Hi, y’all —
Big Brother finally got exciting last night!
Now, you can get a good play-by-play recap of what happened last night if you read the comments under yesterday’s post. But here’s the long and the short of it:
As most of us predicted, Helen was voted out on a 4-1 vote. Only Elissa voted to send out Spencer. Helen went out of the house, talked to Julie, and — oh my God — I find myself if she was ever going to shut up or if Julie and her were going to continue the conversation over drinks after the show ended.
But, finally, Julie managed to get a word in edgewise and she let Helen know that she and the other three jurors — Jessie, Candice, and Da Judd — would be competing to re-enter the house. Helen, needless to say, jumped up and down like an awkward girl trying out for cheerleader.
Julie announced to the houseguests that a juror would be reentering the house. The look of shock and panic on Amanda’s face was priceless. At this point, all four of the jurors reentered the house and we had sit through an eternity of everyone hugging and pretending like they were happy to see each other. Candice even hugged Gina Marie and Aaryn.
Here’s how the competition worked:
All of the houseguests and jurors had to stand on a perch while being sprayed by water. Every ten minutes or so, a bunch of baseballs were thrown at the HGs and the jurors. The first person to catch ten balls would be the new head of household. The first juror to catch ten ball would reenter the house and if that juror was also the first to catch ten balls, he or she would have been HoH as well. If you fell of the perch, you were out of the competition.
The feeds kept going in and coming out throughout the competition but here’s a few highlights:
McCrae, Spencer, and Andy all fell off relatively early.
Some guy we’ve never seen before came running through the backyard, screaming that he was their biggest fan and he wanted to do shots with the houseguests. A bunch of security guards grabbed him and dragged him off. What’s odd is that the Houseguests didn’t seem to be to0 surprised so perhaps he’s not the first crazed fan to break through security. (One never knows what might be happening while the live feeds are down.) Then again, a lot of people on twitter seem to think that the crazed fan was a planted by production. I just find it interesting the someone would go through the trouble to break into the Big Brother house and not shout, “AMERICA WAS THE MVP!”
Of the jurors, Jessie was initially ahead but then she slipped and fell off her perch. As Jessie walked over the sidelines, she yelled, “F*ck you, Amanda! I f*cking hate you!” Good for Jessie. (Though that’ll probably help out Amanda’s game because now people know that there’s at least one person on the jury who won’t vote for her in a final two situation.)
Both Helen and Candice eventually fell of their perches which means that Judd is coming back into the house! To be honest, though, Judd has become so legendary that I think a few people have kinda forgotten that he’s really not that good at the game. But, at least he’s likable.
After having her closest (and only) ally voted out of the house, Elissa was playing this game to win. From the start, she caught the most balls and when she did slip off of her perch, she executed an amazing move to pull herself back on before her feet touched the ground.
And guess what?
In the end, with only Elissa, Amanda, Gina Marie, and Judd still on their perches, Elissa caught her tenth ball and is now head of household!
Now, a lot of people on twitter think that Amanda wasn’t sprayed by as much water as some of the other houseguests. They also think that she was thrown more balls than the other houseguests. I don’t know if that’s necessairly true but I do know that it appeared to me that occasionally, Elissa’s balls were being thrown short.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that this is 100% the case. And, ultimately, it doesn’t matter because — even though Amanda did surprisingly well in this challenge — she still didn’t win. Elissa won and there was must rejoicing.
(And just consider that, if it is true that Amanda was thrown more balls and wasn’t sprayed by as much water, Amanda still couldn’t win HoH even with the comp being rigged in her favor!)
Now that Elissa is head of household, she’s saying that she’s planning on nominating Aaryn and McCrae. I know that a lot of us would prefer that she put up Amanda but I can see Elissa’s logic. If Aaryn doesn’t go this week then she’s a real risk to win HoH and then Elissa would end up nominated. Whereas Amanda can get as mad as she wants, she’s still proven herself incapable of winning challenges.
I still think Elissa’s making a mistake though. Even if Amanda can’t win challenges, she’s still proven herself capable of controlling both McCrae and Andy. GM will also be looking to take out Elissa if Aaryn is sent home. Elissa’s best hope would probably try to make an alliance with Spencer and Judd but, as much as I love Judd, it’s hard to forget that, up until he was voted out, he was basically willing to do Amanda’s bidding. Judd also pretty much blamed his entire eviction on Helen and Elissa, even though it was Amanda’s paranioa that sent him out of the house.
My dream scenario remains this: Aaryn and McCrae are nominated. Aaryn or McCrae wins POV. Amanda goes up in their place.
Amanda, by the way, appears to know that there’s a strong possibility of this happening as well. That’s why she spent all of last night complaining about how unfair Elissa is being.
That’s it for now. Nominations will be announced later today.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
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LM – Good play by play of last night’s show! This week will be interesting indeed!!
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Thanks Lis Marie,
I have become so bored w the show that I actually fell asleep.
I knew i could count on this Blog to catch up.
Well lets hope Amanda and Mac Cray go up , but she may want to back door Amanda.
Amanda’s melt down started so maybe she will cause so much drama that she’ll make the HGs life miserable and they’ll vote her out.
About Judd he’s sweet an likable but let’s face it, not a game player.
I really think they should have told them that America was MVP but they do seem to protect Amanda from getting bad news.
i really think they should get her out and send her to therapy or Survivor where she could be eaten by a shark if we were lucky.
Thanks JULIE for wearing a normal outfit with matching shoes and matching jewelry.
Ans Spencer is still floating his way to the top 🙁
All is quite without Helen , except for Amanda’s crying, for Mac Cray……run from her now!
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Awesome synopsis. I want the man woman out. Please Elissa get her very undesirable ass out the house. pLEASE!!!!
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Lisa Marie,
Thanks !
I actually fell asleep.
Glad Judd came back and as we all know he needs to start playing or out he goes again
Amanda is melting down so that could make things clearer for E to put her up and not waste a chance to get her out.
Happy Jesse yelled on her way out, she is the only one not afraid of Big A.
What is going on w Spencer ? going under the radar and all the way to the F2 , not a good thing at all.
How can a fan break into the BB house ? they have cameras everywhere? that’s so weird
Ok have a great day everyone !.
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@ Herbie and her grey panties
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Ps. Love jeesies parting words FU aMANda as I detest u.
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Something is fishy.. I thought if their feet left the perch they would be out of game.. I think it is rigged for Elissa to win anyway.. and since she was allowed to stay after her feet left her perch I smell a rat…
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If I were Elissa i would put up the nasty couple and put Aaryn up as a replacement if it came to that. at least i’d get one of my targets.
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It made me sick how McCrae finally woke up and was arguing with Elissa when he found out she wants to nominate him. Hope she stands her ground! My thinking is she should put up Amanda and Mc Crae. Then when one of their “alliances” wins the veto, and takes one of them down, she can backdoor Aaryn. If no one takes them down, she has broken up one of the major couples and Aaryn wouldn’t be gunning for her. If she puts up Aaryn and Mc Crae, Aaryn is so good at comps that she will win veto, take herself down and then be really
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pissed at Elissa.
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I saw a clip where it looked like a hand came out behind Helen right before she fell, anyone else see it. Not thT I want her back but if its true that’s just not right.
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Please, please E…do not make the mistake of leaving Amanda in the house. Put her and McPickyToes up together, and if one comes down, put Andy as a replacement.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It looks like Judd is falling back into the trap of Mc-non sexy. I wished E would grab him before that happens. And it looks like E is back to trusting Andy…another big mistake. Maybe E has something special in mind, I guess we’ll have to wait and see. Nancy out!
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Jani. What u saying makes no sense. She did not fall off simple as that. Obviously u r not a Elissa fan. Get on go E bandwagon n let’s c if she can overcome incredible odds against her
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Hope Elissa wises up. Why does it matter to me so much that Mccranda gets booted out. I should occupy my thoughts with cleaning my house forget about my obsession with sending Big Bully home. Thanks LM for all your updates. Kudos
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No one broke into the house… or onto the CBS studio lot.
The “crazed fan” character was a lame part of the comp. He was there to distract the HGs competing. The “security guard” character was also not real. It was simply all part of the act. It was a baseball theme comp, and just like many crazy fans run on the field and get chased… so it was in this comp.
If there were any doubts about that… they should have been put to rest as soon as the guy showed up a 2ND TIME. A real crazed person would have never got near the compound in the first place…. and certainly not again after being escorted away by security guards.
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All this time we thought production was in favor of Amanda, but it seems to me that Elissa will win. I don’t like her, never have, and I could not stand her butt ugly sister Rachel either! I would rather see Amanda take it all than see Elissa win! JMO
I am still pulling for Judd, but I know he doesn’t have a chance.
I don’t care if Amanda or McCrae are evicted. I want to see Aaryn win the veto, then win HOH next week and backdoor Elissa, although I am sure production will see to it that E will win the POV. She thinks she is a nice person, but I see her as a stuck-up rich bitch that idolizes money and herself! She has no idea how to talk people, as she thinks she is better than everyone else!
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Lisa, “My dream scenario remains this: Aaryn and McCrae are nominated. Aaryn or McCrae wins POV. Amanda goes up in their place.”
And as much as I would like to see Aaryn win veto and have Amanda & McCrae both on the block, My sadistic side sorta wants McCrae to win veto. And laugh as Amanda campaigns to McCrae why he is better off not using it.. and staying on the block. 😆
No joke, I truly believe she would. She would “know” she was going home if on the block… but she also “knows” everyone likes McCrae too much to vote him out instead of Aaryn. That would be a glorious argument to see her make to him.
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OMG it took me an hour to catch up
i just hope elissa doesnt weaken and listen to mcranda and weasel andy
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Helen made a fool out of herself last night when Julie told her one of the jurors would return to the show. She reminded me of a dog anxiously jumping up and down waiting for a treat. I fully expects Julie to say “Sit girl, sit”! I am so glad she didn’t win!
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expectED 😳
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helen was pushed off by production crew from behind
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I admit, I didn’t like Elissa at the beginning, either. Honestly, her voice is crazy annoying and she seriously seems out of it a lot of the time. Not to mention, as Helen said last week, she seems to take her experience in the Big Brother house for granted, while many of the other players are fulfilling a big dream and have probably worked hard to get there.
That being said, Elissa seems to be the only houseguest who is still disgusted by Aaryn’s bigotry and poor treatment of Candice (and other minority houseguests). I have a lot of respect for someone who doesn’t let game play or their own self-interest sway them from sticking by their principles.
I don’t have live feeds so I can’t be sure, but Elissa seems to be by herself a lot. This will especially be true now that Helen is gone. That can’t be easy, and yet she’d rather be alone in a really difficult situation than have to kiss the butt of someone she finds despicable. To me, that says a lot about her character. I find myself having more respect for her than most of the other houseguests, and I’m rooting for her to win just because of that. Not to mention, she seems to be the only person not pulled into the Amanda Orbit of Influence.
It seems like Elissa has a strong sense of self, and doesn’t need approval or ‘friendship’ from anyone else; she seems to do what she wants for her own reasons, rather than allowing herself to be talked into/out of anything. Even though she’s gone with the group a lot in terms of evictions, it seems like she’s doing it because she doesn’t care one way or the other rather than because she’s a follower (Andy).
Elissa’s problem is that she can’t make a secret final 2 deal with anyone and form her own ‘power couple.’ Aaryn would probably win more votes at the end, because evicted houseguests tend to like people who “play the game,” which Aaryn clearly has by winning competitions, etc. Andy can’t be trusted because he’s weak, so he’s out. Judd is too nice/popular and would win all the votes. McManda would obviously take each other to final 2. GM wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut about a secret deal. Spencer is disgusting, and based on the way she feels about Aaryn, she’d probably rather lose the money than give Spencer a chance at it.
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Soooo much drama last night, NOW is the time to get the Amazon Bully Amanda out of
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the house!!
Loved to see Judd back in the house, the look on Amanda’s face was amazing!
Can not wait to hear the words Amanda you are evicted!!!
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I really hope Amanda goes home even if she is backdoored. Great! Elissa finally stepped up and won HOH.
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If Amanda is evicted, can you imagine the fireworks between Jessie and Amanda when she walks into the jury house? I would love CBS to show us this, but unfortunately I think there will be so much swearing that they won’t be able to edit it! 😆
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Watched the video of Helen falling but not sure if she was pushed. There was really no good reason why she fell tho’. I don’t think production would be that obvious.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Andy is already turning against McBully by telling E that there are couples in the house that need to be separated, unless he was talking about A and GM.
Remember Helen telling E that she should put A and Grey Panties up at eh same time and if one comes down, McCreepy goes up? Hope she sticks with that.
It was fun to watch McAnder worry and keep saying this was the worst case scenerio. It was priceless.
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To me it looked like Helen jumped off! If someone would have pushed her she would have said something about it? I want to see McCranda on the block also! But it seems to be Aaryn that Elissa wants out! Oh well it’s her hoh guess she will do what she feels is best! She’s defiantly playing a personal game!
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Looks like Elissa is leaning toward putting up Aaryn and MacRae. And if either of them win the veto, Per Elissa, she is going to put up anyone who does not work really hard to get the veto?? That could be Andy. But I am hoping it will be Amanda. If Amanda and MacRae are on the block together, I hope Amanda will be voted out.
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I’ve watched Helen fall over & over – she fell on her own. It really looks like Candice thought a moment after Helen’s fall & she “jumped” down. Perhaps seeing the HGs was a bit too much & she “threw in the towel”.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m glad Elissa is strong willed about nominations. She kept telling amanduh she was doing what was best for HER game. Way to go E!
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for today (he he) im really likeing ellisa – she is straight shooting and didnt pull any punches with aaryn – hang in there girl – this hoh could be a game changer – thus getting our bb bloggers back with us!
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I am so glad elissa won. I want amanda gone so badly. She thinks she is hoh every vote off. She showed her naked rear end to camara and has no couth. Spencer is a pervert. Andy is adicted to being a gossip. Mccray is a woosh and weak. Follower. Aaron cant make her own decisions. Love genamarie.
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I have watched every season of Big Brother. This is the first season where there is NO ONE left who I want to win. If Judd did indeed make it back in the house last night…then I am pulling for him 100%!! However, he’s not the brightest crayon in the box and that freaking Amanda will eat him for breakfast. McCrae is an idiot…and not because of his “love” for Amanda…he is just an idiot. He would probably spend the prize money on more bandanas that he can tie around his arms and head. Amanda is a closet psycho! Aaryn is a spoiled little rich girl. Elissa thinks batting her eyes and owning yoga mats will get her far in life. Andy is WORSE than a first grade tattle-tale. Sheesh. I cannot imagine him being a college professor! He is a moron with a some-what good vocabulary. GinaMarie needs to “schlep” back to Brooklyn and STAY there. She is another idiot. Buying more hair extensions would be her top priority. Spencer is a jerk. I am just so disappointed with that is left. I really hope Judd can up his game play this go around. I really don’t know who I will pull for if he leaves again. Being from North Carolina makes me want to pull for Elissa…but she puts far too much emphasis on looks and body size (still remembering her putting down Amanda for wearing a one piece bathing suit). Plus, if Elissa wants to run back to her hubby and kid…send her packing! Pretty crappy to say if you get to the jury house, you are just going to head on home. I guess I will see what happens with Judd. If I had to name a second favorite…good Lord this is hard…I guess I would go with…no I am not really going to say this…yes I am…GinaMarie.
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just in case
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On BBAD last night, did anyone else catch what Spencer said to McCrae when Gina Maria was going on and on about the baseball jersey and that she was good in baseball but for some reason couldn’t catch the balls last night? She was running off at the mouth and it sounded like he said to McRae “I wish I had a gun”. I rewound and replayed twice and that’s what it sounded like each time. He should be removed by production if he really said that, even if it was a joke (and we all know he has really bad taste in jokes)
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Would love to see Elissa form a F2 with Aaryn, put Mcranda up and back door Andy if one of them is taken off by veto. Don’t particularly like Elissa or Aaryn but then can at least win comps.
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Hopping between this page and the new (newer) one is making me dizzy 😆
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Yes, I heard what Spencer said also, and that’s exactly what he said.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------When they were trying to get Helen to stay, Elissa told Aaryn and GM that she was in 100% with them. So now E is putting Aaryn on the block? They need to team up and get McCrazy out of there and Andy up as a replacement.
I still pulling for Judd but not if he goes back into the alliance with McCreepy.
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Me too JT.
Betty, tell us how you really feel. 😆 I too would love to see Amanda entering the jury house. Let the fireworks begin.
This is at least an exciting week with someone other than McManDa running the show. I just didn’t like watching all the brainless, gameless. There was no game by anyone except to follow the house so as not to upset the queen and get in her crosshairs. Booooorrrrring Bleh
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I’m glad that Judd has been given another chance and hopes he makes the most of it. Absolutely delighted that we finally have something worthwhile to watch. Elissa is playing her game not McCranda’s bully team at last we have someone regardless of their personal motive that is willing to buck the trend in that house. YOU GO GIRL! I would like to see the back end of the Amazon leaving the house on Thursday and then let the chips fall where they may.
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Marsha- Yes, he said that. I think he thinks he is funny and doesn’t even realize what is coming out of his mouth. I’m assuming he said “I wish I had a gun”, to shoot himself because GM goes on and on and he is not interested.
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Wow! Finally caught up with all the posts from last night and today. I got home 2 hours ago and started reading after checking my email (business first).
This should be a fun filled week in the BB house–for everybody not named McManda, anyway. I can’t believe how worried that hateful woman acted when she realized she wasn’t going to be able to control Elissa’s nominations as easily as she’s controlled all the others. (boo hoo, cry me a river).
I love that Elissa is refusing to use Spencer as a pawn. I also hate McManda’s reasoning, its OK for Spencer to be a pawn, but not for us oh no. That should never happen. The arrogance of that sentiment is just flabbergasting (to borrow a phrase from a former HG).
As much as I really haven’t admired Elissa’s game and don’t really want her to win, I’m glad she’s HOH. Glad, too that she’s playing her own game and not Miss Nasty Pants’ game.
BTW, by the middle of next week, I should be around a lot more often. I’ve requested a leave of absence through the FMLA in order to deal with my mental health.
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come noms – lets get it going while shes still strong in her conviction
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Poor Judd, now Elissa is sending him off to the wolves (Amanda and McCrae) to spy on them. He will use him just like Amanda used Aaryn!
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She – Elissa (not he)
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The thing is, Judd doesn’t have to spy for Elissa or anybody else; it is his choice. If he is smart, he will do it, though. He’s been told that Amanda was the one who wanted him out, he needs to do what he can to get her out before she comes after her again. And she will. McCranda has already been talking about get rid of him.
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I have a very strange feeling that all may not be what it seems. I think production has something to do with this. Time will tell.
@Becky – I mentioned that about Judd because I really like him and I don’t think he will be a good spy, especially with Andy around. Funny to see the tables turn on McCrae and Amanda, but like I said, I have a funny feeling about all this. I guess I am waiting for the other shoe to drop! 😆
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Betty – what do u mean – bad feeling? maybe too good to be true?
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@Macy – It is hard to explain, but Elissa seems to be trusting everyone, except Amanda, Aaryn, Andy and McCrae. I don’t know if GM and Spencer are really on her side. It will depend how the wind blows. Frankly, I think she is talking too much. She should just nod her head and listen and NOT answer to anybody. If by some miracle Aaryn, McCrae and Amanda come out of this unscathed, Elissa will be in real trouble. Maybe a super veto or some other sort of other power will let the person who wins choose the nominee or will be able to save both people on the block. I know I sound crazy, but it is just a feeling I have. I am probably wrong, as I never can second guess this show!! It just seems too good to be true that Amanda or McCrae could face eviction this week. Even if Aaryn is sent to jury, I think Amanda, McCrae and Andy will want to take Spencer to the final four. Hope you get the gist of what I am trying to say! 😆
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I get the gist – but – keep thinking about ALL of those convos she had with helen and all of the scenarios – i could be wrong – but i think she has a plan – plus – one of the convos she had with her – helen tld her to act like aaryn was her target to backdoor amanda – if she is doing that now – surely she has plan b too – i just hope she doesnt get hoh idas
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@Macy – Elissa hates Aaryn with a passion and I think her hatred is blinding her, but then again, Aaryn is better at challenges than any of the other HG’s, so I am almost sure her target is Aaryn this week. Like I said before, I could be wrong.
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Oh, one more thing! I think Elissa is playing her own game now and will not follow any advice Helen gave to her, after all look where Helen ended up!
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LOL.. this is tough keeping tabs on 2 pages. I just came back here quick to catch up… now I’ll go back to the new page…
I feel like Andy popping in on different conversations. 😆
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JT – I know how you feel. I have no idea where to post. I wish they would put up another new page!
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Betty, my rule of thumb is if I look at the very bottom of the page….. and there is no link for “Next post” …then I’m on the right page 😆
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@JT 😀 😆 🙂
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i have selected the ‘notify me of future comments’ – so i hear the email – ha – only problem with that is – i had to delete 500 something e-mails this morn – ha
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when are noms?
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JT when you officially find out the nominees, please post them on both pages!
At-a-boy Popping Andy
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For this old page….. 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Noms are
Aaryn & McCrae
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I’m officially hating this two page thing!! I agree with JT to look at the bottom of the page but we all still know there are two pages. Ugh
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starfish – does anyone have the capability to contact lisa marie somehow? its fri nite so shes prolly out tho – we need a new page bad
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I have an idea…for what it’s worth. Everyone just go to the other page and stay there. Put a sign up that says GO TO NEXT PAGE!
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macy, we got 2 new pages today… and you want a 3rd? 😆
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Frannie… this reminds me of the old blog hopping days 😉
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😆 Yes, it sure does. I would follow you around seconds after you would post. Ahhhh, the good ol’ days!
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I thought the other page was just for talking about whether or not people thought Helen was pushed…
But then, I can see the point of going to that page and wanting to stay there. Few stay on topic. Even me.
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I really feel like E. will try to work with judd. Who else is left for her to really want to work with. Imho.
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An exercise for your eyes when your tired reading
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Sal I love stuff like that but now my eyes are going crazy. 😆
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I think I see Elyssa’s logic.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Put up Aaryn and McCrea and if Aayrn wins (since she is good at comps) put up DEMANDA and get her out.
Because in reality Aaryn is better then McCrea at comps. have Amanda and McCrea up together and split the nasty couple up.
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Yep i think thats right Mary. Spencer makes me sick!
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Eeeew now Judds being a pig toooooooo….why so rhese people have to talk like that. Gosh u can tell these are some very ignorant people.
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didn’t want judd back…just another nasty guy to deal with..will less likely go against demanda
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@Becky, feel better
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