Hi y’all!
Well, I’m going to go ahead and open up the diary room. Keeping in mind that it’s not going to make a bit difference who gets voted out because the reset button was push, who would you vote to evict?
Would you vote to evict…
CODY, the guy who was hot and sexy until he started hanging out with Christine
VICTORIA, who — well, heck, I can’t think of anything to say about Victoria. She’s just kinda there.
Cast your vote in the comments below! Or cast it over on the right side of the page! Make your voice heard and remember, the reset button has been pushed so the first vote on Wednesday night isn’t going to make that much of a difference.
Since the reset button has been pushed — *sigh.* Bleh bleh bleh bleh. Can you tell how unenthusiastic I am about this twist?
Since the reset button has been pushed, they’ll do the whole week over again on Wednesday night. Frankie will again get compete for HoH. Derrick will not. Does this seem like a blatant ploy to allow Frankie to be HoH two times in a row? It sure does. If, as has been rumored, it does turn out that they’re doing to the exact same HoH and veto competitions all over again, I will freaking scream. However, I don’t think they will because both the HoH competition and the Veto comp were timed and I don’t think they’d have time to fit both of them into 44 minutes of screentime.
But, honestly, considering who we have in the Top 5, I imagine that, reset or not, Victoria is going to be evicted tomorrow night.
We’ll find out tomorrow!
For now, as much as I hate to do it, I have to vote to evict Cody. I like looking at him but, sad as it may be, Victoria is the only girl left in the house and considering how misogynistic this season has been, I have to root for her to win. Yes, I know that Victoria is a terrible player and that it would be a total joke for her to win but honestly, it would be the perfect ending for this particular season.
Go Victoria!
Lisa Marie
I vote to evict ……. Oh, I can’t decide. I want it to be FRANKIE!
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LM you are so right that the perfect ending for this season is having Victoria win. So I have to agree with you and evict Cody. I’m through hoping for any outcomes. To quote Doris Day, “Que Sera Sera”.
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Well, well let’s see hummm. I want a do over. Okay then Sharon, I also vote to evict Frankie. Okay, I’ll behave. I vote to evict Cody. Whew! See you here after the show tomorrow. {{{HUGS}}}
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I agree with you Lisa. I would have to evict cutie pie Cody! However, as an eternal optimist, I am hoping ( and praying) that the rewind will completely go against Frankie. They won’t be able to replay the POV because the house guests would know the answers. Cody was close to winning the HOH ~ so …. it could happen!!! PLEASE!!!! 🙂
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@LM..our resigned sentiments exactly!!! lol
We are all of like minds, I see. As nice and sweet and hot as Cody is, he isn’t a huge comp winner and eventually there is going to be a F3 and i don,t see anyone taking Cody at this moment! Frankie thinks he has Caleb all sewn up. BB DOES have Frankie all sewn up, so no question of his going. Derrick just last night told Vic that Cody was ok in the house, but that he had nothing in common with him and couldn’t see ever hanging out with him after the show. But he already has plans, including his WIFE, to see Vic. That being said, and added that he is sure he can beat her in F2, I think Derrick will take Vic. Of those 4, I would LOVE to see Frankie GONE, but unless they decide to please the fans instead of Frankie’s little sister, I doubt that is going to happen! And I too would like to see a girl in at LEAST the F2! They deserve it after the season long Boy’s Club and pigsty they were subjected to!!! And it being Vic would be SO UNEXPECTED…just like BB, right???lol
So for those unclear reasons, I vote to evict Cody!! 😀
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Or since it’s pretend this week, maybe we should evict the RAT!! (Wait….isn’t that Frankie??? )lol
Oh Hell…I really don’t care anymore…lol
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I think it would be hilarious to see Vic win especially if she was in the final 2 with Derrick or Frankie. LOL
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Star, I loved your post!!! I agree!! I dont care anymore! I still believe Frankie could go home if those lazy, follow-the-leader (Derrick) would get a backbone and win some comps! Where there’s life, there’s hope!! Like I said, I am a “glass half full” girl! 😉
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Just evict Frankie……. replay hope he does not win anything
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Cody without a doubt! Victoria ‘s time will come. She’s basically a nothing in the game. She doesn’t deserve to go to end. Sorry to say….
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Okay, figured I’d just dvr and fast forward, so here is what I saw on half of BBAD within it…all hanging out talking about racism and those who said bad things. Vic said they shouldn’t and Frankie said it was just part of the game to ignore…ff……Derrick and Vi alone in HOH, talking about their plan to confuse Frankie, and make him think Vic has turned on Derrick…but I even wonder if Vic can even keep a straight face when she ‘confronts’ Derrick tomorrow…ff….Caleb thinks he sees the rat in kitchen and moves things around…gives up…ff….Caleb and Cody playing ‘catch’ with a bean bag (I think) acting like they could make it to the majors…ff….playing for the camera….And that was about an hour. Calling it a night
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I vote to evict FRANKIE!!
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I vote to evict
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FrankieCody!Support our blog by signing up for the BB22 Live Feeds via CBS All Access
Thanks LM, great post making something out of nothing! Yes, poor Cody should probably go. I hope they have new comps because, as you said, the HOH and POV comps took too much time so they’ll have to come up with other comps. I hate to admit it but Frankie is killing those comps.
Tonight was too much Frankie’s face IMO. I liked Caleb in the DR explaining the comp. He was the most entertaining and funny. Cody was so cute and funny laughing at those blended faces. I enjoyed those two during the comp. Even tho we knew Frankie would win, I was still disappointed, go figure. 🙂
Hey to everyone and some of the regs whose names I remember, Aggie, Star, Bob, Macy, Swt, Jolee, hpr and anyone I missed including anyone who pops in every once in awhile. Forgive me, my memory ain’t what it used to be. nite all!!
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I heard speculation that because the timer on the clock is supposed to go off around 5:30pm BBT (about the middle of the live show). They will do the normal see how things played out this week, do some Jury House stuff (I guess Dan visits either the show or the jury house), then they do the vote. Either before the HG is announced to go, or just after the HG gets evicted and is headed to the door, the buzzer goes off and the rewind week is revealed! Personally I think that would be AWESOME! I don’t think they’ll have time to do an HOH, noms, POV, POV ceremony, and then final eviction in that last half of the show.
I suppose its possible if they do one of those Before or After HOH’s where its just 7 questions, then maybe a POV that is like the maze where you hold on to the piece and have to guide it through the long board type thing. Those comps would literally take less than 5 min each. I think it would be cool if it was done that fast just to ratchet up the anxiety. Should be a good, fast paced show regardless how they do it.
I really hope since Frankie has won the last 3 comps, he doesn’t win HOH or POV and the guys send him packing. I don’t think its possible for them to beat him on 2 straight comps, but they HAVE TO! I’ve had my fill of Frankie. I will give credit where credit is due. The dude DOES win a ton of comps, but man….humble is something he isn’t. Sad to say it but just based off of comp wins, Frankie has emerged as quite a force to be reckoned with. I so hope he’s gone tomorrow.
BTW….did anyone notice how many times Frankie says “I” in any given show. I won this, I have a target on my back, I’m a competition beast, I, I ,I…..dude just can’t NOT talk about himself and how great he is. Even sitting in the HOH room alone, he’s talking to the cameras saying how great he is. I’ve noticed it plenty of times but now since its down to the nitty gritty, he stands out even more.
Last thing….my girl friend said something funny and I can’t remember if I shared it on here. She was watching Frankie when he wins a comp or gets addressed by Julie or is at the center of attention for whatever reason…..he’s always dancing and/or spinning around. She said, “He looks like a pink poodle dancing for Snausages.” HAHAHAHA!!! It still cracks me up because I can just see the picture of it in my head. Had to share. 🙂
No vote for me, pointless till the rewind goes down.
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I vote to evict Caleb…really loves himself and thinks America loves him…uggg…I would love to see Vic and Derrick final 2 and Vic win….just to see Der face…the way he has used her is pathetic….wonder what “the wife” feels about his behavior with her..you can tell Vic loves him…would love to know how she will feel when she sees the show…can’t stand Der…voting for Donny for AFP…
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morning , I vote to evict Derrick, Cody, Frankie, Caleb , Victoria, ~~~`~~~~~~~~~~~~ good grief, I’m tired of this, this kind of game playing, WTF, this show you was all about comptations, enduraancces ( brain is not awak to me yet)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I don’t know this is the worst I have ever seen !!!
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So sad. I hope they don’t do same ones again. Then Frankie might win and I so want him to go home soon like yesterday. Sadly I vote to evict Victoria. Wonder how she will feel about Derrick wants she has seen the whole show, wonder if they get the live feeds. Her family will clue her in on what the boys and Christine said about her.
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I vote to evict Cody. Sorry cutie.
Caleb cracks me up. Didn’t like him at all in the beginning but after Amber left he “let his hair down” and the uninhibited Caleb came out. I love his wacky stories and the Cletus impersonations. How can you not like a goofball like that? I wish he wasn’t so delusional. If we are gonna dream we might as well dream big!
Loved Izzie…wish she could have stayed longer.
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No vote from me because it’s pointless I feel so let down with this season if it weren’t for LM and this blog BB would be a big fat zero. I want Vic to win hoh and send Frankie packing. After that I really don’t care “who does what”.
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I am not sure how the name got twisted but the the name Frankie got inserted between the J and oyce in the last comment and is “awaiting moderation. I will repeat what I wrote. No vote from me because it is pointless. I feel so let down this season and if it weren’t for LM and this blog BB would be a big fat zero. I want Vic to win Hoh and send Frankie packing. After that I don’t care “who does what”.
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I vote to evict Allison and the rest of production
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Cody, it’s time to go.
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Sylvie, I’m with you, Grodner has got to go!!!
OK, I vote to evict Cody only because it doesn’t mean anything. Then I want Cody to win HOH and send Frankie packing. OH wait, Frankiestein would have to leave without packing, would have to leave all his makeup and disgusting short shorts in the house for the others to pack up later.
Frankie really overboard in celebrating his POV win. Is it possible he was even more obnoxious than ever? It isn’t very often I accuse a comp winner of being a poor sport, but Frankie is the epitome of that phrase. I lost count of how many times he pointed out his win the kitchen. And asking Victory how long it had taken her? What was that about. Talk about rubbing salt into wounds. The creep has no grace or class.
Would be hilarious for Victoria to win. The poor deluded thing actually thinks she’s played a good social game, was a contender in many of the comps. But it was sad how production juxtaposed her DR session with clips of her various failures.
@ joanie, I don’t think Vic loves Derrick. They have become good friends and that’s all it is. I think Victoria is a good person and truly looks forward to getting to know him and his family outside the house. What is it about their relationship you think Derrick’s wife would object to? There has never been any hint of anything except friendship and mutual respect between them. Are you saying a married person can’t be friends with somebody of the opposite sex?
O/T who has been watching Utopia? That show is proving to be pretty good, though they certainly chose some oddball characters as the cast. During the first episode, I thought the ex con one of the most sane, reasonable people of the group; after his melt down about them all having to fit what they wanted into the one big crate, he mellowed and actually worked to calm others when there was disagreement. Then he followed Red into forming their own little splinter “country” and his attitude has gone down hill. Yes, he was right to argue for food stuff like Raman noddles; they need food that is filling and calorie-rich. But then I didn’t see any Raman when those too got their groceries. I saw chips and cookies, beef patties (which would have to eaten in one day), bologna and condiments that need refrigeration once opened and a bunch of other junk. They did buy plain white rice, which was smart.
OK, done with that rant.
The rewind comps had better not favor Frankie tonight. If they do, I will scream. I want the little queen gone already.
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Please send Frankie home. He is on I am the greatest syndrome. I can’t take him anymore. Cody needs to go, he is just as bad as Christine. He’s no angel, he knew Christine was married.
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Did anything happen exciting last night? We have horrible storms in our area so they kept it tuned to the weather report all during the show. I wish if they reset the game that Derrick would also be allowed to participate in the HOH competition. Just not Frankie AGAIN…I want him OUT!!!!
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Tonights episode will likely be the turning point of the season. Finally some excitement. The key is to beat Frankie. If the others have any chance they HAVE to get rid of him. No more pussy footing around. It is time. I would think they all must be realizing it this time.
The best would be if Vic would win HOH. Not likely but would be awesome. Imagine her being HOH and making the biggest move of the season. Wouldn’t that be something.
Time will tell.
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I vote to evict Victoria.
1. I can’t stand her voice
2. She has done NOTHING all season, but whine.
3. There is absolutely no reason for her to still be there or to be there at all.
On the other part – I think it is STUPID & SET UP for Frankie to go to the end. I would NOT be surprised at all if it were set up so the jury MUST vote for him to win.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I used to love BB but these last 2 seasons and this one the most has been awful.
Frankie should have been the first one out the door.
He is NASTY & Disgusting & RUDE he clearly has no manners or class.
But as I have said before no matter how much money he and his family have –
Money can’t buy you class. That is so OBVIOUS in his case.
This summer has been a waste. Everyone I really liked and hoped had won has
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dang computer – had left the show – Donny & Nicole.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They were my only hope to recover this summer.
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I gagged a little in the back of my throat after Frankie won POV – so done with this show – bring on Survivor and Amazing Race already. This season is the absolute worse and the only thing to improve my opinion of this show is when the reset goes into effect, Frankie DOES NOT win HOH and get puts up for eviction and gets EVICTED! I will do the happy dance for sure.
I voted to evict Victoria, but I know it doesn’t count. I am just so tired of her checking herself out in the mirror every chance she gets. The comments she makes in the DR about winning each competition, she doesn’t come close! What a joke. In the BB dictionary, the definition for the word floater should just have her picture.
Great write up LM – I alway look forward to reading your blog for anything I might have missed. Please do the same for Survivor and AR!!
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I could put on a blindfold, throw a dart at their faces & not even check to see who I targeted to send home. This whole week was such a waste of time. CBS just need to stretch the season. I’m kind of over it! I still half-heartedly am rooting for Derrick to win and Victoria to be the next to leave. I had trouble listening to her call herself a competition princess & Derrick was the Robin to her Batman… is this alternate reality BB? Or was it said tongue in cheek & I missed it? Oh well, over that too! Who wins? Over it! Frankly, (pun intended) I don’t even care if Frankie wins. You gasp? The way I can justify it, I’ll never have to see him again & children in Africa will have new schools, sort of a win, win!!
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Happy bday BBBB. I’m sort of picturing you like the Wizard to our lil land of Oz. Can you give Frankie a heart? And Caleb a brain? How about some courage for Derrick? And send Victoria home please. And her lil dog Cody too!
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I vote to evict Frankie. As quickly as possible please!
@junksies – I agree with you – Caleb cracks me up. He is silly and goofy and is the only thing I enjoy about watching the show here lately.
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Hilarious, Courtney. I actually would like to see Victoria win at this point. She is not stupid, young and spoiled maybe, but I think when she says she is a Warrior Princess, she has her tongue planted firmly in cheek, even if we can’t see it. I think she knows what she is doing. Yes it would be nice to see the kids in Africa get new schools, but I’d rather see Frankie’s face when he comes out the door to boos. I think he will be shattered when he gets back to the real world and sees how he is perceived. He was entertaining and everyone kind of liked him in the first few weeks, but look at what he has done to himself now.
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Happy Birthday BBBB.
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Frankie will continue with his charity in Africa. It’s the only thing that makes him look good. Something has to compensate for his disturbing, obnoxious, conceited ways.
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Evict Victoria please!
last standing girl i know, but really needs to continue resting and doing her hair and makeup in the Jury house.
I am going to watch UTOPIA
Over the Amazing Race a while back when it became a Reality Star “continuation” show
Not crazy about Survivor Blood and Water and they need a change as much as BB
Julie is OK as a host but really blah!
I repeat I don’t care who wins
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with the reset button wouldn’t it be that Derek would be at a disadvantage since he doesn’t get to play?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think it’s all going to depend on the type of competition. If its endurance… Caleb has a good chance against Frankie.
I vote to evict Victoria. Reward the ones that played the game.
Happy Birthdy LM
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Very happy birthday LM. It is my daughter’s birthday today too.
I know the idea is that the last week didn’t happen but I’m hoping they will allow ALL house guests to compete for HOH. And please make it something that gives the others a chance.
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yo back atcha SF
CYNDEE – welcome
i vote to evict cody
O/T watching utopia – wish theu had a more colorful moderater – the one they have makes it feel like a documentary. forget the guys name that went on trial – but he totally reminds me of BB jeremy
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Happy Birthday BBB.
BTW, BBB is the owner of this blog and LM is our wonderful poster who keeps us up-to-date and does a marvelous job. If it weren’t for her, BigBrotherBill (BBB) wouldn’t have a blog. Now let’s see how many of you read this.
I don’t know what all the hate is about Victoria. I agree with Ted, and that’s really rare, she’s just young, immature and naieve, not stupid. She’s just so happy to be on the show and it shows and she’s funny. Her voice is a bit irritating but she’s just funny if you watch her facial expressions. I agree with erie that there’s no way there’s been anything but friendship between Vic and Derrick so stop with that BS just trying to get a reaction out of us.
As for Utopia, yes, it looks to be a good and fun show to watch even with the bleeps. I won’t go into a long thingsbut those two who made their own little kingdom are creating some terrible future havoc and problems. What is going to happen when all their money is gone? Idiots.
OK, I’m cranky today, can you tell? I apologize. Hope you all have a great day and pray for rain for Ca. God knows we need it.
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@Starfish Victoria isn’t stupid. Young and naive and maybe a bit delusional but not stupid. Derrick really has taken her under his wing. I wouldn’t doubt they stay in touch. Maybe not great friends but there is a mutual respect there. We obviously have not been privy to so much.
Also, somebody said it was Bill’s birthday with the first Happy Birthday post.
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I think Victoria knows exactly what she’s doing.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How do you enter this kind of a game and not be an aggressive player..
it’s just another way of saying floater. ..just my opinion.
thanks to BBB also.
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Starfish, I pray for rain for you and all of my family who live in CA. 🙂 Let’s hope tonight’s show will bring a little sunshine into a very boring BB season! 🙂
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Checking out Utopia, I’m on the 1st 13 minutes & I’m already wondering if they aren’t allowed knives like BB. I can’t see them all alive in 12 months.
Good luck with the rain in CA
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Rewind….and I vote to evict Frankie.
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Thanks starfish. I know the difference but obviously my senility was taking over. LOL Let me try again. Happy Birthday BBBlogger Bill. And I agree about the blog. LM is awesome.
Courtney, I love your comment about Utopia. I’m going to have to check it out with on demand now. Sounds pretty interesting.
Also I like the reference to Izzy being a true “rescue dog”. They really need one!!! And the fans need to be rescued from boredom. I thought you were all going crazy. LOL.
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hpr, yes, we do need rescued from this boring show and rescued from the obnoxious one called Frankie. 🙂
Janice, yep, I agree that’s what I said regarding Vic. “she’s just young, immature and naive, not stupid” I also explain BBB or Bill’s birthday today in my post.
Thanks Jolee, I know there’s a lot worse things going on in the world but I appreciate your sentiment to pray for Ca rain. (y)
Courtney, I agree about Utopia. No knives LOL and thanks for the luck. We need it.
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@macy, the moderator on Utopia also moderated a similar show a few years ago where kids were put on a camp and told develop their own society, it was a big hit for NBC, I think. I wasn’t able to watch much of that show due to my work schedule at the time, but my son watched it and he doesn’t normally watch reality shows. We’ve both been waiting for another installment of that show. The host’s mustache is a little creepy though; he didn’t have that when he did the kids’ show. Oh, and Utopia started as a program in Denmark, but they had only 8 people and took 3 years to complete the experience.
As for BB, Happy bday, BBB.
I agree Victoria is naive and a little immature, insecure and totally out of her comfort zone. I’d love to know what motivated her to go on BB in the first place, it certainly wasn’t the money because she had to know her chances of winning were slim right from the time she signed on the doted line. I don’t find her voice grating at all, love her accent.
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hpr 56, Thanks for the reminder of “on-demand.” I also missed Utopia last night. I will check it out. Hoping something really BIG happens on BB tonight. I think this will be the last chance for the house guests to make a move to get Frankie OUT!!!
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Is it just me OR is FRANKIE the biggest pompous “full of himself” ass that ever played the game? I was screaming curse words every time they showed him patting himself on his useless back side. Give me a break – what a JERK! This is rigged this year, it has to be…….don’t see how he won’t win unless those idiots in there decided to give the money to the other person – will they actually wake up and realize that this jerk doesn’t deserve or need the money? !!!!! Please wake up people!!!!!!!!!
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Happy Birthday Bill.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I know it won’t happen but i’d laugh if vic won and the guys all need to be knocked down a peg or four.
the ppl i feel deserve it are in the jury house.
Hope everyone has a nice evening.
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@Jolee from yesterday – Can’t believe you don’t recognize satire when you see it. Lucky that I’m not in this years cast as Frankie would not be breathing and I’d be in jail.
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Sir Rock – your girlfriend nailed it about Frankie. (Mr. Kissy-Lips). He’s like some cartoon character.
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I vote to evict Cody if only to prevent Hankie Frankie from being alone in the house with four men and lots of cameras and mirrors after this week HOPEFULLY! Then somehow, some way shut him up and send him out the door!
At any moment I expect Hankie Frankie to burst into song and dance and sing his favorite – non Ariana – lyric over and over again in the HOH room no matter who is HOH:
I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Anyone who isn’t me tonight.
I feel charming,
Oh, so charming
It’s alarming how charming I feel!
And so pretty
That I hardly can believe I’m real.
See the pretty boi in that mirror there:
Who can that attractive boi be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty doo,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!
I feel stunning
And entrancing,
Feel like running and dancing for joy,
For I’m loved
as America’s most wonderful boi!
I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty
That this city should give me its key.
A committee
Should be organized to honor me.
I feel dizzy,
I feel sunny,
I feel fizzy and funny and fine,
And so pretty,
Miss America can just resign!
See the pretty boi in that mirror there:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Who can that attractive boi be?
Such a pretty face,
Such a pretty doo,
Such a pretty smile,
Such a pretty me!
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looks like obama is going to have his speech at 9ET and 8CT sowe shouldnt miss any of our show –
my wine i a chillin – just gotta figure out my snack
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The moderator on Utopia has a Hollywood Frontier Nouveau look, takes me a while to adjust
fake glasses ? Like Derrick who doesn’t wear them now
But yes it’s a great train wreck waiting to happen
@LM would you like to blog about that?
They used to have knives on BB when I was younger LOL, then a HG put it to a HG’s neck and off they went. Different network so you are right about Utopia they may not all make it alive
I hope I don’t sound too sarcastic today, it’s just BB has lost it’s charm, suspense, fun and i am pissed
Let me go twirl and sprinkle some fairy dust in my hot kitchen
@Starfish , we need rain !
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As a Man, I can say these four boys are acting as jerks (little jerks). I vote to evict all the males! Victoria wins.
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Sooooo usually if it is 8 Central time then it is also 8 Mountain time which means it will be when BB is supposed to be on where I live. That sucks big time.
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Okay…. Happy birthday BBB……………
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Just a heads up. Many BB spoiler pages and fb groups have discussed this Rewind Twist to death. Almost all of them are predicting that there will be NO EVICTION tonight. The timer is supposed to go off with 25 min left in the show. They predict that they will explain the twist, the noms will come down, and everyone will play for the HOH except Derrick. After the comp, the HOH will put up the new noms….and they think that’s about it for the show. I stress, these are PREDICTIONS, not facts…but I can totally see it going down like this. I have to say I’m disappointing in this. I figured, like many, it would be a Fast Forward type of show with the whole week playing out in an hour. Doesn’t sound like that’s gonna happen. I’m pretty disappointed. CBS completely blew it this week.
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I’m in central Cal and two days ago it drizzled a little bit and then absolutely poured, for 5 minutes. Weird for this time of year. I soooo wanted more.
Sorry to be O/T. Have more to say when I get to my desktop.
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Sir Rock, that really ticks me off. That’s just not right. I know you said it isn’t fact but it does sound reasonable.
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SIR RK and HPR – on the upside if that happens – if caleb wins hoh – it will give derrick more time to have him get out frank
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That’s true, Macy. But I could collapse from waiting by Sunday. LOL
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@Sir Rock CBS blew it this week? More like this season.
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Yikes Sylvie! Then they better even take toenail clippers from the Utopia cast!! A year is a very long time to plan the perfect accidental utopian mishap! I wouldn’t trust any of them…except maybe the woman collecting human excrement to grow crops. (She might be the 1st victim) Now what’s the opposite of vegan? Oh yeah, carnivore. That would be me!! Until the proverbial s**t hits the fan lol
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Sir Rock, that would suck because didn’t Julie say we would have one entire week in one day? Who knows what she says anymore. I thought that was it but now if we have to wait until Sunday, that just stinks! 😡
If Frankie wins again, the noms may be the same. Do any of them have the cajones to put up someone else besides Victoria? I wonder…and yes, it would really be a hoot if Vic won HOH and even won the game. Then she would have bragging rights which is better than Frankie because all he does is brag on himself as it is. Bleh
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hope they zoom in on franks reaction (see if he turns his ACTING skills on)
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TxDeeva… Glad someone agrees with me. LOL!!!
Courtney (32) and C’est… Very befitting and too funny.
TedStrutz… Totally agree with you except for the African school thing cause I don’t think that F would follow thru.
Wouldn’t it be funny if Vic has all of us fooled? She is soooo bad at everything that maybe, just maybe, she’s really that good. She sometimes irritates me, but I wouldn’t mind if she won. Anybody but lizard boy.
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Rich, I answered your remarks on the other blog! I appreciate your comments. 🙂
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C’est, I love, love, love your little Frankie ditty!! 🙂
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Happy, Happy Birthday, BBBlogger!!! ♥ You give us the gift of this blog all summer long and our gift to you is our happy, smiling faces and quick, little typing fingers! Maybe we should have set them in clay and sent them to you.. like kids do in school !! After all. we are all kind of like your kids on here as we love, fight, argue and MIND our BBDAD when he tells us to KNOCK it OFF!!!!lol
C’est…….always loved that song but your lyrics for frankie were much more meaningful than the original was!! lol (funnier too!!)
@SF..be happy to send you some rain if I could!!! We have had nothing but lately..and the storms that come with them!!(And loss of power!!) I think about all my OL friends in Cali when I hear about all the flooding going on everywhere and how you guys actually NEED the rain!!! Too bad no one has figured out how to redirect the weather by now!!! 😉
@macy..is this going to be a WINE night?? That is usually when endurance comps run over. With Obama being on at 9:00 I doubt we will hae any of those!! But..we might still need it to listen to any bad news he has!!! lol
And I’m not sure if it was you or HPR that mentioned it but I made mention of izzy being a *Resque Dog* on last post! 😉 I didn’t watch BBAD last night either! Haev had a long week and fell dead asleep on the couch!!!! Does anyone know if the puppy was on BBAD??? I still have it..maybe I will FF thru to see. I have gotten so I don’t like the 3 hour BBADs. WAY to much time this year with these idiots!!
And I agree with Sir Rock..from what I can figure, there will be no eviction tonight. And I don’t think it will be one Sun either. I am thinking it will be NEXT Wed. They made this week a complete DO -OVER just to make BB last until Sept 24th!!! How STUPID do they think we ARE?? We are the FANS..not teh HGS. CBS!! Do NOT confuse us!!!!! 😛
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STAR izzy wasnt on BBAD ):
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Star…oh but they do mess with the weather, it’s called HARP. No, little Izzy not on bbad.
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I’m west coast so ya’ll are ahead of me but I’m gonna pop that cork now hoping in a couple of hours I will see Skanky booed out the door.
Shuttin’ down, don’t want any spoilers…
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Total disgust!!! Same comp that ms. Frankie won before. CBS has let us down. You know he is a “shoe in”. I would love to eat my words. Plz plz someone …ANYONE….plz win over Frankie. .
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JOYCE – we knew this was gonna happen -just a bad pill to swallow
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The good thing is everyone including Victoria is doing better than the first time around but stinks because it definitely is geared towards Frankie. Even though I feel that way, it does look like Cody is right in there.
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Whoever has live feeds plz keep us posted
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Another Julie expect the expected. Did she not say if the button was pressed “Rewind back a week and replay the entire week in ONE night and send the next house guest to the jury?” More CBSBS
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C’est Moi ici – Well put.
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@Junksies..I’ve neer heard of HARP. I will have to google it right after the comp!!lol
I have LFS on..just showing LF reruns!!! Will let ya know when anything happens
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was late with dinner so we watched it on DVR and just got done! Plus I missed the President so I am playing catch up BIG TIME!!! lol
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Go CODY!!!!! He was looking good last I saw. And the audience laughed along with Frankie again. What is the matter with those people? The must have read or seen the same gross things we have. How anyone can find him amusing is beyond me. Go CODY!!!
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I couldn’t beleive howCOLD everyone was to Christine in jury! Not that she didn’t deserve it, but those were all athe NICE HGS…so I expected them to hide their negatice feelings more!! But they ROCKED!!! Can you say AWKWARD!!??LOL (I always think of Danielle Donato whenever I hear that word on BB!!!) Christine may need the help of a therapist after the show. She ahd taken alot of mental and emotional BLOWS this summer!!! I don’t really like her, but it’s gotta hurt. And I wouldn’t want to BE her if her hubby leaves after all is said and done!!!
Man…..t’s only been 4 years since Dan’s 1st season and he sure had changed! He looked so much more mature now! But I thought all his answers were vvery safe and PC. Rather disappointed.
Nothing yet on LFs………..YAWN……..
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@Shayne..I agree! I was shouting at the TV for Cody to win ! I wouldn’t even mind Vic, but she had already fallen beind. Wah wah……
There was a message across the LF screen saying taht they were preparing for tonight’s show….which isn’t for 2.5 hrs yet. So not sure if that meant that we aren’t going to see the results until then or what!!! Anyone else watching LFS??
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Caleb is wearing HOH necklace!!!!
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spoiler alert
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STAR now derrick will have time to work on caleb to get frank out -BUT who else will win veto
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So glad Caleb won.
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This is what HAS TO HAPPEN. Caleb needs to put up Frankie and Victoria. Everyone will compete so the backdooring is pointless. Then anyone of the other 4 (I’m looking at you Derrick….27 seconds to slow last time) needs to win the POV.
They got WAY better at that see-saw comp. I’m guessing Frankie/Derrick have the faces/names memorized and that comp will take less than 2 min for each of them. Gonna be a nail biter.
I was really bummed out about the Rewind not being a Fastforward type day, but since Caleb won the HOH, I’m all good in the hood!
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@ SR….Unless Cody and Der get to Caleb, I don’t see that happening. He is very proud of his whole loyalty thing and Frankie seems to be his biggest recipient.
But I would love to see SOME kind of shake up…otherwise we just wasted a whole week of our lives!!!
Caleb was walking around the kitchen talking eye color, so he is studying pretty hard already too!! I am so mixed up with the time changes. Has the POV been moved up too ?? Well, guess that doesn’t matter …..thy still have to do noms yet. DUH!!lol
@macy….yes…work on Caleb is what is needed! He’s GOT to put Frankie up or nothing changes!! And one of the guys needs to win POV over Frankie. We can’t breathe anymre. We need a CHANGE!!!!!lol
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Forgive me….O/T
It’s 7:18 PST and I’m impatiently waiting 8PM and BB Live!!! In the meanwhile, I’m feeding my 6 children, of the 4 legged type, while I sip my Merlot and make dinner. Watched Obama speech, you know I am a news junkie, so I can’t help myself….and wonder who took him to the woodshed???!!!???? He was certainly in reversal, thank goodness, from that which he has said previously. Let’s go beat the heck out of ISIS!!!!
I’m sooooo jealous of the mid-west and east coasters who already know what happened on BB tonight!!!
Star and Macy…am I drinking alone? Hope not. 😉
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I don’t get it. Every seems to think Caleb will make a big move…only in his words has he done that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This is what is gonna happen, Caleb is gonna put up Victoria and Cody, same as before…and IF Derrick is able to get through the obvious stronger alliance of Frankie over Caleb, maybe Frankie will go up.
Don’t get me wrong, Frankie should have gone home a long time ago, and Derrick is the reason he hasn’t. Everyone in the house KNOWS that Derrick is the force…and hopefully, so will Frankie.
I will dvr BBAD, but for now, I’m watching WRASTLIN!
Check back later.
Oh, and by the way, do you think BB will honor the memories of those who died, through terrorist and acts of heroism? I’d like to see a picture of Derricks precinct put in, in a quick acknowledgment to putting his life on the line also. Just think it would be right.
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***Spoiler Alert***
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I always thought this week was designed more to hurt Frankie (or incumbent HOH) rather than help. I see how Caleb’s win is cause for celebration but best hold off for a few. Caleb prides himself on loyalty above all else & Frankie did not put him up last week. This is going to come down to who has the better persuasive powers…Frankie or Derrick. What if Caleb puts up both of them? Could be a lil excitement for a change.
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@Star – good point on Caleb’s loyalty. But they’ve show the 3 Ameigo’s saying multiple times they are going to the F3. Time will tell, but I can totally see what your saying. I’m know Caleb will be all over the place with his thoughts on what to do. That hamster on the wheel that powers his thoughts can only run for so long. 😉 Frankie will be up his butt, count on it. Caleb may only be alone when he goes to use the toilet.
No clue when the POV goes down. I’m sure the HG’s will be burning the Memory Wall pics into their brains. Since it’s a “true” rewind, shouldn’t the pics in the POV be the same? That should be easy as hell for everyone but Victoria. (17 min last time)
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oopsie Star…didn’t see what you wrote before I posted! Agree completely!
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@Courtney – if Caleb puts up Derrick and Frankie that will be ok because Cody and Vic will vote out Frankie. Of course that’s only if Frankie doesn’t win the POV
@Sir Rock you really gave me a nice laugh. Gotta love the hamster.
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Sounds like as of now, Caleb is leaning toward putting up Derrick and Victoria. Derrick is pissed, but hey, he’s never been on the block. He’s not putting up Cody for sure. I’m sure Frankie is saying he can meet Justin Beiber if he puts up Derrick. 😉
BB pages are saying the POV comp will be the same, but with different pics. Also, the Tuesday eviction will most likely be taped with an audience of CBS employees to keep from leaking any info. Never been a Live Feeder, but I’m thinking they’re just about done for the year, eh?
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Too bad it was Caleb, I think if he would put up Frankie, I bet he would get POV, He should put up Frankie and Victoria
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Talk on another blog say they hear Caleb talking about putting up Frankie and Victoria.
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