So now that I have your attention I probably need to tell you why this year BBBLOGGER feels Big Brother 16 will be different. Well every year the producers try hard to “out do” the year before. They think of twists that will keep the viewers engaged and want to have a mix of house guests who can command our attention (either good or bad)!
With that being said here are my predictions…
1. There will be returning players to the big brother house. We may want all new people but they will return. What will be different is how they bring them in. It will be done in a new way and not in an expected way. It will be a shock to everyone and it will shake up the house.
2. Another difference will be Big Brother in HD. Yes! CBS will have it in beautiful HD. It should be awesome watching house guest lie around, work out, smoke, complain in stunning HD! Lol. My 55″ TV is excited at least. (So is my Tivo)
3. I think a female is going to win. I have a feeling that Andy and the winner of BB14 (guy who beat Dan who was kind of a BB nerd but his name escapes me now) I guess I feel like a new strong female player will emerge and steal our hearts and win it all.
So there are just a few of my random thoughts and opinions in how I think this year’s Big Brother will pan out. But what do you think? How will Big Brother 16 differ from years past. What do you think will happen and what would you LIKE to see happen this season! We want to know so tell us in the comments and join our awesome group.
Talk more soon.
PS: feeds are at
PPS: this post is entirely done via my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. Not too shabby eh.
Hit me up in the comments if you need me. I am working on the new chat room. It will rock!!
LOL… his name was Ian
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was also happy to read they are finally going HD! I had heard that in past seasons.. but I guess it’s true this time. It just took them a long time to upgrade all the cameras in the house.
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The guy that beat Danl in Bb 14 was Ian.
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Ian (BB nerd)
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I just hope we dont have another bully like amanda – maybe a janelle type – woulld be hillarious if they brought someone back from season 9!
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m123 etc etc etc….. The one from season 9 I’d like to see is Renny. Other than that.. I didn’t care for any of them. But I did get many laughs at how crazy Natalie drove Sheila. 😆
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ooops… Renny was season 10.. loved when she went after Jessie.. 😳
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I really enjoy the season Ian was on it. Hated repeat hated last season. And that is still causing me to straddle the fence of if I want to commit that much time and emotion into this game.
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Don’t feel too bad. I have been blogging for a couple of years and no one has talked to me directly. I still love reading them. Sometimes I felt like the new girl on the playground when referred to as a newbie. Just my too sensitive side. {{{HUGS}}}
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I enjoy your commentary and will follow you again this year.
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Looking forward to this new blog! 🙂
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Yeah. I also loved Rennie….fun to watch her
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Jeanne, I’ll talk to you. I watch the tv show and come here to find out what’s going on behind the scenes…also watch the ppl in here argue lol…which i find funny since it’s usually over a bunch of over sexed drunk tweens. (barely twenty but usually always never over thirty something) for once i’d like to see everyone over forty. But i guess the audience is mostly younger ppl. yet in a way there are some ppl like my 35yr old daughter who won’t watch it lol. anyway, i never remember many of the players..only my fav and least fav usually. I’m just going to sit back and watch and not get emotionally involved like i did last yr until i found myself getting upset and my husband reminding me of how stupid it is to ‘care’ that much about what other’s say about the players. I did and do get my favorite but then i have to remember BB wants there to be friction and as much trouble as possible. So i’ll watch it the same way i’d watch a soap opera…:)…and prob mouth off to the friends i have in here who know i’m really teasing. I’m learning to ignore things said i don’t like so i need a “hand” icon lol………….tendr
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Just point me to the blog if it’s not this…(i just woke up)
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Tendr, thank you so much for answering me :0) I completely agree with you about last year. I have been watching BB since the 1st show. Last year was a mess. My family thinks I get too involved. The first few years I would decline invitations in order to watch BB. Of course now we can DVR it. I look forward to blogging this season. {{{HUGS}}}
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BBB, thrilled about HD this year. If your twist to the show comes true, I, for one, will be thrilled. Would love to have a strong women to “steal our hearts and win it all”. And Ian is his name Oh. As many have said. LOL
Tendr, I mentioned it on the last blog but take a look at my post #39 on the last post. I said “Hey Tendr…” You have not been ignored my dear.
Macy, a Janelle type would be great too. She was great.
Hey Bobo!! Good to see you!
Would love to see Renny back JT. She was hilarious. Remember when she used a cheeze grater on her feet? Natalie was a fun to watch too.
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Hi everyone
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Will there be an After Dark this year? Ask BB to have the house guest tone down the F word, some of those idiots cant talk without it.
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Hi Sylvie. Expecting a great season of BB. JBYL I agree with you about the language. It reminded me of children on the playground trying to out shock eachother. Getting excited. {{{HUGS}}}
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Let’s see how bad I can screw this up! 😆
MM, I took the pics you shared on FB and will try to link them here… if this works, y’all should be able to click links below and take a look (if this doesn’t get stuck in moderation) 🙄
BB House 1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB House 2
BB House 3
BB House 4
BB House 5
BB House 6
BB House 7
BB House 8
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Looking forward to a new, fresh BB season and this fabulous blog!!!!
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Oh well… I tried. I posted 8 pics of the new BB house… but it ended up in moderation (because there were so many links in one comment I guess)
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JT thanks for trying. I will be watching The Talk tomorrow. {{{HUGS}}}
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Lets hope BB16 is much better than BB15. Cut down the cursing so we viewers can follow a conversation.
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Maybe if I just try 2 at a time???
BB House 1
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB House 2
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Or just try 1??
BB House 1
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That worked. here’s another
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB House 2
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so until they approve JT’s pics of the House….go here and watch a preview of the house….
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A 3rd
BB House 3
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BB House 4
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…and a preview for some tv show 😆
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Great Pics JT, Thanks….i Loved the big Lounge area…better now for bigger meetings…and i Loved the New Treehouse, that should be Special…did u notice the double Memory Wall?…Hmmm…maybe Blood vs Water Theme?…So Exciting !!!
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Thanks JT, being able to see the individual pics was cool.
Lostie, thanks for the video too! Great stuff you guys.
JLBY, after dark is on TVGN again this year but it seems everyone would like Showtime back. Oh well, we’ll watch anyway.
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Hey Sylvie, are you the Sylvie who is in Brentwood, CA?
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I did not notice the memory wall…. have to go look 🙂
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also, it looks like that Treehouse is right outside the HOH room…Wow, this is going to be so COOL, lol…..
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Howdy all
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JT, take a look on MM’s FB page for some great pics.
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Howdy Aggie! 🙂
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Hi Aggie…… don’t be “bleh”ing before the season even starts! 😛
Trudy… those were the pics I took from MM to post here. But turns out they were still from the video… which I watched again at half speed… damn quick cutaways!!!
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Let’s play a game while we wait another week. Not sure I’d ever want them to have Celebrity BB for USA….. but if they did.. who would you want to see on there??
I’ll start..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Judge Judy!! omg… I would have to quit my job if she ever went on there!!
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here’s a better look at the double memory wall….it looks like its going to be something vs something for sure….or maybe just to fool us, lol….
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Im kinda hopeing to fall in love with one of the players.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I havent had a super favorite in awhile. P.S. Hate when old players
Come back.
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Howdy Trudy
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Judge Judy would be awesome, I think Howard Stern would be great also so would Lettterman and Dennis Miller
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How about Chef Ramsay…that would be some major drama for sure. Couldn’t you see it now, Ramsay V Judge Judy. I may have to quit my job for that pair.
@Aggie….you know how I feel about Howard Stern.
….and where is that Tendr right now? Miss V, ain’t no way you can snub me. I know where you hide! 😛 <3
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Howard would be very entertaining he always cracks me up. I really hate Gordon Ramsay I think if i were one of those people in Hell’s Kitchen I would want to rip his balls off, but he would be good for drama I must say
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Agnes… please watch your language on BBB.
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Ha, Ha
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I agree Ted. No bad language. We heard enough of it last year.
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I would love to see Abby Lee Miller
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------from Dance Moms she is a piece of work,
She and Judge Judy would be quite the pair
good idea JT fill in the gap till BB comes on
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MM — Lol, I was just thinking that Abby Lee Miller would be perfect for a celebrity edition of Big Brother. When I was younger, I had so many dance teachers that were just like Abby so Dance Moms always brings back a lot of memories!
I’m working on my dream cast for Celebrity BB but I will definitely make room for Abby, Chef Ramsay, and even mean old Judge Judy. 🙂
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How about all the Dancing with the Stars dancers along with some Olympians. Now that I would love to see. {{{HUGS}}}
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JT, great idea. Judge Judy, Abby Lee Miller (now she would keep everyone on their toes), Dennis Miller, not so sure about David Letterman. I’ll have to think on it but right now it’s nite nite for me.
Ted pretend like I’m Holly and you know what she says. LOL
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hi starfish……..i tend to skim read, when i probably should slow down…..hi to my fb fam. going to bed at almost 4:30a.m. had to get up early today to see the dentist so i could have him screw up my front teeth..i’m going around with buck teeth…sayin’ what’s up doc to my husband while he yells “stop it”……..nite all..i am worn out.
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🙂 bobo……..<3 frannie……i'll try to be better company in here. but i doubt it. :p
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I don’t get it …most of you would love to see peeps we’ve already seen or those who have been on other reality shows…that then makes them almost celeb status…I want to see all newbies!!!
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Celebrity BB .. would love to see Mike “the situation” from Jersey Shore, Honey Boo Boos’ Mom and Snoop Dogg.
Am I the only one who luvs chef Ramsay..he is awesome
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It would be so awesome to see Russell Hantz in this years’ cast…let it happen CBS.
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Who is going to carry after dark this year??
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Today we will see the house! 🙂
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Hi Starfish Good to see you!……………………
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Were almost there. So excited. I will be watching ” The Talk” today. Looking forward to blogging through the season. Stay sweet. {{{HUGS}}}
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Tendr, the dentist…. ugh, that’s no fun. Pop in when you can. I’ll be out the first couple weeks myself.
Celebrity BB: How about Melissa McCarthy and the comedian who works with Anderson Cooper on New Year’s eve. I can’t think of her name. And then there’s Denzel. That would be cool.
Donna P…. Russel Hantz on this year would be a kick but he could be voted out ASAP. Of course, he could get his little herem around him and who knows what could happen. He and ED (Evil Dick) would be the show of the year.
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celebrity BB — i like to laugh so i would say jim carey – kevin hart – tracy morgan – kathy griffin – all the funny people
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