Hi, everyone!
Is it just me or does it seem like everyone in the house just plays the game on a week-to-week basis? Every week, the HoH decides who he wants to evict. Then, he figures out the best way to backdoor that person. Then, after the veto ceremony has allowed the HoH to nominate his real target, everyone stops playing. They’ve got their mission. They know who they’re supposed to vote out on Thursday. And then, it’s like they just accept their role and stop playing the game until the next HoH competition. With the exception of Derrick and Frankie, nobody really seems to be working with any sort of long term strategy.
And oddly enough, the other HGs seem to be perfectly content to just be pawns in Frankie and Derrick’s game. Donny and Jocasta may complain every week about being pawns but I have yet to see either one of them try to do anything to fix that situation. I have yet to see anyone actually say, “Maybe we should form an alliance of our own before we get picked off.”
Take this week for instance. Amber is going to be nominated at the veto ceremony. Hayden is going to take Victoria off the block. Frankie is going to nominate Amber in her place. And I’m sure that Amber will campaign to stay and she’ll try to get the other women in the house to rally to her side but you know what? I think we all know that Amber is probably going to go home. Nobody wants to rock the boat. Instead, they just want to make sure that they’re safe for the week.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m enjoying the season of Big Brother a lot more than the previous season and that’s mostly just because I like the people in the house. I think they suck as players but I like the majority of them as people. Even the ones who annoy me (like Jocasta, for instance) aren’t anywhere close to being as terrible as the people that we had to deal with last season.
But, as I’ve said before, where is the drama? At some point, the Houseguests are going to have to start waking up and trying to take control of their own futures.
Anyway, seeing as there’s not a lot going on inside the house right now, what did everyone think of Sunday’s show?
It’s always a little bit strange, for me, to watch episodes of Big Brother when I already know who is going to be nominated, who is going to win the Battle of the Block, and who is going to win the veto. The show is always edited to make us think that anything can happen but, since all of us either read blogs like this one or watch the Live Feeds, we know that Frankie is not going to nominate Zach. We know that the nominations are not going to remain the same. And we know that Amber is going to be the ultimate target. So, the shows are always a bit of a weird experience for me. I watch them and I think, “That would have been nice if the unexpected had truly happened but I already know that it didn’t.” It kind of becomes a big game of “What If.” What if Cody had nominated Cody? What if Jocasta and Victoria had won the Battle of the Block? What if Christine had agreed to throw the competition?
That said, I still thought that Sunday’s episode had its share of memorable moments.
For example, we got to see the amazingly awkward Caleb/Amber backyard date. I have to admit that I laughed when Cody came outside and started to play pool. However, I have also reached a point where I literally cringe every time that I see Caleb because I know just how awkward it must be for Amber to have to be around him. Every time I go on twitter, I see people defending Caleb and saying that Amber is leading him on and it always takes all of my self-control not to snap back at them. (What especially angers me is when I see other women saying stuff like that.) Caleb needs to get over both himself and his sense of entitlement. Caleb needs to move on, preferably out of the house and back to Kentucky.
Where exactly does Sobbing Jocasta get off criticizing Victoria or anyone else for being too emotional? Jocasta might want to keep in mind that she hasn’t exactly been a major force in the house herself.
Donny is waking up to the reality of the Detonators but nobody else seems to be willing to work with him to do anything about it. You can’t really have an alliance with only one person.
And then there’s Zach — you know, I would really hate Zach if I only knew him from what I’ve seen of him on the CBS show. The show’s producers and editors have obviously decided to make Zach into this season’s villain and hence, we don’t get to see the fact that when Zach isn’t going crazy, he can actually be a funny and sometimes even likable guy. (Out of all the HGs, he seemed to be the most sincere about consoling Frankie after the death of his grandfather.) That said, watching him at both the nomination ceremony and the Battle of the Block, it’s obvious that Zach is both in love with the sound of his own voice and also incapable of really thinking before he speaks. (Frankie is just as obsessed with being the center of attention as Zach but Frankie at least understands the difference between good attention and bad attention.) Watching Zach at the Battle of the Block, it’s a bit easier for me to understand why Frankie was considering put him up as a replacement nominee.
And finally, as for Christine refusing to throw the competition — Good for her! It’s about time somebody in that house stood up for their right to be there.
Well, that’s all I’ve got. What did y’all think of Sunday’s episode?
Lisa Marie
This one didn’t end up in my inbox. Maybe it’ll be there tomorrow. I did find it funny that Jacosta complained about Victoria’s crying!!??
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Thanks lisa Marie. Great job!
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Personally, I’m finding this season all too predictable. Even if I didn’t read the blogs, I’d be able to guess what was going to happen. Last season was horrible with all the racism and bad mouthing but at least we got something entertaining to watch–people making fools of themselves on national TV. Right now, I’m thinking it might be entertaining to watch paint dry.
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If Donnie doesn’t make a move soon, he wil no longer be my favorite.
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Thank you Lisa for the write up. Too bad it’s Amber going this week. They really need to do away with Caleb. Zach is definitely a pistol and I am entertained by him. I like how Cody criticizes the noms when all he did was listen to the Godfather. Oh well. I’m watching but lost my enthusiasm for show nights.
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Not much happening in the BB house tonight. I really hope they start playing the game. Can you spell B O R I N G. To bad, was really looking forward to this season. Going to bed. God bless. {{{HUGS}}}
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Interesting night on BB
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Boring! Predictable! Boring!
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I like Frankie, I do, but I wish he had a little more competition. The Hamsters are not earning their keep, and if they refuse to play theyt deserve to be voted off.
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I am ready for action this season it is like they are all on vacation together instead of playing BB ,it is getting very boring and I am sick of Celeb and Zach..Have great night BB fans
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Pretty good show tonight, I thought it was more awkward Zach calling out Christine and made him look kind of stupid. That whole thing fell flat 🙄
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I miss the seasons when HGs played games and kept busy or drank
At least there was something going on
They are nervous about Donny ,ok whatever
Why doess Vickie stare?
Predictable outcome , going to bed
@LM Bonne nuit
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Thanks for your write up of the very boring, predictable show. I agree with erie-angel that we could predict what’s going to happen even if we didn’t know.
As for Zach, he’s likeable and then he’s not. Tonight he was mean and not likeable at all. Frankly, he’s really a loose cannon and he’s acting like a first class jackass. IMO of course.
I enjoyed watching the BOTB though. Vic just doesn’t get it does she? They are all a bunch of hamsters just waiting for the day the wheel stops spinning. Better than last year’s HGs tho. As for Donny, it’s too late now for them to do anything unless they can all agree to work together which won’t happen especially with Christine the double agent. I like that she stuck up for herself but can’t she see she’s on the bottom of the alliance? Can we name them after the seven dwarfs with a couple of them named sleepy and dopey?
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Thanks for the new post Lisa Marie. Sadly, your first paragraph summed up the entire season so far. “Expect the unexpected” has become moot. Back in the day, I had the feeds on 24/7 and would not even think of missing any of the broadcast shows. This season I find myself only looking forward to the “live” show on Thursday nights. The most entertaining moments for me are when the HGs pass each other in the hall outside the DR during the lopsided, expected (see above) votes. The HoH comps are rehashes of ones gone by. Expect the unexpected indeed (not).
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I enjoyed the Sunday night recap of live feeds. I loved the noms and BOB, even tho Jocasta and Vic lost to Christine and Dingus (LOL). That was terrible. I loved how Nicole broke out in nervous laughter after the nomination ceremony. I really really wish they would BD Caleb and not Amber this week. Just saying.
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Oh, BTW, that’s my rescue cat Yoda with me in my avitar. I think I may have mentioned her in a previous comment. I am single and have been confined to a wheelchair for the last 20 years or so due to an injury in my infancy (I’m 66 now). She has been a dear companion to me since I adopted her from our local animal shelter a few years ago.
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Nicole should go to the diary room and ask for a big box of fruit loops and just go around eating them and when she passes zackattack, throw a few to him. I don’t like him. caleb may be coo coo but zack is just cruel.
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LM..I totally agree about the mundaneness and predictability of BB this year. We’ve all bemoaned it and I don’t see how anyting is going to change it. The most upsetting thing on the whole show is prolly going to be the deaths of the two grandfathers! I actually think that this is a natural occurance tho when a show has been on for this long and studied by so many fans. The only variable is the HGS. So unless they have the smarts, personality, moxy and are randy and looking for love, not much different is going to happen!! I love BB and don’t want to jinx it but it really is a miracle it is still on, I think!!
About the whole hair thing with Victoria. I am just surmising, but obviously she had some kind of traumatic illness or something that caused all her hair to fall out. She said she didn’t want to get into it, but my 1st thought were either cancer or alopecia(sp?). I honesly suspected it wasn’t her hair as it is VERY thick and doesn’t move easily and she always seems *aware* of it. But her point in telling Cody was that early on she told Nicole about it. And I guess that night Nicole was either telling people or making fun of her..something mean that upset her. Cody is a doll, but not the most empatheic Detonator. I was wondering WHY she was telling him all that as he looked as if he could care less!! The only reason could be that she was trying to get his sympathy and turn him agaisnt Nic! SO…..I think she must have aw THING for him. But then, I think every girl in the house does…..including Christine!!lol
So..we all know there is a Zankie. But apparently last nite it got a little stepped up in the HOH room. Lots of back rubbing , nipping kisses and Frankie went so far as to tell Zach…
“I would marry you. I would absolutely marry you. You’d be having the best sex of your life.”
Self professed heterosexual Zach is taking baby steps here.. back tickles, a kiss on the shoulder and several I love yous, punctuated by a “Too bad I’m not gay, right?”
Frankie seems to know better, but he’s not pushing and tells Zach gently.. “You just keep thinking about it.”
I don’t know if Frankie means that and is trying to *turn* Zach or if he i just using him. Frankie and Cody had a long talk tonight and were both saying that Zach was a loose cannon and could blow their games up. I’m not sure if Frankie has feelings for Zach but is keeping them separate from game or what. CBS prolly won’t do it, but instead of focusing on Nic and Hayden as a showmance, which couldn’t be more boring, they SHOULD be focusing it on Zankie!!! lol It would certainly liven up the season, but may also produce a lawsuit from Zach’s family!! Oh well…one can hope!!! 😉
Ok….that’s all I got.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace.light and love.
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I hate hate hate that the whole house votes the same. Its so ridiculous and spineless. Im sorry but I don’t get the dislike for Caleb. He is so sweet. Be doesn’t hurt anyone, he’s low-key; except for his obsession with Amber. Note I keep in mind that this crushismagnified due to the fact that they are confined to such a small space and so few people. And that weird music that bb plays when thay are spotlighting Caleb crushing on Amber. Production has a way of magnifying situations also, let’s not forget. But once Amber is gone I think Caleb might start really competing. He’s just distracted right lol. Plus he is really cute.
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Another great write up Lisa Marie.
@Starfish – I agree with you about Christine being a double agent, as she runs to the Detonators and tells them everything. She claims to be a major BB fan, but obviously she doesn’t know how to play the game. Zach calling her out as a floater was spot on, but this went over her head. She keeps throwing Nicole and others under the bus, instead of protecting herself by forming another alliance. Come on now, she says she watches the show! What is wrong with her? The writing is on the wall, but apparently she can’t read. Loved your comparison to the seven dwarfs…to funny!! Here is how I would break them down.
Happy – Frankie and Hayden
Doc – Derrick and Donny
Grumpy – Caleb and Amber
Bashful – Nicole
Dopey – Victoria, Christine and Jocosta
Sleepy – Zach
Sneezy – Cody (I hate to hear him take those deep sniffs, it is gross, get a Kleenex!!).
@Star – It was hard to watch Victoria when she was telling Cody about her hair. I am glad Hayden told her he was going to use the veto and take her off the block, as it will save us all from hearing her constant whining for the few days!
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I am with you Lisa. Like or dislike either Frankie or Zach, they seem to be the only ones invested in a plan or any sort of strategy at all. As far as Christine goes, kudos to her for refusing to throw the competition. I cringe when I observe most of the housemates allow Frankie and Zach to take so much control. Wake up people, take back control and show us you are in it for the game. Though I agree that there are mostly likable people in the house, I get frustrated each week by the lack of motivation to make a big move on the majority of the housemates. I keep waiting for Donny or Christine to take the bull by the horns, but heck no, we wouldn’t want to upset the apple cart. Grow some teeth people; it is BB and the world is waiting to see who has a game plan other than Frankie or Zach. Redeem yourself houseguests, step it up and strategize. Power is up for grabs, and needs to be taken from the dynamic duo! Do the fans a favor, make it INTERESTING for the viewers.
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thanks Lisa Marie for making some sense out of this game. Totally agree Betty, especially regarding Cody and that terrible sniffing – have to mute! While I would like to see Donny win because he is so likeable, in my opinion it will most likely be Derrick as he is playing an almost flawless game. They really really need to start recruiting people who know the game instead of local bars – gone are the good ole days of Dr. Will, Dan, etc., etc.
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Christine wouldn’t throw the game only because she didn’t want to grow on a block.I don’t care for her..she is a floater letting everyone else do the work.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And what about Zach at the meeting calling Nicole a name…how many of us wanted to hear that..
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In my opinion, I still think Zach is trying to be like Dr. Will. The way he talks in the DR especially; waving his hands and using expressions like Dr. Will. Zach, you are no Dr. Will….not even close! As far as “Zankie” … yuck, yuck, yuck!! 🙁 go away! 🙁
Have a good week blogger friends! 🙂
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I didn’t notice Cody’s sniffling because as in the past 2 seasons, this year again i don’t watch AD . I either fall asleep or nothing happens and I move on.
Yes i agree picking/casting people by looks or grabbing them out of random public places is not working at all.
We all know that 1000’s have sent in for auditions or gone to cattle call audition for BB i am sure people were more interesting than some in this bunch. Especially the girls.
And I love Donny, but how is he playing the game ???
About last night , I was so nervous that Jacosta would lose it on us and either cry or start speaking in tongues. But i know it’s not live and production probably read our blog as usual and told her to tone it down.
Unfortunately this year for the 2nd time ( aka last year ) i can’t wait for the girls to go.
About Zach, he is trying so hard to be DR Will!
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I personally wish Frankie, Caleb, Zach and Hayden were GONE Cant stand any of them
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I have enjoyed reading all of your blogs this morning! A lot of wisdom spoken here! 🙂
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I would love to see Donny, Hayden, Nicole, Christine, Jocasta, Victoria and after Amber goes home Caleb form an alliance and go after the others, it would be cool. But probably won’t happen. The reason I put Christine in the list is because she is pretty pissed that Zack asked her to throw the comp and that he told Nicole not to trust her. Only time will tell if any of them get balls and do something.
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I read on another blog that BB changed the TA task and if Zach berates someone for 20 secs or more that will accomplish their task. I guess this is one of BB’s “twists”.
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i was thinking it was going to be alot better if amber goes because caleb cant muster up any other conversation – other than amber amber amber – my feeds are on mute and when caleb comes over the computer my daughter and i have a bet whether or not he is talking about amber – 99% of the time – its a YES – after shes gone he will still be going on about her – maybe worse for a while…
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I seriously think the majority of the house guests feel like if they make it to jury, the “won”. Nobody really seems to have any real goal or strategy to make it to the end, except Frankie and Derrick. It is very much a week to week game. But in the BB world, that’s not the worst idea. Shit can change at the drop of a hat.
The reason this season is so boring is because the Bomb Squad/Detonators have pretty much run the house the entire time. Even when Nicole was an HOH, she got schmoozed by Derrick to do his bidding. The only way this game will get shaken up is if one or hopefully two of the people outside the alliance wins HOH. They gotta put a chink in the power alliances’ armor…AKA get one of them out.
I have a feeling if that happens next week, you may see a far better show. For now, I hope BB whips up some type of twist to bring some one back or maybe do a double eviction to get that alliance broken up a bit. That’s the only way this season will get any excitement back, IMO.
I’ll watch because I’ve never missed an episode in 16 seasons, but man….they need to shake some shit up and quick! Even just a big fight or argument would be fun. BB, start supplying the house guests with copious amounts of alcohol….STAT! WE WANT DRAMA! 🙂
I want to see the rest of the house buck the trend and vote out the “pawn” or something. Its like a dictatorship. WE win HOH, WE control BOTB and hopefully the Veto, WE backdoor our actual target, YOU WILL all vote out our target or you will become the target next week.
Um…OK…so keep doing that till there’s nobody left and your ass is sitting on the block ready to be voted out. That’s some seriously smart game play. Hayden proved in the first comp of the season he was capable of doing well. Donny has won a few, granted some were thrown, but still. When Amber is back doored, the outsiders need to save her and form an alliance with her…and even bring dumb ass Caleb over. All they need is to be united for like 2 weeks to flip the house.
Probably easier said that done.
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Thanks for you update Lisa♥ I did not see last nights show but watch it later. Have a good day everyone, & Hi to all my fellow Vets ………………
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POV ceremony is happening now. Went to Jeff about 45 mins ago. I am sure the outcome will be SO shocking!! NOT!!! YAWN!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Altho, Zach is supposed to go off on Amber in order to fulfill the TA’s assignent. I think that is just mean really. Being put on the block and being screamed at. And I seriously don’t think that the TA team TELLING Zach what they need done every week is what BB had in mind when they thunk up this *twist*. But I guess it counts even if it seems immoral and like cheating somehow. Those 3 guys are basically getting paid to sit on their haunches and let Zach do their dirty work. Oh well…..I guess that ‘s what puppetmasters do!!
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POV Ceremony is over. AS planned..what a surprise….hayden took Vic down and Frankie put Amber up!!! I guess Zach blew up at Amber and she didn’t say a word. Caleb apparently threw a pillow at her?? This year is definitley the boys abusing the girls!!! Now Cody is calling Zach a loose cannon again even tho they TODE him to do whet he did!
I’m like SirRock..have watched BB since Day One so I won’t stop. But this year is so painfully predictable, I am beginning to question my perserverance. And my sanity!!lol
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@Star……PLEASE DON’T STOP!!! I absolutely LOVE your comments!! A few of your posts had me ROTFLMAO!!! You know how Cray Cray this game is!! It can only get better from here right?
LM Thanks so much for all you do so “stay supple”!!
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The show was just Okay! Too many jerks in the house this Season…….
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I have to know what this Caleb throwing a pillow at Amber incident was about. Did Zach make up some story about her carrying on a showmance behind Caleb’s back or something.
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Sorry, my punctuation is terrible, I meant to have a ? at the end of my sentence.
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Like so many others, I have watched Big Brother from day one as well but between last year’s racist comments and this year just bullying the girls, these people can’t really represent young America can they? They are getting disgusting in their actions. I don’t think everyone is nice but I don’t think the majority are jerks like this cast. I liked this season until recently. Throwing things at another cast mate should be unacceptable Bafoonmode Cowboy.
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@Annie….awww..thanks!!! It’s nice to know someone is reading my often late nite ramblings!!lol And YES! It CAN only get better from here!!! Or are we being naively optomistic??? 😉
@Keith..not totally sure why Caleb lobbed a pillow at Amber, but it shopuldn’t have been allowed. Zach’s whole speech agaisnt her tho had to do with all the things Caleb had done for her in the game (like stalking her!!)and how unappreciative she was! But what is this…a stoning???? Is she made out to be the BB WHORE now because she doesn’t return Caleb’s feelings?? I keep trying to get on board with someone this year and everytime I do, I find reasons to not like or trust them. Or care.
Looking for gossip and not finding much, I guess Nic is mad at Frankie for exposong her for helping Caleb set up his date with Amber. WTFC?????lol And Caleb seriously didn’t know Amber was going home. He thought they were jsut *teaching* her a lesson. WHAT lesson?? LIke me or go home B*tch??? Way too much scary testosteron in the house this year!!! Anyway, now Caleb is in the DR sobbing his eyes out cuz the light-o-his-life is going home. He actually thought it was going to be Jocasta. Not only are you scary creepy , Caleb. You’re scary stupid too.
We need more MEAT to chew on here. CBS!! Us rabid fans are STARVING !!! Throw us a Slop bone here…something!!lol
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Way to go Star!! 🙂
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Star you are very funny. Anyone watching the Bachlorette?
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hey yall, ( yes from New Orleans we say yall )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I like action in the house, especially like when EVIL DICK was on that was good BB it was fun and unpredictable ~ So predictability of BB this year ~ last year was pure mean and real hate and anger. I like this group but you can best believe Derrick will win Cody sitting right next to him. Me, I would like Donnie to win, he’s nice and polite and caring, and it seems real, ( I hope it is real ) besides that, I aint got nothing IMO
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I’m confused and I hope someone can help me. I am not understanding the Frankie/Zach relationship. I watch the shows, some BBAD and read another blog. Are they working together or is Frankie just using Zach? They seem very friendly with each other when they are together but then when Frankie is with others, he is always throwing Zach under the bus. Does anyone know?
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Deb I think Frankie is in it for Frankie. He has said and shown us a lot about himself.
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swt, I would love to see Evil Dick and Donny together! Talk about polar opposites!
deb, I think Frankie is as fake as a three dollar bill. 🙂 IMHO. 🙂
Ready for a night of tv with Gordan Ramsey! Master Chef and Hotel Hell, then onto American Ninja Warriors!
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I just heard thee is a new alliance; donny, Nicole, hays en and jockstrap.
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My auto correct was incorrect donny hayden Nicole and Christine.
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Thanks for the clarification Star, as I know I can count on you for all of the juicy tidbits. I’m embarrassed that Zach represents my beloved Gators, he doesn’t have any swagger. I like the new alliance, but I think that having Christine in it spells doom for them. I’m going to go out on a limb and say next weeks nominees will be Zach and Caleb, with Zach being shown the door.
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Well, if you have LF’s, today’s been the day we’ve been waiting for.. Kinda..
Amber confronted Caleb; Caleb found out everyone knew the plan was to get out Amber; He’s been told plainly that SHE’S NOT THAT INTO YOU; he cried; and now he’s back on the Save Amber team. Oh lordy, at least it’s not been dull!
I am starting to feel bad for Caleb. Amber tells him because of stuff she went thru before coming to the house she is guarded and doesn’t want to have a relationship right now. He hears that as “we can get together after the show”. Zach, Frankie, Nicole and Christine for sure have told him she’s not into him. Amber is politely trying to tell him she’s not into him, and he still thinks he has a shot. He wants her around until jury so he can go running to jury right after her to get some quality no-camera alone time. Oy vey!!
Gotta give Amber credit. She is trying to handle the stalker with class, she is fighting to stay, and personally I think she is making some decent points. But no one will overlook the Caleb factor. Quite frankly he has tanked her game with his obsession. Part of me hopes she succeeds in swaying the vote; part of me hopes she gets out while the getting is good just so she can distance herself from Caleb.
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Wow. This could change at any moment but it looks like Jocasta may now be Frankie and Zach’s main target. Caleb may have changed their minds.
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Or they may have just been humoring Caleb. I can’t tell for sure, just yet.
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I dunno LM… Storage room meeting at 818p BBT… Frankie, Zach and Hayden.. “Operation Britney” seems to be in effect.. Basically telling Caleb and Amber that she is saying and swoop in for the blindside Thursday.
Such a shame. Amber is nice enough, Caleb screwed her game for her. By getting her out, the Detonators can keep Caleb better in check.
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Actually The Bachelorette was more entertaining on the finale than all season, I stopped watching it was so boring. Final 2 were Nick and josh. Funny Nick was so heartbroken to be dumped and let it be known Andi screwed him. and asked why she would make love with him if she didn’t want to be with him. Actually alot of them screw quite a few, some are more trampy than others. I wonder now how many Andi did? I guess you gotta sample the goods right. 😆 Pretty good finale although I didn’t really care for Josh the one she picked, I thought it was kind of overkill when he proposed at the end, I wanted to throw up, she can have him I doubt it will last. 😯
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I do not understand why they are getting rid of amber or jocasta. What a waste of HOH. I hope Donny, Hayden, Nicole and Christine really decide to play and at least give Derrick and his posse a run for their money.
I thought the Bachelorette was good. Josh and Andi actually make a cute couple. They were on Jimmy Kimmel too. I didn’t see what she saw in Nick. He couldn’t look her in the eye when he talked to her. He was so stiff and seemed so uncomfortable all the time.
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