Hi everyone!
Well, before I get to the top three (which most of you probably know about already), I wanted to give everyone a quick heads up. As you may have read in the previous post’s comments, I am currently having laptop issues. Last night and earlier today, my laptop kept freezing up and crashing on me. It seems to be working okay this evening but who knows how long it will last. That’s the frustrating thing with laptops, no?
As far as updating this site is concerned, it’s not a huge deal. I can always use my boyfriend’s laptop or I can borrow my sister’s. Things should be okay but I did want to give y’all heads up because, as a result, I might be a little bit later than usual when it comes to getting comments out of moderation and/or replying to e-mails and comments.
Anyway, on to the important stuff:
So, two takeaways from tonight’s episode.
First off, Caleb handled being evicted with a lot of class. I’ve said a lot of negative things about him but he handled things well. Especially when compared to Frankie, Caleb was a complete gentleman. I also appreciated the fact that, when Julie asked him if he regretted putting up Frankie, Caleb said, “No.” Caleb called Frankie out, which is something that very few people have been willing to do during the live shows.
One interesting thing is this: Caleb never once called himself Beast Mode while talking to Julie. In fact, Caleb came across as being pretty intelligent and well-spoken. It’s pretty much an open secret that the HGs are coached to be as outspoken and over-the-top as possible in the Diary Room. You have to wonder how much of Caleb’s whole “Beast Mode” attitude was really his and how much of it was the result of what he was told to say in the Diary Room.
Because, seriously, the Caleb that we saw talking to Julie was nothing like the Caleb that we were shown inside the Diary Room.
Secondly, I have to admit that I was not happy to see that — despite having been voted out — the first 15 minutes of the episode were still devoted to Frankie. So, we got to see how Frankie reacted to learning he was going to evicted and Frankie, not surprisingly, proved himself to be the exact opposite of Caleb.
“If you vote me out, my million followers will come after you.”
Uhmmm, Frankie: I’ve visited you twitter account. You don’t have a million followers. Right now, Zack has more followers than you do.
Frankie then went on to say that he will picking the winner, apparently because he is so beloved by the jury that they’ll do whatever he says. What’s sad about that, along with the level of Frankie’s arrogant self-delusion, is that both the jury and Frankie seem to have already decided that they’re voting for Derrick. So, when Derrick wins, Frankie will probably take all the credit but really, Derrick pretty much won this game on his own.
If Derrick wins, I should say.
We are down to the final three. The final HoH competition is always a three-parter. Cody has won the first part so the second part will be between Derrick and Victoria and then the second winner will face Cody.
So, let’s say that Cody wins the third part and is the final HoH? Would he take Derrick with him to the final two or would he take Victoria? It seems obvious that Derrick would take Victoria and I think Victoria would take Derrick because she doesn’t really seem smart enough to realize that she’d have a better chance of beating Cody than Derrick.
But is Cody smart enough to realize that Derrick is unbeatable? Cody, I think, is smarter than he’s often given credit for being but I don’t know. I think Derrick has fooled both Victoria and Cody to such an extent that he may have guaranteed himself a spot in the final two, regardless of who wins the final HoH.
We’ll see!
Lisa Marie
Oh boy, here we go! 🙂
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LM good to see your computer is working again. Great write up.
I think so many of us were surprised at the “new” or “real” Caleb. Sad that a reality show is so controlled and almost scripted.
I would love to see Vic take it all.
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Star thank you for sharing, we are missing a lot. So frustrated. Love this blog. BB not so much this season. Too bad. Was my favorite Summer guilty pleasure. God bless you bloggers. {{{HUGS}}}
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I really want Derrick to win but I’m starting to get worried because if Cody wins go he may decide to take Victoria to the final 2 knowing that he could beat her well I guess we will see
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@Jeanne…..you’re welcome!! Just glad someone wasreading….lol It is late but no one else was on or seemed to even KNOW they were doing a comp!!!!! It is a rip and we do miss alot the way they are scheduling things this year!!!!! But Ihave already complained about that ad nauseum in my last posts so I won’t repeat!! 😉
Ok..backto reading. Sorry to hear about your laptop problems LM. I just had some recently and almost took my puter in and then a Windows Update fixed everything. So it wasn’t MY problem it was THEIRS!!!lol Hope you get yours figured out as easily!! 😉
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Just checking in and marking my spot……
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I think we have been played. CBS went out of their way to find a show man that could entertain us they through money at the popular show that had great ratings I’ll bet that Frankie knew about Team America before he was even in the show I think he did the show for charity and fame.he’s had a silver spoon his whole life.well mission accomplished money for his School in Africa and now fame. now when he’s with his sister she will not have all the spotlight.
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Star, before I go to bed I wanted you and LM to know how much I appreciate all the time and effort it takes especially when things are so bleak. I would like to keep in touch. My E-mail is bygrace6933@aol.com. If you e-mail me I will give you my Facebook information. God bless you and sleep with the angels. {{{HUGS}}}
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Although I don’t really care who wins, the most deserving would be Derrick, I would think Cody would take Derrick in the end, I would be totally surprised if he didn’t. Maybe Derrick would take Cody also, if he put Cody on the jury. It would make him look worse, backstabbing Cody and taking an unworthy Victoria. I hope he does the right thing here. I will be glad to have this suckfest season over with. and please I don’t want to ever hear complaining about Vets coming into the game again. They can’t seem to pick the right people and Vets pretty much have saved a season. I hope next time is an Allstar season.
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Bob, I think Frankie is in for the shock of his life. I don’t think they can keep everyone quiet at the finale. Also when he reads all the blogs. Unless of course his family hide it from him. Hummm. Well off to bed. God bless you real good. {{{HUGS}}} XXXXX ‘s
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I can’t believe that my summer favorite show since day 1 is almost over. Can’t wait until next summer to see who is going to be in the house. Derrick is going to most likely win. But I still wish it could have been Donny or Nichole to win.
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LM..I love the light you always shed on what goes on during a show. You are so right about Caleb. Not my fav player most of the game, altho he did win alot of comps, starting with the 1st HOH, so you had to know he ahd a brain!! I do think he played up the Country Boy character and maybe even all his bravado. But who expected him to be so calm when he got evicted and so well spoken?? I like that not only did he thow Frankie under the bus to Julie and the world, but that he didn’t hug anyone when he left. He wasn’t rude, but he jsut left. He’s not fake and he is super loyal. But I am sure something will come of this summer for him somehow by way of a job of some kind as he was such a bigger than life character !
The 1st comp, which I went back to the LFS and did sort aof a play by play on the last page, for those who didn’t see it, was such a let down. It was played in the middle of the night, no one knew and basically they hung in for an hour in an easy endurance comp for show and then Derrick said he was tired and giving it to Cody and he dropped. Bleh. As Bob stated, this IS supposedly their highest rated show, why have they been treating it like an unwelcome responsibility this season??? Comps are NEVER on time,always late and running into BBAD, they constatnly change up the schedule, they have basically scripted this year’s show. I can’t help but wonder if they are even going to get picked up for next year! IF they do, I hope production goes back to their roots and acts like they give a crap and let it be an ACTUAL reality show again!!! Ok..stepping down off soap box.. 😉
@Jeanne…I will send you my email and info. Sweet dreams!! 🙂
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Cody should easily win the Comps but will be too loyal to Derrick and come in 2nd.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------He might be just bright and greedy enough to take Victoria to final 2.
Victoria deserves 0 ZERO jury votes and the sexist rationale that a woman should win is,
well, sexist.
“Palmam qui meruit ferat (Let (s)he bear the palm who deserves it)”
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@aggie…..I agree about the Vets!! I never used to like them as they were reruns to me, but no one seems to know how to play this game anymore much less have even watched it alot of the time!! So I would be thrilled now to see them come back!!! I’d be thrilled to see the Vets come back HERE too!!!!! At least more often. Vets rule!! Or used to. 😉
As far as who wins, I am thinking it is safe to assume that it will be Derrick, and I do think he has played the best,if not exciting, game. His was more safe and methodical. But at least he HAD a strategy..and stuck with it!! It would make the whole season tho if there was FINALLY an upset! Even if we had to wait until the finale’!!
Oh..and I love knowing that Zach has MORE Twitter followers than Frankie!!!! lol I have a feeling both Frankie and Christine are going to need therapy when this is all over!!!! 😉
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@LM – I wonder if when Frankie talks about his “millions of followers” he adds up his twitter, facebook, instagram, and his multiple youtube accounts? That’s my guess. That said, I’m sure whoever is a fan of Frankie follows all of his pages, so he’s counting the same people over and over. Not exactly a true total, if you get what I mean.
I had some issues with Caleb all season, like some of you did. The “stalker” type behavior with Amber was bad and his tall tales were crazy. I’m glad his parents got to go on the show and talk about him. Even his dad kinda called him out about all his stories, but it was nice. They seem like good people.
I thought it was pretty shitty of production to not allow Derrick/Cody to tell Caleb he was being evicted. (that’s the story that’s on almost every BB spoiler page) Frankie was told just a few days before, hell most of the people were told in advance. In the past it was a “rule” that you weren’t allowed to tell a person straight out that they were gone. BB sorta does what they want. I remember a few years ago, I saw a copy of the contract the HG’s sign and its HUGE! But in it, it clearly says BB can change the rules for any reason they see fit at any time.
I love a good blind side, but Caleb deserved better in my eyes. He’s parents called it. His loyalty is what would be his downfall. I wasn’t a fan of his, but I did grow to like his funny antics once Amber was evicted. I thought he was maybe one of the best interviews of the season. Straight up, honest, and spoke the truth about Frankie. I respect that. I was happy he got a huge ovation. All the girls even screaming for him during his interview, I’m sure that felt really good soon after getting blindsided like that.
Now Cody won part one of the HOH comp, so lets see how it plays out. Will Derrick and Cody hold up their end of the deal for F2 like Dan and Memphis did? I’m not sure if they will….and I don’t think I’d do it if I was them. Cutting the throat of your 100% alliance buddy from Day 2 is pretty hardcore, but if I was in the Jury, I would totally expect it and condone it as good game play. I figure Derrick CAN beat either of them, Vic CAN’T beat either of them, and Cody can ONLY beat Vic. If Cody win’s the final HOH, and he plays it smart, he would cut Derricks throat. He’d have to. If he takes Derrick to the F2, he’s throwing away $450k.
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LM, great to see your laptop is up and running for now. 🙂 Thanks for the great write up. I agree with Star, you seem to do miracles with this joke of a BB show this year.
Star, I was shocked when I saw your emails as you were putting them up. I can’t believe they did the comp in the middle of the night and no one knew about it. What’s up with that? Thank you my dear for the blow by blow such as it was. One hour, what a bunch of wimps. I too remember being able to watch ED hang in there for 7 hours. There was no way he was letting go. That was quite a moment between him and Danielle.
I loved the Holla from Derrick’s daughter and wife. So darling. I hope he wins and I believe the “boys” will take each other but half a million speaks pretty loud and this is a game so we’ll see what they do. Vic hung in there and didn’t do a thing but she’s still there. I doubt the jury would vote for her to win it all.
Caleb, what a great exit! I’ll have to go back and see because I don’t remember that he didn’t hug anyone. He was so composed and spoke so well during the interview. Yep, not one beast mode anything from him. I loved, loved, loved that he threw Frankie under the bus which is where he deserves to be. The scumbag that he is. Caleb was a class act and we’ll see what happens in jury.
So happy this is nearly over and Survivor and AR are up next plus Utopia is getting really good. I didn’t record the last show so I’ll have to get it on Demand. I guess they have feeds for that show too but I’m not getting them. I just don’t have the time. I need my beauty sleep. Ha! Nite all and thanks to everyone for your updates!
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I always enjoy the posts and comments on this blog, and this season is no exception. Lisa Marie, I usually agree with you, but this is one time I don’t.
I think Derrick will take Cody to the Final 2, if Derrick wins HOH. Maintaining loyalty to Cody throughout the game seems to be Derrick’s ace-in-the-hole, at least in terms of justifying the many evictions he helped orchestrate. I’m sure the only reason he was ok with Cody mentioning the Hangmen to Caleb was because he wanted to explain that he *was* loyal, at least to someone.
For whatever reason, the jury members seem to need explanations/justifications from the Final 2, beyond just “I wanted you out because you are one of the people between me & $500,000.” It seems like the jury wants to know that the winner was/is loyal to something (or is redeeming in some other way) in addition to being a good game player.
For what it’s worth, if I was in the jury, I’d think either Derrick or Cody was a weak sister if they took Victoria to the end. It’s like they’re putting her on display, “See how much she sucks? Gimme the money!” I’d respect someone much more who brought a worthy opponent to the end, rather than tried to force me to vote against Victoria.
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@Starfish………you’re very welcome! Wish you had been here with me,but who KNEW it was even going on????? Really..what IS up with that CBS????
Ans whate is up with the WIMPS they get as HGS??? Granted, ED’s 7 hr. comp wasn’t normal, but an hour was NOTHING back in the day!!! WE WANT DRAMA!!!!! lol
I almost forgot about the shout out from Derricks wife and baby!! How cute was that??? All the HGS seemed to enjoy it! ALL I gotta say is that boy must really need the money the way he has worked his manipulative butt off this season!!! i hope he wins for them, if nothing else!!
@Junksies….(from previous page) Awww, gosh!!! I’m blushing!!lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I haven’t watched BBAD yet. So now Derrick is lying and sweating,eh?? Could be a LONG week if he is trying to keep Vic nd Cody from comparing notes. Good luck with that!!!lol
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@ Star
Hi Star, Hopefully next will be an Allstar season, I’m actually surprised BB is still on the air, it has had several mediocre to bad seasons, I don’t know if we will have a great one anymore. Yep it’s a shame that the Vets are not on here much anymore, this blog has changed alot over the years and sorry to say not for the better. So i will leave for the most part to the Martha Stewart crowd. I don’t miss it much anymore. Take care my dear. 🙂
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I’m not saying I’m a beast mode cowgirl, but even I (a cancer survivor, pacemaker wearing, one foot in the grave the other on a banana peel oldish lady) could have hung on longer than that – where did they get these candy asses? I’m hoping next season they will choose women who are intelligent as well as physical competitors. It would also be nice to have something other than men who flex and hate women. I feel like lately BB has been mirroring the ugly and the negative in us instead of the good. We can do better!!!
There is a little part of me (okay if I’m being honest a huge part of me) that would love for Victoria to win – after she sees those scenes with the guys talking about taking her virginity she is going to be devastated – I think 500,000 might make her feel better –
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If either Vic or Cody even think of taking Derrick to the final two then they are incredibly stupid. Its the end of the game – there is no loyalty!!!!!! You do what you have to do to win!!!! Derrick will cut Cody at the end without even blinking (Derr played a good game but SO dull) I would love to have this incredibly boring season saved at the end by a colossal blindside.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I bet Derrick uses part of the winnings (if he does win) to buy his house. I heard him tell Christine that he and his wife were “leasing to buy” their house.
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@susan g…………i agree about your victoria comment.
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Well the end is near and I am still rooting for Derrick. Yes he played everyone but they allowed themselves to be played.
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One more thing… Vic is so worried AND keeps bugging Derrick about being in the final two. She has done absolutely nothing to deserve to be in the final two.
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Starfish…(from pages ago)…I envy you down there in the OC enjoying those cool ocean breezes wishing I was there instead of up here where it’s been 100*+ temps for the better part of the summer. Yuk.
Star… Right after tonight’s CBS show I watched BBAD and knew they must have played in a comp. As soon as it finished I jumped on Morty’s and saw the comp pictures I thought WHAT???… HUH?…what the heck is going on??? Then I read all your comments and confirmed something was amiss. The last couple of days I have felt short-changed with the blackout of Skankie’s (taped) eviction and all that surrounded it, and now this comp played on the down low. If I was paying for the feeds I would be pissed. Clearly there have been scheduling snafus this summer most likely the result of the Thursday night football games.
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Re someone’s comment about Caleb not saying goodbye to the houseguests… He gave a gentle hug to Vic and a manly man hug to the boys. And then, even more of a gentleman, gave a small bouquet of red flowers to Julie. How sweet and sincere.
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Star… Oops, it was you who made the comment about no-hug-Caleb. Sorry, I was lazy at the time but later read it was you! It’s okay, you are pretty much on fire tonight about the comp thing and I gotta love your passion!! 🙂
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It irked me that Julie just had to comment about no boos to Caleb. She doesn’t get it either, apparently. Caleb didn’t deserve any boos, Cody does because of his affair with Chrusty. Why didn’t the she-bot-brat mention any boos to Skankie? I won’t go into all the reasons why I hated her softball exit interview with Skankie except to say that she really really disappointed me but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
Sir Rock… Production allowed/encouraged Caleb’s blindside? That’s pretty crappy…I need to get out there and read what was said. I agree with you that Caleb deserved better. My heart broke for him, but he took it like the man he is.
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I’d be cautious about wanting the vets to return as they will inevitably have Brenchel and Frankie back, no doubt about it.
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Testing if this will work or not.
If it does…OMG!!! Why have those who get the L/F’s been so silent about these shenanigans? Maybe Jana should be getting those divorce papers ready…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB16 Tribute: Victoria and Derrick – Gravity
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Good morning everyone. I will try to do my best at helping to keep this blog going through the worst season ever of BB. But I’m loyal to a fault. I did enjoy the interview with Calebs parents. Going to have breakfast, be back later. {{{HUGS}}} XXXXXX’s.
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I have never been so uncomfortable at watching an eviction as I was when it happened to Caleb. I really felt bad for him and the blindside he recieved, but he handled it with class. Now on the other hand, seeing how not-so-fabulous Frankie handled his eviction – classless. It just proved to me and everyone else watching, he was not deserving of anything and I feel some people are regretting making him part of Team America. He is really kidding himself if he thinks he can sway everyone in the jury house to pick the winner. Once Caleb gets there he can fill everyone there on Frankie’s comments. Hopefully the rest of America does not vote for Frankie as fan favorite – the most undeserving person out of the entire cast. I hope NEVER to see him on tv after this show or hear his name again.
I am still hoping Derrick wins it all. He played a great game, he had everyone eating out of his hand and doing what he wanted. Still can’t believe he never went up on the block! Amazing!
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I hope Caleb can tell the jury about Frankie’s outburst insisting that he controled the house, the game and that HE would decide the winner. He totally thinks way to highly of himself in the game and in real life! I am also so glad Caleb called Frankie out during his interview with Julie!!! Caleb went out with a lot of class and Frankie went out with no class at all!
Oh and if Frankie had so much “power” wouldn’t he be in the final three?
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It seems that CBS wants viewers to have to watch 24/7 as to not miss anything with their weak challenges! And Caleb being caught off guard did give Victoria a quick {{hug}} when they both stood up from HOT SEATS then went on to give the soul man hand slap and shoulder bump to the guys and head out the door. But didn’t care for Derrick’s attempt to throw Cody Under the Bus in Goodbye messages when he said if you are seeing this then ‘Cody’ sent you home, like it was only Cody’s decision and he(Derrick) didn’t have anything to do with it. As far as Cody and Victoria on the show, I never saw any real romantic advances from Cody at all. And don’t think whatsoever that she would even be picked up if it was last call at bar. It was nothing but combination of keeping friends close and enemies closer for information which he did. Of course he liked the tickling and shoulder massaging but made several comments to Tim, we are just friends! Those guys used those two girls Christine and Amber and that was to keep them from forming a all girls alliance which was tried but failed from get go and that was the down fall of all the weaker players as they were picked off one by one directed by Derrick who had to do little as he had a huge no pun intended Shield in front of him. Devin went nuts and was a sacrifice early which was a nice diversion that threw the girls off a little. If Caleb would not have brought to life the real ‘Frankie ‘ to national TV audiences and what he was doing by his threatening move and trying to hold them hostage by making them keep him to keep him out of Jury house, then the part of national tv audience that does not keep up with back stories and blogs might never know the Real Frankie! Kudos to Caleb! I hate that Caleb was so delusional in thinking Amber was head over hills about him when she was really interested in Cody and made it so awkward for them. Not cool! I give Donny a pass on his comment in the Jury House to Christine on The Attorney. She had it coming, she was the one married and committed to someone like Derrick and Donny and should have acted as such. Overall thinking back I don’t think of too many things that Cody did really Nasty and distasteful and also did entertain all season and also won several comps. Whereas Derrick on the otherhand has probably I’m sure been using Victoria to better his game and It was really upsetting to see him act the way he did with the Frankie situation on the taking of Both of Victoria’s Virginities deal! He could have reacted the way he was trained to and the way Cody did and say that is not cool at all. So if Cody has chance to cut Derrick for a $450,000.00 difference, he better. And then with Victoria getting $50,000 for her being dragged thru the mud and used as a lesser respected female would be better. IMO This was not the worse season but I believe will take 1st place for most controversial of all-time. Please replace production crew and revamp show as not to lose the interest of long time watchers. This reality show being on 3 times a week is so addictive and will be missed however badly it was presented to us.
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What did Caleb say about Frankie in his exit interview? I don’t remember him throwing him under the bus?
I was sad to see Caleb go. I know he was annoying with the whole stalking Amber thing, but once she left, he became a goofy, fun to watch, guy who is loyal and talks too much! 🙂 He always made me laugh. I liked seeing the interview with his family also.
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Randall… Well said, especially the part about the “soul man slap and shoulder bump”…. I referred to it as a “manly man hug” but I like your accurate description much better!! LOL… You called it right about Derrick throwing Cody UTB with his typical it-wasn’t-me-comment. Good post.
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I’ve said my mind for the year and will miss every single one of you even those 2 or 3 that popped in and chipped in and told us to STFU about Skankie Frankie and you girls jumped them like flies on peanut butter.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jolee & Jeanne : it has been such a pleasure to have had the opportunity to read your post and I so admire what you two youngsters do. I just always wonder why you guys are not living closer to each other. Every time I go to Walmart and see Senior People I always get into conversation with them for some reason and think about you two. I so love talking to the generation before me as there is so much to learn what they lived thru. This is it for the year as I will just watch BBAU and read what Lisa Marie has worked so hard for us to enjoy all season long as hard as it has been. We will be able to look back next season on this and say remember how bad last season was. Now to shell some Purple- hull peas for tonight along with the last of the tomatoes, purple onion, and sweet cornbread and cold glass of milk. You all have a wonderful Holiday Season and remember what it is for and the less fortunate ones, especially the little ones and elderly! O/T
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The ONLY time they showed the jury sitting together, every single one of them said that the reason they were there, was because of the great game Derrick played. Even Jocasta nodded.
I’m not sure IF Derrick is going to give away BEFORE the vote the back story and cover up. The fact he gave away the least of his secrets, final two group called ‘The Hitmen’ with Cody to Victoria was, I believe, his way of preparing Victoria, if she doesn’t win the next event with him, and also for her to spill to the jury Cody and Derrick had a plan from week 2 in their alliance.
But, just as Derrick has exposed, one on one with Victoria just in case things Cody did, Cody is now doing the same, as Derrick has been called to the DR last night. This was what he told Victoria:
In the kitchen – Victoria and Cody continue to talk. Cody says that he wanted to send home Caleb week four but that Derrick said Brittany has to go. She knows how tight we are we have to send her home. So I didn’t put up Caleb and unfortunately my love of this game went home week four. And then after that it was supposed to be Caleb but Amber was starting to start an all girls alliance. So it switched from Caleb going home to Amber. Victoria says she remembers. Cody says after that you really know what happened after that. After that Frankie wanted Zach to go and I said no! Because anything Frankie wanted I wanted to go opposite. Victoria says that she heard Amber was fighting to get me out. Cody says no, she never would have. Who told you that. Victoria says Pow Pow and Nicole. Cody says Pow Pow is a liar and Nicole is a liar. Victoria talks about her hair and how she almost didn’t come on the show because of it. My mom told me I had to do it. That I could do my hair in the bathroom and take my medicine. Cody says you weren’t going to come in here and look at you now you’re in the final 3. Victoria says I just have to take care of some stuff when I get out of here. Cody says he would like to stay in touch with Caleb and hope I can. I would love to meet his Brother Blake. I hope I get to stay in touch with Christine. I loved Christine and would love to meet her husband. I was really tight with Christine, we were crazy tight and if I couldn’t stay in touch with her it would suck. I would want to stay in touch with Derrick, Christine, Zach, Caleb and Victoria and Amber for different reasons.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Derek comes out of the DR, and the talk switches back to final three…
They go over their lists of house guests they would want to stay in touch with outside the house. Cody says I don’t know if I could stay in touch with Caleb because of all the boasting. Derrick says I will definitely talk to Victoria outside of here. Victoria asks Derrick if he talked about the Hitmen in the diary room. Derrick says no I talked about you. Cody says I can’t wait for our morning tomorrow!! (They’ll have ha final 3 breakfast tomorrow where they reminisce about the season.) Derrick says me too that’s why I want to got to bed now. Cody says lets go to bed together. Victoria says I can’t wait my key will be here till the end. They all hug and say bed time! They head into the fire room. Cody starts calling Derrick a little soft b***h for not putting up Frankie. Cody says even if you had put up Frankie the rewind would have happened and it would have been the same result. Derrick agrees and says it would have happened the same way any way. Big Brother plays his daughters Hollar Derrick. Derrick says thank you. Cody says if we don’t meet every single person at the wrap party I will be so pissed. Victoria says I am so excited! Final three!!
As the lights go out, Cody laying in bed being a “Hitman” shoots at the cameras. They go to sleep.
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That was Derrick throwing Cody under the bus as the sole reason Caleb was going home. Like he had nothing to do with the decision. Derrick didn’t know, I guess, that Cody was going to confess the Hangman alliance at the end. I agree that Cody and Derrick should be final two based on the early alliance. Hard to believe that Victoria feels she’s played a good game, so she deserves to be in F2. Wonder how the jury will feel about how they were lied to and played by Derrick. I remember Nicole saying that he didn’t have much game (or something to that effect) like Frankie. She thought Frankie was running the house. (of course, so did he! ha ha) Would like to see more of what is going on the the jury house, even if they just did a separate spot like they do on Survivor with the Ponderosa. Caleb was very normal and classy on his interview with Julie. I’ll miss seeing him dance, with his headphones on. He’s a good dancer. But, BOY!, he did talk too much!! I agree if the vets return, we will have to see Frankie again, so I vote NO on their return. Just don’t recruit players…(Frankie was a recruit) (I believe someone in production is friends with the Grandes) Get real fans to be on the show. There!! That’s all I got right now. Thanks, LM and all the others on this blog for making it an interesting season for me.
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I would love to see someone from this blog in the house. You know, class up the joint. I look forward to this blog as much as the show. It’s often much more entertaining, and the people are way more fabulous! Thank you Lisa Marie for your hard work.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Randall, Sir Rock, Bobo and all of the other great guys on this blog, your sensitivity after the Frankie rape skit was greatly appreciated especially by those of us who are survivors. Before I was a teacher, before I was married, I was a volunteer at a women’s shelter and I can promise you – your words and disgust at the HGs behavior this summer were healing and hopeful to women who aren’t sure that men are our friends. Some women go their entire lives and never meet a decent guy. Me, I meet nothing but nice guys – I’m lucky like that.
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Randall. OT / Thank you for your gracious words. My Sissy Jolee and I are 81 yr old twins. We were living 3000 miles apart for over 40 years. (Me in Calif, she in NC) 11 years ago I got cancer and lost everything. My Sissy and her husband invited me to come live with them until I got back on my feet.I was there a little over a year when sissys husband passed away. So we have been taking care of eachother every sense.We are so blessed that the good Lord let us have this time of our lives together. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}} and XXXXXX’S
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Thanks to all for the comments this past season! It has helped us all to understand what production didn’t want us to see or know. A while back some one said the fix was in when the audience would be filled in CBS people and not boo Frankie. Julie did softball interviews with some but not others, again a production move. I missed what Caleb said about Frankie so I’ll review the program to see it. I didn’t like Frankie from the beginning and his over the top be gay routines, but production favorite and Julie made it a summer Frankie show. Perhaps next season they will have more adult and stronger women, to kick male asses. Thanks again all!
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Star & Aggie, I would agree about BB Vets back on. They at least know how to play the game. Derrick played a great game and was a great player, well, great but rather boring. They found him and there were probably were tons of applicatants yet they still picked Amber off a bar stool 3 weeks before the show? Next year would be great for an all star. Who would you have back besides ED? 🙂 No way Boogie or Dr. Will would come back so forget them. God help us Branchell might. Remy would be great but I’m not good with names so I’ll have to go back and look some up.
Junksies, thanks for the good bye hug info from Caleb. Now I don’t have to go back and look. 🙂 Somewhere I lost what you’re talking about regarding production being involved in Caleb being blindsided. I was pretty sure that was the plan all along because Cody and Derrick have said it many times. Believe it or not it was 104 the other day in my front yard. Thankfully that is extremely rare and the humidity has been really higher than usual. The humidity is 74 this morning and it’s barely 9am. Not used to this. Where are you?
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Junksies, that video was nothing more than a big brother being a big brother to his little sister. I too think that Vic may have a crush on him but who wouldn’t need someone to connect with in that house? That was heartwarming and I saw not one bit of romance in any of it. The music was great and the video was well put together but done so as to create havoc and anger or just plain BS from those who will go there. IMHO of course Geez
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Off topic…..Love Jeanne and Jolee’s story. I am 77 and was an only child. I lived my younger years wishing I had a sibling. You two are so fortunate and I feel I am too because I inherited my husband’s nine wonderful siblings. He and I host a sibling reunion every Oct. Sorry to take up BB time but had to express how great you two sisters are.
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I agree with Starfish – the video was cute – the only thing romantic about it was the music!
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Randall, I agree with most of what you say but “you girls” really? 😀 Sounds vaguely familiar about what some say the guys in the house did to “the girls”.
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O/T for sure!! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------First, thank you Randall for your kind remarks! Jeanne and I have really felt a part of this great BB blog this year. I am going to be so sad to see it end. It seems some of you are already making your, goodbye speeches! Please don’t go yet!!
Lisa, Joyce, star, starfish, tendr, Bob, EV, C’est, erie_angel, hpr 56, mama Margie, Macy, Ralph, Sir Rock and others who I fail to mention (because I am 81!) 🙂 I have truely enjoyed all of your comments this year!
I hope we can stay in touch at some level after BB16 ends. I don’t mind giving you all my e-mail address in case you miss me a little!! 🙂 It’s joleemae@aol.com
There is still lot’s of BB to discuss so there is no way I am leaving this blog until Lisa turns out the lights! Until then, let’s keep talking!! <3
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P.S. I think Victoria has a crush on Derrick, but I think Derrick considers her like a little sister! It’s when you lump it all together it come into question. I stick by my first evaluation. 🙂 How Derrick’s wife sees it is what really counts. I’m sure she knows her husband.
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Not going anywhere Jolee until the last piece of glitter falls to the ground and is swept into Frankie’s glitter box. LOL
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Starfish… Re: the production comment/Caleb blindside…it was my response to Sir Rock’s #15 3rd paragraph. I’m in the San Joaquin Valley near Bakersfield. Brutal heat up here, the worst ever but at least we don’t have humidity. I never thought that I’d ever return to small town life but ended up here to take care of my elderly parents who both have since gone on to be with our Lord. Now I don’t want to go back to the big city!! In the video I was very surprised to see so much physical contact between Derrick and Victoria. You are right that Vic may have a crush on him, but look closely at his eyes and the expressions on his face when he looks at her. I think he is doing his best to conceal some “feelings” for her that he shouldn’t have as a married man…beyond friendship but short of a lover…??? If he was my husband he would be in the dog house!!! IMHO…and trust me, I have a six sense about these things! LOL
Jeanne… The story of you and your twin sister brought tears to my eyes. For me the two of you stood out on this blog from day one because of your faith, and your sweetness. My mother had twin sisters who passed before the age of 65 and each dressed exactly the same down to shoes, bags, hairdos…the only way to tell them apart was by their wedding rings!! I’ve written down your emails and will be contacting you for some of those recipes!!
Going to bed now…been up all night! Big Brother has completely disrupted my schedule! I am going to miss everybody on this blog so very much. I am waiting for Lisa Marie to answer a question posed a few days ago whether she is going to blog for Survivor….did I miss her response? It sure would be nice…
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Starfish… I responded to you but the comment must have gone to Lisa’s spam or is in moderation for some reason. I will investigate…
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I’m right here with you Starfish! 🙂
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CBS continues its Frankie Grande promotion.
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CBS INTERACTIVE, a division of CBS Corporation, produced Ariana Grande’s recent album, released on August 25th. Frankie’s “big reveal” about his famous sister, occurred on Aug 8, perfect timing to generate interest in Ariana before the release of her (CBS Interactive produced) album. The excessive footage of Frankie in the BB house, the careful editing out of Frankie’s horrible behaviors, the unconvincing, boo-free, audience during Frankie’s eviction and Julie’s sickening sweet exiting interview of Frankie, now makes sense. Could be that the entire BB16 was designed to be an extremely long commercial to generate record sales for CBS. Julie Chen’s performance throughout should have been expected since she is married to Leslie Moonves, CBS Corporation CEO and president.
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C’est Moi ici… you just connected the dots…officially.
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C’est, what a sweet homage to Frankie from CBS!! They forgot to include his disgusting comments about Victoria, which, in my opinion, cancels out any good thing he may have done to further his stay in the BB house! CBS is delusional IMHO!!!
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I’m doing a quick hit & run…I only read your post Lisa, which was right on! Thank you! I’ll be back later & read all the comments….see ya soon ………………….
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Thanks C’est moi ici for the explanation. It’s all about the money!!! Sad commentary, oui?
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I was glad to see Caleb act the way he did. He understood it is a game and moves have to be made this close to the end. MOST of all KUDOS to Caleb for not being sorry he took out Frankie. After all it was his best move. I just wish he had done it sooner. I hate to even see Frankie on Finale night. He should have went home NOT to jury.
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For those of you who my have seen Ariana’s recent CD in stores on the Republic Label, it gets complicated via numerous mergers and buyouts.
Sorry Frankie, but SONY is the real media mogul and owns Columbia Music Group (CBS Division), which became Universal Music Group which includes Republic Records, and is Ariann Grande’s recording label.
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Junksies — Don’t worry, I was able to find and post your reply to Starfish. It’s comment #52.
As for whether or not I’ll be blogging Survivor…uhmmm, maybe. Lol. I’ll post more on that next week. I’m going to be on vacation for two weeks after the Big Brother finale. (I put off my vacation until after the show ended.) So, I probably wouldn’t be able to write anything about week 2 or week 3 of Survivor but the rest of the weeks…perhaps. Bloggergal has written about Survivor in the past over on the Survivor Blog (survivorblog.com) and does a great job at it so it’s also going to depend on whether or not she’s planning on writing about this season or not.
I know that Bill has been thinking about combining both the Big Brother Blog and the Survivor Blog and making it all into one comprehensive blog so we’ll see!
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@LisaMarie, will you be letting us know what Bill decides. I definitely want to get in on the Survivor Blog. You are truly devoted to put your vacation off. Someone else on another BB blog is on his honeymoon and blogging from the hotel. All your devotion is very much appreciated.
Thank you.
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Lisa, I would love to have this blog and Survivor blog combined. I think more people would participate in it. Last year the Survivor blog didn’t do so well, partly because of Survivor only being on once a week. We might even be allowed to go O/T more??? 🙂 Mainly, we wouldn’t lose contact with each other. I know by now, you know how much Jeanne and I appreciate you and how you keep us informed. We will miss you, but we hope you have a wonderful two weeks of rest. You deserve it! 🙂
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junksies, thank you for your comments. We definitely want to stay in contact with you. I will gladly share any recipes you want. 🙂 Big Brother, Big Brother, Big Brother! There, I kind of stayed O/T. 🙂 🙂 Sorry!
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ok fell asleep last night in the middle of BB
but then this blog is so much better than the show.
i feel better about not going to live show
but yeah Caleb didn’t sound so country last night
Thanks Lisa Marie
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@ Randall 35, I wasn’t so much offended w/ Derrick “throwing Cody under the bus” in his exit video to Caleb….he’s playing the game (methodically and strategically) so more kudos to him. But, what I wanted to point out was that I was EXTREMELY proud of Cody during the eviction ceremony when he made it perfectly clear that Derrick was involved in the decision to evict Caleb. He said more than once that he and Derrick made ALL of their decisions together – which should have turned a light on in Victoria’s head. Cody should take Vic w/ him to the final two and she should take him. But we all know that will probably never happen and Derrick is gonna win this thing, as he should.
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Jolee and Starfish, I agree with you about the relationship with Derrick and Vic. I think some of those looks from Derrick was realizing that she was pretty much alone. I do believe she could have a crush on him but I doubt that it is returned.
I agree about Caleb. He left with so much class that it made me sad to see him go. It seemed as though his whole demeanor changed. His voice even sounded like he had less of an accent. He definitely earned my respect.
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Junksies, I watched that video of Derrick and Vic closely and all I saw was sympathy and a friendly little sister caring for her. Remember that video is strategically edited to make you think exactly what you’re thinking. My sixth sense and female intition is usually spot on too so we are looking at the same thing and seeing it differently. No way, IMO, is he interested in her any way other than he understands the immaturity and innocense in her and they have a connection that worked for him to the end but I do believe he cares for her as a little sister who he took under his wing.
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Lisa Marie, I too would like to see the blogs combined. That’s a great idea and it would sure make things simpler since the Survivor blog has fewer commenters as far as I could tell.
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I agree about the combining of the blogs. I have been on the Survivor Blog in the past but it seems like it’s just starting all over again with new friends and new personalities and it takes a while to warm up to each other.
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Season almost over folks! Lets keep in touch – my e-mail is bendi2006@aol.com
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Joker, thanks for including me in your list posters! I don’t post often but I have been reading the posts and comments fir several years. Here’s my personal story, my daughter started me watching when BB when it first started. I fell “out of love” with the show for a few years. My daughter meanwhile has watched every season. She used to watch BBAD and read on line sites and would know who won HOH, POV etc. She would want to tell me in advance and I insisted I didn’t want to know! Now she doesn’t watch BBAD anymore (I don’t either) but I find out all kinds of info from this blog. Now,I want to tell her things and she doesn’t want to know! Last week when it was pretty certain Frankie( who we both could not stand was going to be evicted this week, I was having a fit to tell her and she would not let me! LOL. She was delayed starting to watch last Thursday( to see who won the veto) and I kept texting her to ask where she was in the show, she finally said. “Mom you need to relax” LOL
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OMG, that darn auto correct, I meant to say Jolee not Joker. Geez!
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EV, LOL … that happens to me all the time! When I type “Jo” if I don’t check it will change my name to “Ho” … not good! 🙂 I have a niece named Cappie and it changes her name to Crappie! Also not good. So, I’d rather be Joker! 🙂 I love the story about your daughter. Things have a way of turning around! Only two more Big Brother’s and then what will we have to complain about!! 🙂
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That is funny about the auto correct. I have a granddaughter named Kiara and every time I text it to my daughter it comes out liars.
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hpr 56, that’s funny! Hope you catch it before it goes! 🙂
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Hey Everyone…….does anyone know if the 2nd part of HOH has been done????? Any info is greatly appreciated!!!!!! LOL I just love the spoilers!!!
I also hope this becomes a Survivor/BB Blog!!! That would be sooo cool!! If not, I will truly miss my friends here. Sad face!!!’
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Annie, the survivor blog is separate from this one but there is one. LM will give us the link later I’m sure. The owner of the blogs may combine them into one so we’ll see. There are many of us who blog on the Survivor blog so come on down once we have the link.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The only thing I have heard is their building something pretty big. A lot of construction and noise is what one live feed had Derrick saying earlier. He also thinks, since they had started so late, it will be sometime tomorrow, the second part of HOH. Victoria has said, a couple of times she wished Derrick would ‘throw’ the comp…How that makes any sense to her, let alone Derrick, is beyond me.
Guess we’ll find out if BBAD is live, remember, BBAD was a part of the first part of the comp…and some have asked them to put BBAD a part of the end, live.
From what I hear, Saturday the live BBAD stops. That is what’s being said by others.
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Hey guys, as far as the whole Derrick/Cody being told by production NOT to let Caleb know he was being evicted…..
I follow quite a few spoiler pages on Twitter. They all post the same stuff, more or less. I’m pretty sure I saw it there, but its hard to remember since so much has happened since then. I also belong to a group on Facebook ran by a guy who runs a spoiler website for BB. They were talking about it too. I just did a little Google action and found this.
“This looked like an actual blindside, and that may have been at least partially due to production stepping in to discourage a pre-eviction conversation. Admittedly, this is based on vague and partial information, but as I reported in our Live Feed Spoilers post earlier today, Cody and Derrick had a conversation this morning that implied they might have been told not to tell the nominees who was being evicted tonight — or possibly specifically not to tell Caleb he was being evicted. Like I said, the conversation was really vague and it went to fish before we heard the end of it, but if my assumptions about what was said are correct, production wanted tonight’s eviction to be a blindside.”
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More info……
I don’t think Caleb knows there’s a good chance he’s leaving tonight, and there was some vague conversation between Derrick and Cody this morning that implied that the “big dog” — a producer? — came in and said something to them. Based on what they were talking about — Caleb possibly being scorned by his exit — it sounds like maybe the producers told them not to tell Caleb he’s going, or at the very least, not to tell the nominees which of them will be sent out. Cody said something about them wanting a real reaction. He speculated that it’s an indication that this season’s going really well. Derrick disagreed and says he thinks it’s a hint that things are too predictable.
If it’s true that the producers encouraged the guys to make this a proper blindside, as badly as I’d feel for Caleb that he goes without seeing it coming, after Frankie’s underwhelming exit, where he was all smiles and glitter, very likely having been prepared for his eviction, I think viewers are due for something a bit less staged tonight. So Caleb might be in for a blindside.
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@ bobo – I always smile when I see your name because your moniker reminds me of my brothers – 4 of my 6 brothers served in Vietnam – the eldest, my favorite’s email is bobovnvetnurse – he was a medic in Vietnam (a lover not a fighter) met and married a nurse, came home went to nursing school and for many, many years was the only male nurse at his hospital – he’s an amazing guy – you have similar personalities – love reading your posts!
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