Hi, everyone!
Well, it looks like BBBlogger has officially opened up the Diary Room. Who do you want to see go tonight?
Do you vote to evict Helen, the politically ambitious cheerleader who thinks that voting out Judd was a humongous move?
Or do you think that tonight should be the end of Spencer, the guy who has spent almost his entire time in the house with his hands down his pants?
Personally, as much I dislike Helen, I still have to vote to evict Spencer. The fact of the matter is that I can’t look at him without remembering that this is a guy who jokes about enjoying child porn.
Tonight’s episode should be a good one! Not only will either Spencer or Helen be leaving but one of the jurors will be re-entering the house. Since it looks like it’s going to be Helen who’s evicted, that means that she’ll compete with Jessie, Candice, and Judd for the chance to return.
Who will win?
Well, it depends on the challenge. However, Candice and Jessie were never big threats when it came to challenges so I think that the returning houseguest will either be Judd or Helen. I know that a lot of people will be very happy if Judd comes back. By the same token, those same people will probably have the exact opposite reaction if Helen returns.
Finally, yesterday was a pretty active day. Not only did Elissa tell Aaryn that Aaryn’s has basically wasted all of her HoHs, but last night, Aaryn somehow drank nail polish remover. Apparently, she thought it was water.
I wonder if we’ll get to see any of this on tonight’s show.
We’ll find out soon enough!
Don’t forget to vote for who you would evict! As for me, I vote to evict Spencer and I hope that Judd comes back into the house.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
hey hey
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LM txs for new post, you would think by now the bloggers know u r not a paid employee, that you do it out of the kindness of your heart and your love of the show. I am sure u have a life besides writing bb blogs, and you should be shown more appreciation and respect instead of demands, oh well Ain’t nobody got time for that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------again thanks for all your hard work I for one appesch now on to read the blog, stay supple LM
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By the way, despite drinking poison, Aaryn is apparently okay. So, I’m guessing that she didn’t drink that much of it.
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Thank you MM. 🙂
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LM I echo you I vote to evict pig man spencer, and hope Judd returns.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I guess my know most of you know that demanda said last nite she was preggers rite before bb started and had a miscarriage, I also think she said she knew the guy months, oy can she get any more disgusting?
ciao till later will do fly by
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Judd needs to come back, he’s the only person with the cahones to put Amanda on the block with McC or Andy.
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I love reading this blog! I don’t post much but sometimes I do. Thanks for all the updates Lisa Marie!! You are awesome!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evict Spencer just because he’s gross. However, we are all pretty sure Helen will be evitcted….and this is what I just posted on the other page:
The whole house is stupid except Amanda. They are all signing that check over to her right now! The only way things can change is if Helen gets voted out, wins her place back in tonight, wins HOH, puts Amanda on the block, Helen win POV and Amanda gets evicted. That’s it. Otherwise the puppet master will continue to do her job and she will win. And because everyone else in the house is stupid, at this point, Amanda deserves to win. I’m not saying I like Amanda, but she is the only one actually kind of playing the game. She figured out how to control EVERYONE and is succeeding! Gotta give her props at least. Everyone is deciding to listen to her- that’s on them, not her. She’s just the puppet master. It’s their choice to go along with it and they do!! They are idiots.
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I vote to evict Helen. I never want to hear the words ‘like’ or ‘you know’ again. You sure can’t prove to me Helen has any smarts by the way she talks! She sounds as if she never finished grade school! I hope Judd returns!
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Well Lisa Marie, as much as I want to see Mother Helen gooooo, she may be the only one to try to get Amanda and Pizza Boy Toy together on the block….. so I VOTE TO EVICT STINKY SPENCER!
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evict Helen!!!! cant stand Spencer either!!
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I vote to evict Spenser. these girls should have got rid of all the guys then went after each other!
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I vote to evict Helen!
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If I were still twelve years old, I would say the HG’s are lily livered, chick butted, pamper assed, weenie roasted wusses!
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Last night on BBAD Spencer would not stop picking his nose and looking at while having a conversation….I am disgusted with him. Get him out!
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LM, Please don’t evict me, I would like Judd to return and to have Helen evicted tonight. I do understand the desires to get the dirty ole man out, but I would like to see Judd take out Amanda, plus Helen could also come back and if she did, she would now realize she has to get Helen out. In any case, thanks again for all your effort!!!
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I ditto all the words of appreciation LM – Love this blog. I’ve wanted Spencer gone for weeks but most likely he will still be there on Friday. I have been a Judd fan since the beginning and would like to see him return – just hope that production gives him half a chance to stay. I do NOT like demanda in any way shape or form and think that even McCrae is sick and tired of her attitude and just hanging on yo her as she makes a great shield.
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Helen has played a rotten game and believes it has been great. She allowed the people who cared about her for people who care for no one. She lies and gets caught and really cares about what America thinks? She is now throwing everything under the bus with herself included. She quit her job and left her kids and now going out as an embarrassment. I hope she doesn’t return. At least Spencer is a real and true JERK. I vote to evict Helen.
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@MDF – I agree, I think McCrae is really getting tired of Amanda with all her hysterics and overwhelming smothering! I bet when he leaves the CBS Studio after the finale, he will hot foot it to Argentina, leaving no trace behind for Amanda to follow!! 😆
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I want Pig Spencer Gone !!
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I want SlimmySpencer out tonite. I’m a bit ticked off with Helen, but, I want to see her & Elissa get Amanda & Andy out before anyone else. Aaryn has to go to because she showed the real bigot that she is; she really showed her worse side & there is no way she can retract that. BigBrother gets thumbs down for their choices this season. ShameShameShame. OK, I got it off my chest …….I want to see Candice or Judd back in the house. Does anyone know what has been going on in the JuryHouse thus far???????What’s up with that???????
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I vote to evict the entire cast. Let’s take a mulligan and start over. We could take the worst houseguests from 15 seasons and it would be more entertaining than this.
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Lookin forward to tonights show fo sho!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Really dont care who leaves but I sure hope whoever returns does not go running straight into the arms of the porn couple or andy and booger boy.
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LM thanks for the new post – appreeeech!
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hot footing it to Argintina…for the PIZZA BOY…she will talk him into getting a hotel room in Las Vegas with the rest of the crew for the weekend…and than he will be hot footing it back to Minnesota…GOD’S COUNTRY…can someone please send him another shirt from the university of minnesota…we have been looking at the same one now since the last week in June…I vote to evict…HELEN…IF jUDD COMES BACK WHO GETS TO EXPLAIN WHY THEY TOOK HIM OUT THE FIRST TIME…i think this a job for the mouth of the south the realty beauty from south Florida…Mz Amanda…the floor is yours dolly…Welcome home PIZZA BOY…good job on the showmance…wink wink nod nod…by the way i have a coupon for ya from Great Clips…get a hair cut dude…
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GM is complaining to Helen that Stinky Spencer is not even packing for tonight…. he’s sure he is not going.
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Helen talked to Elissa and I believe told her to team up with GM – now Elissa & GM are talking game. Wow, GM talking about breaking up Amanda and Pizza Boy and how Amanda has been controlling everything…. could it be possible? GM trying for a big move????
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Elissa pretty much just asked GM if she would throw HOH if it was down to the two of them…… GM kindly said she’d rather stay up but they could negotiate…. funny
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Sorry, just happen to be tuning in on the live feeds and wanted to share for those who can’t watch.
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Hopefully Elissa listens to Helen when she told her not to trust Andy! It appears Helen has accepted her up and coming departure and seems to be in somewhat good spirits, choosing to wear a yellow dress because it means “happy”. She is preparing Elissa for who to trust and gave her something of hers for good luck.
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Okay – I posted but it’s not here. So if it shows up twice, my name is not Helen or Amanda and I am not full of myself nor do I think what I have to say is more important than anyone else’s.
We love you LM and are so grateful for your posts and for giving us a place to have our say.
That being said, I vote to evict Helen. Just because I am so freaking sick of her. I don’t like Spencer but I think Helen could be a bigger threat than Spencer (cause he’s not real smart at the game) and I don’t want her to win. Now, I disagree that she could come back in and get rid of Amanda and McNasty. She has had chance after chance and it didn’t happen. People don’t listen to her. She most likely wouldn’t win an HOH and nobody will do her bidding. Amanda and McNasty would still be there. Judd should come back. The reason I think he should is because he is pissed. He got evicted for no good reason and I believe he will get even and can get people like Aaryn and Elissa and GM and even Spencer to help him get rid of Amanda and McNasty.
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Stupid Andy had the nerve to ask Helen if she was going to make more Slop Balls…. and OMG she’s doing it for them! He’s so fake and she knows it but yet she still feeds them.
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Thank you for the updates RMM. I do not have access to the live feeds and your information is very very appreciated.
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To top off this season (the way the show seems to be going), Spencer will probably win HOH tonight!
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well ok. Helen may have some annoying habits but she’s pretty likeable compared to the other choices in the house! Plus she has the guts to go after Amanda which nobody else seems to have being the shrinking violets that they all are! Elissa’s voice drives me crazy but other than that she’s probably the next most decent person left in the house. Once Helen is gone .. the Evil Amanda is pretty much free and clear to make it to the finish line with everybody in the house helping her get there!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It sucks that Judd was evicted just based on AmandASS being convinced he was the MVP that put her up when it wasn’t even true! just a hunch on her part that everybody then thought they must do as she instructed – get rid of anybody who has her on their hit list. Will somebody knock her into tomorrow and out of the BB house before this insanity goes any further?? And candyass McCrae who I originally believed had it in him to be a good player & win this thing now just seems to be riding her coattails til the end and just waiting to see what happens but displays no mind of his own anymore when it comes to the game. He’s become more of a spectator just there for the free ride now that AmandAss has taken the reins.
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@hpr6 – you are very welcome and I do agree that Judd needs to come back and Clean House! CBS owes us that much!
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My vote is to evict the mouthy Helen. Bring back Judd. He deserves to win.
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“I’m a mechanic, a mother, a wife, and a Yoga Instructor”….. Elissa is blurting out in her baby-like voice as she is walking through the house. She is really friendly with Amanda and calling her “Amander” – maybe she’s kissing butt like Helen told her to.
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The house could be in for a shock on Joker’s Andy & G/M might be voting Spencer out
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Well for all of you that Vote to Evict Helen, it appears it is going to happen, the whole house knows and Helen has accepted that fact. No fights, No awkward looks, No last minute scramble to gather votes, No nothing….. just boring cooking and everyone getting ready for tonight. Helen believes she has tried everything and is defeated!
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@northern-lass – they are voting out Spencer tonight? I hadn’t seen that yet – but I know GM is disgusted that Spencer is not even packing and he is full of himself and confident that he is staying….but I’m pretty sure they are all talk…. geez they really have to do something
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Amanda, Pizza Boy, and Elissa talking about GM & Aaryn going up next? I think Elissa is making a big mistake talking to them because she doesn’t realize they have a bunch of alliances but also she can’t trust them! Oh Boy, maybe she figures she can’t beat them, she’ll just join them…… Spencer walked in and caught them talking and they changed the subject…. awkward!
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the only thing they seem to know how to do RMM is whatever Amanda instructs them to do and she threatens to come after them if they don’t! She’s like the Adolph Hitler of the BB House .. everyone follows orders out of fear of Amanda taking revenge on them .. well DUH .. if they got rid of her she wouldn’t be THERE to take revenge out on ANYBODY. Just makes you want to go in there and shake some sense into each and every one of them!
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Aaryn came and dragged Amanda away telling her something is going on in the cockpit….. there is that conversation northern_lass is talking about…. they are trying to talk Amanda into getting him out…. guess my live feeds are off a bit.
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@Jeanne728 – I agree! Makes you want to just knock that bully out right?
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Yep Amanda is driving this train…. talking them out of it saying Spencer is “legit”
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Ohhhhh, GM is setting up Elissa, she called Spencer in the cockpit room to make sure he would put up Elissa if he won HOH and GM also confirmed this with Aaryn and Amanda….. Oh I even believed GM when she was talking to Elissa and thought she really wanted Amanda gone…. she got that Poker Face! Look out Elissa!
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Amanda wants Spencer to stay probably because she figures he can’t win. .. SLAYS me when anybody in the house grows a brain cell and considers flipping the house and then IMMEDIATELY some little tattle tailer (usually Howdy Doody Andy with the Yoda ears) runs immediately to Amandass and fills her in and she goes and threatens the appropriate people and then they just give up.
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@RMM i’m only going by the convo on Jokers updates but Andy seems to be switching because Helen’s told him it was Amanda who spilt the beans about him telling Amanda Helen wanted him to nom Amanda & now they’re trying to convince Aaryn to get Spencer out but Aaryn’s having none of it USA BB should be like our BB in UK where we the British public vote out the HM’ s
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oh for cripe sake. GM .. what the hell are you thinking?? she has NO clue that she TOO soon will be on the hit list since she’s not in anybody’s final 2 or 4 alliance – at least not FOR REAL. I cant’ believe how everybody goes and sucks up to Amanda to make sure she knows every conversation that goes on in the house for cripe sake! NEVER FAILS.. These people have too big of mouths to play this game. They seem more interested in staying in the good graces of Amanda than having any chance at all of winning what they went there for!
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I can’t take much more of the IDIOCY of these people! I just hope that whoever comes back into the house has a backbone and that the others smarten up and follow suit but until Amanda gets THEM voted out too .. it seems they just dont get it.
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My dream is to vote out Spencer, have Judd or Candace come back in and see if Helen could lead the charge to clean out the house…(Helen and Elyssa seem to be the only ones for the most part that clean anyway) If Judd comes back in, someone needs to tell him that it was Amanda and McCrea that got him evicted, not Helen and Elyssa..When he left, he hugged everyone except Helen and Elyssa…If Amanda and Mc Crea aren’t put on the block together this week I might go battier than I already am from watching this mess….
I vote to evict SPENCER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I vote to evict Spenser ~ bring Judd back ~ why is everyone scared of Amanda ? Amanda is a big ass bully ~ can’t stand her ass anymore ~ with that of my chest ~ THANK YOU LM for blogging for us, I cannot get the feeds, slow dial up ~ country living and too many trees have to be cut ~ so again thanks a bunch LM
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me too. (vote to evict Spencer) .. will be happy when Andy goes too. Might have liked him if he hadn’t been Amanda’s little puppet and informant throughout the entire game! but I’ve had it with him running and telling her everything all the time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------there should have been something called an “Andy Alert” anytime he walked into a room.
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OMG they’ve flip-flopped again because Amanda’s found them out sheesh why do they open their mouths they shouldn’t have let Aaryn in on the plans
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Weeks ago, all any of them were concerned about were making it to Jury. OK, done that. You’re all in jury, its guaranteed. Now play to win the darned game!!
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uuuuggghhh, I can’t keep up with all these liars….. now I don’t know who is together… but you can bet Andy’s Spock Ears are in EVERY conversation…. he is whispering to everyone…. how can he keep up with all that?
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@northern_LaSS – CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?
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Yoda ears.. he has Yoda ears .. lol. but you might be right .. he has the Spock ability to somehow catch any conversation that goes on in the house and then immediately carries it back to Amanda.. and what’s with Aaryn?? she had her ups and downs with Amanda and actually called her out not too long ago.. now she’s feeding her info??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nauseating. Probably nobody has the guts to make a move because there are so many rats in the Amanda army that they never know who they can trust to try to make any plans with!
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@Jeanne728 – LOL that’s right… Yoda ears! LOL
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Watching Spencer pick his nose, shows me the personality of this shallow boy! I vote to evict this disgusting person!
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Andy is such a snake….. I don’t know how Yoda can seem to be in EVERY conversation and EVERY room all at the same time…. how do they not notice?
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Helen crying again – talking to Aaryn…. feeding her bull***t…. guess she is trying one last time…. of course Andy is sitting right there…..
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Let’s start a pool to raise money to send JT, Kevin11, Snakebit, Starfish, Star, Aggie, Mama Margie and Frannie to the BB House. Kick all these lousy players out and let the game begin. 😳 can’t forget the Tedster!
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Thanks and I am happy you have a life ! And that you stay supple 🙂
OK so about the poison , I missed it cause i too have a life . But she wouldn’t die from poisoning its pretty obvious now.
HELEN, only because i can’t stand her talking non stop and her arrogance.
I would like a double eviction so PEVERT BOY Spencer could go too !
Yes Judd needs to come back but then i need Subtitles, cause he mumbles a lot for a young dude.
SIIIIICCCCKKKKK of all of them
I hope we don’t see Demandda on DR Drew Celebrity Rehab for SEX Therapy, but at least she can get help
I really enjoy this BLOG , thanks everyone but this season needs to POOF !
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Oh, Helen said she is having “her little chats with everybody before she leaves” – so I guess we got more to watch…. but I can’t listen to her broken record so I’m turning off live feeds for a while….. uuuuuggggghhhhh… SHUT UP HELEN!!!!! ooops, sorry I can’t listen to her repeat, repeat, repeat……
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So am I right to think that Andy, Aaryn & GM have an alliance as well? Do they think they are going to take out The McCray Wagon? huh? Oh Geez, I’m so confused! I’d rather follow my fellow bloggers, it’s so much easier…. Thanks all 🙂
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Okay Feeds down until the show…. looks like we didn’t have to be tortured by Helen after all. Thank you CBS
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last I was aware .. there is a 4 some alliance with Amanda, McCrae, Arryn and Andy..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy and Arryn SUPPOSEDLY have a “final 2 some” alliance on the side.
I don’t think GM is really in ANY alliance that I’m aware of! I THINK she thinks she’s in tight with “her girl” as she likes to call her, Arryn but that’s not the case.
spencer is in tight with Amanda and McCrae but NOT in their 3A final alliance 4-some. Elissa isn’t in with anybody but Helen but tried to hook up with GM who then ratted on her is what I read here. It’s a mess. lol. the whole thing. I think Andy
genuinely feels bad about evicting Helen BUT of course there’s no changing it because anybody he talks to about it runs back and that gets him in hot water with Amanda who he’s counted on thru this entire game to carry him to the end.
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P.S. . yeah. I think Andy has been making fake deals EVERYWHERE but his TRUE alliance is to 3A ..the alliance with Amanda, McCrae, & Aaryn.
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You know I put a lot thought into this. And you know the options are two to vote out. But you know u have to pick somebody n u know spencer is a swine n Helen u know says u know a lot. So I know I hope u know goes out the door. U know!
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Andy alert. I like that!
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Maybe next season they can bring back every person that went out first. Give them all a chance again.
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BETTY – i posted ealier that demanda was a sex addict – thats why she clung on to the first man (i mean little girl) that would have her – she has to have her FIX
helen needs to scream as she leaves IF U TRUST ANDY, ILL SEE U NEXT WEEK
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@Macy – that shout out by Helen would be hysterical! 😆
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Go home Spencer..these ppl are too stupid…seriously!!!!!
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LM thank you for your dedication to us and this blog. I don’t need to repeat it but it completely DITTO what Mama Margie said #2 above.
It’s too bad everyone runs to Amanda with whatever is said to them. I think they do it because they feel if they don’t, the other person will and then they’ll be in big trouble with Queen Amanda. Love the Andy Alert. I can’t believe they just keep talking when he’s in the room with his Yoda 😆 ears and they know he’ll report to headquarters as fast as his white legs can carry him.
The next show should be everyone who has made the dumbest moves on BB. Unfortunately that would be nearly everyone this year and Marcellas and a few others.
Who to vote off tonight is a toss up for me. Spencer is aligned with the terrible twosome but is not good at comps so his chances of coming back into the house are slim but in BB, it’s usually that person who wins HOH. Helen is getting on everyone’s last nerve but she would go after McMANda. We don’t know what Judd knows about what’s gone on inside the house. We don’t know if they are all together in the jury house so him coming back into the game is a toss up as to his alliance and what he would do. I would like to see him come back but only if he knows the score otherwise he might be like Spencer and believe the gruesome twosome. I have to say as a person, Amanda is dispicable, but she’s really playing the game but I still can’t stand her gross self!
Tonight will be a good night to watch BB. Thanks everyone for your comments and RMM for your reporting of today’s doings in the house.
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Helen must go was a favorite but now I can’t stand her. you know what I mean,drives me crazy. Her phony crying is disturbing.She has had several chances to get rid of Amanda,she chose not to. If she came back she still wouldn’t do it. She controlled one side of the house and lost. Amanda has controlled the other side and she is winning. If she wins it all more power to her,they have let her. If shes there at the final 2 then she deserves it,I don’t have to love her but I do respect her if she wins,thats what it is all about. Kathy.
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One more thing, I don’t believe they are at the jury house yet,been sequestered in hotel rooms,I don’t believe they have had any contact with each other,cause then they would compare notes and that wouldn’t be fair if one comes back and wins h.o.h.tonight. Kathy.
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Helen leaves & then returns to BB after comp. my guess. Wasted Aaryns HOH what could be better, & it pisses of Demenda win, win, WIN !
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Kathy, that would be my guess too that they are in separate hotel rooms. However, Julie keeps referring to them as being in the Jury House. She’s probably using that as a generic term not literally.
I don’t think it would be unfair for them to be together because everyone in the house has been together so maybe it would be even footing for everyone. Justathought.
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I vote to Evict Spencer
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this is a tough one—
helen – using the MOM CARD – and saying the same things over and over – i’ve been nothing but nice to them’ – ‘you know’
spencer – scratching his g-nads them smelling his fingers acting like he is picking
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@Betty….comment #64…. If all of us have to go into the BB house, then you have to go too. You can even bring Ken, but only if you want. I’m sure Ted would be on the first ferry out of FH. I could never last in a confined space, with no outside communication. I like all the the people you mentioned, but I would go stir crazy.
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OMG Macy…you always manage to gross me out with those comments. 😆 We can call Spencer ‘Scratch~n~Sniff ‘. 😆
I vote to evict ‘Scratch~n~Sniff ‘.
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FRANNIE – dont even invite me to the bb house – i cry at AGT – i wouldnt last a day
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Amanda to Scratch~n~Sniff…
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Oh frannie, I forgot about Betty suggesting we all go into the BB house. Yes, Betty, you would have to come too. That would be a horrible show. We would all sit around bashing and rehasing all the shows and all the previous dumb players, eating and drinking and refuse to vote anyone out. We could really do it up in the DR for all the folks. We could all immitate our favorite players. We could have a marvelous time. If course we would need Wil “Ain’t nobody got time for two Ls”.
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Macy, how can you cry at AGT? Oh…the sad stories. Don’t believe them all, they tell that crap for pity points.
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I love that idea *fish. We can invite the whole ‘chat pack’. 😉
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Anybody else rockin’ out to Glee?
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FRANNIE – that last act the other day – name started with a C – it was so touching – circle of life – then – when the brother and sister act were voted – and the older brother went thru – then the little sister had those big tears – omg – i was broken for her
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I agree with you. I don’t think it would be an unfair advantage for the 3 people so far in jury to be together. I think it would be unfair for them NOT to be able to compare notes. The thing is, would the person coming back into the house believe what the other jury members told him/her or believe what the people who evicted him/her had to say once back in the house? I would hope the jury members were believed, but you can never tell with this group of idiots.
I hope to evict Spencer only because then Judd would have a better chance of winning the comp tonight, getting back into the game and having 2 ready allies in Helen and Elissa (if he chooses to believe the jury members on who is controlling the house…if that is even the consensus with Candice and Jessie). Judd or Elissa can win HOH (I hope it is Judd), target McCranda for eviction and they would only need 1 more vote to get Amanda out of the house. That would sweet, sweet revenge for Judd.
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Macy thank you for making me LOL…Love your shout out from Helen……
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Oh yea…that was sad, but I think the younger one was a bit of a brat. IMO
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I vote to evict SPENCER!!!!! As always!!! One of these days, it will happen..lol
And that Judd comes back. THEN we’d have a GAME!!!!
Gotta get dinner before the show. BBL!!! &heart; and hugs!!!!
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Hmmm……I knew I should have done ♥ !!! ( fingers crossed!!)lol
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I vote to evict Spencer….
I like Judd but I think if helen comes back she can do the most damage with
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------all the info she has been collecting these past few days….I just hope someone
saves the season..
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I vote to evict Helen (as much as I want Spencer out too).
Latest most overused phrase in the BB house.
“I Love You”
As freely as Helen has been throwing that around the last 2 days to EVERYONE (over & over & over & over)…. her husband must be thinking wtf? 🙄
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JT – glad ur home buddy – gonna be a bumpy nite – hope –
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Just a thought bu wouldn’t Judd need Helens vote to get sexmanda out?
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@Frannie and Starfish – I couldn’t go into the BB House with all of you. I would be afraid Ted would lock me up in the HOH room! 😀
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macy/bendi, I’m glad I’m home too! I missed the show last night because I didn’t get home till after 8pm 👿 …but I did make it in time to see AGT results. 🙂
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@Betty…yep, that would be very scary! Which reminds me….he spelled my name with an I instead of an E….I hope that was a mistake, and he really knows the difference.
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JT – if u saw any of my comments – omg – somewhere over the rainbow group – i would pay to see them in a vegas act – so touching
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Betty, at least make an appearance when Ted gets Pandora’s Box 😆
I have already formed an alliance with Frannie & Aggie.
We call it “The 3 Amigos” 😉
But I will also have so many deal with everyone else in the house that Frannie & Aggie will begin not to trust me…. and they will eventually blindside me 🙁 Judd style! 😯
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Yep …that act was Catapult Entertainment
They were great!!
Sad for little Ruby (dancer), but happy her brother made it. And as Frannie said.. little Ruby was a bit of a brat! 😆
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I vote to evict julie for her BAD hair styles this year. Spencer be gone bring back Lady Candy…….
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mama…I agree to both comments.
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I vote to evict Spencer, his boogers, his junk, his hand down his pants, and his sick mind!
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4 – 1
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@JT – Me in Pandora’s Box??? – Ted would have the big one! 😆
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love julies dress – i want it – glad she fired the toe sack stylist
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BB should give Andy his 30 pieces of silver…
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Well it’s 2-34 am here & as much as I am dying to hear what’s going down tonight on BB USA I have to get some sleep so i’ll read all of you’re comments tomorrow I hope Helen’s evicted then she returns to the game her or Elissa win HOH & the nympho goes to jury this week…..night all (or in my case morning all ) lol
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At least we know the 3 were all in jury house together…. just as Julie said last Thursday.
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Happy Birthday AC
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Is that 43 now? …..or 44?
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Looks like HOH/jury comp will go to feeds.
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Well…… 43 or 44?
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JT, you know he will never tell.
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Happy Birthday AC
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Happy Birthday AC!! Save me a piece of cake!!
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So young….
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I hate not knowing who won lol
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this is GREAT… a New Endurance !!!!
Jessie has 2 Balls, lol…in the Lead… 🙂
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I don’t think Helen or Elissa will do well with this challenge, but I could be wrong. Surprised to see Jessie in the lead before the show ended. Spencer might have the best change. UGH!
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The fun part is waiting to find out on here. 😎
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So if someone on jury side gets 10 first… then the comp is over and they are HOH.
But if someone on remaining HG side gets 10 first… then the 4 jurors still have to keep going till one of them gets 10………. right?
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Can those of you will the live feeds see the competition?
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Elissa looked focused…. but can she catch a ball?
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yes JT…thats right
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Betty…I have trivia right now. 🙄
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Betty, Spencer is too busy grabbing his own to grab any others flying at him 😆
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@JT – Julie really didn’t explain that very well. Maybe none of the jurors will come back if they don’t win.
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JT…can you see the feeds right now?
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Happy BD AC!!!
@JT, I’m happy to hear they were all in jury house together. That’s good news to me.
@Sal, is the comment 4 – 1 meaning Helen’s vote has taken place?
Spoilers please! It doesn’t come on here for another 2 hours.
@Betty, I would love to see Ted’s face with you popping out of Pandora’s box. Couldn’t do that without the smelling salts nearby. Poor guy can’t take that kind of excitement. Since he’s not here, we can pick on his cute little self.
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@JT 😯 Very funny!!
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Can’t I please vote to evict Amanda the bitch who think the world owes her? PLEASE!!! It will be, well was Helen. I would have chosen to evict Spencer. Thank God I missed the Spencer likes little boys comment. I thought NAMBLA was broken up years ago. Spencer must have a lifelong membership.
Missed you all thanks for being so great Lisa Marie!
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Starfish… yep.. the vote was 4-1 against Helen. A lot happened during the week.. but in the end the vote was exactly as expected as soon as Elissa won POV Saturday.
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I still have trivia on feeds also
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we will have trivia till about 10:20pm…..by then maybe someone will have enough to win it already….BB is throwing the balls too slow…..
if we want Demanda OUT…then root for Elissa to win HOH…and Helen to win Jury
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44, OMG, just a pup!
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Thanks JT
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HoH8…that’s exactly what I want to happen.
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😆 @ *fish…I barely remember being 44.
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Starfish… they are all standing on planks against a wall…. and are being sprayed by sprinklers. They have to stay up and catch balls that are launched out at times.
First to catch 10 balls wins HOH….. first juror to catch 10 balls gets back in game.
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@Starfish – yes he would need smelling salts, as well as a defibrillator!! 😆
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JT, got it! Great descrition. Can even picture them.
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Some endurance comps the feeds came back right away. they came back real fast for the duos filling the bowl…..
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No live feeds. 🙁
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@AC…ur 44???….r u still on pampers?, LOL….thats a good age…even number, lol… 🙂
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I can’t stand not knowing what is going on!
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Good thing about this comp is that maybe McCrae can catch some balls to replace the ones that Amanda ripped off of him.
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Starfish, ..it’s similar to the surfboard one… except they are trying to catch balls… they are only a couple feet off the ground.
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😆 @ Lisa
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But any McCrae catches….. he has to immediately give to Amanda…. or she will hide behind the garbage can again
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I like to see Helen out then come back just to get out Amanda . Just to see looks on Amanda face
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@ LM
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No feeds?
lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame,lame, lame, lame.
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Who’s the most coordinated in that bunch? Aaryn, GM, Elissa, McC, Judd, Helen, maybe even Spencer if he can stay on the “plank” with his big feet body. Jessie too. I don’t think the others have the coordination but as we’ve seen in the past, it’s always the one we count out who wins or the one we don’t want to win. UGH The suspence!! 🙂
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i was happy to Finally see the Jury house… it was quick though…i loved when the HG would bring a DVD to show the comps for the week to them… 🙂
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Stop it!!! 😳
See what you started JT? 🙄
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Yeah, who’d want to see the most important night live on the Feeds when they’re paying for it?
CBS/Endemol, you never cease to amaze me. FUCK THE FUCK OFF.
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HoH8…. remember when they used to bring a VHS tape to jury house? 😆 (season 6)
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Yea, what K11 said.
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Sorry AC…. I couldn’t help myself 😕
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@LM…..He wouldn’t dare!!lol
@JT..I’d love to see Helen bet Amanda out too, but as of the end of the TV show, she didn;t have any balls yet. Altho I am sure when she gets them, they will be bigger than MC’s!! 😆
I am PO’ed that we don’t get to see this on LFS tho. SO far this year, they haven;t ever worked on AOL for me, have worked about half the time on my iPhone and now they are cutting us out of comps! WHY are we paying for this Special Service again???!! Ato watch the HGS sunbawthe…I forgot!!! 🙄
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Feeds back
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Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet
Maybe it’s THREE epic comps in one. The third being the last Feedster awake watching Trivia gets to be the most pissed off. #BB15
Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leom
THIS IS SOME BULL …… (y’all that can swear fill in the last word)
BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
@CBSBigBrother *ahem* We’ve been patiently waiting. Care to put the feeds back on, please?
Kevin @BBKavyn 5m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What. The. Fuck. CBS. @CBSBigBrother #20minutes #bb15
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Jessie has 3 balls
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I can hear them, jsut not see them.
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Live feeds are back on!
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I don’t know why they are so skimpy about the jury house. They need to show more but haven’t the last couple years. Very sparce.
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Judd has 2
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen & Candice have 1
Elissa has 4
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Elissa has 4…..Spens, demanda are OUT
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McCrae and Spencer done.
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NO…i mean mcCreepy is OUT
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Judd got another one…. Candice too I think
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Jessie has 4 now
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Doesn’t look like Helen will be doing any revenge control!!! I can’t beleive Jessie is in the lead!
MC and Spencer out!!!!!!
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Jessie has 3
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Helen got her first one
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E has 4 and Amanda has 3
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Jessie has 4
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Elissa got her 5th 😯
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E has 5!!!!!!
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Andy out
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elissa has 5
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All 4 jurors still up there
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it looks like Elissa will win HOH….the others r doing BAD…..
Jury…Jessie and Judd both have 4
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Andy is out
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so I guess only demanda and pig boy left
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------of the bad group lol
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Come on E. Where’s Judd in all this??
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im Slow, lol…Andy didnt want to win HOH…wonder why, lol……
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WOW! this is nerve wracking!!!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So if an HG wins HOH hen the Jury keeps battling till one gets 10 to go back in,right???
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If Elyssa does not win she will probably be next one out. Is Ansnda and McCrae both out!!!!
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SF..LFFS on trivia.c.an’t see right now..sorry…GRRRRRR!!!!
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This comp depend a lot on who they are shooting the balls at. They didn’t even shoot one at Judd the first time
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NO Madison….Amanda is in..with 4 I think.
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Thanks K11 for the picture. Amanda looks like a linebacker. 😆
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JT…..Production interfering???? NOOOOOOOooo….lol
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Maybe production wants Jessie back in there for AC’s birthday 😆
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Hi Watching, Amanda still there
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Gosh…i guess we missed the convo when demanda ORDERED everyone to DROP and leave her with Elissa, lol……
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Jessie fell
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JEssies out
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sorry AC
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Jessie gives Amanda a nice “Fuck you” on the way out.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judd 3
Candy 2
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I am torn between Helen or Judd re-entering the house. I see one of them doing the most to get out DEMANDA the nasty skanky B*TCH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They FINALLY see her for what she is.
BUT the last I saw on CBS Jessie had two balls. My cable is out so BBAD. I will be looking here for updates. On who won and hope like hell that one of the evicted win HOH and make a true POWER move. I say put up Andy and McCrea for eviction when one comes down put up DEMANDA. Her and McCrea need split up NOW or they will go to the end and split the money. PLEASE keep me up dated. NOW it is finally worth seeing and me with no cable.
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I hope one of the jury members wins. That would be great. Jessie would cause the most commotion I think. We definitely know who she would put up.
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3 jurors left
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 HGs left
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AC is crying now 😛
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K11….No SHIT!lol Thanks dude..missed that!!! hehehehehe
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Jessie’s out. She yelled, “Fuck you” at Amanda after she fell.
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NOOOO…Jessie OUT…and she had 5…. 🙁
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Ok, that takes care of Jessie. Love her FU to Amanda tho. 😆
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I heard next week Amanda wants Aaryn out not Elissa
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Helen got a 2nd
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Why do I get the feeling that if both Amanda and Elissa get 10 balls at the same time, the tie-breaker will be answering a question about McCrae?
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Debbie, that is true
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AM, E and GM still in it
Helen jsut got another for 2
E is ahead with 5
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@jt lol. Most coordinated? come on Spencer, of course, juggles his balls, talks his disgusting shit and picks boogers and looks at them all at once – that’s some kind of coordination
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LM very funny.
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GM has 3
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Nice hair tonite julie…8/10
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That does not surprise me that Amanda wants Aaryn out. I think she spent more time in the HOH bed than Aaryn did last week! Amandaneeds to go! Do you notice her holding court with ALL the men left in the house?
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Any winner yet?
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Who the hell is running around in the backyard yelling? 😆
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WTH is that???LOL
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Surprised Amanda is still up there. I was wondering about that in one of my posts.
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JT…My q exaactly! HE says he is their biggest fan and then a fake security comes in.. Lame!!lol
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Fall Amanda FALL!!!!!!!
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Somebody playing a “crazy fan” role was running around yelling… with big foam finger and all… then “security guard” guy came and got him.
It’s a baseball theme comp.. for those who don’t know.
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@Star, really?? Was that a stranger? Fake security? Good grief
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i think BB is running out of balls….the bb crew are running around yelling and collecting balls, lol…..
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Is Amanda out of it? I only see Elissa and GM
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Staged to distract them?
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The Feeds will make you mental.
On and off. On and off. On and off.
Judd has 3, Candice and Helen 2 still. This may take another hour.
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So who is still up? Amanda is of course up, she is after all the 1 with the balls in the relationship lol. I hope E is careful and can pull this off.
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That was weird, I jumped
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Sadly I think she (Amanda) is still up there or she’d be sitting next to pizza boy with her hand down his pants!
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Elissa still at 5
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@HoH8….could answer my next Q….WHY is this comp so damn SLOW??????lol
@SF..I am pretty sure it twas fake. A guy with a clown hair and a ruber finger and a guy with scurity on him…looked set u.
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Judd 4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen 3
Candice 2
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Amanda’s facial expressions look like something from an old Star Trek Show!
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GM got 4
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Judd 4, Helen, 3 Candice 2.
Elissa 5, Amanda 4, GM 3.
(I think.)
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Are the balls coming equally to everyone?
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I am now rooting for Elyssa. She might just FINALLY go after the ones who have been running the house this season (demanda – mccrea – whiney andy)
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GM Down
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Amand and Judd have 4
Looks like AM hardly getting any water on her either. GM is soaked and freezing!!!!
E had GOT to get more!! (5 now)AM can’t win this!!!!!
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@SF..its hard to tell. they go to trivia alot and it is moving SO slow!!!!!!
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Star, So if everyone isn’t soaked, that’s not fair. Of course, not surprised.
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ooops GM not down…. sorry thought I heard them say she did a good job and she said good luck to everyone…. wish they would stop messing with the live feeds
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5 Elissa
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4 both Amanda & GM
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GM is still up or so it looks to me! With 4, same as AM
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Elissa has had 5 for a long time which is why I wondered if the balls were equally distributed.
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If DEMANDA wins this I am DONE with the show for the season. She has already been running and RUINING the show since day one.
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RMM, you will be happy to know I have come around to disliking Amanda ,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It took half the season!!! Lol remember we had words? I added an F to my name because there was another Debbie !!!
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One of the girls should yell…..I FU**ED MCCRAE!!!
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@stra…like i said earlier…BB are throwing the Balls too SLOW…. thats what making this a LONG comp….. more then a hour left at least……
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I’d be too tempted to reach for some of the short ones…. and I’d fall off 🙄
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OH Jane, great idea!
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Elissa will be tough to beat 🙄
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Judd 4
If we are only half way ther, this could take all nite!!!!
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HoH8.. they have to throw them slow… this is endurance too
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Too funny Jane!
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@starfish 😉
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RMM, you will be happy to know I have come around to disliking Amanda ,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It took half the season!!! Lol remember we had words?
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True or False? 😉
The shortest endurance comp on BB lasted 24 seconds….. the longest lasted 14 hours
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I’m not sure but it really looks to me like Elissa’s balls are getting thrown short.
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Mary and Debbie..agree!! 😉
Jane..LMFAO!!!!! ANd aint nobody got time for that!!!!! lol
HoH8…they need a kid to colect the balls..like at a tennis match!! Cheap aas CBS..lol
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@ Debbie F – Welcome aboard! LOL – They are all getting on my nerves but that Amanda, for me, is my first target! 🙂
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I thought the longest was 17 hours. 😆
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GM had one removed.. so she has 3 again
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That’s really crappy LM.
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GM got a penalty. HEr last ball bounced b4 she caught it
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@stra bwahahahaha hahaha!!!!
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elissstill leads with 5
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YAWN!!! Most *exciting* comp of the season and it’s slower tha ELissa’s speech!!!!
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The planks are moving up and down…. and in and out (keep your minds out of gutter please) 😆 ….they are also tilting forward… and jerky sometimes. (just like surf boards were)
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@Stra lol!!
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Can anybody tell me what is on their arms? Velcro?
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Kev, I always go quad fro endurance for sure.
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they need to spray them in the face to knock someone out 🙄
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Elissa should be good at this one, since she practices yoga. Come on Elissa…win this so you can take out Scumanda!
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LOL @ Aggie… they have been sprayed in the face
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DUH!! Thanks KEv11! I was watching one scrreen on my cell and one on puter!!! LOL I AM a true blonde!!! 😆
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Spray Demanda in the face she needs OUT of the comp and OUT OF THE HOUSE
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LOL@ Frannie..Scumanda! Love it!!! 😀
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Elissa has 6
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I hit 300!! WOOHOO! That’s HUGE for this year!!! lol
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E has 6!
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It looks like they are aiming at there crotch 🙄
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Helen fell
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Helen down
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Woot Woot for Stra. 300 – buy a lottery ticket. 🙂
Go Elissa
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Helen out
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Helen down
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Judd wins!!!!!
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Candace down too?
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Judd is back in game….. still going for HOH though
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interesting they allowed Helen to make those comments to Jurors
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Yeah Judd – now please get that Amanda out!!!!!!!
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for those w/o Feeds…here are some Pics…..
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Aaryn already kissing up to Judd!
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Judd last jurror..looks like others jumped off…mawybe cuz he got screwed in his eviction
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“I want to make a clean start with everybody now.” —Judd
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Quote from Judd
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“By the way, I’m glad y’all got rid of Helen… she’s a good lady though”
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Elissa has 6
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Yeah Judd
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Elissa has 6 does anybody know how many Judd has?
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Judd caught one total 6?
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elissa has 6
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Star.. I think Judd still has 4.. Elissa has 6
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Thanks Star 🙂
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Not showing Judd..I thinkbhe has 5 actually but can’t tell
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If Judd wins hoh he might try to show Amanda that he’s on her side an not put them up
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So Judd is the last juror left so he’s in the game but he didn’t win HOH yet, right? The game is still afoot for HOH, right?
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Am 4
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM 3
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JT..yup..but now 5 for Judd..right????
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Right Starfish
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SF….correct, my dear!!
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If Judd is back in the game is he hoh too?
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IDK Star…. skippy needs to do better camera work 👿
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Whew, thanks. Can’t see anything, you guys are the eyes and ears (not yoda ears) for those of us w/o feeds.
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judd has 5
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Judd is back in game… but the 4 of them are still fighting for HOH
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Just saw Judds..5 for sure….E 6 A….4 GM…3
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It worries me Judd just told everybody he doesn’t hold anything against them for voting him out…. so Aaryn and Andy say “Thanks Judd” in their little voices…. uggghh please Judd don’t fall for this crap!
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Ok.. thank Star & Sal
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so it’s 6, 5, 4, 3
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Tammy..no…HOH needs 10 balls
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Stupid guy back again running around
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This dude running out is very lame.
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Crazy fan is back 🙄
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------sounds like Hurricane Howie 😆
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What is UP with that annoying clown fan???LOL
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WTF is up with that diversion?
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elissa has 7
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Damn JT..u say everything I do 1 second before me..lol 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I thot u said u typed SLOW>..lol
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Looks like E has 7 now
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Ohh.. yes she does. Only 3 to go for Elissa
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Elissa will end up winning this and be the HoH. Let the good time roll.
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Yoga requires great concentration & focus so that’s probably helping E. Don’t understand the clown running around. If they want to distract them, send the balls flying in faster.
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WOW! Thanks Sal..missed that one for E!!!
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Star.. I do type slow… just hunt and peck like a chicken 😆
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i think that Judd is going to do NADA when he comes back….he’s just going to help demanda do what she wants to do….UGH….. 🙁
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Go Elissa. K11, the good times will roll if she wins.
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E as HOH and Judd back in the house! LEt the good times roll!!!!! 😉
And BUh BYE Amanda…..lol
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I’m afraid if Elissa wins, she could go after GM & Aaryn.. which is fine I guess.. but I really want McManda on the block.
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Okay all, it seems this may be a lot longer… gotta go to sleep but will happily check the ol’ iPad for updates from my fellow bloggers….thanks for all of the blogs and updates 🙂
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Judd fell
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Niters RMM!!!!!
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Judds out!!!!!
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HoH8, I hope that’s just game talk by Judd and he doesn’t just sit down and follow. He knows the game and it’s time for a game changing play!
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This is completely Elissa’s game to lose now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She has a big lead and yoga skills.
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E got another
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8 for E
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E got another for 8
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elissa 8
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whoa…E almost wiped out!
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Holy shit… did y’all see Elissa fall but catch herself?
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9 for E!!!
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Stra, GMTA, Don’t have a clue what that is. help.
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Damn Elissa, Wonder Woman 🙄
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OMG>.E almsot fell..Good save!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ANd she still has 8..sorry
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That was badass 😆
She was completely off plank.. but caught herself on the ball tube next to her.. and never touched ground
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Elissa better not fall…….
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i want Elissa if she wins HOH is to LOCK the HOH door and dont let demanda&mcCreepy inside at all the whole week, lol….
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SF…Great Minds Think Alike!
We said let the good times roll right next to each others post!!!lol
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I told ya, yoga takes focus and concentration and endurance too. I hope she gets 10 right now! 😀
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Come on Elissa…get this thing over with and plan your moves! Amanda up (hint hint)
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Gm is the dumbest house guest to ever get on bb.
Omg did u see Elissa
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Stra, wow, again. We’re twins.
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HoH8…from your fingers to E’s ears…..lol
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Elissa still at 8….. right?
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She is so lucky!!!!
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@JT: I disagree. I think she’s definitely going after Amanda and McCrae.
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Where did Lisa go? Working on a new post? 😆
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JT, that was one of my worries too that she goes for Aaryn and Gm but maybe it will be Amanda and Aaryn because she can’t stand either one but mostly Aaryn I think.
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SF….that’s why we are both STARS!!lol It’s amazing tho really how much we do think and talk alike. Except you type way better..lol
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Ok Kev…. then GO ELISSA! 😆
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E = 8
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------demanda = 5
GM = 3
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E 8
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Am 5
GM 3
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yeah… what HoH8 said
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Star, you’re so funny. Sometimes I actually laugh out loud trying to figure out what you’re saying. Yes, there was a time I typed 100 words p/m and that was way before computers on the old selectric typewriters. I hate to admit what typewriter I actually learned on. It’s an antique today.
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I just screamed out loud!!!lol I thot E was slipping off.! Scared the crap outta me…lol that would mean A would prolly be HOH…UGH!!!!!! Don’t evn want to go there!!!
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E can play her own game now and now Helen’s. Was talking about doing so on one of the 267 hours I watched.
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SF…lol At least that last post was all good..lol I just try to type like I think and talk….impossible….lol
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7th inning stretch
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No worries Star, it’s more entertaining than you can imagine. It’s fun
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Midnight Special @Tawny_Leigh 8m
That was some Kofi Kingston type save there by Elissa. WOW #BB15
Keviη Stott @KevinStott11 1m
@Tawny_Leigh Superwoman shit. I think she’ll target Amanda-McCrae after she wins.
Midnight Special @Tawny_Leigh 25s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@KevinStott11 I think it will be Aaryn
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The water looked like it wasn’t going much on Amanda
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At least Elissa knows it was all Amanda that got Helen out
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JT ..I was 300 and you got 400!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are they ging to make us GO to 500 tonight????
END this already….PUHLEASSSEEEE!!!!!!
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Now Elissa has 9
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This was an A+ idea for a comp. HGs and Jurors at the same time? Kudos. Now if the Trivia wasn’t killing my BBBuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz…
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elissa wins
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K11, yes kudos to CBS for this comp and I can’t even see a thing.
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Well-deserved. That hang-on was one of the best moments in BB Comp history.
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awesome glad E won
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Ok… hope she doesn’t fall for Amanda’s bullshit…… and there will be A LOT
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DId anyone actually see her catch ball 10??? I didn’t. I jsut heard clapping.
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Judd returns
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I Hope Elissa gets a Pandora Box to help her get demanda OUT…. PLEASE
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The recovery was amazing. Those without feeds will be shocked to see it Sunday.
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Woot, woot
My husband thinks I’ve lost my mind. Now watch the ass kissing begin!
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Happy, happy, happy. 😎
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I did see her catch ball 10
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Amanda already hugging E……good luck with that!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wahtchagonnaddogurl when E puts you UP???Lol
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Elissa knew she had to win or her game would end! I pray she GM, A, get A-MAN-DA out, she is going to have to be careful! Is Helen still up there?
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demanda will PUSH hard to get rid of Judd, watch…..
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Yeah! Thanks all 🙂 zzzzzzzzzzzzz
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Aarynoia Time.
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JT….Good..just so it’s official on here…lol
SF…My hubby is as into it as I am..we are BOTH nuts!!!lol And the asskissing has already begun . She was already giving E BIG hugs!!!
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Doing the happy dance here!
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Elissa pulling out her inner Beatrix Kiddo moves! 😆
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we have hope!
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Wow. Lot of happy people out there right now. 🙂
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MAdison..no…it’s over and Helen was down long ago.
HoH8..Yup. Deflecion will be her only friend!!!!lol Well and MC…for food and sex tho…lol
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Star, my hubby watches too but we aren’t watching, I’m just on the computer refreshing every 2 seconds and making comments and yelling at the screen while you guys feed the info. So when she won, I started doing a happy dance. hee hee
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Who wants to ssssssee my HOH rooooooom and all my pics of Rachel!!
I do!!
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I’ll be team Elissa this week! (As long as she gets Amanda out!) 😆
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GO ELYSSA – You know when I found out Elyssa is Rachels sister I wanted her out SOOOOO BAD because I can not stand Rachel. But this is all worth it now. It is a shame she can’t get out McCrea DEMANDA and Andy all in one week. Those 3 HAVE TO GO. – But I figure once Demanda is gone McCrea and Andy might just fall on their own swords.
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Bring Rachel in the House to help our poor girl get demanda OUT… PLEASE
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Not Rachel, but I will look at her kids pics.
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LM……1st good nite of BB all summer!!lol How bout these nymbers????? Should we go for 500??? 😉
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Beatrix Kiddo cool!
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Baetrix Kiddo (Uma Thurman in Kill Bill) 😉
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Joker’s is only A LITTLE BIT BEHIND on Twitter:
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates 7s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judd fell. Down to Elissa (7), Amanda (4), GM (3) for HOH. GM asked if they can hold on to something and production said yes #bb15 #bblf
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Didn’t get to see any of it, kept going to trivia or freezing up 🙄
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LOL@Jane!!! Prolly true tho!!! Be funny if all the pics are of Rachel..;)
HOH8 and JT…..totally agree with you both! IS that considered asskissing???? 😛
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Sports journalism at its finest. 😎
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ur right Stra…1st Great nite this year in bb, lol….. 🙂
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Only reason I have doubts about Elissa
Judd got back in.. so there are 4 guys. Elissa has been worried about guys all season.. and even said she would be embarrassed to nominate a girl when she was MVP.
I think Amanda can play on that to keep herself safe.
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JT….I hate Uma Thurman…so didn;t see it!! But THX for clearing it up for me!!!!
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Star, that is totally kickass…
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Way to go E!!
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First good cheer we’ve had all year, that’s for sure! I never thought I would be rooting for Elissa to win HOH. She showed her tough stuff tonight. I can’t wait to see the almost fall.
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Jane, Holly and MM….HERE
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Aggie, quad cam would freeze on me too at times. But then I would switch cameras.. and it would be ok.. then switch back to quad cam
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@JT lets just hope she is mad enough at McManda and Andy for getting her BFF out. She tends to play personal.
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here doing happy dance
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If Elyssa does not get out DEMANDA then it will be a wasted HOH and I hope she knows it. I see from the posts here she channeled her inner Rachel to win.
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@MM wooooo hooooo
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@JT…it was helen that kept saying she wants all the guys out…Elissa just used to agree with her….i think we will be alright with Elissa…she learned alot this past week with Helen leaving…..
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JT….bite your tongue!!!! I hope Demanda gets her period this week AND is a HN!!!! Ony way to get her out is to weakend the dragon..lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe someone can work on MC and get him to break up with her!! That would totally incapacitate her!!!! MUAH!!!! lol
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he’s watching
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It’s here already…
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so happy I hope she could have life vests with their names on them and toss to hgs as they come into her hoh room
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@FP2 hiiiiiiiii
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Wassup Jane
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Jane, I hope so too.
HoH8… it was both Helen & Elissa saying that all year… but hope you are right and it was justa ploy by Elissa.
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awesome txs fran
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------watch andy be her bff
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Who is that in the shower kissing Elissa’s ass?
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I hope she remembers what Helen told her
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AYFKM? It’s Mcfilthy!
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E had to finally grow up and play for herself. She is so much stronger without Helen!!!
ANdy and Spencer already budding up to Judd and scrambling about how they tried to get votes to kee him. ya..right!!!!
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My husband is so funny!!! He said one thing for sure Amanda draws are clean.
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MM…..HoH lifevests..How funny would that be???LOL ANd then Rachel POPS out of the last one!!!! I’m BACCCKKK BITCHES!!!!lol
LOL@Fran..Mc Filthy…hehehehhe
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Gonna be an interesting night for sure
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now I have to find my “It’s My Friday” shirt that Frannie gave me! 🙂
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hope this means some big moves mc filty already kissing ass and spencer asks demanda to try and save him
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This was the best night on BB!!!!
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Elissa was the one who wanted an all girl alliance in the beginning but then she just fell behind Helen who wanted that too and pretty much followed the clan.
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Don’t rub it in JT…I have to get up at 4:30 as usual. 😡
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@babsw lol I did not even think of that but great point
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Fp2, great picture showing E as HOH. Already is good!
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Oh… sorry Frannie 🙁 …but if it’s any consolation.. I’ll still be up at 4:30am and keep you company while you do Aggie’s quiz 🙂
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Really…8:51 PM Spencer ask Amanda what she is thinking. She says she doesn’t know and he says try to keep me safe. NT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ummmm news alerts his bitch is no longer in power
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Happy to see that Elissa won she has proven she is good in challenges. Now Judd needs to get on the same page as Elissa and take out the two lovers?! Lets hope this doesn’t become a guy versus girl competition now.
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JT…make sure you answer the ? so I can copy. 🙂
Night all!
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on live feed seems like andy and mcfilty are planning who is on block did not catch it all something about gm r they kidding me
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@babsw maybe you should tell him about the monastat request
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Nonna….. agree 100%. The whole guy vs girl thing gets old. And honestly.. that was Helen’s downfall. She was so busy going after guys that the girls bit her in the ass.
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nite frannie hugs
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E cheated if she grabbed ball rack as she was falling off re roll the tape CBS. Boot her but like pizza boy CBS has no balls………..
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Later fp2.
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Mc just said to Andy that GM will prolly go this week. Uh….REALLY???? Afraid to face the game without your Mommy there with you??? (A lil incestual but you get my point..lol)
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That’s right, it’s Thursday and it’s a no sleep night for JT. I’m going to watch the show now. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL!
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nite Frannie… I’ll look at questions… and if they are easy I’ll go first.. if difficult, I’ll defer to you 😆
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NIters, Frannie!!!!! ♥
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Like Willie Mays’ great catch in CF before I was born….
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PJ Holl, I was wondering about that too…. but the rules Julie said were they couldn’t touch the ground.. and she didn’t.. so I guess they ruled it legit. (She was completely off the board though)
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L8r Starfish…. enjoy the show
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ELissa jsut told GM that she is safe this week.
Right befoere that MC told ANdy he thot GM would be going home!!!!
Wave buh bye to your bed buddy Dude!!!lol
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Kev, “say hey” Elissa 😆 great pic.
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They always do such a crappy job explaining the rules. Second time this season Twitter’s been abuzz with confusion with a comp going.
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@JT: It really is. She did a great job thinking quick and has the muscle to hold on. Must give credit where credit is due but still think she has no shot, unless makes an alliance somehow with Judd or GM, which Aaryn probably won’t allow. Elissa really needed Helen to win to gain major strength in the game.
Love this show despite the serial acne.
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Before we get to 600, I still have to watch episode form last night (had to work late).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------L8r for now
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Thanks for the updates, everybody. Can’t wait to see how all of this played out on Sunday.
So glad E won HOH!! And I hope she does the right thing. She knows who was behind Helen’s eviction. She also knows that she was soon to be targeted, so I’m sure she isn’t going to be intimidated like the rest of the little sheeple.
OK, time for my bed.
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If Elyssa is smart (like Rachel) she will put up two pawns then when a whoever wins it she can put up demada and kick her nasty ass out of the house. (sorry if my language bothered anyone) its just how I feel.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am sick of Demanda and McCrea having power they do not deserve. McCrea is the ONLY one who won anything and he lets demanda control him like a puppet on strings.
She can not possibly that good in bed to run him like a whipped puppy.
(a little off subject here but I need to say it)
I have been in abusive relationship where I was controlled and abused by the guy claiming to love me and in this case I see her being the controlling and abusive one.
I am HOPING pizza boy is smart enough to be using her only to further his game.
And not really “in love” with her. I see her being controlling and abusive and a serious BULLY like she has been since day one in the house.
Now back to the subject – Looks like BB15 might actually be enjoyable to watch. I may actually start watching instead of reading about it this should be an interesting week to watch since DEMANDA has only a vote and no real say.
I wish BB let them read some of whats posted on line so they could see how they are looking to America.
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was a fun nite exciting to say the least, let’s hope some big moves r made
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------nite all
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Kev, And don’t forget the recovery Elissa made on the barrel roll comp also. She’s awkward at times… but def has some serious yoga skillz to pull her ass outta the fire when needed.
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Ciao MM
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I’m out too. L8r guys!!!!
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Ohh.. Elissa telling Judd he was targeted by Amanda, Helen, & Aaryn for weeks.
Get on board Judd!!
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L8r Star.. good having everyone here at once again 🙂
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By Stra & MM
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Guess I have to wait a bit to watch yesterday’s episode.
Elissa confirming with Judd that he will vote out ANYONE she wants
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 7s
4 everyone asking, here’s the GIF that people think Helen was pushed. Look at her feet & the hand in the doggie door http://imgur.com/r/BigBrother/nLddgbF …
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 7s
4 everyone asking, here’s the GIF that people think Helen was pushed. Look at her feet & the hand in the doggie door
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Didn’t look like a push to me… but I did see someone back there… guess that’s to be expected with mechanical equipment tough… gotta have people making sure it’s all working right.
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Same here but don’t like how she immediately said ‘Good bye’ and not ‘Damnit.’ I’d be pissed if I fell and had a chance to go back in for $500 large. No new Garanimals for Henry and Charlie…
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Noms might be Aaryn & (Either McCrae or Amanda)
Target is Aaryn
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Elissa and Amanda both used the tube to save themselves
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 32s
And now people saying Helen was signaled to jump and being paid to throw the comp by producers… Give me a fucking break, really? Uuuugh
Hamsterwatch 46s
in my opinion, Helen stumbled & hopped off BUT if she was “pushed” you’d think she’d be the one complaining about it #headdesk #bb15
Cio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo 2m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes, Helen was pushed and Elissa was held on & the moon landing was fake and LBJ shot JFK and Obama is Kenyan & you all are idiots. #bb15
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Amanda is doing some major ass kissing
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Elissa & Amanda talking in bathroom.. but hair dryer is running and hard to hear.
Elissa: “It has to happen” (to get Aaryn out)
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Lots of fish on the feeds tonight
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 16s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda trying to get Elissa to put up GinaMarie instead of her or McCrae. Elissa not having any of it. #BB15
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Sure looked like Candice threw it for Judd right after Helen fell.
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Elissa… you know who has been running this entire game!
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She did @AC. They talked about something and agreed to it.
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IDK AC…. I think Candice wanted to keep it real one more time.
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Elissa sounds like she wont put up Amanda…. not at first anyway
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak 9s
Elissa to Amanda: “I don’t care, I’m not putting Judd up. McCrae will go up.” Amanda looks worried. #BB15
And we have a Game again. (But you still suck Grodner.)
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Amanda: “If you put up McCrae or Andy you will lose their trust”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Elissa: “I don’t fuckin’ care” 😆 (and yes.. she did say that)
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She should put up Amanda for using the hair dryer while we’re all trying to listen. 🙂
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GM says the balls were coming right at Elissa …..and production cut to fish then. 😕
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Tell her Elissa! Amanda ain’t running shit!
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Don’t listen to her Elissa! 👿
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A good gamer here would split up the Power Couple (Amanda-McC). I’m still not giving GM any credit for being strong with Aaryn down the homestretch.
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BB is gonna be good this week. Gonna stock some cold beers in the fridge!
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McManda in cockpit planning on pinning Judd’s eviction and him being MVP all on Helen.
BUT… Elissa was also in the cockpit back when Amanda said Judd was MVP.. so Elissa knows the truth about that… hope she tells Judd the truth.
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Paul Christen @PaulChristen 2m
@EvelDick Did Elissa’s foot tap the ground?!? #bb15 pic.twitter.com/HbNSjWb1K3
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Janelle Pierzina @JanellePierzina 5h
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Apparently, Amanda is God in the Big Brother house, however she doesn’t die for your sins, you die for hers. #BB15 #BigBrother #AwfulBiatch
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Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates 1m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------McCrae saying Elissa was cheating… but then said Amanda was as well. Would rather both to disqualify so GM would win. #bb15 #bblf
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch 19s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------same timestamp 8.19pm F1 – Amanda also had an awesome save! I didn’t know that – DUAL BEASTS! thanks @BigBrotherista1 #bb15
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Kev.. Apparently Amanda had a slip like Elissa.. I didn’t see it though. They both must have been off their boards at some point
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Victoria @VFortunato26 28s
@Clio_the_Leo The time has finally come, 63 days in and Amanda no longer has control of the HOH. #BB15
Retweeted by Clio the Leo
Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet 18s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hah. Amanda is back on the “Judd has been trying to get me out of this house for WEEKS!” #BB15
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All are in kitchen getting ready to eat.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda is curled up in bed 😆
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@Justaguy: I thought the Thursday with the bed Flip was crazy. This will get good tonight but seems Elissa has her mind made up. Judd was foolish (IMO) not to give her strong advice in bathroom nor make an Alliance (even if he didn’t mean it) with her at that point. If he’s “starting over,” what does it matter? I will pull for Spencer from now until midnight, then Andy until 2 a.m. then McCrae until I wake. Then I will wonder, again, what am I doing with my Life? 😳
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Amanda is as big a baby as Elissa. I can’t stand either of them.
(They need to make some female emojis.)
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Amanda: “I have to be up Elissa’s ass”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------McCrae: “Everyone else will be too though”
Amanda: “Yeah, but I’ve been up her ass this entire game”
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demanda pulling the same ole thing feel sorry for me cuz i didnt win waaaaa
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macy/bendi…. I bet if McCrae gets nominated, she will be hiding behind the garbage can in the storage room again 😆
Judd says Candice got distracted when Helen fell.
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i never thought i would say this –
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Look at post 519 video of Elissa falling off. Doesn’t look like her foot hits the ground.
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 30s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The video of the hand behind Helen’s foot was removed from YouTube… Someone from BB is hard at work… and fast. BTW, It wasn’t my video
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@Nonna: A better, more accurate look here:
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 6m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok, that still was a bit deceiving… here’s an animated GIF of Elissa almost falling http://imgur.com/FsZOu0y
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Nonna.. I don’t think her foot touched the ground either. And I don’t think Helen was pushed… and I don’t think anyone was paid to jump.
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Our little Blog rocks. 🙂
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i might be the only one to think this – but
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but what? 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------you’re leaving us hangin here
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SORRY guys its dark in here keep pushing wrong keys – anyways – i want andy gone – that weasel
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------have had weasal liars in my life – aint got time for those weasels ha
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JT – I agree with you. The video is pretty straightforward on both Helen and Elissa. Elissa made an awesome save for herself and Helen just lost it. Elissa has super strong arms from all the yoga she does and it came in really handy in this competition 🙂 she maybe the strongest when it comes to physical competitions.
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Amanda back in game mode…… sorta 😆
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Will we make 600 comments before LisaMarie starts a new page? Very busy night on the blog and so very interesting and fun. Peace out guys gotta get some shut eye
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macy, I agree. It’s good strategy to lie at the beginning some to cover your alliance. But it always bites you in the ass at this point of the game. You need to start telling someone the truth at some point.
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L8r Nonna, I said I was going to leave b4 600… and watch yesterday’s episode.. but I just can’t seem to turn this stuff off
I need an 11 step program 🙄
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This ain’t the NFL. No instant replays here. No overturns. It is what it is. 😎
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After further review, the player’s foot did not touch the ground, the play stands as called……. FIRST DOWN!
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Judd …like him.. but not that smart really
Judd to Andy
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“I swear to God on my life I was never MVP…..” (should have stopped there) “unless I blacked out and forgot” (jokes can sometimes be taken the wrong way in and out of that house)
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Oh man, it’s been so long since I had anything to say about this season.. my daddy always said if you can’t say anything nice don’t say anything at all!! This is going to be a dream week. I’m indifferent on Elisa, she’s a snob, but surrounded by these hgs I probably would be too!! And watching the video of her recovery from that slip is definitely impressive, so give her that!!
I love this:McCrae complaining to Spencer “Elissa won’t put GM, you, or Judd on the block. I don’t know why.” I do, I do, I do!! She’s not Amanda’s puppet!!! Side note to Spencer, notice how McCrea thinks it’s ok for you to be on the block every week and him NEVER!
And the #1 reason this will be an awesome week: McCrae telling Andy/Spencer that Amanda is not upset that Judd is back but she doesn’t feel like she has any control (with Elisa) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Insert Chilltown phone call here… 🙂 🙂 🙂
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“and on the Big Brother Live Feeds, Amanda as The Incredible Sulk…”
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Amanda to McCrae:
“Does that mean if one of us were to go home this week we wouldn’t see each other for a month and a half?”
No… no one is going home!! Unless jury house is home. And you can see each other in a week if the other one is next evicted!! And even if one makes finale.. that is only 26 days away 😆 chin up gruesome twosome.
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We’ll make 600 easily. We are a free and wild band
and by the power of Natalie’s Inflatable Orange Crown, we shall push 700. (I’ve never been ‘first’ and proud of that.) 👿 There are no taxes or lobbyists to hold us down here. Damn the torpedos.
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 16s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please stop saying that they tapped Helen as a message to drop, because that is total bullshit.
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Elissa and Andy talking
Andy: “It really scares me that GM will win veto and take Aaryn off”
Elissa: “Oh well, they better fight for it”
Sounds like Elissa has her mind made up to put up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn & McCrae
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Elissa just told McCrae he is going up… she wants him to fight for the veto.
Elissa: “I’m not putting up GM”
I hope they keep pushing for GM to go up… and Elissa says F it…. and puts up Amanda & McCrae
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I’ll be rooting for Aaryn to win veto Saturday!!!
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 31s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Amanda doesn’t go home this week, she really does deserve to win… love her or hate her, if she can pull this off, my hat’s off to her
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One thing you gotta love about Elisa is she definitely sticks to get guns.. as Aaryon pointed out last night Elisa is still ticked off at the racial stuff…” but that was weeks ago!!” And she doesn’t care about what others think or about jury votes.. finally, someone in HOH who won’t cowtow to Demanda!!
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Elissa is listening to McCrae… and now might put up GM instead.
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Elissa’s hatred for Aaryn is overpowering everything but at least she’s playing the Game hard now (has been for a couple of weeks) and who am I to say getting Amanda out is a better move than Aaryrn? Aaryn’s resume here is impressive; Amanda has just manipulated. Maybe ED is right with his above comment but most fans will probably hate it if Amanda wins.
Still pulling for a GM or Spencer to make it to F2 although Finale Night will be predictable.
On a side note, the 1 pound I lost from good eating M-Weds has been blown out by a +1-pound Thursday night Live Show/Live Feed/Blog Freak eating frenzy. 😎
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BTW, been spending the last week or so watching seasons 8,9 & 10. ED was not so much a bully as he was just in your face. He was very caring and protective of those with him.. Season 9 was actually watchable in comparison now to this season. ( Gives me hope with a few years time and distance this won’t seem quite the wasted BB summer it has been so far). And I had forgotten how masterful Dan really was the first time around… ah, the good old days! 🙂
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Elissa & McCrae with game faces on
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kimjmj… I just watched season 6 again… and am now far into season 2 (again) 😆
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Loved the show for a change instead of just an ok show. I watched that video of Elissa and that was an amazing save. Her shadow went across the floor but her foot didn’t touch at all and Helen wasn’t pushed either. No way would they pay someone to jump off and no way would Helen go for it. She wanted this too much.
Love the links K11 & JT, great stuff. Thanks you!!! Amanda is having her own little pitty party. I’m happy to see Elissa sticking to her guns and I was pretty sure Aaryn would be in her crosshairs. Still would like to see McManda up. I hope she doesn’t listen to McC and put GM up. She needs to keep her game on.
What’s Andy doing with all this? Is he hiding now or is he still in the middle of all the conversations? The snake that he is might be behind the trash can with Amanda. 😯
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@kimjmj: ED played a good game. Revisionist history remembers the Iced-Tea and cigarette. After Zach beat him in the Bunny Patch comp, he put his arm around him, told him he did a great job and then made him dinner. He also drew attention away from his Lone Ally (pots and pans), studied the Game beforehand like no other and slept downstairs when he won HoH to not let stuff slip by him. Who else has done that? Exactly.
Still, he was very lucky America Voted that season.
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Oyyy… seems they have talked their way out of another nomination.
Aaryn will go up for sure…. and now maybe GM along side her. Am & Mc promised Elissa the world to make that happen.
Stay tuned
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Noooo Elissa don’t listen to the gruesome twosome. They be liars. NOt to be trusted. Isn’t she smarter than that and hasn’t she seen they can’t be trusted? Good grief, what next?
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Starfish, Andy wasn’t there for convo between Elissa & McCrae… but Amanda did join in at the end.
Andy talked to Elissa before McCrae did.
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@JT, I did seasons 1-7 a couple summers ago, then the laptop died-ish.. (long term life support). Hubby got me a Kindle for Christmas, so now I can enjoy the web again. 🙂
Next project is to watch all the survivor returnies seasons before blood v water so I can remember if I liked the players out not! 🙂
Love telecommuting!!
No, Elisa, don’t listen to mcmanda!! Oh well, at least she has her target set on Aryan.
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Thanks JT but I can’t believe Elissa is believing anything they say. Judd did say he would vote for whoever she wants right? What about Spencer and Andy? Anything on them?
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@starfish: I am the only one apparently who likes Andy and respects his Game. If they didn’t figure out his snakeiness before this week, he would have been long gone. That’s on this myopic cast. They only see/hear what they want to. Honestly only think Aaryn deserves to make All-Stars but CBS/Endemol will get caught up in the PC-ness of racism. Maybe they’ll bring Amanda and/or Elissa back because we love to hate them. McCrae and Judd also possibilities but overall, none even close to Ian, and I hate to say it, Dan Gheesling.
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OMG!! Tell me Elissa is t buying what McCrae and Amanda are selling!!!!!!!
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Now Amanda told Aaryn to keep their alliance secret so that GM goes up next to you (Aaryn)… and we will keep you (Lie.. they will vote Aaryn out)
Aaryn said “ok, I trust you” 🙄
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I hope Elissa is smart enought to get Amanda up or back door her maybe Amanda does deserve to win! I this Elussa is going to back door her! I hope she does! If not it is her last week in the house! I think she is lying to Demanda and McCrae!
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
Amanda manipulating the HOH’s to do her bidding is good game play, like it or not… like her or not.
Elissa and Helen talked all of this out earlier together. Focus was Amanda/McC but Elissa always bent on going after/talking about Aaryn. These two hate each other as much as Candica and GinaMarie do.
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K11, I liked Andy’s play too but he was on the bad guys team. 😆 Loved Ian and Dan who both played great games. Dan was certainly no angel in using people that’s for sure. We loved to hate him but what a player. As for Aaryn, I don’t think America would view her as an all star for obvious reasons. She’s good at comps and has been playing the game but IMHO, the racism left the building and she started to play the game. What happens if other black players are in that show? CBS isn’t going to take that chance or if they do, they’ll hope it will bring ratings. It’s a toss up for sure.
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LOL… I was comment 400… 500… and 600
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ted is 100% right!! I am The Blatherer!!
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@madisonchris: Think you’re right. wish I wrote down the date, time and camera of the Elisa/Helen conversation. I could see it in Elissa’s eyes she as getting it (although she caved in and freaked a day later.) If she were more stable and had Helen left, could make a run at this to me.
And wondering if she’ll get the america’s Player vote because of her loyal/rabid base combined with Rachel/Brendan’s posse.
This just got good. Again. Will we an incredible week. Second straight.
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@JT – 400, 500 & 600. Wow, how did you do that?
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I’m going to bed. I can’t take the McCranda show any longer. Freaking Sloths!!
G’ nite y’all!
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Hey Jane, I hope she doesn’t either.
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Nite Jane.
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Yeah Kev, hindsight and all…
Elisa is such a wildcard, and who knows, she gets Aryan out this week, and POV next week, and if I’m a thinking player I start looking at taking her to final two.. she’s proven in physical comps and doesn’t need the money so second place would be good enough for her..
Oh wait, do we have any thinking players?? 😉
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Actually Sloth is wrong term more like Gnats… They circle around slowly annoy the hell out of you and then when you swat at them they finally pick up speed.
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@The Blatherer: If you end up being #700, I send Saki’ to Minnesota to chew on your ankles until they bleed purple. 😉 And you’re lucky homeslice–I had two posts held for moderation to help you get the #500 and #600–had I not remembered the goofy two link think, you’d be a #499 and #599 boy so thank your lucky stars Bubba.
And you should also be thanking Monsieur Strutz, for, had he been here, the numbers would be choppy and you’d be leaving a seven-layer bean dip recipe or something. So, Ted and I accept the 500/600/700 Trophy in your honor. We’ll let you shine it on Veteran’s Day (11.11).
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K11, you had 200 so you and Ted can have that trophy too. 😆
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@kimjmj: Finally. Now we’ll see the real McCrae I’ve been so proud of. Feel he and Andy (and even Aaryn) aren’t getting enough credit. Think anyone but GM, Spencer and maybe Elissa can win this. They were talking last night in HoH and the whole Jury, outside of Helen now, can’t stand her. Maybe Jessie out of bitterness.
Have said up until tonight Elissa will walk but feel this win tonight (THE HOLD-ON!, THE HOLD-ON!) will give her confidence and pride in her game no matter what. ALSO, has Helen to go to in Jury, a true friend and she also adores Candice.
Note to self: Don’t judge the season’s too early or in the mid-weeks. Still a C at best for me.
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Kev, I agree. having Helen & Candice in jury will keep Elissa there… if/when she goes.
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@The Blatherer, @starfish: The funny thing is that the numbers look different when you’re the one posting the CONTENT MODERATION stuff. I was wondering why JT said he was 500 when it showed 501 to me…me dumb. And I promise I’ll post double-links again and again and again. I’m good at that. Read: ADD 🙂
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@starfish: And like I wrote three days back, the 3 best people to listen to about the Game (and not kissing ass): ED, Ian and JT. Easily. Time tested.
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Elissa is not telling anyone who the possible re-nom would be. She wants them all to fight for their BB lives to seal Aaryn’s fate.
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Well folks, it’s been one great night for me at least. Thank you so much! Can’t make 700. 😛 Tomorrow is another day.
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Think about it.
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I agree with you K11. We have our BB superstar reporters and one of them is on our blog!
JT, I hope Elissa sticks to her guns. I hope she backdoors Amanda.
nite again.
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Aaryn in deep thought alone in cockpit room… knows she is going up. Maybe wondering if she should sell out Amanda.. or just go up against GM.
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Nite Starfish, I’ll go to sleep in about 5 hours
Kev, Ian & ED won BB. I watch from 2,000 miles away. No comparison 😆
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Now seems Elissa might be back to Aaryn & McCrae??
many more talks to be had.
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Ok, I gotta get some sleep soon, going to the fair tomorrow, but just one more side note.. anyone else pick up on how ticked GM was that Julie didn’t wish her a happy b-day??? JT, what’s the over/ under on how long it takes for her to start gripping about that??? I’m calling it at 347a.. 😉
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@JT: Let me be the judge of that. You can’t see you. I see all 3 of you. I’ve seen what you’ve written/pegged for some years here and could provide the transcripts. (I’m lying.) A baseball writer, gambler, fan can be just as smart as a dude who once won the World Series. And, I’d bet on you stuff–the heady stuff, not the who’s gonna vote out whom 6-0, 7-1 shit. That’s a gimme.
Andy showing his intelligence by going solid with Spencer. Don;t sleep on Andy, but he needs to win an HoH for his resume unless ends up against Elissa, GM or Spencer in the end. Also, JU-DD Party Darty could very well win this this season.
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Elissa talked to Spencer AFTER she talked to McCrae & Amanda… she told Spencer she was putting up McCrae & Aaryn.
Spencer is now telling this to Amanda. (yes.. she’s livid)
If this holds true… I hope GM plays and wins veto!!
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Tonight’s show for the one that may have missed it:
Ermm TV @Ermmmmmmm 3m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------B B US E25 http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x13izeo
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Not sleeping on Andy at all.
Andy is funniest in the house.. he always cracks me up on feeds (even though they don’t show him on tv)
Andy is not a floater.. he is solid with Amanda & McCrae.. and has really saved their asses many times with key info.
Andy lies.. no problem there.. this is BB right?
Andy’s only downfall could be that he is such a good liar… and many have seen him in action lying straight to other’s faces… and many no longer trust him as much. Amanda & McCrae trust him over anyone and believe he is 100% with them… and he has done nothing so far to prove otherwise.
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Gonna finishing watching ‘Dick at Nite.’ Really good with Lakers’ Jeanie Buss and James Rhine. Back in 30 minutes.
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Amanda: “How did her (Elissa) targets move from Aaryn, GM, & Spencer to Aaryn, McCrae, & Me?”
LOL…. peeps finally waking up is how!!
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Spoiler alert. Just to be safe….
I hope this makes anyone’s view.
So BBAD, Judd is back!
McCranda is running scared!
I love it.
The house is more scrambled than a quick morning omelet!
Finally…. Something to give us to scheme!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you BB, and great move Judd!
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kimjmj , GM already griped about not being wished Happy Birthday by Julie 😆 ..she griped as soon as they all came inside from HOH comp.
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Amanda is freaking out because Elisa doesn’t realize if she puts up McCrea it makes her (Elisa) a bigger target… hello, Elisa doesn’t care if she’s a target, and doesn’t want to spend another month with these idiots, she doesn’t need the money, and if she does go to jury her bff is there and she’ll get a yoga mat.
Elisa is Amanda’s worse nightmare, a player with power and nothing to lose!!!
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Drat JT, I must have missed that in all the excitement. 😉 at least she’ll have a new record to play, the Candice bashing one was broken.. 🙂
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“nothing to lose”
Most dangerous people there are.
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She has all her broken records… now in one collection!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GM’s greatest hits:
1) Flip floppin with Jessie
2) You’re a mean rat.. Miss Can-dice
3) Someday, my Nick will come
4) Yo Yo Yo.. I eat Froyo!
5) Axe me no questions
6) Everybody play hard tonight
….and many more….. call 1-800-555-BLAH
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James Rhine: “The reason Elissa lies through her teeth is because her face doesn’t move.”
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@The Blatherer: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
And a no-brainer (I pegged): Helen went the whole season in the House w/o revealing she was a political consultant. Tried to be too much of one in her Game and the “I Love You’s” were overkill. What’s Love got to do with it?
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Evelyn Wood has nothing on this post for teaching speed reading!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks all for keeping me in the loop 😀
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@Craig Long: Our pleasure. We’re addicted. Thursday nights are always crazy here with so much actually going on in the House. Easily the highest # of posts this season.
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ED, Jeanie Buss and James Rhine great on ‘Dick at Nite.’ Three separate perspectives.
ED: 7
Jeanie Buss: 0
James Rhine: 0
No line here in Las Vegas as ED would have been a 1/77,777 favorite. (Had to bet $777 to win $1. Nevada Gaming Commission just said no.) :devil:
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My bad: Had to bet $77,777 to win $1. Straight trippin’ boo and ain’t nobody got time for that. (@MM)
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch 4m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------IT’S THE WRONG BRAND OF YOGA MAT oh noes #bb15
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Time for another episode of…
Who wants to
kiss my ass and act like you caresee my HOH room?http://oi44.tinypic.com/ok7e69.jpg
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Ok…. the HOH room BS could be a while. YAWN..I think it’s safe to sign off for a while (and go watch previous episode)
But I’ll interrupt my own programming if any late breaking developments occur.
As of now, Aaryn on the block 100%… and looks like McCrae will be beside her (maybe GM).
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“Searching for live feeds amanda helen pm justaguy?
⇨ Boost Up Your Download!
Optimize & Boost PC in 1 Click. Fast, Easy, 5 Star User Rated!”
No, actually I’m not but thanks for the meaningless word head trip.
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Off to bed. A fun night here. Thanks to all.
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holy sh*t. .. I work an afternoon shift, watch the recorded show when I get home, come in here to see who won the comp …. and there is 649 posts here!
I cant read all that, this body has to work tomorrow.
I will scroll back a bit to see if I can get the scoop.
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Ok… McCrae won the 2nd endurance comp of the night….. the one that takes place every Thursday night (Friday morning) to see which HG can outlast the rest in the HOH room….. to be the last one in the HOH’s ear for the night.
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Ohhhh… Andy just told Judd that it was Amanda who kept telling everyone he was MVP. First sign I’ve seen of a crack in that alliance. Andy makes deals with everyone of course… but he always reports back to McManda.
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Elissa & McCrae alone in HOH doing some more negotiating. McCrae starts to tell her the advantages of putting up GM…. but Eliisa says “Hold on, I need to go brush my teeth” 😆
Don’t listen!!
Now Amanda (The Closer) entered the room too. 🙄
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ok. .. I am caught up, good reporting guys. I am working graves next Thur but the following Thur I will be here for each blow by blow as it is reported.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JT. . maybe K 11 would like a copy of that broken record r by GM for xmas, help him get through the long winter months 😉
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BCMarie, I think the long winter months are a welcomed site for Kev in Vegas… I might need that broken record more here in Minnesota. 😆
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Amanda is telling Elissa how she is tired of being blamed for controlling everyone’s HOH….. while she is trying to control Elissa’s HOH 😆
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Elissa, McCrae, Amanda, Judd, & Andy all in HOH room now. Andy & Judd are quiet.
Elissa still holding strong against McCrae & Amanda.
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Meeting over.. Elissa wants to go to sleep now. No conclusion reached. Amanda did turn on the water works on the way out in one final desperate move.
Elissa really wants McCrae up there to compete and didn’t buckle on that …..yet.
Now all the cards are on the table too. Judd heard it all.. and will confirm to Aaryn that Amanda & McCrae want her gone (I think he will tell her anyway).
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McCrae, Amanda, & Andy don’t understand why Elissa said BEFORE the HOH comp that it needed to be GM & Aaryn on the block. Yet now she wont put them both up.
Let me help….. other people can lie to you as much as you lie to them! It’s BB.. duh!
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Amanda & McCrae actually think the whole house will go after Elissa if she breaks up McManda.
FALSE!… the whole house (and most of America) will celebrate.. and maybe Elissa would gain a few allies.
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Amanda thinks herself is the target now.
Will be real interesting if McCrae is nominated… and wins veto. Amanda might try to convince him to stay on the block because he is liked by everyone. That would be some damn good feed viewing!
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Elissa’s letter from home was from……………………… Rachel of course
Here is Eliisa & Judd trying out her new yoga mat.
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I for one am glad Elissa got her yoga mat. That girl has what it takes and has shown that in the hoh comp. I really think the yoga helped. I did yoga when I was younger and it really is refreshing. I know I didn’t do nearly the stuff Elissa can do, but it all helps.
Thanks to all for the play by play…. (and people say I have a motor mouth) 😆
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And here’s a couple stills I took just before Am & Mc went to bed… after they realized others get to play their game too
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All HGs asleep now…. so I might as well too. More negotiations tomorrow.. just hope Elissa sticks with Aaryn & McCrae as noms (and maybe Amanda as replacement??)
Nite/mornin all
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👿 😈 👿 😈
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@ JT…Thanks for the most recent pic of Mc and Amanda….I feel for both of them, I JUST CAN’T REACH THEM!
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JT…I wouldn’t want to claim that last post of yours. 😮
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Well just turned on live feeds and there Amanda and Pizza Boy doing the nasty again… these two can’t stop groping each other….. No Class! In a room of other HG’s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and don’t care where they do it!
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OYYYYY JT, is this your new residence 😆
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whew !! what a night ~ glad Elissa won ~ glad Judd got back in the house ~ Aaron and Elissa hate each other so bad ~ Elissa told Helen she can’t work with Aaron, thanks guy’s for the reads I can’t get the feeds ~ I really appriciate all of you ~ thanks a bunch !!!
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The last I heard was that Elissa is hell bent on Aaryn going up. Does she not realize that she needs to break up McManda?????
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Elissa was smart to target Aaryn because she is so good at challenges (really, her only competition), however, I think Aaryn will win the veto and we will see Amanda or McCrae voted out. (Don’t get excited, as most of my predictions are WRONG). I believe Rachel told Elissa to deliberately lose challenges, unless her life was on the line and now we will see her take charge and win most of the remaining ones. I really don’t want her to win, but I think it is going to be very difficult for any of the HG’s to evict her.
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I think getting Aaryn out is the smart game for E. But for anyone else probably A&M. Aaryn is a strong competitor and she wants E. out and if it had not been for Amanda push on Helen and the fact that E. won veto then Aaryn would probably had really pushed for E. to go home instead of Helen. E. knows she can beat Amanda so she is her lesser problem. E is voting on people she thinks can beat her in competitions and I really have to admire that. She does not like Aaryn true but I think it is b/c she does not trust her and b/c she is such a strong competitor. If Aaryn comes off then E. is apparently going after A&M. I so hope she sticks to that plan, it would be her best game move. I have notice in the LF’s that Amanda is not so irrogant now and actually I can tolerate watching her now. M. has actually gotten out of bed to try and save his butt. And love is in the air again lol. Everyone wants to control E. but I love her new confidence and strong determination to put M. up next to Aaryn. A&M just are a plan mess right now, he he he. Gosh I sound so evil but I am just tired of Amanda attitude of entitlement. Looks like a good week in the BB house.
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I would just die if my son was sleeping with someone like Amanda!!! Sorry to say but she is not the type of girl you bring home to meet the parents.As for Andy and his ginny woman attitude as we say in New Orleans.You can’t tell him any thing without him telling everyone. I believe he is like this in his everyday life.Amanda what grown ass woman walks around in there underwear???Rant of the day over!!!!
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I know LM is writing a new post or will be very soon.
So happy about the show last night. I hope E stays true to what she wants to do and doesn’t believe anyone’s BS. It seems she’s stronger than we first thought. Watching or should I say reading how she’s hell bent on Aaryn and McC going up is refreshing. Someone standing up to the gruesome twosome finally!
Thanks JT for the bit about Andy telling Judd Amanda was pushing hard for him to go because he was MVP. I hope Andy sees the light but looks like Spencer is still in the cacoon.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ciao for now
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