Hi y’all:
So, last night, we all saw Devin get voted out. Every single houseguest voted for him, despite the fact that Cody apparently gave a lot of thought to trying to get rid of Caleb. But, anyway, Devin got voted out and, as he had planned, he left after giving a huge hug to Caleb and getting a heart from Brittany. I have to say that Devin was surprisingly well-behaved while he was being interviewed by the Chenbot. That’s actually why Devin drove so many of us crazy — he could occasionally be so charming but then he would always eventually end up being a jerk.
As for the rest of last night’s episode, it was good but predictable. We all knew that Devin was going so there wasn’t a whole lot of suspense. The BB producers seemed to realize this as well because they padded out last night’s episode by having Jeff Schroeder interview Donny’s parents. His parents were cute but I kinda wish they could have held off on that for another day or maybe just posted the interview online because that time could have been used to show up a complete HoH competition, instead of leaving us with one of those frustrating HoH cliffhangers.
I have to say that Zach is growing on me. Every season, I’m annoyed with the artificial nature of Julie’s awkward interaction with the houseguests during the live show. Last night, by being sarcastic in his answers, Zach livened up what is typically a rather boring exchange of pointless questions and empty answers.
But anyway, what we all really care about it is which team won the HoH competition!
Your new HoHs are:
Frankie and Cody!
And who are they nominating?
Well, here’s where things are getting a little weird. I was under the impression that Cody’s number one target would be Caleb, though I figured that he would probably try to backdoor him in much the same way that Derrick backdoored Devin.
Instead, it appears that — after spending last night thinking about it — Frankie and Cody are going with the following:
Frankie will nominate Amber and Sobbing Jocasta.
Cody will nominate Victoria and Brittany.
And, depending on who wins the Battle of the Block, the target will either be Jocasta or Brittany.
Which, I really have to say — why? Neither Brittany nor Jocasta seems to be a threat and Cody seemed to be pretty convinced that Caleb needed to be a target. I think a lot of it has to do with Derrick, who feels that he can’t trust Brittany and who spent a lot of time lobbying for her to be put up. Which just goes to show that, for now, Derrick remains the real power in the house.
(It’s interesting that both of the big reality shows — Survivor and Big Brother — have recently been dominated by cops. That said, I still like Derrick a lot more than I liked Tony!)
So, I can understand how Brittany has become the target. As for Jocasta — to be honest, it seems like it would be a waste of an HoH to get rid of Jocasta when there’s still so many strong players left in the house but maybe they’re worried that, if she could convince Donny to win the PoV for her, then maybe she can convince other “outsiders” to help her out. Who knows? It still just seems like a very weird move to me.
The nominations and the Battle of the Block should all be happening later today!
Lisa Marie
A new day a new post. I’m ready
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Thanks for the post LM! I hope Cody stays HOH and targets Caleb!!
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I think they are targeting Amber or Brittany due to Team America. What do y’all think?
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My picture is of our rescue dog Maggie. She loves to sleep cuddled up under my arm. She is the sweetest dog. Something happened to her that causes her to have really bad separation anxiety. Lisa those are the players I thought would be put, by process of elimination. I love this blog. Keeping us up to date. I love spoilers. God bless.
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LM I liked Tony on Survivor. He definitely spiced up the game.
Why are they getting rid of all the girls? Get rid of the threats!
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Hello, don’t you all think the nominations will change when Team America gets it’s mission?
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Amber has to bait for Caleb, as far as the other three nominations, Meh.
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Thanks as always LM. You rock girl! Absolutely, I like Derrick better than Tony who has a very dark side.
I don’t know what they are thinking with their nominations either. Why are the boys so afraid of the girls. Really? Jacosta? They aren’t playing a smart game IMHO. Does AT know yet that they have to get a “strong” player nominated or do I have that wrong? These girls aren’t strong players! Well maybe Amber, haven’t seen much from Brittany regarding strength. Nom Brittany because Derrick has an itch about trust that he’s not sure of. I think he’s really attracted to her and wants to take temptation out of the picture. Oh yea, that’s prolly it. 😉
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Thanks for the new page Lisa & for you rundown ! Not sure what these two guys are planing, I hope they do have the sense to back door Caleb, He is kind of creepy but I do feel that Amber is leading him on! She is really playing him! Thanks again……….
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I think the Team America think that by putting up Amber they are putting up the biggest threat as far a women go.
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keep us updated & thank you!!
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With these nominations, America’s team won’t be successful with their challenge to get a physical threat on the block. At any rate, these didn’t make much sense to me either, but considering Brittany is Derrick’s target, that sheds some light on it. Since Cody and Frankie won HOH, I thought for sure Caleb would be the target.
Thanks, Lisa. Enjoy your blog as always.
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Caleb would go ballistic if he was sent home and Amber remained in the house, then on to jury. Think what a mess he would be if he were separated from ‘his queen’ till the end of the show. 😆 I believe if Amber goes to jury and Caleb is still in the house, he would volunteer to be evicted the very next week. I am sure he is waiting in the weeds to get Amber alone.
Cody is a fool for not trying to backdoor Caleb, after all the angry glares Caleb has given him when he is around Amber. Very scary!! Wake up Cody, you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your handsome face!!
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wont be long before te only girl in the house will be frrankie
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They said something to the effect that they could backdoor Donny. I’m not liking that one bit. America’s Players have to come to an agreement of a “strong” player to put up and they came up with Amber. What a load of ****! (Donny was not a part of that conversation at the time.) I don’t know if there was a conversation with Donny later last night after BBAD was over.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------They are totally taking advantage of their power by putting up a “big threat” like Amber. . Come on guys. This would be the perfect time to oust Caleb and America would be in full support. And Cody—–(as Devin would say–“Come on, Dude)—what are you thinkin’? Jocasta–really. Every nom is a joke.
Apparently $5K isn’t much for Derrick and Frankie. It feels like they are disrespecting America’s intention and instead going for that bad*** Amber. They said that the rule was that all 3 have to agree on what is a strong player. So the choices were as of last night—-(drumroll please)—Jocasta, Victoria, Brittany and Amber. Oh, the terror. And then they might backdoor Donny. This may well be a long, painful week.
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Had to laugh out loud at your post Betty.
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How can they justify a STRONG player as Brittany, Jocasta, Amber or Victoria. That’s a crock. They should owe $5K for that.
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Just back from the grocery store!!! Hot, hot, hot! So glad to be back in my nice cool air conditioned home! 🙂 Getting ready to catch up on all of your blogs!! 🙂
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First post in quite some time. Been reading the blog for years, always a great job!
I just had to get this out and maybe you guys might find it amusing. My former boss was almost EXACTLY like Devin. My boss had that charming facade but was a snake in the grass. He would push buttons and get us to the point of being ready to blow up and then when we started to get riled up he would use THAT against us. He would remain calm as we were getting angry, which made us look even more crazy.
When I saw the episode a few weeks back when Zack got put up by Devin and Zack started to get all excitable and told Devin he was his target and Devin just stood there clam which made Zack look more nuts, that was the icing on the cake for me. Devin and my ex boss were like the exact same dude.
I mentioned it to my girlfriend and when I did I started to even get a bit riled up about it! haha! She said, “Maybe you have some type of PTSD from your old boss.” hahaha!!
Anyway, I was glad to see he go so I won’t have to lay on the floor in the fetal position whenever he’s on the screen. 😉
Also, I didn’t read the posts but isn’t Team America supposed to get a “strong player” on the block? I’m not sure if that was the mission this week for sure. If so, Frankie being HOH would really make that a cinch, right? My question is, why would they nominate all girls, weak girls? Second question is, how is someone considered a “strong player”? By wins….or athletic prowess….intelligence? Third question, if they don’t nominate a “strong player” to play in the Battle of the Block, and the veto comes into play and say they backdoor Caleb, does that count as them getting a strong player on the the block? It’s so vague I just don’t really understand what BB will consider them as accomplishing the mission.
OK, thats all…..later folks!
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Team America is not much of a team if you ask me. You never see them together, talking over their strategy. It is like they are afraid to be seen together. Why would the other house guests be suspicious if they saw the three talking together? It would be unusual but not suspicious. Maybe we picked the wrong team and they don’t need the extra bucks. I hope they change their minds and get Caleb out.
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@Jeanne: I love your dog Maggie! Separation anxiety is such a big issue with so many pets and I am so happy she has you to look out for her. Destiny.
@Betty: Totally agree they should have probably made the surprise move to oust Caleb last night, buy everyone so skittish and I think Derrick is keeping him tight (to use him) for another week or three, knowing the House will eventually and willingly turn on ‘Beastmode Cowboy’ For us viewers? A chance to never have to hear ‘Beastmode Cowboy’ again was lost. 🙁
@starfish: Agree—I loved Tony on ‘Survivor’ but something off a bit in his character I think. I believe Derrick is one of the smartest and possibly nicest players in BB history. No hyperbole.
Watching ‘Dick @ Nite’ with Hayden and Enzo and Enzo (The Meow Meow) thinks that all of the guys in the House this season are dumb and that a girl will win it. I am quite sure the exact opposite is true. Christine may be only girl who can win, and in that little valuable alliance she is in, she will always be near last in the pecking order to Derrick, Cody, Zach and Frankie. Also, Cody may be a really good player, we will see. Think he is. Many judging by looks, relationship with Amber, alliances with his boys, but this kid is smart enough, athletic enough and likable enough to possibly beat Derrick. Think he’d be tight, maybe beat Zach and Frankie. Hayden will goofy himself to death, but creep far. ☀
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Fell asleep early last night and just read @Janice and @april’s posts, and if they are targeting Amber as a perceived STRONG PLAYER, you’re both spot on. Not sure how they would police such a thing, but that is weak if they are doing so and some viewers may hold it against the three. This could be accidentally (Production decision sadly involved again) be a good thing for players like Hayden or Zach or Christine or Cody.
Pretty lame to even have all this stupid kissing and targeting crap. Just let them play Grodner. You certainly remember those days Alison? Quit being so cute with our beloved show. 16 people (chosen for APPLICANTS ONLY) in the House. Let them play. Heard 10 of these 16 HGs were hand-picked. The simplicity of the game and the concept it (and Survivor) are open to the public have devolved through the seasons. Still love them both.
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Lisa Marie, as always great recap, hard to do with not much worth mentioning
I was not too impressed with the so far nom’s, as this is bb after all and things change every 3 or few minutes in that house.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Now in re to TA, derrick and Frankie will fight to keep Donnie one more to help win the challenge.
what ta should do and kill two birds with one stone, back door caleb get him out and win ta challenge, caleb is a strong player well according to him. the only flaw in this thinking is how is the ta challenge worded, is I t nominate or evict, but that would work perfectly or caleb will be mad as a hornet,
still early to tell about noms they have a plan, but will it come to fruition that is left to be seen,
Vets rule
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Kevin11, I absolutely agree with you on production having to much control instead of letting the players play their own games as the show was originally all about. Some of it seems so staged. I have watched every BB since BB#1. Why fix what is not broken. IMHO. God bless.
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i agree that production gets involved to an extent – but if they were to control the WINNER of the game – jeff schroeder would have won at least one of the times he played. just my 2 cents…..
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Howdy Msr. 11
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------For your consideration, by nominating the girls, you guarantee two weak players in the veto competition. Making it possibly easier to win it and have control of the veto!
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@LM Thanks as usual you are a great writer and you capture the essence of each episode
Like you i have always felt that Julie was very rehearsed and unnatural in front of the camera, but she’s married to the big boss so bough said.
I don’t understand why they are nominating this bunch, Victoria and Jacosta are the bottom 2 threats and won’t make it to the end. Unless they are back dooring someone this doesn’t make sense.
Amber is only a threat to the boys so far, Brittany ? really .What are they thinking ?
Glad Devin is gone without a big blow up , what a crazy dude.
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They talk one way and vote another. It puts a spin on the story, at least CBS thinks. It would seem viewers would have that figured out by now. SOS, different episode. But I still watch. They all act like a bunch of school kids. Amber likes Cody, Cody likes Amber and Caleb is jealous. I’m with Caleb, a woman would distract me in a minute. Forget the Game!
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Macy, I’m taking more about things like the American Players interfering, then with who wins. I also would love them to chose players who apply to be on the show. TTFN
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JEANNE not disagreeing with ya girl – just putting IMO – ha
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Poor Jocasta, that girl should have covered her face with no make up on.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We work with beautiful women, make up, high heels, good looking clothes,beautiful hair and yet, stop by the local food store and those same women we see them with no make up and messy hair. Oh my goodness.
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Macy. I was agreeing with you. I just have a hard time explaining myself sometimes. O:)
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Would someone please explain to me why Christine isn’t going up? She hasn’t shown me any game play. I expected more from her, but unfortunately she is just another floater!!
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MISSION B: Someone they believe is a physical threat!
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And it is confirmed: Victoria/Jocasta, Amber/Brittney…..Maybe by physical threat, the guys think they mean outward physical beauty! LOL
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All in all a pretty boring bunch of coconuts. I too wish TA would get together more often or at least show us that they are. Couldn’t they just show us what each person votes for the noms instead of watching the down the runway performances into the voting room? A waste of time IMO and they could have shown us more of the competition.
Good to see you K11. As always spot on. Did you see the Meow Meow tweet on last night’s show? I forget what it said, it went by so fast but I saw the Meow Meow.
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Starfish, I agree! 🙂
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last week I heard Julie saying something about a double eviction night
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ this week maybe ~
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So Team America’s mission was to get a physical threat on the block. FAIL
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Thanks for all the comments!~
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BBIGBOB……….I rarely see ‘hunky’ looking men in public.
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btw, thanks to all of you who watch and tell us what’s going on that we can’t see….
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they are playing bob right now – brit -and amber are having a pitiful me party – brit playing the ‘kids’ card – amber went and told the guys what brit said – they are all in the mind set of we deserve to be here just as much as she does – (frankie, caleb and derrick in there at the time)
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You what I’d really love to see on this site? Yes, you say? I want to be able to LIKE the comments. You guys are great, funny and waaaay clever.
Sobbing Jacosta!!!! LOL Loved it!
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I guess Frankie solved his bed partner problem out with Victoria, now that he has nominated her for the second time. 😆 I know she must be really pissed!!
Caleb told someone in the house that if he wins the POV, he will not use it on Amber. I will believe that when I see it!! He is always telling people he is over Amber, but he can’t prove this by what we have all seen. One little wink from Amber will turn him right back into Silly Putty!!! 😆
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Amber and Jocasta won BOTB!!
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Its so confusing, Who is HOH???
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Does that mean Frankie stays HOH??
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Frankie nominated Amber and Jocasta and they won the BOTB, so Cody is the HOH
Hugs to Ladybug!!
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Thanks Lisa. I sure appreciate the information. It makes me wonder what is really going on with those guys. Nothing is ever straight forward as far as I’ve seen. I WAS surprised with the unanimous vote for Devin. I guess Caleb had a change of heart.
We all have to remember that Frankie is part of America’s team so that may be his driving force. I don’t like back dooring Donnie and I doubt that Frankie will support that.
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Ok thanks!
My bug has had the best few days. Stayed the night with my sis and her family. My sister taught the girls some easy embroidery stitches and they made some fun stuff! You need Facebook Ms Betty so you could see all our pics. Ha
I hope the plan to backdoor Donny is just talk.
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I know I am way, way behind the times. My form of texting was passing notes in school! 😆 Embroidering can be fun. Has Ladybug ever cross-stitched, I think this would be easier.
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She taught her to do the cross stitch also. She did a cross stitch on the plastic. Zoey has written two or there letters to friends this summer. I love getting and writing letters.
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Betty, I love to cross stitch. I think it is easier than embroidery. I have been cross stitching for over 40 years and I love it. 🙂
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Back to some TV…..This BB house is very boring!…… 😐
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Bobo I agree
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I wish Frankie had won HOH, so he would have received a family pic with his famous sister in it.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------And then his cover would be blown. that should be a good twist.
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@Sylvia. I think that last night both Frankie and Cody got pictures upstairs…I think the pictures of his sister was when she was a lot younger. I might be mistaken but I think I remember they both got letters also. I do know that when someone asked what his sister’s name was, he just said A R I instead of Arianna…Personally like Frankie because he is so entertaining and the house would be SO boring without him. I laugh so much watching BBAD because he is so funny!!
Watching BBAD now and it sounds like JO is giving a sermon about the hot tub and the pool!?! I bet she’s so glad they won the BOB comp.
JEEZ I HOPE that Devin doesn’t return through Pandoras Box or any way. He creeped me out with all those personalities and mood swings. He probably should spend his stipend on some good therapy so he can return to society a well balanced man.LOL It’s the least he could do for his precious daughter!!
Thanks Lisa Marie for all you do and I appreciate all the bloggers here!! I would be lost without y’all!!!
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I really wanted Julie to ask Devin why he gave himself the authority to bring new members into an alliance without discussing it with his alliance first. Old news I know but that move so showed his arrogance and “I’m the leader” attitude that I wanted to know his answer.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Team America doesn’t work for me. The challenges are stupid and easy so far. I don’t think it will last very long. And to Caleb: Dude grab a set. You’re a sick puppy. Don’t shame yourself on “national” TV. When you’ve whined 10 times that you like a girl and she’s told you to buzz off 10 times – get the hint. Hayden isn’t much better with Nicole but she hasn’t outright told him that she’s not interested. Jocasta should have been removed from the show. Can’t believe that they allowed her to continue when she couldn’t participate in a challenge that involved her. What a joke she is. And to hear she’s safe again is annoying. Hopefully Victoria will get the boot.
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Thanks Betty for the info. We’ll see who really has the b*lls to play this game. 🙂
Shayne, me too!! I wanted Julie to ask him why he independently thought he was king and could invite people into the alliance without any discussion. I was really disappointed because I wanted to hear what he had to say. He would have just said it was good for his game – in his own mind of courses.
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How refreshing I don’t have to be bothered with BATS CIRCLING at this time 🙂 Good for Cody, I hope he does get rid of Caleb because he would do it to him
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What up Vets!! Nobody better here 🙂
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Watching a dvr of bbad and it’s sooo boring.
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Ok thanks for info
And I remember Victoria asking about Ari
I do like Frankie he’s fun and smart
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@Sylvie (sorry I spelled it wrong last time) No problem…glad to help!! That’s what we are all here for. I’m going to have to depend on the other bloggers because I don’t get live feeds. Love ALL these bloggers…..can hardly wait for Sunday to see the rest of the comp and all the other things going on from the cbs production point of view!! LOL!!!!
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes from CBS point of view lol
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BBAD was really awful last night, everyone was asleep! I didn’t think they were allowed to sleep during BBAD. Victoria was whining about everyone talking behind her back…Gee ya think Vic? This is BB and this is what the HG’s do! She told Zach she could not wait to go into the diary room and tell production about this. What a cry baby!! I hope she continues on whining till the house can’t take it any more and decide to vote her out! I sure would not want to be locked up in the jury house with this self-absorbed bitch!
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OhMiGosh !!!!! BB Is Soooo Amazinq !!!!! Love This Season’s Cast !!!!! 🙂
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Victoria was in tears when she came out of the diary room. Apparently production told her ‘she broke the rules’ (probably has something to do with her conversation with Derrick the other night when she told him ‘I just found out more people are watching and they think I am doing a good job’. When she came out of the DR Zach asked her what was wrong and she said she was not allowed to tell him, but did mention the rule breaking. Good Grief! She whispers to other HG’s all the time and apparently she thinks production can’t hear her! I guess I should not be surprised, as Victoria thinks the rules do not apply to her! 😆
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What is Victoria doing good good at ?
She doesn’t seem to do anything , but looks like she has plenty of very high self esteem.
Would they really tell her she’s doing good ????
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Hey Bloggade! Another exhausting work week done and gone. Hoping for a relaxing weekend enjoying time with kiddo and my BBFam! 🙂
A couple things I just have to bring up. Why all the hate on TA for choosing Amber as a physical threat? Sure, she’s no buff dude, but as far as girls in the house she is definately one of, if not the, most athletic and therefore physically dominating players. In an age of GIRL POWER it seems silly to me to instantly dissmiss all females as physical threats.
As for why no plan to nominate Caleb. As I see it the house is being controled by the Detonators (Derrick, Cody, Zach, Frankie and Christine). They still have a so-called larger alliance with Caleb, Amber and Hayden. Detonators are playing it smart by setting up early eliminations that will first off not piss off the three add-ons, and secondly stack the jury house with people they feel they can get a vote from or at least enjoy hanging with for the rest of the summer. With Brittney, Jacosta,Victoria, Nicole, and Donny being on the outside of those alliances they will be the ones targeted for now (although I believe with her tight ties to Hayden, Christine and somewhat Derrick, Nicole is last on their list).
So as it stands as of this morning with Brittney and Victoria on the block it can be a tough call. Victoria is whinny and needed and comes off as entitled. I did listen to her for awhile yesterday, and she does seem to have some depth to her character and fight within her. However I feel she is possibly hindered by cultural differences and the fact that I think it just dawned on her that this is a game. Brittney on the other hand has truly gotten on my last nerve. Cody and Zach went out of their way to assist in getting her off the block and she flat out still tells them she doesn’t trust them. She goes on tirates about how there are people there that don’t “deserve” to be there. Hey honey, look in the mirror… n Any BB fan that applied for the show is thinking the same thing about YOU. Found in a bar two weeks before the show began, never seen an episode before, come on!! This is a game show. As I think Frankie said, it’s not a GRANT to the neediest player. Everyone has financial needs, and just because you reproduced does not make yours more inportant!
Just to note, things I have heard “undeserving” players say about how they will spend the money should they win:
Frankie is co-founder of a charitable organization teaching the Arts in Africa (no building schools from what I could find, but still a commendable organization)
Zach claims to be unemployeed and plays golf everyday… He actually either lives with his parents or Grandmother on a golf course and goes over after-hours so he can play for free. He worked his way thru collage holding several jobs at once and is extreemly close to his little brother and wants to help the family.
Victoria may have been set up in business with help from her family, but from what I gather she works hard to keep it alfoat. Any small business owner can tell you that isa daunting task in todays economy.
Christine wants the money so she and her husband can start adopting babies. As a “store-bought” kid myself I can only support that choice!
Cody has more going on than we’ve seen… I saw him speak with Jacosta once and she was saying something about when this is all over he can share with the others out of the public eye and everyone will be amazed at his strength and what he has overcome. One can only guess what the back story is, but she seemed pretty impressed by the bit he told her pre-feeds I’d assume.
Anyway, you get my point. Nothing makes me turn off on a player quicker than when they feel they are more deserving because of their life circumstances. Every human being has life cicumstances… If you don’t, just wait, your turn is coming up eventually!
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I forgot to mention America’s sweetheart Donny. LOVED the Big Jeff segment with his family, about as down-home and real as BB gets. 🙂
That being said… If the opportunity arises they will allow for a back-door of Donny. He has proven to be a challenge winner and he is outside the core alliances. He has been given chances to work with alliances but always is reluctant to talk, strategies, and really get in there. He has been content to hang out downstairs and never tries to get things moving. He is easily offended when TA doesn’t share strategy with him, yet he never goes to them to initiate. He is playing a Chicken George game. While immensely likeable, honest, and true to his word, to me he is just not playing the social game. Plus, what I have seen of his strategy is the same old “deserving” player should win line of bull..
What does that mean for TA? Who knows. Remember, Joey was TA until she got the first boot. Will CBS replace one if they get voted out at this point? Will they let the remaining two continue on? Will they let the “twist” die out? Only time will tell.. Keep in mind these were three random players put together by voters who’s only true allegiance to each other is completing the weeks assigned task. Good for Derrick and Frankie that they were already working together… Just imagine if Devin had the Donny spot.. Would anyone be lamenting their lack of desire to align with him?
Ok, truly, TTFN, must run errands now!
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Well thank you kimj... That was some great insight and perfectly stated. I too would be interested in the Cody backstory. As for Zach, it takes a lot to work your way through college today but some are doing it. Impressive to me.
Your comment about people who feel more deserving due to their life circumstances is particularly irritating to me. The feeling of entitlement is becoming more prevalent in our society and some of the ones on that show are perfect examples. Vic’s family probably treats her like a little princess and therefore, she thinks she is one. She’ll learn, she has time. Small business owners support this country and they are taking some of the biggest tax hits so, yes, it’s difficult. Brit, on the other hand has her life and feels entitled because of her circumstances with kids and whatever else ails her like money problems. The sooner they realize this is a game, the better off they will be. IMO, they both should go because this show isn’t for those who need big life lessons. Devin as a perfect example.
As for the “detonators”, it will be interesting to see this bunch of gammers strategize or fight among themselves when the time comes. If they eliminate all the floaters and weaklings, we’ll be in for a real BB treat especially with the ones who have some BB game in them. Pretty good cast of characters this year.
Ok, done with that! 😆
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KIm.., your comment isn’t particularly irritating to me but the “entitlement and deserving” people are. 😳
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Sylvie – I don’t think production told her she was doing well. She has allergies and I think the doctor who gave her the allergy medication and/or shot told her this.
Good Morning Starfish!!
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hi all,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------betty if anyone can reply on the following should be u, so here goes
good comments all. now back to Victoria and Zach, the story I read is as follow”:
vic came out of dr, crying sobbing etc, Zach said what is wrong
vic: I can not tell u
Zach keeps asking different ????
vic keeps saying I can not tell u
Zach some how figures it is about what vic told him the other nite about her talking to her doc and he said we r pulling for u, as u r doing great
so off Zach goes to the boys and says vic came out of dr crying etc
of course 1st ? what happened
Zach I can not tell u
after awhile of 2???? NOW R U READY FOR THIS
Zach said I went into dr and asked if vic was upset because( but seems here he does not tell what the something is) cut to feeds
now who in hear believes Zach
1) did not find a way to tell the boys the whole story
2) he actually went into dr to ask
3) Zach denied vic ever told him anything
which is a lie as I heard it on bbad
and the beat goes on
if I got most of this correct great, if not maybe someone can fill me in what I said that is wrong, at this age hard to remember lol
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POV player:
Cody, Brit, Vic, Nic, Zach and Caleb.
Frankie is hosting.
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😉 @ *FISH, I gotcha GF, read you that way the first time. 🙂
Interesting draw… To keep noms as is, Zach can’t win it. Both Brit and Vic will pout for him to use it on them.. Pretty much the same story for Nicole. Cody will probably hold out until Brit and Vic are out of the comp and then if viable lose it to Caleb. A Caleb win is ideal for Detonators as I don’t see a reason he would veto either nom.
Now, if the ulitmate plan is a backdoor of Donny, anybody winning could be a convincing use of the veto. How Cody would word the renom then becomes the question..
Going to be an interesting BB weekend. TTFN!
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a little LF info – caleb and frankie in the beehive rm – caleb is telling frankie that amber asked him what was wrong – he says to her – you really dont want to know – then he finally tells her – i wake up everyday and you spit in my face and kick me in the b*lls. he needs a wake up call – she is ruining his game
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Hi all! Thanks for the comments! I don’t like that they want to backdoor Donny 🙁 He is doing very well & the young guys can’t see that he can be a great asset to them!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Like I said on the other page…Run Forrest Run 😆 ………………..
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A big Hello to all my fellow Vets & AL♥ Friends! ………………………….
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Derrick and Nicole have made it official.. They are now the BOTTOM FEEDERS… LOL!!
Almost as bad a name as the Moving Company.. They like it because they are ranked at the bottom physically and are both Live Feedsters.. Makes as much sense as anything I guess.. 😉
I do like that duo, will be interesting to see if they make it to the end.. Although they both have a number of side alliances I can see where they will see value in sticking together.
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Hey all….Took a day off and I feel so behind now!! Not sure how many know, or care, here but I broke my left foot last fall and was in a cast from Nov until May!!! I just got it off, started doing my aerobics again, and within a couple of weeks, my knee started to swell and got HUGE and I have hardly been able to walk for the laast 6 weeks. I went to the Dr. about a week in and he ook an X-ray and it loolked like arthritis and a bone spur(moptorcycle accident at age 17 coming back to haunt me!!)lol So I did the ice, Motrin, trying to walk BS….getting worse. SO he sent me to a sports Dr. and it looks like the cast was probably the culprit!!! So I got a steroid shot in my knee yesterday ad if it doesn;t get better or wears off I go back in 2 months for another. Anyway, had a very busy very EARLY week and couldn’t stay awake long enough to post last nite. I tend to live on about 5 hrs a nite and I think I got 10!! SOOOOooo…now tht I hvae bored you all to death and you think I am turnimg into Brittany……..lol
@Kimjmj…….I totally agree with every word you had to say in your last 2 posts. Including every punctuation! And it any of that isn’t totally clear to anyone, they are poor judges of characters AND BB! I didn’t realiz some of the backstories too, so thanks for those!!
@Betty…BBAD was a snorefest….litereally. the ONLY game play was Vic talking to Derrick about how she as all alone in the game, etc. He took pity on her but in a constructive way and was trying to tell her tht not everyone hated her, she prolly wasn;t going home and she NEEDED to start being more social and WINNING things!! ALl good advice!!! I cannot believe BB let all the HGS sleep thru their TV time! It’s a good damn thing we aren’t paying to watch anymore!!
I guess Brit jsut went to Der a few mins ago and is whining about everything and said Zach told her she was being put up this week even before it happened. He instantly got POed at Zach, but told her that by BB law, the HOH cannot divulge WHO they are putting up, so he had to be guessing. She was whining to Cody too and everyone is sick of her ass, including ME/us!!! I know I shouldn’t judge but you have 3 little ones and you were found in a bar and JUMPED on having your 15 mins of fame on TV…and then you get here and have NO clue how to play it, have never watched and make us look at your dirty-ass bun all the time. Amber wanted to host at 1st then she said he wants to play so she can take Brit down. I don’t see her winning but let’s hope she doesn’t now. I want Brit GONE! And so does the house!! Now i guess she is muttering about an all girl allinaace and getting the guys out. Fat chance. Too little too late. ANd the guys are a tight , cohesive bunch with plans set in motion that go way back and way forward. Plsu most of the girls don’t even know the game!!!
Ok…off soap box and out to water plants and get groceries and run errands. A woman’s work is never done..lol If i am home will be back for POV. Hae a great Saturday to my BB fam!!
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kimjmj I did like you comments, thanks… Bottom Feeders 😆
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kimjmj..you are on FIRE today gurl!! lol I was just going to go when I saw your new posts!!! WOW..things are heating up now and people are FINAL:Y using their strategy to play this game!! YEEHAW!! About time!! I doubt Caleb would take Amber off if he wins. He finaly wised up and from I have herd he hates her now. As well he should but we shall see. His love ran deep enough to blind him before. I hope he sticks to his new toy guns!!lol
Der and Nic made a tennatie pact when they were both HOHs but didn;t do anything with it. this is kind of like a finally getting around to cementing it deal? Was it jsut an alliance or a F2?? Usually 2 people ones are. And he has several F2’s if I remember corectly. Prolly the worst thing aobut this season are all the alliances. Too may to keep track and most of them burn out!
ok…not going to read again..must GO!!!lol
Peace, love and light!!!!!
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The guys are really seeing that Brit & Amber are playing the game!!!! 😆
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😉 @ Bobo
{{{HUGS}}} @ Star, sending you healing vibes!! I’m dealing with a bum shoulder and I know how much it sucks when the road to healing an injury is long and daunting. Wishing you the best! 🙂
Just calling it like I see it. I’m fortunate to have learned very early in life that even the shallowest, vapidest, waste of humanity most likely has more going on than you can even begin to imagine. I love being plugged into LF/BB to get a true glimpse of the people behind the “charactors” shown on TV.
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@ Star (although I know your note reading your doing your errands, just like I’m doing the weekly report for job #2, LOL!! 😉 ) About 1130a BBTime Derrick and Nicole were alone in HOH and sealed their F2 with the Bottom Feeders name. I’m pretty sure both of them are smart enough to realize they each have a few deals in play. The trick to BB is getting to the end with whichever alliance survives the power shifts and around F6 make a bolt to the end.
Ok, really, 100% for sure TTFN… I have work to do if I’m going to get any play time this afternoon. 🙂
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Star, sorry about your foot. I had my left ankle broken several years ago. I still have the screws in my ankle! I hope your foot gets better soon. I always enjoy your posts.
Happy shopping. 🙂
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I am so thankful to those of you that have a way with words. I don’t get BBAD, but can rely on you to keep me informed. I am amazed at how some of you can remember all the details. Again, thank you so much. {{{HUGS}}}
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Hey MM – Vic told Derrick the other night what the doctor said about her doing a great job or whatever. Did she tell Zach too? Victoria whispers and it is very hard to hear her, but when she came out of the DR last night I think I heard her (though her crying) tell Zach something about breaking the rules. Not sure. Did anyone else hear this?
If, by some miracle, Brit comes off the block and Donny goes up, would he have the votes to stay? I think Frankie and Derrick would vote for him to stay, as they both know he is one of America’s favorites. Jocosta is a given and I think Nicole and Christine will probably want him to stay, Brit too (if she wins POV).
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Hey Star, good grief GF, what a mess. So sorry to hear that about your knee. Give a girl a break! Sending healing vibes to you and hope this will be the end of it. My guess is you’ll need two steroid shots but if not, good for you. I’ve had to have them in my wrists for carpal tunnel. They worked but redo every 5 or 6 years.
Hey Bobo!!
Betty, it sounds like Vic is needy and wants to fit in but needs to learn how. The problem usually is they don’t know how to just be. IMO Hugs to Maggie. Gus just got a hair cut and looks so handsome. 🙂
I sure hope they don’t backdoor Donny. ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ Does anyone know the reasoning behind this other than they don’t think he’s a team player? From the sound of it, he needs to share some of his game and initiate a conversation with those guys. He wants everyone to come to him. I’m not sure he has a real strategy like he claims. Has anyone heard him state what that might be ❓
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Oh, Bottom Feeders, really? 😯 I like that duo though if they play it right.
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betty, yes she told derrick, and with Zach I heard what u heard,
just hope Donny does not get back doored
last I seen fish on lfs
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Here is how stupid Brittany is!!! When they were drawing names for the POV, Brit drew HG of her choice, then asked are there any volunteers and apparently Caleb stood up. Why in hell would she not chose Donny or Amber? She deserves to go home!!
Hey Star, hope the steroid shot gives you some relief!
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@Starfish Thanks well said
@Bettie, allergies ! Got it
I still think of Jacosta, Victoria and Britt as floaters just being dragged being the boys boat
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Hey Starfish – Victoria is a piece of work and has no business being in the BB house. I don’t understand how she was able to get on the show. Money talks at CBS, so maybe her father had some kind of connection. I bet Gus looks handsome!! Maggie sends him hugs!!!
Sylvie – IMO, Christine is the biggest floater in the house. All the other HGs have either been nominated or won a challenge. Big goose egg for Christine!! She is flying low under the radar! 😆
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greetings…I am praying for God’s will regarding the current World situation…getting scary in my humble opinion.
I will be so upset if they backdoor Donny…altho I do think he will win Most Favorite at the finale,and that will be nice. I don’t remember how much but think it is $25K or $50K..would like to see him win at least that.
last night’s BBAD was so horrible…I guess Jo and
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Zach were the only ones up and doing anything…couldn’t hear much of Vic and Derrick talking on and by the couch…Derr looked odd to me..a little sick?? or maybe just tired.
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@STAR so sorry about your knee! It’s always something right?!
I am waiting patiently for POV to be done. Please let one of them girls go home and not a BD for Donny!
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I don’t care for the Julie bashing…she was not even dating Les Moonves when she started on BB1 way back. I am a big Julie fan so I take it personally.
Also I wrote a few days ago about Christine…she is very devious and I would not trust her…not even Nicole.
Would prod let Vict
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I cut myself off..would prod let Vic and her doctor alone in a room??? I think whoever told her she was doing well was just trying to be encouraging..she is such a whiner…I take it the POV ceremony is happening right now..at 5:20 Eastern time?
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PatRoseNC – I think you are right about someone only trying to encourage Victoria, but I am sure she probably asked ‘How do you think I am doing?” She is very needy and is constantly looking for any type or reassurance!!
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Ok..so I’m a BB addict! Couldn’t stay away. Am doing this on the fly…lol
LFs went to Jeff at 1:30BBT….so over an hr ago. I jsut found out too. Early for them. But it usually takes a couple hours at least, so keep an eye out.
kimjmj, SF , jolee and Keri….thanks so much for the kimd well wishes and advice. That steroid knocked me out last night and today I am SOOO hyper!!lol My knee looks better already and I came up the stairs better than I have in ages!!! We all have stuff in our lives and this is more of an inconvenience than anything. But it seemed my mom passed and the whole rest of the year went to crap! So I am hoping this to start healing from everything and moving forward from TODAY !!! Love you guys!!! ♥
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Hey Star, do you really think Caleb is over Amber? He says he is one minute, then turns around and makes a fool of himself again! Like I said before, one wink from Amber and we will see him turn into Silly Putty again!!
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hi star, take care of yourself missy, remember none of us are as young as we used to be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------hugs my friend. now back to check lfs
shout out to VETS
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I repeat myself again…I have heard several in house say it’s obvious Caleb and Amber are working together…gotta be some truth there. I’m just glad Caleb’s “Valentino” period is over!
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sorry off game subject…@Star…darn it, so sorry about your knee. i have a bad shoulder and my mom had her knees replaced….have found out too many shots can make it worse. you know me and supplements…..i trust them more than most meds. D3…5,000 units a day, Magnesium citrate or taurate every evening and i use a magnesium gel on my achy joints but you have to order it…online. have found only one kind that actually works. let me know if you want the link………….<3
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Star, love you too! I am sorry you have had a bad year. You just wait! Things have a way of getting better! Six months of this year I was going through a bad time! I was blessed to have my sissy, Jeanne. I hope you have someone special to help you through the hard places! I hope the rest of this year is awesome! You always have your BB buddies! <3. 🙂
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Tendr – if possible, I would love the link. Please let me know if this is possible. thanks – Regarding Big Brother, this year is so much better than last year. For me, I believe that Der is the puppet master and is playing well. The girls left it too late to do much about the power this year, nonetheless, a good BB year!
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Did I mention I love this blog. How many blogs do you know of that are so supportive of eachother. Everyone rallying around Star. A few years ago I had a calcium spur in my right shoulder. I was a waitress at the time and couldn’t even pour a cup of coffee. I got one shot of cortisone and I have never had a problem with it since. I pray the same for you. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}
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Omg. Victoria won POV!!!!!
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Feeds are back and Victoria won POV!!
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Haha You beat me to it STAR!
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can they put up Amber or will they stick to their plan to bd Donny?
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Can’t believe Victoria won!! Thanks Star and Keri!
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Sounds like it was the white elephant gift thing. Caleb $5k, Nicole unitard, Zach a trip to Germany he may give to his parents..
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Have you ever said something and then wished you hadn’t said It. Me also. There is a proverb that says “It is better to remain silent and through a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt” I was reading something Greg Laurie wrote. He said there is another proverb that says. “A closed mouth gathers no foot” I love that. Well back to BB. Just wanted to share that. {{{HUGS}}}
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Poor Nicole with the unitard, she just can’t get a break!
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OMG, I wait hours for POV to end, and the see second I set away it ends, LOL!! Still waiting on other awards info.
Off topic, hanging at the local pool with kiddo. Until another little girl got here about 10 minutes ago we were the only ones here!! Huge community festival this weekend ans cloudy day, but I’m still shocked, happily so!! Have to brag a bit.. kiddo is 9, this pool has the toughest swim test in the area (as the diving board and slide). She passed on her first try with flying colors!! Only about 1/3 of kids her age pass, so I’m pretty proud of her. 🙂
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Dianna – Amber and Jocosta are safe this week because they won the battle of the block.
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thanks Betty – wishful thinking I guess!
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Ohh, forgot about the BotB immunity… yeah, slim chance anyone but Donny will be the replacement nom.. the question will be who’s leaving. Both have supporters and detractors, both have some game, but neither is hitting it on the head socially.. personally I’d say buh-bye to Brittney, let her go home to her kids and not get stuck all summer in jury. But Donny wins comps… tough choice..
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Derrick is in HOH pushing them to put up Donny.
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Thanks Star & KeriJ, I think. 😯 Vic won POV – 😯 😯 Will wonders never cease.
Star, glad to hear your knee is doing better. Going upstairs better is great!
Betty & Kimj.. poor Nicole. She just got out of the frog outfit. Poor thing.
You go and brag your heart out Joyce (kim…). Congrats to your little peanut. Good job all around. Mom too! 😀
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Oh lordy… Britney has to kick 2400 goals in the next 24hrs or she can’t come in the house and Cody has to kick himslf 10x every time they tell him in the next 24h.. That and Nicole’s German-Tard were the punishments.. Should have some amusement on BBAD tonight to make up for last night! 🙂
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Boookmrk@100….can’t keep eyes open. Time for bed. Nite all!!(….err…Morning!)
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