Hi y’all!
Well, what did everyone think of the reset show? I usually try not to curse too much on twitter, just because I have a lot of followers who follow me for a lot of different reasons and some people are more sensitive to language than others. And I’m always aware that, along with representing myself on twitter, I’m also often representing the various sites that I write for so I always try to be a little bit careful with what I write. In general, I don’t talk about religion or politics and I usually do not curse. But, oh my God, tonight’s show really tested my resolve…
First off, the entire show was massively dragged out. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I was happy to see inside of the jury house and I got a big kick out of seeing how the other jurors reacted when they saw Christine. And I was impressed with the way that Victoria totally fooled Frankie with her fake tears. (I agree with some of you — if Victoria was just a little bit more mature and a little less insecure and a little less despised by the people who put edit together each episode of Big Brother, she’d probably be a much stronger player. She can be clever when she has to but, far too often, she chooses to instead just float through the game.) As always, I was happy to see Dan Gheesling return to the Big Brother set and I agreed with almost everything he said.
But that reset button…
Okay, I don’t want to spend too much time (or expend too much anger) on this twist but seriously, I have so many issues with the way that they handled the reset button.
First off, you could tell that Derrick was not happy to learn that he would not be eligible to play for HoH but Frankie would. And I totally think that Derrick had every right to be angry.
Secondly, I distinctly remember — and I know that some of you have already pointed this out in the comments under the previous post — Julie saying that, on tonight’s show, the entire week would be replayed in an hour. In other words, it would be just like a double eviction episode with the HGs competing for HoH, nominating being made, the veto comp, the veto ceremony, the eviction, and then another HoH ceremony. So, once again, it would appear that the Big Brother producers changed the rules after having already set them.
Third, the HGs are repeating the exact same HoH and veto competitions? Really? HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE!?
Anyway, the good thing is that Frankie did not win HoH again. The bad thing is that Caleb did win HoH and he seems to be pretty reluctant about nominating Frankie for eviction. So, it wouldn’t surprise me if he simply renominates Cody and Victoria. And then we’ll have to go through the exact same veto comp all over again and …
Well, let’s just say that I wish the reset button had shown up a few weeks ago when it could have actually made a difference.
Oh well!
Here’s how the week is scheduled (for now):
The jurors are apparently going to visit the house at some point and I guess we’ll get to see that on Sunday. Maybe the show’s producers have figured out that all of the interesting HGs are now in the jury house.
On Tuesday, someone will be evicted.
On Wednesday, someone else will be evicted — giving us our final three.
And we’ll see what happens! If I had to make a guess, I’d say we’re going to see a final two of Derrick and Frankie. And, judging from what we heard at the jury house, it looks like Derrick is the clear favorite to win.
Lisa Marie
P.S. As was mentioned by a few of you in the comments under the previous post, today is BBBlogger’s birthday! BBBlogger owns the site and, for the past two years, I’ve been blessed and lucky enough to get write for it. Happy birthday, Bill!
P.P.S. And, to everyone who wished me a happy birthday — thank you! My birthday is another two months from now but I always enjoy early birthday greetings! 🙂
Please Derrick convince Caleb to nominate Frankie! He needs to go. I am so tired of this season and hoping for it to end.
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Where is everyone tonight? Thanks Lisa Marie for your great insight. I agree with everything you said. I was glad Caleb won HOH and I hope he can be convinced to put Frankie on the block. Would hate to see same old thing this week. Happy birthday Bill. Have been looking for a comment from you.
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People like Frankie always seem to stick around, he’s good enough at challenges that he could beat anyone there. They are all idiots for keeping him there as long as they did, now they probably won’t get him out. and it is their fault. 🙄 So whatever happens they did it to themselves.
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Thank you Lisa! As usual, you are spot on! I also was so frustrated tonight. They gave Frankie way too much air time. His stupid facial expressions made me sick! He looked like a male version of Carol Channing – not to insult Carol Channing,but Frankies over the top dramatics are getting ridiculous! I am really hoping those men start playing the game! They are nothing but puppets hanging on Derrick’s string and dancing to his music! Like my Aunt Cappie used to say: “Guts up boys!” 🙂 Goodnight all of you amazing bloggers and Happy Bithday BBBlogger. Better late than never! 🙂 <3
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Well same,o, same’o. Really want this to be over. Too many disappointments. Not one person this season played the game. Those of you who have BBAD, thank you for giving us heads up. Nite all. {{{HUGS}}}
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Well happy birthday bbbloggwr. Hope you have a great day with family and friends. On to the show, so glad that Frankie did not win. Hopefully Caleb will put up Framkie like they were talking about and Frankie does not win veto. Would be great if they could get Frankie out on Tuesday.
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Once again Frankie is getting info in the DR that the others aren’t. but of course the fish go up as soon as they realize he’s telling the other houseguests what he knows.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caleb will never put up Frankie because he’s star struck by Frankie. Frankie has convinced Caleb that he’s a big celebrity so Caleb things Frankie can hook him up with all kinds of good connections and celebrities. He doesn’t want to mess that up. And I think that’s the REAL reason he’s reluctant. and Frankie knows this .. so I predict he will be making promises to Caleb again. We can’t seem to get Frankie thrown out of that house to save our lives .. it’s hopeless.
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Thanks Lisa! Good write up….. See you soon…… ……………….
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Jeanne4488… sadly you are so right. Caleb is so star stuck he is not able to see beyond is own hunger for stardom. I hope that derrick can convince him there’s no hope in going down that dead end skanky road.
Yeah, where is everyone?
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I haven’t had the LF on at all today. What I saw on the show was that Victoria was doing so much better with the seed game. I was so hoping that she would win it and put Frankie up and he would lose the POV. Going to lay down again to deal with my pain.
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I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..I truly think that CBS is playing this whole game by ear this year!!! If Plan A doesn’t work, throw it out right before the live show and go to plan B…or C!! And the HGS are like kids… they NEED discipline and structure!! They are stuck in a house with no free will and the BB Voice as parent(kind of like the teacher in *Peanuts*. lol) That adult presence needs to lead. They can feel weakness in it and so can us fans!!! Then we actually get more PO’ed at THEM than at the HGS who are sweating it out in there. If that makes any sense…….lol
@Jolee..Carol Channing!!! Talk about a blast from the past!!!!lol If she were alive today Frankie would prolly ADORE her and have already have been on Broadway with her!!! They could be TWINS, for heaven’s sakes!!! lol 😉
@aggie……Exactly. Hindsight is 20/20!!
@Coutney..from previous post…No worries!!! It’s hard not to repeat this year as there isn’t much to talk about at this point!! And since most of US have been together for almost 3 months too, we are all starting to be of one mind!!! GMTA!! lol
I really wish Caleb would MAN UP but his loyalty and greed will save Frankie!!! The WORSTpossible HG to win tonight!!(other than Fr himself) He’s going to do the chicken thing and put up VIc nd becasue Der is her friend, he will be sitting beside her! I feel so bad for his game tht he hd to sit out 2 HOH’s. This BB just ain’tfair this year !!!
As to where everybody is, it hasn’t been a really busy chat season on here to begin with, but most people are sick of the show already so have gone back to their regularly scheduled lives! lol As I said before, there really isn’t alot to talk about …especially with this built in rerun they stuck us with!!
I’ll be around for awhile if anyon does want to chat!! 😉
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Same ole same o…we may as well resign ourselves that Frankie will come out on top regardless.
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just sick of bb.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------thank you Lisa Marie though for the torture you go through to give us blow by blow because honestly I can’t stomach it.
@Craig Long…….hope you’re feeling better soon.
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Wow I really really tried hard to at least wake up long enough to sign on and comment since I’m new to posting here. But as you can see I failed to do that. I finally woke up long enough to watch the recorded show, and yes, I was ticked as to how CBS handled the whole thing. Thought for sure we’d see the entire rewind tonight. Guess they have to fill up their revised programming. Let’s face it….the extra 10 or so days is just torture for we viewers. We are already over it. The only thing that worries me now is whether Frankie has enough influence on Caleb to get Derrick out at this juncture.@ Jolee OMG I haven’t thought of Carol Channing in years but ….yes, yes, yes…..she is Frankie , Frankie is she. But….hmmm Carol passed away. (NOT going down that road. )At least the jury knows who this years puppet master is. The only clueless one will be the person that joins them next, IMHO. Ok I’m starting to fade again night all or rather good morning, ttyl.
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It is not called a reset button, it is called a rewind button. They rewound back to the start of the last hoh, so it makes sense they repeat the same competitions.
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@ EVERYONE – Highlight of the Night – LOVED IT when Donny asked Crustine if she had a lawyer yet. Go, Donny, go !!! Regarding the jury “snubbing” “Crusty-Crustine,” she back-stabbed ALL the jury members & played a dirty game. WHY would any of the jury members be excited to see/hug her, let alone stand up & acknowledge her when she got there ? Personally, I don’t believe in bullying/snubbing anyone, however, she got what was coming to her. Now, IF ONLY the same thing would happen with freakin,’ sleaze-ball, Skanky-Frankie !!!
So happy for Jeff & Jordan. Congrats ! Can’t remember who mentioned Dan on the previous post, but yes, he certainly has matured over the past couple of years.
@ BBBlogger Bill – Hope you had a Happy Birthday !!!
@ Lisa Marie – Much appreciation for your hard work & dedication. “You’re the greatest !!” 🙂
In Memory of those who Perished – 9/11/01
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Caleb has an inflated ego for sure. He is convinced he is going to be a,big star so that is why he bonds with freaky Frankie. They both are delusional. Also caleb is always saying if I don’t win the 500 k or 50 k at least I will get americas favorite player lol oh Caleb, come back down to reality. He,also has,said many times he wants it to be him and cody in the final two. It is a sure thing that he will put up poor Victoria but I have no idea who he would put up next to her.
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I love the Jury House
I went out and came home to fast forward thru the show
I don’t think we’ll have anymore good season
Crustine what did u expect ? And yes start working on a lawyer
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I thik it is time for Derrick to leave.
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By now we all have no clue what Caleb will say or do as HOH. He is truly an enigma and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was Walter Mitty in an earlier life and Don Quixote in the life before that. Read more about Caleb “The Great” at the link below. Too funny/scary!
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Wow – it was so much better getting a glimps into the jury house. Loved the reaction when Christine walked in and no one really greeted her. Is she that dumb that her actions with Cody wouldn’t have consequences? I just loved Donny turning the tables on her – karma can be a real bi…! Hopefully Christine gets a real earful from her family on her actions in the house and learns from her massive mistakes.
I am relieved Frankie didn’t win HoH, but wish Cody or Victoria could have won instead of Caleb – he is really having it an all boy household, so more than likely she will be gone. Just home the next eviction is Frankie and he is gone, then Caleb – not crazy about him either. Still hoping that Derrick wins and get the season over with and never look back.
Bring on Survivor and Amazing Race!
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Star, I will definitely hang in there with you! You know the old saying: “Misery loves company!” 🙂 If it wasn’t’ t for all of my fellow bloggers, I would have left long ago. Let’s keep blogging and hoping it will all come out in the end and that we don’t have another major disappointment like last year’s finally! Where there’s life, there’s hope! Have a great day and remember the hero’s of 9/11!
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victims/heroes of 9-11, we will NEVER forget.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------About this season, reruns of the Hills were more entertaining! And I didn’t like The Hills when it was new…
Can they be any more obvious w/ their stankie frankie favorite? Yechhh! Come on, Survivor, hopefully it won’t be quite as construed as BB16. Will there even be a BB17? If television quality is the standard, I would say a resounding NO!
Anyway, enough of that rant, has Lady Vic won anything besides 1 HOH and her self-proclaimed Princess status? If so, I must have missed it. Now Derrick, on the other hand, as far as I know has pretty much avoided the block. Please correct me if that’s wrong. He and Cody are the only players worth their salt, except Cody ignored his instinct to rid the house of the rat (Frankie) when he had the chance. Don’t recall Derrick doing that. What a bunch of total idiots!
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I want Derrick to go.
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I think Caleb will put up Derrick- Caleb has it in his head that Derrick has to take one for the team !
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Hello all, I always read your blog but have never commented, but last nights show. . . SO BORING. this is the first year I’ve fast forwarded many parts of the show. What they really need to do is just broadcast from the jury house, since that is where the action is. This season a complete YAWNSVILLE. Thanks for all your comments and giving insight to what’s really happening in the house.
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Being the anniversary of 9/11, I wonder if they will do an addition of Derrick, in the fact he’s a police officer. I wonder if they do a tribute, in the fact Caleb served in our military.
As far as the game, I think that Caleb will keep the nominations the same, and just as Victoria was prepared to go, so much so she even faked being angry at Derrick to help his game? Now that she is still there, this ‘act’ will either blow up on her, or she will sell it even more (but I’m not how great the sell is still sleeping in the same room.
The plan that the ‘3’ made has been based on the fact they could all use the money…and Frankie is just going to give it away. He would probably raise even more if he goes out this week, in those that surround him in real life…so I don’t get why they can’t make the move.
Since they all will be playing, from what I see two things would upset the plan. Victoria wins and takes herself off…or Frankie wins and keeps it all the same, probably splitting the votes and making Caleb take the fall on the ejection.
The one thing that is funny is, at the jury house, they all realize that Derrick is the reason they are all there. He is playing the game 24/7…but the fake move with Victoria might be his uncovering, if she screws it up and smiles or hugs him forgetting ‘she is mad at him.’
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Worst season ever. I used to love Big Brother. I do not hate or dislike Frankie but things do seem FISHY pun intended when he starts dishing what he supposedly knows or has been told. The filth of the house and childish behavior and conceited attitude of one player have made me tune out of BBAD and the regular show on many occasions. The entire season should be RESET. This is just my opinion.
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From what I’m gathering, Caleb will keep Frankie cuz he’s depending on Frankie to give him a career boost. He just doesn’t know that Frankie could care less about him outside of the house. I doubt that Frankie has any clout or star power to help anyone.
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@C’eat moi ,
Thanks for the link LOL
I think Caleb could actually change the game involuntarily which is pretty funny .
I know Derrick is playing the came but i don’t care for him, something wrong w me ?
Whatever happens is ok at this point
Bring on the other shows Utopia ! Please be more fun than BB
Never Forget 09/11 🙁
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I can’t wait for the season to be over. I have been watching(because I am addicted)the show all summer. And yes, so boring. So many opportunities to make the move and never happens. If Derrick could have won an HOH he may have made a move. But for not. With Frankie’s behaviour I so want him to be gone too. His embellishing of his orientation is disgusting. Even the gay population are disgraced. Frankie does it for attention.
Now I am sure Derrick will be going up. And Caleb will have to make the decision. Too bad if it happens. Derrick is the only one who has played the game. So all his hard work will be gone.
Frankie probably held off back on hoh comp when he saw Caleb would win. This way he can be HOH next week.
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Why…………………don’t all you complainers stop watching the show?
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Why do you care?
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And I know what you’re going to say: “I don’t care. I just want to know why you’re watching a show that you’re all complaining about!” If you don’t care, don’t comment and if you can’t come up with an original answer, don’t post it. As for us, we complain because we do care.
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Barbara..WTH would we have to complain about if we quit watching. Sorry but that’s not an option..
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Kudos, LM
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Barbara – You don’t understand the reason behind this blog. Most of us have been watching BB since the first season. We care very much. This is a safe place to come and air our anger and frustration of what is happened to OUR! show. Hope this clarifies it for you. Back to BB. Lisa I know I have fallen behind on blogging. Like the rest of you I’m ready for this season to be over. I will try to keep up with the blogs and promise to contribute more. {{{HUGS}}}
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P S Lisa you rock. (An expression my Grandchildren would use)
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@Barbara ’cause you kinda asked a dumb question.
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Oh Barbara Ann, gotta understand
We bitch about Big Brother
Just because we can
Ba Barbara Ann
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I am so happy to be a part of the best blog site ever! We love to air our frustrations here! If that’s complaining, carry on!! I love all of your comments! I have nothing to add except: carry on BBBloggers, carry on!! 🙂 I wish I was a poet like C’est!
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Lets never forget 9/11……………. Say a pray for all we lost♥
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There once was a blogger of Big Brother,
Who loves the show like no other.
She watched it day and night,
Till her house was a terrible sight.
Then handed her dust pan and broom to her Mother.
I’m a poet and don’t know it.
But my feet show it,
Their Longfellows
My contribution to keep this blog alive. Well I get an A for effort right.{{{HUGS}}}
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Thank you Bobo
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Even though I said I was “over it” (hangin head low), I just realized that I’ll actually be sad if they do make a big move & vote Derrick out. He literally kept them together as a group & helped carry them all to the end.
C’est…thanks, enjoyed that link about Caleb but kind of disturbing
LM…”Reset This” love that title!! thanks for the smiles
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Bobo, AMEN! I have been praying all day! They deserve our honor and prayers for their loved ones!
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Victoria’s acting chops are more impressive than Frankie’s. Or wait, was he fake crying too? Were they both fake consoling each other? This is why my head hurts!! 🙂
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🙂 ………………………………. My Spot! ………………..
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C’est Moi ici : you are the only name that I have to scroll back 3-4 times to spell right! ( .)(. ) ! I tink that Caleb will come to the realization that he has to take a shot at Frankie now and if by chance he doesn’t win veto, Frankie goes. Leaving a less physical player in The Victoria, whom the Monthly Fairy decided to visit. How terrible for her at this time. Caleb needs to realize that he has a better chance at the end against Derrick or Cody with Frankie being able to use all of his wins and victories and social game. And if for some crazy reason he even thinks anyone but Frankie is going to win AFP they are drinking the Koolaide for sure. My last check one of Arianna’s social media accounts has over 15 mil. So that’s already a wrap I’m sure. All she has to do is send out a mass message which I think is why that award is a unfair advantage in favor of Frankie especially after he made it known publicly who he was related to. Once he did that, it should have been in his contract that he would be ineligible for AFP. I hope Caleb is taking note that Derrick has a very good chance at this veto and if he wins it and is on the block he will come down and next week Caleb can’t play, so think ahead Caleb. It probably will be the 5 face puzzle instead of 3 face. Kudos to Victoria for always saying I’ve got to win this one! When the season started I was thinking a twist was her and Derrick were married and that was Derrick’s sister with his child! That was why he kept saying as long as one of us get to the end. I was wrong AGAIN!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@ Sylvie : check out BBAU ON YouTube episode 1,2,3 are up. Worth watching just wish we had Lisa Marie In her Clogs. First week they offered the first HOH $10,000 to put all the other housemats on protein shakes every meal for a week!!!! Guess whose going home next Down under. I don’t understand how the other Big Brother’s seem to be sp much better produced by far than here in U.S.
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C’est – that CALEB info – dang – bet he actually believes about 85% of it
yea he’s not gonna put up FRANK – thinks he will introduce him to bieber – u watch – when the show ends – FRANK will be like, caleb who?
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macy 😆
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@ BBBlogger HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Enjoy with your family and friends & other loved ones.
@ LM, so your birthday is in November. Boy that’s another one for me. 11-2, 11-13, 11 – 13, 11-17, 11-21. I know I forgot a few but I don’t feel like getting my calendar out LOL. & No I did not think of the same 1 twice, my aunt and 2nd daughter are both the 13th. Different yrs but same day. Jan., Feb., & August are just as bad LOL.
** I agree with the ones who said they did not get Frankie out before and its their fault. IMO he should have left 1st.
It is so stupid to have the EXACT same comps as last week. Even of it rewind/reset. Production is setting it up for Frankie.
I don’t see Caleb putting up his best friend Frankie. They will take each other to the end.
All I can hope for is Derricks memory is as good as he claims because if it is he should beat Frankie’s time in BB Freak show.
He could take himself off (If he is up there OR like others pointed out) If Cody is up there then FORCE Caleb to renom Frankie & with 2 votes (Cody & Derrick) BY BY NASTY FRANKIE.
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Randall, I watched BBAU episodes 1 and 2, but I can’t find episode 3 ???
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I was under the impression that each houseguest was only allowed to bring a limited amount of clothes etc. into the house. Is that true? Don’t they get one bag? How the hell does Frankie get all those clothes? He has way more than the other houseguests. Did BB yet again give Frankie leeway to bring two bags (one male, one drag queen)? Frankie is not gay, he’s a drag queen and he does it partly because he’s jealous that his sister is more famous than he is. Caleb was thinking of calling him Ariana’s brother instead of Frankie. I think they should all do it. It would burn him up.
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BTW – THE EMMY GOES TO Victoria. She has done 1 thing this season – acting like she hated Derrick for betraying her.
She did an amazing job. And this is from a person who has no idea why she is even in the house.
To me she is in 3rd place for annoying 1. Frankie. 2. Christine. & 3. Victoria.
Her voice and her thinking she is a winner and great social game. her ONLY game has been to FLOAT thru the season.
But the acting I have to admit was amazing.
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We complain but we watch!! That’s just what BB fans do!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Can’t explain something to someone who isn’t a BB addict!
Hope Caleb makes a move… He just may!
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It think it is ironic that the show’s mantra is “expect the unexpected”, when every eviction this year is exactly what we expected. I really think that this is what is wrong with this year. Ever eviction had to be unanimous. I hate when everyone is a sheep. Baaaaabaaa to this season. I think the best line this year was Nicole – quit playing Big Baby and start playing Big Brother. I just hope the next cast of BB saw this season and learned from it. I am disappointed the girls were too scared to start an alliance. I know they tried but Christine ran back to the BS (another irony – bomb squad – BS). The girls still had some numbers early on.- Lost opportunity.
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I would love for them to have one of the ‘hollers’ “Quit playing big baby, and start playing Big Brother…Holler!”
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1 last thing.
9-11. May all the Heroes of that day always be remembered as heroes.
May we always remember the ones lost that day for nothing more then the fact America is hated.
May the ones that caused all of this rot in hell forever.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
So many great people lost that day it does not matter what their jobs were. What matters is that they were peoples children, peoples brothers or sisters, people husbands and wives. Peoples parents and grandparents.
All they did that day was do what they did everyday, go to work or what ever they were doing that day.
We will always remember you in our hearts it does not matter that we did not know you.
The Terrorists who caused your deaths and brought misery up on your families, friends and loved ones. While you are in heaven or what ever you believe in KNOW this average everyday Americans will forever remember you on this day.
To the Heroes rather you are Police, Fire or regular people who just knew that day and the days that followed you had to help your fellow Americans. Alive or Dead We remember you too.
To the Terrorists who thought they could tear us down. YOU WERE WRONG. What you did was bring us closer together and piss us off.
Toby Keith’s song Angry American says it best “we will kick your ass” take that to heart. You have not torn us down. We have UNITED & COME TOGETHER to kick your ass and take you down.
We will always remember where we were and what we were doing on that horrible day.
We Will Never Forget. 9/11/01
** Rather you like my opinion or hate what I have said over BB**
Lets just unite today and agree on one thing. We Will Never Forget that day all those years ago.
Thank You for letting me give my opinion.
I love America because we are the greatest country in the world (IMO)
We have freedoms that some don’t have. Like giving our opinions having our own thoughts and being able to express them.
THANK YOU BBBlogger and LM. You all are wonderful. Thank You for allowing me here to have and tell my opinion.
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@ Ralph # holla back comment would definitely send a subliminal message to Caleb to knaw on. Holla STOP PLAYING BIG BABY AND START PLAYING BIG BROTHER: that was a good Grin for the day of grim tv. Needed that Ralph!
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Sorry guys but if and or when Caleb ever responds to a subliminal message, no doubt he will immediately order a 12 incher on a toasted bun WITHOUT pickles!
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@ Mary Price : Thank You, even though President Kennedy’s Death was one that a lot remember where they were when they heard or watched their parents in disbelief or the Shuttle Explode or The OKC bombing by homegrown terrorists, the 9/11/01 is one day that took our hearts and hurt us. Myself working at DFW airport at the time I worked with hundreds of Muslims of different countries and didn’t understand the difference and all I had in my mind was revenge, and rage. How could some one come on our soil and attack innocent people so easily? Massive headaches from watching TV for hours upon hours because of no work except for one last trip to take people home to Colorado since all the rental cars were gone. Even yesterday and today on every year you get anxiety coming on just thinking about it. Thank God for the Heros on the Flight 93 that went down in Penns. Could have been much worse if not for their heroic actions at that time and how hard that must have been.RIP
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just FYI – they are doing a luxury comp right now
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In remembrance of 9/11….God Bless and Protect the United States of America!!! ♥♥♥
And may nothing like that ever occur again on these shores! I have not liked hearing of the raised terrorist threat alerts! Takes me back to 2001 and how I was looking over my shoulder and afraid something else was going to happen again at any minute!! We take our freesoms so for granted, so let us never forget…those who lost their lives that day, those that have lost them fighting for our country and all their families!!
About an hour ago, the Jury HGs were allowed back into the house and have been trashing it. The HGs were up in the HOH room watching it!! they got breakfast up in the HOH roo,m, caleb got a note saying there would be a luxury comp and Cody got to take off the Dino suit! But none of it was on the LFS!!! WTH do we pay for those when we never get to see anything??? They don’t even let us see the emd of comps most of the time!! Do they think we won’t wtch on Sun nite just becaaue we saw it on the LFs??? it’s ALL pretty much a rerun for us except Thurs so what’s the diff??? GRRRRRR…lol See Barbara???? Bitching is FUN!!! 😀
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@macy….thanks! I guess my timing was a little behind today..lol Been meaning to come in and post but got busy..lol
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STAR – tag ur it! ha ha – i pop in at least once a day – but it is all the same ole crap – they talk about what they think is gonna happen next…… strangely enough, frankie gets pretty close – hmmm
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Barbara comes in makes one negative comment then is gone.????
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Jeanne, I think she discovered that her remark was received with deaf ears. She needs to go to a different blog if she’s unhappy with us.
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Okay, I’m assuming if I split the video link to what is going on, and others have to put back together, I can post video links? This is what just happened, per someone else posting this on Youtube.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The JURY is back! And making a mess of what the house-guests remaining spent hours on cleaning up, including Zack tossing clothes in the living-room main camera, and handed a box of Fruit-loops to dump all over the, The remaining house-guests are locked up, so they can’t interfere.
http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=p9_YYoae044
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Update spoilers!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Victoria won the Luxury Comp!
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Even though Victoria won, the jury house was so careless, it looks like one of them (I’m guessing Zack) went through her stuff, specifically, and either lost or broke her pearl necklace…and she is pissed. So upset, even the guys feel bad.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jury could get interesting too, if Victoria leaves next!
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Ralph, thanks for the update – I didn’t know Victoria could win any of the comps on BB – that’s interesting….what was the lux? I am at work and bored out of my mind!
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Hmmm…maybe C’est Moi ici needs to shorten their name to just 2 initials. I have the perfect 2!
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I am pretty much stoping because since season it keeps getting worse
This blog is a place to talk about BB and due to lack of game not much to talk about
I would blame the players not the bloggers
And if you don’t agree with our venting don’t COMPLAIN like we do as you say
Go elsewhere
You are accusing us of doing what you are doing lol
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@franniep2 – Now you know that “shorten their name” is improper grammar. Even Ted knows that. Shame on you!
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Mary Price, bravo!! Well said and very welcomed here, I am sure. My favorite author, Karen Kingsbury wrote three books based on 9/11. I would recommend them to anyone! God bless you Mary ….. and God bless America! 🙂
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@ C’est Moi ici …..ha! I knew it!
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Wow, I was working today and missed sooooo much. I appreciate you guys. I get a whole day’s worth of information in just a short time.
Okay – so it’s the end of the season and they do a luxury comp. Are you kidding me? And we saw one time of the jury house. Well, I think we saw snippets a couple of times. This year is just plain bizarre. It’s been the Frankie show. No physical comps and no real big moves. Guaranteed that everyone votes the same. GRRRRRR
However, Barbara, we are kind of addicted to watching the show. Also, we kind of hang on to waiting for that exciting move to happen. Waiting for it to be new and different. If it doesn’t happen, then we will just grumble some more. That’s how it goes.
I really hope Caleb puts up Frankie and Victoria and Frankie goes. I don’t want to look at him and his wide open mouth and spins and claps and eye batting anymore. Oh well, I guess I can close my eyes when I know the camera is on him.
Going to our state fair to celebrate my granddaughter’s birthday tonight so I won’t be back until late. Have a great night everyone. Chat at you later. And thanks again.
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Ralph, that was hilarious! If you try to get to website, leave out the “;” or it won’t work! 🙂
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hpr 56, I found myself putting up my hand and blocking Frankie’s face! I really have a hard time looking at him! When he hugs Victoria, I want to shout at the screen: “Victoria, you don’t know the vile things he said about you!” uggggg! Please send “Tinkerbell” to Neverland!!
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I think “their” name is good grammar. How else could it be spelled?
O/T I’m a Canadian living in Canada for 51 yrs now -I’m 53-but was born in Inglewood CA and always have felt a connection to my country of birth. Have visited so many times I can’t count. All my best thoughts to America on this anniversary of horrible cowardly acts. The following is something a friend of mine sent to me a few years back and I thought it was well thought out and made a ton of sense while at the same time making no sense. It’s a bit long:
They’re not happy in Gaza..
They’re not happy in Egypt..
They’re not happy in Libya..
They’re not happy in Morocco..
They’re not happy in Iran..
They’re not happy in Iraq..
They’re not happy in Yemen..
They’re not happy in Afghanistan..
They’re not happy in Pakistan..
They’re not happy in Syria..
They’re not happy in Lebanon..
They’re happy in Australia..
They’re happy in the U.S.
They’re happy in Canada..
They’re happy in England..
They’re happy in Denmark..
They’re happy in France..
They’re happy in Germany..
They’re happy in Holland..
They’re happy in Italy..
They’re happy in Sweden..
They’re happy in Norway..
Basically they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves.
AND THEN They want to change those countries to be like……..
Excuse me but I am confused.
Hope this didn’t offend anyone.
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Ok..this may garner some haters but I am going to say it anyway.
NEWBIES..and all others…….please read all posts before YOU post! This has been the most frustrating seasson for posting things I have seen on LFS FOR you guys, or even just persoanl opinions and analysis, and then having people post the exact same thing afterwards. Often, multiple times. I know there will be some overlapping, but it’s obvious that alot are just dropping their posts and leaving. Just today, about 45 mins after I told about the Jury being in the house, *someone* else *reported* it. Really??? You didn’t think that , since that was OLD news, soemone else MIGHT have already stated it and maybe if you read back a few posts you might see that?? We don’t go for the GLORY here. We are friends and LIKE to see what each has to offer. It’s a boring season. We are all looking for something new to post about. But I am beginning to wonder why I bother if I am just going to be plagerized. As SF said yesterday, I am having an OFF day.(we’e all due one!!) It’s been really frustrating and I usually don’t B*tch about anything except BB on here, but this has been going on for awhile and I was finally in the mood to voice my feelings about it. But I’m done. And I’ve tried not to name name or swear or loose my cool. Thanks for letting me rant. lol And God Bless America….. 🙂 I need a flag smiley….lol
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@Shayne…..*applause,applause*…….I LOVED it!!! Maybe it goes along with my pissy mood but it rings true..and actually oddly humorous..to me!! Thanks for sharing!!
Do you have dual citizenship then?? Cuz you are welcome here anytime in my book!!! 😉
Do you mind if I C&P that and use it again ???
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@Shayne well said
Barbara is probably Frankie’s mom oops
I’ll check out BB AU
Jury house cameras please !
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@Shayne – “their” was spelled correctly but was not grammatically correct in the earlier post. “shorten his name” is the grammatically correct form. The pronoun his does not confer gender, male or female, in that example. 🙂
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Frankie and Victoria on the block!
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@C’est..I knew HIS was correct too, but no one knows or cares about grammer anymore. I have just given up!! (says the English major!!)lol
I cannot believe Caleb manned up and put Frankie up!!!! WAY TO GO!!!!! Let’s get Frankie OUT and finish this thing!!! 😀
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@ C’est Moi ici …. I said it that way (their) so I wouldn’t give away your gender. Of all people, I thought you would have understood why I did it.
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Hankie Frankie pitching a hissy fit now to Caleb for not putting Derrick on the block. Sorry Frankie, you can’t be Queen For a Day – Everyday.
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@ Star…as long as I can understand what people are saying, and they understand me…it’s all good! 😉
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Star, Bravo! Well said! Some just read LMs post and then post their comment and don’t read or just don’t have time to read but they still comment. Similar to that person (no name needed) and others who post one negative thing and we all jump to answer. Ignore and they go away.
C’Mi, that’s the best news ever! Really??? Vic and FRANKIE on the block. WOOHOO. Happy Dance and it looks a lot better than that twirling, clapping, mouth open thing Frankie does.
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Grammar is not a thing here unless you are talking with Ted. Only with Ted.. 😛
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I am doing the happy dance! At 81 years old, it’s not easy:) I have to do it sitting down! Finally someone made a good move! I can’t wait to see Frankie’s face! Well, that made my day! Off to watch Biggest Loser and Projrct Runway. Check in later bloggers.
Star, I hope I didn’t repost something you had already posted. I try to read All the posts before commenting, but sometimes I want to comment on somebody’s post before I forget what I want to say …. another disadvantage of being 81! 🙂
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@franniep2 – but everybody knows his does not always mean his. Right? On the subject of giving up ones gender, Frankie changes gender every time the cameras aim in his direction.
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Let’s just hope production keeps their noses out of it and doesn’t mess with their heads to keep Frankie in the house. I also hope the POV will not be geared for Frankie to win.
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@ C’est Moi ici….You are correct! I should know better than debate something with you.
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What you say Frannie………. 😆 …………… ♥
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Thank you Caleb. Finally some Big Brother play comes into the BB house. At 81 years old, I have forgotten more grammer then I ever knew. Smile.
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Me toooo Frannie! CBS stay the hell out of it!
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Lol…That is correct *fish, and at times, he tries on other pages too. We just have to keep him in check!
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@franniep2 – I just wanted to save you from a three paragraph grammar thesis from Ted. You’re good! 🙂
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Hey Bob….♥
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Hey Baby, how you doing ♥ >>>>>>>>
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Doing good Bob….taking a break from TV for a change. How you feeling?
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game is worth watching now – thx caleb-poo ha
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Baby? Were you asking me or Kaleigh? 😆
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Not to bad! just got home from the Pub My wife & me had a great dinner …… Catching up on a few shows…. ♥
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YOU ♥…………… 😆
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@ Macy…I was hoping that Caleb would win the HOH. I had a feeling he would put up Frankie.
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What do I need to sing to you again………….
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@ Bob…I’m eating dinner right now. Cheez-Its
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🙂 Enjoy!!!!!
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@frannie..I agree..that is why I never correct anyone. No one is perfect! Nor do they appreciate being corrected..lol
@SF….thanks and glad someone actually READ that!! 😉
@Jolee…nope..Not that I am aware. No worries hun. 🙂
@Hey Bobo!!!
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Please forgive me Bob….what did you sing to me?
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Hey my shinning Star ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
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Last year Fran….. TMI …… 😆
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You were always on my mind????
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Oh dear…I sure don’t remember that Bob. I think I will go watch Finding Carter. Night all!!!
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Okaaaayyyy! I remember now!
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Night my friend…………… 🙂 Or maybe it was I lost my mind on Rush street!!!! 😆
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Thursday night time for a cocktail!!!! 😯
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Cheers to all on this blog. Clinkin’ glasses (spectacles).
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------No prob Star. You are more than welcome to forward that.
I must have missed something (inside joke?) about the grammar
around “their” name. I don’t know who’s who on here and whether
they’re male or female or neuter.
Frankenweenie should be neutered.
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And hearing that Caleb put the little fame-whore on the block made me go YES!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hopefully it all plays out
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Finally…Caleb grew a pair!!!! Now if someone else can win pov my tummy will go back to normal….pitless. thanks Caleb
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So glad to hear Caleb put Frankie on the block. My dear friend Betty gave me the news and I had to rush here to hear what Lisa Marie, our tireless hostess, had to say.
Now I find my name bandied about on BBB. Shayne… you have indeed been on the outside of an ‘inside joke’ that only a few here may understand. Miss Betty Boop (franniep2) was trying to ascertain the true identity of C’est Moi ici (one of my oldest and dearest friends in BBBLand) by baiting him… not a good thing to do, btw. It was fun to see the lightbulb go off in FrannieLand when discovery was made. If I only read posts here with proper grammar, I would be reduced to reading C’est Moi ici’s and my own. Although, that being said, I am enjoying yours and love the ‘neutered’ comment.
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would it have been better if someone else was put up with Victoria…
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and Frankie back doored…the way it is now he could win POV
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Say what Ted……………………
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ginny, Frankie could win PIC anyway since they all Get to play in the POV comp since there are so few HG’s left! 🙂 This way, they at lease get a chance to leave the noms the same. Right?? 🙂
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’m not quite sure if you are talking about me, but I found a video link that I was explaining what it was about, IF that was me you were talking about.
To be honest, I’m pretty new here, but I’ve already had that same thing, with no video link attached, done over 6 times, in just the couple of weeks I have been here…Maybe I should have complained, but it wasn’t that big a deal, except for all those thanking the other guy that just copied what I said.
If it was me, I’d rather someone just say it, and address it…with no speculation…then again, there has been more action on this blog than in the BB House this week…except for today.
Not trying to ‘steal’ someones thunder or make waves. I won’t be here much longer, just thought I’d return the favor when I found out stuff. But that can be solved quite easily.
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HMMMM, I thought PK croaked, what a disapointment to know he’s still here under a different name, so should we call you Frenchy now PK? 🙄
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Well, Well, maybe Frankie will actually go this time. I will believe it when I see it 🙄
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Are you saying that some of the handles here are the same people?
That would be wierd
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Shayne, notice post #83 and the pompous attitude. Well that is PK, a guy who used to comment as PK but is now C’est BS, etc. who just likes to show his superiority over anyone who challenges him and he goes on forever until you give up. Notice how he insisted on belittling Frannie. Narcissistic, sociopath comes to mind. Jackass too! As for him being one of Ted’s “oldest” (now that’s really true) and dearest friends; I would dispute that claim. Twelve year olds do similar things. Weird works perfectly.
Come on boys, let’s have it!
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I sure hope Frankie goes to jury. I wonder what kind of greeting he’ll get. I’m pretty sure they won’t let the audience boo him like they did Christine. Someone said they would fill the audience with CBS employees. I believe they did that last year a couple of times too. I’m so looking forward to the Sunday show.
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AHA … Thank’s Starfish.
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bookmark ~ 77
@ tendr- thank for you comment, I have been sitting up too long again. difference is I didn’t need my pain reliever today! I’d love to find out what Victoria won, but just cant take it anymore.
In memory of those who died in 9/11 and especially the first responders.
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