…ready for a certain someone to leave the house?
(SPOILER ALERT! I know that the visitors of this site already know who has been nominated and who is being targeted but I also put these posts on Facebook and I don’t feel like having to deal with any of the “Please do not spoil the show!” jerks who occasionally climb out of the woodwork.)
Anyway, now that everyone’s had proper warning, are we all ready for Jace to go?
Seriously, what a jerk! He’s trying hard to convince people to keep him around and the natural tendency is to respect that. At least, he’s fighting, right? At least he’s not just accepting his fate or sitting around in the diary room crying.
But no…
Sorry, I can’t respect Jace. Jace is a jerk. Jace is a bully. Jace tries to project this mellow surfer vibe but actually, he’s a mean and vindictive guy. That he’s not sincere is one thing. Few people in the house ever are. Jace, however, is totally incapable of even coming across as being sincere. I can’t remember, of the top of my head, how old Jace is but I’m surprised he’s survived for this long. Because seriously, being stupid and a jerk is no way to go through life.
Case in point: his bullying of Steven last night. Jace, obviously, looked at Steven with his glasses and his awkward social skills and his lack of physical ability and he decided that he didn’t have to speak respectfully to Steve. He didn’t have to maybe ask Steven for his vote or attempt to speak to Steven like an equal.
Instead, Jace decided to act like that guy in high school who never realizes just how much everyone hates him. You know the type. He’s the guy who makes mean jokes about people, calls people names, and who always laughs the loudest at his own obnoxious jokes. He’s the guy who wrongly assumes that everyone’s cheering him on while he acts like a bully and who never understands that actually everyone wants to stay as far away from him as possible.
Last night, Jace asked to speak to Steve alone. After Steve very politely agreed (even though Steve could have justifiably said that there was nothing left to say because it’s not like Jace has any power in the house whatsoever), Jace proceeded to berate Steve like a schoolyard bully. Jace played the “nobody really likes you” card. Jace whined that Steve had betrayed him. Jace called Steve some names that I’m not going to repeat here.
And seriously, did Jace actually think this would win him Steve’s vote?
Jace needs to grow up and realize that he’s not on a schoolyard. (And even if they were on a schoolyard, Jace would still be a loser and a jerk.) When Jace walks out of the Big Brother House on Thursday, it’s going to be because he was too stupid to understand that, especially during the first few weeks, Big Brother is a social game. The more unlikable you are, the more likely it is that you’ll be the first one out the door.
So, yes, I am ready for Jace to go.
And here’s hoping the door does hit him on the way out!
Yay Lisa!
I couldn’t have explained it better! My thoughts exactly! I wish tonight was eviction night so we could say bye, bye, Jace! Be back after the show. Good work Lisa, as usual! 
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Well said. I agree 100%…bye bye Jace.. Don’t let the door slam you in the ass…..
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Bye bye Jace……talk to ya NEVER……
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Bye Jace!
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As far as today’s blog, I agree 100% with Lisa! I couldn’t stand watching Jace berate Steve last night. I finally had to FF . Steve should have told Jace to STFU but he’s not wired that way. As socially inept as Ian started out, he was so intelligent and his photographic memory made him very popular. Plus he had autism, which made people cut him some slack! I heard Jason and I think Da..not sure who else….talking about him outside one night and saying basically what a doofas he was. No one else really respects him or likes him much either! Then all the COOL kids, or this new alliance of 8, no idea what the name is as there are far to many right now, were in the HOH room watching the monitor. They were being mean to Steve saying he was hanging out in the kitchen where it was SAFE! Jace told him that everyone thought he was a geek and he said he knew and they actually DO! So now he feels totally alone in the house and afraid to be around anyone! It’s got to be his worst HS nitemare!!!!! For his sake, I hope he either ups his game and shows he has smarts or he gets evicted, because I don’t think I can stand watching them make him a social outcast all season!! I know we never like the newbies every year, but I SO don’t see any redeeming qualities of anyone this year!!! Even Jason said he was already tired of being in the house, altho it was a dream of his, because everyone in there was so STUPID!! Here, here!!!!
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There is not one person in that house to cheer for…first time in all these years,that there is not one person…I’m so disappointed ,whoever picked this bunch ,should be fired….I see rating going downhill….this is a show that reguires us to participate in emotionally …I really don’t see this happening…I’m concerned with future seasons,if rating are low,will they cancel?…..sooo disappointed
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The first houseguest hasn’t been evicted yet, it’s still SO EARLY in the game…personally, I dont decide about the houseguests untill at least another 2 weeks in. The game just started. I agree Star, ( and with James ) the houseguest always appear stupid to us..and some always are. Audrey really seems to be a poor player to me, but time will tell. Hoping Jace goes tomorrow, he is really really annoying!
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Also..if Liz is the twin….I THINK I could tell from tonight’s show that her twin was on?? They dont look exactly alike to me..I wonder if any of the houseguests have noticed anything?
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How do I feel about tonight’s show?’ Yawn!!! I agree with Star! Hi Star!
Looking forward to the departure of Jace tomorrow! Next, Audrey!
Nite all!
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Astra Kelly……..I agree…it is early yet. But i don’t see anyone who stands out in any GOOD way. And most of these HGS haven’t even SEEN BB before. At least not before they were picked for the show and probably started binge watching!!lol
Anyway…yes…Liz and her twin Julia are the twins in the Twist. Here is a link about them..hopefully this is ok, if not I apologize in advancce. (Can’t remember the link rule!!) lol
They are supposed to show them on Thurs. show. Since they announced it a week ago it’s about time!! They don’t look identical at ALL to me! That is how totally unobservant these HGS are!!!
Fingers crossed they get Jace out tomorrow and START playing this game!!!!
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Lisa..I guess you really don’t like Jace! Ha
I don’t either and I feel the same way..no one seems to stand out to root for.
I do think James is a strong player.
One thing that bothers me…they all play up to the camera!
So..who’s going..I think they should vote out a strong player..Jackie..but..
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------See ya Jace
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Bye Jace…
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I am so ready for DaVonne to go she went around the house counting things like she was playing for Vito and she didnt. And she lied I hate that she needs to go next for sure
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I so wish they would get rid of the slop! The have-not room looks worse to me with the dentisit’s chairs than when the room had airline seats. Looks more uncomfortable! Ugh! I think it’s SO unfair the HOH picks who is a have-not! Let them compete like they used to. With it this way, the same people can get picked over and over again..just outright mean to me
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Ok so who is the twin twist??? I saw on Facebook that both Liz and John have identical twins. Jeff is a twin but they don’t look ifentical. It would be great if both Liz and John switched in and out with their twin and stirred everything up. I do wonder how will the twin know who’s who and what’s up so when they enter the house they aren’t fumbling around causing people to get suspicious. Or is that part of the game plan? I didn’t see the season this happened to before so I have no idea!!! Can’t wait t tonight to watch Jace get to stepping right on out!!!
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Sorry….I just can not get into this crew this year….I thought last year was bad, OY!!!
Still checking out on you guys though. Keeps me informed, thanks.
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laters Jace
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Ok, so I watched last night episode. .. yawn. .. then I watched BBAD.
I am not convinced that Liz is the Twin Twist for this week. I am thinking that idea might be a plant, CBS still wants us to expect the unexpected. As I posted in the previous blog I can see John as being a twin, also I still think it could be Meg.
But watching my first BBAD of this year, I got this really whacked out feeling that it could be Jeff and. … drumroll please. .. Austin! lol
Did Julie SPECIFICALLY say that the twins were going to be switching around, or did she say Twins were playing the game and if it wasnt caught they could both be guaranteed something like five weeks of play?
I had initially ruled Jeff out as the possible Twin Twist player just because of his Amazing Race exposure. But then on BBAD last night as everyone was getting ready for the Red Carpet Event, I was watching Liz and Jeff practicing and Austin skulking around. Clean Austin up. .. trim his eyebrows, facial hair, he has a similar nose and set of bazooms as Jeff! Did I mention that I still have three more grave shifts to go? Did I mention that it is incredibly hot here?
The biggest laugh I had watching BBAD was when Mama Da asked Austin if he was looking forward to being voted King and Queen of the Prom Austin’s response was he wanted to be Queen so bad he could taste it. His date, Jason, nearly landed in a puddle at his feet he was laughing so hard
I havent got anything to say about Jace because I havent been privy to his previous behaviour. Going from what I saw on BBAD he is in major sulk mode.
I have to get some sleep, will be looking forward to tonight’s show and the ensuing fan posts. But I have a burning question. James was making up a bed with a female, cant remember who, and they came across evidence that someone had had a good time the night before.
Who in the House has been doing the hanky panky?
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BCM Marie, did you know there is a new post? The Diary Room open for voting!
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Yes, I thought it was for DR only, this happens more times than I can count. I will copy and paste to over there thanks jolee
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The other Starfish is not me being cute. Just wanted you all to know.
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