Hey, y’all:
This won’t take long because this is Monday and it’s my crazy day! But I wanted to give all of you a new page where you can discuss the POV ceremony.
Today, Jessie is going to take herself off the block and Spencer is going to go up in her place.
(Edit: Right after I posted this, they had the P.O.V. ceremony. Jessie came off the block and Spencer went up in her place.)
Last night, Helen was thinking about turning on Amanda and getting her out but — after making the mistake of talking to Andy, who can always be trusted to veto any plan that might lead to Amanda getting voted out — she changed her mind. Jessie wants to get Amanda out and there’s always a chance that Helen might change her mind — especially since Amanda apparently no longer trusts Helen — but, as of right now, it looks like Candice will be going home.
(Edit: After the veto ceremony, Helen and Elissa had a meeting in the storage room and Helen told Elissa to vote for Candice.)
I think the question, though, is how Helen’s feelings towards Amanda will come into play during the double eviction. I’m assuming that Amanda’s next target, after Candice, will be Jessie. Perhaps Helen’s target will be Amanda or McCrae.
Anyway, sorry for the short update but I know you guys will have a lot of great stuff to say in the comments down below.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
P.S. As soon as I get home from dance class tonight, I’m going to be finding out what happened on The Bachelorette. My guess: Desi rejects everyone.
Again, sorry for the short post. Check out JT’s comment from last night for an essential breakdown of the current state of the house:
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dammit I knew my well thought out post was going to get lost in the blush of a new page 🙁
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I read it. Here’s the reply I posted under the previous post:
Actually, I think it was something that very much needed to be mentioned. The fact of the matter is that, because of the things that have been said in the house, we now automatically expect to see and hear the worst from these houseguests. Considering that there are still people on twitter claiming that Amanda called Candice a monkey, I think it’s a very relevant point.
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Thanks LM for the new post, and very nice of you to put up JTs spot on analysis!
@JT, that was fantastic and I had to read a couple paragraphs a couple times trying to put all these geniuses or genii in the right place in the scheme of things in the house! 😀 Happy to hear they are all playing the game to some degree.
Hey Sylvie & RMM!
I too can’t believe they didn’t show the fight. And yes, I think GM is the daughter of Vinnie. 😆
@BCMarie, I saw your post and good point!
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Oh Frannie, I loved the perfect thing for Spencer picture. 😆
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It’s official. Jessie has vetoed the nomination and Spencer has gone up in her place. For those of us who were hoping to see Helen turn on Amanda — bad news: she was just in the storage room, telling Elissa to vote for Candice.
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LM is Andy behind this by convincing Helen not to vote for her? If so, I’m surprised he hasn’t gone to Amanda and ratted out Helen yet.
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ugh! I want Amanda and Aaryn out so bad I wish these people would play the GAME!
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I’m starting to think sneaky Andy is going to win the whole damn thing.
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Last night on BBad Elissa and Andy were talking to McManda and ask her if she was ED’s other daughter. She does kinda resemble them but just wanted to know you all’s thoughts on the subject. I so hope Helen changes her mind and they vote out Amanda. The expression on her face will be priceless because she thinks everyone loves her and is also afraid of her. I still like Judd as a player and am rooting for him. He’s the only one really worthy of rooting for. JMO
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I think someone in the house should say “grab your life vests floaters” especially Andy it should be interesting!
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@starfish 🙂
I don’t believe Amanda is ED s daughter unless ED is Jewish
But about Candace I hope she stays she at least is not afraid to speak up when needed
I respect her for that
She did call Spencer a “red neck ” and mentioned “queer vote” when referring to Andy’s presence on the show . I am a little surprised by each HG every week . Like its like you know as if …..anyways they don’t seem to have gone to school or been socialized .
And yes I believe GM is Vinnie’s daughter , I don’t dislike her as much as I did
She is just from another planet
Then again the whole is so passive they act like ancient people
Ok I am rambling , sorry
Thanks everyone 🙂
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Hi everyone! Just got caught up on all the comments, thank you! 🙂 Lisa you are doing such a great job♥ Thanks for the new post! See you later…
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I agree with the rest of you that someone needs to start playing the game and thinking of themselves instead of being part of a big lump. I almost threw up when Helen went to Gina Marie and told her how much she respected her. One question people – what the hell was everyone laughing at during the nominations? Did I miss something. I was cleaning up the table from dinner so I guess I might have missed part but ……….
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LM. … I totally agree with you, it very much needed to be mentioned, I was merely pointing out that you were vague on what twitter was afire about what Amanda did or didnt say and for any poster that doesnt read each blog in full they wouldnt have known what you were referring to. Like I said, the Point is Clarification, and thanks to HoH8 reposting the MonkeyGate YouTube, for those that weren’t in the know, that link might help clear up what you were being vague about.
No biggie 🙂
As for the evictions this week I liked Amanda right at the beginning, I still like her, but as all of us, she does have her flaws. However, if the guests in the house were smart I would say get rid of her now while they can.
I would really like to see Candice to survive this double eviction, but that might be just too much to hope for.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And frannie I was rotflmao when I saw the toon for Spence!
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Hey guys, “just a thought”, if CBS is indeed trying to control the game and get Amanda to the end….. and Andy ALWAYS seems to show up for every fight, and ALWAYS seems to talk folks out of getting rid of Amanda…could it be possible that CBS offered nosey Andy $$$$ to help keep her and not say a word? I’m not sure it sounds way out there because in the beginning Elissa kind of hinted to the fact that she is getting paid $$$$ by CBS already win or not.
I know it sounds like I’m really reaching but if you notice on the live feeds, every time a spark flies up, there’s Andy trotting in and plopping down for a front row seat and I guess you could say he truly thinks that Amanda & Pizza Boy are in control and can drag him to the final 3 or 4. I just have a feeling there is more to this. He seems smart enough to know it is extremely important to get the strong powers of the house out asap – which leads me to believe his agenda might be CBS $$$ driven.
What do you all think? Not to make fun….. okay I have to….. but his facial expressions and reactions to things always look like a very scary cartoon character… no? (LOL) – just having fun my friends 🙂
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You see?…. if those goof-balls would play the darn game, we wouldn’t be bored or have all of this time on our hands to come up with CBS possibly being shady…. LOL
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aaryn saw judd’s wiener? what is she….four?
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@RMM, boy do I agree with you about Andy’s appearing everywhere. Not so sure about the CBS pay off but wouldn’t put anything past anybody at this point. Somehow I doubt it though. Andy doesn’t seem to be the most stable snake in the pit and CBS would be taking an enormous chance even considering such a thing because things like that have a way of creeping to the suface. Plus, Andy can’t be trusted. Something the HGs haven’t figured out yet!
Even during the argument between Jessie and Amanda when Jessie said Andy must have told you, there was Andy sitting right there not saying a word. I don’t know why Jessie didn’t confront him about it and accuse him of being a snitch. That would have been a good thing for her to do.
@LM, see what happens when you’re gracious? 😉
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I give Jessie big props for standing up to the huge bully Amanda!! She is her biggest fan and so freakin’ cocky!! Can’t wait for someone to kick her off the high-horse she rode in on. I am waiting for Candice to get revenge, as much as her voice works my nerves! Helen is a total faker, she’s trying to stay loyal to her initial allies (Ellisa and Candice) but since they’re not the majority she will break off with them in a minute. I would love to see GM flip the house, but let’s face it she’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer. I’m hoping she will shock us all and get this game started!! So far GM is the only HOH who gave a truthful speech (even though everyone was laughing at her) why she put up Candice and Jessie. Maybe she will be willing to take the risk of getting out Amanda. When do they start going to the jury house?
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I’m so glad to finally have found a site where I can vent. I like McRae but hate that he cant see that he is being used by Amanda. Amanda IS a bully and everyone has said she needs to go but not now and may well have put it off too long. I promise you if it comes down to it, Amanda would throw Mcrae under the bus in a heartbeat whereas McRae would give up the money for her. I think Helen is a bully in her own way too and will be glad when she is gone and her followers see that she wasn’t all that. Jessie has been a target from day one and bless her heart, she has been picked on so much. I must say this year there are more people to dislike than like. As much as I don’t care for Candance, I would rather see Amanda go so maybeeeeeeee Helen will finally wake up and see and make a play out in the open.
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I want Jessie GONE!! I can’t take her whining anymore. I did like seeing her standing up to Amanda, but not enough to want her in the game any longer. She has to form an alliance and stay with it, but with her, the minute the wind turns she jumps ship. Her attempts at getting Amanda out will put a big target on her back, but she may surprise me and succeed. I would rather put up with Amanda than see that cry baby make it to jury or worse yet, be in the final two! (Sorry Jessie fans, remember it is only my opinion. I just don’t like cry babies.)
I didn’t like Ian very much last year, until the end of the season, as I don’t like a snitch. Heaven only knows why I adore Andy this year, who is the biggest snitch ever to enter the BB House. I think he is hysterical popping up everywhere. He seems to be playing things right down the middle and I feel he might have a good chance in making it to the final four.
Hope everyone has fun. I am going to Cape Cod tomorrow morning, so I won’t be around of awhile.
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@hpr56 ….. if you have feeds, g back and watch GM’s comments after everyone had pulled the keys!
A thought about Helen ….. have you noticed that after every new HOH winner she goes and butters here nose in their butts!
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It seems like everyone is floating this season. Andy is the biggest floater. All he does is run around and listen to everything then run off a tattle tale.
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Hi Dana Kent, welcome!
@Betty, good for you my dear. Have a wonderful trip!
@The Shadow , yep noticed that. She’s good at it. In the DR did you notice how she was going to help “shape” GMs noms?
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I still think Aaryn is Evel Dick’s daughter. She doesn’t seem as much like him now that she has calmed down a little…but, it is still there! Don’t you think she looks like Dani?
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@the shadow, yup Helen is a HUGE but kisser an it’s irritating that nobody is calling her on it!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ starfish, see exactly what you mean!!
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I would love to see Amanda be voted out! I do not like how she thinks (and actually seems to) run things, however, saying that Helen is no better! She has had her way in most all the nominees & evictions… What will happen when Amanda & Helen are gone & the other house guest have to think for themselves… Then again maybe Amanda & Helen will make it to the end (hopefully yet won’t!)
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This is the worst cast since season 1! It’s not their fault – the casting was terrible!
Anybody agree?
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Helen is a typical political consultant. She lies, while smiling in your face, talks out of both sides of her mouth and is a major butt kisser! I would love to see her not make jury!
p.s. I used to like her, but became tired of her Mother Teresa act! Amanda, as crude as she is, at least tells the other HG’s off to their face.
Where is my Teddy Bear? I just wanted to say goodbye! I will miss everyone here, but I will be back soon, although most of you won’t miss me, as you hate my posts for still being an Amanda fan. (Entertainment only – I want Judd or Andy to win)
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How could Aaryn be Evel Dick’s daughter? He called Aaryn a racist.
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@Audrie: Aaryn looks like Daniele, sounds like Daniele, has the same body type and is as fickle as her but is definitely not his daughter. He has two kids and most everybody knows who they are.
Right now, I am pulling for Andy to win this with McCrae a close second. Agree with those now who said I was wrong when I said Judd was smart. He’s almost as lost as the rest of the House. The women in the House drive me batty.
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@Kevin11 – I agree, the women in the house do drive me crazy too! Be careful for you may see a green figure in your window this week, but don’t be alarmed, as it will be Jessie and of course, she will be whining!! I am sure it will freak poor Saki (? name) out!!!
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Did yall see aaron trying to bully judd into turning against jesse – it sounded alot like the tongue lashing she gave david…..
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Just setting a place marker. Love al the posts, but just too many for one sitting!
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Okay 🙂 ……… Saving a place ! ………….
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Betty, you have a wonderful time and we’ll all miss you especially the Tedster won’t have you to pick on. 😆
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@Starfish – Thanks Starfish. I am sure Ted will have his hands full on this blog defending Amanda. 😆
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Dana Kent, this is a good place to vent. Glad I found it as well.
Scotth, I agree. I blame casting more than the actual HGs. What do they expect when so many in the house never even watched BB or just started watching recently? Knowing how to play this game takes more than sitting down and crashing thru a couple seasons.
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@JT, I read your post on the previous page. Thank you for that. Its the best rundown of the house I’ve seen anywhere. At this point I don’t care who wins–so long as its not Amanda, McCrae (for associating with her) or Helen. But if the others don’t wake up and realize they each have no chance of winning with any (or all) of those 3 in the house and start getting them out, the entire season will be wasted. I don’t remember a season in which the evictions were so boringly predetermined a week in advance where it really doesn’t matter if we watch the show or not. I’m so over it now.
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Betty, have a fun trip. 🙂
How screwed is Judd with McManda?
Jessie talked to Judd about wanting Amanda out this early morning. She told him he could join herself, Elissa, and maybe Helen to make this big move. Judd played along without committing.
Judd then went to McManda and told them the whole plan and that the 3 of them should get Helen, Elissa, & Jessie out next. This was a very long conversation that had me believing the 3 of them were tight again.
But as soon as Judd left the cockpit room, McManda turned on him again telling each other he was lying and probably made up the convo w/ Jessie.
WOW, Judd just can’t win with those 2. He tells them about yet another plan to get Amanda out… and they blame him?
Judd, if you only knew what we know, you’d flip your vote Thursday in a heartbeat. But you don’t know, and probably wont until you watch McManda’s good-bye messages to you.
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Betty: Saki ain’t scared of no Green People.
The only HG who has ever really freaked her out was casey when he was dressed up in his banana suit for a week. So hard to explain to a small feline that it’s just a silly costume on silly show on a lot in Studio City, California…Especially when she only speaks German.
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Becky, y/w. IDK how accurate all my info was… it’s just how I see everything. But I have watched so many (TOO MANY) hrs of feeds, so I feel it’s as accurate as I can be.
It’s often hard to tell when they are lying and when they are being truthful with each other. That’s where DR sessions come in.. that is where they actually tell what they are really thinking. I’d like to see more of those on the show and who is really loyal to who.
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Kev, Saki had to be freaked out by Ian in the doggy costume.
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GinaMarie just rubbed her face all over Amanda’s body to get some tan on her face and it worked.
(I am so embarrassed that I just typed this. 😳 Please send help Blogmates.)
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@JT: She actually liked Ian. When she saw him crawl under that couch on Opening Night last season, she fell in love with the kid. Has a tattoo of him on her left front leg. Homegirl just laid in the dirt under a bush for 33 minutes and had several pine needles, dirt and a bird’s feather stuck to her and looked like The Wreck of the Hesperus. A brush and Pet-Wipe™ quickly followed. Now a long nap. Number 11 today.
It’s good to be a cat. 😈
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Casting is to blame and HGs are just clueless. It’s so frustrating.
@K11 love the chicken photo. So funny. Almost did 22 again. Not surprised at GM doing that and Amanda letting her. Now she must have a blotchy tanned face.
@JT, we don’t see very much of the live feeds. You are really good at nailing what’s going on in the house and we all benefit! Thank you.
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They need to do an All-Stars season with no stupid twists and jack the prize money up a tad. I always think they should have a dog in the House then remember about CBS’s lawyers, the Lockdowns, the fake grass and the possibility of Spencer frying the pooch up and making a tasty schnauzer stew. I then think of how tough it would be for a dog to be in a House with 15 Nimrods likely fighting for his/her affection and overfeeding it. Maybe our show is just stuck on stupid forever. I had high hopes, now just hopes I was high.
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LOL almost chokes to death @ k11 re #46. .. by the end of the season I wonder how many times k11 will have asked for help. It has to be at least at a dozen by now lol
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@BCMarie: We’re at 11 now, naturally. I have issues. Any grown man wearing tiger slippers on a Monday afternoon and watching a woman get a spray tan every hour while others bake a cake for a fake wedding certainly must be 11 cards short of a full deck. Just be glad my Google Mail emojis can’t be used here…
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So if Amanda is adamant that Howard sexually harassed her, by her own admittance she is ugly and not good looking:
4:24 PM Amanda: I look like a migrant worker. I look like a slave. NT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn tells Amanda that she’s racist for saying that. They laugh. NT
4:29 PM Amanda: It’s not a racist if its true. It’s not sexual harassment if you’re good looking. NT
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the fact that anyone wears slippers in August must be short a full deck 😉 I tried to lay out in the sun today for a real tan but it is just too danged hot so I am nakid on my couch struggling to derive some joy out of the cheesiest reality show ever …. Whodunnit.
I strongly suspect we wont be seeing another season.
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sheesh. .. I wish we could edit our posts, I should have just said on the couch without the unnecessary extra descriptive. .. totally rolls eyes at self. . it is the heat!
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♕ @elissaslays
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Aaryn: “I think David hates me.” Elissa: “Who’s David?” LOL
Retweeted by Midnight Special
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@Kev11 LOL!! @short of a full deck description!!!!!
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Good catch Jane. She’s definitely not good looking then.
@JT, so it seems Des will go home alone. I don’t see any alternative that makes sense. Another hour to see what happens.
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@Jane, I have news for Amanda. According to the harassment training I got through my job (I’m a social worker), sexual harassment is only NOT harassment when it is welcomed, it doesn’t matter what the person being harassed says, does or even wears, if it is not welcomed, its harassment. Amanda loves attention, even said “thank you” when Howard first, supposedly, said those things to her. So, its not harassment. Personally, I think she either overheard (or got an accounting) of Howard and Candice’s conversation in which he said similar things about a incident when he was younger.
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@*fish…..The Bachelorette was a good one.
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Thanks Frannie, I’m anxious to see how they managed to do that.
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Omg remember Wil?? Here’s his parody of BB15! I love how he does Elissa! And the Klan Dance fir Aryan hahaha http://youtu.be/g7bk0FP99JA
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Ain’t nobody got time for two L’s hahaha!
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@Becky Agreed!!!
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OMG that Wil YouTube was hilarious. .. too much!!! lol
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Although Aaryn thinks it would be funny seeing Candice evicted in a Clown Uniform, I think it would be absolutely hilarious to see Amanda Blindsided with her Orange Tan!
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@bcm I almost choked on my juice when the Klan started dancing!!
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@Jane: That was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh. Post when another segment is uploaded please!!
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@Starfish and Holly
I was so glad to see a happy ending for Des, she’s such a sweet woman and Chris seems like a great guy, I’m still watching, I don’t know who next Bachelor is yet. I thought it was awkward them bringing back Brooks, Yikes, don’t need to see him again, so glad he proposed, good luck to both of them. It was a great ending
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@jane I cant get over the artistic genius of it, too f-ing funny. .. I HAVE to read the comments, print is too small on my tablet. . runs to laptop
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Jane I am LMAO that video was so funny I LOL and bill wanted to know what was so funny when I played for him he said that one has to be ellissa he said sounds just like her. Please post the next one, sad to say when ex hgs entertain us so much more then the current hgs
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------txs for updates all
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Glad y’all liked it! I’m still cracking up!
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BCMarie….ur so welcome…i knew when i read what LisaMarie wrote that alot of the posters wouldnt know what she was talking about…so i decided to expand and expalin it…u was so kind to mention my name…. 🙂
JT…i was trying so hard last nite to keep up with all the Updates on the Feeds here on the Blog and i kept thinking of u but i knew that u stay away on Sun nites… u must have had lots of notes while writing that Long Post, lol… 🙂
Jane…thate Wil Video was posted here last week…didnt u see it?…. it was from what happened last week….Wil hasnt realeased this week’s yet Epi 6… 🙂
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@hoh8 oops sorry! I missed it last week. I was annoyed with the blog last week so I skipped most of the comments, *in my Elissa voice* “I’m much better now, thannnkksssss”!
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I am still cracking up and blown away by that vid too. .. especially since I always thought Wil came across as a whiny pouty crybaby that acted like he never wanted to be in the house in the first place. What an awesome job he did on that parody.
ur welcome HoH8. .. I am glad someone else, besides starfish, understood what it was that I was trying to convey to LM 😉
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HoH8, notes would make things easier for sure! 😆 … but I just watch then come here and blather about what I’ve seen.
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ugh all these houseguests are idiots and this season sucks. I was rooting for Elissa at the beginning but now she just bores me. when will these idiots get balls and get Amanda out? someone needs to play the game they are all floaters and afraid to piss anyone off
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@JT or Kev11 can you confirm this on live feeds????!!! If its true Spencer should be removed immediately and arrested!!!
BB15 8/5/13 7:07 PM Am Cam 1 Spencer talks about beating off to Child Porn kids 3 and 4 years old NT
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from what I read about it, Spence was pretending to be Mcrae when he said it. Very very very sick joke.
Like you cant mention the word Bomb in an airport no one, absolutely no one should be making fun of child porn.
And to think he does it while on a live show.
If he hasnt been fired by now, I wouldnt be surprised if that act of outrageous doesnt get him fired now.
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I meant outrageous stupidity.
wow. How much lower can this season stoop.
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I read it was suppose to be a joke, but it sounds more like a pedophiles confession. Nobody that’s not in to that sick world would think to say something like that http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=BBFlashbacks&Number=20224765
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@Aggie, I was happy for them both too, but surprised! I thought for sure Brooks was coming back!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------What is the scoop on the Spencer pedophile statements?
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yeah. … the “joke” was quite detailed, there has to be some truth in words like that.
I was reading about it here http://survivorsucks.yuku.com/topic/107816/BB-15-Ongoing-Live-FEED-DiscussionCommentary-26?page=61
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@BCM thanks for the other link. Yeah I don’t buy it as just a joke. Who jokes about child porn in such detail?!! What type of person would think child porn is funny? What type of person has a detailed graphic pedophile mindset??!! The FBI should be going through his computer right now while the local PD remove him (on camera) from the house and detain him for questioning. They can also ask him why he has visions of raping females.
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@jane. .. that’s the thing. ..you don’t make detailed comments like that. .. joke or no joke. .. if your brain doesn’t formulate the scenario.
This is going to be a real shit storm because all of a sudden there is going to be this big wave of people on search engines everywhere. . linking CBS! BB! Spence and child pornography. .. and law enforcement isnt going to take this lightly.
What a fucking mess.
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@BCM and its a mess CBS created by not nipping all the disgusting comments HG have said all season. By not stopping the early racist comments they’ve got these guys thinking they can say whatever they want. Bye Bye BB and a big middle finger to CBS next year. Your right this won’t go unpunished.
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ok, who wants to LAUGH again….. here’s the Latest Wil Show Epi 6… Enjoy… 🙂
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I will look at it tomorrow HoH8. .. wake up 4.30 am is less than six hours away and I will appreciate the laugh after this new fresh hell.
nite all. .. boy am I ever sickened by this latest turn of events 🙁
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@BCM I’m with you! I am heading out to. I’m deeply disturbed! Goodnight! @hoh8 thanks for link will check it or tomorrow!
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Good Grief, Spencer is even more of a pig than we originally thought! He should be investigated and I hope he is. You don’t joke about porn.
Like BCM said, you don’t mention bomb on airports and definitely not kiddie porn anywhere! Disgusting!!!!
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@Hoh8, thanks for the Wil (ain’t nobody need two Ls) video. He is hilarious. Loved it.
As for Spencer, who was he talking to when he said those vile things? Maybe they’ll get together and vote him out and the cops could be waiting to take him away. Now that would be justice. I sure hope they are looking into this. The basement comment was too horrible to even think about. The thought just makes me want to give some of my own justice to people who are abusers of children, dogs or anyone!
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@SF…yeah, Wil is Too Much…i have Loved him more since he left BB then when he was in the House, lol…. 🙂
about Spencer…i have NOT believed one word he has said since Day 1….shortly after BB started this season, they interviewed his Mother, and she said whatever u hear Spencer say in the BB house “Its all Part of his Game”….and then in another later interview she said the same thing again…..
now, i understand some HG’s would talk a certain way in order to go far in the Game but come on, the way Spencer has been talking is TOTALLY out of line…i doubt he will get in trouble with the Law cause he’s in a Game and not saying that in a Bar with friends in the outside….so now we get stuck with this PIG and just waiting till he goes… 🙁
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Well if he’s lying about this and he considers it part of this game, he’s sadly mistaken. This won’t help his game, it’s sick. No one in their right mind would lie about something like that so I’m not so sure he isn’t lying but time will tell. He’s still a disgusting, vile PIG!
Now I’m going to try to get some sleep. Nite
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Jane: Just got home. Saw this:
Jun Song @JunDishes
FUCKING GROSS. “@spicypants: Big Brother 15’s Spencer Jokes About Child Pornography – http://bit.ly/17uJXux #BB15”
Someone will have to let me know what happened on “The Bachelorette.” Had sound down and saw a dude crying.
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I came to the BBBlog and all I got was this stinking T-shirt.
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
RT @idolknights I love that Jessie just hopped into the HOH bed between Judd and Aaryn #bb15 #Cblock pic.twitter.com/PSpgGpV7nF
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I watched the Spencer video to get some context..
It was very disgusting and in poor taste for a joke.
To let y’all know exactly what happened.. McCrae was taking a shower and they were trading a couple verbal “jabs” at each other. So dumb ass degenerate Spencer thought it would be funny to go pick up McCrae’s microphone and say that into it (to production) as if he was McCrae. (Amanda & Andy were in there too)
A normal person pulling a prank like that would have said something like, “Hi, I’m McCrae.. I deliver pizzas but will be moving to Florida to live off my wife’s 500k”
Something like that (except funny). It was a joke… he was mocking McCrae using McCrae’s microphone.. but disturbing that child porn would be the first thought in his head as a joke. Not funny in any context.
Just when we think Spencer is as low as he can get… he finds a new low. I will no longer insult pigs by calling him that. Degenerate works for me.
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I think Judd may be in trouble Thursday. Amanda, McCrae, Helen, Elissa, & Andy all want him out. Any of those 5 winning HOH might take their shot at getting Judd out.. probably in a backdoor move.
Judd better hope he wins HOH or one of the other 3 people that wouldn’t put him up.
I’d say the only person that has a 0% chance of leaving Thursday is Andy. Everyone else could be in some trouble depending who wins HOH and how veto goes.
I think MVP twist will end after first eviction. If Julie tells them we were MVP for the last 3 weeks.. that might save Judd some (but they still think he’s shady.. even though he told them about Jessie’s plan to get Amanda out)
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The video of Spencer talking about the child porn…. SMH
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Thanks Frannie… pretty sick stuff even if he was pretending he was McCrae.
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@ JT…Pretending to be Spencer or not, I sure hope he is checked out by the police/FBI. You don’t say shit like that on national tv and not expect an investigation. Things said in a joking way sometimes have some truth behind it. Of all the topics he could have picked to pretend to be McCrae, and he picked that? WTF is wrong with that perv? I hope his gf sees him for the person he really is. Take that a$$hole out in cuffs! 👿
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@Fp2 I agree! That’s not something that pops in a persons mind
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@kev11 @jt Good Morning!
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I heard Jessie say she could pay her mom back because HG had now earned around $7000.00. Ilysa agreed so they must be getting a stipend. I like Helen & Andy!
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Morning all. Never mind, I saw what happened on The Bachelorette….
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YUCK!!!!!! Don’t even want to watch the video. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE
What a sad, sorry , disgusting, …….bunch.
I was going to say good morning to you my lovely bloggers but really ? another creepy move from Spencer?
What is Julie supposed to say to any of them when they come out?
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Thanks all for keeping me up to date…. I have missed the last couple of shows and have not had time to catch up.
Not a big fan of Helen, I always thought she was fake-even more than Ellisa if you can believe that! Every HG is just annoying in their own way.
So the wicked witch is looking to get Judd out next? Say it ain’t so… He is the last one to cheer for (although I admit he would not be my fav on any other season). As much as I don’t like Amanda, she sure has house in control, so I must give her props for that — and none of those idiots have figured out they need to take advantage of this gift (yes America has given them a gift not once but twice) to get her out of the house. They are a frustrating group….
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Here’s Ian’s take on the Spencer thing. I like Ian but I absolutely disagree. Maybe because he’s not a parent? IDK http://forums.jokersupdates.com/ubbthreads/showthreaded.php?Board=bbnewsandrumors&Number=20233114
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What a way to waste away a TV show with these sick blowhards!
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I effing hate them all.
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@DonnaP lol! Touché! Agreed!!!
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@the shadow… This blog is definitely more entertaining. They should just turn our blog in to Live Feed Text on a Screen with JT’s duck swimming!
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Some of our comments would have to be bleeped.
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@Jane, it wouldn’t load!!! I can’t stand that “bleepity, bleep, bleep”!!!!!
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New post!
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All Houseguest get the union min. of 750 per week. Same on all reality shows. If they place top 2, then its taken out of the winnings. Same pay as Pres. Clinton got when he went on the Arsenio Hall show years ago. Or Dr. Michael when she did Foresume on Playboy.
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Hi guys! Sorry I hanve’;t been around much lately. We had family here for a few days, complete with 2 adorable LITLE girls, and it wsa a nice escape from this years BB. I really haven’t posted as much this year because it’s such a clusterf*ck and I have no favs to root for as everytime I think someone might be stepping up or straightening out, their true colors emerge!
On that note, here is a letter from Jun SOng, winner of BB10, who pretty much sums up my, and I am sure alot of our, feelings.
*Dear Big Brother 15:
I’m leaving you. I can’t take you anymore.
You’re supposed to be part dirt and part strategy but you’re mostly human trash in every sense of the word, save for the few kind-hearted HGs that make you up. You’re supposed to be fun, but time and time again you’ve proven to be the bottom of the barrel in poor representation of The United States of America. Glorified behaviors in the name of ratings, and scrapings from under the toenails of closeted racists and misogynists and homophobes. Now, most recently, children have been brought under the veil of “sexual jokes” or just “jokes” to some.
What the fuck has happened to you?
As a HG no matter how much we say we’re not playing personally we are, and it’s just a matter of how much day to day because we can’t hide who we are 24 hours a day. As a fan we have our personal favorites, which we should be able to separate from those we think are playing the best strategic game and most deserving of the win. Well, as a fan I don’t want to work so hard at sifting through your layers and layers of filth.
I don’t want it. I don’t care how old or bitter I sound because I’m the same old and bitter soul that won you 10 years ago before you were ever a line in the 2013 budget. I will take my season of dirt over yours any day of any year. I’m neither going to continue watching you and pretend I don’t know what’s going on, on the live feeds, nor am I going to continue promoting and bitching anymore about you. I don’t want your cake to have or to eat anymore, so you can have all the cake and eat it too as you feed the masses with the trash they want to see.
I’m saying goodbye.
It is possible to just turn you off, and easier here from Belgium, because my free time is too good for you.
Always dishing (just not watching you anymore),
P.S. This is my personal decision alone, and those who find me “holier than thou” can feel free to shut me off at any time as well. If you feel like I’m judging you, then you shouldn’t hang around me… The sooner the better as far as I’m concerned…*
I have been trying to catch up on the blogs but not sure there is enough time in the day!! 😉 I also feel out of the loop and out of synmc with y;all, so hopefully I can work my way back in! Altho I do agree with Jun, I am probably not going to be able to QUIT BBBB….BrokebackBB. lol But , for the 1st time in 15 seasons, my heart really isn’t into it this year. But that is no reason not to be HERE! I just usually try to post facts and some opinion and there haven’t been much of either that is fresh and new to report on !
Anyway, going to keep working on catching up.
Pesce, light and love,
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