Hey y’all:
Remember how, at the beginning of the season, Jessie said that she didn’t get along with other girls because they were all threatened by her beauty? At that time, Jessie told us that she could win the game only if she got rid of all the other girls and instead joined an alliance made up exclusively of good-looking people.
How we all laughed at Jessie! We ridiculed her on twitter. On this very blog, we talked about how delusional she was.
Well, two months later and what’s happening?
All of the handsome guys have been voted out of the house. On Thursday night, only one guy will be voting and, given what Amanda’s done to him, it’s debatable whether McCrae still counts as a man.
The other houseguests voting are Amanda, Helen, Aaryn, Gina Marie, and Elissa and it appears that they will be casting their vote to evict Jessie.
Because Amanda is upset because Jessie once sat down next to McCrae in the HoH bedroom.
When future generations looks back at this season of Big Brother, I predict that they will be amazed that so many innocent houseguests were sacrificed just because Amanda was oddly insecure about her relationship with a guy who she’s known for all of 7 weeks.
At this point, it looks like Jessie’s eviction is going to be the most predictable eviction since the last one.
Luckily, last night, there were a few fights to break up the monotony.
Jessie knows that she’s going home and, apparently, she’s planning on trying to turn the Houseguests against each other before she leaves. Here’s hoping that she succeeds because this Big Brother house needs to be shaken up!
Jessie told Amanda and McCrae that Helen wanted to vote out Amanda last week. Amanda then confronted Helen, which led to Helen having a long, never-ending argument with Jessie. After saying that she was done arguing a few hundred times and walking off (then to just return a few seconds later and start up again), Helen told Jessie that she was “going home” but then, a few minutes later, I think that Helen realized that Jessie wasn’t going to go home but instead, was going to the jury house because Helen then came out to the backyard and told Jessie that she was still safe. (Helen, by the way, sucks.)
(I imagine if Helen makes it to the final two, she’ll tell every juror: “I didn’t want to vote you out but I just didn’t have the votes to keep you here…”)
Jessie told Gina Marie that Aaryn has been telling everyone that GM is bad for her game. This led to a big argument between Aaryn and GM, which apparently led to GM “chest-bumping” Aaryn and Aaryn later saying that she no longer feels safe in the house. Amanda thinks that the fight was really just an attempt to keep people from realizing that Aaryn and GM are in an alliance. I don’t think that Aaryn or GM is capable of thinking that strategically.
Jessie also confronted Elissa, telling Elissa that she’s sure that Elissa’s family is proud of the lies that she’s telling. Since, of all the remaining houseguests, Elissa is the least comfortable with the more unsavory aspect of the game, Jessie’s words stung.
Now, even though she’s still planning on voting out Jessie, Amanda is even more determined to take out Helen and, as she told McCrae last night, she’s willing to go after Helen’s closest alley, Elissa, if — for some reason — she can’t evict Helen.
Amanda also spent some time last night bitching at McCrae for even talking to Jessie in the first place.
Jessie is causing a lot of drama and you know what I say to that?
You go, girl!
Seriously, these smug houseguests need to be shaken up and it was a lot of fun watching Helen have to scramble last night. Jessie knows that she’s getting evicted and that everyone in the house has been lying to her. Under those circumstances, she might as well cause as much drama as possible before she leaves on Thursday.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
Good Morning Lisa Marie and all faithful BB fans. “lol” Aren’t we a bunch to hang in there every year and this year takes the cake. Yes, please someone, anyone shake up these “smug houseguests”
Thanks LM for the new post!
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Spencer or GinaMarie will win HOH, as it always happens every year that the ones that really need it win. Either way they will need to put up one each of Elissa/Helen & Amanda/McCrea. That way if any win POV they can replace with the other half. Then and only then will the loyalties be revealed as to who is on who’s side. This should be done if any of the BIG 4 don’t win POV.
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oops 😆 😳
I think Jessie wanted to play the game the way Andy is playing it but she realized that she doesn’t have anyone to work with. I hope she causes a lot of drama and if she’s really figuring out what goes on in the house, then she can inform Judd and Candice. That’s providing CBS has them all in the same house.
Just don’t know who I want to win but it looks like Andy is playing the best game, Amanda is playing but OMG she’s a sick SOB, Elissa is a possibility but she hasn’t really done anything. McC, is just a whimp and as LM says probably not even a man at this point.
They are getting the men out but it hasn’t progressed with an all girl alliance so to me, it doesn’t count. 😛
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It’s times like this that I wish I could afford the live feeds. GO JESSIE!!!
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Very well put. . .let her shake up those smug hg’s. Do you think some age diversity in the house might have made a difference with all that’s happened this season. . .so many immature people, racist comments, bully-ish behavior?
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Can’t wait to see the BBAD that I had to tape, hope to see some of that drama.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks Lisa Marie!
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Amen, Lisa Marie, that is just about what I said earlier in not so many words ! How can Amamda be so in LOVE with McCrae? She is so snobbish and McCrae is a pizza delivery boy 1/2 her age, or looks it! I really wanted Aaryn gone but Amamda to follow! Don’t understand how Jessie fell so far out of grace?! Much love BB fans and friends!
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Why do I feel Andy is going to weasel his way into top spot?
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Hey Starfish ♥ Thanks for all the comments & Thank you Lisa
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Mornin Bobo.
This is a weird year for sure. I’ll be gone for a week, leaving tomorrow with my daughter, to visit my grandchildren and of course my son and daughter-in-law. I’ll try to check in with my ipad but I hope to be a very busy Grammy. In case there are any miscreants out there, my husband will be home with our 100 pound dog. 😆
I’ll probably miss some of the best action because now is when it seems to be starting. Hoping. Justadumbbunch this year.
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LM – about what time did all this mess start? –
KEV11 thanks for the ‘wil’ show! SO FUNNY – does he get paid?
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Starfish Have a great time! 🙂 We had such a bad T-Storm this Morning!! Plus a Tornado warning 🙁 Things are getting better now… I did stop in Aggie Land with the I-pad but looks like things were not working so well..I will be away for a few days at the end of next week but not taking the Pad I can always catch up with things!
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Starfish: Hasn’t been much noteworthy action so far so I would be surprised to see any for the next week. Oh well, maybe miracles will happen.
I love everyone’s comments. I think it is awesome that Jessie is causing fights. I love it. I can imagine that Helen is freaking out. How dare someone call her out. LOL.
Tuna: I expect to see Andy weasel his way into the top spot too and that makes me want to puke. The little worm.
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GO JESSIE!!! he akso needs to ‘out’ andy on all of his alliances…….
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I can’t wait until that smug-assed Amanda finds out that America hates her! I would not have her as my real estate agent for all the money in the world. What a loser.
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GO Jessie! I dont want her to go but she might as well stir up things in the house.
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Last nights after dark did the same thing it always does it seems. Just when it’s getting good, it’s over. Didn’t show any of the good fights except the minor one between Helen and Jessie at the pool table. Boy, it sure doesn’t take Helen long to run to the other three does it? Elissa’s kinda in la-la land and only does what Helen tells her to, she’s not even on most of the conversations. If Spencer does win HOH, I don’t think he has the “you know whats” to nominate Helen or Amanda. I think he’ll go with GM and Eliassa. That would be Amanda’s opportunity to get Elissa out and then for sure the lines would be drawn. Elissa was the last person I was rooting for so I’ll have to switch again and I’ll probably go with McC. I don’t think he’s been as sneeky as the rest. Actually, as bad as I hate saying this, Aryn probably deserves to win but sure would hate to see it. The only reason she’s still around in my opinion, is because everyone wants to take her to final two because they know how much she’s hated by the voting HGs. By the way, what the hell was GM doing last night in that blanket? Pretending to be a butterfly? One strange cast this year.
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Finally a little action. raise some hellen Jessie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Really dislike Helen the mom, now she thinks that Jessie might come at her with a knife. wtf.
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Hey, does anybody know the time these fights took place? I’m trying to scan the live feeds but not able to find the actual arguments.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks so much 🙂
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Do any of you read info about the season of BB anywhere else? Turns out MC is not just a delivery boy. Amanda is married, and has lost her Realtor license. There is a lot more to these people than we’re led to believe or have been told by CBS
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Are those true?
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I had read that she got fired from her realtor job because of her racist and cruel comments. I have never read that she is married. Not saying she isn’t but I haven’t heard it before.
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Hi, Maggie. Are the doctors letting you have internet time again?
And, yes, Maggie, I do love you. Somebody has to.
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GM chest bumped Aaryn? Didn’t Willie get thrown out for a head bump to Joe? I think that is pretty close to the same thing.
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Lol, Maggie. You keep staying supple, girl.
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Maggie, I do have to say that comment #29 is probably the smartest thing you’ve ever said.
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¿ Mark ¿
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LM you crack me up. But I do agree with you.
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Just when you’d think Jessie would know her ship is sunk we hear that she’s confident she’s even more safe now that she’s exposed Helen and Elissa for going after Amanda. Considering the Veto Ceremony is over and neither of them are on the block makes you question her logic.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Picking up where things left off earlier in the night Jessie and Helen got together for another talk. Of course this quickly dissolved in to yet another argument for the other HGs to enjoy.
Flashback to 12:40AM BBT 8/13. Jessie comes up to the HoH room and Helen takes her over to the chessboard to speak privately, or not privately at all since their up on the balcony. Jessie is still upset about Helen revealing Jessie’s “evict Amanda” intentions while Helen continues to feign ignorance about what’s going on.
Jessie threatens Helen that she’ll go to Amanda and McCrae and reveal to them everything she knows. Helen says that’d be okay, but Jessie says it’s not because Helen was calling her a liar to the other HGs. They keep arguing in circles and Helen keeps doing her “I’m going to walk away!” thing but keeps sitting back down.
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OMG this blog is so much better than BB this season, thank you thank you. LM your awesome and classy as hell.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Star have a great time with family besafe and hurry back love your comments as well.
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🙂 …………….
Just saving a place…………
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Lisa Marie
There will always be detractors regardless what you write. Feeble attempts at upstaging by whatever means is becoming epidemic even beyond the theater districts.
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Amazonia70, I’m starfish and star is star. I know, you’re not the only one to confuse us. 🙂 Thank you; I plan on having a great time with my grandchildren. I try to make the trip to NC twice a year. I’ll only miss Jessie’s eviction so hopefully I’ll be back in time to see amanda or Helen walk out the door next week.
K11, thanks for the Wil (nobody has time for two Ls) link. He’s really so funny and good too.
LM, staying supple is your motto for sure. You are a class act, no doubt about it. You don’t take the bait and it’s really commendable.
@Sadie, I’ve never read that Amanda is married. Where did you see that? That would be a very interesting bit of news if it’s true since she’s bedding her man toy in the house. 😆
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The party got started at 10:53PM BBT 8/12 when Jessie called Helen down to play pool but Jessie wasn’t really interested in billiards. Instead Jessie asks Helen why she revealed to Aaryn that Jessie had tried to get Amanda voted out last week. Helen assures her it was public knowledge and she hadn’t revealed anything that everyone didn’t already know. Helen even blames that reveal on Judd. The discussion becomes heated and Helen storms away.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Quick back story: Last week Jessie, Helen, & Elissa discussed evicting Amanda. Helen tried to rally support, but after talking with Andy she decided it wouldn’t work and called off the effort. Now Helen is trying to place full blame on Jessie for those events.
A few mins later Helen heads to the back bedroom and is retelling the argument to Andy, McCrae, and Amanda. Shortly after that Jessie is getting in her side of the “evict Amanda plan” story to McCrae. Oh, but guess what. McCrae has the audacity to have this discussion with Jessie alone! Oh the horror. Guess who doesn’t like that very much and complains about it for the rest of the night after she drags him out of the room where he was doing nothing but talking privately with Jessie.
Jump to 11:23PM BBT to find Helen and Jessie butting heads again in the bathroom. It’s brief, but it happens in front of Amanda & Elissa and ends with Helen saying “you’re leaving Thursday” as she marches away. Commence more retellings as Jessie goes outside to McCrae & Spencer while Helen heads upstairs to Andy, Aaryn, & GM.
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Aug 11, 2013 by legend_of_link
Yes this one of the many rumors about Amanda. This rumor claims that Amanda Zuckerman is really 38 years old. She is married to a man named Jonathan Klarsfeld. This rumor also claims that she and her husband do own a realty company she does not just work for one. Also that Amanda’s husband works at an animal hospital as a veterinarian.
This rumor as of now is not confirmed to be true
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Hope this works. Andy’s HOH room. Kinda odd in it’s way.
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@macy: You’re welcome and I’m pretty sure Wil doesn’t get paid for that…no marketing ties and him mocking CBS/Chen wouldn’t be paid for by CBS or endemol.
@starfish: You’re very welcome. This (the HGs and House) is like having very bad roommates or relatives over for three straight months with nowhere to run to. As usual, thank God for this Blog and the contributors as this would be intolerable without some kind of release.
By the time a Really Big Move is made, it will be too late (for us fans) and will be too predictable. The show so needs an enema = Adios Grodner gone. Peace.
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Some quick research seems to indicate that Amanda Jane Zuckerman is, in fact, married to Dr. Jonathan Klarsfeld. Amanda Joy Zuckerman, no relation, is on BB15.
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Jessie will be one of those infamous BB Jurors who won’t want to vote for anyone to win but if Andy, McCrae or Amanda in F2, won’t care as much. She’s probably ambivalent to Spencer–but we know he has no chance–but will hate if it’s between GM, Elissa, Helen or Aaryn.
Aaryn will not be getting a Christmas card from Jessie. (“Whatcha gunna do girl?”)
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Thanks PK
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Okay, now I know this game is fixed. If GM bumped AAron and she didn’t get called on it like that guy last year this game is rigged.
GM would of been called to the diary room and told by Allison to lead NOW. What a bunch of crap. Good for Jessie. Andy and Macdaycray should be leaving with Spencer or without.
Just goes to show that two people who are strangers fall in love in seven weeks are so stupid. True love does happen but these two are a joke.
Amanda and Helen need too but heads more, or Helen and McCray should sleep together. That would send Amanda in a tailspin. Or Amanda sleeping with Andy.
Oh Joy of life in the Big House. Spencer will be with GM in the token HOH room and have passionate sex to the horror of Helen and Grodner.
This should be on BBAD for the world to see.
later –
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I had to check out the rumor because I couldn’t believe that any respectable LSU grad would give Amanda Zuckerman from BB15 the time of day.
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LM, i’m glad you’re in blue………………cuz i’m really just kinda skipping around and reading mostly what you say…….btw..if i were Jess, i’d be putting mustard, and other squishy food products in other’s beds..way down by their feet…or in amanda’s case…all over the sheets…even if i had to hide bottles of condiments in my pants and sneak it…if you’re going out….go out NUTS.
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Good job @PK. Googled some stuff myself and couldn’t find anything.
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@maggie long……….you’re just a sad person…..honestly….you can go…no one will miss you
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PK I’m glad you checked.
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@tendr, this one’s for LM. She’s doing a marvelous job. Way to go LM!
Well at least DeManda of BB15 isn’t married and that’s probably the only thing she’s not! 😀
@K11, that link of Amanda is so disgusting. She’s had more terrible comments than anyone in the house. They have all been disgusting but she’s done it the most it seems. No Christmas card for Aaryn from Jessie – so funny! I think Jessie was under the wrong impression that she would skate through this game on her looks. Nope, not gonna happen. Gotta play and she doesn’t have a clue how the game is played. Does anyone?
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here’s a short Recap of the FIGHT….or FIGHTS, last nite…. 🙂
Hel, Jes & Aar were in HOH (can’t remember who else were there). Hel said something that upset Jes. Jess asked to speak to Hel privately. They went out to BY. Confrontation, Jes was civil & Helen blew up on her. Basically, Hel was lying & Jes knew it so Hel got loud & very defensive. She went inside & started trashing Jess to everyone. Big argument, mostly btwn those 2. Helen told Jess she was the one going home. Chaos ensued.
At one pt, Jess eavesdropped on a group in one of BRs & found out the plan had been to evict her all along. Andy was upset that he was outed. He’s mad at Hel. Aaryn got thrown UTB. Catty remarks flew.
The climax was GM just being crazy. Aaryn was in HOH w/ Andy & Spencer. GM came up & started going off on Aar for no logical reason. Aar tried to leave. GM followed her, was physically intimidating, tried to chest bump her. Aar went back to HOH to hide. GM woke up everybody in the house. More chaos ensued.
Looks like Jess will def be evicted but she’s going out w/ a bang. Hel & Eli were totally exposed for plotting against Ama, & McManda seem to now realize that Judd was telling truth about Grasshoppers & abt not being MVP.
Towards the end, it got silly w/ Jessie standing outside BR doors eavesdropping. Then Hel & Aar were in SR. Aaryn was talking abt how many crazy people are in the house, esp GM. Helen said she’s afraid someone (either GM or Jess, not clear) would get a kitchen knife & attack her, & then she said that she’s afraid Judd will go to Chicago & attack her.
the Flashbacks times were 8/12 10:53pm….8/12 11:23pm…8/13 12:40am…. and the house meeting 8/13 1:12am…..any Cam will do, all the cams were on these fights, lol… 🙂
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Thanks all for the updates and the flash back times….. I’m dying to see something non-boring!
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*fish….the blogfia will miss you, but at the same time, we are all happy for you. Be sure to take lots of pictures. Have a safe and fun trip….like you really need to be told that!
Tendr, gf….you really do need to ignore some people that only come on to stir up shit.
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Nancypost #18…Yes GM got herself inside a dirty laundry bag and zipped herself inside, LOL..Crazy..here’s a pic. http://i.imgur.com/iFCyL9m.png … 🙂
Marla Jopost #4…..u say u cant afford the Feeds?…they cost $23…IDK, but i feel its not that hard saving up $23…but i might be wrong…sorry… 🙁
tendr….ok, now we know…u only read Lisa Marie’s comments, Huh, because she writes in Blue?…and its easy to see while scanning down the 300 comments every day?…LOL…just playing…its all good girl…. 🙂
SF…..ahhhhh, sorry to hear ur going away but happy u will be with family so enjoy urself and come back to tell us stories…. 🙂
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I am so sick of Amanda and Mc Crae being in bed! Don’t they ever get up!!!!
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Hi guys, have a good one, I’m waiting for America’s Got Talent
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Hey Aggie, good show to watch. There is really some great talent but some really funny stuff too on that show.
@Hoh8, thanks for the blow by blow. At least something’s going on in the house and it sounds like Helen is in some trouble. 👿 I wish it was Amanda tho.
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@ Starfish
Love that show they have some amazing talent this year, they always do
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Wow some excitement for a change. I think Aaron made up the fact about G.M.chest butting her, she wanted her to get kicked of the show.Andy is a big coward he hid out to avoid the fights. Jessie go do it tell on all of them she has some spunk.i think I will vote for her for Americas favorite now.
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HEY guys – reading this blog – i have been turned to good tv shows (breaking bad – sons of anachy – justified) well i thought i would return the favor – i have been watching the showtime show – RAY DONOVAN – good one – check it out – on a big brother note – DIE HELMANDA DIE!!! ha ha – joke
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Quick warning to those of you planning on watching the live feeds tonight: Amanda and McCrae are getting Big Brother married tonight.
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What do Jabba the Hut and Amanda BB15 have in common? they sit on their butts all day and give orders that change peoples lives. Go Jessie Go, tear that house up they need a good kick in the you know what!
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I’m getting posts from the 8th anyone else having this problem?
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Lisa Marie….thanks for reminder…they are getting married at 10pm, the BY is already set up for the wedding….i just have to remember to TURN OFF the Feeds at 10pm, lol…. 🙂
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@LMB: “warning” 🙂 Exactly. Seems McCrae is sick of this act also…
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------McCrae- I don’t want to do this wedding shit. Andy- Why? McCrae- I don’t know. #BB15
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Omg they are prepping for McMANdas wedding. Shoot me now. I hope Jesse ruins it!
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@Macy I Love Ray Donovan !!!!
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@Jane &Macy, me too. I love Ray Donavan. I mentioned it back when and happy to know others like it too.
BB wedding for those two scumbags is a joke. Wouldn’t it be funny if McC left her at the alter. 😆
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JANE STARFISH – showing my age but isnt john voight good in his roll – ha – on a big brother note DIE HELMANDA DIE – he he he
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He will make a lovely bride!
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Love the pic. McC didn’t have to change his hair.
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these people dont know that – ‘the wedding – the bach party- the bachette – party – the wedding – come on u dummys – they are making it all about the mc manda show! ugggg
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Fp2 thank you, the bride and groom couldn’t be a better match.
Macy, you’re right, too much spotlight on those two who r upstaging the whole show. Bleh!
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Here are 4 Videos that covers the BIG FIGHTS of Jessie & Helen last nite…. watch them in order from #1 to #4…. Enjoy the Blowout…. 🙂
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here’s the famous Chest-Bump that GM gave to Aaryn last nite…. then she slapped Aaryn down and gave her a Staten Island Beat Down, lol…. nothing really happened, just 2 girls cat fighting, lol…. 🙂
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here are Andy’s HOH Tweets from today…. 🙂
@BigBrotherHOH 13m
I LOVE YOU, JODI FROM BB14! You may have only been in the house for 3 hours, but you have not been forgotten. #AlwaysRemember #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 14m
Helen may seem like a sweet mother, but she has a ruthless side that terrifies the entire house. #ReignOfTerror #MomSquad #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 15m
The Moving Company is down to two members. Sorry, Jeremy and Nick, but I had to shut that down. #14thPlace #15thPlace #MovingOut #bb15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 16m
I’m using this tweet to get my favorite Big Brother player of all time, Ragan Fox, to notice me. #BB12 #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 17m
I miss my best friends from home. #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 17m
Jessie won’t stop calling Elissa “Rachel’s Shadow.” I proudly support this shadow. Shout out to the Brenchel Army! #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 18m
Candice may be gone, but her clown wig and her clown nose still remain. #KeepinItReal #Candyland #RIPCLownie #BB15
Big Brother HOH @BigBrotherHOH 19m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We all miss Judd, but we miss his bear shirt even more. #Roar #BB15
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Spicy @spicypants
Now I am convinced this is going to be a Satanic ritual instead of a wedding. #BB15 pic.twitter.com/gJCukwglpJ
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Hoh8 great links. That just justifies that they are all nuts!
K11, great picture of Andy. Fits him perfectly. All we needed was blood dripping down his chin.
I probably won’t be able to get online for a couple days.
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Starfish….dont worry bout us…just have a Great time…we will miss u, maybe i’ll just talking to myself for a while, just to fill the Blog, lol…. 🙂
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here are a whole bunch of pics of the Wedding…it was fun to watch…it reminded me of the Brenchel wedding in BB13…..demanda kept telling Andy on what to say during it, lol…. 🙂
too bad that Jessie said she was sorry to everyone and became friends with them again…..i wanted so much for Jessie to Destroy the wedding tonite….they should’ve had the wedding last nite when Jessie was on Fire, lol…. 🙂
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I was really expecting McCrea’s vows to be something like – “Yea, like, I dunno,like yea, I dunno,like, yea, I dunno!!!! Seriously, I would be curious to know how many times a day he says these words!!!! Sooooo irritating, but then again, this whole cast is just irritating! I, for the first time ever, am looking forward to this season being over!
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@Hoh8, not worried about you guys one bit. I know I’ll have a lot of reading to do when I get back tho. Hopefully, I’ll find time to peek in every once in awhile.
Thanks Hoh8 for the wedding pics. I have to admit they were funny but if I was watching it live, well, prolly not so much I’m sure. BB supplied orchids and stargazers for the wedding and plenty of sheets. 😆 Very nice and thank you!
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For those without the feeds…. “The Wedding Video”
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@Starfish, I believe the flowers were decorations from the house. Not sure, but they were not real!
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thanks HoH8 and Frannie for the video’s and pics!! Bye Starfish, fill up on hugs and kisses!
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biggest waste of time in BB house. Shit needs to hit the fan. Even CBS has to be disappointed over the house guest. They are BORING!
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Miss Long,
if Lisa Marie sucks then why do you keep coming back here?
Need a little attention ?
I don’t like Helen either so there ! But she would be good for Politics
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I too want to thank Frannie and HOH8 for the pics.
HOH8: The only time I have honestly disagreed with you was when you made the comment to Marla Jopost #4 in regards to her saying she can’t afford the Feeds. Honestly, some people cannot justify spending $23 on the feeds when they have people to feed and rent to pay. I know your intention was not to be rude or to belittle but I know personally that some of us CAN’T afford it. Seems like small amount of money unless that money can feed a family for a couple of days. Just sayin’. I definitely am not saying this to start an argument so please don’t take it that way. I am not Helen or Jessie. OK?
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