Big Brother 16 — Frankie Tells The Truth Maybe

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 9, 2014

Hi y’all!

Yesterday, I was all excited because Nicole had put Frankie and Caleb up on the block and Caleb was making a big deal about how he was planning on throwing the challenge.  It looked like Frankie was finally going to have to face all of the other houseguests.  It looked like Frankie’s fate would depend on whether or not he managed to win the veto.

Well, guess what.  Even without Caleb’s help, Frankie managed to win the battle of the block.  Frankie is now safe for the rest of the week.  Christine is now the Head of Household.  Donny and Zach are the nominees for eviction and, unless Donny manages to win the veto later today, it looks like he might be heading to the jury house.

From the minute the feeds came back from the Battle of the Block and everyone learned that Frankie had somehow managed to win, the accusations started to fly on twitter.  Let’s just say that right now, there’s a lot of people who are convinced that Frankie is Alison Grodner’s favorite and that the Battle of the Block was specifically set up to allow him to win.  They point out that Frankie has lived an oddly charmed life inside the Big Brother house, that he was specifically recruited to be on the show, and that Victoria may have been told by the Diary Room that she was not allowed to reveal that identity of Frankie’s sister.

Me, I’m not prepared to immediately assume that there’s a conspiracy in the works.  I’m going to wait until I see the Battle of the Block on Sunday before I pass any sort of judgment.  But there is no denying that Frankie has often been the center of attention of the show this year.  And there is no denying that Frankie is probably seen as being good for getting a younger demographic to watch the show.  (Most of Ariana Grande’s tween fans would probably not be watching the show if it was just Donny and Derrick.)  And, as we all know, there is no denying that Grodner does play favorites.

Anyway, last night, Frankie went ahead and announced to everyone that his sister is Ariana Grande and he then went on to say that he has a million social media fans, that he’s an entertainment mogul (but also, apparently, a struggling New York artist as well — you can’t have it both ways, Frankie!), and that he’s planning on using the money to build schools in Africa.

To which I have to say, “Really, Frankie?”  This is the first time that I’ve ever heard Frankie mention that he needed to win the money so he could build schools in Africa.  He mentioned nothing about this is any of the interviews that he did before entering the Big Brother house.  And, quite frankly, Frankie’s sister makes more money in a day than Frankie will get if he manages to win Big Brother.  So, if he’s really planning on building schools in Africa, it seems like a better plan would be to maybe ask his sister for help than to go on a reality television show.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying that Frankie won’t use the money for charity and good for him if he does.  I’m just saying that it seems awfully convenient for him to chose this time to reveal that he’s doing all of this for charity.

The house guests had pretty mixed feelings towards Frankie’s big reveal.  Caleb’s reaction was priceless because he replied that he had no idea who Ariana Grande is but he was excited to hear that Frankie could maybe help him meet Justin Beiber.  (I’ve decided that Caleb is essentially a 13 year-old girl.)  Zach actually said that they should let Frankie win so that he can use that money to build schools in Africa.  Cody, and especially Derrick, were angered by Frankie’s admission. Donny, who knows that he’s in very real danger of going home, mostly seemed to be depressed.

As for the girls — Nicole is now convinced that America hates her because she tried to put up Ariana’s brother.  Victoria was excited but, to her credit, she also pointed out that Frankie doesn’t deserve any special treatment just because of who his sister is.  Christine, meanwhile, is convinced that Frankie can help her husband out with his musical career.

(That would be the same husband who is currently watching his wife spend all of her spare time cuddling with Cody.)

As for me, I wish we could just have one season where the players could actually start out on an equal playing field.  If you’re going to ask the audience at home to vote for their favorite players to get special treatment (like being a member of Team America or America’s Player or anything else) then its’ only fair to give us players who don’t already have a built-in fan base.

Just my opinion,

Lisa Marie

Jeanne August 9, 2014 at 8:25 pm

I love my Kindle, it alerts me when there is a new post. That is why I am #1 so often and my Sissy jolee is 2nd because I alert her. {{{HUGS}}}

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Jolee August 9, 2014 at 8:33 pm

Thank you Lisa! Aren’t you glad to see my sissy and me are so loyal to your blog? I love reading your blogs. They are the best!! 🙂

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Joan K August 9, 2014 at 9:03 pm

The only other time I heard Frankie discuss his plan to use his winnings on building schools in Africa was on BBAD when he spoke to the camera by himself in the HOH room about his grandfather. It was fun to watch him lick his lips and squirm a bit last night on BBAD when catching HELL from Zach, Cody and Derrick but especially Zach.

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RhondaP August 9, 2014 at 9:15 pm

I hope that the other house guests don’t give him special treatment because of who his sister is. I hope that there is still someone in there that will try to get him out. I also hope that Christine keeps her word (yeah right) to Nichole and not put her on the block if someone takes anyone off the block after the veto. But that to me is a long shot.

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tedstrutz August 9, 2014 at 9:16 pm

Nice to see the Sissy’s! I want some Strawberry Jam… yum! You two probably use the same computer and just take turns. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when you two are watching BB.

He did squirm, JoanK… you could see the wheels turning and he pulled it off. I thought it was hilarious when someone… Caleb or Cody???… asked him if he was really gay.

Good post Lisa Marie! Right on with your assessment of Caleb. I’d like to think that everything is on the up and up with production… but…

Interesting they are letting them go to a football game. In San Francisco? Didn’t they let some HGs out one time to go to something and they met Olympic gymnasts?

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jeanne4488 August 9, 2014 at 9:23 pm

All I know is now that Frankie has revealed his big secret that I’m sure he’s been DYING to tell everyone so that they can oooo and awww over him like he’s some big celebrity & start sucking up to him for favors after the show ends – all he wants to do now is talk about it. And if the top of conversation changes ,, he manages to take it back to again being all about himself and how popular he thinks he is and all the connection he claims to have and all the things he can do for everyone. I just SO want to puke if I have to listen to anymore of it. ENOUGH. He needs to get over himself and those idiots falling for all over it need to rescrew their heads on straight and realize he’s manipulating them into keeping him

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Annie August 9, 2014 at 9:25 pm

@Bobo…I’m so sorry if my comments hurt you. You are a true HERO and I appreciate all you have done for our Blessed USA.

@Marie…I hadn’t thought about Victoria and the Israel connection. You may be right because I would be SO upset if we here we being bombed every day. Thank God for ALL OUR vets; they have a special place in my heart.

LM…GREAT blog (as usual) You are,AWESOME and I hope you had a wonderful evening out….you definitely deserve it!!!

@Star…you are my eyes and ears for the live feeds and scoops(even at 4 in the morning!LOL)Thanks for all the info everyone; I really love y’all.

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jeanne4488 August 9, 2014 at 9:27 pm

the most obnoxious people always seem to be the ones that just hang on til the bitter end somehow. And I think it’s just impossible to trust Christine at this point. No telling what her next move will be & if she’s hoping for Frankie to help her husband in the music industry now then for sure she won’t be putting Frankie up. So why don’t we just give Frankie the prize and forget the whole thing because that’s the direction it’s going in now.

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Janice August 9, 2014 at 9:28 pm

When the show started I Googled the Grande family. Very wealthy family business handed down through the years. They all have done charity work which is good to hear. I worked for a very wealthy man who only gave to his family. I did his bookkeeping so I knew there were zero charitable donations. Very sad. So nice to know this wealthy family does give back. If I recall correctly, Frankie has been involved with building schools for a while. Kudos. He has a big heart. Unfortunately, his arrogance and ego are much bigger. Everyone is there to play the game and go as far as they can. The money is a great bonus but the game is why they are there. Provide a better life, charity, pay bills, etc. are sob stories. We all need money for things but don’t go on game shows to accomplish our goals. Backstabbing and lying is nothing to be proud of when proclaiming your accomplishments. Frankie will continue with his charity whether he wins this game or not. And I certainly hopes he goes home soon.

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BCMarie August 9, 2014 at 9:33 pm

WHEN Caleb was talking to the cameras after his short win as HoH he was saying he would like to record some songs, that he has an awesome singing voice. Caleb’s fawning, in other social circles, is called ‘networking’.

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Juanita August 9, 2014 at 9:35 pm

I have heard Frankie mention using the money he wins from Team America would go towards building schools in Africa. Nothing about the other money he would get.

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Juanita August 9, 2014 at 9:41 pm

When I saw Nicole crying because she was afraid Ariana would be mad because she had nominated Frankie just mad me sick. She said if she had known who he was she wouldn’t have nominated him.

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erie-angel August 9, 2014 at 9:47 pm

I wonder how Frankie plans on building these schools in Africa. Is he going to team up with UNICEF and the KIND fund? Does he plan on working with some other not-for-profit or create his own?

For the record, KIND is an acronym for “kids in need of desks”. UNICEF isn’t concentrating on building schools because apparently, in the areas they are welcome, there are schools. These schools, however, tend to be poor equipped with dirt floors, no student and sometimes no teacher desks, few supplies and a lot of classes held outdoors. Anybody who ever watch Lawrence O’Donnell knows about KIND, it is his pet project and viewers of his program have given about $1 million. And that’s just for desks in one country!!

For the most part, African countries have schools. What they don’t have are supplies, desks, good teachers.

BTW, I visited Frankie’s YouTube page. No mention there of his desire to build schools in Africa. In fact, his page appears to little more than a self-aggrandizing outlet with him dropping names at every opportunity.

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jeannettebb August 9, 2014 at 9:48 pm

It is funny how people react when you have famous family star. What Frankie has to come up with this news when he on the block . Well Frankie if this works then go for it because houseguests just listen and f think about your game.

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Jeannette August 9, 2014 at 9:55 pm

It is funny how people react when you tell them you have a family star. Wow Frankie you made all the girls so excited with this information. If funny you have to use your playing card wen you are on the block . Well if it wor4ks go for it because it not money it is hits on U tube .

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Jeanne August 9, 2014 at 9:56 pm

Ted, sissy and I have our own Kindles. We were separated for over 40 year’s. She married a marine and he took her to the Carolina’s. We are from Pasadena Calif. After her husband passed, I got cancer. I moved in with her. That was over 10 year’s ago. We turned 81 yrs this year. We take care of eachother. We have both been BB fans since BB1. We just finished making peach and nectarines jam. We made Strawberry a few months. Be careful about being that fly on the wall. I just bought a new fly swater. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}

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Tammy11 August 9, 2014 at 10:06 pm

you just burst my bubble!! i was hoping Frankie went home lol

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swt August 9, 2014 at 10:10 pm

Frankie needs to go home as well as Christine then Derrick

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KevInDenver August 9, 2014 at 10:20 pm

Who the &@$”#*^¥£€! is Arianna Grande?????
THANK YOU Caleb!!! I want to meet Justin Bieber with you!!!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Caleb is my favorite HG again and very easy on the eyes.
God Bless America but NOT Team America!

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tendr August 9, 2014 at 10:27 pm

doesn’t it say somewhere don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing? franky spanky….go home.

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Joyce August 9, 2014 at 10:31 pm

Love all the posts

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macy August 9, 2014 at 10:42 pm

getting caught up

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EV August 9, 2014 at 10:42 pm

Jeanne and Jolee I would Have Never thought the two of you are 81! Wow, you both write posts like young women. I pray I can be that engaging ,humorous and “cool”if I blessed to be 81. I mostly just read the posts and I always look forward to reading what the two of you have to say. God bless you both

And so disappointed Frankie has no chance of getting booted this week, he so needs to go ! So just because his sister is a young pop star, does Nicole think no one should ever nominate him and just let him coast to the winners circle? I sure hope not!

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Jolee August 9, 2014 at 10:48 pm

ted, I liked your post! If you were a fly on the wall – in my kitchen, you would see the most awesome food coming out of there! 🙂 Jeanne mentioned the jam we made – I make freezer jam, which is not cooked. It uses less sugar and it tastes like fresh strawberries (or peaches) and can be used on toast, waffles, ice cream. I like it better than cooked jam. Take yourself off the wall and taste some! 🙂

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Star August 9, 2014 at 10:48 pm

Spoiler Alert!!!

Zach won the POV!!!!!!!

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Jeanne August 9, 2014 at 10:53 pm

EV, thank you so much. We love this blog. For the most part its informative. We don’t get BBAD, so it does keep us informed of the inside scoop. Like you said I think it would be very unfair to treat Frankie special. I want him “GONE” God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}

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EV August 9, 2014 at 10:53 pm

Oh no to Zach winning POV!

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Mary Price August 9, 2014 at 10:53 pm

Like someone else said may as well just give that attention hound the money cause now everyone will believe all his STUPID & IGNORANT LIES and let him FLOAT all the way to the end. Personally I have NEVER heard of him or his sister until this show. I was watching something around the 4th of July and heard his sister sing she was so far OFF KEY I was happy & elated her part of the show only lasted 3 minutes. I see between the 2 of them they have exactly 0 talent. I don’t give a flying rats but what he claims he is a LIAR & SNEAK & ATTENTION HOUND AND NEEDS TO GO. I used to like BB but I am getting to the point with the “recruits” its not worth watching. I am so about to say goodbye to it.

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Jeanne August 9, 2014 at 10:56 pm

Oh no worse case scenario Zach won POV. Say its a BIG mistake. You never know what that boy will do. He is a loose canon.

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Jolee August 9, 2014 at 10:58 pm

EV, thank youou for the kind words. You all make us feel welcome here! God bless you!! 🙂

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macy August 9, 2014 at 11:14 pm

KEV 11 – question – if you have 2 followers or a million – how does he make money doing that —

only reason i know who ariana grande is – is becuz i have a 14 yr old daughter –

thought it was funny that vic said it was unfair that frankie will win fan fave – does she really think she had a chance? maybe she wanted it for der

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KeriJ August 9, 2014 at 11:58 pm

My phone hasn’t been alerting me of any kind of email so i am trying to catch up when i should be sleeping. Who will Christine pour up in Z’s place?

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kimjmj August 9, 2014 at 11:58 pm

Mental note.. I will never become a social media mogul if I don’t pay attention to what page I’m posting to.. Ugh, repost from last page, then off to bed..

Ok, I’m going to call it a night but a couple quick notes..

Zach and Frankie kissed and made up.. Ugh! So liked anti-Frankie Zach much more!

I’m looking at the HG break down and all is not lost for Donny, thanks to TA.. This is just my assumption based on individual games, not the group think factor..

Donny v Nicole = Donny evicted by Victoria, Cody — Nicole evicted by Caleb, Derrick, Frankie, Zach.

Donny v Victoria = Donny evicted by Cody, Zach — Victoria evicted by Caleb, Derrick, Frankie, Nicole.

Donny v Derrick/Cody = Donny evicted by Caleb, Frankie, Victoria, Nicole, Zach and whichever of the two is not OTB.

Donny’s best shot is against a girl, hands down, IMHO…

@ Jolee, OTEV is the veto comp they have had every season the past 4-5 years where they hear a riddle about an evicted HG and have to find their name on a plaque in some kind of muck or something and have to be the back to the start with the name plaque before the last place person. Kinda like BB musical chairs.


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kimjmj August 10, 2014 at 12:07 am

OMG, I’m trying to go to bed but BAD DONNY, you are on my list now!!

He is telling Nicole that Derrick has deals with EVERYONE, is going to win and even Donny will vote for him at the end. He then continued to say it wasn’t the Double D alliance but the Triple D’s — Donny, Devin and Derrick.. FLAT OUT LIE!!! How do you all like Mr. Nice Guy, honest game player now??? COMPLETE BOLD FACED LIE!!!

Irks me because Derrick has protected Donny, not thrown him under the bus, and only contemplates evicting him in private with Frankie… Donny, you desperate liar! I am all for lying in BB, part of the game, but don’t play up to America that I’m Mr. Awe-shucks nice guy and throw one of the only two people really trying to save you under the bus.

I’m done with reading Donny-loving post. He’s played a lousy game and just did something that stinks of desperation almost as much as Frankie’s revalation.

Go Nicole, confront Derrick with this lie.. We’ll see you in September Donny..


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Star August 10, 2014 at 12:10 am

@Joan K….thanks for the reminder! I knew that I had heard Frankie talk about building schools in sfrica but I couldn’t remember where/when. It was that whole long monologue about his Grandfather, supposedly….then turned out to be characteristically more about HIM!!!
@Janice ..Thanks for the info about Frankie’s family. I got an OLD MONEY vibe and sense of entitlement from him ever since he started talking about his family. Good for them if they are charitable too but the whole playing BB in order to be able to provide for his charity just rings hollow to me and odd on so many levels.

I really think it was unfair of him to even be able to tell anyone in the house about any of this, personally. It definitly gives Frankie a ton of advantages, including saving his butt from ALL the guys in the house! But think of the other HGS. It’s like they have this whole new player , halfway thru the game, to adjust to. It gives him so many unfair advantages. And they all feel odd around him now. Either star-struck or inimidated or almost shy around him. People keep comparing it to Dan’s Funeral speech.I don’t see it. Dan’s was a well- thought out game move. Frankie’s was just a self-promoting , well timed,ass-saving BOMB! I consider it a real chicken move. Dan’s I respected.

It looks like Zankie is back together…..hugs, sexual innuendos and all. And all the guys seems to be working together again. Frankie even called them the Bomb Squad. Actually, they have all managed to stay in the game except Devon. And Christine blew her won game up. Plus I was never sure how or why she had gotten into an all guy alliance anyway!

@Ted and Betty…good to see you guys. Definitly a lack of Vets on here anymore!!!

Off to watch more BBAD…. and ice my knee. 😉

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DaveG August 10, 2014 at 12:16 am

Good-bye Donny, you haven’t been playing a good game. You need to go!

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 12:23 am

There is no way that Frankie has even close to a million followers. On Facebook alone there are slightly less than 6000 followers. I went to look at the numbers on Twiiter buy the font is too bloody small, and I am too lazy to go to my laptop. But whatever his max number is on his biggest account, which is prolly youtube. .. that is the absolute max amount of followeres he has. All the other one, FB! Instagram, youtube, twitter. .. whatever else he has, are just replicates of the same people, and even some of those would be duplicate accounts.

The absolute absurbity of it all.

Way to go Zach on the PoV. I like Zach. He is a punk but I like him better than Frankie.

I just dont want to see Donnie go. The idea of him crying and depressed makes me sad 🙁

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Star August 10, 2014 at 12:25 am

WOW! Kimjmj….I am watching BBAD but a little behind as I tivoed and let it go for a bit. Haven’t seen that yet but WHOA!!! I think he is getting desparate as he was crying yesterday sayinghe was going home because he didn’t ahve anybody. Actually, I think I would rather see him lie and fight than whimper and whine!!! Donny may be a nice guy..whatever that inaane term means….but I don’t really give a rip! He really does seem whiney when he even talks and I expect more of him as he had more life experience than the others. But…..I jsut don’t SEE anything to root for there! eveyone is SO Pro Donny cuz he’s so fricken NICE. But that doesn’t win BB….or most things in life! I for one would be happy to see him change his spots, man up and try to actually WIN! Or go home. If that makes me a B*tch fine. It’s a blog. It’s all about opinons. And that is mine. lol

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Grandma Kathy August 10, 2014 at 1:02 am

@Jolee … I made peach jam today, the regular kind, from fresh peaches. So yummy on my evening toast.

Nothing much to say about BB or BBAD, except tired of Frankie’s ego trip. Great reading all your posts.

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kimjmj August 10, 2014 at 1:12 am

@ Star, I was on lfs, not for sure BBAD, the convo is in the living room at approximately 10p bbt. If I hadn’t heard it for myself I wouldn’t believe it.

This TA thing is a joke, production needs to leave the hgs alone to play their own games. I can’t think of a single stupid twist like this that has ever benefited anyone’s game. All three of these players would not be working together organically, and I’m sure Frankie would have been in hot water a long time ago if Derrick didn’t have his back. Donny would have been forced to come up with his own game a lot sooner and wouldn’t be so pissy about the lack of strategy Derrick and Frankie bring to him.

I just skimmed some updates, scheming scheming everywhere.. Zach and Victoria are bonding now, he’s telling her his kiss and makeup with Frankie is fake. Way to go Zach!! I’m surprised at how much Victoria is growing on me. She’s playing a quiet game, but is smarter about what is going on than most people realize. Plus, she really is not much of a complainer like I thought she would be initially.


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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 1:44 am

Grandma Kathy, Yum! I love peach jam. Have you ever made the freezer jam ? It is so easy. For every 1 and 3/4 cup of fruit, you only use 2/3 cup of sugar, a tbs of lemon juice (stirred together) After 10 minutes, stir in 2 tbs of pectin, stir for 3 minutes, pour into plastic containers and freeze (lasts for 1 year in freezer and one month in refrigerator) It’s not cooked. It tastes so fresh. I also make strawberry freezer jam. Ball makes a special pectin for freezer jam. I made 6 batches today which turned out to be 13 8 oz jars. We love it on toast,waffles and ice cream! 🙂

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tendr August 10, 2014 at 2:22 am

so ya mean donny is starting to act human and get desperate enough to act like a player? i don’t care if he lies and there was a time derrick was leaving donny OUT and pretending to be in alliance with him………unless i’m so confused i need more fish oil in my diet……i’m sick of zack and franky…why can’t zack grow a pair and can’t he take himself off and let nic put franky up? ……………..idea…………once i’d like to see big brother have the balls to have all players be 40yrs old and older, single (so there’s a chance for romance) pick ppl of all races and maybe pick some brains, some in good shape and let them free their inner teen……..i’m sick of these stupid kids.

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Annie August 10, 2014 at 2:31 am

@tendr…..Christine is HOH and because Frankie and Caleb won the BOTB he is safe this week. All three of them are going out of the house to a Pro football game….I assume maybe tomorrow!?! I could be wrong though. LOL!!

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 4:11 am

I find it ironic that CBS is semding some players to a game considering that it is usually football which will pre-empt the airing of the show in many areas.

I would assume that football is worth a lot more to CBS than Big Brother ever will be.

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MAYELA August 10, 2014 at 5:43 am

The girls get all excited!! I hope they evict him soon.,yes his sister is the famous one..but come on!! I’m pretty sure they live very well..all the family. People are in BB to win for their family. This is really pissing me off! I HOPE they don’t give him special treatment..especially. .

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MAYELA August 10, 2014 at 5:45 am

Especially the girls..they need to play the game..who cares about meeting JB?

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tendr August 10, 2014 at 6:10 am

thanks Annie, i’m having trouble keeping up………with so many other real life things on my mind…..

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Keith August 10, 2014 at 6:18 am

These house guests haven’t got any spine to them at all. From the nomination ceremony to the POV challenge they talk big game, but in reality when the POV is over they can’t wait to revert back to safe and easy picks. As far as I’m concerned, CBS should just have mercy on the viewing audience and just end the game early and put Derrick and Frankie up and let the remaining house guests vote on the winner now.

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Keith August 10, 2014 at 6:21 am

This game is in the 7th week now and Nicole is the only one who has tried to really play the game. It took her 6 weeks to make any kind of moves though. I would love to see Evel Dick come into the house and rip them all a new one and show them how to play a real strategic game of BB.

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MaryB August 10, 2014 at 8:18 am

I HAD to google if Frankie is building schools in Africa, to my shock, he actually was receiving some sort of award for having built a school (or financing it).
I also googled the cast of Mamma Mia on Broadway and yup…he did that too!!!!
Actually seems our lil monster has done quite a few things that he didn’t bother to mention.

I frankly don’t give a hoot what he’s done…I will just be soooooo glad when he is gone to jury…he can go entertain Jacosta since there won’t be any cams on him then.

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bbfanmo August 10, 2014 at 8:42 am

I have never agreed with a blog more than this one right here.

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C'est Moi ici August 10, 2014 at 8:47 am

@ junksies
I’m so glad to see Victoria is a bit smarter than I thought. Because of Zack, she now knows that Derrick has been totally manipulating her.

Not really! Derrick still is manipulating her because Derrick has confirmed to her satisfaction that he is the only person in the house who she can trust and who would not lie to her, EVER!

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C'est Moi ici August 10, 2014 at 8:53 am

After so many Raspberries over the years, Ted had apparently found strawberries much easier to swallow, even in jam. 🙂

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cathy August 10, 2014 at 8:55 am

Star donny has won a lot of things even hoh but with the double hoh iut does no good. He has to win power of veto every time which be had don’t many times. This game is rigged do that the most liked and manipulative one wins and right now that is derrick and Frankie. Donny is well liked but two liked players recognize that from the beginning and pulled the younger majority of the house in to target him from the get go. Do ny is the best player and everyone in the house knows that. Derrick is the most manipulativE and he is the puppet master!

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C'est Moi ici August 10, 2014 at 9:41 am

Who knew this would be Ariana Grande week? I opened up Parade this morning and there she is again! front and center! Please! Not everybody in America is a 14 year old tweenie girl.

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Betty August 10, 2014 at 10:03 am

I am sad Donny lost the POV, as I like him, but he really hasn’t shown us any game strategy and never pushed to make any strong alliances. I think the light bulb finally went on last night when I heard him talking to Nicole on BBAD. He now knows Derrick is the puppet master, but unfortunately it is too late. I don’t see him staying in the house no matter who he is up against. (IMO).

C’est – I don’t have the live feeds, but the last thing I saw on BBAD last night was Victoria crying to Nicole about Derrick’s deception and she was really angry. Please don’t tell me Derrick smoothed things over with her after BBAD ended! She had the common sense to warn Zach about Frankie, so I hope she will use her brain again and see Derrick for what he is.

Thanks Star, when I returned from the Cape I scrolled down to find all your updates to catch up on BB, then I went back and read all the other comments. You rock!!!

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C'est Moi ici August 10, 2014 at 10:34 am

Sorry Betty, I have to tell you Derrick pulled Victoria’s puppet strings again. That is what he does best, over and over again.

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Courtney August 10, 2014 at 10:34 am

Ok so don’t all jump on me at once but I’m starting to root for Zach. Broke my heart listening to him tell Frankie “J” how hurt he was by the betrayal. Seems to me that the majority of the house was involved in this duplicity; only Frankie admitted to it. Zach grows on you…I have dumb kids so I feel like I understand him. 🙂 I’m probably still “team Derrick” but I can’t dislike anyone in the house. Seriously, how can anyone look good in the Big Brother fishbowl after a few weeks. I hate to think of all my flaws out for inspection…literally & figuratively. And I’d have a heck of a time changing under that towel without showing the goods…or not so goods depending on the lighting!! So for today at least…go Zach!! It will be OK buddy

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Sylvie August 10, 2014 at 10:38 am

Hi all,

Thanks for these updates.
Yes I know who Ariana is, only because when she sings her high notes i believe she is doing permanent damage to her vocal cords.

OTEV , I dislike you ! First it’s a weird contraption and two he’s mean.
Still don’t care who wins.

Shocked that Zach is still there but good for him! But then again couldn’t take Sobbing J anymore. Unless she returns.

You know, once the 3 going to the football thing leave the house the others will switch alliances again and skim against them….expect the expected

and this year again, I agree don’t recruit HG’s I am sure that from the thousands that auditioned they were some really interesting people.

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Betty August 10, 2014 at 11:16 am

C’est – Sorry to hear Derrick ‘roped a dope’ again. I really thought Victoria was getting into game mode! Thanks for the info!!!

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Janice August 10, 2014 at 11:33 am

If I was in the house I would be just as naive as a lot if these guys. Derrick has an advantage of all his police training. Frankie is a good player is a person I do not like. I am very amused by Zach. He also has a charm to him. He’s not vile even when he was yelled at Nicole and Christine. His yelling comes off harsh but not his words. Christine is playing a lot of game. Although she’s not the puppeteer that derrick is, she at least steps up and wins a veto and Hoh. Derrick is a slime just manipulating everyone and not willing to do it for himself.

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macy August 10, 2014 at 11:51 am


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Starfish August 10, 2014 at 12:02 pm

Great posts everyone. Love to read what’s going on because you guys bring it alive right here on the blog.

And the beat goes one. Looking forward to seeing the comp tonight.

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wingnut August 10, 2014 at 12:05 pm

Why do they keep trusting Derrick?? He is going to win. They need to get him out and he throws HOH’s for a reason. Frankie has to go, I would not give him a cent because of his popularity and Nicole needs to wake up and not feel sorry for thinking about getting rid of him because of his famous sister. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! Frankie needs to shut up already about coming clean. Enough already. Did they do the Veto ceremony yet? Who is Christine going to put up? I only watch BBAD. Is she going to go back on her word and put up Nicole? Now she will be up Frankies A@@ because of his star power to help out her husband. This will be interesting. If I had to vote now I would like the money to go to Nicole or Zack. Please stop posting crap about your stupid recipes about Jam , this is a blog about BB. Go to a different blog if you want a recipe Please!! Don’t forget to vote on facebook for your favorite name for the BBAD owl.

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 12:44 pm

wingnut, sorry if my talk about jam upset you. I was responding to Ted, who is a nice guy. As far as this being a BB blog, did you complain when the bloggers here were blogging about The Bachelorette? I didn’t watch the show, but respected the bloggers who discussed it. I will honor your request since you are the first person who has resented my blogs. God bless you!

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Joyce August 10, 2014 at 12:49 pm

Love your comment Courtney..makes a lot of sense

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Courtney August 10, 2014 at 12:51 pm

a lil jam talk sweetens the blog…just like the women who wrote it!

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Courtney August 10, 2014 at 12:54 pm

@ Joyce, thanks 🙂 I’m just a sucker for a kid showing emotion

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 12:54 pm

winging: P.S. look at post #23! 🙂 This is why we love this blog. The next time you see my name in your e-mail, it just takes a second to push “Delete!” 🙂 IMHO!!!

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 12:57 pm

Courtney, that was very sweet. Thank you. I really felt bad that I upset someone on this blog.

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Janice August 10, 2014 at 1:05 pm

I think Lisa Marie has made it very clear what is acceptable. Don’t read what doesn’t interest you. There are many who do not comment but enjoy reading everything here and those who pass over what doesn’t interest them; including the comments on what they don’t like.

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 1:15 pm

Janice, thank you! I feel very welcomed here! 🙂

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macy August 10, 2014 at 1:35 pm

FRANKIE’S head it about to blow up – on my last nerve – if he had any pull to help out other artists – he would be name dropping the ones he helped – bleh

JOLEE – i wrote down that recipe – what is pectin?

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 2:07 pm

ach, a lil jam dont hurt nobody. I dont think I have ever had peach jam, blueberry is my fav.

So I was eating big fat sweet juicy fresh blueberries this morning cleaning out my email and came across this one that I hadnt read before. It is another Bb Blog, and this one was alll about Caleb. It is very long, I hadnt realized that Caleb had puffed himself up so much lol

So, after that I had to check out (and Like) his Facebook, he has about 300 more Likes than Frankie 😉 I have a feeling he will be going up as Zach’s replacement.

wingnut. .. can you do a reminder about the BBAD owl vote, I cant make my mind up yet who my fave is.

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 2:11 pm

macy, pectin is used to help the jam to jell. It is found in the canning section. It is made by Ball. It comes in a white plastic container with a green lid. Be sure to get the one that is for freezer jam. It says “RealFruit Instant Pectin” for Freezer Jam. Thank you for making me feel better about discussing recipes! It’s what we woman do! 🙂

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Jeanne August 10, 2014 at 2:13 pm

wingNUT. I think it was very thoughtful of jolee to give out her recipe when some of the bloggers showed an interest. She is a giver. If there is any recipe your interested in we would love to share. She has a killer recipe for Moravian Chicken Pie. She also makes the BEST fudge you ever tasted, it just melts in your mouth. Happy blogging everyone. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}

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Courtney August 10, 2014 at 2:15 pm

Don’t really like any of the owl name choices so I’m going to override with suggestion…Hootie & the tank holds the blowfish

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bobovnvet August 10, 2014 at 2:24 pm

Thank you Lisa! And thank you all for your comments everyone 🙂 Now I think I am up to date??? 😕 See you all later my friends………… :mrgreen:

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two August 10, 2014 at 2:33 pm

Jolee – you are a 100% class act. Your sissy too. I wish I were more like you, and I’d love to see you two in the BB house. Think of it – BB, Senior Edition! It would be a big hit!

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 2:48 pm

… actually, I have changed my mind, it wont be Caleb going up because he is out with Christine. Between Frankie & Caleb they will prolly convince Christine to put up Nic or Vic.

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Keith August 10, 2014 at 2:50 pm

BCMarie, that link for the blog was fantastic! It’s obvious to me he has emotional/mental problems and I’m not trying to be funny. He lives in a fantasy world that he makes up as he goes along and it seems like he believes the fantasies he creates are real. Something must of happened to him growing up or he has some sort of chemical imbalance to make him like this.

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tedstrutz August 10, 2014 at 2:51 pm

Don’t worry Joleewingnut has that name for a reason. I’ve changed my mind since I’ve heard you girls are making Peach Jam… I’d love some of that! Please take that flyswatter away from Sissy!!!

Dear C’est Moi ici … I’ll take Raspberries any day! Like to give them out too… Love your avatar.

Glad to see everyone jumping on the Zach Attack Train. I am definitely rooting for Derrick to win. And has the Replacement Nom been made yet? Do hope it’s Frankie.

Glad to see my Real BFF is feeling better and back on BBB… Nice to see Maggie’s face here again, Betty.

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 2:52 pm

two, I think people would pay admission to see my sissy and me in the BB house! 🙂 I can just picture all of us seniors with our walkers and wheelchairs (we aren’t there yet). We wouldn’t want to win HOH because we couldn’t make it up those stairs! 🙂 They could move the HOH room downstairs! Maybe the producers at CBS will read this! Lol! 🙂

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tedstrutz August 10, 2014 at 3:12 pm

Oh Dear Lord… I just saw Post 77… Courtney… you are hilarious!

Thanks for the link to PrincessGlammy, BC!! She is pretty clever… loved her take on Frankie’s big reveal. Had to subscribe to get her pearls of wisdom, since I see she did Survivor. Agree with Keith about Caleb’s fantasy world.

Star what happened to your knee, Sweetie? Thanks for your expert reportage and analysis as always.

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Princess August 10, 2014 at 3:13 pm

We BB fans have known the story of Frankie since the beginning. Strangely, he appears only slightly above Caleb, who is almost always at rock bottom, only above Devin for least popular HG on Jokers. Frankie is not the certainty for America’s Favorite Player that the remaining guests think he is. Strangely (to me) Donny is still at the number one spot. A situation I find baffling and at the samWe BB fans have known the story of Frankie since the beginning. Strangely, he appears only slightly above Caleb, who is almost always at rock bottom, only above Devin for least popular HG. Frankie is not the certainty for America’s Favorite Player that the remaining guests think he is. Strangely (to me) Donny is still at the number one spot. A situation I find baffling and at the same time a terrifying view into the minds of the BB fans.

Please send Caleb home. Now that he has become a barnacle on Frankie’s butt for whatever he thinks Frankie can do for his amazing singing career or for Caleb in general BBAD is going to become even less tolerable.

I remain amused at the occasional meetings in the BR where male house guests slap each other on the back and utter statements to the effect of “No way this is a boring season!” etc.

Au contraire, mes amis, au contraire.

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two August 10, 2014 at 3:17 pm

I’d pay! I agree the comps would have to be restructured, but, then, they need to be anyway. One could be “Jam Session”. tee hee
I forget who asked or if it was answered, but I’ll answer it again. OTEV is VETO backwards. I had to ask what it meant a few seasons back myself.

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Princess August 10, 2014 at 3:20 pm

Well, that didn’t work well. So much for using my iPhone to post. If you can sort through the rubble, however, I did make a few salient points. I also wanted to make it clear that despite his numerous following, Frankie hasn’t actually rated very high on Jokers this entire season.

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 3:22 pm

ted, these twins love you! Thank’s for the support! <3. I wish I could send you some of my peach jam. Since it's freezer jam, I don't think it would survive the trip. 🙂

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macy August 10, 2014 at 3:42 pm

HG STILL sleeping! cept for donnie of course – it is 1:41 there – i wonder if they sleep like that at home – zachs parents wee asked that question and they said no. boooring

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 3:59 pm

@ Keith & Tedstrutz yeah, it was an eye opener. I hadnt been watching BBAD back then, or reading the blogs much, so when I came across that today I was going whoaaa lol.
Yesterday we were talking PTSD. But I got to thinking about’fame’. The younger generation seem to think that fame, money and success come so easy, but really it is the instantaneousness lol of the internet and tv that makes it appear to be that way.

Someone still has to grow the food, pick up the garbage, develop the programs, care for the sick. . yada yada & etc.

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Annie August 10, 2014 at 4:14 pm

ALERT…ALERT…Golf on CBS was delayed by rain. They have now resumed play but this may interfere with BB start time. Please adjust your DVR accordingly. Just wanted to give a heads up!! LOL!!

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Star August 10, 2014 at 4:15 pm

@Betty….thanks my friend. Glad to see you back on blog(like back on and hope you are feeling much better.

@Ted….I broke my foot last Nov and was in a walking cast until May as it wouldn’t mend! The cast seriously messed up my knee which in turn has nerves and ligaments in my back to my foot screaming! I have had a steroid shot but my Dr. is sending me to therapy for a few weeks now as my knee is still swollen and my back is so tight it’s in spasm. Moral of the story…Never slip, catch yourself, twist your foot and break it! (No charge for the advice!!)lol They say Diamonds are forever. I think I’ve got them beat!! 😉

@Jolee….My mom used to make an orange marmalade that is so thick and delicious. She put a few jars back the summer before she passed and I am on my last one. She hadn’t made it in a couple of years as it is so much work. But suddenly decided to then. I think somehow she knew and it was her legacy to us. Also have some of her frozen strawberry left too but I can make that one. The years she didn’t make her marmalade, we tried all differnt kinds in stores and none were the same. I am not much of a canner..ok..not at ALL..but I may have to try to make hers when we run out. I should get your email addy in case I need HELP!!! lol BTW…if you ever make orange rolls from Pillsbury, you make a little dent in the center and put orange marmalade in it. They tast SO much richer and yummier with the jam! Been doing it since I was a kid and they don;t taste good at all without it now. Plus it brings back warm memoires of happier days. 😉

BB is a chaotic mess right now. The 3 left early this morning to go to SF for the game and at last check, everyone else was still sleeping. They waere up really late last night and so was I as I couldn’t stop watching the feeds!!! I have heard several times that Vic is going up. I agree that I have liked her more recently too and I seriously hope she doesn’t go, but she is gullible as heck. And everyone is lying to her. I kind of feel sorry for her!

wingnut or whoever knows….where do you go on FB to vote for the owl’s name?? I did hear that on BBAD last night but I really wasn’t paying attention. And BTW…are you a Red Wings fan wingnut???? I have heard that name used before in that regard. I am a huge fan and can’t wait for hockey season!!!

Gotta rush off. Lots of comments I’d like to respond to but no time now. I think this group is starting to come together quite nicely!! 😉


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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 4:34 pm

Star, I wish I knew how to make marmalade. I would make some for you! I hope your knee gets better soon. I broke my ankle several years ago and I empathize with you. I also have knee problems, but hey, I’m 81 years young! 🙂 God bless!

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 4:37 pm

Annie, thank you soooooo much! I am recording the show following BB just in case! 🙂

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Jeanne August 10, 2014 at 4:47 pm

Star, I love the story about your mom. My precious mother passed quite a few years ago. She was one in a million. She passed away in Nov. She always did Christmas in a BIG way. My Dad wanted to carry on her memory for the grandchildren. So about 3 weeks after she passed he wanted to set up the Nativity scene. When he got it out of the box, he found a note. It said “If you are reading this note then I have gone home. You will need the cloth I use under the Nativity. You will find it in a box in the hall closet. He found the box and inside he found another note, it simply said, “See I told you so” My mother would of loved BB and would of been blogging right along with the rest of us. She would of been much more verbal then we are. God bless you. Happy blogging. {{{HUGS}}}

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Grandma Kathy August 10, 2014 at 4:52 pm

I mentioned making peach jam yesterday, so I share some of the “blame” …and I really appreciate Jolee’s recipe. God bless Courtney, BCMarie, Macy, & Jeanne for their “sweet” comments to her!

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C'est Moi ici August 10, 2014 at 4:55 pm

Ted my dear old friend, not all Raspberries are fruit as any artist knows only too well. Looks like you’ve been drooling over your Jennifer Garner pics so long that you are overlooking the obvious. An Alexander Calder creation for your gallery to point the way.

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Annie August 10, 2014 at 5:03 pm

@Jolee….thank you soooo much for the recipe for jam!!! I had my daughter take a picture of it from my Kindle so we can make some!!! Don’t pay attention to the JAM haters….they have nothing to do but complain. I think you and Sissy should write a cookbook!!! I’d definitely buy it. Nothing like a some good old fashioned cooking……reminds me of my mom (God rest her soul)!!! Thanks for your comments and don’t let anyone censor you here!! We can talk about anything…..don’t like it …skip over it. LOL. God bless y’all and God bless America!!!

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Jeanne August 10, 2014 at 5:26 pm

Did I happen to mention that. I LOVE THIS BLOG!!!. Thank you Annie. God bless you precious Lady. {{{HUGS}}}

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 5:29 pm

Grandma Kathy, thank you for offering to share the blame! That was very sweet! With all of the blogging that has been done this 16th year of BB, we have only had one complaint. I think that speaks for itself. Opinions are like belly buttons – everybody has one! 🙂 And that is why this blog is so great!!

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bobovnvet August 10, 2014 at 5:30 pm

Hey my friend Star………. H dear♥ ………………….. :mrgreen:

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 5:51 pm

Annie, I hope you enjoy the recipe. I also make strawberry freezer jam. The recipe for both are on the pectin label. You mentioned our writing a cookbook. Our whole family are “foodies.” Jeanne had 6 children and 16 grandchildren, and they are all great cooks. Her oldest daughter just published her cookbook. It’s sold on Amazon. Happy cooking! 🙂

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Betty August 10, 2014 at 6:37 pm

Golf is running over time slot, so BB will be delayed here in the East.

Star – Thanks for the update on the HGs. Do you think Donny has the votes to stay? I thought I heard Derrick telling Cody and Frankie to vote him out and if Victoria goes up I think Zach will break his promise to Donny and vote for her to stay! Who knows, Christine is so crazy she might put up Nicole! The Red Wings regular season opener is on October 9th. It is a home game and we play the Bruins. I can hardly wait, as I am still undergoing hockey withdrawal! 😆 GO WINGS

Hey Tedster, glad to see you popped in. I hope all the girls are not voted out one by one, as I am sure you would stop watching BB! 😆

Hey Bobo, how are you doing?

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Nonna August 10, 2014 at 7:18 pm

CBS just posted that 60 minutes will air following the end of the golf tournament then Big Brother to follow. Not happy:(

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Courtney August 10, 2014 at 7:25 pm

@Ted… you must have a warped sense of humor also 🙂

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macy August 10, 2014 at 7:55 pm

NONNA u gotta be freakin kidding me! now taping 3 shows on cbs yo cover

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Star August 10, 2014 at 8:00 pm

@Jolee..if I do end up making the marmalade adn its edible, I’ll send you the recipe…lol

@Jeanne…..what a beautiful story about your Mother. I foten think that, barring accidents, we often get an inkling about when we are going to pass on. My Mom was in her 80’s too when she passed last eyar and except for her kidneys, was very young and alert and healthy. But you guys blow me away with your blogging! I couldn’t get my Mom to even let us get her a computer. But then she never drove either. I think new fangles things kind of scared her!! 😉

Hey Bobo!!!! :mrgreen:

@Nonna…thanks for the heads up!!! Had no idea they were going to stick 60 mins in there too!! GRRRR!!! Damn sports!!lol

@Betty…..I really don’t know at this point! Zach was supposed to go home and he’s still there! And Nic was blindsided and almost went home!!! Donny said today on LFS that No one has told him he is safe this week!! And Nic told him she doesn’t THINK she is going up as Chris promised to put up Vic. But Frankie had her ear all day and if she DOES put Nic up, she clearly wants her to go home. They were the only 2 HGS up until I quit watching about 6:30. They were playing with the pic machine and talking a lil strategy but Donny admitted that he had prolly missed half of BB as he didn’t stay up at night when all the others were. Nic was going to go take a nap so she COULD stay up late! She said when she got blindsided, she had gone to bed early. Donnie kind of admitted he knew the schemeing went on at night and sleep meant more to him. Is that who should win this game???

Off to wait for the show.

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KeriJ August 10, 2014 at 8:07 pm

Thank you Nonna! I thought I was losing it!

Hey y’all!

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Jeanne August 10, 2014 at 8:15 pm

Star, thank you.

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Jolee August 10, 2014 at 8:24 pm

Star, Jeanne and I have had jobs where we worked on computers. I worked for Wachovia Bank in word processing for over 15 years. Before that, I worked on every kind of typewriter from the manual typewriters to the electric. I remember how thrilled I was to get my first electric typewriter. It was red!! While working at Wachovia, I taught word processing at our technical college. We have a computer, but we prefer our Kindle Fires because we can sit in our Lazy Boy recliners and blog or go on Facebook, do our banking, e-mail, etc. 🙂

Looking forward to BB. We have to wait until 10:00 O’clock to watch it!! Bummer!!

I Enjoy your posts. 🙂

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 9:35 pm

star @ 107. .. well if sleep is top priority for donny, then I guess it is time for him to go 🙁 Evel Dick would have none of that!

Jolee I have a large screen 3D smart tv, a laptop, a smart phone, and my samsung tablet all in my living room. The smart tv internet rarely gets used, the laptop is always on but just sits there gathering dust, my smart phone is my first cell phone EVER only attained for work reasons and I suck big time at texting, my tablet is theLove of My Life lol 😉

BB is recording I will watch it when it finishes, still so hot and sunny here. No pre-emptions by golf. I wonder if the US can watch it live online at

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junksies August 10, 2014 at 9:51 pm

Can or will somebody tell me why my post was removed?

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 10:02 pm

@ junksies it could be sitting in wait for approval mode, that happens, even to the really long term bloggers.

I have noticed that when it had happened to me I had accidently used an email address I dont normally use on here.

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Nonna August 10, 2014 at 10:04 pm

At least Caleb stayed true to his word about not competing in the BOB. And to Frankie for winning on his own. Was quiet an interesting show tonight. Looking forward to Wednesday and Thursday.

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Janice August 10, 2014 at 10:20 pm

Frankie really looked hurt. A taste of his own medicine. Too bad Caleb didn’t play and cause a loss.

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Sir Rock August 10, 2014 at 10:27 pm

Caleb should have played and screwed it up on purpose. He blew it by not playing. I honestly think that game would be easier playing with one person. The right hand knows what the left hand is doing.

Guess we gotta wait till Wed to see all the fun fireworks after the comp.

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Cathy August 10, 2014 at 10:32 pm

Okay time to regroup. Since I’m sure Donny is going home this week, time to figure out what player is going to be returning to the game and how they will be returning. Sick to death of hearing Frankie talk about his sister and bragging. Talk about riding your celebrity sibling coat tail! Please let him get evicted AFTER the returning houseguest comp. please!!!

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erie-angel August 10, 2014 at 10:40 pm

Nonna, I think that once Frankie got the learning of that game down, he was at an advantage–he didn’t have to communicate with anybody. What Caleb should have done is played the game but sabotage Frankie’s every move.

Looking forward to Wednesday and the POV. And maybe it’s time for Donny to go jury–he’s headed there eventually anyway.

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BCMarie August 10, 2014 at 10:55 pm

Derrick Obviously lost the eye chart HoH comp to Vic.

LOVED!!!! the Beast Mode Cowboy moment. .. even though knowing it would all be for naught.

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Nonna August 10, 2014 at 11:33 pm

@Erie-angel – I see your point and Caleb saw his mistake by not competing with Frankie. He could’ve definitely made them lose by working with Feankie.
I’m watching TVGN and when it first started Caleb was talking about the football game and people recognizing him there. I didn’t hear Frankie saying anything about being recognized:)

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tendr August 10, 2014 at 11:53 pm

@Wingnut……would you please pass the JELLY?

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Lisa Marie Bowman August 11, 2014 at 12:02 am

Junksies — I haven’t removed any posts from this site, from you or anyone else.

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Jolee August 11, 2014 at 12:02 am

tendr, you and I would be BFF’s! 🙂

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Jolee August 11, 2014 at 12:05 am

Lisa, thanks you for all you do to make this blog awesome. I will be so sad when BB16 ends. We have really enjoyed being a part of the BBBloggers! 🙂

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tendr August 11, 2014 at 12:35 am

@Jolee, hope you got a giggle. 🙂

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tendr August 11, 2014 at 12:42 am

it’s super late but i’m so wound up…. i got to see my 5yr old grandson tonight…’s his face as my avatar…much younger. I rarely get to see him and we had fun. i pretty much stirred him up (my daughter just rolls her eyes) when i took him to his huge pc screen and introduced him to Grave Digger monster truck video’s on youtube……….then we left with my daughter trying to get him to settle down for bed………she drove me crazy in her pre and teens….i’m thinking now it’s her turn. Jude sent me home with a fake tattoo and instructions on how to put it on….and i already am covered with real tatts….made me laugh…..anyway…i know i’m not talking about bb here…no one has to tell me. wk end gone, already……….sigh

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Jolee August 11, 2014 at 1:07 am

tendr, yes you made me giggle! 🙂 Too bad we Don’t live closer – we would have lunch! I also loved the post about your grandson. I am blessed with two grand children. I adopted one of Jeanne’s grand children in 1990. I never thought I would be a mother let alone a grandmother to Caleb and Kylie. My daughter, Tabatha, is an awesome mother and wife. I live in Winston-Salem, NC and she lives about 20 minutes away in Kernersville. She loves my peach jam . She brought me a flat of peaches from the farmers market so I could make my peach jam. I made about 20 8 oz containers. Your grandson is adorable! This old gal needs to go to bed! Talk to y’all tomorrow. God bless you.

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BCMarie August 11, 2014 at 1:38 am

with all the talking about peach jam, and me not in the mood to go out shopping today, I was glad I had yummy fresh peaches on hand!

But shopping MUST be done tomorrow I am all out of fruit and need to grab that bounty while I can…peaches, cherries, blueberries yummm yum 😉

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Jolee August 11, 2014 at 2:04 am

BCMarie, I wish I could “beam you up” some peach jam like on Star Trek! 🙂

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Jolee August 11, 2014 at 2:06 am

Did y’all know there’s a new blog?? Yep! There is! 🙂

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