Big Brother 15 — The Long Reach of America

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 4, 2013

Hi!  I hope everyone is having a Supple Sunday!

Well, America has spoken yet again and yesterday, Amanda found out that, for the second week in a row, she is the third nominee.  If anything, Amanda seems to be having even more of a meltdown this week, despite the fact that it doesn’t appear that she’s at any risk of going home.

Judging from what’s been said in the house, it appears that Amanda and Candice got into it during the veto competition.  Apparently, Amanda taunted Candice about Howard and then called her “Shaniqua” (which, to be honest, sounds more like something Aaryn would do).  After the veto comp, McCrae ended up yelling at Amanda and telling her — for the 100th time — that she has start showing some self-control or she’s going to end up alienating everyone in the house to the extent that they will end up voting her out.

Amanda, meanwhile, still seems to think that Judd is the MVP and that all of her problems are due to him.

As you might be able to guess, Amanda did not win the veto.  The veto comp was a punishment/reward competition and the only thing that Amanda won was an hourly spray tan.  Spencer won a trip.  Judd won some money.  Gina Marie won a cone of shame.  Candice has to wear a clown costume for the rest of the week.  Meanwhile, Jessie won the veto (and good for her because, as annoying as she can sometimes be, I get tired of her being constantly bullied by everyone else in the house).  Jessie is going to take herself off of the block and, as of right now, it appears that Spencer is going to go up in her place.

The plan still appears to be to send Candice home on Thursday and yes, Aaryn has already made a few comments about how happy she is that Candice is going to be evicted while dressed like a clown.

Believe it or not, I’m going to praise Gina Marie.  I still think she’s wasting her HoH on trying to get Candice evicted.  I still don’t think she has the slightest clue how to play a strategic game and my main memory of her will always be her sobbing after Nick got voted out.

But, with all that in mind, Gina Marie has probably handled being HoH better than any of the previous head of households.  A good example is the competition that the houseguests had where they imitated Gina Marie and the winner (who was McCrae but he then gave the prize up to Jessie so he and Amanda could spend another night in the HoH room — I get the feeling that McCrae thinks he might never get laid again after he leaves the Big Brother house) got to attend Helen’s BBQ.   As opposed to a lot of the other houseguests, Gina Marie does have the ability to laugh at herself and that’s something that I have to give her credit for.

(Can you imagine how Aaryn or Amanda would have reacted if the HGs had had a competition to imitate either one of them?)

Finally, I have to admit that I was a little bit shocked that Amanda was named as the third nominee, instead of Aaryn.  It’s true that there’s a lot of people who can’t stand Amanda but she also has a lot of fans as well.  Aaryn, meanwhile, is one of the most hated HGs in Big Brother history.

I think to a certain extent people have gotten used to Aaryn.  People are no longer shocked when Aaryn says or does something racist.  Instead, they just kind of go, “Well, that’s Aaryn…”

In Amanda’s case, most viewers have only recently started to turn against her.  A lot of them did like her originally but then, they saw how obsessed she was with Howard.  And then, they heard the rumors that the game has been rigged in Amanda’s favor.  Then, that YouTube video came out and suddenly, people who only knew Amanda from the CBS show could see what we’ve all been seeing on the live feeds.  

(And, of course, the Brenchel Army is obsessed with getting Amanda out, which is strange because Amanda has never really targeted Elissa for eviction.  If anything, Amanda was a pretty important factor in keeping Elissa from being evicted during the first week.)

I guess my point here is that Amanda’s nomination doesn’t mean that she has somehow replaced Aaryn as the most disliked person in the BB house.  It’s just that people who dislike Amanda tend to dislike her with far more intensity than they dislike Aaryn.  People who dislike Amanda are going to be sure to cast as many votes as they can for her but I think a lot of people assume that Aaryn is going to be eventually evicted whether they vote for her or not.

Whereas, with the way the game’s been going so far, it looks like the only way to get Amanda out of the house is for America to keep voting for her and for Amanda to keep overreacting until, eventually, everyone gets sick of dealing with her.

Finally, yesterday, there was a lot of outrage on twitter because some people felt that they had caught Amanda whispering a racial slur on the live feeds.  However, if you carefully listen to what she said, it becomes apparent that Amanda did not say what everyone thought she said.  She was just speaking quickly, her voice was muffled, and people misheard.

Still, it says something about this year’s house that people were so quick to believe that Amanda said what they thought she said.  The game is less than halfway over and we’ve already been conditioned to automatically expect the worst from just about everyone in the house.

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie


Jane August 4, 2013 at 12:19 pm

Thanks for new page LM! I agree with it all !

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franniep2 August 4, 2013 at 12:19 pm

#1…whoo hoo! Now I will go read. 🙂

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franniep2 August 4, 2013 at 12:19 pm

Darn you Jane 😆

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Mama Margie August 4, 2013 at 12:21 pm

lmao double darn I tried so hard to be #1 lol
there is always another day and or blog, txs LM for new page

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Mama Margie August 4, 2013 at 12:29 pm

LM spot on with your post. I think demanda’s problem is she is like a pit bull, once she gets something in her jaws she does NOT let go, seems every week it is the same thing until it is gone, then she is on to the next victim, same song different verse. I do feel sorry for Jessie she has been a misfit since day 1 she cannot find a spot for herself so what does she do, like a leap frog leaps from one to another. I have a feeling demanda is going to get a head full from not only mcdirty but spencer and a lot of the other hgs, how much can a glass hold of water before it overflows. ok that is it for now, back to making sunday dinner, hugs to all and again txs LM I appesch all your work, hi to 11 so happy to see in attendance

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Carol August 4, 2013 at 12:47 pm

I wish someone would step up and really play the game, this season is very boring, someone needs to make a HUGE move… Play the game, its a game!!!

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Tammy August 4, 2013 at 12:51 pm

Thank you for the great update

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janet orf August 4, 2013 at 12:51 pm

I just read now that Helen said she wants to keep Candice and vote out Amanda…..

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Becky August 4, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Thx, LM for the new page.

I sort of wish GM would forget about Spencer for now and put up McCrae beside his ladylove. It would be one vote less for Candace, but she’d probably leave. Unless, of course, GM, Aaryn and Spencer made a deal with Candace to work together and they all voted the bully’s arse out of the house. GM and Aaryn are too spineless to make such a big move, though. They’d be afraid of McCrae and Amanda’s posse coming after them–the posse is coming after them anyway.

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Becky August 4, 2013 at 1:05 pm

Oh, any news about the rumors that Grodner is being fired after this season? I heard this could possibly be the end of BB; I also heard its just a move to make BB better and what its supposed to be. Also heard, Grodner isn’t going anywhere.

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swt August 4, 2013 at 1:27 pm

hey yall,
thanks for the updates, i have a ????
where is the place that America Votes for the MVP ??


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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 1:27 pm

Thanks Lisa for all you do for us! I was out yesterday, my wife & I went to the movies & dinner, got home late so it took me a long while to catch up! Thanks for all the comments 🙂 Tonight should be fun to watch even though we all know the out come ❗ See you soon…………… :mrgreen:

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macy 1231231 August 4, 2013 at 1:31 pm

THANKS LM for the new page!! u rock, girl

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macy 1231231 August 4, 2013 at 1:32 pm

trying not to be mean spirited – but amanda is sooooo maddening– is that a word? well, its my word anyway – ha

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ladyd August 4, 2013 at 1:38 pm

I love watching BB, but this season with all the bullying and racist comments I can’t stand to watch the show. I realize that racism is very much alive but it should not be done on public TV without consequences. The 3 girsl are constantly saying and calling Candi names and it needs to be stop. Sometimes I wonder if the producers are getting a real kick out of this because that is the way they feel about certain people. JUlie is asian and if you notice the attack is not on Helen anymore just the african amercians. How sad production is more interetsed in ratings than people feelings.

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mrybkr August 4, 2013 at 1:42 pm

@swt….on live feeds, top of page, click on more and go to Americas Vote

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The Shadow August 4, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Amanda is like a barking dog you take on a walk and constantly have to pull the lease to keep the dog contained! I would love to see McCrae go up to replace Jessie!

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swt August 4, 2013 at 1:43 pm

thanks a lot mrybkr 🙂

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The Shadow August 4, 2013 at 1:48 pm

America’s vote and MVP voting are closed

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Karin August 4, 2013 at 1:48 pm

WOW….Lisa Marie you found your calling.
You truly are a wonderful writer…enjoy reading your daily
blog…thank YOU. Your writings are almost reassuring to
me….as I get so upset with some of the houseguests…
to tell me another slant on them…Just plain love to
read your blogs!
Thank you again for YOU.

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Terri August 4, 2013 at 1:51 pm

Remember everyone, Julie said there was a double eviction this week.

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swt August 4, 2013 at 1:57 pm

thanks for letting me know yall 🙂

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holly August 4, 2013 at 2:03 pm

@LM, Ms. Long said something nice to you and my jaw dropped. Okay it’s back up and it’s sure nice to see that she can be kind and not just bitchy!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 2:08 pm

@mm haha It just happened that I was on after she posted a new blog.

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janice August 4, 2013 at 2:16 pm

@holly – why make a comment like that. I do not know what all the nasty stuff was about but your comment was uncalled for and will only urge on more fighting on the boards. This is a discussion board where we can agree and agree to disagree. The digs are uncalled for.

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Betty August 4, 2013 at 2:20 pm

Does anyone know who will be the MVP nominee for the second eviction on Thursday? How will that work?

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The Shadow August 4, 2013 at 2:30 pm

@Betty …. they haven’t said anything about that yet

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tendr August 4, 2013 at 2:34 pm

the CBS owner, Julie’s hubby is Jewish. I heard demanda is also? didn’t spencer make a hitler remark of admiration? bet if a lot of nazi comments or anti Jewish comments started toward demanda CBS would put a stop to it…BBB has gone so downhill i never laugh , i’ve noticed…..when i watch it, like i used to YEARS AGO. i don’t want candice out….btw………mr CBS should get Howard an acting job. they owe him.

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 2:39 pm

Just watched the live cat with Jeff & Howard! It was pretty good, Howard should have been saved, I kinda liked the guy 😯 I do want to see Amanda blow up again! 😆 I said this the other day & boy it happened!!! Good stuff everyone, thanks again……. :mrgreen:

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 2:40 pm

Chat 😳

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Princess August 4, 2013 at 2:40 pm

You’re right, LM, McCrae probably won’t get laid when he leaves the house unless he a) sticks with Amanda and enjoys the abuse (he already seems to be tiring of it
b) gets thronged by BB superfans
c) actually meets someone who loves a guy with bad hair, poor hygiene and no further ambition in life than to deliver pizza in the best possible way for $136 every two weeks

My guess is b, however, right now Amanda is the best thing he’s ever had, I’m sure.

I’ve been questioning for the last couple of weeks why Aaryn has gone from… Well, Aaryn to poor, misunderstood college girl and my best answer for that is Helen. Helen had said she only heard one side of the story, Helen embraced Kaitlin and Aaryn into the Mary Poppins group. Helen may not be playing the game well, in my opinion, but she’s responsible for Aaryn, Spencer, and Elissa remaining in the house. She’s also very much a part of the group sending Candice home. Why she doesn’t want Amanda or McCrae out baffles me. But then this whole season has been making my head spin.

I’m sure the Brenchel army would target Aaryn if she was mean to Elissa but they’ve come to a truce of sorts so Aaryn in safe from their wrath for now.

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 2:44 pm

The Shadow? Why the name change my friend ❓ I remember when I was a kid & my brother & I would listen to the radio & the Shadow knows…. 🙂
……………. :mrgreen:

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prh August 4, 2013 at 2:48 pm

@ladyd: agree with you 100%, but for me the language being constantly *bleeped* is beyond what I can take. This coming from a white male from the south! Grew-up with the N word & curse words being used everyday…….those words aren’t in my vocabulary.

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LisaMarieBowman August 4, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Holly — I imagine that Maggie was being sarcastic. 🙂

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The Shadow August 4, 2013 at 2:56 pm

I’ve been accused of lurking in the shadows when I don’t comment for awhile!

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Princess August 4, 2013 at 3:03 pm

I agree, LM. I’m sure ML was being sarcastic.

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holly August 4, 2013 at 3:08 pm

@Janice since you have no idea, maybe you should have not commented? Just a thought. Didn’t you say we should agree to disagree? As you see the ever popular Ms. long showed her true colors immediately after my comment. Since we both agree to disagree, I will “dig” whenever I think it’s appropriate.
@LM, I thought so but hope springs eternal!

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Jeannette August 4, 2013 at 3:22 pm

Come on CBS use a twist Like to see Candice win HOH and her kick out Amanda . Another scenario America vote Amanda out makes it easy for double eviction we don’t have to wait be done all at the same time. Houseguest just vote the for the 2 left. It does not matter because they vote what the house wants. Elissa need to win to get out Aaryn . so time will tell even though they are a couple of days ahead .

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janice August 4, 2013 at 3:29 pm

@holly – reading thru the blog trying to skip over a stupid fight is not necessary. take the high road and ignore it. there are many readers who do not want to read that.

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 3:30 pm

See you all later! Time to go……….. :mrgreen:

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Nelle August 4, 2013 at 3:35 pm

Does anyone see Spencer put his hand down his pants as much as I do? and what was he talking about getting out of rehab? And did anyone here GM bash Jessie for being a big fat ass and looking three month’s pregnant and shes so fat it makes her sick and she hopes her pants split..Then she goes up stairs to the HOH and holds up her crown and tell everyone how she was fat with braces and she couldn’t win a pageant it took her ten years..You would think she would have some symphony for her friend Jess and not dog her behind her back.

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 3:37 pm

Poor DeManda is getting pretty Orange already….having so many spray tanning… BB was afraid to wake her up today to tell her to go spray tan again, lol….she is getting frustrated….and look out we dont want to see her get Mad, lol.. here’s a pic… 🙂

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 3:46 pm

I want to Thank for all those Posters that Loved the Pic i posted last nite…. here it is again for those that missed it…Enjoy it, LOL… 🙂

Here’s Nick & GM walking in Central Park after BB, LOL…. 🙂

BTW, everyone should always read the ending of every Blog cause me & JT & Kev11 always Post so many Pics and Vids…especially last nite…me & JT were going at it, pic after pic, LOL…. 🙂

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 3:51 pm

@LM great update. Thank you. It’s especially beneficial for those who do not read all the posts.

Hoh8, I saw that last night and showed my hubby. That with Nick and GM is belly laugh funny.

Thank you to you and JT for finding those pix and all the links. It is so much fun. The one with GM in the tub was really funny.

Not much more to say about our dear Amanda. Aa has got a pass I agree because she seems to be behaving herself but people vote for what is current and Amanda is definitely current. Spencer is still a pig. I don’t care if McC never showers, that’s Amanda’s problem and she’s his problem.

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 3:59 pm

Yeah, i wanted to tell LisaMarie, she was on Fire yesterday in the comment section, always with the Updates on what was going on in the Feeds…u was Great LM… 🙂

here is the Video that LM was talking bout in this Blog…when DeManda called Candice a “Monkey”…which thanks to someone who Slowed down the video and we clearly saw that she didnt call Candice a Monkey….check it out… 🙂

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zee August 4, 2013 at 4:06 pm

Amanda got so disliked for what she said in you tube she was vile very racist.

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holly August 4, 2013 at 4:10 pm

@Janice, so don’t, it won’t bother me!
@HoH8, thanks for all awesome links! I especially loved the ORANGE Amanda!!

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franniep2 August 4, 2013 at 4:26 pm

I can’t wait for this sequel to come out….


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Jane August 4, 2013 at 4:31 pm

Amanda finally said that she is OK with Jessie staying if Jessie cuts a deal with them saying she won’t put them up if she gets HOH next week.

Ummmm since when do people make deals with people that are on the block too?!! Lol! This cast game play sucks!!

@Holly sometimes this blog is the same as the game. People come in who have no clue of what’s going on and comment. Just ignore it and like every year their will be another person jumping in to tell us all what we want to read. Blogs are like a$$holes everyone has them and people will find which one fits them and eventually leave.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 4:32 pm

When Harry Met Sally 2…..
Hahahahahahahaha *In my best Chilltown Laugh* hahahahahahahahahaha

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holly August 4, 2013 at 4:35 pm

lol@Frannie, very true!
@ Jane, thanks I appreesh
Love my fellow blogade, you ladies and a few select gents, ROCK!

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Rich August 4, 2013 at 4:39 pm

In the biggest BB twist to date, we have the first quad elimination in BB history as He, El, Aa, & Je come down with food poisoning from their own cooking. Two will live and two will die! Stay tuned.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 4:41 pm

@Rich lol!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 4:44 pm

@rich can clownie go too?

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Rich August 4, 2013 at 4:46 pm

@Jane Which one? lol

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Jan August 4, 2013 at 4:53 pm

Thanks all for the updates. In NY Time Warner had a dispute with CBS and is now not caring any CBS or CBS programing. So BB has to be seen thru the internet feeds. Sorry, but I love Amanda and would miss the tornado of upheaval she brings, as other players may let her stay to watch her self destruct.

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Rich August 4, 2013 at 5:03 pm

All the BBQ places in Texas are owned by people that moved from La., Ms., and Al. Aa tells production that He will need teriyaki sauce for her chicken.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 5:04 pm

@rich both of them lol! Candace is boring me

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LisaMarieBowman August 4, 2013 at 5:06 pm

Watching this BBQ is scary. Helen should have picked Judd instead of Aaryn because I get the feeling Judd would at least know how to work a grill.

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Debbie August 4, 2013 at 5:34 pm

Jan I an happy to see someone else who likes Amanda!!! I must of missed something! Does anyone know why McCrea is wearing the cone if shame also????

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 5:35 pm


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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 5:35 pm

Just to save my place……………… :mrgreen:

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 5:36 pm

@Debbie he is trying to be on Solidarity with GM. in other word kissing her butt because she’s HOH, lol!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 5:37 pm

@Bobo I will always save your place, but I’m not sure about Mr. Green Mans!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 5:37 pm

*in* Solidarity…. On=Typo

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LisaMarieBowman August 4, 2013 at 5:43 pm

No surprise — Helen is giving a speech at her BBQ.

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 5:43 pm

Jane ♥♥♥ Just saying that when you post something & leave, it goes back to your post so you got to scroll down, you know what I mean 😕 Thanks for saving me a place in your ♥.. 🙂 …
…………………………………………………………………… :mrgreen:

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 5:45 pm

BBQ Speech! 🙄

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Debbie August 4, 2013 at 5:45 pm

Auhhhh isn’t he sweet!!! Lol

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 5:48 pm

@Debbie Lol!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 5:49 pm

@bobo Oooooh! But thanks for the love!

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 5:52 pm


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Jane August 4, 2013 at 5:56 pm

I’m so bored with this cast. I hope someone pops an implant or like Rich says gets food poisoning. I don’t want them to die but maybe soil thier pants on National TV then have chinbot medics run in and Zing them through the whole ordeal.

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Dubs Doll August 4, 2013 at 5:57 pm


We can hope!! lol

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 5:57 pm

Time for some TV!!! Hope to see you all later, If I don’t fall asleep 😆 Bye for now my Friends ……………………………………………………………. :mrgreen:
Save my place!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 6:00 pm


——–Bobo’s Place——-

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Dubs Doll August 4, 2013 at 6:00 pm



here is a place.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 6:01 pm

@dubs doll yours looks way cooler!

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marist August 4, 2013 at 6:05 pm

I will add my four cents of soapbox. I can’t stand Dermandra for her remark after Spencer told her to shut up.

She then told the diary room how she hates him because she can’t manipulate him???
She seems to think that she is the Queen Mother who just had a new grandson. The BI&*h. Please BB cancel her out. McCray is still the loser. He should go up after Jessie won the POV.

Now that would make good ratings if Miss DeRMandia would walk off and the audience would boo her as she walked out the door.

Later –


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Mama Margie August 4, 2013 at 6:11 pm

I tuned into feeds, watched bbq then had to leave I was getting sick to my stomach mother Helen was going on and on and on so suragy sweet was gagging me is this the same woman who after the bbq will go up and say jess is a fatty, or arrynation needs to go, or elissa has a big mouth, I was yelling HELLen STFU
so then I turned the channel (lol) got the boys omg they all were gross with spencer leading the brigade and andy was no better bashing women, spencer said he should give trip to his parents and in next breath nah maybe if I win another one. yuk gag I feel like I need to use some murine on my eyes what really would have put me over the edge was to see the amazon amenda appear in all your orange glory
holly my dear not to fret u know I have your back, and now for my current favorite saying will be Äin’t nobody got time for that! txs jane
ciao for now

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franniep2 August 4, 2013 at 6:31 pm

‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’! 😆 I love it too!

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Dubs Doll August 4, 2013 at 6:38 pm


Thanks. Had to leave plenty of room for him.

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janie August 4, 2013 at 6:46 pm

I am over Helen. I can hardly stomach here concerned talks with Jess
…it’s like, you know, like , she, you know, like, she tries to, you know, like, be really, like, you know, heartfelt concerned, but, you know like, she has, like such a hard time, you know like, being sincere.

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 6:48 pm

@janie 😆 Makes me crazy too. Did these people graduate from High School English? They might as well say ummmmmm.

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Mama Margie August 4, 2013 at 6:52 pm

Helen, elissa and Jessie tode andy they want Amanda out just seen on live feeds

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 6:53 pm

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 6:56 pm

K11, really?? J U DD’s head in Aa’s lap? Never would of pictured that ever! They do look cute tho. 😉 Great pic, thanks!

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 6:56 pm

its close to BB TV show time…so for those in the West or Central Time Zone and those that dont have CBS any longer…u can go here and watch it right now… 🙂

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Mama Margie August 4, 2013 at 6:57 pm

11 lmao i can just see their front yard when they r married one side has rebel flag and the other has a burning cross, this is NOT a match made in heaven more like hell

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kimjmj August 4, 2013 at 7:04 pm

Oooh, the plan is hatching… it would be bb gold for a blindside Amanda eviction Thursday, then a double right after… we have a long way to go to get there, but ‘ll I’m an eternal optimist. Being on some fireworks please!!!

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holly August 4, 2013 at 7:10 pm

@MM, thanks for having my back against people who want to tell us what we can or cannot say. I know I can count on my ladies! I’m really not trying to be a Sally!!
‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’!

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janice August 4, 2013 at 7:20 pm

Not sure who Sally is but there are a few AMANDAs here. This is my 2nd year here and it seems thr same few keep it hostile. Too bad.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 7:21 pm

‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’!
‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’!
‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’!
*shakes my booty, deep breath*
‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’!
‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’!
‘Ain’t nobody got time for that’!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 7:22 pm

Did I hear somebody flap there mouth?

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franniep2 August 4, 2013 at 7:25 pm

Bout time Jane! 😆

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 7:25 pm

Second year and your still whining? Ain’t nobody got time for that!

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 7:27 pm

Lol Fp2

Does Ananda look like Tan Mom yet? I hope she gets as dark as Candace and it won’t wash off!

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franniep2 August 4, 2013 at 7:29 pm

@Jane…this is what Amanda looks like.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 7:31 pm

@Fp2 ha!

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Becky August 4, 2013 at 7:35 pm


But they told ANDY of all people!! What does he do whenever he has any news to tell? He runs right to A & M and spills the beans. And who do you think Helen is going to blame for this week’s plan? Our poor Jessie will get the brunt of Amanda’s anger about it.

@K11 Cute pic. I agree with Starfish, they do look cute together. Better than J-U-double-D and Jessie anyway.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 7:37 pm

@Becky I can’t believe they are still telling Andy stuff!! It drives me crazy!!

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LisaMarieBowman August 4, 2013 at 7:45 pm

Judging from tonight’s episode, Amanda is no longer getting the hero edit.

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Dubs Doll August 4, 2013 at 7:53 pm

we can only hope that powers that be at CBS want to keep viewers and DO NOT RIG the game for aMANda.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 8:11 pm

@LM Thank god!!!

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 8:20 pm

@LM…yeah, not the Hero Edit….but certainly Not the Racist Edit that America needs to see….so now they think she is a Bully…so what…we want for America to see the Horrible Racist that demanda really is….this show was so Edited, they cut so many things thats happened between Thurs & Friday……

where was the BIG fight between demanda and Candice on Thurs nite where she called Candice every curse word in the world?…..

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 8:25 pm

Thanks Hoh8 for the link. So nice of you to do that every week. Was able to watch it off and on and I too thought they were showing the true Amanda. I was trying to evaluate her and she’s really playing the game, there’s no denying that but she’s just so demeaning and cruel about it. Her face shows hatred and not game play. Anyway, that’s my take and that’s my opinion as to who she prolly really is in real life. My way or the highway.

GM just blew her HOH with her noms as did Aaryn and I hope when she and Aa watch the feeds, they realize what stoopidos they are.

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 8:27 pm

here’s another Pic of A & J…doing the 69…and mind you that Spencer was in the HOH bed watching them, lol…. 🙂

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 8:27 pm

16 countries should send their best Big Brother player to a barge in international waters for an All World Edition…

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LisaMarieBowman August 4, 2013 at 8:29 pm

HoH8 — I think they left out Amanda’s fight with Candice because they’re trying to make it look like Jessie was the primary target this week. That way, it’ll be all the more dramatic when Jessie wins the veto on Wednesday.

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The Shadow August 4, 2013 at 8:30 pm

Are you ready for some BB Football

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 8:31 pm

Funny pic there @franniep2 😉

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 8:35 pm

Big Brother Updates ‏@BB_Updates
Andy- You’re saying that we should get out Amanda this week? Helen- Mhmm. Have to get Judd on board. #BB15

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 8:36 pm

BigBroScandal ‏@BigBroScandal 37s
Good lord. Helen blew it. She told fucking Andy. #bb15
Retweeted by Tart with a Heart

Ermm TV ‏@Ermmmmmmm 44s
BB US S15E17

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 8:40 pm

@SF…ur welcome glad u got to see the show ahead of time…i always think bout all those not in the East…..tonite’s show was so Edited even the fight they did show with demanda & jessie…demanda told her she is a Slut and for her not to open up her legs all the time….i hate these Clean Edits CBS is giving her…. 🙁

@LM….yeah, i realized that CBS needs to keep the Ratings so they need to Edit…. but there are so many people in America that dont watch the Feeds or read bout them in the internet and just watch the tv show and dont know what’s really going on in the House….UGH…. 🙁

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 8:42 pm

@JT: Helen approaching Andy about getting Amanda out in Storage Room: CAM 1, 6:35 p.m. PT.

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Jane August 4, 2013 at 8:42 pm

@kev11 Big Brother Scandals tweet was right on!!

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 8:52 pm

Oh WOW….our Dream might come out True getting demanda OUT…. but geeeez, why did helen tell the tattletale Andy….its a Looong way till Thurs…lets see…. 🙂

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 8:54 pm

Big Brother Updates ‏@BB_Updates
Helen- Do you think America is MVP? Judd- I’m starting to. #BB15

Big Brother Network ‏@bigbrothernet
Yes, Helen should know better than to tell Andy after he rat’d out Jessie, but she also thinks he is more loyal to her than McCranda.#BB15

Tart with a Heart ‏@Tawny_Leigh
Helen is officially the dumbest player in the house. I can’t with her. I want her gone. #BB15

Tyler ‏@dawnofaquarius
And who the hell spills before POV ceremony? WTF Helen?? I hope her ass goes up

Kaitlyn ‏@Kaitlyn_03
@bigbrothernet haha I think the better statement is “Lets see WHEN he rats”

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 8:58 pm

@Jane: It’s getting intense again tonight. When Team Amanda and team Helen start going at each other out in the open, this will be really entertaining for a little while. But still feel mass boredom to come as this is just the halfway point and so many meaningless HGs still in the House. I’ll be watching close tonight. Worms are turning.

On a side note, haven’t heard “It is what it is” in some time. Maybe it wasn’t what they thought it was? :mrgreen:

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 9:00 pm

“A Clockwork Andy”

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Becky August 4, 2013 at 9:03 pm

Judging from tonight’s edit, it looks like McCrae may just be losing interest in Amanda and her bullying tactics. His plan is to get them both to the end, but he’ll dump her over-inflated ego if he thinks it might save his game. If Andy tattles about the plan to evict Amanda, I hope he tells McCrae first. They may just blindside her.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 9:07 pm

Aaryn just figured out Helen’s plan with simple logic (and is talking it out with Amanda) after hearing portions of the the talk in the storage Room through the wall. Good for her. She’s better at this game than 99% give her credit for. Loving this.

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 9:08 pm

J, the comment was made defending our dear Lisa Marie because Maggie L said some vicious things in previous posts that you obviously didn’t see. So that was all that was. Let it be now please.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 9:12 pm

@JT: Also, check out CAM 4, at 7 p.m., Sunday. McCrae, Amanda and Aaryn reacting to possible Helen-led Blindside. Some on Twitter saying this is prompted by DR/Production (citing she’s using the word ‘friends’). I’m not buying that paranoia. Pretty sure by ‘friends,’ she means the girls she has discussed it with earlier in the day.

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 9:14 pm

Hoh8 they can’t show some of that stuff because they are still in the family hour zone. I can’t wait to see the entire show in 45 minutes. 🙂

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 9:16 pm

K11, thanks for the update. I sure hope Helen is right about Andy being faithful to her but he has diarrhea of the mouth and has trouble keeping it shut no matter who he is talking to because he wants to be in their good graces. Ugh This would be great if she was blindsided.

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 9:17 pm

So the 3 of them already know about it. Good grief, is nothing sacred in that house. No way to have an alliance.

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 9:19 pm

@Sal, yes it’s football. Thursday and Friday night too!

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 9:22 pm

@SF…ur funny….CBS can use the Bleep, Bleep, Bleep, Bleep routine…and plus, yeah, BB is on the family hour but i dont understand why parents let their kids watch BB…to me, BB has always been a Adult show and shouldnt be watched by children… just saying, lol… 🙂

@Kev11…keep with the Updates….im watching the Feeds myself now and the Convo’s going on about getting demanda out has been GREAT….i hope we see a Big Explosion happen tonite, lol…. 🙂

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Carrie August 4, 2013 at 9:42 pm

I watched the YouTube Video on Amanda and it was just as bad as everything that came from Amanda, GM, and Spenser. So why have they not been more public about the Amanda remarks? The more I watch and read the more I do think that it is rigged for Amanda to win. The show keeps her in such a positive light and shows other people doing wrong when she is no better. And I just really hope that poor little Jessie grows up and stops letting people bully her. She needs to find herself and fast because I think it is starting to become pathetic that she is always a victim. Just my two cents…………happy evening all. 🙂

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Carrie August 4, 2013 at 9:43 pm

HOH8, I sure hope you are right. I don’t have the live feeds but I would love to see demanda broken up.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 9:43 pm

Seems Helen has called off the Blindside Amanda Plan for one week and looks like Candice is going. paranoia raging high in the House tonight. Really impressed with the individual games Aaryn and Andy are playing now. (I alphabetized them for y’all.)

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 9:46 pm

The show is not rigged for Amanda to win. We’ll all see that when she’s one of the next five gone. She’s her own worst enemy and just too stubborn to come to terms with it. Like I said earlier this week here, I feel bad for her unsuspecting husband. Between her own self-image, monster ego and the Adderall (spelling?), she has much work to do before she can truly become happy. I do see her returning to the show in the future though as some type of All-Star.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 9:49 pm

Someone hacked Howard’s Twitter account:

Howard Overby ‏@howardoverby1

Howard Overby ‏@howardoverby1

Nimrod Nation.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 9:51 pm

Big Brother Network ‏@bigbrothernet
Worries all around the house tonight. #BB15

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 9:58 pm

Thanks K11, too bad Helen backed off but we can wait one more week but no telling what will happen by then.

Now to pop my popcorn and watch BB. bbl8r for more updates, pics & links. Thank you one and all!!

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HoH8 August 4, 2013 at 10:01 pm

well, we got too excited for nada…seems the Plan to evict demanda is OFF…. and its back to evicting Candice…funny, Aaryn was talking to Judd bout the eviction of demanda and she said that she will have to re-nom tomorrow Elissa or Helen to take a vote against demanda away….now who made Aaryn HOH?…Crazy HG’s….

but all this talk with getting demanda out…it seems it might happen on Thurs with the 2nd Eviction…depending who is HOH but still Helen might put it to work…lets hope they will be able to work together real Fast cause DE are real Fast…..

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 11:06 pm

Thursday is too far away!!!

I was waiting for McCrea to say “or what?” after Demanda said “don’t ever call me effing dumb again.” or something like that. I wish he would have but he tried to explain it to her but being Amanda, she just doesn’t get it. When he realizes for sure that she is ruining his game, he’ll throw her under the bus.

The nom ceremony was hilarious. Judd was so funny watching him crack up. I was laughing too and I’ll be GM doesn’t have a clue what she said. Too funny. Where did they find these people. Why would Aaryn run to Amanda about Helen’s plan? I’m just lost about this group of babies. I still think I’m liking Judd more and more.

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Starfish August 4, 2013 at 11:08 pm

Obviously not much going on in the BB house. I’ll check back later and pray for some juicy tid bits.

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 11:27 pm

Chris Aamodt ‏@chrisaamodt
@EvelDick Can production please evict Elissa after referring to herself as Dr. Will’s prodigy?
Retweeted by Evel Dick Donato

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Bobo August 4, 2013 at 11:58 pm

Great updates! Thanks everyone……………. :mrgreen:

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Kevin11 August 4, 2013 at 11:58 pm

Shortbuslife ‏@shortbuslife
Amanda’s next reality show should be Intervention. She pops Adderall like tic tacs. #bb15

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Jane August 5, 2013 at 12:01 am

Ouch! As an adopted girl this really hurt me: 8:42 PM GM about Candice: “She is such a degenerate that her own mom didn’t even want her.”

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Bobo August 5, 2013 at 12:08 am

Jane My step dad would have kicked those two in their asses !!!
………………. :mrgreen:

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Bobo August 5, 2013 at 12:09 am

Back to my TV shows, see you soon…………. :mrgreen:

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Kevin11 August 5, 2013 at 12:32 am

Jane: That (GM comment) was very harsh. At least she didn’t say it to her directly. Maybe we can get the NSA to have GM keep that cone on for Life. We can all pitch in for a muzzle…

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Starfish August 5, 2013 at 12:35 am

@Jane, please consider the source. Did u ever see the video of Ca dice meeting her mom for the first time? I’ll find it for you. don’t let GMs ignorance bother you.

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Starfish August 5, 2013 at 12:37 am

I would be proud to call u my daughter as I know your parents are

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Starfish August 5, 2013 at 12:40 am

Very funny Kevin and so appropriate!

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HoH8 August 5, 2013 at 12:44 am

here’s GinaMarie getting ready for POV Cerm on Monday, LOL… 🙂

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Starfish August 5, 2013 at 1:01 am

Very good hoh8. 😆

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Jane August 5, 2013 at 1:34 am

I am so excited about double eviction. But I think that MVP will be over because it wouldn’t seem fair to bring in the 2nd Nom when America wants Anaconda out, and there will be no time to vote! So either Helen or Elissa wins HOH or Anaconda slips through the cracks with McRae and gets another week of hump sessions. bleh!

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HoH8 August 5, 2013 at 2:03 am

@Jane…so funny…”anaconda”…i Love it, lol…..yeah, i think that MVP will end after the 1st eviction on Thurs…..if they keep it, they will use this week’s votes but i doubt it….but since the “Talk” has already started evicting Anaconda…i see her leaving pretty soon…..not soon enough for me, lol… 🙂

btw, Jane…Starfish was trying to find the video of Candice finding her mother but i see she didnt find it so here it is….get the tissues ready…its real touching…. 🙂

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Starfish August 5, 2013 at 3:11 am

Thanks Hoh8 but I sent the link to Jane’s email. It shows a really nice story. I can’t believe I can’t sleep again tonight. Bleh!

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Gracie August 5, 2013 at 3:16 am

Amanda please go home

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Bobo August 5, 2013 at 4:03 am

See you all later, Now go to bed, lets go you heard me get going………….. :mrgreen:

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franniep2 August 5, 2013 at 5:36 am

Scientist say that universe is made up of Electrons, Protons and Neutrons…They forgot to mention MORONS…

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franniep2 August 5, 2013 at 5:37 am

I found the perfect thing for Spencer….

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Justaguy (JT) August 5, 2013 at 5:43 am

Mornin’ all

State Of The House Address (as I see it anyway)
(This comment may be long… so only read if you actually care what is really happening in the game. This will be as OBJECTIVE as I can be.)

Who’s playing the game right now? Believe it or not, for the first time I’ve seen all season… they all are playing. Some are just playing much harder than others.

Where do loyalties lie?
Amanda & McCrae – Loyal to Andy, & Aaryn the most. They are also trusting GM now. Judd is also getting back in their good graces.. they think they may have jumped to conclusions on him a bit.. aren’t real sure though.

Andy – Hard to say which duo he is more loyal to, Amanda & McCrae or Helen & Elissa? Seems to be leaning towards the former, but is keeping his options open as he can. He is the odd man out in either duo.. so not a bad idea to keep both close.

Judd – I think he is most loyal to Amanda & McCrae. He makes side alliances to cover his assets.. sometimes to a fault.. makes him seem shady. He is also close with Jessie.. but willing to dump her if it hurts his game (it is hurting his game big time right now)

Helen & Elissa – Most loyal to Andy. They both want Candice to stay. Helen wont keep Candice at the cost of her own game. Elissa will try to keep Candice at any shot she has.

Spencer – Not really in with anyone now. He is basically just trying to hang on till someone invites him into an alliance. Trying to stay low for now. Thinks he is ok with some.. but also knows he will always be a pawn until he’s the target.

Jessie – Most loyal to Judd right now (seems to change often). Also wants to get with Helen & Elissa and save Candice.

Aaryn – Seems to be real tight with Amanda & McCrea now.. along with GM… also Judd. But she also talks shit about GM at times.. and also knows Amanda is too pushy. She even throws Judd under the bus at times. She thinks she is final 4 with McManda & Andy.

GM – Loyal to Aaryn… also McManda & Andy (mostly because of McCrae). Also likes Helen because she didn’t nominate GM. Likes Judd because he didn’t put her up.. but is still a bit pissed that he lied about Nick.

Candice – Jessie seems to be spearheading the attempt to save Candi.. so that is where her loyalties will be if she stays. Along with Helen & Elissa.

Take these “loyalties” with a grain of salt.. they change quickly this year. I think the MVP twist has everyone so paranoid that it has created a floater friendly game. It was supposed to do the opposite, but it hasn’t. Almost everyone is too afraid to stick their neck out too far because this year they don’t know where the sniper is hiding. (we are on our couches!) 😆

Most efforts to save Candice & get Amanda out have been squashed. But it’s still not over. Jessie is still trying to push the idea. Elissa is already on board of course. the problem is Helen plus one more vote. Helen wanted to do it yesterday until she realized the numbers weren’t there.. and Andy talked her out of it.

But Jessie talked to Judd some more (Judd may have been playing along with her). Then Candice & Jessie had a talk confirming that Amanda did actually say Judd was MVP and they needed to get him out. (This did happen.. and Candice told Judd about it after the veto comp). Amanda denied it… Judd was paranoid about it.. and I think now Judd believe it was a last ditch effort by Candice (but Judd still has it in the back of his mind)

Jessie also talked with Helen (woke her up last night). Helen didn’t say whether she would or not… just think about it.

Here was Amanda’s big mistake. She went into the cockpit room after MVP noms and said Judd was MVP. Helen, Elissa, & Candice were in there and heard her say that. Now Jessie wants to get Helen & Elissa to back up Candice’s claim. If they can do that, then Judd may decide not to be loyal to Amanda.

If Jessie can get Helen back on board… and the 4 of them (He, El, Jess, Can) go to Judd and convince him Amanda wants him out… then Judd could flip. And that would be enough votes to get Amanda out. Only need 4 of 7 votes this week.
1) Judd
2) Helen
3) Elissa
4) Jessie

I’d put the chances of this plan being successful at about 20%. Helen will talk to Andy.. and Andy will defuse it again. Judd may also not be sold on it. But Jessie, Candice, & Elissa will try.

Elissa had a good point with Helen in the storage room yesterday. She said that they might not get another chance with Amanda because everyone will be afraid to put her up…. and that the MVP twist may end soon. (I actually agree with her on both). Helen thought they were good points too.. and seriously thought about it before backing away.

Sorry so long.. but I did warn you not to read if you don’t care!
Have a good day all.

(PS, Spencer will be the replacement today… bank on that!)

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Justaguy (JT) August 5, 2013 at 5:44 am

Damn… that was a long comment! 😳 (Hurry and bury this with a new page LMB!) 😆

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RMM August 5, 2013 at 6:18 am

@JT – thank you for the “long” updates…. I needed them because I have been away from the live feeds this weekend and needed an update and it seems you nailed it in one blog. Now I’m up to speed.

I am angry that CBS cut out Candace and Amanda’s fight from last night’s show. They are so afraid to air it but also it wouldn’t make Amanda look good. I was hoping they would show when she screamed to her about what Howard whispered to her. CBS is so shady. Only us bloggers and live feeders know who Amanda really is I guess.

thanks again 🙂

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Bella August 5, 2013 at 9:11 am

The long update was awsome JT! That is exactly how I see it. Here is hoping they can convince Helen…….

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Sylvie August 5, 2013 at 9:35 am

Ok is GM in the mob? That speech lol

Amanda go home please!

This season the worst !!!!!
Worse than the season w the jersey guy who wanted to be famous

Miss Long likes us she can’t stay away from this blog I knew we were special

@Lisa Marie thanks great work here and going to be very suple today 🙂 pilates time!

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holly August 5, 2013 at 9:46 am

@Jane, consider the source and remember, ain’t nobody got time for that!
@JT, perfect summary! Thanks, some of us don’t have live feeds and need to know what’s going on!(I’m scared I would be glued to my computer!)
@Sylvie, we are special, ppl can’t stay away from this blog!

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kaleki00 August 5, 2013 at 10:02 am

I saw the youtube video of Amanda’s behavior ~ it reminds me of the cliché “people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones” but as evil dick would say, “it is what it is” makes for good summer viewing : )

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Jane August 5, 2013 at 10:26 am

Awwww thanks for the kind words Blogfia!

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Jane August 5, 2013 at 10:33 am

@Hoh8 and @Starfish thanks for the video!

@Sylvie hi!

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tedstrutz August 5, 2013 at 11:23 am

Thank you for an excellent State of the House Address, JT. A concise recap with excellent analysis.

You are to be commended for only using one 🙂 in a comment with hundreds of sentences. However, I am rescinding that comment because you used two 🙂 ‘s in a comment that contained only two sentences immediately following.

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tedstrutz August 5, 2013 at 11:26 am

What! Has Sylvie lost her senses? Enzo was the greatest!

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BCMarie August 5, 2013 at 12:03 pm

LM I just want to take a moment to address something. Let me start by letting you know I think you are doing a grat job and I would also like to thank all the other posters with the behind the scenes updates and/or input on point of view, it makes for a fascinating and amusing read.

I dont know about everyone else but I just dont have the time to keep up with the reading every day and there have been times that I just have to forgo days of blogs because honestly in the Grand Scheme of Life it really doesnt matter if I miss a few days of blogs about an un reality show, the important thing is that I be attentive and do well in my world. .. as I would imagine each of you to think the same for your world.

So with that being said, here is the rub, and please dont take itoffensively or as an insult, I just want to point something out.

The point is Clarification. In reading your comments about twitter going on fire because of what people thought Amanda had said, if I hadnt have already had read the previous day blog in its entirety I wouldnt have had a clue what you were talking about and would have been scratching my head saying WTF?

I realize that the subject is distasteful and doesnt bear repeating. But if it doesnt bear repeating then it shouldnt have been mentioned at all. Thanks to input from HoH8, for those that werent in the know. .. at least that vague detail was finally clarified.

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.

As you were 🙂

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LisaMarieBowman August 5, 2013 at 12:05 pm

Hey, everyone:

New post is up! Sorry, it’s a really short one.

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BCMarie August 5, 2013 at 12:12 pm

oh and thanks to the heads up tip by HoH8 to read the end of each blog for the updates and photo links, I will do that from now on whenever I cant keep up with the whole thing every day 🙂

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LisaMarieBowman August 5, 2013 at 12:14 pm


Actually, I think it was something that very much needed to be mentioned. The fact of the matter is that, because of the things that have been said in the house, we now automatically expect to see and hear the worst from these houseguests. Considering that there are still people on twitter claiming that Amanda called Candice a monkey, I think it’s a very relevant point.

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Tammy August 7, 2013 at 8:25 pm

wow McCreddie is finally thinking with his other head lol

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Tammy August 7, 2013 at 8:26 pm

I read earlier people contacted Spencers work place to get him fired.

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