Hi y’all!
Well, I have once again been having laptop issues so I’m just going to make this update a quick one. Luckily, we’re down to the final three and there’s never that much to report when the game gets to this point. Everyone’s basically sitting around the house and waiting for finale night.
If you’ve been keeping up with the comments under the previous posts, then you already know this. But, just to make sure everyone’s up-to-speed:
Cody won the first part of the HoH competition.
Derrick won the second part.
Cody and Derrick will face off in the third.
And Victoria is pretty much the third wheel. Out of the running for HoH, her fate depends on whether or not she can convince Derrick or Cody to take her to the final two. And, personally, I thought both of them would be planning to take Victoria just because they feel they can beat her.
However, both Cody and Derrick have told Victoria that they will not be taking her to the final two. So, assuming that they are both telling the truth, then that means our final two on Wednesday will be Cody and Derrick.
Cody, I’m pretty sure, is telling the truth when he says that he’s not going to bring Victoria. I’m still not totally convinced as far as Derrick is concerned. I could easily see Derrick saying that he would take Cody to the final two just to try to get Cody to blow the final part of the HoH competition.
But regardless, Derrick definitely has to be viewed as being the front-runner. Cody might be able to get a vote from Christine but otherwise, I think most of the jury will be content to vote for Derrick.
Well, that’s it for now!
The finale is on Wednesday! And so is Survivor! Yay!
Lisa Marie
At this point, who cares? It won’t be Frankie!!!
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Can’t wait til Wednesday to see who takes it all and who wins America’s favorite player. Even though this year has been a bust because of Frankie, I still love the show and will watch next year if if comes back. Don’t watch Survivor or Amazing Race, so I will probable see you all next year hopefully. I don’t write much but I really enjoy all the comments that everyone makes.
I don’t think that Victoria will stop liking Derrick because he is a cop, she may not like him once she sees that he did not defend her against Frankie and the others. She may decide that she does not want to be friends with someone who can be like that. Will we may never know if they will end of being friends for life or not. But that is the way it goes.
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A just ending to a crappy season. I have been a loyal supporter for 14 years and I am disgusted with the current production. This may be the end for me.
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Thank you Lisa Marie,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ve been so busy and unable to catch up with what is happening. I love getting the “up to speed” info you send us.
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I didn’t like Derrick thru the most but he’s played a stand up game. can’t wait til the finally and I share it all on my fb pages and twitter. between the 2 there are several opinions as there’s a few million people there. Being a single mom I’m glad Derrick is in the finally for his family. And I don’t think he’s compromised his game as it’s big brother and once he entered the house he’s a player without his badge. love Cody as well. And props to Victoria for the free ride…
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LISA M gonna miss your blog!
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Thank you Lisa. I am going to be sad when this blog will be gone until next season of BB. You have done a magnificent job of keeping us informed! 🙂
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It’s almost time to sing Auld Lang Syne. Looking forward for Survivor to start. Will miss all the bloggers here. I hope we can get a blog going for Survivor. I just joined the Utopia blog. I will be back for final blog Wed night. {{{HUGS}}}
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Thanks Lisa Marie for all your blogs. I also would love to see a Survivor blog. Team Derrick and Donny all the way
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Waiting for Wednesday. .. go Derrick. …..Donny for afp
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Who ever did the colors & work inside that house…you suck at it…better get another job.
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Don’t care about Wed. show, Julie well be all over Frankie like a flea on a dog. She’ll start out talking to him & she’ll still be talking one hour later to him. So not sure if I even care about watching it, I can look the next day & find out who won & who took the 25k. Frankie has it all in the bag. It would not shock me if Frankie stood beside Julie with his own mike & do the show for her.
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(Copied this over from yesterdays post. Didn’t realize an up to date for today had been posted, so here it is. The latest I heard)
Just found out that Derrick was so preparing for what the game would bring, he brought cigarettes to interact with other house-guests…but never used them, because no one smoked.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as game, believe it or not, Victoria is still trying to convince Derrick, to the point Production has to mention her name in the warnings…and she really doesn’t care at this point.
I’m not sure if BBAD will be a part of live tonight. I thought by now it would be a lot of tape and fishbowls.
There packing their bags, and getting ready for the BIG FINISH.
Both Derrick and Victoria are in the Fire Room (did the alarms ever go off in that room? Is there THAT final action coming? Just wondering).
Victoria mentions something about Production looking for her reaction after they told her something…and Derrick responds, ” I love you. You are so gullible.”
Victoria responds, “That is why people like to mess with me it’s so annoying.”
Derrick says, “It’s what makes you you.”
Victoria responds, “Gullible? That’s not a good thing.”
Derrick tells her, “That isn’t a bad thing…It just means you take what people say.”
Derrick tells her, “In my real life I don’t take bulls**t from people.” (Careful Derrick!)
Cody is outside jogging..or “Crushing it”, which seems to be the term for everything today…at least in the BB House.
That’s all (not much) for now. It seems to be winding down even more than yesterday.
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Tune in Wednesday @ after Survivor’s & watch the ” New Frankie Show” he’ll be your Host next season & from there on.
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Thanks Lisa Marie for getting us through this BB year. I’ll be back next year too because I’m a die hard fan. We can only hope that Grodner is gone and they get someone in there who goes back to the original BB game plan. I didn’t like the favoritism this year at all. Just because the contract states that BB can change at any time, it’s unconsionable to make changes favorable to one HG!
I’ll be happy when this is over and I hope Derrick wins and Frankie doesn’t. So ready for Survivor!
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Judy’s back trying to drum up controversy – IGNORE HER OR HIM!
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thx STARFISH – was about to say – DONT WATCH IT THEN
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Lisa Marie – I was so happy when I got your first blog to start off this season…it seemed like winter was too long and the highlight was your notification that the fun was going to begin, then there was Frankie, who almost ruined the season for me. Thankfully we wont have to deal with him too much on Wednesday night. I am sad that your blog will be on break…again, but such is the circle of life. Thank you so much for keeping us informed – my husband and I have looked forward daily to your updates and truly apprecaite them and for the most part the opinions of 90% of your followers. All the best to everyone and I really hope to hear from you again for the next season! God bless! Terry
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Thank you Lisa you have done a wonderful job keeping us informed. Will miss the updates. I sure hope Derrick wins BB and Donnie wins the favorite fan vote.
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Thanks for your great blogs all season, Lisa Marie. Enjoyed them and everyone’s comments and insights about the game. I’m for Derrick all the way. He deserves to win and I hope he does. I really liked Nicole a lot too. Hope Donny takes afp. Next, Survivor and Amazing Race. Take good care everyone. xo
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@Ralph, do you think Derrick may have been trying to tell Victoria something when he talked to her about being gullible? I want her in F2. I know, I know…a lot of people think she doesn’t deserve to be there because she’s a floater; I see floating as an acceptable strategy. Whatever a person’s strength is, they should use it to further themselves in the game and Vic has certainly done that–making Derrick her closest friend and having him carry her this far was a flawless strategy. Best of all, she hasn’t pissed anybody off in the jury by orchestrating their eviction. So I not only want her in F2, I think it would be blast if she actually won!!
Thanks LM for the wonderful blog and all the hard work you put in making it so. Hope to see everybody at the Survivor blog, though I didn’t post last year, I did read the posts regularly.
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I’m going to miss you Lisa Marie……kudos for a great blog to keep us up to date. Reality is so far from what they actually air on the show!! LOL. Without your blogs we all be in CBS PRODUCTION Fantasy Land!!!
And I’m going to miss all my friends comments here. STAR I hope you get your computer fixed…I miss your comments. And Jolee and Jeanne I will miss your blessed comments and humor (By the way, I loved the jam recipes….I wish I lived next door to y’all. LOL)
Sir Rock, Ralph, Starfish, Macy, C’est, BC Marie, swt, and ALL the commenters have a place in my heart. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas. And don’t forget the conspiracy theories!!LOL!! I’ll comment more later, just feeling a little sentimental!! God bless!!
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I’m so happy Francella..aka..Frankie is out!! If he wins Amercias. Favorite player..it’s because little kids voted per hos sister. Seems like Francella can’t do much on his own.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks for the update Lisa
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@LM..Ditto what everyone has said and hope you do a Survivor or AR or some other reality blog we can follow you with!!! A year is a LONG time to wait for another BB!! God, let’s hope it’s not so BLAH next season!!!!(Would ED consider a Vets reunion, ya think??)LOL
@Annie!!! There you are hon! I haven’t been on as much due to puter probs. lack of time and a little lack of interest, for like the 1st time EVER! But I had not seen your happy face around, even when I just read. I’d love to keep in touch. If you are interested, let me know if you are on FB and we can continue there . 😉
As for the finale, if you believe what comes out of anyone’s mouth, Derrick and Cody will be the F2. They liken themselves to Dan and Memphis, like blood brothers, and I think the Hitmen is akin the Renegades to them! In fame and hero worship!!
I do believe Cody is true blue to the end and doesn’t particularly like Vic. SO I don’t see him switching it up last minute.
But I do see Derrick doing ANYTHING to get his grubby little hands on that $500K. So dumping Cody for Vic would NOT surprise me at all!!! Not going to specualte, just waiting for Wed nite and to hopefully be surprised for once this season!!lol
I haven’t even watched BBAD for like the last 4 nites. My real life was MUCH more interesting . I tried to watch last nite and the ONLY sound on the TV was Vic SMACKING her lips as she ate her salad!!! It lulled me into a nice, long nap!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I usually am lapping up every last second of BB this late in the season. Feeling abandoned and missing the HGS already. Not this year. I am over it , have been for awhile. I wish the last show was Tues so I could move on for real!!lol But I will be back next year. Not the first or the last BB gone bad. And hope..and addiction…springs eternal!!! 😉
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@ LISA MARIE/ALL VETS – I’ve found this blog last year & joined this year. BB 16 is winding down so I have a question. It took awhile to find this blog this year, so I was wondering, will Lisa e-mail all members before BB 17, or should I “save” the link to this blog in a safe place so I can find it next year ? I apologize for my lack of knowledge, however, this is the first time I’ve ever been on a blog & just wanted to know. Thank you !
@ LISA MARIE/ALL BLOGGERS – A personal thank you to everyone for your comments, contributions, & opinions !! I’m sooooo going to miss reading them on a daily basis. This season left a lot to be desired, however, as long as I NEVER have to see Skanky-Franky on BB EVER again, I’ll probably continue to watch it, as I’ve never missed a season since BB began. Should BB 17 prove to be anything like this year, I’ll stop watching, but will continue to be a part of this blog. Stay safe & warm this winter. Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving, a Merry CHRISTmas, & a very Happy New Year !!! 🙂 DONNY THOMPSON for AMERICA’S FAVORITE PLAYER !!!!
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@ Everyone – P.S. Did anyone else watch Entertainment Tonight this evening ? Guess who was on ? She lied through her teeth, talking about “treating everybody nice,” etc. Made me sick to my stomach !!!
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Annie, I will miss you too. I have the e-mail addresses of several friends here. If you would like other recipes from me, or just stay in touch, you can e-mail me at:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Joleemae@aol.com. I will miss all of the friends I made here! God bless!
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Who was on entertainment tonight??
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am confused who Derrick will take to F2, if he gets to choose. I think he may take Victoria. Can not believe he would take any chances with the $$$…
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ringing the evicted guest back into the house might have changed the whole game.Dirrick could not believe how Victoria was hated.by the evicted house guesth
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UPDATE EVERYONE !!!! I’m an Admin. of the Facebook Group – BBAD (Big Brother After Dark) – Please feel free to join BBAD Facebook Group. Our suspicions have been confirmed, as a member posted THIS about three hours ago:
MYSTERY SOLVED: Scooter Braun is the executive producer of the new CBS show, “Scorpion.” Scooter Braun is ALSO the talent manager who represents Ariana Grande and Justin Beiber!!! Frankie was a CBS PLANT!!! As suspected, CBS USED BB veiwers to promote their own agenda, while robbing BB16 houseguests of fair coverage and equal opportunities within the “game”! The conflict of interest is easily proven with simple internet searches of “Scooter Braun, CBS, BB16 and Julie Chen (wife of CBS Corporation’s president and CEO). CBS actions just proved to me, that this game has been rigged and they deliberately deceived viewers and houseguests, alike. I hope they do one right thing this season and remove Frankie from the AFP vote all together!
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I’m so confused!
J Renee’: Who was on ET tonight?
Bob: What evicted houseguest are you talking about?
Lisa Marie: I hope you and your boyfriend are enjoying your vacation. May the road take you to some wonderful places.
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I’ve been watching season one of BB. Now that was a boring show. Have watched the majority of seasons 2 till now. This season has been so predictable but can’t give up my addiction. Have thoroughly enjoyed this blog. Thanks everyone.
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@ EVERYONE – Please allow me to clarify, there are TWO Big Brother After Dark (BBAD) Facebook Groups. I’m an Administrator in the group that has the aqua-colored background with the entire cast of BB16 if you should want to join. 🙂
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@ DEB Arianna Grande was interviewed on ET tonight. Please see my earlier post # 30 @ 8:07p.m. tonight ! 🙂
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@ Dough – Sorry, I received a call while typing my reply to Deb & missed your post. Arianna Grande was interviewed on ET tonight ! 🙁 🙁 – Please see post # 30, just as we’ve suspected all along ! 🙁
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Oh Debbie Deb I’m sorry I was not clear talking about the luxury competition when they brought back all the jury members into the Big Brother house Derrick realized that a lot of the jury votes would not vote for Victoria.. that they felt that she did not deserve to be there.so I’m thinking he might take her to win the money
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I’ve been so sick I’ve bee unable to post but I ‘ve read most blogs. Thanks LM for a great blog. Thanks to all regulars that welcomed me. I will miss reading this . I always watch Amazing Race and Survivor. Derrick deserves to win but I’d like to see Victoria win just to stir it up, since it was virtually The Frankie Show and so biased and Frankie such a bastard to Victoria. Wonder if they’ll let some of the earlier HG’s say something about it at finale? Great to be hear this season. See you Wednesday.
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OMG my pet peeve EXCUSE ME… I said hear instead of here. Senior, MS or just plain stupid moment.
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I find it troublesome that CBS knows that we know that BB is rigged and couldn’t care less. That’s a lot FU’s to people who watch the show for the originality that regular Janes and Joes can come up with. I understand bringing back certain fan favorites and past winners every once in a while but the primary premise was to put everyday people into a situation that made them think outside their conventional ideals of life. That is just not happening anymore in the few “reality” shows I watch. Now it’s all about fame. And not just because of Frank this season. Reality shows have been moving to this format for a while. Such a drag.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And the producers don’t give a damn because the kool-aid keeps getting guzzled.
Probably I’m a hypocrite because I will watch next season and am looking forward to Survivor and The Amazing Race but I am so jaded now. Nothing will ever be the same on BB after this joke of a season.
Donny winning Favorite Player is my only hope left.
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erie_angel ,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I really think that both Cody and Derrick want to leave the name ‘HITMEN’ as one of the best 2 person alliance. I actually believe the minutes Victoria is gone, they will post their name for future BB’s to see.
I also believe that Derrick is going to reveal PART of his secrets during the questioning, for both Donnie and Frankie to confirm and shock the other jury members, if they haven’t been told by now.
I would also love to see, if Derrick does win, do a quick change and walk out in his police uniform to shock all the jury members.
As far as a ‘plant’, if this is true, Big Brother will suffer in that act will taint any belief (are their more ‘actors’ and ‘actresses’ in this).
Back to football
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Ralph… (From previous posts) I wonder how Derrick would have explained having the cigarettes but not smoking them to the other guests?? Like Robert Redford in Spy Game where while training Brad Pitt he shoots down the need for high tech tools when really all a CIA agent needs is a pack of cigs. Derrick is a master manipulator and this is one tool he had to leave in his bag.
I’m guilty of cut and pasting a few updates from Joker’s mostly verbatim but I never changed any words however I did leave off one unrelated sentence. Being new to this blog I wasn’t sure how my posting updates would be received…like if it was annoying, or old news. Over time I came to realize that not everybody has the LF’s or BBAD and might enjoy reading what they might be missing. I was relieved when the updates were welcomed just as I appreciate yours. 🙂
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Interesting that Cody’s job is a DANCER for Total Entertainment. Humm…? Is that what his 80K college education bought him? I’m going to dig up the updates from last night…
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UPDATE !!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!
@ junksies – Did you see my earlier Post # 30 @ 8:07p.m.
UPDATE EVERYONE !!!! I (J Renee’) am an Admin. of the Facebook Group – BBAD (Big Brother After Dark) – Please feel free to join. Our suspicions have NOW been confirmed, as a member of BBAD posted THIS about three hours ago:
MYSTERY SOLVED !!!!!! : Scooter Braun is the executive producer of the new CBS show, “Scorpion.” Scooter Braun is ALSO the talent manager who represents Ariana Grande and Justin Beiber!!! Frankie was a CBS PLANT!!! As suspected, CBS USED BB veiwers to promote their own agenda, while robbing BB16 houseguests of fair coverage and equal opportunities within the “game”! The conflict of interest is easily proven with simple internet searches of “Scooter Braun, CBS, BB16 and Julie Chen (wife of CBS Corporation’s president and CEO). CBS actions just proved to me that this game has been rigged and they deliberately deceived viewers and houseguests, alike. I hope they do one right thing this season and remove Frankie from the AFP vote all together!
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JC 2, my mom would get out the bar of soap. No need for that language here. Have a good night’s sleep. Love all you bloggers that are hanging in here. {{{HUGS}}}
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J Renee’… I read every comment, sometimes more than once. The information you provided was already posted here some time ago…The scooter/scorpion/grande connection has angered and disappointed so many of us because the integrity of BB has been compromised.
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Who is Scooter Braun and what does he have to do with Big Brother?
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J Renee` thank you for digging up this information. It certainly confirms what we have been discussing all along. I don’t trust CBS anymore than I trust Washington politicians!! It is sad what our country is coming to. It’s amazing how the Bible predicts just what is happening in our country today. (Romans 1:30, II Timothy 3:2-4) … Very sad!
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Sorry Jeanne, if you did not like my comment.
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@ Junksie – hmm………. my badddd !!!!! I obviously missed that posting. Had no idea my posting was “old news.” Perhaps a few others missed it too. JC2, Shayne, & Ralph commented on it.
@ ALL BB BLOGGERS – Junksies advised my posting was “old news.” My apologies for this post as I had no idea it was “old news.” Please forgive me for sharing “old news!”
@ Joan Dunn – please see post # 44 – it explains who Scooter Braun is & his affiliation with CBS/Arianna Grande !
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@ Jolee – You’re welcome !! Glad to know someone other than I wasn’t aware of the Scooter Braun/CBS/Arianna Grande affiliation. You’re so correct regarding what’s happening all over the WORLD. All one needs to do is read Revelations. Prophecies being revealed every day !! 🙂
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J Renee… My goodness…”old news” are your words, not mine and I surely didn’t mean to offend you!!
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J Renee` News like that deserves to be repeated. I was glad that you wanted to be sure this news was read by all of us bloggers! There have been many things repeated on here. It doesn’t bother me at all. I can skim over the parts I already knew. Have a good evening and God bless! 🙂
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JC 2, thank you, apology excepted. I love this blog and everyone that’s so involved in BB this season. We are truly fan’s to keep up this blog in such a disappointing summer as this. Sleep with the angels. Nite all.{{{HUGS}}}
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J Renee`, It’s really kind of exciting seeing prophecies being fulfilled. Three of my favorite books are Romans, Phillipians and Revelation! 🙂 Nite all!! Looking forward to Wednesday,but feeling sad this blog will end for another year!
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@ junksies – You did NOT offend me, I just felt like a big dummy after you told me this was posted sometime back, thus making it “old news.” Glad I wasn’t the only one who missed the previous posting. Just wanted to make sure ALL the BB Bloggers knew how we’ve been “duped” by CBS. 🙁
@ Jolee – Thank you, sweetie. I feel better now knowing I’m not the only one who didn’t know. 🙂 God Bless & you have a good evening as well. 🙂
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J Renee’ … Oh my… Nor did I mean to make you feel like a big dummy either. I responded directly to you because you asked me specifically if I read your post, otherwise I would have, in my usual manner, skimmed over and not commented at its’ repetition. Not gonna keep beating this dead horse. I’m truly and sincerely sorry. 🙁
Jolee… I never criticize anybody’s information, especially not pointing out any duplicate information. I’m so glad you jumped to J Renee’s defense.
Eschatology!!! My absolute favorite subject for the past 40 years and I share my knowledge with all who will listen. That’s why I am so into current events and am amazed each day at the correlation between the front page of the newspaper and Bible prophesy. This is an exciting time, for me anyway, for I believe we are smack dab in the middle of the end times and I am waiting to hear that trumpet!! Yes, this is O/T and I suppose I’ve offended somebody else so I will apologize in advance. 🙂
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@J Renne – I think we all had a strong feeling of the show becoming more rigged and used more to pad CBS’s bottom line (using BB to promote their own shows). I was surprised to find out that Scooter Brawn was affiliated with the new show Scorpion. I did know he was the manager of Beiber/Airana. Another guilty pleasure of mine is watching TMZ and I find out all the dirt of these little pop stars. I did some Googling on this and found this long post in the comment section of a BB spoiler page. The person who posted it, found it on Twitter and shared it. It’s pretty long, but they sent it to CBS, both of the main producers of BB, and Julie Chen. Worth a read….
#BB16 Open Letter to @agrodner22, @CM_Roach, @CBSBigBrother @JulieChen
As a longtime and devoted BB watcher, I have a few opinions I’d like to share. I hope you can find a moment to read this as I believe it represents the views of many. I began watching BB season 6 and have since seen every season, even going back to watch 1-5. Every. Single. Episode. I have had the live feeds since season 6, as well. I watch your show, helping to build your ratings, I buy the live feeds, I even buy merchandise from the Big Brother store! I am a “superfan” in every sense of the word. As such, I am starting to notice the lack of reciprocity in terms of “CBS love” for the fans. I give you my all and I am met with the most unfair twists and slants favored at specific houseguests. I understand there will be Diamond Vetos and Rewinds and other tricks to throw everyone off and hopefully keep the show fresh and interesting and yes, sometimes to keep production’s faves around just a little bit longer because they make good Television. What I do not understand is when there is so much cross-promotion which favors specific HG’s in outside votes like “America’s Favorite Houseguest” or “Team America.” It happened last season with Elissa (even though I grew to love Elissa), we could all see she had an enormous edge with Rachel’s fan base voting for her and this year, you really went over the top casting Ariana Grande’s brother who’s fan base far exceeds the total number of viewers of Big Brother…times three! If you’re going to have a Frankie or even an Elissa, wouldn’t it be more fair to discontinue the AFP vote? Frankie gets votes from people that don’t even watch the show. 12 year old “Arianators” are voting who don’t even know what Big Brother is. Ariana posts a link, and they lovingly and obediently oblige. There is literally no rationale that makes this fair. Believe me, I’ve tried to twist it every which way but this is completely ridiculous!
I understand there is a new CBS show, Scorpion, which is produced by Scooter Braun; who happens to be Ariana & Justin Bieber’s manager. You’d have to be an idiot not to put the pieces together, but since that is the reality, having contests like Team America and America’s Favorite Player takes other deserving houseguests totally out of contention. I wonder, if Scooter Braun had a child or a niece or nephew, wouldn’t they be ineligible to be on a CBS Reality Show with prize money involved? How is this different? It truly feels like one, big, incestuous, marketing ploy.
Do you care about the fans at all? It’s starting to feel as if you don’t. I hate to be snarky but when Arnold Shapiro was around, things just felt a little more balanced. He seemed to genuinely care about the fans and the quality of the game. There has been such a noticeable change in recent years and it’s upsetting when millions of people give up our time and money to support this show, (some have practically no life at all during the summer as such avid fans), and yet you treat us with no respect. It hurts, I can not lie.
I hope someone reads this. I know it probably won’t make a difference but you need to know, this is not a single voice. Many, many fans feel this way. I know it’s a game, it’s not that serious, but “at the end of the day” without the fans, you do not have a show. We’ve given you our respect by giving you the ratings you so richly enjoy. It would be fantastic if you gave us a little back.
Thanks for reading. Please RT if you agree.
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Junksies, I always am happy to find friends who share my beliefs. It is exciting to see prophesy being fulfilled! God bless you!
I will feel sad when the end of BB ends this blog until BB17. I have made some good friends here this year and that is a blessing to me.
Looking forward to Wednesday night, BB being over and getting on with my life! 🙂
Good night, J Renee`, Junksies and my others BBBuddies! 🙂
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@ junksies – No need for apology, tt’s ALL good !!! Sounds like we have a bit in common, although I have A.D.D. I’m sure your retaining skills far exceed mine. I’ll listen & would LOVE to stay in touch !! Are you on F/B ? If not, we could stay in touch via e-mail. I TOTALLY agree with you regarding us being in the “end times” & am also waiting to “hear that trumpet!” By the way, who’s O/T ? I’ve seen “O/T” mentioned in this blog a time or two over the past few days but have no clue who O/T is ! 🙂
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J Renee` lol. … and with that, I will say goodnight! Also goodnight to O/T where ever you are!! 🙂
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@ Jolee – Goodnight to you & your sissy. So happy we share similar beliefs & mindset. 🙂
@ junskies – I’m nocturnal & on the computer until around 5:30a.m. CST so I’ll be checking back for your reply. 🙂 Holla’ 🙂
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@ Jolee – Who is “O/T?” It appears junksies & O/T are the same person from junksies post above, # 57. 🙂
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J Renee’ … I’m so glad we are ALL GOOD!! O/T means off topic…it took me a while to figure it out. LOL!! I am not on FB but have been considering joining and hope that I have a better experience than my attempt at twitter. I would love to keep in touch via email when this blog is over and done. I feel sad at the thought of it ending, but also look forward to getting back on a normal schedule!
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@ junksies – I totally agree, & thank you for clarifying “O/T.” I figured that’s what it meant, but Jolee just referenced O/T above so I thought maybe O/T was another “vet” I hadn’t heard of. Don’t know anything about Twitter, but have been on F/B 5+ years. If I can do it, anyone can ! I’m sad about BB ending & will truly miss checking this blog umpteen times a day ! 🙂 What WILL we do with ourselves ?? I’m retired so I don’t have a “normal” schedule, per se’. My Chow & SharPei sleep a lot & I’m always on the computer, so I guess I don’t really have a normal schedule. Please let me know when you join F/B. Search for Ja Renee on F/B, e-mail is: tlc12652@yahoo.com. 🙂
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Just checking in before hitting the sack. Thanks all for your comments.
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@ LM, I am going to miss reading the blog I have enjoyed it so much and it helps me out because I did not get the LFs this year. Actually have not in a few years. Hoping to next year but depends on the group after these last 2 seasons I really hope they dont pick a worse bunch. Thank you so much for all you do. And have a nice and safe 9 months.
I will miss you and everyone else here.
I had suspected something was going on with CBS and the Grande family. But was not 100% what it was. Thank you for the info.
Now I know why CBS made this summer so miserable.
I remember Chima (I think that was her name) getting ejected for refusing to do what production told her so I wondered WHY did Frankie get away with the comment he did.
NOW I have to wonder if I will watch CBS at all anymore even for some of my favorite shows.
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@ MARY PRICE – I also remember Chima being removed from the house for refusing to do what production told her to doo !! I TOTALLY concur with your sentiments !! We live in a “selective” world today, & unfortunately, I see this happen all too frequently !!!
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OT=Off Topic, anytime you want to talk about something other than BB. Woke up, had to go potty. Reading the blogs put a smile on my face. You are all keepers and I want to keep in touch. On Facebook I’m Jeanne Needels Keshishian. My E-mail address is: bygrace6933@aol.com. Please keep in touch. God bless you. Back to bed. {{{HUGS}}}
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@junksies…just finished reading the previous page…got a little behind over the weekend!! And was about to thank your for your post saying you missed ME posting. And then I see you have started conspiracy theory about me!! LOL Actually, I am flattered because I think LM is a very good writer, something I always aspired to be , but also one cool chick!! 😉 But let me assure you that we are not one and the same!!lol
My computer problems lately have been more linked to my internet provider, who we are chaning this week, and those stupid Window Updates that MADE me upgrade to 8.1! It caused alot of problems, making me totally redo my puter settings, erasing my Kapersky anti-virus and then almost GIVING Me a virus that piggy-backed in on it!!! My computer,per se, is fine. It’s just all the people.companies and tech stuff surrounding it and they are driving me cray cry!!lol
Also, this year has just been a bummer for me, as for every true fan. I was having alot of trouble getting into and couldn’t find anything new to write about lately that someone else already hadn’t. There are alot of new bloggers on here seems like just lately and my posts didn’t seem to be needed. Also, I am missing all my old friends who used to blog here for years and jsut quit this year. As nice as everyone here is, sometimes I look around and I feel like I am in the wrong blog!!! PLUS my life is just crazy busy right now, so I just kind of dropped out. Not that you asked for all this. Prolly TMI!!! 😉 But thanks for keeping my name on here anyway!! 😉
I don’t vote for anything on TV. I think it’ stupid. And awaste of time nd sometimes money if thye make you text. I could care less who wins AFM. I don’t even think it should be a THING! And I can’t remember who saidit, Sir Rock maybe?? But I otally agree that it doesn’t make any sense for people to get multiple votes. That is one reason I don’t bother. I might vote once but not 20 times!! Anyway, that has been a main topicc of chat on here and another reason I wasn’t posting .
J Renee’,…I hadn’t really heard any hard proof that CBS was working with Frankie, so that was news to me. We all suspected it, of course. I hate it when people with money and power think they are smarter than the people that they are providing a service to or trying to get something from them. What condescending A$$holes!! But they own the network and the show …so unless we boycott…which we won’t…there really isn’t much we can do about it. And that really ticks me off! I’m not really upset with Frankie. HE saw an opportuity and took it. It’s the people that took advantage of him we should be mad at!!!
Kind of sad watching BBAD tonight. Everyone is getting nostalgic over this being their last night in the BY. 1s non-boring BBAD in quite awhile.lol And STILL nothing to write home..or even here..about!! 😉
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The only ‘game’ that is going on now, is Derrick trying to make himself look like less of a threat to Cody. Here is how that is going:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Derrick and Cody have been playing pool for a while…and eventually it turns to who they think (strategy) has the votes…
Derrick says, “I’m screwed for Nicole and Hayden’s jury votes. You think I have the edge.. you have the edge. You absolutely have Donny’s vote. He worships the ground you walk on…That dude just didn’t like me.”
Derrick continues, “Whatever happens, happens. We’re both decent speakers.”
(They agree that the jury’s mind is already made up. They just have to go in there and give their best speech and let it happen).
Derrick says, ” Even if you think Caleb is for me I think he’s for you. Both Caleb and Christine can go wither way.”
Cody says, ” Caleb will know we were working together, and find out he was getting screwed no matter what”
Derrick looks at Cody, ” I love you dude… Whatever happens happens.. If you get the 500K over me, I know it’s not because you were a better speaker.. it was predetermined.. If I get the 50 thousand I know I lost to my beast friend in the house.” (obviously Derrick is still in game mode to make sure Cody takes him, if he loses).
(They agree they would never had made it so far without each other. They go over past years votes)
Victoria finally joins them and says, “I can’t sleep.”
Cody tells her, “You were only in bed for 10 minutes… give it more of a chance.”
Victoria responds, ” I hate laying there alone” (She’s not dumb. She’s got to know the less she is around the, the more chance they will not backdoor one another, which she is still hoping for. Cody even said, “She can pray all she wants.”)
…Time goes by…
(they all realize that lock-down will come very soon, and spend the last time, the three of them, just recalling everything at once that happened in that back yard. Good times and bad).
Victoria heads to bed, and Derrick and Cody meet up in the in the backyard for the last time…
Cody starts: ” I was going to say bye BB backyard”
Derrick responds, “This is just nuts man.. we’re fortunate in a lot of ways at least we got to do this… Christine, Caleb and Frankie they thought they were staying and it flipped on them. WE get to go out the way we want to go out.”
Cody says, “Take this all in for the last time.. ”
(Derrick is interested in seeing what production is going to do to the backyard), “They need the whole time the full 36 hours who knows what they are going to do!”
Derrick says, “We’re the last ones to play pool on that pool table.”
Cody, “Yup!”
Cody says, ” last ones on the hammock.”
Derrick says, “You’re the last one on the weight bench>”
Cody responds, “Yeah, you see what I wrote on it.. somehow I’m hoping the sun comes up and burns into it.. obviously that won’t happen but it would be nice…It’s sad man.”
Derrick responds, “It is sad.. It’s tough we have so much to look forward to these next 2 days.”
(Derrick says they are going to sleep in tomorrow until 12 1 o’clock put in a 12 hour day and go to bed a little earlier)
Cody says, “We’ll clean the entire house tomorrow.”
They take one final look…and Cody says, “Thanks it for the memories.. This has been unreal GOODNIGHT!”
So now, from what I understand, they are locked out of the backyard for the rest of the BB, except the final comp.
So, there you go. They say their going to keep their mind off things in a massive house cleaning…but does BB have something else planned…A final TWIST…PANDORA’S BOX?…HMMMM????…or just Cody pulling his hair out as Victoria sniffles, whines, groans and says, It’s not fair!”
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There’s a lot to read and I’ll have to catch up. Thank you to everyone who comments and keeps us up to date.
Just one comment for now: If you want to say fuck on this blog you can definitely say it. There are no profanity police here nor are there any editors. Just sayin! This is an open blog and if you washed you child’s mouth out with soap today, you would probably go to jail according to what I just heard on the news about child abuse. Now that’s ridiculous but saying fuck is not and it’s your right without being criticized for it.
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Starfish. OT / I think there are a lot of word’s in the english language that can convey our feelings without using children’s playground word’s. IMHO. Of course this comes from an 81yr old mother of 6 and grandmother of 16. I have never heard any of them resort to using that word.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As much as you say this is a open blog. I have my opinions as well. When I read or hear that word my spirit cringes.
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I have to agree with Jeanne on the “F” word. It has rarely been used on this year’s blog. When it is used, the two middle letters are left out. For some reason this does not offend me because I can more easily skip over it. It’s just when the word is ” out there” it’s something we’re not used to seeing. Since this is an open blog, it’s true you can say whatever you want, but I like to think the people on this blog Have been very respectful to us ” older” generation. I have really enjoyed this blog this year, made a lot of friends I will be staying in touch with. We only have one more day here and I want to enjoy it. I hope you all understand that this comment comes from a place of affection for ALL of you here. <3
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GINNY thx for the article
ANNIE shout out to ya
hope everyone here have a fantastic 2014-2015!
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I wont say the word but what a great activity!!
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Thank you starfish. I am new to this and did not want to upset anybody. I read the comments here 2-3 times a day. I love bb. I have watched since the premier of the show, when it was REAL. Over the years it has become a commercial. This year is the worest I have read about. I have not had a TV in 3 years and it great,. THANK YOU LISA MARIE FOR ALL THAT YOU DO HERE. Also thank you to everybody for the info here., you are good people . Julie needs to get a set of balls .
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Jolee, To say that . Do you believe in censorship?
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JC 2. As much as you have the right to say THAT on this blog. I have the right to not like THAT. Carry on. This is a ” If it feels good world we live in” I still cringe when I hear it. We definitely do not encourage censorship. It’s almost over and done with, so let’s just agree to disagree. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}
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I am going to very respectfully ask that we end this discussion about the F word right now, because all it is going to do is lead to fighting and hurt feelings before the finale of Big Brother.
As I’ve said before:
1) There is no censorship on this blog.
2) Everyone can say whatever they want in whatever way they want to say it.
3) If someone says something that offends you, I’d suggest just ignoring them.
We’ve all got different opinions and different ways of expressing ourselves. Myself, I’m just glad the every single one of you is here! Thank you for reading and commenting and helping us to get through this occasionally difficult season of Big Brother! 🙂
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JC 2, I never intend to make you feel like you are censored on here, but I do believe in censorship. For example, on tv, they are not allowed to use profanity. They actually have a 5 second delay so they can “bleep” out the profanity. I don’t have HBO or other stations because they don’t censor. I don’t judge those who don’t mind the use of profanity. Freedom of speech is one of the blessings we have as Americans, but you don’t yell “FIRE” in crowded room! 🙂 Jeanne and I have enjoyed being a part of this blog and we don’t want the last two days to be filled with discord. Please!! 🙂
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Lisa, I will respect your wishes. We never meant to upset anyone. I believe Jeanne and JC 2 resolved their differences. It was when someone else interfered that the discussion continued. As far as I am concerned,it’s over.
P.S. I posted my last blog before I saw yours. Sorry,Lisa.
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LM. So what your saying is (#2 ) everyone can express themselves. Hmmmm. Doesn’t quite seem that way to me.
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Thanks for all your work Lisa! ♥ & to my good friend Starfish…. You go girl 😆 Okay I’m up to date! See ya soon……….. ……………………………
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Just misc stuff:
Lisa Marie…How long do your posts and our comments stay up after bb16 ends?
I read that the live feeds stay up until 10/8. Is that true and what the heck would be aired for anybody to view?
Is there one site, perhaps even sponsored by CBS, where we can keep up with current info on former house quests? I’m most curious if former guests really do stay in touch and visit each other.
I keep forgetting to say how much I disliked the ugly décor of this season with the exception of the HOH balcony. 🙂
They say all good things must come to an end and sadly, this blog is no exception. I’ve really enjoyed all of you so very much and hope that everyone returns for bb17.
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Hey, Jeanne — My e-mail address is LisaMarieBowman@live.com. If you have a problem with what I’ve said or you want to argue with me about it, e-mail me and we can discuss it.
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In fact, Jeanne, you owe me an e-mail to explain that comment to me.
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J Renee’… O/T I was forced into early retirement for health reasons and that’s why, like you, I have no real schedule either which is both a blessing and a curse. I rescued a stray dog that became #6 in my pack and after seeing the vet I found that she is a Shar Pei mix, much to my surprise because she has NO wrinkles…!!!… so now…I’m trying a name change from Lola to Botox! 🙂 She’s very smart but a handful and I’m looking to find a good home for her… 6 dogs are way too many! Looking forward to keeping in touch. Holla!
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Profanity isn’t for me, and I did tone down the verbiage I posted for that reason, but the facts and the strategy, in my opinion, isn’t a part of that.
I’ve censored, in the past, with a simple **, and tried to bring across the gaming more than all the talk.
I love to write, especially about stories and parables of the Bible (I realize, not a place for that here), but I just don’t see a need for it, though a realize it can be a form of intimidation used by players…this season wasn’t that direction, except for Zack…and I have a feeling, if we saw a lot that was edited, we wouldn’t really like him as much. Just my opinion. I also feel the same way about how they toned down Frankie, even in the article that talk about nothing more than called ‘controversial actions’…Wow! Didn’t they water that down!
…getting back to BB, I hope they pull one more twist, you know, the kind that makes you stick around in a movie theater just to see if something BIG happens during the ‘credits’ rolling. I just have a strange feeling Pandora’s Box might show up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Will BBAD be live tonight? Are they going to pull a ‘credit’ twist that makes us twist and turn?….”It’s not faaaaair”….Sorry, channeled what Victoria is probably thinking right now.
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junksies, I am also a dog lover. I love the name! 🙂 I would love to see what a botoxed Shar pei looked like. 🙂
I have enjoyed your comments on this blog and I intend to stay in touch with all of the friends I have made during this BB16 season. This has definitely been the best part of the season. Looking forward to tomorrow’s show, but not the end of this blog for another year. God bless!
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Star… Being a newbie I have no personal experience with the past blogger friends to which you refer but I hear your sadness and yearning for times past. 🙁 I can’t help but wonder how it is so different (other than missing specific people)…? That’s rhetorical, no need to explain. I can tell that you are very much loved by all on this blog so be happy happy happy!
You and Lisa being a “onesie” was actually planted in my head by another blogger but I can’t recall who. Nah…you two are one-of-a-kind!
I learned my lesson to ignore windows updates and experienced a similar nightmare when I installed a new printer. It took two full months to fix the domino effect of the update and the new hardware. Last weekend the news warned that there were solar flares that may affect technology….humm…? Glad you got yours fixed and are back with us!!
I don’t vote either, not even for the TA missions, but I did for AFP for Donnie’s sake.
Money and power…unfortunately that’s what makes the world go around. It’s fun to peer into that circus from where I stand – happily poor, sorely impotent, but blessed.
Have other house guests been * this* sentimental about leaving the show? It’s kind of touching to read the attachment to the duck and the backyard…
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Jolee… When I catch my breath from this season I just may email a pic of Botox!! 🙂
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Ralph, I always enjoy your in-depth comments about BB. I look forward to them because I don’t have the live feeds or BBAD. I would love to read your parables of the Bible. My niece published a book of poems based on stories from the Bible. I edited it for her. It is actually for sale on Amazon. Keep on blogging as long as you have access to BBAD. Thank you! 🙂
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junksies, our computer crashed about the same time that you and others had computer problems! Do you think there may be something to the “solar flare?”
I would love to see a picture of Botox! I can send you pictures of Maggie and Lexie . 🙂
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I am so disappointed in Julie Chen. I read the interview with her and not one word was mentioned about Frankie’s bad behavior. Does that tell us something? Our opinions do not mean a hill of beans to BB, CBS, Julie Chen, etc. etc.
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Thanks for the links to the articles.
I think Julie Chen is wrong on her assessment of the facts. There was a herd mentality this season–what with all the votes being 10-0, 9-0, etc., etc. I also think saying there was no controversy was a lie on her part. Frankie should have been called out on his fondling and sexual aggression toward the other male HG and especially on his attempt to get Cody and Caleb to “double team” poor Victoria. I am glad Julie said that Victoria told them her strategy would be to get other people to do everything for her; it proves I was about Vic all along and she should win because she got the most powerful player in the game to drag her to the end.
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I just wanted to say thanks for the links from Ginny and Junksies. Very interesting reading. You had to know that Frankie would definitely have center stage again. I’m so disappointed in Julie. Joyce, I doubt that anyone in any kind of authority position will ever say anything about Frankie’s disgusting comments and behavior. I was also interested in the story about Ariana and her Mom tweeting for Zach to receive votes. I doubt that it is because he was Frankie’s flame but you never know. Could Frankie have gotten info out to them that he wanted Zach to win? I know he shouldn’t have but I question if he is getting WAY favored treatment that way.
It sounds like there is still a chance that Victoria will make it to the final 2. I honestly hope not. She shouldn’t honestly be there now except they needed her and figured she would never beat them if it came to that.
Again, thanks everyone for the information and the updates. I appreciate them very much. Tomorrow night it will all be done. Then we can start talking about what we disliked so much and OUR suggestions for next year even though nobody cares but us. LOL
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I don’t think Julie Chen would be able to really voice her opinion on Frankie, being she’s a CBS employee and bound by rules. She wouldn’t do or say anything that would make her husband look bad either.
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I’ve always had my doubts about just how much Julie Chen actually pays attention to what’s going on in the house. As opposed to someone like Jeff Probst or Phil from the Amazing Race, I’ve always got the feeling that Julie mostly shows up, says what she has to say during the live shows, and, for the most part, is kind of detached from what is actually happening in the house. Just from reading the interview with her in The Hollywood Reporter, it really sounds like, if she has watched this season, she was still watching a totally different show from the rest of us.
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Lisa Marie, I think the reference was referring to me because I said something about the profanity police.
That said, 🙂
We lost some of our blogger friends last year because of the same kind of manipulative, bullying behavior by the same people. It has nothing to do with censorship, it has to do with bullying and chastising us and using ones age and grandchildren to manipulate us to speak as they wish. If you don’t like someone’s language, ignore it or go somewhere else. We don’t need to hear every dang time how old you are and that you have grandchildren, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam. I’m no spring chicken and I have grandchildren but this is the 21st century and this is a blog, not a tea party! nuff said
Next year, I sure hope to see some of you great bloggers who came to us this year.
Star, so happy your puter is better. 😆 Hey Bob, thank you!
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Lisa Marie, I agree with what you said about Julie. She’s oblivious and just does her job and reads the script and gushes on cue. 😆
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Jolee… I personally believe there is a connection of solar flares and computer problems…
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LM, I hadn’t really thought about it but after reading your post, I started thinking back and I agree with your comment about Julie being kind of oblivious. Just didn’t quite pick up on it. I think she is just filling the role of hostess. I also think she was quite taken by Frankie and his flamboyance and gushing over her. That’s not necessarily a fault but her reaction was so different than with other people voted out. Hmmmm.
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I also will miss everyone. Jolee I may email you…I would like to correspond with Craig Long…I am prosenbluth@webtv.net and anyone else who I connected with…I am 70 wheelchaired and live alone with my black cat Belle…so I don’t go on email daily.
thanks to all..enjoyed this summer a lot. I am praying for God’s Will in who wins this..best we can hope for I think.
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Hi all
Tomorrow is the saeson finale of Big Brother 16
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Hi all
Tomorrow is the saeson finale of Big Brother 16
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------September 23, 2014 at 2:00 pm
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Hi all
Tomorrow is the saeson finale of Big Brother 16 ….
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the final 3 will be on Julie’s show The Talk but I don’t know when. also this was the first yr I have watched bbad and realized the CBS shows tell a very different story from bbad.
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to Star off topic…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------scott Clifton on AMC was on the last yr..he came as a drug counselor to the high school…was involved w/ a student and turned out his mother was the doctor who did something with a baby…I can’t remember any names…hopes this helps.
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the finale is wed night at 9:30 eastern after the 90 min first Survivor. Wed 9/24/14
I wish Donny could be on the Price is Right since he mentioned it so much. also he will only get scale=about $500 unless he has 5 lines or more, per show on Bold n beautiful.
I’d like to see both or either Caleb and Hayden on Survivor and Hayden and Nicole on Amazing Race depending how their relationship continues. good day everyone.
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Oh JC2, I would but my favorite shows are on there. Sorry.
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Okay….Just saving my spot again….. 😆 ♥ Starfish! ………………
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Just got done reading but no time to post. So for the 1st time EVER I am marking my spot! See how you have rubbed iff on me Bobo??LOL
@Junksies…thanks for the love and right back at ya!!!! ♥♥
You too SF!!! ♥♥ Thanks God you are still around!! 😉
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been off watching straight through, big bro canada 2013. different, wilder and never a boring moment. . . would love to see Caleb on survivor…i think it’d be funny actually. “hi Star” hope your pc problems work out. i’ve had several crashes over the years and lost a bunch of good photo’s i’ll never get back…dummy me.
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Tvgn is taking twitter questions for the Final 3 at 11pm
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr Will is hosting the Jury.
Frankie looks mad… Hmmm
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Julie is owned by CBS as anybody is that signs a contract with them.
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Frankie is mad because Dr. Will will be fawned over more than Frankie ever will!
I’m so ready for Survivor and the Race to start I could just bust.
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Julie is like most people. she comes to work, does what she is told. Then goes home.
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Hpr56, understand that. I love the big bhang theory.
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BBAD is on for 3 hours, and seems to be live. Tonight is the TVGN finale so we are being treated to the house guests answering questions received from the fans. The question/answer portion appears to be taped and appears just before and after a commercial break.
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@ Junskies – So far, NO one is answering viewers questions except Victoria, Cody, & Derrick. BORING !!!! Thought Dr. Will was supposed to be interviewing house-guests ??? Whas’ up with that ???
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