Hi y’all!
Well, today was a historic moment as far as the 16th season of Big Brother is concerned. For the first time since this season began, a veto meeting was held and the veto was NOT used. That’s right — Christine did not use the veto and that means that, on Thursday, either Jocasta or Zach will be leaving the house. (Quickly followed by someone else — yay for the double eviction!)
Things aren’t really looking very good for Zach right now and what’s really sad is that Zach doesn’t seem to realize it. He and Frankie both seem to be pretty confident that the Detonators and Caleb will all vote to evict Jocasta, therefore allowing Zach to remain in the house. What they amazingly have yet to figure out is that Derrick and Cody have got a side alliance going with Hayden and Nicole. And, while both Derrick and Cody originally tried to convince Nicole that Jocasta should be the one going home, Nicole’s target remains Zach.
While both Cody and Derrick still seem like they could go either way right now, both of them seem to be warming up to the idea of voting out Zach. If Cody and Derrick decided to join Hayden, Donny, and presumably Victoria in voting for Zach, that would lead to Zach going home.
And even beyond Cody and Derrick, Zach doesn’t seem to have Christine’s vote either. In her typical floater way, Christine has pretty much been agreeing with whomever she talking to at any given minute about who needs to go home this week. I have a feeling that she’ll probably end up voting with the majority. One thing for sure is that Christine certainly doesn’t like Zach and who can blame her? What’s sad is that the whole reason Christine hates Zach — the speech that he gave when he nominated her — was because of Team America encouraging him to go overboard and try to start a fight. It seems that every season we get another controversy about how the producers try to manipulate the show. This year’s controversy will definitely be whether or not the whole Team America twist ruined Zach’s game or would Zach have been just as abrasive even if he hadn’t had Team America encouraging him.
Now, things could change. Derrick and Cody could decide that they’d rather be Detonators than Rationals. Frankie or Zach could realize what’s going on and react by making a deal with someone like Christine or even Victoria. But, since Zach doesn’t really seem to understand that he’s in very real danger of leaving the house, he hasn’t been campaigning the way that he should.
So, sad to say, it looks like Zach might be leaving on Thursday. And it is sad for the viewers because, love him or hate him, Zach was always entertaining. In a house full of people who always seem to be playing it safe, Zach could always be counted on to say something outrageous and to act as an instigator. If Zach is voted out, I will definitely miss hearing his sarcastic responses to Julie Chen’s questions.
Finally, in other Big Brother news, the date of the season finale has been set for September 24th! Perhaps not surprisingly, a new season of Survivor will be premiering on that date as well.
Lisa Marie
I hope Zach goes home, He’s Mouthy, and always tells everyone he hates them with his half Cracked Grin, even tho I believe he means it when it comes to the game. Zack is Twisted in more ways then one…and Im ready to say Bye Bye to Him….Bye Bye Zach, I HOPE !
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testing! (other nite wrote a big post here and then it all poofed!)
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The first eviction of the night should be Zach. The second should be Christine. I did not really care much for her but she has proven herself to be to “sneaky” LOL for her own good. I am just glad Nicole saw it before it was too late.
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Wow! Haven’t commented all season but still have looked forward to reading all of the great comments. Had to do it this time because I’m number 1!!!! Can’t believe it. You guys are awesome at informing those of us who don’t watch the live feeds. I feel like I know after all these seasons. The only thing I want to say tonight is….I wish instead of production trying to use team america to achieve some sort of goal for THEM…(as you notice, we get a choice of two things THEY think up), I’d rather see TA do some head things.. like.. they could have hid the bunny slippers and no one confess or something that’s fun for us to watch. I guess I’d rather see mischievous things rather than things that could seriously hurt someone’s game; things that are mean. Proud of Donny for taking care of himself on that one. Lisa Marie, as always, you’re comments are so so very enjoyable to read.
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ok. looks like I’m good. as always, thanks for the update Lisa Marie. I won’t be said to see either one go home but agree that at least Zach has kept us entertained where Jocasta just kind of annoys me. (her and those stupid bowties and the whole preacher thing & the dramatics) Just find her annoying. Time for her to hit the road. but worried for Nicole if Zach stays in the house. Also hate that Jacosta & Victoria will be in the jury house instead of Amber. And omg that hair of Victoria .. does anyone else notice how HEAVY her hair looks? I know she has extensions but my God ..that actually looks PAINFUL to have all that hanging from your head! It’s just TOO thick & TOO MUCH. I feel a bit sorry for her sometimes because she’s a bit of an outcast in the house & just doesn’t seem to fit in, Yet surprisingly she went in with this huge ego claiming to be the most beautiful girl in the house. (NOT! by the way) .. Lovin that Derrick and Nicole are now working together. Hope that continues. (they’re my 2 favorite players) and Nicole has now really stepped up her game. Christine didn’t turn out to be the trusted alli Nicole at first believed her to be which was disappointing. Should be interesting to see how things go after the eviction .. not to mention who the SECOND person to get evicted in the double eviction turns out to be!
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Head hanging low. Really thought I was number one. Your posts, Jeanne and Mary, didn’t show up on my page. Oh well, at least I’m now vocal in the group again.
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lol. you actually kinda beat ME maxie. When I got on, no other posts were up yet besides Lisa Marie’s & I started typing away and then all of the sudden something went poof and I was looking at a screen asking me to sign up for the Live Feeds. so I had to start all over , so it gave you some time to slip in there. lol. oh well. doesn’t matter
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This has been the most boring season. I keep watching to see if anyone will grow a pair. I LOVE Zach…THE CRYBABY NEEDS TO GO..OR BACK DOOR FRANKIE..CAN SOMEONE PLEASE START PLAYING THE GAME!!!!
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I fear Zach will go. I think too many want him out and it may seem like a good time to lose the ‘loose cannon’ to the others. Would much rather see Jocasta take her crying towel out the door, as Zach provides too much entertainment, although I do not enjoy the meanness. It would be nice to see a split vote of some kind.
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Oh btw… for my BBBBesties… in case you do not know of Rob Cesternino’s blog and podcasts (does anyone remember him from Survivor 27 in the Amazon) here’s the link… interviews, etc. of interest to all here.
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I’d be happy to see Frankie go above all others! but unfortunately he’s not on the block. would be SO NICE though if they could get him up there for the double eviction (2nd half!). he’s just too sly, too full of himself and a little bit too over the top. tired watching him hop and skip around like he ought to be wearing a tutu or something.. Skip on out the door Frankie …
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I really hope Jocasta goes. I’m so tired of her crying and then acting like she’s playing the game, which she is NOT. I love Nicole.
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and yes of course we are all pulling for Donnie! (who’d have thought?) He’s right up there with Derrick & Nicole & Haydn on my favorites list.
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Regarding Joscata, I watched a repeat of Shark Tank over the weekend. There was a boy named Moe that made bowties, his mother was definitely not Joscata. Was there another Shark Tank with a boy that made bowties? I absolutely hate her wearing those bowties!
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I would really love to see Jacasta go this time for sure. Then Victoria or Zak next week. Would be great to see Frankie or Caleb go with her this week. Kinda tired of all of the aforementioned. Anyone else have an opinion about the team america tasks? comment #3. What kind of tasks would YOU like to see them accomplish? Would love to hear what you think. I don’t care for the TA tasks all the way they’ve done it so far.
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I don’t really care who goes this week. Getting Zach out of the house may upset Frankie’s game which would be a good thing. Then again, I am so over Jocasta and her irritating habit of pushing her religion down the viewers’ throats. Like sex, religion should be a private thing IMHO. And those bow ties are the ugliest things.
Hoping for a split vote this week.
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I hope Zach goes, they are giving frankie more power keeping him. cool Christine didn’t use the veto, that’s a nice change. But it would be ok if Jocasta went also, but of course they should get rid of a bigger fish first
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Just in time to say goodnight. {{{HUGS}}}
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Well hi everyone! Glad there’s a new post! Thank you Lisa! 🙂
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I definitely want Zach to go! He is annoying and his messing with Frankie is getting really weird!! I think many of us agree on that! I liked him at first, but now he gets on my nerves!
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So agree, Zack should go but I would not mind if Jocasta goes. Maybe Frankie will go at the double evict. I hope Nicole since she can’t play hoh does not get put on the block and voted out, would really suck.
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Why are house guests not allowed to sing? Just curious….
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Thanks LM, great post! So happy to hear about the new alliance with Nic, Derrick, Cody & Hayden. Wasn’t there a group called the Quad Squad someplace during this mess of alliances?
I guess we can say buh bye to Zach but I too will miss his comic entertainment but not his mean snide remarks.
SharonB, they can’t sing because of royalty costs. If they sing a song, they have to pay the owner royalty. My company tried to use Somewhere Over the Rainbow and they wanted $30K to use it in a video.
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Thanks Starfish!
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Nothing to add, so just leaving a bookmark
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I wonder if we have an alliance count , this a Guiness World Record !
I may have lost track of a few, and sobbing Jacosta is getting so predictable and delusional.
Zach is going home, cause he’s put himself up.
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SF….I thought that Cody, Derrick ,Nic and Hayden were the Quad Squad. Did they change it to the Rationals??? Or is that just Cody and Derrick?? I thought they were the Hitmen!!! I am SO confused right now..lol As Sylvie said , most alliances ever this year!!!
Watching BBAD and it sure looks like Zach is going home. Personally, I will miss him. He isn’t as mean, but he has a streak of ED in him that I love! He is funny, outspoken, honest,outrageous and Jocasta is what?? A whining FLOATER!!! I have been wanting her out for weeks!!! Maybe…fingers crossed…she will be the 2nd one out the door Thurs.
What I can’t believe is that Frankie is on board with Zach going home. But I guess when it comes to $$$$, it’s every HG for themself!! Derrick has been like the energizer bunny tonight running around covering all his bases and telling everyone a different story. That always involves the two f them in a F2 deal! Unless they get him out, I have a feeling Derrick could pretty easily win it all!!!
On a fashion note, what is UP with that damn scarf that Caleb wears like an old rock singer who’s gone bald??LOL It’s not the right type to do that with! You need to use a bandana for that. NOT a GIRLS WINTER scraf!!!! Especially in pale blue!!! lol I have been meaning to throw that out there for awhile but keep forgetting. He usually wears it when he works out. It’s gotta be hot!!! I think it must have been an Ex GFs and she left it behind. He can’t seriously think it’s a man’s…can he???? lol
Alway feels like today should be a BB show on TV. I miss Tuesdays. It’s like everything happens Th, Fri and Sat and then we nothing until Wed. Too long. Almost like Survivor during that period. But everyone is a good mood tonight and chatting alot so at least it’s not boring!
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i know the crying gets annoying but i rarely look at the tv….i mostly listen to it…zach isn’t funny to me at all. i think he thinks he’s funny. i only watch during the games and sometimes my husband and i look and we go EWWWWWWWWWWWWWW so i’m so ready for zach and frankie to go home cuz if not, they very well may win…..Jocry may be annoying but she’s not going to win against anyone….they need to get out the ones running around making other’s vote their way. i could in no way live in a house with them without committing some crime.
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I am with you Star…I would rather see the crying, bible toting, bowtie wearing Jacosta out the door. I like Zack…at least he can make people laugh. This world needs more people that can make us laugh, and not some Debbie downers! Do I want Zack to win, heck no, but this already boring house will become even more boring once he leaves. The second hg I want to see leave Thursday night is Caleb.
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Testing 123 Lisa Marie! Please add me or what do I need to do to add comments? Mine are turning to pixy dust!
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I’m not a fan of Zach’s humor and wish for him to go home…..and take Frankie with you! Hi All and thank you for keeping us all updated….I’d be lost without these blogs 🙂 🙂
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Wait a minute Zach isn’t part of team America so you can’t blame his stupidity on that. He is just a jerk.
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Still wishing Jocasta goes home!!! And this double eviction is going to be great!!! So excited!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you for your awesome updates, I so look forward to them!!
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Non-Relavent Jocasta needs to go and keep Zach after Nicole makes deal with Zach that he will not come after her in second HoH and the next one also and give him false hope of silent alliance. Zach is good at comps and smart with the knowledge of game. Caleb has fallen off everyones radar but will hurt a major player real soon if not backdoored. Christine needs to take her CIA self out 2nd this week and watch her go ballistic. She is not going to be Happy Camper. Take her giggle pills with her. I dint think she knows whT she is giggling about half the time. And Farnkie absolutely anytime that is convenient and available. Too over the top with his sexuality. Have friends that are gay but do not flaunt it like what he does! He has to have spotlight on him. Sad Situation! Lucky for him he has very wealthy Parents and little Sister. I believe 2nd HoH will be competition of who knows what about house and former seasons competitions which would lean towards Donny and Zach I believe. And maybe a little Derrick but not much as he started watching by accident.
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I’m crossing my fingers for Zach and Caleb to go home Thursday, as I’ve had my fill of these two.
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Keith & Barb – I AGREE! Thanks Keith for reminding me I definitely want Caleb to “hit the curb!”
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Please go home Zach and take the ridiculous way you wear that stupid pink hat with you. I hope Frankie joins him on the second eviction of the night – they can talk explore their relationship, or not!
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Would love to see Zach leave
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I would love to see Zach stay and Jacostie go.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cant stand Derrick and his puppy running the game..Yawn
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Hmmm… Finale night Sept. 24th, eh? Just looking at the calendar, doing the math.. That would leave 3 players left in the game on Sept. 18th with no additional DE’s… Something tells me on August 21st or August 28th we will see the evicted HG’s get a chance toi play for re-entry a la Judd last year with another DE mid-September.
I know they are all gung-ho to get Zach out at the moment, but they also have a strong sense that this week is the DE. Personally, knowing BB does the “buy back” early on in jury I’d rather send Jocasta out at this point. She can’t pin being bitter at any one person and she’s unlikely to win her way back in.
As for likely targets on the second elim.. Depending on how the HOH/POV goes Jocasta, Donny, Hayden and Caleb are the most likely targets. Any of them can go in my book except Hayden. If we lose both Hayden and Zach in the same night the feeds will be not just boring but DULL..
Latest Wil Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmtKA1pctmQ
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I would rather see Jocasta leave. If I have to watch her one more time with her crying and sniveling and bible thumping, I will puke. Then Zach can go on the double eviction. Jocasta is just sliding along and thinks she is “all that”. I don’t like pretend ministers who pray for “winning”. That is just wrong. If you believe in God and Jesus, you don’t pray for selfish things. I still haven’t gotten over her speaking in tongues lie.
Zach is mouthy but I think it is all for show. I know he is cocky and arrogant but I don’t dislike that near as much as I dislike Jocasta. I hope no one goes after Nicole. She’s the only female who is playing the game and knows what she is doing. Double eviction is often so surprising on who goes but with this group, maybe not so much.
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Morning everybody! Just finished reading all of your posts. Very interesting opinions. 🙂 As for me, I would love, love, love for Zach to go home! Can you imagine what the BB Jury house would be like if Frankie and Zackie were there?? I agree that Frankie flaunts his sexuality way too much!! And Zach’s relationship with Frankie is beyond weird. Take it off camera guys, please!!! Well, that’s my opinion anyway! I also would like to see Caleb and Frankie gone! Boring is better than disgusting! Only a couple more days and we will see what happens. I hate to wish my life away being eager for Wed/Thurs to get here! I have a life outside of BB! 🙂 I will check back later. Happy day everyone! 🙂
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I don’t understand why Donnie did not make an alliance. Perfect time would have been with Nicole and Hayden when she also got HOH.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sure would like to see Jocasta go but with double eviction it’s possible.
Also surprised BB not bringing in more twists..how about Pandora’s box ..Cannot believe they aren’t helping Zach..
Have a good week everyone.
Thank you LM
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I’d rather Zach stay over the fake sick/cryer
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i so miss chatting with everyone here. i ended up in hospital yesterday but thank God they didn’t admit me
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Zack is just slightly less disgusting than Don Rickles, but not by much. He needs to keep his day job if he ever gets one.
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KIMJ thx for wil video – IMHO even tho zach is entertaining – i would rather he go – tired of the guys running the house –
so tired of caleb saying hes hungry – guess its better than him saying AMBER AMBER AMBER – go eat a pickle dude
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The way this game is being played, the final 2 will be Victoria and Jacosta. Know one wants to get rid of them. What is wrong with these people? Do they really believe they are playing a good game?
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Sorry Tammy – are you okay?
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Macy, lol. 🙂 I agree! 🙂
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I will be thank you Jolee
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Tammy, I love your avatars! Is that precious little girl yours? She is adorable! <3
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It would be better for everyone else if Zach went now. Jocasta, annoying as she is, is not a threat to anyone and can be taken out at anytime.
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Tammy, get someone to kiss it. My children say I have magic in my kisses. God bless you and keep you well. {{{HUGS}}}
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Tuna, the only scary thing about that is the annoying people who are not a threat have been known to win games. Just because nobody worried about them and figured they could always get them later. And they couldn’t. Then there are the people who say they would rather be sitting next to a floated do nothing at the end than someone people like. That doesn’t necessarily work out for them either.
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No Jolee it’s just a picture I really liked:) Wish that would work Jeanne lol
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hot56, I agree with you about not evicting some soon enough. I could’ t stand any of the final three last year! Andy was creepy, Spencer was beyond nasty, and even though Anne Marie had a foul mouth, she played the best game. I was actually sick to my stomach when Andy won. I felt I had wasted my whole summer watching trash! IMHO!! 🙂
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Sorry, I meant hpr56. My dang computer changes my words! 🙁
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Hey Jolee, Hot works. LOL
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hpr 56, Cute! I will have to remember that! 🙂
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Funny Craig. I’m 62
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Frankie doesn’t need the money I”m sure. Also saw here somewhere where he assumes the right to sleep in and use the bathroon in the HOH room so he definitely feels entitled & is pretty much playing EVERYBODY. and what the heck is he ON? his energy level is ridiculous .. and annoying also. (also there’s “gay” and then there’s “oh for GOD SAKE!”) He just tries WAY too hard to be a little too flamboyant. He’s not on Broadway. He’s on BB. He needs to tone it down a few notches. We get it! And then we’ve got Zach talking about celebratory intercourse with Frankie! HOPEFULLY we won’t have to watch any of THAT!
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Great updates, thanks all…………
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I think that Nicole is very cute! …… : mrgreen:
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That is much better……….. 😆
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I thought Nicole was phony at the beginning but I don’t anymore. I think she was just playing the quiet card and sitting back and watching them destroy each other. She’s really smarter than I thought at first. I hope she sticks around a while. I love her jealousy with Hayden. It’s cute.
I think she is very cute too, Bob.
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what tuna said…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tammy, I hope you get well and feel great soon.
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Wake up house guests! How many times does Frankie have to tell you he has a sister, his last name is Grande and by the way my sister’s name is Ari as in Ariana, the superstar, who just happens to be his younger sister.
Ok… Caleb wouldn’t know or care. He is the only superstar he knows or even wants to know.
Victoria wouldn’t know Frankie’s sister either. Vic is an Israeli transplant so maybe she is not hip hop savvy.
But how lame are the other house guests?
Oh. Donny is a Harvard Professor. It all makes sense now!
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bbad last night – nicole drank her wine and she was ‘turnt up’ so funny
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I have,a feeling that a,New blog will be coming so I’ll save my comments til then. Or at least try. LOL!!
Ok I can’t wait….I think that big time floater Jocasta will go far if they don’t get her out NOW!! Imagine being in the final two with her….who can vote against GOD!??!! Tired of her antics and holier than thou attitude. There’s a lot more that God has to do than grant her half a million for practically nothing. Sure she.gave a nice service for Frankie and Derricks grandfather’s but Frankies comments and prayers were so heart felt. The obsessive crying and blabbering( you know…the speaking in “tongues”) has got to go or they’ll never get her out!! This is the way to REALLY float to the end!! JMHO!! More later.
Thanks LM for,all you do and also all my fellow bloggers who keep me informed 😉
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From Twitter:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ash @ashes2ashes13
If Cody keeps being a whiny liability while Victoria allows herself to be groomed, Derrick may actually take her to F2. lol #BB16
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I think if anyone knows about Frankie’s sister it is Victoria! The way she was questioning him that one night about his siblings and Frankie kept trying to get away from talking about the eyes of Ari(wink, wink) and him are the same and then he went to his brother and Victoria was smiling and wanted to go back to asking questions about if his sister had short or long hair? And also when Frankie was saying lyrics to one of his sisters not so famous songs on the couch and Victoria automatically knew exactly what song that it was tells me she is very familiar with Ariana Grande for sure. Have always wondered if she had confronted Frankie about it in secrecy and is expecting something in return. To be seen but wouldn’t be surprised by the way she was smiling. Can you imagine if there was 5 people with the personality of Jocasta in the house? Would be hard to keep my intrest, just saying why I would keep Zach for entertainment purpose. Didn’t they let one person from Jury House come back into house and stayed for a couple of weeks before getting ganged up on and voted out? Maybe!
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Bobos got a girl friend. Her name is Nicolle. Just saying. I love her too Bobo. {{{HUGS}}}
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Randall,earlier in the kitchen Victoria said to Jocasta ,she wants to hear the song Problem by Ariana Grande in the morning for wake up ,and that was the type music she likes…I think she knows Frankie’s secret…
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VBS has me to busy think about BB.
TGlad to come and read all of your opinions and updates. Looking forward to humpday!
Nite y’all!!
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Speaking of Frankie’s sister, I was watching NBCs “live” 4th of July show and Ariana Grande (who??) was a featured performer. I wouldn’t have noticed except that one of the dancers looked a LOT like Frankie. In my nativity I first I the possibility as he was already in the clutches of BB. As I should know by now, “live” is a pretty flexible word in the TV industry. The show was obviously taped some time before. I think I remember hearing the word “Disney” during her introduction and that explains why I’ve never heard of her. I imagine parents with pre-teens know her well. Maybe too well!!
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@ Craig Long; yea me too, I have that 4th of July Fireworks show from the New York Skyline and Bridge and that was the 1st time I had seen Ariana perform ‘ Live’ and was pretty impressed by her. And it also showed me more into the background of why I would rather someone win the $$$ than Frankie! It looks as if Frankie has not and will not ever be wanting for ‘ANYTHING’. I think Ariana has earned everything she has done don’t get me wrong and I hope she does extremely well as long as she doesn’t get off on the wrong track like some of the young Disney Stars have in the past. If you are like me Craig Ariana’s music is not my preference, but she is very good. I’m 58 and from growing up listening to Rock n Roll like Aerosmith and Pink Floyd then transitioning to Country later on being from the Country in the south. Our big news around this small country town of 5000 which we have Pioneer Days every year and close off downtown for streetdance is we have The Belamy Brothers performing. It is like a flashback to several dates back when younger when you would play their song ‘ If I said you had a Beautiful Body would you hold it against me’! It’s always a fun week in a small town home of Hoss Cartwright or Dan Blocker about 7 miles away. But back to BBAD I am kinda trying to root for who really needs the money AND is also playing the game. Not just floating by being social. Being social to a point is fine then when the field is Thinned out start putting your game on is also good like Nicole. But Donny needs to get going if he possible can. Just winning comps is going to get him expelled from Sckool! If you haven’t yet Google Cody and Amber’s past and they both had been doing questionable things you wouldn’t want your child doing publicly. And for some reason I feel Zach is from a ton of MONEY! I know he is SMART ! It’s too bad the America’s Team put more BLOOD on his hands than is already on them from his antics. Wait till he sees what they did to him. I still would rather have 5 Zach’s in house than 5 Jacosta’s! That would put me to sleep. And I think the Expect the Unexpected is someone returning from the Jury House later on thru a jury house competition. What an experiment this show is to put 16 or so people from all walks of life into a lockdown environment and see how it shakes out by evicting one or two a week by fighting for supremacy by strength or mentality. I believe this show should run at least another 10 years with a little tweaking!
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Enjoying this season SO much better than the last. And was NOT happy that Andy won. He backstabbed just about everyone in the house & was just plain sneaky. But it was certainly a better alternative than the pizza boy or what’s her face (his bed mate) winning it. Those two just made me sick. This season I just don’t want Frankie to win because I suspect he needs it the least & is riding his sister’s coattails. Also I don’t think Ariana Grande is well known as Frankie thinks she is. She’s fairly new so a lot of people never even heard of her yet. I missed all the stuff with Victoria saying about Ariana’s song “Problem”. She strikes me as slightly dense so maybe she never really connected the dots. IS strange though that she asked so may questions about Frankie’s sister. I sill think Frankie can’t wait til everyone finds out and makes a big fuss I bet he’s hoping & makes him feel important. Sometimes I’m fine with him . Other times he just royally irritates me !
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