Hi, y’all:
Well, there’s nothing going on inside that house. Frankie won the veto. He didn’t use the veto. Everyone is planning on voting out Victoria and Victoria seems to know it. Derrick did tell Victoria that, if there is a twist that keep Victoria from going to jury, then he’s planning on going after Frankie.
Little does Derrick know that there is a twist that might save Victoria but, at the same time, it’s not going to do him much good because he’s still not going to get to compete for HoH. Isn’t it interesting that this sudden reset twist will keep the one guy who was planning on going after Frankie from competing for HoH?
And I don’t care what production says about how the button resets the entire week and how this week essentially is not happening. It looks like Frankie will be the fist person to be given the chance to win HoH two weeks in a row and that really doesn’t sit right with me. If Derrick was also being allowed to compete, it wouldn’t bother me as much but, as of right now, this seems like one of the most blatant examples of Big Brother favoritism ever.
I mean, when you get right down to it — the reset button really does seem like it was mostly put into the house to keep Frankie safe. Everyone was talking about putting Frankie on the block and CBS suddenly added a mysterious button that would allow Frankie to come off the block and give him another chance.
I know that Alison Grodner claims that she and her staff work out a schedule of all the challenges and all the twists before the season starts. But, honestly, if that reset button was a true twist, it would have shown up in the house long before now.
But there is some good news! For one thing, this season is nearly over and both Survivor and the Amazing Race will be starting soon! Yay!
Finally, a quick reminder, just in case anyone needs to be reminded: Big Brother is on Tuesday night now and the eviction episode will be on Wednesday. So, tomorrow, we will get to see how Frankie won that veto.
Yay, I guess.
Lisa Marie
I love Survivor and Amazing Race. I can’t wait for a relief from talking about this crummy BB season. Lisa you sound so unenthusiastic the last few write ups and understandably so. It is such a shame what CBS did with this season.
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I had to LOL at the unenthusiastic part because it’s so totally true. Don’t get me wrong. I love writing this blog and I love reading everyone’s comments and I’ll definitely be back next year (if Bill will have me…) but OMG, during this season, it has been so difficult to find anything fun to write about.
Basically, since this season began, I’ve been trying to find new ways to say, “Nothing is really happening in the house…” At least last season, there was always something new to write about.
Oh well, hopefully next season will be better. *fingers crossed*
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Agree Lisa Marie, this is really boring and the last few challenges seem to be for Frankie. I guess we can hope that next season is so much better then this one and last year also. It is going not be fair if Frankie wins, like someone else said last year they did talk to them about the racism but not talking to Frankie about his comments about Victoria or his mauling all the guys on the show is just disgusting.
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Thank you Lisa! I will be so glad when BB16 is over!!! Since I am a hopeless optimist, I still think Frankie could lose the HOH comp because several people were very close to him in the shovel comp. I would love to see Cody win HOH and make a brave move to get Frankie out of the house. Where there’s life, there’s hope! Nite everyone! Catch up with you All tomorrow! Time for this lady to go to bed! I am keeping my dogs awake! 🙂
PS…..Looking forward to Survivor! Has anyone watched Utopia? Very interesting!
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Lisa, you are very good at writing about the shows and even with the lack of anything to write about you still pulled it off for as long as you could. I lost all enthusiasm long before most here but reading what everyone had to say was still fun. It just was so evident when so many started sounding like me. I was more sad for you than myself. We just need this season over already and get on with Survivor and Amazing Race.
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WHAT!! Derrick should be allowed to compete for HOH, since won HOH he should be allowed to play he is the one who wanted to push the button the dumb butt. Do I smell a game rigged for Frankie to win it?
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OOPS!! I meant to say Frankie won HOH he should not be allowed to play, Frankie is the one who wanted to push the button the dumb butt.
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Love the blog started reading it in the last two years.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know we all feel it’s not been a great season BUT
It seems to me that the games they have played this
year have been outstanding in detail and very creative.
Also the outfits are a upgrade from other years.
I do think CBS and team Big Brother have done a great job.
I agree not all players were given a fair shake with Frankie as a
“Big Star” but he is proven he can win..
I have been a BB fan from the first season.
Thank you Lisa Marie for your great views and
Super blogs..
I thank everyone who responds it’s always fun to see
How others think about the things going on in the crazy BB
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I’m Looking forward to Survivor and The Amazing Race. I will hate seeing Natalie and Nadia The Twins on Survivor, I have seen them twice On Amazing Race, Their annoying accent and whining are kind of like squeaky chalk on a chalkboard. If they act like they did on Amazing Race on survivor they will be so hated and not last long. Also as Far as Frankie goes, I don’t really think he will go anywhere anyway. It is those idiots fault, they should have gotten rid of him before, now it’s too late. He will also be able to do better than any of those people left in an endurance challenge. He and Cody are in the best shape there. Derrick and Victoria wouldn’t do well in an endurance challenge.
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My husband is Survivor fan I watch just to see what it will be about and the comps.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My Show is BB this season I have wanted Derrick to win at the end. This Frankie is very nasty when it comes to the women in the house. I just wish this button push would change the game to where he would get kicked out of the house. I’m getting tired of Production Queen picking the winners. Dan season and Hayden where the best ever no favorites in that group. I did love Brittany though. Well I will pray that Derrick makes it to the final two somehow someway he has played the best game of them all .
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I gave up on this season a long time ago. I read the updates but it really doesn’t interest me. I even forget about checking on live feeds. I thought this year they would spice it up a bit, but no. I watched Australia’s BB and they have some really great game ideas.
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I feel they are trying to give Frankie the prize, i can not wait to see him leave the house.
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So Lisa Marie
Not sure I read correctly , nothing happening in the house ?
Well what a surprise ! Expecting the expected
By Vickie and can’t wait for it to be over and see Franksty’s face w the open mouth as soon as they release them from the smelly pigsty
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Lisa Marie we all appreciate your dedication through the worst season ever of BB You have strived to make it interesting when in fact it was b o r I n g. Our only hope for Wednesday is Cody. He could of possibly won, but lost all the balls. It was very close. It isn’t over till the fat lady sings and I can’t carry a note. So anxious for it to be over. Love Survivor and Amazing Race. ( minus the twins ). It’s late, going to bed. I will check in, in the morning. Sleep with the angels. {{{HUGS}}}
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LM, you are the best and if BBB doesn’t have you back next year, he’ll lose a lot of people on this blog I’m sure.
Yea, Survivor and Amazing Race. The twins are the loudest and as Aggie said, their voices are like fingernails on a chalkboard. They had stamina for AR but I doubt they’ll make it far in Survivor with their over-the-top personalities. It will be funny if they are playing against each other. OY my ears are hurting already. I have to say, I would rather watch them than Frankie any day.
I think Frankie’s 15 minutes of fame were over long ago. Unfortunately, people forget sometimes too soon. I sure hope his sister’s shadow is really long. Can’t stand him and yes, like you all have said before, they had chances to get him out and blew it. Especially this last time when Derrick changed to vote Nic out instead of Frankie. They’ll pay for that big time. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if Vic won HOH. Now that would spice it up a bit.
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@LM…I always love yout take on things. You have a real talent for getting to the heart of matters succinctly, humorously and making us think!! 😉 Do you have other blogs we can follow you on, like for Survior or AR or are you not allowed to say that on here?
@Aggie and SF…..I couldn’t believe it when i saw the *twinnies* were going to be on AR!!! I am not a huge fan of AR, but I have seen them on there both times and they grate on my nervs like fingernails on a chalkboard!!! I thought Jeff said there were no returnees this year! I know they aren’t technically, but seriously, twice was way more than enough of them!!! It just gets irritating that so many of these reality people turn up constantly. I did a rant about that is a previous post but, these peole just want to be on TV , get famous and make *easy* money. Even tho they have no actual talent! God forbid they actually get a JOB!!! *shudder* lol
As for BB, I am SO bored!! And that is saying something for me. I have watched every season and EVERY BBAD show, I wasn’t this bored watching Evel Dick sitting alone in the BY smoking!!! Or watching Dan and Memphis play with a spider in his web everynite!!!lol This partof the season is my biggest fear. That no one will bring anything to BBAD and it actually gets painful to watch. And my biggest fear is coming true this year! I thought with Frankie and the boys, there would be alot of chat. But there is alot of silence which is preferable to innane crap they DO talk about! hardly anyone talks game anymore except Vic to Derrick as she is struggling to find a way to stay. The rest just think they all have it sewed up..especially Frankie!!!
I was jsut checking LFS and it seems Vic and Der have some scheme going. Going to stage a fight. Not sure why. Vic trying to stir things up before she goes. Also trying to convice Frankie that Der has no votes in jury. If she can’t make it to F2 she wants to make sure Der is there!! Be weird if they stir things up TOO much as she isn’t really going anywhere this week and doesn’t know that. Hope she doesn’t get anybody too PO’ed at her! Whatedver they are doing is supposed to go down in a few mins. I”ll keep an eye out!!
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@Lisa Marie, at least when I read your blog I don’t have to watch franky do ballet then clap his hands really fast. bb has gone so far downhill that i find myself having a hard time keeping from talking during the show and allowing my husband to talk during it. i don’t think i’ve hushed him once ..ha…thank you for making at least being here interesting.
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Did anyone notice that the HGS saw the button BEFORE the HOH comp and the box was LOCKED!!! As soon as the HOH comp was complete, they all ran into the room, and WALLA!!! The box was now open so they could push it???? Conspiracy ANYONE???
Thanks Lisa Marie for another great blog……I can’t wait for Survivor and AR!!!!
Love ALL my BB BLOGGERS!!!! L8TR y’all!!!
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Not much to say as long as Frankie stays in the picture. I want him gone so badly and I hope by some miracle Vic wins HOH cuz that seems to be only way to get that creature out of the house.
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Lisa Maria, I have to say, you are a gem for all you do and all you have endured this summer of the most boring BB ever. Your writing is great and your ability to take “nothing happening in the house” and make it interesting is ingenious.
I’m looking forward to Survivor and AR. And looking forward to the end of BB. I don’t hardly watch anymore, but plan to watch Wends. episode sometime Thursday after getting home from work. I am hoping the reset isn’t a complete dud in that they just redo the same comps that clearly favored Frankie for the win. I’ve been saying for several that the game is rigged for Grodner’s pet since ED’s season; she just keeps getting more and more blatant about her rigging. I might see everybody now and again over at the survivor blog when it starts, but with working nights full time and needing to sleep during the day (don’t know how will work with the noisy neighbors I have) I probably won’t be there much.
OK, have to go get ready for training day. Tomorrow night I actually start work on my regular night time schedule. I’ll be doing health care and actually helping people again, though most will be sleeping when I’m on regular duty.
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@ Starfish And Star
I always liked The Amazing Race, but unfortunately they bring back too many of the people we love to hate. Now The Twins are On Survivor, I’m sure those 2 will be hated, they fight with each other also. Looking forward to a good season of Survivor, I hope those 2 are gotten rid of quickly. 🙂
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Thanks to Lisa Marie and her fantastic write ups I do not watch paint dry BB shows anymore. Until this year, and even during the horror of BB15, I never missed a show and eagerly recorded BBAD to fill in what I may have missed. Alas, this year is SO predictable and boring – unanimous votes each time (really). It is almost like an old saying – too many cooks spoil the broth. I wonder how many cooks have their hand in each and every clip and decision, especially the choice of HG’s. Derrick while playing the game is out of his league with his fellow guests and should never have been cast. Just give him the money and call it a season like last year and Andy Who! Went from tolerating Frankie to shaking my head at the lad in all of 10 minutes, what a joke. Looking forward to Amazing Race and Survivor and hope they have not ruined their shows as well.
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Well said
100% sadly
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Who are the twins ?????
Sounds like I missed nothing by not knowing
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I love Survivor and the Amazing Race as well. Can’t CBS be a little bit more creative than Blood vs Water #2. Really?????? I’m looking forward to Amazing Race.
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I still want to know whose blood line Frankie is in on BB?! He has to be related to someone and this season has been rigged. funny how as soon as Frankie saw the button he was like “its the reset button”. How many reset buttons have there been before in BB? They have lost me as a faithful viewer as they have catered to that little pink headed too tight short wearing little fool for me. I did enjoy however them discussing the BOO-ing of Crustine. Bet that makes Cody a little nervous to leave the house as the others were pretty upfront about it probably being because of their relationship in the house. I still want Frankie to go so I can jump up and down and clap real fast and spin around a couple times……thanks for all you do on this blog. Its more exciting than the actual show.
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@Watchdog: That was my comment yesterday – how did he know it was a reset button. Glad you caught it too. You know that wasn’t just a lucky guess.
Thank you so much Lisa Marie. You make the recap interesting. More interesting than the show for sure. And I appreciate all the updates and information and interpretations from all you bloggers. I will watch until the end, always hoping that Frankie leaves before the end. I looked back at the comps and there has not been anything really physical since the beginning. That is pathetic. I am a BB addict and I’m sure I will be back next year if BB is.
I, too, love Survivor and Amazing Race. I must say that I hated seeing Brenchell on AR and her whining drove me nuts. I hope I never see them on a reality show again. My understanding with Survivor was that Blood vs Water was watched and talked about by more people than most of the other episodes. At least they have real competitions.
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I agree with Lisa Marie – the reset button would have/could have/should have come out much sooner than this point. Can we reset the show and not have Frankie in the house?? Ugh – this season sucks! I did like seeing Jeff and Jordan, so sweet. I would rather be watching Survivor and Amazing Race than this season – did I say this season sucks??
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Well said Watchdog…my sentiments exactly!! LM, you rock!!
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Come to think of it, no one so much raised an eyebrow when Julie announced the double eviction last week. We are the ones being played! (badly)
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I have been watching BB since its inception, but this is the worst season ever, so damn boring everyone scare to make a big move. Just sad, I missed some episodes and didn’t fill bad, because I knew nothing was going to change, sad for CBS
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Thanks Lisa, Great write up again ♥ As far as me commenting I got nothing 😆 You guys said it all! ………………………………….
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Looking forward to Survivor too.. Not a fan of Twinnies but would rather see them than racist John Rocker.
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Ffinch, well stated but calling Frankie a lad is giving him too much credit. lol He’s a troll if there ever was one. Twirling and jumping and clapping with that stupid open-mouthed smile of his is beyond sickening. All he needs is a diaper and then it will fit the picture. Bleh
Watchdog & Hpr, I noticed Frankle said the reset button too but he also said “I could lose my Hoh” when they were guessing what it could be.
Sylvie, the twinnies are a set of twins who were on the AR twice! They fight and yell and have squeaky high-pitched voices and they are truly annoying. I don’t know how they’ll do on Survivor because they are so bombastic and you have to have some subtlety and a bit of con man in you. Wow, that’s what we’re missing in BB, no real con men just peeps following whoever seems to be the leader that day! 😀
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I have never missed an episode of BB, AR or
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Survivor- but for the first time I can not bare to
Watch tonight and see that little twerp win and twirl and
Jump- I’ll tune back in on Wednesday and pray to see his
Downfall from his pedestal .
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But you got to admit, he is the only one who mad a big move on the show when he got Zack out, but that’s it
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Hoping Frankie does not win the new HOH when they reset. He really needs to go. I would rather see Caleb at this point make it further then Frankie. I would like to see the look on his face when evicted that he receives a mixed reaction from audience (hopefully more boos then not). Just my two cents. On another not SOA is back tonight and boy am I ready for it. Have a great day all.
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I am so over Frankie this season. If I see him prance around and twirl I will hurl. I’m 64 almost 65 and I usually love BB; but this year has been awful. Derrick has actually played the best game since Dan. He hasn’t backstabbed anyone but I hated it when Nicole confided to him that he reminded her of Dan (big mistake for Nicole). That cost her her game. I would love to see Nicole come back in an All Star version of BB.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I too love Survivor and have no clue who the twins are, even though I watched the last season of AR. Maybe they just didn’t make an impression on me. I loved the Afghan brothers. They had class.
Well, there is always another year of BB and hopefully it will be better.
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I TOO noticed it when Frankie said about it being a “reset button” and wondered where he came by THAT information. nobody else seemed to know what it was for, so apparently he was clued in by production. At first I thought maybe there was something there that indicated that, but there wasn’t. (oops Production!)
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okso the start of the season my teen age daughter who is a web kid. was so excited about Frankie and she and I were fighting about him from the beginning. Nowher and I feel the same. She hates him and will never vist his sight and she cannot wait till he is gone. He is disgusting in hhis actions and I hope he gets a bigger boo when he leaves.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The contest have been rigged in my opion and this is the worst season and group of people ever! Except for Donny, Nicole and a little bit Derrick ( he has played the best puppet master) can I ask has any one at all this season voted against the house? It has always been a land slide correct?
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Watch out for Wednesday BB show…The President will be on Prime time 😡
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I know Frankie seems to get on everyone’s nerves (including mine), but every week during the live show I feel like I’m going to throw up when I listen to the way he talks to Julie. UGH! It drives me NUTS. Like he is one of the girls, or one of her best friends or something. I can’t stand it!!
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Even the girls aren’t as “girly and prissy” as miss Frankie. He’s a disgrace. Can you tell I just don’t like him???
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Well that’s the way that I want it to stay
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And I always want it to be that way for my Frankie
Fa-la-la-la Frankie
Girls will be boys and boys will be girls
It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for Frankie
Fa-la-la-la Frankie
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I pushed him away
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I walked to the door
I fell to the floor
I got down on my knees
Then I looked at him and he at me
I begged to stay in the BB house
Frankie said you had the chance
But failed to catch my mouse
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@Starfish // After Frankie came in that was the 1st thing I noticed too, so much that I saved it to my DVR to go back because how would he know to guess that so fast. I’m going to admit to watching all 3 of our shows from the very beginning for so long ago that old timers is starting to set in. We all need to be prepared for Frankie to win America’s Favorite Player since he wasn’t removed from game. His actions and Ray Rice’s are deplorable IMHO! and RR got kicked out of league more than likely. You think Ray Rice would go up to a 360 dude and do that to him. He just sucker punched a female that he weighed twice as much. And she marries him! Must be the Millions! Sorry!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well Lisa Marie will you be able to or should I Say do you watch BBAU 2014 that just started this week? If so are you going to BLOG IT? PLEASE!
Jolee , Mary, and The others check out the New BBAU 2014 House on You Tube. You will not want to even look at this one again ever! This one in LA is BaaaaaaaaaaD. That one in Australia is unbelievable. Huge Fishbowl in middle of pool for punishment for 24 hrs. Really nice, take a look! And one girl is 6’6″ and pretty nice looking teamed up with a guy who gets down on one knee as soon as he meets her. She had that disease that is called marfum disease I believe where you don’t stop growing. And also The Gay guy is enjoyable to watch! NOT LIKE FRANKIE! it was so relaxing watching other countries BB, had never ventured out of my county before. If the President comes on Lisa, what are we going to do? Is that another conspiracy now? UTOPIA TONIGHT ALSO! Thank God for DVR! What did we ever do without! Can you imagine putting a phone that doesn’t ring out on the table in Big Brother and put a cable on it and when they are out of reach of it make it ring then hang up. Mess with them! They would keep picking it up and Looking at it.
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I would rather be watching the Jury House now please! Give me Jocasta, Hayden, Zach, Nicole & upset Christine . That should be for an interesting reunion. Especially when Victoria gets there with Zach.
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…………. :lol:….. Funny @Randal…………..
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I agree with Bob. Randall makes sense. But I’m just not quite sure if I could stand Jocasta any more than Frankie.
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LM – I agree with everyone, you are an awesome writer. I really look forward to reading your take on things. I, too, would follow your Survivor Blog, if you have one.
Just curious – did they call it a “reset button” just 2 years ago when the coaches came in? That could explain why Frankie said “reset button” this year.
I see the reset as an obstacle, albeit the 1st one this season, to Frankie’s game. Imagine winning 2 competitions that ensure your safety only to be told ” sorry buddy, it’s a redo of the week & you could end up on the block”. for me, that would be disheartening. It would be pretty tough to win 4 comps in a row & if Frankie loses, he will be put up by everyone. Maybe Production was trying to assist his game, but then they could have said “technically everything AFTER the button was pushed is a redo”, only voiding his noms & POV. Maybe, just maybe, Production did hear all the complaints & is working to get Frankie out. I don’t know haha…my head spins trying to think of possible scenarios.
I don’t think they can repeat the same competitions as last week. I suppose the shovel comp would be ok but the POV game was the facial recognition comp & you can’t redo that so at least one will be new.
Off to clear my head, have a good day!!
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Here’s what i think might work to get “Twinkle Toes” out of the house. Derrick needs to talk to his alliance and have them tell Frankie that he should throw the hoh challenge, promising him that one of them will put up Derrick along with Victoria, voting Vic out. Tell him he won’t get blood on his hands. Then who ever wins can put up both Frankie and Vic. Hopefully Frankie won’t win veto.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agree or disagree?
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Max, I will buy any scenario that gets fancy pants out the door
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Watching last nights BBAD and poor Victoria, says Derrick say something mean to me to make me cry. Just Love that Sweet Girl! She is going to try to screw Frankie’s game for all of us! Keys just see if She gets the Oscar or fails. This could be fun to watch. Definitely going to give Frankie something to talk to himself about. That would be so Funny if after it’s over and Victoria gets to tell the Jury what she and Derrick pulled off to get the ‘Boys Club’ to drink the Koolaid’.
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HEY LMB – is there anyway possible for you to do a blog just like this one for survivor? that would be awesome!
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BOBO – thanks for the info on president
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on FRANK knowing about the reset button – in the same senteence he says ‘omg that means i would get to play in the next hoh’ whoever is tipping him off in production had to be pissed at that
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Rich, unless you are joking about Frankie, you can see by all of the comments, you are in the minority! Are you kidding us? I do, however, respect your opinion. That’s what makes this blog so good ~ we can state our thoughts, even when we don’t agree! 🙂 My thoughts about Frankie is that he is the most outrageous, vile mouthed human being, I have ever heard of. And anyone who thinks the comments he made about Victoria are okay, I honestly can’t understand why anyone would think that was okay … ever!!!
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Randall, thanks for the info. ~ I will check it out! 🙂
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Way to go Jolle…..tell it like it is….mutual dislike for Frankie
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Bobovnvet ~ shout out to you for the television info~
Starfish ~ shout out on Frankin ( laughting at my own crazy self )
I did like it when ED was on best show yet, in IMHO
the twinnies are loud and funny and I liked them on AR
AR I had enough of Brenchell.
But did like it back when Jeff and Jordan
Well I have 2 bottles of wine ready that will be 1.5 Liters
will be cold
just on thing of my own on Tuesday and Wednesday
I confess, I will watch, wine hit me and never had a drop yet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BBL y’all
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Swt that’s a lot of wine…..maybe you will share it with me…maybe it will numb my distaste for Frankenstein
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Randall, I just watched an episode of BBAU!! What a difference! I loved it. I suggest watching episode 2, because they go over episode 1, but really get into the game in episode 2. I like that they have a large audience so you can get their reaction to what is going on in the BB house. Julie could learn something from their host – who I believe is there for every episode. Thank you for telling us about it. 🙂 I am going to watch them All. The BB house is beautiful – and so far, clean!! 🙂 So tonight is going to be really boring by comparison!
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i’m just sitting here staring at the white box
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Anytime macy ♥ ……………………………………………………………
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I will prance and twirl when Frankie is evicted from the house. My husband and I both too wondered how Frankie (and no one else) knew it was called the ‘reset button’. Production on CBS is just trying to give it to Frankie – things look so fishy and set up, that it doesn’t even feel like a reality show. Season 16 is the bad egg of Big Brother. Everyone is so scared of their own shadows to make a big move. Still can’t believe Victoria thought she would even come close in any of the competitions. Its such a joke that she is even still there. UGH – I guess I will just close my eyes until the season is over with …. and never look back! Hey CBS – get a clue – and stop pampering Frankie – he is NOT everyone’s favorite!
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Rich….too funny!!
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>>>> 😕 >>>>>>>>>>>>>
Saving my place again!!!!
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Bob, lol! 🙂
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Ahhhh Lola! Good song
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Hey Bobo – saving my place. Good idea.
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Bobo – whatcha mad about??
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Anyone see the dog? Maybe he’s not in the house yet. Is BB playing US?. Other than that, I got nothing.
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Knowing how production is so underhanded, shouldn’t the HG not say so much in the DR. For all they know production leaks something to another HG.
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Ok….I think I am going insane or BB Blind here!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------macy..you just said THANKS..so you saw my blog I wrote a couple of hours ago???? I don’t see it here anywhere!!! Maybe I wrote on the last one but I could have sworn I was like #73 here or something!!
This is really bizzaro..kinda like BBAD!!lol
Anyone sees a missing Star blog….let me know. Apreesh!!! lol
This is really embarrassing……or supernatureal..lol
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SOOOOOooooo..I DID post it on the wrong page!! OOPS!!! 😳
So without further ado, and rather anticlimatic….here it is…..*drumroll please*
Star 09.09.14 at 6:47 pm
I didn’t see it mentioned, so if I repeat here, I apologize. But as of about 9AM today, the HGS got a visitor!! The doorbell rang and standing there at the door was a DOG!! Her name is IZZY asnd she is there for about 24 hrs! They wanted to cheer up the HGS and give them something TO TALK ABOUT!!!! Especially tonight on TVGN!!!!
As i have said, probably ad nausem, this has got to be one of the most BORING F5’s EVER!!!! And BB KNOWS it if it is sending inas true RESCUE dog!!;ol
Love ‘em or hate ‘em. last year’s HGS were at least entertaining!!! Watching TVGN has gotten painful!! In fact, I ahve found myself falling alseep thru at least half of the show late;y and I never did that before!!!
@macy..sorry about your back. I can totally relate. I do go to a chiro tho. And take at least 2 Motrin a day!! Have a bad knee and getting arthritis too ehre and there. Getting old..or just injured..sucks!!lol Praying for ya and right there with ya!
Shout outs to Bobo, SF,aggie,C’est, Jolee, Jeanne, LM, Mary Price, Ralph,macy and all the blogaders! Can’t do a shout out to Vets anymore as most of them seem to have fled the scene!!! So welcome one and all. Any BB addict to stick with this season is a true trooper!!! lol
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@ Star
Thanks For the shout out, this has probably be the worst season so far, I will always watch BB till it’s done, But this cast was the pits
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Rich!!! WTF??? I agree Max. The only problem is the rest of the house can’t win shit, maybe Caleb but he is Frankie’s ungay buddy!! I just think Frankie is too rude to people and take’s advantage of the guy’s with his groping and hugging that is unwanted, you can see it in their face’s !!
Thank you LM. You are the best.
Mac out
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Was the Izzie a Rat Terrier?
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/////////////////////////////// 😳
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So, where is Izzy? Been looking for him/her since yesterday, but no show. Is she sequestered in the BY? Clearly the HG are not dog lovers. No mention whatsoever!
Did you hear or see the announcement that Dan (from sesson ?) is going to make an appearance? Possibly an attempt by BB to shine a light on Derrick’s strategy so the other HG will see the light and get him out?
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Let me introduce myself. I’m a 65 yo woman from Maryland by way of my true home Chicago that has watched BB from the very first show when America had a hand in getting the HG’s out. I have faithfully read this blog for a long time and am usually not a ” poster”. I have MS so my memory gets a bit confused till I METAPHORICALLY hit myself upside the head and I specifically remember a past event on a past season. I also record BBAD faithfully as I just can’t hang ( as my granddaughter says) that late. But I do NOT subscribe to the LF’s due to being on a fixed income…….with said income being unfixable……lol. In past years BD (before disability) I used to watch the feeds. I also watch Survivor and AR faithfully. My hubby of 43 years used to watch BB with me ( as he does Survivor and AR ) but last year and this year did him in and I’m on my own with BB16. 1.) I agree wholeheartedly with everybody’s opinion of Frankie. 2.). I have felt for years that production was in some ways….some more blatant than others…..trying to control the outcome of the show. 3.) I have felt that in most cases that production, specifically Grodner, totally ignores the true fan opinion. 4.) and while the fans and production might not like the way the season is unfolding it is the HG opinion which matters. Therefore; PRODUCTION KEEP YOUR GRUBBY FINGERS OUT OF THE GAME! We fans will go along on the journey and gripe and moan and cheer when and if it is needed. And 5.). BB on at 8 EDT. The man in the big White House on at 9 EDT. LM fantastic job blogging. The rest of you regulars, Pleased to meet you. Hope to “see” you soon.
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Craig…pictures of Izzie on morty’s updates. They ALL loved her.
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Cyndee, welcome! I enjoyed your comments. Please give us more! 🙂 I appreciate the news about the president’s speech tonight. I will be sure to miss it! 🙂
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@Jolee, Macy and LM (and all you other reality junkies). ….thanks so much for kind welcomes. I am absolutely praying ALL HG’s play for the HOH tonight and for some reason Frankie has a 20 minute brain fart which makes him feel like I do so he can’t win HOH. Then I will allow him to get better because I don’t even wish Frankie MS. But I would absolutely ROFL if Victoria won and she could be Batman as she imagines herself to be. Now wouldn’t we all have something to talk about. Take Care All……
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@jolee… I never say president only man that lives in big White House…….just saying….won’t be watching speech either. Will catch highlights on Fox later.
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Cyndee, you are so right on!! 🙂 Did you know there is a new blog listed? It is listed below the “Submit” button. It says “Let’s open up the Diary room.” You can click on it below to read Lisa’s latest post. Just in case you didn’t know. 🙂
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@Jolee – Can’t believe you don’t recognize satire when you see it. Lucky that I’m not in this years cast as Frankie would not be breathing and I’d be in jail.
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Rich, I should have recognized your “satire” ~ I guess anything that sounded positive about Frankie put up a red flag! Sorry! I usually like satire, so keep on! Next time I will recognize it! 😉
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