Hi, everyone!
Well, as I sit here writing this, I am sincerely frustrated. It looked like Vanessa and her wool hat were on the verge of being evicted. I was looking forward to watching Vanessa have a melt down after learning that she had been unanimously evicted from the house. I would no longer have to listen to Vanessa over analyze everything. The house would be free of her paranoid conspiracy theories. No longer would Vanessa spend hours talking about nothing.
And don’t get me wrong. I know that, at first, Vanessa was good for drama. I know that she kept the show from getting too boring but, as far as that’s concerned, she had pretty much fulfilled her purpose. With no one in the house taking her seriously, Vanessa is no longer a real power player. Now, she’s just a wool hat-wearing shell of her former self. She had her chance. She had a fairly good run. But this week seemed like the perfect time to see Vanessa evicted.
Even if Vanessa’s supposed allies — Austin, the twins, and Steve — voted to keep her, that would still only lead to a tie vote. And Becky has made it pretty clear that she wants Vanessa gone.
However, the best laid plans of mice and HoHs often change.
Last night, Meg, James, and Jackie were having a conversation in the Have Not room. Meg pointed out that Shelli is a much bigger threat than Vanessa. James and Jackie came around to agreeing with her. The three of them are seriously considering joining up with Austin and the twins and voting to keep Vanessa. (Steve wants to keep Vanessa but, ultimately, he’s going to vote however the majority is voting.) If this happens, that will leave John as the only guaranteed vote against Vanessa.
(Considering how paranoid Vanessa is about John, there’s no way that he’s going to vote to keep her.)
So, now, we’re looking at the following possibility for Thursday:
Becky is betrayed by her alliance.
Shelli goes to the jury house.
Vanessa stays in the house.
And, of course, it’s a double eviction so someone will be following Shelli out the door.
To be honest, it does make a lot of sense to vote out Shelli first. Shelli is a lot stronger than Vanessa. Vanessa sucks at comps, whereas Shelli is always a contender. So, yes, it makes sense. And if I was in the house, I would probably vote out Shelli before going after Vanessa.
But, oh well. It is double eviction time so, even if Shelli does become this week’s target, we still may see Vanessa walk out the door on Thursday.
Here’s hoping!
Lisa Marie
In addition to stupid wool hat in middle of summer Vanessa’s persistent puckering of lips is even worse. She has been annoying on every poker TV broadcast I have seen her on only to surpass it on BB. As long as shelli is not crying over bumble mouth boy she is lot more enjoyable to watch. So please vote out V!
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I want shelli and Vanessa to follow each other out the door
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Hey Meg I think that lipstick that you are wearing has killed off some of your brain cells. What is up with these flip flop house guests? If the don’t get rid of Vanessa, she can’t be trusted where Shellie at least can keep her word. Vanessa makes way too many deals. WTF wake up!!!! They have nothing better to do in the house. Give them some board games to play or a craft project. If Becky was smart she should of kept her trap shut until the day of the votes and then told everyone about her big plan. They don’t know how to play the game and they tell someone when they are going to backdoor them. That gives the player a chance to plea their case. Stupid.
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I love these 3 – they amuse me but Larry, Curly and Moe are being so stupid. Becky got both of them on the block. This was a gift from heaven as far as they’re concerned with all of them available for the next HoH comp. All they have to do is play the game Becky’s way this time and then she and John would go along with them when they win. But noooooo. Here we go a*******gain. Yes Shelli has a more proven track record but according to these nutballs this was vengeance for Jason. VANESSA is responsible for that.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I would like to experience a full week or more of satisfaction. I can hardly wait until they are on the outside and able to see Vanessa’s home and her real story. They are likeable people but Dumb, Dumber and Even More Dumber—take your pick.
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What is the story on Vanesa s house and8 money. Please let me know .
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Vanessa lives in what most would consider a mansion in Las Vegas, Tara staircase included. She has made millions as a pro poker player
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listen I get it its smarter to get out shelli at this point and to be honest shes starting to act like a teen talking just like the twins I don’t want to look at her besides everyone will be saying its boring if van goes do I like van no I just dislike shelli more
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Vanessa is staying its going down now the talk
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I skipped watching BBAD last night, so I missed some of the undercurrent. Perhaps with the double eviction Van may be their next choice, again depending who HOH is. I still am amazed how the twins have a potty mouth, it detracts from their sweetness. I like a lot of others enjoy Jonny Mac he seems likeable and non judgmental, but then again he gets little air time and production does control feeds. James is fun also as I don’t know what he will say next or to whom. Thanks LM as always, a great write up.
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BB please play the game as its meant to be played. So frustrated.
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After watching the show or possibly a parody of a production of a reality show, it makes me not trust any reality show.
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Sorry…..I was talking about the show called “Unreal”… it’s really brutal.
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I don’t get it neither. I don’t understand why Becky hasn’t kept her peeps up in her HOH room keeping THE PLAN on track. Maybe it’s because her goodie-basket is overflowing with grape-NUTS rabbit food and brussel sprouts. Her “awesome snack” choices paint her as a bigger weirdo than Steve. John must be keeping his observations about Vanessa’s personality flaws to himself because every other single HG save Becky seems mesmerized by Vanessa.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------But getting back to BRASS TACKS; If Vanessa stays the craziness will be entertaining.
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@April – 3 Stooges LOL!!!
@Karma – Van has a very large, sprawling estate in Las Vegas and she is alledgely worth 4million.
I’m scampering off to watch BBAD. Be back later………..
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To be honest, Becky was driving me crazy with all her banter last night. I had to mute her out. Blah, blah, blah on and on about how she carried out her plan and anything else she could think to say to anyone who would listen, breaking in on others conversations and just not shutting up. That being said I think they plan to get rid of Shelli then Becky in DE. I’m like you Lisa. I never thought I would feel this way but now after listening to Van explain what a two-faced snitch Becky is and James, Meg and Jackie talking about it all day, I tend to agree, Shelli has got to go.
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I think it’s six of one and half a dozen of the other! I want both Vanessa and Shelli to go home. It would be great if they both got evicted Thursday night! It will take the right person winning HOH in order to pull it off.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you Lisa for another great blog!
Off to bed …. busy day!
Later! 😎
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@Kev….I have heard the HGs joking about Brass tacks on the LFs, but I guess I am not on it enough lately to get the joke. Do you know how it started and what it’s supposed to mean?? I was so surprised when I heard that phrase as you really don’t hear it all that much,especially in their age group. I feel like I am on the wrong side of an inside joke here…lol
Nothing has really been said about Becky’s HOH basket…on here or anywhere. I didn’t pay a lot of attention to it either except for the brussle sprouts. I don’t mind them cooked with butter for dinner, but raw?? As a SNACK?? I remember James’ face and thot…that would be me!!lol Shelli said something to her last night about how badly she eats in the house, but at home, she eats like Becky. I doubt that. Maybe it was a little food bonding!!lol I am not trying to be mean , but her food choices could account for the fact that is so pale!! She looks like she needs a good steak to me…lol The girl is in Calf in the summer, and hasn’t gotten any sun either!!Somebody needs to grab that girl and take a blush brush to her !!! lol Oh well, different generation!!
@Carolyn…I too noticed the whole Chatty Cathy thing with Becky last nite. She is normally the invisible girl. I guess she was making up for lost time and the most of her 15 seconds of HOH fame!!! I didn’t hear that she was being thought of as the 2nd evictee Thurs. Hmm…I was kind of assuming that both Shelli and Van would be leaving. I guess this just signifies that her alliance with the other side of the house was fake after all and they figured it out! It’s been a busy week and I guess I haven’t been keeping up!! Looks like it may be an even MORE interesting nite on Thurs than we thought!!! 🙂
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Most of the HGs are 2-faced or fence sitters.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Meg loyally & happily hung with Becky, Jackie, & James and now that Becky has kept Meg safe, Meg is plotting the demise of Shelli, JohnnyMac, &/or Becky. Two-faced is as two-faced does. I haven’t caught much Becky banter on the live feeds. Whenever I watch its mostly Vanessa and then Austin and his twins.
I wonder if JohnnyMac is savvy enough to save himself. HOH/POV wins are so key now. Let (s)he who merits the palm bear it.
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Van can pull this off I will be thinking she has the same fair dust that Dan Gheesling has. One of the all-time greats in my mind.big brother 10. Let’s see if she can survive a double eviction
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So apparently “The Goblins” (Meg, Jackie,James) confessed to Becky they think it best to evict Shelli first and Becky balked at it. So the Goblins and the Austwins are going to evict Shelli anyway and reassure her Vanessa will be next. Becky should have visualized “worst case scenarios” and secured promises and allegiance from the Goblins. No one trusts each other and they are all paranoid. It WILL be a whole new ball game come Thursday night.
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20/20 BB hindsight
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It looks like Becky should have aligned with Vanessa and nominated backstabbing Meg, James, Jackie
There isn’t anyone on BB17 who isn’t a bad BB game player and Steve is the worstest SUPERfan ever.
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I found out what Brass tacks are. The Gremlins and the Austwins have formed an alliance. 6 people strong til the end. It never stops!!! lol
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@Star – Put away that new iPhone and pay attention! LOL!! Re the brass tacks phrase…on one of the sites a transcriber wrote brass “TACTS,” to which I chuckled knowing there was a clueless youngan’ on the other end of that keyboard. Later it was pointed out to he/she that it should have been “TACKS.” I missed the joke too so don’t feel alone. Maybe originated with Austin? I get a kick out of some of his little buzzwords, like “scamper.”
@KevInDenver – I wondered if the Goblins had yet confessed to Becky of their jumping ship. “Balked” sounds fairly calm…I would have expected her to blow a fuse!! Do you know why all the reference to BRASS TACKS?
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@Star – Too weird that we are chasing down brass tacks at the same time!! Thanks.!! And OMG…I’ve lost count of all the alliance names!!!
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Yesterday Goblins…today Gremlins…don’t blink or we’ll miss something!!
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KevInDenver, I liked Becky’s foods. At least they’re healthy. I’d be sick eating the junk they eat in the house. Though I do sneak my dark chocolate once in awhile. I like Brussels sprouts.
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oh boy…the dummies this yr are so swayed…not a solid group of house guests for 2015…do this yo yo’s realize that it is utmost importance to get them both out…HELLO…you doorknobs…get Vanessa out first and then get out Shelli…guess what…you can do it all in ONE SHOW…let’s see if they can keep some what cool heads and realize that they can still get both out unless Shelli wins the first HOH on Thursday…I don’t trust any of them to do the right thing…
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This tickled my funny bone at 5:30 a.m……
4:10PM BBT:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Liz asks how to make alcohol. James says, you can use a lot of orange juice, A straw to let the air out. He says, you can add grapes, fruits, Skittles and Jolly Ranchers. Austin asks if it gets the job done? James says, it’s harsh, and if you leave it in to long it will explode.
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On my way to the surgeon…. dreading it
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You can’t make this stuff up…..
4:38PM BBT: Live feeds come back with all camera views on the backyard. John tells Meg how they were trying to figure out how to spell brass tacks. Meg says, tax, too funny.
Good luck tendr…
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Sounds like James is talking about making jail house booze.
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The way James is now playing the omniscient dictator, the little man may now be meeting HIS Waterloo sooner than later.
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i told ya this was not a bright group in 2015…oh James and Meg…really…he must be making fruity candy hooch and Meg…Brass Tax…do you think the IRS knows about that part…it was nice to see the little clip the other day with Derrick and Cody…I really do think we need to have a BB STARS SEASON again…lets get some seasoned vets in there…maybe a bunch of 2nd and 3rd place finishers…
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My My how the worm has turned! I still think that they should vote out Van and Shelli next. Maybe that’s just me :). Don’t get me wrong I am no big fan of Shelli but without Clay she is not as strong a player. The HG this year are so wishy washy I think that is why nobody is really in charge of either side of the house. Thx for the info about the LF’s and LM as always THX.
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Good luck Tendr! Hoping for a pain-free visit to the surgeon.
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It’s just another chance for some production miracle to happen and Vanessa to win HoH on double-eviction night. It seems as though all Grodner’s “pets” are financially comfortable women. Amanda sure didn’t need the money with a successful career in real estate. Aryan was a spoiled, entitled rich girl who was allowed to stay in the house until CBS had to apologise for her racial slurs. This year we have Vanessa.
If she’s not voted out first, someone like Becky could be voted out next. As far as I’m concerned, Shelli is much less annoying and more social than weepy Vanessa with that grungy hat.
@ C’est Moi, yes je parle a little. I am, however, very rusty. Must do something about that!
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One question, do the HGs know that this Thursday is a double eviction?
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They have all be guessing but don’t know for sure.
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Watching Vanessa pitching her typical non-stop BS on the live feeds early today to Meg and Jackie and even confessing to the one and only lie she has ever spoken in the house accompanied by Meg and Jackie’s always predictable giggle duets, I have to wonder at what point did the fake boobsie twins giggle out their few remaining brain cells.
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A quote from someone in chat room: “Jmac is used to the sound of drilling, becky is only slightly worse than that lol “
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TENDR – well wishes for you! have a nice nap
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When are the mean girls (twins) going to be separated? They have potty mouths. Becky acts like she is the brains of this whole game. She looks like a chipmunk when she talks. Vanessa needs her battery taken out of her because she can’t keep it shut. This season is so boring and no exciting people in the house. Can’t wait to see how the twins act when they are separated. I don’t even know who I would give the money to in the end. Johnny Mack because he is a bit quirky. Steve is starting to show a bit more and seems quite sensitive. Please vote out Van and that cootie infested hat. They should bring back an all star game and stop the double HOH and why don’t they show the competition for food and have not’s anymore? and cold showers?
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Thanks for your write up Lisa ♥ So lets get down to the BRASS TACKS 😆 Who is going out ❓ Not so sure right now, I think you all are saying that now Shelli goes to the jury house
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& Vanessa stays in the house, right! ………. Who’s on First ? 🙂 Thanks for all your comments I am just catching up! ……………………………
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Got your back on this one Lisa.
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Getting down to brass tacks. You use them when you run out of the steel ones, . Its used as in: We’ve used up all the best tacks we’ll have to finish with the brass tacks.
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