Big Brother 16 — Thoughts On Sunday’s Show

by Lisa Marie Bowman on August 24, 2014

Hi everyone.

So, what did y’all think about Sunday’s show?  This was the first episode of Big Brother since the end of the Double HoH twist and that also made it the first Sunday episode of the season to note feature a battle of the block.  There was only one HoH (Cody) and when he made his nominations (Donny and Nicole) — well, those were the nominees.  There was no endless talk about throwing competitions or anything else.

And even more glaringly, there was no Zach.  I’ve always gone back-and-forth on Zach.  Sometimes, he got on my nerves and sometimes, I liked him.  However, I always thought that he made the show interesting and I respected the fact that he was often the only houseguest willing to say what everyone else was thinking.

Plus, it’s hard to deny that there are many reasons that Zach was voted out but a BIG one was that Team America continually used him as a scapegoat for all of their schemes.  Because of Team America, everyone thought that Zach was the brother of Amanda, one of the most hated houseguests ever.  Everyone thought he was an out-of-control jerk, specifically because Team America continually pressured him to say jerky things.  And finally, everyone thought he was a thief. 

If you get the feeling that I spent most of Sunday’s show thinking about Zach — well, you’re right.  Watching tonight’s show, I saw what a huge gap that absence of Zach leaves in the house.  Nobody else was as entertaining.  I mean, don’t get me wrong.  Donny is nice and likable and so is Nicole but neither one of them is particularly entertaining.  Their stability is a part of their appeal.  Zach, however, was entertaining specifically because he was willing to risk being disliked.

As for the rest of the house — well, I still enjoy watching Derrick manipulate people because he does it so well.  However, Derrick is such an obviously superior strategic player to everyone in the house that there’s no real suspense.  At no point, do you ask yourself, “Will Derrick be able to pull this off?”  Of course, he will!  Remember how surprised we all were when Dan managed to avoid getting voted out during Big Brother 14 by holding “Dan’s Funeral?”  One of the reason why Dan’s Funeral was so memorable was because it was risky and it involved Dan having to fool some very smart players.  Dan took a real risk.  However, Derrick is such a strong player and everyone else is so weak that there is literally no risk involved.  Derrick can basically get away with anything that he wants.  If Derrick held his own funeral, it wouldn’t be half-as-exciting because there would be no doubt about whether or not it would work.

Let’s give Derrick credit.  He’s playing a good game and if he wins, he’ll deserve it.  But one man dominating the house does not necessarily make for a fun viewing experience.

Sunday’s show dragged a bit for me.  Even with the HoH competition and the nominations, it was obvious that a lot of the show was simply filler.  It was fun to watch Caleb try to be a ninja.  And I thought it was cute when Cody opened the bedroom door, saw Nicole, and shouted in fright.  But this was all stuff that we probably wouldn’t have seen if there was actually anything happening in the house!

But oh well!  Hopefully, things will pick up once Donny leaves (and, as of right now, it appears that Cody will leave the nominations as they are and Donny will be evicted on Thursday) and the Detonators have to start truly turning on each other.  One possible scenario: The Detonators get so caught up in betraying each other that somehow, Nicole and Victoria slip under the radar and end up as the final two.

As I’ve said before, a girl can dream, can’t she?

Lisa Marie

Nonna August 25, 2014 at 12:05 am

As always thanks Lisa for you wonderful write up. Feel bad for Donny and Nicole, they both look so sad. Frankie’s little play was horrible and I turned off BBAD as I couldn’t stand listening to him. I swear he just loves hearing himself talk. Hope things change in the next few days:(

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KevInDenver August 25, 2014 at 12:07 am

I would rather see Caleb and Cody accidentally wind up in the final 2
We shall see
good night

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Jeanne August 25, 2014 at 12:11 am

Just posted on the last post. Very disappointed with BB. Going to bed. Will post more tomorrow. Sleep with the angels. {{{HUGS}}}

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swt August 25, 2014 at 12:19 am

I agree with yall, yawn, it was boring tonight. I also feel bad for Donny I really like him. I would have liked to see Donny and Nichole to the F2 ~ nite all

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Aggie R August 25, 2014 at 12:27 am

Thanks Lisa, nice Job, of course it will be even more boring without Zach, I hope Frankie and Derrick make it to the end, the others are not good enough

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Ralph August 25, 2014 at 12:41 am

I dvr’d BB After Dark, hoping to see Cody making some sort of big move, but it seems they all decided to put on a skit on ‘what if’ the other 8 had made it, and dressing up, or acting like them. The show opened up to seeing Frankie with lipstick on, a bra putting on a dress and heels…and watching the guys watch him, with looks of ‘okay…?’
To be honest Donny did Devin, and it was hilarious. I’m sure it will be shown on the next show, but I’d much rather hear them talking game.
Caleb is doing Hyden, Nicole did Brittany, Donny did Devin, Frankie did Joey, Derrick did Jocasta, Cody did Zack, Victoria did Amber…and now Frankie is now doing someone else in drag, jumping around… Okay, time to fast forward…
There now on ‘lockdown’, per the usual recorded voice they hear. Not sure what that is about…fast forward…
Victoria is talking to Derrick about Nicole. She’s throwing her under the buss feeling like she might be back-door-ed.
Frankie and Cody are in bed Guess you’d call them’ Crankie’ instead of Zankie, with all Frankies drag makeup, along with Christine…of course Christiane would be with anyone in charge, laughing as usual. She’s talking smack about both Donny and Nicole.
Donny and Nichole are in the kitchen talking and making food.
Cody and Frankie think the next activity will involve memory of evictions, winnings of HOH’s, POV’s, so their studying, with Caleb. (Christine has now joined Cody and Frankie in bed). Fast forward…
Derrick looks like he wants to go to bed, but Victoria is eating icecream and paranoid. He’s spinning…and she’s really gullible….and whining…and whining…and whining…Fast forward…
Dang it! Now it’s live and I can’t fast forward…and Victoria is still whining…
Gonna pause, and watch the rest tomorrow.

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tendr August 25, 2014 at 12:42 am

thanks Lisa Marie for the blog…i’d rather read you than watch the show at times…..i cringe less and at my age i don’t need the cringe lines………………..Caleb needs to be in a helmet at all times.

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Jolee August 25, 2014 at 12:44 am

Nice write-up Lisa. I am inclined to agree with you about missing Zach. He was definitely the comic relieve for a boring season. I will be glad when it’s over and we can stop wishing/dreaming for a happy, exciting ending to the frustrating season 16. This blog is the best part of this season IMHO. 🙂

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Cathy August 25, 2014 at 12:52 am

So did Cody win pov? I sure hope not. I want someone to please make a power move and get a detonator out! Pleaseeeeeee send Christine out the door. I’m so sick of hearing her cackle like a witch.

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MAYELA August 25, 2014 at 1:21 am

I am so disappointed..this is the worst BB many weak players!! They’re afraid to make a strong move. I hope Frankie and Christina go up next..I was hoping Cody would of started playing Big Brother..but hes also a weak player. Derrick is running this house..and I hope ge wins…everyone else runs to him for the next move. Can’t wait til they all they all start turning on eachother. Ummmm??

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Starfish August 25, 2014 at 1:24 am

Great job LM! Love you take on Zach and I agree wholeheartedly. He’s missesd and the show didn’t do much for me. Donnie, can’t catch a break and as I mentioned before, getting into an alliance right off the bat with Devin, screwed up his game big time because he stayed loyal and Devin threw him under the bus, and that started the downward spiral and it’s most likely nite nite for Donny this week.

If you haven’t read Janice’s post #41 on the previous blog, you should go read it. Very enlightening and says some terrible things about Frankie and Derrick and their treatment of Zach that was shown on the LFs. Seems like CBS really screwed themselves this year with their manipulation of what we see and how they want the show perceived. We aren’t seeing reality as it happens in the house at all. Frankie is the fruitiest dingus loop in the zoo. So disappointed in this year’s BS of a show because CBS won’t let us see the truth. nite all

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RhondaP August 25, 2014 at 1:58 am

Agreed, so upset that Donny will probably be voted out this week, and Nicole next week unless she wins hoh. Hope Nicole does win hoh and puts up Derrick and Christine or maybe Frankie, one of those 3 and if one come off the block from the veto then put up the one that she did not put up. I really want those three out of the house. Then lets see if anyone else can think for themselves. Also see how they all kiss up to Nicole because she won hoh. that would be so funny. Will like others have sad, a girl can dream can’t she. lol

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Star August 25, 2014 at 2:53 am

@LM..geat write up aas usual! You always mnage to sayexactly what we are all thinking and feeling.

I have been MIA recently, not that anyone probably noticed, for a few reasons. We have been having very frustrating technical difficulties lately with TV, computer, cells…everything! Took our cable box in as we were having problems with aspects of our TV and we had so many DVR’ed programs on there that we lost! Also,all our shows were set on there , including BBAD. Well, it DIDN’T fix the TV prob and I missed a couple nites of BBAD. But I found that I DIDN’T actually miss it, if you get my drift…lol Then last night there was an area wide internet problem and I couldn’t get OL. And as much as I love out blog, I gotta tell ya, being BB-less for a couple days has actually felt pretty good!!!
I agree that this is one of the worst BBs ever!!! I know we have hated alot of HGs over the years, but hate is akin to love and evokes passion!! All this year is evoking from me is indifference. I feel totally detached from this season. Blah.

I know Derrick is the smartest HG in the house and playing the *best* game…..for this year, hardly the best I’ve ever seen! But he’s like a scientist playing with his white mice or Pavlov and his dogs. It’s unfair, uneven, uneventful and UNinteresting!!!! I was so dissapointed that Nic or Donnny didn’t win POV. Or that Cody wasn’t brave enough to take Nic on her word and try to get out one of the guys and work with her. NO one in the house can be talked into trying something new,or using their own brains because they are all so CHICKEN!!! Or is it SHEEP!!lol I totally agree that Zach being out of the house has left a huge void. If production is so damn good at twisting things around so that they get the resuts they want , WHY didn’t they see that Zach was a fan favorite and the show would be LESS without him??

Speaking of Zach,I was watching the LFS for a bit today,something I hardly do anymore. It’s like being a fly on the wall of a FRAT! UGH! But Cody and Frankie were talking about Zach and lambasting the HELL out of him!!! Frankie was saying he was like an 11 year old and would never grow up. That is why he lives home and talks about his lil Bro so much! He had asked him what he would do withall the FAME(really??) after BB and he said he was going to go home, play golf, hang with his lil bro and work at a Thai restaurant across the street! Not everyone has the ego or ambition that Frankie does. Or had planned this summer to further his *carrer* what evet that is! He jsut wants to be himself! And everyone matures at their own speed. He is just naive and not ready to leave the nest. So what? Then Frankie and Cody were saying what a bad, rude waiter he prolly was, etc etc. I felt so bad remembering how Zach had told Julie that how he admired and loved Frankie and that it was just a game move getting him out and they would be friends forever!!! I doubt after the wrap party that Frankie will ever speak to Zach again!! And that will set his already bad social skills back ions!!! Nice work, Ariana’s brother!!

Well,guess I had a few days of frustration built up there…lol But this year’s show is so predictable it’s like a bad rerun of itself!!! Don’t know what I’d do without our blog to be able to unload on!! OR to be able to talk excitedly on but I think tht will have to wait for another season..;)

BTW..for those of us that talk about unrelated BB stuff, I have a suggestion. If you want to talk about something else, start the post with O/T. It means off topic. I used to be on boards where everyone had gotten to be good friends, and if they wanted to talk about subjects other than the one they were under, that is what they would do. That way, other posters won’t waste their time reading something that doesn’t interest them.
Justa thought!!! 😉

I haven’t wacthed BBAD yet. It sounds God awful but I think I will give it a shot and just keep the remote in my hand so I can FF!!!! 😉

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Jani August 25, 2014 at 3:48 am

I will be so disappointed with BB if they vote out Donny.. Cody needs to backdoor Frankie, get that sissy out of there. If Donny is sent out I will not watch anymore.

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Star August 25, 2014 at 4:14 am

Cody,Frankie , Chris in HOH room. Cody said that he was talking about the probablity of DOnnie going home this week and he looked up and Donny had a tear running down his cheek. Chris goes..Donny….really??? He’s such a WEIRDO!!!!
Ya well, you’re a B*tch and I hope you get dragged along to the F4 and then get your cheating ass sent packing!! GOD she annoys the crap outta me!!!

Seriously, the best part of BBAD anymore is ORWELL!!!!!! Really…he’s hysterical!! 😉

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Mary Price August 25, 2014 at 4:20 am

Well if (ok when) Donny leaves on Thursday I hope team America is OVER with. Frankie talks about Donny refusing to do things I have seen the same out of him. I hate that Frankie made it on to Team America. If anything he is an EMBARRASSMENT to America. I have read on blogs all about him showing his balls to the house if I read it right he did that in the kitchen – I tell you what I would NEVER eat in that kitchen again.
I read that his sister did well at the VMAs. He will drag her down if she does not distance herself from him. He has no idea how to behave in the real world. And I have gay friends and they have all said they prefer a man that knows how to act respectable they have told me from the few times they have seen the show he is an embarrassment to the gay community by acting the way he does (the over feminine way he acts and the disgusting way he is by showing his junk on tv and always watching the camera to be on him)

I have only been watching since season 4 (the season of the exes) before that I had never heard of the show.
But I have seen gays on there before and NONE of them has been like him.
And I know last season was a mess and the people had the house so nasty like they thought there were maids coming in to take care of the house BUT GOOD GOD ALMIGHTY him in the kitchen showing his stuff like that I don’t think I could ever eat in that kitchen after that.
And I have to say the highlight of Sundays show was Caleb falling on his butt.

Once Donny and Nicole are gone until the Jury comes back the final night I will just be reading here. and not wasting 3 nights a week watching. I know Derrick has his game going but since no one has the guts to go against him CBS should hand him the money now and be done with the season.

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Joyce August 25, 2014 at 4:45 am

Star, indifference is exactly how I feel. I fast forward thru just about all of BB and BBAD. Cody is really a disappoinment. He missed a chance to make the biggest move in the whole game. It’s just a let down and I simply don’t care what happens from here on out. BTW, I miss JT’s input

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bbfanmo August 25, 2014 at 5:31 am

Zach was extremely miss in Sundays episode.
I’m glad people got you see he made the show.
TA accused Zach of being Amanda’s cousin not
her brother. I hate that Donny is leaving and I wish
Nicole could do something to keep her from being
voted out next but I doubt that happens so I’m just
waiting for those guys to start turning on each other.
I don’t like any of them but I really can’t wait for Cody
and Christine to realize they should have listened to
Donny. Derrick will prob win prob win the game but I do
not like him because he acts like he’s desperate to win..
like his future depends on it . It’s not fun for him .

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Pat August 25, 2014 at 6:18 am

I have watched every episode of BB since the first show. Every year it is the same, people complain that the show is boring. I don’t understand what they expect. Blood guts? You know the producers would kick out any offender. We have see that at least twice. Personally I love this season and I can’t think of anytime I was bored during any season.

Thank you Lisa for the blog, I read every word. Maybe someone could let me know what would make the show every year less boring.

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BBIGBBOB August 25, 2014 at 7:28 am

Put out the sissy! Kick out sissy!

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C'est Moi ici August 25, 2014 at 7:49 am

After the Dog Days of Big brother 16 are finally put to rest, hopefully:
Caleb will be returned to the third grade with credit earned for his two years at West Point.
He will be cast as Caleb on the CBS crime drama, “Stalker,” based on his own true story.
Jake from “Two and a Half Men” says Montana is nowhere near Vermont, Dummy!
He admits, though reluctantly, that he is actually a third degree black belt in BS.
His gym staff reminds him again, unanimously, that ninja six pack is still short and ugly.
All wildlife can come out of hiding knowing Caleb has returned as a hunting guide.
His first ninja kick outside of the house will be another Gravity 1 – Caleb 0.
He remains revirginized for the remainder of his life for the sake of humanity.
And finally, He sends his audition tape for “The Amazing Race” to Churchill Downs.

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Watchdog August 25, 2014 at 8:26 am

I just hope that when they watch this season themselves they see what sheep they were to led around by Derrick the way they have been. No one seems to have much personality, and to be honest if I watch another season I will surprise myself. I think maybe BB has run its course if this is the quality of players they can find. Joey if she wouldn’t have gotten voted out so quick as she seemed to have a little gumption. But all the houseguests seem to never think about what happens when it gets down to their little bunch. Do they really think anymore than 2 can survive? I am not a hater but just don’t care for Derrick. I can’t say I want him to win. But DEFINITELY do not want Cody, Frankie, Crustine or Victoria…guess that leaves Donny, Nicole or even BeastMode Cowboy. Good luck!

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Keith August 25, 2014 at 8:33 am

I stopped watching all 3 episodes per week when Amber was voted out and I don’t miss it at all. On Thursday’s episode, I keep it muted until the voting starts since the players have nothing of interest to say. Honestly at this point, I will start watching again when Donny and Nicole are gone and they have to turn on each other, then it might get interesting.

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cathy August 25, 2014 at 8:39 am

These houseguests are so boring. I mean Donny had told Cody exactly how it’s going to go down and he still thinks derrick is going to be with him in final 2?!?! What the he’ll is it going to take to wake these idiots up. Donny should tell Cody having a degree does not make you intelligent it only means you can learn. Unfortunately if you are able to apply what you know and what you learn together you probably won’t solve the problem correctly. Cody has a big problem and he’s not helping himself at all; hrs only helping derrick. Unbelievable how derrick is leading them all to slaughter. Can we say baaaaaahh. Thst what this should be called BB 16: Silence of the Lamb Addition.

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cathy August 25, 2014 at 8:40 am

Meant to say arent able to apply what you know.

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moe August 25, 2014 at 9:29 am

It’s a waste of time to let players come back into the game if they aren’t immune for at least a week. If they had made Nicole immune for a week then Donny would be up against a detonator and at least THEY might have had some things come up that were worth watching. NONE of them can stand to be on the block even as a pawn. At least then it would have mattered if Donny had won POV and taken himself off. This way it just feels like watching last week all over again. No new strategy needed to get rid of Donny or Nicole since they don’t care which one goes first.

Just kind of crappy to watch them all be afraid to get alone with the poison “not in our alliance” crowd. It’s just mean. It’s like watching the “cool” girls in Jr. High torment someone they don’t like just because they are bored…. and they can.

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Jolee August 25, 2014 at 9:52 am

Star, I missed you! 🙂 Enjoyed your blog. I hope you get all of your “electronics”fixed soon. Have a good day. I agree that this blog is the best part of BB this season.

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Tay'me August 25, 2014 at 10:09 am

I want Derrick out of the house, and want Caleb to win it all.
Frankie Grande can go asap–boring, no one cares that he has a famous sister.

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hpr56 August 25, 2014 at 10:36 am

Thanks so much for the updates Lisa Marie. I also really appreciate everyone else’s posts. It really helps me to know what I am missing. The regular TV shows are so manipulated but it’s easier to take when you know the facts. Without all of you, I would NOT know the facts.

Maybe it is just me but I remember seeing other years when people were posting that it was the “most boring” show ever. I don’t know that I would call this year totally boring but it is way too predictable. Zach was the most unpredictable part of the show and even when he was annoying, he was interesting. I can’t stand the floater Christine. But she will keep hanging on. Whining Victoria drives me nuts with her screams and complaints but Derrick will make sure she stays. Donny is probably wondering why on earth he ever signed up for this. He’s constantly been a target and an outcast. Nicole doesn’t appear to stand a chance. I had hoped that maybe Hayden would come back because I think they would have at least given him an opportunity to play.

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DonnaP August 25, 2014 at 12:21 pm

OMG Aggie R, I agree with you. I hope Frankie and Derrick make it to the end too cuz the others are all stupid.

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macy August 25, 2014 at 12:33 pm

LM thanks!

JANICE – thanks for the zach article – got me on the fruitloop dingus train – ha!

AGGIE – O/T sounds like a good way to accamodate us all…………

if someone can get derrick out – they derserve to win – he is running the show scratching his beard all the way to the bank.

regarding CBS and their behavior – lets face it, the ratings are up – thats what counts to them – not us BB fans……………….sbt

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Sir Rock August 25, 2014 at 12:45 pm

The Sunday show did miss Zack, but it was also missing the BOTB comp. No scheming on who will volunteer on who is gonna compete with Donny and throw it, no drama on how to throw it without looking obvious…no drawing Skittles out of a hat. 😉

I saw on a BB facebook page or Twitter or somewhere (I check out lots of places for info) that someone in production tweeted (I think it was a tweet) saying “Looks like America may have wanted to vote for Zack in TA”….or something to that effect. Kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Kinda saying its America’s fault that Zack got used by TA and got the boot because he wasn’t on the team. At least that was my take.

The BBAD skit of the HG’s impersonating the other HG’s was what TA decided to do for their mission. Supposedly, America will vote to see if it was good enough to win them the money. There were a few good ones, Donny especially impersonating Devin – that will make the show for sure. I’m sure when its edited it will look far better than it did on BBAD. After it was over, Caleb went into doing some improv characters that were horrible. He played some thug type (I’m assuming) black guy named Tyrone, who was raised in a bad home situation and went to jail for 16 years for stabbing someone in the neck. It was really awkward and not entertaining in the least. Its safe to assume that will NOT make the show.

Also, from some other blogs, someone had a megaphone outside the fence in the BY and yelled, “Frankie is the saboteur, Derrick’s a cop….” I think there was more but apparently it was kinda muffled and the HG’s were ordered into the house right away. There seems to be some confusion about the “Derrick is a cop” thing because I guess there was a police helicopter (says the HG’s) flying around, then they heard the bull horn, so some of them assumed it was just the police. Pretty sure they heard the Frankie part, but it sounds like the Derrick part wasn’t heard. After it was over, Cody was VERY upset about it. I guess they kept cutting to fish on the LF’s when he was talking about it. I read Derrick asked, “what was the deal about a cop?” and I think Caleb said, “nothing, I thought it was the cops with the bullhorn”. Derrick quickly scrambled into saving his game mode, but most of that was cut from the LF’s and the blogs.

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Jolee August 25, 2014 at 12:50 pm

Please!!! Please!! Don’t make me look at Frankie one more time!! Please release me let him go!!! 🙂

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Sylvie August 25, 2014 at 1:22 pm

#41 yes on last page was right on point

That’s the funniest about the megaphone, they tell them Derrick is a cop and that’s not enough!

the general sheep apathy mode they are in is excruciating to watch so no BBAD for me i can’t take it

They are so afraid to play they just coexist..

Zach did get a bad deal in the stupid Team America thing.

Production ! WE don’t have to like who you think we should like

Frankie and Crustine and Victoria and Jocasta ??????? I hope i never see them again

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Princess August 25, 2014 at 2:24 pm

This year I’m actually very happy about BBAD. It comes on here at 11pm or midnight and within minutes of turning it on I’m sound asleep. Best rest I’ve had in months – unless Victoria screams or screeches about something. Honestly, she could get a role in Saw (next number) for that scream alone.

The problem with Frankie, as over-the-top as he is, performer or not, is not that he’s gay, but that he’s a narcissist. All eyes and all cameras, and all attention, must be on him at all times. It’s interesting to me that he tries so VERY hard and yet on Jokers scoreboard he (and Christine) remain consistently at #16 and #15. Just trading places occasionally. Think about it; that means Joey, Devin, and Pao Pao are more universally popular than Frankie and Christine among the hard-core voting fans!

Donny, to my continued bewilderment, remains at #1. I am SO over Donny with a tear in his eye and his perpetual whining about how lonely he is, how all these young ‘uns can pick on an old man whose never done nuthin’ but be nice. News flash Donny, you have failed to attempt to assimilate since you entered the house. Renny, from Dan’s season, was quite a bit older that you, yet she was fun, energetic, entertaining, and very well liked among the HGs. Donny’s refusal to accommodate his schedule to the different environment he found himself in alienated him from the beginning. He avoids joining the HGs in the HOH room unless specifically invited, refuses to deter from his morning, afternoon and nighttime schedule. He’s done this to himself and by his refusal to integrate into the household has set himself apart as someone different – and therefore suspicious and because of that, a target. Even after the infamous Zingbot attack on his game he upped his social game to staying up until midnight! Wow! And extra 1/2 hour to devote to winning $500,000. What a sacrifice. And it took Zingbot to show him the error of his ways. By then it was, of course, too late. In the first couple of weeks after being zinged I counted two occasions that Donny visited the HOH room uninvited. Far too little, far too late. No, I won’t miss Donny with a year in his eye as he’s voted out, hopefully, this Thursday – although so much of me wishes it was Christine with that cackle. Maybe next time if Nichole can pull off a miracle to save herself.

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Kimjmj August 25, 2014 at 2:59 pm

Hey Star, sorry to say I didn’t miss you, but it’s because I was off BB myself for most of the past week on vacation and for once I didn’t spend my summer vacation jones-ing for BB updates. 😀

Seems like nothing much has happened in the last week… sigh..


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Starfish August 25, 2014 at 3:46 pm

It’s amazing how we manage to make this blog so very interesting with a very predictable BB this year. So happy Botb is gone. Happy to see you Star and that you’ve got most of your puter, etc. working again. We always enjoy yours posts. Great humor. Good to see everyone on board. So sad, the ones who only view the show have no idea what the real show is about. Hpr & princess I agree! Sir Rock, thanks for the skit updates. It will be interesting to see what is shown. Macy, ratings are up is all they want, that’s for sure.

Like Jolee and so many others, I’m so over Frankie but Derrick is playing the best game and he has a strategy and he’s making it work. I can’t complain about that. Christine is obnoxious and Vic is floater supreme. Cody finally won something and I wish he would get with the program and backdoor Frankie. They all seem to like the status quo and are hoping to be in the final two which, I think, is why nobody is rocking the boat yet! They know they will have to eat their own eventually but nobody wants to make the move that will get them there. Go figure. Ugh

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Star August 25, 2014 at 3:50 pm

@Jolee…Nice to be missed and back. But the break was needed, even if enforced on

@Kimjmj….I felt the same way the days I was off. Didn’t give a rip!! lol Felt like I had just gone to BB rehab or something!! 😉 Didn’t realize you were gone either so hope you had a great vacay!! 🙂 And WB!!!

@macy….As much as I love aggie I can’t let her take credit for the O/T thing as it was MY idea!!lol (#13) Actually I got the idea from Soap boards I used to be on, but that don’t even exist anymore. A side not to Lisa Marie….I hadn’t caught up on alot of reading when I posted that and didn’t realize that you had already addressed the topic. I didn’t mean to step on any toes. If it works for you, fine…otherwise, it was justa thought. No hard feelings either way hopefully. 🙂

@Princess…..totally agree about Donny. Well said. 😉

I had heard about the shout outs outside the house too. Derrick really slid by on the COP thing…lucky him!! But I think hearing that he is not well liked on the outside, Zingbot telling him basically he was ugly and feeling like he may be losing his iron grip on everyone a little bit since Nic came back is really depressing him. He has been sleeping alot more. Last night even during BBAD, he was laying in bed with his daughter’s blankie and VIc whining at his feet while all the other Detonators were up in HOH partying. Not like him. He is either losing it or maybe recharging his batteries and coming up with plan B just in case. I get the feeling he REALLY needs the money for debts or whatever. But we can’t be swayed by the life people have outside of BB. It’s a game and nothing matters but what they do INSIDE that house!!

Ok….sudden rain forced me inside, so now I guess I should make use of the time..altho I would much rather still be laying in the sun!!


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Star August 25, 2014 at 3:58 pm

@SF…..I think out blogs crossed paths as I didn’t see it until I posted mine. Thanks for the kind words. I am not sure we have everything ironed out yet, but enough that I can manage. I’d swear there was a Mercury retro going on right now if I didn’t know better!!lol

I know Derrick is sort of playing a good game but for some reason, he jsut grates on my nerves!! I think it is because he is so condescending and that WE know he is a cop but he is LYING about it to everyone else! I hate that I should be rooting for him if i am a hardcore fan, but I jsut can’t do it! More power to him if he wins, but I’d almost rather see Cody or Caleb win over him! Truth be told I am crossing my fingers for Cody and Nicole to hook up and take over the house!! As LM always says..a girl can dream, can’t she??LOL

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Sir Rock August 25, 2014 at 4:01 pm

@Princess – you nailed it with your thoughts on Donny. I liked your Renne comparison too. I do think Donny is a very nice man, but he’s not cut out to play BB…period. On Sunday’s show, they showed the metamorphosis of Derrick, as far as his look and him hanging with the rest of the crazy kids. That’s how its done. I even saw on Twitter that Dan Geshling complimented Derrick on doing that. High praise if you ask me.

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Jolee August 25, 2014 at 4:10 pm

Star, I so agree with you! I would love, love, for Cody and Nicole to form some kind of an alliance. In my wildest dreams, Cody will man up, take someone off the block and put up either Frankie or Derrick! Then the challenge would be to convince the zombies to backdoor the replacement! I think I read too many happy ending novels! I am the ultimate dreamer! More experience!! 🙂

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PatRoseNC August 25, 2014 at 4:26 pm

Christine does NOT have any kids…she did miscarry once and now wants the money so they can adopt.

Victoria did drink red wine along with the advils the night before she fainted. she wanted white but was given red and most of the hgs knew she was taking advil and saw her drink..was during bbad. I wonder if Vic did that on purpose knowing she’d be found in a house with all those cameras…cannot believe Nic found her and not production.

I want Donny to stay in the worse way…I wonder how
cody or any of them would feel if they found out about Team America…Caleb will be furious for sure…hope Donny tells someone if this is the last one anyway. bye.

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Jeanne August 25, 2014 at 4:30 pm

Come on BB fans. We love this show. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. I will watch it as long as CBS runs it. Did I say “I LOVE BB” . {{{HUGS}}}

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Sylvie August 25, 2014 at 4:35 pm

@ Star

I agree 100% I can’t seem to be able to connect w Derrick or like his game or his personality
It’s OK to lie in BB but something about him is annoying. Or maybe its the fake glasses and the strategically placed hat. Not sure, but also the fact that he is so controlled and never acts like he really wants to. Like giving Victoria hugs, so fake.

I will be out of the country fro finale episode but that OK ill read this blog.

I would like for NICOLE and lazy Victoria to be final 2 LOL

Or am i just mean ?

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Emilys Editor August 25, 2014 at 5:15 pm

Doesn’t Julie always say”Expect the unexpected”? So far this season(and many in the past) nothing is really “unexpected”. Sure this year you had to HOH’s and the BOTB but everything else is status quo. The HGs that have watched the show pretty much know what competitions are going to be and have a pretty good idea where in the season things will show up (double eviction, for example). Why not switch things up? I realize Zingbot can”t show up week 2 but why not slip him in around week 5? I agree with Moe that to bring someone back and have them evicted right away is stupid. Make the rule that they cannot be put up the first week. They are ALWAYS at a disadvantage and never last. Or bring back 2 guests. Do something that is totally unexpected.
And we complain every season that most of the HGs are like sheep. It would be fantastic to see really individual play! Especially from those who are true BB connoisseurs. I mean, come on–Donnie promised Nicole he wouldn’t vote her out but he did–what difference would his one little vote have made–she was going home anyway.
Oh, well, summer just wouldn’t be the same without BB and we’d have to find something else to grouse about if it was cancelled.

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Annie August 25, 2014 at 5:54 pm

Hey Everyone …..does anyone know if the POV meeting has been held yet??? I know the probable outcome but I’m curious none the less. LOL

@ Star …..I did miss your clever blogs…glad you are back…you was dearly missed!!

@LM….thanks for all you do…another excellent blog. We LOVE you!!

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macy August 25, 2014 at 6:10 pm

STAR i meant to shout out to u on the o/t – sorry bput that

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Star August 25, 2014 at 7:08 pm

@Annie..Yes..the POV meeting was today and AS expected, Cody did NOT use it!!! 🙁 I was so hoping, since he seemed to like Nic’s ideas and HE was even grousing about Chris not doing anything for any of their games, that he would take Nic down and BD Chris!!! Now wouldn’t that have been a shock and left us all feeling renewed???!! lol But no…..he has no balls like every other guy in the house this year. Great hair, but no balls!!lol And TY for missing me and back at ya!!! You are always SO sweet to me!! ***HUG***

@macy….s’ok…..aggie and I have been on the blog so long we prolly seem like the same person…

@Sylvie……glad to know someone else gets how I feel about Derrick. I WANT to like the best playa in da house but…..I want more OPTIONS!!lol Where are you going?? Sounds fascinating!! I NEED a trip like that. I am in a RUT..and BB is NOT helping!!! lol

@Jolee…..We think like one!! Just wish we could transport those thoughts into the BB House..and into Cody’s head!!lol’s too late. Let’s just hope Donny goes home as planned and Nic still has a chance to get in good with Cody!! He DID say he was kinda jealous of Hayden so i think he has a little *thing* for her. Now if she can just manipulate that sexual thing into trust..she will have reached womanhood in the BB House!!!! lol And go home with MORE than just the money!!! 😉

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Jolee August 25, 2014 at 7:34 pm

Star, thank you for the compiment! I really do agree with you most of the time! Amigos?? 🙂 I am soooooo disappointed in Cory! He had a chance to go down in BB history! As it is now, he will be remembered as a cute guy who hung out in the BB16 house! Ho hum!! 🙂

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Craig Long August 25, 2014 at 7:37 pm


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Aggie R August 25, 2014 at 9:10 pm

@ Star

I made one comment on this page, I don’t see where I’m taking credit for anything, I think your misinformed. Not sure how my name got drag into anything.

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Ralph August 25, 2014 at 9:19 pm

Well, I guess all I can hope for now, is a ‘Team Saboteur’.
Not anyone in the house…but a chance for viewers to get back at how lame BB is getting…and maybe send a false signal so they all start turning on each other.
I want to see, in the HOH room, a huge spray painted, that glows in the dark, but can’t be seen otherwise, over the wall of birdhouse to say, “GAME ON!”
Could you imagine the finger-pointing Caleb alone would bring!
Have a single black rose, placed in the center of the kitchen table, with an ‘S’ on a business card.
Unless they bring America into this game, I don’t see how it’s going to keep its audience.

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Star August 25, 2014 at 9:37 pm

@Aggie………YOU didn’t start anything or take credit where it wasn’t due!! macy just got our names mixed up and I called her out on it. She admitted that is what happened!! And I said , *As much as I LOVE aggie…..* !! Don’t make me regret that!! lol It was just a funny mistake. And actually I said nice things about you…. twice!! Apparently you didn’t see that part!!! 😉

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wingnut August 25, 2014 at 10:12 pm

They should of given Nicole immunity for a week when she came back into the house. In years past I think they have done it. What a bore this season. I can’t wait for them to turn on each other it is just a matter of time. Then the game will get interesting. Derrick deserves to win if they don’t get him out!! They just can’t seem to figure it out yet. Stupid. Victoria is a lost dog with no bark, she has no clue and doesn’t say anything. I hope Nicole gets her head back in the game. Nicole can’t be that dumb, I think she is in school for nursing. She needs to snap out of it and get it together and win HOH.

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macy August 25, 2014 at 10:28 pm

AGGIE sorry to you also for the confusion – i meant to say star and said ur name instead – dont know why – guess a brain fart – sorry charlie

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Princess August 25, 2014 at 10:54 pm

@Stra, Starfish, and Sir Rock; thank you. It’s really good to know I’m not alone in my assessment of Donny. I appreciate your mentioning it.

The problem I see is they know they are going to have to turn on each other but they are all terrified to take a stand. I think it’s generally agreed that Christine is the most expendable but Derrick has plans for Victoria. He has to be careful with that. Caleb is now attached firmly to Frankie’s nether regions since discovering the Frankie is “famous” and has a sister that can help him in his fantasy music career. You remember, he tried out for The Voice but was too good to be selected. Cody is attached to Derrick and Christine goes where the power is, but is attached to Frankie and involved with Cody (however temporary or benign). My guess is she’ll stick to Frankie as Victoria clings to Derrick. Derrick’s best move would come from keeping Nicole and Vic along with Cody and getting the intolerable three out. But that might reveal his master plan and his unreasoning paranoia of Nicole might cost him the game. For all their love feat, Frankie knows Derrick is his biggest challenger in the house and Derrick knows Frankie is his strongest competitor. However, I’ve given up expecting reason and logical thinking to prevail.

All hail the mantra: I didn’t get blood on my hands.

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Princess August 25, 2014 at 10:57 pm

Love fest not love feat. I freaking hate auto-correct.

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Ralph August 25, 2014 at 11:19 pm

Listening to Derrick and Frankie, they seem to think the competitions will be set up for the women to win, so they are looking to keep Donny.
Frankie is telling Derrick that ‘Team America’ is important.
They also are talking about setting Christiane up in the next eviction.

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Sir Rock August 25, 2014 at 11:24 pm

Just watching BBAD now, Derrick and Frankie are in the HOH bathroom talking about future game plans. They both think endurance comps are coming for HOH and think those are best suited for girls and Frankie to win. Due to that logic, they are thinking of keeping Donny and voting out Nicole. They are talking that if they save Donny, he will owe them, guaranteeing not to nominate them if he won HOH.

Not a bad game plan. It worked for Dan and Memphis, dragging senior citizen Jerry to the final 3. Granted, Donny can win some comps, unlike Jerry. It’s too early in the week to say this plan will actually happen, but there may be some hope for you Donny fans.

My only hope would be if they kept Donny, maybe they have a lawn mowing comp and he aces that bad boy to win the HOH, and nominates Derrick and Frankie….laughing maniacally like a crazed lunatic with his eyes all bugging out. Then he says he wants to bathe in their blood and he dumps a bowl of tomato soup over his head. Muah ha ha ha! After that, he spits Skittles at the rest of the HG’s and goes and sits in the shower, fully clothed, rocking back and forth…mumbling incoherently to himself till his HOH room is ready. 😀

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Aggie R August 25, 2014 at 11:54 pm

@ Star and Macy

No big deal i have a pretty thick skin, I do think it’s odd though I have made comments to people on other occasions and never got a response and I’m hardly ever on here, so the confusion was strange. But no apology necessary.

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Sylvie August 26, 2014 at 12:53 am

Going to Italy then France going home

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Ralph August 26, 2014 at 12:55 am

Frankie is pushing to keep Donny, HARD!
Derrick has put the feelers out, but Cody and Caleb have said , “NO WAY!”…and both Christine and Victoria are talking smack about Donny, saying he is worse than Zack (per Victoria)
Seems like Derrick is Donny’s only hope. But I’m not sure he’s willing to hurt his game…even for ‘Team America’.

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Randall August 26, 2014 at 11:59 am

@Sir Rock : I’m with you on Donnie going all Charles Manson on everyone.

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Starfish August 26, 2014 at 2:53 pm

Sylvie, have a fantastic time.


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hpr56 August 26, 2014 at 3:07 pm

Thanks Starfish.

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