Big Brother 16 — The More Things Change, The More They Don’t

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 22, 2014

Hi, y’all!

So, here’s the quick update as to what’s happening in the house right now:

Zach was voted out by a unanimous vote last night.  In perhaps the best thing that Victoria had done all year, she taunted Zach by holding up the remains of the pink hat during her goodbye message.  Zach looked like he was about to cry.  You know what?  I’ve criticized Zach a lot and I don’t think I’ll ever like him as much as some people do but I do like the way he handled being evicted.  I think, out of everyone in the house, he best understood that he was playing a role in a TV show.  The moment when he threw the fruit loops will definitely be remembered as one of the highlights of this otherwise mundane season.

After Zach left, he, Jocasta, Nicole, and Hayden competed to reenter the house.  Nicole won, which made a lot of people happy.  It certainly made me happy because, I thought, if anyone could shake up the house — it would be Nicole.  For me, the scariest part of the competition was when Jocasta was in the lead.  “Oh no!” I thought, “not another week of Sobbing Jocasta!”  Then Jocasta started making all of those weird faces and I was scared, for a minute, that she was about to try to kill either Zach or Hayden.

Nicole is back in the house and Hayden, Zach, and Jocasta are now back at the jury house.  

As soon as Nicole got back in the house, the first thing she did was ask the other HGs about Zingbot and, as soon as I saw that, my heart fell a little.  Nicole should have come in the house and started trying to make deals and alliances.  Instead, she was more concerned about the zings.  It’s not surprising that, earlier today, Nicole was telling Donny that she feels like her head is not really back in the game and that she kinda misses the jury house which, according to Nicole, is a lot nicer than the Big Brother House.

(It’s certainly a lot cleaner!  Seriously, somebody tell these HGs to start picking up after themselves…)

Anyway, I know we were all hoping for a big shakeup in the house but no.  Cody won HoH.  I’m happy because that means Cody is safe for another week but, at the same time, it’s pretty obvious that Cody is always going to do whatever Derrick tells him to do.  And Derrick told him to nominate Donny and Nicole for eviction.  

As of right now, it looks like Donny is the target.  However, the POV still needs to be played and Donny does have a history of winning those.  If Donny does come off the block, I imagine that Victoria will go up as the replacement and the target will switch to Nicole.  

Derrick may allow Victoria to be nominated but there’s no way he’ll allow her to be voted out of the house.  He knows that if he takes her to the final two, he’ll win easily.

And that’s it for now!

Stay supple,

Lisa Marie

Jeanne August 22, 2014 at 5:57 pm

Hi everyone. Can’t wait till Sunday.

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erie_angel August 22, 2014 at 6:08 pm

Thanks for the update, LM.

After seeing Nicole at the very end of last night’s episode, I’m not going to hold out any hope that she manages to change a single thing. At this point, even if Nicole had won HOH, I think she’d be too afraid of getting evicted next week to try to make a big move.

Derrick is going to win the game, so may as well count this season as a total lost–knowing the winner before the winner is crowned is the biggest turn off.

On another note (those who don’t like non-BB discussion can stop reading now) my background check came back and I start my new job at Macy’s on Monday. It’ll be nice getting back to work, I’ve been unemployed for 8 months.

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Jolee August 22, 2014 at 6:11 pm

Thank you Lisa. I am disappointed that Lisa didn’t come back in the house with guns drawn. I wanted her to remember the way Christine sent her out the door! I will really be disappointed if she joins in with the ho hum way this game has been played so far. I want her to win POV and get herself off and in my wildest dreams, have her win HOH next week and put up Derrick and Frankie! Is that too much to ask??? 🙂

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Schelita August 22, 2014 at 6:12 pm

If any of those bullies take Victoria to the end, I hope she wins. She has been disrespected this entire game. I applaud her for being comfortable with being a virgin and not coming out of her personal moral convictions by not participating in conversations that she is not comfortable with.

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Jolee August 22, 2014 at 6:15 pm

Congratulations erie! It’s okay – you did discuss BB. I agree that I am really disappointed in Nicole. I hope she develops some backbone and goes for it! 🙂

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Schelita August 22, 2014 at 6:18 pm

I don’t understand why it is acceptable for (Christine) a married woman to constantly rub on and lay in bed so closely to a man who is not her husband and allow him to constantly caress her body but the virgin gets made fun of. Yes Victoria does not have a strong game but she is being made fun of because of her personal and religious beliefs.

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Joni From The Block August 22, 2014 at 6:35 pm

Congrats Erie!!

I hope I’m next! 10 months so far.. I thought Nicole was safe for one week? What happened to that?? I’m afraid she lost her mojo for the game…

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Starfish August 22, 2014 at 6:43 pm

erie-angel, congratulations! Eight months is a long time to be out of work. An occasional comment about something we’re proud of or something good that has happened seems to be great info to have once-in-awhile. IMHO of course.

Schelita, great point! Great analysis about the two. Victoria is cute in her own way but there’s nothing cute about Christine. She’s just gross. Vic is out of her element but she smiles through it and you gotta give her props for that. Oh and I give her big props for being a virgin and admitting it, good for her!!

I like that she cut up the hat and poor Zach’s face was so sad. I almost cried for him. Someone said it might have been worth a few dollars online. They don’t make much money selling their clothes do they? It hardly seems worth it to me. Does anyone know of things that sold for a good sum of money?

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KeriJ August 22, 2014 at 6:52 pm

Darn it these players! Would have been better if Zach had come back. Lol
Geeze Louise!

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Tammy11 August 22, 2014 at 7:16 pm

I actually feel really bad for Zack. Especially with the America’s players made him look like a thief. and the Zing he got was uncalled for. NO ONE says anything about Colby holding Frankie’s hand last night

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macy August 22, 2014 at 7:27 pm

if i were in nicoles shoes KNOWING in my gut i wasnt going to win the money – i would use this week to flip the house and try to get derrick and frankie at each others throats – then laugh all the way back to the jury house – see ya suckers – he he he

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Keith August 22, 2014 at 7:36 pm

Well, there still might be some excitement before it’s all said and done. If my math is right, there are 8 people in the house and only 4 more eviction nights until the finale. So we should get at least another double eviction night for something to happen.

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KevInDenver August 22, 2014 at 7:54 pm

Zach was the only HG who would has what it takes to shake up the house. Jocasta has no game. Nichole is too clueless. Hayden is too… whatever dude…


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Nonna August 22, 2014 at 7:59 pm


Cody – No surprise here – Donny and Nicole nominated.

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bbfanmo August 22, 2014 at 8:17 pm

How can you not like Zach!? He’s right up there with
Bb11 Jeff .

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cathy August 22, 2014 at 8:36 pm

Geezzz of all people to win Hoh floating cody! Well it is a above floating Victoria I guess. Ugh Donny has endured so much to survive since day 1, it just pissed me off that he has been put up over and over and why??? Because hes a nice guy and derrick is fearful of losing to him. Probably the one person he knows he would not win the vote over. A frign’ undercover cop! The deck was so stacked on this one.

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cathy August 22, 2014 at 8:37 pm

Derrick and his minions.

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cathy August 22, 2014 at 8:39 pm

Ohhhh the one thing to look forward to is finale night when all these find iut that derrick is a undercover cop lmbo that night for sure.

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Jeanne August 22, 2014 at 8:43 pm

This is so frustrating. Not receiving blogs in my email. Their not playing the game the way I want it played lol. But seriously Donny again. Derrick go home. If I were Nicole, I would rather go back to Jury house then be in the house with all those jerks. IMHO. {{{HUGS}}}

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Tic 16 August 22, 2014 at 9:01 pm

Hi y’all
Im not happy Zach is go I wanting and Cody won Head of Household. And Donny and Nicole are nomonated for evicted and I want Frankie to win Power of Veto and I want Donny or Nicole to go to the jury house and I not like Doony and Nicloe and Christine and I like Frankie and Cody and Caleb and Victoia and and Derrick I want Frankie and Caleb to be in final tow and I want Christine to go jury house or Donny or Nicole to go to the jury house. And I love Big Brother 16 the show and I want Frankie to win it all. And 14 bbfanmo I a agree with you and I a agree…………………………………………………………………..

Ps . I love Big Brother 16

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Dough August 22, 2014 at 9:03 pm

I think Nicole and Hayden probably ” did the deed” in the jury house. I suspect Nicole is wanting to be back with Hayden, and her heart is no longer in the game…
She just wants to be re-united with her boy toy.

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Tic 16 August 22, 2014 at 9:10 pm

Hi y’ all

Author: Dough
I think Nicole and Hayden probably ” did the deed” in the jury house. I suspect Nicole is wanting to be back with Hayden, and her heart is no longer in the game…
She just wants to be re-united with her and I agree with you.

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J Renee' August 22, 2014 at 9:10 pm

@ Ralph – I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with everything you said. I’m so disgusted with the whole season !! Even with TA, the Flaming Frankenstein & Manipulator Derrick have NEVER included Donny in on ANY of their scheming, they decide what they want to do, THEN tell Donny. It’s dispicable, they have NEVER had Donny’s back !! How could Donny do anything else when ALL the cards are/were against him ? I personally can relate to being a nice person like Donny my whole life, the really nice people ALWAYS get the shaft, but one thing is for sure, we stay TRUE to who we are. (Not a phony, liar, or fake, only being ourselves).

@ C’est Moi ici – Thank you for sharing the Caleb tidbit – I appreciate the fact he (supposedly) served this country, however, he certainly continues to show how truly ignorant he is !!

@ Macy – If you’re on F/B, please look for Ja Renee – Ft. Worth. (my “heart” dog’s picture is my Timeline photo. 🙂

@ Elizabeth – I couldn’t agree more. 🙂

@ Lisa Marie – Can’t say it enough, thank you for all you do & for providing this blog for everyone. It’s not an easy feat & very time-consuming, so I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say, “Thank you, much appreciation, gracias, dunkeschene, & kudos to you !!!! You rock !!! 🙂

@ EVERYONE – I do NOT receive an individual e-mail when someone posts on this blog, am I supposed to ? Have a great weekend !!!

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J Renee' August 22, 2014 at 9:21 pm

@ Starfish – I copied my post from the other page since Lisa just put up a new blog & no one would probably see it. I failed to copy all of the message as you were in it. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 Ditto what you said above about Vic. I didn’t know she was a virgin, so I admire that, but don’t particularly care for her. Bless her heart !!!

@ Macy – Congratulations on your new job !!! Bet your 1st paycheck is already spent, huh ? (wink, wink!)

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Jani August 22, 2014 at 9:27 pm

Schelita no one wants to rub around on Victoria cause she is a bimbo, she does nothing and does not deserve to win the game.
Cody is dumb for putting Donny up. I thought Nicole could not be put up this week I read they are suppose to get one week back in house.?? I hope hope Donny or Derrick win the game in the end.

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Maxie August 22, 2014 at 9:32 pm

@joni from the block et al. I too thought Nicole was safe for a week. Is that just a presumption or did they just change their mind last minute? Anyone know the r eal scoop?

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Randall August 22, 2014 at 9:49 pm

What’s the DIRTY on SLEEZY CALEB Ladies? Don’t keep us in suspense?

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RhondaP August 22, 2014 at 10:00 pm

I hate that Donny and Nicole is on the block because that means one of them are going to jury. I wish they would wake up and see that Derrick is going to win and using all of them. Ugh.

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Jolee August 22, 2014 at 10:02 pm

I am upset because I am not receiving these blogs in my e-mail AGAIN!!!! Please, Big Brother unblock me! 🙁

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Shayne August 22, 2014 at 10:05 pm

I disagree KevInDenver. In Zach’s exit interview with Julie she asked him (before he knew he had a chance to re-enter the game) who he would “target” if he had a chance and he hummed and hawed and really didn’t give an answer. I think if he had won he would have sucked right back up to his “buddies” who ganged up on him. And they would have booted him out again. Some say Donny has no game but Zach really didn’t either. Cody is completely useless. Boy-toy comes to mind. So shitty that either Donny or Nicole get sent to jury. The only hope is that if one of them can finesse (win every challenge) their way to final two then they will probably win. Even over Derrick. Jocasta would prob be deciding vote. But it is a very long shot that either of them makes it. As long as Frankenweenie doesn’t win or place I will be able to sleep at night. Pray I never set eyes on that wanna-be-a-star ever again in my life after this debacle is over.

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J Renee' August 22, 2014 at 10:10 pm

@ Randall – It was post # 194 on the previous blog. I copied/pasted it here for you, Randall. C est Moi ici posted this: Grandma Kathy… That was Moi at post 74 which only adds more credence to Least-mode cowboy’s comment today:

4:49 AM Caleb: “The captures and the rewards for capturing Osama Bin Laden all go to Obama because he’s president now not Bush who did it.”

Obama was elected President in November, 2008. Osama Bin Laden was taken out permanently by US Forces under Obama’s command in 2011, with former President, Bush II, nowhere near the command center in Washington, DC.

Caleb provides daily validity to former Tonight Show Host Jay Leno’s frequent, never flattering, Kentucky jokes.

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Randall August 22, 2014 at 10:40 pm

This has got to be real depressing for Donnie, a game he loved so much for so many years didn’t quiet turn out to have the personality mixture to fit him. He was liked by everyone because he was polite to a fault. If Frankie wins America’s Player over Donnie, to me that’s unfair as it can possible be. I think a lot of voters would not even bother to cast votes if it was possible to be the two of them because of Frankie’s prior following and of Arianna’s social media accounts spreading like crazy! The houseguest all think this is the most magnificent season ever, and it’s quiet the opposite. Frankie just looks like a damn FOOL and forget being Gay! He is being flat out Queer I guess, I don’t even know the word for him. Him running to whomever wins HoH and like says It’s You &Me Baby and then jumping Cody’s body, damn, I don’t even watch gay porn Frankie! Take it to the bathroom stalls! And the gross nasty things that comes out of his mouth sometimes, I guess he thinks that makes him cooler. Talking about feces stain on a sweater to take back to Jury house! You have got to be kidding me! Is this what CBS has resorted to? Shame on you CBS! And CBS you also knew it would take returning houseguest a little time to merge, should have had a safe week! They earned it. This is cruel unnecessary gameplay rules like never before. Get someone new to run the game please !

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Randall August 22, 2014 at 10:59 pm

OMG! Caleb! Smacking my lips, I’m going to make you sleep with Frankie tonight if you keep telling Fibs! I’m hoping there’s going to be a twist that offers Cody Like $5k to 10k then in return the houseguest get to shop or play for chance at extra veto or something! Just doing my praying before I go to sleep. Yard work whipped me today. Almost wish the sun would hurry up and burn it up. Till tomorrow keep your BB Spirits Alive and Friendships will survive! Someone needs to go pour warm Lemonade on Derrick or Cody’s Crotch or Frankie after they fall asleep andsly it look like they peed the bed! With it warm they don’t wake up.

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Jolee August 22, 2014 at 11:19 pm

Randall, LOL! I am so over BB this year. The only thing that keeps me going is this blog! I still am not getting my e-mail blogs. Frustrating!!

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J Renee' August 22, 2014 at 11:27 pm

@ Randall – I concur with everything you said, especially about Frankenstein !!! I thought some of the other gay men on previous BB’s were a bit too much, but this one is definitely “over the top!: Sleep well !!!

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Jeanne August 22, 2014 at 11:33 pm

Just like Bobo, just keeping my place. Nothing happening on BB. See you all tomorrow. {{{HUGS}}}

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tendr August 22, 2014 at 11:37 pm

@ 22 J Renee’ totally agree

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tendr August 22, 2014 at 11:54 pm

J Renee, i accidentally x’d out of fb. if you can’t get into mine….star can prob get you in hers and then i can grab you there…..(sounds weird, i know)

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Starfish August 23, 2014 at 12:33 am

Yes Donny is lost for sure in this game he loves. I think getting into a two man alliance with Devin right off the bat may have screwed up any other alliance he may have made. Since he’s loyal to a fault, didn’t he think he was solid with Devin? I guess anything’s possible. Poor guy.

I can’t fault Derrick for playing the game and he’s doing it well. We may not like him but he’s at least playing the game whereas his “minions”, as someone called them, just follow along and like it. Kudos to him and dumbos to them.

Not fair at all if Frankie wins America’s Favorite but you can bet he probably will even if they were mad at him for putting Zach out.

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Jolee August 23, 2014 at 1:06 am

I just read on another blog that Frankie was whining to Cody to let him sleep in the HOH room by himself because that is where he always sleeps! Evidently Cody said no,because Frankie slept in the Rock Room! Good for Cody. I think is ridiculous that any of the HOH’s have let Frankie sleep in their room. Bleh!! 🙁

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J Renee' August 23, 2014 at 1:33 am

@ tendr – Was that before or after we chatted ? I sent you a F/B friend request, did you get it? 🙂 I’ve heard from “Starfish” however, Star has contacted me on F/B. (Sorry, BB bloggers).

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Joyce August 23, 2014 at 4:34 am

Catching up on the blogs after being away.

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Craig Long August 23, 2014 at 4:45 am

@ Jolee – Reposting from The previous blog. It was the last comment and you probably didn’t see it:
Ok, One more off topic camment.
at the bottom of your comments, just above the SUBMIT button is a check box
that says “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail.” Do not check this as you email will be flooded with emails form every single comment on the posts.

Beneath the Submit button is another check box saying “Notify me of new posts by email.” This will send an email every time LM puts up a new post. There is a distinct difference between posts and comments. I chose to use neither. Instead, I point my browser to which I have saved as a favorite. Here you can get to any older posts and see if LM has put up a new one. You can also sign up for notifications of new posts (NOT comments) at the top of the page just below the HG pictures.

Jolee – if this didn’t work, make sure your email address is correct and they are not going to your spam filter. Failing that, just open your browser and go to the URL above.

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Doris August 23, 2014 at 7:13 am

I can’t believe how mean spirited these and self involved these houseguests are. Christine is downright rude and cruel! When mean things are send, not one of them tries to divert the conversation, or at least remind them that this is a game! A bunch of sore losers. Kudos to Donnie, Zach and Nicole for not stooping to their level. I get they are playing for a lot of money AND their 15 minutes of fame, but it is STILL a game! Praying somehow there is a real twist that will save bith Donnie and Nicole and Cody is brave enough to play HIS own game and puts up Frankie. He is a discusting PIG!

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Sylvie August 23, 2014 at 7:53 am

Morning !

Thanks everyone, I am now all caught up.

Well, things don’t change . No matter who came back it wouldn’t really matter at this point.

I was home on time last night to hear Victoria complain about her toothache and saying she is taking 4 Advils every 4 hours. Last week it was 5 anvils every 4 hours for her bleeding scalp from her extensions, can she OD ? isn’t that too much ?
She’s the new Jacosta 🙁 she has complained a lot and has a new ailment weekly .

About Caleb , wonder if he’s that ignorant ???? if he really was in the service he should have paid better attention to the whole Ben Ladin capture details and NO the president doesn’t get the reward . He’s just good at working out and I suspect taking steroids, which affected his brain obviously .

I don’t have much hope for Donny or Nicole at this point. Zach was the only one willing to stand up to the bullies and he was sent off due to an idiotic Team America assignment , that was such a bad idea Production.

Crustine sure is confident and that laugh 🙁

Have a great day friends !

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C'est Moi ici August 23, 2014 at 8:27 am

As much as I want Donny and Nicole to survive the despicable house assault by the numbers odds and perform a miracle that takes them to the end together, my next best scenario is what happens after Donny and Nicole are evicted and sent to the jury house.

1. Experiencing Christine’s agony of defeat when she leaves the house with a full set of knives in her back and hearing Julie tell her that America hates her guts even more than Christine hates Julie’s.

2. Watching the remaining detonators detonate finally!

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Joyce August 23, 2014 at 8:45 am

After watching BBAD I like Christine and Frankie even LESS. PLZ PLZ evict them soon!!

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Mary Price August 23, 2014 at 8:52 am

My guess is production changed their minds. I know for a fact and just replayed the dvr where Julie clearly said “one week safety to returning jury member”

Caleb is a MORON he is not military IF he was he would CLEARLY see Derrick is running the house. He still thinks they are the “bomb squad”.
At first I liked Derrick and had wanted to see him to the end. But I was WRONG like most cops LIE LIE LIE until you get YOUR result.

Since Nicole and Donny are going to jury soon. I am done watching the show I will only read the blog. What a wasted summer I had this year with season I will be so glad when this season is over.
I had thought after last season they could not get worse house guests well this season has proven they have not changed – production had to have thought it was an amazing season last year because this year is JUST AS BAD.

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Jolee August 23, 2014 at 10:03 am

Craig, thank you! Have a great weekend. Eager for BB tomorrow. Hope things get a little more exciting! 🙂

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Starfish August 23, 2014 at 10:40 am

There’s really not enough lying and conniving going on or this show wouldn’t be so boring. When they have some good lying deceit cooking, then it’s usually a good show. As for cops lying, that’s their job to get information and I certainly would want them to lie or do whatever to get the information if someone kidnapped or shot my kid or family member. There are bad apples in ever single profession and many are worse than a bad cop could ever be. IMHO of course. :/

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Jolee August 23, 2014 at 11:16 am

I need to defend police officers … since my brother and my favorite uncle were police officers. My brother risked his life everyday because he was on drug patrol in San Diego. One time while he was checking the trunk of a car, the drug dealer put a gun to my brother’s head and pulled the trigger! The bullet lodged in the chamber! Thank God! My uncle worked at MGM Studios as a guard. Everybody loved him. He had his own band and played with all of the old band players like Harry James, Bill Crosby, etc. They don’t make them like they used to, but their goal is to serve and protect us! In my opinion, Derrick is going outside of what is acceptable as a police officer, even if it is Big Brother. The game should not change your character or who you are. That is why I respect Donny and why I respected Zach,even though he was unpredictable! Okay, I have had my say! Have a good day everyone. Can’t wait until tomorrow! 🙂

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cathy kitts August 23, 2014 at 11:54 am

I hope Donny saves himself as he deserves to win this. I feel like the rest of them are bullies. not a good year for big brother. boring now Zach’s in the jury

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Sylvie August 23, 2014 at 11:56 am

I think lying is part of this game like it or not, but my problem is more production side.

So did they change their mind about ONE WEEK SAFETY ?
and did Nicole then would have wanted to come back knowing that there was no safety ?

That’s just strange , but lets move forward…since production does what they want

So Nicole and Donny better team up with ????? they’d better work on strategy asap

I hope Donny tell her about Derrick pulling the strings

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Nonna August 23, 2014 at 3:16 pm

Medical emergency with Victoria. She had been complaining about her wisdom teeth hurting her the last couple days. Jokster postings have Nicole finding her on the WC floor. Nicole hollered for Derrick and they cut to fish. Nothing as of yet on what is happening or how she is doing. This happened around 11:30 +\- west coast time.

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Ralph August 23, 2014 at 3:24 pm

So by now we know that both Donny and Nicole have been put up. I think, by now everyone also knows that IF Donny goes home, Big Brother is gonna lose a lot of those watching.
I also think that ‘Team America’, which it seems only Donny really protected his team members, has run its course, and either there will be a ‘switch’ that has the other two members saving him…or coming clean, which I think Donny should do to expose the huge threat that Derrick really is, and Frankie is really only there for the publicity.
I think we should all contact Big Brother ( ) to bring real tension and shock. Maybe a ‘bribe’. Tell them that one of them can go home tonight, with 10,000, if they quit…over an eviction this week. Donny, being on the block, could become ‘Team Saboteur’ this week. To throw a wrench. Have him write, with glow in the dark spray-paint, something about the ‘Saboteur is still here!’
Tell the something like, “You’ll never guess it was me!Ha ha he he!”
Also, on Big Brother After Dark on TVGN, when that is airing, bring something only those viewers will see. Once again, the unexpected.
Have an alarm go off, for a few days, to help the Saboteur plant seeds and suspicion.
If I really think about it, Big Brother is getting pretty stale in substance, shock and “The unexpected”.

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Joyce August 23, 2014 at 3:33 pm

On bbad Vic was taking Advil and i understand it was quite a few. They had wine there last night and I just hope she didn’t partake…that’s not a good combination. PLZ let keep us informed of her condition. Thank you Nonna

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Nonna August 23, 2014 at 3:33 pm

Conversation between Donny and Derrick about TA challenge. They have to decide on a challenge themselves and pull it off. Donny is trying to sell Derrick on keeping him safe this week as a TA member. He said that America would want them to stick together. This is the final TA challenge. Caleb is being sweet talked by Derrick about using the veto (whomever wins it) on possibly Frankie as nice back door scenario. Could get interesting now. Wonder if Victoria will come back. Too weak to play possibly the veto competition if she does return.

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Nonna August 23, 2014 at 3:36 pm

@joyce – your welcome. Nothing happening here in Chicago except huge rain storms again today. So I’m keeping up on Joksters regarding the BB HOUSE:)

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Craig Long August 23, 2014 at 4:14 pm


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Nonna August 23, 2014 at 4:15 pm

Victoria is back in the house ! Had an IV at hospital.

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Shayne August 23, 2014 at 4:51 pm

Nonna I hope you’re right. Back-door Frankenweenie. Prob the first time
he wouldn’t like it.

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KevInDenver August 23, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Either Donny or Nichole are predictably going home this week and the other will follow next week if they don’t win HOH. Then the game might start to get interesting.

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Grandma Kathy August 23, 2014 at 6:14 pm

From Nonna’s post #56:
“Caleb is being sweet talked by Derrick about using the veto (whomever wins it) on possibly Frankie as nice back door scenario.”

Oh, PLEASE let that happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Jolee August 23, 2014 at 6:21 pm

Grandma Kathy, I say a big AMEN!! That would be great. Very eager to see who wins the veto. I hope it’s Nicole! 🙂

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Jolee August 23, 2014 at 6:43 pm

Where do you go to get full episodes of BB free? I had the link one time, but can’t find it. Help!! 🙂

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Sylvie August 23, 2014 at 6:45 pm

Victoria said she passed out from the pain, had her first IV ever and said the medic was so cute

whatever lady!

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KeriJ August 23, 2014 at 6:45 pm

They are playing POV now!!

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KeriJ August 23, 2014 at 6:59 pm

Christine, Derrick , and Frankie, along with noms and HOH are playing.

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wingnut August 23, 2014 at 7:58 pm

Hello Erie-Angel, Congrats on getting a job. I finally got a full time job with benefits after four years of working temp jobs. It is third shift, but it is a great start. Congrats.
This game blows. If I was Nicole I would keep my mouth zipped about the jury house. These clowns are so stupid to see that Derrick is steering the wheel and he is going to be the last man standing. Victoria is useless and just sits around like a pretty princess petting her hair and giving stupid looks. I can’t wait for them to turn on each other. I am glad that Nicole came back, but count how many times she touches her hair and glasses and count how many times Derrick strokes his face with his beard. Christine just nauseates me. She really believes the boys are with her?? She will be the first detonator to go and I can’t wait to see the look on her face. Why doesn’t Nicole and Donny make an alliance with Victoria and try to get out Derrick? No one has even brought up the conversation of how strong a player he is. He does have game and will win the money. He has never been on the block.

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wingnut August 23, 2014 at 7:59 pm

Jolee, I hope Nicole wins the POV too!!!

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KeriJ August 23, 2014 at 8:13 pm

Victoria would not turn on Derrick. She would run and tell him. I can not see how no one sees he is dominating this whole house, all Summer!

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KeriJ August 23, 2014 at 8:22 pm

It was the fold or stay game it sounds like.

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KeriJ August 23, 2014 at 8:24 pm

Cody won.

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KeriJ August 23, 2014 at 8:27 pm

He also gets to go to a movie and chose Donny and Nicole.

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KeriJ August 23, 2014 at 8:29 pm

I can only hope Donny will be saved and Frankie back doored. Fingers crossed.

Good nite y’all!

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Jeanne August 23, 2014 at 8:48 pm

Oh my. I sure hope Cody back doors Frankie or Derrick. That would make all the hour’s of watching this VERY!!! boring summer worth while. KeriJ thank you so much for the head’s up .Please keep us informed. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}

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Starfish August 23, 2014 at 8:49 pm

Nonna, thank you for keeping us up dated today. I too hope Derrick can talk Cody into using the POV (since he won, thanks Keri J) and putting Frankie up for the best move in the game.

I wonder what it would be like if everyone in the house had a game like Donny? I like him too and he’s as nice as can be but IMHO, he doesn’t deserve to win. A few comps does not a BB winner make. again JMO. As for the cop thing, as Sylvie said, lying is part of this game (a big part to get people on your side and then do you know what) and it has nothing to do with anyone’s work. Dr Will was a doctor and he was one of the best liars in the game even if he did tell them he would lie to them, they still followed. Same with Derrick, he’s playing the game and if he wasn’t in the house, I think it would be really more boring than it already is. He just doesn’t have the razzle dazzle that Dr. Will, Dan or even ED had.

As for production, Bleh they need a complete oil change!

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macy August 23, 2014 at 9:18 pm

havent been able to watch feeds this wknd – has derrick been saying he wants to bd frankie – SAY ITS SO paleeeze!

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deb August 23, 2014 at 9:29 pm

So Cody hasn’t done crap all summer and now he wins back-to-back HOH and POV. The viewing public just can’t catch a break. Frankie can only be backdoored if Derrick says he can be backdoored this week. Please CBS — throw us a bone at least!

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swt August 23, 2014 at 9:36 pm

hey yall,
I am so OVER with BB16 ~~~ this has been the worst year I have hated this game, ever ~~ I love Donny, he’s kind and polite and mature and the other HG’s treat him like shit ~~ there I said it. Nichole has been nice and they treat her like shit too. Oh but look at slutty Christine and grown married woman hanging all over a single guy, if her husband watches this shit he should be very angry, my husband would pull me out of there so fast or have divorce papers waiting. But for one thing I would never do that, to my husband she is acting like she is not married uggg , I feel bad for her husband. Derrick is going to be in the F2 if somebody don’t get him out soon, he’s playing this game with his mind, because he hasn’t won that much of anything, he just blurts out the orders and everybody does what he say’s ~ he’s creepy ~~ somebody please help these HG’s OPEN THEIR DAMN EYES !!!! I usually don’t say much, but this season I just hate it. The game was screwed up in the first twist with 2 HOH and BOTB that sucked. Ok thank you, sorry but I had to vent, they makin me sick and I always watched since the beginning this one is just so predicable. I hope Donny wins the 25,000 he’s suffering, it’s gotta be hard being in that house and not one person not being a friend. Where does Christine get off telling the other HG’s how much she hates Donny and she think’s he’s evil. Christine needs to look in the mirror. uggggggggg so sorry I vented a lot I know but I hope BB16 reads this great blog~~~ c’yall later

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deb August 23, 2014 at 9:43 pm

swt — I agree 100% with everything you just said.

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J Renee' August 23, 2014 at 9:47 pm

@ Deb – I’m beginning to wonder if Cody’s strategy was to “lay low all summer & not get blood on his hands,” & now all of a sudden, he’s won HOH & POV ?? Hmmmm. Wouldn’t it be great if Cody flipped the script & decided to form an alliance with Nicole & Donny while they were watching the movie ? Then he could put up Derrick and/or Frankenstein ?? Well, we can wish, can’t we ? 🙂
@ swt – Thank you for speaking your mind as well as mine !! I agree 1000% ! 🙂

Yet another boring BBAD night ! Have a good night, everyone !

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Jolee August 23, 2014 at 9:53 pm

swt, you go girl!! 🙂 I agree wholeheartedly!! 🙂

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Joyce August 23, 2014 at 9:56 pm

Now swt, why don’t you tell us how you really feel? Lol. I think you expressed the feelings of the majority of us. It sure would make it worth watching if Cody would acquire some b—s and backdoor one of his cronies. We can only hope.

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tendr August 23, 2014 at 9:57 pm

@ J Renee’. we’re ok now in fb. glad to see you……….i feel like bb is the derrick game…yawn

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swt August 23, 2014 at 10:05 pm

thanks yall, have a great night

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Janice August 23, 2014 at 10:09 pm

Did Derrick put in his two cents for who Cody should invite for the movie? I’m wondering if Derrick wants to talk with the other HG about getting rid of Cody.

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Sylvie August 23, 2014 at 10:45 pm

Cody was laying low ! OMG
thanks bloggers/watchers and now a movie w Nicole and Donny !
Please please give us a good game and backdoor Frankie

Is Victoria the new Jacosta ? just saying

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Janice August 23, 2014 at 10:47 pm

Joey posted on youtube talking about all the HG.

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Craig Long August 24, 2014 at 12:56 am

Jolee – the url is

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Jolee August 24, 2014 at 1:19 am

Craig, thank you, but I am unable to play the videos on my Kindle Fire because it requires Adobe Player, which can’t be accessed on my Kindle Fire. I was watching complete episodes on some site, but can’t find it now. I am trying to watch last Sunday’s show to see what Julie said to the 4 jury members trying to get back in the house. I am 98% sure she said whoever made it back into the house had immunity for the first week! Am I wrong?? Or did she make an erroneous promise?? Does anyone know for sure what she said?

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BCMarie August 24, 2014 at 7:38 am

Hi All, ever since Nicole was voted out the show seems to have become a predictable snorefest. However, I was on the edge of my seat for the Jury Comp. Way to go Nicole! The faces Jocasta was making, I thought she was being possesed by the devil!

I always thought the CDs that the jury watched were CDs of the shows that were aired, same as what we see. But it must be just of the comps only, not of all the behind the scenes conniving and whispering. If Nicole had seen that I would think that Nicole would know that Derrick is the puppet master. And obviously she doesnt know about Team America.

I think Cody is too much of a coward to do a game shake up.

Looking forward to tonights show 😉

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wingnut August 24, 2014 at 8:45 am

If anyone of those yahoo’s has a chance of winning this game they need to take out the puppet master Derrick. No one has said a word about it. If I was about to go home, I would put the idea in someone’s head and tell them. No one will vote for Frankie to win. Remember Christine is keeping him so her loser husband can get a record deal or a contract out of it. Nicole lost her mojo and wants to go back to the jury house to see her man Hayden. She does not have it in her anymore. She looks like the owl on BBAD with those stupid glasses. I wish Donny would shave that beard off while he is in the house. He looks like a 60 year old and not a 40 year old. Cody needs to get a brain and back door Derrick because he will never win the big money.

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