Hi, everyone:
Well, what a strange time to be in the Big Brother House. After I posted my update yesterday, Audrey finally emerged from the Diary Room. She had a big brown paper bag with her. Some people on twitter have been speculating that maybe she was a season’s worth of diamond power of vetoes in that bag. That wouldn’t surprise me but I think it’s more likely that the bag is full of meds.
Anyway, Audrey didn’t see anything to anybody. She just went into the Have Not room and lay down. Interestingly enough, she turned out the lights in the Have Not room, which is totally against the rules. Nobody said anything to her and, if she’s truly sick or (as some have suggested) mentally unbalanced, I can understand that. But then again, if she is that sick, why allow her back into the house? Why not take her out for her own health and well-being, like they do on Survivor?
Anyway, they went ahead and held the veto meeting. Jason came off the block. Audrey went up on the block. Audrey was not there to see herself be renominated. And again, if Audrey is too sick or unstable to even go to the meeting then why was she allowed to reenter the house?
Audrey will definitely be going home on Thursday so expect the rest of this week to be pretty boring. Still, I’ll be interested to see how CBS handles this during Wednesday’s show. Will they even acknowledge that Audrey spent five hours in the diary room? When Audrey is evicted on Thursday, will Julie even ask her about it?
One last thing: this whole Audrey situation not only told us a lot about Audrey, it also told us a lot about Austin. While everyone else in the house was wondering what was going on with Audrey, Austin was acting like a petulant little child because Julia couldn’t go into the diary room and switch with Liz. Austin was so angry that somebody was getting between him and his twin. Whatever, Austin.
That’s it for now!
Lisa Marie
Thanks Lisa. It will be interesting to see this played out. Good report!
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Thank you for lrtting us who cant watch after hrs know.audrey is sick, in the head you can see it in the way acts.very strange person.bet hugh lier in real life.
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Hopefully Austin is next!!!!
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Oh thank you Lisa, as always. I really wanted to see Audrey put on a good game but it just never happened. It will be nice to see her go.
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can not imagine what they were doing in the DR. for 5 plus hrs. yesterday and she is still in the house…I will go on record that sometime between now and Thursday eviction show that Audrey will ask CBS if she can just go home…and that will be then end of her…so then we can say thank you for participating in this yrs show…it will make the eviction process easy…let’s go right to the HOH comps for Thursday…
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I had such high hopes for Austin.
And I’m a little surprised at how the house is taking the whole twin thing. I thought they would vote Liz/Julia out the moment they found out. Curious.
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Reading up on Audrey! All I can say is it’s very sad. Thursday can’t come soon enough for me! I hope she will get some help. Bye for now! Back to work! 🙂
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Greetings all…my first reading for bb17…just too tired to even get out the laptop. anyway I have not been able to get interested this year. I knew Jace wouldn’t last..he was trying too hard to be this year’s Frankie. Austin scares me especially after he caught Liz under the covers with Jeff…I saw it on after dark I think, even tho I only watch a few minutes at night…he has a screw loose somewhere and with his size he will be hard to contain..hope they have stun guns there. hope to keep up better…hope to see all from last yr…is Craig Long back?? howdy, if so. take care everyone. My favs so far are Steve altho he is a little odd also…can’t figure out Vanessa…Jackie is getting likeable finally…think Meg is adoreable…very pretty. and I like Jason and James a little…can’t tell all the blonde girls apart yet….well,have a good evening one and all…North Carolina is doing fine.
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Hi Pat, I was also wondering about Craig Long. Haven’t seen him on this season.
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Wish Liz would talk Austin into shaving his whole face. My husband has long hair that’s dark and curly (Italian) so wears it back in summer and top half is back in winter but I tell him to shave or stay away…I saw in y.t. John and Becky sneaking off to talk and they really seem to be friends, also playing some board game using candy and making each other laugh… but Jason made some comment to Becky that made her say she’d avoid John then..and she wasn’t happy. I think he was telling her it’d hurt her to hang with John because it’d make others think they’re a couple. She looked sad and kept saying he’s just a friend she trusts and likes being around him…..SHUT UP JASON!<—–from me.
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I am thinking Becky and John may be the two most stable people in the house, and
they both have a good sense of humor and are personable with all the HGs. But that,
also, makes them huge targets. No one wants to go to the end with either of them. I
say let them spend as much time as they want together. I don’t think it will make
much of a difference in the long run.
I think it rather unusual that there is so much pairing off in this season. Becky and
John, Shelli and Clay, Austin (??) and a twin, Meg and Jason/James, Jackie and
Jeff, and Vanessa and Steve. And the age difference doesn’t seem to matter for the
game in the house.
I agree, “mortgage dr.”, that Audrey won’t make it until Thurs. But I don’t think
even she knows what she will do next. I will feel better once she is out of the house….
for her own mental health and the safety of the rest of the house. But someone needs
to keep close reins on Austin. He’s a loose cannon sometimes and too strong for every-
one’s peac of mind.
Thanks, Lisa, for the follow ups.
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To possibly get a better read on Audrey, real or otherwise, check out her preseason video with Reality Star Jeff at Jokers Updates. My take is that a what a player hates most is to be played and Audrey has become the poster “girl” for what goes around comes around.
A much hyped first transgender or transsexual Big Brother Houseguest – whichever term most applies to Audrey this week in the media – is really no news at all with Caitlyn Jenner taking center stage well before the Premiere of BB17.
As a professional poker player, Vanessa probably spotted Audrey’s tells early on and apparently so did most everyone else after the first week.
Audrey’s “show time” is finally drawing its final curtain, and fortunately, it’s coming down sooner than later.
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Thx LM
Austin is a ……..
im going to try to be nice and not put a dollar in my kids cuss jar
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Thursday will be interesting, but if she goes before Friday, production will have to hustle to make prime time seem exciting, or will they show fish as a do on lives feeds. Now this will be interesting. I guess popular vote would for Austin next.
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They will prob say Audrey was taken to the ER with a migraine. The 5 hours for treatment and lights out, too sick to even sit during the nomination ceremony all fit from personal experience. It could be any number of things but that’s probably going to be the story since only Audrey can reveal any personal medical issues.
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Thanks to everyone for sharing your thoughts on this blog. We want to keep it going. I look forward to blogging more than watching the show. God bless you and I will be going to bed. See you all tomorrow. {{{HUGS}}}
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It’s all so confusing! We wanted some excitement in the BB house, but not this kind of drama. The only thing that they are accomplishing keeping Audrey in the house is bored HG’s and lot’s of fish on live feeds! 🙂 Let’s get this party started!! 🙂 Later!
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The only thing wrong with Audrey is being a self-entitled poor loser who probably thinks because she is the first transgender on BB she should receive some sort of special treatment. In fact, I’m sure she is milking production for all its worth and will continue to do so until she leaves Thursday or sooner.
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Agreed My2Cents. Looking forward to seeing Jason pout and hear him talk. He is about the cutest gay kid BB has had. Just hope he keeps laying low. I guess I’m pulling officially for him, john or Steve.
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has anyone else watched while Steve talked to Julia? what a weird conversation! he repeated the same stuff over and over and over and OVER! giving her advice but then withdrawing himself from that role should it happen to not play out well so it didn’t come back to it him in the butt. then kept repeating something to her about not worrying about he things you can’t control – just focus on the things you can. (as though he personally coined he phrase) Must have said to her 5X though. Then when it was all done he went off by himself and talked to himself for awhile. very very strange behavior that made me think is he possibly right up there with Audrey in the mentally unstable category.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile Audrey was seen creeping and lurking about and being weirder and weirder.
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