Hi, y’all!
The Diary Room is finally open! I apologize for the delay. I’d tell you that it was because I couldn’t find the key to unlock the room but the truth is actually far more mundane — which is that I just got swamped at my day job and this is the first chance that I’ve had to actually get online and do anything!
But enough about me!
Who do you vote to evict?
Donny, the bearded one who has been nominated almost every week since the game began
Nicole, the nice one who just recently reentered the house?
You can vote over on the right side of the page or in the comments section below! And then tune in tonight to see who will go to the jury house!
As for me, I vote to evict Donny. You can’t help but love Donny but I’d rather he go then Nicole.
Lisa Marie
I vote to evict Nichole simply because Donny is out the door.
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I vote to evict Donny,only because I think Nicole will be able to do more damage! I really hate to see Donny go, but we only have two choices! 🙁
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I sadly vote to evict Donny….maybe America will vote him most favorite player so he can win $25,000. He is the only one in the house who was aware of how manipulative Derrick is…I think Donny should be rewarded….plus everyone in and outside of the game likes him.
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I vote to evict Donny. It’s a hard choice but I really think Nicole has more of a chance of actually doing something. Not sure why I think that but I do. I really would rather it was neither of them. Cody WILL be sorry he made the decision he did.
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I voted to evict Donny – Nicole still has some more game play left in her. Still can’t believe the Veto Comp and how they both folded – REALLY?! You just handed the competition to Cody. I was truly disappointed in both last night, and I just hope Nicole tries harder for the HoH – she needs to shake things up! Can’t wait until Sunday – we are so close to getting a ‘detonator’ on the block and out the door! That will be when the fun real begins
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I vote to evict the lesser of two evils. ….Donny. Nicole rightfully won her chance back in but really neither one have played the game until they’re both on the block. I would LOVE to see Nicole win HOH tonight put up Derrick and Christine and then back door Skanky Frankie
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I hate to see Donny go but he seems so sad to be there alone. Definitely getting my vote for favorite player.
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I don’t want Donny to go !!! But I know he will just like everybody else. I hope Nicole whips the HOH comp ~ I hope she does the dirty little secret of bursting Derrick and Cody and Frankie. I hope Donny wins $25,000. We will see him tonight. I voted for Donny for America’s Fav his score is 52% plus he’s has some pocket money from the thing’s they did in the house.
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Sadly going to evict Donny! If he were to go to the end He would win and everyone knows it. Although he was very good at most challenges Being nice in a game like this can cost you….Good bye Donny…
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Its time Christine gets going out the door, but I would love to see the ladies get together which is a no no because of Christine, but its time she get on the block and stays there and get out that door. Next I would like to see Derrick out also, but he is actually playing the game as a cop, he knows how to investigate and turn things around without them having not one clue.
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I agree with you Go Girl. Christine DOES need to go. I think the guys actually realize it now if they will just act on it. And then there is Victoria? I can’t believe how she swelled up so bad and I was hoping she would have to go home. She is sooooo worthless. I would be happiest after tonight to see Christine, Victoria, and Frankie be the next ones to go. I am honestly tired of all of them.
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I vote to evict Nicole only because I hate when BB brigs back ppl who have already been voted out. I know that Donny will be the one to go though. I wish he would stay and shake up the house because he is aware who is running things in the house. Though I love Ferrick and hope he wins since he is the one who has been seriously playing this game since his foot first hit the BB floor!!!
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I hate to see Donny go but know he will be leaving tonight. We all know Derrick will win this game and rightfully so. He has been in control from the start and every eviction has been mastermind by him. I doesn’t matter who he goes to the final two , but there is not one of them I want to see get the $50,000 second prize. Would like Frankie to be evicted just to see his overly dramatic Suprised face for the last time. Donny should get America’s favorite.
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I vote to evict Nichole. I think she missed her chance the first time around and she seems to have lost her confidence. I doubt she will win any comps and she is kissing Derrick’s butt just like the rest of them. I like Nic but she should go back to jury house and be with Hayden. Donnie IS NOT a floater and has worked hard to be where he is.
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And most everyone is voting with the house which is why this season has been so boring.
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Donny, I’ve been waiting all Summer for you to do something, anything and you’ve disappointed me this whole time, it’s time for you to go so we can stop this carousel.
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I think thre is more to Donny than meets the eye
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Maybe I am drinking the Kool Aid but somehow I feel he is par of the production and this is now his time to go
However if I am off the wall on this I vote to evict Nicole
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Won’t happen but I vote to evict Nicole because unlike our houseguests, I have balls.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------After the power of veto last night, can any houseguest not know that Derrick is a cop? You could see the saliva dripping out his mouth onto his chin and onto his shirt when he spied all those donuts. If it gets down to Derrick & Victoria for the final two, I would love to see the look on his face if the jury votes for Victoria. Of course this group will fear retribution (tickets on their cars) and vote for Derrick. Big Brother next season please fill the house with Zack and the balance of houseguests homeless people. This would prove to be much more interesting and the smell and filth would be no worse. Maybe change the have-nots to a cleaning crew for the week where America would vote as to they did a good job with $5000 going to the top cleaner.
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I vote to evict Nicole. Her voice drove me crazy when whe was on before, and it is still annoying!!!!!!!!!!
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i don’t get it….ppl saying donny isn’t playing…and you honestly think anyone else except derrick (using other’s) is? i like nic but i’m not giving up on donny.
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I may be out of my mind however I believe there is more to Donny than meets the eye
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I think he is part of production and this is now his time to go
but if wrong then I have to sadly say
I vote to evict Nicole
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imagine derrick gone (would be nice) i think everyone except donny and maybe nic would just be standing around with blank faces or walking around bumping into each other……
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@Rich and Debi: Finally! Someone voting against the house. Time to really shake things up.
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I agree with you Joan Dunn.
I like them both but want Nicole to go.
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If they were smart, they’d do what I would do, and evict Nicole.
Just checking out Jokers and it looks like what was a sure fire eviction for Donny this week isn’t cemented just yet. I think this decision will go down to the wire.
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Honest Donny Appleseed has now decided it just may be better to lie than die. It is a game, right?
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I vote to evict Nicole, she should have never got to come back into the house anyway.
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Donny !
Nicole may win and make them sweat a little
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Since I want Flambeau Frankie out of the house and no longer on public display in the worst way, I vote to evict Donny
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Thanks Sir Rock. A glimmer of hope is better than no hope at all.
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I am sticking to the original person that I have liked since the beginning. That being said, I vote to evict Nicole. I can’t take that whiney voice of hers one more day. She should not have been able to come back in in the first place. Donny is playing the best he can, but when the entire house is against him, who is he going to open up to? He has tried, but all that happens is they take off running and snitching about what was said. I hope that IF production does get involved, let it be to save Donny (the way they stuck their noses in last year for Amanda). Last year for me was still the WORST season ever!!
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You are right any year is better than last year.
This year is more sluggish and retirement home slow
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They probably are more energetic than this bunch
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STAR 0 i agree with you – donny is a sweet man therefore he wouldnt make any big moves – i like him nore than i like nicole – but i think she has bigger ba**s than donnie – (assuming she wins hoh) – cody wants to keep her to flirt and is FIRM about that – frank wants her out cuz he knows he is her target – we are kidding ourselves if we think they are making their decisions on their alliance – i call b.s. on that – cept for caleb
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i noticed football was taking out big brother – at first i wasnt even upset about it – who cares right – its on KXTA – ch 21 here
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I sadly vote to evict Donny. However, I will vote for him to be America’s Favorite Houseguest and win 25,000.00
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Regarding Nicole’s return to play another day, I look at it this way, she was bullied out of the house by the Gang of Duds and stabbed in the back by her closest friend in the house so I’m hoping for her pick up her game and orchestrate a payback attack this time around.
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I have never seen BB that they all vote with the house, to me that’s chicken shit
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Sadly I vote to evict my fav – Donny (just too nice for this game). I will be voting for him as America’s fav. I hope that Nicole hasn’t drunk the Derrick kool-ade punch this week – plays like heck, wins the HOH, then puts Derrick and Cody up. I really doubt that she will, but all we have are wishes this year. Missed last night’s show, which is the first show I have missed in 16 seasons. It just seems like this entire season is one big Derrick show and very very boring, primarily because of his fellow HG’s and I just don’t like him!!! If he does take Vic to final two I would like to see a bitter jury give her the money but again, doubt that will happen. Finally, thanks Lisa Marie, such a tremendous job I don’t have to watch the show ….
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I would vote Donny out because I love Nicole.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hoping she wins HoH.
Can’t stand Frankie or Christine and hope one of them goes home next week.
I would hope Frankie is leaving next week in a prefect world!
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What’s wrong with them, anyway? If they all want to be in the final 2 with victoria….which.id why they keep her, don’t they get it thst all if them can’t be in the final 2 with he r??? How stupid! I can’t type on this tiny key pad.
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I vote to evict Donny
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ok I sadly vote to evict Donny, cuz I think that Nicole would make a bigger move than Donnie would. I hope Nicole wins hoh and puts up Frankie and Christine, then it would be cool if Christine (don’t really care for her) won veto and Nicole puts up Derrick and then either Frankie or Derrick goes home. I think maybe Derrick has a better shot of going home then Frankie but if Christine were still on the block then she would go home. Just my thoughts anyway.
Also regarding a new show for them would be to put all the house guests that were evicted first back in the house next year since they did not really get to play very long in the house and see what they could do.
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I vote to evict Donny. His game play can go nowhere as Nicole may still have a chance. Watched part of BB last night, but turned it off when Frankie says “America wants us to put on a show”. I turned it off at that time as I believed it would be the Frankie show promoting him as a production stunt. He should go home!!! I’m tired of him. Why do the guys let Christine get close to them? I think she flashes her good sized bussom, and all forget she’s married.
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Good evening all~
I vote to evict Nicole. Although I do think Donny’s gone tonight.
And I’m pretty sure Donny will win the fan favorite which will be awesome when Frankie’s mouth drops!!!
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I vote to evict Donny, only because Nicole is nicer to look at. Why anyone thinks that little whiner can have any impact in the game against the boys club is beyond me. No way can she rally the girls to take her side against them. Donny will probably go, then Nicole. Would love to see Tinkerbell exit the house soon. My favorite to win has been and still is Derrick. Would have Victoria or Christine next as second choice.
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Oh and I vote to evict…it doesn’t matter. Can hardly wait till they have start voting oyt each other in the guys club.
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Would love to see Nic as HOH and take down either Caleb or Christine…. and Frankie to follow
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I vote to evict Nicole. I want Donny to start acting on what he has known for a while now. I want to see him win HOH not just POV.
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Bye bye Donnie.
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Goodbye Donny 🙁 ………………..
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I vote to evict Nicole because only Donny has Derrick figured out!
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I like Donny as a person but his Game Sucks! He has only won comps by chance! Look what he did when he needed it the most ‘Folded’ . Nicole did it on purpose because she is working with Cody if you havent noticed or watched very much live feeds before she got bent over and the lies about her were spread and got her voted out the first time by Rat Face. And guys don’t look at breast when there is a rat sitting on top of them giggling constantly which is way more irritating than the northern accent. At least Nicole is plotting and thinking ahead after a week of brain farts. And if she doesn’t win HOH she will probably be a safe next along with Frankie or Christine on the Block. The Real ‘Boys Club’ have their eyes set on Frankie pretty quickly as to not lose any numbers to have a chance to get him out. There is a really nice You Tube Video called Nicody that’s about 15-20 minutes long with pretty cool music to it with a ton of video of Nicole and Cody together holding each other, tickling each other and actually a quick kiss or peck and also Cody taking her glasses off so they can sleep together. They look and act like they really care for each other and I think that’s why Cody would not change his mind and was hurt the first time after finding out the lies that Christine spread because of jealously of Nicole. Jan Renee’ make sure you check out that video. Donny, you will be happier in the 6 million dollar house for a month eating and watching all the TV you want. Swim all you want! Sorry not the right make-up for this social situation just like Devin! Brittany and Amber probably got shafted a little to early I think but that is the game. I do love CBS bringing back evicted player on the condition they have 1week of safety from being put up. They need to re-adjust to game like before. It is good twist IMHO 8:00 game on Later!
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Wow I got the show on my computer!!!!! 🙂
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I vote to evict Christine……oh that’s right she’s not on the block thanks to her boyfriend. So I vote to evict Nicole; bye bye Donny honey get some rest and relax now. America loves you. Hopefully Crustine or Stankie will be right behind you. And then the bobble head Victoria needs to float out the door next. And hopefully the cannibals will start eatting each other. But Nicole where does she fit into this equation????? I dont know not tooooo soon hopefully, But it will not be sure to her great game play or great intuition because to me they are both non existen.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To me she has only been lucky a couple of times and she doesn’t do her homework. If she did throughly; if she did hayden would not have been out the door so quick.
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How anyone can say donny sucks is beyond me. Let’s look at how much he has won and came close to winning. And especially will everyone trying to get him out from the beginning well after the 1st 2 weeks. And then winning the one botb when Christine actually was giving pieces of the game to the other guys. Really “sucks” is a little harsh of a word. Just saying.
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Keep Donny …………….
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Sorry to see Donny go
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My heart just broke watching Donny talking to Julie
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He is going to be a soap STAR………….
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I know Donny is a fan favorite and I really really like him and he was my fav too, at first. He knows the game but he’s not playing the game, he’s relying on tea and sympathy. He’s a great guy, but crying, really? His game doesn’t exist. Sure he has won a few comps but that’s not the main thing in BB. Dr. Will didn’t win one comp. The guy is just too nice for this game. As Zingbot said, he has no social game whatsoever. He gave it sort of a shot trying to convince Derrick that he should stay instead of Nicole but it’s too little too late. Having a “save Donny” for this week was sad and pitiful IMHO. I would personally like to see Nic stay, if for no other reason, than she’s actually trying to play the game. Hopefully, whoever stays, I hope they win HOH and backdoor Frankie or Christine and get them gone!
They both blew the POV comp and I couldn’t believe they didn’t “stay” that last time. Stupid game play by both of them and they both know better. Go figure.
Each year they bring someone back so how can anyone say she didn’t deserve to come back? They do it every year and I agree with many of you that the first week they should be safe. Would you have preferred Jacosta come back? Someone was coming back no matter what.
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Sorry to see such a sweet guy leave. I felt so bad for Donny and I hope he wins Am fav
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Oh, I see Donny did get voted out, and that is sad, so now, for me, it’s Go Nicole, win HOH and get Frankie or Christine OUT! purty please! 😛
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Did anyone else think that Tim was weird looking?
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Well, when last I was here, there was no voting page, so I voted back yonder!!lol I did vote to get Donny out and I don’t regret it!! I have am and havev always been TEAM NICOLE!!!! Us blonde girls from Michigan have got to stick together!!! 😉
Have LFs on but it’s been mostly Jeff. Just did a little peek at comp. Not sure if that was a mistake or what. ok..bakc on again. Derrick crawling on all fours!! And buffering…lol Can’t see the snowmen so don’t know who’s ahead. Willl keep watching!!
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Well this comp could take all night. BBAD will probably be fish but I’ll wait up to see who won. I hope Nicole can pull this off
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Tim was weird and gross!
Gonna miss you Donny. I hope you make lots of money staring on that soap! It couldn’t happen to a better person. Rub it in everyones face! Such a great person, who never stood a chance against the other houseguests. We knew it and it was sad to hear him saying it to Julie.
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Frankie is going to so jealous when he finds out Donny is going to be on B&B.
While I’m sorry to see Donny go, I’m happy for him and his budding soap opera career.
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God it’s almost impossible to see anything. The closeups are bad and so many people are on it keeps buffering. but Caleb looks like it’s about half full. Can’t really see anyone elses. Now Jeff is back on. this is really crappy. WHY did I pay for LFS agin???LOL Looks like Nic is doingpretty good too. Frankie and Chris and her seem to have the skate down the best. Sorry. AL I can tell ya. Everyone is panting heavily tho!!
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Absolutely great that Fankenweenie’s stupid play idea was shot down by the voters. Gives me hope that the “Grande army” won’t be able to give America’s Favorite Player award to Frankenweenie. He is just impossible for me to watch. Go Donny for Favorite player even if he wasn’t the best strategizer. Hopefully many doors will open for him after the show and he can cash in some more.
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@Fran and Erie..I agree..seeing Donnie talk to Julie was sad. And the urprised look on his face was priceless and astonished when he heard tht B&B wanted him to be on their show!!! I could heaer him thinking..i don’t know how to act..lol that is why julie smiled when he said he was worried about getting his job back!! I did like Donnie as a person alot. I just like Ncole better..and her gameplay. (before everone decides to lynch me for voting Donnie out!!)lol
LFS going back and forth between live and Jeff. they never do close ups of the snowmen so its impossible to see who is ahead. Caleb fell like 3 times going back. Could hear him HIT! Looked painful!! Frankie’s snowman is looking pretty BLUE tho. My worse case scenario is he wins HOH!!! And he is RUNNING for his life!! He wants this win BIG TiME!!!
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@ Star…no lynching. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
It looks like Frankie is getting the job done a little faster than the rest. It is hard to tell as they are not zoning in very well. Derick is sucking, and Christine looks to be filling up pretty quick too. I wish they would let me see how Caleb is doing….he is not on any of the cameras as of right now.
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tell me ~ tell me ~ who’s winning ?
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Caleb, Cris and Frankie about the same. My girl Nic is close behind. 🙁 If she doesn’t win, ANYONE but Frankie!! He hates her and he had already won it like every other week!!! Give someone else a turn, wll ya???
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thanks Star, did I ever tell you my sister’s name is Star
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and she named her daughter woooop eehhh I know lol
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I can tell you who is wayyyyy behind, and that is Victoria. SHOCKER!!!!
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oops Star too good grief I’m going get a glass of wine BRB
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i think its gonna be crustines win – dam it
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I didn’t see Victoria with a ice scooper in her hand in the beginning ~ what was she thinking ~
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NOOOOOOOO – not Crustine PUHLease
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My call on current rank – Christine in 1st, Frankie 2nd, Nicole 3rd, Caleb 4th or tied for 3rd, Derrick 5th, Victoria 6th .
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crustine has her groove down in the mess – nic right behind – derrick and vic – HA
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Is Christine and her husband brother & sister?
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Frannie…thanks for the no lynching rule…
swt…I didn’t know..so are we sisters from a diferent mister now??? 😉 (Or BB Sibs???) 😉 Wine sounds GOOD! Had way too much coffee for dinner!! I’m all HYPER!!! 😀
Der keeps falling….way behind..so he seems to be illing the small snowman now for he 5K. He is just going to ride BB out 5K at a time…lol
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oh gosh, sisters from different misters lol
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Just got a close up of Nics. Not even up to the smile yet. We could be here for HOURS yet!!!!!
Rich..I know! I was thinking they looked eerily alike too!! EEW!!lol
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Christine and Tim ( her husband ) I really am at a loss for words and that’s a first for me~~~~ CREEPY~~~~~THE BOTH OF THEM ~~~~~ Imo
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omgosh – who is crustine gonna put up – donnie is gone!
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I’m not sipping my wine, I’m like just drinking it
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swt – me too – bout to go get #2
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Vic is doing terrible. Way behind.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------frankie is jus a smidge over Nic.
Nic has fallen twice hard. Once shouted out to her mom that she was ok!!! 😉
Looks like Caleb may be in lead..Chris close behind.
And now I need a glass of wine too….lol BRB
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FIsh. Joy. But I have wine now so it’s all good…lol
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me too need more wine, shoot leave the bottle out, it’s cold
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mact and swt……..too bad we aren’t together. Wee could have gotten a whole BOX!!! LOL
This way we don’t have to drive at least..;)
Nic had a dead cricket in her lane. Frankie prolly threwt over there…lol
Der looking pretty tired. Not in great shape for a cop. It’s all those donuts!! 😉
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lol @ Star
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STAR SWT cheers babes
i think der is done for
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it’s gonna be awhile, this is the kind of games I like to see ~ cheers !!!
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makin a pit stop
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Bottoms UP,ladies!! US..not the HGS..altho they are the ones doing it..lol
macy..agree..Der is looking rough!!! He is barely walking back..not even trying to hustle anymore!
VIc is skating really god, but she is still LOW.
Even the ones taht are ahead, are only at HALF a HEAD!! lol this comp doesn’t usually seem to take this long! IS the head bigger or are the HGS just all SLOWER that in years b4???
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Hi all: so sorry to see Donny go but I am thrilled about him being on the Bold and the Beautiful…I just started watching it about 3 months ago because Thorsten Kaye, Jacob Young and Scott Clifton are on..I watched All My Children for 25 yrs or more and still miss it..Thorsten is my “dream man”…I hate ABC still for cancelling it and One Life to Live…
all the guys on bb16 seem to talk about becoming famous and rich after BB…never heard Donny discuss money except re: Team America…he was good as Devin on that failed skit thing…I watched it that night on BBAD and saw all but Victoria as Amber–commercials came on..glad they showed it Wed night.
What happens now to Team America? is it over? Caleb and
Christine will be furious to know they got extra money.
I also thought Tim looked weird with those earrings..musician or not. also thought they are both transgendered..Tim and
Christine…wouldn’t that be a great sitcom! I liked both
cody and her families comments though.
dianna…you can see Wed show tomorrow (Fri the 29th) on
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TVGN…Wed should be at 10PM Eastern time…if you can get it…I watch all 3 again –22 hrs a wwwk of BB…I obviously have no life! good night all.
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STAR wish they wld show franks bowl
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der is going for money punish
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Nic’s above smiley line now.
Der about half way on his 5KMan.
Part of me wants to stop watching but I can’t!! It’s a sickness!!!lol
Was in another town today at a gift store. I said *Fruit Loop Dingus* to my Bro-in-law and a ssalesclerk goes…*Did you jsut say FLD*??LOL And another BB fan comes out of the closet!!lol It was funny. Like identifying with each other. Cuz no one else would understand our adiction to BB!!!
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can we vote for America’s favorite yet? if so, where? thanks
greetings to
Craig Long…think of you often every day…age, wheelchairs, black cats, military and Minnesota (Hibbing if you missed my post about it)..take care guy.
Also Jolee..from a few days ago. I am in Hillsborough, just north of Chapel Hill. shouting distance of you I think! good night again one and all.
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macy.. I know! I wish they would show Moare of the bowls!!
And Der is definitly allabout the money. I think he relaly needs it and ill go for it no matter waht else is at stake!!!
@PatRoseNC…. WARNING!! O/T…….I watched ABC soaps for YEARS!!!! was SO POed at them for letting AMC
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and OLTL go! GH was always my 3rd and least fav and now it’s all I got!!!
I have tried to watch B&B but it’s only a half hour andthe plot line wasalways so lame!!! I don’t know the ators by their real namesnormally. I know throston and Jacob but whois Scott Clifton? Who did he play???
I should try to watch Y&R more. I like it but it’s never on at a good time for me. It’s werid seeingall our old Soap peeps on diferent shows. Like jason over at Y&R! And I am NOT going to pay to watch them on my laptop! Thy seem like a really abbreviated version on the internet anyway. OK…O/T over..;)
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I found the voting site on polltwigggs.com or something like that Donny was at 52% for the 25,000 I was just fooling around and stumbled on it. My husband is trying to distract me lol
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BBL yall
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8:39 PM Caleb and maybe others discovered and interesting trick. If you get mostly snow it can pile high than just water in the scooper
I can’t believe a poster made the above comment. It takes 10 inches of snow to equal 1 inch of water. Sounds like a Least Mode Cowboy brilliant observation, though!
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swt..so do we go there to vote?? We voted on CBS I thot. Or is that jsut a gossip site?? Seems early to be voting for that anway.
Nic almost to carrot nose. But that is only like half way. They have been at this for 2 hours now!! I wonder if it will run into BBAD and if they will show it??
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@swt…..after,all the talk of wine I poured some for myself. I’ll join you and Star as we await the. HOH results. LOL!! Are you from New Orleans?? I was born and raised there!! You can take the girl out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the girl!!! GEAUX Saints!!!
As far as Tim is concerned, he looks like a freak!! I think his stretched out ears are GROSS!! I heard Christine say she makes more than him because she wants him to pursue his music career! She also said she expects him to be paying all the bills in five years….I say good luck with THAT!!! LOL And if you ask me, by what he said on tonight’s show…I don’t think he’s pleased with all that stuff she’s doing with the guys…especially Cody!!! I’d change the locks if I was him……but he seems to have been drinking the Christine Koolaid!!! LOL
@Star….I’m waiting with bated breath for all the info from the live feeds. Thank you soooo much!!! Your humor makes this blog a blast!!!!
Gonna get some more wine!!L8TR!!
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Derrick’s mini-snowman almost filled up. Does he keep play for HOH or quit then??
Nic falling out of it. Spilling alot.
Chris is ahead of her. Frankie catching up to Chris.
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Der filled up his SM and got the 5k!!!!
Annie..agree with your assesment of the families. I hate people’s ears like that. It’s grosses me out. But I was trying to be PC and not mention it..lol
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yes Annie? do I know you?
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I was at this site: http://www.cbs.com/shows/big_brother/favorite_houseguest_vote/
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------and it says voting is over.
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Caleb just won HOH!!!!!
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BBL going to bed, BBL I had fun tonight talking or chatting, see yall tomorrow 🙂
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Niters swt!!!!
I think I’m out for now too. Watching the comp was exhausting!!lol
TTYL!! ♥
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yes Janice that’s where I voted as well….
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ok Star La8ers
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ok yall I’m heading to bed too, my wine was good and so am I .G’nt yall
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c’ya Annie
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Damn too Bad Caleb Won, I figured he would he seemed ahead of Frankie and Nicole. Nicole and Frankie were very close, I was so hoping she would get it. 🙁
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@swt….I was born at Hotel Deux Hospital in Orleans Parish but I grew up in Jefferson Parish in Airline Park. You may know my brother, Bobby Ledoux. He teaches and coaches the baseball team at Grace King High School. He also works for the Jefferson Parish Recreation Department in the summer. He graduated from East Jefferson High School and went to college in Hammond. He now lives in Kenner….got a new house from Hurricane Katrina!! Probably the ONLY good thing to come after that storm!! LOL!!
I also miss AMC and OLTL!!! I can’t believe they went off the air!! I got my Kindle Fire so I could watch them online then THEY cancelled THAT!! I was sooo pissed!!! And for what…another talk show!!!! Never thought it would happen in my lifetime! LOL
Sorry for going O/T….I’ll blame it on the wine!! LOL
Back to BB…I wonder what Caleb will do with his power!?! Probably something safe, like Nicole and Victoria!! I would like to see him shake the house up…maybe get Frankie out??? A girl can dream, right? L8TR y’all….gonna watch BBAD now.
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Annie, that might not be so far fetched. Caleb was talking with Derrick if Donny won POV he wanted to backdoor Frankie. Although it would make more sense for them to get rid of Nicole or Christine first. Nobody approved of them being so chummy.
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At least crustine didn’t win HOH.
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donny=too good for bb
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The comp ended just as the live show started her in the SF Bay Area. I’m not a spoiler, so I won’t say who won HOH. I was fun watching (listening to) the comp all the way through. A lot of huffing and puffing going on. Well, BeastMode Cowboy finally got his endurance comp, then failed to even place. Due to camera angles, I was difficult to keep track of the progress except for those in the middle lanes.
Now as to Tim – ICK…. I hate earrings on guys, but what the heck were those he was wearing? Looked like plates out of someone’s Barbi Doll set. And here in my minds eye I was picturing some big, tattooed biker guy. OMG! no wonder Christine was all over Cody — she needed a break from Small-weak-and-effeminate!
@PatRoseNC – Thanks for your thoughts Pat.
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What!!!! Caleb won???? How did that happen? I swear I saw Christeen pull her ball out first!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Caleb seemed to be more on par with Victoria. (trying to pull foot from mouth). Well, the camera angles *were* screwy after all. I have no idea how Frankie was doing, but assumed the camera would be focused on him is he was close. Same goes for Caleb on the other side of the lanes. Oh Well….nevermind. Going back to lurking….
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Never read people getting drunk on a blog before. Pretty comical.
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Watching the “Today Show” and Ariana Grande is performing. Can’t help myself, but I would bet a million dollars that Frankie tries her outfits & shoes on when she isn’t around!
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Watched the “Today Show”, and they had Ariana Grande perform. While watching, I couldn’t help thinking how Frankie probably tries on her shoes & outfits when she isn’t around. I also wondered which one of her (male) dancers is Frankie’s boyfriend!
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Caleb winning HOH is great news for Derrick, the B. Cowboy has a ring through his nose just like a steer. All the better for Derrick to pull him around.
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Those earrings on Tim are called gages. They start small and keep putting bigger ones in . My granddaughter at one time dated a guy who had them. That’s how i found out. Being covered with tattoos is not attractive either. One of his friends put empty soda cans through his. These are just radicals.
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Annie, nope I don’t know you. But how did you know I’m from New Orleans?
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@swt….I think you mentioned it a while back on this blog and I filed it in my head!! LOL
Do you do red beans and rice on Mondays?!? Gosh, I miss my mom…rest her blessed soul!!
Have a great Friday…..try to stay out of the heat! Or the rain!! LOL
@Star….I can’t wait to see what Caleb does!!! Should be an interesting week…..we can watch the power go to his head!! LOL Please let us know all the scoop!!! Thanks!!
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Very upset! We had a football game during BB time slot. I searched my TV index and found out BB was going to be at 1:30 am. I DVR’d and it only recorded 33 minutes! Bummer! Now I can’t find it on you tube and you can only see it on CBS if you have Adobe! We didn’t get to see the eviction or the beginning of HOH comp! 🙁 If anyone knows how we can get it on our Kindle Fire, please let us know. Thank all of you that blogged and kept us updated. I still would like to see the show. 🙂 Have a great weekend everyone!
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junksies, now that’s funny. Stick around, that won’t be the first drinking and getting happy on this blog you’ll see. LOL Wish I had sone wine or I would have joined them. Good times you guys! Star, swt and Annie had a grand time last night. 😛
Good ol’ boy BMC won HOH. He’s occassionally shown some game smarts so it should be a good week for us. I still can’t believe Cody didn’t get Frankie out. Let’s hope BMC does something big and off-the-wall that will match his personality.
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CBS just posted a new schedule for the show due to the conflict with football on Thursday nights. Here is the new schedule:)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Big Brother 16 – September 2014 Schedule:
Sun, Aug 31, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode
Wed, Sept 3, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode
Thu, Sept 4, 9PM ET/PT – Live Double Eviction show – F5 revealed
Sun, Sept 7, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode
Tue, Sept 9, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode
Wed, Sept 10, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F4 revealed
Sun, Sept 14, 8PM ET/PT – Nominations episode
Tue, Sept 16, 8PM ET/PT – Power of Veto episode
Wed, Sept 17, 8PM ET/PT – Live Eviction show – F3 revealed
Sun, Sept 21, 8PM ET/PT – F3 episode – Final HoH Rounds 1 & 2
Wed, Sept 24, 9:30PM ET/PT – Season finale – 90 minutes
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Thanks Nonna! Good to know!
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Thanks for that info Nonna I think Caleb will do what he wants to do, but If Derrick has his mind control on he may just not do the right thing IMHO…..
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Not the first time people drink and blog on this , last year we even had a morning after apology
TIM, was so trying to make his wife’s behavior acceptable. Her mom was no happy, guess Crustine is not remembering her values and using the house to get close to men.
She’s been w TIM since high school ??? Anyways about his look, he tries so hard to be hip it’s painful. But at least he seemed nice w the ear plates and all.
Victoria , what the heck she the youngest and can win physical comps . Scary
I never watch soaps, sorry Donny.
And Caleb won ? how ? of course Derrick is safe so $$$$ is all he cared about
can wait for all of them to go home
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@hpr56 – Oh… ICK and double ICK! I understand that stuff like that is a cultural thing in some African Tribes, and I can respect that. If I am offended, then I don’t have to seek it out. On the other hand, If this is going to be the latest offense against nature by young people in my neighborhood, where do I turn??? Seeing someone with a tounge piercing makes me want to lose my lunch! Please Lord, do not let this mutilation take hold as a trend!
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Does anyone know when nominations will be? Also, who’s on slop this week? I think it’s the last week of have nots.!!Glad to see THAT go!! LOL It’s like being sent to a torture chamber!!
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@CraigLong….RE:post 130…*small, week and effeminate* per Tim..made me LOL!! 😀
I hate those ear things. It makes me sick to look at them!! And what happens when you grow up and those are no longer in style adn you can’t get a job because of the way you look??? They won’t *grow back* like a piercing would!! We wer all that STUPID when we were young???? lol
As per his interview….family seems nice and very normal and were embarrassed by Chris’ behavior..and a bit ticked! Tim wasn’t happy either! Soemone had said he was on Twitter saying it was all game and he was ok with everything she was doing but he wasn’t saying that last night!! He was saying things like..we need to talk when she gets home and all the touchy-feely stuff with Cody was crossing a line!! There is no way Chris is going to win this game! And she quit her job, like alot of others have, to be on here. I guess I am not a risk taker as i would never EVER do that!! So now she is jobless…and the breadwinner…and possibly husbandless. Hope she has alot of good memories from this summer as that may be all she is left with!!!!
@SF….macy was in our little party last night too!!lol
But just to be clear, I had ONE glass of wine after having about 4 cups of coffee with dinner. So I was not DRUNK!! lol Wish you would have joined us tho. And we need to get Princess back in here for Thurs nites too!!! 😉 And NO..that was not the 1st OR the last ONLINE party that we have had or will have on this blog! Or even the latest one!!!lol
From what I have gathered so far, Caleb made Nic a H/N again! She was starving all last week!! She said she is done . She jsut wants them to send her home now! I hate it when a group of guys run the house like this. They Are So mean to everyone else. Especially the girls. WTH is this….junior high???!! It seems like this happens more and more every season too..like a formula for success. And don’t think the guys don’t know all this when they come in. Look how fast they all make alliances..like Day 1!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Anyway, then Caleb asked if anyone else ahd only been on slop once and no one answered. Frankie has only been a H/N ONCE!! But he didn’t say a word of course, so Derrick volunteered. Don’t know why he didn’t put up one of the other girls, but cudos to Der for volunteering! The only people I want to see in the end are Der, Cody and Nic. I really can’t stand anyone else in the house anymore. But I think Nic’s lifespan there is endangered and she doesn’t really care anymore. I just really HATE the guys because they are allacting like BULLIES…or the MOB!!LOL But …guess that’s BB. I think we all have a love/hate relatiionshp with it!! 😉
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@Annie..I think I answered the H/N issue..lol But here is a couple of quotes from Frankie. I can’t STAND this guy anymore!! He is such a fake and a user! he will never talk to anyomne outside this house after the game, mark my words!!
Frank “Shes been in the jury a whole week. She got amazing food, cuddled with Hay, watched movies. I don’t give a sh*t. Shut up.”
Frankie saying he wouldn’t volunteer cause the HN room is too cold and says “this isn’t big best friend, it’s big brother”
He’s such a tool!!!!
No word on noms yet for sure but I KNOW Nic is going up..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would guess maybe Chris or Vic but haven’t heard anything for sure.
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Have Not needs to go the way of the dinosaurs. At the very least, if they keep HN, bring back the competitions where losers are the HN for the week, makes things just a little more fair, I think. This crap of the HOH picking the HN is just stupid.
Caleb is going to “protect” his “alliance” for another week and nominate Nic and Vic, no surprises or big moves out of that idiot. Can’t wait until they have to start picking one another off.
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EA – i think he is nom nic and crusty – the hn thing made me mad today – derrick volunteered so caleb had to pick one other – they all stood there like they were walking the plank – caleb says ‘well, weve all been on it at least two times’ crusty shakes her head no – but doesnt say anything – frank has only done it once – no one said a word – so he put nic on it – she just got off of it! pretty sh***y if u ask me
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if i were nic – i would be of the mindset – win the veto – and if not, plan on going back to jury and have a good time with the house – if she does that ONE OF THOSE losers will want to keep her and think of reasons why crusty should go over her
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@star. It was me who said that Tim was okay with the flirting but that was like maybe 3 weeks ago when I read it on Twitter. He obviously has since come to his senses…or maybe he was initially just trying to save face.
Next time I will have wine in the house to join the party!! It was fun to follow. It’s apparent that when you are a bit tipsy your normally perfect typing/punctuation flies right out the window. It’s cute. Hope you don’t take offense.
I think that Tim looks a little like Ian. Could they be related and that is Crustine’s big secret? Just kidding….but I continue to wonder what the secret is that she has referred to at least twice.
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Crustine is such a tool. Eck! She is still obsessed with talking trash about Donny with the flame Freakie. And what about caleb????? What a d word. All it took was forbfreakie to say “Caleb what did you think about my sister now that you could see her in the clip?”. He exclaims right alk 50mg with freakie “hot she’s hot” and freakie repeats again how “she’s so hot”. I actually threw up in my mouth a little. I wonder hospitable sister feels about her brother limping he out like that. What is wrong with him…..really??? Now since caleb showed where is dumb butt mind is (does he really think he stands a chance with that Nickelodeon actress? And has he heard her talk???I cannot watch that show she is on. Her voice is probably the most annoying I have ever heard. Victoria POthetic not patheticbbut PAthetic. She is a bobble head. One thing that was even more POthetic was caleb being such a wuss. Crustine literally finish right after him on the hoh, he had tob have derrick and freakie basically carry him to the bathroom. Sat around whining about how hurt he was. Crustine gets up goes to the bathroom and anywhere else and never complained at all. I dont like her but I just had to mention that little situation. Well go luck Derrick since you teared up about evicting donny I guess I will pull for you. I was going to pull fir caleb but he go go with freakie and Crustine. Cody will never even look back in her direction once the show is iver. She is just being used by him.
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Gosh my fat finger seem to be drunk lol.
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No surprise here Caleb put up Christine and Nicole.
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What a jerk! He should try & play the game!!! 😕 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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Hopefully Nicole will win POV. Can only hope. This year sucks.
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Star, did you see how Junksies complimented you on your ” normally perfect typing/punctuation” 😆 😛 You gotta laugh because you are your worst critic.
Macy sorry if I left you out of the drinking brigade last night. It did look like fun. I’m getting a bottle of wine to have handy just in case.
Nonna, thanks for the spoiler but what a jerk Caleb is. Poor Nic but maybe, just maybe, their target is Christine or to back door Frankie. Caleb and Frankie are pretty close, right? That probably won’t happen. 🙁
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Live feed are so boring!!!! 😕
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set, macy &Star. I was right there with you all during your wine fest. I was really enjoying it. I don’t get BBAD so enjoyed the play by play. Tonght I will join you with wine. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}
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I realy hope Nic gets POV. She deserves more time there.
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Just watched Donny’s exit interview with Jeff, and I gotta say, I love Donny more than EVER!
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@Junksies…….No offense taken!! 😉 In fact, SF was right! I am my own worst critic! I am not the best typist in the world and if I am in a hurry or excited and don’t check before I send, it’s not pretty!!lol I was an English major, so the punctuation and grammer I’ll take! But for some reason I am dislexic(when I type!) and don’t type well sober, much less typing impaired..lol You and SF and Jeanne will hae to join us liVe at our next Wine fest!! 😉
We were about the only exciting thing to happen in BB and talk about as Caleb did the exp-ected. Vic has been saying that she doesn’t tell Derrick much anymore and Nic is saying how selfish and mean Frankie is, making it personal trying to get her out. They were both in agreement about Cody and Chris being closer than most people seem to think and how they don’t trust her. All good observations but too little too late, girls!!
I also agree about not liking the HOH getting to choose the H/Ns!! that should either be a com or the losers of one. It’s so personal and mean-spirited this way!! I wish they would eliminate it altogether next year!
Nic HAS to win POV or it’s over for her. But in her position, I’m not sure I’d be too upset to leave the BB House either!
What happened to Vic’s foot?? It’s all wrapped and she is limping. I am assuming she hurt it in the comp but no details. And Caleb is limping with his bad knee. I did exactly what he did to his knee to mine ..same one..and I am older and NO one helped me get dressed or waited on ME!! It’s quite manageable. And you DON’T wrap the ace bandage and ice OVER your sweat pants!!! It’s supposed to be ON your skin!! *eyeroll*
KIDS!!! lol
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well, hubster just went to bed and the teenagers are upstairs – fixin to get the cork screw to workin a good red –
nic and crusty are hard at it to destroy one another – love it – go nic
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Hello winesters. Will join you in wine, can’t blog. will enjoy hearing whats going on at BBAD. I’m on my computer so it doesn’t show my avatar??? {{{HUGS}}}
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JEANNE – cheers! im good for one glass – then off to bed – i will try to sip slow -ha
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Can I join you too? Is cranberry juice okay? 🙂
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JO- of course – sometimes i add cran to my wine – but mostly diet 7up
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When does BBAD start
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I sure hope Nicole wins veto
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JEANNE – here in tx started at 11
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Will catch up tomorrow. big day gotta get some sleep. {{{HUGS}}}
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new post
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Macy, I love cranberry juice and 7-up…. It’s my drink of choice. Eager to find out what’s going on at BBAD! We appreciate all of you night owl’s input. 🙂
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On TMZ site now
Frankie’s comments …
Too far
Lighten up
Total Votes: 107,647
*Poll Results
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/31/frankie-grande-big-brother-victoria-rape-joke/#ixzz3C5G9xUQz
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