Hi y’all!
Well, seeing as how there is nothing new going on in the Big Brother House, why don’t we go ahead and open up the diary room? Who would you vote to evict?
Would you vote for…
Donny, the bearded one
Nicole, the nice one?
Cast your vote over on the right side of the page and let us know how you voted in the comments section below! And then, be sure to watch the live show on Thursday night!
As for me, it’s not easy to decide between Donny and Nicole. They’ve actually got a bit in common. They’re both very likable. They both seem to be genuinely nice. They’ve both got strong followings on this blog. And, quite frankly, neither one of them has been as strong a player as we would have liked them to be.
Donny, for instance, is a self-described “super fan” and is probably the nicest guy in the house but, as a player, he’s been oddly passive. Other than winning a few vetoes, Donny really hasn’t done much in the house and, if he stays, it’s hard to believe that he’s going to do much. He hasn’t made any alliances and it seems pretty obvious now that he no longer cares that much about being a member of Team America. Donny seems like he’d be a great neighbor but what exactly has he done in the house?
Nicole, on the other hand, would seem to be a strong player. She’s won three HoHs, she was one of the first HGs to realize that Frankie’s a threat, and it’s hard not to be upset at the way that Christine stabbed her in the back. Nicole may be playing hard but that doesn’t mean that she’s played well. During the one week when her nominees actually ended up in the block, she not only failed to get rid of her target but also helped to get her ally Hayden evicted as well.
So, it’s difficult to really say that either Donny or Nicole deserves to be in the house more than the other. So, I know I’ll be curious to see who the majority of our readers would vote for. I cast my vote to evict Donny, just because I’d love to see Nicole stick around, win the HoH, and hopefully put both Christine and Frankie on the block. Add to that, I don’t think Donny’s ever going to really wake up and be an effective force in the house. Nicole, meanwhile, still has a chance of reaching her potential.
Of course, it’s not going to be easy to reach that potential if she’s sitting in the jury house. But, at least she’ll get to spend time with Hayden…
Lisa Marie
Going to be very disappointed if Nichole goes home
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Well, I guess I’d vote out Donny. He’s nice and all, but he isn’t doing anything in the house. At least Nicole has a little piss and vinegar in her veins and will make some strong moves.
As far as Derick goes, I thought he did a great job manipulating the situation into his favor….once again! Like it or not, this isn’t the cub scouts or Sunday School, it’s Big Brother. You need to lie and work angles to stay alive. I liked how he’s nice to Victoria and keeps her on his side for a vote or maybe even a final 2 option.
Zack just cant shut up to save his own ass. Dude wins the Veto and just runs his mouth about his alliance??? Who does that? Stupid. Zack blames Nicole for telling Victoria stuff and it all falls right on his head. And who’s the person all that was circling around, ready to blow up his game….Derick. What did he do? He took the bull by the horns and made lemonade out of a big pile of lemons. Now, he’s in the clear, Zack looks like more of an untrustworthy person, and Victoria is still on his side. PERFECTION.
One thing I gotta say, Zack made one great statement tonight. One that I think a lot of people forget. He was talking to Victoria and told her that Derick had her back and he didn’t lie to her, he was “protecting his game.” That’s what it is folks. A game. Yeah, maybe you lie and do things, but its to protect your game. Some of the HG’s seem to get personal with their attacks and make other cry. Derick is cool, calm, and collected. He sees an issue (the 4 guys arguing in the living room) and gets involved quickly, quietly, and nips it in the bud.
I got a lot of respect for Derick’s game. He’s making all the right moves. Even getting Nicole on the block. He didn’t do it in a callous manner. It was strictly game play. Hence the reason for my vote to boot Donny. Nic will at least try and play the game. We all know, unless something crazy happens soon, she’s a goner….but I would love to see her throw a wrench in the works just for my own entertainment.
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Bye Nicole hope you go home or I should say the jury house. I want Donnie to stay.
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Love Nicole & Donny both but would also love it if Nicole stays and gets Christine & Frankie out!!!
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I like both, but I sadly vote to evict Donny.
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I vote to evict Donny. Nicole will make take risks an make big moves if she’s lucky enough to stay.
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Again just in time to say goodnight. God bless you all. See you tomorrow. {{{HUGS}}}
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I vote to evict Donny but know Nic is history…..sigh
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I vote to oust Nicole. Donny is quite, the wheels are turning. He is trying to figure out the deal with derrick. How does he do it???? Well Donny if you only knew! Off course derrick is kicking butt. He’s a frigin undercover cop! I have said it since day one. He is trained for this scenario. Perfect world, bunch of young mind to manipulate. I it’s crazy how easy he is doing it too. Donny is not being manipulated at least I will give him that. He said weeks ago that derrick was running the show and needed to go. I think if he gets hoh that he will put derrick up. And hopefully he will put him up next to Cody.
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I vote to evict Donny. Sadly. :0(
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I vote to evict Donny because I would rather see Nicole try to mess up everyone’s strategy! I have a feeling she will be going to jury tomorrow, but we can always hope! Nite all .. this lady is headed to bed and eager to start my next book. I just finished an amazing book and it will be hard to find one in my Kindle Fire library that will be as good. 🙂
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I vote to evict sweet Donny..
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Thanks LM, I agree Donny hasn’t done much and doesn’t appear to be interested in TA either. I vote for Donny to go home. Nic at least is playing the game and has contributed some game.
Derrick’s main reason for putting Nic on the block was because she’s won three HOHs and that makes good game sense. What we don’t like is him getting Caleb to lie to Christine and make her think Nic has lied behind her back and wanted to get Christine out. Christine fell for it so that’s BB. Do I like it, nope, not a bit. Don’t like her as she’s unlikeable. IMHO
I think Nic really got the shaft handed to her but we can hope things will change. Yea right. With Derrick aware that she’s a threat, chances are slim for her. I’ve said it before, he’s a bit of Dr. Will and a bit of Dan. He’s fearless but he’ll need to start winning comps now as has been indicated by a few of you.
And OMG Zach with the diarrhea mouth. Has anyone ever been this stupid on BB? And the crying about Frankie wanting to use the money for charity, why does he care, this is BB. It’s a game and you are here to win.
LM, I hope you’re right about Gradner being replaced next year and hopefully someone will bring this game back to it’s original concept. Just regular peeps with no fan base. Frankie saying he’d have Ariana’s fans go after Nic is just childish and mean. Frankie is slimy but he’s managed to squirm out of it again. I loved when they asked him if he’s even really gay! Didn’t think much of his coming out about his “fame”. OMG, who gives a rats ass. This is Big Brother.
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I vote to evict sweet Donny
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cathy, I agree Donny’s wheels are turning but there’s no grip on the road. They just keep spinning. He knew before about Derrick but did he try to get an alliance together to stop him? nope Did he do anything to get people together to see what he sees? nope So, our only hope is that he wins HOH and puts up Derrick and another detonator. Since Derrick’s strategy was to get Nic out because she was a threat who won 3 hohs and Donny only won a couple Vetos, we can hope Donny can pull an HOH out of the hat and then do something with it. Mostly, I hope they change their minds and keep Nicole.
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I vote to evict Donny. Way too passive for me and 0 game. Nicole has game in her and I respect that, although it may be too little too late.
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I wouldn’t want to vote either of them out but between the two, I vote Donny out. Only because he hasn’t stepped up and really played. I love the guy but for a super fan, he’s lacking.
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I vote to evict Nicole.
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I felt sorry for Nicole, Christine never should have put her on the blog, that dumb bitch let the guys manipulate her. She should have stayed loyal to Nicole. I would rather Nicole go over Donny, but too bad for Nicole. I can only hope Karma strikes The Ugly Bitch Christine Big Time. I’m sure she’s probably hated by many. 🙄
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I vote to evict Donny b
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I only caught the end of tonight’s live show and was totally confused as to how Nichole got OFF the block to get put back ON the block or how Zach went up at all. But then I’m watching live feeds and blogs before actually seeing some of the shows so maybe I just got the order of things confused somewhere but could swear the last show Nic had already gone on the block. Guess I’ll have to rewatch Wed’s show and see the beginning. I don’t know why Donnie doesn’t enlighten Nichole about Derrick! or has he and she’s just not getting it? I keep hoping Zach will turn and vote for Nichole to stay but dont know who else would join him except possibly Victoria who’s a lot smarter than I originally gave her credit for. If she would really accept that Derrick is just using her as a possible pawn at the end who if he’s sitting next to her at the end, he’d be sure to win, maybe she’d wise up and stop doing his bidding. They alll frustrate me so much! And once they get rid of Nichole and Donnie, I’m not really sure who they’ll go after next but guessing Zach. They won’t really need him anymore. And backstabbing Christine will live on another week even then. (which sickens me). I’m sure it’s really tough to be able to know who’s being straight with you in there and who is toying with you so you’ll do their dirty work for them, so I don’t think it makes any of them stupid.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Donnie is smart enough to “get it” as far as what’s going on but I think he just figures they’re at a point where not much they can do about it anymore. Donnie and Nichole and Haydn working together would have been a great team. And the whole TA thing has turned out to be a big joke. they don’t care what American wants them to do! which I can understand so that whole angle is kind of stupid considering the tasks they gave us to pick from to assign to them. The rest of the game will now be pretty predictable and boring if something doesn’t shake things up. Derrick will just knock them off one by one til he’s last man standing and I have to admit, he’s pretty good at this & so probably deserves to win. Just hating to see Nichole and / or Donnie go out the door. ( the two NICE ones)
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LOL, I like u Aggie R 19…u say all the things I wanna say.
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Starfish – I see your point about Derick getting Caleb to lie….but IMO, he didn’t have to do a lot of coaxing to get Caleb to do that. To me, Derick just sprinkles a little magic dust on these people and POOF, they go and do these things. Mainly Zack and Caleb….because face it, they are the ones that are the most easily manipulated. I think that ADDS to Derick’s game, IMO. But I can see why some bloggers and BB fans may be rubbed wrong by him and his ways. Like you said, he’s a little Dr. Will and a little Dan…two of the best of all time.
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I vote to evict Donny. He is nice but so blah. N Nicole will keep it interesting.
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@ Latreice
Thanks, these fools get me pretty worked up sometimes 🙂
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Hey Bloggade!
Hated having to pause every two minutes during the first half of the show to fill hubsters in on all the edited out details. I knew they couldn’t get ll the explosive details in that took place durring those 5 hours or so after BotB. 🙂
Nicole will go because Derrick and Frankie still want Donny around for another possible TA misson. Zach, Cody, Caleb and Christine would rather see Donny go, but Derrick is unsportive and shutting them down with the logical arguments that she wins HOH’s, she knows all about the Detonators and will nominate two of them for sure, and the fact that if there is a buy-back and Hayden comes back they will have the two of them to deal with. It’s sound logic; if only those three knew about the TA side of the whole deal.
Donny’s pure refusal to talk game, name names, or stay up past bedtime will be his downfall.
I really felt for Zach in the DR after Frankies big reveal. He’s a loud mouth, has chronic foot-in-mouth disease, and controlled by his emotions, but in truth I think Zach is a nice guy at heart just playing tough guy.
You can count on tomorrows HOH being geared for a Donny win. Whether he pulls it off or not is the question. If he does, will he turn his back on TA? He is peeved that Derrick and Cody have gone this far into the game without serving any block time, and he’s the only one even close to seeing thru Derricks game. However, if it winds up a landside voting out Nicole he may realize how much Derrrick and Frankie are covering for him and may only nominate Cody and I’d guess Christine.
😉 @ Starfish
@ Sir Rock, love your take on the game.. Probably because we are sympatico.. 😀
Still hoping for a double buy-back with Hayden and Nicole coming back with a vengnce. Heard the theory that there will be one HOH, two nominees, and then two from jury will come back for a BotB and whichever pair wins is safe for the week. That could be fun!
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Thanks kimjmj – birds of a feather flock together! 😀
Just saw a post on some BB page on facebook. They were talking about Cody and Derrick “The Hitmen” figuring out their list. I’d share the whole post but it was pretty long. Basically, they ran down the HG’s names of who was next to go. Cody put Victoria out of the house before Christina. Then like Obi Wan Kenobi, Derrick pulled some Jedi mind tricks on him and got the order shuffled around so Victoria would be in their final 5, with Caleb and Zack. He was so subtle about it, it was brilliant.
Then the person running that page said this, which I had to copy/paste here because its LITERALLY the perfect way to describe what Derrick is doing with Caleb and Victoria.
“I’ve said it before, and I’ll probably say it again, but so far it’s almost like Derrick is Memphis’ing Cody and Danielle’ing Victoria. Derrick’s HG control is trying to be two seasons of Dan Gheesling’s moves combined in to one. Of course the big question is can he keep it rolling as far as he needs it to go?”
How great is that?!? I think its a perfect description. He’s “bros” with Cody and has a final 2 deal, like Dan did with Memphis in BB10 AND he’s sorta “protecting” Victoria and has a final 2 deal like he did with Danielle in BB14. I think Derrick read Dan’s book on how to play Big Brother.
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FYI – I changed my avatars to a picture of me with my grandbabies, Caleb and Kylie. I m so blessed to be a grandmother. 🙂
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I sadly vote to evict Nicole. I want to see Donny forced to play the game (or is he playing his game already?). Something about Donny resonates with my way of life and I guess I’m rooting for the underdog.
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I am just watching BBAD now as I DVR it to get past the uber amount of repetitive ads they have on there!! Nothing really new except that Nic asked everyone for SURE if she was going home and the answer is YES, but a reluctant one. Seems no one wants to vote her out. But are being Svengalied by Derrick. It’s too bad Chris can’t vote because, if it’s true what soemone on here said…sorry can’t remember now…but if Caleb, Cody, Zach and Chris really don’t want to vote her out, she would have enough to stay. She always seems to lose by so little..like 30 seconds on the puzzle or 1 vote to stay. But she seems at peace with it now. She and Donny discussing her parting words. And he is telling her to call people out on her way out, especcialy Derrick. Hope she does it! I think Donny would trade places with her in a heartbeat. He is SO done with this game. He was just saying , as they play jenga(could there be anymore boring a game???LOL), that he is just waiting for 11:30 so he can go to bed!!! Seems like that is the best part of his day in the BB House. I wonder if itis at home too??LOL
Cody pulled Nic onto his lap in the HOH room. She was playing along and saying Keep me..see how nice it could be??LOL Then talk of all the other guys turned to him doing that stuff with Chris and he’s trying to deny it. And Donny was just gossiping about it to Nc downstairs too. The whole house KNOWS!! There’s noting else to do but watch other people! Do they really think no one is noticing?? :eyeroll:
Totally agree about Derrick’s manipulation and I too had compared him to Dr. Will and Dan. Sor some reason tho, he’s just not as likeable. Or FUN! And I think the whole reason he doesn’t set well with me is that he has all that special people training from being a cop. It seems as unfair an advantage as Frankie’s and everyone is mad at him! the only difference is that no one KNOWS that Derrick is a cop! I wish BB would leak it to Zach in the DR and see what scrambling all the little rats did then!!! And BTW…I disagree that when it gets down to the F5, that Derrick will HAVE to start winning Comps. Dr. will never won a comp the entire BB game. Not counting the Finale. SO it’s not a MUST. Be funny if it happened twice!! 😉
A shout out to StarFish, my girl and to two, who agreed with me. I like that.lol
Oh..and I vote to evict DONNY!!!!!! Give him and us a BREAK guys!! It would make him, Nicole and America HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
😀 🙂
PS…Has anyone else voted to name the BB Owl??? Guess I was bored one night as I did……Orwell. lol Trust me. It was the only choice…lol
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BB is messing with the HGS. They are seeing ghosts in the walls, zombies…then they started throwing out messages that don’t make any sesne but that apparently the HGS need to memorize. Frankie got a STOP THAT! as he tried to write things down with his make up pencil. I guess they might be up all night doing this. Donnie was in bed already and had to get up!!lol One way to make him stay up all night!!! He sat up in bed and put his head in his hands. He is SO not meant for this game!!! 😉
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Everyone trying to figure out if this is for an HOH comp or a luxury comp.
All just sitting in LR waiting for next announcement.
I’ll let ya know if I’m still awake..and it’s interesing!! lol
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I vote to evict Christine!!!
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Does every one forget that Donnie did win a hoh with Nicole and did not want to get any bood on his hands by putting Frankie on the block. But I wish Nicole could stay and Hayden come back in.
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@Star…thanks for the SCOOP!!! It’s,on nights,like these that I really wish I had the live feeds. Thanks for all the info….you truly are a STAR!
I sadly vote to evict sweet Donny….he’ll never last the night..LOL. And at least Nicole has some fight in her….although if she goes , I’ll still be okay because I know she’ll be with Hayden and also have a chance of coming back in!!! I heard that being sent to the Jury House in week five sucks, because they have no chance of returning. Oh well, Christine,enjoy the rest of the summer in the Jury House!! LOL
Thanks LM…hope your knee is feeling better!!!
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I figure they will vote to evict Nicole. MY HOPE IS she is the one who comes back into the house and totally puts a bomb to the place. Maybe she will have time at the Jury House to discuss things with Hayden and figure out whose really running the show, Derrick and what could be done to get him out. He speaks and all the sheeple follow…no one has a brain this season except Derrick. Not that I like him.
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I gladly vote to evict Donnie…he is just so old & tired! In fact, I went to stats to see just how old since he uses the age card so often. He is all of 42 (gasp!) haha
Sir Rock – totally agree with you on Derrick’s game. I went so far as to say he is the best I’ve seen play…but agree with Star that he may not be as charismatic as some others.
Starfish – wow, did Frankie really say he’d put Ariana’s fans on Nicole? So low! Missed that
Great reading everyone! Thanks LM! Have a great day!!
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I vote to evict the fruitloop dingus
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OK SO first of all I love Donny and hope he gets america’s player, but yes he needs to go. But then maybe he can be the palyer to come back in. But then again would love for Nic’s boytoy to come back and help her reck havic. I think if Nicole stays we are going to have a interesting next week. She has been the only strong girl player this year. Christine is a “B’ and I hope she gets out and her husband let’s her know how she looked on tv. I hope hope hope Nicole stays and wins hoh and rocks up the house .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Derrick is playing a good game but like it has been said his career trained him for this, undercover cop you have to lie cheat and steal and be nice and calm and make others think you are a person to trust. He would be great when he gets out, he should join special forces. But I would not trust him in a suicide or hostage nagotionations. he would be the one to say well do it all ready!! lol with a little smile of his of course. so please please let Nicole stay and shake this house up. Let Zach stay and help stir the pot. Let Derrick and Victoria and Christine go to jury. And Frankie, DO’T EVEN GET ME STARTED!!! I was over him after one week. He is celb riding on coattails. He is a fake and should not have even had a chance on this show. He deserves nothing but to go back to u tube life.
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Donnie your time is up as far as I’m concerned. Actually you should have gone when Britney left, since she was willing to fight and with Nicole, Hayden and Amber might have been able to get Caleb on their side as well and do something about the way things went.
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I didn’t get any of the posts last night. Grrrr
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Donnie! Just go rest!
He’s not that old but sure acts like and old tired man.
Just over this season , can’t wait for the end
@LM ! Thank you
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Although i like Donny, i vote to evict him. Nicole id not afraid to make moves and she is also more determined to stir things up. I too think that this is Derek’s game. However, if Nicole is voted out, it would be hilarious for Zack and Victoria to make it to final two. I don’t care who deserves it. T this point i want to see something different. This season is just too predictable.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Of all the house guests, the two I DO NOT want in the final two are Frankie and Christine.
One last thing, because of Frankie’s childish comment about getting his sister’s fans after Nicole, I hope Nicole wins America’s Favorite!
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@Sir Rock , I so disliked Dan .
One he wouldn’t shut up , had to nuts him and two he lied about his wife having CANCER …..very bad taste
He was annoying! But yes he played the game
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Mute him not nuts
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@ Sylvie, it was Matt Hoffman who lied about his wife having a severe illness, not Dan. Although I enjoyed Dan (more so in his 1st season then his 2nd), he has become quite full of himself in recent years. Another reason I root for Derrick is so he can dethrone Dan as an ultimate BB player.
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I agree with Doris…it would frost Frankie’s behind!!
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Oops..forgot to finish….if Nicole got “favorite”
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Oh that’s weird, first time posting from my phone and lost the end of my post… User error I’m sure.
@Star, glad to hear there was some action last night, gives me some feeds to actually watch today, been slow as molasses since Sunday.
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I vote for Nichole to go. Donny may be sitting around, looking like he is doing nothing, but it has gotten him this far. He has been HOH, and has won vetos, so he is not doing nothing as it may appear. Nichole’s attempts at making big plays would have been great if they had worked, but needless to say, her ideas were thwarted at every turn by the Detonators/Bomb Squad, or whatever the alliances called themselves: Derrick, Frankie, Cody, Christine, Caleb and Zack are sticking together and that’s that! And Victoria is a little snitch and tells Derrick everything. Why does anyone even talk to her? I like Nichole and hope that she and Hayden get to return to the house and shake it up with their presence. We shall see.
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I vote to evict Donny.
I have to laugh when I think about the challenges. Victoria has won more than Derrick and Cody combined (one POV and two BOTB’s). She could have a shot at winning if Derrick takes her to the end, that is if the jurors base their votes on challenges won and Derrick and Cody don’t win anymore.
I hope whoever wins HOH tonight backdoors Frankie, although if this happens, I am sure production will make sure he will be the juror coming back!! With this in mind, it might be better to get rid of Frankie after the returning juror has been selected, so he has no chance of coming back into the house. JMO
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Oh Matt ! I forgot oops , sorry Dan.
Somehow I think of them as one person.
Still not crazy about Dan LOL
But can i please cast BB next year or maybe we all can.
Seriously !
Also sick of the same comps like OTEV, no more slop or America’s player
Am I complaining ???? oops felt good
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Aggie, you said it girl!
Sir Rock – Yes, Cody is easily manipulated but I think a lot of Derrick’s magical powers come from how he carries himself, how charismatic he is but most of all, he appears to be the most mature (grown up) one and they perceive that and they relate to that and therefore, they believe and go with him. Also, they want Derrick to think highly of them which is why it’s so easy for him to get them to do his bidding. If Derrick thinks it’s their idea, then he must like them. They want to be liked and thought highly of by Derrick because he’s the “man”, so to speak, in the house. Ok, did that make any sense at all? 😉 Yep, very much a bit of Dr. Will and a bit of Dan but he’s got his own less flamboyant style.
OK, back up to finish reading. Lots to read this morning.
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kimj.. – Why do you think the next HOH will be geared to Donny? I would hope he wins the HOH and then he’ll have to play the game unless he succumbs to the will of the Detonators and the TA of course puts a damper on things. I don’t think he wants HOH but would love to see if he’ll play if he wins. He likes to compete it seems so it will be interesting to see if he goes for this HOH. I would love to see Hayden and Nic come back to compete in Botb. If that’s true, it will be interesting to see who the new HOH puts up.
Star, yes Derrick is a cop and has had training but IMHO, I don’t think that’s the basis of his manipulation powers. It’s who he is down deep and probably always has been which is why he became a detective. He hasn’t been a detective for a long time now but his personality is warm and likeable, unlike Christine, who isn’t. They look up to him becauses that’s who he is, not who he was trained to be. That’s my take on him.
Funny about them having to stay up all night tho. Star, I agree with every single syllable you said about Donny. Not meant for this game at all. Send the poor guy packing, he’s miserable.
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Courtney, Lisa Marie told us that about Frankie on the previous post. It’s in blue near the bottom. She gives us good tid bits. 🙂
Sylvie, I agree Dan was brutal. He was a snake in the grass but that snake won the game. He actually played BB and hate him or love him, he played BB.
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OK, caught up.
Betty, are you saying you want Vic to win? 😆 lol It would be great to get Frankie out of the house sooner rather than later. It won’t happen this week but depending on who’s coming back into the house and if it’s this week, it will be fun to watch.
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Hi Starfish – No I don’t want to see Victoria win. She whines too much. I just thought it was interesting to point out she has won more challenges than Derrick and Cody, although she did have help with the BOTB challenges. I am not sure, but I think production will wait until there are four people in jury before someone is chosen to come back in the house. I just don’t want to see Frankie go to jury before one of the jury members is selected to return…I don’t trust production!! In other words, I don’t want Frankie to have a snowballs chance in hell of making it back into the house. It would be nice to see Nicole come back. She just may have a shot (slim shot) when the Detonators start turning on one another, as I am sure the remaining HG’s would start scrambling to keep her around for the numbers. I know, wishful thinking!!! 😆 I would like to see Victoria out next week just to see Derrick have to go to plan B, as I think he wants to take Victoria to the end for a sure win.
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I vote to evict Nicole
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tim (aka crustines husb) needs to backdoor her with an attorney
i vote to evict donnie
nicole is the only one in the house with ba**s
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You’re right Macy, all the others are playing follow the leader…..Frankie…how pathetic.
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I have never even heard of Frankie’s sister……he’s full of bull crap, oh I meant to say cow crap.
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I sadly vote to evict them all!!! No really I have no clue who will get the boot tonight. I sadly vote to evict Nicole.
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@*Fish, just going on the production/manipulation theory. Persoanlly I like to beileve everything is set in advance. But if they do play with order of comps I can see this next one coming as being Donny-favorable. And quite frankly, he is good at comps and it would put a much needed dose of scramble in the house to see him up in the HOH. I was willing to give him props as an underdog player when he won his HOH, but then he made it painfuly clear that he just wanted his goodie basket and letter, he had no interest in actually wielding any power or making any game moves. It would be interesting to see what he would do this time around, but I fear it will just wind up the same old same old.
I’ve made it clear, I’m Team Derrick, but I also love house shifts and this whole season needs a dose of action.
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All up to date! Thanks all…. I vote to evict Nicole, so she can come back! 🙂 Run Forest Run! They are coming to get you 😆 ……………………..
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Dan G. didn’t win his second BB (BB14). Ian did, and the ever addled Danielle came in third and also gave Dan the one vote to win that he received. Dan played a great game, but Ian’s game was also great and didn’t cause him to be so ultimately disliked, in and out of the house. I think Derrick is playing like Ian did so the houseguests need wise up.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Love the owl name, *!
On Skin Wars last night, the eliminated player said to those who were distressed at his leaving because he was so nice, “This isn’t a nice guy competition.” I love Donny, but this isn’t a nice guy competition.
Jordan won by being nice, and I don’t think she lied the entire game so I guess a nice person winning is possible…again.
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BBIGBOB. I think what your trying to say is: El Toro Cava. :0)
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I’m definitely in the minority in that I could never stand Ian. I know that everyone else seemed to like him but I always felt he was a little creep. Dan definitely should have won that season.
Though, in the end, I was just happy that Frank didn’t win. (Though didn’t he get America’s Favorite Houseguest or something like that? I always figured that had to have been fixed.)
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Hey Bloggade!
Heard an interesting potential twist I’d be curious to see them try out.. Yes, you vote people out to the Jury, but they don’t leave the house, just stay in there with the rest of the competing players. Now that would put an interesting spin on jury management!
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67…. See you guys after the show. I have nothing to add that hasn’t already been said.
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OMG! just clicked back to the LFs. Nichole and Donnie playing Genga again! (Still?) They were playing last night ’til Donny’s bedtime. Almost as boring as watching the HG play Chess which they haven’t so much this season. Makes me wonder if any of them have sufficient grey matter, Except maybe Derrick all alone with no one to play with.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OK, this time I’m gone for a bit. have to get out of the house.
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@kimjmj, leaving the jury in the house would allow them to manipulate and advise other hgs on the goings on. Yes, it would be interesting. It may also make people think differently about who they voted out of the game.
Oh, I have to vote to evict Donny. I love him but his time has come. Frankly, I’m surprised he’s lasted this long.
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OH, did I read somewhere further up the page that Grodner isn’t going to with BB next year?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If so, that is the best news all day.
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I think Donny has lasted this long due to the Team America. He also saved himself with the POV. This year is very disappointing but I keep watching hoping…….. We’ve had a couple interesting things happen but all in all it’s a boring year.
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Betty, I was pulling your chain when I said do you want Vic to win. LOL I don’t think anyone wants her to win and I doubt she would win over anyone but you never know. Like someone said, it could be a bitter vote. Nope, don’t want Frankie anywhere near the end. It’s terrible that he may get America’s vote though.
Kimj.. I agree my friend, I agree. The house needs someone, anyone, to do something, anything! 😉 I like the term house shift!
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I believe Frankie, Christine and Caleb will not push hard to get Derrick or Cody out if Frankie or Caleb win the next HOH. No idea where Zach will stand…got to love him for all the pot stirring he has done this season, as it would be have been so boring without him. Looking forward to tonight’s show.
Good luck Nicole, I hope you will be the one coming back!!!
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Hey Starfish! How ya doing my friend? ………………
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Ready for the show tonight everyone?
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Okay all, Have a good night…………Bye ………….
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Doing great Bob, hope you are well. 🙂
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LM – I do believe Frank did win Favorite Houseguest on that season. I thought Ian was creepy at first also. That dog house thing and “streaking” were as obnoxious as they come. However, later in the game I became so disgusted with everyone remaining (yes, that means Dan too) Ian became my choice to win by default. : ) He was a master game player without crushing the opposition. Did you ever see “Limitless” with Bradley Cooper, LM? Whatever drug he was taking, you must have access to also. : ) Wanna share? : )
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Bob, dear heart, please feel better.
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looking for a miracle for nic
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Well tonight’s episode went as planned and you know what it was a unanimous vote! As Dani would say SHOCKER!
Good luck to Nicole and Hayden when they try to gain reentry into the house. And on another note Frankie and Derrick won HOH, so I hope Derrick wins BOTB.
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It will be interesting to see who Derrick nominates.
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Please let Frankie stay HOH, so he will not be able to come back in the house!! If he is able to pull keys first, I think he will nominate Victoria and Donny so it will leave blood on Derrick’s hands. Very interesting!!!
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well up goes don and vic again – derrick will nom don and frank will nom vic
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What is up with Cody’s hair? It makes him look nerdy. And did we really need to hear from Rachel Reilly?
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Well, Well CBS is just smiling now! Sitting back and saying we can do whatever we want to! So the key I guess if the competition or chance to get back into the house is going to be a real competition or is it going to be votes by the Grande’Clan? Which if I see how it’s going so far, if Funkie Frankie gets evicted it will be a vote by America and if someone else it will be a regular competition about prior Big Brothers! Now I’ll have to watch tonight’s episode over to make sure all the answers were correctly answered because they asked them a little differently and could be a different answer! Not sure yet but will save and watch. Derrick and Frankie will split up Donnie and Victoria and Fran will probably nominate Caleb and say it’s for him sitting down on him and Derricks will be Christine (lol) to lobby for votes just in case! So not sure who I want to win. Would kinda like Frankie to stay in house so he doesn’t get chance to come back and maybe Derrick get Backdoored if you want to play BIG go BIG! Make someone stay up 24 hours also which means you have to stay the hell up too!
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Ok Jeanne, that has to be the shortest comment ever! 3 letters!:). Had to put down my Deep fried chicken, fresh corn on the cob and fresh green beans. Frankie was making nauseous playing hopscotch across the yard after winning HOH! Too Much! Please let him stay HOH and not have a chance to come back into house CBS! You owe it to the millions of fans over the last 14 years and not just this year.
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Its me Jeanne from my computer. For some reason it doesn’t show my avatar. This is for you Randall Nothing to say about tonights show except in my former blog.!! ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ
♪♫•*¨*•.¸ PLEASE SING ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪
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Nothing is worse than looking in your 4 weeks of medicine trays and there is nothing in the one you are needing right then! Meaning time to pull out the old bag and fill up the 4 trays again. 🙁
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‘The Sixties’ on CNN right now should be enlightening to say the least! Any of you grow up in that era? Big Brother should have these guys dress up in the 50’s and 60’s clothes. The guys would all fit as real life gangster looking! No I’m not even going there!
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Randall, I say ditto to Jeanne’s yuk! Very disappointed in the way this game is being played. I can’t remember when I’ve been so frustrated. The best thing that happened today is we made three big batches of the best plum jam! 🙂
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