Hi y’all:
It’s Thursday and you know what that means!
Someone is being evicted tonight!
So, I’m going to go ahead and open the diary room and ask you to cast your vote to evict!
Will you vote for…
Paola (a.k.a. Pao Pao) (a.k.a. Pow Pow), the house pawn who may be regretting having thrown that Battle of the BlockΒ
Zach, the house schemer who may want to start thinking before he speaks?
Cast your vote now and watch tonight to see if the other houseguests agree with you!
Lisa Marie
P.S. I know a lot of you would rather vote for Devin but he’s not on the block. Β Maybe next week…
Running to the store brb
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Tonight! Eager to see what is going to happen !! π
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I vote for pao pao.
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I think if I were in the house I would vote Zach, because he could beat me in competitions, but outside the house I vote Paola because I want Zach to go after Devin.
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When I go to vote I get an error message. A big shout out to everyone. Welcome new members. I’m still a newbie; sort of. And big cheers to all the cancer survivors. My sister is battling cancer now and hearing all the great survival stories brings lots of hope.
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Voting worked when I tried it again. 6-0 Paula adiΓ³s.
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I vote to evict Paola! And hopefully Devin next week!
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As much as I can’t stand Zach, I hope he stays just to irritate Devin. I vote to evict Paola.
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I vote to evict Paola. I understand the strategy of throwing a competition to benefit yourself but anyone who throws one to benefit someone else deserves to go.
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I vote to evict Zach!
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I vote to evict Paola!
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I’m late coming back to the gang, but Hi everyone! Nice to see so many familiar names as last year was my first time participating in chat. I vote to evict Pow Pow!
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I vote to evict Pao Pao
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I vote the boring useless (game play) Paola (a.k.a. Pao Pao)
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I vote to evict Pao Pao
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I vote to evict pow pow
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------she is 2nd in making the dumbest of moves
the 1st still goes to marcellas, not using the veto on himself
txs for new page lisa marie
Janice hugs and good thoughts to your sister and nice to see u again
and hi to rmm, glad u r back
keri how is the summer going lol
ciao I am off to check out the live feeds, every time I checked fish, fish and more fish
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Too bad our votes do not count because Powpow would be leaving for sure.
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I vote to eleminate Pow-Pow. I really would like her to stay, but she cannot do the competitions. Want to see more rivalry in competing.
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Maybe with a little luck pow will be voted out.
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MM summer is a bummer so far with no vehicle and bumming rides. Staying out of the heat is the only plus. Lol
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ivote to evict pao – want to see more fireworks outa zach
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I vote to evict pow pow
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I have to vote to evict Paola. She adds nothing to the show, in my opinion. She is such a little dweeb. Zach is stupid but I want to watch him terrorize Devin.
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I vote to evict Paola. Zach needs to stay to go after Devin.
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I vote to evict Pao Pao. She is an inept, irritating floater who I doubt ever watched even one show of BB before getting invited to be on it!! And after that ridiculous, actually almost irreverant(to serious BB lovers) THING she did at the POV meeting last night…cya…..totally wouldn’t want to be ya!!!lol
As for people hating on Zach, I think he may have actually changed. I don’t think he had much of a life or self-respect or definitly any friends back home, so he acted like the tough guy who didn’t need any when he came on. But I think he has softened and has actually made connections. I really like Cody alot and he trusts him so, that says something. Do I want him to win?? Not necesarily. But I don’t dislikne him as much as I did at 1st. Number one rule of watching BB……don’t judge! Because who you like or are rooting for can change on a dime. And usuallly does!!
Nice to cya again RMM and shout outs to all my peeps!!! β₯
Kev11…we haven’t been on the same page or spoken ONCE this year!!! We need to hook up with teh Late Nite Crowd soon!!!
Gotta run!!! Can’t wait for tonight!!!
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I’m voting to evict Paola . I’m looking forward to tonight’s show and seeing the fireworks. I so hope they find away to evict Devin next week and I agree he’ll have to be backdoored.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks LM and everyone for all the comments. It’s the first time in 3 years I think I’m getting my money’s worth from the live feeds. It was time for a good season and our patience has paid off.
Donny is still my favorite and Derrick is now my second favorite.
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I vote to evict Pao Pao. She’s useless on the show. TTYL
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I vote to evict Pippy Longstockings
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Pow Pow should go for throwing anything in any game!
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I vote to evict Pao Pao.
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I vote it evicte pow pow.
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I vote to evict Paola ….
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I vote to evict …. Pow Pow
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I vote to evict the pawn – pow pow (Can’t believe she actually threw the comp) Next week fingers crossed it will be Devin.
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I vote to evict PowPow
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Pow, your out π
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Hi Mama & Star! And everyone! It’s nice to be back. I love reading all of your blogs. I’m going to have to rely on them more this year as I realized a girl’s 10 year old travel softball team actually means you really have to travel! Ha Ha Ha Ha
Hardly spots for Mom’s BB time as I have to DVR them. But I know I can always count on you guys keeping us up to date on what’s happening. Gotta have my Spoiler Alerts! I just can’t wait to watch – I have to know….. LOL
Love you guys! xoxoxoxox
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First time posting this time around. Ms Lisa Marie you ROCK with your posts!
This season is the craziest, most ridiculous, most ‘leave you at the edge of your seat’ one ever! There isn’t anyone I know that isn’t into Big Brother this time around.
Now for my vote – I believe that Paolo did not THROW the competition. I believe she really did try and is just not so good at much of anything (sorry).
I love that Zach says whatever he wants, but I don’t think he’ll last long in the house because of it.
With that, I vote to evict Paolo – time to go home!
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I vote to evict Poa Poa. She is worthless! I really hope Zach stays and wins HOH to boot.
I need help. Apparently CBS finds it more important to show a baseball game than Big Brother. Normally that isn’t a problem because I get feeds from Washington and Baltimore. Unfortunately, tonight’s game is Baltimore Orioles against the Washington Nationals which means both CBS stations will be showing the same game. I know someone recently posted places to watch the feeds live. Anyone remember who posted the info and when? Thanks in advance.
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I vote to evict….Paola. Can someone tell me what happened last night at the end of last night’s show? What did Brittany have to say? It looked like a lot of drama!
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I would vote for Paola.
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I agree with Betty, that Zach has to stay just as an irritant to Devin. Bye Bye Pow-Pow.
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Plz say that the ballgame will not pre-empt BB tonight. Deb, where did you hear this?
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I vote to evict the worthless, useless game player Pao Pao. She thinks she would have rocked the competition if she had not thrown it. What a joke!
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Ricscor: Sorry to be the bearer (sp?) of bad news. I saw the listening in this morning’s Washington Post. I’ve started my rain dance hoping the game will get postponed. According to my friend, CBS will rebroadcast Big Brother at 1:30 a.m. I’m so bummed because tonight should be explosive!
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LM, I have a question! I noticed most of our bloggers are voting to evict under “Comments.” There is a space over on the right side for voting. Will the “comment” votes count? Just wondering! π I really want Paola to go home. For too many reason to state here! π
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My vote is same as last week.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I vote to evict the Devil
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Greetings all. I think Brittany added at end that Paola was in her sights-I assume because she threw the comp. Now I actually think Hayden and Nicole would have won anyway. For Star..you mentioned Michigan yesterday (I just read that blog)…I have a daughter living west of Detroit in a town named Romeo…als0 old, good friends from Temperance…
originally from Lambertville.
Also to the several mentioning surviving cancer and breast cancer..God bless. I have many friends who have also survived the past couple of years…both medicine and God seem to be working together.
I voted to evict Paola..was like 58 to 17 an hour ago…cannot wait for tonight.
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I vote to evict Pao Pao!!! Sorry but your voice is getting the best of me.
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I vote to evict Pow Pow!!!!
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Re: the game tonight. My CBS station WRAL has alternate stations when they preempt for something local i.e. weather…we are up for big storms tonight but there is a digital station and also T/W has a 2nd channel which will show. we get a lot of pre-empts for basketball -Duke, UNC and NCState also Wake Forest and for that they show during the night starting at 1:37 after Letterman and Ferguson…yours may have that also..worth calling local station. cannot wait for tonight.
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Everyone who is wanting to evict Paola, she is a weak player. They need to evict Zach his mouth is one problem and the other he is just a big ass jerk.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I VOTE TO EVICT ZACH!!
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I didn’t realize pow is still there, lol, does she ever talk? I vote to evict her, she’s useless IMHO
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I’m voting to evict Pao Pao. I hated her little “moment to shine” and even thought it a little cocky. Zach, could win comps so I would keep him for another minute…..I also think he is ruled by emotion which means he can be managed. His emotions seem to be based on others. Yep, he needs to stay in another minute or two. Devil….I mean Devin needs to go. He too is ruled by emotion but it seems to be ALL ABOUT HIM. He is a loose cannon and icky. <<<<medical term
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I vote to pow pow, not so much as a vote against her, but a vote against Devin just because he wants Zack out so badly.
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Piggysangel, I love your name. So nice to see your post.
Jolee, if no one else has answered yet, there is a voting area on the right side of the page. You choose who you want to evict and push the vote button and then it will show you the results of the voting thus far. If someone else already told you, sorry to duplicate it.
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What game is on CBS that ya’ll are refering to? I haven’t heard about a game, unless it’s a regional thing.
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No game in CBS NJ…. π
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First, I would like to say a huge thanks for all of the good thoughts from all of you lovely BB peeps on my 2nd cancer triumph – yes, I’m a two time survivor!!! On a more serious note, I vote to evict no pow and her irritating voice from the game (I’m 53 got one foot in the grave, the other on a banana peel and even I could pose better than that)! I am excited to see tonight’s show! Talk about something to love for …
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I meant *live
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@PatRoseNC…..I brought up being from Mich as Nicole is from here. And I think she is a sweetheart, but unfortunaely she is being a major FLOATER too! Even her small alliance of Chris and Hayden have dumped her for a new F6!! I don’t see her being around much past midgame.
I know where Romeo is. I am west of Detroit about 2 hours in Kalamazoo. As in *I got a gal* fame..lol Never even heard of the other 2 towns you talked about. Must be TEENY tiny,eh??LOL
@Jani….I don’t know that Zach is actually physically very strong. But Pao Pao is just LAME and has gotton on my nerves..and obviously most people’s..since she walked into the house! It’s really more personal than strategic and if you are a real BB lover, floaters just rub you the wrong way!!! As Rachel would say…*Floaters, grab a lifevest!!!*lol
And no problemo here with Baseball games vs. BB. Thank GOD! Not a baseball fan anyway so I would be calling and writing emails like there was no tomorrow!!!!lol
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if u have live feeds, check it out, instead of the fish, they r showing clips of high lites of the hgs and some r pretty funny, check it out
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Jolee: the voting here is just a straw poll. both in the comments and the voting block. use both if you want to lease a comment as well, or you want other to know who you voted for. They are not connected, so use the block also.
RMM: Welome back! looking forward to your comments.
piggysangel: Welcome!
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So much to catch up on. Loved the Cher concert last night and just now catching up on all the blogs. Cindi Lauper opened the show and she’s still a hoot and her voice is amazing. She’s still got it and she’s better than most. Cher outdid herself and commented that shes 68 and she joked that’s she’s graduated from being a diva to an icon. Loved the show.
Welcome J Renee and good to see RMM too. Star, MM, K11 and of course our LM, give us the scoop as no one else can. Sorry if I missed any of the “Loyals” as K11 called us. JT, miss your comments but OT is more important. It’s difficult to keep up though.
I’m not posting as much this year and not watching feeds but your play-by-plays keep it real for me. I read every word. Thank you. Now gotta catch last night’s show and watch tonight. L8r
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π³ Forgot to welcome “piggysangel”. Great name.
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hpr56, That is how I voted. My question was, since so many bloggers are voting under “Comments” will that count in the official vote? Some of you may not know there is a place to vote over on the right side of this page! ———————-> π
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vote pow out ~ if she threw the comp, yep she needs to go ~ but I think she may have thought she knew the answer, she was watching the clips hard ~ she got the answer wrong because she didn’t know the answer ~ she does nothing but sleep anyway ~ but think Zach needs to stay and blow up the house and get Devin out, he’s cut from a different cloth then anyone in the house, yea he needs to go.
Hi yall !!!! π
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Thank you Craig and hpr 56! π π
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Oh, just found an interesting tidbit.. So the other night each HG was given a fitness tracker. You can see the results of who’s moving around a lot and whos’s not at this link:
Funny, becasue Cody and Caleb are at the bottom. I hope we get to dole out punishments for the “lazies”. I just want to go in that house, make all the beds, pick up all the dang clothes and wash the dishes!!
Buh-bye Pao Pao, miss you already (NOT!)
And so begins the longest 4-5 hours of my BB week.. Being on the west coast and wanting to watch with the fam I have to stay off the blog/twitter as of 6p until I can watch the show. Serves me right for getting the fam hooked… Oh well.
Instead of trivia on LF durring blackouts they are playing clips from the week… Since I know the whole post-POV meltdown won’t be shown I hope we get an extended version at some point. π
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Cya Pao Pao!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks LM!
Prayers for those struggling with Cancer! It’s a dirty word!
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@Star, so jealous. Cher is great, but Cyndy Lauper is by far one of my favs! Loved when she did the Apprentice, she is just awesome thru and thru!
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@Keith: I live between Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC and get local feeds from both areas. Tonight the Washington Nationals are playing the Baltimore Orioles. Washington’s CBS feed is showing the game. I assumed that Baltimore’s CBS feed would as well. However, much to my delight, Baltimore’s CBS feed is showing Big Brother. I hope Ricscor gets the Baltimore feeds!
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I vote to evict Pow-Pow. You Never throw a challenge. She deserves to go, right before Devin.
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I vote to evict Zach he’s annoying as Hell
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I vote to evict Pow-pow. A waste of Space. Not a great player at all…
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So nobody saw what happened immediately following Wednesdayβs show? When Britanny asked to speak? Itβs driving me crazy not knowing!
Iβve been reading these recaps and comments for years because I mustβve signed up long ago *grin* But this is my first post ever. Thanks to all of you for helping me keep up.
I used to order the live feeds years ago but havenβt in as many years. I finally got to watch 2 seasons of BBAD on Showtime before it went to TVGN, which I donβt have because my provider, AT&T doesnβt offer it *frown*
So far, I canβt stand Devin. I started out not liking Zach, (kinda like him at the moment). Nobody else is making me sick yet lol. But Iβm sure itβs just a matter of timeβ¦.
As for the Americaβs team malarkey, I have no interest in it at all and I wonβt waste my time voting for any of it. Itβs just insignificant to me. Iβve never been a fan of the have/have not nonsense either.
Iβve always just enjoyed the premise of having a bunch of everyday human beings from different walks of life thrown together and watching the mechanics of it all. But boy some years have really SUCKED (i.e. LAST YEAR!)!! Iβve always thought that the only people on BB should be the real fans of the show that send in videos, like in the beginning. I donβt like the fact that they recruit people that have never heard of the show. Iβm sure there are plenty of people that follow the show and would LOVE to participate. But oh wellβ¦.thatβs just MY opinion and we all know that TPTB do not care!
Anyway, Iβm looking forward to tonightβs show also. Nice finally talking to all of you!
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Oooops! I vote to evict Pao Pao!!!
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Had to laugh at Paola going off on Devin tonight. I kept saying ‘You GO GIRL’!! Good show!!
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Ok…….. I SWEAR this is true!!! As the HOH comp was about to start, I said to my hubby, I have a feeling Nicole is going to win this!! I am SO not kidding!! lol It prolly would have been more impressive if I had predicted Derrick too but I did know that Frankie wasn’t going to be hoh again. My BB psychic vibes are kicking in tonight!!lol
I actually like the 2 who won. They come at things in a different way and from different groups. And I think Nicole might have had a chance of being put up, so now she is safe anyway. Derrick is totally against Devin, so with 4 HGS going up, he definitly WILL be!!!
Think I am going to sparrk up the LFS and do some listening in.
BTW…didn’t mean to brag or anything. I was just so SHOCKED and surprised that I had called it! Wish I had played the lotto tonight!!! π
AuntiPat…Welcome! I personally agree with everything you said, so I won’t reiterate, and we even seem to have similar writing styles!!!! We can always use another opininated blogger . Keep on posting!!! π
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Peace out!
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Hey Star, I think Nicole might put up Caleb and Amber (at least Amber for sure). Derrick will probably put up Jocosta and Victoria in order to keep blood off his hands. It will be interesting to see what happens. I sure hope Nicole and Derrick will work together to try and backdoor Devin. I too am happy these two won the HOH challenge.
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I wish it were Devin..but Pow Pow is weak. …needs to go back to being a DJ, if she’s any good at that too.
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Thanks Deb for letting me know what the sport was that threatened B.B. for some people. UGH! Watching baseball is like watching the grass grow.
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I like the Nicole/Derrick HOH combo. Nicole is no slouch and I think she will work well with Derrick on strategic nominations. I predict he will pick the losing BotH team and let her keep the HOH so he can man things downstairs and keep the target off himself.
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@Betty….I agree tht Nicole will prolly put up Amber. All the girls were jsut whispeing about how she borrows stuff and never returns it and lots of negative gossip. And she was saying even before this she didn’t trust Amber. She thinks she is coming off all sweet in the editing. Caleb would make sense then but I’m not sure she wants that big a guy after her is he didn’t go home!! It’s cute watching Hayden and Cody both flirt with her. She’s not an overt flirt, almost a little prudish, but they seem to like it!!! (If she can play hard to get, she already knows people and should do good as HOH!!) lol
I just saw Derrick whispering pretty chummy to Vic as she left the room so that he and Nicole can talk about noms. I know he wants to backdoor Devin, not put him up, so I am not sure who he would feel safe puttting up.
@kimjmj……I still can’t believe I guessed what your jmj meant last year!!lol BUT good point about Derrick not wanting the longterm HOH. I can see him doing it that way. He’s a cop after all. He needs to be free to roam around and collect info!! Which is what i am about to do. I am behind in BBAD as I let it go awhile so I can FF thru the ads. Derrick and Nicole are in a pretty heavy chat. He was just saying their gameplays are similar. He knows she knows what ‘s what, she just keeps quiet and avoids drama. That’s how Dan played too the year he won and I think alot of HGs have tried to use that as their own strategy ever since. They should be an interesting HOH team!
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?????? π
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Thank you for the updates!
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Your comment is awaiting moderation. ????? What is going on tonight??
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Oh well have a good night….Or Good Morning all π
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PA POW! she got sent home. At the start she was a big talker….now she just whispers..
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@Mamma Margi hi “Sister”
Yes Marcellas LOL forgot about that dumb move
Pao Pao so she can go back to school and learn to spell
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Sylvie, sister, lmao re pow she can go back to school and learn to spell
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------now that is funny,
has been a busy morning just got in and first order of business give hubby lunch, then off to live feeds, hope they r up. I am glad derrick and Nicole got it, derrick can sell ice cubes to eskimos, so should make for an interesting week. I did notice Brittany last nite was so far up nicoles a$$ she could smell her cream rinse. but brit told someone later how bad it is that some many suck up to hoh errrr brit did u not just do that very thing.
ciao till later
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So far nominees look like:
Derrick – Jocasta and Caleb
Nicole – Amber and Victoria
Plan is to backdoor Devin!!
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i just hope devin doesnt get picked to play pov – then wins it and keeps noms the same – who would yall want gone if that happened?
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oh and thx kimjmj for that link – thats neat!
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Macy1231231 – Good point, we have to keep our fingers crossed that Devin’s name is not pulled. Caleb and Jocosta will probably win BOTB, unless Caleb decides to throw the comp to save Amber. Should be interesting.
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betty, good job and I agree on their noms, and their ultimate goal to oust devin
I was all ready to report here and seen u did it and was good reporting
was nice to speak with u, sorry had to hang up, got call from tori
ok now I am off to feeds
ciao till there is so late breaking news
NEW PAGE UP ———————————————————>
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Mama Margie, has anyone told you, you have a way with words?? π I am 81 years young and have NEVER heard that expression! Cream Rinse???? Lol. π π
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