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They better not let Amanda wiggle out of this eviction. I want to see Julie confront Amanda with some of her racial and vulgar quotes and actions. Especially the one about hating Asians.
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@vicki….yes ur right…Spencer won 10K not a car…. is that Lisa Marie has been in a car for so long now, thats all she thinks about…cars, LOL…. 🙂
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@swt, I want to watch BBAF too. That’s so funny I laughed out loud. We all know what that could stand for. Just hit my funny button.
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Thanks for checking in
Yes lots has happened
But the Amandown was the best hour it lasted soooo long
Poor girl she’s a mess and now Maccray has to become religious
Elyssa is internationally qualified as said early on, she can teach anywhere around the world and she has not been fired like the other HGs who had a job or were non union
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@Starfish and frannie, yes I know McCrae would be a fool to take Amanda off the block. However, Amanda is just arrogant enough to think she’s the target and that they wouldn’t vote him out either way…They’ll vote out the replacement nom and she’ll get the votes to do it (or so she’ll think unless she’s finally gotten it through her thick skull that she doesn’t run the house and that they all want either/both of them out of there).
I also know McCrae has been the target all along. Amanda seems to be the only one to think she’s been the target.
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The other morning I saw Elissa by herself in the backyard doing her Yoga. Very slow and sensual. And yes, she does have a great body!
I’m thinking that Amanda going to seduce Mccray into sacrifice himself by using the POV on her instead of himself. The perverted logic being that he would campaign for her in the Jury House. Let’s hope not. These two both need to get out now so neither could vote for the other.
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its funny everyone is talking bout mcCreepy using his veto to take off demanda…
in BB8…Evel Dick & Dainiele both on the Block…ED used his Veto to take off Dani… and all the HG’s were happy to finally Evict ED… But what happened?… Dustin went up as the re-nom and was Evicted with the biggest surprised Look on his face in the history of BB….LOL…one of my fav moments Ever, LOL… 🙂
so who knows, can it happen again?…No Way Jose, there was Only one ED… 🙂
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Oh, and Thank You LM for saving me a LOT of reading. Once I get behind I never can catch up in time to be on the current topic!
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@HoH8 Amanda thinks she’s another Evel Dick that’s why I think she’s going to ask McCrae to do exactly that.
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OMG! I hope GM puts Andy up and hope McCrea takes himself off the block and then I hope either Judd or Elissa gets HOH. I want to c McCranda go the same nite. Want Judd to and Elissa as final 2 w Judd winning!
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YES!!! I fell behind on what has been going on, but I am SO FLIPPIN’ HAPPY with what is going on in the house. I cannot wait for titty baby Amanda to be voted out. Now maybe the game can get really good and people will really start to play! I can’t wait for Thursday, which means this week will creep on by. BOOM!!! So stoked! BB may recover from this horrible season after all!!!
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Since it’s a double eviction week, poor Julie has to have her interviews ready for everyone. It will be interesting and I wouldn’t want her job because I wouldn’t be as nice especially if I was Asian. Amanda saying she hates Asians was horrible and I wonder if Julie will quote her on that one? Let’s watch Amanda squirm her way out of that. Not possible. hee hee
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GM is holding court in the H O H room with all the guys! I think they enjoy her company – she’s one of the guys – no drama!
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I love it that GM is holding court in the HOH room. She is very endearing. Her room is a “No drama zone” I love it.
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Unless its already a done deal,its possible pizza boy would save her highness
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and leave himself on the block.Remember he said way back in the early
stages of the game when he hooked up with her lordship,all he wanted to
do is last long enough for the jury house.He has no clue he is the main
target this week,he could believe the floaters will save him and not
amanda..Its possible she might con him..*
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McCrea will take himself off the block and Amanda will go ballistic. Amanda will be evicted. Elissa will win HOH and nominate McCrea and Andy. Andy will be evicted.
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I just went to the movies and saw “We’re The Millers”. Don’t miss it (if you can tear yourselves away from the live feeds) funniest movie I’ve seen in a long time.
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Hey’all thanks awesome much for the bday shout outs, I wasnt soliciting for them, just merely reflecting on the whimsey of a season coming to a close, but it was very much appreciated. … and mygawd. . the cake went right to my hips just looking at it lol 🙂
@Shane, I live in Mt Pleasant, work in New West, I moved here from London On where there are a LOT of summer rainstorms heavy with thunder and lightning. I had to go in to work graves that night it was one of the most terrifying rides of my life, I have never seen rain as extreme as it was that night. I was glad I wasnt homeless or having to take the transit, company pays for cabs for certain shifts. My heart pitied al the people caught in that diluge.
Okay so I have to get myself all updated, get myself apprised of what hijinks & shenanigans the unwordly fools are up to now 😉
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Can someone tell me why everyone dislikes Ellissa so much? I don’t get it. She seems sweet. What did I miss?
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Does anyone else find it funny that Amanda’s main thing she keeps saying about GM putting her on the block is … “It doesn’t make sense” – that is the most idiotic argument she could possibly make –
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@susan I agree
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ugh Amanda’s gross. Sitting in a dirty Tshirt drinking wine out the bottle and refusing to share.
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I think GM showed so much patients when Am & McCrea were in her HOH room.. The more I see her the more I really like her. You go girl. Keep them guessing.
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happy birthday bc marie
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------not much going on in bb house, ciao till tomorrow
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What’s going on in the “House of Nuts”.
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Why do we have fish on LF’s
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Not sure what is going on?
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Playing cards . yaaawwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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Goodnight Again everyone! ……………
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they made Andy dress up as GM and every time the BB voice comes on, he has to do something silly….so the HG’s start to sing so the BB voice can come on and Andy has to do something…..thats why all the FISH, lol…. 🙂
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Thanks for the great blog both to LM and all of you. I must admit I think this is the best blog I ever kept up with.
Love watching Amanda blow all her gaskets…. can’t wait for her to go.
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here’s Andy in a Pink dress and tutu… so funny, LOL…. 🙂
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@LM…..Thanks for recapping everything on your vacay! It takes a fellow addict to understand US!!! 😉 Always appreciate your take and insight.
@SF…..Thanks for the well-wishes on the last page. We went to Outback and had filet and crablegs….which they cracked and scaped the meat out for us….and both were melt-in-your-mouth delicious!!! Haven’t eaten there alot in the past but after tonight, that may just change!! Also haven’t tried that Yoga tape yet either and after watching Elissa doing it, I ‘m almost afraid to!!! Did you goto a class 1st or start with tapes?? It seems like something you need personal instruction for.
@BCMaire…..Happy, Happy Birthday!!!! I envy all of you that have BDs during BB season. It’s like an extra gift!! Well, that and it means your BD is during he summer and mine is in Feb so there’s THAT too!!lol Hope you have a great day!
@BoBo……you lil Devil you!!! hehehe Who knew you were a Casanova between naps???LOL
@Jeanne…..Just finished watching BBAD and said the same thing about GM. I know she isn’t very educated but she has a great personality and a big heart and if she can outwit the boys club, I’d love to see her win it. I think she would use the $$ unselfishly. Now if she could just get over the delusional stuff about Nick!!! 🙄 lol BTW….you spell your name just like my Mom did.(She passed in Feb) So it got my attention right away. It’s the French spelling and pronounced JEAN but she got everything under the sun for pronunciations. Do you have that trouble too???
@Hey Jane!! I saw Judd chase her up to the HOH and they were laughing so I thought it wasd all in good fun. But then she refused to share and had the bottle in her crotch area(to wared others off, I imagine!!lol) Ummm..WHY would you do that when you are on the block?? Actually, why does Amanda do ANYTHING!!! lol Add WHY didn’t any of the HGS or even BB protest??? Weird. And I am sick to death of seeing her in her undies! They are called unmentionable for a reaon!!! Nasty!!!!!
@HoH8……LOVED that shot of Dustin right as he heard he was evicted from the BB House! It is etched in my mind!! Best moment in BB history…lol But clever of you to compare it to the next eviciton as I have a horrible feeling something is going to go WRONG and Judd or Elissa mayy be walking out the door!!!! 😯 I PRAY I am wrong because I cannot take Amanda any longer!!! But..it is BB. Expect the unexpected!!!
Ok…just wanted to respond and bond..lol Nothing really new to rehash. Hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend!!!
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HoH8 That is so special.
Hey, I’m into the first hour of BBAD (couldn’t sleep because I kept falling asleep all afternoon). I am finding it gross that Andy is saying he hates Elissa so much. What has she ever done to him? And there is the despicable, child porn joking Spencer agreeing with him and saying that Elissa is the one who is going crazy (compared to whom Amanda?) I hope Elissa wins HOH on Thursday (or Judd as I don’t think he’d put her up)
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bobo. .. you need to buy yourself an IPad, a belated bday prezzie, to have with you when you watch your big screen TV, have your friends in your hands whenever the whim strikes you 😉
But then again, mabe you are the type of guy that doesnt like to multitask.
okay, time to read and get caught up.
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Star. Hi sweetheart. I love your blog’s. My name is French. I am 80 years young. I have watched every. BB. This is the first year I’ve known about BBAD and the blogs. I live with my twin sister and we have been staying up way to late every night watching and blogging. We feel the same as most about Amanda & McCrea. The more I see GM the more I love her. She’s real. Like you said. I think she would do a lot of good with the money. God bless. Talk with you soon. It’s 4am nite nite. <3
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Damn, everyone went to bed in the house, gonna have to watch some football
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thanks stra for the wishes.
So sorry rry to hear that your mom passed in your bday month, that sucks 🙁
I wonder if K11 has collapsed with overexcitement or overdosed because someone sent meds and now he really does need help, or Miss Saki is having a very large dinner :-/
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@Becky – I am in total agreement about the weasel – Andy’s hate talk is irritating – Amanda appears to be obsessed with Elissa – any minute now, she’s going to tell GM that Elissa was on the grassy knoll in Dallas that morning and shot JFK –
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FYI – I am Jeanne’ s twin sister Joanne (Joleemae). We just turned 80 and we both have watched BB since the first season. This is the first time we have watched BBAD! We were in for a big surprise! We D V R it so we can fast forward through the trash talk! I agree about everything Jeanne said about GM! We like her more everyday. It’s 4:30-nite!
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@susan, I don’t understand Andy’s hate for Elissa either. What did she ever do to him that he’s so hateful toward her.
@jeanne and joleemae, happy birthday on turning 80 yrs young. It’s wonderful that you’ve been watching BB from the beginning. Happy to have you both join our little blog. We have such a good time. I too am finding GM more and more endearing. She’s playing the game. Sleep well. Nite
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Elissa has always been nice to Andy so I think he’s just being a drama queen, and not a very good one at that –
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Spencer did win $10k.. not a car.
I think the reason the car rumor started was because GM said something like, “That damn Spencer… I could have had a new car!!”. GM has been talking all season about wanting/needing a new car.. so that is what she would have done with the $10k.
HoH8, We all remember Dick using the veto on Daniele. And Dustin volunteering to go up as replacement just so he could be sitting next to Dick & taunt him as he was evicted. Then the best ever.. Dustin’s expression when the votes came back.
What we sometimes forget is that if not for America’s Player, Dick would have been evicted that night. Eric had to vote out Dustin.. because that was America’s wish. But if left to vote on his own.. he would have voted out Dick to make it a 3-3 tie… and HOH would have broken the tie and sent Dick home.
Amanda is no Evel Dick. And she doesn’t have America controlling anyone to throw her a vote. And if there was an America’s player.. the orders would be to vote out Amanda.
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GM confirmed to Judd that she will put up Spencer as the re-nom. She says because Andy didn’t put her up when he was HOH.. so she’d have a hard time doing that to him.
That’s a good move in my book anyway. It will help drive a wedge between Andy & McCrae when Andy has to vote out Amanda. Otherwise.. he could still play his “I’m best friends with everyone” game. Which is BS at this point if he wants to be a member of The Exterminators.
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Hi Jolene & Jeanne! I have younger sisters that are fraternal twins, Jean & Laurie. Twins run on both sides of the family, I had my tubes tied at a very young age to nip that one in the bud to happen to me. TMI I know. I have a twin set of cousins that are older than me. When they were born the hospital labelled their separate bassinettes A LastName & B LastName with the nurses calling them Baby A or Baby B representing the order the were born. My aunt thought this was some kind of rule that had to be enforced so my cousins ended up being named Annette & Bernadette lol. Who knows what their names would have been if it wasnt for the labels on the cribs 😉
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now I have to see if I can find a youtube of Dustin’s expression becuz I am not remembering it.
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so McCrae got the Veto, too bad, he might get HOH next time, Enjoy the show tonight
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Love it JT, what a douche, he was so obnoxious
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@Jeanne..so nice to meet you and your sister! And thank you for the nice compliment! 🙂 My Mom was in her 80’s also but no where near as progressive as you are! She had no interest in BB Or computers!!! I tried uneventfully to get her to try both but to no avail. She still used a typwriter and would often sit and read or do crossword puzzles with the TV off!!! 😯 lol I guess we are all products of our youth and times! 🙂
@BCMarie….YW. 😉 And it did suck. My BD was the day after my Mom’s funeral. Not one I care to remembeer but will never forget.
@JT…once again I had forgotten about AP in S8 until you mewntioned it! DIdn’t they do that like one more time after that??? Was meaning to ask you too if you remember when the last time they had a clothing luxury comp. I have no clue but it seems like it’s been awhile. But all the twists and turns and wondering if they will do what they did last year is what keeps us coming back!!!
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oh yeah now I remember. I actually remember Eric more, I always thought he had a smarmy deer caught in the headlights look lol.
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Stra, Dan was America’s player in season 10.. but we didn’t control his vote… he just had to do weird things as tasks.
BCM, thanks for that video… it showed more of the America’s player angle.. and what Eric was thinking.. the one I added showed cocky Dustin….. both combined would be great and tell the whole story! 🙂
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Aggie, yes he was…. was so happy when he was voted out.. I was shocked (because I didn’t have feeds, BB/AD.. or blogs back then.)
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It got real boring watching Dick and Danielle when they were final 2 on feeds, that girl was such a brat that season, and was bitchy when she was even playing cards with him
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@BC Marie HAppy Bday
@twins welcome
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What half my post dud t post ?
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Ok so here we go
About GM she needs more than a car she lost her job cause her racist comments, surprise! When she comes out
ED acted crazy but aMANda really is plus she is a racist.
To add to that tge bottle of wine in her crotch makes sense she is addicted to sex, Adevan and alocohol and a bully and a racist , oh my!
She’ll tell Julie age doesn’t remember making racist comments like Aaryn and then say I was joking . bla bla bla ….
Try defending they Amanda’s dad and sister
About the Yoga always best to try in class first so they can help w tips and correct poses, but yes I give it to fake heavily glue eyelash batting Elysssa she’s good
Andy is a professor I have a hard time remi ding myself
Spencer !!!!! Yes he needs to be up and gave his meltdown , the children will rejoice
Elyssa has a website for her yoga looks like she went to Greece recently
Morning everyone ! Love this group if funny people (us )
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Yay Danielle was a brat slept a lot
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She is married now I am sure she has changed.
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Can anyone clue me in on what’s wrong with GM’s right foot? When everyone went to bed She limped up to HOH and, amid tears, wrapped it in an elastic bandage with a cold pack. Camera got a good closeup but I couldn’t see any injury or swelling. Pretty obvious she was in great pain. Felt so sorry for her.
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Elyssa’s website
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@Craig Long
She rolled her ankle not sure when
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Craig, GM already had a sore back/hip from before. Then the other day she was coming down the stairs (awkwardly) wearing the long HOH rob and slippers. Her heel slipped out from under her and she slid down about 5 or 6 steps. I guess she rolled a toe during that… I think she even broke it.
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Video of GM falling (I guess it was justa few steps)
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Ouch ! She looked more upset for her back
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM is not going to good at physical comps for a while
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I don’t have the live feeds but I do read jokers updates. Last night Amanda said to the group minus Elissa that if Julie asks her about her taunting of Elissa that she would say Elissa got the good edit and Amanda got the bad edit. Is there truth to that. I know Elissa is an oddball but is she deserving of all the bad treatment she is getting by mostly everyone one the show? Everyone seems to hate her for some reason or another. Is she that polarizing on the live feeds that no one will even stick up for her?
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Yup, Amanda does have a huge lard azz.. She is such a C&^t. Plus a B*&^H, and a downright vulgar Tw&t.
Watching her running in the house with her robe on made the back of her look like an old farm lady. NO offense to any elder but she is such a nasty person. I wish she was just yanked out of the door by the producers of the show. She needs a good beating by all the HGs, but then the game would be over. A punch and a slap to her face would suffice for me. I HATE HER!!
I have never seen such behavior besides AAryn to do that to a person.. I just wish that GM could really shove her face into a mirror and scare this girl. I don’t know how Elyssia could stand that screaming and stupidity when she was HOH.
I almost threw by remote at the TV when she started her ranting. Her family must really love this on live TV.
Well I have vented enough. Shove Amanda out the door and let her fall down and crack her hip as she is ready to talk to Julie Chen.
The Audience is waiting for something to happen.
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@Dellaree, I don’t have the feeds, however I read several sites and from what I’ve been reading Amanda has been getting the good edit most of the season. When Elissa was HOH, not so much. And from what I can tell, most the harassment from Amanda had Elissa getting up and walking away. At one point, Amanda even started yelling at Elissa for saying that she thought Jessie had been the prettiest girl in the house.
What I find the most interesting is that some blogs, those owned by the most rabid Amanda fans, have not been updated since it looks like she will be the one going to jury. I guess they have nothing more to say about the game.
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morning yall ~
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ starfish #59 your right lol
HB BCMarie
BBAD was so boring i went to bed after 1/2 hour ~ thanks yall for the updats
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I am so fed up with andy and hope he leaves after amanda…..even before mccre. He is such a wimp and brown noser.
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Spencer is hardly ever even mentioned in these discussions. Why not! He’s the most disgusting guest in the house. between the porno talk and his hands constantly down his pants or up his nose. How come he gets overlooked.? His “humor” goes from talking about female genitalia to “joking” about child pornography. He is beneath contempt. Certainly just as objectionable as Amanda.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and more dangerous than Andy, who everyone is onto at this point in the game.
Spencer, go home and gag that foul mouth.
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The house is about to fall on demanda. Even her #1 flying monkey has fled the scene in his pink tutu.
this past week, the most unlikely hero emerged to save us all from the dreaded showmance “mcnasty” — GM Nick’s future restraining order recipient not only won Head of Household and put up the mcnastys, she managed to blindside them with the nominations. mcstinky was the original target, but he just won Power of Veto.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Even before mcstinky won POV, demanda was assuming (and we all know when u assume what it really means makes a ASS out of U and ME, she was the target and told him she wanted him to keep going and win. On the live feeds, mcstinky was saying if demanda had won POV, he was going to ask her to give it to him, since they seem to think he has the better shot at winning. It does seem like he may have been holding back until this point, letting demanda be the bad cop while he saved what little strength he has left over from his doing the horizontal mambo with his lady lovel. He was the one who won the season’s first HoH and POV, then held back … until now.
So it’s looking like demanda will be the first boot of this week’s double eviction. However, if demanda magically finds a way to stay safe from either eviction, we may have to believe those rumors about the show being rigged in her favor. How disgusting would it be if mcstinkys both managed to stay until Week 11? If the Big Brother Powers That Be really love the showmance drama, they could pull some weird punches with this week’s twists to try and keep the couple around. Would you stop watching, if that happened? hat is the question to be or not to be a fan till the end. if this happens prod best get elissa a suit of armor to keep her safe from demandas temper flareups, I guess they will not interfere until someone gets hurt, excluding gm as she is a walking accident
ciao till later
ain’t nobody got time for double M
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@JT, post #100, thanks for that. I loved that night and his face was priceless. Now I’ll finish reading.
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@Sylvie, thank you for completing the Dustin workout and for Elissa’s website. In case you didn’t see it, I posted the link of Jeff interviewing Dani. I’m sure you can find it on google or cbs.com or HoH8 will probably find it before I relocate it. 😆 Now back to reading then I have to walk my dog. Doesn’t seem like too much happened last night.
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the Dustin eviction… good grief
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The Dustin eviction was epic.
Almost as sad/tragic as Marcellus when he failed to use the POV on himself.
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Anybody who is too stupid to use the POV on themselves absolutely should be voted out no questions asked!! That’s just a dumbass move
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the clips of Dustin, I enjoyed reliving his dismay!
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@MM, I love your little ditties reviewing the day. You are so funny and it always gives me a chuckle. Entertaining.
@Kenjake, oh Spencer gets his share of disgust on this site. He’s disgusting and you nailed him perfectly. The child porno comment will haunt him in his real life along with his racist comments not to mention hands down pants and up nose. ewww
As for Elissa being a punching bag for everyone except Judd and GM it seems, I don’t have an answer for that one. I suspect they all have Stockholms syndrome and are so afraid of Amanda that they keep playing to her about Elissa so they don’t get her wrath. Elissa does seem to keep to herself tho or we aren’t seeing much of her interacting with them like in the patio when the Exterminators were designed. Does that mean they plan on being F4? I have no idea. JT??
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@Holly, this is so true. However, as far as I’m concerned, it is a sign of arrogance, not stupidity, not to use the POV on oneself. Just like on Survivor, you sometimes see these people go home with a hidden immunity idol in their pockets. People get so certain of themselves, so certain they would be lied to, even as they and their new-found “friends” are lying to everybody else. Plus, they are probably that arrogant in their real lives. It really makes some hard downfalls when things don’t work out the way they plan.
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I meant they get certain they would NOT be lied to. Missing words in my typing again.
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Got to start getting to bed before 4am. I’m too old for this. Slept till 11am, ya hoo. I love Elissa. She like myself wants to avoid conflict. I could not believe Spencer, picking his nose while cooking Pork chops. Enjoy everyone. Lol Going to fix my Sissy brunch. Have a God filled Sunday.
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So were there anymore incidents after the card playing last night? I got tired and went to bed. Also .. just watched the clip of McCrae fighting with Elyssa over getting into each other’s stuff.. Now I think I find him as despicable as Demanda. Just want to see them BOTH gone.. Then that weasel Andy next. Then Booger-Picker.
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HAPPY SUNDAY to you all! i think andy is saying he hates ellisa because HE HAS to have a nexxt target – if it werent her – he would feel unsafe – plus saying you hate someone in THAT house seems to be a popular saying – he is such a weasel and elissa prolly wouldnt put him up if she won hoh – geez loueeze
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Yes. seriously.. what has Elyssa ever done to Andy ? He’s as bad as Amanda when it comes to the “how dare anyone think of putting ME up!” (therefore they are evil) attitude.
Also I don’t usually run into another “Jeanne” spelled the same as mine! lol. hello Jeanne! :o) … My mom named me after the french actress Jeanne Moreau from her era.
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I agree with you MM #126. If this thing magically turns around and Amanda doesn’t leave, I totally believe this is rigged for certain ones to win it. Would I watch still??? Maybe, because it is entertainig, but I wouldn’t watch with the same zeal, knowing that whatever happens isn’t the real deal. That was what I enjoyed about the show in the first place. So if they are messin’ with us….it takes the fun out of it for me. Kinda like when you found out they lied to you about Santa Clause. It wouldn’t be as much fun on this blog, either. Hope you all have a happy weekend!
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Hello Jeannes…..I have a sweet friend from Haiti names Jeanne. Everyone calls her Jeanie and she doesn’t bother to correct them anymore. In French, it’s pronounced Zhan and you don’t really say the n at the end…it sort of disappears like the end of most French words.
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can’t stand Andy, McNasties ~ I think Elissa is hated because she is Rachell’s sister ~ I loved it when she laughed right in Amanda’s face priceless ~ if the Mc Nasties win by some sort of eye opening twist, I would hate it, i would loved to say i would stop watching, but been watching for the last 8 years so i think i would still watch, i dunno i’m addicted to so……………..
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I can’t believe the producers would scheme to make the most hated person in the BB house EVER win because that would be such an unpopular outcome and make viewers extremely unhappy. Surely they wouldn’t do that just to appease one of the producers just because it’s one of her friends. Would they risk the show’s popularity just for that? Somehow I don’t think so. Plus if it was carved in stone .. Amanda would have been more confident throughout this whole thing instead of constantly paranoid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Her emotional drama is clearly no act. Plus if the others suspected that, there would be an uproar at the unfairness of it. What would be the point of even being there as another player if it was rigged for a particular person to win.
I don’t know what the deal was with the hands behind Helen when she came off. It DID look fishy but Helen was playing HARD for that $500K. I can’t imagine her just throwing the game for some much smaller settlement. Makes no sense.
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‘re/ Jeanne728 & Maxie. My name is French. (Jeanne) My twins name Joanne. The same except the e & o . They were going to name us Jacqueline & Gwendolyn. Whew!! glad my Auntie talked them out of that. I’m really getting into this blogging. Be talking to you soon. God bless. <3
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Have a good one Jeanne. Yea, Jocqueline & Gwendolyn would be a lot tougher. Aren’t those the names of the ugly sisters in Cinderella or something like that? 😆 Happy you like blogging, it’s so much fun.
Hope you all have a great day. bbl Walking dog with my daughter, hubby and their 3 dogs now.
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Oh Maxie. I also am called Jeanie when they see the spelling. My Dad used to get so upset with that. It doesn’t bother me. I think it’s rather endearing. <3
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I became BB was rigged when Evel Dick won; there were a lot of rumors that he was a friend of Grodner. I ended up not watching most of the following season. I was working 2nd shift at the time, so I had excuse but I still recorded, but never had the inclination to watch the episodes.
Since then, I’ve developed a sort of an “I don’t really care, its fun attitude.” However, if Amanda or McCrae wins this season, I think I’m going to be thoroughly pissed. It may just turn me off from BB and CBS programing altogether. The behavior of the HGs rival that of the winter/spring season during the writers’ strike. Amanda (and by extension, McCrea) have gotten too many good edits on the prime time show. While I don’t have the LFs, I do watch BBAD and the editing out of the language or going to commercial when they say or do offensive things do not cover up for the fact that this behavior is going on. By permitting this behavior to go on without consequence, CBS is condoning the behavior despite their claims to the contrary at the beginning of the broadcast. As far as I’m concerned, CBS/TVGN’s statements mean nothing. Those offensive, disgusting people should have been removed from the house at the first sign of trouble.
Racist comments
Homophobic comments
Jokes about child pornography
Threats of bodily harm
The list goes on and on…
Can the producers of Big Brother stoop any lower?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeah That’s what it looked like. Broken or sprained toe. She was feeling her toes and eventually wrapped two together and then wrapped an ice pack on top of them.
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Craig, GM said the doctor told her it was a fracture. Looked to me like she hit her toes against the railing when her feet went out. She did reach for her back since that was already hurt.. but also said she hit her foot at the end of that clip.
She said she didn’t know if she just jammed her toe against it… or if the bar actually went between her toes.
GM is a rambunctious one for sure 😆 She is always involved in rough horseplay. I think her back was hurt from wrestling with Spencer.. among other things.
GM’s right hand was hurt during the BBQ HOH comp.. the one where they worked in teams. She fell by the hedges. Apparently there were rods or something in there.. and her fingers split around one of the rods. Deep bruising. She still has a little pain from that.
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Hi all! Happy Sunday! Thanks for all the comments… I hope the show is good tonight! BCM, I do have an I-Pad but a guy needs to Nap 😆 The Birthday party still going strong…My friends are kidnapping me in a little while..I said my BD was last Friday but I was away, so I can’t protest if they want to take me out 😆 ….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See you all tonight my friends! ………….
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Amen to Becky’ s comments! As I mention before, I have not missed an episode of BB since the beginning, but this is the first time I have watched BBAD. It has been an eye opener! If CBS allows all of the racist comments, the filthy language and action to go on, this may be my last year of watching BB. This season has been the worst and if this an indication of things to come, I’m out!
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Judd says it is bittersweet to get Amanda out. He says Amanda was a very good friend of his. Judd says that Amanda did not want anyone out of the game, she just wanted to win the game. Judd says she has been bullied a lot including by you (El)
El says well at least Am won’t have to be pushed around by anyone once she leaves.
This just confuses me to no end….
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They are the most foul mouthed individuals all in one place that I’ve ever seen. Nobody seems to be able to complete a sentence without the F word interjected into it because I guess they think that’s the cool thing to do since all the others do it. with the exception of Elyssa who I didn’t like at first but now have a lot of respect for because she doesn’t have a potty mouth. She’s been nice and courteous to everyone and other than her comment to Amanda (which I thought was a little crazy. nothing wrong with a one piece bathing suit. everybody isn’t built like Elyssa after all!) she has otherwise treated everyone with respect and consideration. I think the best part of the show so far was when Elyssa was HOH. I only wish she’d put up the gruesome duo. I just really hope she wins it again but I have a feeling she wont and will be voted out. (unfortunately) leaving the remaining slime in the house to duke it out (with the exception of Judd and Gina Marie – who, I agree, has a good heart for the most part) If Elyssa goes hopefully Judd & GinaMarie make it to the end and NOT pandy andy. He irritates me SOOOO bad. And always attacking Elyssa with no legitimate reason. Amanda better go and FAST before we ALL start feeling murderous!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Jeanne – mine actually IS pronounced GEE-NEE”) & NOT “Jean” In french class the teacher taught us that Jeanne was a male name pronounced Zhan and she DID leave the N on the end so I have no idea. Oh well .. lol. nobody wants to hear this they want to get the conversation back to that dreaded Amanda and I don’t blame them . It just frustrates me so much to watch her! or even THINK about her!
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hi and warm welcome to the twins joleemae, Jeanne and the other Jeanne u could not have picked a better blog to be part of. we have a great crew here
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey LM txs for the new page, hope u r having a great vacation
hi to all my “seasoned buddies”too can not forget them will do fly by later group hug
ain”t nobody got time for double M
anyone know if will has latest video out yet if so can u pass along to me I would appesch
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Thanks joleemea. Evel Dick’s season was the first and only season I had LFs. I found they weren’t worth the cost for me. I’ve watched nearly every episode though of BBAD since they started it on Showtime, and nearly every episode prime time except the season of the writers’ strike. I regret this season as much as that one, but I’ve watched every episode this season–of prime time and BBAD, though sometimes I’ve skimmed the BBAD days later.
For years fans have been calling for more diversity in ages, backgrounds and races; the casting crew ignores the fans choosing instead younger and younger and more obnoxious. Their race diversity seems to be a few token black people, one or two homosexuals, and maybe a Latino (though that is very rarely) each season. From what I remember, we’ve had no women who were overweight (in a country that keeps getting fatter); Helen is the second Asian; we’ve had 1 Muslim (Kysar), 1 Jew (Amanda–who puts her religion to shame) and no other religions; no Native Americans, unless you count Jeremy’s claim to being 1/16th Cherokee, was it? Out of the nearly 200 contestants, the average age has been 20-something, with some seasons doing better than others. One season had an average age of nearly 40, but that season had Evel Dick (over 40) and the guy who was in his 70s, which scewed the data. Oddly enough (or is it?) those seasons with a higher average age are also less controversial than those with lower average ages. That isn’t to say those seasons are boring. Evel Dick gave us a lot of drama and always with a smile on his face. Remember when he put the rubber band around the sink sprayer and anybody who touched it got soaked? Now that was funny. And Helen thought this was the best season of BB ever? What has she been watching?
The point is, practical jokes are funny, fun for the audience and get the victim pissed off at times. What is going in the house now–not so fun.
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Does anybody know what just happened with Andy? they are talking about in in chat but I’m not getting the feeds for some reason
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well, what are they saying in chat?
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Hi Becky .. sorry .. went over to another blog to see if maybe there was something about it but no.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------they were saying something about Andy in trouble with production is what I thought I understood. and then when he wasn’t on the feeds they were saying maybe he was taken out of the game but then he came back.. was hard to follow because my feeds weren’t coming thru for some reason. so I have no idea. When I asked someone just responded he took his pants off and someone else said production was screwing with him and told him they wanted him to dance. so I have NO idea what the heck any of it was about
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welcome jeanne and joleemae ~ good people here ~ i don’t have fast internet so i live in the country to many trees but i still do the best i can, so i blog here, i hope Andy isn’t pulling something out of the rabbit’s hat ~ please do tell when yall hear anything about Andy, he is gonna get ribbed at his job then his student’s ~ oh well he’s a panzy
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People have been saying they can’t believe he’s a college professor. I don’t think he is a college professor. I think he teaches at a community college and isn’t even any kind of associate professor or anything, just a teacher. I wonder what the college community thinks of him?
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Here’s a couple bio of Andy: So it kind of tells you something about the youth of today and explains some of the bad behavior in the house. They have no boundaries or respect. JMHO of course. 🙂
Andy Herren is 26 years old. He was born in Aurora, IL and currently lives in Chicago, IL. His occupation is a College Professor of Public Speaking. He loves Skittles and Starburst and being friendly.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy Herren is one of the 16 House Guests to enter the Big Brother 15 House. From his Big Brother Bio we learned that he is a 26 year old single professor. After doing a little bit of digging we found that he is a professor at College of DuPage in Chicago, Illinois. As with most professors they can be found on the website Rate My Professor and as you can see he has a fairly high rating from his students and all of the 23 reviews are positive. He also received the red chili pepper to indicate that his students think he is a Hot professor.
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maybe it’s a class of gays
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or else they just like having a teacher they don’t have any reason to take seriously.
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all I know is that he sets a fine example of public speaking considering he’s on national tv and every other word that comes out of his mouth is the F word.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that’s real inspiring to his students.
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@jeanne728, that’s what I meant about the bad behavior in the house. Look who’s teaching them if he’s any example of “some/a few” of college teachers/professors today. Hopefully, he’s more professional in the classroom. He has such a sincere look about him when he’s lying so he would be better as a politician. 😆 justajoke for any politicians on this site.
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WOW! Lots going on already today!! My eyes are crossed from catching up here..lol
jeanne728….nice to see yet another Jeanne here. I know it’s silly, but it makes me feel kind of like my mother is with me here and joing in! My Mom’s name was Jeanne Marie…which she always told me was pronounced in French…Zhan Mare(thanks for that Zhan spelling! Never would have thought of it. Her last name was La Londe and her grandparents were from Quebec.) She DID hate it when people would call her Genie or Jeanine oe eve Gee-Ann!!!! It got to be a family joke she would get so outraged!!lol People always said my mom had alot of SPUNK!!lol Sorry for keeping this going for the others but I still really miss my mom and this sharing of her name and stories about it has made me smile!! 🙂
@Sylvie…thanks for the advice about Yoga and the web page for Elissa. I bookmarked it and wil go over it later.
Totally in sync with everyone about the ICK/gross out factors and HGs in the house! For Craig, I think, we don’t talk aobut Spencer much anymore because we are pretty much all bithced out, he’s a floater and nothing he does surprises us anymore!!
Amanda needs to go this week for all of our sanities and to keep believing that life is fair and good.lol (keeping fingers crossed agasnt bad gut feeling tho!)
Next, either Spencer or Andy NEED to go! I care not which. Altho, after Spencer flung his boogers onteh floor last night, he may have precedence now!!
I also like Elissa more than I did initially. But then i didn’t like ED or even Dan until about this point in the game either!!! I hope GM, Judd and Elissa make it to F3, and then depending on the next few weeks, i don’t care at this point who wins it. Altho I would like to see a woman get it for once!
Anyone find out for sure what happened with Andy???
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@Starfish, question is does the college rate him as “professor” “associate professor” or “teacher” and what type of college is it?
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It says he’s a professor at College of DuPage in Chicago, Illinois. I guess we could google them.
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Here you go Becky if you want to explore further.
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@SF….Not so sure he would be a good politicion as he ahd a terrible poker face!! It gets BRIGHT RED if he is embarrassed, lies…gets any emotional response at all! And he’s so white and completely hairless…he reminds me of a Chinese Crested cat or a Chihuahua(sp?)…lol He needs to grow out his hair a little, get a spray tan and start wearing Alot more clothes..IE with sleeves and long pants..lol
And someone called him HOT???!! Seriously??? Sweaty maybe but hot…..?? Oh well, beauty is in the blurred vision of the beholder I guess..lol
I checked a few sites and it seems, except for E and Judd, most HGs have been asleep all day. I didn;t see anything about Andy except E&J talking game about him.
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I don’t get it? ‘re/ the F. bomb everyone uses today. I have to tape ALL program my grandchildren will watch. It’s become a household word. It used to be Geez or Darn. Even “Oh pee pee” gets the point across. I can only hope that CBS will see how offended most of their audience is this season. God bless. <3
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@Star, I too still miss my mom and dad. It gets easier as time goes by and I try to smile like you are and remember them with some wonderful memories. Tough times but glad they were my parents.
Not much to talk about since everyone seems to be sleeping a lot. We’ve had some horribly hot days the last few days here. I checked out E’s website and it looks like she’s just getting it started although she has a lot of info. She needs an editor for the you’re and your words, etc. but otherwise the pictures are amazing of her.
I too am liking E better and better. At least she shows some patience and class compared to hurricane Amanda and some of the others. I agree, E, Judd and GM at the end are my preferences even though I can’t say I have a favorite.
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@Star, my interpretation on “hot” was that he was a good teacher. To think of him as “HOT”, not a chance. OMG, you are right, his blushing would give him away every time. 😆
@Jeanne, the F bomb is unnecessary but it seems to be the in thing of BB15. It shows the lack of respect or they think it’s cool. I really don’t have a clue why to be honest. Too many likes too. Where’s their vocabulary? Ummmmmmmm 😀
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I guess all that happened with Andy was that he left his mic in the bathroom and the producers gave him hell is what they told me. That’s all I know.
Star, my middle name is also Marie. I also have a friend who has always called me Gee-Ann. I tell people I basically answer to anything that starts with a J. lol. but hate when someone spells it Genie! that’s short for Eugene! You saying about your mom getting mad if someone pronounced her name incorrectly reminds me of my own mother who was nicknamed “Toots”! lol. and hated it! so finally started to put her foot down and correct anyone who dared to call her that anymore! (imagine having THAT nickname!) lol.
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So are those lazy hgs still sleeping????????????
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elyssa got up at one point just to go to the bathroom but then right back to bed.
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OK, I goggled that college. It is a community and I searched the full time and didn’t find Andy’s name anywhere in the listing.
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@SF….It is getting a little easier even now. I am not so emotional or angry/depressed as I have been. We still have and are using her condo and it helps to go over there and feel she is with us. I guess I will know when it feels right ot let it go. And you are right. I am thankful I had both of my parents and my mom especially as long as I did. No regrets, just fond memories . 😉
I do not care which of the 3..E,GM or J win either at this point. If one of them gets mean or obnoxious in the next 3 weeks, I may have a change of opinion. House is quiet and I should get going. Don’t get too excited about the show on Sun nite as it is always a recap of what we already know!!! I don’t even know how people watch BB without BBAD or the LFS. We are such spoiled, know-it-alls!! And we love it!!lol
I’m sure I’ll BBL!!!! Oh…..and it is unbearably humid here too. Has been for days! Rain seems to have gone around us so I don’t know how or when it will break but I hope it’s SOON!!! 😡 <~~~~ red for hot, not mad!!
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I meant to say I searched the full staff and didn’t find Andy’s name–I can only assume he works part time, which doesn’t actually make him a “professor”. Many college kids, though call all of their teachers professor, no matter their actual title. BTW, this college offers nothing higher than associate degrees programs.
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I can’t find Andy listed as a professor or anything at the college. Maybe someone else can. http://www.cod.edu/
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Becky, I see you and I found the same thing. Nada 😆
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Hi all I’m back 😆 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Hi Bobo, I’m front! 👿
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Starfish, you got that right.
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Star/Jeanne 728 This may be boring to others reading this. A little about me. I am 80 yr old· I have 6 children, 16 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren. I live with my twin sister joleemae. We take care of each other. She took care of me when I went through cancer. I took care of her when she lost her husband. We guard each other’s hearts. We have 2 amazing dogs that keep us young with their antics. We like you all LOVE BB. Talk to you later. God bless.<3
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Hey Ô¿Ô how you doing today????? ……………….
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Hi Bobo & Ô¿Ô. Nothin happenin today. Yawnnnnnnn. That’s ok I guess for now. There will be fireworks in the next several days.
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Hi my Dear Starfish! good to see you!………… ;mrgreen:
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@Jeanne, congratulations to you. What a great family. I hope you get to see them often. I have 2 grandchildren, 10 & 5 who live in NC and I live in CA. I miss them so much. I visit twice a year since they moved 2 years ago. It’s great you have someone (your twin sister) to “guard each other’s hearts”. What a wonderful comment. I have a dog and my hubby and I love him like he’s one of our own.
@Star, that’s all we can ask for is the fond memories. Good for you. I know exactly what you are going through. I’m doing it too.
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jeanne728…… See..I can’t stay away long..lol I feel such a kinship with you now!! 😉 Mom hated GENIE the worst too especiaclly because her dad’s name was James EUGENE!! If you don’t mind my asking..what was your mom’s actual name?? It seems in that by-gome era, everyone ahd a nickname. All my grandparents’ friends did. No one went by a REAL name! My grandma was Doc because her father was a doctor!!! Seems to be a thing of the past nowadays.
And about the swearing..it really is an age related issue. I remember when I 1st went to college, everyone was using the F-bomb. That was a sure way of getting severly punished at my house…even my Dad!!! It did slowly creep into my vocab, just because you are around it ALL the time in the dorms. I think it’s a coming of age, rebellion thing. You get over it. But people DO start sounding like each other in the BB house. I remember Dan starting to call everyone DUDE because Memphis did and he said he NEVER had said that before he came into the house!!
And the stuff about Andy doesn’t surprise me….that he is in a Comm. College P/T. I wouldn’t be shocked at ALL to find it’s one of those trade schools either!!! 😉
BTW….I read somewhere that Ellisa was in Nursing school, 2nd year, when she met her hubby.(thru her sister!) I guess she didn’t finish. Since no one tells the truth about their occupation on BB, I am guesing she did Yoga as a hobby before this and since she married a rich guy, is now going to have the finaces to turn it into a job. I also think the nutrionist thing is just that she had a course in it within the nursing studies. I think she is jsut kind of making it all up as she goes along!!! Like Helen was;nt even a political consultant. She was in health insurance! So who KNOWS about Andy?? Maye he just GOES to college…lol He did say the other nite he had been a server in some weird restaurant in Chicago in which you need to be RUDE to customers! Right up his ally!!lol So I don’t think he can survive on his *teaching* salary. I don’t know WHY anyone would ever want to be on BB KNOWING that millions of people are digging into your RL!!!! It’s almost worse than running for a political office! At least people can’t watch them on a daily basis!!lol
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My my tender Bobo. Hope you are enjoying the day!
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Question: How do you get your picture on your blog?
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Andy College Professor
His Ratings are good
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@joleemae, on the right side of this page under REALITY TV LINKS, just click on:
“Add An Avatar To Your Comments On Big Brother Blog” and follow the directions. It’s not too difficult. Good luck!
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@Jeanne…thanks for telling us about your life . It sounds blessed. We have some similarities as my Mom took care of me when I had cancer. Unfortunately, my only sister died in 2012, so I don’t have her to lean on now. Love your zest for life and take on it and the show! Keep posting!! 😉 ♥
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Great day my dear Starfish! …………….
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I read on Elyssa’s blog that she was in beauty school
well what is he ?
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Thanks Sylvie, interesting. I’ll bet he would be a fun teacher. Not so in BB.
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Sylvie, did you read the whole thing. Here’s a couple paragraphs that may explain it for you.
<i?Elissa began her business career as a licensed cosmetologist. Although she enjoyed styling and the fashion industry, she realized that her passion is making others feel beautiful and self confident. Elissa was thrilled to see that personality changes her clients experienced after makeovers were like "night and day". After a little bit of TLC, they felt beautiful and confident. Seeing these results made Elissa feel so blessed to be a part of that "positivity". She revelled in the joy of helping others to share what she had been able to achieve in her own body makeover. After 8 years of a successful styling career, she decided to make a change to advance her career, and returned to college college to pursue a degree in nursing. While on this path, she was required to to participate in the curriculum's RNA (registered nurse assistant) program. This led to her working for a wellness center in Charlotte. Here, all of the elements of her biography combined. Her passion for fitness, good health habits and proper nutrition found the perfect expression, and she embarked on her inevitable destiny to follow her dreams and pursue something that is a constant in her life, teaching WELLNESS.
Elissa then enrolled in the prestigious Yoga Alliance School training, completing its rigorous 200 hour RYT certification. She then pursued certification as a Fitness and Nutrition Specialist. She is currently working toward her Bachelor's degree in Sports Management with a concentration in Wellness and Fitness. Her plans are to host a flourishing nutrition resource website and provide her clients with the best care and knowledge in order for them to fulfill their health and fitness goals and dreams.
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Can’t get the Feeds 😕 So, what’s up?
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Sylvie, did you read the whole thing. Here’s a couple paragraphs from her bio that may help with any confusion:
Elissa began her business career as a licensed cosmetologist. Although she enjoyed styling and the fashion industry, she realized that her passion is making others feel beautiful and self confident. Elissa was thrilled to see that personality changes her clients experienced after makeovers were like “night and day”. After a little bit of TLC, they felt beautiful and confident. Seeing these results made Elissa feel so blessed to be a part of that “positivity”. She revelled in the joy of helping others to share what she had been able to achieve in her own body makeover. After 8 years of a successful styling career, she decided to make a change to advance her career, and returned to college college to pursue a degree in nursing. While on this path, she was required to to participate in the curriculum’s RNA (registered nurse assistant) program. This led to her working for a wellness center in Charlotte. Here, all of the elements of her biography combined. Her passion for fitness, good health habits and proper nutrition found the perfect expression, and she embarked on her inevitable destiny to follow her dreams and pursue something that is a constant in her life, teaching WELLNESS.
Elissa then enrolled in the prestigious Yoga Alliance School training, completing its rigorous 200 hour RYT certification. She then pursued certification as a Fitness and Nutrition Specialist. She is currently working toward her Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management with a concentration in Wellness and Fitness. Her plans are to host a flourishing nutrition resource website and provide her clients with the best care and knowledge in order for them to fulfill their health and fitness goals and dreams.
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Ok, I tried to answer Sylvie’s question with a couple paragraphs from E’s bio but it didn’t take so I’ll try one more time and hope it doesn’t show up three times.
Elissa began her business career as a licensed cosmetologist. Although she enjoyed styling and the fashion industry, she realized that her passion is making others feel beautiful and self confident. Elissa was thrilled to see that personality changes her clients experienced after makeovers were like “night and day”. After a little bit of TLC, they felt beautiful and confident. Seeing these results made Elissa feel so blessed to be a part of that “positivity”. She revelled in the joy of helping others to share what she had been able to achieve in her own body makeover. After 8 years of a successful styling career, she decided to make a change to advance her career, and returned to college college to pursue a degree in nursing. While on this path, she was required to to participate in the curriculum’s RNA (registered nurse assistant) program. This led to her working for a wellness center in Charlotte. Here, all of the elements of her biography combined. Her passion for fitness, good health habits and proper nutrition found the perfect expression, and she embarked on her inevitable destiny to follow her dreams and pursue something that is a constant in her life, teaching WELLNESS.
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Elissa then enrolled in the prestigious Yoga Alliance School training, completing its rigorous 200 hour RYT certification. She then pursued certification as a Fitness and Nutrition Specialist. She is currently working toward her Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management with a concentration in Wellness and Fitness. Her plans are to host a flourishing nutrition resource website and provide her clients with the best care and knowledge in order for them to fulfill their health and fitness goals and dreams.
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Here’s the 2nd paragraph:
Elissa then enrolled in the prestigious Yoga Alliance School training, completing its rigorous 200 hour RYT certification. She then pursued certification as a Fitness and Nutrition Specialist. She is currently working toward her Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management with a concentration in Wellness and Fitness. Her plans are to host a flourishing nutrition resource website and provide her clients with the best care and knowledge in order for them to fulfill their health and fitness goals and dreams.
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Then she went into yoga. The second paragraph to the above won’t paste. 🙁
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@Star and Sylvie: Yes, Elissa was in beauty school, and did that as a trade for some time. She was also in nursing school and I believe she got a certificate as an aide. She also has some kind of certificate in the nutritional field, though she is not a licensed nutritionist, I do not believe; and she is internationally certified as a yogi instructor. All in all, Elissa Slater is a rather accomplished young woman in her own right that has very little to do with her husband’s wealth.
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BB on in 3 hours
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@Becky, her bio specifically says she in internationally certified and gives the 200 hr class she had to have in order to get certified.
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Here’s the 2nd paragraph: Elissa then enrolled in the prestigious Yoga Alliance School training completing its rigorous 200 hr RYT certification. Then she pursued certification as a fitness & Nutrition Specialist. Current she is working toward her BA in Sports Management with a concentraion in Wellness & Fitness. Her plans are to host a flourishing nutrition resource website & provide her clients with the best care & Knowledge in order for etc. etc.
That’s what it says, I guess we can verify somewhere if there’s a question about it.
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Star/Jeanne 728 My full name is Jeanne Mae. My mom also hated her name. Ruby especially after the song “Ruby dont take your love to town” came out in the 50s. My Dad started calling her Rub, which made her even madder. She also was very fisty. God bless. <3
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Hey Jeanne My Daughter’s name is Jeana!………….
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My older sister was named after Annette Funichallo (and I know I spelled that wrong) ; my mom was reading the book “Rebecca” when she was pregnant with me…
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My daughter is after Princess Anastasia of Russia. Anastasia Noel, to be precise, but only because I thought it was cool name. And I have no idea where I came up with my son’s name. The most unusual name history in my family is my grand daughter’s. She is Elizabeth Rose. When my son-in-law’s mother was pregnant with him, she was expecting a girl and that was the name she picked out…well, it was finally used 33 years later.
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@Becky 😆 Anastasia Noel is a great name. Very strong.
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Going to Eat some Szechuan Food……….. See you all later
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now these guys Are talking about the Bible 😕 ………….
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my sister’s name is Gay. Once it meant happy. All i’m saying is when i hear her name it very rarely is talking about my sister or being happy. Get’s tiring. In my family we have a Hope, Joy and Gay (my name is the one that doesn’t fit tho it’s meaning does…just the name doesn’t) anyway………..blue day…worrying about my parents.
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Star, that’s what I thought too. She doesn’t like it and goes by Stacy.
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jeanne728@ Your French teacher was right (of course) and i am wrong about the ‘n’ being sorta silent at the end of the name. ….it’s the way you pronouce the mans’s name (John) As was mentionned, the ‘n’ is pronounced for the woman’s name.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J&J@ So happy to read all your comments and so glad you are blogging with us. I think the reason this group of bloggers are so enjoyable to read is the maturity of us. I hope my sister and I can do the same for each other some day.
Star@Sorry about your parents. It’s never easy to lose your mother. My parents are gone too. Glad the talking about the Jeanne name has brought you some happy thoughts.
FYI…My sister, who is a kindergarten teacher, taught a course at the community college, and she was NOT considered a professor. I know people like to embellish their resumes and CVs so it doesn’t surprise me in this case. Andy looks like he should be the student not the teacher.
OK, that’s all for now.
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@Becky are you talking to me or to Star?
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Now the name Christopher Scott proved to be attached to a very strong-willed personality.
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Have fun Bobo. I don’t think the Bible will help them. 😆
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Starfish 😆
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tendr@ wanna hear something funny about the name Gay?? Say yes. I had a friend that was a massage therapist at a resort (that was by no means a fancy one) and her name was Gay Hooker. At that time, as you said, it was just a beautiful name that meant happy. She was there for many years and then she had to change her name on all the signs etc to Elizabeth….for obvious reasons. Sorry you’re having a blue day. Those suck.
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Did A Get some sort of power????
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@tendr, sending happy wishes and get well blessings and thoughts your way for you, your parents and your family.
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@bobo, God I hope not! I doubt it or we would know something by now I would imagine.
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@Bobo, I sure as hell hope not!!
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Starfish….sorry dear for the late post…but i sleep all morning every morning and i come here only at nite, lol…. 🙂
but u asked me on Post #128 to find the Link u posted on Jeff’s interview with Daniele so here it is…. 🙂
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Bobo….Dont believe anything u read in the Internet UNLESS u read it here my friend, lol… 🙂
but that story about demanda getting the Diamond POV in the Luxury Comp was posted on the BB FaceBook page and it was FALSE… so forget about it, lol… 🙂
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@Hoh8, well aren’t you wonderful!!
@Sylvie, the post I mentioned of Jeff interviewing Danielle is posted by Hoh8 in post #222.
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DO NOT give me heart failure. I just spewed coffee all over my lap top. That was cruel!
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I used all common name’s for my children. James, Cathrine, Lori, Donna, Jeannette, & Dianna. Now the Grandchildren, I had no say. God bless. <3
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Speaking of names again…
When my son was born, my mother-in-law wanted us to name him Ralph. I naturally thought that was far too old fashioned and didn’t even discuss it. However, she didn’t actually didn’t say anything to me until after the birth certificate was made out. 29 years later I found out that Ralph happens to be an old family name going back 6 generations and that the 5th boy in each generation (no matter which arm of the family) is named Ralph; that should have been my son. If she had explained that tradition to me, I would have honored it as I love tradition and my family has few, in fact I have none from my father’s side of my family. The name does live on as a cousin of my former mother-in-law gave their son that name and it is a male cousin that carries the last name of the original Ralph. So I guess it all worked out for the best. I did feel bad though when I found out about the tradition and told my ex that he or his mother should have explained things back then not just let me assume. Lack of communication does funny things.
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D.Doll…so sorry! Becky & HoH8 ….. My Bad 😯 ! …
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I have really enjoyed the conversations today – I think we are all “Getting to Know You.” 🙂 I love that song! One more interesting fact about our family: I adopted one of my twin sister’s grandchildren. She has given me two wonderful grandchildren. So, that makes me my daughter’s aunt and mom and Jeanne her grandmother. To further confuse things, my grandchildren are Jeanne’ s great grandchildren! 🙂 🙂
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K watch the video , thanks. Yes Danielle is right Amand has payed since day 1
Jeff Doesn’t like how she’s played
They agree on Andy floating and not caring for Spencer and about Judd , as i feel the same as above i agree on Judd he’s nice that’s about it
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EAU is a female sheep as per the rocket scientists judd, mcnasty and demanda they were talking about a game in a past season I was yelling ewe ewe you nitwits spencer got it right but they just ignored him. there is no hope for these jerks all they excel in is telling a lie, eating, sleeping, stabbing each other in the back, having a temper tantrum and making noise when they eat and drink
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to top this is how demanda quotes the bible and ends the sentence with the f word and how God is stupid and mean, I really have to grit my teeth
ok back to the moron show on live feeds
ciao till later
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What on earth is happening here? 😛
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@MM 😆 Yep!!
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See you all later….time for some TV, Bye for now my Friends!
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I forgive you……keep the news coming.
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NAP Time Frannie 😆
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@ Jeanne # 204 oh i know how your mom felt eww Ruby for a name ~ my name is Ruby too !! guess what my middle name is even worse it’s Pearl ewwww ~ i used to tell everyone my name was Ruby Pearl Diamond lol …………………. my mom took me to have my name changed when i was a teenager, on the way to the place she told me, out of her 9 children i was the only one she named yada yada yada, so I could not change my name after that conversation but she let me keep the $100.00 made me happy. ~ now i am 50 years old and i still hate it, so i live with it, i don’t give a hoot anymore. love my mom forever
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@fp2, there’s absolutely nothing going on here, that’s the problem.
There’s just a lot of angling going on in the BB house. McCranda trying to get GM to put up E and/or Mc taking Am off and GM putting E up so E will be voted out. Not going to happen tho. 👿 Which ever one is on the block will be voted out no matter who the replacement is and that’s JMO. Then we have Judd telling McC to use the veto on Amanda because McC is the original target and then they’ll vote him out. Oh the wicked web we weave. hee hee
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bad mouthing god !!! oh my
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TV Show Update
it looks that CBS did not air any dumb sports game, lol… so the tv show will be on time… if anyone wishes to watch the East Coast Stream… go here….
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As Danielle said
And I agree strongly
Can’t wait for something to happen , something big!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe tonight ?
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@swt, yeah, she really gives the Jewish religion a good name. NOT
BTW, I think your name is a real JEWEL hehe
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……………………. √
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@sylvie, the only thing happening tonight is POV and maybe the comp that gave Spencer $10k. Otherwise, Thursday is the night for double eviction and something big will happen. The only thing is will we like the second person going home? That depends on who wins HOH. We’ll see on Thursday.
Thanks Hoh8 for the link!
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It’s showtime!
Also, on a sad note….True Blood and Dexter seems to not be on tonight. I hope my guide is wrong. 🙁 Buutttt…Breaking Bad is still on! Whoo Hoo!
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bobo. .. enjoy your BDay diiner with your friens!
My exhub went to high school with a girl named Rosie Holle, true! Really, what were her parents thinking?
Star. .. it does get easier, it hasn’t even been a year yet. It is sad that your mom passed so near to your birthday, that sucks big time, you will always have the month of February as a life changing month. However, on the positive side, I am sure to your mother it was one of her favourite months with the grace of the birth oh a wonderful child 🙂
As for Elyssa, I have nothong against her, she is playing the game okay, if just a bit vapid.
What does annoy me is production bringing a relative of a past winner that has also played more than once. Her family can share their wealth amongst themselves. Production really needs to give others in America a chance. Put some hard core fans in there that would genuinely benefit from the award. .. and stop the bullshit of putting up beautful people that are looking for Hollywood to discover them.
I dont believe for one minute that Elyssa was actually voted MVP the first several weeks, I think she was given a free pass.
So lets find out what new “twist” production has in store, but like JT said, it is prolly just the luxury comp.
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(note to self – stop reading here ’til after the show)
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Just returned! was watching the feeds and otherwise trying to be productive but failing miserably. Well took me awhile to catch up! there were a lot of messages since I left. Star & Jeanne & JolieMae and whoever else was in our little conversation .. ..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Star, yes .. the nickname thing was big.. My parents names were Toots & Min! lol.
My mom’s real name was actually Frances but nobody ever called her that. She went by her middle name Lorraine (when she wasn’t dodging the “Toots” thing). Ironically not sure anybody in my mom’s family went by their actual first name! Possibly an indication that my grandmother game them all names they hated .. lol. not sure.
Jeanne – nice to hear about you and I think it’s great that at 80 you are into BB! that’s pretty cool. and I think when I’m 80 .. I’ll be into some crazy reality show still too. lol. If I love to be 80! I’m not so hopeful.
Also great that you and your sister have each other. My sister and I don’t speak ..
We went 7 years with no communication after my mom died. Then reconnected when I also had cancer but now we’re back to not speaking at all. It troubles me and I’ve tried to mend fences but just get no response. So I gave up.
Now I wont bore these other bloggers with anymore about me!
RE: the show! they just said GM has decided she’s ready to tell McCrae & Amanda that she’s not going to put Elissa up. I can’t wait to see their faces and hear their reaction. McCrae has been considering using the veto on Amanda. and the rat Andy is bad mouthing Elyssa again.
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wow. sorry to hog so much space guys!
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@SF.. ur welcome, anything for my friend… 🙂
@frannie….dear, True Blood ended 2 weeks ago… r u behind?…. 🙂
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HoH8….yep, I just remembered that about 5 minutes after I typed that here. 🙁
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Spencer & Judd look fresh off the set of Stir Crazy. 😆
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@frannie…LOL…ur so funny… u have to remember that this is Labor Day w/e so alot of the shows arent on cause everyone is out of their homes…. except us BB Addicts, lol… 🙂
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I don’t have live feeds so something must have happened today. Anyone watching? Is Gm caving, I don’t believe she would but who is leaning where.? Anybody have an update? Still worried about Spencer & Andy. Just have a funny feeling about those two.
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Gina Marie is getting a great edit. She is cute and feisty. She is definitely on to Amanda.
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The diary rooms have been pretty funny too.
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Does anyone know why Dexter isn’t on tonight?
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amanda is just sucking up to GM.. earlier McCrae gave it another shot but GM out talked him.
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I am so tired of Amanda’s black shirt. Does anyone think she has washed it in the last 70 days.
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JT, don’t ya know? I’m sure you will soon be told. 😆
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I think JT is messing with you fp2.
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Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! That was awesome!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But my favorite part was when Mcranda was trying to scheme downstairs and GM was in the HOH room dancing with her HOH Robe & Sunglasses like she didn’t have a care in the world!!!
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LOL…. frannie u got that right…LOL….. 🙂
JT…its Labor Day w/e…. Dah….lol….sorry…. 🙂
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OMG… im glad CBS is giving demanda a more Dirtier Edit… but still not enough… during the Lux Comp…demanda picked up alot of the confetti and stuffed it into Elissa’s bag in the bedroom… and it caused a big stink later….. 🙂
@SF…what are u referring to about GM?… what we saw in tonite’s show happened 3 days ago in the house… its not how she is feeling today which is almost the same… GM hasnt switched her feelings towards demanda at all… she still wants her out… 🙂
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@JT… ur lucky they are giving Breaking Bad tonite… i guess cause it just started new… 🙂
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AC…check you email
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HoH8… what does “dah” mean? …or was that supposed to be “duh”?
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I just got finished watching tonight’s episode. Oh my goodness I am crying for Amanda and McCray were put on the block. BooHoo…………………….For Joke!!
Amanda was so startled with her pizza boy. Her Azz is grass thursday. I bet that this will be the most watched show all season. That Bitch……….yeah I said it was harrassing Elyssia all the way up to the end. She is such a loser and is so jealous of this women. Amanda can say whatever and when the tables are turned, “People are just pushing my buttons so I have to retaliate.” Bull Chit Amanda, you FN loser.
I did throw my remote at her face on the TV and it didn’t break. I want to stick my arm though that TV and just ring her huge neck. She is really a porker.
She seems to have a half way decent face……….but the rest of her is so fake. From her humongous bossoms to her flabby butt.
When can we get to the diary room and tell her off. She is non-stop talk. She is bulling everyone but GM. Even the guys had to leave the room.
Well I will wait until wed. for I know that McCramda won POV. Cry you Bitch, you deserve what you get. I can’t believe that her whole family is proud of this child.
Uncouth, no class, disgusting creepy person.
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Frannie, I bet I can predict what you are sending to AC 😉
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You would be right JT. 😆
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@JT…Dah… is the puerto rican way to say Duh, lol… 🙂
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@Hoh8, here’s what I said: “Is Gm caving, I don’t believe she would but who is leaning where.? ” I was just looking for info from today live feeds. Thanks tho.
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I think Amanda is the only one who has cried at the nomination ceremony all season… not many cry at the ceremony ever, in fact; some cry later, though. For once, I do believe those real tears, it must have been the shock to realize that she no longer has any control at all.
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@ Becky….and it was priceless!
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I have another 1-1/2 hours to watch the show. I didn’t get to the link on time but that’s ok. I just want to watch McManda scheming and GM just not buying any of it. Watching Amanda cry, not so much. We’ve seen that act one too many times.
Dah = Duh 😆
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OMG – had the fam over today – 16 of us – this hosting gig is for the birds – (but i love it – ha) time to put my feet up and catch up with yall –
SF – please tell me gm is not caving!
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I think GM is adorable. The more I see her the more I love her. I think GM & Judd f2. Sounds good to me. Can’t wait for Thursday. Have a safe Memorial day. God bless. <3
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Bendi, I doubt seriously GM is caving. She wants one of them out without a doubt! It was simply a question to get a BB update so someone watching the feeds would give us some info.
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GM is entertaining for sure. And can be sweet at times. Not great at speeches though.
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SF will try to watch a little when everyone goes to bed – have my bonus daughter in from college – ill let ya know
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If GM was going to cave, she would have done it prior to nominations I would think. That girl doesn’t have many book smarts, but she’s street smart and she ain’t buying any more of what McCranda is selling. I’m starting to love her, too and kind of want to see her, Elissa and Judd in F3 to battle–wouldn’t care which of those 3 went to F2 so long as Elissa didn’t win.
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GM is for sure entertaining and clumsy. She’s got a good heart but can blow like a tornado when provoked as we’ve seen and heard some pretty awful stuff come out of her mouth when she feels she’s being attacked. She’s handling HOH so well and just keeping a straight face and nodding and doing what she needs to do to get one of the McMandas out. Love her now!
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my personal opinion is that gm is making them have fase hope – like she and nick did
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That’s that Nu Yawk street tude mommie. 😀
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It sure is and she does it so well. Gotta love her. Been saying all along, that girl has street smarts and I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of her but she would give in and feel bad after. She’s got a good heart. It’s obvious to me anyway.
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They still have MC there, he might be harder to get rid of and possibly next HOH
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Way to go Gina, New Yorkers are Similar to Chicagoans
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@Aggie, I know and that worries me. He’ll play hard now. If he wins, then it’s all up to POV b/c he’ll put up Elissa and Judd I’m pretty sure. Do you think everyone will play hard for HOH?
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GM is not breaking bad 😉 No way.
She tode McCrae that she would make her decision about who the re-nom would be by 10-11pm BB time tonight (she already made up her mind yesterday.. it will be Spencer). Of course Amanda couldn’t let it go until then and was up GM’s arse before 7pm.
Amanda & McCrae want the re-nom to be Elissa (that IS NOT happening). GM wont tell them who she is putting up.. all she will tell them is if she will put up Elissa or not (she wont… then Am & Mc will finally realize it’s hopeless.. and it makes no sense) 🙄
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Okay most of us here knew what was going to happen, right, right…But to see how Amanda’s face was twitching & that I can’t believe this.. Ha Ha 😆 It was priceless! good show! ……………….
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@ Starfish
I would think if MC were HOH it would be Elissa And Gina, they better fight hard from now on
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Thanks JT. Good to know and I can’t wait to watch Amanda’s melt down. “It makes no sense” to her because it’s not her way. She’s a piece of work for sure.
@Bobo, can’t wait to watch!
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@ Bob
Good to see Gina didn’t let Amanda Intimidate her
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Hi Aggie♥…how you doing?
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@Aggie, well then we have to send the messages to the powers in the sky to have McC not win. 😆
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Hi , Bob
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Right Aggie, Me too!!!
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Yep, hopefully he will go next, we shall see
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@Bobo & Aggie, we are all on the same page. Does anyone want Amanda to stay or McC for that matter. Go GM! Then hopefully Andy goes after that.
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LMAO… Elissa walked in on Amanda & GM’ talk… to take a shower. You could tell Amanda was pissed. Then Amanda went to b/y and wanted Judd, Spencer, Andy, & McCrae to all go up there with her and tell her to put up GM. “We’ll tell her to do this.. the entire house is united”
The house is united.. the house wants you out Amanda!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(in my best Amityville house voice)
G E T……. O U T!! 😯
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Don’t leave me out. I have been saying all along that I want Amanda out. I want the snake out too, but not sure if I want Andy out before McCrae or not.
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Starfish We are on the same page!
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Starfish… if you love GM now.. you’ll love her even more after seeing her DR sessions in the episode. Was awesome.
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To put up Elissa…. not GM 🙄 sorry
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what bugs me is nobody has Andy on his Radar, Amanda was good for the Drama, we have to have that with BB. I can’t Imagine her on The Bachelor, she was suppoe to be on Seans Season, she would be great on The Bachelor Pad, along with other train wrecks
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There Radar:roll:
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@JT, 😆 Amanda is delusional about who she is and if she thinks America loves her, she’s in for the most horrific surprise of her life. Even more than being nominated and voted out!
No Way Frannie, you’re not left out. We will all do a happy dance when Demanda walks out the door. Can’t wait for the interview. Would love to see the entrance into jury house too.
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Okay JT You had me their for a minuet 😆
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Glad she wasn’t on there…she would never have lasted. She doesn’t have the body like the other contestants have.
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Funny JT, I didn’t even see GM, I saw Elissa. My brain knew what my eyes didn’t. 😯
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What are you guys going to talk about when Amanda’s gone? since most of the talk was about her, she was the one you loved to hate.
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I’ve decided I’m voting GM as favorite HG… if she doesn’t win.. hope she gets the 25k
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Ahhhh, I feel so special now, thanks *fish.
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25 more minutes to love GM’s DR room.
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i loved it when GM told McCreppy the first to win HOH and he had fire in him then and now he needed to get that spark back ~ Amanda’s face wass priceless ~ loved it
LOL Becky Jewel would work #243
LOL BCMarie #247
@ Pauletta # 243 i think all she has is dirty clothes she is Mrs McNasty LOL
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Andy is on Elissa’s radar… and GM knows she can’t trust him either.
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I know what we can talk about…..ain’t that right Aggie and JT? 😆 😉
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Good idea JT, but I think Brenchel army will make sure it’s Elissa
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Aggie, I’ll continue to talk about the game… same as I always have.. with or without Amanda.
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@Aggie, I still love to hate Amanda but now I want to love to hate her somewhere else. 😆 I know this will get less exciting but it will be interesting to watch the other eggheads scramble.
@fp2, yes, you are special!
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Yep FP 😉
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Aggie, I think it will be Elissa too. 3 weeks ago it wouldn’t have been.. but Elissa has picked up many fans since Helen left. I’ll still vote GM though.
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😉 @ FP2
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Ok but to me the train wrecks are entrtaining
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Great JT, voting for GM. Me too. Great idea. But Aggie has a point, Brenchel has quite an army and they love Elissa.
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Me too, I hope Gina can hang in, but at least the 25 grand would be good if she doesn’t
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i said early on when everyone was against gm – but i saw through what she was doing – she was trying to fit in with jeremy and aaryn – the girls has the go-nads – ha – tonites show – showed alot in the DRs – still cant stand the weasel
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I’m just glad Amanda was only a finalist for The Bachelor… and didn’t make the cut. I don’t care about dumbass Sean…. but my poor DES♥ would have been stuck in a house with her! 😮
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OMG, poor Des would be sweet pickens for the ruthless Amanda. But we’ve seen Des hold her own, so who knows. Amanda doesn’t do well when someone calls her on her shit and Des just may have done that.
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Do you guys remember how Russell Hounded Ronnie on BB 11? It seems like Amanda was trying to do the same to Elissa, that was fun to watch I do hate Elissa, and liked her insulting her about her plastic surgery Etc.
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Aggie, “Train wrecks” are entertaining, but so is seeing them walk out the door. And with only 17 days left, I’d rather muddle through the rest than see her get a single step close to the finals.
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She might have been a different person on that show JT, BB can bring out the worst in people when your stuck in that house. She was pretty charming in her Jeff interview
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Aggie, Amanda just made herself look like a bigger idiot than she already did. I thought it was funny that Elissa just laughed at her.
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Same Same here JT ………………………………………
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True, but Villains are always fun to watch, who wants a house full of nice people, way to boring.
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spencer – andy – mc little girl in the backyard – spencers says ‘im so glad we are not having to hear helen crying all night’ – HA – NOW YALL HAVE AMANDA CRYING EVERY NITE
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Aggie, I was thinking the same. That would have been a totally different show.. and they don’t have 24/7 feeds so who knows.. we might have all liked her 😯 And if she had made it on there.. she would’t have been on BB this season.
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I know that was Funny, but she has her moments of sanity
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how about the mcnastys on the next bridezilla omg
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Glad I have tomorrow off. 🙂 I get to stay up and see how they react when GM tells them she is not putting Elissa up.
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@Aggie, I don’t think there are many “nice people” in that house. You’re right, it brings out things in people but Amanda contributed to most of that because as you say, she’s a train wreck. She plowed into everyone and wrecked the house with her explosion and trains are so big they push everyone around and that’s what she did. Granted, they are all idiots for letting her. Elissa had no choice but to laugh at Amanda’s absurdity because it was funny. It’s funny now and I’m laughing reading this because she is so pitiful.
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from a guys view – why are they trashing ellisa – JT – u first
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Reasons why tonight’s episode of Big Brother might be the greatest ever:
1) For once, we had a true blindside.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Amanda’s face when she was nominated.
3) McCrae’s face when he was nominated.
4) Spencer: “Were you a megabitch in high school?”
5) The fact that Amanda apparently did not realize that Spencer was calling her a megabitch.
6) Judd attempting to help GM pronounce the word “dynamic.”
7) The fact that Helen was not in the house.
And finally…
8) Amanda and McCrae intensely discussing strategy while GM cheerfully danced in her HoH room.
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Remember we didn’t care much for Gina once, There are people I didn’t like on BB, that seem to be nice people in life. I would hope Amanda’s a better person, I really hope that’s not all she is, but she seemed nice enough in the Jeff interview
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Elissa laughing in Amanda’s face was hilarious. You know that pissed her off so much. When I want a good argument, I want a good argument. I want verbal words, because if someone just laughed at me, that would piss me off even more. Elissa did a great job! IMO of course.
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Cool Lisa, nice job
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LMB… and GM’s DR sessions were badass.
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Yes, she was nice in Jeff’s interview (she’s an actress) but she told McC that the way she is in the house is the way she is outside the house. That should scare him all the way to China. 😆
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Lisa Marie, thank you that was great. I’ll be watching the show right now. Thanks for taking the time! bbl8r
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@ Starfish
True very few nice people this season, I think Judd was probably the nicest
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Enjoy *fish
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Nice to see you Lisa
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macy, (I’m typing fast) 😆
I’ll try my best to summarize why so many have been against her. These are observations by other HGs.. and are not my opinions.
1) She’s Rachel’s sister. That’s not a bad thing itself, but when she tried to hide it.. it made her look shady to others. I understand Elissa not wanting to tell.. but also know she would have been better off being up front about it. She was on TV when Rachel won after all. The truth was going to come out one way or the other. Aaryn was a HUGE Rachel fan… that could have been an advantage.
2) MVP Twist. All other HGs knew Elissa came in with a built-in fan base. They thought it was unfair to have Elissa play a season when there was the MVP twist. That is why they wanted her out early… to level the playing field and make it anyone’s game as far as getting MVP.
3) As soon as Elissa was targeted for eviction (week 1), she disappeared from the game. She spent all day every day curled up in the have not room. She was seldom even seen on feeds back then. She just wanted to self-evict and go home. Nobody respected that kind of thinking after others worked for years just to get a chance to play.
4) Entitlement. Elissa has said many things this season that made other HGs dislike her. She bragged about how they had to beg her to do the show. She made comments about being “BB Royalty”. She constantly bragged about all the material things she has… multi homes… boats.. finest clothes & jewelry. She brags about all the trips she’s been on. She has always acted superior to everyone.. and talked about how she can’t be caught up in drama on there because she has businesses to run. She has talked about her husband’s multi million dollar business. She has said she should be paid to be there. She didn’t go through any process to get on the show.. she hopped a flight and walked in the door. She showed little respect for getting to be on BB.
5) Self-eviction. I touched on this before, but Elissa has threatened to leave many many times… pretty much weekly until Helen left. And said she would not go to jury.. she would go home. People don’t like that attitude.
Now, these are my opinions
If I was on BB… and Ian Kirby was there.. I would try to get him out ASAP too. Because I would know Dr Will’s brother would have any America’s vote in the bag.
Someone talking about self-evicting every time things didn’t go their way would drive me absolutely bonkers.
I don’t like people who brag about wealth, travels, people they know, & material things.
BUT, since Helen left, Elissa has been a different player. She interacts with everyone.. she never did that before. She doesn’t talk about all the things she has. She hasn’t mentioned going home seriously since Helen left. She has been doing well in comps lately. She has been much more down to Earth to talk to. She didn’t let anyone influence her HOH. When others are mean.. she just laughs it off.. and they are the ones who end up running off to cry instead. (But many in the house still hold her actions from the first 8 weeks against her)
I think if Elissa had played the first 8 weeks the way she’s played the last 2 weeks, she would be up there as one of my all time faves…… maybe? maybe not. Probably not.. but she is 1,000% better than when she started.
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I love #4 and 5. Amanda sure was oblivious to that. I didn’t think Spencer had it in him to call Amanda such a name, either. Surprised me!!
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JT i felt the same – my opinion is that she is a nce girl – in a mean house – that has brought her down in ways – i think andy – the weasel needs her out because she has said things over and over about his man-hood – she was kidding
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Good update! 🙂
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Andy wants her out because Elissa is the only one targeting Andy hard… if she is gone.. he might slide through to final 3 pretty easy.
Gotta go watch “Talking Bad” (talk show about Breaking Bad)
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It would be smart if GM or even Judd took Elissa to the f2. They would win against her for sure.
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andy – in by talking to spenc and mc – says – i always left my things in the other rooms – so i could have an excuse to come back in – THAT WEASEL
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here’s BB15 Final 2 today in the photo booth, lol… 🙂
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Got to go now and watch NJ Housewife’s……….
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here’s the PIG today thinking as usual, lol… 🙂
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nite to you all – gonna go have girl talk with the 13 yr old and 22 yr old – ha ha
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In the pic of #372, I think what Spencer is doing, is trying to find it…..I mean since there is no smile on his face.
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Night Bob…enjoy your show.
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See you later……… 🙂
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@frannie… ur so right…where is it???…. did demanda take it also?…lol.. 🙂
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What Spencer is really thinking….
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LOL… u work fast….thats good, lol…. 🙂
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I wanna play too!!! My turn!
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JT, I like yours much better! 😆
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Frannie… you inspired me. 🙂
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Spencer & GM are in HOH talking about how to tell Amanda she isn’t putting Elissa up.
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JT you rock and all the inputs since tonights show have been more entertaining than this whole darn season but I do agree that one of the only big moves was made tonight by GM but AndyPandyCryBaby needs to go and win NO money. Thank you all for making this horrible year wonderful with laughs.
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here’s McCranda on Thurs before she leaves, LOL… 🙂
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HoH8….. somehow I knew better than to click that. But as Frannie & Aggie can tell you, curiosity gets me EVERY TIME! 😆
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Amazonia70, lemonade from lemons… and sirloin steak from slop.. that’s our goal here. 🙂
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I just watched the show and I want to run in the steeet and do a happy dance. But being the sophisticated women that I am, I will refrain. 😯 Hot Damn, GM did it. Woot Woot
JT, you are right, I love her even more after watching her in the DR. She is no dumb bunnie that’s for sure. They should have gone weeks ago and she said no one had the balls to do it but she does! Oh she’s so right. Loved the show!
JT, your synopsis of Elissa is spot on but I think Helen hampered her game by always telling her what to do and to lay low and basically kept her under her thumb and Elissa believed her. I too wish she had played her own game and the bragging is terrible but not as terrible as the treatment she took from Amanda and the way Amanda treated everybody. Wait until they see what she said about them when they watch the feeds. It’s like she’s different playing the game since Helen left just like Rachel was after Brendon left. Kinda funny how much better they are doing without their so called partner or other half.
FP2 you and JT with that picture of Spencer is well, I don’t have a word for it but disturbing comes to mind that he has that look of ecstacy on his face with his hand down his pants. God, he’s on TV for heaven’s sake. What a dumbass he is.
Hoh8, love the Thursday leaving picture of the two of them, I laughed out loud. Just perfect. So funny.
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Starfish, I agree. I wrote a while ago that the worst thing that happened to Elissa’s game was Helen leaving… and the best thing that happened to Elissa’s game was Helen leaving. Helen did hamper Elissa’s game for sure. Helen did all the talking for her.. and made game moves for her. Now Elissa is doing it on her own.. and being much more effective than Helen could have been.
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So now we watch Amanda do everything she can go have Elissa put up as replacement nom. Ain’t gonna happen but you said it will be Spencer. So now the game is up for Andy. No more shifty business. Play the game damnit! Hopefully if everything plays out the way we are hoping, McC goes with Amanda and they can stink up the Jury House. OMG, those poor people to have them both come into the house and take over. We can hope that happens. HOh is the key on Thursday.
JT, what kind of HOH do you think it will be because we pretty much know what their strengths are.
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Yes, I remember you said that about the best thing and worst thing and that couldn’t have been more perfect. That’s true Elissa is more effective than Helen, good point. Helen was taken in by Amanda too and stopped playing her own game whatever that was.
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GM is in the b/y eating and chatting with people. Amanda & McCrae are camped in the HOH room waiting to pounce. (GM said earlier today she’d decide by 10 or 11pm)
Give it a rest, the Governor aint callin’ this time.
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JT 😆
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IDK what HOH comp will be.
They seem to like to do questions for HOH on double eviction day… then a quick, physical “run and find shit” POV comp.
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Oh, have you any thoughts about what the HOH comps on Thursday might be. I think we know their strengths and might be able to put together a scenario to play around with. Any thoughts?
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McC & Amanda taking shower in HOH room
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Well Elissa doesn’t do well with questions and I don’t think Judd does either. Not sure about spencer but McC might do well.
It could be anyone’s HOH for the physical one except Spencer and not too sure about Andy either.
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Gruesome Twosome in HOH right now……
if I have to see this crap… so do y’all! 😆
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Ewwwww They deserve each other. He’s no better than she is, he played the same game but she was the bad cop and did it so well.
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I’ll try to get take a few shots of Amanda’s face when GM breaks the news.
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I left 400 for you! 😀
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That would be great. I don’t know how it could beat her face at noms today tho. That was priceless to quote Judd.
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Good cop, bad cop
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Perfecto!! Love it and it fits too!
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LOL… not my best work.. but figured it would kill a few minutes while I wait.
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The Good, The Bad, & The Fugly
Amanda & McCrae are done washing off their filth. Now they are on b/y couch talking with Andy about what’s going on. GM is in hammock with Spencer. Amanda is glancing over there like a nervous wreck. GM feels her eyes burning through her.
McCrae is being McCrae…. blah
Andy is being Andy.. blah
It’s a stare down
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Ok.. here we go. this is where GM tells Amanda Elissa wont go up.
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Poor GM!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda says: “It doesn’t make sense”
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Joan… my thoughts exactly. I would just pull a Jerry (BB10) on them and scream..
…now get outta my room.
(I apologize to Star in advance for mentioning his name.) 😳
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nite kids!
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nite holly!
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Now Amanda is turning on the water works.. and raising her voice a bit. She just doesn’t understand that they are the targets this week by the entire house.
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I repeat. Poor GM! If Amanda turns on GM, then we’ll see some or you’ll see some real fireworks. McC will crawl under the covers.
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Good one
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GM should get up and walk. Or I wish she would do like Elissa and start laughing and then not say anything else. It looks like Amanda is not going to shut up. I really believe that GM will have to do something drastic to shut her up.
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GM say Elissa didn’t put me up last week.
Amanda says because she wanted Aaryn or me to go home… and she wanted to backdoor me.. and she f#cked up
Well….. GM didn’t f#ck up!! ..she put you both up the first time! 😆
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Joan…. GM has shown way more patience than anyone else this season. She just keeps listening & listening to all the BS.. and keeps her cool the whole time.
I’d be at the bottom of the pool by now… or Amanda would be!
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nite Holly 🙂
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Mc: Did she just fall?
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JT….I agree. I would have been screaming at her by now. GM as the patience of Job!
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After 25 minutes.. Amanda walks out… and McCrae speaks for the first time. he is being understanding.
Amanda is downstairs telling everyone (say it with me) “It doesn’t make sense!”
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…has the patience of Job. haha
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Wow, that took forever and there’s no way I have that kind of patience. GM just has that little giggle going on in her brain all the while Amanda is making a bigger and bigger fool of herself. GM’s brain keeps giggling and saying this woman is bat shit crazy. That’s what gives her patience. IMO 😆
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Now is Amanda going to try to rally the troops and interrogate everyone about who’s in an alliance with whom? McC was quiet about the whole thing? Amazing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Where’s E right now?
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Amanda (in her hamburglar outfit) has a smoke after talking with GM…
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E may be downstairs, whispering and plotting with Judd.
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Elissa was in b/y too… and Amanda told her she saved her week 1 and 2. And that is true mostly… but that was so long ago now.. it doesn’t give you a free pass to the final 2. That wouldn’t make sense. 😛
Amanda is bitter because she has orchestrated almost every eviction and feels she deserves to be there. She might still be there friday if she hadn’t been such a psycho all season.
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GM still talking with McCrae.. the rest all outside.
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I was concerned that she would go nuts on E and maybe she will go nuts yet on everyone or just go to bed and cry all night. That would be best. I’m sure they all wish this Thursday already. I know I would.
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I bet she goes right back up to HOH and corners GM again!
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LOL @ Joan.. I was thinking the same. No way is she just gonna accept it and ride it out til Thursday.
Amanda has been reviewing the season and all the moves she’s made (to Elissa, Judd, & Spencer). She seemed to be accepting things. She was talking to them level headed.. and talked with Judd about the whole backdoor thing.
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I wish they would just all tell her they all want her to go home and that’s exactly where she’s going so stop badgering us. Nope that won’t happen. If they did that, then she would probably really go nuts. 😛 Besides, they don’t have the guts to do it and be honest with her.
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Maybe not! E should hide the wine. 🙂
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Starfish…. I agree 100%. I’d be sick & tired if I were GM of helping Andy & Spencer stay in good with McCrae.. that’s BS at this point.
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Well night all. Good reading all your thoughts on here tonight and enjoyed expressing my feelings. I feel exhausted after watching the exchange between GM and AMA, so I am going to bed and read a while just to relax.
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Do you really think she thinks that way? If she thought of it she might call them on it. But she seems to enjoy her position right now.
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All are in b/y now except Andy. they are re-hashing seasons events… Amanda seems to be in a good mood. She knows she is leaving now.
Still expect to see another scheme though. But maybe she finally realized there’s a reason her & McCrae went up… that there’s a reason Elissa wont be the re-nom… that Aaryn was telling her the truth about everyone wanting her out.
Maybe it all finally makes sense. ❓
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Nite Joan, thanks for the info. I sit here and wait for you all with the LFs to give me the picture.
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nite Joan 🙂
Starfish, no, I don’t think GM thinks that way. Andy & Spencer get to cover their asses for next eviction… while GM sticks her neck WAY OUT. I’d call them on it in a heartbeat… or even put them up because of it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With me or against me… period.
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JT, it’s surprising that she has resigned herself but I doubt it. She’ll make a last ditch effort when she gets her second wind. She’s not a quitter to just lay down.
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My pleasure, Starfish. Have a good night!
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It’s too bad she doesn’t see it. I think she would call them on it if she did. She’s really put herself out on a limb for sure but Amanda may realize that it’s not just GM because Amanda is no fool. She’ll think Andy is the only one on her side. Dumbass Andy with no guts at all. Just a punk and a pink punk at that!
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Gotta step out for a minute.
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………………. ” It doesn’t make sense! >/b>
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Starfish, she is spilling all the beans about alliances she had… the fake alliance between Mc, Andy, & Helen to get info… all the moves she made.. why she made them. Seems she is at confessional… which she wouldn’t do if she thought she had any chance. But we’ll see.
The good news is that may have hurt Andy when she told about his fake alliance to get info. A lot don’t really trust him.. but they will keep an extra close eye on him now.
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Loved your soapbox JT re Elyssa.
LM good points on the show tonight, I especially laughed at the megabitch one, Amanda not realizing 🙂
Crack me up one the tinypic links. I used to be addicted to a Canadian forums website where I learned how to do all that stuff, and more. One of these days I should get myself a bottle of wine and play along with you guys too lol.
I really loved watching the nom ceremony. That is a YouTube moment for eternity. I especially loved GM remark to Mcrae about the fire in his eye. She may not be able to pronounce dynamic but sure as sh!t I bet you she knows how to say pussy whipped.
She just couldn’t say it on TV 😉
And, looky what she gone and did. He won the POV.
Now this canucklehead has to get some sleep, 4 am shift start comes way too soon.
I will be looking forward to the post nom read tomorrow!
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Goodnight All
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@JT, well good, I hope she puts a large target on Andy. He’s probably wetting his pants. Of course I want McC to go first. So maybe she’s come to believe it’s over for her. That will be good for everyone even tho many of us would love to see one last Amanda hurricane. 😛
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Nite bobo & BCMarie.
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They are all out back (GM is in her HOH room). It’s just general chat about funny things that happened.. and other stuff. All in good moods now.. no bad feelings.
Nite Johnboy
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Nite JT
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The best night ever !
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for all the updates
Amanda’s face is imprinted in my head
And the tears
It doesn’t make sense?
Yay it does Amanda cause you are unbearable
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Morning all.
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Would rather see Andy leave before Mc. Would like to see what he does on his own. Look at Elisa after Helen left. She got the fire. So did GM after Aaron left. So far he hasn’t had much chance to play the game other than trying to keep Amanda in line, which is one big time consuming and mentally draining task.
Just a thought.
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Hummmmmm trying to figure this out………it just doesnt make sense! Ohhhhhhhh yes i see now……. Who is the most obnoxious gets sent home this week! oooooo now I get it lol.
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Was Amanda throwing Andy under the proverbial bus as BBAD ended last night, revealing all his fake alliances and how he kept things all over the house so that he an excuse to charge in on people’s conversations, listen in and then reported them back to her?
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In a nutshell, It Doesn’t Make Sense
GM finally told Amanda she was the target.. but not directly. Amanda knew her best chance of staying was if GM put Elissa up as the re-nom. Amanda didn’t know she had no shot no matter who was put up, but got her hopes up that it would be Elissa. GM didn’t tell Amanda that the re-nom would be Spencer, but she did tell her that it would not be Elissa.
It was about a 25 minute conversation with McCrae sitting silently to the side. Amanda couldn’t believe what GM was saying. She said GM must be working with Elissa and Judd. Gm denied denied denied. Amanda re-hashed her arguments that she’s been making time after time since the veto comp. “We will have your back”, “We will never put you up”, “We will always vote with you”, “No one cares if Elissa leaves”, “You will be a big target for everyone now”.
“It doesn’t make sense!
Little did Amanda know, it was the only thing that made sense. And the only regret of “the house” is that it wasn’t done last week.
Judd did try to trick McCrae into using the veto to save Amanda. he said McCrae would have the votes to stay, but Amanda wouldn’t. McCrae was leery of that.. Amanda seemed to think it was true.. but said she would never ask McCrae to do that.
As a last ditch effort before GM announced her decision to McManda, Am & Mc came up with a “sting” for McCrae to tell GM he was thinking of using the veto on Amanda… and that he felt he had the votes to stay if he stayed on the block. But if GM would put up Elissa, then he wouldn’t feel the need to save Amanda.. because she would stay over Elissa anyway. Mc & Am thought maybe the threat of Amanda staying would scare GM into nominating Elissa. What they failed to realize is that McCrae was the actual target anyway… so if McCrae stayed on the block that would be a win for the house.
But GM was kindhearted. After McCrae presented that idea, GM said, “You gotta do what you gotta do”. But she also warned him of the danger. She reminded him of Marcellas.
McCrae never intended on using the veto on Amanda, and I think his talk with GM tipped him off that if he did, he would be voted out. GM didn’t know it was a bluff for sure, but she could have just as easily went along with it and tried to get him to actually do it. But her sense of good sportsmanship showed again. as much as they wanted McCrae out this week… he won the veto… and GM wouldn’t screw him over like that.
Spencer will be nominated for a record 7th time… and still survive.
Amanda had pretty much accepted her fate and was actually having a good time chatting in the backyard afterwards. But she hasn’t quite given up yet. She is still scheming different angles to get the votes to stay (as she should IMO). She is trying to figure out who is aligned with who. Judd, GM, & Elissa?, Judd & Spencer?, Just GM & Elissa? Is GM really that dumb? …it doesn’t add up. The big piece of this puzzle that Amanda can’t see is the whole house is against her & McCrae.
Spencer said to Amanda, “You’d have my vote 100%”. that’s easy to say when you know you wont be voting.
GM said she’d think about breaking a 2-2 tie in Amanda’s favor (she wont.. no way).
Amanda asked Judd if he would vote for her. He said he would have to think about it, but maybe not. Amanda said we could all be “The Goof Troupe (Troop)” again. Judd said that would only get me to 4th place. Amanda admitted it’s a lot to ask of Judd after she pushed for him to be backdoored on double eviction.
Bottom line, Amanda is pretty sure she is going to jury. But they gave her just enough hope to keep trying. Personally, I would squash that hope to avoid all the BS that might be coming.
Amanda said she will be upset with Aaryn when she gets to jury, because she guessed (correctly) that it was Aaryn that put GM up to this. Amanda has no one to blame but herself. Amanda’s loyalty to Andy last week was like putting up a billboard, “Who wants to join me and finish 4th?” (crickets chirp). Aaryn warned her time and again what would happen if Amanda voted out Aaryn. File it all under what goes around comes around.
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Becky, Amanda was throwing Andy under the bus…. but unintentionally IMO. She always has and still does trust Andy. But Amanda has thrown people under the bus many times without meaning to this season. It’s her brutal honesty that gets in her own way. When Amanda gets in one of her “states”, she can’t seem to control what she says.
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Thanks JT.
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First of all, very good explanation of how the night/morning went in the bb house, JT. I felt as though I was right there throughout the whole Amanda meltdown.
Amanda seems to have accepted her defeat….but, since This Is BIG BROTHER, I am still expecting the un-expected….Even though she’s most likely staying on the block….ANYTHING can Still happen within the next 3 days ~ (….and, I wouldn’t at all be surprised if something happened in her favor)…Rememer what I said some days ago, about a coup d’etat? I hope production doesn’t play that number with us, but it is still a possibility. I can’t wait for Thursday (your Friday) to get here.
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Frannie, Perish the thought! 😯
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I seem to remember on double eviction nights one of the evictees doesn’t
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------get interviewed by Julie. I think it was the first one out. Time restraints I guess.
I hope that isn’t the case because we have to see Amanda get treated similarly
to Arynn.
And I would feel bad for Elissa if she was the second one to be voted out. Not
so much because she would be out of the game but because she would be going
into the jury house at the same time as Amanda. Not even a 7 day break from
the harassment. Maybe Amanda wouldn’t be as bad but I think she truly
dislikes Elissa and probably would her life miserable even though it would
have no effect on the game.
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After all….it is <BIG BROTHER!
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would MAKE her life miserable
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OK, I can live with McCrae using his POV on Amanda and him being voted out. If production pulls something like the coup d’etat out of their asses in order to keep them both there, I’m done with this season; maybe for future seasons, too until Grodner is gone. That woman is disgrace. At the very least, she plays at favoritism.
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I hope I am wrong, and I wouldn’t even mind admitting that I was wrong….if only Amanda would be gone for good.
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If this happens will everyone believe?
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I seen that one on facebook too Rich. I just hope it’s not true, but there is always that possibility. 👿
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Shayne, Both Candice & Judd were interviewed by Julie the night of double eviction, but maybe they were shorter than usual because of time… like you said.
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Thanks JT. Maybe they’ll make a little extra time to call Amanda out and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------read back some of the vile statements she made too. Assuming this diamond
POV rumor is BS. (It better be)
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I’ll address a few things from that (irresponsible IMO) article. Then y’all can choose to believe it or not.
“Prior to this competition Amanda slipped by saying, “during the luxury Veto competition, I am going to take all the prizes.” (the word “Veto” being the slip)”
This is totally false and taken out of context. I watch A LOT of feeds and was watching when Amanda said that. The talk was about the veto comp possibly being the “what would you do to win?” one. The one where they get prizes and punishments. Amanda figured it was a lost cause and wanted McCrae to win the veto… so she half-jokingly said she would take all the prizes so they could at least get a trip or some money out of this season. I know they already had a reward/punishment veto… but these HGs were thinking there might be another one more similar to past seasons.. where they all try to buzz in for points.
“…and oddly enough, Amanda has completely calmed down since the competition.”
What planet is this person watching from? Amanda has been anything but calm. She is acting more like a dear loved one is being sent to the executioner. Amanda has been a bundle of emotional nerves since the veto comp.. and even more since last night. laughing one second.. bawling the next. She has some acting in her background.. but she’s no Katharine Hepburn.. and even she couldn’t pull off this acting job if she was secure with a DPOV in pocket.
“Now we now why Amanda has the smug look on her face, not only does she know that she going nowhere and neither is her boyfriend,”
Again.. are we watching the same show? there is so much mindless drivel in that article I don’t even know where to end.. but I will.
I’m not saying it is totally out of the possibility that something could happen… I’m just saying it hasn’t happened yet. And when (if?) Amanda walks out that door on Thursday night, I want to bookmark that article so I can add my own comment there. “F – YOU!! (sorry to offend)
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Rich, that’s a conspiracy theory and not a very good one at that. The blogger is a complete nutcase.
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Shayne. Agree 100%. Aaryn got raked over the coals. Amanda should get no less. GM also needs to be called out even though many of us see her in a better light now. And then there’s Spencer… he needs his balls held to the fire when he leaves as well.
Aaryn said some stupid things… but it’s unfair for her to be the sole scapegoat for all things wrong this season… she’s too easy of a target though.. and that is discrimination as well.
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Becky… ditto!
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Thanks Rich in re to comment 471 interesting reading and I copied and pasted below what is the theme of the article, which is to me just another red herring thrown in the mix, even cbs is not that stupid. But did make for interesting reading and it also showed pic of hand by Helens leg as she fell. thanks for sharing
my opinion truly is in regard to the article IT MAKES NO SENSE,LIKE YEAH,
Viewers of the Big Brother After Dark say that Amanda found a token inside one of those balloons and guess what it was? A Diamond Power of Veto! This Veto was first introduced in Big Brother 4 and the last time it was used was in Big Brother 12 when it was awarded to Matt Hoffman as a gift from Pandora’s Box. This type of Veto is a little special in that the holder not only gets to take someone off the block, but they also select the replacement nominee themselves. Now we now why Amanda has the smug look on her face, not only does she know that she going nowhere and neither is her boyfriend, but who do you think she will name as a replacement nominee? It will be Elissa Slater who she calls joker face all the time.
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Also, how can we forget the article of last week that demanda was leaving the show live on thur nite, yeah that happened NOT, I lump these and the one that started it all in one big bundle of IT MAKES NO SENSE, just more cbs working to keep the rating up, however all that seems to stay up thus far is my blood pressure and I am sure there are lots of others who feel the same way,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till fly by later, enjoy Labor day one and all
(group hug)
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MM, happy Labor Day to you as well
…as far as the article, “Aint nobody got time for that!”. But thanks Rich for posting it.. I’m not attacking you at all.. just the “author”.
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Happy Labor to us smucks who work our tails off day in and day out for next to nothing…
As well as to those of us who continue to struggle with jobless in this poor economy.
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If anyone knows a word stronger than HATE please let me know what it is. Whatever it may be multiply that by a million and one and that is how I feel about Amanda. I literally would not piss down that girl’s throat if her heart was on fire.
I can’t wait to she finds out how much America hates her freaking guts. And please producers of BB mandate she keep her clothes on…she is disgusting…loved it last night when Elissa said the only 10 on the show was Jessie and she also had a perfect ass…..great line as Amanda’s butt is flat as pancake and she really needs a mirror so she can look over her shoulder and learn what the rest of America already knows as apparently she thinks it is sexy.
Also, did she really get some special VETO in the balloon contest? God please not let this be true…I can’t stand another minute of her. This bitch will be on suicide watch once she learns the disdain America has for her.
Happy LD to all.
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spencer didnt win a car he won five thousand dollars
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JT u summed it up great “Aint nobody got time for that!”. love it
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Herbie was rofl u hit the nail on the head I too want to know what it is. She is an embrassement to all women, hell I do not even want to put her in the human race. I said it before and will say it again her parents must be so proud NOT zing
I am hoping gm in the final 2 with elissa or judd, mcnasty has to go next after demanda then spencer or andy, and speaking of andy seems demanda threw his sorry lily white ass under the bus so many times he must have bf Goodrich stamped on his face. If he wins any money he will need thepary, he is a mess with all his lies lies lies.
In closing have to admit this season did not turn out that bad after all, it did take weeks but it is finally exciting.
ciao till later
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herbie, despise? loathe?
hunter, Spencer won $10k
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Good Morning all! What a night and thanks to JT & Joan I watched every minute right here. Amanda had a bit of a melt down dontchaknow. Seems to have accepted her fate but that one doesn’t just take things lying down. hmmmmm I think she’ll give it another go and try to get the votes.
As for all those conspiracy theories, I wish we never saw them. It just gets people who don’t read all the posts to asking questions that don’t need to be asked because they were already explained and answered above. Whoever wrote that article is just a hack who loves to get everyone going in the wrong direction for his/her entertainment so he can watch the destruction they star. Amanda is all the drama we need until Thursday and I hope she gives it another run for our entertainment. 😈
As always, thanks JT for setting it straight in post #475.
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Herbie, here are a few more, lol
Despise, detest, abhor, and let’s not forget apathy
JT as our resident BB expert you are correct spencer won trip and $10,000
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CBS could care less what the public thinks as long as they watch and they get the ratings. The ONLY way to let them know is to not watch the show. One way would be to have parties and watch together that way instead of several viewers, the ratings services would only receive one. Yes, they know what programs you watch if you have cable, dish, direct tv, etc.
If we really want to get their attention, send a complaint to the FCC. They will let CBS know there is a problem and look into it.
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Was up till 4am catching up on BBAD + the blogs. So I slept till noon. WoW what a luxury. Wishing everybody a great Labor day. Can’t wait for Thursday. God bless. <3
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Conspiracy theories seem to be like behinds, everyone has one.. 🙂
If Amanda won a diamond POV we would have seen it at the end of last night’s episode with her grinning in the diary room. Case closed.
It makes no sense… because Amanda cannot wrap her mind around the thought that Andy has bailed on them. Give him credit for being a very convincing liar.
So now the question of the day.. Say in either order McCrea and Elisa win HOH and POV during the double, who goes home??? If it’s a McCrea HOH my money is on Judd (putting Judd in fast track for all stars as the only player to go out in back to back DE’ s). Elisa HOH it’s Andy out, especially now that Amanda’s spilling all his secrets.
Any way it goes, should be a great hour!! 😉
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Trivia…POV ceremony started just a bit ago.
GM already has confirmed it will be Spencer as the replacement.. but I guess we still need to make it official.
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And Spencer it is
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(McCrae saved himself of course)
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I love that Spence volunteered to be the pawn this time, but I also know it is only because he didn’t want to reveal himself to McCrae as having turned.
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😳 That didn’t work!
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Frannie… the first one did work in email form.. IDK why it gets messed up here.
I was watching feeds when Elissa did that…. and said “WOW”… and rewound and watched again. 😆
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Because of stupid wordpress! It worked at Aggie’s place. 😉
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& BTW… Amanda was in the hammock with McCrae.. and Spencer was out there too. That should make Amanda think twice about picking a fight with her. 😆
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Wow, impressive.
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Hey AC
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Sup fp2, JT, MM, *fish 😎
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…and here is how they stand today (buh bye biotch!)
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Wow…. I haven’t seen anyone over 18 do that in a long time. WTG Elissa. I always laugh when the HG’s laugh/attack Elissa for all the yoga she does. Don’t they know how strong and balanced yoga makes a person?
Because of her ability to laugh at Amanda in the face when being attacked so viciously ( I know I couldn’t…. bitchslap anyone?) I am holding out for the possibility that she will win the whole ball of wax.
Thanks for the great updates JT!
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I don’t think there is a DPOV, I think she’s going home and Mc will win the HOh and put up Elissa and GM and e will go home the final two in my mind will be Mc and Judd with Mc winning. Just my opinion I hope I’m wrong!! U know what they say about opinions??? Anyways I love this blogg and I hope it stays up after the end of the game so the people like JT and Star can send us all the info they are so good at finding about what happens to all of the HG after they see what we really think about them!! JT it’s amazing the things all of u come up with !! I love that about this blogg the most!!! Thank you all !!!
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Sorry Fannie I forgot about the great stuff u put out there too!
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Ç ¿ Ç ……. Amanda crying till Thursday
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$¿$ …….. McCrae’s eyes after Thursday
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Hi AC gotta say still love that avatar, now she was something, can u imagine the chaos if she and demanda were in the house at the same time sweet Jesus as my friend Sweet Brown would say.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am waiting for demandas next melt down it is a long time till thur nite
hope all is well with you my friend
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When they read the card for the balloon comp, the 10K was the only prize mentioned
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Great up dates! Hi all, I hope you are having a GREAT Labor Day! 🙂 I am going to have a house full soon! Just checking in, WOW That was a great clip of Elissa Back flipping ❗ She has a great body 🙂 See you all soon …See you later! ……………………….
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wow e is great u have to give her credit, takes lots of hard work and she is dedicated not like some amazons lol 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao till later
ain’t nobody got time for double M’s
gotta love sweet Brown
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How bout a villains vs. villains BB? 😯 Who would we root for then? 😈
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Wow Frannie, thanks for that and your updated BB score card. 🙂 I was able to copy what was inside that link leaving out the IMG stuff and it worked for me before I got to your second one. Wow, she is impressive.
http://i42.tinypic.com/2hqz820.jpg Let’s see if it will work just for my own learning experience. I don’t know how you and JT do all that stuff but we all love it. Loved the commentary JT added to one of your pics. Had to do it I know. 😆
Hey AC, glad to see you playing with us.
@Sal: You are right, they only mentioned the 10K as a prize. Those conspiracy theories and just out and out lies of the show are just meant to get a rise out of us and so many fall for it. Very entertaining to watch people’s reaction.
@MM, me tooooooo. Waiting for the next Amanda melt down. I don’t think she’ll disappoint.
Hey Bobo, enjoy your house full. That sounds like so much fun!
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@AC . ……. we root for a Hurricane or Earthquake
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Noooo Sal, don’t say Hurricane. 😮
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I am so thrilled to watch this week, and even more thrilled that I finally have someone that I am rooting to win for…GM! She has flown under the radar this entire season until now. I loved watching her talk with Amanda. I’m loving watching Amanda squirm, and be uncomfortable. I loved watching Amanda act with “she’s just so mean to me” and no one responds. The whole time she was poor pitiful me-ing it was so obvious that she was acting by the way that she kept staring at and trying to read GM. Hilarious!!! I cannot wait for Thursday & I am PRAYING that Amanda’s skankiness is OUT!!! 😀
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Elissa has been doing gymnastics since she was 4 yrs old, that is just a part of the routine of her old life…
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@Melissa, I agree, Amanda tried every little trick in her arsenol, nothing worked and she tried and tried. She couldn’t read GM because GM knows how to work it. Love the girl. Hope she wins America’s Favorite but as JT said, Elissa has the Brenchel fans plus she’s gained so many more in the last couple weeks. She doesn’t need the $ but GM will use it well IMO.
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@JT, been waiting for you to name what the new post will be. Wonder what it could be? 😛
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Starfish, Lisa knows what to name the next page… she passed with flying colors with the “It Is What It Is” page. 😉
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😆 JT
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Since nothing is going on in the house maybe you Star Trek fans will get a kick out of Captain Kirk and Crew’s expressions to Miss Miley Cyrus. Sorry if this offends anybody but I think she’s young and trying to show us what a grown up she is now. Not happening with this show for sure.
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Never been a fan of Star Trek (or any of the later series)
Never been a fan of Miley Cyrus
Never been a fan of Hannah Montana.
Never been a fan of Billy Ray Cyrus
BUT… I am a fan of that video! 😆
L8r all….. gotta do stuff neglected by my addiction.
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Not a fan of any of it, but I did watch the video again, *fish. 🙂
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Also, *fish…great job putting that link up. Pretty soon, you’ll be as good as JT.
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I’m not a fan of any of those either JT, I too thought the video was funny. It’s a break in the monotony. Glad you liked it. I’m surprised you knew she was Hannah Montana and wait I have to look – Billy Ray Cyrus was her dad. I crack myself up.
@Frannie, I’ll never be as good as you guys. Don’t have the patience but love what you all do. If we all did it, then what?
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Starfish, that was hilarious and I am a fan (somewhat) of Star Trek, though not as much of one as my son–he knows everything about everything, back stories. He plays Star Trek Online, even, talk about rabid. But he’d also get a kick out of that video.
Miley Cyrus has grown up like almost all other child celebrities–to be an entitled brat!!!
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Still is her dad. Or did he disown her? 😆
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Just to keep everyone up to date: CBS is building a decontamination chamber for Amanda to walk through before Julie will consent to interview her. Hopefully it can be used twice on Thursday if McCrea leaves too. The HOH comp for double elimination is dish washing! Bye-Bye McCrea. Amanda has said that she is going to tell Julie that she is not wearing any panties as she expects McCrea will be joining her in the limo for the ride to the jury house (no pun intended)!
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Very funny Rich! 😯 😀
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@AC, I heard that Miley’s dad is supporting her as his daughter. Otherwise, I’m not so sure what he thought about that what ever that was. Love the song Blurred Lines though.
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Rich, that was…um priceless? Well, the first thing that came to mind was rich..LOL
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All you Time Warner people you got CBS back! They reached in agreement! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=587809891262866&set=a.148802385163621.26191.103818462995347&type=1
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That video summed it up well!
About decontamination they will need to burn the house
Can’t wait for the next Amandown
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I swear these guys are sleeping and boring up the feeds like its the last week!
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Jane , good news. Yep, booring for sure. I don’t know how anyone sleeps so much.
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I meant booooring
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“The gorgeous and talented Charlie Hunnam will be Christian Grey in the film adaptation of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey.’
The 33-year-old British heartthrob is best known as Jackson “Jax” Teller on “Sons of Anarchy,” FX’s series about an outlaw motorcycle club. He was also seen this summer flexing his muscles as Raleigh Beckett in Guillermo del Toro’s “Pacific Rim.”
Universal Pictures and Focus Features plan to release “Fifty Shades of Grey” on Aug. 1, 2014.
Can we say HOTT! 🙂 Love the show ‘Sons of Anarchy’.
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Starfish That was so Funny…….. Thank you♥… Everyone just left, early night Ha..Happy, Happy, Happy!!! Glad for the updates… Time for a nap, no no, I mean some TV…….. 😆 I got some stuff to watch that I recorded .. see you sooner or later my friends…… ……………
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Bob, I’ll give you no more than 10 minutes and you’ll be back. 😛
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Did not go yet Fran………… 😆
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Still catching up with other Blogs………
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Watching the Live Feeds right now! …. 🙂
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Yep, I know Bob. I seen you over there. 😉
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Hey Fran Is it just you and me? …………
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Nothing going on right now I guess. I’m just playing some games on fb till things start happening. L8R Bob
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Later My dear♥…………… 🙂
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I am not sure what’s wrong with me, I am starting to like GM 😕
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@ Franniep2
If you like 50 Shades you might like The pov of Christian. Let me know if you would like the web address.
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Hi Dubs Doll!
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Okay….So is everyone napping??? I guess I’ll go watch the boob tube for now, See you soon…Bye All..
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Dubs Doll…sure, I’ll take the web address. Can you put it here or do you want to send to my email?
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I love that McCrae saved himself. I don’t have live feeds, so was Amanda begging him not to use it on himself??? I wouldn’t be surprised if she was! As much as I cannot stand McCrae, (b/c what kind of a person can like someone so viciously mean??) I hope that when Amanda is evicted this week he realizes and appreciates his freedom from those chains and really starts to play the game. I also hope that McCrae comes to the realization (if he hasn’t already) that he doesn’t want to be with someone like that and when he gets to the jury house with her, he dumps her. Of course, seeing as though he is 24 yrs old, I doubt that he will break up with her until they are living apart again. After all, to the hormone charge young man, having someone to love on is better than having to love on yourself. Hahaha
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Yea, Got Brighthouse and Dexter back but watching FSU tonight. Did GM fracture her leg in a fall of five steps in her HOH robe and slippers?
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Hello Bobo
Hi Franniep2
Had to run some of the kids came in for a min.
Frannie I have a couple that I enjoy so I will add them here.
I enjoy the one with him in his 20’s and with the Doctor the most. I think these people are great to give him his point of view. Please be aware that there are pictures in these chapters and it includes nudity.
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Good grief Rich, what are you talking about? She slipped down the steps in her robe and slippers and fractured one frigging toe!! She’s an accident looking for a place to happen for sure but this is old news. 😆
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Wow, wow, wow!
What a fun time in the house.
I’ve hit most the highlights on BBAD and the posts.
I am so stoked this week!
Finally these house guests are making game changing moves, and playing Big Brother.
Thank you all for your updates, comments and observations.
This is The Big Brother Blog online!
Thanks for the years of commentary and listening to my rants. 😉
I’d love to be in the house, but I’m not sure if I’d last, but now after seeing the Amanda craziness, I think I just might make it…
I find it funny that McCranda think they will still have play after the eviction.
I really did not think that the HG’s were really getting meds… But apparently they are.
Judd is almost incoherent. Demanda is in denial… McCrea knows the score.
If he lasts, he might take it home.
If he does, he takes it back home without his leach, the FL soul sucker known as Demanda.
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🙂 Just saving my place…………
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Thanks, Starfish. Was busy watching game and somebody said something about her getting hurt.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM didn’t fracture her leg
Video on this page
She slipped hurt her toes
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Thanks Dubs, I copied to my email so I can find it easily. I will check it out when things on tv get a little less hectic.
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I’m so surprised to actually find myself beginning to like Gina Marie! Earlier I found her to be incredibly crude, coarse, and ignorant. Now she’s almost endearing herself to me.
Andy is beyond despicable – no character, no backbone, a tattletale, fair weather friend, the list goes on and on. Ditto for Spencer – and I didn’t even see the nose-picking! Ughhhhhh!
After puzzling over Amanda’s behavior, I’ve decided she’s really, seriously mentally ill. She keeps accusing Elyssa of thinking she’s better than everyone else – but I have seen nothing in Elyssa’s behavior that indicates a superiority complex. Have I missed something? I think Amanda is projecting her own defects onto those around her. If anyone has a superiority complex it’s Amanda – overcompensation for a multitude of inferior traits, perhaps. If I were Elyssa, I’d be physically intimidated by Amanda. I’m surprised that BB has let her stay. When a guest has to lock her door to keep out a ranting HG, that should be grounds for removal.
McCrea knows she’s out of line – unbalanced – etc – but hasn’t the backbone to stand up to her – ditto for Spencer and the guy who returned (who’s so colorless I can’t even remember his name).
I hope Julie really lays into Amanda when she is finally removed. She deserves to know as soon as possible how America perceived her! Even a PR firm wouldn’t be able to repair the damage she has done to herself – and simply by being herself!
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I am so enjoying watching Amanda scramble. I don’t think in the history of BB have I detested a HG so. McCrea is probably secretly hoping Amanda gets evicted. I would be. He’s got to be tired of her rants and raves.
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If Demanda does have the diamond power of veto, I will turn off CBS all together and never watch it again. The very idea that this could be true just infuriates me since she is such a vile disgusting character that should hide under a rock. CBS would not tell anyone until she uses it since everyone feels the same way about her and are chomping at the bit to see her expelled…. sighs
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I don’t believe she does. If the game is rigged then the production will sway tthe others to vote her way. To bring in a extra veto without telling us after showing the luxury comp. would make them look bad and fuel the rumors of it being rigged.
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So has Amanda spending the afternoon/evening telling everybody they should evict Spencer on Thursday?
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Poor aMANda crying because no one wants to fight for her. Everyone talking about next week. “I’m still here.”
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Oh Boo Hoo, cry me a river. All together now: Waah Waah 😆 😆 👿
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LOL it should be getting good soon. she is on a rant. She saved everyone of them and they wont save her.
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Oh Poor Amanda. I don’t feel sorry for one bit.
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Guess she has no fight left. No one gave her any hint that she has a chance in hell of staying so back to bed to whine again. Serve her some cheese with it.
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She’s so manic! I’ve never seen one person have so many emotions in an hour. She’s definitely got to be bipolar. She goes from crying to being a bully back to crying. Issues!
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Oh my goodness.
Watching feeds from tonight, and apparently Demanda is quite despondent.
Good for her!
McCray was talking game with Elyssia and almost sounded sincere.
Spencer is talking outside about some game/work related issues.
Judd is listening.
I am liking this change… These folks are better than Amanda’s bullying!
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Amanda is pleading her 1st born to Elyssa trying to make a deal!!! I know Elyssa must be cracking up laughing in her head!
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OMG, this is like our government, everyone making deals with everyone and everyone lying. 😆 JMPO of course.
I think Elissa has to win this HOH or Judd but he’s easily influenced.
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Goodnight everyone! See you soon ❗ ………………………………..
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That “deal” Amanda tried to make with Elissa almost made sense. Too bad most of it was a bunch of lies and Elissa knew it. There was no need for Amanda to go on and on about “Spencer is targeting you next week; Andy is targeting you…blah, blah, blah…” No Toots, next week, those guys will be targeting your boy toy. I’m sure those claims just gave Elissa reassurance that it would be Amanda targeting her if Amanda were to stay–dumb broad.
Now if Elissa and McCrae both happen to survive Thursday night, I think they should make a F2 deal. What is left of The Exterminators (all weak players except GM) v. E. & M.
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OMG Elissa is making a deal with Amanda to vote out Spencer!! She just told Andy and he wants to lnow if she is serios!! WTF is Elissa doing? She swore to god she is serious !!! Unf@$king believable !!!
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if amanda doesn’t go this week the show is rigged and i……..am………done.
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Good (early) morn BB Bloggers – woke up early 4:00 a.m. to do work in ofc, turned on live feeds and saw Amanda & Elissa talking (not fighting) and I see Amanda telling her that Judd and Spencer are 100% working together and she’s sharing other gossip. Then I hear Elissa tell her (while holding Amanda’s hand) that she is 100% staying and that she (Elissa) would give her wedding ring as collateral….. WHAT?!?
Elissa better be freaking lying! OMG Amanda better go out that door on Thursday! Please tell me that Elissa is not falling for this crap. I’m sure they were talking about a bunch of stuff but I’m sick from what I saw and afraid to back up the live feeds to hear more. Uuuuggghhh!
Now Amanda’s got a glimpse of hope and ran to pizza boy and told him all about it and that he should go talk to her too. I so should have stayed asleep!
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@Debbie & Tendr – just saw your posts…. can you believe it????? Please tell me she is just doing this to keep Amanda off of her back! Please, Please, Please
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OMG – Andy talking to Amanda that Elissa is keeping her and Andy is acting as if he is on her side.
Then Andy ran upstairs (where Spencer and GM are talking) and spilled the beans that Elissa is trying to flip the house! Andy is trying to show is loyalty to his new alliance.
GM getting worked up…… OHHHHH Elissa what a STUPID MOVE!!!!! She is all but done and might as well hand her key over now! She was sitting pretty good and all she had to do was ride the band wagon this week. She must have known that Andy AND Spencer cannot be trusted! They couldn’t wait to tattle!
Oh how stupid Elissa is right now…. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING ?!?
Uuuuggghhhh I need to turn these feeds off, they are making “me” crazy!
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Andy telling GM not to say anything to Elissa…. but I think GM needs to pull Elissa aside (pull her by her ear) and say “girl? what are you thinking?”
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You Know? I can’t help but think that production “does” have something to do with this change of heart with Elissa. Andy, Spencer & Judd talking (pissed off) about Elissa comes out of DR with a complete change of strategy and the fact that she drank too much Monday night.
They are making it seem that after her Diary Room Session, she immediately went into action to try to flip the house. OMG if they set that poor girl up!
But according to Julie, we will see a Double Eviction on Thursday so if I was Elissa, I would start packing my stuff! Everyone except for McNasties are very angry at Elissa and she doesn’t even know because she went to sleep already. She has no idea snake Andy spilled the beans on her. What a stupid move Elissa! This is why you don’t drink or take meds when playing this game…. you HAVE to have a clear head all of the time! I’m betting Rachel will be passed out on the floor when she sees this. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb move Elissa!
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Judd’s telling the boys that Elissa changes her mind every time she gets out of Diary Room. They must try to twist things in her sessions and make her think that her moves might benefit her if she……..
I can’t imagine why else she would make such a STUPID MOVE! I know I should shut the stupid feeds off and not torture myself anymore.
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Oyyyyyyyy… what are you people trying to do to me? 😆 I had a nice long Holiday weekend and have to wake up to this?
Thanks for the updates all… good stuff RMM. I have to scramble and check out WTF is going on in that loony bin (I was hoping to just have a relaxing morning with no BB to get in my way)
I’ll take a look though…. BBL
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One thing I will say first….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I NEVER doubted that production tries to steer things a certain way… through DR sessions. I don’t buy into many of the way out there theories.. but have always believed production tries to plant things in people’s minds.
And if people can be influenced by them.. then it works.
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That didn’t work! 🙄
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I watched what flashbacks I could with limited time….
Thanks again for the heads-up RMM & all. This is another reason which I failed to mention in my post about why other HGs don’t like Elissa. She can be real wishy washy at times. Like when she confronted Kaitlin about “The Grasshoppers” alliance when the rest of the house wanted to keep it quiet.. and it caused a house meeting.
I’ve always believed production tries to steer the game a bit with questions they ask in DR sessions. I’ve never denied that. I don’t buy into a lot of conspiracy theories, but have always known production plays it’s part.
Production probably does want Amanda to stay.. they know we love to hate her and it drives ratings. I’ve said before that all production needs is people that can be easily influenced.. and there’s no shortage of those this year.
Seems Elissa was called to DR.. and when she came out she had a sudden change of heart about voting out Amanda. I have no idea of course, but if I had to guess, I’d bet DR questions were something similar to this….
Prod: How do you feel about voting out Amanda?
Elissa: She’s disgusting.. she has to go
Prod: Would you like to see a girl win this year?
Elissa: Of course, everyone knows I love girls
Prod: Who will Mccrae work with when Amanda is gone?
Elissa: IDK
Prod: Do you think he will work with you after you put him up?
Elissa: No
Prod: Do you think he will work with GM afte she put them both up?
Elissa: No
Prod: So who else is left?
Elissa: The 3 boys
Prod: Do you think you and GM can beat the 4 boys.. when GM has so many injuries?
Elissa: ummmmmm IDK
Prod: Do you think getting rid of Amanda will help your game.. or help others?
Elissa: Others? (Aha!!)
IDK… just guessing that’s how they do things. But if someone is strong-willed enough.. that wouldn’t matter. I doubt they’d ever even try to get Amanda to change her mind.
But as RMM reported, Andy showed his loyalty to his new alliance by telling them. (because Amanda told Andy of course). This is one time I am happy Andy ran back with info.. hopefully, Andy can squash this plan by Elissa.
So as it stands right now (and could change again soon), Elissa & McCrae will keep Amanda. But Andy & Judd will keep Spencer. GM will have to break a 2-2 tie… and GM is voting out Amanda as of now.
But what scares me is GM was called to the DR after Andy told her. I wonder if the DR asked GM many of the same questions I listed above. DR might be trying to persuade GM to break the tie in Amanda’s favor.
Andy seems 100% that he wants Amanda out… so does Judd. Judd is like many of us, he doesn’t trust production any farther than he can throw them either. He was making anti-production comments in the b/y. Saying how Elissa has a new plan every time she comes out of there… that Elissa didn’t think of this plan on her own.. that “someone” told Elissa to do this. Feeds would cut to fish at times (because they can’t talk about production) …and finally, they just switched so all 4 cams were on Mc & Am. 😆 TELL ‘EM JUDD!!
So far GM seems solid with The Exterminators.. but it is only Tuesday morning.. and DR has plenty of time to plants seeds of doubt in her. I think GM is the key. Elissa does want to give Amanda her wedding ring as collateral… so if that actually happens.. then Elissa is going to vote out Spencer. Andy & Judd wont change their minds because they said if Amanda stays.. then Am or Mc will win this game for sure.
Hopefully Elissa will sleep off the wine and be back on board to vote Amanda out when she wakes up.
Keep an eye on this crap for us… I can’t. Gotta get my butt back to work routine. Bills gotta be paid no matter who is in that nut house 2,000 miles away. 😆
L8r all
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Amanda at the jury house….your room is waiting!
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LOL JT, I hated waking up to that too. I thought we would finally feel like the good guys got a hand up this week and relax a bit…. but NO Elissa had to mess that up.
I love how you played everything out and that probably was very close to how things went in the DR.
I would NEVER give anybody my wedding ring as proof I was telling the truth! I truly feel that GM, Andy, Spencer, and Judd are solid and know they HAVE to get thar raging nightmare out of there, and oh yah, Elissa is before or after McNasty.
GM had Spencer in the HOH room saying “your my Nick now” – ha ha ha I thought HUH? Snuggle Buddy? HUH?…. LOL but she meant he has to partner with her and strategize like Nick did – she said (and did) some kind of memory thing with ziplock baggies to help remember things that went on in the house for when they have a comp.
So after my last post, I had to turn of LF for a while because like you said, all cameras were on the two McNasty’s and I got sick from listening to her talk like a baby (roll play) and the smacking they do (kissing) – it really is so gross! Nobody taught those two how to kiss and usually she is blowing raspberries on him as well – that girl is mental and so childish!
So I’ll log back on for ya JT and all to see if they are all sleeping which I figure and hope, cannot catch those two stinkies “doing the nasty” which they have a lot of guts doing that constantly on live TV. Guess they don’t worry about their families seeing them and her with her hands down his pants….. uuuuugggghhhh NO Class!
Okay I’m done ranting for now LOL
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I just woke up!!! WTF!!! Elissa wants to save Amanda??? I need a drink. Going to read what y’all been talking about!
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@Franniep2 – that is funny!!!!
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I am really disappointed in Elyssa!
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@Jane – Yep I was sick over it and hoped she was just lying – but it turns out she wasn’t. Oh I’m back to not liking Elissa at all! I imagine GM won’t be able to stay Hush as Andy begged her to and will have to explode on Elissa before Thursday.
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All I can say is, ‘It ain’t over till it’s over’. Hopefully Elissa will come to her senses and wake the fuck up! What a dumb hoe if she lets that happen. Production needs to keep their 2 cents out of shit and let these losers play their own game.
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I would love to see GM in Elissa’s face. Then Amanda in GM’s face. Let the fighting begin! Damn work….I wanna stay home! 🙁 If I do, I won’t get paid for the holiday. Errrr…………..
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Jane, be sure to say here what you told me….about the DR. I’ll let you have the honors. Gotta go to work. L8R all……
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I wonder if the DR told Elyssa about The Exterminators? It’s the only thing I can think of that would make her flip to Amanda!! She flipped right after she walked in DR. She went in voting Amanda out and came out keeping her???
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Bye Fran have a good day at work!!
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DR knew what they were doing with Elissa all sauced up and all. They had her where they wanted her! She is too nuts to realize how she just ruined her game and oh yah, pissed us off in the process!
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@Jane – not sure if they would go that far to hint to the alliance, but ya never know with this production. They definitely had a hand in her changing her mind though. No doubt (like JT said) that they asked a series of questions to make her doubt her original decision…. it’s all about ratings and money with CBS! Shame on Them!
After GM found out DR couldn’t wait to call her in for an exploded diary session – her reaction is what they were waiting for. Idiots!
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What the heck is Elissa thinking??? Her demise is in the immediate future is she saves Amanda
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I was freaking out at first too, then remembered there really is little chance Andy is voting for Amanda to stay so it’s all futile. Hadn’t considered GM flipping, just doesn’t seem like her.
A big part of me feels Elisa is toying with Amanda, gonna string her along for awhile just for the sheer joy of watching her crumble come Thursday. Who could blame her for wanting to have the last laugh.
I do think should somehow they both survive DE, Elisa and McCrea would team up.
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@kimjmj – I was so hoping Elissa was doing that as well, but the live feeds were spot on and if she is lying, Andy, Spencer, GM, and Judd don’t know anything about it and are after her blood. Were you able to see the feeds? When my 26 yr old called me this morning on her way to work, I told her what was happening and she Did Not Believe It – but I knew she hadn’t seen the feeds and I wouldn’t have believed it either had I not had seen it with my own eyes.
I do hope so much that she wakes up (sober) and realized what a dumb move she just made. Even if she realizes her error, I’m not sure that GM’s alliance will ever trust her, not even one more time. I sooooooooo hope it doesn’t go the way she is acting. UUuuugghhhh, all she had to do was stay quiet and away from Amanda for a couple of days!
Since Elissa got the star treatment before entering the house, makes me wonder if CBS is throwing her $$$$$ to mess things up throughout this game…. sounds silly but everything else going on does too. I just don’t know!
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Oh and I agree and don’t believe that GM, Andy, Spencer, and Judd are flipping – they truly want Amanda out and will do anything to keep Elissa out of the way! This just from watching them talk this morning.
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What do you mean star treatment?
OK this the main reason I don’t care for this season. just not fun to watch.
No great personalities but lots of big egos.
The eylash glue finally got to Elyssa’s brain!
I hope she is just pretending to agree w DeManDa to get appease her but then why talk to And. i dunno know Coucou’s Nest
Sick of the nastiness !
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Oh and the wedding ring , thought she was a christian?
WTH ? why not her children?
What is wrong w her?
Please DR people we don’t need you
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@sylvie it’s absurd!!
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Don’t even care who wins and it’s almost the end. Good job CBS
They may as well script the show
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@sylvie Ditto!!
If anyone missed last nights drama: http://bbdish.blogspot.com/2013/09/the-overnight-report_3.html?m=1
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Just read it all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
More sex, drug and racist talk ?
What is wrong with all of them ?
Acid ? Maccrazy ? and what a baby ! Amanda expects him to pay for what ? a meal
Don’t know what to say, yes move to Florida w Amanda , good luck and she wants to start taking birth control ….too late maybe?
Why are they all admitting to doing drugs on TV ? oh yay they don’t need jobs after the show
And Elyssa she does look older than her fake age
Whys is Macreepy so happy to be on his parents insurance??? GROW UP
I don’t know kind of glad i don’t understand Judd’s English
GM !!!!! Stop being racist !
All of you suck at this game did you forget that we are watching ?
Going to have a great day have fun in your crazy nest
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@sylvie I hate this cast. I think DR hates it to so they keep trying to rewrite the game. I don’t think they’ve pre picked a winner io just think they are rewriting it as it goes along. So lame. The HG’s are disgusting. I maybe pro choice but I’m definitely against planning abortions before you even get pregnant!! WTF is Amanda talking about if she gets pregnant with McCrae she will abort it. Bitch dont get pregnant!!! Makes me rethink her “miscarriage” sounds like she rather be on the show then be responsible for her actions!
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RMM, I haven’t had a chance to flash back yet but I did read the conversation. Just they way she is, I’ll be interested to see what she says today to GM/Judd. Maybe I’m giving her too much credit, but if she’s yanking Amanda’s chain that would be awesome.
Oh GM, two steps forward, one step back..
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they have always helped w production results by adding twists or switching comps to favor an HG strengh, but enough is enough!
She talks like she is drugged up and with the alcohol well she’ll just do anything she’s told
Dumb moves over and over by all of them.
Amanda needs help as I said a long time ago, she reminds me of some of those young celebrities not to name anyone. Her EX is probably hiding.
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Thx for the link, Jane.
OMG what is Elissa thinking? Does she know about the exterminators and that she’s a target?
And why all the Elissa bashing? After reading that clap trap I almost wish Judd would flip from the exterminators, go with Elissa and keep Amanda for now. Take out creepy Spencer, then ratty Andy in the DE, deal with GM next week and F4 can be Amanda, McCrea, Elissa and Judd. Elissa has won more comps than any of them and can bring it in a physical comp but is slow in the Q & A.
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OK, time for my psychiatric appointment. My doctor might be making a determination on when I can go back to work today though I have at least another week off.
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wow – took me forever to catch up – these peops are nuts
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@Sylvie – sorry I stepped away for a while (work) – It is my understanding that Elissa didn’t have to try-out for her BB Role, she was picked automatically, she also stayed in a very nice hotel while waiting to enter the house and the others didn’t as she found out while sharing info with the HG’s, and I just have this feeling they have been treating her more like a “star” than an HG fighting to win. And, I can’t be sure though, I thought she got a little $$$$ to agree to come in.
I haven’t had the feeds on since my earlier post but will see if they are all still sleeping. Amanda worrying about birth control is ummm perhaps 20 romps with McNasty too late! If she even tries to pull it off as just snuggling or teasing, she’s lying – there was no doubt she was having full on &*& (keeping it clean) with McNasty in the HOH (more than once) and downstairs while others were asleep.
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Did anyone watch Glass House last year? One of the players offered their wedding ring as “collateral” but it turned out that it was just a fake. I am holding out that is the situation with Alissa. Not certain of course but I have 5 bucks that it is.
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@kimjmj – I agree, I will be very interested in what plays out today
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Wow, we need another page…. I think we have been using this since Saturday? Will Lisa be back from vacation soon? Just wondering 🙂
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@Paulette – Never heard of Glass House, is it similar to BB?
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Yes it was RMM… except where they stayed was…. A Glass House… came too close to BB though and didn’t get a 2nd season.
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@Becky, there is no way that I would recommend Elissa team up with Amanda – no matter what. Helen never could decide that it was “time” to get Amanda out and if it is not this week, it may not happen. I know you like Amanda but she really is disgusting to the rest of us.
Elissa needs to get her head on. She will be gone before McRae if she keeps doing what she is doing.
I haven’t been by a computer this weekend so I haven’t been able to post but honestly, I am just sick about the thought of Amanda staying. Please say it ain’t true.
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OMG, say it ain’t so. I’ll go back and finish reading. Damn DR.
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Hey everyone were were all u guys when I wanted to talk about this at 130am lol. I really needed to vent and now look were all in an uproar after thinking it was a done deal? RMM I am so bummed about this it is disheartening to say the least!! Elissa is a dumba$$!!!
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Ok, finished reading and all I have to say is crap, crap, crap if Elissa is really flipping the house. I hope she’s not and I can’t wait for her to wake up and say she was only playing along to keep Amanda off her back. Don’t think so though. It sounds legit and JT’s DR scenario plays out too perfectly in my mind. Sounds just like something they would do. SOBs that they are but it’s there show and they can bend it and twist it as they want.
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Wow Jane – just read everything from the link you sent…. Thanks so much – that’s pretty much what I saw early this morning. Elissa is nuts! But GM is wayyyyy out of line. Never, never talk about a little munchkin like that (I missed her saying that) – Making fun of Children should be OFF LIMITS TO EVERYONE! Shame on GM! Please Julie call her out too!
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So, what has Elissa got to lose? I don’t like Amanda either, but the other HG surely will not do anything to help Elissa get to the final 3. They are all thinking about themselves. GM may go with Elissa and if she does, they might beat McRanda in the finals. GM is the only one who has come thru as likeable in the last few days, but now she is saying horrible things about Elissa and her son. True colors coming thru for GM? I detest Spencer and Andy, as well as Amanda. So why help those two win. I think Elissa will change her mind today. But she will be gone in the next couple of evictions anyway. Just saying…….
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@Paulette – that sounds neat, too bad I missed it.
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Is it possible that Elissa is thinking of flipping the house because Amanda is the only HG she might actually win against in the final 2??
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@Debbie F – Amen Girl! I completely was caught off guard when I turned the live feeds on while at my desk and once I saw and heard what she was doing, I was so shocked that I spilled my drink because I reacted with flinging my arms up as if to say “WTH?”
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Debbie: Ummmm, I think I was sleeping. You could always carry on a conversation with yourself. You know you would get the response you want.
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I know elissaa is not stupid enough to do this……..she wants to make sure she doesnt have andy coming after her either i need elissa to win hoh because then she can target andy and GM they both canot be trusted if that happens then mcrae and judd i dont think sher will have jury votes next to judd so she made a final two deal with mcrae
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WOW I am having a hard time rapping my mind around this new out come!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------😯 I was up late watching the feeds & did not catch that exchange with A&E, I hope E is saying this so she could keep A happy & stop going after her? Thank for all the comments & bringing me up to date! I hope E is just messing with everyone to see how they start treating her 😕 See you soon my friends…
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It’s so hard to pick a favorite. Just when I think I like one of them, they turn around and say or do something stupid.
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Actually, hpr, I don’t like Amanda at all. I think she is a disgusting, oversexed slut who gives Jews, women and even whores a bad name. My last 2 posts were just late night and early morning musings on what could happen if Elissa did flip the house because I am equally disgusted by Spencer, Andy and often GM (though she does have some good qualities). Mostly I wish these HGs would find something else to talk about besides bashing one another and their families. GM going on about Elissa’s son and how he was probably born out-of-wedlock and calling her a gold digger was the straw for me. 1. I doubt Elissa is a gold digger. 2. I am sure GM would jump at the chance to have a wealthy husband.
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Right my friend Becky
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Bobo, good to see you. I just got back from the doc’s. Took me forever to take the bus today. My son took my car to the Poconos.
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Sorry Becky. I misunderstood your intentions. Didn’t mean it to sound like I was going after you. Lord knows we’ve seen enough of that on BB. LOL
I guess I’m kind of glad I don’t have the LFs. WTH is wrong with these house guests. I am so grateful for everyone for all the updates. I think we all want to jump through the screen and smack them.
I agree that they don’t seem to be able to go after each other in a gaming way. It is all personal and ugly. Just when I start liking GM she turns into a wench. I will never forget her last words to Candice with the snide remark about her Mother not wanting her. What is her issue with Moms and Babies? Makes me wonder if there is something sordid in her past. Maybe she gave up a child. I’m sorry but most people who give up babies do it because they believe their child deserves better than they can give them. It has to be the hardest thing to do and I don’t believe it is because they don’t care about them. Just my opinion.
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Ok it makes sense about Elyssa
Have a friend who was on a series in the 90’s and she was offered a trip to the Great Barrier at the Versace Hotel all expenses paid , just to think about an “invite” on a reality show.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She took the trip ( flight, hotel,….) never did the show
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@hpr, it’s all good. I can see how what I typed could have come off as “Amanda-loving” and since I don’t post as often as some on here…Nor have I been posting very long, I’m not that well known and the way I think didn’t get across all that well. And then some days, my thinking is very scattered and I’m difficult to understand, heck, can barely understand myself half the time.
I don’t really like anybody this season, but I do dislike a few a little less than others. Elissa is somewhere near the top of that dislike less list. So is McCrae. And if keeping Amanda (who is at the top of my dislike list) in the house another week will protect Elissa and McCrae then hey, I’m all for it.
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@Sylvie – wow that sounds really cool and fun!
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Have the slobs crawled out of their beds yet? I want to see GM go after Ellissa for making deals with aMANda. I so hope it was an ALCOHOL INDUCED haze and she doesn’t remember saying anything.
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i knew that this season wasnt going to be that good….
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If Amanda is not voted out Thursday… as much as I dislike her as a person… she deserves to win if they are so stupid as to keep her.
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bella i agree with you she has good strategies!
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whats weird is that it seems like all the hg only care about is america because they are always saying stuff exspecially amanda
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Hey all, been trying to get back to live feeds since this morning but work and family kept interrupting me…. Geez, don’t they know spying on BB HG’s is important? So got my 10 yr old and hubby off to little league softball and it’s all quiet…. let’s see what those sneaky snakes are doing…….
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OMG, turned it on… Amanda, McNasty, Spencer, and I think Judd all sleeping with lights on…. Elissa in kitchen making coffee and Andy just walked in – both look like they just woke up. Elissa taking advantage of having Andy alone and walked up and just started whispering…. let’s see what she’s saying…. LOL Andy has this “oh god she’s coming over to talk look”
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Dumb, dumb, dumb twits. RMM, I know how you feel about others not understanding real priorities. Geez
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hpr56 – GM said that to Candace as she left because Candace is adopted – she is as bad as if not worse than Aaryn or Amanda. It makes me very sad that no one out of that many people not even ONE can have just a shred of human kindness 🙁
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Did GM just get Pandora’s box?
1:28 PM GM requested to head to the HOH bedroom by BB. She opens the door and says, “yay”. NT
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Oh it figures….. the mower decides to come now and is outside my window and Elissa is whispering…. geez what did I do with those headphones? LOL
Well I keep trying to back up LF but it won’t go to the right spot where she is whispering to Andy something about others coming after him and she seemed to be talking about the same strategy she brought to the table last night…. stupid mower! I’ll keep trying
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I only noticed her walking up stairs….. no cameras are on her room, wow could very well be!
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i had to stop reading i was getting pissed. i take valium and no matter how much i’d take or drink if i still drank you couldn’t get me to do something i didn’t want to do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------i’d most likely get so pissed off at bb……….that i’d call a meeting…face a camera and say “big brother is all a set up….they tell you what to do and pretty much plan on who will win” and let them kick me off….i hate this game now.
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@hpr56 – LOL 🙂
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They say on BB to expect the unexpected! I didn’t expect that from the HG’ s. It hurts my stomach to hear that Elissa is going back on her commitment! Get out the bottle of TUMS!! 🙁
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@Joleemae – way ahead of ya! I agree we all may need them and more from now until Thursday night.
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now i know why my oldest daughter won’t watch it.
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Elissa sitting outside eating grapes by herself and I just heard the announcer say “GinaMarie, please go to the diary room” so she prob didn’t get pandora’s box, but it must have been something to make her say “Yah” when she opened her HOH door. Looks like GM got a camera to take pics
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Yay #667
Did I win ?
Ok just hoping Elyssa sobers up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What a mess they all are
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Oops # 668
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GM walking around taking pics of the confetti, herself, and the wall of HG pictures. No action going on, it’s well after 2 and they are all just waking up….
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Looks like no torture from GM to Elissa (at least for now) – lockdown so Elissa had to come and and there was GM standing there, but GM was super nice to her and asked her to come up and take pics of her in the room. Elissa has no idea she knows anything and is being overly sweet to GM – WOW, I didn’t expect GM to hold it together but she does have quite a Poker Face!
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From JokersUpdates.com
Here is some of the sequence that occurred on Monday.
McCrae saved himself with the Veto
GinaMarie replaced him with Spencer
Spencer has now been nominated seven times
Amanda and McCrae spent most of the day in bed
During dinner Amanda says she has been getting a lot of ‘don’t roll over and die’ from the DR
McCrae and Elissa had a long chat. It was civil. Lots of game info exchanged.
No talk of them working together though.
During one of Amanda’s pity parties, McCrae threw out the suggestion of approaching Elissa.
Later Amanda did approach Elissa and offered complete safety if she would keep her.
Amanda was sure Andy would go along.
Elissa listened, voiced concern that everyone would be mad at her.
No decision was made at the time.
Elissa and Andy compared notes but,
they did not resolve to move forward at that point.
Later Elissa and Amanda were talking again and Elissa was on board to keep Amanda.
They would exchange tokens of good faith – Elissa’s was her wedding ring.
Andy and Elissa talked again and they agreed to move forward with keeping Amanda.
Spencer followed by Judd walked in on this whisper session.
Afterwards Andy immediately found the Exterminator members and told them but said he was only ‘going along’ and when the votes came up short,
he would accuse Elissa of not following through.
Judd was very put out about ‘production interference’
The bulk of the early morning hours were the Exterminators
engaging in prolonged and sometimes brutal bashing about Elissa.
If I missed anything major, please chime in.
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Thank you JT, for the update.
If there is a diamond pov, I think I’ve watched my last season of BB. A diamond pov makes the role of chance too great. I realize that chance plays a part – but if the part it plays is to offer a possible win to a despised and incredibly ugly player, then its role is too big. Winners should deserve (at least in some small way) to win. I can’t say that Amanda deserves in any way to win this game.
I was sorry to hear that Elyssa was only reluctantly playing. That’s ridiculous that BB would almost coerce a person into playing a game that people are salivating for the opportunity to play. I also would like money to play a significant role – as I think it does for most players – but if Elyssa is as wealthy as rumored – no wonder she can claim to be quitting, ready to quit etc. I guess that sounds like reverse snobbism – but I’d like to think that winning the money can positively enrich-even change- the life of the person who deserved to win it.
If Andy, Spencer, McCrea, Amanda, even GM due to the racism, are pitted against each other in the finals, I’d like to see the jury appy jury nullification and refuse to give a vote to any of them!
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Naturally Andy wouldn’t stand for Elissa to be alone with GM so he followed right behind him and is standing there munching on GM’s food.
Yep, GM is showing absolutely no sign of anger. Darn, I was hoping for some kind of “in your face” thing….. she’s probably saving it for Thursday night if she has the chance to double evict Elissa out!
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Well they are all boring…..Elissa & GM in HOH room acting like BFF’s, some went back to sleep – looks like they need time to wake up and play the darn game. I’ll come back in a while 🙂
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I can’t believe that E would want to save A. Is this a April fools joke?
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Elyssa just gave Amanda her wedding ring as collateral for noms
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players! don’t drink the Big Brother kool-aid.
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TVGN re-airing Survivor Fans vs. Favorites, Heroes vs. Villains this week
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On a different note: There is an article in the LA Times about Aaryn. Her Mom
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------is interviewed. I can’t post a link but maybe someone with a few computer
smarts can.
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I can’t believe that production let them exchange jewelry!
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Kaitlin was invited while she was bar tending in her town.
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And she had never watch the show
Plus it’s on this one actors website every season so no surprise that more than half the cast are actors and models
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Maybe this worked
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@SS here’s the pic of Elyssa giving Amanda Wedding ring as collateral: https://mobile.twitter.com/WytchyD/status/375010295615201280/photos
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‘Big Brother 15′: Aaryn Gries’ mom ‘disappointed’ Julie Chen would ‘attack Aaryn’
Aaryn Gries’ mom apologizes for ‘Big Brother’ slurs
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A&E say they can’t wait to see the look on Spencer’s face well the look on they’re face will be priceless!!! Amanda had no idea Andy is doing to her what he’s being to everyone else this whole game ! LYING to her face!!!
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andy the weasel is just plain azz evil
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Oh and were gonna get the blindside after all. Hehe!!!
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So What Did I Miss While At Work?
1) I see Elissa wasn’t just in a drunken haze… she was totally serious about keeping Amanda (yes, the Amanda that berated her & her family for 2 weeks).
2) I see the exchange of jewelry as collateral happened. Elissa’s wedding ring (confirmed to be real by Amanda) for Amanda’s gold earrings.
3) I see that Amanda showed Andy the ring as proof of Elissa’s intentions… and Andy acted happy and said, “Ok!!” ..that’s all the proof he needs. (All the proof he needs to go tell the Exterminators it’s a real threat). He acted well enough that Amanda is convinced he is with her.
4) I see the Exterminators are still united against Amanda. If they stay that way.. Amanda gets voted out in a tie breaker.
5) I see Amanda & McCrae are acting pretty cocky… despite saying they would act normal. I heard Amanda & McCrae make comments about how great it will be to blindside GM, Judd, & Spencer with this.
6) I see Amanda wants Andy’s prized “Organ Hug” shirt as collateral.. since that is Andy’s “prized possession”.
7) I see that shirt doesn’t mean as much to Andy as Amanda thinks…. he says to GM, “It’s a $20 shirt.. I don’t care if I lose it” 😆
(I see it’s dinner time)
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My Head Hurts!
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8.) I see Bob awoke from his nap.
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Jt I have been here all day! Just reading everything & watching the feeds! But a nap sounds good right now!!! ………………………….
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bookmrk @ 688
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the reason i was asking if anyone knew how to start a blog – i thought we could all continue talking after the show ends – if it takes some money – i can help
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I think I’m going to vomit.
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I want to go Chicago next month a kick some butt–both Helen and Andy for playing such poor games.
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with u becky
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Becky We would need to rent a bus from the East coast!!
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Amanda & McCrae up in HOH room talking to Andy. They are all excited about Amanda staying (but Andy knows she isn’t).
Andy is acting like he will be crushed if Elissa “flips” and Amanda walks out the door with his “beloved” organ hug shirt. 😆
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I’m only getting the Back yard talk!
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Amanda: “I can’t wait to see GinaF#ckinMarie’s face.. and now you can’t play for HOH bitch”
Amanda: “That is a real diamond ring, and I know my jewelry!”
I can’t wait to see Amanda’s face if The Exterminators can just stick together for 48 more hours. They seem solid now at least.
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Bob.. you are on camera 1 or 2… can you switch to 3 or 4?
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NO….But it’s free 🙂
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Right now only one stream………
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Marcy with u!!I want this blogg to keep going because their are so many people who find so much stuff related to the cast that I just wouldn’t know if it wasn’t for them!! It’s all such great stuff!!!
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I want to know if Mc moves to fl and what happens to Aaryn and GM with they job loss it’s gonna feel like we didn’t finish the show if we don’t know what happens to everyone after the shows over!! You know what I mean??
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deb f – maybe someone will come forward and tell us how to do it……
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That will be great, I’m on board!
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So why do you think they closed the back yard? Is it going to be something with the hoh getting something?
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Think I’ll go for a nap 😆
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Enjoy your nap Bob
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Sleep well Bobo
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am I seeing what I am seeing, I leave for the day and crap hits the fan, oy
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Becky, would you like some of my TUMS? They are orange sugar free! They work for me. I think Eliss’ s strategy is she knows Amanda will go out without her vote because of GM’ s tiebreaker vote and this way Amanda will leave her alone! I think Elissa is too smart to drink anybody’s Kool Aid! My opinion – I hope I am right! I still think Elissa’s ring is cubic zirconium! I have a Diamonic tennis bracelet that even a jeweler told me it looks real.
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😆 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 😉
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MM….Lol at the Tedsters outfit.
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Going to watch a lil T.V. Don’t let anyone kill Ellissa till I get back
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I think Elissa is very serious! She knows they know she’s trying to flip the house but Amanda is so sure she can trust Andy 100% that they aren’t gonna see the Forrest threw the trees!!! If it would work Elissa will be in a 4th alliance instead of 5th! Elissa really has nothing to lose because they want her out anyways! So really what’s the big deal for her? The thing is its not going to work! The other thing is theirs 2 days left and none of these people can keep they’re mouths shut so things are going to change again and again!!! That’s my theory !
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It is free to start a blog
And if u have a smart phone tferes also and app
It’s called : Blogger
Posting link in a sec
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I take back my love fest with GM. She’s just as disgusting as everyone else even tho she had her 15 minutes of glory. She doesn’t just yell at people and call them names, she goes for the jugglar and she goes in hard. I don’t care what she does going forward, she’s not my pick for America’s Choice!!!!
I hope Amanda finds out about Andy before Thursday. That would be fun to watch. As for E, I have no idea why or what changed her mind except the DR theory seems to be spot on. As for the rest of them, I watch for entertainment value which is getting slimmer by the minute and I don’t give a tinders damn in hell who wins, none of them deserve it. E has been the only one who hasn’t gotten personal with anyone. Her biggest mistake was not telling everyone who she was from day one. That’s my 2 cents.
I’m out for now. bbl8r to see if anything new has developed.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
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On second thought, E did say something about someone but I can’t remember, I’m sure someone on here will be happy to remind me. JT, I know you remember. 🙂
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Blogger: Create your free Blog
Create a blog. It’s free. Beautiful, customizable templates and layouts. Try the template designer. Up to the minute stats. …
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Here’s mine
I hope I don’t offend anyone by going so
Don’t usually post my stuff here just in case I can help anyone here it is
WTF Cancer
Wigs Tattoos and Fun Is about Cancer and alternative ways of dealing with traditional cancer treatment. Acupuncture, Raw Food, …
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Gotta laugh at Amanda saying its a real diamond because she “knows” her jewelry.
I’d hate to be the one to break it to her, but you can’t tell a diamond from a piece of glass by just looking at it with the naked eye.
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Sylvie, I don’t see how that could offend anyone I would think it could help to know this! I think that’s truly awesome!!!
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well not related to BB
But about the Zirconium lol, no Amanda wouldn’t know the difference, but she is self assured as usual.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh wait she takes breaks and has meltdowns that last days
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Amanda & Elissa are in the hammock bonding… and are talking over all the moves they made this season. Amanda explained her crazy actions… then asked Elissa if she was ever going to backdoor her. Elissa said “no”…. Amanda went along with it.. but Amanda knows that’s a lie.
Anyway.. they aren’t doing a real good job of hiding their new alliance.
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JT@ what’s your gut feeling about what’s going to happen? Is it possible that Amanda could stay even after the double eviction? I’m really fed up with the way things are going now. Thanks for the update about what’s going on.
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Oh, brother!!
So, Elissa really has made a deal with the devil…
And the McNasties are wearing blinders when it comes to Andy. Why does Amanda trust that weasel so much when she doesn’t trust anybody as far as she can throw them?
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Maxie, From what I’ve seen, Amanda will still be voted out first in a 2-2 tie with GM breaking it to send Amanda out. (But I never thought Elissa would team up with Amanda after the way Amanda treated her.. so who knows).
Becky, Am & Mc still trust Andy because those 3 have been together since the beginning. He has always brought key info back to them. They’ve never had a reason not to trust him….. until now.
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Amanda: “I feel like everyone is gonna be so shocked on Thursday”
I hope you are most shocked.
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Elissa: “Nobody’s gonna see it coming”
psssssst… Elissa….. look behind you! 😯
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Hammock Buddies
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From hammock to kitchen
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@Macy and anyone else:
Free to blog w/reply’s allowed
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I see that Macnasty has his Bible next to him outside
And yes Amanda and Elyssa are so obvious together it could be clearer
They talking about about alcohol tonight
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe Elyssa will change alliance again and go against Amanda
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New Post!
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