Hi everyone!
Well, this is going to be a short post because I have no idea what’s going on in the Big Brother House right now. The feeds are down and they’re probably going to be down for the rest of today. BBAD is scheduled to start at midnight tonight but that doesn’t necessarily mean anything. As we all know, Big Brother is totally willing to show us the fish during the BBAD, depending on how long the comps go.
(It’s funny that, despite the fact that the comps have been dumbed down to accomodate this season’s less-than-brilliant houseguests, it’s still taking them longer than ever to complete the veto comps.)
Since this season is coming to a close, this is an accelerated week. The nominations are being announced today and then the HGs are going to play for the veto and I assume that the feeds will not come back until someone has got that veto medallion around her or his neck. Someone will be evicted on Tuesday and then someone will be evicted on Wednesday and then we’ll have our final three.
So, here’s what I can tell you.
Julia was voted out last night. No shock. She and Julie had a really boring interview and, as I watched them talk, it occurred to me that Julia always looks like she’s trying to blow up someone’s head with the power of her stare.
After that, it was time for the HoH comp and it was one of those things where they were all trapped in a cage and had to move a certain number of eggs from one location to another. When the show ended, it looked like Austin was in the lead but no! Vanessa ended up winning HoH.
Liz won a luxury prize. She gets to take a trip outside the house. When last I heard, she was saying that if she got to take another HG with her, she would probably take Vanessa. I don’t blame her — this trip will be her first chance to get a break from Austin in three months.
Originally, it sounded like Vanessa might end up going back on her word and nominate Austin and Liz for eviction. However, as of today, it sounds like she was planning on nominating John and Steve and targeting Steve.
(Apparently, Vanessa has gotten it into her head that John’s family was sending him a secret message when they did the whole air guitar thing during the live show. Paranoid much?)
Of course, it’s totally possible that Vanessa is only nominating John and Steve so that she can backdoor someone else. Or she may actually be targeting Steve but she might end up changing her mind before the actual ceremony. Vanessa is unpredictable like that.
So, in other words, we won’t know what’s going on until the feeds finally come back.
Lisa Marie
I am so glad I stop watching this train wreck. I can get a great laugh at you writing about them BB17 people. We wait until next time and thank you so much . The blog is so awesome.
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As much as I don’t want Vanessa to win I think she has played the game brilliantly. Don’t think she would have gotten away with her strategy if the people were smarter!
I found it endearing how the twins truly love each and anyone having a close sister relationship would understand.
Steve is a sneak and the way he cried seeing his Mother was nauseating!
So sick of Johnny Macs silly voice. It’s not real! He has slipped up a few times..ugh
I like Austin!
Thanks Lisa
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Thx LM thanks for reminding me its an excellerated wk – i have been waiting for the feeds to come back – will wait for the veto sign – ha! i enjoyed looking at the hg after they have been put up on the block (reactions) guess we wont see that today. well at least we wont have to watch the fish all day on saturday.
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I have a feeling that Vanessa is going to nominate John and Steve with Steve being gone on Tuesday then John being gone on Wednesday and Liz, Austin, and Vanessa becoming the final three.
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It’s just too predictable.
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Thank you Lisa. I am hoping that Vanessa will nominate either Austin or Liz, and then either Johnny Mac or Steve. Then, hopefully, Johnny or Steve will win the Veto and Vanessa can backdoor either Austin or Liz! Is that confusing?? 🙂 I am very pleased that they are having the show on Tuesday and Wednesday, so we won’t have to wish our lives away from Sunday to Thursday! Big Brother is addictive and I will be glad when it is over so I can get back to normal! 🙂 I will, however miss this blog very much! Be back …
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later! 😎
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My head hurts.
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I wish she’d put up Liz and Austin. Liz gets voted off. Then everyone left with NO female
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------distraction..goes after Van.
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The only way Vanessa won’t win this year is if she takes in poker terms a REALLY BAD BEAT and someone sucks out on the RIVER. If you know poker you know the feeling. Predicted she and Steve would make the final 2 after week 2 of BB and still feel it will be the case.
While Austin seems to be really hated by most on this blog I actually think he is a pretty good guy. Not once have I heard him talk in condescending fashion to anyone face to face in the house. Behind their backs, yes. face to face don’t think so. I’m sure it may have happened but I have no recollection. Also, not once have I seen him go ballistic or even raise his voice to unreasonable decibel level. The guy is actually very cool headed. He has also bitten his tongue on several occasions when many would have done differently.
Yes, some of his decisions were obfuscated by his love of Liz and at times he got annoying with his Judas thing, but overall I really think he is very likable and someone that would always have your back if true friend. So haters, go ahead and hate but if you think about it the guy is really not a bad guy.
Conversely, STEVE is weird. The twins do feel entitled and God only knows why and their voices are very irritating. Vanessa while very smart is not likable and way too high strung and probably the reason for the perpetual bumps on her face. John, while likable is nothing but a goofball and paradoxically a dentist if you take a close look at his teeth.
And finally after watching the jury members last night I have concluded Jackie was the hottest girl in house while close race with Shelli and Becky. Twins just don’t do it for me. Few will agree with me on this but for I find the girl incredibly sexy. Of course on the guys side Steve is the winner for hot guy………….just kidding I know Clay is no brainer and run-away winner for season 17.
One last thing that freaking Jessie guy will somebody just shoot him and big brother be done with that meat-head.
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The last I heard at about 5:00 BB time this morning her target is Johnnie and if he wins the veto (fingers crossed….anything to upset Van’s applecart) Liz will go up as a pawn and Steve will leave. I wish JM had been just one minute faster and won that HOH! He almost did!
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@Herbie….yes Austin did. He used to talk very bad to Steve and make fun of him to his face! Steve cried about it several times that I saw. It only stopped when Vanessa brought Steve into one of their many alliances…can’t remember which alliance. lol
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@Herbie…he also got in Liz’s face when she was laying in bed with Jeff.
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You guys obviously have great memories n better than me. About Steve he is just a little wuss and don’t remember Austin making him cry since he cried so much n more than any man in bb history. Maybe he did on bbad. If on broadcast I just don’t remember. Liz thing I do recall but he certainly didn’t go overboard or ballistic. Nonetheless, still think he is good and decent man.
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Amazing how Vanessa can redefine her yesterdays three person alliance with Steve and JMac as todays time to breakup the Steve and JMac “showmance” (her words) now that she is HOH. Or simply stated, it’s called loyalty, Vanessa style, seasoned to her perverted taste.
Little does she know that she must win every competition from now until the closing bell to have any hope of achieving her “world’s best game strategist” ambitions.
Frankly, before long I suspect that all of the remaining house guests and jury members might want to consider silent singing (BB rules) a modified version of the closing lines to “Paradise By The Dashboard Light.”
I couldn’t take it any longer
Lord she was crazed
And when the feeling came upon her
Like a tidal wave
Swearing on her fuc*ing Bible
And on her love for Mel so true
That I could positively trust her down to final two
She swore right down to final two
So now I’m praying for finale night
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------To hurry up and arrive
‘Cause if I gotta spend another minute with her
I don’t think that I can really survive
I’ll never quit competing and I’ll get through this somehow
But God only knows what I need to do right now
I’m praying for finale night
It’s all I can do (ooh, ooh)
I’m praying for finale night
So I can end my time with her
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C’est Moi, my thoughts exactly, except not nearly so elegant! My husband was the poet laureate in our home! 🙂 Well said! 🙂 Catch y’all …..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Later!! 😎
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Up from my nap and caught up on the blogs. I have really enjoyed blogging with everyone this season. I will not apology for going O/T, because without it I would be gone from this blog. This has been the most disappointing summer ever. Nothing happening in the house is entertaining. Which by the way is the reason we watch it. I have come to feel really close to some of you. (You know who you are )
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Glad were almost done with BB for sure. I truly hope Vanessa is smart enough to put up Liz and Austin. {{{HUGS}}}
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no comment
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@ Herbie..I agree..I like Austin and think he is a good and decent man. @ C’est..very witty take on Meatloaf’s song. I also liked the more Human Side of the twins..showing their love for each other. Every year, I read this blog and hear the same complaints: This is the most boring year, the worst year, etc, etc. And yes, many very very nice people are on here..and I myself am 52…but really…alot of this years blog was spent on health issues..like last year was spent on various jam recipes. It does get tiring. A little goes a long way…nice to share troubles and sympathy to a point. And..how truthfully can EVERY year be the worst or the most boring..or have the worst houseguests? This year was Ok by me. The show, anyway
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i don’t what to say, but, it is what it is ~ wait and see ~ i’ll be glad when this BB17 is over and done with ~ bad cast of people, not good games ~ scared to get blood on their hands ~ scary people with no gumption ~ say la ve oh well,
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------when is the next show on tv Sunday?
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@ tendr did you get my email note to you?
@ sherry i tried to email you, but it bounced back to me everytime, email me please @ swt1@bellsouth.net
thanks yall
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Cheryl and Scott: I have been new this year, unlike the two of you. I have probably been
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the one who mistakenly wrote about my concern for several on this blog and got it started.I did not know you could only write about your view of the game. I cannot apologize for this, however, because by doing so I got to know several on this blog much better than I would have otherwise. I have grown to genuinely care for these people, because we went beyond just game talk and shared a piece of ourselves. While I have enjoyed reading everyone’s opinions, even those who were in direct contrast to mine, I now understand not everyone is of the same opinion. And you have the right to that opinion.
I have truly enjoyed so many moments of humor on this blog. There are some very
intelligent people who contribute to this blog. They make wonderful contributions
each and every day.
But Scott, I think you got a little carried away with your remarks. How old are you?
12? It’s okay if you aren’t older than 60, as you will have many years ahead of you to
learn compassion and feelings for others feelings. You see, the older we’ve gotten, the
more important even the newest of relationships have become. We’ve already paved
the roads you will one day travel with our own heartaches, blood, and disappointments.
We obtained wisdom along the way that helps us be more tolerant of others.
But then this is OT, and I will try to not do so any more this year, because I am more
tolerant of your feelings and opinions than you are to many on this blog. Besides, I have
their e-mail addresses now and will continue to use those.
Great write up, Lisa, as usual!!
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Daggum, if we can’t somment about issues, does that mean I can complain about my burst waterline on Friday evening after 5:30?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OK back to BB. Please please please let that squirrely Vamessa keep Liztin!!! I have been pulling for them since they started their showmance. Usually not a fan of showmances but I don’t think they have been to ecky up to this point. Love Austin, don’t love Judas.
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Should always proofread before post.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*can’t comment about health issues,
*can’t comment about burst waterline.
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Lisa Thank You for the blog again this year I know your busy with many projects and trying to have a life so the time you devote to this is very nice of you. The blog helps us who also have full time jobs and with me a part time job after my full time one. I watched every one who remembers that the theme song had words… ? I hope one day you start reviewing the movies you see, but again you are a busy young lady.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Enjoy this fall and I hope your back again for the next BB
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Thank you Lisa for mentioning Vanessa’s paranoia about a hidden message in the air guitar playing of JMac’s family. I forgot to mention that tidbit in my post about “cheating” in hidden messages in HOH letters.
@Ginny – Surely there was emotion from Steve over his mom but he only appeared to cry… I studied intently the close up and there was not a tear present.
@Herbie – I believe that Steve forgave Austin because he his a kind young man, plus it would help his game play. Some may view that as a weakness, others a strength.
@sherry – Very powerful and kind words and I applaud you for speaking from the heart. Don’t ANYBODY apologize for going OT once in awhile because it adds depth and warmth to the experience of this blog.
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I am probably the oldest person on this blog. So I say too each his own. If you want to just talk BB, great, go for it. If I want to go O/T, I will. To be considerate of those that don’t, I will always preface it with going O/T , you can then just pass me by.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOW!! I want Liz and Austin gone.
(I am 82 yrs young)
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@Jeanne…and I must say your picture looks fabulous!!!
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I’ve been trying to figure out Austin since the first day he entered the BB house. He’s fairly well educated but seems to have somehow willingly transformed himself into an ill-mannered barbarian either before or possibly after submitting his masters thesis for his advanced degree in medieval history. Too absorbed in his subject matter, maybe, or just hoping to be selected as a model for an Encino Man, tattoo lovers, coloring book.
His Judas persona belongs somewhere in the outtakes from “Life of Brian” never to be seen in the first place and my dream movie this season would feature Liz looking on as Austin foolishly battles Jessie in the Colosseum hoping to regain Liz’s undivided attention only to hear her say “You’ve got a lot of work to do” again.
That said, scrub him down, dye him all one color (any color), have him lose the above the neck, hair everywhere look, remind him that elbows on the table are the least of his table manners issues and kindly tell him that even Don Juan let his conquests came up for air occasionally and, after all that is said and done, he just might be a real nice guy, after all.
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@C’est Moi….Amen!
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Hello bloggers! Not many bloggers on here today. I guess the Big Brother house has been shut down a lot today. No news about nominations yet? I lose track about when these things happen. I am so eager to find out who Vanessa nominates because whichever way she goes can make such a hugh impact on the game.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Sherry, I really appreciate your comments. I tried to find your email address, but couldn’t find it. Anyone who wants to keep on touch with me either by e-mail or Facebook, can contact me at joleemae@aol.com and I will give you my Facebook information.
I have enjoyed every minute of being a part of this blog whether “On topic” or “Off topic.” I will, however try to keep my O/T at a minimum. Well it’s past my bedtime and since my sissy divulged our age, let me say I am the younger twin by 12 minutes! 🙂
Later!! 😎
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According to the latest CBS press release, a former Big Brother HG reentered the house today and took Liz and a guest on the luxury reward. So, as opposed to what was originally assumed, I’m going to guess that they just did nominations today and the veto comp won’t be until tomorrow.
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And since it’s been brought up — I personally don’t mind the off-topic conversations, though obviously the focus of this site is Big Brother and I can see both sides of the issue.
But, especially when it comes to issues of health, I think it’s a good thing if you have other people who have been through the same thing and who can give you advice or encouragement or help you feel better about things. That’s just my personal opinion, take it or leave it. 🙂
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Jolee: Mine is sherryhe23@sbcglobal.net and will probably change at some point to
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------end in @att.net.
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Thanks, Lisa Marie.
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How kind of you Lisa…Thank you!
A little over an hour before the feeds come back and in the meantime BBAD is showing CBS reruns…Wed episode just finished and Thursday’s just started.
C’est – I love rock and roll but don’t recognize that title. Is it really a Meatloaf song?
Here is the BB17 schedule for the rest of the season:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9/11 – Friday Feeds down for 14 hours (9:45am BBT-11:30pm PST)
9/13 – Sunday BB episode
9/14 – Monday feeds off for taping of eviction
9/15 – Tuesday 8pm EST Eviction Episode
9/15 – feeds return (time unknown)
9/16 – Wednesday 8pm EST Live F4 Eviction
9/17 – (no episode due to NFL football season)
9/20 – Sunday 8pm EST BB Episode
9/23 – Wednesday 9:30pm EST – Live Season Finale!!
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Lisa, thank you. I too can see both sides, but it has been a breath of fresh air on this blog this season. We are not just a bunch of bloggers, we have become friends that we will keep in contact with after Big Brother is over! Thank you and BBBlogger for making this possible.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------@Sherry, I received your e-mail. Thank you.
@Junksies, thank you for the schedule. I appreciate it.
Since there is not much going on in the BB house, I think I will read for awhile and turn on Ray Price! Goodnight everyone. Have a great weekend! 🙂
Later!! 😎
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Love Meatloaf!
C’est moi @ 29, I too have been trying to figure out Austin since the beginning. Several nights ago on BBAD he was doing a DR soliloquy expounding about trees representing nature and nature doesn’t li, that he had trust issues then suddenly went to a commercial showing “fuck me” pumps, dancing on fire.
Dont know what the commercial was about but every time I see it makes me wish I could still wear shoes like that 😉
Anyway, for all Julia’s gushing over Austin last night with Julie, I can not see him staying with Liz for longer than a year.
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@Lisa – A big clue…a former HG reentered the house…humm so I put my detective hat on to investigate and my guess is that Frankie Grande took Liz and guest to see his sister Ariana who was in concert tonight in Los Angeles. Anybody want to wager a bet that I might be right??
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Love Meatloaf!
C’est moi @ 29, I too have been trying to figure out Austin since the beginning. Several nights ago on BBAD he was doing a DR soliloquy expounding about trees representing nature and nature doesn’t li, that he had trust issues then suddenly went to a commercial showing f*** me” pumps, dancing on fire.
Dont know what the commercial was about but every time I see it makes me wish I could still wear shoes like that 😉
Anyway, for all Julia’s gushing over Austin last night with Julie, I can not see him staying with Liz for longer than a year.
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*********************************SPOILER ALERT******************************
This just in……… Van nominated Steve and JM!!!
Is anyone really surprised???
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Juksies: Thank you for the schedule. Wrote it down.
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Junksies: No way would I bet against you. I think he is the perfect one to entertain the
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------two that leave the house! They will have so much in common!
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Star: Not in the least. I hope (unless she has a plan up her sleeve to BD Austin) that
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Van is voted out before ever reaching the final 3. The final three will probably be
Steve, Liz, and Van or Liztin and Van. If the latter is true, and maybe even if the
former is true, I believe finale night will have one of the lowest viewed shows in BB
history. But then I’ve been wrong before.
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So many of you have summed up your feelings about this blog today and our relationship as bloggers and have done it very well. I know we aren’t your typical BB blog, and we are happy about that!!! We are friends with opinions, a shared history and a love for the game!!! And if all you want is straight up NEWS,maybe this isn’t the place for you. No need to hate. Just move on!
@Lisa….so good to know your feelings on the whole O/T thing. Since all of us seem to feel the same way, I guess there’s no more reason to keep talking about it. We just say what comes naturally and if you don’t want to read it you don’t have to! We all seem to roll with things the way they are. But it is good to know your thoughts on this as if you were against it, we would respect your wishes.
@sherry and Jolee….loved your blogs on the subject and am glad we have all gotten to be good friends!!
@Junksies….thanks for the schedule. This time of year I always wonder WHY we have LFS . They might as well shut them off the rest of the season. They do most days anyway and the rest are watching 3 people eat and brush their teeth!!! 😉
I was surprised the Noms came in. Everytime I checked, nothing was going on anywhere. Maybe they had the ceremony this morning and then kept it until after Liz and guest got back??? I think you may be right about the former HG. Makes sense. I actually don’t mind Frankie. Always found him very entertaining. I really don’t care for his sister at all tho. She seems like a spoiled skank!
Not really anything else to talk about with no BBAD. I can feel myself starting to go thru withdrawal from it !!! Addiction is HELL!!!! lol
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Thanks Star for the info on noms!! I love your spoilers!! I wonder if she’s really going after them though….she’s just too sneaky in my book!! LOL!!
Missed not having BBAD on tonight…I sure hope it’s not reruns tomorrow night!!
Sending well wishes and prayers for all who are ailing….AND those who are doing well!! That covers everybody!! (Smilie Face)!
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Star: I feel the same way about everything in your last post.
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Annie, you’re a sweetheart. Agree with the sneaky!
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You fellow bloggers sleep well, as I so hope I will, too.
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OMG!!! I was right!!!!!! They went to see Ariana at the Staples Center!!! I’m reading about it on Jokers right now…2:35 a.m. Austin asked Liz…”Did Ariana say anything about me?” Star…I need more if you are on the feeds….
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Sorry…Austin asked if Frankie say anything about him…not Ariana.
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@Star – Thanks for the nom report. I’m gonna get my MM’s out and work on all the scenarios!! Not!! And yes…everything is winding down…the house, the blog and it’s sad and a little depressing. Last year I went through withdrawl and expect the same this year, in fact it will probably be worse because I feel closer to everybody. Heck, it may even drive me to FB!! LOL!! One thing I will be glad about is my sleeping schedule…ever a night owl but hittin’ the hay at 7am is ridiculous and has to stop!! Are you on the feeds? Liz took Vanessa which we already knew…but they had to wear disguises!!! Liz was complaining about her wig and that she didn’t get enough booze…
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This blog is the best . I have watched the past four seasons so am considered new and yes the Amanda season was horrid but I did actually stop watching so those thinking its a great season – everyone has an opinion . I’m not in my 60’s but we can learn so much from our seniors . I think the world of you guys/gals and will look for you all on Lisa’s Survivor blog! as Jolee says: Later ? that’s great!!!!
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Fun stuff to report while you all were snoozing away…
After the concert Austin was helping Liz remove a temporary tattoo on her arm and she said she wanted to get a tattoo on her ribcage and Austin said she is NOT because her skin is perfect and then Steve chimes in saying that Austin has no right to tell her what she can and cannot do and Austin says yes he can. (run Liz run!)
While Liz was gone Austin slept a lot and said he had a nightmare that Liz liked another guy got in his car and drove away. (sounds more like a premonition than a nightmare)
The HOH room was on lock down because they (don’t know who) broke a table while the girls were gone.
2:42 AM
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Austin: “I wonder how many Liztin tributes are on youtube.” He explains what youtube tributes are. Austin: “They always do that for favorites.” (he is soooo full of himself)
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@ Junksies…I do have LFS but haven’t had them on. I was on FB and was just going to go to bed when I saw your posts. Your info is 1st I’ve had. And it will have to wait because I have been burning the midnite oil too…until the sun comes up!!!lol We are going to a wine festival and craft show tomorrow so I need to get my butt up! Still fighting this whatever too so really need some sleep. Thanks for the news!!!! It’s exciting but I will have to play catch up tomorrow!!
Nite all!!!!♥
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G’Nite Star…I’m shutting down soon too. Enjoy your day tomorrow…sounds like fun. Have some wine then you won’t know your sick!!
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@swt, i got your mail from a couple days ago. i wrote back. and you replied. i’ve been so busy making bracelets and trying to finish a cotton afgan fr myself that i’m rarely on here. but i peek in. it’s six a.m. sat. and i need to go to bed. will read all i’ve missed after i’ve had a few hours of sleep. nite all
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There’s my girl tendr…hello goodbye till we meet again….
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The modified to suit the occasion lyric was from:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------“Paradise By The Dashboard Light”
Released in 1977 on Meatloaf’s
“Bat Out of Hell: album
Music and Lyrics by: Jim Steinman
Male singer: Meatloaf
Female singer: Ellen Foley
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Finally, with this season and the houseguests, I am over my addiction to Big Brother U.S. A fan and avid viewer through the past 16 seasons I have found that each time I look forward to the summer fling of Big Brother to find only disappointment in the houseguests, game (of lack). It seems that the only addiction I have is this blog, many thanks bloggers and especially Lisa Marie for the only good part of the BB summer. Most likely will watch the final show to see the other houseguests that were voted out. The last 5 are weird and frankly not worth the electricity to turn on the TV and CBS.
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So according to a friend of mine who used to ADORE jmac! He and steve are on the block and now jmac is willing to throw the veto company so he can go final three with Liz and Austin!!! Like why not win it himself?! I don’t get these people!!!
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@ Lisa Marie~~ hugs~~ thank you so much for writing that we can discuss HEALTH issues for stuff. We all understand. You have provided a place where we all as members of this blog have a great respect and caring, for one another. we are comfortable speaking to and makeing friendships to people, I am so greatful and proud of our BB Blog it/we matter too. thanks again
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Astra. This is first and only blog I have ever contributed to. I am not sure if there is blog protocol but while not a fan of non bb post and comments I do feel there are many on this blog that have cultivated genuine care for one another and I accept their health heavy post. I would think for some this blog is outlet to offset loneliness so while I concur with you I feel your sentiment expressed is a bit insensitive. I’m sure you are a good person and again I agree with you but let those that have established relationships express their personal lives as at end of day you can just skip those post.
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Very wise Herbie. Thank you Junksie for the schedule. I love this blog and will keep in touch with friends made here through Facebook (Jeanne Needels Keshishian) or e-mail. ( bygrace6933@aol.com ) I have mixed feelings about the season ending. It’s been such a part of the summer. Well on to Autumn. God bless you all. {{{HUGS}}}
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P.S. I am feeling soooo much better today. I think I will live.
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I am so not looking forward to seeing Franke Grande – JMac please win the veto – I will go bonkers if I have to actually deal with the reality of vanliztin as final 3 especially if there is any eating involved – peace and love from Kilkarney, Ireland
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I am SO going to puke. First that Vanessa won HOH. 2nd that she nominated Steve & JMac!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3rd. that Liz won the luxury comp, 4th that they’re gonna force Frankie Grande on us once again! (I’d seen enough of that “fairy-fine fellow” to last a lifetime) & nothing against gays – – just THAT particular one! it’s nothing about him being gay. I just can’t stand his over the top constant “performing” and tiptoe-ing around & being so very into himself & thinks everyone else is into him too. And now Austin thinks HE is the center of attention. I just plain hate big egos / people who think everything is about them and they must be loved by everyone because it’s almost always ones who are at the opposite end of the spectrum! What makes these types think everone adores them?? GAG.
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Vanessa is savvy enough to know that John and Steve might have way more votes than she does in the jury house; however many of them are actually admiring her game play. I hope Steve wins POV and saves himself. JMac’s propensity to throw challenges is just too fecking annoying to me. I don’t like the way Vanessa has maliciously lied so much about other HGs. Last season Derrick and Cody made it to the end without doing that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------the saga continues
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Did Frankie Panky take Liz and Vanessa out last night to go see Ariana Grande sing or lick donuts?
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Thank you Lisa and I’ll take your opinion on the off-topic conversations ♡, the only thing that does bother me is when someone has something to say to me about my being in another blog & the friends I have there! What is said in this Blog should only be in this BB Blog ❗ & C’est Moi The Meatloaf, Bat Out of Hell album was so cool 😎 I have it & sometimes when I play my records a little to loud the wife gives me that look so I put my head phones on 😆 ……… Thank you all for your comments & I hope everyone is feeling better today! See you soon…… …………………………………… ♪♫•*¨*•.¸
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Lisa Marie, I do not like you trashing the twins in every one of your blogs. I for one think they made the show this year. I am sure there are alot of others that think that also. Can you say anything nice for once?
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@ Herbie..OK, in your opinion, I am insensitive. Very amusing to me, since that post was quite polite and gentle, for me. I am not a sugery sweet agreeing type of person..and usually I would be quite more direct than that post. Having said that, now I will be my more direct self: Too bad if you thought I was insensitive. I agree with what Lisa Marie said, yes, it does help to discuss medical issues with others..and yes, some on here feel like this is their social outlet and are lonely. I get that. However…this is not the forum for that, as much as has gone on this year. I do enjoy the personal comments, yes, but I primarily want to hear about Big Brother and others thoughts on that. This is, after all, a Big Brother Blog. And, despite feeling unwelcome on here…I am not in the “click” of people all having the same thoughts about the houseguests and the show, and other topics, I will continue to post as I feel led to…if for nothing else, just because I CAN..this is an open to the public blog. Deal with it. Is that insensitive enough for you?
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Sing or lick donuts! Very good 🙂 ……………..
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Hey Astra you cut me off! I was on a roll!!!!! ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ ʷʰʸ just kidding!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ROCK & ROLL 😆 ………………..
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LOL @ bobovnvet….sorry! You are one of the few who has made me feel welcome. Thank you 🙂
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I welcome everyone Astra just don’t cross me 😆 …… …………
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Oh Astra, I am certainly not a lonely person. I have a huge family and lots and lots of friends. I love BB, I love this blog. It is definitely different from other blogs as we have been blessed with special people this year. Which really has been helpful in getting us through this very disappointing summer. I will miss you all, but will keep in touch with those who wish to. Looking forward to the end of this one. {{{HUGS}}}
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@Astra Kelly
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This blog should not encourage cliques (I know what you meant) past or present that collectively exhibit intolerance toward contrary opinions. Much better situation now though than in the past, in my opinion….
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@Astra, please note that I have not given one jam recipe on here this year! 🙂 Only a little sympathy for my fellow blogger/friends. I regret that some of our O/T comments annoy some of you. I believe several of us have already stated we will keep it to a minimum. It’s times like this when there is no news from the BB house that we tend to let you all know we are still here, supporting this blog although we have nothing to add.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Great comments everyone. I will check back …..
Later! 😎
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P. S. Astra, I welcome your comments and I am glad you are a part of this blog! 🙂
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We are still waiting for veto?
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I’m bored with the game. It reminds me of the movie Groundhog Day.
I am finding it difficult to come in here to see people complain because we’re not only talking about the game. How many things can we say about roadkill and actually this is not OT.
Please, it’s so much more enjoyable in a society where people have their noses stuck texting or plugged into an outlet without the human warmth of actually talking to a real person that you feel…I know her, him’
There are a lot of people for personal reasons don’t have the ability to get out so life and friends are online so getting personal in a caring way should be something welcomed. I will NOT STAY IN A BLOG WHERE I HAVE TO BE WALKING ON EGGSHELLS ANYMORE.
So if I even DO talk anymore I will put OT before I talk if it’s not about the game.
Where is the caring maturity?
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O/T. O/T. O/T
@tendr, I love you!!!! You say it like it is! You are a very important part of this blog and a dear friend! Stay the course … it’s almost over!
Has anyone heard if the Veto comp has started? Inquiring minds want to know.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Time to eat. See you all …..
Later! 😎
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tendr, I love your tender heart. Astra you are so welcome to this blog. It would be a very boring world if we all thought alike. Viva la difference.
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Feeds have been down for 2 hours…guessing the POV is being played.
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Hey I love ♥ Ground Hog Day!!!!!! 😆 …………………
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I watch it Over & Over & Over…….. ?
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I cannot believe JMac is going to throw the veto company! What’s wrong with him? My Facebook friends used to ADORE him! He’s hoping Austin and Liz will vote out steve then Vanessa but he’s gonna throw the comp! Wth is wrong with him?
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Susan (Comment #72) — If you or anyone else wants to defend the twins, you are more than welcome to do so and I hope you will if you feel that strongly about it. However, I don’t like the twins and I’m not going to pretend that I do. I’m not under any obligation to say anything nice about anyone in the house.
Add to that, my negative comments about the twins are NOTHING compared to what most people are saying about them!
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I just want to make it clear that I am Susan G, cancer surviving, heart patient, mother of three daughters, and most importantly – hater of the skank twins – please do not confuse me with Susan the twin lover ( although I’m sure she’s a lovely person)
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Hey Blogaders!!!!!! 😉 Been gone all day and I’m POOPED!!! But made a great haul and have a lil buzz going from the wine tasting…..lol
As of 30 mins ago,the Veto comp has been going on for 3 hours!!! Why do they make these harder than the HOH comps?? Something seems off about that!!!
I too cannot believe that JM is going to throw yet another comp!!! It’s so wrong and all it is going to get him to is F4. And that is the worst, most embarrassing place to be evicted!!! So what is he gaining??? If he just played hard and straight out, he might actually be in the F2! I just don’t get him. Is he faking the voice, is he letting himself be used out of stupidity ?? I don’t think it’s part of any major strategy at this point! He has been an enigma all summer and I think why people like him is they hate the others so much!!! Seriously, throwing the veto at this stage in the game is ridiculous and gets him nowhere. I think he is just afraid of confrontation!
As for all the talk about each other, it’s way too late in the season for infighting! And we have been doing so well without it thus far! I don’t think there are cliques here. I think certain people click more so than others, just like in RL. It’s human nature. But all are welcome and so are their opinions! C’mon people!!! *All we are saying…..is give peace a chance*
PEACE. LOVE and LIGHT!!! ♥♥♥
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@Susan….if I knew something nice about the twins I would be happy to say it, but I don’t!
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i’m hear waiting for anything
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waiting for news on BB & spoilers
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JOHN WON POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I just wrote a long blog and it just disappeared … I am so bummed! I know you all would have enjoyed it!!! 🙂
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Oh well, the last thing I said is if Johnny Mac is dumb enough to throw the Veto comp, I will put him at the bottom of my list along with Austin and Liz! Still waiting for info on comp………. zzzzzzzzzzz! I shall return…
Later!! 😎
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Oh, yay!!! Thank you Star!! He is back on top of my list! 🙂
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@Jolee..I am so excited!!! I did NOT see that coming!!!! JM is back on my goody list too! He must have decided he couldn’t trust either liztin OR Van!!! Actually or Steve for that matter!! He finally grew a pair and started thinking for himself. Or PERIOD!!! WOOHOO!! Take that Austin’s Friken Angels!!! lol Not sure where he goes from here with no backup but at least now we got us an unknown in this game! Thanks for shaking things up JM!!!!♥
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Also…I know it’s kind of a pain to take the extra step, but I Copy all of my posts. I have lost way too many not to anymore. Just tkaes a second and saves alot of frustration!!! 😉
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New post everyone!!! 🙂
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Good advise Star. I will have to figure out how to do it on my Kindle. Thank you! 🙂 I DID IT!!!! 🙂 🙂 Thank’s Star! <3
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From what I am getting, I guess JM couldn’t throw it because Steve was too close to winning!! It was some sort of puzzle again and Liz is whining about it. She says she is not teh comp beast everone think she is. Oh really?? Like WHO????!!! lol
Van is livid and ells Steve to get away from her or she will say something that will get her a penalty!! Sore loser much??? He is in the dog house with her now and Liz says she would never betray Van for him. So he better start playing nice with JM cuz he is a persona non gratta now with Van’s Vile Vultures!!!
Lis says she would LOVE to work with JM(since WHEN???) but she just can’t trust him! Ummm….he offered to throw the comp to you guys. What do you need from him??? A free lifetime of denistry work???? lol
*rubs hands together* Things are about to get crazy up in there!!! hehehe MUAH!!!
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Love your comment about the twins Lisa Marie.
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I think Vanessa might go downstairs and ask the other housemates to put different color hats on, so she can keep her M&M ‘s straight . Yellow = Vanessa, Red = Liz, Blue = Steve , Brown = Austin, Orange = JM. And man is Austin sharp with Steve right now. Steve says is this a good time for me to just shut up? Lol Steve is like the little kid that bangs on pots n pans while you’re trying to watch a movie!
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anyone else notice that weekends we have alot of the fish or the reel – i think it is not because of the veto – i think its to let the camera men have time off. this coming week i guess they will be letting them off to go to job interviews – ha
i have enjoyed reading your comments and hardships – i lost my mom this year (only 17 yrs apart) we were very close – found the cancer one month then 3 months later she was gone. not much happening in the house to blog about lately –
to my friends – CHEERS
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Macy: So sorry about the loss of your mother. With such a short span of years
between you, I can only imagine how difficult that must have been. Star knows
how hard it is to lose a mother, who was your best friend. I’m going to say a special
prayer for you tonight.
AstraKelly: I’m so sorry you didn’t feel welcome on this blog, because I’ve really
enjoyed your posts and have seen how you reached out to those who needed a
special lift. I am all for any comments about different opinions. It makes the blog
exciting and not boring when not everyone agrees on every aspect of the BB house
and its HGs. We do care about you being a part of this blog!
Star: Thank you, thank you!! I just got in from another moving day and nearly fell
out of my chair when you said JM won. I am so very proud of him! I just hate he
still hasn’t realized he can’t trust any of those left and must play only for himself.
This has put a kink in Van’s plans, and I’m loving it!!!!She is so ugly when she doesn’t
get her way or someone tell’s her the truth in honest and constructive criticism. I think
she’ll put Austin up before she puts up Liz.
Have to wonder if A. Grodner has a thing for Mr Musclehead and Frankie. Why keep
having them back when they were never fan favorites? Doesn’t make game sense, but
maybe personal favoritism is all that counts.
Go Lisa!!! We have your back and love your posts. You are the best!
I’m with Star and so many others….peace be with you all.
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@sherry…I wondered where you were all day!!! 😉 I went to the new blog when jolee said it was up and was miffed because I had just sent a post!!! So I put it on the new blog(I wish there was some way to KNOW when that is going to happen!!)and never looked back. Util now, obviously!!! lol I am watching BBAD right now and you are 100% right!! Liz and Van up talking and deciding Austin has to go up. Liz was up last week and Van said the dumbest thing in the world is being the only female in a F4. Which is true, as we all have seen over and over!! I said at he beginning of the season, I felt it was a girls year to win and I think that may yet be true!!!
I laughed about your reaction to JM winning POV! lol SHOCK was mine!!! And then like ..Oh GOOD! Now things won’t be so predictable in there!! Was so glad to hear someone else actually saw that I said JM won because other than you and jolee, no one seemed to! And then Lisa’s blog goes up and I kinda feel ripped off! Oh well. Happens a lot. Guess I should be used to it! Most people don’t bother posting unless they see a new blog. Since no one may ever see this , I guess I can go OT all i want…lol You are still moving?? How long has it been? Are you doing this alone?? It seems like you have been doing this sine BB started!! Were you moving within the same city??? You have got to be worn out from this! 🙁
@macy…if you see this, I am also very sorry about your mom. Mine died 2 years ago, and I still miss her and talk about her every day!! She was my best friend,my heart, my home and the last of my immediate family. Some days I just talk out loud to her and say I wish she was here to talk to!!!!! It can make me crazy if I dewll on it. So I pretend I am talking to her and then just go on like nothing happened. We still own her condo and rent it to a friend, so we are over there alot working in the yard , using the grill and her extra fridge and getting the mail that still comes after all this time. It makes me feel like she is still there. So you are not alone!!! You will never fill the hole she let. You just have to find a way to live with it. HUGS!!!!
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Star: I think even Vanessa has become predictable. JM winning was the only thing I can
remember that was unpredictable this season. They are all going to see what an error it
was to keep Liz, and I predict very soon. Liz is not going to be a very easy target to get
rid of this late in the game, and she (with all her HOH’s) will make a hard proponent to
beat in the end. Esp. since Vanessa is not all that well liked, but oddly trusted by these
dimwitted HG’s. Perhaps, it’s all the deals she’s made to help people once the game is over.
But then we know her better than the HG’s. They still have so much to view after the game
that may open their eyes…..but way too late.
Beautiful sentiment for Macy. I knew you would relate well with her feelings about her
mother and the great void in her life since losing her.
Yes, I think I have been moving since BB started, if only packing in the beginning. Yes,
it’s a move in town and way too much stuff collected over time. We downsized when
we moved to Fayetteville. Now I am downsizing again, and it AIN’T easy!! I have had
wonderful support by so many of my friends and that has made things so much easier
than it could have been. Yet, it’s been h—-! I still have boxes everywhere and very few
unpacked. I go Monday to meet my cleaning lady (I just hired her two weeks ago, and
she is a dream come true!) and try cleaning some more on the old house. Next weekend
we hope to make the final move of stuff. All the furniture has been moved, just boxes of
things that need to be packed and moved. My art studio is the last thing I have to clear
out. Then the things we put back in the attic until the sale and the shed out back. Hope-
fully I will be able to have the grand sale of those things I just don’t have room for or
no longer can’t live without within the next couple of weeks. I have an antique, oak mantle with mirror, an oak hall tree, antique velvet chair, a huge antique phonograph (with books of 78 records that were made for it and hide behind two doors), lots of antique glassware, and other pieces of furniture not antique. But there is a slew of stuff that is just too varied to mention. I figure I may be totally moved in by 2018.
I’ve lived here for fifteen years, but spent most of those years helping to raise two of
my grandbabies. They became my world after losing my husband. That was a big mistake. by many standards, but something I would do all over again so as to have the precious memories. Their parents owe me a lot of money and found an excuse to pull them out of my life, when they no longer needed me to babysit or run them to activities. Thus, walking away from my life still owing me. It about broke my heart, but such is life, and no one guaranteed me life would be fair.
But as God so often does, when we find a door closed against us, He finds a window to
open so that we can still have sunshine in our life. That was when I started making
friends outside of my family in this area. They have been blessings beyond any expectation during this move that seems to last forever. So while I am a big enough sinner to complain more than I should about all the things that have gone wrong, I am blessed it has gone as well as it has.
Now aren’t you sorry you asked about the move????
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Astra. Sorry. Should have kept my thoughts to myself.
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@Macy@Sherry@Star – Glad I checked back here again for new comments as I usually do but most times there are none. Lost my mom almost 3 years ago and we ALL will never be the same. My sympathies are with you Macy and you too Star. Sherry I am glad that Star asked about your move b/c I had a lot of the same questions but was afraid to ask b/c I didn’t want to get clobbered over the head for going O/T. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to keeping in touch after BB is over. I’ve noted your email address.
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Junksies: Looking forward to our continued contact.
I watched BBAD last night from a recording I did. I believe JM must have been dropped
on his head once too often. He seems to have absolutely zero ability when it comes to
deductive reasoning. Keeping Austin would be a big mistake only topped by keeping Liz.
If Liz were gone, I believe Austin would migrate possibly towards the boys, thinking he could beat them both. But either will more likely go with Vanessa before the boys. I just don’t believe there’s a chance Liz would go against Van over the boys, about whom she has ridiculed and had nothing but bad things to say. Austin has been right behind her.
Her comments about losing last night were enough to make me want to shake her and tell her to grow up. Because she lost, the entire comp was dishonest, and she got cheated. Yada, yada, yada! If everything doesn’t go according to how she thinks things should go…it’s someone else’s fault.
Keeping Steve is JM’s only chance to keep going. If he votes to evict Austin/ Liz, and Van
is put in the position of having to cast the final vote…..she finally “gets blood on her hands.” Steve would not be forgiving and will do his best to swing the votes away from her, once he gets to jury. At least that’s my read.
But what does the head dropper do? His last comment was to say he guessed it would be
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------best to evict Steve. Vanessa nearly fell off the bed in shock. I had the same reaction. Yes,
Steve is loyal to Vanessa, but he’s no fool about BB finale. Austin and Liz will neither one
take JM with them. He will be the biggest target in the house, once Steve is gone. JM
will have to fight for his life like he has never had to do so far. He would have to win
every comp from here on out. Either way, even a non-gambler knows those odds are
not in his favor of that happening. He needs to remember, also, how angry Van was when
he won the veto. He will probably have to win every comp, anyway!!
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Well, here is the party! I just came into check it out and Walla!! Here are all my friends having wonderful chats! Hi Star, Sherry and Junksies! I absolutely love all of your comments! I wish we could start a blog after BB! We could call it: ABBB!! 🙂 I really want to stay in touch with each of you. I love your hearts! You are special ladies! When you mentioned losing your mother’s, it made me think of mine. My mom died in 1989, but I still miss her. She died the year I adopted my daughter, Tabatha. So, I became a mom the year I lost my mom. I will check back later! Hugs to all of you!
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@Junksies…….since I have sherry’s and Jolee’s already, plus Jolee is on FB with me, which you really SHOULD consider, I wanted to give you my email addy. I figured no one would look back here!!! In case you don’t., I’ll post a note on the new blog too.
My addy is bluestar22@aol.com. ya know, you can have private chats on FB with more than one person. I have one with some other friends and it’s just always there…We leave a message or talk live if we see someone is on. And you really never need to email again as it has a private message area..PM……where you can leave anyone a message and only the 2 of you see it. So it’s pretty handy. I resisted too for quite awhile but I love it now!! Also so sorry to hear about your mom too. Been gone about as long as mine. It will be 3 years in Feb. HUGS!!!
@Jolee…..sorry about your mom too. Love is hard and fleeting. Your parents have to go before us and out pets we love all go too soon. So friends need to stick together!!! And we are the Blogade Family!! 😉
@Sherry…..I agree about JM. He had no backbone and no smarts unless it’s about teeth!! But I think they need to get rid of Austin. then it would be Steve and JM against Liz and Van. I don’t really likle any of them, so if nothing else I woul;d really like to see a girl win this year!!!! Not one has since Rachel I don’t think. At least teh year wouldn’t be a total waste!!!lol
I don’t know why, but I thought your husband was handicapped or sick. I didn’t realize he had passed. Im so sorry.We got so many stories on here this summer, I just got mixed up. It makes sense then why you are taking your time to move. I take it you are downsizing and going to sell your house after you get settled. With my family all gone and never having had any children, I don’t know what I would do with out Mike!! So my heart goes out to you!!!{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}
Ok..off to the new blog, even tho this is much more fun!!!!lol
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I was very happy to just overhear the conversation between JM and Steve! Seems the only reason he told Vanessa that he wanted Steve out was to fool her into thinking they were not as close as they are! Hallaleuh!!!!!! Now it is in Steve’s hands to convince Vanessa that he should stay over Austin because of the romance thing. Hope it works!
I’m happy to know Johnny is more devious than I thought.
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Thanks, Margie. I feel better already!!
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