Hi all!
Well, as you’ve probably already heard, they held the POV competition earlier today and Donny won! That means that Donny has now won 2 out of 3 of the POV competitions so far. Could the bearded gentleman from North Carolina turn out to be this season’s challenge beast?
Time will tell.
But, while we’re on the subject of Donny, what does everyone think of the game that he’s playing so far? Or, to be more to the point, does anyone think that Donny has even started playing the game? It’s funny — for all the talk of the other HGs being convinced that Donny must secretly be a mad genius of some sort — Donny really doesn’t seem to have any strategy, beyond being a nice guy. Lately, he’s been saying that he thinks that its important that a “good” person wins but that’s not really a strategy. (Add to that, it drives me crazy when people talk about good and bad on a reality show. Anyone who can survive until the end of the game deserves a chance to win the money, as far as I’m concerned.) Donny is finally a member of an alliance but that’s just because America voted him into one.
It’s easy to see why Donny is one of America’s favorite players but, as far as playing the game is concerned, he really doesn’t seem to be playing it.
But anyway, Donny won the veto and, before the veto competition, he promised Jocasta that he would use it on her. Jocasta is nominated for eviction but apparently, she has come down with the flu and was on death’s door during the hour right before the veto competition. Now that Donny has won the veto and Jocasta knows that she’s probably going to be coming down off the block, she seems to be feeling a lot healthier.
Now, a lot of people think that Jocasta was faking being as sick as she claimed to be. I happen to be one of those people. However, I think that was brilliant strategy on her part. By saying that she couldn’t play for her safety because of a circumstance that was out of her control, she got everyone’s sympathy and made it so, regardless of who actually won the POV, the only decent thing to do would be to use it to save Jocasta.
Myself, if I was a houseguest, I would be concerned about being literally trapped in a house with someone who had the flu so severely that she literally could not get out of bed. I mean, it’s not as much of a concern as Jeremy’s ringworm but still, the flu is the flu.
I guess my point is that if Jocasta was so sick that she couldn’t even compete for the veto than it would be fair to ask if she’s too sick to stay in the house.
So, here’s the situation:
Derrick is HoH.
Caleb and Jocasta are nominated.
Donny has the POV.
Donny says he’s going to take down Jocasta.
And, if all goes according to plan, Derrick will nominate Devin in her place.
If you had to choose between voting out Devin or Caleb, who would you go for? Personally, I’d have a hard time making up my mind. They’re both challenge threats. Devin is more irritating but he’s also so unpopular that I imagine just about anyone could beat him if Devin somehow made it to the final two. Caleb, however, may have his issues but he’s not disliked the way that Devin is.
So, if you’re voting based on who you don’t want to reach the final two, then I think you have to take this opportunity to vote our Caleb while you can.
But if you’re voting on who is more annoying, then you have to vote for Devin.
It’ll be interesting to see how it all plays out. I have a feeling that Devin (assuming that Derrick sticks with his original plan) will be voted out on Thursday, if just because nobody wants to run the risk of getting trapped in the jury house with him.
Lisa Marie
Thanks for the run down, LM.
Woo Hoo, looks like I’m first and I don’t comment very often.
I sort of hope Devin stays on Thursday, it would be the smart thing to do to get out a threat like Caleb rather than somebody you simply don’t like.
As for Donny, I think being a nice guy that everybody likes is his strategy. Granted, its not a winning strategy but a lot of people have gotten to jury just because they were liked.
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txs Lisa Marie,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------in regard to Donny, my spin is he does NOT over think anything, the others u can see from the look in their eyes when they are losing it
he is so mild mannered he takes everything with a grain of salt, good for him, he will get far in this game.
I am so happy with the new have nots. Derrick said they can sleep in the hoh room on wed before the comp, bb said NO, all have nots have to sleep in the have not room, and I also read some where, they can NO sleep on their clothes, so I guess BB is getting more strict and lowering the hammer on them.
ciao for now
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Well good for BB on the sleeping rules for HN. Personally I am so over that twist in the game.
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You go Donny.
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Hooray for Donny!!! 🙂
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Ash @ashes2ashes13 · Jul 11
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Flashing back a little on my break. Starting to sound like Nicole/Christine/Hayden will be big danger to Derrick’s game. #BB16
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wooo can’t help it ~~~~ I hate men like Devin from the 1st day he’s been a jerk ~~ by his all up in your face personally, yep Go Home
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I’m getting a funny feeling that Devin will be here awhile longer. I think Caleb will be going out the door. Honestly this is a U pick em kind of week. Caleb is the most dangerous player, since he can still get in peoples ears and plan while no one will hear what Devin has to say. As annoying as Devin is, when the ducks are lined up like they are, you need to take out the better of the two, which in this case is Caleb.
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Yea Donny!!!
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Great write up LM!
Regarding Jacosta… SHe was “backed up” for a few days and yesterday (?) took two forms of fiber pills and lets just say.. the flood gates loosened. 🙂 Then, during the BotB she got seriously dehydrated and had heat stroke. This afternoon she was finally able to take in some water with electrolyes added and is doing much better. I do think she could be playing it up some, but what I saw she was pretty messed up for quite awhile. It was kinda funny when she was telling everyone she wasn’t going up to HOH to talk to Devin, she was trying to “go” and he kept cornering her and talking instead!
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I might be wrong, but I think there is more to Donny than meets the eye. I bet he does have a strategy and he is intentionally laying low, like Sir Louis (Kevin’s cat), until it is time to bounce. I hope Caleb says, as I can’t stand the thought of hearing Devin blabber on and on about nothing. Devin is a brute and if they don’t take this opportunity to evict him, I believe they will all soon regret it. When Derrick figures out Hayden isn’t on his team, he will need Caleb to help get rid of him, which I would be sad to see, as I like Hayden.
Nice write up Lisa Marie. It will be interesting to watch Donny to see if he does have a master plan!
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Kev, nice to see you, glad soccer is almost over u r missed here my friend
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------so who do u like to win, and who do u want to go home?
to bring u up to date JT is starting his busy season poor guy works more then he sleeps and of course has to be while bb is on, go figure
hugs to u and little louie
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Kim….I read that same thing about Jacosta being backed up. I also read that she took double what she was told to take. Ok…so the comp still needed to take place, but I don’t think it was the fair thing to do by production. Don’t get me wrong…I am doing the happy dance that Donny won the POV, but think how pissed we all would have been if it turned out to be someone else getting to play and winning. To be fair, Jacosta should have just been the first person to be eliminated from the comp. So, production is controlling the game yet again!
Oh well, what’s done is done….let’s just get Devin OUT this week!
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Howdy to miss Betty and my little Margie! 🙂
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Hi Frannie! Wasn’t Donny’s name pulled for the POV?
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hi fran,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I agree with u 100% re jocasta, guess luck was on her side. she may have been sick, but OMG I walked and acted better when I had my gall bladder out which was an out patient procedure. I really think she milked it cause of pov comp.
hugs my friend
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Betty….YEP, you are correct. My BAD! I have no idea what I was saying.
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Frannie – I didn’t know, so I thought you read or heard something on the live feeds that Donny was a forth pick or was a substitute for Jocasta. Glad this didn’t happen, it might have given Devin a reason to object. Off to bed now. Enjoy the rest of your evening!
Sweet dreams everyone!!
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Devin is a bully and bullies need to go. So I hope they follow the plan and get him out.
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I really hope Devin goes home!!! I lived next door to a bully just like him and believe me it was not funny.Nothing worst than a vain man with a big mouth.
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Frankie and Victoria were saying that Jacosta was so weak. Victoria said that she may have to get and IV if she doesn’t get better
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the obnoxious people seem to always manage to stay til the end . Hopefully not this time.
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Good write up Lisa. thanks!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you all for the info, now I can go back & watch some TV ………..
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Bye Devinj
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Good job LM. Can’t help to keep saying it but it’s true. Thank you!
I like Donny and it looks like there’s a lot of intelligence behind those eyes. IMHO We’ll see.
I vote Devin because I’m not playing the game and if they keep him, he’ll drive them all nuts with his little meetings and his pay attention to me attitude. Boring. *gag*
Looking forward to the show tomorrow. nite all
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I have to give it up for Jocasta either she’s a great actress or she doesn’t get sick very often – I am 53 – I have a pacemaker – this is my second bout with cancer in two years (I won) right now I am cut from hip to hip and am in severe pain – I just tighten my support Velcro thing they give you and when it gets too much throw up in a zip lock bag – I have two more days until the rest of my drains come out – then after that it’s pretty easy and I am blessed – her carrying on was making me almost pee my pants and I know all y’all who have had a serious illness or who have helped a family member through were probably thinking she was laying it on a little thick – i would love to hear one of her sermons she probably is über dramatic –
Dear baby Jesus – I know you don’t have time for silly little things like BB, but if you could just please get rid of Devin I would appreciate it – I am a mother of three daughters – why does he think that people that procreate are somehow more important than people who don’t that’s have children – that’s ridiculous and offensive to people that don’t have kids a.k.a. Smart people –
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Personally besides Devin I am happy with the houseguests this year last year as horrible as they were I thought I may never watch again. The way Devin DEMANDS people do things HIS way and cuts right in when others are talking so people only hear him is so annoying and he is truly a loose cannon. I fear for the HGs safety in the house. I have 4 kids but I don’t throw them in every singe sentence I speak. I have to vote out Devin. I just see him as being to dangerous to the females in the house to stay.
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go Donny go Donny go Donny…go home Devin. @Susan G. wishing you the best…
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Thank you Lisa for all the work you do….I think I get more out of reading you than actually watching the show.
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Congrats To Derrick and Donny, I hope things go Derrick’s way and Devin does go
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Has Frankie told anyone who his sister is. Thank you all for keeping us “in the know” on the behind the scenes happenings …..Joyce aka ricscor
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no, don’t vote out Caleb he’s a Ky. boy
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@ Susan G
Ok Devin just has a huge ego like the Super Moon, even if he didn’t procreate he would have a
reason to have to win.
Like “I am the strongest” , ” I support my mom”, “I deserve it”.
It’s just Devin!
But apparently Jacosta is really sick, at least that’s what they all believe.
But then is she contagious? maybe that is her strategy infect everyone in the house.
Must go and go ARGENTINA !
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I have a ? Why is Derrick constantly throwing Donny under the bus, if the 2 of them, along with Frankie are Team America! I just don’t get it 🙁
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thx for this blog, I look forward to reading it as well as the comments each day.
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Hi Everyone!! Thanks for the fantastic update Lisa Marie…I love all the scoop from everyone so I know what’s going on in the BB House!!
Jeanne. I hope the homemade strawberry jam came out great…there’s nothing better than that and strawberry is my favorite!!
I just finished watching BBAD and I noticed a few things.
The curing of the flu was miraculous!! I would wear a mask so I wouldn’t catch it.lol
Noticed Amber eating a tortilla wrap(plain)….since when is a tortilla a condiment?!?
She also said «what if I sleep walk and eat something!» I wonder what the penalty would be!?!
And so many people are “allergic” to slop!!! What’s up with that? They should be tested before they enter the house!!!
Well that’s all for now…can’t wait for tonight’s show…I want to see how they edit this one. LOL.
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My favorites are Derrick & Nicole & Hayden & Brittany. (wish those 4 would form an alliance). I agree with everyone that Devin has become obnoxious & a little too full of himself and needs to go out the door asap & I hate how everyone is afraid to disagree with anything he says because he gives them all that threatening look – meaning if they dare to go against him they’ll be his next target. (screw that …)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Next I’d like to see Frankie go who has also become extremely annoying and now is acting a little too much like the winner of the last season. I didn’t like he how he immediately ran up to tell Devin what was going on to be sure to save his own bouncy little butt. (he is ALWAYS bouncing around – drives me nuts) and you can tell he’s just dying for them to find out who his sister is – even though he hasn’t told them YET – he will, I’m sure. He sure can’t seem to let us viewers forget & it seems to make him feel more important but I never even heard of her til now. But he is just TOO MUCH & a little TOO high energy plus not trustworthy which he’s already proven.
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Mama Margie, I think you might be on to something when you said Donny doesn’t over think things. That may actually be what gets him far in the game. A lot of bad decisions have been made in the BB game due to overthinking. Donny can obviously win challenges so he does have some game going on.
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I am sooo in agreement with Jeanne4488. After Devin leaves I hope big mouth Frankie goes. He’s not humorous anymore.
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omg. I forgot our beloved Donny! So how bout an alliance with Donny, Brittany, Nicole, Hayden, Derrick & Christine. Be gone with Devin and next Frankie. Jacosta I can take or leave (haven’t seen her dramatics about being sick yet) but can’t stand those stupid bow ties!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I predict production will do whatever they can do to keep Frankie in the house but I hope he goes, and fast. Next to Devin he’s the most annoying person in the house.
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Morning bloggers! Have a blessed LORD’s Day! 🙂
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Oh Susan, God bless you. I will be praying for you. I love your spirit. I also went through my season of cancer. I was very blessed because my sister held one hand and my sweet Jesus held the other. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Can I have an Amen. I am 81 years old and love my life. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Please Lord get Devin out tonight. {{{HUGS}}}
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You rock Sissy (Jeanne) 🙂
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regarding JACOSTA – yall remember at the beginning of the game when she was in danger – she came down with ‘the flu’ she had the hg getting her this and that – i DO beleive this time she had an issue – but that flu incident was a big ole act (i did it just like that as a kid) ha – it was a miracle that report cards came out and the C i thought i was going to get turned out a B – flu was over….
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If Jocasta is always so sick, maybe she should be one leaving the house.
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imo… Jocasta complained of constipation then took Benefiber and another laxative type thing to create the diarrhea effect which can cause dehydration…lets vomit too make it real…pity me pity me…very well thought out plan as she did not want to be a h/n and it worked. then after pov comp she milked it now she is much better…I had 6 young kids have seen the tricks.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As far as Devin or Caleb. Is caleb really a comp beast??? he only one one comp the 1st one and most hgs didn’t want the 1st Hoh. Devin can win comps but if he stays he might revert back to the HOH-itis Devin again…so it’s a toss up. I want Dev out first then Caleb.
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Susan G – I couldn’t agree more. Healing Blessings my dear.
Jeanne 4488, you nailed the HGs perfectly! 🙂
Thanks all for the comments and especially the play-by-plays from those watching the feeds – MM and Betty and Bendi
No singing here K11, I promise! Good to see you. Last soccer game is today! Are you rooting for anyone in particular?
Hey Bobo!!
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Why is Derrick against Donny?
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yea, Devin needs go, because he can win, then his lips takes a life of their own ~ and he makes the whole house get intense, so they better get him out while they can. he will in up winning and the whole house will do what he wants cause they are scared.
I like Donny hope he wins,
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What is in Slop ?
Just wondering why they are allergic, yes test them before they enter
And Jacosta , I see a pattern. She fakes illness and floats to the end
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I want to see Devin go home this week. He is a real pain in the butt.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glad Donny won POV.
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this is such a great blog! and I remember a lot of the names from last season! but couldn’t remember what I’d signed MYSELF in as! lol. so took a guess, but might have had different numbers on the end of my name. But Jolee and Jeanne .. I’m the OTHER Jeanne that was here last year. LOVE reading the blogs.
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OMG i knew i recognized jacosta from somewhere – she and her son were on SHARK TANK trying to promote those bow ties – her son makes them
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or at least that is what i read on the chat lF room
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I would like to see Devin go home before Caleb! I think Caleb is kind of funny but Devin looks like a a man on the edge 👿 ………….. Hi Starfish♥ Happy Sunday my friend ♥ Okay time to watch a little TV……… See you all Later……… ………………
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NOTE To Betty I love your new Pool! 😆
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So far Donny my good o boy is doing great I like the way he is playing the game but I think he killed the little duck in the HOH tub!!!! 😆
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I remember that episode on Shark Tank! with the bow ties! so THAT’s why she wears those stupid things all the time .. ooooooooooooook. I definitely remember that but not necessarily remember HER or whether or not they got any offers from the sharks. I personally HATE bow ties.. think they look stupid.
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We just watched Shark Tank Friday night. None of the sharks offered Jocasta’ s son a deal, but one of the sharks said he would mentor him. Her son is adorable – can’t say the same thing about the bowties, but I understand why she is wearing them. In fact, several of the house guests are wearing them. I wonder how her son feels about her being sick! ;(
Hi Jeanne4488, glad to see you here again! 🙂
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Does Hayden have a thing for the little cute Frog ❓
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Hey Blogaders!! Just a quick fly by before the show tonight.
@Annie….there is a penalty for eating when you are on slop. There was a girl on S8, the one ED hated,Jen, and she sat right in the BY beligerently and ate! They made her go back on slop and she ahd to sit out a comp. i think if you do it agin, you could get kicked off the show.
@macy…I totally remember seeing Jocasta on Shark Tank with her kid! He made the ties, not her! It wasall his thing. Seems like she is always looking for her 15 mins of fame and trying to make money without really working!!! i agree with everyone about her faking being sick too. I don’t think she cares if she wins. She just likes sitting around on TV all summer and getting paid!! She can go anytime too!!!
Wish I could stay and gossip but gotta run!! Can’t wait to see the POV comp tonight!!!
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Hi Star !
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My bug fell asleep!! I get to listen to the live feeds! Derrick is really playing this Zach could be kin to Amanda thing to Caleb.
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Macy, Jeanne 44.. & Star, I saw that episode of Shark Tank too. You’re right Star, she seems to wallow in the glory of being glorified for doing nothing. 🙂
KeriJ, awwww peace for you at least for a bit. Enjoy the live feeds!
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Wow! Brittany’s hair looks like a rats nest! Why?!?!
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Hey y’all the soccer game was intense this is my daughter, Angelica’s second time picking the winner, she won the big pool twice now. She had Spain four years ago. My family thinks because she’s extremely smart (was accepted everywhere for college to study genetics) she used some calculations, but she told me she used good old sexism and chose them on looks alone. She said you can’t scientifically gauge passion and soccer is one of the most emotional sports their is – I have to agree when I was watching the Mexico vs Croatia game I was so happy for Mexico and I was practically getting a tear for poor Croatia!
Thank goodness BB is on tonight – I’m looking forward to seeing the shenanigans – it will be hard to beat – ” Devin you have five personalities, and they all suck!” I loved that! Put that on a t-shirt!
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yikes…we are going out of town…no offense intended, but how do I stop the email posts…lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t want to be bombarded while travelling as much as I love to read everybodys comments
Thx guys
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Starfish 😆
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Nicole Is such a cute little Frog! ♥ ……………….
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The feeds just went off ….60 min. is on the BB show is going to come on soon…see you all later……………… Much later 😆 ……………………… BFN…..
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ANYONE notice devin hasnt said diddly bout ‘his little girl’ the last two days……………..
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Hey Macy, he doesn’t have an audience anymore… ;_-)
I’ve noticed there is no nightly clamoring for booze… Are they a bunch of t-totelers or has BB banned beer and wine after last year’s debacle?? Curious…
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The show was just OK ! 😕
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Man now they are going to go after Donny?????
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Okay back to TV………………..
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Kim, I noticed the lack of alcohol, too. What gives? Something has to liven these guys up, they are boring at times.
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Why can’t people wash their S—-! 😆
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♪♫•*¨*•.¸ PLEASE STOP SINGING! ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
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Oh for goodness sake PLEASE vote out Devin or he’ll get recruited for the Amazing Race (my other favorite show) with Wretch-all and Bran-dumb!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have a hunch that Donny, Derrick and Frankie will be in the final 3 and the journey to that end will be very interesting.
Can we please have an UNEXPECTED double eviction of Jocasta (and her influenza infested Bow-Ties) AND unheavenly Devin-Lee???
I’d like to see Nicole and Hayden (sweet couple) in the final 6 with Cody and hope they start playing (not floating) soon. I like the Nicole-Donny mini alliance because they are 2 generally nice, real people.
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Show was ok. I was pretty sure Nicole told Donny to keep it between them and he went and blabbed. Really disappointed in him even if she didn’t tell him it’s a secret, the ninny should know better if he knows anything about BB. Happy he won POV tho even if we didn’t see it tonight. Hopefully, the plan succeeds for Devin to find the back door! Jacosta is no peach either.
Hey Bobo! Hope all is well in your man cave. 🙂
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Hey Bobo!!!
Hey Starfish and Keri!!! Give LadyBug a hug for me! ♥
@macy….GMTA!!!lo l I was sitting here watching the HGS eat ice cream and toll house cookies like they were at a kids birthday party and thinking the exact same thing!! BB has never allowed booze every nite, but most groups have talked about it, checked the SR for it and WANTED it almost every nite!!! lol I mentioned earlier that no one smokes this year either. I think that is a 1st too!! I don’t know if this bunch is cleaner cut or really young mama’s boys and girls or what the deal is! I do remember Amber being a bit drunk one night on wine. And i know Brit likes wine…ALOT from what I heard.
Lots of flirting going on in the house toight. (which is why some adult beverages would be fun!!)lol Hayden and Nic exchanging backrubs. And Cody RUBBING up agaisnt every female in the house! They all just melt everytime he hugs them. And he KNOWS it too!!!
They had a short lockdown tonight. A bunch of people were yelling to them from outside the yard. So BB made them all go in until they could get rid of them. It’s funny cuz everytime they are forced to come in they head right for the kitchen and procedd to make it an even BIGGER mess! They are talking about ants now as Jo, Cody, Donny and Brit tackle the dishes. No game talk tho. Way too early. They save that for between 3 and 5 am..lol Pretty boring actually. Something tells me we aren’t going to see beer pong or ANY games or runway shows from these people. I think after last year,they must have picked the most white bread and dullest of the applicants they could find! I mean, no one even uses the hot tub!! YAWN!!!! 😀
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I am rooting for well health for Susan G. .. heck I will root for well health for all of us, including Sir Louis 😉
Watching the show tonihgt I was practically bawling along with Donny and Nicole even though I had already read in here what was going to go down lol. In all the years I have watched this show I dont think I have ever come close to tears like that.
As it is right now, I would LIKE to see Donny win but years of viewing experience has shown me that it is very rare for someone over 40 to make it to the end. Evil Dick or Dick Evil is the only one that I can think of at the moment.
Evil Dick and Donny are just as diferent as a hill of beans and a pile of shit 😉
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what is the issue about singing in the house, why does BB always ask. .. TELL them to stop?
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Hi everyone, I’ve been reading the blog for a couple of years now but first time writing. I just finished watching bbad and wanted to know if anyone else noticed that Caleb is just walking around like a lost soul with no one talking to him.
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Thanks for all the well wishes – I’m not normally one who tears up, but Nicole and Donny were just too cute and even if they don’t win it is nice to see some decent people in the house for a change – last years house guests were so awful these people are looking fantastic to me!
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BCMarie, I believe the reason the HG are not allowed to sing is because BB will have to pay a royalty to the artist of the song. For instance, they can’t sing “Happy Birthday” or they have to pay a royalty. I have seen this happen on other reality shows. Hope this answers your question. 🙂
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@ bc Marie if the house guests sing cbs has to pay royalties to whoever owns rights to the song / that’s why they don’t let them sing / that would be hard think about how much we all sing while you’re cleaning house and stuff, you don’t even think about it –
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Paula, I think he is a lovesick puppy and doesn’t get the response from Amber that he wants. I’m afraid this will be his downfall if he doesn’t snap out of it……..Joyce
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ahhhhhh thanks jolee & susan. I was thinking about it on the way home from work, and I didnt even think of royalties. I was actually admonishing myself, thinking I was such a dolthead for missing the obvious – they dont like the singing because with all the mics in the house – the whispered conversations would get drowned out. Royalties. .. huh. Now I feel like a superdolthead 😉
I am done with graves for several weeks, I think I will watch BBAD and see I get a sense of lost from Caleb. I know that I have thought to myself a number of times that he seems really intense.
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Yes Joyce and BCMARIE he seems mad all the time, like ready to crack any minute
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Nothing new this Morning! Hi Star & Starfish ♥ …….. See you soon!
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BCMarie, you are welcome! You are not a dolthead!! 🙂 It’s been a long time since I have heard those expression!! 🙂
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whats a dolthead?
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No surprise at the veto ceremony – Donny used it on Jocosta and Devin was the replacement!
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Greetings. Does Frankie know how ill his grandfather is? I read his sister cancelled her tour to be with him.
Caleb troubles me walking around last 2 nites with that headdress or whatever..looks like he is Rudolf Valentino (come on–we oldies remember him!)
Was upset last nite on bbad when Victoria went to the hammock alone and was obviously praying and all Jewish prayers have singing…and they demanded her to stop singing…if Kasar could pray 5 times a day, leave Victoria alone..or have her go to a more private place. I felt bad for her as she went from group to group and no one wanted to talk with her. I do not really like her a lot BUT I do not dislike her either…just an observation.
Nic did not tell Donny not to repeat about Derricks noms–but he covered it all very well with her.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I still really like Donny and Hayden…both quietly watching…both admitted to having watched every single BB episode. I do not care for Christina..she has everyone fooled.
also..who won last year? wasn’t it the redhaired guy from Michigan…there with Ginamarie and the other big guy?
well..goodday all. Prayers and blessings to SusanG.
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Can someone explain big brother to me. I’m confused on the rules. I thought the house guests were not allowed to see or talk to anyone outside of the house but yet I just got done watching big brother after dark and I heard Victoria telling Derek that she met with the doctor to get some allergy medicine and they were taking game. That person was telling Victoria how everyone was doing. If she has been meeting up with someone outside of the house and they are telling her how to play they game wouldn’t that be cheating? How long has she been meeting with this person for her meds? How much have they told her? Can she do this or is it against the rules? If it is. She is a cheater and needs to go.
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Lee, I agree! In the past seasons, the HG’ s were not allowed to even repeat what was said in the Diary Room. I remember HG’ s being reprimanded for discussing what was said in the DR. Now, it seems anything goes! 🙂
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