Hi, y’all:
Well, if you’ve been watching the LFs today, you’ve undoubtedly seen Brittany campaigning to stay. She spent a long time trying to convince Caleb to give her his vote and, when last I checked, she had moved onto Hayden. Caleb appeared to, at the very least, be open to thinking about voting for Brittany. Perhaps he realizes that he’s on the outside of the new alliance. Or, then again, he may have just been humoring her. He did take advantage of Brittany’s desperation to force her to listen to him talk about Amber for a while.
As for Hayden, he seemed far less interested in anything that Brittany had to say. As she spoke, he simply stood there and nodded and said, “Yeah…yeah….yeah…”
Brittany is campaigning so hard to be allowed to stay that it’s tempting to think that she might be able to sway some of the houseguests. However, when you actually listen to what she’s saying, you start to see how weak Brittany’s arguments actually are. As usual, she’s been talking about how much of a struggle it is to be a single mother and how she deserves the money because she needs it the most. Unfortuantely, that’s the type of argument that might work when you’re one of the final two and you’re talking to the jury. But when you’re asking people to vote to keep you in the house, it’s probably best not to remind them that you deserve to win more than they do. Caleb, to his credit, actually called Brittany out on this and told her that she needed to stop with the “sentimental” stuff and instead just limit her appeal to game talk. Brittany said that Caleb was right but then, as soon as she started talking to Hayden, she went back to the same old “I deserve the money” argument.
Brittany’s other main argument is to say that neither Victoria nor Zach deserves to be in the house and that it would be totally unfair for her to evicted before either one of them. And, regardless of what you may think of either Victoria or Zach, that’s a totally useless argument because neither one of them has been nominated. Brittany doesn’t seem to realize that she has to convince the other HGs that they would rather spend another week with her instead of Donny.
And, finally, Brittany just told Zach that she thinks that if she can get Caleb to support her, then she’ll be able to get the votes necessary to stay home. The fact that Brittany thinks that Caleb has any power at all just goes to show how out of the loop she really is. Zach, for his part, is encouraging her to call a house meeting and demand to know how everyone is planning to vote. Brittany doesn’t seem to realize that this is the exact same advice that Zach gave to Joey.
Sad to say, Brittany also just said that she’s pretty sure that she has Derrick’s vote as well. Brittany seems to sincerely not realize that Derrick is the one who pushed for her to be nominated.
So, as of right now, it looks like Brittany is going to be very surprised when she’s sent home on Thursday.
Lisa Marie
I don’t think she’s will have anyone’s vote. Being a single mom does not equal entitlement in BB!!
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Thanks Lisa Marie! Great post as usual.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can’t wait to hear what’s said tonight. Catch y’all in the morning!
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Thanks for the update Lisa Marie. How’s your knee doing?
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Looking forward to tomorrow!:)
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Here we go again. I can’t wait until Wed night. I just hope and pray that Donny doesn’t go home. Nite nite everyone. {{{HUGS}}}
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I just hope they stick with it and send her home. she’s a snot I don’t care for her
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How’s the knee? It’s only when you stay home that you realize that although you have 900 channels, there’s still nothing to watch. As for lfs I subscribe, but they’re boring. Maybe Britney will call a meeting then we will have something to watch. No offense to any of these “single” parents, but I am not a single parent, and I would have NEVER been able to find a babysitter for three days forget multiple months. An actual single parent probably couldn’t go on BB because they wouldn’t be able to both leave their kids with someone nor would they be able to take time off their job. I could never afford not to be bringing in a paycheck. As a teacher for many years I have seen lots of single parents. Britney and Devin are not the typical “single” parent. I just get irritated when she tries to use that card. Raise your hand if you think it’s time for pain meds?
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Dang, lost my post! Oh well, here goes again..
Brittney, just stop. Please for the love of all things holy, just stop. I’m begging you, stop. YOU DO NOT DESERVE TO BE IN THE BB HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You have the audacity to claim you deserve to be there more than Nicole and Victoria, who at least WATCH THE SHOW? OMG, to borrow a catch phrase from last year, STFU!
I am truly impressed that Nicole and Victoria didn’t bust a gut laughing in her face while she made a pathetic attempt for thier votes. The incredibly sad part is she thinks she is gaining ground and has a good shot at a tie at least. I cannot wait for Thursday night to watch her face while Julier says, “By a vote of 10-0…..Donny…….. You are safe, Brittney you have been evicted” Going to be pure BB Gold… 😀
Production has gotten the hint, things are too boring. Two bottles of wine and 12 beers tonight. Everyone has dressed up to have a bit of a party. Caleb has already laid claim to Amber as his date and set up a private area for them. With tensions riding high, this could be a good night for BBAD. :-))
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I’m so tired of these Hamsters who have never seen the show. Would like to see some genuine gameplay.
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Thanks LM for still writing for us when I know you must be in pain. Get well soon…
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Great post Lisa, thank you. Seems Brittany is talking to deaf ears. I sure hope so. Hope your knee is getting better. How long do you have to stay down?
SusanG. I agree, who leaves their kids for that long without some rich parents to help out; not to mention leaving a job for three months.
Tuna – hamsters – perfect! Sick of putting people on who have never watched the show when there must be tons who have applied who are fans. Now that would be fun. A house full of BB super fans who actually know the show and have watched most of the seasons.
Kimj.., Caleb is a loser who only uses his little brain. 😛 Love the bit about Nic and Vic keeping a straight face and your remembrance of STFU. Priceless.
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🙂 Thanks for the post Lisa! Take care of that knee ♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later all………….
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Is Caleb trying to convince Amber to keep Britney?
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Daggum it I had a big comment and hit the back tab for another site lol. So essentially what I said is, Derrick is the one to beat. Donny May have most of the peeps friendship but Derrick is going to manipulate the heck out of the game this season. He is going to get out the people he wants out he would find harder to manipulate. Problem with Donny is he will right now get most of the votes. But if Derrick is able to manipulate Donny and cause him to get blood on his hands once they start evicting jury members then Derrick might be able to pull the # 1 spot off. In order to do this he is going to have to start now forming friendship will jury members. How does he know who the jury members are? Well I think he is capable of getting in each persons ear and getting people voted off he wants voted off. I’m telling you he has the perfect training for this kind of show. See he’s getting Brittany off because she is older and possibly a little wiser and might be able to figure out what his game is given a little time. Don’t you know if these young kids knew he was a undercover cop they would vote him out so fast lol. He says he’s taking Cody to the end but I don’t think he has figured out yet who to take. But I just believe he will be in the final 2 for sure.
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Thanks for the updates, everybody.
I sure hope Brittany goes home this week. I have difficulty stomaching the entitlement-card she is playing. Especially, since it seems that’s all she’s got. She can’t argue game in her bid to stay because she knows everybody would rather have Donny in the house. These nominations make for yet another boring week and another boring eviction. Its all become far to predictable.
As for Derrick, yep I think he’s running the show. Being an undercover cop is certainly helping his game. He is just lucky he doesn’t have any real thinkers in the house with him, there are several past guests who would see through his manipulation and machinations.
Donny, poor Donny. He seems destined to be the perpetual pawn this season. I predict he’ll be one of the first jury members. That’s something for everybody think about as they continue to use him in such a manner. It may just lose somebody a vote at the end.
Looking forward to some real excitement when things aren’t so predictable. That will probably take a few weeks yet, if at all. Would be nice to see somebody not in Detonator alliance win HOH and put 2 of them so we can watch them eat their own.
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Thanks for the info everyone. As usual, Lisa Marie, your break down of what is going on is awesome. As far as Brittany, get real. It’s as bad as hearing Devin whine about how everything he does is for his daughter. Ummm, no. It’s for you. I WAS a single Mom and I will guarantee you that even with amazing in-laws that I had who stayed by me and supported me, they would not have wanted to take control of my kids for weeks. For one thing, if you truly love those kids, you spend time with them. You don’t take off for that length of time because you worry that they might get sick or get injured. Besides she has continuously said how people have made her angry and she will “get even”. How? You have to win a competition to be able to do ANYTHING. She made a big deal of how she is single for the first time in 10 years. Poor baby. Whose choice was that? Money? She doesn’t look poor. Believe me because I know how that looks and feels. She is out and playing for herself. She’s an event coordinator for Patron? Really? She stated in her interview that she wanted a strong male as her partner. She’s looking for another man to fill her void. Sorry, I know I sound really mean but I don’t like the phony Mom thing.
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I am thinking STFU for last season applies to Britt
We don’t care that you think you deserve to stay
Nobody else does Watching one season would have helped
But that’s ok cause her 3 kids need her
I was wondering why they were all dressed up
Does Victoria have a crown / tiara on ?
Gurls it’s time to wake up the boys are actually playing and you are all going home
You are NOT on vacation !!!!!!!
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Thanks for the great write up Lisa Marie.
It bothered me from the beginning to see Brittany and Jocasta in the BB house. What kind of a mother leaves their small children for three months? I can’t stand to be separated from my dog for more than a week to 10 days and would NEVER leave her for three months!! I bet Brittany’s ex is having a good laugh seeing her make a fool of herself on National TV!!
@Starfish – I had the same call a few months back. The guy told me someone from Montreal had hacked into my computer! My reply was “Gee that’s funny, I don’t have a computer”! I didn’t have a chance to ask him anything, as he hung up the phone immediately. Too funny!!!
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Lisa Marie, what can I add that no one else has said, FABLOUS recap my dear. Love the to the point details, it is a pleasure to read your comments. How is the knee doing? Guess u had to cancel your Irish Jig dance lessons lol. Kidding you, hope u r on the mend.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All I want to add is thank the powers that be it was not your hands, oy what would we do,
Hi to all who did such a great job commenting, u guys rock Have to say this is the best BBB on the net.
erie angel
This comment u made below sure hit the bulls eye on brit
I sure hope Brittany goes home this week. I have difficulty stomaching the entitlement-card she is playing.
I agree 100%
Sylvie the statement below had me rofl
Gurls it’s time to wake up the boys are actually playing and you are all going home
You are NOT on vacation !!!!!!!
This happens every year all the time, they wake up too late, can anyone imagine Rachel or demanda in that house, OMG they would chew up these hgs and spit them out, and that includes all the girls and some guys.
Per Cathy,
Derrick is the one to beat,,
sad but true he gives new meaning to the term puppet master
To recap bbad last nite, the u know what hit the fan when Zach told cody he told brit to call a house meeting, omg, cody came unglued, as did Frankie, and derrick, one thing cody said which I think was so right, Zach u have to stop doing this, if brit call a house meeting, THINK OF DONNY WHAT WILL HE BE THINKING,
seems they the powers that be r sick and tired of Zach actions. they advised Zach to get brit and tell her he thought about it and not a good idea, so that is what he did.
seems there was a problem in paradise last nite, the hgs got dressed up as they were going to have alcohol. well I have to say, watched brit for almost 30 mins trying to fix her hair the more she fixed it the more it looked like she did it with an egg beater. got worse instead of better, amber was all dressed up and she straightened her hair and she did look very pretty, so much so when she came out to the back yard, chris,nic, hayden were sitting there, when amber walked it haydens eyes popped out of his head, he was going on and on and on how gorgeous she looked and was flirting big time, guess this did not sit well with Nicole, even stevie wonder could see she was not a happy camper. most of bbad that I saw she stayed far away from him
before the party started amber asked cody to be her date for the party
another crazy happening, caleb had the guys help him to move 2 chairs and table near pool. he had nic take amber into room, then they all were in kitchen and caleb makes a big announcement he is taking amber on a date, he takes her arm and escorts her out to the chairs, can u guess how happy she was NOT, she went but was not enjoying it at all, after all she stood cody up, but that did not stop him, he had a good time (except for zachs loony idea re brit)
guess this is enough info for now, as this is going to be a long long post, hope I do not lose your interest half way thru.
thanks to all who updated I appesch
shout out to the vets
p.s. if I got any of the above wrong, please advise but I think I got it all 🙂
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Thanks all for the updates. MM, you outdid yourself.
Zach may be educated by he certainly doesn’t seem to have street smarts. Poor Amber, she’s in a catch 22. If she tells Caleb off, she could ruin her game and if she goes along with him she could ruin her game. LOL There’s a very nice way to put him off but I guess she’s just not mature enough to know how.
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MM, not too long at all and did not lose interest. Very interesting as a matter of fact. I appreciate all of it.
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Thank you for all the info from BBAD. You are very good at explaining events as they happen. The show will get better when they lose some players. My favorites are, Donny, Cody, Victoria and Amber. I see them as final 4. I liked Derrick in the beginning, but I don’t like anyone that trys to manipulate people. {{{HUGS}}}
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After watching the first few minutes of BBAD I have come to the irrevocable decision that Zack is the person I wasn’t out of the house the most. He has always been on my radar for elimination but, so far, has been eclipsed by Jocasta, Caleb and Donny. Not any more. His mood swings and crazy decisions are simply annoying. I know Frankie is a dangerous player and the household needs to wake up to his serious gameplay, disguised under his life-of-the-party image and shades of pink hair. But Zack is just annoying. And I think he’s a liability to anyone he’s aligned with.
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MM, thank you for filling us in on BBAD. We had it last year, but we changed our cable provider to AT&T and they do not carry TVGN. 🙁 I prefer AT&T to Time Warner, but very disappointed they don’t have TVGN or, even worse, they do not have Hallmark, which is one of our favorite channels – especially at Christmas!
This is the reason my sissy (Jeanne) and I appreciate all of you bloggers who keep us up todate on what’s happening in the BB house. Looking forward to tonight and especially tomorrow. Have a great day. 🙂
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@ Princess…I certainly agree with you about Zach. For a short time I was beginning to like him, but then he starts bouncing off the walls again with bizarre strategies, which make no sense. I do think he enjoys stirring the pot and that is what I liked about him at first, but he has carried this craziness too far. His game play is all over the place. I hope Frankie, Cody and Derrick are finally seeing the light for as long as Zach is in the house the more chances he will have to ruin their game plays. It would not surprise me if he is eliminated next week. The guy just doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut!!
@MM and Starfish – This supposed date last night between Amber and Caleb was a joke. She again tried to get it across to him that she is NOT interested and will never go on a date with him outside the house! If I were in her shoes, I definitely would be thinking of ways to get him out of the house! If she is eliminated next week I bet Caleb will insist the HG’s evict him the following week! Can you imagine Amber and Caleb in jury for an entire week by themselves…I would shoot myself!! 😆
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Thanks for all your comments everyone! 🙂 I am all up to date now…. Hi to my fellow VETS……… ………………
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@Mamma Margie
Happy I made you laugh.
It’s happened before with the girls, they tan , lounge, do their hair. That’s fine but then go to a resort , unless they just want to be famous or further some type of career goal. In Britt’s case she may just have needed a break form the kids.
But in the end the girls don’t stand a chance, but it’s not too late so who knows one or two may wake up before they all get DETONATED
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@ Princess…I so agree with you about Zach. I didn’t like him from the beginning, but then, on occasion, I began to like him because of his sarcasm. This never lasted long, as he would quickly turn around and begin bouncing off the walls again with stupid ideas. His game play is all over the map! Cody, Frankie and Derrick would be wise to get rid of him next week for the longer he stays in the house, the more chances he will have to ruin their game plays. Zach is very childish and every time he screws up he runs to his alliance for forgiveness. Zach is an idiot and doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut!!
@ Starfish and MM – The so called ‘date’ between Caleb and Amber last night was a joke! I really don’t know what more Amber can do to get it through his enormous egotistical head that she is NOT interested. Maybe she should try hitting him over the head with a frying pan!! He really thinks Amber will go on a date with him when they get out of the house. I am quite sure if Amber is evicted next week, Caleb will insist the Hgs evict him the following Thursday! How scary would that be to have Caleb and Amber alone in the jury house for a week! I am just glad I am not in her shoes!!
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Why hello there, Bob.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------frankies grand father passed away and till now he has not been told.
talk on the live feeds chat is family asked not to tell him. others in chat rooms say prod can tell him and up to him to leave show
that’s it for now
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Hope this comment doesn’t turn up more than once. This is the third attempt I have made to post it!
@ Princess…I so agree with you about Zach. I didn’t like him from the beginning, but then, on occasion, I began to like him because of his sarcasm. This never lasted long, as he would quickly turn around and begin bouncing off the walls again with stupid ideas. His game play is all over the map! Cody, Frankie and Derrick would be wise to get rid of him next week for the longer he stays in the house, the more chances he will have to ruin their game plays. Zach is very childish and every time he screws up he runs to his alliance for forgiveness. Zach is an idiot and doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut!!
@ Starfish and MM – The so called ‘date’ between Caleb and Amber last night was a joke! I really don’t know what more Amber can do to get it through his enormous egotistical head that she is NOT interested. Maybe she should try hitting him over the head with a frying pan!! He really thinks Amber will go on a date with him when they get out of the house. I am quite sure if Amber is evicted next week, Caleb will insist the Hgs evict him the following Thursday! How scary would that be to have Caleb and Amber alone in the jury house for a week! I am just glad I am not in her shoes!!
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I hope this comment doesn’t show up four or five times. I hit submit, but have no idea where it went!!
@ Princess…I so agree with you about Zach. I didn’t like him from the beginning, but then, on occasion, I began to like him because of his sarcasm. This never lasted long, as he would quickly turn around and begin bouncing off the walls again with stupid ideas. His game play is all over the map! Cody, Frankie and Derrick would be wise to get rid of him next week for the longer he stays in the house, the more chances he will have to ruin their game plays. Zach is very childish and every time he screws up he runs to his alliance for forgiveness. Zach is an idiot and doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut!!
@ Starfish and MM – The so called ‘date’ between Caleb and Amber last night was a joke! I really don’t know what more Amber can do to get it through his enormous egotistical head that she is NOT interested. Maybe she should try hitting him over the head with a frying pan!! He really thinks Amber will go on a date with him when they get out of the house. I am quite sure if Amber is evicted next week, Caleb will insist the Hgs evict him the following Thursday! How scary would that be to have Caleb and Amber alone in the jury house for a week! I am just glad I am not in her shoes!!
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Wow. Thanks, MM.
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Frankie ain’t going no where. I hate he will have to grieve within the house. But he cant bring his pawpaw back from the dead. I will say a prayer for him. He is very entertaining but he needs to tone it down just a bit. A little to flamboyant for my taste. I hope I dont seem uncareing but frankie just doesnt seem the type to fall apart cause his pawpaw pasted. Gosh that just seems so unapathathetic of me. My apologies, social media is hard sometimes to express what im trying to say. God bless his family and him.
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Wow Margie, that’s amazing news. I understand it from his families point of view because he would probably leave the show and they know how much he wanted to be on it. Or, they are worried it will ruin his game if he stays. I’m just happy, I’m not a member of his family that has to make that decision. So sorry for the family though.
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I think a lot depends on the family dynamics. If he is really close to his Grandpa, it will be a harder decision for him. However, he may believe that staying is what his Grandpa would like him to do. My heart does go out to the family. If he isn’t told, I don’t know what his attitude would be when he find out. Everyone reacts so differently to things that happen.
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No game is worth not being with your family. We’re probably going to have so many opinions here. We can justify anything. IMO the bottom line is Frankie should be with his family especially out of respect to his grandfather. I would be livid if I was not told and went on “playing a game” instead of being with my family.
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Well Hi hpr56 ♥…… Good to see you my friend! ……..
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Good to see you Bob. 🙂
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I don’t know some of you but when me & the wife were young We could not Waite to go away without our kids… 😆 Now I have Grand kids 25 & 17 love getting away from them also
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Good to be seen my friend ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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Taken a break from the five 😆
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Getting to BBQ…I got a lot of sun today at the pool…some good VD3…

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Ready 😳
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The feeds are so BORING!!!!
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All most 6PM in NJ Got to start the grill……. See you later 🙂
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Great dinner, time for a little TV…………………… Later
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for me Jocasta is looney she’s a floater ~ talking in tounge’s get her out next IMO
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sorry for frankie’s family – others that didnt get to see bbad – brit put on the ‘sexy’ last night for the boys – zach and cody remarked about how hot she looked – she did look pretty but that hair – geeze lueeze – she teased it til she reminded me of the bride of frankenstein (i know thats mean – but when i said it to my daughter she didnt have a clue who i was talking about)
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Sorry to hear about Frankie’s grandfather but I hope they do tell him and let him make the choice whether or not to go home. Only he can make that choice. I know that I would not be happy if they did not tell me.
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Macy 1231231, I feel bad for his family too.
Maybe I’m glad I can’t get bbad. Sounds almost scary.
swt, I agree that Jocasta needs to be the next to go. She is a loon and a floater.
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Just thinking of Jocasta and her bow ties
Why would anyone by them ? It’s kind of silly they are sold anywhere it’s nota unic
Fashion item if a new invention
Surprised they got on Shark Tank
It’s a hard show to get on
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@Frankie’s grandfather rip
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Frankie got the news about his grandfather just about 15 mins ago. He is crying and reading a letter from his family. He says they want him to stay, so he is staying. Telling stories about his grandfather to the HGS.. I had heard weeks ago that Ariana quit her tours to go home to be with him. Also heard that her show did not get renewed on Disney or whatever channel she was on. Not sure if the 2 had anything to do with each other. This may light a fire under Frankie now to win BB for his grandfather and/or make the other HGS feel sympathy for him. Hate to say it but it could work to his advantage. Not a good situation anyway you slice it. He seems very close to his family.
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Hey Bloggade!
At about 5p BBT Frankie was called into the DR and given a letter from his family regarding his grandfathers passing. Sounds like htis was a cancer battle he was fighting when Frankie went to BB and his grandfather specifically asked he not leave the game. Frankie feels bad that he won’t be there for his family but trust they would ask him to come home if they needed him.
It’s a very tough call and I can only imagine Frankie will feel guilt and regret no matter which decision he makes. We had a similar situation in our family. My mom helped raise her brother and he went on to marry my auntie. Auntie’s mom was from Japan and thought all of her family had perished in the Hiroshima bombings. Fourty years later they found out a few brothers and sisters had actually survived and were still living in Japan. My Auntie was in Japan with her mom reconnecting with these long-lost relatives when my mom passed away. I know it was emotionally difficult for my Auntie not to be with us during that time, but it would have been equally difficult to cut short such an important “Homecoming”. Sometimes life doens’t offer easy options.
Smiling a bit.. Frankie is sharing about his grandpa. Apparently his “Frank” personality is based on grandpa Frank, he sounds like a card! He was also the first in the family to accept Frankie’s sexuality and told the rest of the family “what does it matter, he’s my grandson and I love him”. Way to go Grandpa Frank! 😉
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@macy…you are exactly right about Brits hair!! What is UP with that ‘do she was sporting last night?? The guys were up in the HOH making fun of her and it. Saying it looked awful and her clothes wern;t flattering. She things she is all that and a bag of chips but she is the ONLY one! She is kind of pretty but so trashy looking and acting. Oh well..she will be gone in 24 hrs so….we won’t have to see it anymore..lol
Last night was like the worst drunken HGS I hae ever seen! I think it’s the 1st time they have gotten booze at night..at least alot…and BB TOLD them to dress up and get ratings up!!lol Most of the HGS didn’t even drink. And the few that did didn’t do anything too outrageous. Vic slipped and fell trying to get inside once and Frankie was going around kissing and telling and saying he’d make out with a girl..he was fine with taht! My Gaydar is telling me Frankie isn’t all the way in my screen. I think he’s more Bi, but gay seems more attenion getting! Derrick told everyone when they got so much booze that BB was doing it cuz they were so boring!! They all seemed in SHOCK!! He’s like..no showmances….no outbursts…….everyone’s getting along..they had to get us drunk for the BBAD viewers!! From the *DATE* with Amber and Caleb to Brit’s tacky lok and pathetic atempt to seduce the guys to vote for her. I asked myself, for not the 1st time this season…..WHY am I watching this again???? lol
HGS all gathered around Frankie in LR. Pretty quiet. Zach has obviously been crying. Caleb only one missing. He’s asleep. Way to support dude!!
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That was sweet kimjmj..About your family and Frankies. Thanks for sharing. His grandfather sounds like a real card too!!! 😉
My grandfather was the 1st person to die in our family. It was such a shock to me to lose our patriarch and I was much older than Frankie. My heartfelt condolences go out to him and his family .
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Oh seriously Star, I hadn’t even noticed Caleb missing. I’m sorry, but in a house full of nothing to do, in regards to someone you profess to be a friend and alliance member of, you wake you arse up and come support. If for no other resaon than to see what’s going on. Or in Caleb’s case try to one up him with the story of your army buddy who had cancer too. 😉 Way to go with the “richard” move there Caleb!
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Thx Star. I have lost too many precious and dear family members, both suddenly and expected, both young and old. It is never easy and each family has it’s own dynamic and each situation it’s own circumstances. It is not ours to judge.
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I remember Elsa Lancaster as the bride in. “The Bride of Frankenstein.” Looking forward to the show tonight. {{{HUGS}}}
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God Bless Grandpa Frank. I can’t imagine staying in the game after hearing such news. I understand both sides but ……… it’s not our decision.
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My aunt just passed yesterday in Pa. I talked to my cousin because I was going to hop on a plane and come but she said not now but she wanted me to come when we could have fun together. She’s got this. Her mom was very sick for a very long time with no quality of life and it was her time to go home. My aunt told my cousin that she saw my father, her brother, the day before and he said “come on, just come on.” So every family decides what’s best for them. I feel badly for Frankie but if his Grandpa knew he might pass during BB and he told Frankie to stay, well then, that’s what Frankie is doing.
I hope they show Brits’s attempt at sexuality and her rats nest hair tonight. She just needs to go home. I wonder what kind of mother she really is? Caleb not being there for Frankie is unconscionable to me. How selfish can you be?
Thanks Star and Kimj.. for the updates. Love them!!
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Thanks for the update on the “party” last night. I don’t have tvgn as I had to downgrade my satellite service due to being out of work. If I don’t find a job soon, I’ll have to cancel it and then what am I going to do?
It was interesting watching some of the dynamics that led to Donny being the replacement nom. If I were Cody, I would have told the group under no uncertain terms that I was not nominating Donny and ask them to come up with another pawn. Anybody could have been the pawn. Why did it have to be Donny. The ease in which he is chosen spells disaster for his game because one day he won’t the pawn.
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Starfish, sorry to hear about your aunt, sending prayers and love to u and the family.
it s always sad to lose a loved one, I don’t care how old they are.
Watched a bit of live feeds, I guess derrick, and Zach are going to try to throw hoh to Frankie. I thought I heard Frankie say he wants Victoria to go
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------that is it for now,
ciao till later
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{{{{{HUGS}}}}} *Fish
I’ve always found there are a swarm of people in the immediate afterwards, when truly it’s a few months down the line when support is needed the most.
34 min to show time here, getting the popcorn ready. 🙂
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Let me be the first to say FU cancer – blessings out to Frankie’s family – my sister died while I was on a Disney cruise when my kids were younger – my family told me right away and held the funeral until I got home – only Frankie can decide what to do, but I am glad they told him – I am puting on my rose-colored glasses and hope he doesn’t use it for game – a girl can dream, right?
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Starfish, sorry about your loss. I think it’s really hard when family is far away. Blessings to you and yours.
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My Mom passed away a few months after I adopted my daughter. My Dad said my Mom would not want me to fly 3,000 miles to go to her funeral and leave my daughter. I didn’t go, and because my Dad supported my decision, I didn’t feel bad. My Mom is in Heaven and someday I will be with her for eternity.
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Hey all!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------New to the blog. Lovin BB!
What, in your opinion, is the best past season of BB (USA only). Just wondering what you guys think because I wanna watch some old ones!!
Also does anyone have any info on how to apply to be on the next season of BB?!
Thanks guys xoxo
Also PS, Britney is totally going home. Sucks because there are people I’d rather go before her but oh well.
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got the newest t v guide today and want to share in the cheers and jeers section
under cheers is the following :
cheers to big brother sweetest showmance ever. Frankie is gay, Zach is straight and we r smitten by their odd-couple bond. Whether they’re lifting, snuggling or just twerkin’to pass the time. Zrankie “are fun loving proof that pals from opposite sides of the sexual spectrum can make the best bros
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a pic of Zach and Frankie was included with Frankie snuggling up to Zach with his head on Zach shoulder
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Welcome Nikki! I would recommend almost any. BB except the last one, which was the worst!
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Thanks MM & Kimj.. for your well wishes.
Good show tonight and you gotta give props to Brit for making the 2400 goals. Won’t be sorry when she goes though. I don’t understand the Donny as pawn thing. Why not Hayden? Everyone seems to like him and they would still vote out Brit. I felt sorry for Donny and maybe this will get his game on. Caleb really needs to go home before he becomes even more of a love struck 12 year old. Ridiculously stupid. This is a game dumbo!
Nite all..
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So sorry about Frankie’s grandfather. My sympathy to his whole family. Frankie gave a long heartwsrming tribute tonight. I hope this tradegy does not influence the outcome of the game. The hgs may just keep him there out of sympathy…or they may use this as a reason to send him home soon to be with his family. I am still rooting for Donny but just wish he would put more energy into the game.
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SF..so sorry to hear about your Aunt. The worst part about getting old is losing our family members. My thoughts and prayers are with you!! ***HUGS*** xoxoxo
Frankie must have gotten permission from BB tonight to do the eulogy for his grandfather. it was very touching but a surprise when he settled in on the bed to read the family letter and talk diectly to the camera. I have liked Frankie from Day1 and think this show would totally suck without him this year! He has his head on straight, loves his family and the game and really wants to WIN(and to use the money for a good purpose!)…not just get to jury!! I wish him well and cudos to him for hanging in during this difficult time.
I cannot beleive jacosta calls herself a preacher. Or maybe i can, as that is a silly title she could have given herself or gotten OL. She is going around *saving* HGS. Cody is Catholic, as I have mentioned I am, and is very confused. When he tried to question her,she had no answers and no idea what she is talking about! All she knows is bible verses, no idea about doctrine or other actual religions beliefs. She’s welcome to hers,but don’t tell me you are a teacher or try to force yours on others when you are so ignorant! I wanted to go right thru the screen and answer Cody’s questions and tell her to STFU!!!!! Sorry…I’m calm now..lol
BBAD was SO boring tonight….once again! It had that feeling it usually gets later in the summer…when we are down to 3 or 4 HGS. And we still have what…13?? I like these HGS for the most part but maybe that is the problem. Being just likeable makes for really BAD TV! This has got to be one of the most uneventful summers ever!!! So far anyway. Hope springs eternal!!
Nikki…..it depends on the kind of BB you like , but i think the best season ever was S8 with Evil Dick. He is truly a BB legend and if you haven’t seen it, you should. Also S10 with Dan Geesling was great too. Another Legend. Just 2 of my favs. 😉
Peace,love and light!!! ♥
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@SF….I didnt’ mean that YOU were OLD!!! 😳 After rereading I realized it did sound like that!! I meant that’s what sucks about US ALL getting older!! I’m sure that is how you took it but I just wanted to clarify…in case. 😉
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I agree that season 8 with ED was my favorite.
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I loved Season 8 and Evil Dick. That was my first season with BBAD and I so enjoyed it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This season has turned dull fast and I’m hoping it gets better soon.
Crossing my fingers for Donny to pull through tonight and to win HOH.
Sending positive energy and prayers out to all on the with health problems and those suffering loss.
Thank you LM and all you wonderful bloggers for the informative updates.
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looking forward to seeing bride of frankenstein go home to her kiddos –
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Ok. yes, it’s of course too bad that Frankie’s grandfather died. & yes I believe he’s close to his family.. but I also think Frankie loves being in the limelight – however he may be able to get there (via Broadway ,, You Tube or Big Brother) . Frankie loves Frankie and also loves riding on the coattails of his sister’s success which provides additional attention for him and I’m sure he cant WAIT til the other houseguests find out about who his sister is, so that AGAIN everyone can just be in awe of Frankie. Flamboyant? YES .. a little too much. He goes overboard. And I’m sure he’ll make it to the end but I’d really like to see him go. He clearly doesn’t need the money. Plus has no real “game” of his own, He just depends on going along for the ride of everybody else’s game. Jumping and leaping around like Peter Pan. Please give us a break and start realizing he’s gonna slide his way to the end if you houseguests don’t wise up!
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Jeanne4488 you are so right. I happen to like him but I don’t want him to go far in the game. I’m not a fan of Derrick but he knows how to read people and play them. He’s perfect for the game. I like Donny a lot because he is so refreshing. But his game is ??? Cody could have game but he’s too afraid to do what he believes. Is there anyone else playing?
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Well Star, I guess you weren’t callimg me “OLD”. ahem Yes, I read it correctly but I won’t consider myself old until I’m sure of it. 😆
I can’t believe what you said about Jacosta and someone else told me she didn’t know Catholics were Christian in that convo with Cody. She’s a fraud for sure. She and her tongue can go packing with her $50 online minister’s degree. At least that’s what it appears to me.
Absolutely, BB8 and BB10 were awesome shows. Some real players in those two seasons. ED and Dan both great players and knew how to use the game to their advantage. You will love and hate them during the shows but they played the game as it should be played – with deceipt and deception. 😈
I like Frankie but his saving grace is that the game is boring enough and without him it would be like watching grass grow. Ugh
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Jacosta is as annoying as Frankie. (her and those stupid looking bow ties that look ridiculous with whatever she happens to be wearing) and speaking in tongue? oh PLEASE .. give me a break. and the crocodile tears and dramatics. I think I’d like to see Derrick win because he’s playing the game smart – although I don’t agree with some of the people he’s targeted. it would be nice to see Donnie win though too. and waiting for Donnie to trim up that beard! Not sure why he has it because he’s already commented that he doesn’t particularly like beards and in previous picture – prior to the show he just has a nicely trimmed one. So I don’t get it. He said maybe he’d shave it off during the show. So wondering ,, did he for some reason just grow it for BB? I could tolerate Frankie if he’d tone it down & quit worrying about what he looks like on camera & performing all the time. Although it spices up the show somewhat, it’s slightly obnoxious. Also hoping Nicole goes far
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