Hi, everyone!
Well, not much to report from the Big Brother house. It would seem that everyone has gotten the memo that Nicole is going home this week and now, they’re just waiting for Thursday. When last I checked with the live feeds, Nicole was campaigning to stay and she was making some pretty good points about how Frankie is basically controlling the house and that the guys are essentially picking off the girls one-by-one.
These were arguments that probably would have swayed anyone intelligent but, unfortunately, Nicole was talking to Christine. And while Christine did indeed spend the whole conversation nodding and telling Nicole that she wouldn’t mind seeing Donny go and that she does realize that the guys are controlling the game, we all know that it means nothing. Christine promised to go talk to Derrick and Cody on Nicole’s behalf. Even if Christine was serious about keeping Nicole, we all know that Derrick and Cody could easily convince her to change her mind.
I feel bad for Nicole. It took her a while to wake up and actually start playing the game but, once she did, she actually proved herself to be a stronger player than anyone gave her credit for. And, if the other houseguests were smart, they would keep her and they would make an effort to get rid of players like Frankie and Derrick. However, it looks like Nicole is going to be evicted on Thursday and the only real question is how long will it be before Christine follows her out the door.
A lot of people on twitter are saying that they hope either Donny or Victoria wins HoH on Thursday, presumably because they’re the last two non-Detonators left in the house. However, Victoria has already promised that, if she wins HoH, she’ll do whatever Derrick tells her to do because she’s convinced that Derrick kept her safe this week. As for Donny — well, who knows where his head is at?
(That said, Donny better get out there and fight for the HoH because he’s definitely the number one target for next week.)
Finally, on a lighter note, a group of fans somehow managed to gather outside the Big Brother House last night. (I’m not sure how they escaped the notice of security.) They started to chant, “WE LOVE ZACH!” while almost all of the HGs were in the backyard. The HGs were ordered back inside and the house was put on lockdown. However, it’s been hilarious watching the reactions of Frankie and Christine, both of whom are convinced that America loves them. (Frankie, at the very least, made it into Team America. I’m not sure why Christine thinks she’s got fans.) Frankie has been rolling his eyes a lot, while Christine spent a lot of time today talking about how the whole thing was “disgusting.”
If only Christine could see what people have been saying ever since they found out that she nominated Nicole for eviction!
Stay supple!
Lisa Marie
Just getting tucked into bed. See you all tomorrow. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}
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I love nicole
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I do not want to see Nicole leave the house Thursday! Thank you Lisa for your post. I always look forward to them. I am in the middle of a really good book, so I will sign off for now.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nite all!! 🙂
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I believe that Frankie will be genuinely surprised by how unpopular he has become as the game has progressed. The problem with narcissists like Frankie is that they are simply able to dismiss all unpleasantness with a wave of his magic fairy dust which will render his actions meaningful and all dissenters unimportant. However, he might surprise me. He may have a moment or two of introspection. Before waving his magic powder to make all things shiny and new.
For Caleb, there is no hope and I am just so very grateful he will no longer have a platform for how he nearly single-handedly won BB16 but decided XXX? deserved it more so allowed himself to be voted out and sent to jury. All this in order to win a date with Amber who he will no doubt fixate on once he sees her again at the finale.
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I’ve been seeing some screen shots from the LF’s on a BB facebook page of Christine sitting between Cody’s legs on a chair in the backyard and they’re holding hands. The page poster was asking for reactions to this. Many were pissed at Christine and saying she’s a cheater, because she’s married. One poster pointed out when they first moved in to the BB house, she specifically announced she wanted to sleep with a girl because she was married. Kinda funny what happens after 50 days in the BB house! Some casual flirting is normal I suppose, but this looks to be a bit much. Her hubby sitting at home watching all this….wonder what he’s thinking?
Real quick, on the last page I posted the dates/times for BB episodes for Sept. Things are all goofy due to football and the new fall schedule. I just copied the dates/times and will post them here so you don’t have to go back and check. Later!
Thursday 9/4: final Thursday airing (9-10pm)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuesday 9/9: (8-9pm)
Wednesday 9/10: special eviction night (8-9pm)
Sunday 9/14: final Sunday airing (8-9pm)
Tuesday 9/16: (8-9pm)
Wednesday 9/17: (8-9pm)
Friday 9/19: (8-9pm)
Wednesday 9/24: Big Brother season finale (9:30-11pm)
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Super site this is. I rarely have any insight re game play mostly because it’s
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------entertainment to me. I like the show (my wife made me) but can never get so
into it that I really care about any of them. There have been a few contestants
over the years that have struck a chord here or there but as I have learned
most of them have agents or are somehow otherwise tied to the industry. That
just makes it seem contrived even more. I originally thought I was watching
“regular” people playing for a prize but shoot now it’s just a joke. I know
that a few 99 percenters get on the show but then turn out to not even have
seen it. Just doesn’t mkea snese.
Anyway I want to thank all the people on this blog who make my life easier
knowing what is going on in the house. Otherwise it would be driving me nuts.
Kudos Lisa Marie for top-notch recaps. A hun to you.
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good morning yall 🙂
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Nicole is working her butt off trying to stay. Derrick and Cody really respect her and don’t want to lead her on. If she is going home they want to tell her ahead of time. She tried talking to Chris but she wouldn’t say anything but Uh huh and told Derrick Nic was still going home. But she has Cody one on one right now and I know he’s convinced..and wants Donny out…but it’s getting HIM to get Chris to go along. Speaking of those two….they have been holding hands out in the BY again tonight and playing with their fingers etc. I am not going to bash people’s looks, but DAMN CODY is SO HOT!! I jsut don’t get it!!lol I could see it with Nic…but maybe he thinks she ‘s too into Hayden. Really disgusting to watch tho. Bleh. Feel so sorry for TIM!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cody said he was really PO’ed that this thing turned out this way. He really thinks Nic got the shaft and doesn’t deserve this. I KNOW He could be swayed but he has to get everyone else on board too. And I’m not sure he has the balls, to be honest. But little Nicole is in there talking his ear off and I know he’s listening!!! Good luck to her!!!
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Hi all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok I Don’t like Donny and he needs to go next week and I want Frankie and Zach to win Head of Households and not Donny ok Im going to go now ok talk to you all.
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Hi all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I lilk Frankie and Zach and Cody and Caleb and Derrick and Victoria and I don’t like Donny and Christine and Nicole and I want Nicole to go on Thursday.
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Hi all
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ok Big Brother : Afther Dark was good tonight and
was no vote for Nicole and
Nicole is going on Thursday And I want Frankie and Zach to win HOH on Thursday. And
Nicole and Christine won HOH and Christine nominated Zach and Donny and Nicole nominated Frankie and Caleb and Caleb would’nt play in the battle of the block. And Frankie played by his yourself in the battle the of block. And Frankie won the battle of the block. And Zach and Frankie and Nicole and Caleb were fighting. And I like Frankie and Cody and Zach and Caleb and Derrick and Victoria I don’t like Donny and Nicole and Christine.
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Hi alls
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------was no vote for Nicole and
Nicole is going on Thursday And I want Frankie and Zach to win HOH on Thursday. And
Nicole and Christine won HOH and Christine nominated Zach and Donny and Nicole nominated Frankie and Caleb and Caleb would’nt play in the battle of the block. And Frankie played by his yourself in the battle the of block. And Frankie won the battle of the block. And Zach and Frankie and Nicole and Caleb were fighting. And I like Frankie and Cody and Zach and Caleb and Derrick and Victoria I don’t like Donny and Nicole and Christine.
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Hoping Nicole can pull a miracle! Too bad Joey went home so fast. She and Nicole could have been a powerful duo!
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Good morning everyone. Going to get my chores done so I can relax tonight and watch my favorite show BB. Going to make Plum and Apricot Jam. Plus I am way behind on my laundry. I will be so upset if Nicole goes home. Boooo, Grrrrr. Have a great day. {{{HUGS}}}
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As usual I can’t sleep……love reading this blog. Poor Nic is pleading her case (dvr of bbad) I feel for her cuz Chris is listening with deaf ears. She may as well give it up and walk out the door with a smile on her face. Frankie has taken over the hoh bed like he’s entitled. I am soooooo not a fan of him. Hope Donny wins hoh and puts his behind on the block. …getting sleepy again (thank goodness) but will catch up later.
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Ok I was so hoping Nicole does not go home. She is the only girl trying to make some big moves.
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Question for Jolee….What good book are you reading? I love a really good book.
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Sir Rock… I can barely stomach watching Cody and CRUSTine fondle and cuddle and I commented as much in a post here a few nights ago that never appeared cause it probably went to spam. I asked the same question as to whether it was bothering others as it is me. Remembering part of it…I asked if anybody saw her lying in top of him on the live feeds as was mentioned on another blog site. Feeling bad for Tim I read some of his twitter comments and he does not seem to mind at all because he knows that she loves him and it’s strategy and he says screw all of us who have negative comments about her. I can’t stand her actions as the married woman she is and have lost all respect for Cody. On BBAD even Derrick and tonight Caleb are commenting that their actions are messed up.
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Oops…it was not on BBAD where Derrick and Caleb remarked about CRUSTine and Cody, but rather on another blog that I read in the wee hours of the morning where the happenings in the house are updated minute to minute. The best stuff seems to happen from 2nd until their bedtime. Nicole is working really hard to stay and it seems like she may be making some headway. You go girl!
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Courtney, thanks for the length to the HG bios. I feel like I know them better now. Jolene, I get all wrapped up in a book and I especially like Nicholas Sparks. I saw him in Savannah last October and where he autographed his latest book “The Longest Ride”, which I had a hard time getting into but ended up thoroughly enjoying it. Sorry about rambling on about books and not BB but BB is getting a little boring.
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Link not length
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Well if Nicole gets evicted at least she can spend some time with Hayden and maybe figure out what went wrong and who NOT to vote for in the end. Donny playing the nice guy has gone on too long. This is not Mary Poppin’s Daycare, its BB. Time to make a move and quit being a sheeple. This whole season besides Nicole has really contained alot of sheeple. They are letting Derrick drive the bus, maybe they aren’t smart enough to do any thinking on their own. I love where someone on this blog named Christine “Crust-time”. She is making memories with Cody that will probably last her into her old age as I am sure nothing on the outside who looks like that has ever paid her that much attention. Cody is working the girls, he is a good looking guy and has a sincerity about him when they are talking but he is as big a snake as Derrick but at Derrick direction. Derrick makes me again remember, don’t trust a cop. They tell you what they think you need to hear to get the result THEY want. I work with a retired cop, he tells me all the time of stories of what they used to do to get people to confess. I just hope and pray that Derrick does not win this and I hope he realizes his work as an undercover cop is OVER!!!
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Well if Nicole gets evicted at least she can spend some time with Hayden and maybe figure out what went wrong and who NOT to vote for in the end. Donny playing the nice guy has gone on too long. This is not Mary Poppin’s Daycare, its BB. Time to make a move and quit being a sheeple. This whole season besides Nicole has really contained alot of sheeple. They are letting Derrick drive the bus, maybe they aren’t smart enough to do any thinking on their own. I love where someone on this blog named Christine “Crust-tine”. She is making memories with Cody that will probably last her into her old age as I am sure nothing on the outside who looks like that has ever paid her that much attention. Cody is working the girls, he is a good looking guy and has a sincerity about him when they are talking but he is as big a snake as Derrick but at Derrick direction. Derrick makes me again remember, don’t trust a cop. They tell you what they think you need to hear to get the result THEY want. I work with a retired cop, he tells me all the time of stories of what they used to do to get people to confess. I just hope and pray that Derrick does not win this and I hope he realizes his work as an undercover cop is OVER!!!
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Sorry this printed twice…early in the morning.
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Sorry to see Nicole go.I knew she was smarter than she was showing to the other HG’s. Not everyone can graduate nursing school like she did
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Derrick hasn’t been an undercover officer for several years now, as he’s a SGT. of a patrol squad. My brother and father are/were deputies and they’re just normal people. There must be quite a few people living shady lives on this blog to be so fearful of the law.
Derrick is playing a masterful game and is the only one this season that should be asked back to play again. I’d also say Nicole, but she waited so long that it was futile.
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Can’t wait for Christine to walk out that front door! Is it just me or would Christine make a great witch with that hook nose and pointed chin? LOL
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great job Lisa
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I think this is the most boring season ever of BB. None of the houseguests have a brain of their own – except Derrick. He is running the house and everyone lets him. So sick of unanimous votes, (except 1) that it makes for a very ho-hum season. I used to look forward to Thursday night evictions and now I barely remember the show is on. Worst group ever – except that pathetic season of Adam’s win. Even last season was so much more entertaining, even though the final 3 were the scum of the earth.
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Dough, I also love a good book. I have over 300 books on my Kindle Fire. The book I am reading now is The butterfly and the Violin by Kristy Cambron. It is soooooo good. It is about World War II. This book was recommended to me on Facebook by one of my favorite authors. I had just finished a three book series The Peacemakers by Anna Schmidt about WWII and I loved them so much I wanted to find more. I was 11 years old during Hitler’s reign and I remember it well. All of these books are Christian fiction, which is what I mostly read. I am Facebook friends and correspond with several of my favorite authors. Some of them are: Karen Kingsbury, Julie Lessman, Laura Frantz, and recently I have been e-mailing Anna Schmidt. Authors love to hear from their readers and it makes reading their books more interesting. I hope I not only answered your question but gave you some information you can use to search out some good books. Happy reading, Dough! 🙂
Looking forward to BB tonight and especially tomorrow night 🙂
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Joyce, I also like Nicholas Sparks, even though some have been so sad. Don’t hesitate to discuss anything you want on this blog! We have discussed everything from Bachorlerette to recipes and so far only one complaint! 🙂 Read my post #23 to Dough for some recommendation on books. Now, back to reading the blogs and then to my book! Have a good day Joyce.
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Good morning y’all! Took me the last hour to catch up for the last three days.
Man…I would rather see Donny go than Nicole. I have been team Donny from the beginning, but it is time for him to either play or get out of the backyard! I don’t see him starting to play. Oh well either way, looks like a Detonator will make it to the end. Boo!
Ok, going to clean and cook for tonight’s BB watching get together. Y’all have a great hump day!
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Keith, way to go! 🙂 I also had policemen in my family. My brother was a police officer and my favorite uncle was a police guard at MGM Studio. Both were well respected and I was very proud of them. I think Derrick is playing a good game and using his talents! 🙂 IMHO
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Poor Nic, I hope she can sway Cody but for some reason Derrick has said that she’s a liar. I don’t know if he really thinks that or if he realizes she’s not easily played and could be a danger to him. Whatever, it seems she might go home. sign
LM, great info, thanks again.
Hey Bob, were you able to catch up on the posts? I know we all can get behind when real life takes over. Hope you’re feeling better.
Shout out to all Blogadeers, newbies and Vets alike. Have a good one.
Thank you one and all for your thoughts, comments and especially all the updates from those watching BBAD, LFs, etc. You guys are the best! Hey Star!
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Joker’s Updates
6:41 AM 6:39 Derrick says to Cody that BB stopped Caleb from rejoining BotB when he noticed Frankie was winning NT
No surprise there! this is, after all, the Allison Grodner Show
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Dough, I forgot to mention in my last blog to you, I went to a Woman’s Convention and got to meet Karen Kingsbury, my very favorite author. I have been corresponding with her for over 15 years and finally got to meet. her. We had our picture taken together and she gave me a signed copy of her latest book about princesses for my little granddaughter. Well, back to my book! 🙂
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I believe that Derrick is the only one truly playing the game. Nic started a little late but it’s never totally over. His talents to sway people may have had some training in undercover copdom but he’s naturally charismatic and much like Dr. Will in some ways and Dan in others. He’s watched the game and knows how to play it which is counter to Donny who has watched the game and seems smart enough but just can’t seem to get his game on.
Watchdog, have you ever asked your cop friend about the good things they did for people? What good things he did personally or was he one of a few rotten apples in a basked of fresh fruit? All cops are not bad any more than all pit bulls (they are terriors) are vicious. That’s my 2 cents for the day.
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😳 (they are terriers)
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@Cheryl: I was watching a BBAD from over the weekend and Frankie/Caleb were talking how great this season is. I guess they don’t see things that same way the audience sees things. It is much closer to a boring season than a great season.
@C’est: I read the same thing about Caleb not being allowed to rejoin the BOTB but that is par for the course.
I’m confused. Derrick and Cody keep saying how Nicole lies all the time. Do you think they really believe that or are they just saying that to make the other paranoid? I can’t think of an instance where she has flat out lied. It sounded like she had Zach convinced to keep her but then Zach talked to Derrick/Cody and they changed his mind. As much as I like Donny, I hope Nicole stays over Donny. Donny doesn’t know seem to be putting much effort into the game — going to bed early, not talking strategy or socializing with the others, etc. I would much rather watch people playing the game than watch people sitting on the sidelines.
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Poor Nicole.. NOT
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------She is good at competitions but is truly a fruitloop dingus.
She is still not even slightly suspicious of Derrick who is the reason why she is going home.
Now she is trying to ruin Donny’s game by blabbing everything he told her.
Bye Bye Nicole you had 3 HOHs yet nothing to show for it.
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Thanks Jolee.
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We all know Nicole is going to be evicted, but I give her kudos for trying to stay. I am sure she knows it is useless, but it nice to see she will go down fighting. I would love to see her win America’s favorite, but I am sure Frankie will win this because of his sister. This really irks me!! I hope to see Frankie backdoored next week, nothing would give me greater pleasure, however the powers to be at CBS would probably find a way to save him.
I wonder if Derrick’s plan is to take Victoria to the end and this is the reason he is keeping her around. Can’t wait to see who is the final HOH this week and who the nominees will be!!
Hey Starfish – I agree with you. Just think what our society would be like without police! There are good and bad in ALL professions!!
C’est, sorry to hear about that about Caleb. If only CBS would stay out of things and let the cards fall where they may. If they did, I am sure they would be shocked to see all the events unfold, which would stir up more drama than they could possibly imagine or try to create.
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Thanks everyone,
Ok so looks like its Nicole going but when do we find out who comes back ?
I believe Victoria will be the last girl only because like Donny she’s so passive they have to keep her.
The only reason i am not crazy about Derrick is because he’s boring to watch, but yes he’s playing well. i just don’t think he’s going to be a memorable house guest.
I believe that Nicole would have been better off without her showman, she may have been in a solid alliance or strategized differently but too late now.
I can’t stand it when they suddenly think they are famous, and yes they usually have an agenda or some entertainment background or future plans when they coming in the BB House, no surprise there
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Who cares if Frankie has a famous sister. Actually I think Frankie is a really his sister.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m Sure BB has made every effort for him to stay on. He’s such a drama queen.
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Frankie is actually is famous sister. Get rid of the drama queen.
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I read someplace that Nicole is so upset with the liar label that she’s threatened to blow up everyones game when she is evicted. Not sure what harm that could do but I’ll be there with bells on to watch!!! I can’t recall her lying either…I think Frankie is partly responsible for this reputation because he blames her for telling Victoria he intended to play her using the Ariana twist. Well, isn’t that true? And has Christine made up stories about Nicole’s honesty also? Can’t recall
Remember how everyone turned on Joey for trying to start an all girl alliance & predicting the men were going to vote out all of the women? Guess they should have thought a lil more on that decision! Maybe next year a lesson will be learned. I just chuckle because it’s such fun watching! When in truth I’d be the 1st one exiting (self-evicted mind you) as soon as I said “wait, we need to share a bed?, Hunni puhleassse”
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I’m beginning to think that they won’t use the evicted guest comes back into the house unless Frankie is one of the people included. Hope I’m wrong.
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yhanks LM
regarding cody and crustine – the next step is for them to kiss and if that happens i will have to find me a chef to cook me some crwo
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Hey Bloggade!
You know it’s a dull house day when it’s hard to tell if your feeds are frozen or they are really just not moving… Feeds were good, the HG were just frozen.
I have no problem saying I’m team Derrick. I love the way he is so subtle in him manipulation and no one seems to be catching on. Sure, they could be more lively with their antics, but I blame production for over-correcting too far from last years casting fiasco. I do believe the majority of police are wonderful dedicated professionals, it’s the rotten few that get the rep for them all. Or lets face it, you get busted doing something wrong you are not going to like the people busting you. Having delt with detectives on a major case I can tell you what they can deal with is gut wrenching.
That being said, I do kinda hope it’s a double buy-back.. Bringing both Hayden and Nicole together back into the game. Then we would see the rats scury.
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48 – paper work in inbox starting to smolder – have to put the fire out. Bye for now. Thanks all for your insight!
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So Great of you Starfish to always think of me ♥ I have been kind of under the weather lately but thank you my friend for your thoughts! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think I am caught up with some of this stuff I’ll be watching the show tonight! 🙂
Hi all my friends & Vets!!!!!! ♥ ………………………..
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Glad your doing better Bob.
Not much else going on. Looking forward to the game tonight too. Hey Betty!!
Macy, I sure hope they don’t kiss; wouldn’t want you to have to eat crow. ewwww
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Bob, Jeanne and I are praying for you. Hope you feel back to normal soon. <3. This is the only heart I can produce from my Kindle Fire!! 🙂
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STARFISH – hope not as well – cody needs an oscar
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Honestly at this point I don’t think if Nicole was saved and Hayden reentered the house anything would change. This alliance is all but set and Derrick won’t let anyone crack. It’s like Survivor last season, when an alliance stands firm and has the numbers, nothing you can do will save your game, your done for.
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Some of you think the other HG’s “let Derrick run the house” and maybe they are. Maybe that’s their “strategy”. Let Derrick call the shots, be the big mastermind, then turn on him when the numbers dwindle. Could be the deal….maybe. I think Derrick is a very good and subtle manipulator. I think it takes more work than most on here are giving him credit for, to pull all the strings, get everyone to like you/do what you want, AND still not be a huge target week after week. All the while, trying to keep those going to the jury on your side to vote for you if you make it to the end….as you kick them to the curb. NOT EASY.
That, my friends, is pretty damn impressive to me. And that’s why I like his game play. He can’t afford to be flashy or exciting, because it would completely blow his entire game. Boring….yeah maybe…..but its like he’s playing chess and the rest of the HG’s are playing checkers. It’s not a sprint, its a marathon. Derrick is just chugging along, watching people leave the house one by one.
In the end, when we only have a handful of HG’s left….final 5 or so, Derrick is gonna have to win comps….period. Multiple comps. Not to mention, he’s gonna have to keep at least one person close to him to help him along…looks like Cody. Cody really hasn’t done shit this season. He’s been a decent ally and might be the perfect guy to be sitting next to….depending if you have a jury that votes for game play or if they’re bitter. We gotta see how that goes yet. I think Derrick has done a very good job of culling favor with those who will be on the jury. But, like I said, we’re still early yet. He may have to do some major damage and that could cost him.
Anyway you slice it…he’s got a LONG way to go. He’s playing it very smart. Is it exciting, not really. But its DAMN GOOD. Don’t forget….there’s a certain amount of luck that has to go his way too. Not to mention, someone coming back in the game. This is when BB starts to get good…..finally!
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Once Caleb walked into the HOH room and saw Cody and Amber sitting on the couch while Cody was rubbing her fingers. Of course, Caleb angrily stomped out, but Cody may have a thing for lady fingers and went after Christine’s. I agree with Star about not blasting the way someone looks. I may think the same thing but would never vocalize it no matter how hard I wanted to. Believe me, I want to. However, when people are plain old mean on the inside, I think they’re pretty ugly.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Blessings for Bob!
So many of you have made comments I would love to respond to, but I just don’t have the oomph. Lucky you! : )
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I dislike Frankie more and more with each passing day but I am liking Zach more and more.
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Good post Sir Rock, as I couldn’t have said it better myself.
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Derrick my man! That dude just earned more respect from me, how he handled things tonight. I’ll hold it till the next page….just had to pop in and see if a new one was up yet.
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After watching tonight’s BB, on a scale of 1-10, I give it a big ZERO!! BB is not the show it used to be. Until last year, It never even entered my mind that situations were being manipulated by production. The show is not even worth watching anymore. Since I have watched every episode since season 1, I don’t really want to give up on it. I just hope there will be something that will turn this season around and save it from being so BORING!!! 🙁 IMHO. I am a very positive glass half full person, so I guess where there’s life there’s hope!! 🙂
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I disappointed but not surprised with tonight’s episode. To me, the most interesting thing about Frankie telling the other HGs about his sister was the fact that the majority of the house had no idea who she was. They also left out Frankie saying that he could introduce Caleb to Justin Bieber and Christine thinking that, if she makes Frankie happy, he’ll help her husband out with his musical career.
They also left out Nicole crying after she heard the news and Frankie saying that he’s going to tell all of his sister’s followers to “get” Nicole after she leaves the house.
There’s a rumor out there that this might be Alison Grodner’s last season as producer of Big Brother. I’m really hoping that’s the truth (though who knows who might replace her).
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Derrick is a BIG!!! disappointment to me. I thought he was playing the game with class. What he did to Nicole just ruined BB for me. I wanted to cry for Nicole. What a bunch of lies. I know lying is part of BB, but that was cruel. Frankie is disgusting and needs to go home to his elaborate life style. Christine, well I am embarrassed for her. She is pathetic. Cody is a child looking for approval, and a follower with no game play of his own. Caleb has a, I don’t give a d__m personality. Imagine being in house with that mix of personalities for an entire summer. NO THANKS¡¡¡ Time for bed. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}
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Love him but Donnie has to go. Nicole should have played harder earlier and not been so gullible.
CHRUSTine does look like a witch and all she needs is a wort on her nose. Her laugh is like a cackling chicken and her head baubles in endless agreement never laying her cards on the table. On Joker’s the house guests are FINALLY talking about the inappropriate nature of Cody and CHRUSTINE’S relationship. AND…CODY SAID THE FANS HATE CHRUSTINE. H O W, does he know that? ??
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Up until last year I had no idea that production was possibly manipulating the game and I’ve watched every season from BB1. Never had live feeds but I do watch BBAD and this year I read the “play by play” updates. What a big difference there is between reality and what actually airs on CBS. WE ARE ALL GETTING PLAYED. What a disappointment.
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