Hi y’all!
So, what did everyone think of the Big Brother flashback episode? I just finished watching it and I have to admit that it really didn’t too much for me. First off, this is probably the most boring final three in recent history. There’s no one in the group that I can’t stand and there’s no one that I’m super enthusiastic about. Watching the three of them sit around and pretend to have a conversation was … well, it wasn’t very exciting.
As for the flashbacks they showed, there was definitely a little too much Frankie for me. I find it interesting that, in the two episodes since he was evicted, a lot of footage has still been devoted to Frankie. Considering that there’s only one episode left and Frankie will definitely be a major part of that, it’s hard not to feel that this entire season was pretty much set up to the Frankie Grande Show.
However, on a good note — we got to see the DOG! And what a cute little dog he was! I especially loved seeing him in the diary room. The dog was undoubtedly the most likable houseguest of the season…
Anyway, as I sit here typing this, there are apparently holding the second part of the HoH competition, It’s Derrick vs. Victoria and the winner will then face Cody!
What if Victoria wins part two? A part of me hopes that she does, just because I know everyone would be so shocked and it would be nice for at least one unexpected thing to happen this season.
Anyway, with this season rapidly coming to a close, I went ahead and set up a new poll over on the right side of the page. Who do you want to win Big Brother? Derrick, Cody, or Victoria? Vote in the comments or vote over on the right side!
Myself, believe it or not, I voted for Victoria! Why? Because it would be so unexpected. Expect the unexpected! Isn’t that what Julie Chen keeps insisting we need to do? And if this is truly the most twisted summer in Big Brother history, then that means that Victoria should win.
If nothing else, a Victoria victory would upset the Grandes and that’s always a good thing.
Lisa Marie
P.S. Remember — you can’t spell Victori without Victoria!
I loved your description of tonight. Hit the nail on the head.
I loved Izzy.
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I also voted for “Victory for Victoria!” Thank you Lisa. I am going to miss you! This has been a good season for making new friends here on the BB blog. A lot more exciting than BB!
Definitely looking forward to it being OVER!!! Please, no more Frankie’s face on my TV. I actually fast forwarded my TV when Frankie was on tonight.
Goodnight dear bloggers. Pleasant dreams! 🙂
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I 100% agree with you LM. Victori spells Victoria. Your new blog always tells me it’s bedtime. It’s always 11:30 pm my time. So LM thank you so much for your dedication to this blog through the good times (there were a few) and the discussing, frustrating, BORING!! times. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}} nite nite.
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@ MANTA RAY – Thank you for providing the link to VOTE FOR AMERICA’S FAVORITE PLAYER on the previous blog. I just voted 20 times for DONNY !!
@ EVERYONE – Question, I realize everyone will vote for different players for America’s Favorite Player. I’m just curious, if Skanky-Frankie should win AFP (due to all of Ariana’s followers), will you still watch Big Brother next season ???? I want Donny to win personally, but really don’t care if someone else wins (as long as it’s not Crustine). If Skanky-Frankie DOES win & they give him $25,000.00, I’m not sure I’ll even bother to watch Big Brother again since the whole damn season was set up for him to win to begin with. Just wondering how ALL the other bloggers feel. Thank you in advance for your feedback !! 🙂
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@ Lisa Marie – I blogged before I read your description. Couldn’t agree more with your synopsis of tonight’s BB. Again, thank you for allowing us to be part of this blog. Your blog is definitely more interesting than this season has been. I hope I NEVER in life have to see that Skanky-Frankie ever again. Think I’ll vote for Victoria also, even though she really doesn’t deserve it. Just hope Donny gets AFP !!!!! 🙂 Have a great weekend, fellow bloggers. 🙂
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I vote for Derrick to win. I’ve been Team Derrick for quite some time now. That said, if there was some shocking/unexpected thing that happened, that would be cool too.
The guy running the BB group on facebook said he’s communicated with a bunch of other spoiler sites and he said it looks like Donny is running away with the votes for AFP. I’ve been voting for Zach, but if Donny won, that would be totally cool with me.
As far as watching BB in the future, I will ALWAYS watch BB till its cancelled. Doesn’t matter if my favorite wins, my most hated wins, or some one who slips in and somehow manages to win…..BB is my show. I’ll go down with the ship. 😀
BTW…Izzy was adorable. I’m a total animal lover, so that was my favorite part of tonight’s show.
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the best part of tonight’s episode was VictoriaI was laughing out loud I thought it was great to see her in the competitions I only wish they would of showed more I love seeing those episodes was quite enjoyable.down right hilarious
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I agree with MANTA RAY. Donnie should win and i’m so sick of Frankie. In the beginning i thought he was a riot but that wore off fast. Been an overall boring season. I was a big Fan of BB until this season. I agree if Frankie wins AFB i will think its staged and doubt if i’ll watch it next season. I voted for Victoria. But Derrick is fine. He played a great game.
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o I voted for victoris I think it’s possible that Derek could take her to the end .
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Thanks LM! You always tell it like I see it. The little conversation among F3 was definitely scripted! BB told them what to say….am sure they didn’t like having to lead into the Frankie Show!
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Izzy was the highlight of the show!
I will always be a BB addict. My sister and I have watched since BB1..its always fun to share the show with others that watch.
Alot of memories with her and I watching after dark and calling each other asking what we missed. I have been at this blog since it began. Didn’t post much as everyone seemed to say it all but this year have been joining in the fun.
I love this blog and thank you all for your comments.
Thank you Lisa and Bill for a great job.
Goodnight Izzy..wherever you are..I hope happy and with a loving family.
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Nothing would make me any happier than derrick to take victoria to f2 and donny to win afp. I said from day one that derrick had the upper hand. And after day 2 or 3 he would win.
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Since Derrick is the puppet master I vote for him. I would be disappointed if Vic, (who has not done anything but follow Derrick around like a little puppy) won. This season literally sucks but it does not discourage me from watching BB again. The three left have absolutely no personality and are so boring but yet I find myself DVR-ing and watching BBAD ….although I fast forward through most of it. I sure hope next season will be more entertaining.
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They are doing part 2 of the comps right now with Vic and derrick. Cody going nuts in HOH room alone. Playing ball, studying, bored, nervous and hungary!! Not showing it on the LFS this time tho. I guess he was called to teh DR at 6:29 BBT. It is nowabout 9:40. So they have been gone awhile. I really do NOT like the way they are doing the end game this year!!! At least last time it was on LFS. This sucks.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vic must be hanging in tho. Been over 3 hours. Better than Cody and De did hanging on in last comp!!!!
And……..we wait!!! lol
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Thanks LM
I want Victoria to win just to make the producers think a bit of the manipulation
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------S effect on this season
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Thanks Star , for the update and thank you LM for the opportunity for each us of t o voice our opinions.
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I’m undecided for now but for sure DON’T want Cody to win. Derrick deserves to win because he worked soooo hard but that doesn’t mean that I WANT him to win.
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I vote for Donny to win (American’s favorite player). Don’t care who wins BB, but I would like to see Derek kicked out. . . . . too much of a player, plus he’a already won lots of $$$$.
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Derrick won!!!!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------VIc is crying.
And I am having puter probs!!
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I was just forced to install win 8.1 last night and i am NOT happy!! It came with a Win update and wouldn’t let me NOT d o it. I jsut got a window that I was tryng around to send the last post, and it said it as an installer for windows and it looked like I had to accept. I finally found a way to close it. It’s called Lasoaren and it is MALWARE!! If you ever see it DO NOT install it! I looked it up on my iphone and it takes over your puter then you have to try to get rid of it and it’s not easy!! I hope it doesn’t come back because I am so sick of Windows right now I may throw this computer OUT a window!!!! Just a heads up!!!
Becasue of all this going on I have no idea what the comp was. Wasn’t listening to Der as I was freaking out!!! Will have to go back and relisten.
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@Joyce….No problem. 😉
@junksies…why don’t you want Cody to win? Just curious.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@desi…his name is Derrick….if you are going to badmouth him, at least get his name right! And a PLAYA is who does WIN BB!!! Who do you want to win it..a floater??
IS he my fav player ever?? No. But he’s a decent guy who has played a flawless strategic game. IS he boring?? Kinda. But he has played better than Cody or Vic!! He may get to F2 nd still NOT win tho as there are a lot of bitter haters in the jury. But don’t hate the guy and then spell his name wrong..or hate him because he is winning money and playing a good game. Sheesh!
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He’s talking about it on BBAD right now…though he’s talking so fast, I really don’t understand it, other than it was some sort of match game…and sounds like ‘others’ were involved, including a helicopter?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I’ll see if someone else can explain this better, I’m tired and hittin the hay.
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Victoria is going for the ‘sob vote’ right now. I can’t wait for the ‘whining’ to begin, and babysitting that Derrick will have tonight.
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@Sir Rock…….DITTO everything you said!!! 😉 Couldn’t have written it better or even differently myself! 😉
I voted for Derrick. He has played the best game and most consistent. I mean, the man was never on the block ONCE! And he chose Cody and Vic to take to the end…and there they sit right now eating Chinese!! How many plans go that flawlessly on BB…..ever!!
Actually, in the history of BB, I have not cared for most of the winners!! Trying to think back I liked Hayden, ED, Dan, Ian, Jordan..altho I didn’t think she deserevved it. But alot of bully’s and liars/users end up winning and I have HATED them. Then you really feel like you wasted your summer!!! At least I don’t really dislike any of this F3. Whoever wins, I am fine with it.
Looking back at the clips tonight tho I am so glad they got rid of the people they did WHEN they did becasue they were all the ones that really bugged me!!lol I think typically, if an HG is getting under OUR skin, they are the otehr HGS too!!
OK..I just rewound BBAD so I could find out about the comp. My puter probs took over and I didn’t really hear anything.
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The comp was similar to a rock wall that had to be scaled with the goal being to connect plates (with house guest pictures on them) onto hooks while being tethered in order to maneuver the wall. There was a one minute penalty for dropping a plate because production would have to pick it up for them and another penalty if they touched two plates at once. Sounded very interesting and will be fun to watch. It was not really endurance but definitely physically challenging. Sounds like Victoria did well but not good enough. The helicopter hovering above was probably a rich fan!!! LOL 🙂
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Star… I don’t want Cody to win because of his inappropriate relationship with Chrusty that says a lot about his character. That despicable behavior turned me sour and biased against him from the start. I’ve previously said what I think of his game play, or lack thereof, because I think Derrick had Vic on one leg dragging her along and Cody on the other. …And he talks out of both sides of his mouth too many for me to list. He claims the Hitmen were formed and named on day 2. Bull!!! I will say, however, that he does know when to keep his mouth shut. For instance, tonight when Vic was in the DR, and she still may be as of this writing, he and Derrick were on the living room couches and Derrick was spewing his mist regarding Vic ….and OMG, my thought just flew right of my head!! And it was a good one!! Must be that Derrick mist…. Hope I remember… I’m serious… 🙁
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Finally got to see Izzy!. Just wondering why production had them all vote Izzy out (to explain her brief stay, DUH). For Izzy’ sake I hope that she was on loan from a loving family, thus the necessity for the short stay. I sure would have liked to see more of her rather than the scripted rehash over breakfast that dominated the show.
Why didn’t they show us anything from the jury house? Oh, another DUH! It would have been the Frankie show. Thanks for sparing us BB!
And while I have a chance, thank you for your recent narratives Ralph. I can’t stand watching the feeds any more and don’t have any interest or energy to look anywhere else for info.
I also want to thank all the other’s that make this blog the warm, fuzzy place it been in my life this summer. I would like to thank you individually, but am afraid I would leave someone out.
Lisa Marie – Thanks so much for stepping in for BBBlogger this season. I *so* admire your dedication to keeping this blog so interesting.
I will, of course, keep following this blog to the end, but I just can’t get into Survivor (Gasp!) so you probably won’t see me until next year. I am on Facebook, however, so please look me up if your so inclined. I’ll have to read the rest of this post later.
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I agree BB needs to show more of the Jury and it seems to me that they in past seasons…??… I’ll bet the sparks flew between Skankie and Caleb…maybe it’s just wishful thinking!!
Izzy was adorable!! I have 6 dogs and 2 cats, all dumped as if they were trash in the almond grove across the street and the grape vineyards that surround the other 3 sides of my house. Never thought I’d have so many critters… Back to Izzy…I thought I read somewhere that he/she came from a shelter and then was adopted by BB staff…? Hope so.
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Thanks Junkies for the comp update.
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I want Victoria to win – I feel she will need it to help defray the cost of all the psychological counseling she’s going to need once she sees that horrible rape skit by Frankie and others – I thought Derrick played a great game until he participated in the rape skit – he’s older, he’s a police officer, and he has a daughter – he acted like a pig, just like the others – there’s no excuse for that kind of behavior
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I read on a spoiler site that Izzy the dog was said to be a rescue dog (I heard that on the show tonight) but is really an “actor” dog. I don’t know if that was someone being funny or if its true. He/she seemed pretty well trained, sitting on the DR chair, barking on command. Anyway, just a rumor I read.
Vic…losing a comp….and crying? Never saw that coming! Next thing you’ll tell me is water is wet and ice is cold. 😉 Sorry, I couldn’t help myself. She’s literally the worst player that lasted this long on BB of all time. Seems like a nice girl, but just not good at this game. If you think about it, she was on the block 9 times….tied the record. 10 will come on the finale….a new record. My point was, she played in every HOH and almost every Veto. She’s had far more chances to win a comp to prove she’s a player and failed every single time. (I will never count her being handed the Veto by Caleb as a win, even though technically it is)
Now the true test comes. Will Cody and Derrick stay loyal to each other? I’ve said it before, if either of them were smart, they wouldn’t….they would take Vic to the end to win. That said, I really do think those guys like each other a lot. Stabbing the other in the back is gonna be a VERY hard decision for them, IMO. I wonder what the jury would think about that, if they drag Vic to the end?
I always hope the jury votes strictly on game play. To me, even though it would be pretty shitty if Cody/Derrick cut the other, I would respect it as game play….the last big move to go for the win. Taking out all personal feelings and strictly going for game. BUT, that’s kinda how Dan lost season 14. He TOTALLY should have won, but the jury was pissed at what he did to Shane and Danielle. Not to mention, Ian was a decent player and well liked by everyone. But Ian DIDN’T deserve the win over Dan that year, IMO.
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Oh…just remembered something. I guess Caleb said that the 3 guys made a deal that if any of them bring Victoria to the F2, they would vote for HER and not the guy left in the house. So if that holds up, and Cody/Derrick cut the other, Vic has 2 votes in Jury. I think they have 9 votes this year. So there’s that.
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Sir Rock…I agree with you about the Dan Ian thing. I go with my heart…or I should say that my heart drags me and that year I felt Dan deserved to win but my heart was following Ian…the life challenged little underdog. Plus, I didn’t like what Dan did to Danielle much the same as I don’t like what Derrick is doing to Vic. It just irks me that I can’t support Derricks game 100% because of that (among other things). I know, I know, it’s a game, but I just can’t help wanting a good clean fair game!!! LOL. In the end, I believe that Derrick will cut Cody, but Cody will not cut Derrick.
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Sir Rock… I tend to agree with you about Vic being the worst player ever. My favorite scene with her…. All the boys were studying the memory wall before the second Morph comp and there she was, sitting in the kitchen reading the label on the bag of tortillas while the live audience cracked up. Classic Victoria…
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i have a big brother group if you would like to join group here is link
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I think it should be Derrick and Cody at the end (the two that actually played the game) and although I’ve been rooting for Derrick since he’s played this game hard and deserves it, I think it would be a really low blow to at the last minute dump Cody by the side of the road and instead set up Victoria to take home $50,000. What has she done to deserve it? NOTHING. And it’s not that I have anything against Vic – except her ridiculous comment in the DR that she worked hard to get where she is. lol. THAT was hysterical! Also drives me a little crazy how she adds “uh” on the end of words she drags out .. “NOOOOOOO-uh”. while playing cards she even put it on the end of “Codyyyyyyy-uh”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cody , despite the crap with Christine, has won some competitions and has helped Derrick get where he is. I think if Derrick dumped him at this point it would be such an ugly betrayal.
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afterthought … I had actually wondered if possibly Derrick would throw the comp to Vic JUST SO he didn’t have to dump Cody and could put it all on Victoria who would of course pick Derrick. But I guess I was wrong on that one.
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I scrolled through a buncha posts a bit too fast but it looked like
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------many on here agree with LM that Victoria should win. Are you pulling legs
LM? Ha Ha lotta commenters drinking your kool-aid. NO NO NO way should
Vic win anything. Except 3rd place
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Lisa Marie, I so agreed with everything in your blog…so I don’t need to repeat it and thanks for writing it. …and for all the work you’ve done.
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I really hope those guys don’t even consider taking Victoria to the end. I’m sure the Jury is pissed off enough that she’s still there. I’m really tired of seeing unworthy people in the end. It should only be the best. and it’s a shame Caleb is not there also. I will be so glad never to hear Victoria’s annoying voice anymore. And I hope she feels the blindside as much as Caleb and Frankie did. I can’t give props to a woman who has been nothing but Derrick’s Bitch all season, she disgusts me. I wouldn’t be surprised if she lied about her Virginity also. She sure wasn’t shy about climbing all over Derrick who was a married man. Isn’t that what Christine was criticized for, HMMMM, nobody seems to say anything about her behavior.
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I voted For Donny for the money, I hope he gets, I would be ok with Caleb also, since he was screwed out of the final 3
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Star… Hope you get your puter fixed soon!!
Susan G… I agree with all you said except the Vic win…I can’t go there yet, if ever.
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UNbelievable! Sitting here ready to watch the episode that aired on the 18th on Hulu and WHO do you supposed is featured on the picture for that episode? None other than Frankie who isn’t even in the house anymore! Shows Frankie loving up the dog! GIVE ME A BREAK!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------How much more of this guy are they gonna shove down our throats??? Seems like usually it’s a group picture on the little square that you click on for the episode, but others have been JUST Frankie. Yes, without a doubt this has been the Frankie Grande show. UGH. So i’m sure he made some sort of special deal prior to the show that he gets more air time than any of the others or something. It’s gotten ridiculous.
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I think it would be a hoot if Victoria wib but believe that Derrick is going to win. Hope Donny wins afp, would be so cool. Hope Frankie does not win.
I wonder if Derrick is going to throw thsle final comp to Cody so that Victoria does not upset with him and will vote. for him in the end. You know he does not want to get any blood in his hands, wants everyone else to do the dirty work.
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I fast forward through last night episode – so ready for it to be over. I hope Derrick wins because he is the only one that has played the game……
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Ok I am going to say this one more time…..derrick won this game b/c he is a trained undercover cop. If not for that it would have been a completely different game. He is good at his job especially in a closed off society such as the house. If he had not won I would think he was not such a good undercover cop. This is what he was sent to special training school for months and many longer to learn. I call unfair, should havebeen disqualified.
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If Derrick does throw the last comp to Cody, it could be huge mistake because Cody may choose Vic for the final two. I don’t think this possibility has entered Derrick’s mind.
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Derrick for the win and Donny for AFP, that’s the way it should be.
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Unless Cody realizes there is no way he can win sitting next to Derrick, I think Derrick would win but it would be hoot to see either of those guys think they have a better chance at the win (for Cody this true) with Victoria beside them and then have her win the whole shebang. I say this because most of the house has been playing for second place since the season began, the only person who seriously played for the win has been Derrick and he will win against Cody, probably against Victoria as well. But those juries, just like the juries in a court room, are hard to read at times. They can take surprising turns.
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Derrick’s strategy of “I tried to save you,” “it wasn’t me,” “I had to go with the house” followed by his getting in the last words of condolence as each person whose exit he orchestrated passed through the door got him to f3 with just a little help from his winning comps when he had to and throwing some when it was best for his game.
Now I’m sure Derrick would prefer to throw the final HOH to Cody, the very loyal half of the “hit men,” and have Cody take Victoria out like a true hit man while Derrick ecperiences pseudo heartbreak as his little sister gets whacked into the jury seats at the finale.
But! There is always that remote chance that the Wizard will give Cody a brain at the eleventh hour and he will make the biggest hit of the game and whack the “Don” and go f2 with Victoria and start planning what he will do with his $500K after taxes. However, Derrick is no gambler, and at this point in his strategy, he will most likely play at his best to win the final HOH and assure that he is f2 with Cody or Victoria and maybe then have a skittle draw to determine who stays and who goes to the jury.
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Manta Ray… I like the way you write!
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@junksies – Thanks, even though somehow I hit the c key instead of the x key in experiences. Too close for comfort for this typing class dropout.
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Best BB blog anywhere. TY Lisa Marie.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This final three reminds me a bit of Colby throwing away a mil
on Survivor by taking Tina with him. He should have won and I still
don’t understand why the jury voted the way they did on that one.
Russell should have won his first time out on Survivor too but at least
the jury had some reasons to dislike him.
If Cody ends up HOH and takes Derrick – Cody deserves to get 50K
2nd place. I don’t think he’s that stupid. Derrick will not take Cody.
Vic will not win
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Thank you Lisa for all the updates.. Donnie should win AFP.. Derrick should win BB. Victoria has not played like any of the others. she is not worth anything.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It’s been a boring season except Derrick and Donnie.
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I am great full to Lisa Marie and everyone who writes on this blog, I really appreciate everyone’s input. I hated this season it was meant for Derrick, sure Frankie was the little ballerina and princess he should of had a tutu to wear, he made me sick, but any kind of publicity BAD or good he threw it out there. IMHO the very first night I told my husband he’s gonna win. But I hope Victoria wins and I voted for her to win. I to voted for Donny for the 25,000. Derrick seems greedy to me. Cody was too laid back. Victoria flowed like a cool breeze, no Drama and we all love drama, that’s why we love BB. It was VERY BORING. IMHO gotta go, going house shopping, I can’t take living in the country another year I hate it. Does anyone want to buy a house? My house is listed on owners.com ok. BBL
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Derrick will not take Cody so if its Derrick vs Victoria the HGs may spitefully vote for Victoria. I would. BUT the HGs all love Derrick so maybe Derrick will win unanimously. They are truly mesmeized by him.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If Cody wins and takes Victoria I hope Cody wins it all– he’ll have proven again he can use his noggin when he needs to. Cody floated a lot at first but won some key comps. Derrick has played the best social strategic game but was only better than Pow-Pow and Victoria at Comps.
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I vote for Derrick to win and Nicole for AFP. If Derrick wins HOH and doesn’t take Cody my feelings will shift and I would vote for Vic.
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Swt… In what state is your house?
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Last nights show was a snoozer and an hour I’ll never get back. Was so looking forward to watch the first part of the HOH comp as was advertised for over a week. Oh well I should have know better, this is how the whole season has been.
As for my vote for the winner I pick Victoria.
As for FP I vote for Donny to win.
Derrick has played a good game but he has stabbed to many of the other HGs in the back. They are all way to bitter to vote for him when it comes down to the final two. Cody has just hung onto Derrick’s coattails the whole game and really the only big moves he had made were voting Frank and Caleb out. The rest of the time he had no balls to do anything else or Derrick for that matter.
For someone having been up on the block so many times and having no enemies in the house Victoria should win or at least be in the final two. Which I think is going to happen any ways. I’m sure Derrick and Cody will take her rather then each other for the only reason being is. They think they can beat her.
Who knows maybe this is how she planed to play the game all along. If so it was the best game played by a HG of all time.
I wanted to thank Lisa Marie for having this blog. Thank you Lisa Marie.
This was my first year commenting and sharing what I had to say. Thank you to all the rest of you for sharing your comments. What a great community to be apart of.
Thanks everyone!
Victori for Victoria!
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To those of you who believe Derrick being an undercover cop won him this game, (he hasn’t won yet and he’s no longer undercover FYI) that’s ridiculous. Sure it helped but he actually played the game folks, he worked to win and I hope he does. The others have life experience too and are so-called BB superfans and they didn’t play to win, most didn’t even really play and they know what’s supposed to be done to win. You lie or cheat or manipulate or be charming or all of that which is practically a requirement in order to win. They chose to follow or sit back and watch, that’s also a strategy. Of course there are exceptions for the couple years where Jordan won and Ian even though I liked them. You use what you have in order to win but you have to play the dang game. Frankie was gross and tried to use his sister to win which he probably uses her a lot to open doors for him. OK, rant over but geez get over the cop thing.
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Although this season was so predictable and boring, I like these final 3 so much more than last year’s final 3. They were disgusting, crude and obnoxious and did not want any of them getting a dime. So these 3 are at least good people. I think production was looking for a better group than the trash we had last year, but turns out the nice group is also boring.
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Thank you Starfish! My thoughts exactly!!
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I would like Vic to win.
I did not like the flashback ep at all. It all seemd so scripted.
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Thanks Lisa Marie for a wonderful year. You are always spot on and make a whole lotta sumthin outta a whole lotta nothin. Thank you my dear and let us know if Bill combines the blogs. That would be great.
The show was ok and I enjoyed the reruns but it was still the Frankie show and CBS was exploiting that because they own his sister’s contract. Someone gave the entire rundown two posts ago about how the trail leads back to CBS. This was a 90 day promotion for the Grandes. So disappointed in CBS ruining what was such agreat show from BB1 and the last couple years have been a bust.
I did enjoy the antics of some of the HGs and even though Donny was a superfan and I had such high hopes for him and liked him a lot, he quickly because a disappointment to me; he didn’t actually play the game. He is too nice for this game I guess. I think he’ll win AFP and good for him but it would be ok if someone else won except Jacosta or Christine. Ugh those two.
Star, great updates as always. Aggie, MamaMargie, Holly, Fran, Kerij, Ralph, Sir Rock, swt, macy, hpr, manta ray, erie angel, jeanne 4488, Jolee, Jeanne, JRenee, Shayne, KinDen, junksies, Craig Long & Bobo (respect to you soldiers), ginny, princess and anyone I may have missed, this has been fun with all your comments. Please forgive me if I missed you but know every comment is read by many of us. This is the best blog thanks to LM and so many of your comments.
I vote for Derrick to win and Cody second. Vic really shouldn’t be there. Good for her. 😆
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I agree with Starfish. Makes me wonder if a Frankie Grande reality show is in the works.
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Tuna, so happy you agree with me but please, no, bite your tongue lol – a Frankie Grande reality show! noooooooo 🙂 🙄 😆
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@ J Renee’, I love BB even though I did not find out about the show until (I think s4) Battle of the EXes I think. I have been addicted ever since. And even after BB15 I came back for 16. Should freaky skanky Frankie win AFP. I will absolutley know this was the Skanky Frankie show. I will still watch. I do know was a set up for skanky franky to get on TA which sucked he deserved NO SPECIAL TREATMENT. I think if you have a famous relative you should not be on a reality show. To me it ruins the meaning of reality.
And I do not believe in anyway shape or form he would have donated even a penny for charity. He comes from wealth donate that money. He said all of that and brought up his sister to get more time in the house and they ALL believed it. And stupid for doing so.
Had I been in the house I would have told him “I dont care who you are who your family is or what you say about the money you get NO SPECIAL treatment from me”
But should there be another All Stars (not that coach crap again) and he were on it. I would not waste my summer.
@ LM, THANK YOU for all you have done this summer & glad to see your computer is working. I know all to well about computer issues this summer. I had a computer I got in 2010 and it has went completely to hell so until my hubby buys me a new one for Christmas I am back to my HP which I love. And I bought it in 2008. I had stopped using it because of a virus. it is FINALLY working again. And I dont know where you are going for vacation. But enjoy yourself. You deserve it for all your hard work on the blog and in your non blog life too.
@ Everyone else, I have enjoyed reading your posts for the last several summers. But I have actually posted this year (a lot more then in the past) over the seasons since I found this blog I posted maybe 1 x a month. But all of you being so kind and all brought me out of my shell and thank you for bringing me out.
All of you enjoy the other shows you watch. This is the only reality show I watch.
I wonder if Frankie knows yet that Donnie gets to go on the Bold & the Beautiful yet. (or the other BB) Hopefully he gets no offer for anything. I would LOVE to see that reaction on Frankie to know he was hated and Donnie was loved.
And as for the Winner I would like to see Derrick win the $500k and Cody the $50k.
The main reason I dont want to see Victoria win anything is because in my opinion she did nothing on the show. She should get a Emmy for acting like she hated Derrick but other then that she has done nothing and won nothing to even get close to this point.
And Derrick has controlled just about everything and never been on the block. I also hope he gets the other $50K for being the last TA member to make it to the finale.
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My vote for America’s Favorite Blogger goes to Lisa Marie. Just top-notch.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lisa you pull rabbits out of hats and make it fun and interesting. Kudos
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thx LM
BB last night was terrible except for izzy
BBAD was even worse – cody and derrick reassuring each other that they will be together in the end and that they had it planned since day 2 – on and on and on – blea
derrick should win – fp for me was hayden – such a sweet kid
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Derrick will win the game with 550,000.00 (50,000 for being Team America) and Cody will win 50,000.00. I voted for Donny every day and will vote for Donny until Monday for America’s Favorite Player and win 25,000.00
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Starfish you beat me to it on the Derrick thing. I completely agree that being a cop didn’t make him necessarily an expert for BB. He played hard and spent a lot of time thinking it all through while the others just basically screwed around and let the chips fall wherever. Oh wait .. Frankie devoted a lot of time keeping track of whether or not the cameras were on him and if not, finding one to get in front of. And loved the speech about how HE will decide who wins the game. LOL. FOR REAL Frankie??? lmao. (idiot ..)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mary Price agree with your comments too! And I think Derrick should win. but also think Cody deserves 2nd place and am going to hate it when Derrick chooses Victoria instead. that would just be so unfair to Cody. But then the decision will be Cody’s. I would also hate it if Cody chose Victoria and it was Derrick left out ! THAT would suck!
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Thanks Lisa! Izzy was the best part of the show last night! Derrick should win, I hope He did a great job! Victoria is one of the worst players this season & they should not take her to the end!! 🙄 The AFP could go to Nicole or Donny IMHO! & Starfish you are always on target with your comments ♥ . Thanks all see you soon……….
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J Renee’, I agree Skankie Frankie ! no more PLEEZE
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Derrick, Derrick, Derrick, Derrick and Derrick!!! I can’t say it enough. He played this game so well. He was amazing.
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Granted, Derrick’s police experience as a former under cover cop and most recently as a detective did not assure him a $500K pay day for his Big Brother House appearance just as Frankie Grande revealing he was a media mogul and the brother of mega pop star Ariana Grande failed to assure him the big pay day, despite major production assistance from every camera angle ad nauseam. In fact, in Frankie’s case the “celebrity” reveal actually backfired on him, production and CBS as no amount of DR intervention could save the Queen from the chopping block as he was finally sent packing to control the outcome of the game, his words, from the jury house.
In Derrick’s case, however, not only is he an honor student and fan of Big Brother, but he is also a well trained and experienced cop/detective who does his best work in an isolated environment with all of the usual suspects he wants to break hoping to get the result he wants. Not a bad strategy for one who can pull it off, and apparently he has succeeded so far. The hot seat in never where a good detective sits, never! Derrick got that right , too.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As I see it, IMO of course, in this edition on Big Brother Derrick was like a skilled duck hunter sitting back in his blind picking off the ducks one by one since he was the one with the shotgun, not them. An advantage? I think so. But no guarantee for a bag limit at the end of the day if for any reason the ducks don’t cooperate.
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Mary Price, it will be very interesting to see Frankie’s face that Donny got a part on the Bold and the Beautiful. His response will be to poo poo that as no big deal I’ll bet. Glad you are posting.
Manta Ray, I agree wholeheartedly. Ducks gotta cooperate and you gotta be smart enough to stay out of the crosshairs. 🙂 No big moves or you scare the ducks away. 😆
Bobo, thank you my friend. Have a great time today.
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Well I’ll be out if the country Wednesday , so but that’s ok
I agree D played a great game but the problem is watching him as a person was rather boring so I didn’t
The others were not as skilled so it’s almost unfair from an intelligence point of view
So where do they go for next season ? Seems to me that the casting team is making the wrong choices
And I am not sure it is salvageable as a show
Last season was a total racist disaster !
I haven’t watch the last two show and I watched BBAD 2 times this year and fast forwarded
Sadly disappointed
@LM and everyone else thanks for this blog
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Question – If Vic is such a bad player, as many of you say, how come she is in the final three? Her role was that of a pawn, which she handled masterfully. How many weeks was she on the block without being evicted?, how many weeks as a have-not?
Derrick and Vic for final 2!
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Starfish, i so agree with all you said. Derrick is a cop but i also think pekple have an unreal image of what he is. They are not all seeing and all knowing. They study the people they will be joining and know what info they are trying to obtain. They are not mind readers or psychic. They are cops and cops are people.
Someone suggested them having another vets game. I dont like that becayse you know it will include Rachel and now Frankie. They need new players bt get them from the applucants and only ones who have watched at least 5 seasons and can pass some tests of some of the things that go on.
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Thank you everyone for all of the compliments and the kind words! This hasn’t always been the easiest season to write about but you guys certainly provided me with a lot of motivation to stick with it! 🙂
Some of you have asked about where I’m going on my vacation: To be honest, my boyfriend and I are still thinking about that. We’re thinking that we might just go on a nice, 2-week drive and see what we find. 🙂
I agree with HPR56 — it they do an All-Stars season for BB17, that’ll probably just mean that all of Grodner’s favorites will come back — Rachel, Frankie, Amanda, Frank Eudy, probably a Donato or two, Jesse the bodybuilder, and maybe Jeff and/or Jordan. I also have a fear that Frankie and Zach are going to turn up as a team on a future season of The Amazing Race. Bleh!
If they did do an all-star thing, I’d like to see them bring back one player from each previous season. Since there’s been 16 seasons, that would add up to 16 houseguests. But only one player per season, no players that are related, married, or dating, and preferably players who haven’t already been all-stars in the past. But, knowing Grodner, I have a feeling that she’d bring back Rachel, Elissa, and Brendan and put them in the house with a bunch of newbies.
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The best part of the show last night was when Nicole gave the BIG wedgee to the Zack boy, didn’t help Zack still acted the fool.
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LM, i like the way you think. I dont want to see any of those people again.
As far as your vacation, driving and stopping wherever you see an interest is one of the best times i ever had. Whatever you do, just have lots of fun.!!!
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As far as victoria feeling the pain of being blind sided..i find no pleasure in that. she’ll be hurt enough when she see’s what her so called ‘best friend’ laughed and added to frankie’s nasty comments and what the fact of her being or not being a virgin have to do with being gangbanged????????? she’s there in the game because derrick wants her there. if she were my daughter and i do have two grown daughter’s and the guys said that crap about one of them I wouldn’t care if she sat in a corner the whole game and drooled….victoria winning would only make the guys hurt which is exactly what they deserve. i like cody and derrick and they”re probably nice guys but not nice enough or they would have not gone along with frankie and his disgusting behavior and i am including christine also. no one walked off,no one even nicely said stop and didn’t laugh, in fact it was egged on by derrick. i want him to regret it and i feel so bad for vic’s mom. i wish vic knew NOW what they said about her so she could confront them. i don’t care that derrick won in most of our eyes….to me i didn’t really find the way he played anything but boring. he got other’s to do his dirty work and never had to courage to do it himself. he played with kids while he has much more experience in how to get ppl to believe him…so on…i think derrick and cody will go to the end and vic will be booted out and it will be boring as usual. if vic won…i’d get off my ass and dance…just cuz finally something right will have happened even if it’s karma.
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sorry for my typo’s…i actually feel a bit upset….not that anyone cares…i know.
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I don’t want Derrick to win, I would love to see Cody and the girl in the end. Derrick thinks he is so smart, I just don’t like him as a person. I have enjoyed reading all, very nice people.
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Derrick, Cody, Victoria and other house guests have repeatedly acknowledged that some viewers will like them and others will hate them. Their assessment would seen to apply to the posters on this blog, as well. We all have different tastes, different expectations and different personality preferences and so on and so forth.
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tendr, I feel your pain. I agree with you about Victoria. I just hope her family will be able to do something after the show ends. I am sure CBS has put in place an iron clad contract so that can’t happen. We will see.
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tendr, I care that your upset with the rest of us. Very disappointed with this season of BB. Someone said they should have one guest from each season for season 17. I have a great idea, take the first person eliminated from each season or Americans favorite from each season. That would be very interesting. I have truly enjoyed getting to know all of you this season. I will be looking forward to blogging through survivor and amazing race. God bless you. {{{HUGS}}}
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Derrick may have left his cop identity back in Rhode Island, but from the very beginning he was “on duty” 24/7 and, though not a smoker, he even brought cigarettes with him to use as a bargaining tool with the smokers. Surprise, no smokers in BB16. Smart detective move, though. Sure, Derrick was not very entertaining, but as one who grew up watching Joe Friday on Dragnet, Derrick did, on occasion, add more spunk to his Johnny One Note performance than Joe Friday ever did. And perhaps in the overall scheme of things, someone was needed in the house to offset Frankie’s over the top non-stop selfie.
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Tender..you have a right to your opinion. Don’t be upset.
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……….. Up to date!
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@tendr I am with you 100%!!! I would love to see Derrick not be in the final two, only because of his complacency during that night – I expect better from an adult, and a police officer. There is no excuse for not only his duplicity, but his participation in such an ugly, mean-spirited, and potentially dangerous “skit”. I can’t respect that, no way! Victoria is going to be crushed – that wasn’t game, just like racially motivated remarks aren’t game. It doesn’t matter if people agree with me or not because in my heart of hearts I know what was said was wrong. If someone said any of those things about any of my daughters I would go postal. That’s a fact.
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Thanks everybody for the best fed back and lisa Marie you did a great job and ENJOYED everything you have written, you told it like it rolled.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Derrick has played a great Game. Donny just love him.
again thank you
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My favorite part of the show was when Izzy made her appearance. I would have voted her to win BB – she made things interesting and we all know how boring and predicatable this show has become. At least we have Survivor to lift my spirits. Hopefully Donny or Nicole win Fan Favorite and Derrick takes home the grand prize. Keeping my fingers crossed until Wednesday!
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