Okay, so I’ve been out-of-town for most of yesterday and today and, as a result, I haven’t really been able to watch the live feeds. However, I’m back, I’ve read through the comments, and I’ve done some checking around and let’s see if I can keep straight what has happened in the house since I last posted:
Super Hot Cody nominated Brittany and Victoria.
Frankie nominated Amber and Sobbing Jocasta.
(Yes, some of the HGs have nicknames and some don’t. What can I say? I’m still getting to know this latest group of Houseguests and, unlike previous casts, this group seems to be careful about what they say and do in the house. There’s been a definite lack of TMI conversations going on.)
Amber and Jocasta won the Battle of the Block! So, Cody is now officially HoH and Frankie has made an enemy out of Sobbing Jocasta.
Today, they had the POV competition and guess who won?
Now, I’m happy about this because, even though nobody else seems to like her, I do like Victoria because she looks a lot like she could be related to my BFF Evelyn. I have to admit that Victoria’s resemblance to my bestie is about the only reason I have for liking her. For the most part, Victoria has been one of the more low-key people in the house. She doesn’t seem to know how to fit in with everyone and there’s also something of a language barrier. (At home, Victoria mostly speaks Hebrew.) Victoria is a bit of an unknown, to both the viewers and to the other people in the house. Even though Cody and Frankie had earlier said that their target was Brittany, it was totally conceivable that Victoria could have been voted out this week because she literally seems to have next to no allies in the house.
(Or in the viewing audience. Judging from some of the comments on twitter, a lot of people forget that Victoria is even in the house, except when she’s casting her vote to evict.)
So, Victoria now suddenly has a little bit of power. She’ll undoubtedly use it to save herself. So, does that mean that Brittany is going to go or is Cody going to backdoor someone? This would be a perfect opportunity to backdoor Caleb, though I’ve heard some talk that it might be Donny instead.
(If Donny is nominated, how much you want to bet that the show’s producers will put some pressure on the HGs to vote out Brittany instead. Donny is good for ratings.)
And here’s another question to ponder —
With the number of HGs starting to dwindle, how much longer will the double HoH twist continue to be in effect?
Lisa Marie
I’m glad Victoria won. This will spice things up. Hopefully they backdoor Caleb.
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I hope that they don’t put Donny up.
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Here we go again. Eager to see what happens tomorrow! .
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Try again. I really hope that they do away with the double HOH It doesn’t add anything positive to the game. IMHO. {{{HUGS}}}
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I am lost as I have the feeds but haven’t watched them at all. I thought they put Devin up and that was who was going to be voted out this week, Someone catch me up to speed please
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So I guess TA is not important to Derrick, Frankie as they seem to be doing nothing to protect Donnie. Also they did not (so far) complete their mission by putting a physical threat on the block. Therefore they are not fulfilling TA’s mission. They need to send Caleb home since they failed to do that last week.
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I hope they backdoor Caleb.. he needs to go home.
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ha ha – amber has reeled caleb back into her web – does anyone know who got solitary?
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Hey lisa!!!
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OMG, Donnie is my favorite & he shouldn’t have any enemies he hasn’t hurt or lied to anyone that I know of good lord above get that crazy Frankie out he drives me nuts the way he acts ( HE THINKS HE”S CUTE ) & when the house guest find out about who his sister is they’ll have a bitter taste in there mouths about him I truthfully don’t think his brain formed properly while in mommy’s oven or he killed a few brain cells with all that wacked-up hair coloring ( IT LOOKS MORE LIKE FOOD COLORING ) & the way he styles it ( SOMEONE NEEDS TO TEACH HIM HOW TO GROOM HE HAS NO CLUE ON HOW TO LOOK OR ACT LIKE A REAL MAN ) like I said he acts like he just turned 5 haven’t any of you seen him watch the camera’s to see if one is on him he knows when it is on him he starts acting all cutesy & his eyes are watching the camera & you can see the difference in him when its off of him he loves going into that food room he keeps watching the camera & he’ll start his acting like he’s trying out for a roll for” Part Two ” In One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest “. I’m 100 % sure he is a good guy & has a loving family who love him as I do my kids, but there is just something about him that makes me think he’s very very very sneaky maybe he’s a mama’s boy but he is different or he could be just an odd job kind of person what do I know I’m 70 & in three months 71 & that’s no fun. Good night God Bless & God Bless our USA & Impeach the man living in our WH who has no clue either I guess one could put Obama & Frankie together they’d make a good pair either of them have a cell & you can’t trust either of them.
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Donny is such a nice guy, I hate to see him shot down so early. But for the most part the whole house is pretty good. A couple I suspect that would sell their souls, but all and all I’m pretty Impressed with this season group. I hope they stay calm and dont become as disgusting as last seasons bunch. My favorites so far Donny, Caleb, and Victoria. Nicole is of course like another all American girl. I cant believe she didnt make America team. I kinda think Frankie may have been one upped to appease and pull in viewers. Not saying he’s not a favorite but just not buying he was voted for more than a couple of others.
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I’ve become a fan of Victoria since she sported that black bikini!!! Honestly, I think Caleb will end up being nominated for replacement and Brittany will end up going home.
On another note I noticed on TMZ the other day that Frankie’s sisters show on Disney got cancelled. I guess she won’t be the next Hannah Montana.
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Forgot : Little Miss Christine is a sweetheart & she’s always smiling & she just hangs out & says nothing to get herself into any kind of jam, she just might win in the end she stands back & listens & agrees with everyone she doesn’t say bad or nasty remarks about anybody, she’s like this little ” Sweet Pea ” & with her glass’s off she is adorable. I like her & I like Donnie.
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bye bye little cowboy
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OK Happy Victoria decided to play, about her speaking a foreign language at home I get it, but doesn’t she go or gone to school ?
Anyways the poor thing doesn’t seem to know what to do in the BB house.
Hope Donny stays and Caleb goes .
Wonder if Devin has seen his baby girl ?
Thanks LM
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I agree with Judy B. Frankie is a Broadway actor looking for his next big part. House guests should vote him out and he can entertain on another stage, like Survivor. Caleb and Zach, both get under my skin. Jocasta is still only there because of Donny, whom is just a “good ole boy”. Lets move on with a double eviction and a single HOH. Thanks LM enjoy your comments and insight.
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I have been somewhat disappointed in the season 16 cast. They are not involved in conflict and chaos. We need more drama and conflict. The format needs to be revamped. Perhaps they wanted to play it safe since last years cast was so over the top. The pace needs for energy. I hope they can find a new edge and depart from a formulated spin.
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Thanks for the update, LM.
Gawd, could TA be any more lame? It is a simple task and with Frankie one of the HOHs it would have been an easy matter to complete that mission. And Donny is the target for a backdoor? For real? How messed up are these people, don’t they know how to play the game?
I hope Cody puts up Caleb instead of Donny. Maybe the DR will have something to say to him about his replacement nomination… for once I do hope they step in do something to keep that sweet man safe a few more weeks.
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OK I am concerned for Vickie, she afraid of all animal, was picked up by a crow as she says and thinks her hamsters opened their cage and left
Is she cray cray ???
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Sylvie, and don’t forget her favorite animal is a unicorn, after the hgs picked themselves up from the floor, and advised her a unicorn is not a real animal. she thought it and said ok I want a white horse with a tiara,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------yes funny farm a new white jacket for her when gets out of the bb house, oh yes, it ties up the back
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Thanks for you write up Lisa♥ ……… Good to here your knee is getting better Star♥♥.. ………………
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I hope Donny doesn’t leave. I enjoy him and he is such a down to earth sweet guy.
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LM, great update as always.
Debbie, all you have to do to catch up is go to the bottom of the page and click on the “previous post” link and read Lisa Marie’s update and the comments from previous posts. It’s all there.
Good to see some newbies posting today. Not much to add here. I really don’t have a favorite because I’m not seeing any real game play yet. I’m hoping it will happen as soon as they get the “floaters” out. I really like Donny too but I haven’t seen much game strategy out of him. He’s won a couple comps but says very little so we’ll have to wait to see unless he’s voted out. Makes no never mind to me at this point. He needs to work and initiate conversations with people. Sobbing Jocasta doesn’t count. As for the remainder of the HGs, it’s a fair group with very little drama. Hope springs eternal though. I’m hoping they get their game on soon.
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Hey Starfish!
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Hey Bobo, how’s tricks?
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Their for kids
Just kidding…. Things are good just watching a little of the feeds…
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OMG!! There’s alcohol in the house tonight. Saw Amber and another girl with wine glasses with grapes!! And Caleb may have been having a beer???
Also heard Derrick talking about the Serenity Prayer….could he be a friend of Dr. Bob? Just wondering. I was beginning to think that perhaps they were all taking medication that stated “No Alcohol with this med”!!! LOL!!
Wonder how the suds will affect their game….interesting. JMHO
Also thanks Lisa Marie for all you do for us!! We love you!!
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Thanks for the write up LM! I said from the beginning that this double HOH thing cvouldn’t go on long due to simple math. I have a feeling it weill end as soon as the jury house kicks in..which is like a week from thurs I think. Eviction after this. It has made the game more interersting in a way…added a new dimension. But just like with the coaches, all good things must come to en end on BB.
To whoever asked who got solitary, there wasn’t one this time. The rewards and punisments went like this:
Victoria won the PoV
Zach won a trip to Germany
Nicole will be in a German-tard.
Brittany has to kick goals and be outside all night. 2400 to be exact!!
Caleb won $5,000
Cody has to be outside every hour to get a kick in the butt from a shoe he pulls on a wooden thing. He has to do it everytime the music plays.
Poor Nic. I can’t beleive she ahd to wear anoteher outfit! Not ONLY does she have to wear German Leerhosen, she has to carry around a big bratwurst on a stick and a classic German beer mug 24/7!!!!
About the whole Donny thing….he is a *nice* guy, but actually very sheltered and kind of boring and really has few social skills. He never talks game to anyone(except for maybe Nic recently)so I am not sure what his strategy is. Do I want him to go home this week??? especially by being BDed??? No. i would rather see Brit or Caleb go. But I also don’t see Donny being able to stay in the game long term. But then again, Dan was really quiet his whole season right up until the end, there is no magic equation. Differnt things work for different HGS and it depends on the house dynamics.
@SF…thanks for your post on the last page. I hope this shot clear things up for good, but I would go get another in a hearbeat. My swelling is going down some already altho I have had a few side effects from the drug. But your words were encouraging so thanks for that. I just want to be FREE..from pain, restrictions and burdens for awhile!!! Had a good day overall, so feel like good things are coming!!
Read about your dog too and I am determined we are going to get one this summer. Have both male and females names picked put so hopefully can compare notes with you and Betty soon!!!
@Bobo…..thnaks for the shoutout and good wishes sweetie!!! ♥
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Who is the one who has a hut shoulder or knee? Have you tried stem cell treatment? I was in a car accident 4 years ago and have a turn meniscus in my knee and 4 herniated discs in my neck. I tried epidurals and nerve blocks. Did nothing. Then someone told me about their co-worker who had stem cell. She was bone on bone and recommended to have knee replacement. After one treatment she was 90% better. It takes around 2 weeks to start feeling the affects. You can Google stem cell treatment and read up on it. I did it and it helped so much. About 90% in my neck and 80% in my knee. There are different treatments of stem cell. I had the prp. Dr. Joseph Purita did mine. You can Google him as well and read what he says. Caring Medical (not sure of their name but it’s Caring something) has some YouTube of the procedure. Even though insurance doesn’t cover it, it still cost me less after all the 20% I paid for epidurals and nerve blocks. It’s worth checking out. It has a Ln 85% success rate.
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@Janice…it was me. I Don’t think it’s that serious, but thanks for the info. I do have scoliosis and eventually will prolly have vertebraes fusing, so it might be helpful then. But this all came about organically due to me breaking my foot last fall. It should have healed in 6-8 weeks, but I guess a piece of bone chipped out and it wasn’t healing. So I ended up in a walking cast from Nov to May. The cast was so heavy that it messed with my knee, as it was doing all the work for 5 months. The Dr I am seeing is in sports medicine and says he has seen this alot from the same situation. Neither he or my regular Dr think I need any kind of surgery so as long as I get movement and am pain free in my knee, I’m good. It also was throwing off my back and hips so badly from limping for so many months, that they were constantly in pain. But I am a believer in stem cells and am glad they worked for you! Thanks for your concern!!
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Hey Star…I love your comments…and I hope you have a speedy recovery!! I have back and neck issues so I can sympathize.
Well…Cody has to kick himself TEN times with a size 14 athletic shoe every time they tell him to.
Hayden is pushing HARD for Caleb to go because Caleb made a comment about being the richest man in the house now. Hayden is telling everyone he can and I think I heard a threat in the supply room!! Hayden said if he had a gun he’d kill him!!
If I’m right….Brittany has to make 2400 goals in 24 hours. That is 100 every hour so about 2 goals a minute. She rewards herself with a “sip” of wine every 50 goals!!LOL!! I don’t think she’s going to make it…maybe I’m wrong.
Didn’t see much of Frankie on BBAD…I think he’s upstairs sleeping …I hope he’s not sick. I heard about his grandfather being sick so I’ll pray for him….would be an awful way to leave the game. I like Frankie…maybe not to win but he is entertaining!!LOL
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@ Lisa Mari and Star: Thanks so much for the updates today. I was preoccupied and forgot to turn on the feeds! On BBAD tonight I was wondering why no one was helping Brittany retrieve the soccer ball for her. Do they know yet that the HGs with the least mileage will be the Have Nots next week?
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I didn’t like to see Victoria get POV
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It seems because of the sleazy season last time they went way too far in the opposite direction most of these people are as boring as hell, I can’t listen to the feeds for very long. and in seasons 6, 7, 8 and 11 I listened alot. not sure how some of you listen that much, it’s way too boring. another Mediocre season. I don’t think they will ever get back to the way it once was and that’s a shame. and then they wouldn’t even let us see the last comp on the feeds, that sucked. It’s CBS fault also they need to give them more things to do to at least make it more entertaining for those watching. The same old crap every season they are either playing pool or not doing much else outside. Get it together CBS.
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Does anyone else find it amusing Caleb actually thinks he looks like Robin Thicke ? I heard him say something about looking like Robin during the 1st week. Hey Caleb, word up !!!! You’re kind of cute, although a bit too cocky & “self-absorbed,” but one thing is certain, you don’t look like Robin Thicke. BBAD is soooooooo boring this year. I wouldn’t miss Amber, Victoria, Brittney, Christine, or Jocasta if they get evicted, however, I don’t want Donny to go. So glad I have TVGN & don’t have to pay to watch BBAD on Showtime anymore. Thanks to everyone for the updates & “kudos” to Lisa for all the updates, dedication, & hard work. TTFN !!

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Here’s my take on the nom replacement…Donny will be put up as a pawn…britt is still target…..if Caleb would be put up he would end up going home and so they would be stuck with Britt.. .Donny up Britt goes home.Mission accomplished for 1 more week. jmo
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I hope you are right DewyRose!
Hi y’all!
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With Britt and Donny as the final nominees, TA loses their challenge.
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DewyRose aka SM, aka AG….I sure hope your take on the nom replacement is correct. I really would hate to see Donny go home before some of the others in the house. I realize his days are numbered, but there are much bigger fish to fry at this point.
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Send home Victoria and Jocasta. I like Brit and she is playing the game, Derrick has some dislike for her that I don’t understand. Hayden is strange and will maybe show his true colors in the future. Again Frankie should go first. Team America is and was a joke.
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I think the only reason Frankie got on Team America was producers wanted to bring in his sisters fans & his youtube followers. I like Donny I would hate to see him go.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Amber keeps saying she does not like Caleb but keeps drawing (sucking) him into her web
to USE him. I think the greatest thing to do is get her out of the house ASAP and see if he actually plays the game.
If Donny goes this early in the game its a stupid move to make. So many others could go first. Like Victoria, Jocosta they are playing a floaters game. Amber is playing the men and they don’t see it. I would hate to see her all the way till the end. Christina is just doing to many alliances.
The only players I care to see is Nicole, Hayden, Donny, Derrick & Cody.
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Mary, I agree…I like Derrick, Cody, Donny Hayden & Nicole.
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@DewyRose, agreed!!
So the plan as of about 1a BBTime (still catching up on LF’s)…
Donny will be the replacement nom. Cody will let him know Monday before Veto. Explination being that he is the only one Cody can put up (since Amber and Jacosta are safe) that will not get a single elimination vote while sitting next to Brittney. They want her gone because they too are tire of the “deserving” crud. Side note tangent — All due props to single mom’s; but when you drive a BMW, pay $2600 a month in housing, and were able to buy all three kids IPod’s for Christmas, you may be stuggling but it’s more by choice than circumstance, IMHO. The other, bigger reason Brit is the target is that they know she is coming after the guys and should she win HOH chances are she puts up Zach and Cody.
There is a strong re-nom Caleb sentiment. And I can see a scenario where he goes off in the next 24h and finds himself on the block instead of Donny. Barring that, Caleb may be a stalker-in-trianing, but he is extreemly loyal to the larger group and should he be the next HOH he will not be targeting the core group. Hence, voting him out over Britney is a bad move.
I did read about a convo Frankie and Derrick had last night.. So don’t worry all you Donny-lovers, they have no intentions of letting him leave the house any time soon. In fact, the hope is that by using Donny as the pawn this week and keeping him safe they can get him to see that they are true to their word and get him more open to working with them.
Ok, TTFN!!
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It is too bad Victoria won the POV. I would have paid good money to see Victoria try to score 2500 goals! I can’t remember a more grueling task on BB. There is not a doubt in my mind, if Victoria had to do this, she would self-evict!
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So cool people are up and supporting Brittany in this Soccer Thing. She seems to be her own worst enemy though, kicking it differently every time and bitching about how it feels like her foot’s broken. I do like how she said to Donny, out supporting her, “I won’t give up.” She needs to actually either kick it just ‘soccer style’ using side of her foot or use the heel and go backwards if it hurts that much (I doubt it does. Toughen up Buttercup). She makes it hard internally also, by getting mad and swearing. We should all be concerned when it’s 9 in the morning and Brittany Martinez has sworn 7x as much as I have.
@Star: Get better girl. All serious things always take awhile to heal. I have faith in you. Positive energy. ॐ
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Brittany has to kick 2400 goals? What did she do to earn that?
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Even if Brittany does, by some miracle, score all 2400 goals, what will this get her? She will still be on the block and probably be the one going home or did BB tell her she would be safe? Makes no sense to me.
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Hey Betty, if she doesn’t meet the 24,000 she cannot play in next weeks veto. I wonder if she realizes how futile this is as I’d lay 9-1 odds she is out this week.
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Thanks Kimjmj – I didn’t hear about the veto penalty. I agree her efforts are futile, but I have to give her a little credit for trying. Do you know how many goals she has scored now?
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Last I heard she was at about 1/2 way around 930a BBT.. I guess the math she has to do 110 per hour at this point to make it. In her frustration she’s missing quite a bit which just adds to the frustration… Such a vicious cycle!
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Thanks, it doesn’t look like she will make it.
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@kimjmj: I’m with you. She bitches more than kicks and keeps changing shoes every 11 seconds…and seems she wants Donny or someone to tell her it’s an exercise in futility probably anyway. Hope she forges on. Someone needs to tell her to quit wasting valuable energy whining…she had three children didn’t she? Must be harder than kicking a little ball into a little goal in a studio lot in LA 2400 times. When others get up, I imagine they’ll cheer her up to doing it. Her pace is pathetic though…and fish now so who’s knows? She’s be wise yo click into computer mode, hoping a show of rallying can convince others to help her stay (???) and to simply allow her that chance to compete. She’s her own worst enemy.
Retweeted by BigBrotherTVFishbowl
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Devin shepherd @DevinShepBB16 51m
Thank you to everyone who supported me throughout. It means the world to me to hear you guys enjoyed, even if my game was nonexistent lol
Goleta, CA
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To me, the whole soccer thing seems to be really unfair. I understand that they probably did it because of the whole World Cup thing but still — 2400 goals in 24 hours!? I doubt any of the guys could get 2400 goals in 24 hours, much less Brittany. If I was her, I’d just say “F it” and spend the entire day making a deal to save myself this week and not get nominated next week.
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Lisa, I am with you all the way’ I would said “F it” & try & mend some bridges she made! I think I am up to date now…..Thanks everyone for your comments
A great big shout out to all my Vets♥ ……………………… 
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Would have said………..
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Brit has about 1513 so far…….
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That Donny is really a nice guy! He is the only one sitting outside & talking to Brit & making her laugh & just talking to her
……… He is an Okay & standup guy!! 
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Okay so Donny’s agreed to do jumping jacks if Brit makes 20 goals in a row, and is counting her shots. She did it & he got up & did them
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1600 so far took her 1/2 hour to do 100! Donny told her to name her ball
he said it will be like a team member & now she is talking to her new friend BLUE……….
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¸¸.•*¨*•♫All by myself, don’t be all by myself anymoooor.♪♫•*¨*•.¸
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Brittany talks with Jocasta….Saying it would be cool to hear BB say Brittany,you got 2400 goals in 24hours, & your safe this week ! Or you got 2400 in 24 hours & you get $2400.00. She said that she would leave on Thursday with a big smile on her face. She also said it would be good if America got to vote and keep her safe from going home but kicked out one of the boys, Like Zach!! ………………
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Brittany has 1754 in the net & has 7 hours to go! She might make
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Okay getting kind of board watching this cute girl kicking a ball! See you all later, by for now my friends………… ……………………..
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i think shes gonna get it done
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Kimjmj..thanks for letting us know the penalty for Brit not getting to 2400. I knew there had to be something!! But I am of the same mindset as those who say..WHY bother??? she must know she is going home!! So who cares if you can’t play in the Veto next week?? DUH!! I also think it was way inhumane for BB to make anyone…..male or female….do that many goals. Did she even get any sleep last nite?? Or eaten anything??? I think it’s cruel! Altho, she really wasn’t hustling at all when she started. Woul;d kick and then saunter to get te ball. Then drimk some wine. Why bother doing this if you don’t do it full strength?? I a;so thot that the other HGs could have been fetching the ball for her instead of just watching , drinking and cheering fom the side lines. Unless BB said they couldn’t do that. Do they KNOW about the whole steps for H/n’s next week?? If they do, that is another reason to be helping Brit out. Were we that lazy as 20 year olds??? God i hope not!!!lol
Kev11…good to cya and thankls for the words of encouragement. I feel like I am into the last healing stretch here. It’s been a long haul and I have actually gotten used to feeling bad vs good, so any improvement is going to be awesome!!lol He said it should start feeling really better by mid week. So fingers crossed. I only even mentioned that the other day as to why I had been MIA but I sure so appreesh all the love and support from everyone!!!
Annie…thanks to you too especially for liking my posts!!lol Sorry about your back and neck probs too. Seems like it’s always something.right??
TTYL and a shout out to my VETS!! ♥♥
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Donny is talking game with Cody. Trying to save Brittany and put Caleb up in her place. Not sure if he is just trying to appease Donny but says he is thinking about it. Brittany has been a trooper through this 2,400 goals in 24 hours but I really want Brittany gone this week.
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@Dianna………..www.bioinnovations.net and search in there until you can find where you can order by reg. mail, their small catalog…sometimes you can save more money that way.
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Donny was making sense when talking to cody re bd caleb, cody looked like he was taking the bait, next thing announcement time for cody to get more kicks. Donny helps him while holding the pole, while brit is still going strong, after cody is done, he goes back to sit and along comes Christine.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was called away to phone and have no idea how it turned out, but with Christine not well, Donny did say to cody if u want caleb out we will make it happen. one can only hope.
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2206……. doing well!
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Thanks everyone for the updates. Poor Brit, but she’s young so it shouldn’t be as much of a deal although I agree with Star, it’s a mean challenge. I too believe the double HOH will be gone by jury even though it was a nice change. The comps seem to be better too this year and they can’t guess what’s coming next. Half of them never saw BB so I guess it doesn’t matter much anyway. When’s double eviction, in a couple weeks?
I wish they had more to do like Aggie mentioned. Remember when they had to wash their own clothes in the ringer washer? I don’t remember the house getting as dirty then either. I also like it when the HGs made up games of their own, like playing with puppets. Give them legos or something to do besides chess and pool.
Looking forward to the show tonight.
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Hi Starfish! I feel like I have been chatting with my self today…well I guess I was
Hope the show is good tonight! ………………………. 
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2308 wow she did a great job….. to bad everyone wants her out!
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brit at 2300, that got a roar from the hgs that r outside
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and poor niclole is whining to Donny she is hot, she is tired of toting the sausage around she is sick of the stein, oy vey, what should brit say.
I personally think brits punishment was cruel and inhuman. I am sure non of the other girl would even get 1/4 thru it. brits feet r a mess, she is now kicking ball with her heel doing it backwards.
I am not a brit fan, but wow she has shown how tough she is,
cody is sitting and watching u can see the wheels turning
is he thinking is this the rite time to get rid of caleb and lasso in brit, as she has proven to be one tough cookie, or is brit digging a deeper grave, as showing how determined and strong she is, well, time will tell, now back to the back yard to check out what if anything is going on. almost forgot jocasta and amber reading parts of the bible to brit I guess for inspiration at least jo, ambr and Donny r supporting her
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You really go to give her some props !!!
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SF – AGGIE – i agree – i got a kick out of the punishment when the hg had to use sock puppets when they talked – so funny –
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It’s been so nice chatting with everyone, Time for some TV……. see you all soon my friends…………… …………………..
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I remember them having to talk with the sock puppets. That was funny. Didn’t they have a cornhole game last year. I haven’t seen that this year.
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tendr – thanks so much for the info. A friend of mine is in such pain it is certainly worthwhile checking all treatments.
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What exactly was going on with the weird little noises that Jocasta was making during the Battle of the Block? That was more than a little obnoxious.
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I completely agree with you Lisa Marie. That was beyond weird.
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Lisa, Deb, not sure, but think Jacosta might have been “speaking in tongues.” (her version since she’s a minister). Lisa, Deb, Mama Margie, kimjmj, Star, temdr, Starfish, Kevin11, apparently, no one read my comment @ 5:00a.m. this morning. Does anyone else find it amusing Caleb actually thinks he looks like Robin Thicke ? I heard him say something about looking like Robin during the 1st week. Hey Caleb, word up !!!! You’re kind of cute, although a bit too cocky & “self-absorbed,” but one thing is certain, you don’t look like Robin Thicke. BBAD is soooooooo boring this year. I wouldn’t miss Amber, Victoria, Brittney, Christine, or Jocasta if they get evicted, however, I don’t want Donny to go. So glad I have TVGN & don’t have to pay to watch BBAD on Showtime anymore. Thanks to everyone for the updates & “kudos” to Lisa for all the updates, dedication, & hard work. TTFN !!
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Howdy Starfish and Macy
The show was good, Jocasta is really annoying she cries way too much, and Britany acted like such a bitch when nominated. I find her more of a pain than Victoria. I hope she goes
Howdy all Vets, I’m watching Trueblood now
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J Renee, sorry I missed that must have been the time u posted lol
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------robin thicke omg, then I am going to be the next centerfold for playboy I really believe caleb is a sandwich short of a picnic.
well actually this is not so strange, he believe amber REALLY likes him but is playing hard to get, he really has to stop listening to the voices in his head.
I agree bbad is a snooze fest for sure, I barely make to the first commercial, and happy I do not have to pay showtime for this great sleep aid.
I get upset when I hear donnys name for re nom, hopefully Frankie and derrick need him for ta enough to keep him safe.
I bet Donny will get Americas favorite.
I would not be sad to see Christine, Victoria, Jocasta go in that order.
I rofl when I hear Christine talk about some of the others being floaters.
now back to live feeds when I left caleb and Christine were chatting about amber (what else) and while caleb was gabbing away he was throwing daggers to cody, and amber across the yeard and I think Nicole and derrick were there too, hope cody has the nerve to put caleb up, keeping fingers crossed
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Aggie — I felt the same way about Brittany. I know it must suck to be nominated but running around whining about it like she did was definitely the wrong move. Plus, I’m sure everyone else in the house is wondering if she talks as badly about them behind their backs as she does about Victoria. Brittany may be tough but — like everyone else who has been voted out so far — she has no idea how to play the social game.
J Renee — I don’t see resemblance AT ALL between Caleb and Robin Thicke. Lol. I mean, Caleb was cute at first but then he went all psycho. I would definitely never twerk for him.
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Sorry, J’Rene, my interest in new music ended in the 90’s, I only have a vauge idea of what Robin Thicke looks like to even comment.. But Caleb no doubt has an over-inflated opinion of himself, that is for sure!!
Way to go Brit for finishing the task. I do not doubt that she is a good mom, and good mom’s know you lead by example. Knowing her kids were watching I have no doubt she kept going just to show them that succeed or fail, you never stop trying.
Poor Cody, he is soo torn about the re-nom. He really wants to put up Caleb, his fear is Brittney will turn around and gun for him if she stay’s. He doesn’t feel confident that even if they struck a deal she would honor it long term. But for grins and giggles, let’s say he does put Caleb up. This week it takes 5 for a tie, 6 for a sweep. Voting Caleb out for sure would be Donny, Jacosta, Hayden, and Nicole.. He’d have to know for sure where Victoria’s vote would land. And then there’s the whole how much of his game would Caleb blow up in the three days between re-nom and eviction? And really, how hard would it be to discredit anything Caleb says? An interesting game move for sure. Personally, for the drama and chaos I’d love to see Caleb up there.. He’ll come unhinged if he see’s the writting on the wall and that he is not going to jury and Amber will be locked away from him for the rest of the summer… Now there’s a move.. if Amber were to go to Cody and beg him to put up Caleb to get him away from her…
But I haven’t heard her mention who she wants for the re-nom, she just wants Brit to stay… Would she willing to give up her puppy-dog stalker?? Hmm…
Ok, so putting out my prediction for Thursday night. I’m thinking it’s going to be a double eviction with the dual HOH ending. Haven’t watched tonights episode yet, so if by chance Julie has already told you east coasters this, I totally rock.. If she’s said nothing, I’m probably wrong!
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MM, Lisa, I’m happy to know I’m not the only one who thought Caleb looks NOTHING like Robin T. He WAS cute in the beginning, but…………. Even if I were 30 years younger, I wouldn’t “twerk” for him either, Lisa !
I can’t believe no one else heard Caleb say that & not mention it on here. I think Caleb & Brittney were around the Devil too much, as both have taken on some of Little OJ/Devin’s “I deserve to be here” mentality. MM, I agree with everything you said, & don’t think Derrick & Frankie are treating Donny fairly as part of AT. Now, they’re going to bd Donny, but hope everyone will vote to keep him. Donny could potentially make it to the final 4, but if they see him as a threat, he too will be evicted. Donny definitely deserves to be America’s Favorite Player. Waiting for the boring BBAD – it’s gonna’ be a long wait until Wed. & The Bachelorette is so predictable, it’s a “sleeper” as well. Oh well, have a good evening everyone & an even better week !! Thanks to all for your comments & updates. Adios !! 
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kimjmj, I’m 60+ yrs. old & don’t like today’s so-called music either, however, I do like Robin Thicke. (Alan Thicke’s son). I knew who he was because I’ve seen him on TV & Music award shows. (I’m a musician so I watch the CMA & other music Award shows). Caleb’s not ugly, but his arms/tattoos would be a turn-off for me if I were younger. I was just chocked he compared his looks to Robin.
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shocked, not chocked !
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I want Brit to stay. At least she can think and play. Frankie has turned into a snake. It’s too bad the girls are not thinking. Obviously all our 1st impressions were wrong about so many of them. As much as I don’t care for Derrick, I respect his game but his arrogance is growing and showing more and more. I feel bad for Victoria but she shouldn’t have ever been in the house. Donny is smart and has come through on competitions. In all the years of watching BB I don’t think I have ever seen a group of people like these guy’s. Not many with an IQ over 100 if that high. I’m bored. If it wasn’t for you guys with your synopsis and cute pokes I might consider skipping the rest of the season. I keep watching hoping these guys might wake up. Production is to blame. They obviously need to start coaching some of them.
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Janice, I agree with you 100% I think that they should have a casting call. Where everyone has to compete for a place in the house. People that love BB. Possibly a test with questions about past BB shows. I bet that would be a season worth watching. IMHO. {{{HUGS}}}
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@ Lisa Marie
I can only hope Britany goes But if it’s Caleb fine with me, he would put Cody up in a heart beat, it might be smarter to get rid of him. so either one is fine
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Frankie is fabulous, great sense of style and playing a very smart game. He is so entertaining and a great player. If he sticks with Derrick they will go far both are playing the game, lying, conniving.. Christine is a huge floater. Just sayin. And yay for BB with some good challenges/punishments.
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ROTFLMAO @ Caleb as court Jester!!
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At first I liked Frankie. I thought he was cute and funny. Now I see someone who is so fake! His “cute” expressions are getting annoying. He’s like “Smile, you’re on Candid Camera!” Whenever he sees a camera is on him, he gives this “plastic” smile. Just my thoughts IMHO.
Nite all, this lady is going to bed! Busy day tomorrow. Laundry!!
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Reading all the posts, it’s so interesting to hear all your different opinions about the HGs. I for one like most everyone because even their quirks and whinning and BS and mugging for the camera brings a little life to what BB is all about. I know Donny is the darling of BB and I like him too but he’s boring as hell in a cute sorta way. He probably doesn’t go to the JS though. As for Caleb, he is cute and his tats are not my cup of tea and he needs to get off the Amber train. Amber is just trying to play the game and I like her spunk. I feel the same pretty much about Cody, Derrick and Zach but Derrick seems to have more game. Zach is smart too and we may see something out of him yet. Cody is smart too. They are the 3 to watch IMO. Nicole is darling but has no game and the rest well, no real opinion of them yet.
Well, I have to say sobbing, jibbering Jocasta is getting on my last nerve. What a drama queen she is. Bleh to her. As for Hayden, Frankie and Brittany well, I like them ok. I actually like them all in one way or another. I want to see them play.
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Starfish, I enjoy hearing your point of view. You have a good grasp of the situation in the BB house. Donny is my favorite because he seems to care about everyone. I think the reason Frankie bugs me is he doesn’t seem real! And, he reminds me too much of Andy who made my skin crawel! At least they have a better group of HGs this season. I am waiting until they eliminate a few more and we can see who deserves to be there.
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@Dianna, you’re welcome. I know if the D3 is low….(needs to be around 50) drs can do a blood test t o find out…..mine is 53 , it can cause severe pain everywhere….my thirty something daughter just went through all of that so it can affect all ages. Hope this helps.
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@Starfish….as far as Jacosta goes, I have one nerve and she is dancing on it! Whatever that horrible noise was, it was a bit overboard. When she goes back and watches the show, she will see how silly she looked and sounded. All I could do when she started with that jibberish was to SMH! Good reading your comments….
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Thanks for the update LM and everyone who has posted. I agree the different opinions of the houseguests is so interesting. Personally, Jocasta is the only one right now that I really don’t care for. I don’t like whining or crying for no reason by my kids or anyone in my family so I sure don’t like it in her. Enough is enough.
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Why does Jacosta keep wearing those stupid ties around her neck??
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I agree with you about Jacosta, I just don’t care for her one bit. I am all about prayer and Jesus, but enough already, keep it to yourself. The crying from last night was a bit over the top. She was acting like a 2 year old. I don’t think she will win, she has no game. A big forehead, with big eyes and needs to grow some bangs to cover that up. I just can’t stand to look at her with those stupid ties around her neck. Is she covering up a scar or what??? Grow up and act like an adult and quit the preaching!!!
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@ wingnut, Jacosta wears the ties because her son makes them and is trying to start a buisness selling them. They both apparently went on Shark Tank.
RE: Jacosta’s “noise” during BotB, hubby immediately recognized it as speaking in tounges. My first thought was Quagmire from Family Guy.. “Giggity Giggity”..
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Actually, Jocasta may be thinking she is speaking in tongues, but that is far from reality. I have heard it called that but having been to some revivals years ago, it appears to be very different to me. As far as Brittany, it’s insane to complain and then refer to all the people she is going to “get”, and how she will show them, when she can’t win anything.
As far as the ties, I’m surprised they even got on Shark Tank unless someone thought it was such a novelty. As far as the prayers, you know, I was always taught you don’t pray for selfish things. You don’t pray to “get” things. It is probably just me but I don’t like seeing people pray to win challenges. That just doesn’t seem right to me. And I sure don’t like it when it is a minister or preacher or whatever she is. This is just my opinion but it irritates me.
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Me too hpr56 …………
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Tongues, really??? BS in the first degree. Apparently she’s even got her husband fooled. To me it sounds like she was repeating the same gibberish (baby talk) over and over not what I’ve heard tongues to be. Besides, isn’t tongues when you are religiously overwhelmed? This women is playing a reality TV game and she had to count on her partner to carry the load because she blew it and when her partner actually wins the comp, Jocasta starts crying and speaking in tongues. Really?? Did anyone see tears? I call BULLSHIT on that!
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Hey Bobo, a good chat with yourself is good for the soul!
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Jocasta sounded ridiculous last night and I was embarrassed for her!
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hpr56, When the Bible mentions tongues, it says “there must be an interpreter.” So, if Jocasta is really speaking in tongues, she is going against what the Bible teaches. IMHO
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STARFISH say it like ya mean it, girl!!!!!!
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Thanks for clearing that up about the ties.
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I know that Jolee, that was why I commented.
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Frankie just grabbed derrick and told him need to talk to cody, caleb going up
derrick loiters near dr door, up they go to hr
derrick goes to hoh bathroom, when he comes out cody tells him caleb going up but brittay going home, no way can he put up Donny, after all Donny has done for them he is not going to do it, so derrick gives him reasons why calbe should not go up and in the next breatge says I am with u bro, more reasons to keep caleb off and Donny up and yet again I am with you we r solid, I will do what u want, 3rd time tells cody just remember caleb will go home and brittay is coming after you, I just want to shake the puter and wish it was derrick, as much as I liked him in the beginning I do NOT like him now yes I know he is playing the game, it is not what he says and does but how he says and does it, almost forgot when they first got into hoh room derrick says Frankie woke me up and told me caleb is going up, to which cody scowled and said the weasel, oy guess he is not all that happy with Frankie,
going back to lf, if I get any more info will pass it along, so at this moment in time caleb going on the block, but with bb u never know from one min to the next
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hpr 56, I don’t know if others who made comments about Jocasta speaking in tongues knew what the Bible had to say about it. Just trying to clarify!
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I wasn’t upset. No big deal.
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Shout out to the VETS. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}
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hpr 56, I didn’t think you were upset!
I understood what you were saying. Thank you for clarifying and I am glad you are not upset! Have a good day!
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Hi everyone
Thanks for all your input
Had to go to Bible.org to figure out what soeaking in tongues really is
All I know is Jacosta is one cry baby and really annoying Mute it is when I see her face and please loose tge bow ties it’s 90 degrees in Burbank
Britt can go she Won’t be missed and her 3 kids need her
Caleb if you look like Robin K look like Cameron Diaz
Can’t wait for eviction night
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POV over.
Victoria off and Donny in her place. I guess Cody didn’t have the balls after all to put up Caleb.
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txs deb
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now hayden told Donny u r ok he was so nice to Donny
now dony at kitchen table and derrick is TRYING to feed dony a line of bull *&&^
but no way dony is buying it, he is smart enough to do what he has to do when the time comes. I saw amber and caleb and if he stopped short she would be up his ass. caleb pushed the chair to the table and walked away why is he so pissed off maybe he was waiting to be put up lol
I feel so bad for Donny, after all cody said before the feeds no way will I put Donny up he has done so much for all of us, yeah right and mrs Lincoln enjoyed the entire play,
I so mis judged frnkie and derrick I am someday going to be patient and wait before I pick a favorite, to be honest I did and still do like Donnie and want him to win.
I have not seen Zach, wonder where he is
I think the best way to get caleb out is have brit on the block and back door caleb cause he will try to save her yes I know easir said then done
I dread gioing to live feed I want to puch Frankie and derricks lites out derrick is tryng to feed Donny some bull, but no way is he buying it
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How can you not like Donny. He is just a genuine, nice person. I don’t think these other young people in the house know how to handle that and think Donny is up to something. I loved how before POV Cody was telling Donny that his brother would call him (Cody) a p&ssy if he didn’t put Caleb up and then Donny was telling the story to Hayden (I think) and he said Cody’s brother would call Cody “the “P” word.”
Do you think Derrick and Frankie are stupid enough to possibly let Donny be evicted which means the end of Team America and the end of the $5,000 for each completed mission?
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I do not think so, they need him now.
to make their mission be successful will take 3 of them, hope they get harder, I still cannot believe how I was so wrong about derrick and Frankie, yes I know they r playing the game, but omg, such great liars.
I wonder if bb had a season of just all males or all females, now that would be interesting to watch. It baffles me how after 16 bbs u would think the girls would get a clue, I know this years hgs did not watch bb, but hey, u would think they would stick together. I guess at times we women are our worst enemy.
now is the time for some moves to be made, after brit is gone, I am sure it will get more dirty, all the alliances” r running out of people to put up, I hope cody goes up to get a taste of the “chair”
in re to amber now that the pov is over and done with, amber is back up calebs ass
oh well I wonder if they can say karma???
ciao for now
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Thank you Starfish! You were the only one to comment back to me! ♥
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Sorry, Bobo. I haven’t been on the computer much today and nobody seems to talk to me except when they think I didn’t understand something. LOL
I hadn’t read all the way to the top. How you doing?
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hpr, I didn’t mention your name but I certainly agreed with your stating Jocasta speaking in tongues was a bunch of hooey.
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@Starfish: No problem. I’m just responding to Bobo since I didn’t earlier.
I don’t expect people to address me personally all the time. Hell, we would take up pages and pages with nothing but shout outs if we did that. But thanks.
I am just so grateful for everyone keeping me informed. I hate not knowing what they are up to.
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feel sorry for donnie – cody should have put up hayden – he hasnt been on the block – even tho donnie is going to stay – its no fun to be on the block – it almost feels like he’s being bullied in a way
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I wonder if Derrick and Frankie think that if Donnie goes they get to continue TA and split Donnie’s portion and get $7,500 for each challenge. I don’t think putting up Amber was a successful mission. Perhaps production should clarify. I can’t believe I misjudged Derrick – power does weird things to some people. I sure hope that Donnie is still around on Friday. I truly could not believe my eyes with Jocasta during the POV challenge, thought she was having a seizure. And so the summer continues with our favorite show. Many thanks to all the people on this chat – keeps it real.
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I just hope Donny wins Pov. and puts Derrick and Frankie up. I am so disgusted with their
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------behavior. Derrick is especially disappointing. Haven’t cared for Frankie since the start. You guys make BB fun watching with all your comments and updates. Appreciate all of you.
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WHAT! LF – brit is in the hoh bed sleeping between cody and derrick – shes workin it i guess
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Why is everyone letting one or two guys run the show? So much for the power of HOH. I would love to see Donny as HOH. This group needs to see the light. Derrick and Frankie are running the show. Actually just Derrick but Frankie is his weasel. I sure hope this gets better.
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I’m upset about Donnie going up again!! This time it is from the back door. I was liking Derrick but I don’t anymore. He’s so smug about never being nominated but he enjoys seeing it happen to Donny.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cody didn’t take his father’s advice. He wasn’t true to himself. Seems Derrick thinks he’s still HOH.
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I think it sucks that Donny is up again. I agree with the rest of you. I really like Derrick and it seems like the power went right to his head. He thinks he’s cool stuff cause he was chosen to be part of America’s Team. I worry cause I have seen too many pawns go home. If anyone decides to turn on those guys, Donny goes.
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hpr56 Thank you my friend you stole my heart♥ Just like to say things & maybe get some of my friends to respond….& you did!
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Awwwww, Bobo. Thanks
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hpr56 Please you can just call me Bob♥
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Jocasta & Donny Talking some game in the back yard……
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Question !
When they were told to nominate a threat, any specifics ?
Could be vague and left to interpretation anyone can be a threat
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Sylvie They wanted them (TA) to put up a strong player…..Maybe like a strong guy?
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I thought it said a strong physical threat.
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I think your right Janice! ………….
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It was “unexpected” to see that Amber is a strong physical threat. She’s a huge mental threat to Caleb.
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Yes you are right….she is just playing him 
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BUT………. BB said that they did there task?
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Yeah, go figure. I’m very disappointed with the show. We need Donny to take charge. Then we’ll see how the game is supposed to be played.
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RIGHT ! …………………………
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I would like Donny and maybe Victoria or Jocasta win the next HOH and put up: Frankie, Derrick, Cody and Zach. That would turn the house upside down.
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Wow the live feeds are really getting good! Three of the girls are talking in the kitchen
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wow someone is talking!!!!!!
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I wish I had the live feeds but I know myself and would get addicted! Good thing I’m cheap. ;o)
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deb I am watching them on a free site………http://www.stream2watch.me/live-tv/cbs-live-stream…… 
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Okay, time to watch some TV…… Maybe something will happen & I’ll read about it later! Bye for now…………. ……………………………………..
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Thanks Bobo! I’m afraid to go there though. LOL
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Hi Bobo, I enjoy your posts and appreciate you!
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Bobo, I tried to access the free livestream that you provided. They asked for my credit card number. I always hesitate to give it. Do you know if it is safe to give them my number? Thanks.
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Ahhhhh man….I was wanting Derrick, Donny and Frankie in the F3. Well, back to the drawing board! Donny for sure, but now I need to find replacements for the others. They really screwed up, IMO.
Talking in tongues….I had surgery many many years ago, and the parish priest came to visit me while I was in the hospital. I was still under the effects of the anesthetics when I could hear him praying over me in tongues. It sounded nothing like what Jacosta was chanting. He also spoke in tongues once when I was face to face with him. It really is something great to hear! He is now a bishop!
Howdy Bob and the rest of the VETS! Love you guys! ♥
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Oops….NEW POST UP ——->
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