Hi, everyone!
So, Devin is the Head of Household and he’s pretty much handled the role exactly how you would expect him to. Which is to say, Devin has spent the last few days being even more of a jerk than usual. He has called countless house meetings. He has tried to micromanage everyone else’s game. He has been autocratic. He has been arrogant. He has been … well, he’s basically just being Devin.
From what I’ve seen of Devin since he moved into the house, I have to wonder if he’s one of the players who was recruited. It would make sense if he was. He’s got a good smile, he’s got a potentially compelling backstory about how he’s playing the game for his daughter, and — as a former baseball player — he’s the type of minor celebrity who usually seems to get recruited for reality television. Before he actually moved into the house and revealed himself to be a total jackass, a lot of us really liked Devin.
Little did we suspect that Devin would turn out to be the male version of Amanda Zuckerman.
Another reason that I suspect that Devin was recruited was because he has absolutely no idea how to play this game and you have to wonder if he had ever even seen an episode of Big Brother before moving into the house. For all the mean words that Devin has uttered about Joey, he has one big thing in common with her: Both of them have absolutely no social skills. In Joey’s case, that led to her thinking that she could stay in the house by framing the entire game as a chance to make an important political statement. In Devin’s case, his lack of social skills has led him to believe that everyone in the house enjoys being bossed around. He’s treating them like they’re an athletic team and he’s the coach.
Sorry, Devin, but that’s not the way it works.
For all the talk of alliances, Big Brother is a game played by individuals. And if you can’t appeal to people on an individual level, then you’re pretty much doomed.
Right now, Devin is the most powerful man in the house but he’s already pretty much guaranteed that he won’t make it to the end. With the way that he’s alienated people, he’ll be lucky to make it to the jury. As of right now, it seems like Devin only has two things going for him: Caleb is still somewhat loyal to him (and physically — if not mentally — Caleb is always a contender to win HoH) and Devin himself is good at competitions.
But, still, it’s hard not to believe that Devin’s time is limited.
As for what else has been happening in the house:
Paola and Brittany are the nominees. Devin has won the power of veto but now, he’s apparently decided that he’s going to take his original target — Brittany — off the block and replace her with Victoria. Perhaps Devin finally realized that the rest of the house doesn’t hate Brittany as much as he does so he’s replacing her with someone who nobody in the house appears to feel particularly close to.
Personally, I know that a lot of people dislike Victoria but I like her, largely because she reminds me of my best friend in the entire world. However, Victoria — much like Joey and much like Devin — doesn’t seem to know how to live with a group of people who are outside of her usual social circle. She hasn’t connected to anyone, she’s gotten a reputation for being a bit of a diva, and I think she’s definitely going to be in some trouble if Devin does go through with his plan to put her on the block.
Finally — don’t forget that Big Brother is on tonight! We’ll get a chance to see both the nominations ceremony and the battle of the block!
On se parle bientôt,
Lisa Marie
Hey LM, thanks…great update. Keeps me informed along with our JT & Star of course. JT, I know OT will take over your life soon but I know you’ll still at least stay tuned. 🙂
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#2, but late for church….Thanks LM. Later.
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Hi everyone. Are your fireworks over. Our neighborhood had them going until 1:00am . Plus until 10:00pm the next night. Whew too much!
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Wow, a lot has been going on. Can’t wait to see tonight’s episode. Devin gets on my nerves!!!!
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Forgot to check notify me. lol
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Thanks for the update! Maybe there’ll be a SHOCKER triple eviction tonight of PaoPao, Brittany & Victoria and we can get on with the show. So many HGs seems to be slowing down the action and I’m hoping the next HOH is actually likeable.
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wow Devin is a very silly man ! he thinks he is special he will find out
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Thank you for the update. Any word around the house who they are going to vote out? I don’t think Victoria is as uppity as she tries to profess. I think she deserves time to see what she can do. Paola is totally useless and if for no other reason, she has aligned herself with OJ. She needs to go. We’ll see how this plays out.
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Kevin – if a triple eviction could take place I would vote out Devin, Caleb and Paola.
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I would like a triple eviction but only if Caleb, Paola, Amber, Frankie,or Zach go All of them are idiots. they need to go.
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Devin sits up in the HoH acing like The Godfather, beckoning people to have others come up and grovel to him.
His demise will be so wonderful.
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Big Brother Network @bigbrothernet
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Devin sent Frankie to bring up Vic. She’s coming to sit before the throne now. #BB16
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Jani – This might get confusing being you are Jani and I am Janice but why Frankie and Zach? I think they will be smart players once the idiots are out. I think Christine is the only girl who is smart enough to play the game. It’s hard to tell with Caleb and Devin Bullying airs stifling a real game play.
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Devin is an ass. I hope he doesn’t get to play very long as it will really screw with my ability to enjoy the show. He is far worse than Amanda was a week and a half into the game.
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Thanks for the write up & new page Lisa
And thanks for the heads up about Victoria sitting before The Game Of Thrones Kev11
Now Devin is telling Vic, “If I don’t put you up… and I put Zach up.. would you vote him out”?
Devin did tell Zach, “I don’t trust you” yesterday. So now Zach is even more upset with Devin of course. Devin knows that.. and knows the threat that comes with it. (He doesn’t know everyone in the house wants him out.. and even Caleb has been coming around to that idea.) Caleb said he wouldn’t put Devin on the block, but how he votes in the DR is another thing.
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I missed this one! Hi everyone! 🙂
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They are all pretty boring. Not worth staying up late for.
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Brittany is still in a tough spot.
Devin pretty much promised her he would use the veto on her. They sat up in HOH room chatting for a VERY long time after the POV comp. The rest of the house noticed that and speculated that a deal was made.
Brittany did confirm the deal to Derrick. Derrick told her not to tell anyone.. and they were trying to think of what she could say to everyone afterwards. Making a deal with Devin could put a big target on Brit that wasn’t there before. She has been denying to everyone that a deal was made (Caleb & Cody asked her straight out). But when she is saved… how can she deny a deal?
Actually, Brit’s best bet might be to tell Devin to not use the veto. I think she would still have the votes to stay. People wanted to keep Brit before this all started… and now they all know Paola threw the comp to help Devin get Brit out.
So now maybe Vic will be safe this week too. If Devin does put up Zach, I’m not sure who would be voted out… Paola I think.. but hard to say this early.
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Thanks Lisa for you write up! Hi everyone have a good day 🙂 See you later…….
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Thanks Lisa Marie! I agree 100% about Devin! Hoping someone will put him up or bd him next week. Thanks to everyone posting updates from lf. The bug has been glued to me, can’t watch with her around.
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Go home Devin, Go home Devin……..
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Bonjour les amis @soeaking French like Lisa Marie
Can’t believe I had to look up Amanda Zuckerman
Then it all came back to me
Tfe arrogance, self confidence and disdain she had for the other HGs
Brittany was sitting there in a contained state while having to endure Devin’s speech
What a spoiled brat he must have been
Anyways I can listen yo him very long
OJ go home!
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Meant I can’t listen to him for very long
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Lately I’ve noticed that Frankie is kinda doing that Andy thing, bouncing from group to group. I hope these people pick up the same vibes. I would hate 2 years in a row that the money goes to the rat. I like Frankie much more than Andy– now that he’s settled down enough to stop the showboating for sole camera time.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OJ (I mean Devin) has GOT to go. At least 1 more week until all of us get any relief from him. All his promises and implied promises to the nominees are a joke. He is like a tyrant, thinking he has all the power. He has never given any credit to the 2 ahead of him in the race for HOH who had missteps and by DEFAULT he got the room. Actually, add Amber to the list also. And also stupid Paola for throwing her game because that’s what he wanted. BTW-I’m not a Paola fan either.
As much as I want Donny to win this, I have a feeling (at this stage of the game) that Frankie and Zach final 2 with Christine in 3rd.
Life is not a box of chocolates — so Run, Donny, run!
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I know we all like Donny because he is so likable and super polite but….he’s not playing the game either. I think the bullies have stifled any real game that can happen. Now that the HG see the real side of Caleb and OJ, I think they will knock them out and hopefully then we can resume BB. This isn’t the BB I’ve liked so much over the years. Please get C & D out and let us have a good game.
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I don’t think the BS is intelligent enough to vote out Devin, even if he was put on the block after a veto competition.
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Agree 100%, Janice.
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Wonderful update LM.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Devin needs to go but it seems the only way will be for the stars to align perfectly and get him next week with a backdoor. Paola needs to go soon and this week is as good as any. I wouldn’t mind seeing Victoria get a chance to adjust and show her ability.
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@april..I agree and I even said that a few days ago about Frankie being like andy. Altho, Andy didn’t tell EVERYONE he LOVED them everytime he left the room!!! And I am getting a bit tired of seeing him kiss Zach(and others??) on the cheek. This isn’t Europe, Dude!! lol
As long as we are comparing Devin to OJ I have a fitting cliche’ for him. ** If you aren’t part of the BS, you must confess!!** He pulls all the HGS up to the HOH grilling room and makes them tell him every little thing they said about him and who they are going to vote for!! (ad nauseum) I can’t beleive they actually go along with it. Talk about BS!!! Aptly named!! lol
About an hour ago(1:00 BBT), LFS went to Interviews. Pov ceremony??
Can’t wait for the show tonight!!! Ucky, cloudy, humid day here so need some excitement!!
Thanks LM for the post/page. You ROCK, girl!! ♥
Peace OUT!!
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Sixteen house guests, three brain cells total, and one narcissistic personality disorder. Yup. Just what Grodner ordered.
I am finally able to watch BBAD because each time Devin comes on I know I can fast-forward through about 20 minutes of self-absorbed entitlement as he discusses his life and superiority ad naseum. I would be very surprised if he actually had a daughter.
All in all it’s certainly an improvement on last year’s debacle. My vote is to remove Paola. She contributes nothing to the game. Victoria would have been my first choice but I’m becoming more willing to give her a second chance simply because she’s had to suffer the verbal slings and arrows of the Narcissist King. No one deserves that kind of torture.
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Wow! An AC and a Princess sighting on the same day! Good to see you both do a fly by.
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VaughnTV Feed: http://vaughnlive.tv/bbf82
TV Nutters Feed: http://www.tvnutters.com/files/bbus.htm
iLive: http://www.ilive.to/view/57976/CBS-live-stream-channel
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Fran…. 😆
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I have emailed JT links for six different Live Feeds of the East Coast CBS show I have used in the past. Just tried to drop here but they didn’t stick, probably because of the www’s. Ask him if you need them. Maybe the original post will eventually post.
www. nutters.com/files/bbus.htm (Kill the space) is one (and showing Live Feeds)
Vaughn TV is also doing the same: http: //vaughnlive.tv/bbf82 (Kill the 2 spaces)
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I would not mind seeing Vicki (ha ha, she hates being call this) sent home this week. She tends to tap dance on my last nerve, but not as much as Devin does. It seems to me she is prowling around the house looking for a showmance, but there are NO takers. I did feel sorry for her when she was in the HOH room last night with Devin, but I would feel sorry for anyone alone in a room with him. I am so tired of Devin holding court and talking nonsense. He really does have some insecurity issues if he has to keep telling people he is a great guy!!
Star please let us know if the POV ceremony takes place today. I thought it would be tomorrow.
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I’ve emailed JT links for the Live CBS show and LFs, but everytime I post with the words, they don’t stick. So, ask (email) JT if you need a link. Third attempt at this.
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Hey Betty! How you doing my dear friend ♥ ? …………….
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Or just email me.
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Kevin You can send me a E-Mail………….. 😆 Do you have my Addy? 😕
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Why is my comment always awaiting moderation? I have been here for many years. I think someone is trying to tell me something.
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Wonderful to see my friends princess, Star, Betty, Frannie, starfish and Bobo here. And I’ve heard of an AC sighting. Really enjoying this season as it is much more of a pure game and seeing all these people scramble at the same time is really fun. Will contribute more once season heats up and World Cup ends. The new cat is fantastic, but did break a family picture with some crazy 3 am jump that he had no business doing.
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Happy the new cat is making you happy Kevin ♥
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Just blasted them all your way via email Bob. The first two on the top have been showing the Life Feeds and I believe they blend into the 8 p.m. East Coast showing coming up. —Kevin 😀
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Thanks my friend! I have been watching the tvnutters…..Still working for me 🙂
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Going down to the Cave to watch the shows………… see you all later….
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Bob: I’m loving this season. So refreshing after constantly bitching about CBS lying about things, weird HGs, stupid, unfair twists. Just let ’em play. Keep it simple. And fair. Seems like it may again be a Men dominated season, but I like all but three of these people—a huge change from the past couple of seasons and it seems this could get really good. This Derrick guy has really impressed me lately and I find this Frankie-Derrick-Christine possible Alliance the coolest thing I’ve seen today.
Can’t wait for Devin to be up against it!
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Kevin 😆
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The show was good……….but we knew everything!!!! 😆
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Man Victoria really loves her fake hair! ……………………. ;mrgreen:
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Hey K11
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Victoria must not have much to say as I’ve very rarely seen her in the DR.
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Betty, hang in there, will not be long until Chez Devin is closed for good,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am surprised no news of pov, has it not been played yet?
hi to all hope all r enjoying their holiday weekend
hi kev, hugs to nephew Louie
ciao till later
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MM, Devin won POV yesterday. Sounds like some sort of balancing objects competition… planets or something this time (like the one Jeremy won last year in the baby costume)
The POV meeting is prolly tomorrow. Devin will use it to save Brittany (last I heard).. and will put Victoria up (or Zach?)
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Hi MM – Star said the feeds went down about 1:00 pm (BB time). She wasn’t sure why and thought it might be the POV ceremony. Have you seen or heard anything on the feeds about this?
Hi Aggie, Kevin and Bobo. AC great seeing you back!
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Hi Betty, I’m watching Trueblood now
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Yeah FP, I wonder how it will end
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Star—LOVE the cliché.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kevin11–Thank you sooo much for the links. Hope they work for me.
G’night y’all.
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team America
and thus yet another new alliance is born
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Does Devin realize that he can’t even be HOH next time? I am hoping that both are not members of the BS. Devin is just weird, and his arrogance is annoying. ARG
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True Blood was cool 😎 Thanks for the comments my friends
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I wish Derrick didn’t use his whole hand to get food out of his teeth
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Son and family are gone and I watched tonight. Only the second show I’ve watched. Been reading and watching vicariously through your posts. Thank you one and all. I really had a handle on the show.
I can’t believe that Devin is really as obnoxious as he is. He actually poses. Yuk Got a lot of screen time tonight and I couldn’t believe how dense he was about throwing Caleb under the bus. He really didn’t get it did he?
K11, happy you and Sir Louis are doing great. Yep, cats tend to go where they aren’t supposed to go. 🙂
Good to see everyone and a few newbies too. Nite all.
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We have our official America’s Team members
I guess the 3 of them were discussing it last night.
I did vote for Donny week 2, last week I voted for Derrick & Christine, but am not at all surprised Frankie got voted in. I read his sister has 15-16 million twitter followers? (is that correct?) …just surprised he didn’t win the first week really.
ok.. off to work.. ughh, this is gonna be a long week. Thanks in advance for keeping us informed 🙂 First thing I’m gonna do when I get home in 12 hours is come here to see who Devin put up as replacement. I wonder if it will be Zach… or if that will get smoothed over and he’ll go back to option A.. Victoria???
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Ooops… sorry MM, I misread your comment and posted the same America’s Team info.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Must be too early for my eyes & brain to be in sync 🙄
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Thanks For Info JT, It sounds good I hope your OT ends sooner rather than L8R you will be missed here and On My blog, take care
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Ditto what Aggie says…we will miss your 🙂 and all the funny little smilies you add.
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Good Morning All!
We made it back from Oklahoma safe and sound but I feel it’s taken me a week to get caught up on all things BB. 🙂 So sorry to see my initial “likes” of Joey and Devin have gone caput, but still have my eyes on Christine, Derrick and Hayden. Liking Zach and Cody more than I thought I would, and Britney is showing more promise than I initially gave her credit for. Interesting how “Jen City” Jacosta and Victoria seem to be playing.. I’ve been scanning LF and see little to nothing of either one.
My 9 yr. old daughter got home yesterday and was watching last nights show with me. I asked her about Frankie’s sis and she knew instantly who she was (so yes, now she is Team Frankie, LOL!!). his sis plays a very ditzy, high pitched voiced charactor on a Disney Channel Show (Kat in “Sam and Kat” for those with pre-tweens in the know ;-)). Now I can totally see the resemblance, but I bet Britney is the only one likely to put 2 and 2 together if she see’s a pic.
I’m looking forward to the nuclear explosion of the BS.. Could be as soon as today. I would love to see Zach get the re-nom, cut loose on the Devin, and then still win the vote over Pow Pow.. 🙂
On a side note, last night the Have Not’s were complaining about how horrible liverwurst is… My mom was from Sweden, and I can remember getting liverwurst sandwiches sent with me for lunch in kindergarten.. And the teacher would make me eat them.. YUCK!
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I to hope Devin leaves soon. He is a big jerk. He thinks he is the next coming of God. All his being sorry and house meetings, is just a ploy to try to fool everyone and Brittny has his number. Not sure how I feel about Victoria yet.
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Nothing happened after the show last night????? Is it me or is this a very slow year?
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Kinda hope he puts up zach just to see the train wreck – zach needs to get a good nights sleep on a full belly – – – –
dont know which one loves themself more – caleb or devin – no insecuritues there…..
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ok AMBER we get it – you dont like devin – everyone you talk to you bash him
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Good stuff! Thanks…………….
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what’s going on w Jocasta , ultimate floater ?
And what’s up w the bow tie ?
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Derrick reminds me of “Meow Meow” like 3 seasons ago, he came picking at his teeth and eating and picking. Hard to watch
What’s up w Jocasta , ultimate floater ?
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as of this minute devin is using pov on brit. he was taking to pow when she was in shower, they got into an argumnent, he left went up to hoh room and was practicing his speech with a pillow, going on and on about brit is a good mother, person yadda yadda yadda, then after a longggggggggggg time on brit, another long monolog about the replacement nominee which is Zach. but that is at this moment do not quote me he changes his mind more then I change my socks. even the pillow wanted to self evict. he is one wild and crazy guy, and not in a good way, he needs help and fast
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so now pow is pissed, brit got chased off the hammock few times by the voice and is finally sleeping in have not room. only amber, Donny, jocasta pow and oj r awake.
before this is over they r going to fit oj with a white coat that ties up the back, so stayed tuned for any late breaking developments
this is mama Margie reporting from THE NEW REVISED ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST
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LOL Thanks, MM. You are so funny.
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MarlaJo, got to keep a sense of humor or we would be as nuts as some of the hg’s.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I am waiting for the pov to begin, and hear what the hgs have to say. I wonder how hard it is for production to cut and edit oj’s speeches, rambling or rants, take your pick
so stayed tuned
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Spoiler alert !!!
Devin took Brit down and put up Zach!!! Wowza!!
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wowee the poop has hit the fan
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPOILER SPOILER
Zach is on blok, brit is off, pow is on war path
the bomb squad is now public knowledge, every detail
Frankie is outed, hayden and Nicole outed, pow was said she threw comp
cody, derrick on warpath,
Frankie doing or trying damage control
they r all scrambling and caleb is in room, on sofa u can see his mind going a million miles a second. he is so hot, I think he is ready to explode, the whole house upside down
well bloggers u want action u got it I can not wait till wed nite, if u do not have live feeds check out jokers,
I got my moneys worth out of lf today
will be back, hard to tear myself away from lf do not know which camera to check out and of course having triple sound
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The house is blowing up!! Last night I heard Devin tell Christine that the BS was now 5…. just those 2, Amber, Caleb and Frankie. I guess the other guys were siding with Zach who was mad at Devin and thought he might put them up.
Which he DID! Now, here is some talk around the house….
Zach told Hayden all about the bomb squad in front of Derrick. Other bomb squaders have heard and are flipping out over it.
2:05PM Donny said that the POV meeting will be the best episode so far.
2:04 PM Derrick says they all made a deal to not put alliance members on the block. Devin did that and Zach came out swinging.He’s saying that was the only rule of the alliance and Devin broke it.
2:01 PM Cody/Amber/Derrick trying to go about how to excuse for being in the Bomb Squad to other HGs.
1:57 PM Christine is mad because she knows that Hayden will tell Nicole which will be awkward for Christine.
1:56 PM Zach: No one in this room trusts Amber. She’s a F’ing joke.Brit, Po, Hay, Derrick, Cody are in the room with him. Some agreement from the girls.
1:55 PM Frankie tells Amber/Christine about Zach telling Hayden about Bomb Squad. Frankie very unhappy.
1:52 PM Frankie; Everything I worked to achieve, you just blew up. Zach: Yeah, because I had to play MY game.
Easier than paraphrasing everything!!!! lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Looks like it’s finally game time!!
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MM, what is Jokers?
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KA-BOOM goes the Bomb Squad!! 🙂
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Love this recent info. also want to know what is Jokers? will check back later. watching bbad is fun for me. Craig Long…mind sharing what state you are located? just curious. good day everyone.
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off the topic but this is a proud grandma as my 17 yr old granddaughter from Dallas area is in Guatemala with 20 from church youth group all week furnishing, putting together and installing 230 cooking stoves for impoverished families. they apparently cook in a hole dug in center of house and carry wood a very long way…earth quake 7.1 yesterday was felt but no one hurt…I am so proud of her…she has even studied Spanish hard core so she could experience everything. God bless our youth…they are all we have.
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Wow Star and MM!! Thanks for the news. I knew Zach was a loose cannon and I am not shocked he gave up the bomb squad. Now I will not be surprised to see him self-destruct and end up being thrown off the show. This guy has serious emotional issues. Bye, Bye Zach!
I can just imagine all the members of the bomb squad members running around trying to put out fires. How funny! At least now I hope everyone in the house will be gunning for Devin!! How stupid can one guy be to put a member of his alliance on the block!!
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Boom! 😆
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Man, I go out to dinner and look what happens!!! This is so awesome! The game has officially started.
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Pat, congrts on your grand daughter, that is something to be proud of.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do not blame you for sharing being a proud grandma myself, of which they call me mama
wish more of our youth were like that,
u can check out lots of bb stuff to to
let me know how u like it
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Yes, excitement is what we wanted. I’m heading to the feeds now since it should be an exciting evening. Good relay of info Star and thanks.
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MM/Star – Is there anything going on between Devin and Zach?
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Thanks MM and Star, you guys Rock! Finally, the game is on.
PatRoseNC, don’t blame you one bit for being proud. I sure would be. Are you in NC? That’s where my son took my grandchildren when he moved there. The nerve of him. 🙂
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Bookmarking! Thanks for the updates MM, still on the road 🙁
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And now they scramble to regroup, everyone courting Hayden and Nicole… I see Jacosta and Victoria floating to the end while the rest take each other out. Let the games begin!! 🙂
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Betty..not that I see. Devin has FORCED Hayden to join the BS..somehow! I don’t get how there can still even be an alliance that everyone knows about???
Hayden says he hates Devin, will backdoor him if he ges HOH(Christine too) and that when he goes home he won’t watvh any of the show with Devin in it!!
Zach is counting votes for him to stay nad he thinks he has 8.
Frankie is waffling. Natually. He has no loyalty exceot to himself nd he hasn;t qyite figured out what is best for HIM yet in this mess!!
Devin is still trying to playgodfather while backpedling.
Pretty much justa huge mess right now!!!lol
Hi Starfish and MM!!
And Yvonne..YW! 😉
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WHY am I awaiting moderation?? Seriously????
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Star, this blog is screwed up this year. I will post one comment, and post another within minutes. One says awaiting moderation and the other may go through….Wordpress sucks at times!
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HI GUYS been watching the feeds all day – its hard to say which team each are pulling for except for a few – they have all got thier lye pants on today after the blowup —
if they are smart they willvote out zach – he is a loose canon – and will blow again
then devin
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Finally getting exciting !
Wow. well so much for game, they all play their own and don’t care about loyalty or rules or alliance
Devin is Cray Cray , and he ‘s not the only one
let the show begin
Thanks for all your updates
work does get in my way here
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PatRoseNC, I know you must be so proud of your granddaughter, God bless you,
Jo from NC. 🙂
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Thanks Star and Margie, good to hear Zach could be going, nice job guys
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I heard Devin likes Brittany and he wants Frankie to talk to her.
Well at least things are spicing up. I want Zach to stay at least this week. I’m not a huge fan but I was getting to like him. First impressions were terrible but we’re slowly seeing another side of him. Paola needs to go home. Then they have to work on getting rid of Devin.
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OMG, Andi is such a fake! I hope she ends up with nobody!
Sorry, I’m watching tonight’s episode of the Bachelorette.
And I should have a new BB-related post up her shortly.
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Lisa, I so agree with you re: Andi, The Bachelorette. I liked Josh in the beginning, but after the “home-town/meet the family” visits, I was leaning toward the farmer from Iowa (forgot his name), & the one she sent home, poor guy ! Whomever she chooses out of the three, they probably won’t make it to the altar. I’m a HUGE fan & have never missed a season of BB or The Bachelor. Love your blog & all the comments. How does one “join” your blog ? Thank you !! 🙂
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Lisa, I have given up on the bachelorette and I have never done that maybe I will tune in just to see who she picks but don’t really care i doubt it will last
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Aggie — Andi is such a fake! Oh my God. She went on the hometown dates tonight and the whole time, she’s wandering around with that fake serious look on her face. So annoying…
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Yep I can’t take her, Fran , JT watched for a bit also, she bored the crap out of us. And when Eric called her out on her shit, she got pissed and he got the boot. I think it really rubbed me the wrong way the way she handled that. I think she was the worst one yet.
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Hi Aggie, yep, I watched for a bit 😯 …but The Bachelorette isn’t really my kind of show to start with (unless Des is on there!) ♥ 🙂 This one just seemed way too boring.. and yes.. phony.
Thanks to all for the info. I see that Devin did go through with putting up Zach. I figured he would.. but also know how much he changes his mind.
So who will get voted out? I haven’t had time to watch any feeds since Sat night / Sun morning. I know some want to keep Zach. Plus the fact that Paola threw the comp for Devin. Others want Zach out since he’s so erratic… but could vote to keep him if Devin wants him out. (“An enemy of Devin is my friend” type thing)
Be back in about 13 hours to see what’s up…….
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Hi JT, Yep you only liked Des, but she did find someone I hope that lasts
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I don’t really care who gets eliminated at this time….I want Devin out ASAP…
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After reading the posts, I can’t wait to see what they show Wednesday night. It’s finally getting interesting. YAY!!!
About the Bachelor/Bachelorette, I gave up on that show a few seasons ago. I think it’s run its course.
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Star – thanks for the info. It seemed to me Devin barricaded himself in the HOH room last night. He must know know some members of the BS are upset with him putting up Zach. I had to laugh when he told Frankie he had the ‘hots’ for Brittany. Poor Brittany, it almost makes me gag. It is enough we have to put up with Caleb pining over Amber, now it seems we will see Devin doing the same over Brittany. I hope Hayden wins the next HOH and backdoors Devin!
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Thank you everyone for the great updates. I wish I had the live feeds but the internet I have I cant do it. Bob Francis I could not have said it better myself about Devin. The only reason I liked him is because he has the same name as my oldest son and spells it the same way everyone else seems to spell it Devon or Deven. From what I was told I spelled it wrong according to his dads family LOL I spelled it the way it sounded. Jeanne I am late catching up on my reading but as of now it is Tuesday and I am still getting fire works in my area until about 4 am. UGH people would like to sleep but others have no respect for other people. From what I have been reading here I cant wait till the next show and eviction.
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Mary, When I was at the Vet’s today there were several people that said fireworks were still going off in their neighborhood. Come on parents, that’s 4 day’s. I love the 4th of July as much as anyone, but enough is enough. Try sparklers they are so pretty with no noise. {{{HUGS}}}
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Mary Price, if it’s spelled the way YOU want it, then it’s not spelled wrong. 🙂
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