Big Brother 16 — Where’s the Drama!?

by Lisa Marie Bowman on July 15, 2014

Hi, everyone!

Well, I promised daily updates so here is today’s daily update: THERE IS NOTHING HAPPENING IN THE HOUSE!

Well, that’s not quite true.  There are things happening.  Zach and Frankie were cuddling earlier.  More and more people are apparently becoming convinced that Zach is related to Amanda and Zach, for his part, has decided to play along with the lie.  

To be honest, my opinion of Zach changes on a daily basis.  I couldn’t stand him when I first saw him.  I incorrectly predicted that he would be the first person to be voted out of the house.  I thought he talked too much and that he was trying too hard to be this season’s villain.

And then he was nominated for eviction and he stood up to Devin and he went out there and he campaigned and he gave a pretty good pre-vote speech, I thought.  I actually found myself liking Zach.  If nothing else, he was at least entertaining to watch.  But then I would turn on the LFs and I would be reminded of why Zach got on my nerves in the first place.

There’s a real neediness to Zach.  It’s now pretty obvious that he’s essentially a very insecure guy.  All of his talk about not needing anyone is actually part of a wall that he puts up to try to keep people from realizing just how insecure he really is.  That neediness makes him both a good ally and a potential liability.  Frankie has obviously figured that out and is using that to his advantage.  When Frankie finally does openly turn on Zach, it’s probably not going to be pretty.

But that probably won’t be for another few weeks or so.

Until then, where is the drama?

Caleb is still obsessed with Amber, even though she told him — once again — that she’s not romantically interested in him.  That was probably a surprise to Caleb, seeing as how he had offered to “sacrifice” himself for her.  However, Caleb still hasn’t really accepted it.  You can tell by listening to Caleb that, in his mind, he and Amber are already married and living in Kentucky.

And Caleb’s obsession certainly is creepy but it hasn’t quite gotten dramatic yet.  I’m sure that it will eventually.  At some point, either Amber or Caleb will be targeted eviction and it’ll be interesting to see how they react to it.  How will Caleb react if Amber votes to evict him?  You know that she’ll do it but I have my doubts whether Caleb would ever vote to evict Amber.  

But until then, where is the drama?

Devin is apparently campaigning to stay, even though he said that he wasn’t going to.  Earlier today, he told Caleb that the Diary Room told him that he had to campaign and that’s the only reason why he was doing it.  That didn’t seem to bother Caleb that much, probably because he knows that the entire house is pretty determined to send Devin home.

Add to that, Devin may be campaigning (and he deserves some credit for not giving up, even in the face of the longest odds) but that doesn’t mean that Devin is any good at presenting his case.  He’s still the same old Devin — talking too much, cutting people off when they try to make a point, and thinking that grin of his will magically get him out of any trouble.

So, yes, Devin is trying but it’s not very dramatic.

On Thursday, the house will vote to evict either Devin or Caleb and then, there will be an HoH competition.  Will the two new HoHs work together like all the previous HoHs have?  Will the nominees actually compete at Battle of the Block or will it be another case of one team throwing the contest?

Or will it be another week of consensus?

The good thing about Big Brother is that you know that the drama will eventually arrive,

I just hope it gets here quickly.

Lisa Marie

Jeanne July 15, 2014 at 10:55 pm

On my way to Bingo. See you later. {{{HUGS}}}

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jolee July 15, 2014 at 10:56 pm

Looking forward to tomorrow! 🙂

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kimjmj July 15, 2014 at 11:02 pm

Kinda glad for a slow BB week. Work is hectic and at least I can keep monitoring HGS off my to do list. 🙂


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Starfish July 16, 2014 at 1:06 am

Thanks LM, looking forward to the drama too! You are right, Devin thinks that smile is magic but it’s sickening. Bleh

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Star July 16, 2014 at 2:17 am

LM….Totally concur!!! lol I’ve been saying it since the season started! *NICE* people don’t make for good BB -TV!! Say what you want about last years HGS, they were NOT boring! Drama was in excess! Everyday on the LFS was excitng! Now I sleep thru most nites of BBAD and the HGS sleep thru the daytime . I thought we finally had some drama going on when Devin magaed to get the entire house behind him, but now even that seems anti-climactic!! Hate it when the house all votes the same way! Bleh!

I agree about Zach. Hated…..liked….now in flux daily, altho I don’t think it would go back to hate unless he did something horrendous. I thought his talking about not needing any friends was put on a little thick, and now we see it was a total smoke screen!

Just getting around to watching BBAD(Ialways Tivo to avoid commercials) and Cody asked Nicole to cuddle and she said No way. He was too Cute!! It would be intimidating!! And he goes…What are YOU?? (meaning Cute too!) Frankie ran in and hugged her and saved the AWKWARD situation! Way to have self-confidence, Nicole!!! And if this is the way you are in RL, good luck in the BF department!! I think she thinks rejection is sexy. Like it will make guys chase her. but if you don’t DO something eventually, they go away!!lol Maybe she jsut doesn’t want a showmance or already has one with Hayden. But it’s just cuddling! Same sexes do it together!! It was just a very weird thingfor her to say.

Ok…on to watch more. Hey to SF, aggie, kimjmj, and all!!! ♥

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Jeanne July 16, 2014 at 2:28 am

If I remember correctly most seasons start off slow. I remember being so surprised at some of the players that I thought were reserved really ended up being the favorite players. Looking forward to a great summer with BB. Nite all and God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}

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Keith July 16, 2014 at 3:30 am

This week must be the calm before the storm, since it seems there’s nothing to talk about.

At least from the BB game that is.

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KeriJ July 16, 2014 at 4:57 am

Thanks for the new post Lisa Marie! Thanks Aggie! Always watching out for your peeps.
I am also going it is drama free only because it is so early. We need some personality conflict going on! Lol

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Aggie R July 16, 2014 at 6:14 am

Thanks Keri, Anytime, I hope you get your prize, good luck to you

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Aggie R July 16, 2014 at 6:14 am

Howdy Star, Thanks for the shout out 🙂

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Skip Scandirito July 16, 2014 at 8:34 am

Devin’s smile is like Jack Nicholson’s Joker in Batman- very phony!

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 10:11 am

Big Brother Network ‏@bigbrothernet
Derrick & Cody name F2: “DC” – “Dual City.” Derrick says they can’t use “Jump Street” on TV because of trademark so it’s pointless. #BB16

There will be drama. We must be patient. This is a “dead” week in the House, with Smiley liking leaving 11-0? I am thoroughly enjoying this season but not thrilled with the stupid CBS Production interventions(s) of the Kissing Thing and America’s Three coming up with the “Zach is Amanda Zuckerman’s cousin” goofiness. Zach is running with it, but will it hurt his game? I cannot figure out if Derrick/Frankie are letting him run with it or if Zach knows that D/F knows that he is BSing. I know he told Cody.

For me, the Derrick-Cody-Zach ‘Alliance’ is the one to watch and I think Frankie, Christine and Hayden may surprise, but he is so goofy. So, 5 pretty decent players in my eyes, with Victoria, Donny, Jocasta, Caleb, Amber and Nicole all destined to leave because NO Game is what they have.

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 10:16 am

Also, hope Brittany gets more into the game, although she was plucked from a bar by casting (because of her looks and her backstory) and joins forces with Derrick-Cody-Zach at some point and become a solid 4. This would be great for her, and she is getting into the Game more, but doesn’t seem to totally get the concept and would need to prove herself to be a physical competitor down the stretch.

Think a man wins again, either Derrick (77%), Cody (7%), Zach (7%), Frankie (7%), Other (2%).

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 10:19 am

Clio the Leo ‏@Clio_the_Leo
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! #TheDetonators are a vehicle for Derrick/Frankie to work together as #TeamUSA w/out Cody, Zach, Christine being suspish!

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 10:30 am

Devin Shepherd was only an average “semi-pro” baseball player and his last action was with the Rockford RiverHawks in 2012 an Independent club, so he was clinging to his dream of playing MLB in the end it seems.

His best year was in 2011 with the Windy City ThunderBolts—and Independent club, not A, AA or AAA—where he batted .319/10 HRs/63 RBI (stats from 2 teams). He went up the proverbial Baseball Ladder about as far as Natalie Martinez went up the Martial Arts Ladder.

His career stats from Baseball Reference:

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hpr56 July 16, 2014 at 11:07 am

I think people may be underestimating Donny. Maybe not, but I think he’s got more game in him than he is showing. Sometimes it is the quiet ones you want to watch. Him telling about the plan of the two HOHs may have been just to size up the other players and see who, if anyone, he could trust. That is just a thought and I don’t expect anyone to agree. I do think that Brittany, Victoria, and Jacosta are just sitting back and have no clue about the game. Caleb isn’t any better, IMO.

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Yvonne July 16, 2014 at 12:04 pm

If anyone watches the feeds they will see Victoria hanging around Derrick like a groupie. She is always getting in his bed and making him so uncomfortable. I’ve seen her get under the covers and he quickly gets out from under them. He has a wife watching!!
I think Brittany might have some game held back and Donnie, too. Jacosta seems like she intends to float to the end. I’m not sure about Christine since I expected more from her. Maybe she is holding back.

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Paulette July 16, 2014 at 12:44 pm

My vote for creepiest female in the house is Victoria. Hanging out with Derrick and always sitting around with other folks but hardly talking…. as if she speaks a different language and is trying real hard to understand the conversation. Once Devin leaves the house she will be Creepy #1.

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Betty July 16, 2014 at 12:45 pm

Yvonne, I did see Victoria hanging around Derrick and in his bed on BBAD last night. I think she is looking for a showmance and there are NO takers. Have you ever watched her eat? My dog has better table manners!

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Yvonne July 16, 2014 at 1:48 pm

I try not to watch them eat. When I have this season most do chew with their mouths closed. Lots better then other years. I will remember to change camera’s when Victoria eats though.
I suppose Thursday night we will have some excitement. It should be interesting for sure.

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Joyce July 16, 2014 at 1:51 pm

Still waiting for some action. These HG’s are the most boring ever.

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bobovnvet July 16, 2014 at 1:59 pm

Thanks for the new page Lisa! Your right……. Boring! ………….. :mrgreen:

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Star July 16, 2014 at 2:36 pm

Hey aggie..YW! We Vets(sounds better than Oldtimers!!)gotta stick together!! lol 😀

Betty and Yvonne…..I noticed the same things. Couple of nites ago, Vic was eating and apple up in HOH…where she seems to have taken up residence…mostly in the shower….and I couldn’t beleive how she SMACKED her lips!!! There seems to be more than a language barrier with her. There is also a cultural one too. I don’t begrudge anyone being on BB, but it baffles me WHY the producerd picked someone who is so bad at our language and culture. It’s disappointing and uncomfortable for us as well as her! And picking Brit and PaoPao and whoever else from bars. Really??? When there are huge fans clamoring to get on BB?? I blame production. It’s like they were hanign out at the bar anyway, and it was getting close to deadline and it was easier to pick someone from there than to actually go do their JOBS!!!

Houseguests still sleeping for the most part. Looks like they might get adult beverages tonight as there are red drink cup and drink cozies in the SR. Brit is thanking BB already!!lol Maybe we will get a little much needed excitemnet tonight!!

I basically like most of the HGS this year , they just need to turn it up a notch!!!

Peace.light and love! ♥

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Star July 16, 2014 at 2:45 pm

Just found an unimpressive tidbit, but at least it’s news! Apparently last night sometime, a new allaince was formed. It’s a spin off of the BS and includes Cody, Derrick, Frankie, Zach and Christine. They waited until Amber and Caleb left HH before the formation. It seems kind of half-hearted tho and since there have been a zillion alliances already this season, whatever.

Also, Cody and Derrick have a F2 called the Hitmen. Too many allainces too soon to get excited about all of them. But there it is. Just the facts,ma’am…lol

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Mama Margie July 16, 2014 at 2:55 pm

star lol txs for the tidbit, alliances this year are like riding the merry go round as soon as the hgs make a turn and pass the ring again they pull on it and make a new alliance. nothing boring about all the alliances, u need a calculator to keep track.
when I see vic eating I change rooms asap, I saw her eating the apple and had to take off headphones, oy what a mess she is
also I think she has the hots for derrick, she is up in the hoh a lot, and wiggles her way onto the bed, then next thing u see she is under the covers, even stevie wonder can see how uncomfortable derrick is, maybe the headline at the bb wrap party will be wife of bb16 houseguest goes beserk and chokes another hg with her own hair (extension)
that is it for now fellow bloggers sure has been a yawn session on lf today

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Betty July 16, 2014 at 2:57 pm

Hi Star, I agree, seeing Victoria eat that apple the other night was disgusting. Her persona may be due to a cultural difference, but I have no use for her. She should not be in the BB house and I wish she would stop hanging around Derrick!

What is the deal with Cody? Is he starting to turn on Zach or is he just telling Derrick what he thinks Derrick wants to hear? The only fireworks I can imagine with this group, would be to see Zach on the block again. Did you see him on BBAD last night when he was asking Victoria if she would nominate him should she win the HOH? He was all over her trying to get an answer! This guy talks way too much and has the potential of ruining the game play of Derrick, Frankie, Cody and probably a few other HGs. I have never seen anyone so insecure. I just wish I could actually see him sit still for 30 seconds! That is all I ask, 30 SECONDS!!! He drives me nuts!

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Betty July 16, 2014 at 3:09 pm

Hi MM, I hope Derrick can tactfully tell Victoria not to get into his bed. She certainly has an era of entitlement about her! She whines about everyone taking advantage of her belonging and, of course, she always adds how expensive they are! I hope she does not make jury!!

Loved the comments about the hair extensions!

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bobovnvet July 16, 2014 at 3:10 pm

Hi All….Margie we have our own Alliance Right here!………….. :mrgreen:

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PatRoseNC July 16, 2014 at 3:29 pm

Hi all. Last night on bbad about 1:30 I heard Derik say Prod told him in the DR that he could “go home or to the jury house” and he wondered if Pao and/or Joey would be there…I turned it off shortly after…did anyone see or hear more? there was some talk about

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PatRoseNC July 16, 2014 at 3:39 pm

sorry…I hit enter..not good with this laptop yet…anyway someone said BB is about due to Bring some one back” anyone hear any of this?? also occurred to me that Devin (mistake in prev post..i meant Devin said prod said home or jury house…also thot Devin just made that up to stir things up a bit…his stupid grins at the camera make me wonder just what is going on.
I now want Vic and Zach out next..then Brit. they and Jocasta drive me nuts…I go back and forth about Zach but now is really bad talking Donny and Victoria is also–they have to go. have to finish yesterdays posts now…see ya later,

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:30 pm

BigBrotherLeak ‏@BigBrotherLeak
Hayden is telling Caleb that Amber is ungrateful and goes around the house telling everyone everything. #BB16

I highly doubt BB is bringing anyone back. Heard HGs joking about Mike Boogie or someone coming back yesterday, but would be really surprised if they tried anything funky, or unfair as they have done the last 2 seasons.

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Starfish July 16, 2014 at 4:35 pm

It certainly must be boring if the most exciting info is Vic eating an apple unglamorously or shall I say like a pig. 🙂 Too many alliances, too soon and over quick. LOL

Good to see Star, MM, Betty, K11, Aggie, Bobo, Kimj.., or any of the other “Vets” giving us the rundown which seems to be boring. I liked that K11 called us the “Loyals”. Looking forward to the show tonight.

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:37 pm


Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo · 8 hours ago
Derrick tells us he’s not 100% sold on #thedetonators (which I presume is him, Co, Z & Hay?) I Just woke up #bb16 #bblf

This could be a real solid one. All very good players, underrated. And Frankie is in thge picture. Would drop it down, but unsure how.

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:39 pm

Retweeted by Clio the Leo
bbupdates @bbupdates · 11h
Detonators was formed. Camera 3 & 4 on 7/16 @ 3:41am #BB16

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:40 pm

Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo · 7h
Bet #thedetonators is Frankie’s master plan to get Zach away from Cody/Derrick. Why he wants him is anyone’s guess. #bb16

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:42 pm

Clio the Leo @Clio_the_Leo · 6h
“Woke up this mornin and I got myself a a battery pack…” #HitMen #bb16

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:43 pm

Clio the Leo: (cont)
“So in this metaphor, Derrick is Tony, Zach is Christopher, Brit is Adriana, Frankie is Johnny Sac & Cody is Silvio so he’ll probably win. Devin is Big Pussy, Caleb is Paulie Walnuts. I think thats about right.”

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:45 pm

Caleb is finally smarting up and realizing he needs to distance himself from Amber. Sees she’s a liability. Wise.

Now please keep her dresses off yer head, Cowboy. :mrgreen:

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Betty July 16, 2014 at 4:46 pm

Hi Starfish and Kevin

I saw Victoria talking with Derrick last night in the HOH room and she let something slip!! She said ‘She just found out more people were watching her and they think she is going a great job’ (or something like this, can’t remember her exact words). Derrick asked ‘How do you know this?’ Then she said something about going into the DR for her allergy medication and asked Derrick if he understood. Seems to me someone in production (DR) is talking out of school to her. Did anyone else catch this?

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:47 pm

Maybe Devin actually helped him in this matter…

Big Brother Updates
Devin vented to Caleb about Amber, saying you can’t win with her. “I feel like she always wants to constantly put somebody on blast” #BB16

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:49 pm

Betty: I’d have to see it to try to figure out what she meant. She’s delusional. Do you have any idea around what time it was?

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 4:52 pm

First season I can remember that I haven’t seen anyone smoke or smoking cigarettes. Wonder if this was accidental or intentional. Know Robyn Kass had to have aimed for a squeaky-clean group after last season’s Nightmare in Studio City.

And they have a protective barrier around the staircase now. The Lawyers and Bean Counters getting it the PC-way they want it.

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Betty July 16, 2014 at 4:57 pm

Kevin it was 44 to 45 minutes into BBAD last night. Her exact words “I just found out today more people are watching”

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 5:00 pm

Betty: Will see what I can find.

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Mama Margie July 16, 2014 at 5:01 pm

update for the guys
amber is whining she had a wardrobe malfunction
Donny said was it small error
she said no the whole thing came out when she was adjusting a strap
guess there will be more talk about time and camera lol

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Mama Margie July 16, 2014 at 5:02 pm

betty, I heard vic telling derrick, I think she said she talked to her dr about allergy meds and he told her she is doing good and they r rooting for her. hard to hear they whisper a lot

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 5:05 pm

Checked at 9:45, 10:45, 11:45 and 12:45 am (Pacific time) and can’t see them talking in HoH last night. Not sure how BBAD does it, but thought it started at 9 pm PT in the House.

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 5:10 pm

Betty: MM knows what’s up! 🙂 Think they (DR) are supporting her as they know she has absolutely no shot in the world, and she probably asks them “How am I doing?” and is oblivious, like Jocasta, that a game for $500,000 is going on right around them.

Two of the guys last night said Victoria is an ‘aggressive cuddler’, for lack of more precise words this Old Cat will now NOT USE in the somewhat friendly confines of the BBBlog.

A man’s got to know his limitations. I see you Ted. 😀

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Kevin11 July 16, 2014 at 6:26 pm


BigBrotherLeak ‏@BigBrotherLeak
Christine: “I don’t even think Amber’s face is that pretty.”
Nicole about Amber and Brittany: “I wouldn’t want to be them.” #BB16

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Betty July 16, 2014 at 6:27 pm

Thanks Kevin and MM. I wonder if Production reprimanded her doctor. I would have liked to have seen her get a penalty for telling Derrick about this. Victoria has no clue how to play this game and the sooner she is gone the better!!

Kevin, I have been saying all along Victoria is looking for a showmance. Yuk!!

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Betty July 16, 2014 at 6:28 pm

Kevin, Ted is still passed out because of the picture of Frankie I sent him!! 😆

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bobovnvet July 16, 2014 at 6:41 pm

Betty 😆

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Joyce July 16, 2014 at 8:41 pm

Poor poor Jocasta…..she is so used to giving to everybody and never receiving anything. GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

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Aggie R July 16, 2014 at 8:41 pm

The show was a fun one that comp with the dice would have drove me nuts, WTG Donny.

Shout out to my tribe

Star, Starfish, margie, Fran, Keri, jane, K11, JT, Bob, Ted, Holly If I missed anyone, the Vets Rule. 🙂

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Jeanne July 16, 2014 at 8:52 pm

Never did like clicks. They can be very hurtful.

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deb July 16, 2014 at 9:09 pm

Not to pick on Jocasta but she praised God several times, however, did she thank Donny? Her fake cry was pretty unbelievable too. She made a pretty remarkable recovered after learning Donny was going to use the POV on her. Just remember — she’s always gives but never receives.

Donny is pretty good at comps to take out Devin and Caleb. That looked like a hard challenge. I liked that they all picked Devin and the loud cheer when Donny beat him although to me it looked like Devin had part of the 2 on the block before Donny.

I want Cody to come do his little stripper dance for me! YUMMY!

Good show all in all.

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BCMarie July 16, 2014 at 9:27 pm

Damn I had tears in my eyes again after the show ····dabs sopping tissues… ···lol

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BCMarie July 16, 2014 at 9:58 pm

I am embarrassed to have to ask this. On BBAD night before last, near the end of the show, they were talking about the jack shack.

What the hell are they talking about? lol

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Aggie R July 16, 2014 at 10:29 pm

BC Marie

Wherever they go to masturbate or jerkoff, they have there spots every season

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jolee July 16, 2014 at 10:38 pm

TMI BCMarie…. gag!! 🙁

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Jeanne July 16, 2014 at 10:39 pm

Aggie, not cool. There are young people that read this. Can we please keep it at least P13. Thanking you in advance for your consideration.

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Jeanne July 16, 2014 at 10:41 pm

That’s PG 13

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jolee July 16, 2014 at 10:44 pm

Sorry, BCMarie … I mean Aggie! 🙂 I don’t want this in my brain!! 🙁

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BCMarie July 16, 2014 at 11:04 pm

huh. I never knew that. Sorry, I had to ask.

We can close that discussion now 😉

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jolee July 16, 2014 at 11:07 pm

Thank you! I hope you have a good evening. Looking forward to eviction night tomorrow. 🙂

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Kevin11 July 17, 2014 at 12:03 am

Hahahahahahaha. God I love you people. That was funny, BCMarie, Aggie R. Glad you explained it. I would have probably looked like the bad guy. 🙂

ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ

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kimjmj July 17, 2014 at 1:12 am

😉 @Bloggade friends.. been keeping an eye on all the post. All the good stuff happens at 4a in the house, and mostly Thursday thru Saturday, so at least I can get some work done. 🙂

OMG, how boring, BBAD right now is just Britney and Victoria eating cereal.. YAWN!!

I am so torn… I do like the Detonators (Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach and Frankie) but I also like Hayden and Nicole as competent outlayers and Britney for being a complete newb is catching on. Victoria has proven useless, Jacosta seems disinterested in playing the game. Amber and Caleb are strong string-a-long allies but not really seeming to connect. Glad tonight’s show let us in on how creepy Caleb is about Amber. Dude, she’s just not that into you!! I did hear a Detonator plan to send Amber to jury first and then Caleb will almost voluntarily run to the jury house the next week for a chance to spend a week alone with her (don’t worry, they have chaperones in jury to keep her safe) ;-).

And then there’s Donny. He’s a great guy, earnest and hard working, slow to boil, blah blah blah… getting over it pretty quickly. He’s not happy other’s, especially Frankie and Derrick, don’t talk game with him… the problem is Donny doesn’t really talk game back when they’ve tried! He doesn’t offer insight on how he’s thinking, doesn’t suggest strategy, and is about as smooth as my legs in January!! That team America segment was so spliced together… Nicole wasn’t buying it at all and was telling Christine almost as a can you believe this sketchy BS? I’m sure he’s a great guy, but keep in mind he’s lived alone for over 20 years, so I think he’s just a fish way too out of water.

So who is going to be the new HOH… going to be cool to see the shake up. I’m still team Derrick, I hope he can fade back again for the next couple of weeks. HGs are betting on endurance, but with no building sounds from the yard, I’m thinking majority rules or true/false. We’ll see. 🙂


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Starfish July 17, 2014 at 1:40 am

Jocasta is just plain pitiful. Wonder why she even tried out for this game. That crying was way over the top and ridiculous. Tonight I saw in Devin someone who uses his massive self and his smile to cover up a huge insecurity complex. IMO of course. Still think he should go but anything could happen if Caleb doesn’t stop drooling over Amber. I feel sorry for her but I would have told him to take a hike a long time ago. Not sure about Donny either. I keep going back and forth with him but mostly back lately.

Deb, yes, Cody’s little dance could have lasted awhile longer. He can dance from the looks of it. ahem

As for Aggie explaining the jack shack, absolutely hilarious. BCMarie, so happy you asked. This is not a PG13 blog and as was stated before by Lisa Marie, we can say what we like and if you don’t like it, go play bingo! Ain’t no bad guys here K11. 😆

kimj.., thanks for the update. I agree about Donny 100%.

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Aggie R July 17, 2014 at 4:11 am

@ Star

I have no problem explaining, no need to be shy about sex, it’s a normal part of life right. I wish others would see the light, this is a time we should be able to talk about anything. as for the bingo crowd, maybe you don’t belong here, think about it. I’m going to continue to speak my mind, I really don’t care if you don’t like it. As Liza said this is not a PG 13 Blog, If you want that go elsewhere. with many of our blessings.

@ K11

😯 Dude, don’t let some old bats intimidate you, come on now. 🙂

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Aggie R July 17, 2014 at 5:03 am

@ Starfish

LMAO, Thanks

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tendr July 17, 2014 at 5:11 am

all i’m gonna say is “go Donny” lol

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tendr July 17, 2014 at 5:13 am

oh, and i’m starting to like cody more….than at first.

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franniep2 July 17, 2014 at 5:45 am

Lol @ Aggie….you never were one to be shy with your words. I thought you explained the jack shack in good taste. Maybe if there were a little more R ratings on BB, things would heat up and start getting a bit more interesting. Talk about R ratings….Masters of Sex starts up again on Sunday….Showtime, at 9:00. Their ‘Jack Shack’ actually takes place in a St. Louis hospital by Masters and Johnson, and was considered RESEARCH! Very detailed show…. 😉

A BIG SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY SEASONED VETS HERE, and y’all know who you are. Love you guys!!

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Jeanne July 17, 2014 at 5:56 am

Star and Aggie, you remind me of 2 little girls on the playground trying to out shock eachother. This old Bingo playing LADY can’t be shocked. It was my 23 year old granddaughter that brought it to my attention. She thought it disgusting and very immature. FYI.

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Aggie R July 17, 2014 at 7:04 am

@ Fran

Masters of Sex is a cool show but I never kept up with it, Thanks I thought I did also, Shout out back VETS RULE

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franniep2 July 17, 2014 at 7:13 am


I tried to watch Masters of Sex when it first came on but I stopped after the first episode. There was too much on at the time. Then while I was home for the six weeks after my surgery, I binge watched the whole season in a few days. I also watched all 5 seasons of Game of Thrones in one week. Talk about another R rated show….vavavavooom! Watching shows like that is the only way to go….Speaking of go…time to leave for work. CYA tonight in our happy place! 😉

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franniep2 July 17, 2014 at 7:16 am

Oh, and BB related….Devin, don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya! You’re time is up!

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Aggie R July 17, 2014 at 7:28 am

@ Fran

I suppose i can check it out on Xfinity then, I might do that, Yep if Devin doesn’t go that really sucks

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DonnaP July 17, 2014 at 8:07 am

Cant wait to see the Devil get the boot tonight.

Caleb is starting to get on my gaud… he is a good looking guy so why is he drooling over Amber.. other fish in the lake Caleb. Now he wants to ruin the girls game cuz she is not into him. WTF. Another thing about this is that fans are starting to blame Amber.WTF

Am I allowed to say WTF up in here.. not sure anymore

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Betty July 17, 2014 at 8:20 am

Aggie I am LMAO! Thanks for the explanation of Jack Shack. On BBAD the other night Frankie was demonstrating how to use Dental Dam and I was rolling on the floor with laughter. I had never heard of such a thing, as in my day, it wasn’t needed. 😆 Just goes to show one is never too old to learn. Thanks again for the ‘heads up’!!! 😯

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Betty July 17, 2014 at 8:30 am

If I remember correctly a double eviction should be coming up soon, with the first HG evicted going home and the other to the jury house. Caleb would have the big one if he went home and Amber went to jury or vice versa. This obsession he has with Amber has to stop. I wonder if Amber talks to Production about this when she goes into the DR, I know, if I was in her place, I sure would!!

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Joyce July 17, 2014 at 8:54 am

WTH is dental dam?

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KeriJ July 17, 2014 at 8:58 am

Joyce… I don’t know, but am laying bets there are two on here that won’t like the answer to that. Haha
Hey Y’all! Ready for tonight’s show!!

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Betty July 17, 2014 at 9:17 am

Joyce – Dental dams are a barrier method that can protect against HIV and other STDs. Dental dams were originally made as medical devices used by dentists to maintain a sterile work area when they were drilling and filling teeth. Now, dental dams are also used during oral-vaginal sex and oral-anal sex since these types of sex can spread STDs through vaginal fluid or blood exchange if one of the partners is infected.

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BCMarie July 17, 2014 at 10:11 am

If you have had any work done on your teeth in at least the past five years, other than just basic cleaning, they have probably used a dental dam. It is the square of elastic (I am allergic to latex and I have never had a reaction to any dental dams used on me, so I am assuming that it is something other than latex) that is forced over the tooth to be worked on and stretched over the open mouth. I remember the first time it was used on me, thinking wtf?

I had heard of it being used as a oral safe sex devise before, I have read about it a number of times. I would i,agine it is something Michael Douglas promotes to a y one that will listen as he attributes his bout of throat cancer to oral sex.

Someone had posted in the previous blog about Frankie and the dental dam so I was not shocked. It was very entertaining 😉

But speaking of sex and shockers. ..I have another question. I had never seen BBAD before until near the end of the last season of BB, I didnt realize I had access to it. So I watched a couple episodes, this is when it was down to Spencer, Gina Marie and Andy. They were sitting around talking and were saying the most BIZARRE things, like totally off the wall, I was like WTH??? An example that I can remember is Andy saying that he walked in on Elisa as she lay on a bed totally nude, she was mastubating and she didnt stop. He just went on and on about it, and other stuff like that. I couldnt watch it any more, I thought I had entered a twilight zone. So I stopped watching.

First, I am going to assume the whole scemario is a crock of.

The question is, when it comes down to the wire, almost to the end, is it a common practice to make up stories like that? I can see that it would be excrutiatingly boring in the house by than time, and that antics would be made for the benefit of the viewing public, but does it go off the wall like that, or was last year a one off? For cripes sake, Andy is gay!!!

Trots off to see if I can dvr Masters of Sex. .. I gotta check that out 😉

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Mama Margie July 17, 2014 at 10:13 am

Oh no, do I see we have to post SEXUAL SPOILER before we do a comment?
something like SPOILER ALERT, come on guys I think we all know about the birds and bees and at our ages not much to shock us. By this time, most of us bloggers are familiar with other bloggers who seem to ANNOY us so DO NOT READ, SKIP, plain and simple.
can’t we all get along lol, it is like a pissing (am I allowed to say that or will I be blocked, scolded, or put in a time out corner) contest. another word I am doubtful to use TIT for tat, BB is a grown up show, and this blog is a grown up blog. And I mean this with the upmost sincerity if this blog is offensive, start or find another one, there are lots out there, if u get the feeds u can start your own CENSORED ROOM, like my grandmother used to say IF U DO NOT LIKE SOMETHING, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, and in this case either skip those bloggers u find offensive (which the case seems to be, the majority of the bloggers). or go to another, as u can not teach an old dog new tricks.
I along with many of the “vets” have been on this blog since day one and we have not had these problems before, we and anyone who chose to were open honest and said what we wanted and no problem, I have a feeling Lisa Marie has a hard enough time keeping us updated on BB, she can use her time better then being a referee.
Finally in regard to clicks, they have been around since adam and eve, all of a sudden it is not acceptable> Betty I love you and your senile police remark is a classic, who the heck died and made a squad of censors. enough is enough, for those that agree well I applaud you and those who do not well too bad, Stay. leave, be make up your minds.
I loved this blog for the fun, friendships, and the most important to me is being able to speak my mind without having an albatross hanging from my neck, and having to get into a debate or choice of words. BB is an adult show!
Bill and Lisa Marie, if u want to censor me or anyone else please advise and I am sure other arragements can be made. However since it seems the majority is in agreement free speech is what we want, well, it is your call
For those of u who missed it in regard to ciao it is an informal Italian hello or goodby, similar to Aloha in Hawaiian
ciao and thank you to those who take the time to read this,

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Mama Margie July 17, 2014 at 10:18 am

in the oops dept in all my rambling I forgot to add
one way or the other

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hpr56 July 17, 2014 at 10:19 am

Back to BB topic, I sure hope Devin goes but who knows with Big Brother? But Cody really wants Caleb gone. Cody was not one of my favorites but I am getting to like him too, tendr. I think that Devin can be dangerous as a player. He has more of a chance to win comps than Caleb and that would make me vote him out. You guys that see the live feeds and after dark know more about their actions that aren’t edited than I do, so I really appreciate the information from all of you.

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jolee July 17, 2014 at 10:20 am

Starfish, yes, we can say what we want on this blog. I agree 100%. That is why I felt I could express my feelings about things that make me uncomfortable. I believe BCMarie felt uncomfortable about the way it was explained. IMHO! 🙂

I enjoy being a part of this blog and having the right to express my opinion….like Lisa Marie said! (and I don’t play Bingo!!) 🙂

Ok, let’s get back to Big Brother. Excited to see tonight’s show and hopefully see Devin’ s back as he leaves the house. I hope whoever gets HOH will play the game and not whimp out by throwing the BOTB comp. Have a great day bloggers. I really appreciate all of you! <3

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Lisa Marie Bowman July 17, 2014 at 10:23 am


Why are you bringing me into this? Have I said that I want to censor anyone? Huh? I think all I’ve done is try to keep this site updated and hopefully occasionally amusing. I have not censored anyone on this site and, in fact, I think I’ve made a pretty big point about saying that I would never censor anyone on this site so leave me out of this, okay?

I’m sorry but I really resent the Hell out of the implication that I’m going to censor anyone. If you’ll notice, I haven’t taken down any references to Jack Shacks or Dental Dams or anything and quite frankly, the HGs are the one who brought up the Jack Shack so, as far as I’m concerned, it’s fine to talk about it.

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jolee July 17, 2014 at 10:33 am

Aggie, really? “Don’t let some old bats intimidate you!”

“It is better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” ( ancient proverb )

In your way of thinking, only those people who agree with you are allowed to state their honest opinion?

Can we put this behind us and just understand we are all allowed to express our opinions even if some don’t agree???

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Mama Margie July 17, 2014 at 10:35 am

lisa marie, either I wrote wrong or it was read wrong
maybe I should explain better
my intent was you have better things to do then be expected to censor anyone
I am afraid that is what some bloggers will expect u to do, in fact I was trying to stick up for you that you have enough to contend with having a life and doing blog,
I am truly sorry this was taken in the wrong context. as you can see from below that I pasted and copied I was referring to me and others and this entire comment to be deleted, not you being a censor,

Bill and Lisa Marie, if u want to censor me or anyone else please advise and I am sure other arragements can be made

I apologize once again, hope it is clear now. again I have the utmost respect for you and would never disrespect you in any way, like I said u have enough on your plate.

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Starfish July 17, 2014 at 10:37 am

I see there’s a new post but just have to say MM, you nailed it. I like what you said and I ditto it a hundred times “if this blog is offensive, start or find another one, there are lots out there”. We are a free speech blog. Besides, there was nothing even close to shocking 😯 in any of the emails. Yes, Donna P, WTF is ok here and you can spell it out if you like.

Sorry Star, you took the hit this time.

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Betty July 17, 2014 at 10:38 am

I agree MM, you hit the nail on the head! Jack Shake was mentioned on BB, so what is the big problem of talking about it here? I am sure there were a number of people on this blog who wanted to know what this meant, as well as an explanation of of Dental Dams! I wish people would STOP criticizing others for talking about sex (or anything else going on in the BB house), after all, sex is not a dirty word, it is a fact of life. Children should not watch BB and should not be on this blog! All I have to say, if you don’t like some of the comments, STOP trying to police them! Enough said!!

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hpr56 July 17, 2014 at 10:41 am

Am I right in thinking that others think Jocasta is a big mistake for BB? Her crying was pretty pathetic. I understand being emotional but she was so far over the top. I’m also curious if anyone else thinks she maybe wasn’t as sick as she acted. She looked like death warmed over and talked about throwing up but all I ever heard was coughing. Again, I can’t get after dark with Comcast in my area and I don’t have the live feeds so I very easily could have missed something. She looked completely better when they had the veto meeting. Anyone that can help me understand if she might have been faking would be appreciated.

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Lisa Marie Bowman July 17, 2014 at 10:42 am

MM — I’m sorry, I totally misread you and I overreacted. Please accept my apologies. When I read it, I guess I interpreted it to mean, “If you want to censor the site, we can all just go someplace else” and me, in my stressed out state, I was like, “Wait! I would never do that!”

I’m sorry — I really do appreciate you and every single commenter here at the BB Blog. I love reading your comments and I love writing for you all as well!

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jolee July 17, 2014 at 11:22 am

To put this beast to rest, BCMarie, (comment 64) said she was sorry she asked (I think she had the right to ask). Then she said “can we close this discussion now.” I think it should have ended there! I said “Thank you.” and thought that was the end of it! Then all “H. E. double L” broke loose. It could have ended right there! I was shocked at the outpouring of verbal hostility. Enough said! Let’s all be friends!

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Mama Margie July 17, 2014 at 11:26 am

((((Lisa Marie))))))))))))))))
hugs my friend, ok that is all over and done with
u rock my friend
hugs again
and keep up the good work, we all love and appreciate you more then words can say

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BCMarie July 17, 2014 at 11:54 am

jolee. .. I wasnt embaraassed about asing the question, I was more embaraassed that I was wondering if my mind was going to a place about the expression jack shack that maybe wasnt was meant.

I had always assumed that the HGs took care of their sexual needs military style in the barracks. I never had a clue that Bb gave them a designated room. Imagine all eyes watching as you try to be nonchalant strolling in that direction lol.

As for saying close the discussion I said that more in deference of those with delicate sensibilities. I have been in my share of flame wars over censorship, I am so over being a drama queen about the subject. .. I just figured in this case I would rather play nice, after all I did get my question answered, and the answer was exactly what I suspected what jack shack meant 😉

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jolee July 17, 2014 at 12:22 pm

BCMarie, Thank you for your explanation. I was just reacting to the topic, which kind of took me by surprise. I thought the subject ended there. The last thing I want to do is cause people to get upset. I hope everyone understands that I wasn’t trying to censor anyone. I hope this ends the the misunderstanding. I really like being a part of this blog and I enjoy reading all of your comments, even the ones that may shock this “old lady” who is a very loving and forgiving person. My little grandbabies (6 and 4) love their “Grandma Jo”. I adopted my daughter when I was 56, so I am blessed to have grandbabies at my age. Have a good day Marie and thank you again! 🙂

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