Hi, everyone.
Aaryn made her nominations last night and supposedly, she cried while doing them. Jeremy swears that Aaryn gave the greatest nomination speech in the history of Big Brother (a show that Jeremy claims to have never heard of before actually being cast). And who did Aaryn nominate?
Elissa and Helen!
That’s right. Despite spending a lot of time asking everyone who she should nominate to go up on the block with Elissa and despite mentioning everyone from Candice to Nick to even Jeremy at one point (on the theory that Jeremy would be able to keep Elissa from winning POV), Aaryn went with Helen.
Elissa has also won MVP for a second time. They really should just call that award the Favorite Sister Award because, gamewise, Elissa’s only strategy seems to be getting her sister to ask people on twitter to vote for her.
Elissa is talking about nominating Jeremy. On the one hand, that makes sense because Jeremy is a physical threat and everyone hates him. However, what we the viewers know, is that Jeremy is a part of the secret super alliance, the Moving Company and the MC will probably stick together and get rid of Elissa instead.
And, from a game point of view, that’s exactly what the MC should do. Elissa is an absurdly powerful player who doesn’t seem to have any real strategy for how she’s planning on using her MVP powers. The main (and only) reason that I ever really find myself rooting for Elissa is because Aaryn, Jeremy, and Gina Marie are all so loathsome.
Anyway, that’s pretty much it for today. I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments yesterday. Thank you everyone for keeping this site active, fun, and informative!
Everyone have a great Saturday. I’m off to go do a very Big Brotherish type of thing and spend the entire day laying out by the pool.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa Marie!! I agree, my like for Elissa is based in my dislike for the rest! It would be nice to see who she really is and watch the game be played fairly!
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I regret going to bed at 11.30Pm West coast , so much happened HERE afterwards
You guys are too funny, funnier than the HGs, liver and all.
OK I agree Elissa has no game but I root for her because …well she’s alone in the house. And the CHEATING didn’t help.
but also because i can’t stand watching the train wreck of Jeremy, and his followers.
So is the twist , Alissa getting MVP every week LOL ?
Evil Dick I miss you !
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Evil Dick has a twitter account and blog her reports on nightly I think Sylvia. I agree Elissa is a bit of confusion for me, she seems to try to lay low then confides in someone whom always seems to betray her trust! I think I like her only as you say she is less apprehensable. I REALLY want Aaryn then Jeremy out. Neither seem to be likable and they cheated to win HOH and Jeremy has threatened others in the house! Aaryn, well again all I can say is: What is 9 x 3? She also claims to be a college student, what could her major posdibly be? Junior High and High School education? There is NO possible way she had made it into a real college? Ever other word out of her mouth is LIKE or YOU KNOW!
Thanks for all the great posts Lisa Marie and the debating topics are great fun!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good day everyone and have some fun for me!
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I have a feeling Elissa will go home this week, unless the outcasts bond together again like they did week 1. I don’t this cast is strong enough to take out the bullies though.
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Long time follower of the blog, first time poster. Love reading you guys comments.Just read in today’s paper GinaMarie has, also, lost her job because of her racist remarks on live feeds. It’s a shame we are going to have to hear this crap all summer. I wonder if their families are embarassed? They had to get this stuff from somewhere.
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Hi, My dislike for Jeremy & Aaryn is to the moon. I think the moving company would be wise to get rid of Jeremy this week. I hope Amanda has enough pull over Mcray to get him to vote her way. Jeremy is nasty and a bully. Less put him on an Island. Oh no, that’s the wrong show. Does anyone know how to contact CBS? Come on, letting them get away with cheating. This is no Amazing Race. GET JEREMY OUT!!
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@madisonchris my brain hurts watching AfterDark. Listening to Aaryn & GinaMarie figure out mathematically how many people are going to be on the Jury had me confused at the end!!! They are stupid. And I don’t throw that word around lightly.
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@Joan the past day or two have links to contact CBS and several of sponsors for the show itself! There has been an email regarding the disgust for the cheaters to sign.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Jane I think we are all on the same boat with the Jeremy and Aayrn situation. I just can’t image Aayrn saying CBS told her to be more sensual! Do they do that? Just curious!
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What the hell CBS should do something!!! can’t have cheater win!! what kind of a show does that? and all the offence things they say, I can’t myself be watching bb again. I left a email but they have not got back to me.(not that I believe they would)
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@madisonchris I don’t know but Aaryn looks like a little girl to me so that would just be creepy. She totally fits into that pagent play dress up inappropriately role!
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Bye everybody! Off to Vendor! I’m sure you guys will have a lot for me to catch up on!
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The only reason I do not like Elissa is because she is Rachels sister. BUT seeing as how the rest of the house guests are she is the lesser of the mess. Aaryn & Jeremy should be kicked off the show for cheating but it seems like BB does not care how the show has been seen this season. I guess I will keep reading here because I an no longer watching the show because this is the worst season I have ever seen.
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thinking of the CHEATING is there a person on that show i mean crew in charge of supervising the GAME ? cause they didn’t do their job.
i want their job, seems easy enough.
@Madisonchris maybe they should tell them how to eat and behave too , since they ares racist, sexist and homophobic
But about Aaryn, why is it spelled like that her or Jeremy can leave anytime i won’t miss them.
their parents must be proud
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It’s been a crazy week. The day was filled with the tradition of the Godfather kissing of the ring. Only, in this instance, the Godfather is a giant a hole (Jeremy). As I stated most profoundly I’ll have you know, Aryan nation is many things, but HOH isn’t one of them. Jerky Boy is running the show and Aryan Nation is happy to let him.
All day long people went in and out of the HOH room in a desperate attempt to secure their safety. Never have nominations been so complicated. One would think these chuckle heads were solving world peace or penning the Treaty Of Versailles. In actuality, all they were doing is finding different ways of saying, “Hey, let’s nominate Helen and Elissa, like we planned to way back when on Wednesday.” The plan has always been the same. the lady with ALL the power is the target. The reasons are twofold: A) It is ridiculously unfair that she’s even in the house in the first place and B) She’s so weird! as per Aryan nation
But in the midst of this complicated mess, Kaitlin is crumbling from the stress. She is beyond paranoid that the MVP twist will result in her skipping her ass out of the house next week. And then there’s the little matter of the blood in her urine. Yes, you read that right. Katlin has been having some bladder issues that sound a lot like either a UTI or kidney stones. Personally, I’m hoping for stones. But, then again, I’m a wickedly horrible person who thinks that hearing her scream on the Live Feeds while passing a stone would be hysterically funny. And since we’ve established that karma doesn’t exist, I am allowed to think such thoughts and get off scott free. Sweet!
and let’s not forget that the medical team of Amanda and katlin who diagnosed Jerky boy with ring worm, he swears it was from a bee sting and one of the bb emts gave him some salve but lo and behold Amanda (the new medicine woman) found another ring worm on his neck. Can this be true??? will all the hgs be in complete isolation until jerky boys medical mystery is solved, can u just pic them in haz mat suits covered from head to toe, well maybe then ginamarie will be happy she will have more to wear since bb took away lots of her clothing
or will all the hgs be covered with ring worms and then the carrier Jerky boy will be removed, can u say karma anyone??? I think by now katlin is thinking can I get ringworm on my vee jay jay??? Oh the perils of being in the bb house
ciao for now
hi mike hugs if u r reading this
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I am a SuperBB fan so I can only hope that something will change to make me want to continue watching. Horrible cast ! Please fire whoever you have picking the cast.
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It is ridiculous that mv can be the same person EVERY week. Of course Elissa would win every time. Brenchal is controlling that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They HAVE to adress the cheating. To me…that is equally offensive as the racial slurs.
Too many people saw it…how can thet not address it?
I wish I knew how to contact CBS!!!
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Mama Margie, I loved your post and you had me laughing all the way though.I’d love to see Jeremy and Aaryn go next but unlike most others I’m not liking Elissa. I never liked her sister so I don’t see why everyone is voting her MVP. She isn’t a valuable player. I’m not sure anyone qualifies as most valuable!! 16 new players and hardly anyone worth watching.
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Time to say bye bye BB and keep up on what is happening here on this blog. I know I won’t do that and I think that is what CBS is counting on. We die hard fans will continue to watch no matter what. I like Elissa, I really belive the mean girls are jellous because she is liked by America. MBP is just something that the show has come up with, thinking we the fans believe we are actually involved. It really means nothing, the house still votes off who they want. The cheating as to be addressed, whouldn’t it be nice to here Julie say on the live show, ” there will be no evictions tonight because we are removing Jeremy and Aarn for cheating and actions. This is a warning to to the rest of you.” We all know that will never happen.
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Hard to believe CBS didn’t kick Jeremy and Aalyn out for cheating.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hard to believe the Moving Company will stick with the bully & sexist Jeremy.
Hard to believe that Andy is not giving Judd speech lessons. Judd is nearly
unintelligable between his accent and his mumbling.
Hard to believe no-one ever even mentions the generally out-of-sight Howard,
who is certainly a major physical (and perhaps mental) threat.
Hard to believe CBS would give a pass to the racism and homophobia. People in
the past have been kicked out for less. What other show would stand for it!
I’ll give BB a couple more shots before deciding there are more fun ways to
spend my time this summer.
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From the other page 7/6/13 Madisonchris Thank you ♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mama Marge Love your posts! 🙂 ♥
Mike If you are reading this, Hey! I do like Elisa, not because of her sister & all of her Drama but because no one in the house is giving her a chance 👿
She has to stop talking to any of them about MVP she just can’t trust them !
Thank you Lisa 🙂 I am still trying to catch up with everything 😕
Thank you all for so many comments!………………….
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If Jeremy goes up on the block I would love to see CBS announce that he is not allowed to play in the veto competition because of his cheating. I know…wishful thinking! 😆
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Ok let me ask again. What cheating? They had cups in their hand when they started the HoH game. But then the show was over. The YouTube video shows nothing really.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Come on Ameroca it’s MVP most valuable player not the rachaels sister award.
She doesn’t have game , how can she be MVP
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Thanks Lisa Marie, great update! I too love the “stay supple” closing. Couldn’t be more perfect!
Not at all surprised by the noms since JT was 99% sure it would be those two. IMO, Aaryn & Co are “loathsome” (perfect word Lisa Marie) and it’s fun to watch but will be most fun when they get booted. Unfortunately we won’t be able to see the fallout but we can imagine. 😆 I’m just happy they aren’t related to me! No dignity, no self-respect and no respect for others! Loathsome is the word.
Gotta run to do some shopping and walk my dog. Also have to catch up on last nights nightowls comments on the previous blog. I do enjoy reading the book of BB. You guys are great! ciao for now.
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I believe the reason CBS would allow cheating is It creates buzz. If viewers really stopped watching, then CBS would not allow such foolishness. Now we all will be watching to see it they get away with anything else.
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Change of subject….thought BB/AD was supposed to be uninterrupted or did I dream this along with thinking BB would be good this season?
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janie, BB/AD was supposed to be uninterrupted for the entire first week (it wasn’t)….. then “limited” commercials after that (they don’t seem “limited” either.. more than SHO2 had)
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I love Big Brother, but I wish it was more like it was when the show first began. Too many of the reality shows go looking for people to be on the show instead of choosing from people who REALLY want to be a part of it. And bringing back past players and family/friends of past players is so lame. Just let it be simpler. I mean, they have the fans, so why the need to control it so much? Just let people be who they are and it’s going to be good. I hope Aaryn, Jeremy, and GinaMarie are out soon. Can’t stand any of them. As for Elissa, I wish she would just be herself and play her own game, and not try to be her sister. It would be much more interesting.
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They just had the MVP nom and Elissa put Jeremy up. Big Surprise!!!
K&A talking about how they can;t beleie it, K can’t go on blah, blah…poor baby!!! Then A goes..Gee thanks..I’m still here!!!!!
They start talking and racial slurs flow out of their mouths like water. They aren’t mad or directed at anyone. These girls were apparently brought up with this and think it’s normal. It’s engraimed. K is talking about getting her WEAVE on but tha Candace has her combs,,,naturally. And A is so mad about this whole Elissa thing she goes..This situtaion is so GAY!! They don’t even realize tht racism is just flowing out of their motuhs!!!
I am soooo glad J is on the hotseat.,if just to see how it feels. and I PRAY he doesn;t win POV!!!!! Whic is today sometime too..not shre when. I would actually not mind if he came down and Kaitlin went home I am jsut about at the end of my BB rope with her!!!!
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Thanks Stra… I gotta fire up feeds ans see some of this fallout now! Love it!
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While being interviewed the house guests should have told her that she had to decide and get the blood on her hands. That is what it means to be HOH, especially after cheating to get there. The moving company needs to convince Elissa to put up Jeremy. They can easily persuade her and easily rally the votes needed.
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If you go to CBS.com, at the very bottom of the home page is Broadcast Feedback. Click on that and there is a form to voice your comments . I let them know that I feel the integrity of the show has been compromised by allowing A & J to cheat.
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OMG!! Marla Jo,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I couldn’t agree with you more and couldn’t have said it better!!!! I dislike EXTREMELY when they bring back an old player…Unfair. I don’t like the allstar shows either. I like getting to know new people. All the reality shows were better at the beginning. It seems now they just want outrageous people so they can (in their minds) boost ratings. I hate to think that the people chosen for this season are a reflection of the average person out there. If so, please get me off this planet!!!
BTW…..love all the bloggers. I don’t subscribe to BBAD so I really appreciate the updates.
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11 votes this week… and unless something changes, Jeremy has too many to be voted out. If noms stay the same, I don’t think Helen gets a single vote to evict.. she is this week’s Jessie. Right now I see the votes as…… (and this could change of course)
Votes to evict Elissa
1) Nick
2) Spencer
3) McCrae
4) Howard ……..(1st 4 are MC members)
5) Kaitlin
6) Gina Marie
7) Jessie
Votes to evict Jeremy
1) Amanda
2) Candice
3) Andy
4) Judd.. maybe
They are better off if Kaitlin or GM goes up as renom… MC may boot them.
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What would be most interesting to me is if Aaryn won veto. What would Kaitlin tell her to do with it? 😆 …and what would she do?
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I hope Elissa wins veto. Get Jeremy outta there.
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BigBrotherLeak @BigBrotherLeak
Elissa (MVP) has nominated Jeremy for eviction. #BB15
@Mike, @Cynthia: If you’re reading this guys, get better. we’re all thinking of you and sending positive energies your way. Big Love.
For anyone interested, here’s a short YouTube version of ED’s ‘Dick at Nite’ with Ian and parker. haven’t watched it yet, but for the more sensitive viewers, it’s probably rated ‘R’:
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Again, here’s a FREE mini Dick at Nite for all of you to watch with @TulaneTerry & @delon03 have fun… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsqKswPL9Mo …
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If Elissa does win veto.. Candice will be the replacement. And the votes against Candice would be pretty much the same as Elissa.
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@JT: You’re right about BBAD. Way too many commercials and I only remember the first night being commercial-free. Still enjoy it, but because of the cutting out of the swear words, reading Twitter and this Blog, it’s hardly revealing but still worth a look to see the subtleties and nuances when the HGs talk. Love how much strategy is going on for this point in the game. So glad I don’t have to bitch about some of the things we have chirped about here over the last couple of seasons. This is how it should be.
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I said yesterday that I agreed with Elissa putting up Jeremy. I agree with it from her view of the game (no front row seat.. no live feeds). It was her best move based on what she knows (not a lot).
I also think it could get her evicted this week… but there was no way for her to know about that trap.
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This is like watching the movie,Mean Girls, AAryn,Gina,Jermey, Katlin ,Spencer and Nick are racist ,This year the mix of ages are all young people ,.You need some older people in the mix to try to keep some type of reality in the mix.Most of the women there are looking for a showmance .Elissa can not help who her sister is, I hope she wins pov,pouts up Aaryn and Jermery, unless he gets scalped this week.
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As much as I want Jeremy gone… I am actually hoping he wins veto. 😯 Then maybe Kaitlin or GM will get voted out… and that’s a start in my book.
If he doesn’t win it.. he stays anyway.. and Elissa gets voted out instead of Kaitlin or GM.
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roger, Aaryn is HOH and can’t be put up. If Elissa wins POV, Aaryn gets to put someone up.. and that will be Candice.. and Candice will be voted out.
I agree with you on the rest though. 🙂
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JT..You’re welcome. 😉 I went to workout right after that , but I See you have caught up meanwhile..lol”
Maxie…i agree with you and Marla Jo too. In fact, I think msot BBfans do! I meant to tell her tht in my last post but my puter was acting weird and ate my whole post, so I had to redo it!! And then I wasn;t in the mood to write more!(Can we say temper tantrum??)LOL But thanks for joinging our group and we love you too! We are just one big Blogade family!! 🙂
Also JT….I agree with your stats but McCrae may be a wild card here and go rougue soon. I don’t think he will this time…it’s too early and would for sure get him evicted ASAP! But I also don’t thing it will be long before he goes rogue! He is a total independent and loner…not a joiner. ANd being part of these alliances with dumb-asses in them is rubbing him the wrong way! Not sure how *in love* he is with Amanda, but if not blinded yet, he and Nick would make a grat Dan and Memphis and could easily out smart eveyone to the F2!!!
Hey K11…love all your Twitterdom insights and YES BBAD is totaly annoying this year! For all the prestated reasons, but what I really hate is that it gets over an hour early and that is when all the good stuff comes on! I haven’t seen one HOH get their room yet….was always close to the 3rd hour and sometimes had to go to feeds to get the rest of it…but at least you caught some and knew where it was!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But another annoyance, not CBS related, is GM’s infernal WHISPERING!!!!! OMG! It is BEYOND annoying, everynite, endless..and usually to Nick, who she always kisses on the cheek afterwards!!! Hmmmmm…I’m a chick…and it’s been awhile but I can remember liking a guy and you will do anything to get close to him..even listen to his stories about his GF or EX- GF! She sits as close to him as she can, sleeps with him and is always telling him she would fall on the sword for him in this game….but vehemently proclaims they are only such good *buddies* cuz they are from NY!!! SERIOUSLY??? DO you think anyone, including Nick, is buying this?? You are SO pathetic, girl! OH..and on BBAD last nite she was saying how much she LOVED her pagent job!!! She is going to be devastated when she leaves the house SANS Nick and JOB!!!!! They HGS are so young, dumb and full of……..crap…..had ya going, didn’t I??? That they are destroying their real lives on this show and don’t even know it! Maybe CBS can have Vanna help them buy a CLUE when they get out…lol If it wasn;t BB, it would be SAD! But now it’s jsut juicy fun!!! 👿
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roger..this house is FULL Of mean girls! It seems more like HS or a Frat in the BB House this season!!!
JT… I agree. As much of a threat as Jeremy is, or perceived threat, I would LOVE to see Kaitlin go! OR GM!!! But does that make me a mean girl too as they say the girls always want each otehr out and that is why a guy usually wins!!! Oh well, I yam what I yam and what I yam is way tired of both of them!!lol
Looks like POV has started. Gotta go shower adn gping out but will check in when I can.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace out for now!!!
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Stra… I agree, McCrae wont stray from the MC this time.. but he does really like Amanda and she could pull him away later. And I’m always caught up 😆 ..usually a day or 2 ahead. 😉
It doesn’t make you a mean girl to want Kaitlin out… I wanted her out before the season even started. It makes you an “anti mean” girl.
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oh… BTW.. almost forgot to mention this..
Playing for POV:
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@Dough We have been contacting CBS do it too
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on their page at CBS.com bottom feedback scroll thru shows and BB comes up
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@Tommi Mueller
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@Star: I will continue to watch BBAD, but it really makes me want to get the Live Feeds. Again, with this seemingly torrid pace, I can see a couple of HGs walking out but am aware production will do everything in its power to talk them down from the ledge. Some seem like spoiled brats. maybe my favorite HG to just watch is Judd. Hard to figure out what he is saying at times, but I dig his style and hope he goes very far in this game. May be one of the funniest HGs ever.
Just saw this about the ratings:
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Ok..can I say addict?? My hair isn’t even dried and I am back..lol
JT….thanks for the perspective. I didn’t want to be a MEAN girl..lol
K11..Didn’t even know you ever had LFs! I don’t know how people can really get a grip on the goings on in the house and the HGS eal personaities w/o it! I guess they come here..lol But I don’t think you would get addicted. I hvae that kind of personality too, which is why I am afraid of twitter!! But you can’t listen to 20yr olds talk all day long. Your ears would bleed!!lol I watch when I am bored, when a comp is on and maybe after BBAD for a bit as it is so short this year. That’s enough!!
Oh and thanks for the players JT!! Forgot to even look for those. DUH! I am definitely not in great BB mindset yet!!! 😉 It’s pretty heavily weighted for the HOH’s side but then again…..at least Elissa and Helen get a shot at it!!! I sure hope one of them wins!!!!
Ok..off to dry and wait…..lol
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OH..forgot to mention this…..Nick and McCrae talking right before POV. MC says he hopes Amanda goes to jury house so he can BANG her!!!! And that he doesn’t want to win. That is his goal. REALLY???? A mind is a terrible thing to waste!!! So much for my theory about he and Nick as F2! I am sure Nick mentally crossed him off his lsit after hearing that!!!
Ok..really going now…but just not far…lol
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So what is the competition for POV? Who is winning? Do ya know who has won? I think that the hgs shouldn’t be able to whisper. I also think the cheaters should be marched out of the game. I think they should have to do more games/action than talking which they don’t seem to be able to do that either.
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Its over already!! Eitehr H or E won as the mean girls are are pacing and upset!!!!
No wait. Jermy won!!!! K must be upset cuz she is going up then!!!
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Jeremy won POV
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Finally caught up and there’s no way in this world that I can add one thing except to say THANK YOU to you. In alphabetical order, JT, K11, Princess & Star, the best posters for all BB. Lisa Marie goes without saying! You guys are rocking the show this year and thanks to everyone else who has added their .02. Love the comments. Just not in it this year like I used to be. I think I read that CBS recorded it’s lowest ratings ever. It was the 4th of July but they were still low.
One thing tho on the last blog. Kll put up a link which I looked at and went ewwww and then JT experimented with a “click me” link and I, of course, clicked and laughed and then said ewwww again. It was actually funny. Here’s the kicker. I was looking at kitchen layouts on Pinterest one day and would you believe a full frontal picture of a naked Jessie (flexing no less – double ewwww) was on the page. I was in shock. How could it get there?
Up above Roger called Jeremy Jermery and it fits. He’s definitely Jermy, ring worms and all. 😆
As for the rest of the house, you guys covered every little thing my brain is thinking. I do feel sorry for Elissa because she came in with the “mean girls” who are jealous because they know she has an advantage. Game, set, match! She’ll be gone unless she wins POV. I hope she does.
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oh no said it ain’t so 🙁
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------guess now katlin goes up
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Hey Stra… Kaitlin should be upset but she’s happy… she could go up and be voted out… but Jeremy was safe the whole time win or not.
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Star, we are thinking along the same lines for Jermy.
OH NO JT, it won. Terrible
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I PRAY!! Kaitlin goes up… the MC decides she needs to go to get her away from Jeremy… and Kaitlin goes!!
That wont happen… but that’s my dream.
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Starfish… it’s not bad he won… he was safe either way. Now at least there’s some hope that Kaitlin or GM will go… nut much hope.. but some.
If Jeremy had lost POV… Elissa was out for sure.. and may still be.
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Ok… now we’ll see who Elissa puts up… then start all the speculation again! 😀
Gotta run… it is Saturday after all 😆
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see ya JT
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Maybe if Jermy keeps winning the house will realize he’s a big threat and they’ll get him out. Call me Maybe????
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Hey Starfish..we always think along the same lines!! 🙂
And JT.. i beat ya by 2 mins ..THIS time…lol Usually its the other way around!!! 😉
I heard GM say, right after the POV, up in the HOH that she doesn’t want any of the RETARDS to win!!!! HOW did this girl work for a company for 3 years and they never saw any of this tude??? Maye it’s jsut Long Island or whatever burg she is from adn it’s the norm, so nobody caught it! No excuse tho. Her Employers were just backpeddling to take the eventual heat off themselves!
I thought at the beginning of the show this year that Amanda was going to be the floater! But I see now she jsut really likes MC. NOW it’s pretty obvious that Andy is the Uber Floater this year! he was right up in HOH kissing A$$ and saying how bad ELissa was in the comp. Ya..well how bad were YOU,Floater Boy?? I don’;t trust him atall and I hope elissa and her girls wie up to tht soon!!!
Helen was so upset at hersel;f for losing, she is killingherself jogging on the treadmill and mumbling how she should have had this!!!!
ANd Elissa says that she just can’t hate anybody. She’s jsut aso sweet! She wishes she could cuz it would be easier. But then in the next breath she says that she will NEVER speak to Aryan or Jermy again once she sets foot outside the house! Her perfect universe revolves around her looks, her Yoga and her family. PEriod. Nice little bubble but not a good background for being on BB!!!!!
Oh and Starfish….EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!! Jessie nakes?? On PINTEREST????? In a kitchen??? How could you ever eat in that room again??lol And how did you run into Porn Pinterest??? Be careful out in cyberworld , girl! It’s dangerous!!lol
L8R all!!!!
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I am still up in the air abt BB this year. But leaning towards shuttin’ them down at my house. I put in way too many hours on this show to watch the crap thats is being allowed right now. If they dont pull the rug out from under the cheaters Ill most likely flip the channel.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I can tolerate GM but Aalyn is a total heifer. She’s a beautiful girl but she is so ugly on the inaide and hateful. If she had any sense she would have tried getting to know some of the HG before judgeing them on outward appearance. They are all annoying for 1 reason or anothwr. I guess I willhave to pull for Candice even tbough she does seem pretty clueless. Lol. She’s from La. And a better representative than old leather lips shelly. I just hopes she doesnt prove to be as crappy a person as she was. Hope she stays around a little longer.
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I’m beginning to think something’s up with the MVP votes,I know I didn’t vote for Elissa,either time,..I really can’t believe people think she deserves to be MVP..why what has she done to win..surely was not game play….and if its because of her sister…WHY….do they want her to win…I just don’t get it..it’s a joke…why not just stop the pretense of voting and just give her the unfair advantage every week …sick of the BB crap…..CBS is ruining a great show, …I couldn’t wait for the show to start…now…it’s become predictable ..and really should not be….sorry so disappointed..
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What !!!!!….Jerkney Won POV….Oh No !!!!!!…… 🙁 ….
But wait…..listen to what JT has been saying…its better he won….cause maybe this way we can get the “K” girl out…who is part of the Dreaded 3 Mean Girl Alliance….or maybe getting the “GM” girl out…either way we the fans will win.. 🙂 …
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@Star: It’s so boring here today (and hot and humid) that I’m contemplating popping the $27 but you do not know how “addictive” my personality is. I watch BBUK daily (and sometimes the aftershow). Confession: I have also never had a cell phone. I often like to be left alone, like Prince and Brigitte Bardot, and find people overly distracted by their funky new devices. We are doomed.
Also, really liking Candice’s game. She’s figuring things out and is not afraid to confront people face to face. I really respect that. Pulling for her. Also wondering where Andy’s allegiances will ultimately lie. Sounds like he’s setting up the (perceived) Evil Side of the House. His weasel-ness may catch up with him though and I think he has 0.07% chance of winning. Still pulling for McCrae, Amanda and Helen, as well as Candice, Howard and Judd to some degree.
I applaud anyone here bitching to CBS about the cheating, but doubt they really care. It’s more about the production company that does it, although CBS may get involved if sponsors pulled out. But honestly, I’m still not offended by anything anyone has said, and, actually have only found one thing in the 15 seasons that really angered me that some HG said. It’s justa TV show. Life is Life. Words are words. I will never meet or have anything to do with these fools. But kudos to BB Canada for stripping a HG for cheating on a similar competition. Fair is fair.
☮ Annette @BigBrotherista1
WHAT IF GM AND AARYN ARE BEING ADDRESSED FOR THEIR COMMENTS?! Amanda mentioned something last nite about being asked about it in DR. #bb15
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates 15s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen- I’m worried that Spencer has got something with Jeremy. Candice- 100% they do. 125,000% #BB15
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“In the video you can clearly see Emmett holding a ball in his left hand as he runs which was not allowed. Shortly after the HOH competition began the other houseguests were warned about holding ball in their hands while running.”
He was justifiably stripped of his HoH.
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Ian Terry @TulaneTerry
I’ve gotten a lot of “A&J cheated in HoH” messages over the past few days, let me spell this out for y’all. There are off-camera rules to…
Tart With a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------With this seasons ratings in the shitter, Grodner is going to have to do something to shake this game up. #bb15
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok, everyone says Elissa will replace her MVP nominee (since Jeremy won POV) with Kaitlin
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It will never happen BUT: Houseguests need to put their alliance differences aside and get rid of Elissa then she won’t be MVP. Also, houseguests should stick it to BB by never taking the MVP’s pick from the block or never voting for the MVP’s nominee thus making the MVP useless.
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Hoh8….I agree! At this point I would rather see Kaitlin or GM out…the latter moreso as she gets on my last frigin NERVE!!!lol
K11…I didn’t get LFs for jsut that reason unil a few years ago..and never had a fancy cell either for a long time. Now that I have BOTH….I can;t imagine not! But all in moderation.
It is hot, humid and cloudy here today too. So far this summer has sucked weatehrwise. We are LUCKY if we get one or 2 days of sun per week and often that is tempered with clouds and threats of rain. That is the only reason I have been here so much today! But if I were you, I’d pop for the LFS. BBAD can’t be counted on much this year. Ya kinda NEED ’em if you want to blog!! IMHO. 😉
Speaking of the LFS…Jeremy was in the lounge with Arayn and was saying that Candice didn;t have any qualifications to even be on BB. The only reason she was there was because BB needs to Blacks every year!!!! I’m with you Kev…I am not personally offended by anything hte HGS haev said adn I do like their evilness…ya can’t write this sh*t!!! But now I can’t help but notice every sing;e time they use a racial slur! It like explodes in my eardrums!! Kind of like a gnat you can’t flick away cuz it justakeeps coming back!!lol
And everyone..mostly the guy..dishing on Elissa saying she thinks shes hot and she’s not…her hubby is rich so she shouldn’t be here..on and on. The thing I do hate about the HGS is always that they think if you are poor or have kids then you DESERVE to win! Uhhhh…..NO! If you play with integrity and a good game plan you deserve to win. No matter your financial situation. I always hated it when Sheila would play the ..I’m a single mom crap…to try to get votes or sympathy. YECH! Play to stay or get yer butt out!!! This is a game..not a charitable instituion.
Also heard on blog…..Jeremy mad at E for dissing his mom. She said something about his mom being so PROUD of the way she raised him right now. That
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------s not a slam on HER,dumbass. It’s on YOU cuz you are going your momma’s training and upbringing wrong!!! Idiots!! 😉
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
ok, everyone says Elissa will replace her MVP nominee (since Jeremy won POV) with Kaitlin
Philip Alan @PhilipAlanPhoto
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@EvelDick Who is everyone? If everyone, you mean people in the house, then Elissa is putting up Nick. She wants guys out.
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Not heard on blog…meant on LFS….and sorry for typos!! Just being ME!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stra 😉
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@Rich: Good stuff. Totally agree. Wish they were that logical. And next time Alissa starts a sentence with, “Nobody get between me and my…” I will pull for the ‘Evil Side’ and ‘Racists’ over her. At least they are honest with their ignorance; Elissa seems like a CBS robot with planted lines at times on the primetime shows. God only knows what Production says to her behind the scenes.
I love McCrae. On BBAD last night, he said he didn’t go in the DR yesterday (Heard Nick went in 10x). And said “he hates” going in there. My time of guy. Loves Prince. An FTW attitude. Pizza. Very little ego. I could hang with him.
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You might have heard that BBAD was moved off Showtime because CBS owns TVGN.
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@Star: Always dig your honest POV on all this. And if we were paid on typos, you’d be rich and I’d make some butter myself. Spelled “type” as time above. And on your “poor,” and/or “I’m a Mom” point: So glad Ian won last season. And major respect to the kid for not letting a win on BB go to his head and for staying in school and working to get his degree. Cool guy. Out of all the HGs I have ever seen, he impresses me most and may really make something out of his Life. I’d probably respect Helen more if she wasn’t a Political Consultant..almost the same as being in Production on BB. Meaningless swill job. Tell others what they should do when it likely doesn’t matter in the end.
Hope the girls get it together and put Nick up. The math is simple. And with ONE GUY out, sending another out would be wise and possibly mold a female mentality, although we know Aaryn-GM-Kaitlin would never get along with Alissa. Candice, Amanda and Helen should team up with McCrae and Judd and have a Fab Five, although it means Pizza Boy would have to make up his mind to split from TMC.
Can you imagine someone not following the show trying to figure all this BS out? 🙂
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Rich, thank you for that. TVGN stinks and so does CBS right now for letting them cheat. As for their offensive language, it’s who they are. It’s gonna hurt them in the end. 😀
Me too, I hope she puts up Kaitlin or GM. Do you really think that one of them would be voted out?
I think Elissa thinks she’s funny by using her sista’s line but she isn’t . It falls flat as can be. She wasn’t meant for this game.
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K11, it doesn’t look like the girls are going to get it together any time soon from everything you all are saying here. I said it from the beginning that I would love to see that happen at least once but alas, the girls are mean, horny and nasty. Elissa doesn’t have what it takes to get them on that page but I like your idea of Elissa, Amanda, Candice, Judd & McC as a Fab Five. Not holding my breath tho.
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Jun Song @JunDishes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you can’t laugh at yourself and your “own people” then you have lost to racism and hate. Brace yourselves.
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@starfish: I think, Candice, Helen and Elissa have all mentioned it (Girl’s Alliance) and I posted a couple tweets from last indicating so, but I think you’re right: Same stuff, different season. Will be boring if boys dominate the season, ala “The Bruhgade,” but it is actually a good strategy if you want to TRY to finish in the prize money, albeit boring for us viewers.
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I really don’t mind the mannerisms of these house guests. The language though has got to go. If AAryn did give the finger to the audience and tell all to kiss her ass then Alison Grodner should pull her out of the game.
The same with Jeremy. Both cheated on the HOH and they should fined. No games to be played until a fair hearing from CBS is heard. Why is Julie Chen going this stuff.
Well the old saying is at hand,”what goes around, comes around. Both partners are in for a big surprise.
I hope that one decent person on this show would win POV or HOH and select one week and then the next to get these two immature children out of BB.
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Heard on LFS earlier today………..
Kaitlin: What’s wrong?
Aaryn: Just the Adderall thing.
Amanda: Just what she said?
Aaryn: It’s potentially a rules violation, to talk about.. people’s medical conditions. (exhales) If I didn’t take adderall, I’d be crazy.
This is the NON-CRAZY Aaryn???? Whoa, dude!! lol
Apparently, Amanda is on Adderal too. That is the drug for ADD,right???? I think their whole genearation has ADD. How could you not when they never ungrip their hands from their texting???? But it has caused alot of overmedication, IMO.
Also..before POV……11:11am
Andy comes in to the Have Not Room to ask Elissa why she didn’t tell him she got MVP, and to reassure her she can trust him..
That is WHY she didn’t TELL you!!! Gotta give her props for finally figuring out Andy can’t be trusted!! Call me racist now but most girls think that they can trust the gay guy because he plays up to them and seems non-threatening. I don’t think Andy is a threat in any capacity but he is a RAT! And NOT one of the girls, even tho he wants them to think so.
Going out for dinner and whatever..lol
Be back to read landslide later!!
Everyone have a good nite!!
Peace, light and love,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stra <3
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I can’t see the rationale for putting Nick up other than he’s a guy and Spencer and Andy are lying to Helen and Elissa, telling them they will vote for the MVP choice. The best bet for Elissa to stay in the game is to put up Candice (which will never happen) and the MC keeps her for her MVP vote. However, by putting up Jeremy and showing Spencer, who is the MC/Helen go-between that she has a mind of her own, that ship has sailed. The only other possibility I think Elissa has to save herself is to put up Gina Marie. I don’t see that happening either, GM has schmoozed with Elissa enough to get Elissa to believe she’s not Gina Marie’s target. Maybe Kaitlin… But Jeremy can still “use” her, in every sense of that word, so she would stay.
There was some talk earlier on the blog about Elissa’s bubble. But that’s true. It was true of Janelle last season. These women are financially comfortable, have made great lives for themselves and their husbands, and each has a child they are focused on. Their lives are not revolving around BB. Even Janelle rarely does anything BB related. She’s taken her half hour of fame and molded into a very happy life outside the house. Elissa lacks Rachel’s killer instinct (“Boy, you really don’t like to lose, do you!” – one of the all-time classic lines of BB). So her focus is on her family and Rachel told her she would have fun in the BB house. She’s been met with hostility and verbal assaults. She has asked repeatedly that the mean girls and Jeremy ATP attacking her personally. That’s really not to much to ask of “normal” people. But the children of the house are not “normal.” They are spoiled bullies with an entitlement attitude. Even Helen is a part of the bubble life as evidenced by her breaking down and sobbing profusely for and extended period of time because of Jeremy’s “wine” rant. She’s not accustomed to being spoken to in that manner. It is not in her world. However, like Janelle and unlike Elissa, Helen came to PLAY. And she is trying. She just cannot seem to allow herself to fully trust, and therefore act, on her own instincts which are telling her that Spencer, who has her virtually isolated from the rest of the HGs, is really working against her and is not to be trusted.
I don’t believe Elissa will continue to get the MVP all summer, if she stays in the house. At some point someone who isn’t loathed by America will make a big move in the house and it will switch. It’s too bad that McCrae and the MC can’t find a way to work with Elissa to their mutual benefit. But that would upset the mean girls and we can’t have that. The happiest day for me this summer will be the day Aaryn leaves the BB house. Hopefully well before jury. Next week is not too soon.
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I think Elissa was saying that the Adderall was giving Aaryn an unfair advantage in competitions or something like that. If Elissa did say that (and I’m not 100% sure that she did), she has no idea what she’s talking about.
(I have ADD, too, but, even if I don’t take my medicine, I’m more than capable of living my life without being mean to other people or making offensive comments. The same is true of most people with ADD. I have a feeling that Aaryn is one of those people who uses her diagnosis as an excuse to get away with stuff. Aaryn’s problems go back to her being spoiled and immature and that has nothing to do with ADD.)
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My head is spinning…………. 😆
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This combination medication is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as part of a total treatment plan, including psychological, social, and other treatments. It may help to increase the ability to pay attention, concentrate, stay focused, and stop fidgeting.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This product is a combination of stimulants (amphetamine and dextroamphetamine). It is thought to work by restoring the balance of certain natural substances (neurotransmitters) in the brain.
This drug may also be used to treat a certain sleeping disorder (narcolepsy) to help you stay awake during the day. It should not be used to treat tiredness or to hold off sleep in people who do not have a sleep disorder.
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Great post Princess. Clue me in as to who MC is if it isn’t McCrae and what is ATP. Sorry, lost on those. I agree with you on everything especially the Janelle analogy.
The 3 entitled junior high girls should be on chloroform. (sp?).
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Thanks Rich, very informative.
I agree with Star though. That generation all have some excuse for their behavior and need something (drugs to help calm, sleep, excite or all three) to “help” them cope. They can sure text tho can’t they Star. 😀
I agree Bobo, my head is spinning too!
Hey Mike, I haven’t checked on you lately so I’m checking now to say Hey! Hope you are reading this soap opera and getting a kick out of the craziness. Take care my dear!
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i don’t understand the ‘moving co.’ going along with how jeremy is bullying other’s. i wish they’d move him out…..i’d not buy the live feeds…i have enough dead brain cells as it is…my 34yr old daughter is angry that i’m even watching big bro. i told her to buy me cable and i’d stop….ha—– i like helen…and so far elissa and when is howard going to use his morals and boot jeremy out? if the cheaters don’t get booted out they’re liable to win. i know if i was in there i’d already be booted out becuz i couldn’t deal with being threatened and i don’t understand why bb allows that. i really haven’t enjoyed bb since dr.will won it……………don’t get sun burnt lisa marie 🙂
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Opinions wanted!!!! I like Nick. He reminds me of Dan who I loved. Is there something about him that isn’t shown “after hours”? Or…. is he an ok guy? I don’t really have any female favorites at this point…and not very many guys for that matter….but I don’t get to see everything you guys do.
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One of the guys on a BB feed commented that Michelle Noonan from Big Brother 11 has graduated from doctor of neuroscience to porno star. NO!!!!!! but I still checked it out and it is true! Must be something in the water in the big brother house.
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Oh LisaMarie, I would just love to be lying by the pool with you discussing Big Brother… everyone knows how big a BB fan I am. And, have I told you lately how much I enjoy your commentary on this blog. We have BBBlogger, BloggerGal… and of course the BBBlather 🙂 … and now we have you to kick off the blog. I appreciate your efforts and applaud your insightful comments. Plus you are a babe, so yes I would love to be poolside with you.
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I’m on a road trip and unable to watch the show or read much, but I keep informed by my sources and wish I had seen the stellar play by Aaron and Jeremy in the HOH Comp. Always enjoy seeing more intelligent players outfox the competition. I’m missing seeing my girl Kaitlin and a little dismayed by the invective strewn her way by the Blather. Looks like 11 finally proved some worth by letting me know Jeremy got POV. It is refreshing to see he is not using ‘happy faces’ in his posts… the Blatherer’s instructions probably didn’t take.
Nice to see my gal Miss T here… would love to stay and chat, but I’ve got to hit the road.
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Favorite guys… Spencer and Nick. Favorite girls… Kaitlin, Aaron and Amanda.
I do not like Jeremy.
Remember people… you cannot blame Elissa for the Sins of the Sister.
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Whoa! Wait a Minute! I just noticed my old friend, PK has showed up. While I was posting… it must be ESP! I may have to get on here more often now that he’s back. Unfortunately, I see he is still using that old (and I emphasize old) avatar. But I guess he can’t take a new one. Oh wait, maybe Rebecca knows PhotoShop.
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Thanks everyone, all caught up. Had to work but you all did a great job.
Geremy or Germ boy needs to go but i guess we’ll have to endure his presence longer.
Poor Helen she may not fit with all the misfits .
The mean girls are mean and wait till they come out and get booed by audiance
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😆 @ Ted… thanks for checking in. Now get back on the road slow poke or you’ll never get to Cali. Are you still wandering through Oregon?
—–signed, The Blatherer (I like it.. might use that next year)
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@starfish: MC refers to (The) Moving Company boys (5) alliance.
@bobo: My head is spinning too.
@p2: Great comments. Loved, “However, like Janelle and unlike Elissa, Helen came to PLAY. And she is trying. She just cannot seem to allow herself to fully trust, and therefore act, on her own instincts which are telling her that Spencer, who has her virtually isolated from the rest of the HGs, is really working against her and is not to be trusted.”
@Ted: Even a blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally. 😉 (Cheap thrill there. Thanks ‘Blatherer’.)
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Sounds like Nick may be the renom.
Helen is pushing hard to get Elissa to put up Nick. Elissa feels bad about that.. she thinks Nick is ok… but she does see Helen’s point. They think that’s their best bet for Elissa to stay.
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Maxie, Nick seems ok from what I’ve seen (A LOT) 😆
I didn’t think I would like him from preseason interviews.. he drove me nuts on those. But in the house (where it counts), he seems pretty normal.
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@PK: Michelle did do a couple of porns I think but is also still using her science knowledge for good: “…I launched a sex education network, wrote two books, launched 6 health supplements & founded a MMJ advocacy group.”
Here’s her Twitter description:
Dr. Michele Noonan
@phdinsexy FOLLOWS YOU
Co-Founder @GreenStoneLabs. PhD Neuroscientist & Entrpreneur. Medical Marijuana Advocate. Former Big Brother USA star. Book Me: michele@greenstonelabs.com
Los Angeles, CA · michelenoonan.com
I like her. But seems she needs to add an “e” in “Entrepreneur”. I’ll get on that. 😉
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Candice gets an A for trying to play the game right now.
Candice gets an F in judgement right now.
She is up in HOH with A&K. She is trying to tell A&K that Elissa is not the MVP this week (they already know she is.. it’s common knowledge in the house). Each word she says is digging her hole bigger.
Give her credit for trying to save Elissa I guess… and trying to rally the girls. But Candice is already a big target for J/K/A (Candice would have been the renom if Elissa or Helen won POV). And now she might just talk her way to target #1.
Candice, good try, but you might as well be talking to my crock-pot .
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How I think the votes could go if Nick is the renom (as of now)….
(Again, I say Helen gets 0 votes… she’s this week’s Jessie)
To Evict Nick
1) Andy
2) Candice
To Evict Elissa
1) Kaitlin
2) Jeremy
3) Spencer
4) McCrae
5) Howard
6) GinaMarie
7) Judd
8) Jessie
9) Amanda
Amanda wants to evict a guy, but McCrae (as a fellow MC/Moving Co member) talked her down from that. they decided to go along with HOH’s wishes by making a (fake) deal for next week to stay safe.
Jessie still wants to be a “cool kid”
Judd.. not real sure? He is not a member of the MC, but will probably vote out Elissa with the rest.
Andy will vote out Nick, unless he gets wind that everyone else is doing the opposite.. then he could be #10 above.
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@JT: So far ahead of the curve and so clear. Easily my vote for MVP on the BBBlog. Excellent work man. hard to tell on Twitter. They seldom, if ever, break down speculative votes.
This is what I’m waiting for:
Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
I can’t wait until Aaryn makes a move against Kaitlin just to get Jeremy. It’s gonna happen. #bb15
That happens, I get the Live Feeds immediately.
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Brian Lynch @LynchMgm
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn to Kaitlin: If Jeremy is playing us, we can’t let him know that we know 😉 #bb15
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Now for some potential GOOD NEWS?
Aaryn & Kaitlin are questioning whether Jeremy voted out David. (He didn’t.. Nick did.. but Jeremy did know about it). They are in HOH just the 2.
Kaitlin says she will ask Jeremy about it tonight
RUH ROH… could be trouble for those 3
(and on that note.. Kaitlin just pulled Jeremy aside to talk) BRB
Fire up the 2 day trial Kev… this could get good if Jeremy doesn’t have a poker face.
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Thanks K11. I don’t know why the MC just doesn’t want to stay in my brain. JT even told me what it was too. I’ll remember it now, honest. 😉
Hey Ted, you sound like your old self. You can figure out what I mean I’m sure. 🙂 😯 😉 👿 😡 😥
😈 🙄 😳 😐 😀 🙁 😮 😛 😎 ➡ 😕 Just couldn’t help myself.
From what you all are saying, it doesn’t matter who gets put up, it looks like Elissa is history. Too bad but she just doesn’t know this game. I like Helen and she’s smart but as you all said, she’s not used to this kind of behavior around her. She actually works with mature, considerate adult people. I like Candice too but per JT, she’s sticking her foot in it.
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LOL @ Starfish.
I do agree with princess… GM is Elissa’s best bet (only chance?). But even with that, I think Elissa would go.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jeremy is busy cooking… so Kaitlin just went back up to HOH to chat with Aaryn. Aaryn has him figured out.. Kaitlin is listening more than I thought she would.
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They almost have it put together…. “almost” (And I “almost” won the power ball)
The MC is the missing piece of this whole puzzle… and that’s a damn BIG piece. Aaryn thinks Jeremy made a deal with Elissa & Helen… but that makes absolutely no sense. Jeremy (& Aaryn) put up Helen & Elissa…. and Elissa & Helen put up Jeremy
Think outside the nomination box!!
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This is one of the VERY FEW times that there are not enough cameras for live feeds to follow all the secret conversations going on now.
Back yard… HOH room… Chess game… Storage closet…. oyyyyyyyyy
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In Sacto. JT… heading for the High Sierras tomorrow.
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Sounds like fun Ted… glad to hear your making “some” progress. 🙂
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@JT: Just ordered it for 1 month: $9.99. So clear! Forgot my TV isn’t HD but my computer is. Greatest thing since sliced bread. Goodbye world. Prince on Spreecast tonight LIVE from Paisley Park and now this? Need oregano. Just gained 11 pounds. Tell my Mother I died watching the BB Live feeds, eating trail mix and drinking Starbucks. And please play Willie Nelson at my funeral. And tell Saki’ I’m sorry. :sorry: Thanks buddy.
Your boy,
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As for the cheating,BB pulled an HOH from a contestant on BB Canada.
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KEV!! I was joking!! I told you NOT to get feeds with all you got going on. (Someone go to Vegas & feed Saki tomorrow)
seriously though, all the time you spend on twitter looking for info in tiny tweets.. you can now see/hear for yourself. A lot of times people post things totally out of context.. feeds fixes that.. be your own judge.
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Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, now we have four sets of eyes on LFs almost full time. For a month anyway. You go K11. Looking forward to even greater comments and interpretations.
I love Prince too. Do you like Steely Dan too?
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If those two girls can figure out that Jeremy is playing them he’s doing a pretty piss poor job of it.
JT. As far as Kaitlin goes he doesn’t need a poker face. He’s got something else. We will see if Kaitlin can bring herself all the way out of denial to accept what’s happening or if she will do a “Helen” on what is unfolding. Of course she’s going to believe it. Confirmation bias.
Kevin. Thank you. I’m glad you liked it.
Starfish. ATP is my stupid smart phone correcting me trying to type ‘stop.’
Rich. I believe the discussion was surrounding the misuse of medication. If someone who doesn’t have ADHD uses that medication it simply acts as a stimulant. The discussion was that it would then give the user(s) an edge in the competitions.
There was something else but I’ll remember eventually.
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Jeremy joined Kaitlin on the hammock to have their chat. It didn’t go how I wanted. Kaitlin asked Jeremy about the rumors… he denied them of course. he said Candice is scared and they (Elissa & Candice) are trying anything to stay. Believable enough I guess.
Then Aaryn comes over and joins in… same story. The girls seem to believe him.. but we really wont know that until the two of them talk in private.
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@JT: Should have done this 11 days ago. Too cool. Watching 15 minutes and here’s what I think:
1-There must be 3 Jeremys (Was talking to McC, now Kaitlin)
2-Kaitlin is so pretty in HD
3-You’ll have to ‘learn me’ the REWIND function
4-This game changes 4,329,804,761,385,077 times in a give season.
5-I need three heads and three computers.
6-HD better than my shitty-ass TV (should have used Jury Duty $ to buy HD, not ****)
7-I’ll never go outside again
OK. Now time to practice: FEEDS ARE DOWN 😉
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Believe it (as in what Jeremy tells her)!
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8-The bird sounds are worth the $9.99 a month alone…
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Kev, feeds pointers
1) Rewind feature sucks… better to use flashback.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Rewind works best shortly after midnight (BB time).. because the little bar on the bottom “resets” every day. (Easier to scroll a minute or 2 rather than jump 2 hours)
3) rewind works better in full screen mode.. it’s bigger allowing for finer control.
4) You can pause live action to feed Saki.. then just resume when done.
5) Flashback is the little calendar looking thing in the middle.. can go back to the very start of season.
6) Fish tank will annoy the f##k out of you at times. (but that will be Saki’s fave part!)
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Kleven, it came back! Aaryn will never move in on Jeremy. I thought that might happen for a micro-second then I realized she has already used at least one racial slur on him and the night the three of them first slept together she put a pillow between herself and Jeremy. Kaitlin jumped in to explain (to J) that Aaryn was just being respectful but I think it was more than that. I’m pretty sure that Aaryn would turn on either K or J if it seemed that she would further herself in the game. Right now it’s Jeremy as their tiny, reptilian brains struggle with this new concept of THINKING something through and not threatening or bullying, bitching or whining.
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For a big buffoon, Jeremy played it pretty smart/cool. he knew he had to give them something.. so he said Spencer & Howard are aligned as a 2 man team… and he has them on his side.
They seemed to buy it all… but that remains to be seen like I said before.
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And just like clockwork… Kaitlin is wrapped around Jeremy again. (Princess… do I know this girl or what?) 😉
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Kev… how ya doing down there in the Land Of 10,000 camera changes?
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JT: But not in the biblical sense.
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And I tode you he wouldn’t need a poker face…
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@JT: Loving it but wondering why I’m seeing fish the minute Jeremy talks about the guy on bath salts eating someone in FLA…. 😉
And… “6) Fish tank will annoy the f##k out of you at times. (but that will be Saki’s fave part!)” THIS JUST HAPPENED: Saki’ walks into living room from 1,111th nap of day AS I’m reading this and the FISH ARE ON. JT = Psychic. (She just peed.)
I have a feeling I will be watching Jeremy much. He actually is playing a good game (FOR NOW) if you really think about it. But, his ego and dominance will kill him by Week 5, 6, 7 or 8…
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“I trust you” means I’m lying to you now and really sort of don’t.
(We will pass 300, 400 a day now with me having the Live Feeds. Goodbye Life. Nice knowing you. Glad I cleaned, paid bills, published story before tonight.)
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Kev, if you get bored with the live action…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flashback to 7:02pm (BB time) today… and watch A&K trying to put pieces together.
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9-Aaryn has a wonderful ass.
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10) Jeremy is an ass
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@JT: Am doing so and took 11 seconds to learn; even paused. I doomed. 🙂
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“10) Jeremy is an ass”
He’s playing a very Jessie-like game. I love to hate him, but respect the moves so far. The wine stealing, not so much…
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Just got home and read all the blogs. Thanks, JT for giving me your opinon of Nick. Hope he is safe this week. Sounds like maybe he is. I would really like to see one of the hideous acting girls go…but so often the good go and the horrible stay. That’s reality world!! Bah! Humbug! Bon soir tout le monde!!
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Bon soir tout le monde!!
crap.. now I gotta google a French dictionary 😆 …. help anyone?
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OMG… Fish has been infected!
Wow… 11 broke loose with $9.95! I’m sure the Blatherer is cringing at the thought of his compadre being such a cheapskate not to go the distance.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Goodnight Maxie
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FLASHBACK: Kaitlin saying Jeremy “couldn’t be playing her” because he made her a plate of food and gave her a glass of wine.
Oh, I needed a laugh. Muchas gracias Hermano Grande… 😀
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What? No cable in the hotel Ted?
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🙄 …….off to the Spanish dictionary now… BRB
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“Wow… 11 broke loose with $9.95! I’m sure the Blatherer is cringing at the thought of his compadre being such a cheapskate not to go the distance.”
😀 You’re so right brother. Should have banged this silliness years ago. Me dum. Problem is I’m always busy watching MLB, NBA, UFC, soccer, other reality TV shows, writing and listening to the voices in my head. Will now get -2.2 hours of sleep less per night and pee approximately 11 minutes later than I used to. Progress.
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The Future Of The Union Is At Stake… (We Doomed.)
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Just because…
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Kev, Since you get Judd’s sense of humor (like I do). Check out this when you have time… it’s only 2 minutes.. but had me rolling.
Judd & Andy are talking after David’s eviction… about how pissed K&A were.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thur July 4th
3:19 am
Camera 2
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bbad hmmmm first thing I see is jerky boy is wearing pov around his neck first time I can recall seeing that happen but then again I am old and maybe just forgot, so back to the issue does he need to make sure ALL know he has power?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------next I see howard, I was not sure if he was even in the house bee awhile since I last saw him, and I was wondering does he talk in a normal voice the few times I have seen him he whispers.
what the hell does ginamarie hve on her head??? does she think she can get a job as a pussycat doll??? she should only know, but all in due time.
yes bbad rite on schedule 10 past and first 3 min commercials guess they r sticking to schedule of every 10 mins
any news who at the current moment is going to be mvp replacement?
txs for all the great updates I appesch, for some reason this year I am not really into bb as I have been these past 14 years.
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@JT: Classic. The kid knows how to play this game. Hope he makes a run at this.
NOTE TO SELF: Take notes for future use here.
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Hey MM, Nick seems to be the choice as renom for now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howard does whisper all the time… pretty laid back.. and he is totally aware of all that’s been said
IDK WTF GM has on her head… something from veto comp maybe… there were stuffed animals involved
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@JT sorry to hear nick may be up on the block, I like his game
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I wish howard would speak up I would love to know what he is thinking, the one to watch out for is spencer more so then andy
txs for update on renoms
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MM… don’t worry about Nick… he has the votes to stay by a landslide (as of now).
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MVP rule update: I’m not sure this will actually happen during the season because these HGs aren’t that big on the rules of the game in general, however:
If a HG wins POV and removes the HG nominated by the MVP, the POV holder who removes the player nominated by the MVP is, yes, IS, eligible for nomination for eviction by the MVP!
That means that the MVP power trumps POV in that circumstance! That was interesting to learn. Apologies to everyone who knew this before me!
Again, for me, it begs the question: Since Jeremy removed himself from the block is he then eligible for renomination by the MVP or, as I suspect, do the powers of the MVP not extend that far? I doubt they do, but it would be too funny if it were true and Elissa found out. I think she’s better off putting up Kaitlin. HGs are getting very tired of being threatened for their votes.
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Princess… I hadn’t read that. Thanks… very interesting. So if Kaitlin had played and won… she could be put up after removing Jeremy? Sounds pretty wild to be able to put a veto holder on the block (other than at the very end). Could make things very interesting some week.
Speaking of MVP… I wonder when that will go away. A couple weeks? Jury? IDK.. but it will go away.
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JT and SF, that piece of pink (ouch) fashion trash has been around since the beginning. I believe Candice was wearing it on Wednesday night after the first show of BB. I believe it’s something GM brought with her.
Yes, trust GM to make something unfashionable and ugly out of something pink.
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I’m certain Elissa is not aware of this little tidbit. It would be useful in choosing who goes up on the block and I’ve never heard it mentioned in any of the scenarios played out by the HGs.
Only two HGs I know for sure have that little piece of information. Nick, who came up with the question when Elissa asked him to throw the POV, and GM, who went into the DR and relayed the answer to Nick. Which is most probably why he did not throw the POV. He had verified that his safety couldn’t be guaranteed and, apparently was not going to trust E.
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Ash @ashes2ashes13
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yeah, Helen….America is really going to vote MVP to the person who wiped his ass with a Reilly’s hat. #Der #BB15
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Honestly if CBS does nothing about the cheating issue … I feel like WE ALL should boycott the show, sponsors, and BBAD! I wish you all felt the same way because we could actually get something done. I HATE NOTHING MORE THEN CHEATERS!
It really gets my goat that they have been rewarded for their actions and
it just shows others that we, as Americans will do anything to win! Many people in other countries believe that anyway and this tiny TV show is just a other “nail in the coffin”. Anyone remember September 11, 2001. Many people in this world don’t like us as Americans. And, to reward someone for cheating….
Maybe this statement is a bit over the top, but I have traveled and have heard others refer to me as an UGLE AMERICAN. And I would give you the shirt offy back!
(Maybe a bit over exaggerated, but….)
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You’re absolutely right Kevin. Now if was O’Reilly’s hat we might have a different response. Justsayin’
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I think you are being hard on yourself
I am not American and everyone wants to emulate something about the US
Great people 🙂 I love this country
09/11 was just a case of very hateful people making a horrible point
And killing a dear friend of mine amongs many other .
It didn’t mean the victims were not great human beings but rather it showed that terror united everyone on that sad day .
Anyways rambling on
RIP Sweet Aymi King
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@Sylvia I lived in NYC for 10 years! I lived there during the first attack in 1993, I lost do many friends that day I can’t begin to name them all. I read and retread that statement and decided to press submit!
I was actually asked in Japan where I was from and when I told them I was an American they were shocked! So firsthand experience of this issue. I know EVERYONE in the world does not feel that way….
It just irritates me that this little simple event shows Americans in such a poor way.
Oh and I MUST ADD I have a friend whom is a Super Model & Swimsuit model works for IMG Internationsl and if Aaryn thinks she is a real model well I just laugh! Aaryn looks like a troll compared to my friend!
Sorry I will stop!
Love this blog I get to complain and b#^+h all I need to and you guys bring me back to earth!
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LOL Ted. Hope you’re having a great time!
Can’t begin to thank you all for the updates and goings on. Would like to see more of Howard because I think he has some smarts. Don’t understand why he whispers tho.
Thanks K11 for all your links (I look at all of them) and your great comments. Glad you’re trying the feeds for the first time. I did it for a few years and then, well, life started to happen. Saki will benefit and that was a darling picture of her. We really love our pets.
JT, you foresee the future oh great one! Great stuff JT. You and K11 could go on the road.
Thanks to all and Princess, great banter and info as always. Nite all and I’ll see how far behind I am tomorrow afternoon.
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11:58 pm PT Watching first night of Live Feeds and it seems the tide may be turning. (I’m sure this happens hourly when watching the LF’s. May be the alcohol. Second drink in 14 months.) 🙂 Anyway, seems Amanda and Andy (I think) just said they’d feel better getting Kaitlin out. and Aaryn and Kaitlin have been chirping at each other for last hour. Getting funky.
Think Helen, Candice, McCrae, Amanda, Andy may vote Kaitlin out now. Maybe Judd too. Now now. And noticing from watching feeds that Elissa is hardly ever on feeds anywhere. And damn do the Mean Girls bitch about her. Think the Aaryn-Kaitlin fracture is good for the show and good for most readers here.
You heard it here first. If wrong, it wasn’t me Bubba… 😉
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Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
Amanda to Andy- I want to keep her (Elissa). I feel way safer with her being here. #BB15
Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So both Andy and Amanda want to keep Elissa while her best friend just agreed to vote her out if Amanda goes next week. SMD #bb15
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Hey Starfish…. I have created a monster pointing Kev to the feeds…. or an even bigger monster anyway.
Kev, some of that is the HGs just BS-ing each other. Tell ’em what they want to hear type stuff.
The key is to figure out Who’s Zoomin’ Who
1) Amanda & Andy do want Kaitlin out… that convo was all on the up & up. Might be a problem if Kaitlin isn’t even on the block though.
2) Kaitlin & Aaryn have their moments… but they have each other’s back through thick & thin. They know they can count on each other…and maybe Jeremy.
3) Helen doesn’t have a vote this week and McCrae wont go against the MC yet.. so they are a couple votes short at least.
4) Tides may turn soon. I think Helen & Candice will try a few more things before Wednesday.. they did chat with a lot of people today. They were trying to raise support for Elissa….. BUT, their main goal was seeing where all the guys stood.. feelin’ ’em out… trying to put the puzzle together. Helen’s “perceived” turning against Elissa was more about her reading Spencer & Howard as they talked.
5) I’ll blame Bubba…… and Bunky too!
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Kev11…..Congrats on taking the leap, man!! I do think there are more LFers on here now than not as the group has goten considerably smaller this year! But everybody sees something different, so it’s good to get all perspectives! And if you were ever ging to pick a summer to never go outside, you definity picked the right one!!! Now you and Saki can both be inside cats…lol
I still am not sure who Elissa is putting up. Not sure SHE knows!!! Seems like any of the Blondterage would be a waste as they have the votes to save their own. I don;t really know who she could beat in a vote tho at this point. I did a survey on another site tht asked who would you want to see in F3?? Elissa and McCrae both got over 17%…the most of anyone. Kaitlin came in 3rd with like 7%. Most others were less than 1%!! Not a well liked group!!!
SF…I too noticed that Jeremy was wering the POV necklace and didn’t think I had seen anyone do that before either. What does he think he is? AN Olympic winner???LOL Everyhting with him is a power trip. He said on BBAD that he couldn’t CARRY Kaitlin much longer WHo said he was??? Bleh!! He makes my skin crawl with his arrogance. He thinks America loves him because he is winning (cheating at) comps. Uh huh. And REAL Indians have tatoos of Indians (Should I be saying Natives AMericans??? He doesnt…lol)all over their body!!! BTW…did he lose all his shirts playing pool or something??LOL
I do NOT trust Andy at all!!!! He ran from group to group tomight getting info and sucking up! Is it me or is everypne in this game in like 3 allainces this year??? How long do they think they can keep tht up without info exchanging hands???
Things I am sick of hearing…….
@100 percent for YES
@It did not come out of my mouth.(akin to writing your name down on
@GM’s laugh or big voice in general!!
Mabye I should start watching LFs W/out the sound..lol
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BTW….found this out tonight too…..I didn;t hear any announcement about it on TV. And I didn;t see anyone post it here so…SURPRISE!!!
Big Brother TV Schedule
Veto Comp
Live Eviction/HoH Comp
JT….agree with all points. Didn’t know untl tonight that Helen had an allaince with Howard,Spencer and andy(?) But she acts like she’s in one with Ellisa and Candice and andy(?) People, People, People..you can;t keep on having a REAL allaince and a PRETEND alliance all game!! It’s gonna wear you out..and down! Not to mention what it is doing to US!!!!lol
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It does change hourly, Kev, but what you’re reporting is making me happy. So glad when explore the hallways of your mind they will be a touch fuzzy if I trip over anything lying around.
I must be missing something; the MC (man-child) alliance was formed by five bros to protect them from the evils of the HGs. They were then sent forth on a mission to infiltrate sections of the house and report back to the MC alliance which would then decide on a strategy to further itself in the game. Jeremy and Nick went to Blonderage, Spencer took Helen, McCrae took Amanda and I’m going guess that between Howard and Spencer they are watching Judd, Candice, Andy and Elissa.
So, why is it that when Jeremy throws a small tantrum and says to the MCs that if they don’t vote the way of the Blondterage mini-group he will quit the MCs and that seems to be alright with them? Jeremy is openly stating which alliance is of more value to him. Whether he meant to do that or not it’s clear that if you state an ultimatum like that you are expressing what you value. I know the only thing Jeremy cares about is getting his own way but with men who can be as analytical as Spencer and Nick both are you’d think that one of them would go to the other and say something about this is just not right. They’ve already started musing about getting Jeremy out before too long. There are fractures in this group that will probably not survive the next couple of weeks. They need to turn on Jeremy sooner rather than later and voting Kaitlin out would be a strong message to Jeremy regarding his lack of ability to control the HGs. Unfortunately, he won’t read the message.
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Stra, he’s giving us women the eye candy we’ve been craving from him. Don’t chaknow!
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Crap, Star! I can’t even do a Venn diagram to get all the right players in the right alliances anymore.
It’s like watching Octopi play tennis with multiple balls at one time!
McCrae has said he knows he’s not going to win. He just wants to get to the jury house with Amanda so he can “bang her.” Yep. MVP material all the way. He really is too smart to be thinking with the wrong head. How long did he want to be on BB? Geez.
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Hi Princess!!! That’s the problem with a start up allaince on Day 1. They never last!!! At least not in totality. I was so glad to hear some of the boys finally saying they should be thinking about getting Jeremy out too. Because the girls don’t have the numbers to do it alone as they are so splintered. He’s wearing the damn POV medal around his frigin neck!!!!!!! Can you say HTLER????LOL How much of a visual do they need??? Wake up and smell the Dictator people!!!
As much as some of our bloggers are hating this show, I am loving it more! This has got to be the 1st year in a long time that I have been this involved this early. It usually takes until they are down to about 6 or 7 for me to get into it. It’s not that I really like anyone in particular, it’s the fact thatI DON’T that is so much fun!!! Kvetching about people is so muc more interesting…lol Altho I know that this blog is going to heta up because of it, and K11’s LFS, and I am going to have to start reading alot faster to keep up!!! 😉 S’ok..BRING it…lol
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Princess…..I’m glad I am not alone in the Pick an alliance , any alliance jumble!!lol
I did hear and say that same thing about McCrae earlier. He’s too smart to be such an idiot! His lil head must be doing the thinking for him. Could he be a Virgin??? At the very least it’s been a long time apparently..lol Let’s see…SEX or $5oo,ooo. Hmmm…tough one!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And he IS smart but let’s look at what he does for a living..he’s a Pizza Deliverer. And he isn;t in college and has no plans or aspirations to do anything else! He jsut has no ambition outside the hpuse so why would it change in there?? He was prolly one of those kids in school that got C’s and D’s but could have gotten all A’s…IF they applied themselves. It’s sad but……BB has a way of shwing who people really are. Even if they didn’t realize it themselves.
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Jeremy is positively laughable wearing his POV like a gold medal. He doesn’t realize in the world of BB he showing his lack of awareness. It’s like golf course etiquette. You have it or you don’t belong. Hmmm. Which one of these things doesn’t belong? The guy with the big gold trophy in the hot tub!
I’m sure you also heard that Jeremy, GM, and Kaitlin have been warned by BB about threatening people, even verbally, regarding votes. I guess Judd was totally serious about feeling/being threatened.
Yes, I agree. This is the first time in my BB history I’ve known the names and faces of all the guests AND, even worse, am squinted with their personalities. This scares me. But not enough to make me stop watching.
CBS’s ratings are down according to the HuffPost link. I’m pretty sure that if Elissa leaves on Thursday all her/Rachel fans that were just hanging on despite the negatives this season will leave. Of course people will stay to see what’s next with BB, but I do think they will lose additional ratings if Elissa gets voted out on Thursday. It’s going to be a long week until Thursday.
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squinted = acquainted
Damn smart phones. One minute a word is thee the next it’s something else!
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Princess..I just LOLed at your 1st paragraph!!! 😆
I didn not know that BB had warned J-K-GM. Altho it doesnlt surprise me as I couldnt beleive it when K was threatening Andy and then bragging about it to Nick in the storage room!!! God these people are like the freakin Mafia !!!! I’m surprised they aren’tasking for protection money…or slop or whatever they got!!!lol
I knew ratings were down but I’m loving it! Lots going on all the time. No down time or dull LFs!!! You dom;t watch BB to LIKE somene. You watch for the drama and the love of the game. So let the quitters go watch Redneck Island or some TLC show as they are all equally vapid!!! I like it right here!!;)
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Hi Aggie… Glad to see a real BB Fan here!
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Well, I must leave this silliness behind. Stop saying how this is the worst cast ever and you hate the show and are going to quit watching… and enjoy… you know you do. Nice to see some people digging it and not complaining… but, Hey… that’s BBB. I’ll check in later to see how y’all (as the Blatherer would say) are doing.
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Hi, a solution at this late date re the cheaters – don’t let them play in HOH for the next three weeks – the fur would fly then!
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Hey Ted… Are you the designated blog blatherer because of your surgical circumlocution early in life? 🙂
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No worries complaining is like unwinding i get it 🙂
I lived in Japan for 3 1/2 years , what fun that was.
Anyways moving on to next page.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I hope RingwormBoy has to be isolated in a bubble for the rest of the show, wouldn’t that be fun??????
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NEW PAGE UP ———————————————————>
Next post: Big Brother 15 — Ringworm Boy Triumphant
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@sylvia Japan was us an awesome place! 😀
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