Hi, y’all:
I don’t even know where to begin.
At first I was sad and upset last night because Nick was voted out of the house on a 7-4 vote. That’s right — the Moving Company fell apart, McCrae flipped, and cute, enigmatic Nick was sent out of the house. Here’s how the votes broke down:
Jeremy — Elissa
Kaitlin — Elissa
Andy — Nick
Gina Marie — Elissa
Judd — Nick
Spencer — Nick
Jessie — Nick
Howard — Elissa
McCrae — Nick
Amanda — Nick
Candice — Nick
As sad as I was to see Nick go, I did feel better that none of the HGs who voted for him was spiteful about it (none of that “With pleasure, I vote to evict…” stuff that Rachel would always do). Also, while he was talking to Julie Chen, Nick seemed to be almost relieved to be out of the house.
And considering what happened after he left, who can blame him?
As for the HoH competition, it was a memory game. Since it required an attention to detail and a bit of intelligence, it’s not surprising that Jeremy was out of the game after the first question. Eventually, as a result of two tie breakers, Helen was named HoH!
And then the show ended but Gina Marie’s tears did not. The minute that Julia announced the vote, Gina Marie started sobbing. After the HoH competition, Gina Marie could be spotted staring forlornly at Nick’s now black-and-white picture. To those who pointed out that Nick pretty much refuses to even accept a hug from her, Gina Marie replied, “He was starting to like me! We only needed one more week and he would have liked me!”
With Helen moving into the HoH room and Aaryn, Jeremy, and Kaitlin moving out of it, the question became who would sleep where and this led to the biggest fights of the season.
Essentially, Aaryn, Jeremy, and Kaitlin decided that they were going to take over Jessie and Judd’s bed. When Jessie objected, Kaitlin ended up calling her immature and selfish and started to taunt her by saying that the show was obviously portraying her as being “the house slut.” Jessie, to everyone’s surprise, got a few good lines in herself. (My favorite was when she told Kaitlin that she was happy that Kaitlin had gotten Jeremy. “That’s all you, girl.”)
Aaryn, meanwhile, dealt with her frustration by flipping over Candice’s bed. When Candice came down to the bedroom and discovered what had been done, Aaryn smirked and said she did it because she heard Candice making fun of her earlier. When Candice continued to object, Aaryn started to talk back to her in an exaggerated black accent and then Gina Marie jumped up and got in Candice’s face and started going on about how Candice’s black half was coming out.
Candice replied with, “Nick is goooooooooone!”
Howard, realizing that things were on the verge of getting physical (which would have led to Candice getting kicked out of the Big Brother House), literally picked Candice up and carried her into the next bedroom.
Candice told Howard that she wanted to fight back. Howard said that they couldn’t fight back without hurting their respective games. Howard started to pray. Candice cried. It was heart-breaking to watch.
Amanda ended up confronting Aaryn, Kaitlin, and Gina Marie about their behavior. She told Aaryn, to her face, that the show was probably making her look like the biggest racist in the world. (To which I would say that it’s not the show that makes Aaryn look like a racist. It’s Aaryn.) Aaryn stated that she’s never said anything derogatory about anyone. Then, she started crying.
Judd, who I am starting to like more and more, finally stood up for himself and for Jessie (who I also like more after last night), told Kaitlin, Aaryn, and Jessie that they are “trash.”
Aaryn, Gina Marie, and Kaitlin have all threatened to self-evict themselves as a result of Nick being evicted. Last night, Gina Marie seemed to be the closest to actually doing it. Oddly enough, Ringworm Boy came across as being almost reasonable.
Helen, smart player that she is, appears to be looking to backdoor Jeremy this week. Elissa, meanwhile, is acting like Rachel and is unnecessarily obsessing over who the fourth vote was to kick her out of the house.
For this week’s MVP, I hope everyone votes for Helen. After being a have-not for two weeks, after suffering all sorts of abuse from girls who haven’t accomplished half of what she has, Helen handled winning HoH with grace and dignity. (Unlike Elissa, who gloated a bit and added fuel to the fire.) She deserves to have all the power this week.
Stay supple,
Lisa Marie
I said it before and I will say it again. Howard is a Bible toting hypocrite. No shortage of them her in Alabama, Ditto Mississippi.
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Loved last nights show, especially the look on the faces of those that voted to evict Elissa. Now the sobbing by Gina Marie was priceless. I never laughed so hard in my life! You would have thought that her mother, father, brother & sister just died in a plane crash. Really Gina Marie is your life so empty that you need to grieve that way over someone you may have known for a month? Maybe Helen will put up Aaryn & Jeremy. Maybe Elissa will win MVP and put up Kaitlin. Ah, life is good this morning!
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Hey guy and first time visited any BB Blog..love the comments. Now that the CEO is gone Tattoo Boy, The Racist, and TB’s love interest should all be next to go. Not quite sure of the order but all 3 will go. Spencer is sneaky..was kind of shocked when he voted for Nick last night.
Girl from New Orleans is probably the smartest player…she is first to figure out the MC and pretty much nailed, actually did nail, all the members.
Can’t wait to Sunday to see TB’s reaction to CEO eviction…should be interesting.
One more thing did the New Yorker girl lose her entire family at the same time CEO eviction was announced. Her reaction was hilarious….Nick didn’t even like her even though he did say something to the contrary in post interview.
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Please, please, please let Aayrn stay in the house until the end….I want her to come out totally unprepared for how we see her and prance out in her world of make believe “all love and worship me” attitude – granted I DO NOT want her to win. If I were in the house I would take her to the end, you would have to mess up really big to not be able to beat her in jury.
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Hey Jen..you bring up some good points..even though I disdain Aayrn and rather do a 100 laps in an Olympic size pool full of urine than see her win, keeping her around may deepen the backlash she will get once she gets back in the real world….she is already hated. Now let her go for being ostracized and hated by ALL.
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Last night’s show was great. Elissa and Helen are the one to beat. Elissa convinced the amount of people they needed to get Nick out. Who said she’s not playing the game. I have nothing against Nick but he was cocky thinking nothing would happen to him. Well now new alliance are now to be made and lets see who ends up with who. Can’t wait. Love it
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I was sad to see Nick go.. Even sadder to see Helen win HOH!! she is a back stabber just like Elissa. Candice needs to go home she thinks she is all that. What a violent year on BB.
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I hope Helen wins MVP.
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Why would anyone want to take Aaryn to the final two? After last nite disgusting show of emotions from her comments and actions I am just waiting to see how Julie handles this when she is evicted ~ it is sad that in the year 2013 from someone so young is being taught racism ~ its not right for anyone to be a target in the house due to race or sexual orientation ~ Aaryn and the others will learn their own fate when they step back into the real world where it was not anyone in that house that made them out to be anything but their own words are going to come back and haunt them for the rest of their lives ~ America might forgive but they will never forget ~ let them keep spouting their bigot attitudes and see how far it gets them in the job world ~ can you imagine any future employers wanting to hire them? Do they not understand the concept ~ Big Brother is watching you?
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I wonder what production said to Aaryn last night, after she flipped Candice’s bed and mocked her. I sure hope she is evicted next week, as I don’t know how much more I can take of her and her foul mouth. The only consolation I have is that she has ruined her life! Casey Anthony is probably the most hated person in America, but after watching Aaryn last night, she has to be second!! I don’t see how her parents can defend her now! – Loved it when Candice called them out last night!!!
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Last night was great. Time for bullies to leave. Now, new game is on!
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It was great to see the “bad” group put in their place last night. Funny how when they are no longer in control they all wanted to quit the game. Just like a bunch of losers. Jeremy seems to not like Katlin as much as before. He has realized he needs to switch sides to stay in the game. Hopefully the others realize just how fake he really is. I can’t blame Alissa for gloating a little. Let’s all be honest. She has been treated like she has leprosy or something. Time for the 4 “bad” kids to go. Then we will see a good clean game.
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Great post this morning Lisa Marie!!! I loved the link of the previous post from K11 showing Howard carrying Candice from the fight while she was yelling back at GM. I couldn’t believe GM getting within inches of Candice’s face. Good for Howard. But can you imagine what kind of uproar it would have caused if Howard had picked up one of those bigoted, racist “white” girls! Oh Wow. As for a new post every day, I’m not so sure; but if everyone wants it, no problems from me.
PK We don’t need to hear it from you again and again and again. We get it, really we do.
Too bad Elissa is gloating. I was disappointed in her behavior but Helen on the other hand, is a smart lady. She was so kind to GM, after the HOH comp. I’m going to vote Helen MVP too because she actually deserves it. Maybe Branchell’s fans will start to see that Elissa really doesn’t know how to play or how to focus for this game.
As for Nick, bless his little heart, I too think he was relieved to be out of there. Poor guy just didn’t know what to do. Did you notice his eyes get larger at the moment Julie announced his eviction? He was surprised too. The line of the week is “He was starting to like me!” OMG how pitiful is that! No girl, he was not.
I have nothing to say about the 3 witches that hasn’t already been said. I just wait for them to get there’s when they walk out. But they usually come out on top after awhile and people fawn all over them because they were on TV. However, somehow, I have a feeling that may not be true for a long time in this case. It’s amazing that Aaryn really doesn’t get it and her taunting Candice last night was just plain ignorant. I lied when I said I wasn’t going to say anything. Just had to get that in. 🙄
Now I have to go run out and then come back and read the blogs from the previous post. Thanks again Lisa Marie, really informative and loved the details. You rock girl!
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Maybe keeping Aaryn in the house until final two would make good TV, but it would be torture for the other housemates. Aaryn, GM, and RWB need to go home, before Candice snaps and Howard has a stroke from holding back his anger.
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JT & Kevin Just got up late this Morning, I did not check the feeds, hope you did not take that bet 😆
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My friend came over early & I had to move our cars in the street because he is a VN Vet with one leg & has a hard time getting into my house, so he comes in thru the Garage ….My wife is cutting his hair right now & then we will be going out to Lunch!
I had a great time with you guys this AM But got to get My S—T together, wiil see you all later & check if I still can see if I have any more of the LF .
See you all later have fun…. your friend Bob………….
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I was really surprised how well Jessie handled herself last night when they ganged up
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------on her and it was great to see Judd stand up to them too.
I was not sure however that Gina Maries tears were real…she seems to crave attention
and playing this over the top victim got her alot of sympathy…it could just be game
Helen, I thought handled herself with grace and I hope she goes far in this game.
I hope she finds the mole/moles…..
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Wish we could see Aaryn’s face after she is evicted and finds out she has lost her job. Gina Marie too! What spoiled brats they all are this year.
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I half heartedly have been watching. I didn’t watch 1 min. last yr, I feel BB has ran it’s course. I have only been hearing some of the show since hubby insists to keep watching. That Aaryn is a disgrace, and did anyone else catch Julie Chen’s tone w/ her? She must be insulted, its gross. This entire house and guests suck, the MVP is not a good twist, oh well!
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I know not everyone is an Elissa fan but I think she deserves a chance. She isn’t Rachel. I’d like to see Helen win MVP since everyone in the house will assume Elissa got it. Also, I cannot understand why BB has not confronted Aaryn and Gina Marie about their behavior.
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So happy to see Nick gone…couldn’t wait to see the look on his face. I am so proud of Helen…she and Howard are the only decent human beings on that show. I love how Howard treats everyone and lives out what he says he believes…how refresing after seen such bigotry and hate in the BBH.
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Last night is the beginning of how the game will improve. I’m sure that new alliances will form and hopefully Jeremy, Aaryn or Kaitlin will be leaving the BB house this week. Can’t wait to see these people go. If anyone thinks Jeremy was changing last night, get Real, He is a Dog, and has to go for the game to go forward, as well as Aaryn & Kaitlin. Their actions and comments in the house are totally uncalled for, this is a GAME and you should come into it with some class and know that you can’t spout out racial slurs. After the trash has been taken out the show will go on!!!! Have a Good Day, Big Guy.
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Diane you read my mind, as I was going to post the same thing. I’d love for Julie to be able to tell them they got canned on live television, but I know Julie is a professional and the network probably wouldn’t support that. I’ve never in my life come across 3 women that are so damn stupid! What were the odds that Big Brother got them all at the same time?
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And now the game begins!!! I have been pulling for alyssa mainly b/c of the horrible way she has been ostrasized by the houseguests. Helen has been her
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------anchor. But now can come up for air I want to see her play the game. Helen is really playing a fantastic game by being nice to wveryone. Obviously she believes the saying….Keep ur friends close and ur enemies closer cause last night she was ao sweet to everyone. How could anyone not like her? Even qith all the argueing and fighting the tension seemed so much less. I was sick of all the whispering and cowing down because of the mean team. So my faith has been renewed in this possibly being another good game to keep up with this summer. Good job houseguest on thinking the scenario through.
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I have nothing to say about the 3 witches that hasn’t already been said. I just wait for them to get there’s when they walk out. But they usually come out on top after awhile and people fawn all over them because they were on TV. However, somehow, I have a feeling that may not be true for a long time in this case. It’s amazing that Aaryn really doesn’t get it and her taunting Candice last night was just plain ignorant. I lied when I said I wasn’t going to say anything. Just had to get that in. 🙄
Starfish Some things just might be worth repeating, you think? 🙂
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Last night was the first night this season that I actually LOVED THE SHOW!!!
Aaryn showing no remorse after being told others in the house perceive her as a racist – no surprise at all. She is a horrible person.
The look on Nick’s face when he found out he was evicted was priceless! (I was completely surprised that Spencer voted Nick out!!)
I was nervous because Kaitlin was doing so well in the HOH competition, but I actually clapped when Helen won!! They need to quickly move to get Aaryn, Kaitlin, Jeremy and GinaMarie out.
I actually cracked up over how GinaMarie was acting over Nick being evicted! She should be embarrassed.
Not sure why some people don’t like Howard?! In my opinion, he seems to have a lot of class. I don’t watch the live feeds, but from what I see, he treats others with respect. And when did it become a bad thing to read the bible and pray????
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Howard, the Bible toting “liar” voted to sent Elissa home, not Spencer.
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Helen will figure it out eventually…
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It’s almost all been said here. Only a couple of things left to ponder. BB should kick Aaryn out of the house. After the warning last night, she did it again! Racism is unacceptable under any circumstances. One more thing – the homophobic remarks have been ignored.
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last night was awesome, glad Nick got to go home and Helen won HOH, now to get rid of Aaryn Jeremy Kaitlin and Ginamarie. Jeremy will have to be back doored since he won POV and was an a$$ about it.
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10:08 AM Howard in the HVN room praying and reading the bible.
10:36 AM Howard telling Helen and Elissa that he is solid, he voted with them, even though he told the other side he voted with them.
Must have been revealed to him to say that to Helen and Elissa after his praying and Bible reading. You think?
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Lisa Marie I enjoy your blog but lately it seems like an antu Elissa blog….she doesnt bother me but thats just me.I like reading ur recap…I get u dont like Elissa but dont want to keep reading about it.
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@PK I’ve heard you say that before about Howard for absolutely no reason. Our religious people not allowed to play BB? You sound like you have so etching against him for no reason. Well after years of blogging with you I can probably guess the true reason.
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I meant anti Elissa..sorry on my phone.
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Elissa was in the tie breakers.She had everyone right except the last one.Jeremy was out early.
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If the HGS all hates Elissa so much why do they keep saying her? This happens every year. Happened with Rachel, and look who won that season. Getting rid of Nick was literally the single handed worst move in BB history. Rachel fans (I still don’t understand how she has any fans) keep voting for Elissa to have MVP everyweek giving her the power everyweek, and the HGS are dumb to not see that! Seeing Helen win HOH was just as bad as Elissa winning it, securing their safety once again and helping them win.
And for Aaryn, Kaitlyn, Jeremy, and GM, completely on their side! Did not like them at the beginning of the season, but watching Elissa and Helen’s obnoxious attitude forced me to their side. Aaryn is not racist, everyone is taking her comments way too far! The fish comment is a prime example, she never said anything dirogitory against Candice for being black. Her comments sometimes yes are not appropriate, but come on, who hasn’t made a racist comment in there life? Candice especially needs to cool it, her making “Barbie” and “blonde” comments about Aaryn is the same thing! But no one sees that, don’t get me wrong, I believe that racism is should never be aloud, I just needed to stand up for Aaryn.
Sorry for the long rant, it just needed to be said
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After watching the Live Feeds last night, it seems like people are already talking about new alliances. Should be interesting to see how things shake out!
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I am new here and so glad that I found this blog.
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@Lisa Marie
Great writing as usual
@KenJake I agree w you tge homophobes a d cheaters need to still be exposed
But looks like the racist alliance is crumbling now
It’s getting more interesting as people w brains like Helen get to play the game
I don’t mind Elysa , ok her voice is super annoying as well as her crazy glued lashes
But she has been singled out from the start
I also feel that BB needs to stop bringing former HGs back and sibbling a
As well as people who never watch until they get cast to break put into a TV carreer
Sorry won’t miss Mick his personality was not social enough for the game
Staying supple
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BB racist comments made front page of Drudge Report
CBS must be proud
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Only being able to watch the regular cast shows, I really appreciate everyone and your insight and information. I really do want to see Elissa gone because I was not and am not a fan of Rachel or Brandon. She is not playing the game. She is hanging onto her sister’s coat strings. I would love to see some kind of real game playing on her part. I have a lot of respect for Helen. Lying and cheating is really a big part of this game so I expect that from everyone. But as much as I wasn’t sure about it at first, I am glad to see Nick gone. He kind of expected it. I too was glad there was no real gloating. I don’t like that stuff.
Sorry PK but I have to agree with Jane on her take with Howard and your disdain.
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@Lisa Marie..agree with your every word, as usual! You do seem to have your finger on the pulse of this blog!! 😉
SF…..I too saw the look on Nicks face when his eviction was announced! His eyes almost popped out of his face!! And I thought it was funny but also embarrasingly sad, when GM CLUNG to him as he tried to get out the door. He is too much of a gentleman to push her away but he held his head far away from her, patiently waited until she released him., and then walked out the door. No good bye to her. No hug back. And she thinks he was starting to like her???? The way Mattie liked Natalie on BB9?? There is a scary resemblence here!! Then on BBAD she wore his baby blue cap all nite like it was a religious relic, stupidly sitting atop her long-a$$ extentions, all piled up atop her head. No make up. Face all tear streaked. She was making a fool out of her self. If this is the kind of self-confidence she has, how ws she in pagents?? She is going to be in a world of hurt mentally when she gets out and finds she has no job..AND no Nick!!! I wonder if any of these people knew how weak and shallow and nassty they look to others before they went into the house? Or were they just all living in their sheltered, delusional worlds with yes people all around them shining back only what they wanted to see??? A shrink would have a FIELD day with teh HGS this year!!!! 😉
BBAD was all over the place! Good TV, that’s for sure!! People crying, fighting for beds,name-calling,taking sides…..it was like the end of the world!!!lol
But Helen was calm and kind thru it all. I really like her so much. With her as HOH we are going to see a WHOLE new game this week. I hope she goes far!
At approx. 11:42 BBT the cams went to trivi. Playing H/HN comp.
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@hpr56 exactly!
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@Star ……. GM flashed her matching panties to the hat during the live feeds last night!
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I was cheering last night.I can finally watch BB15 without a knot in my gut.I am soo proud of the house vote.Not understanding Howard (of all people in these circumstances)at all!! At least he is protecting Candice from her own demise (as in perhaps punching those women in the face,or throat or?).Thank you Lisa Marie for your blog and all who share,I really do appreciate it. I am disabled and can not work so this show is a big deal to me. I was very proud of BBCanada(I am Canadian) and was so looking forward to BB15. It was so upsetting to hear all the hate and that to me is not gameplay. Anyway so happy the show is on keel again. Looking forward to reading all your posts during the season.
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Is anyone else having trouble with the LFS?? I can’t get them to come up either on my puter or iPhone! Even changed my PW!!! GRRRRR!!!!! SO glad I paid for them this yer. I have had nothing but trouble with them!!
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Sal..no. missed that, thankfully..lol But then like I said, my LFS are hardly reliable this year!!
Dena…glad we can help!!! If you read this blog, you almost don’t need to watch the show. We’re pretty thorough!!lol
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PK, Howard said he would play the game like it is supposed to be played, and that means telling lies. I’m sure God won’t strike him dead because he signed up to play a game.
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Jane and HPR 15 Two wrongs never make a right, literally and/or figuratively. Racism of any variety is wrong, period. Holding a bible in one hand and making false statements to others for personal gain or whatever reason is also wrong at so many levels. I wish Howard the best and hope he goes far in the game, but he should leave GOD, the Bible out if the contest and continue to play to win.. So far as I am aware, GOD does not endorsed any players, only Grodner has that power.
Your slur was uncalled for Jane. No religion endorses lying and deceiving. Leave religion out of the Big Brother house where all of the latter run rampant. I personally practice my religion and follow its teachings – all of them- not just what is most convenient at any given time to adjust to any “game” plan.
Racism is evil – goes many directions … Homophobia is ignorant and toting a “Holy” Bible around in a game of cunning, deceit and back stabbing is just plain wrong no matter whether Dan did quite effectively and won Big Brother or Howard follows in Dan’s footsteps this season.
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Last night was such a blast! My thanks go out to JT & Kevin11. Good fun guys! Thank you!………………….
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Duchess — Point taken. I’ve been very critical of Elissa as a player but I think I’ve been far more critical of Aaryn, Ringworm Boy, and Gina Marie than I have been of Elissa and I think I’ve also always acknowledged that Elissa has a lot of fans and that there are people who do consider her to be a good player. I try to maintain a fairly even balance between recapping what happened in the house and giving my personal opinions of the players but it’s difficult sometimes. However, I will try to keep this blog from becoming strictly an anti-Elissa blog.
Personally, I think that part of the fun of a blog like this is that I can state my opinion and then everyone else can disagree with me and tell me why I’m wrong. And, at the end of the day, we’re all still friends because, unlike the majority of the HGs, we understand that Big Brother is a game.
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Babsw — You’re right, I was mistaken. Elissa did make it to the tie-breaker and I’ve corrected the original post. (I think I may have gotten her mixed up with Candice.)
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Ok I’m caught up to #50. Hi Bobo! Love all the comments and when I hit submit, I’ll have a ton more to catch up on.
Don’t bother responding to PK ever! Don’t give him a platform.
Ok, now to finish reading. You guys rock!
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Wow, I was really caught up more than I thought. Loved the links from JT, K11, Lisa Marie.
Star, we are still on the same page.
This game is about backstabbing and lying but not personal attacks with racism, bigotry, homophobic or anything! The 3 witches will get their due and we get to watch them go down the drain. Can’t wait.
I was disappointed that Howard didn’t vote to evict Nick. I wonder what his reasoning was. I loved watching his face while he was holding Candice. He was holding back some real anger. Now, let the game begin and get the 3 witches and their pimp out of the house. I hope Helen does backdoor Germy. That’s prolly the only way to get him out. I was impressed that his behavior after Helen won HOH. He showed he can have class when he wants to but I don’t think it’s who he really is.
Elissa did do some promoting to get rid of Nick and I was glad she did. Shows she may have some game but she needs to stay attached to Helen for obvious reasons. Helen is playing the game the way it should be played. IMHO
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Hi Starfish Glad to see you back as yourself again 😆 Like the smile but this is you! See you all later …. ……………….
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100% Agree with you PK ~ you said it all and clear clean cut it needed to be said ~ thanks
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I think they need to bring Evil Dick back to show Aaryn who can play dirty. Love Evil Dick
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Your comment is awaiting moderation ~ what’s up with this, been hear for years
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b4 i go past pk’s remark about howard being a bible toting hypocrite….he IS only human and i really see him holding his temper where i don’t think i could. and i’m a bible toting sinner that right now needs to shut up cuz i’m sorta pissed.
go Helen
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------go Howard
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at least Howard isn’t a middle aged man drooling over fake boobs of women young enough to be his children
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Hi Starfish,
I can’t wait until all the horrible evil is evicted from the house. I must agree with your remark about Jeremy, I think he handled Nick’s eviction quite well, although he was probably doing everything in his power to hold back his rage. Could not help but laugh at him when he told Aaryn and Kaitin that there is still hope! Personally I would like to see Aaryn go next week. I just can’t stand hearing anything that comes out of her mouth!!
Oh did everyone hear that Jeremy added another big word to his vocabulary?
FLABBERGASTED!! Good boy Ringworm!! 😆
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it’s a game PK…..you can lie in a game even if you read the bible….i bet you don’t even own one.
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This needs repeating!!!
Don’t bother responding to PK ever! Don’t give him a platform.
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tendr…lol too funny!!
SF….I DON”T!! Doesn’t seem to matter!!!
H/HN comp over. Don’t know who they are yet tho.
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The Lord is a forgiving kind of guy.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A lie in a reality game, I’m sure is a forgivable sin.
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Hi Betty: No I missed Flabbergasted. His behavior is flabbergasting.
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I’m glad Elissa is focused on that fourth vote. They thought they had a solid alliance and that one extra vote for Elissa is very revealing. Someone, and they will probably blame Spencer, was not in agreement to vote out Nick. Let the paranoia run rampant. But I am sure it will be blamed on Spencer.
The bed debacle was just embarrassing for the thee stooges. Those three from the HoH room have clearly, once again, demonstrated their feelings of entitlement and belief in their own superiority. It would be lovely to see Aaryn as a have-not more than anyone else in the house.
As far as taking Aaryn farther in the game I’m completely opposed to that idea. The farther Aaryn goes, the more money she collects for making people in the house as well as many BB fans miserable. Along with the bonus money for jury house. Nope, just don’t want to see her rewarded for her bad behavior for a day longer than necessary.
I feel for Julie Chen who, as a professional, is forced to interact with her and interview her when she is finally evicted. I wouldn’t want to have to be civil to someone who cast aspersions on my ethnicity and said the things Aryan did. But Julie will manage. I’m sure there has been discussion of how to effectively handle Aryan’s exit interview.
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Waiting Star for you to tell us the HNs. I sure hope Elissa doesn’t get stuck for a 3rd week but would love to see the 3 witches and then they’ll have something to cry about.
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WHY is the BR coverd in plastic sheets???
And OMG….GM is still wering Nick’s hat!! She looks so BAD in it..that’s the saddest part..lol
Well..got things to do. If anyone finds out who got stuck,let us know. Or I will if I find out before I have to go!
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susan 07.12.13 at 11:02 am
I hope Helen wins MVP.
me too susan………she’s playing the game and with class.
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Sal, that’s the truth for sure! Thank you for your civility!!
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Sounds like Jessie and Aryn are have-nots so far! Sorry for Jessie but WOOHOO Aryan!! See how YOU like it baby!!! heheheh
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Starfish My alleged “platform” is nothing more or less than my opinion and a true reflection of my beliefs amassed over 70 years. This is a forum where all opinions are welcome, yours included. My opinion about Howard and even Dan won’t change anytime soon. You disagree, your right and your opinion. Just try to keep it civil! 🙂
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Tendr, you are lol funny today. And so right on point.
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@Alex – You asked “who hasn’t made a racist comment in there life?”
Me – I’ve never made a racist comment!
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Great advice I’ll be quiet
Can’t wait to see Germy Boy and Aaryn Nation being interviewed by
That day may come sooner than later
And GM pageant life should have prepared her defeat
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When Aaryn is evicted Julie will be kind and polite, but I would just love her to say
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------‘Aaryn are you up for a couple of questions or should I go make some rice?’. I would pay to see the look on Aaryn’s face!
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i see nothing wrong with howard and his BIBLE….it’s not used as ‘gameplay’ but as i see it……to keep him from losing his mind and his temper….at least it would be for me.
to make fun or put down someone who uses the Bible to help them is no different than being a bigot against his Christianity. it if helps him keep his cool then good. it sure is keeping me from using words i hate right now. i know if i didn’t read mine i would have been in jail many yrs ago…..if i were in that game i’d need it too. howard could be in bed with someone and calling the white ppl cracker and all kinds of stuff but he’s not. He is more of a grown up than some of the men in this blog.
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i don’t think i will be back.
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Sorry that Jessie is a have-not. That could do some damage with Aaryn and Jessie being forced into that room together. It seems that Aaryn was working on pulling her back over to the ignoramus side last night. Stay strong Jessie! It really depends on who else is in thar room with the two of them.
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“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.”
― Henry David Thoreau
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@Sylvie, thanks for the Drudge Report info. I’ll take a look.
@Star, great to know Aaryn is a HN. As for Jessie, isn’t she the one who took Kaitlin’s bed last night? So, I don’t feel bad for her, everyone should have the opportunity to be a HN. 😯
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Betty, that very thought crossed my mind. However, I believe Julie is too much of a professional to let her feelings show like that. Although the expression on Aryan’s face would be worth millions!
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good one Betty !!
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@Princess, yes, I see your point. Good one. I hope Jessie doesn’t turn either. 🙂
@Sal, Thoreau says it all. Thanks!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Have Nots are: **************************************************Amanda***********************************Judd*************************************************Aaryn************************************************************************************************************Jessie, per Jokers Update
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I see you appear as a Mystic from your avitar, but who knew you were an authority on religious do’s and dont’s as well as well? You know what I’m saying about hypocrisy so I will leave it at that.
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Stay , everyone doesn’t feel that way.
Yes he’s locked w crazy people and playing the game
At least Howard has behaved like an adult
Nothing wrong w reading the Bible
That house is constantly in turmoil he’s protecting himself as the HGs
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@Sal, did that say Amanda, Judd, Aaryn and Jessie? Anyone else?
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SF, I thought it was the other way around. Jermy and Kaitlin came down from the HoH room and co-opted the bed Jessie has been sleeping in for the last 16 nights.
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@Tendr, don’t go, you are in the majority here!!!
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It was a team that lost. Yellow bandanas. Jessie/Judd/Amanda/Aaryn. The New HNs!!!
I’m out! BBL!!
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@Princess, you’re probably right. I get them all mixed up. Must be the grey hair! 😆
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Ok…..almost out!!lol
tendr..don’t leave!!! You are part of our Blogade family and we love you and your opinons here count! Not everyone has to agree we just have to agree to disagree and be tolerant of others!
Princess….You are right! Jessie was sitting in her bed staking claim and waiting for Judd when Jermy jsut flopped down on it and in a childish way said he wasn’t leaving and she couldn’t make him! Then a yes you are ….no I’m not fight ensued. Gave me a headace! But Jessie was ther 1st and HAD been sleeping there! Then Kaitlin came over and flopped all over Jermy. Poor Jessie! But she sat her ground, arms crossed…eyes too I think..lol
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they had 3 teams of 4, those 4 were the yellow team which lost!
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do not quote me I amnot sure but heard have nots r
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jessie judd mccare Amanda if so that sucks how comew Helen could not choose as aaryan nation did
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Thank you Star for straightening that out for me. Now, I feel bad for Jessie being a HN.
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MM, is was a four team competition and yellow lost. See Sal & Star’s posts above. Helen didn’t get to choose. Too bad she didn’t.
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Did I say there was anything wrong with Howard reading the Bible per se? NO!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Did I say that there is anything wrong with praying inside or outside of the house, per se? NO!
Did I repeatedly say that I have a problem with Howard’s “let me pray for you” just before I lie to you and deceive you and cast blame on another? Sure did repeatedly and that is where I PERSONALLY draw the line, now and always! No platform, just simple CHRISTIAN ethics inside and out of any house.
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Talk about cheaters: Aaryn is a HN
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------f/Jokers updates
2:21 PM FB to 2:03pm. Aaryn is showering in the HAVE shower. NT
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OK Children (PK/Tendr) settle down and play nice!
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@Sal, Aaryn doesn’t think the rules apply to her. I am sure when she leaves the house she will still insist that she is not a racist. She will continue saying everyone twisted my words around to make me sound like that.
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:::::::Tendr:::::::: please stay 😀
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Hey Sal… I always play nice. But I have to say what I believe not be fearful of the consequences if I, for any reason, don’t get the Starfish, et al, seal of approval. That ain’t gonna happen! No way!
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@snakebite sal
A Have Not showering ? Ok somebody needs to send her home today
She had no brains, rules. Manners….
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PK shut up. IT IS A GAME…..apparently you’ve never read nor studied the Bible….it doesn’t talk about games but’ real life’. IN REAL LIFE i’d trust Howard being alone over night with my two sexy beautiful daughters ANYDAY, than i would you.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howard is playing a game!!!!!!. if he was lying to ppl in a real life situation it’d be different but it amazes me the immaturity you have and the common sense you’ve not discovered…
i’m out.. thanks PK..
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Aaryn is a racist. Established fact. The tunnel on I-10 under the Mobile River in Mobile, Alabama is, hold your breath, The George Wallace Tunnel. Remember him? Go figure? Funny thing though. I see less racism here in Alabama circa 2013 than I experienced in Utah. Maybe it is true, there is safety – and acceptance – in numbers!
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Hope Aaron gets consequences for showering there…….. Come on Alison. Show who’s boss.
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tendr go where you wanna go, do what you wanna do. But telling anybody to “shut up” is just is not polite in any forum, this one included.
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Is there a have not shower? I think it was mentioned as being out side and cold water only. Not letting them shower is a penalty for the others.
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I bet Aaryn will be thrown out of the BB House soon. After the shower she probably headed for the fridge to find something to eat. She isn’t going to let any rules stand in her way. She seems to have an ‘I’ll show you attitude’.
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3:29 PM Howard confesses he voted for Elissa to Helen in HoH bathroom.
Now that is the Howard I was hoping would show up sooner than later. Good move Howard! Right move too!
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@Betty, I can’t believe they even let her do that without coming over the loud speaker and telling her she can’t shower there. Why are they permitting her to do that, it only gives everyone else in HN room the go ahead to do the same. No consequences, who cares, right? She’s probably never had consequences for her actions and doesn’t expect any now because she’s above everyone and above any rules. Well, she’s going to pay the price when she gets out. Maybe she’ll learn something??? Not so sure that’s even a possibility. I’m just happy I’m not her parents. Any word on what they are saying, if anything?
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@DubsD, yes I think you’re right, they have to shower in cold water outside. JT, Star do you guys know for sure?
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@Starfish, I haven’t heard anything recently about Aaryn’s parents. They probably went into hiding! 😆 I wonder if Aaryn’s actions are effecting her father’s job or mother’s (if she has one).
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I hope to see Aaryn get everything she deserves. I can’t believe I honestly liked her when I first watched her walk in the house. Then she opened her mouth. I hate racism in any form and it sounds like we are all in agreement with that one. There isn’t enough bad that I can say about her right now. And to think when it was pointed out to her, she just didn’t care and kept it up. Wonder how long that can keep up. I get why people would maybe like her to stay a while but I don’t want her to make it to jury. I want to watch her walk out and be booed and watch her have nowhere to go since she doesn’t have a job anymore.
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TMZ live talking about GM and Aaryn flipping Candice’s bed and showing the clip of them arguing and then carrying poor Candice out
CBS are u ashamed yet?????????
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do you guys remember 6 or 7 years ago when a have not female on sloap ate FOOD and was expelled ?
Can’t remember her name but met her on a flt and she told me she was portrayed as a bad girl by BB
Anyways that’s whar AAryn Nation deserves , EXPELL her now
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Here’s the link that the Drudge Report had that goes to TMZ. Thanks Sylvie for the tip. I can’t watch this enough. I love watching Howard take Candice out of that situation before any real trouble starts that may get physical. GM is a slug.
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Thanks Starfish,
Yes I like the over the shoulder hold like in ice skating….
And front page of Drudge report ???? Not good CBS
Julie Chan can you get your husband to help you ?
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Actually PK I never made a slur. I was very careful to let you know that I’ve always known where you stand. Which is why. I, like Howard stopped arguing with you a long time ago. I hate rollercoasters so I will be darn if I board a human one. I rather let you think you win than argue. Touché.
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@Sylvie, ice skating – 😆 Somehow I can’t picture Howard on ice skates. Very funny.
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Sylvie, Do you mean Jen from season 8? (Evel Dick’s season). She is the only one I can think of who ate as a have-not and received a penalty. She got a penalty vote for punishment … but she was not tossed out of the game. She was, however, voted out that same week.
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@tender come back its my fault I forgot the number 1 Blog rule…. Never talk about why you should share Pie (lol old Survivor Blog 5 day argument)
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Jane, What’s your verdict? Was the CBS show worth watching or not?

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@Bobo: That was really fun last night. I never had the Live Feeds until a week ago and cool to see someone else freak out, like me, at how much is CONSTANTLY going on. Love you man.
Been watching the LF’s all day and have not seen Elissa yet. Same thing, different day. I know she’s in there, but she seems to be hiding. Not much of a game player. I have really been impressed with Andy these last couple of days. Would irritate me if I was a HG with all the back-and-forth, but as a viewer, he’s doing a pretty good job. Not sure he can win, but should be there in the end.
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Aaryn sure is making a ass out of herself. The way she and Gina Marie talked to Candice was uncall for. Makes me feel better knowing they have lost there jobs.Gina made a fool out of herself last night.Crying over a man who dislikes her.
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Seemed like a slur to me at the time and in the context of your post, Jane, and contrary to what you say you know, I do feel rather confident that you don’t know me well enough to know how I really stand on most. if not any, things inside or outside of Big Brother House. As a Mormon ultra liberal democrat, born in DC, understandable, frowned upon in my family heritage state of Utah and pretty much considered a crime here in South Alabama, I really do take offense with where you know you were going with your “guess the true reason” SLUR! that was untrue at best.
My opinion regarding Howard improved considerably when he fessed up to Helen about voting to evict Elissa. Hopefully, he will regain trust in the house, take advantage of his real strengths in competitions, and stay true to himself and his beliefs.
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I really like Helen but she is trying way too hard to cover every possible base in the BB House. At this point, that is impossible. She also tells almost everyone her plans, which will only lead to others talking and comparing notes. Also, she is really naive when it comes to her trusting Howard, who told her he WASN’T in the MC. She believed him.
Why wouldn’t she go back and ask Jeremy, Spencer and McCrae who was in it (TMC) to smoke Howard’s truth-telling capacity out? Like many, she’s aiming too high in the game, and even just said she wants to work with Jeremy-Aaryn-Kaitlin eventually to help get HGs on “her side” out. I fear this will catch up with her. Once Amanda-McCrae hear something of that nature, they will knock her out and her closest two allies–Elissa and Howard–would be lost without her, IMO. Helen is simply thinking and talking too much and probably a little too nice (in the BB House context) to end up winning.
Also, just wanted to say what a great job Lisa Marie is doing here. 🙂 Fresh stuff, great writing and an interesting thinker. Like how so many back so many different HGs this year in here.
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@K11, having the LFs is great, I know and I miss having them but it’s addicting. I had to stop when I was taking care of my parents but maybe next year, I’ll try it again. However, I have to say you guys do a bang up job of making it live in your posts.
@babsw, nailed it, aaryn is an a$$ and more and GM is too plus she’s delusional about Nick.
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@starfish: Thanks girl. It’s fun when things are actually going on. Honestly pulling for jeremey to stay another month or so as we need a villain in there. The Mean Girls are mean and catty, but not into the game itself enough, still. Beds and boys seem to be their #1 priority.
Also, seems Helen has broken out with a serious case of HOH-itis. The feeds just went off so they must be doing nominations. Much scrambling today. Seems Aaryn and either Spencer or Howard are going up. Just sort of paying attention. Like watching lawyers talk all day…it does get old.
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@JT I did watch the episode, which made me of course watch Afterdark. I haven’t stayed up and watched Afterdark in its entirety all season! Well I feel a bit better about tuning in to BB since at least the slurs are being brought up. However I was very disappointed that BB allowed the Bed Flipping and hostile acts and words by Aaryn. I just felt it was the same as Chimas pool incident and if roles were reversed Candice would’ve been evicted or penalized. Good job Howard for keeping your cool Nd not allowing them to portray you as the Angry Black Man. It is such a double standard.
Also JT I have to admit I cried during Afterdark. When Candice started speaking about Aaryn taking her to her childhood of being the only black in an all white school and not being accepted by blacks or whites it took me back to my childhood as an African raised by my caucasion parents. It was very disturbing to me and I think Aaryn should be yanked from the game for emotional abuse. Nobody understands that pain unless you lived it. Shame on CBS.
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@Jane, that’s what Julie was expressing on The Talk when she said Aaryn took her back to her childhood at school when the kids called her Chink and put there fingers on their eyes and made slant eyes and teased her. I can’t imagine that horrific feeling as a kid. I was teased but that kind of verbal & mental abuse is a whole different area of pain.
Yes, shame on CBS for oh so many reasons!
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I hope Helen doesn’t get too overly confident in being HOH. She needs to keep her head about her. K11, I like HOH-itis. That about covers it.
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K11… You’d think that Helen’s many years of experience as a political consultant would enable her to figure out early on who is with her and who is against her far better than any of the other house guests. So far, however, she appears to be more naive than savvy. Fortunately, her attention to physical details in the house, her “logical” we have to keep Elissa and her MVP game plan and her very good memory have been her best assets.
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@starfish I heard her comments but still feel let down by Julie. For many reasons but now I’m glad to at least see gameplay!
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@JT Think you are right
These the expelled people on BB since season 1
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Yes Jen
. In Big Brother 8 Jen decided she had enough of being a Have-Not when she grabbed an apple and dug in. BB pulled her in to the Diary Room, explained she would be punished, and subsequently gave Jen a Penalty Vote.
Apparently Enzo season ate too
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@PK: Exactly. And I gave her extra-special love being a Chicagoan. She’ll definitely (IMO) make it through the season without anyone finding out she’s a political consultant but for someone who loves and claims to be a student of the game like her, she has too many holes in her game. She should have cross-checked the MC’s five members with all, and no doubt she’ll find out Howard was indeed a member. I predict she will then act disappointed with him, then want him out (though she likely won’t have the power then). She’s just too trusting and vocal. She needs to try to keep some of her stuff on the inside. And funny, with everyone she has talked to today, maybe one mention of Elissa. She may see her as an ally, but is at least smart enough to realize Elissa’s not going far in this and doesn’t even seem to want to be there.
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@Vicki, OMG! How great to see Evil Dick and Aaryn. I would love to see that.
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@JT: FYE https://twitter.com/hebbywebbyBB/status/355855942337843200/photo/1
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Jane, You are right, I don’t know how that feels unless it happens to me. It was gut-wrenching watching Howard & Candice last night. The comment I made on the last page……
“Raw stuff…. ehh Kev?
…was while I was watching C&H console each other. Difficult viewing when a game gets so real.
Howard & Candice slept in the have-not room last night while Aaryn, Jeremy, & Kaitlin came down from HOH and took beds. (There are only 6 beds in the house… not counting HOH bed)
Howard is a better man than I. I believe Howard & Candice were sharing the bed that Aaryn flipped. After what she said and did, I would have grabbed her by the neck and tossed her ass over extensions into the h/n room… and I would have been expelled.
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GM Aaryn better watch themselves
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Noms are Aaryn & Kaitlin
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@JT, I’m afraid I would have been evicted too if people talked to me the way those girls are continuously taunting a select few of the houseguests.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Someone gets in my face the way GM did with Candice, I would have to run out of the room to stop from smacking her lips off!! Too bad they slept in the HN room but it was probably the smartest thing to do for now. I’m anxious to see what happens when you guys give us the scoop tonight.
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Great noms, thanks JT! 😆 woot woot Now hopefully her plan is to backdoor Jeremy.
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OMG! JT beat me again! But I wasn’t here I was on my iPhone. And I just typed a post but it said I needed to fill in my info!! I am SOOO tired of Merc Wretch ! It needs to go away NOW!!!! (not until July 20 tho! 😛 )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am happy with noms. Glad they didn’t chicken out. But I need to finish reading. You guys have been busy sinvce I left!!! 😉
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That is her plan Starfish.
In a normal season, who wins HOH and who is nominated is very important. Not this year with MVP. I doubt neither Aaryn or Kaitlin will go home this week. Elissa will put up Howard or Spencer… and Jeremy will be backdoored.
If Jeremy is picked to play in the veto… and wins… then they will probably vote out Howard or Spencer.
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@JT @Starfish After all that abuse, at that point I would’ve been in Jail, Kaitlin in the E.R. and GinaMarie & Aryan would’ve been sleeping lower than the Black Fishes!
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@ Jane 😯
…but I don’t doubt it for a second! 😉
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Say what JT? They will vote out Howard or Spencer instead of either one of the two blonde bimbos? I can’t listen to them much longer!
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Frannie, that’s just my early guess. And I will probably change my guess 11 times till Thursday.
With Helen & Amanda (& Elissa via America) at the wheel, they want guys out. Helen & Amanda want Aaryn & Kaitlin to come to their side… and I think these noms will help them make deals with those two.
Helen is smart, but her biggest downfall in this game may be wanting to trust every girl in the house. Sometimes you gotta pick your enemies… even if they are also female.
BY the time Judd & McCrae wake up to what’s really going on… it will be far too late for them… they will be vastly outnumbered.
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I’m not liking that one bit. I really want to see Aaryn leave the BB house. I don’t like her and I wouldn’t trust anything she says. I’m afraid they will regret letting A and K come to their side. Hopefully they will come to their senses before it’s too late.
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@Jane……I have never been subjected to anything like you and Candace have, looking more like Aryan, but I cried my eyes out last nite watching her huddled up in the john with a circle of HGs around her trying to calm her down. It was heartbreaking!!! It goes beyond racism. It’s a power trip by a very spoiled,very angry, uneducated little bitch…errrr…girl!!! I think the race card is jsut an easy way for her to vent her own frustraion and anger at either herself or the world. But it doesn;t matter why. What matters is that Aryan is OUT of control!!!! She was obviously never taught self-control ro waht to day and not say in social settings. In a lot of ways this group is VERY immature adn VERY disfunctional. It’s caused alot of chat everywhere, but unfortunately, highlighting that and nt the game tht we all love. I think it’s time Grodner took a look at her selection process and made it alot deeper into peoples personalites. Not just..we need a cute guy and a strong guy and a cute girl and a black guy…….dig into woh you are choosing..not jsut their looks!! Because the game is all psychological. So why shuld the selection process be any less??? End of rant…lol
SF…thanls for the link. I did catch that on BBAD last nite. It is the scene I was telling you about concerning the bed and Jessie! I can’t beleive that Howard and Candace suffered thru a nite in the H/N room just to keep peace, Isn’t this like not saying anything when pushed to the back of the bus??? I seriously keep thinking I am going to hear Howard say*Yessa Massa* . He’s a big strong guy with a firm beleif in God. Why doesn;t he have any in himself?? Does being raised in the South do that to blacks?? IS it that bad there yet?? Justa asking as a Yankee girl.
So much to think about and comment on. It’s an intense BB this year, that’s for sure!!! I agree with K11’s take on Helen too. She’s playong too open and too naively. How can anyone in politics survive like that??? Do love her attitude, always positive and her kindess and class. Sure not what we are used to in HOH!!! Not sure I have a FAVORITE to win at this point. But then again, some recent years I haven’t had. Maybe just watching and not rooting is a good thing tho. Keeps us open minded!!
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Good thing Big Brother 15 isn’t a contest on who can best pronounce the word ‘especially’ … http://www.howjsay.com/index.php?word=especially&submit=Submit
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Kev11..ok..I don’t get it…. ❓
Is it like HGS trying to say TOLD IE TODE??? lol
I mustamissed something……….
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K11, are you referring to the pronunciation lesson Aaryn (I think someone said it was Aaryn) was trying to humiliate Candice with ask and axe? Did they do especially and expecially too? I’m with Star. What did we miss?
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I think (not sure), GM says expecially…. but even I’m a bit lost. 😆
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Looks like Elissa will put up Howard.
and as I said before, Jeremy will be backdoored if possible, but if not.. they will vote out Howard… yes.. even over Aaryn (they want to keep the girls).
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Ohhhh..ok…I get it now. I didn’t see that but alot of people from NY say AXE for ASK. I used to always notice that on Everybody Loves Raymond…lol It’s basically lazy mouth. Justa like TODE. Annoying. PRONUNCIATE people!!! lol
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hamsterwatch @hamsterwatch
Elissa just told McCrae and Amanda that she is MVP.. again/still #bb15
@starfish: No. Watching ‘Dick at Nite’ interviewing the recently evicted David (He’s actually a pretty decent guy. Trust me.) and he popped it out. Have heard Kaitlin and another HG (think it was a girl) say it also. I’m surprised other HGs don’t correct others grammar and stuff, but I’m sure it may be embarrassing.
Our boy @JT knows of this, the ‘todes’ for ‘tolds’ and on and on. We all have things we’re off on, it’s just fun to mock the HGs for these…part of the show. I probably say ‘dude’ more than a grown man should (and write it too), but still enjoy(ed) mocking David for his overkill. But then again, he’s a surfer and lifeguard in San Diego and I’m an unemployed writer in Las Vegas. At least I don’t break it off on the cat. 😉
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Elissa got MVP again??? I feel SO outta touch here…lol I am watching BBAD but in the background. Mustamissed that too!!! *eyeroll* I do hear them justifying getting Howard out or UP at least and comparing notes! Kinda cool seeing all the pieces come together!!!
JT….do you have any idea how many women have won BB??? There are prolly more but all I can think of right now are 4. The guys do win the most so you can’t blame them. Altho, don’t think keeping girls like A&K help that plan.
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@Star: Yeah, I’m with you on this one. I TRY not to judge people too much but when somebody says ‘axe’ instead of ‘ask,’ (It’s a fucking three-letter, one-syllable, Kindergarten-level word for the love of christ), thinks OJ didn’t do it or fails to use a turn signal I suddenly turn into Jerry Falwell for some reason.
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Star.. 4 is all that come to mind for me too (Jun, Lisa, Jordan, Rachel).
It is a good plan to get the guys out. If not for MVP twist… Elissa & Helen would have been the first 2 out… so they might as well take as much advantage of this as they can. IDK how long MVP will be in play.. but get while the gettin’s good! 😆 I know if I were in there.. I’d like to have a 2 month (?) coup d etat on my side too!
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Ian Terry @TulaneTerry
MVP stands for “Most Vanilla Player” right? If so, this is finally starting make a ton of sense. #BB15
Makeda Paul-Stephen @makedap
@EvelDick what’s the point of the MVP twist if it’s going to continue going to the same player? it’s completely biased and annoying #bb15
from Division No. 11, Alberta
Colette Lala @ColetteLala
I haven’t seen Elissa for 95 days yet Amanda works her ass off, calls out a racist and gets nothing? Yeah, that’s fair. #lameo #BB15
BigBrother MVP @BBFan_MVP
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They don’t have to rig MVP for Elissa she came into the game with a premade fan base #easy #bb15
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I forgot Maggie also won…
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Kev11..I’m with you on all of those and could add to the list of personal peeves. Most of them have to do with the English language, which is not so slowly being eroded, but I won’t take up blog time venting on it!!! lol
JT..I thought of the same 4. Pretty sad actually. Only 4 females in 15 seasons!! I don’t really care. I want the best player to win. I think women play too emotionally. They either fall in love or get hurt or angry instead of playong logically. Guess we can’t help how we are built!!!
I agree with ED. I think the MVP is pointless. And getting monotonous and bordering on unfair. I think they will do it for at least 2 or 3 more weeks. They can’t do it indefinitely as they will run out of HGS!! For sure not my fave twist tho.
Hmmmmm…Howard is backpeddling. Lame. You did waht you did. Live with it.
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Maggie…..Hmmmmm………was she the twin or on that season?? If not, I am not recalling her right now……..
I keep wanting to think Janelle won, but she was just the POV queen!!! lol
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Maggie was season 6. Adria & Natalie were the twins.
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Will have to look her up!!lol I have no picture of her in my mind at all!!! I do remember not liking S5 or S6. Then S7 was Janelle and then S8 was ED and BBAD began! I am surprised I hung in there in those early years. The show wasn’t great and none of the other stuff we have now!!!
Not to get nitpicky, but in regards to our pet peeve thing K11…..Howie , when giving his admission speech,said both AXE and IRREGARDLESS!!!! My ears are ringing!!! lol Nuff said!
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Ok..I was typing and doing stuff and missed something again..mabye I need to get some sleep!!lol
Why is Andy crying??? I know S&H are backpeddling….he’s talking so fast tho it makes him LOOK quilty to me(Spencer) but what was said to Andy?? Was it that they lied to him or what???
And where is Helen? DR?
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Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Helen calling Howard out on his lie about MC #bb15
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Just looked up irregardless and it is a word but it is not widely accepted according to Websters. The last sentence in the definition says: “Use regardless instead.”
But it says it is a word.
I can’t place Maggie either but it’s still only 5 females in 14 seasons. Pretty sad. Yes Star, they are too emotional and get tangled in their own minds.
MVP did what it was supposed to do – keep Elissa in the game IMO. She was ostracized early and often and I don’t blame her from hiding but she needs to play the game now. We’ll see but I’m not hopeful. Want the 3 witches to go first though. Jeremy this week would be great. Howard seems to be the one who keeps Candice in check from the 3 witches, what would happen if he goes. She just might crack under the pressure of those vicious miscreants. I love that word. 🙂
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Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates 1m
Howard pretty much replays his speech again for Helen now that she’s back from DR. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Howard hugs Andy and apologizes. Andy is acting. He is still crying and says he feels like an idiot. #bb15 #cbsbigbrother #bblf
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Star, here’s a link about Maggie. I haven’t read the whole blog but it sort of comes back to me. I think this was the year Janelle was there too but I have to read the page to be sure.
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Helen has a really bad case of HOH-itis. Laying the guilt on Spencer and Howard a little too heavy. She cries more than Amber did. Stay within yourself girl. Close to giving up on her game, way too emotional.
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@JT or @Kev11 Maybe one of you can e plain why McCrae & Amanda want Howard up so bad as 3rd nominee and not Spencer? Spencer seems more of a threat. And are they trying to back door Jeremy? This cast drives me crazy. Just when I figure things out I’m completely lost!
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Hopefully this one will work.
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Nope, you’ll have to type it in I guess.
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1st. Lisa Marie I received your email not the blog email so THANK YOU and I hope I can figure out why soon, but I am thankful to you and JT for making sure I get the newest blog each day!
2nd. Alex what show are you watching?
3th. I can almost guarantee that Gina Marie was raised in New Jersey, just from her speech quality.
4th. I don’t necessarily agree with everyone’s comments here but it is an open forum where all voices can and sure be heard! Debate is healthy! I know Lisa Marie is not an Elyssa fan and I do like her, but I appreciate the conversation! So can we all be kind to each other and respect each other’s opinion!
5th. About the game….SHOCKING how Aaryn is betraying white people in general! I would be ashemed to admit being related to her! I am confused is Aaryn a Have-Not this week because she is sleeping in a BED and appearently using the shower for the other houseguests! I really think that they should backdoor Jeremy, as much as I dislike Aaryn, if they don’t do it this week they may not get a other chance soon and have to listen to his tempertantrums over the next few weeks is a risk. Aaryn has pretty much rubbed to many people in the house, state, U.S.A! She won’t be around much longer.
So love to you all!! Bless you all! I love being here! And forgive any spellcheck or typos!
P.S. Helen just said “Candice called it the first week about the boy’s alliance !”
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That was a lot to take in, so who’s on first? I just had to Ase you guys 😆
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Last nite made big B more interesting…still not a fan of Elissa but I was never a fan of Rachel either. I think Jeremy or Kaitlin will go next, wonder if Kaitlin will cry like GinaMarie did, I mean, they are actually n a showmance lol
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😆 Bobo
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IDK Bob… I’m always in the on-deck circle. ;lol:
Aaryn is not a have-not this week. McCrae, Amanda, Judd & Jessie are the have-nots.
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Lol @ Bobo
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lol @Madisonchris what show are you watching!
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JT I am watching them now in the have not room 🙂
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Bobo where did you say you are watching?
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tvnutters.com Starfish 🙂
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Jt, what, Aaryn isn’t a HN. Really? That’s terrible. I was so happy about that little thing.
@Donna, I was going to ask what show he was watching too but decided I started enough trouble for one day. 😉
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Thanks Bobo but you have to download programs and I have enough trouble with my computer. Did you agree to all the terms and download and is your computer ok?
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@Jane: I’m unsure. Have been choppily watching tonight, catching up on some housework things around the apartment and listening to the radio also. JT may have some idea.
@JT: Willing to pay an extra $9.99.month to watch @Bobo watching the Live Feeds. Please call endemol and CBS for me.
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Did not have to download anything ❗ Just got on hit the little red x & it came on 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe because I have a Mac? 😕
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Hey Kevin11 how you doing ❓
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Spencer talking to Judd…. Is this live?
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Darn! It’s gone! Just wrote the most genius comments and lost them? LMAO. Guess it was not meant to be?!
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No red X for me so it must be because you have a Mac. Phooey. I’ll probably do LFs next year. I’ll be gone for a week with little time to log on so I’ll just get back to it next year. Thanks though.
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@Bobo: Feeling pretty good today, Bob. Thanks for asking. Watching the Live Feeds now and still thinking this has been a really entertaining season so far. So love this show, especially at this microscopic level.
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Anytime my friend 🙂
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Jane (& Kev), I believe the reason Amanda & McCrae are pushing so hard against Howard is because he “was” a threat to their showmance. Howard wanted Amanda put up as a renom… so did Spencer.. but they see Howard as the bigger threat both physically & mentally (can’t argue that).
Amanda & McCrae want Howard or Spencer out more than even Aaryn. And Amanda will push her agenda (get guys out) all week until they all agree to vote out Howard (if they can’t BD Jeremy)
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Candice just told me to go to bed…………
I guess I will it’s after 2am & my body is hurting right now, so see you all soon!
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Joker’s BB Updates @JokersBBUpdates
McCrae tells Candice he has MVP (Elissa really has it or has implied she does, but they are pretending McC has it) #bb15 #bblf
IdolKnights @idolknights 1m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ugh … McCrae just lied to the wrong person – Candice is the Nancy Drew of bb#15
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Thanks K11. Tonight seems a lot calmer. Nite all!
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“I have to say I’ve been playing this game quite naive.” —Helen
Comment #129
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Elissa just came back from DR and said she didn’t get MVP (to Amanda, McCrae, & Helen)
I think Elissa did get it…. and just doesn’t want to tell them… because she put up someone other than Howard?
Amanda is furious!! Amanda is so hell bent to get Howard on the block she can’t even see straight now.
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Amanda is pretty good at strategy… and she’s a damn good actress. But she better lay off Elissa. She is yelling at Elissa now because she’s (Amanda) suspicious that Elissa put someone other than Howie up.
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Amanda to Elissa…
“You just fuc#ed us”
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Maggie in season 6 was the ER nurse from Vegas, friends with the very short Cappy on there also from Vegas, Star, You should know this , Just saying. 😆 Nite
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Hi Aggie
…just doing some solo over night reporting…. again! 😆
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Elissa tried to lie to the room, but was eventually busted. Finally admitted she was MVP again and put up Spencer.
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Amanda is going way to far…. there are still plenty of fish to fry on the other side of the house (J/K/A/GM)…. way too soon for Amanda to go ballistic on Elissa over her choice as MVP.
Amanda could derail that alliance if she doesn’t STFU. She’s like a pitbull with a bone over this.
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Hi JT, I forgot i came here to read the PK BULLSHIT, So I’ll go read
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Season 1: Eddie McGee (59% of the Public Vote)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Season 2: Dr. Will Kirby (5-2)
Season 3: Lisa Donahue (9-1)
Season 4: Jun Song (6-1)
Season 5: Drew Daniel (4-3)
Season 6: Maggie Ausburn (4-3)
Season 7: Mike “Boogie” Malin (6-1)
Season 8: “Evel” Dick Donato (5-2)
Season 9: Adam “Baller” Jasinski (6-1)
Season 10: Dan Gheesling (7-0)
Season 11: Jordan Lloyd (5-2)
Sorry guess this link has not been updated, but it is a place to start
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My personal belief/opinion.
I bet Amanda wanted Howard out over even Jeremy. I think Amanda feels she can manipulate Jeremy better (less threat to her).
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@JT: It is pretty lame. They should have talked with Elissa about noms ahead of time if they were so sure she’d be the MVP again. some really sloppy gameplay going on today, including McCrae saying he was MVP. Seems the stress of yesterday taking its toll on most HGs today…but not Judd. Droopalong Deputy doesn’t get phased by much.
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12) Hayden
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13) Rachel
14) Ian
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Elissa is talking about going home (Amanda made her feel that bad)… but Helen is talking her down. Next thing Helen should do is pull Amanda aside and slap some sense into her (they are on the same team!!)
They did talk to Elissa about nominating Howard… but Elissa was very uncomfortable doing that.
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I guess Amanda wants howard up as he suggested that Amanda out as she was messing up one of their home boys, and mc’s head was not in the game
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda makes no sense why get out one in your alliamnce who u can count on for the vote, now is the time to strike the 4 headed snake, or is Amanda and mc in another secret alliance with the snakes?
these hgs never fail to amaze me, strike while the iron is hot
oy vey
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jt txs for filling in the blanks for the missing years
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------knew I could count on you
nite all
ciao with hugs
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@ Starfish and Jane Although I didn’t like what Howard did regarding the Elissa Vote, I do genuinely believe he’s a good guy, just really disappointed he did that, But I guess he had his reasons for doing it. We shall see how he does in this game.
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Goodnight all, I don’t want to interrupt the Pow wow
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
Helen as said THREE TIMES that the diary room has told her NOT TO PUT UP HOWARD 10:38, 10:47, 11:07 cam 3
Production, production, production. Oy vey.
Branden B @branden628
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CBS is probably like, nope, the black dude isn’t going home in the middle of national racism news. #BB15
Retweeted by Tart with a Heart
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Amanda, Howard and MVP all trending in the USA right now on Twitter…
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Nite Aggie… or you could fire up feeds and join 🙂
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Kev… are you watching feeds or on twitter? Prolly both! 😆
Amanda may be compromising her own game by being this upset at Elissa. They still can BD Jeremy… or they could get Aaryn out…. win-win in my book. Where’s the big downside?
But Amanda being so upset over a win-win might make the rest of them suspicious as to what her true motives are.
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@JT: Both. Can’t believe how good this gets right when you think it could get boring.
As far as Amanda, she may be playing the best game right now, but she seems to feel the need to control everything in the game. May be pushing too hard, too early. It’s Week 3 Sunshine. This pace is excruciating. You’re right, there’s really no difference who goes home this week if they truly see themselves as a team. So funny how different the game is tonight compared to like Tuesday. Truly addicted to these Live Feeds. Can’t believe I’ve had them only a week. seems like 11 years…
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Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
Elissa is 100% right. She is not someone little puppet and they SHOULD have included her. #BB15
#BB15DianaWatt @DianaWatt
Amanda doing something together doesn’t mean you yell at people non stop to push your agenda #BB15
Danthebbfan @Danthebbfan
This house is insane. #bb15
Andrew @DrewM987
@EvelDick Amanda ” Why do you guys keep saying production is swaying you not to get rid of Howard” FISH
Tart with a Heart @Tawny_Leigh
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe production promised not to put a Jeremy ball in the box if she didn’t nom Howie. She is very vocal about J not playing. #BB15
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Amanda has been playing real well…. she manages to impose her will on the entire house. And she can lie real well to them.
But like you said… it’s week 3 and someone from the “evil” side is going home… and Elissa will be MVP next week also… so another one from that side will go.
She needs to chill and let that happen. But she would rather get Jeremy, Howard, & Spencer out first… and if she doesn’t back off that notion a bit for now.. she could seriously hurt her game (McCrae’s too).
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The Rurr Jurr @rurr_jurr
Elissa’s impression of Rachel is quite amusing. Also? Proud of Amanda right now for apologizing. #BBLF #BB15
Retweeted by Tart with a Heart
Jun Song @JunDishes
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They ask everyone similar questions so HGs can put shit together. RT @mandifunkhouser: how much influence does he DR have on nominations?
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Let me take this moment to say they should clean up the bathroom some. What’s with the pile of towels on the floor? Come come now. Get it together people. All this time for scheming and scamming but no spare five seconds to pick up a pile of towels? Know the backyard (washer) is closed tonight but damn, I don’t get it. PICK UP THE DAMN TOWELS. PLEASE. THE SAFETY OF A NATION IS AT STAKE. Sorry.
Saki: Mama, please take your medication or smoke a cigarette. You’re worrying me.
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McCrae told Spencer he was going up as MVP nom. Plus he is making a fake alliance with Amanda/McCrea & Spencer/Howie.
McCrae & Amanda better cool their jets a bit I think…. only a rain tarp can cover all the bases they are trying to cover.
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McCrae told Spencer he (Mc) was MVP (lied). And he gave Spencer a 100% guarantee that he wouldn’t go home this week. ( 😯 …that can’t be good for Spencer!) LOL
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Kev… you just reminded me… all this time I spend watching them scheme and scam… I need to go pick up my own towels!! BRB
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Amanda breaks off the truth about Nick to GinaMarie. She’s taking it well. Now regretting she cried so much last night.
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Nielsens (BB 3, 4 and 8):
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Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick 2m
Remember this? Afterwards Dustin and Amber promised to vote out Eric. Then the DR got involved (cont next tweet) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPWyIbwT7tc …
Evel Dick Donato @EvelDick
We secured Eric’s eviction afterwards. There’s footage of Amber coming out of the DR going to Dustin saying the DR wants us to keep Eric
Big Brother Updates @BB_Updates 3m
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amanda told McCrae that too much is happening and that they need to take a break. #BB15
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Thanks Kevin11 For the TMZ link! I’m Back…………….
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Amanda is kissing Mc…………. Looks like she really likes Pizza 😆
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The mother of the female African-American houseguest on “Big Brother” says she’s seen ENOUGH racism on the show … and her church is so fed up with the bigotry, they’re calling for a BOYCOTT.
TMZ spoke with Candice Stewart’s mother Hazel … who tells us it “hurts” to watch a disgusting racist like Aaryn direct her bigoted hatred speak at her daughter.
“She’s a devil,” Hazel says. “She’s mean and a racist.”
As we previously reported, Aaryn’s been on a racist tear in the house — most recently mocking Candice by speaking in a super-racist “black voice” that would probably make the KKK blush.
Hazel says her family church has also become concerned … saying, “They will no longer watch ‘Big Brother’ anymore because of the racism. The community thinks Candice is being bullied.”
“If I would have known this is the way the show would turn out, I would have convinced Candice not to go.”
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Looks like it’s to early…everyone is sleeping!
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Maybe I should try & lay back in bed for awhile…I had some bad pain & had to get up & take my Pain pill…….. 🙁
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You people are pretty cool. Nice thoughts for
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the poster that passed away. Great insight and
conjecture about the game. It is very pleasant
to read this blog and the comments that accompany
it. Cheers to you all
Helen, McCrae, and Amanda will be a very formidable team
if they use Elissa wisely.
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shayne Thank you…. Great people here I agree! So my friend you sound cool 😎 and very insightful, I feel that the three of them will go far if Amanda keeps her cool ❗ …………………….
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Amanda said …… to Helen … “why do you both (Elissa) keep saying production is persuading you to not get rid of Howard” then went to Fish…. Hmmmmmmm, sounds like production wants Howard in the house. I wonder who THEY want to leave, after all, it seems like it is going to be their way. Maybe they woke up and realize it’s in their best interest to get rid of Aaryn.
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Check this out….Helen says they(production) says not to put Howard up… 🙄
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Ok thanks everyone, and
@Kevin11 Yes you know the game is manipulated fro the DR sessions we are not fooled.
I wish they quit that and had let go of Germ Boy And Aaryn Nation when the swapped BBQ sauce and not poured it and poor Candice wouldn’t be tortured now.
The ratings could be lower actually, I mean Shark Tank is way lower so they are doing good.
But i don’t even watch After Dark ever it sickens me.
Elysa and Helen bonded and allied early on, I give them both credit for that and Elysa may sound like Rachel but we can’t blame her from that LOL
She still has game and drive…..what about Judd
This show is a big mess this season, don’t know what to add…..
Why are these young people so horrible ?
PLAY the freakin game !
I miss ED
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Morning Frannie Thanks for that clip my friend♥ …………….
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Good morning Bob. 🙂 It sounds like you are really into the live feeds this year. See what you have been missing?
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Way too much for me! 😆
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Elyssa says “when it was suggested ….”? ….fish
thanks for the clip, it’s Hollywood at it’s best, all FAKE 🙂
Oh so annoying, it has never been so obvious.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So you think they would manipulate the Aaryn situation a little better and get her out w Germy Boy
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So apparently Amanda also asked why production keeps asking them NOT to nominate Howard.
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Amanda isn’t the only person asking that question. I too would love to know. Why do you suppose production wants Howard to stay? (maybe I missed something here) They must have a motive, or maybe it’s to keep Candice in check. IF they do have a hand in who goes…I wish like hell it will be Aaryn they convince the hg to vote out. I can still wish! 🙂
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Allison Grodner’s skewed logic probably has her hoping the if she can “urge” HOH, MVP and POV holders to keep Howard it will somehow give unwarranted credence to the CBS and Big Brother position that the show does not tolerate racism, despite the numerous racial comments from Aaryn, GM and who knows who else this season from the get go. It’s their party and they’ll control it when they want to, control it when they want to, control it when they want to, you would control it to0 if after 15 seasons you still get renewed.
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Fran is that before the put on there makeup ? 😆
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They 😳
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good morning all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I just realized that Julie has not interviewed the hoh in the hoh room this year well so far to date
usually she says to them your hgs cannot hear you I guess cause hoh does not have that much to do this year,\ciao till later
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They do control the game, but that doesn’t make it right. We watch season after season, and hope for our FAVS to win, not theirs! Too bad that will never change!
😆 @ Bob.
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I think they want to keep Howard, because he’s so far a balance in the house and if they get rid of him the Racists will take over for sure.
But at the same time he’s very strong and he can win the whole thing by laying low, praying and saving Candice.
But please BB don’t help them or if you do expel the CHEATERS, or is it too late now?
What a big MESS this season has become, mostly embarassing
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Good morning MM…you are like a ninja! You come on, say a few words and out again. 🙂 Have a fun day my friend.
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@ Sylvie…that’s what I think too. I’m with you, they do need to get the cheaters and the racists out. Buh bye witches!
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Hi Margie 🙂 (Ninja) 😆 Fran……………
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Frannie I have a monkey on my back ❗ I am watching the feed this AM ..I can’t believe the language on the girls 😯
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Bob, I don’t know what Margie is on, but I sure could use some right now. Better get myself in second gear and go do the grocery shopping. That’s almost as fun as cleaning the house. 😆 Maybe I could take a page out of K11’s page and do the dishes once a week. 😯 We all know he is just kidding….Saki helps clean them first.
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Bob…that’s the way they are every year. I have to wonder how they control themselves during the CBS show. That crap flows too easily with all of them. Later Bob…have fun with the feeds. 😉
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I am 😆
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